DEFINITIVE ARCADE WORLD RECORDS INCLUDES ARCADE AND EMULATION (ANY SIGNIFICANT SPECIAL RULES OR VARIANTS ARE NOTED) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED: FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS; FROM BEGINNING; NO CONTINUES. CROSS-REFERENCE: FOR A RECORD SHOWN FOR SAME GAME WITH DIFFERENT NAMES.- USE ‘FIND’ OR ‘SEARCH’ ‘MARATHON’ SCORE = GAME MASTERED, AN ENDURANCE FEAT. FYI = FOR YOUR INFORMATION (E) = Score Attained using Emulation (such as MAME, WolfMame etc. where game working 100%) Prototypes, Bootlegs and Hacks are named for information only and are NOT included or counted in High Scores; Mah-jongg, Games of Chance and Trivia games are not included. Light gun games are generally not included. ACCURACY: Years, Official Titles, Scores etc., email corrections: Year & Game (Notes) 1982 005 Score Name (Date) (Emulation) 3 197 360 Tim Balderramos (28/1/1983) 1984 10 Yard Fight 295 100 Mike Macy (28/6/1986) 1990 1941: Counter Attack 14 703 400 “PIA-FIGHTING SPIRIT-HYT” 1984 1942 13 536 300 Alberto Redolfi 1987 1943: The Battle of Midway (aka 1943: Midway Kaisen) 3 104 700 “PAC” (12/3/2011) (E) 1988 1943: Kai: Midway Kaisen “” (19/7/2002) (E) 4 785 760 2000 1944: The Loop Master 16 237 700 Rafal Politanski (3/4/2009) (E) 1995 19XX: The War Against Destiny 20 522 800 “OTOME FULL HPW-T.N” 1993 3 Count Bout (aka Fire Suplex) 999 990 maximum achieved 1985 4-D Warriors [No score leeching until Round 3 allowed] 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1990 4 En Raya 113 955 “IB Angelo @AIVA” (29/7/2007) (E) th 1991 64 Street – A Detective Story 1 969 800 Shio Shio Kun 1986 720° [No jumping over fence to outer areas and no including scores when no shadow after a crash] 527 100 Ron Perelman (17/6/1987) 1981 800 Fathoms (aka Mariner) 340 770 Patrick Wheeler (17/1/2006) (E) 1988 ’88 Games (aka Hyper Sports Special; Konami ’88; Track & Field ’88) 1 027 240 Tommi Tiihonen (12/1/2001) (E) 1990 A.B. Cop 73 397 310 1976 Ace 10 805 “MS-WZN-TCF” “Kaiser” (5/4/2009) (E) 1984 Acrobatic Dog-Fight (aka Dog-Fight – Batten O'Hara no Sucharaka Kuuchuu-sen) 1 445 050 Antonio Colangelo (17/7/1985) 1991 Acrobat Mission 1989 Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon 1986 Action Fighter 1995 Action Hollywood 885 100 9 999 990 “FGH-TOM” maximum achieved 10 554 600 Eric Shafer (25/4/2010) (E) 6 484 700 Eric Shafer (28/5/2012) (E) 1997 Act Raiser 65 410 “edusword” (24/12/2013) (E) 1983 A. D. 2083 189 880 Antonio R Filho (10/7/2010) (E) 1992 The Addams Family 306 440 “majygool” (12/5/2009) (E) 1990 Adventure Quiz 2: Hatena No Dai-Bouken 2 102 600 Chris Parsley (21/7/1999) (E) 1992 Aero Fighters (aka Sonic Wings) 1 622 900 “AXIOM-NONOMURA YOSHIO” 1994 Aero Fighters 2 (aka Sonic Wings 2) 1 536 000 “majygool” (22/5/2010) (E) 1995 Aero Fighters 3 (aka Sonic Wings 3) 2 597 600 Marco Frattino (25/6/2005) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 1 1996 Aero Fighters Special (aka Sonic Wings Limited) 3 706 800 1987 Afterburner 362 000 1987 Afterburner II 321 054 670 “GGE-VxV” “afb@Team2ch” (15/12/2001) (E) “G.M.F.-STI”- ‘Marathon’ score 1982 Agent Super-Bond (FYI: Only available as conversion kit) 683 130 “Skito” (5/9/2004) (E) 2000 Age of Heroes, The – Silkroad 2 416 880 Matt Hall (10/11/2011) (E) 1994 Aggressors of Dark Kombat (aka Tsuukai GANGAI Koushinkyoku) 220 515 “GSM-IBK-TSURU” 1996 Air Attack 2 738 200 “edusword” (23/3/2014) (E) 1990 Air Buster: Trouble Speciality Raid Unit 2 324 830 “B.Z” 1993 Air Combat 138 910 “AKIRA” 1990 Air Duel 1 212 500 “ESSAY-NMF-MIZ” 1996 Air Gallet (aka Akuu Gallet) 8 159 800 Martin Bedard (25/10/2006) (E) 1992 Air Plane Steel (aka Koutetsu Yousal Strahl) 999 999 maximum achieved 1992 Air Rescue 275 000 “ONIISAMAHE” 1987 Airwolf (Bootleg: Sky Wolf) 1 427 910 Saulo Bastos (28/7/2015) (E) 1987 Ajax (aka Typhoon) 1 582 400 “” (27/7/2002) (E) 1986 ALCON (aka Slap Fight) 1 841 660 Martin Bedard (14/11/2011) (E) 1986 Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars 717 700 “PROJEECT A KO” 1991 Alexey Pajitnov's Welltris (FYI: official sequel to Tetris; The arcade is a port from the original 1989 Atari ST game) 1 000 000+ “AKIRA-TE” 1994 Alien Challenge 202 050 1988 Alien Crush Paulo Valmir (15/6/2013) (E) 20 375 700 “DaLar” (18/9/2013) (E) 3 17 630 000 Rudy Chavez (8/10/2007) (E) 1990 Aliens 2 243 600 1993 Alien : The Gun 1990 Alien Storm “PAC” (17/5/2015) (E) 9.10 “P21” (27/12/2011) (E) 1986 Alien Syndrome 2 510 300 “PAC” (26/1/2014) (E) 1994 Alien vs. Predator [1 Player; Cannot use tactic holding enemy or boss as clock hits zero to accelerate score] 5 591 300 “P.I” (8/4/2002) (E) 1994 Alligator Hunt 4 092 800 st “Krj” (24/9/2013) (E) nd 1981 Alpine Ski [Bonuses 800-2000pts; 2min timer; 1 /2 game extension @ 10000pts] 500 774 Eric Olofson (23/11/1982) 1981 Altair 35 460 “Potante” (3/6/2010) (E) 1988 Altered Beast (aka Juuohki) 600 000 First: maximum achieved “Moreno@TeamBrazil” (29/7/2012) (E) 1983 Amazing Adventures of Mr. F. Lea, The 212 250 “gastrainga” (28/10/2005) (E) 109 Paulo Valmir (30/6/2014) (E) 1976 Amazing Maze 1983 Ambush 591 150 Alberto Zin (9/6/1984) 1987 American Speedway 293 100 Gavin Ward (10/10/2003) (E) 1982 Amidar (aka Amigo) 19 225 030 [Stern version] (FYI: more difficult version) 1992 Andro Dunos 3 208 870 10 000 000+ Todd Lamb - ‘Marathon’ score (1/10/1983) Scott Karasek (22/6/1982) 3 Players (as at 8/06) – 'Marathon' score [9 loops] 1988 Angel Kids 999 901 “VERTEX-DAN”” (27/10/2013) (E) 1982 Anteater (aka Ameisenbaer) 269 360 219 320 David McKinnon (3/6/2004) (E) Freddie Morrish (9/10/1983) 1988 Apache 3 (FYI: Licensed to Data East in 1989) 388 200 Robert Flynn (14/6/2009) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 2 1987 A.P.B. – All Points Bulletin 1 002 324 Greg Gibson (23/1/1988) 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1984 Appoooh – The Pro-Wrestling Game 1990 Aqua Jack 2 518 600 “SSC-VAP” (1990) 1996 Aquarium 1 626 000 “giro-X” (22/8/2011) (E) 1983 Arabian 221 750 219 750 Rafal Politanski (22/8/2004) (E) Chuck Futtrell (24/11/1984) 1992 Arabian Fight 22 950 “P21” (29/11/2011) (E) 1992 Arabian Magic 34 620 “P21” (29/7/2007) (E) 1989 Arbalester 2 906 000 2 903 000 “WRX2” (11/1/2003) (E) “trino73” (25/6/2012) (E) 1995 Area 51 2 188 400 Rick Haynes (10/4/1999) 1986 Arkanoid (Copy: Quester) 1 658 110 Zachary B Hample (13/3/2000) 1987 Arkanoid – Revenge of Doh 3 120 570 Zachary B Hample (31/12/2002) 1997 Arkanoid Returns 1 589 770 Zachary B Hample (5/6/2000) 1987 Ark Area 3 445 300 “PAC” (22/6/2013) (E) 1988 Armed Formation 8 571 000 “edusword” (8/7/2014) (E) 1998 Armed Police Batrider [Japan release, no special course] 10 571 640 1980 Armor Attack 2 009 000 1981 Armored Car 149 790 Justin Kvithyll (29/6/2013) (E) Tom Larkin –‘Marathon’ score (25/9/1982) Matt Hall (24/4/1999) (E) 1994 Armored Warriors (aka Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment) 8 170 200 “JAZU=CAPCOMAR” 1985 Arm Wrestling 781 030 Mark Haber (28/6/1986) 1992 Art of Fighting (aka Ryuuko No Ken) (Bootleg: Fit of Fighting) 1 209 200 “MR. NEBULSPRAY” 1994 Art of Fighting 2 (aka Ryuuko No Ken 2) “D.I” 1990 Ashura Blaster 4 157 910 10 174 000 “” (1/4/2002) (E) 1985 ASO: Armored Scrum Object (aka Alpha Mission; Arian Mission) 3 654 000 “SURPASSER-R.T” 1991 ASO II: Last Guardian (aka Alpha Mission II) 3 201 100 “luy br” (11/9/2013) (E) 1988 Assault [Japanese version] 1 066 650 “SPREAM-REI” (2010) 975 550 “SPREAM-REI” (2010) [New version] 1988 Assault Plus (FYI: This game is a ROM chip upgrade for Assault) 3 187 500 “PSG-TRYI T.H” 1992 Asterix 286 600 Daniele Cavazza (1/12/2010) (E) 1979 Asteroids (Bootlegs: Aerolitos; Asterock; Meteorites) 41 838 740 41 336 440 John P McAllister – 'Marathon' score (5/4/2010) [57hrs] 1981 Asteroids Deluxe 3 333 360 John P McAllister – 'Marathon' score (4/2/2009) [6hrs] 1998 Astra SuperStars 7 101 800 “Kale” (21/8/2011) (E) Scott Safran – ‘Marathon’ score (13/11/1982) 1981 Astro Blaster 299 100 Gus Pappas (20/11/1982) 1981 Astro Fantasia 30 290 “PAC” (29/6/2015) (E) 1980 Astro Fighter (aka Astro Battle; Astro Fire; Astro Wars) (Bootlegs: Astro Combat; Super Star Battle) 53 650 “WRX” (22/8/2007) (E) 1980 Astro Invader (aka Kamikaze (Leijac)) (Bootleg: Kosmo Killer) 170 810 Fred Pastore (8/2/2005) (E) 1989 Astyanax, The (aka Lord of King, The) Sergio Tellini 1 058 200 Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 3 1989 Asuka & Asuka 632 800 “N.S.S.” (10/8/2002) (E) 1998 Asura Blade – Sword of Dynasty 3 922 900 “GLA” 2000 Asura Buster – Eternal Warriors 3 601 800 “NTS” 1986 Athena 1 052 050 “” (25/12/2001) (E) 1988 Atomic Robo-Kid [No score leeching when timer 0 trick] 1990 Aurail 588 100 8 706 300 1978 Avalanche (aka Cascade) 2 497 2 453 1987 Avengers (aka Hissatsu Buraiken) 572 200 Martijn Cobussen (5/3/2010) (E) “RECCA ZAC-RISTER” Sébastien Giraud (7/1/2006) (E) David Nelson (21/3/2004) Colman Paolo (9/3/2013) (E) 1996 Avengers In Galactic Storm [Story Mode] [Difficulty: Hardest] 144 000 Saulo Bastos (21/10/2011) (E) 1983 Aztarac 142 390 Dennis Bartlett (11/2/1984) 73 844 “Metrackle” (3/9/2005) (E) 1982 Azurian Attack 1985 B-Wings 9 999 999 maximum achieved 1982 Baby Pac-Man 8 123 380 Larry Shepard (2/1/1986) 1988 Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja (aka Dragon Ninja) 999 999 maximum achieved 1984 Badlands [Difficulty: Moderate] 146 080 Gary Hatt (26/6/1986) 1982 Bagman (aka Le Bagnard) 6 840 850 1988 Bakutotsu Kijuutei – Baraduke II 1996 Bal Cube 380 492 5 822 810 1980 Balloon Bomber 1992 Balloon Brothers 1986 Baluba-louk no Densetsu 26 650 10 000 000+ 9 999 990 1998 Bang! (aka Gun Gabacho) 1996 Bang Bang Ball (aka Battle Bubble) 99 999 7 371 160 2000 Bang Bead 267 050 1984 Bank Panic 9 999 990 First: 1985 Baraduke (aka Alien Sector) 216 350 1978 Barrier 784 1997 Baryon – Future Assault 16 982 050 Jerry McCloskey- ‘Marathon’ score (2/8/1983) “G.M.C. MPP” “AXION-DEN” Mitsuo Suwa (21/2/2002) (E) “RAG. T-TEM” maximum achieved maximum achieved (E) Johan P Uytterhaegen (3/8/2007) (E) “Skito” (22/5/2003) (E) maximum achieved Alessandro Giuriato (5/3/1985) “Karmame” (15/3/2008) (E) Paul McCallon (1/1/2008) (E) “WEDNESDAY” (8/8/2012) (E) 1990 Batman [3 Lives start] 360 041 Justin Kvithyll (17/9/2009) (E) 1996 Batman Forever 507 880 Matt Hall (10/3/2006) (E) 1993 Batsugun 51 702 350 1987 Battlantis 593 120 “” (1/4/2002) (E) 1981 Battle of Atlantis 111 420 Gerhard Schindler (8/8/2004) (E) 1999 Battle Bakraid [Normal Course] [Advanced Course] 14 824 910 Alexandre Charbonneau (7/4/2007) (E) 63 999 990 maximum achieved [Unlimited Version – any course] 38 968 720 1997 Battle Circuit “” (21/7/2002) (E) 59 855 100 Justin Kvithyll (15/6/2013) (E) “G.M.C. DUO” 1982 Battle Cross 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1982 Battle Cruiser M-12 498 020 “edusword” (4/6/2015) (E) 1989 Battlecry 175 560 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (27/8/2015) (E) 1987 Battle Field (aka Time Soldiers) 1 813 400 1998 Battle Flip Shot 425 650 Matt Hall (9/5/2000) (E) “Skito” (1/12/2007) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 4 1996 Battle Garegga 20 720 100 1994 Battle K-Road 799 800 1986 Battle Lane! Vol. 5 1 343 700 “T3-KAMUI” “il kornutazzo” (5/11/2012) (E) Elout de Kok (2/5/1986) 1988 Battle Rangers (aka Bloody Wolf) 309 900 “VERTEX-DAN” (2/3/2003) (E) 1984 Battle-Road, The 829 290 “VERTEX-B” (9/11/2002) (E) 1989 Battle Shark 18 033 780 198? Battle Slug 24 000 1994 Battle Toads 1 124 1984 Battle Wings 89 310 1980 Battlezone 23 000 000 1989 Bay Route 824 950 1989 Beast Busters 1999 Beast Busters – Second Nightmare “HIDEO” Bill Toups (20/4/1997) Patrick Wheeler (25/8/2007) (E) “Locut0s” (23/11/2003) (E) David Palmer – ‘Marathon’ score (30/8/1985) [23hrs] “TRFX-MSA” 10 707 290 “RYO” 2 011 180 “TOR” 1982 Beezer 129 250 Rafal Politanski (25/6/2004) (E) 1983 Bega’s Battle 120 000 Steve Harris (18/7/1983) 1984 Ben Bero Beh 9 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1988 Beraboh Man 344 000 “” (9/11/2001) (E) 1983 Berenstain Bears in Big Paw's Cave, The 201 907 “Ninglendo” (25/12/2013) (E) 1991 Berlin Wall, The 423 430 “” (8/2/2002) (E) 1987 Bermuda Triangle (aka World Wars) 533 000 Matt Hall (28/8/1999) (E) 1980 Berzerk [Fast Bullets RC-31 Logic installed] 350 340 Steve Wagner (12/4/2009) [Slow Bullets] 401 130 Phil Younger (4/10/2008) 1994 Best Bout Boxing 1 326 150 “G.M.C. PANDA” 1994 Best of Best 1 116 300 Paulo Valmir (11/7/2014) (E) 1992 Big Fight – Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean 503 750 “Kintaro” (27/4/2008) (E) 1991 Big Karnak 472 050 Rafal Politanski (26/9/2002) (E) 1983 Big Pro Wrestling!, The (aka Tag Team Wrestling) 3 795 500 Greg Sakundiak 1995 Big Twin 63 275 “Metrackle” (27/6/2003) (E) 1983 Bio Attack 83 250 “” (24/2/2002) (E) 1995 Biomechanical Toy 1987 Bionic Commando (aka Top Secret (Capcom)) 13 458 260 “DaLar” (21/10/2012) (E) 2 310 500 “GiganT” (21/11/1999) (E) 1990 Bio-ship Paladin (aka Spaceship Battle Gomorrah; Uchuu Senkan Gomorrah) 1 460 520 “G.M.C. R-I” 1991 Black Heart 2 447 900 1980 Black Hole 36 440 1987 Black Panther 1987 Black Tiger (aka Black Dragon) 166 050 4 840 100 1982 Black Widow 1991 Blade Master (aka Cross Blades!) 930 100 9 999 990 1992 Blandia 23 054 “NAA” John P McAllister (7/6/2015) (E) “DRN” (16/3/2002) (E) “HTL-Y.N” James Vollandt – ‘Marathon’ score (1/5/1984) maximum achieved Andrew Pete Mee (7/5/2011) (E) 1988 Blasted [No score leeching by going back & forth between 2 windows with no bad guys in between shooting the lights] 486 350 “Dax” (24/10/2003) (E) 1983 Blaster 1987 Blasteroids (FYI: second sequel of Asteroids) 151 153 020 2 777 830 2 773 840 Paul Hornitzky – ‘Marathon’ score (23/2/2013) (E) “scorpion” (28/12/2001) (E) Mark Twitty (20/4/1988) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 5 1983 Blasto 9 000 Paul McCallon (22/8/2006) (E) 1989 Blast Off 1 283 450 “E-SWAT’S-SRY” 1992 Blazeon 4 646 100 “J.G.K ALL” 1987 Blazer 10 459 800 “” (24/2/2002) (E) 1998 Blazing Star 54 518 320 “AST. DGN” 1994 Blazing Tornado 517 100 “HAG” 1991 Block Block [Beginner Course] 101 490 “AIM” [Normal Course] 2 043 180 1988 Block Buster (aka Bombs Away) 563 900 “G.M.C. KAPPA” Justin Kvithyll (25/10/2012) (E) 1994 Blocken 4 435 650 “” (1/7/2012) (E) 1989 Block Hole (aka Quarth) 5 069 290 “GEKI” 2000 Block Kuzushi, The 12 396 975 1989 Block Out 725 078 1994 Blomby Car 13 899 1990 Blood Bros. (Bootleg: West Story) 99 999 990 “RedStar” (8/7/2009) (E) “Drifter” (8/3/2000) (E) Rodrigo Lopes (15/12/2008) (E) maximum achieved 1994 Blood Warrior (aka Ooedo Fight) 447 520 “The Onion Knight” (13/3/2011) (E) 1990 Bloxeed / Atomic Point 999 999 maximum achieved 1993 Blue Hawk 10 733 400 1982 Blue Print 146 300 1978 Blue Shark 27 800 1990 Blue’s Journey / Raguy 316 650 “” (10/5/2002) (E) Dave Nelson (4/6/2006) Dean Wiggins (19/5/2004) (E) Matt Hall (24/8/2004) (E) 1986 Body Slam (aka Dump Matsumoto) 1 034 750 “Kale” (7/7/2002) (E) 1985 Bogey Manor 5 359 940 “KWB” (25/9/2004) (E) 1984 Boggy 541 500 “VERTEX-B” (27/4/2003) (E) 1979 Bomb Bee 443 080 “RedStar” (3/5/2008) (E) 1991 Bomber Man (aka Atomic Punk; Dyna Blaster) 5 859 300 “VERTEX-DAN” (7/12/2009) (E) 1992 Bomber Man World (aka New Atomic Punk – Global Quest; New Dyna Blaster Global Quest) (Bootleg: Bomber Lord) 6 127 800 “VERTEX-DAN” (8/10/2012) (E) 1984 Bomb Jack 66 896 260 Enrico Zanetti – ‘Marathon’ score 1993 Bomb Jack Twin 10 000 000+ “G.M.C. KKK” 1998 Bomb Kick 727 600 “krj” (10/9/2014) (E) 1990 Bonanza Bros. 999 999 maximum achieved 1983 Bongo 790 600 “VERTEX-B” (15/3/2004) (E) 1988 Bonze Adventure (aka Jigoku Meguri) 3 223 650 “DOUGO” 1992 Boogie Wings (aka Great Ragtime Show, The) 286 000 Rodrigo Lopes (8/8/2009) (E) 1983 Boomer Rang'r (aka Genesis) 999 900 maximum achieved (E) 1977 Boot Hill 2003 Border Down 14 377 987 170 1981 Borderline / Star Raker 219 650 Philippe Lamat (13/4/1999) (E) “YOH” “VERTEX-DAN” (14/3/2008) (E) 1990 Borench 2 880 898 Alan Kuran (12/6/2001) (E) 1981 Bosconian 4 871 340 Joe Ledesma – ‘Marathon’ score (4/2002) (E) 1983 Botanic [Must keep moving to complete a level–no bug leeching] 1992 B.O.T.S.S. - Battle of the Solar System 1991 Bouncing Balls 94 000 355 000 23 100 “PAC” (4/4/2012) (E) Gerhard Schindler (22/10/2010) (E) “URI” (24/2/2009) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 6 1982 Bounty, The 1 295 210 “VERTEX-DAN” (8/12/2011) (E) 1981 Boxing Bugs 2 026 222 Richard Lewis (15/4/1983) 1990 Boxy Boy (aka Souko Ban Deluxe) 1986 Brain 53 675 710 6 302 800 Paulo Valmir (13/5/2012) (E) Tony Montana (17/5/2002) (E) 2000 Brave Blade 75 269 280 Kamuyi Binta 1996 Breakers 17 349 600 “DeFrenZ@AIVA” (4/11/2008) (E) 1998 Breakers Revenge 24 313 400 Garut Sylow 1976 Breakout 896 1986 Break Thru (aka Kyohkoh-Toppa) (Bootleg: Force Break) 1 109 400 1 102 500 maximum achieved Jimmy Sawko (2/11/2010) Martin Bedard (17/1/2008) (E) 1993 Brixian (Editor Comment 22/11/2014: Looks similar to Candy Crush) 325 200 Paulo Valmir (6/5/2015) (E) 1991 Brute Force 68 900 Rodrigo Lopes (8/8/2009) (E) 1986 Bubble Bobble (Bootlegs: Bubble bobble; Dreamland; Super Dream Land) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1995 Bubble Memories – The Story of Bubble Bobble III 33 980 000 “Krj” (4/10/2013) (E) 1994 Bubble Symphony 13 715 700 Peter Gatland (7/5/2012) (E) 1982 Bubbles 1 615 980 1 566 960 1992 Bubble Trouble: Golly! Ghost! 2 515 1989 Buccaneers 1982 Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom (aka Zoom 909) 246 470 1 016 495 Greg Elizondo (5/3/2015) Yashiro Oda (1/8/1984) “F-GLO” “PAC” (10/6/2013) (E) Kelly Keenan (12/4/1984) 1992 Bucky O’Hare 133 300 “PAC” (7/10/2015) (E) 1984 Buggy Challenge 163 843 Paolo Rubagotti 1987 Bullet 378 400 Matt Hall (4/1/2011) (E) 1984 Bullfight (aka Togyu, The) 201 720 Quinn A Nicholson (28/4/2010) (E) 1984 Bull Fighter 127 100 Marco Tapella (4/8/2002) (E) 1982 Burger Time (Bootleg: Cook Race) 1997 Burglar X 11 512 500 1 292 141 Bryan Wagner” – ‘Marathon’ score (19/9/2008) (E) Martin G Racine (3/9/2010) (E) 1991 Burning Fight 431 250 “P21” (27/11/2007) (E) 1989 Burning Force 443 470 Patrick Wheeler (12/1/2006) (E) 1992 Burning Rival 216 100 Matt Hall (18/1/2008) (E) 1982 Burnin’ Rubber (aka Bump-n-Jump) (Bootleg: Car Action) 11 163 370 Brian Hutchinson (21/7/1983) 1987 Butasan (FYI: Known as Psycho Pigs UXB on home computers) 1 323 700 “EXT-MGN-SRP-SUN” 1988 Cabal Saulo Bastos (12/5/2015) (E) 4 097 420 1989 Cadash 60 000 maximum achieved 1992 Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (aka Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki) (Bootleg: Dinosaur Hunter) 5 630 200 Piotr Goraczniak (25/8/2011) (E) 1989 Cal .50 203 930 “PAC” (19/6/2013) (E) 1982 Calipso 132 242 John P McAllister (16/5/2011) (E) 1986 Calorie Kun vs Moguranian 132 570 “Ace13” (8/6/2005) (E) 1996 Cannon Dancer (aka OSman) 5 959 780 “” (14/8/2005) (E) 1985 Canvas Croquis 3 938 220 “VERTEX-DAN” (11/4/2006) (E) 1977 Canyon Bomber 1 931 Fred Pastore (28/9/2005) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 7 1997 Capcom Sports Club [All] $1 996 100 “DeFrenZ@AIVA” (27/10/2008) (E) 1991 Captain America & the Avengers 999 999 maximum achieved 1991 Captain Commando 281 860 “PG3” (1/7/2014) (E) 1987 Captain Silver 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1999 Captain Tomaday 8 653 225 1983 Car Jamboree 64 440 Baron Rojo (5/8/2015) (E) Rodrigo Lopes (26/8/2009) (E) 1998 CarnEvil 2 083 180 Jeff Matza (19/2/2000) 1980 Carnival 386 750 Fred Pastore (3/6/2001) 1990 Carrier Air Wing (aka U.S. Navy) 2 623 470 “SAD” 1982 Catacomb 97 313 “PAC” (2/4/2010) (E) 1982 Cat N Mouse 19 560 Rodrigo Lopes (3/9/2009) (E) 1983 Cavelon 136 500 “VERTEX-DAN” (3/2/2006) (E) 1991 Caveman Ninja (aka Tatakae Genshijin - Joe & Mac) (Bootleg: Stoneage) 1 460 000 “ZID” (28/3/2010) (E) 1980 Centipede (Bootlegs: Caterpiller; Magic Worm; Millpac) 25 000 001 Billy L. Mitchell – ‘Marathon’ score (<1/1983) [~47hrs] 1985 Cerberus 156 400 Eric Schafer (28/12/2009) (E) 1983 Chack ‘n Pop 608 150 “SBY” (21/8/2004) (E) 1981 Challenger 644 900 Jason Cram (30/8/2006) (E) 1981 Chameleon 110 200 Jeremy M. Dolan (7/3/2002) (E) 1985 Champion Pro Wrestling 64 000 “preload” (3/9/2004) (E) 1986 Championship Sprint 40 040 Gavin Ward (22/12/2003) (E) 1989 Champion Wrestler 71 414 000 1985 Chan Bara 49 800 1999 Change Air Blade 1983 Change Lanes 26 278 890 3 208 112 1982 Changes (aka Looper) 223 900 “T.K” “Lord AxE” (11/6/2012) (E) “Kandata Kobun E” Stephen Beall (26/12/1983) “diabolik” (3/7/2003) (E) 2004 Chaos Field 362 218 630 1998 Chaos Heat 9 999 999 maximum achieved 1994 Charlie Ninja 1 424 300 “Alpha” (29/11/2009) (E) 1994 Chase Bombers [Laser Stadium] “O.Z” 3'18”45 Gerhard Schindler (4/10/2010) (E) [Rainbow Town] 3'16”51 Gerhard Schindler (4/10/2010) (E) [Twilight City] 3'13”84 Gerhard Schindler (5/10/2010) (E) [Wild Jungle] 3'26”79 Gerhard Schindler (5/10/2010) (E) 1988 Chase H.Q. 11 591 710 11 406 730 1982 Check Man 373 800 “Virtualgaz” (24/5/2001) (E) 1980 Cheeky Mouse 107 530 Michael A Sao Pedro (30/5/2009) 1994 Cheese Chase 8 311 1988 Chelnov – Atomic Runner 493 350 493 050 Michele Fin “hilts” (9/2/2003) (E) Rick Carter (2/10/2003) (E) Shahbaz Sadiq (4/5/2013) (E) “ JAG DORA HAKASE H.S” 1988 Chequered Flag (FYI: Dip switch change renames it to Checkered Flag) 559 190 “C.M” 1984 Cheyenne 319 209 350 1984 Chicken Shift 1990 Chiki Chiki Boys (aka Mega Twins) 159 820 2 252 910 Donn Nauert – ‘Marathon’ score (27/1/1985) Nathan White (21/2/2005) (E) “IML-UUU” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 8 1986 Chiller 100 001 500 “JoustGod” – ‘Marathon’ score (8/3/1999) (E) [7hrs] 1988 China Gate (aka Sai Yo Gou Ma Roku) 976 500 “MOMOJIROU” (1/2/2002) (E) 1991 China Town [Professional] 560 500 “ISP” 1988 Chinese Exorcist (aka Reikai Doushi) 116 300 “Metrackle” (E) 1984 Chinese Hero 2 828 000 Alberto Zanetti (5/7/1985) 1999 Chip Away 2 350 763 “BUZ” (24/3/1999) 1995 Choky! Choky! 499 550 1985 Choplifter 1 781 000 Gavin Carper (22/11/2007) (E) Charles Collins (27/6/1986) 1988 Chopper I (aka Koukuu Kihei Monogatari - The Legend of Air Cavalry) 3 078 200 “edusword” (22/7/2012) (E) 1977 Circus / Acrobat (1978) (aka Clowns (1978)) (Bootleg: Springboard) 542 760 “” (24/12/2010) (E) 1984 Circus Charlie 999 990 First: maximum achieved Maurizio Pintus (6/11/1984) 1990 Cisco Heat 471 570 “” (20/9/2003) (E) 1987 City Bomber 11 329 630 1985 City Connection (aka Cruisin) > 900 000* 1986 City Love 529 000 1986 Clash-Road 1 337 000 1979 Clay Shoot 39 000 1996 Cleopatra Fortune 2001 Cleopatra Fortune Plus [Story] 999 999 990 2 240 830 250 “ZEK.” (26/7/2005) (E) Bug in Game: Infinite Lives after 900000 points “Gmitra” (26/12/2001) (E) Matt Hall (5/12/2007) (E) Gavin Carper (21/8/2008) (E) maximum achieved “G.M.C. SEKKYOU” 1983 Cliff Hanger 1 350 000 1 310 000 1 180 020 Steve Wagner (28/12/2009) Chip Sbrogna (11/8/2003) Steve Harris (5/11/1983) 1983 Cloak & Dagger (Prototype: Agent X) 1 497 744 John P McAllister (1/4/2009) (E) 1988 Cloud Master (aka Chuuka Taisen) 748 600 “WRX2” (3/8/2003) (E) 1983 Cluster Buster (aka Graplop) 104 023 “RedStar” (4/9/2007) (E) 1984 Cobra Command (aka Thunder Storm) 100 030 Alfredo Garcia (2/8/1984) 1988 Cobra-Command (FYI: A scrolling shooter based on the 1984 animated laser-disc game of the same name) 10 359 760 “VERTEX-DAN” (27/2/2006) (E) 1981 Colony 7 1990 Columns (Copy: Hexa) 566 975 99 999 999 maximum achieved 99 999 maximum achieved 1990 Columns II – The Voyage Through Time 1985 Combat (aka Catch-22) Paul McCallon (19/9/2007) (E) 21 413 550 “GiganT” (6/1/2000) (E) 1987 Combat Hawk 263 800 Philippe Lamat (20/12/2007) (E) 1987 Combat School (aka Boot Camp) 418 910 “Norakuro” (16/3/2006) (E) 1985 Commando / Space Invasion (aka Senjou no Ookami) 10 051 200 Tim Balderramos - ‘Marathon’ score (5/7/1986) 1984 Complex X Eric Schafer – ‘Marathon score (29/10/2014) (E) 1983 Congo Bongo (aka Tip Top) 60 490 550 1 506 300 Jason Cram (21/7/2003) 1989 Continental Circuit (FYI: mistakenly called Continental Circus on Japanese machines) 7 040 070 “SUR-WHI TE KYOTOU LEE” 1987 Contra (aka Gryzor) 2 204 100 2 194 200 “” (13/11/2004) (E) Leandro Domenicale 1995 Cookie & Bibi (FYI: very similar to Puzzle Bobble) 9 076 760 Peter Gatland (24/8/2011) (E) 1985 Cop 01 1 500 200 “Kale” (5/4/2002) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 9 1980 Cosmic Alien 502 950 Justin Baxter (1/5/2012) (E) 1981 Cosmic Avenger 117 290 Wes Hupp (17/11/1982) 1983 Cosmic Chasm 278 800 David Jury (26/7/2015) (E) 1979 Cosmic Guerilla 32 740 2001 Cosmic Smash 47 841 801 1979 Cosmo 62 940 1992 Cosmo Gang the Puzzle 8 425 095 1991 Cosmo Gang the Video 21 959 020 Rafal Politanski (11/4/2007) (E) “MARU179” “WRX2” (29/7/2006) (E) Nick Vis (10/6/2015) “” (2/12/2001) (E) 1981 Cosmos 589 000 John P McAllister (29/6/2011) (E) 1991 Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams 989 660 Leandro Domenicale 1997 Cotton 2: Magical Night Dreams 33 723 300 “MND-BUTZ” 1998 Cotton Boomerang: Magical Night Dreams 1 592 100 “Guinness” (7/4/2006) (E) 1989 Crack Down 5 282 439 “JAG-CYR-DORA H.S” 1985 Crackshot 5 015 250 Jeff Peters (27/6/1986) 1979 Crash 351 050 “UFF” (23/11/2011) (E) 1984 Crater Raider 41 100 1980 Crazy Balloon 530 140 Rafal Politanski (4/4/2007) (E) 1980 Crazy Climber [Either 3 or 4 lives start] 856 250 Mark Benzie (1/5/1982) 1988 Crazy Climber 2 822 200 Hakumasa Takao 1998 Crazy Fight 139 732 “GNU” (31/12/2008) (E) 1985 Crazy Rally 283 156 280 250 “PAC” (8/8/2012) (E) Stefano Muffolini (20/4/1985) 2002 Crazy War 34 600 “Lord AxE” (15/1/2014) (E) 1999 Crazzy Clownz 5 510 “JoustGod” (2/7/1999) (E) Sébastien Giraud (14/3/2009) (E) 1989 Crime City 1 576 600 “PAC” (29/7/2013) (E) 1999 Crisis Zone 5 947 550 “HOUKOU YAROU-MA JU” 1983 Crossbow 19 885 500 1998 Cross Pang [any Difficulty] 1990 Crude Buster (aka Two Crude) 56 154 1 358 710 Donn Nauert (18/7/1984) “AI” (29/11/2004) (E) “majygool” (8/10/2009) (E) 1981 Crush Roller (aka Korosuke Roller; Make Trax) (Bootlegs: Magic Brush; Paint Roller) 3 310 040 “TER” (10/8/2015) (E) 1983 Crystal Castles 2001 Crystal of Kings, The 910 722 1 896 900 1984 Cube Quest 1989 Cue Brick 59 760 11 027 250 1979 Cutie Q 660 070 Frank Seay (17/3/1988) “P21” (4/8/2007) (E) “PAC” (2/4/2012) (E) Paulo Valmir (23/8/2013) (E) Xavier Ulmann (13/8/2004) (E) 1993 Cybattler 2 520 050 “J.G.K-ALL FUKU” 1995 Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness 1 332 500 “T.CLUE-ISD” 1990 Cyber-Lip 1991 Cycle Warriors 1998 Cyvern: The Dragon Weapons 441 700 “KOMEGUNY (GIGOLO)” 13 200 “edusword” (16/2/2013) (E) 29 837 260 1984 D-Day (Jaleco) 1983 Dacholer (aka Kick Boy) “G.M.C. SEKKYOU T.H” 107 150 “tirino73” (13/12/2012) (E) 77 350 German Krol (5/6/2005) (E) 1986 Daikaiju no Gyakushi (FYI: Name translates to English as 'Great Monster Counter-attack') 98 902 Sebastian Giraud (14/5/2015) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 10 1993 Daioh 22 515 610 1981 Dambusters 84 100 Joe Ledesma (8/8/2011) (E) John P McAllister (30/1/2012) (E) 1986 Dangar – UFO Robo 1 366 200 1 363 500 “” (5/10/2002) (E) “edusword” (4/4/2011) (E) 1992 Dangerous Dungeons (FYI: very similar to Boulderdash) 1 064 960 “Blost” (5/3/2006) (E) 1989 Dangerous Seed 4 067 350 “” (16/4/2002) (E) 1986 Danger Zone 4 525 800 Donn Nauert (5/3/1987) 1986 Darius 10 887 540 1989 Darius II (aka Sagaia) 1994 Darius Gaiden: Silver Hawk 3 450 500 10 695 170 “HRG-HIRO’Linn’.jp” (E) “HRG-HIRO’Linn’.jp” (11/11/2004) (E) “PAC” (212/11/2012) (E) 1982 Dark Planet 9 954 900 Scott Young (1/3/1983) - ‘Marathon’ Score 1990 Dark Seal (aka Gate of Doom) 1 318 750 Rafal Politanski (13/1/2003) (E) 388 100 Rafal Politanski (12/2/2003) (E) 1992 Dark Seal 2 (aka Wizard Fire) [No score leeching] 1992 Dark Tower 21 235 300 1981 Dark Warrior 90 200 1994 Daruma Dojo – Mezasse, Tachimaro Ou 1986 Darwin 4078 370 940 9 999 999 “Estel G” (3/2/2014) (E) “DaviL@AIVA” (14/11/2003) (E) “RIZ” maximum achieved 1976 Datsun 280 Zzzap [Distance] (FYI: originally called 'Midnight Racer' Midway changed the name to tie-in with a promotion where winners of various categories would win a Datsun 280Z) 4.64 Russ La Cruix (18/12/2001) (E) 4.64 Manuel Rotschkar (8/5/2005) (E) 1982 Dazzler 69 000 1992 D-con 596 400 1991 D. D. Crew 410 Richard Crawford (12/3/1983) “bubble” (26/1/2000) (E) “REK-TOKKO BUN” 1988 Dead Angle (aka Gang Hunter; Lead Angle) 205 590 “Caseh” (3/2/2006) (E) 1992 Dead Connection 197 700 “RedStar” (16/1/2005) (E) 1978 Dead Eye 175 385 Philippe Lamat (26/8/2008) (E) 2007 Deathsmiles 324 369 688 2008 Deathsmiles Mega Black Label 68 072 561 1987 Deep, The (aka Run Deep) 145 650 “Casper” “Fordy” (1/2/2015) (E) John P McAllister (28/5/2011) (E) 1980 Defender (Bootlegs: Defence Command; Tornado; Zero) 79 976 975 Chris Hoffman - ‘Marathon’ score (1/1/1984) 1981 Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (Bootleg: Exodus) 68 220 Brian Allen (9/2/2015) (E) 1984 Demolition Derby Tom Edwards (8/2/2005) (E) 1 026 030 1982 Demon 130 860 1981 Demoneye-X 20 350 2002 Demon Front 999 999 900 Rafal Politanski (1/2/2007) (E) John P McAllister (16/5/2011) (E) maximum achieved 1989 Demon’s World / Horror Story 9 053 030 “VERTEX-DAN” (23/1/2015) (E) 1993 Denjin Makai 3 104 100 “FUBUKI” 1977 Depthcharge (aka Sub Hunter) 1995 Deroon Derodero 4 800 10 361 300 1992 Desert Breaker (FYI: very similar to Mercs) 873 580 1982 Desert Dan 74 900 1994 Desert Tank [Beginner] [Expert] Martin Bedard (18/3/2007) (E) “ANP” “ESSAY” “edusword” (21/12/2013) (E) 2 089 007 “SH-HAYASE SHOUGO” 2 909 087 “URAGAMI SUN TAROU” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 11 1995 Desert War (aka Wangan Sensou) 8 792 700 1977 Destroyer (Atari) 5 150 1980 Destroyer (Cidelsa) 42 900 1991 Detana!! Twin Bee (aka Bells & Whistles) 4 649 100 1988 Devastators (aka Garuka) 7 088 1982 Devil Fish 119 470 1987 Devil World (aka Dark Adventure; Majuu No Oukoku) 4 070 000 1980 Devil Zone 25 680 “Kale” (30/4/2003) (E) Robert T Mruczek (12/8/2007) (E) “Udirnel” (2/6/2009) (E) “(G)” “URX-EXS” “DaLar” (25/8/2013) (E) “STU” (6/12/2007) (E) “tar” (9/10/2004) (E) 1994 Dharma Doujou 326 720 “JYD” (25/5/2005) (E) 1994 Diagonal Magic (aka Naname de Magic!) 600 882 “Abbe” (23/11/2008) (E) 1989 Diamond Run 1 860 720 1990 Die Alien Scum 132 469 2001 Diet Family 3 049 1992 Diet Go Go 7 682 435 “Blost” (24/9/2001) (E) Lon MacDowell (22/8/2004) “PAC” (12/6/2015) (E) “Krj” (1/1/2014) (E) 1982 Dig Dug (Copy/Bootleg: Zig Zag) [Double-kill technique resulting in in-game action freezing is not allowed] 5 142 500 Donald Hayes - ‘Marathon’ score (24/3/2011) 1985 Dig Dug 2 1 000 000 1980 Digger (Sega) 35 800 1982 Digger (Century) 2000 Dimahoo (aka Great Mahou Daisakusen) 306 090 99 999 990 1983 Dingo 1992 Dino Rex 272 400 1 075 300 maximum achieved Dick Moreland (15/12/2009) (E) “diabolik” (1/1/2005) (E) maximum achieved “SLA” (12/2/2003) (E) “WAF” (14/10/2009) (E) 1993 Disco Boy 238 900 Quinn A Nicholson (16/9/2010) (E) 1982 Disco No. 1 (aka Sweet Heart) 203 100 Rodrigo Lopes (29/1/2009) (E) 1983 Discs of Tron 589 900 418 200 Paul Hornitzky (3/10/2011) David Bagenski (28/6/1986) 1992 Diverboy 795 840 “VERTEX-B” (14/12/2002) (E) 1989 DJ Boy 744 300 “MJSTY” (5/5/2015) (E) 1984 Do! Run Run (aka Super Perriot) (FYI: only available as a conversion kit) 6 000 000 Daren M Oliver (9/8/2011) (E) 1979 Dodgem 1997 DoDonPachi 6 435 753 819 200 “boxster” (27/3/2004) (E) “Aichi-ken” (15/10/2001) (E) 2001 DoDonPachi II – Bee Storm 1 061 864 670 Justin Kvithyll (27/2/2013) (E) 2002 DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou / …Black Label 3 456 713 100 “HFD” 2008 DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu 1 315 770 840 “INNUENDO” (29/4/2014) (E) 1983 Dog Fight 223 760 1978 Dog Patch 490 “Sampras@AIVA” (5/10/2000) (E) “diabolik” (1/8/2002) (E) 1992 Dogyuun 3 842 770 “Jinx” (16/9/2002) (E) 1985 Doki Doki Penguin Land 2 327 440 “VERTEX-DAN” (25/1/2010) (E) 1995 Dolmen 11 892 600 Peter Gatland (15/11/2013) (E) 1996 Domino Block 2 227 400 German Krol (5/12/2007) (E) 1983 Domino Man 1 654 832 Donald Hayes (8/2/2005) (E) 1983 Dommy 126 330 “KWB” (29/9/2007) (E) 1989 Don Doko Don 299 200 “giro-X” (3/11/2012) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 12 1981 Donkey Kong (aka Crazy Kong) / Logger (1982) (FYI: Licensed for sale outside USA by Falcon from Nintendo. 20000 Crazy Kong’s distributed illegally in USA) (Bootlegs: Big Kong; Monkey Donkey) (Hacks: Crazy Kong Part II; Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns; Donkey Kong Foundry) (FYI: Documentary movie made in 2007 called King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters is about the rivalry between, now former, World Record holders Steven Weibe and Billy Mitchell) 1 206 800 Dean Saglio (4/10/2013) (E) 1982 Donkey Kong Jr 1 412 200 Mark Khiel (25/5/2013) 1983 Donkey Kong 3 [Difficulty: 3 Medium] 8 772 700 George Riley – ‘Marathon’ score (18/11/2012) 1995 DonPachi 71 919 080 “SOF-WTN” (23/5/2008) 1980 Dorachan 127 360 “diabolik" (1/1/2004) (E) 1982 Dorodon 39 120 Rick Carter (5/4/2003) (E) 1987 Double Dragon 999 990 maximum achieved 1988 Double Dragon II – The Revenge 324 280 “NAL-RYO” 1993 Double-Wings 2 227 300 1989 Downtown (aka Mokugeki) 565 000 1981 Draco 43 130 “GEMANT” (14/6/2010) (E) “COMB-SNIPER-MIU” “Udirnel” (24/5/2007) (E) 1993 Dragonball Z 938 200 Oshibori Man Ken 1995 Dragonball Z 2 – Super Battle 348 400 “Nanni” (24/3/2005) (E) 2000 Dragon Blaze 4 163 300 “CYS-SAK” 1989 Dragon Breed 3 782 800 “Jinx” (26/7/2002) (E) 1984 Dragon Buster 5 334 140 “brootle” (12/4/2007) (E) 1992 Dragon Gun 3 732 309 “BCCCCCB” 1983 Dragon’s Lair [5 Men] 558 724 Judd Boone (31/10/1983) [3 Men] 374 954 373 508 Greg R Sakundiak (20/7/1985) Bryan Wagner (18/3/2006) 1991 Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp [3 Men] (FYI: Animation was completed in 1984 but the game's release was put on hold) 1 006 Greg Sakundiak (25/2/2007) 1994 Dragon Master 802 400 “KEN” (25/3/2008) (E) 1995 Dragon Might [Single] 2 104 000 “GDS-MARY OSACHI” 1990 Dragon Saber 2 363 030 Mao Abusoubo 1987 Dragon Spirit: The New Legend 1 564 260 “VIEGLE-HARUKA” 1989 Dragon Unit / Castle of Dragon 4 512 910 “Sakurai Miyoko RBN” 1985 Drakton 87 163 Dick Moreland (28/2/2010) (E) 1982 Dream Shopper 76 930 “Q. T. Quazar” (29/4/2010) (E) 1994 Dream Soccer ’94 166 570 Philippe Lamat (26/4/2011) (E) 2000 Dream World 343 790 “Blost” (11/4/2007) (E) 1991 Drift Out (Bootleg: Drive Out) [Fastest Completion] 8'18”12 “KOW” 1994 Drift Out 94: The Hard Order [Fastest Completion] 9'10”50 “TANABE 'DAA'” 1984 Driving Force [Miles] 18 010 Paul Valmir (22/3/2009) (E) 1990 Dr. Mario 899 400 1983 Dr. Micro 3 322 790 “” (27/8/2004) (E) 1987 Dr. Toppel’s Adventure (aka Dr. Toppel’s Tanketai) 1 565 050 “RUS-MIU” 1984 Duck Hunt 1 033 300 Randy Lawton (2/6/2000) 1996 Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara 3 479 310 “” (28/2/2003) (E) 1993 Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom 1 160 320 “IZUMI” 1994 Dungeon Magic (aka Light Bringer) 16 856 900 Steve Krogman (1/1/1992) “10% RANDOM SAIKOU” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 13 1989 Dyger 1 764 400 “PAC” (13/6/2013) (E) 1993 Dyna Gear: An Action Adventure on the Era of Dinosaur 1 950 461 Christian Gomez (26/9/2007) (E) 1984 Dynamic Ski 2000 Dynamite Bomber 201 300 “PAC” (22/8/2011) (E) 62 018 “Blost” (4/10/2008) (E) 1989 Dynamite Duke (FYI: 2 player version is called The Double Dynamites) 1 672 850 “TYRANT-EXE” 1988 Dynamite Dux 4 410 060 “MSO-10-LIE” 1989 Dynasty Wars (aka Tenchi wo Kurau) 5 780 200 “RUS-GUN” 1994 Eco Fighters (aka Ultimate Ecology) 2 513 600 “ZAC-RISTAR” 1991 E. D. F. : Earth Defense Force 2 506 800 “WOP R.Y” 1990 Edward Randy: The Cliffhanger (aka The Adventures of Edward Randy) 3 243 377 Takazawa Kazunari 1995 Egg Hunt 335 700 1983 Eggor 1 175 300 “MEA” (8/5/2006) (E) Renzo Vignola (19/9/2010) (E) 1997 Egg Venture 11 440 “Blost” (28/9/2003) (E) 1997 Ehrgeiz – God Bless the Ring [Difficulty: Ultra Hard] 82 190 Tom Triffon (12/9/1999) 1984 Eight Ball Action (FYI: only available as a conversion kit) 10 008 040 Clay Karczewski (16/11/2009) (E) 1994 Eight Forces “WRX2” (24/2/2003) (E) 5 363 280 1991 Eightman 302 900 “SABER OTOKO KEN” 1 079 270 Jim Matson (31/10/1982) 1983 Elevator Action [Normal Difficulty (1)] 156 550 Steve Wagner (2/1/2015) 1994 Elevator Action 2 (aka Elevator Action Returns) 999 900 maximum achieved 1981 Eliminator 662 000 Curt Stillwell (25/9/1982) 1982 Electric Yo-Yo, The 1999 Emergency Call Ambulance (aka Kyuukyuusha) 40 023 1986 Empire City: 1931 / Street Fight 687 730 1985 Empire Strikes Back, The 1 556 836 1980 The End (Bootleg: Omega) [Konami version] [Stern version (1981)] 1986 Enduro Racer 1989 Enforce “^Cronos^” – ‘Marathon’ score (26/8/2010) (E) David Palmer (17/6/1985) 29 840 William H Smith (31/3/2006) (E) 71 880 Marco Marocco (3/9/2006) (E) 45 148 000 1 182 400 1981 Enigma II “JKP-RDX” 23 240 Paolo Bandini “TYRANT-EXE” Ben Smestad (28/1/1983) 1984 Equites 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1989 Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters 1 655 796 Matt Hall (20/1/2003) (E) 1984 Esh’s Aurunmilla 2003 EspGaluda 2005 EspGaluda II 1983 Espial 1998 ESP RA.DE 1990 ESWAT: Cyber Police 938 000 72 581 190 1 007 875 974 3 760 000 42 695 470 2 638 100 First: 1995 Excelsior 1984 Excitebike 167 175 167 120 1 274 420 1983 Exciting Soccer 1985 Exed Exes (aka Savage Bees) 503 610 10 000 000 Gabrio Secco “WSM-F.K” “my ” Riccardo Padolecchia (4/7/1985) “CLOVER-TAC” maximum achieved (E) “edusword” (11/9/2014) (E) Mark D Boolan (17/6/2005) (E) “MAG” (25/7/2007) (E) Davide Rossi Terenzio Carraro (15/5/1985) maximum achieved (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 14 1983 Exerion 3 679 100 Giorgio Bonetti (18/6/1985) 505 490 Hugo Diaz (20/1/2011) (E) 1992 Explosive Breaker (aka Bakuretsu Breaker) 1985 Express Raider (aka Western Express) 1 128 250 Robert Griffin (1/2/2003) (E) 1987 Extermination 1 939 630 John P McAllister (29/12/2011) (E) 1989 Exterminator (FYI: The first game to use digitised graphics for every element of the game) 1 242 500 “Metrackle” (26/11/2005) (E) 1992 Exvania 41 1987 Exzisus 8 892 040 1982 Eyes 23 222 320 Rafal Politanski (11/4/2007) (E) “CYR-AVA” Roogie Elliott – ‘Marathon’ score (18/9/1982) 1991 F-15 Strike Eagle [Aces only] 399 000 1992 F/A (aka Fighter and Attacker) 2 030 500 “TYRANT” 1985 Fairyland Story, The 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1998 Fallen Angels, The (aka Daraku Tenshi: ...) 1996 Fancy World – Earth of Crisis 514 100 2 410 800 1994 Fantasia 730 300 Blaire Locklair (20/7/2007) “CHIIKURUU-AIESUDEI” Oscar Sciascia (10/12/2011) (E) “MAG” (31/1/2008) (E) 1997 Fantasia III 1 175 400 “VERTEX-DAN” (1/1/2007) (E) 1994 Fantastic Journey (aka Gokujyou Parodius!) 1 164 300 Justin Kvithyll (18/9/2009) (E) 348 820 “VERTEX-B” (24/7/2003) (E) 1981 Fantasy 1986 Fantasy Zone 25 611 180 1988 Fantasy Zone II – The Tears of Opa-Opa 511 800 “NEC” Paulo Valmir (14/3/2014) (E) 1995 Far East of Eden – Kabuki Klash (aka Tengai Makyou-Shin Den) 24 846 800 “AGOU” 1987 Fast Lane 492 600 Rafal Politanski (5/9/2003) (E) 1991 Fatal Fury – King of Fighters (aka Garou Densetsu) 1 047 300 “ESSAY-JUN” 1992 Fatal Fury 2 (aka Garou Densetu 2) 1 078 000 Sabino Sinesi 1993 Fatal Fury Special (aka Garou Densetu Special) 1 925 300 Sabino Sinesi 1995 Fatal Fury 3 – Road to the Final Victory (aka Garou Densetu 3) 1 191 500 “majygool” (10/3/2009) (E) 1983 Fax Greg Muler (12/10/1984) 89 300 1998 Fever SOS (aka Dangun Feveron) [Time Attack mode] 14 768 716 2 519 461 “CLOVER-YMN” “KDK-TAKEYUKI” 1985 Field Combat 147 800 “TEOMEO” (8/6/2007) (E) 1984 Field Day (aka Undoukai, The) 345 900 Tommi Tiihonen (17/1/2002) (E) 1979 Field Goal 111 850 German Krol (26/5/2007) (E) 1993 Fighter’s History (FYI: very similar to Street Fighter II - The World Warrior; Bootleg: History of Martial Arts, The) 833 000 Matt Hall (26/6/2006) (E) 1994 Fight Fever 856 800 “HIRI” 1989 Fighting Fantasy (aka Hippodrome) 343 070 “SHS-Y.N” 1988 Fighting Hawk 1 974 450 “edusword” (18/3/2012) (E) 1998 Fighting Layer [Difficulty: 8 Hardest; Damage Level : 4] 354 900 Koos J van Dyk (15/1/2010) (E) 1983 Fighting Roller (aka Roller Aces) 459 450 “DaviL@AIVA” (22/11/2002) (E) 198? Fighting Wings 101 400 Braedon Bird (18/1/1985) 1990 Filetto 3 241 000 Philippe Lamat - 'Marathon' Score (23/9/2010) (E) 1988 Final Blow 4 004 540 “L.M. IKA” 1989 Final Fight (Hack: Final Fight 2 (1996)) 5 473 260 “AWA” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 15 1988 Final Round (aka Hard Puncher) 21 776 500 “Caseh” (25/7/2006) (E) 1992 Final Star Force 1 659 820 1 656 260 “PAC” (30/12/2011) (E) “NoMercy” (2/4/2001) (E) 1985 Finalizer – Super Transformation 4 258 300 Michele Fin 1989 Finest Hour 1 272 550 “Kale” (9/6/2003) (E) 1993 Fire Barrel (aka Air Assault) 11 970 300 1984 Fire Battle 1983 Firefox “MUNETAKA” 335 150 “EMPTY-BOY” (1/2/2004) (E) [Unlimited Mission] 800 877 David Palmer (6/5/1985) [9,000 mile Mission] 769 422 Hiroyuki Hosojima (1/7/1984) 2001 Fire Hawk 3 528 600 1979 Fire One! 3 481 “WEDNESDAY” (5/9/2006) (E) “diabolik” (9/2/2004) (E) 1990 Fire Shark (aka Hishou Zame; Same! Same! Same!) 100 000 000+ “EXCHANGER” - 'Marathon' Score 1986 Fire Trap Gary Hatt (25/4/1987) 417 740 1978 Fire Truck (aka Smokey Joe) [Back] 340 340 Randy Lawton (2/6/1999) Gerard J Buchko (1/6/2008) [Front] 320 320 Si Janna (2/6/2000) Stan Loo (2/6/2000) 1992 Fixeight 10 000 000+ 15 players as at 06/2008 1987 Flak Attack (aka MX 5000) 3 465 100 “SAKUYAMA AA~N SHISHOU” 1999 Flame Gunner 4 723 100 “Caseh” (1/6/2006) (E) 1985 Flashgal 1 583 420 Shahbaz Sadiq (5/12/2013) (E) 1984 Flicky 14 854 690 1983 Flip & Flop [Unlimited Credits until you lose your last life] 1999 Flip Maze [Competition Mode] [Tokoton Mode] 23 715 Massimo Colombo Phil Younger (1/8/2008) (E) 1 402 300 “Y.Z” 2 697 000 “SEKKYOU RISTAR” 1983 Flipper Jack 344 836 German Krol (4/7/2014) (E) 1986 Flower 677 240 John P McAllister (7/6/2015) (E) 1982 Fly-Boy (aka Fast Freddie) 22 296 540 1984 Flying Ball 97 370 Bert Zelton – ‘Marathon’ score (26/6/1983) “RedStar” (4/9/2007) (E) 1987 Flying Shark (aka Hishou Same; Sky Shark) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1992 Flying Tiger 10 599 000 Saulo Bastos (27/5/2013) (E) 1983 Food Fight [Banned Tactic: exploiting bug in game giving 255 lives; Start Level: 1 to 9] 103 103 100 Ken Okumura – ‘Marathon’ score (3/1/1984) 1988 Forgotten Worlds (aka Lost Worlds) 9 264 300 “SOF-QUE EMILY” 1984 Formation Z (aka Aeroboto) 3 272 900 Charles Dahling (20/1/1985) 1989 Four Trax 2’17”68 1987 Free Kick [parent ROM only] 1982 Frenzy 51 180 4 933 702 1981 Frisky Tom 1981 Frog & Spiders 73 400 9 120 “AKUMESHI=ZUO” German Krol (11/10/2014) (E) Joel D West – ‘Marathon’ score (31/7/2011) [~42hrs] Quinn A Nicholson (22/7/2010) (E) Dick Moreland (21/10/2011) (E) 1981 Frogger (Bootleg: Frog; Quaak) [5 Lives; Bonus Life @ 20000pts] (FYI: George Costanza’s fictional score in a 1998 episode of TV's Seinfeld was 863,050 – once thought impossible to achieve) 896 980 Pat Laffaye (22/12/2009) 881 150 Donald Hayes (2/1/2009) (E) 1978 Frogs [1st Credit; 90 second timer] 13 500 13 300 Marco Marocco (6/6/2007) (E) David Nelson (31/3/2008) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 16 1982 Front Line 727 500 John Dunlea (25/5/1983) 1987 Full Throttle (aka Top Speed) 1 167 120 Sébastien Giraud (29/6/2008) (E) 1982 Funky Bee 1 801 720 “WRX2” (10/8/2004) (E) 1981 Funky Fish 100 750 1995 Funky Head Boxers 399 1992 Funky Jet 1 931 600 1999 Funny Bubble (FYI: An adult version of Puzz Loop) [Level Mode] 815 590 [Story Mode] 1984 Future Spy 1999 Gaia Crusaders (Copy: Thunder Heroes) Brian Hill (13/2/1986) 2 714 750 1985 Galactic Warriors “Skito” (14/7/2007) (E) 856 170 31 969 395 1992 Galactic Storm “CYR-JETY” “Skito” (29/7/2007) (E) Rick Carter (22/7/2007) (E) 13 381 1988 Gain Ground Rodrigo Lopes (31/3/2010) (E) 714 480 714 200 2 245 050 1993 Gaiapolis “Anthony” (12/4/2004) (E) 155 600 “tarma77” (2/1/2011) (E) “GAUT-SATOU TAIJU” “” (22/5/2005) (E) “edusword” (9/3/2013) (E) “Metrackle” (12/4/2003) (E) 1981 Galaga (Bootleg: Gallag) (Hack: GATsBEe) 20 000 000 “PAC” - ‘Marathon score’ (15/8/2015) (E) [Fast-shoot allowed] 20 518 900 Steve Krogman -‘Marathon’ score (5/7/1998) (E) 1987 Galaga '88 2 174 760 “SPREAD-KDD” 1979 Galaxian (aka Kamikaze (1980: UK); Moon Alien) (Bootlegs: Star Fighter; Zero Time) (Hacks: Buglaxian; Galaxian Part 4; Galaxian Part X; Galaxian Turbo; Kamakazi III; Space Invaders Galactica; Super Galaxians; Swarm) 1 769 990 Aart van Vliet (4/4/2009) (E) 1990 Galaxian 3 15 410 Alan Ngo (29/8/1998) 1995 Galaxy Fight – Universal Warriors 2 233 600 “KDK-TAKEYUKI” 1988 Galaxy Force II 4 752 170 “HCS-..A” 1989 Galaxy Gunners 117 260 117 000 “Nicky634” (4/1/2008) (E) “Metrackle” (26/10/2003) (E) 1983 Galaxy Ranger 64 380 Rodolfo Pontolillo (9/9/1984) 1979 Galaxy Wars (Bootleg: Star Wars) 1985 Galivan – Cosmo Police 128 950 2 000 000 “” (12/4/2002) (E) “SBY” (29/9/2003) (E) 1991 Gallop – Armed Police Unit (aka Cosmic Cop) 999 990 maximum achieved 1992 Galmedes 858 600 “WRX2” (9/3/2003) (E) 1990 Gals Panic 2 108 300 Adam S Wilmot (12/9/2004) (E) 1996 Gals Pinball 7 126 180 German Krol (1/4/2007) (E) 1995 Game Paradise, The – Master of Shooting! (aka Game Tengoku – The Game Paradise) [Normal Mode] 4 254 700 Renzo Vignola (10/1/2013) (E) [Time Attack Mode] 1988 Gang Busters (aka Crazy Cop) 8 149 080 13 279 500 Renzo Vignola (12/1/2013) (E) “ZEK.” (27/3/2006) (E) 1989 Gang Wars 983 710 “URX-TEC” 1999 Ganyru (aka Musashi Ganryuki) 284 100 “” (3/9/2006) (E) 1984 GaPlus (aka Galaga 3) 10 000 000 maximum achieved (E) 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1986 Gardia 1999 Garou: Mark of the Wolves 4 627 400 [Survival Mode] 1987 Garyo Retsuden 3’43” 1 089 270 “RYU” Matt Hall (23/2/2006) (E) “EMPTY-BOY” (25/10/2003) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 17 1985 Gauntlet [Final Release – more difficult ROM] 1 003 075 “Potante” (5/2/2010) (E) 1986 Gauntlet 2 1 817 354 “TER” (15/2/2010) (E) 1978 Gee Bee 329 160 Rick Carter (21/8/2003) (E) 1995 Gekirindan 2 294 820 “WEDNESDAY” (18/6/2006) (E) 1987 Gemini Wing 1 425 890 “majygool” (6/5/2010) (E) 1986 Genpei Touma Den 223 500 1994 Geo Storm (aka Gunforce II) 5 442 900 1991 Ghost Pilots 13 566 400 “” (31/7/2002) (E) “MAOUWNE” “CURRY OKU NO GOSHUJIN” 1985 Ghosts ‘n’ Goblins (aka Makai-Mura) [Using 5 Lives in total ONLY; Score leeching in the Caves and ‘Frog Trick’ when time runs out, are banned tactics] 2 955 600 “DaviL” (2/6/2012) (E) 2004 Ghost Squad 1 190 440 “TYO CHOI@Ciun Powders” 1988 Ghouls ‘n’ Ghosts (aka Dai Makai-Mura) 4 039 550 Raffaele Pedrini – ‘Marathon’ score 1991 Ghox 2 253 790 “CBA-BAYAHARAM” 1989 Gigandes 1 551 100 “Guinness” (30/12/2003) (E) 1999 Giga Wing 275 462 529 940 830 “EXCHANGER” 2004 Giga Wing Generations (aka Yokushin: Giga Wing Generations) 37 817 024 942 104 173 910 “CYR” 1992 G.I. Joe – A Real American Hero “Jarl” (10/9/2015) (E) 4 947 1987 Ginga Ninkyou Den 11 395 700 “SNP” (12/1/2003) (E) 1986 Gladiator (aka Great Gurianos; Ohgon No Shiro) 41 012 800 Stephan Gore – ‘Marathon’ score (3/3/1987) 2003 Gladiator, The (aka Road to the Sword, The; Shen Juan) 2 384 700 1984 Gladiator 1984 72 800 1995 Go Go! Mile Smile (aka Susume! Mile Smile) 4 141 580 “Lord AxE” (15/1/2014) (E) Valter A Treib (29/1/2008) (E) “VERTEX-DAN” (25/8/2007) (E) 1985 Go Go Mr. Yamaguchi - Jungle Survival (aka Yuke Yuke Yamaguchi-kun - Kesshi no Tanken Survival) 172 730 “bubble” (20/1/2000) (E) 1987 Goindol (Bootleg: Homo) (FYI: very similar to Arkanoid) 274 500 1989 Golden Axe [Strength] 629.5 1992 Golden Axe – The Revenge of the Death Adder 1 059 Ben Jos Walbeeehm (24/4/2001) (E) Paulo Valmir (11/3/2014) (E) “Luia” (15/3/2003) (E) 1995 Golden Axe - The Duel 261 100 “Hunter Killer” (22/2/2012) (E) 1982 Gold Bug 501 660 “diabolik” (21/12/2004) (E) 1988 Gold Medalist 86 926 1990 Golly! Ghost! 339 Deborah Van Gordon (3/4/1999) 1987 Gondomania (aka Makyou Senshi) 740 800 Rafal Politanski (2/10/2002) (E) 1986 Goonies, The 504 820 R. A. Carpana (4/4/1987) 1981 Gorf [3 ships] 1 129 660 “FPS-SJR” Keith R Swanson (17/7/2011) 1985 Gradius (aka Nemesis) 10 364 300 “” (4/4/2002) (E) 1988 Gradius II - GOFER no Yabou (aka Vulcan Venture) 10 057 300 “” (9/3/2002) (E) 1989 Gradius III – Densetsu Kara Shinwa-e 1 936 820 “” (8/5/2003) (E) 1994 Gradius IV – Fukkatsu 9 999 900 maximum achieved 1981 Grand Champion 137 410 1994 Grand Cross 3 911 400 1991 Grand Prix Star [Germany] Craig Sucharda (12/5/1984) “” (22/8/2004) (E) 4’29”86 “SP-SL-JUN [Japan] 4’33”86 “SGK-WADKMKT” [Monaco] 4’29”76 “WAD-GC-WISEA” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 18 1993 Grand Tour 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1983 Granny and the Gators 807 330 Bradley Kalmar Bailey 1996 Gratia – Second Earth 1 859 540 “WRX2” (11/8/2004) (E) 1982 Gravitar 8 029 450 Dan Coogan (23/12/2006) 1983 Great Guns 1 794 500 Mike Burns (10/4/1983) 1984 Great Swordsman 5 510 500 “VERTEX-DAN” (4/12/2006) (E) 1985 Green Beret (aka Rush n Attack) 6 166 500 Michael Robertson (27/4/1985) 1992 Grid Seeker: Project Storm Hammer 2 616 650 “M ZEST-H.M” 1984 Grobda 140 710 Piotr Goraczniak (29/4/2013) (E) 1990 Growl (aka Runark) 350 400 “PIRUFEI” 2002 G-Stream G 2020 8 917 280 1997 GTI Club – Rally Cote D'azur 1'24”620 2001 GTI Club – Corso Italiano (aka Driving Party; GTI Club 2) [Novice] 1'51”712 “NO PRON” “WZH” “NAL-T” [Intermediate] 2'00”806 “NAL-T” [Advanced] 2'23”648 “WZH” 1986 Guardian (aka Get Star) 1 627 890 Stefano Brusasca 1998 Guardian Force 4 659 720 “PAC” (E) 1995 Guardians / Denjin Makai II 9 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1987 Guerrilla War (aka Geuvara) 1 253 800 “” (11/7/2008) (E) 1977 Guided Missile / Missile-X 3 420 1991 Gulf Storm 10 000 000+ 1991 Gulf War II 3 943 510 1994 Gumbo 566 400 2001 Gunbarich 19 237 500 John P McAllister (15/5/2010) (E) 6 players as at 8/2006 “poor Jap” (13/7/2002) (E) “NotMan” (28/10/2006) (E) “RedStar” (3/8/2006) (E) 1994 Gunbird 2 342 600 “J.G.K-ALL” 1998 Gunbird 2 5 322 600 “Godhand” 1992 Gunbuster 897 200 1995 Gundhara 1 463 320 “PAC” (1/1/2014) (E) 1991 Gunforce – Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island 3 662 200 “HST-O SPT” 1990 Gun & Frontier 1 863 770 “B.J” 1994 Gun Master 106 790 “Fuzzee” (26/6/2003) (E) “Caseh” (18/7/2005) (E) 1992 Gun Nail 34 488 500 2000 Gunpey 9 999 900 maximum achieved 1985 Gun Smoke 2 247 650 Joshua B Guskin (2/9/2009) 2001 Gun Survivor 2 Biohazard Code: Veronica 584 700 1994 Gururin [Stages] [vs. CPU] 1999 Guwange 1983 Guzzler 1984 Gyrodine (Bootleg: Buzzard) “H.Y-SEIZE-KKK” 11 950 “giro-X” (29/6/2012) (E) 25 010 “giro-X” (22/2/2011) (E) 99 999 999 3 049 590 1978 Gypsy Juggler “CYCLONE-R.T” 299 500 2 139 260 maximum achieved Massimo Gaspari (24/6/1984) “natotti" (30/5/2005) (E) “PAC” (15/4/2010) (E) 1983 Gyruss (Bootleg: Venus) 47 024 400 Michael Bangs – ‘Marathon’ score (5/7/1987) 1991 Hacha Mecha Fighter 39 880 530 “MSO-MFC” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 19 1989 Hachoo! 1 053 900 “LOR” 1985 HAL21 1 344 080 Paul Hornitzky (18/9/2011) (E) 1986 Halley’s Comet (aka Halley’s Comet ’87) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1990 Hammerin’ Harry (aka Daiku no Gensan) 4 922 500 “PAC” (10/4/2013) (E) 1997 Hanagumi Taisen Columns – Sakura Wars 10 826 1981 Hand, The (aka Got-Ya) 318 170 1985 Hang-On 57 389 740 1985 Hang-On Jr. 2 273 510 “DAD” (30/3/2005) (E) Rafal Politanski (20/5/2005) (E) “RedStar” (28/1/2014) (E) Patrick Wheeler (27/2/2007) (E) 1988 Hard Drivin’ (FYI: First driving simulator to use polygon graphics) 3 019 170 Michele Fin 1982 Hard Hat 307 350 Martin Bedard (31/7/2004) (E) 1988 Hard Head (Bootleg: Popper (1989)) 1 474 800 “erockbrox” (18/8/2014) (E) 1991 Hard Head 2 1 192 800 “Jarl” (12/5/2015) (E) 1983 Harem 77 010 “VERTEX-DAN” (14/9/2013) (E) 1998 Harley Davidson & L.A. Riders 7 168 930 Elias Hernandez (15/3/1998) 1991 Hasamu 2 200 780 “TRI” 1995 Hatch Catch 3 419 500 Peter Gatland (16/1/2012) (E) 1990 Hatris 999 999 maximum achieved 1988 Haunted Castle (aka Akuma-Jou Dracula) 999 900 maximum achieved (E) 1979 Head On / Alpha Fighter (Bootleg: Super Crash) 305 000 Chris Ayra (31/12/1983) 51 275 “AGJ” (9/10/2006) (E) 1979 Head On 2 (Copies/Hacks: Car 2; Super Head On) 2000 Head Panic (FYI: Very similar to Tumble Pop) 2 390 120 Oscar Sciascia (14/12/2011) (E) 1983 Heart Attack 492 860 “NotMan” (30/6/2006) (E) 1992 Heated Barrel 999 999 maximum achieved 1987 Heavy Barrel 1 931 500 1985 Heavy Metal 574 000 1993 Heavy Smash 1988 Heavy Unit 1 678 200 10 000 000+ 1987 Heavyweight Champ 9 999 1994 Hebereke No Popoon 90 600 1980 Heiankyo Alien 104 200 1980 Heli Fire 1989 Hellfire 78 560 “Maestro@Team2ch” (14/6/2006) (E) “URC-TEC” maximum achieved “FAL” “suwa” (15/3/2002) (E) “” (2/4/2003) (E) “” (23/7/2002) (E) 91 900 Tommi Tiihonen (12/12/2000) (E) 1984 Hero (aka Hero in the Castle of Doom) 1984 HiGeMaru - Pirate Ship “” (25/3/2002) (E) 1 166 020 1984 Herbie at the Olympics / Hunchback Olympics 1992 Hexion “SPREAM-I.Z” 565 000 10 000 000+ 1 881 000 1985 High Voltage 965 470 1983 High Way Race (FYI: similar to Burnin’ Rubber) 14 403 Arjen Gnodde (25/9/2008) (E) many players Franz Lazinger (21/10/2003) (E) Tony Montana (13/9/2002) (E) “VERTEX-DAN” (21/12/2003) (E) 1987 Hit ‘n Miss 1 625 145 “JoustGod” (8/3/1999) (E) 1983 Hoccer 1 704 700 Matt Hall (23/10/2004) (E) 1984 Hogan’s Alley 2 738 100 Jack Gale (28/6/1986) 1984 Hole Land 2 404 400 loJulio Montero (1/2/2008) (E) 2005 Homura 2 528 524 000 “JES” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 20 1995 Honey Dolls 1992 Hook 450 800 50 675 200 1983 Hopper Robo 564 840 1986 Hopping Mappy 86 950 “Lord AxE” (13/8/2012) (E) “imnotwow” (14/5/2009) (E) “” (21/7/2002) (E) “Din8-D” (3/7/2004) (E) 1985 Horizon 240 000 “EMPTY-BOY” (12/4/2005) (E) 1993 Hot Blocks 188 081 Ronald M Clifford (5/10/2004) (E) 147 439 “TheBSM” (27/10/2012) (E) 295 000 294 540 “ZID” (28/2/2012) (E) “Dougo” [Competition] 1988 Hot Chase (FYI: similar to Chase H.Q.) 1996 Hotdog Storm 1 363 770 “edusword” (9/3/2014) (E) 1995 Hot Pinball 8 726 180 German Krol (1/4/2007) (E) 1988 Hot Rod [Until Fuel Runs Out] 272 380 Brian Kuh (1/6/2006) 1982 Hot Shocker 180 200 Ian Sutton (24/9/2004) (E) 1990 Hot Shots Tennis 46 775 “Ocean View” (6/1/2002) (E) 1997 House of the Dead, The 119 680 “YSK-YOSAKU” 1998 House of the Dead II, The 281 430 “YOU 39-8-92” 2000 House of the Dead 3, The 149 974 JC Padilla (17/3/2003) 2005 House of the Dead, The (aka House of the Dead Special, The (2006)) 577 560 Kyuzou Senshi 1983 Hunch Back 604 500 Paul Kearns (29/12/2010) (E) 1977 Hustle 21 100 Philippe Lamat (26/1/1999) (E) 1990 Hydra 635 179 Tommi Tiihonen (28/9/2005) (E) 1996 Hyper Athlete (FYI: 3-D update of Konami’s Track and Field Series, and an optimised version of Sony Playstation’s ‘International Track and Field’) 18 430 “AGODZILLA@AIVA” (30/5/2013) (E) 1987 Hyper Crash 489 100 “Tekkaman@AIVA” (23/8/2008) (E) 1993 Hyper Duel 2 787 190 “AFO” 1994 Hyper Pacman 2 802 900 Paulo Valmir (25/9/2012) (E) 1984 Hyper Sports (aka Hyper Olympic ’84) 2003 Hyper Street Fighter II – The Anniversary Edition 2005 Ibara 2006 Ibara Kuro – Black Label 649 110 2 182 700 36 010 010 174 562 150 1984 IGMO 1986 Ikari Warriors (aka Ikari) 233 725 1 933 800 1989 Ikari III: The Rescue 88 800 Gabrio Secco Valter A Treib (28/10/2008) (E) “ACR” “SHIMOSHIMON” Rafal Politanski (11/4/2007) (E) “STAC-VIL” Rafal Politanski (20/9/2002) (E) 1985 Ikki (aka Boomerang; Farmers Rebellion) 335 900 “” (25/3/2002) (E) 1988 Image Fight 798 200 “YOS” (27/11/2002) (E) 1983 Imago 280 300 Donald Hayes (15/9/2006) (E) 1981 Imola Grand Prix 1985 I’m Sorry (aka Gonbee no I’m Sorry) 2 133 1 045 752 “TAKYO” (29/10/2013) (E) David Jury (17/8/2015) (E) 1985 Indiana Jones & Temple of Doom [Hard Path; 7 lives] 1 993 530 Cliff Reese (11/5/2011) 1980 Indian Battle 30 680 Marco Marocco (19/8/2010) (E) 1977 Inferno (Meadow) 11 675 Michael Bruhn (4/8/2002) (E) 1984 Inferno (Williams) 690 030 1993 In the Hunt (aka Kaitei Daisensou) 1 542 700 Rafal Politanski – 'Marathon' score (27/5/2005) (E) “edusword” (26/10/2011) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 21 1988 Insector X 867 000 “IML-UUU” 1983 Inter Stellar - Laser Fantasy 268 420 Dwayne Richard (2/12/2005) 1983 Intrepid 163 170 “Estel G” (1/5/2015) (E) 1993 IQ-BLOCK 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1983 I, Robot (FYI: First game to be rendered in filled polygons) 2 387 200 1998 Iron Fortress 127 900 “MONKEY MAGIC KOIKE” Saulo Bastos (23/12/2012) (E) 1986 Iron Horse (aka Dai Ressya Goutou) (Bootleg: Far West) 1 756 200 Jason Dowling (2/3/1987) 1989 Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road 2 037 000 “KOM” (18/3/2006) (E) 1989 Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road Track-Pak (FYI: only available as a conversion kit) 2 047 000 “TK2012” (8/11/2014) (E) 1984 Itazura Tenshi (FYI: Title translates to 'Lovely Angel') 1993 J. J. Squawkers (Hack: (2003) Simpson Junior) 160 700 2 199 800 “edusword” (15/12/2013) (E) “MA JU” 1986 Jackal (aka Tokushi Butai Jackal; Top Gunner) [No score leeching by staying in same place for long enough to shoot helicopters] 1 006 800 “” (15/2/2005) (E) 1982 Jack the Giantkiller (aka Treasure Hunt) 9 401 050 Mike Klager – ‘Marathon’ score (2/10/1982) 1984 Jack Rabbit 2 920 000 Massimil Pellegrini (23/12/1984) 1986 Jail Break (aka Manhattan 24 Bunsyp) 9 999 900 maximum achieved (E) 1999 Jambo! Safari 501 052 “TEP” 1998 Jeon Sin – Guardian Storm (aka Guardian Storm; Red Fox War Planes II) 9 094 900 “rei” (24/12/2002) (E) 1994 Joe and Mac Returns 9 999 999 1988 John Elway’s Team Quarterback [Salary] 1982 Jolly Jogger 298 000 Andrew Pete Mee (25/11/2002) (E) 1 059 509 “VERTEX-DAN” (15/12/2005) (E) 1983 Joshi Volleyball 1983 Journey 1982 Joust 1986 Joust 2: Survival of the Fittest maximum achieved 3 800 Dick Moreland (20/7/2011) (E) 12 181 850 Chuck Coss – ‘Marathon’ score (24/12/1983) 107 301 150 John P McAllister – ‘Marathon’ score (22/10/2010) [~54hrs] 13 012 450 Robert Griffin – ‘Marathon’ score (3/6/2006) [~8hrs] 1983 Joyful Road (aka Munch Mobile) 2 400 470 Marco Tapella (27/10/2002) (E) 1983 Jr. Pac-Man 3 330 950 Abdner Ashman (5/12/2005) 1981 Jump Bug [One loop per area within a given stage is permitted – otherwise deemed score-leeching] 850 350 Allen Rager (19/4/1983) 1983 Jump Coaster 177 500 “VERTEX-B” (5/2/2004) (E) 1999 Jumping Break 749 130 Philippe Lamat (9/3/2012) (E) 1984 Jumping Cross 1 865 300 “VERTEX-DAN” (23/2/2005) (E) 1984 Jumping Jack 1 001 690 “VERTEX-B” (24/6/2005) (E) 1982 Jungle King / Jungle Hunt / Jungle Boy / Pirate Pete 1 510 220 Michael Torcello (16/12/1983) 1981 Jungler 1983 Juno First 180 720 78 888 980 Joe Startz (1/5/1983) Tom Gibson – ‘Marathon’ score (27/5/1984) 1994 Kaiser Knuckle (aka Global Champion) (Prototype: Dan-Ku-Ga) 1 410 900 “GMB” (9/5/2004) (E) 1980 Kaitei Takara Sagashi (FYI: Name translates to English as ‘Underwater Treasure Hunting’) 99 900 maximum achieved (E) 1984 Kamikaze Cabbie (Bootleg: Yellow Cab) 1982 Kangaroo 45 100 1 505 700 1981 Kaos 106 200 “Dax” (8/2/2003) (E) “VERTEX-B” (23/1/2007) (E) Joseph Kristoff (10/1/2012) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 22 1991 Karate Blazers 99 999 1984 Karate Champ (aka Karate Dou) [Difficulty: Hard] 1 060 000 maximum achieved Julio Montero (21/11/2007) (E) 1992 Karate Tournament, The 345 400 “WAF” (19/6/2009) (E) 1996 Karian Cross 278 890 “ScareDem” (3/11/2002) (E) 1987 Karnov 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1994 Karnov’s Revenge / Fighter’s History Dynamite 1 026 400 “DIX” (10/11/2003) (E) 1991 Ken-Go (aka Lightning Sword) 4 383 600 “RMN?-ISN-TSUNE” 2002 Ketsui Kizuna Jigokutachi 1985 Kicker (aka Shao-Lin’s Road) 564 255 702 46 276 700 1981 Kick Man / Kick 8 519 300 “SPS” Greg Laue (10/11/2011) – ‘Marathon’ score Steve Farmer (15/8/1982) – 'Marathon' score 1984 Kick Rider 974 585 Justin Kvithyll (3/5/2009) (E) 1984 Kick Start Wheelie King 108 060 “Kale” (9/6/2003) (E) 1987 Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen (Hack: Booby Kids) (FYI: Title translates to Dig Dig Kid's Great Operation) 3 596 400 “” (18/8/2003) (E) 1980 Killer Comet [Starting Ships: 5; Reaction Time: Fastest] 1 053 1981 King & Balloon 135 720 Martin Bedard (31/12/2005) (E) “” (13/10/2004) (E) 1985 King of Boxer (aka Ring King) $5 038 000 Leandro Domenicale 1991 King of Dragons, The 14 132 400 “PG3” (5/3/2015) (E) 1994 King of Fighters ’94, The 370 030 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (29/9/2014) (E) 1995 King of Fighters ’95, The 673 680 “BOZ-538” 1996 King of Fighters ’96, The 1 254 400 ? 1997 King of Fighters ’97, The (Hacks: King of Fighters ’97 Plus, The; King of Gladiator) 920 800 ? 1998 King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest, The (aka King of Fighters ’98 – The Dream Match Never Ends, The) 941 500 ? 2001 King of Fighters 2001, The (Hack: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003) 1 632 400 “KOMAKI” 2002 King of Fighters 2002 – Challenge to Ultimate Battle, The (Hacks: numerous) 985 400 “ZEN” 2003 King of Fighters 2003, The (Hacks: King of Fighters 2004 (Ultra) Plus, The) 4 246 702 “AKI (A.S)” 2005 King of Fighters XI, The 9 219 000 “FUMO FUMO SAN” 2002 King of Route 66, The 350 348 “JKP-RDX” 1991 King of the Monsters 653 670 Daniele Cavazza 1992 King of the Monsters 2 – The Next Thing 774 090 “YAMI NO KA NO SHIMOBE” 1988 Kitten Kaboodle (aka Nyan Nyan Panic) 374 900 Barry Rodewald (30/10/2004) (E) 1996 Kizuna Encounter - Super Tag Battle (aka Fu’un Super Tag Battle) 344 030 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (22/9/2014) (E) 1989 KLAX 1986 Knight Boy (aka Kiki Kaikai) 14 158 090 9 999 990 1992 Knights of the Round 701 890 “KLAXRAG.G-TEM” maximum achieved (E) “MTF-TAKASHITABATA SEI.” 1999 Knights of Valour (aka Sangoku Senki) / Knights of Valour Plus (aka Sangoku Senki Plus) 4 408 100 “bluecomo” (11/6/2010) (E) 1999 Knights of Valour Superheroes (aka Sengoku Senki Superheroes) 307 940 700 “PEKE” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 23 2000 Knights of Valour 2 (aka Sangoku Senki Bushou Souha) 120 372 100 “DAMANABA” 2001 Knights of Valour 2 Plus – Nine Dragons (aka Sangoku Senki 2 Plus – Nine Dragons) 3 487 200 Matt Hall (1/5/2015) (E) 2004 Knights of Valour – The Seven Spirits (aka Shin Sangokusenki Shichisei Tenshou) 9 827 600 “AXIOM-DEN” 1993 Knuckle Bash 38 880 600 1993 Knuckle Heads 302 300 “AKA-MAMUSHI” Matt Hall (3/5/2005) (E) 1985 Knuckle Joe (Bootleg: Bone Crusher) 1 818 140 “Antras7s” (14/11/2010) (E) 1987 Kodure Oakami 1 484 100 “ryTissue@Team2ch” (10/2/2002) (E) 2003 Kollon 143 230 Phillippe Lamat (29/4/2015) (E) 1985 Konami GT (aka Konami RF2 – Red Fighter) 248 270 Renzo Vignola 1985 Konami's Ping Pong 139 800 German Krol (31/12/1998) (E) 1982 Kozmik Krooz’r 1 220 300 Robert Macauley (27/3/2011) (E) 1987 Kozure Ookami [no score leeching] 2 710 900 “P21” (27/12/2011) (E) 1982 Kram 1 347 600 Tommi Tiihonen (14/7/2004) (E) 1983 Krull 6 000 000 Steve Harris (1983) 1984 Kung-Fu Master (aka Spartan X) 1 349 040 Mike Sullivan (30/6/1985) 1984 Kung-Fu Taikan 424 730 “” (9/6/2003) (E) 1988 Kuri Kinton 1 068 650 “PERTERHEAD ABE” 1986 Kyros No Yakata (aka Kyros (1987)) 5 342 520 Rafal Politanski (11/4/2007) (E) 1999 L.A. Machineguns: Rage of the Machines 14 765 676 1987 Labyrinth Runner (aka Trick Trap) 841 540 1981 Lady Bug (Hacks: Cocinella; Twin Brats) 4 102 830 1990 Lady Frog (FYI: very similar to Frogger) 525 “RDX-HIROSHINO SUKE” “” (13/11/2004) (E) Alessandro Laini German Krol (10/5/2004) (E) 1993 Lady Killer (aka Moeyo Gonta!!) (FYI: Refused Classification in 1996 in Australia after being submitted by Victorian Police) 852 600 “ACHAN” 1977 Laguna Racer [Distance] 1 412.6 1999 Land Breaker (aka Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi) 1998 Land Maker 132 020 99 999 990 “JYD” (24/1/2007) (E) “Blost” (23/11/2008) (E) maximum achieved 1986 Land, Sea, Air Squadron (aka Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen; Storming Party) 9 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1982 Lasso 571 020 “Anthony” (24/6/2004) (E) 1997 Last Blade, The (aka Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi) 7 540 900 “MTF-TAKASHITAHATA” 1998 Last Blade 2, The (aka Bakumatsu Roman – Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi) 1 610 400 “” (19/10/2004) (E) 1996 Last Bronxx – Tokyo Banganchi [Survival Mode] 4 985 988 “SHIMU” 1990 Last Day, The (aka Chulgyeok D-Day) 1 662 390 “WRX2” (8/4/2003) (E) 1988 Last Duel 684 200 Daniele Cavazza (15/7/2012) (E) 2000 Last Fighting 24 000 1986 Last Mission 369 800 Matt Hall (26/3/1999) (E) 1992 Last Resort 557 500 Matt Hall (2/5/2005) (E) 1989 Last Survivor 107 000 “TER” (2/10/2015) (E) 1981 Lazarian (aka Laser Battle) 382 785 Jason Cram (29/5/2006) 1987 Legend (aka Psycho-Nics Oscar) (Bootleg: Legion) 1 021 800 Justin Kvithyll (2/5/2012) (E) “Jinx” (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 24 2000 Legend of Heroes 115 416 “Lord AxE” (22/1/2014) (E) 1989 Legend of Hero Tonma 988 000 “PAC” (31/5/2013) (E) 1985 Legend of Kage, The (aka Kage No Densetsu) 1988 Legend of Makai (aka Makai Densetsu) 1999 Legend of Silkroad, The 1 308 000 93 841 801 1 201 300 1991 Legend of Success Joe (aka Ashita no Joe Densetsu) 1986 Legendary Wings (aka Ares no Tsubasa) 301 000 2 507 000 “giro-X” (128/6/2013) (E) “VERTEX-DAN” (1/10/2007) (E) Matt Hall (8/1/2003) (E) “S-K” John P McAllister (12/6/2012) (E) 1987 Legion (full title: Chouji Meikyuu Legion) 634 600 “jarl69” (22/9/2014) (E) 1998 Le Mans 24 [Sprint Circuit] 3'09”64 “HIGASHIMATSUHAMA” 2'45”60 “HIGASHIMATSUHAMA” [Sprint City] 1982 Leprechaun (aka Pot of Gold) 1 113 320 1993 Lethal Crash Race (aka Bakuretsu Crash Race) 671 200 1992 Lethal Enforcers [Japan version] 33 468 [US, European version] 1994 Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters Eddie Leech (30/11/1982) “Krj” (11/5/2015) (E) Danny Arizuga 4 533 Travis Warnell (30/9/2011) 2 926 “HOUKOU YAROU LLT-MA JU” 2005 Lethal Enforcers 3 (aka Seigi no Hero) 3 880 430 “M.T@Team Gun-Powers” 1991 Lethal Thunder (aka Thunder Blaster) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1983 Levers > 500 000* Bug in Game: Infinite Lives after 500,000 points First 500,000+: Joseph Kristoff (31/8/2010) 1983 Libble Rabble 1 775 070 1984 Liberation (aka Dual Assault) 1982 Liberator 952 710 14 232 130 1990 Lightning Fighters (aka Trigon) 2 724 560 “suwa” (19/2/2002) (E) “tar” (9/2/2003) (E) David Drake (1/10/1983) “AION-LSD (SP.) ALPHA” 1991 Limited Edition Hang-On (FYI: Remake of 1987 game Super Hang-On) [Beginner] 45 234 260 “JYD” (4/4/2007) (E) [Expert] 19 892 980 “JYD” (20/4/2007) (E) [Junior] 58 427 130 “JYD” (13/4/2007) (E) [Senior] 50 701 250 “JYD” (19/4/2007) (E) 1989 Line of Fire (aka Bakudan Yarou) 9 768 550 “ESSAY” 1990 Liquid Kids (aka Mizubaku Daibouken Adventure) [No score leeching allowed unless down to one life: Particularly at stages 3-2 and 4-2] 1 727 170 “” (24/7/2002) (E) 1993 Little Robin 705 600 “edusword” (25/11/2012) (E) 1985 Lizard Wizard 406 200 Patrick Wheeler (28/1/2006) (E) 1981 Lock ‘n’ Chase [Starting Lives: 3; Game Speed: Fast; Free Man @15K] 175 920 Henning Gundersen (12/11/2009) (E) 1986 Lock-On - Tatsumi Air Force 316 150 Robert T Mruczek (14/11/2007) 1982 Loco-Motion (aka Cotocoto Cottong; Guttang Gottong) 327 500 Franz Lanzinger (21/10/2003) (E) 1984 Lode Runner 999 999 First: maximum achieved Alberto Manenti (3/9/1984) 1984 Lode Runner – The Bungeling Strikes Back 9 999 990 First: maximum achieved Paulo Valmir (15/3/2015) (E) 1985 Lode Runner – Golden Labyrinth (aka Lode Runner - Majin no Fukkatsu) 9 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1986 Lode Runner – Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu 2 185 590 1996 Logic Pro (aka Croquis) 174 310 Paulo Valmir (25/3/2015) (E) “Lord AxE” (7/3/2014) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 25 1997 Logic Pro 2 122 775 “essekappa” (1/8/2003) (E) 1999 Logic Pro Adventure 159 045 “Lord AxE” (31/1/2014) (E) 1982 Looping / Sky Bumper 1 469 970 1986 Lost Castle In Darkmist, The 148 650 David Teehee (27/7/1983) “PAC” (1/2/2014) (E) 1983 Lost Tomb [Not using score Trick by starting again in Room 1 after Completion by getting killed by Vulture] 1 384 810 John P McAllister (13/4/2009) 1 248 330 Terry Wilson (12/8/1983) 1997 Lost World: Jurassic Park, The 53 780 1985 Lot Lot 354 260 1993 Lucky & Wild 1 597 030 John Q Nguyen (29/8/1998) “kitahe@Team2ch” (19/12/2002) (E) “SNOB-LSD” 1979 Lunar Lander (FYI: Approximately 4630 units were produced. Inspired by ‘Moonlander’: a game written in 1973 as a demo for the DEC GT40 vector graphics terminal) 3 470 Michael D Mize (1/8/1982) 1979 Lunar Rescue (aka Galaxy Rescue) (Bootlegs: Destination Earth; Moon Lander) 436 100 Aart van Vliet (24/8/2008) (E) 1980 Lupin III 1 000 000 “VERTEX-DAN” (25/4/2009) (E) 2001 Lupin III: The Shooting 6 731 480 “TYO-CHOY” 1977 M-4 329 1977 M-79 Ambush 20 000 1983 M.A.C.H. 3 [Bomber] [Fighter] 1982 Macho Mouse Sur Baycroft (30/6/1985) 512 000 Robin Purvis (10/4/1984) 1 479 100 1980 Mad Alien 39 570 1984 Mad Crasher 844 988 1995 Mad Donna 93 750 1988 Mad Gear (aka LED Storm) Steve Krogman (27/11/1998) (E) 361 900 31 600 1996 Macross Plus Andrew Pete Mee (24/1/2003) (E) 8 970 396 Justin Kvithyll (27/9/2012) (E) “black tail” (2/12/2006) (E) “EMPTY-BOY” (16/3/2004) (E) Jack Gale (28/6/1986) “Blost” (22/4/2003) (E) “VERCA-N.K” 1989 Mad Motor 245 798 “DEXS@AIVA” (13/5/2006) (E) 1983 Mad Planets 507 710 Jean Baudin (27/9/2001) 1993 Mad Shark 10 000 000 maximum achieved 1993 Magical Cat Adventure (aka Catt) 1 230 600 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (30/4/2014) (E) 1991 Magical Crystals 1 001 766 “WGFC-HAIGO” 1995 Magical Drop (aka Chain Reaction) 126 360 Cornelius Wright (10/7/1999) 1997 Magical Drop III [Banned Technique: Normally you have to wait 10 levels before an all clear opportunity appears. However, a large number of points can be obtained by repeating this process: converting something, combo-ing it, immediately taking it back, and then quickly reconverting it back. The sequence is typically performed within a matter of seconds] [Challenge Mode] 2 356 466 “giro-X” (9/7/2011) (E) [Magical Journey Mode] 9 999 999 maximum achieved (E) [Survival Mode] 7 231 270 Aaron Pieper (10/4/2001) (E) 1994 Magical Error wo Sagase 9 011 “VERTEX-DAN” (29/7/2009) (E) 1980 Magical Spot 16 518 Brian Miller (14/3/1983) 1980 Magical Spot II 17 012 John P McAllister (25/9/2010) (E) 1990 Magician Lord 967 810 1990 Magic Sword – Heroic Fantasy 18 768 535 1985 MagMax 1983 Major Havoc (Prototype: Alpha 1) 876 400 1 940 078 “sakai” (27/2/2003) (E) “CYCLONE-KIW” “edusword” (25/4/2011) (E) Ettore Ciaffi (11/6/2004) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 26 1981 Manhattan 507 130 1986 Mania Challenge 3 000 700 1996 Maniac Square (FYI: The prototype was made in 1992) 492 492 “VERTEX-DAN” (23/1/2013) (E) “MORENO-DF@TeamBrazil” (1/4/2002) (E) “Abbe” (14/5/2003) (E) “” (16/4/2005) (E) 1983 Mappy [Player 1 scores only, known bug in game affects Player 2’s score] 2 313 890 Mike Kasper (20/9/2015) 1984 Marble Madness 208 480 Gavin Ward (2/12/2003) (E) 1991 Marble Madness II: Marble Man 671 050 Scott Evans (8/9/2002) 1988 Marchen Maze (aka Alice in Wonderland) 811 120 “VMT-ABU” 1982 Marine Boy 457 890 “majygool” (27/4/2007) (E) 1981 Marine Date 22 290 1983 Mario Bros. (Bootlegs: Masao; Pest Place) 5 424 920 John Cunningham (30/6/2006) (E) Steve Kleisath (5/1/2015) 1983 Markham 586 140 “EMPTY-BOY” (16/7/2004) (E) 1981 Mars 152 100 John P McAllister (13/8/2009) (E) 2000 Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting 1 032 930 743 740 1993 Martial Champion 581 200 “MORENO@TeamBrazil” (25/4/2006) (E) “CLT” 2001 Martial Masters (aka Xing Yi Quan) 1 479 100 “alexminasepn” (6/4/2008) (E) 1998 Marvel vs. Capcom – Clash of the Super Heroes 9 999 990 maximum achieved 2000 Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes [Hardest Difficulty] 1 987 420 900 1 977 452 600 Zach Robinson (13/2/2008) Scott Amaraphornkul (24/6/2000) 1989 Marvel Land (aka Talmit’s Adventure) 2 000 600 “” (21/3/2002) (E) 1995 Marvel Super Heroes 4 412 300 “MORENO@TeamBrazil” (4/6/2006) (E) 1997 Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter 5 534 800 “LESSER” 1983 Marvin’s Maze 418 300 Franz Lazinger (27/4/2001) (E) 1993 Masked Riders Club Battle Race 1 435 070 “Blost” (30/8/2004) (E) 1989 Master of Weapon 3 922 260 “PIA-R-I!!” 1988 Masters of KIN, The 228 220 “PAC” (15/6/2013) (E) 1985 Mat Mania (aka Exciting Hour) 5 000 150 R. A. Carpana – ‘Marathon’ score 1997 Maximum Force [Single Credit; No End Game Loop] 1 012 220 Davon Duncan (31/1/1999) 1986 Max RPM 152 675 Philippe Lamat (20/2/2005) (E) 1981 Mayday!! (FYI: Very similar to Defender, ceased production due to 'infringement' of its copyright) (Bootleg: Battle Zone) 6 235 300 Dwayne Richard – ‘Marathon’ score 1985 Mayhem 2002 1989 Maze of Flott 23 600 Philippe Lamat (1/3/2001) (E) 2 532 000 “EXCEL-SIR” 512 090 “TYO-CHOY” 2002 Maze of the Kings, The 1983 Mazer Blazer 1 196 800 Lyle Telford (30/1/1984) 1994 Mazinger Z 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1993 Mazin Saga / Mazin Wars 224 850 “edusword” (23/3/2013) (E) 1989 Mechanized Attack 537 300 “JAG-KYK” 1989 Mega Blast 773 300 “giro-X” (6/9/2015) (E) 1982 Megadon 113 376 John P McAllister (1/7/2011) (E) 1995 Mega Man – The Power Battle (aka Rockman –) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1996 Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (aka Rockman 2:) 1 663 700 “MA JU” 1991 Mega Phoenix 73 350 Paulo Valmir (23/6/2014) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 27 1980 Megatack 642 500 John P McAllister (24/6/2011) (E) 1983 Mega Zone 3 266 810 Riccardo Cariello (18/6/1985) 1988 Meikyuujima (Bootleg: Kickle Cubele) 3 164 700 “VERTEX-DAN” (3/7/2006) (E) 1990 Mercs (aka Serjou no Ookami II) 1989 Meta Fox 999 990 3 255 000 maximum achieved “JAG-SHARP WOP” 1991 Metal Black 648 730 “NOTASE-IKA” 1985 Metal Clash 152 700 “Metrackle” (18/4/2004) (E) 1988 Metal Hawk 14 001 1994 Metal Saver 2 173 400 Oscar Sciascia (8/3/2012) (E) 1996 Metal Slug – Super Vehicle 001 3 235 690 Aozaki Ange (10/11/2013) (E) 1998 Metal Slug 2 – Super Vehicle 001/II 9 346 500 “GHOST HONE TUKA” 1999 Metal Slug X – Super Vehicle 001 7 386 700 Canal de Jaraschyter (20/1/2012) (E) 2000 Metal Slug 3 (Hack: Metal Slug 6) 10 754 840 “BBR-BYE” “HAMU HAMU” 2002 Metal Slug 4 (Hack: Metal Slug 4 Plus) 5 681 400 “animebox74” (12/2/2010) (E) 2003 Metal Slug 5 (Hack: Metal Slug 5 Plus) 3 791 310 “B.L.K.” (3/9/2009) (E) 1985 Metal Soldier Isaac II 1 067 570 “EMPTY-BOY” (18/1/2004) (E) 410 420 Daniele Cavazza (29/8/2008) (E) 1995 Metamoqester (aka Oni –The Ninja Master) 1993 Metamorphic Force [versions EAA; UAA – Europe; America] 617 [version JAA – Japan] 1985 Metro-Cross 486 700 1 013 950 1989 M.I.A. – Missing in Action 10 000 000+ 1990 Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker 541 000 1987 Midnight Landing 1989 Midnight Resistance 781 2 752 100 “MSX” (19/4/2010) (E) Piotr Goraczniak (13/5/2013) (E) “Din8-D” (16/9/2003) (E) “COMB-ALTHEA” “Kale” (11/1/2009) (E) “TOORU KUN” Oscar Sciascia (8/10/2010) (E) 1986 Mighty Guy 546 900 “Fordy” (25/6/2014) (E) 1982 Mighty Monkey 167 950 “Anthony” (27/6/2004) (E) 2000 Mighty! Pang [Expert] 883 900 “OgeMalis” (12/12/2006) (E) [Panic] 2 315 800 “essekappa” (1/10/2014) (E) [Tour] 8 097 900 “essekappa” (13/12/2008) (E) 1993 Mighty Warriors 503 301 “Hunter Killer” (28/2/2012) (E) 1984 Mikie (aka Shinnyuushain Tooru-Kun) [No intentional leeching in the hallways, try to use a maximum of 2 buckets in each hallway and only 30 seconds] 542 900 “” (14/9/2004) (E) 542 800 “TEO” (12/4/2006) (E) 1982 Millipede (FYI: Working Title was ‘Centipede Deluxe’) (Hack: Millipede Dux) 10 627 331 Donald Hayes – ‘Marathon’ score (26/12/2004) 1983 Minefield 443 000 1985 Mini Golf 67 500 Dwayne Richard (10/3/2004) Daniele Cavazza (5/8/2008) (E) 1982 Minky Monkey 181 500 “KingTT” (27/3/2006) (E) 1993 Miracle Adventure (aka Spin Master) 999 990 maximum achieved 2 589 850 “SNIPER-ALTHEA” 1988 Mirai Ninja 1980 Missile Command (Hack: Super Missile Attack) 103 809 990 Victor Sandberg - 'Marathon’ score (13/1/2015) [56hrs] 1986 Mission 660 (aka Alphax Z, The) many times - 'Marathon’ score 10 000 000+ 1982 Mission X 28 830 “Timmykins” (28/7/2002) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 28 1987 Mission: XX (aka XX Mission) [No score leeching allowed] 1 565 300 David Prueitt (21/7/1987) 1984 Mister Viking 210 110 “N.S.S” (15/5/2002) (E) 1993 Mobil Suit Gundam – Kidou Senshi Gundam 197 600 Saulo Bastos (15/7/2011) (E) 1994 Mobil Suit Gundam EX Revue 483 700 Saulo Bastos (18/7/2011) (E) 1995 Mobil Suit Gundam: Final Shooting 1 875 200 1982 Moguchan 1982 Mole Attack (aka Holey Moley) 1986 Momoko 120% 231 100 “Anthony” (12/7/2004) (E) 70 250 “Pengafin!” (3/3/2013) (E) 2 508 000 1980 Monaco GP 9 999 1983 Money, Money 4 064 500 1992 Monkey Mole Panic 7 420 1982 Monster Bash “GNU” (13/3/2008) (E) 469 400 448 400 “PG3” (10/2/2014) (E) maximum achieved Ivan Vanoncini (28/4/1984) “izius” (24/5/2008) (E) Robert Griffin (8/2/2005) (E) Bob Lynch (13/2/1983) 2001 Monster Farm Jump [any Difficulty] 9 353 000 “Skito” (21/6/2008) (E) 1992 Monster Maulers (aka Kyukyoku Sentai Dadandarn) 2 419 350 “IAC-MAC” 1997 Monster Slider 16 935 050 1980 Monte Carlo 660 1981 Monza GP 16 952 “SEXY GO RUTAMAA” Dick Moreland (15/1/2011) (E) Maurizio Miccoli 1980 Moon Cresta (aka Eagle) (Bootleg: Cresta Mundo; Fantasia; Steraranger) (Hack: Super Moon Cresta) 692 220 “WRX2” (10/6/2006) (E) 1982 Moon Patrol (Bootleg: Moon Ranger) [5 Cars] 1 414 660 1980 Moon Quasar (FYI: Very similar to Moon Cresta) 171 300 1981 Moon Shuttle 40 170 1981 Moonwar 112 010 Tom Votava (17/12/2009) (E) “WRX2” (20/6/2003) (E) John Petric (27/2/2008) Jason Cram (24/11/2006) 1992 Mortal Kombat [Not against secret character, Reptile] 15 055 000 “MANFREDINI” (16/4/2014) (E) 1990 Mosaic Ronald M Clifford (9/2/2003) (E) 87 710 1985 Motos 2 021 600 1983 Mouser 500 700 1981 Mouse Trap 61 366 060 “” (18/11/2003) (E) “VERTEX-B” (26/2/2003) (E) Bill Bradham – ‘Marathon’ score (24/7/1983) 1982 Mr. Do! [Banned Trick – earning 255 lives in the first screen] (Bootlegs: Mr Du!; Mr Lo!) (Hacks: Mr. DigDo!; Mr. Jong; Yankee DO!) 30 075 000 Jimmy Linderman – ‘Marathon’ score (21/9/2008)[Scene 1602] 1983 Mr. Do’s Castle (aka Mr. Do vs. Unicorns) 923 320 Maurizio Zanatta (20/11/1984) 1984 Mr. Do’s Wild Ride 132 244 130 524 “VERTEX-B” (6/1/2003) (E) Massimo Champis (15/6/1984) 1999 Mr. Driller 918 940 Nick Vis (28/1/2015) (E) 1986 Mr. Goemon 10 000 000 2001 Mr. Kicker 5 341 050 1983 Mr. Kougar 377 000 1983 Mr. TNT (Bootleg: Gorkans) 9 800 360 “PERSIA KUDOU SHUNROU” – ‘Marathon’ score “Lord AxE” (5/4/2013) (E) Justin Kvithyll (31/10/2009) (E) “ZAZ” (15/11/2010) (E) 1981 Ms. Pac-Man (Hacks: Ms. Pac Attack; Ms. Pac-Man Championship Edition; Ms. Pac-Man Plus; Pac-Gal) [Regular settings] 933 580 Abdner Ashman (6/4/2006) [Speed-up settings - ROM 6F replaced] 2007 Muchi Muchi Pork 1990 Mug Smashers 947 380 85 155 800 3 485 100 Sam Miller (17/11/2013) “Zerstorung” (27/7/2014) (E) Rafal Politanski (20/5/2003) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 29 2002 Musape's Choco Maker [Beginner] 8 686 621 “TBR” [Medium] 45 622 351 “MUSAPEY” [Advanced] 71 093 025 “SGL-HOR” 1993 Muscle Bomber – The Body Explosion (aka Saturday Night Slam Masters) 1 137 000 “GOR-ISD” 1993 Muscle Bomber Duo – Ultimate Team Battle (aka … - Heat up Warriors) 342 300 “Caseh” (12/2/2004) (E) 2004 Mushihime Sama 40 588 260 “Skyline” (19/7/2014) (E) 2006 Mushihime Sama Futari 12 093 126 “INNUENDO” (29/4/2014) (E) 2005 Mushihime Tama 1 054 600 “mahlemiut” (31/5/2014) (E) 1987 Mustache Boy 4 270 950 Justin Kvithyll (10/9/2009) (E) 1991 Mutant Fighter (aka Death Brade) 1 081 850 “REK-TOKKO” 1987 Mutant Night 2 057 980 “” (4/3/2002) (E) 1991 Mutation Nation 3 212 300 “BYO ZU” 1985 My Hero (aka Seishun Scandal) 9 857 212 Gavin Davies (22/2/1985) 1984 Mysterious Stones 2 196 317 710 Marco Tapella (22/8/2002) (E) 1984 Mystic Marathon 5 014 200 Ray Atkinson – ‘Marathon’ score (2/9/1999) (E) 1992 Mystic Riders (aka Mahou Keibitai Gun Hoki) 2 140 100 “CYR-MSK” 1993 Mystic Warriors 1 309 440 “ZID” (29/3/2011) (E) 1980 N-Sub 29 400 “diabolik” (28/5/2007) (E) 1990 Nam-1975 1 174 700 “M.S” 1988 NARC 3 913 075 Clay W Karczewski (3/2/2009) (E) 1982 NATO Defense 1 113 000 Paul Barrette – ‘Marathon’ score (18/12/1982) 1982 Naughty Boy [No excessive score leeching] 5 504 600 Maurizio Miccoli (20/3/1984) 1981 Naughty Mouse 196 780 “VERTEX-DAN” (31/5/2003) (E) 1980 Navarone 371 540 “VERTEX-DAN” (15/4/2012) (E) 1994 Nebulusray 2 690 530 “A-10” 2005 Need For Speed Underground (FYI: A part of the 2003 PC Game) [RACE Mode; Skill = C; AI = on; Handicap = off; Feedback = medium] [14th & Vine – 3 Laps] 1:35.929 Clinton L Abby (20/9/2008) 1990 Nemo [Atlantica – 3 Laps] 2:27.840 Clinton L Abby (20/9/2008) [Inner City – 3 Laps] 2:54.872 Clinton L Abby (20/9/2008) [Market Street – 2 Laps] 2:30.837 Clinton L Abby (20/9/2008) [National Rail – 3 Laps] 2:34.900 Clinton L Abby (20/9/2008) [Olympic Square – 3 Laps] 2:41.698 Clinton L Abby (20/9/2008) 3 264 100 1997 Neo Bomber Man 577 400 “PIA-RJJ” “VERTEX-DAN” (2/2/2006) (E) 1996 Neo Mr. Do! 3 207 100 “J.G.K. ALL” 1996 Neratte Chu 1 105 530 “SEKKYOU ZAC-RISTAR” 1983 Net Wars 148 500 “EMPTY-BOY” (30/11/2003) (E) 1995 New Fantasia (FYI: Refused Classification in 1996 in Australia after being submitted by Victorian Police) 1 127 400 “MAG” (4/1/2008) (E) 1981 New Rally-X 561 620 Paulo Valmir (30/9/2013) (E) 1983 New Sinbad 7 143 500 “phil t” (10/5/2015) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 30 1980 New York! New York! (aka Waga Seishun no Arcadia) (FYI: similar to Space Invaders) 31 050 Rafal Politanski (24/6/2005) (E) 1988 New Zealand Story, The [Using warp near end of round 2-1 to go back to 1-4 and repeat 1-4 and 2-1 more than once is not allowed] 2 352 650 Oscar Sciascia (4/5/2012) (E) 1998 New Zero Team 3 441 880 “RedStar” (18/10/2014) (E) 1989 Next Space, The 1 392 500 “GYOTHER-PEY” 1982 Nibbler 1 041 767 060 1976 Night Driver [100sec; Normal; No BonusTime] 954 2000 Nightmare in the Dark / Zupapa! (2001) 2001 Night Raid 40 810 400 5 900 202 120 1993 Night Slashers 1 175 900 1983 Night Star 201 450 1986 Night Stocker 7 634 900 1989 Night Striker 97 142 150 2000 Ninja Assault 1 973 040 Tim McVey – ‘Marathon’ score (25/12/2011) [~40 hrs] “RedStar” (28/3/2008) (E) “EICHI KE” “KNN” “Akuma62” (20/7/2008) (E) “EMPTY BOY” (30/7/2004) (E) John Wilson (28/6/1987) “HOLINO” “M.T-MIKITO@GUN-POWDER” 1993 Ninja Baseball Bat Man (aka Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man) 807 670 “imnotwow” (13/5/2009) (E) 1991 Ninja Clowns 291 964 “Caseh” (2/2/2006) (E) 1990 Ninja Combat 20 263 1992 Ninja Commando 11 501 900 “RIKE MEMBER” Okano Kun 1986 Ninja Emaki (aka Youma Ninpou Chou) (FYI: very similar to Commando) 5 000 200 “Gaplus” (20/10/2007) (E) 1988 Ninja Gaiden (aka Ninja Ryukenden; Shadow Warriors) (Copy: Dragon Bowl (1992)) 537 300 “VERTEX-B” (E) 1990 Ninja Kids, The 3 099 940 3 097 650 “P21” (17/8/2007) (E) “zuq” (4/11/2004) (E) 1984 Ninjakun Majuu no Bouken 2 805 510 “” (6/6/2002) (E) 1988 Ninja Spirit (aka Saigo no Nindou) 3 252 200 “KBS AIKAWA RIVAL TN” 1988 Ninja Warriors, The 367 540 1992 Nitro Ball / Gun Ball 99 999 990 1983 Noah's Ark 14 200 1980 No Man's Land 442 350 1993 Nostradamus 9 999 900 1984 Nova 2001 10 033 330 “MR.MASASHI” maximum achieved “Boyd” (12/9/2010) (E) John P McAllister (31/1/2012) (E) maximum achieved “VERTEX-HDO” – ‘Marathon’ score (1/6/2002) (E) 1985 Nun Chackun (aka Lady Master of Kungfu) [No score leeching allowed] 481 800 Philippe Lamat (26/3/2007) (E) 1985 N.Y. Captor (Bootleg: Colt) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1998 Ocean Hunter – The Seven Seas Adventure, The 366 870 “E.B” 1997 Off Road Challenge [Baja] 1'49”68 Scott Evans (10/6/2000) [El Paso] 1’47”96 Phillippe Lamat (1/5/2015) (E) [Mojave] 1’45”45 Neil Hernandez (17/3/2015) [Ol’ South] 2’00”50 Phillippe Lamat (7/4/2015) (E) [Pikes Peak] 1’33”96 Phillippe Lamat (15/4/2015) (E) [Vegas] 2’05”36 Phillippe Lamat (4/4/2015) (E) 1 038 600 “NGP-ANP HOBO KANPEKI” 1993 Oh My God! (FYI: Sold only as a conversion kit) 1982 Oli-Boo-Chu 147 380 Marco Marocco (10/11/2006) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 31 1989 Omega Fighter / Omega Fighter Special 17 117 780 1981 Omega Race (Bootleg: Delta Race) 3 847 350 “CLOVER-YMN” Mark Brzozowski (4/2/2007) (E) 1985 Onna Sansirou – Typhoon Gal 752 710 “SHU” (6/8/2007) (E) 1987 Opa Opa 158 650 Rick Carter (20/1/2008) (E) 1988 Operation Thunderbolt 3 247 580 “GTP.S-BWH (KGM)” 1987 Operation Wolf (Bootleg: Operation Bear) 6 211 200 Rudy Chavez (22/11/2007) (E) 1994 Operation Wolf 3 851 730 “WAF” (7/2/2006) (E) 198? Orbitron 406 032 Mark D Boolan (10/12/2003) (E) 1988 Ordyne 1 344 480 “TEN” 1997 Oriental Legend – Xi Yo Gi Shi Re Zuang 902 100 “Ace13” (2/7/2005) (E) 1995 Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty (aka Suikoenbu) 437 500 Rodrigo Lopes (7/4/2010) (E) 1986 Out Run 63 992 330 Michele Fin 2003 Out Run 2 4'13”354 1990 Out Zone 9 999 999 maximum achieved 1990 Over Drive 1 140 630 “Chika” (2/8/2001) (E) 1996 Over Top 3'10”21 1979 Ozma Wars / Space Phantoms (Bootleg: Solar Fight) 1 922 090 1983 Ozon I 110 500 1995 P-47 Aces 3 530 380 “ONUU” Philippe Lamat (30/12/2006) (E) “”-‘Marathon’ score (10/4/2002) (E) John P McAllister (24/6/2011) (E) “Maestro@Team2ch” (20/9/2006) (E) 1988 P-47 – The Phantom Fighter (aka P-47 – The Freedom Fighter) 10 000 000+ “G.M.C. N.K” 1984 Pac-Land Mark Mendes (14/5/1986) 4 150 400 1980 Pac-Man (aka Puckman) (Hacks: Ab$cam; Caterpillar; Crock-Man; Ghost Muncher; Hangly-Man; Joyman; Lover Boy; New Puck-X; Newpuc2; Piranha; Popeye-Man) Fastest: 3 333 360 First: 3hr 28min 49sec maximum achieved Billy L Mitchell, USA (3/7/1999) David W Race, USA (22/5/2013) 1982 Pac-Man Plus 3 481 980 Aart van Vliet (24/11/2009) (E) 1987 Pac-Mania 3 733 860 Jimmy Linderman (8/7/2006) 1983 Pac & Pal (aka Pac-Man & Chomp Chomp) 385 580 “Mr Roboto” 1988 Paddle Mania 602 400 “HCM-KAMAKURA MOURA” 1990 Palamedes 5 556 320 “ZAC-RISTAR” 1984 Pandora’s Palace 5 075 390 Jonathon S Dworkin – ‘Marathon’ score (8/2/2005) (E) 1989 Pang (aka Buster Bros.; Pomping World) 5 657 130 “essekappa” (3/1/2008) (E) 770 000 “OgeMalis” (9/3/2006) (E) 1995 Pang! 3 (aka Buster Buddies) [Beginner] [Normal] 7 147 200 “OgeMalis” (17/12/2005) (E) [Expert] 3 920 600 “essekappa” (18/8/2014) (E) [Panic] 10 175 100 “essekappa” (20/12/2008) (E) 1994 Pang-Pang (FYI: very similar to Tumblepop) 577 700 1999 Pang Pang Car 19 500 “Krj” (13/2/2014) (E) Massimo Gaspari (23/9/2010) (E) 1992 Pang Pom’s 5 919 900 “Metrackle” (21/6/2009) (E) 1986 Panic Road 1 077 400 Joseph Kristoff (15/2/2014) (E) 1999 Panic Street 434 John Eden (30/10/2010) (E) 1984 Paperboy [‘Obstacle Course Trick’, ‘Grandstand Trick’, and ‘Lawnmower Trick’ are NOT allowed; 3 Lives Start] [Easy Street] 185 645 Malcolm Power (26/9/2010) (E) [Middle Road] 256 012 Malcolm Power (19/2/2011) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 32 [Hard Way] 1984 Parallel Turn 1990 Paranoia 371 511 Malcolm Power (28/9/2010) (E) 337 740 Dick Moreland (19/12/2009) (E) 1 012 800 1990 Parodius DA! 1992 Pass 901 300 2 210 600 “WEDNESDAY” (13/4/2013) (E) Alberto Visconti Rafal Politanski (3/10/2005) (E) 1993 Peek-a-Boo! 274 250 “giro-X” (5/10/2012) (E) 1991 Peggle 529 520 “J.D” (15/5/2011) (E) 1982 Pengo (Bootleg: Penta) 2000 Penguin Brothers 1985 Penguin-Kun Wars 1982 Pepper II 1 217 650 1 110 370 Paul Hornitzky (10/7/2012) Rodney Day (13/8/1983) 10 045 620 “HACHMITSU (M) SAN” 2 197 450 William H Smith (25/8/2005) (E) 10 642 030 Herbie Fong – ‘Marathon’ score 1981 Percussor, The 116 320 “diabolik” (18/2/2004) (E) 1993 Perestroika Girls 264 770 German Krol (8/9/2008) (E) 1993 Perfect Soldiers (aka Superior Soldiers) 1 038 700 “WEDNESDAY” (29/11/2006) (E) 1985 Performan 234 010 Quinn A Nicholson (20/9/2001) (E) 1985 Peter Pack-rat 910 875 Jeff Peters (20/3/1986) 1984 Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory 53 300 1984 Petton Pyuu (aka BanBam) 1991 Phantasm (aka Avenging Spirit) 135 040 1 902 300 1979 Phantom II 92 1988 Phelios 819 550 Joseph Kristoff (21/1/2012) (E) “Guinness” (6/3/2003) (E) “Kale” (1/3/2002) (E) maximum achieved (E) Matt Hall (10/10/2007) (E) 1980 Phoenix (Bootlegs/Hacks: Ave Fenix; Batman Part 2; Condor; Falcon; Griffon; Next Fase; Phoenix Part 2; Vautour ) 1 007 115 Richie Knuckles (7/5/2011) 987 620 Matt Gotfraind (7/3/1983) 1983 Phozon 819 710 “” (15/11/2004) (E) 1983 Pickin’ 158 830 Massimo Gaspari (18/5/1984) 1983 Pig Newton 1 564 800 1987 Pigs and Bombers (aka Butasan) 681 463 “Von Dummpenstein” (21/3/2015) (E) “Mike Myers” (28/12/2004) (E) 1998 Pilot Kids 11 471 400 “SEKKYOU RISTAR” 1985 Pinball Action 18 231 170 “TheBSM” (8/3/2011) (E) 1984 Pinbo 2 350 700 1988 Pinbot (FYI: Based on Williams' 1986 Pinball Machine) 14 855 970 1985 Ping Pong King 2006 Pink Sweets – Ibara Sorekara 56 680 20 614 480 1982 Pioneer Balloon 518 200 Fabrizio Breda Ray Atkinson (7/7/2014) (E) Penco ‘Zio’ Sechi “YOS.K” Justin Kvithyll (16/8/2009) (E) 1990 Pipe Dream (FYI: The arcade is a port from the original LucasArts’ 1989 Atari ST game which is also known as Pipe Mania) [Course A] 3 193 350 Paul Valmir (24/5/2011) (E) [Course B] 3 800 550 Paul Valmir (4/4/2014) (E) [Course C] 5 264 590 “” (10/3/2002) (E) 1990 Pipeline 1991 Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! 160 350 73 406 690 Paul Valmir (24/12/2014) (E) “WZH” 1994 Pirates (FYI: Very similar to ‘Cabal’) 1 375 830 Daniel Larsen (23/3/2012) (E) 1982 Pirate Treasure 1 751 275 “Boyd” (11/9/2010) (E) 1990 Pistol-Shogun: Pistol Daimyo no Bouken 995 500 Yuuji Sensei Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 33 1981 Pit, The 200 800 “VERTEX-DAN” (10/1/2008) (E) 1984 Pit & Run 272 650 Massimo Colombo 1984 Pitfall II – The Lost Caverns 2 283 090 “” (26/5/2002) (E) 1990 Pit-Fighter (FYI: First Beat-‘em-up to feature fully digitised protagonists) 1 952 160 “NNG” 1985 Planet Probe 9 151 580 Antonello Castriani 1981 Pleiades or Pleiads (aka Capitol) 1 164 900 Patrick Orr – ‘Marathon’ score 1989 Plotting (aka Flipull) 580 330 Kevin S. Brisley (10/11/2008) (E) 1987 Plump Pop (Bootleg: Jumping Pop (1992)) 494 320 “RedStar” (24/2/2008) (E) 1989 Plus Alpha 10 000 000 maximum achieved (E) 1994 Pnickies 1 043 700 “Gabriel Heaven” (18/4/2012) (E) 1997 Pocket Fighter (aka Super Gem Fighter – Mini Mix) 9 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1987 Pocket Gal / Pocket Gal 2 (Copy: Super Pool III (1989)) 75 900 “” (11/8/2008) (E) 1994 Point Blank (aka Gun Bullet) 215 068 “TARA.” 1999 Point Blank 2 (aka Gunbarina) 220 154 “M.T-MIKITO@GUNPOWERS” 1993 Poitto! [Monster Mode] 999 999 maximum achieved 1991 Poizone 19 025 “tar” (22/8/2014) (E) 1980 Polaris 791 800 Cyril Herridge 1982 Pole Position (Bootleg: Top Racer) 67 310 67 260 Les Lagier (30/6/1986) Michael Klug (27/6/1984) 1983 Pole Position II [Test] 81 870 Jeff Peters (24/5/1986) [Fuji] 78 020 Michael Klug (27/6/1987) [Seaside] 75 390 Jeff Peters (29/6/1986) [Suzuka] 75 660 Jeff Peters (29/6/1986) 1991 Pollux 4 619 500 1982 Ponpoko 215 710 “” (6/5/2002) (E) “” (2/12/2001) (E) 1982 Pooyan (aka Pootan) [No extensive score leeching allowed. E.g.: sitting in one place where wolves cannot touch you killing only balloons] 1 721 950 Colman Paolo (27/9/2013) (E) 1 609 250 Mark Kinter (16/12/1983) 1982 Popeye 3 023 060 Benjamin M Falls (4/12/2011) 1997 Pop ‘n Bounce (aka Gapporin) 6 917 800 “RedStar” (11/11/2008) (E) 1997 Pop n Pop 3 189 800 “giro-X” (17/7/2013) (E) 1982 Pop Flamer 128 900 Brian S. McLean (19/10/1999) (E) 2000 Popo Bear 488 700 “PAC” (14/6/2015) (E) 1983 Popper 183 456 Joseph Kristoff (19/6/2011) (E) 1985 Porky 284 800 John P McAllister (5/8/2010) (E) 1982 Port Man (aka Dock Man) 250 000 Stefano Bianucci (22/3/1984) 1983 Portraits 1990 Pound for Pound 18 325 481 855 000 1994 Power Balls [2 Lives] 1988 Power Drift 12 380 10 308 055 Quinn A Nicholson (27/4/2010) (E) “JPS” “Skito” (28/1/2006) (E) “CHOMI RYUU” 1986 Power Drive 170 900 170 500 Tim Uyeda (18/1/1997) Jeffrey S Qualey (27/6/1987) 1993 Power Instinct (aka Gouketsuji Ichizoku) 613 200 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (21/4/2014) (E) 1994 Power Instinct 2 (aka Gouketsuji Ichizoku 2) 790 700 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (24/7/2014) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 34 1995 Power Instinct Legends (aka Gogetsuji Legends; Gouketsuji Gaiden Saikyou Densetsu) 4 069 400 “SHINNO SHIN” 1997 Power Instinct 3: Groove on Fight 1 406 300 “NTS” 2002 Power Instinct Matrimelee (aka Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon – Matrimelee) 2 370 000 “! SHI” 1991 Power Spikes (aka Super Volley ’91) (Bootleg: 1991 Spikes) 175 550 “WZH” 1994 Power Spikes II (Prototype: Super Volley ’94) “WZH” 54 500 1988 Power Surge 191 680 “VERTEX-B” (7/2/2003) (E) 1991 Power Wheels (aka Double Axle) [Cross Country] 2'41”29 “CYR-JUN” [Icy Road] 3'11”84 “GNU” (22/12/2008) (E) [Mud Bog] 3'21”78 Dick Moreland (13/11/2009) (E) 549 900 “EAST-RVU CHOU” 1988 P.O.W.: Prisoners of War (aka Datsugoku:) 1986 Prebillian 1 244 700 “Donut” (19/1/2005) (E) 1989 Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (aka Genshi-Tou 1930’s) 1 659 300 “PIA-CNT” 78 269 400 “AST-DGN” 2000 Prehistoric Isle 2 1995 Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon 2003 PrideGP 2003 990 900 3 665 000 1994 Primal Rage [Difficulty: 16 Max; Round Timer: 55 sec] 1996 Princess Clara Daisakusen 124 900 2 386 400 1983 Pro Bowling 2001 Progear (aka Progear no Arashi) 25 190 358 936 220 1984 Progress 426 950 “giro-X” (15/6/2013) (E) “TEN'IN KEMORI” Matthew Valenzuela (20/4/1997) Matt Hall (1/1/2006) (E) Paulo Valmir (28/6/2014) (E) “R.” “PAC” (15/7/2015) (E) 2000 Project Justice – Rival Schools 2 (aka Moero! Justice Gakuen) 11 117 000 “IYARASHI” 1996 Prop Cycle 21 340 “ZKB-LED.RF” 1983 Pro Soccer 118 900 1987 Psychic 5 1986 Psycho Soldier 1999 Psyvariar – Medium Unit 22 688 500 1 941 850 Francsco Panelli (21/5/1985) “PAC” (27/10/2012) (E) “LIBRINIAN” (22/12/2001) (E) 46 381 450 “YUSEMI-SWY” 2000 Psyvariar – Revision 211 339 700 “YUSEMI-SWY” 2003 Psyvariar 2 – The Will to Fabricate 211 297 700 “OZN-ENST” 1997 Puchi Carat [Expert] 11 944 810 “” (9/8/2014) (E) 1991 Pu-Li-Ru-La 410 130 “P21” (30/8/2007) (E) 1981 Pulsar [4 Tanks] 116 600 John P McAllister (28/5/2011) (E) 1995 Pulstar 1984 Punch-Out!! [Difficulty: 2 Medium; Timer: 2 Long] 6 694 510 18 999 970 “ELH-PACHI SENSEI” Sean Sandres – 'Marathon' score (7/9/2009) 1993 Punisher, The (FYI: similar to ‘Final Fight’) 9 999 900 maximum achieved (E) 1995 PuRuRun 5 187 300 “F.K-MDR ISAWA” 1990 Pushman 373 100 “VERTEX-DAN” (20/2/2004) (E) 1992 Puyo Puyo 1 322 734 “” (14/11/2001) (E) 1994 Puyo Puyo 2 1 422 102 “HAURAUNIN” 1996 Puyo Puyo Sun 1 777 528 “KUSOGAME KENKYUUKA” 1994 Puzzle Bobble (aka Bust-a-move) 62 323 720 “SOLID-S.S” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 35 1995 Puzzle Bobble 2 / Puzzle Bobble 2X (aka Bust-a-move 2; Bust-a-move Again) 535 894 930 “SOLID-S.S” 1996 Puzzle Bobble 3 (aka Bust-a-move 3) 838 443 980 “SOLID-S.S” 1997 Puzzle Bobble 4 (aka Bust-a-move 4) 610 060 880 “FEV-EX.” 1995 Puzzle De Pon! / Puzzle De Pon! R (1997)) 1998 Puzzle Uo Poko 16 106 026 5 809 000 1990 Puzzled (aka Joy Joy Kid) 720 500 1995 Puzzli 5 532 900 1999 Puzzle Star 149 700 1998 Puzz Loop [Stage Mode] 37 007 780 [Panic Mode] 3 518 440 2001 Puzz Loop 2 [Stage Mode] “zylquin” (8/7/2006) (E) Philippe Lamat (16/3/2008) (E) Alessandro Gallani “F.K-MORISOWA” Paulo Valmir (19/8/2012) (E) “Skito” (22/4/2003) (E) “G.M.C. SEKKYOU T.H” 99 999 999 maximum achieved [Power Mode] 99 999 999 maximum achieved [Tokoton Mode] 99 999 999 maximum achieved 1989 Puzznic 9 999 990 First: 19?? Python 6 200 1982 QB-3 175 380 maximum achieved Paulo Valmir (29/1/2013) (E) Sébastien Giraud (9/6/2012) (E) Allan Jackson (26/2/1983) 1982 Q*Bert 37 163 080 George Leutz – ‘Marathon’ score (17/2/2013) [84.75hrs] 1983 Q*Bert’s Qubes 10 101 010 Donald Hayes – 'Marathon' score (27/9/2001) 1981 Qix 1 666 604 1982 Qix II: Tournament (FYI: an enhancement of Qix) 1982 Quantum 811 124 676 185 2 116 240 1986 Quartet / Quartet 2 99 999 999 1980 Quasar 9 640 1980 R2D Tank 60 420 1997 Rabbit 416 900 1987 Rabbit Punch (aka Rabio Lepus) [Normal Course] [Expert Course] 6 969 600 15 870 000 Bill Camden (15/1/1983) Michael Ferguson (7/10/2011) (E) Daniel Chilton (10/7/1982) Edward Carpenter (2/12/1983) maximum achieved (E) “tar” (14/1/2011) (E) “diabolik” (11/7/2003) (E) “AAG” (18/5/2005) (E) “WHIM-H.M-NCR” “G.M.C.-N.K” 1998 Raccoon World 1 725 000 “Fordy” (29/9/2015) (E) 1990 Race Drivin' 1 185 500 Michele Fin 1991 Racing Beat [France] 3'14”28 “FGK-MAR” [Japan] 4'01”19 “CRT-JAG-WOP” [UK] 3'43”70 “HID-CRT-Y” [USA] 3'40”32 “CYR-MSK” 1994 Racing Force 2'52”60 “WZH” 1989 Racing Hero 60 671 000 1998 Racing Jam [Score-Based] 675 000 “ESSAY-ILM” Danny Rodriguez (12/6/1998) 1980 Radar Scope (FYI: Of the 3000 machines made, approximately 2000 of these Red cabinets were converted into Donkey Kong; all other Donkey Kong cabinets were Blue) 152 100 John P McAllister (27/7/2010) (E) 1982 Radar Zone (aka Outline) 359 000 Tom Torrez (21/3/1983) 1998 Radiant Silvergun (FYI: Widely acclaimed as one of the best ever shoot ‘em ups) 22 951 260 “T³-CYR-WIZ” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 36 1982 Radical Radial 543 050 Matt Hall (12/7/2006) (E) 1998 Radikal Bikers 727 000 “neoeki” (28/2/2010 & 25/10/2010) (E) 1991 Rad Rally [Sunset] 2’52”709 “HID-ESSAY-SOL” [Night] 2’53”937 “ESSAY-SOL” [Rain] 2’52”696 “WZH” [Mountain] 2’53”381 “WZH” 1986 Rafflesia 4 495 700 “VERTEX-B” (9/8/2002) (E) 2002 Rage of the Dragons 1 647 300 “SAKYO” 1996 Ragnagard (aka Shin-Oh-Ken) 1990 Raiden 974 400 10 000 000+ 1993 Raiden II 5 245 710 1996 Raiden Fighters 68 070 150 “REGYSZ@TeamBrazil” (10/10/2014) (E) “VEGETA” “FroGMarE” (21/5/2008) “asilum8or” (18/4/2010) (E) 1997 Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive (aka …:2000 Operation Hell Dive) 105 576 270 “WEDNESDAY” (26/4/2006) (E) 1998 Raiden Fighters Jet 2005 Raiden III 123 531 243 18 945 430 “CWT” (9/8/2005) (E) “KAS” 1983 Raiders 604 800 John P McAllister (29/12/2011) (E) 1985 Raiders5 620 910 “VERTEX-DAN” (2/7/2003) (E) 1988 Raimais 2 383 680 1987 Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 99 999 990 “FREEZIN'” maximum achieved 1988 Rally Bike (aka Dash Yarou) 285 510 “VERTEX-Y.W” 1980 Rally-X 250 160 John Pomerenke 1989 Rambo III 8 453 870 “PAC” (27/2.2012) (E) 1986 Rampage 1 464 140 Patrick Wheeler (5/7/2008) (E) 1997 Rampage World Tour 3 734 600 Chris Delfs (20/4/1997) 1994 Rapid Hero (aka Arcadia) 2 981 800 “WEDNESDAY” (26/5/2006) (E) 1987 Rastan Saga (aka Rastan) 30 450 010 Manish Rogvarni - ‘Marathon’ score (30/4/1987) 1988 Rastan Saga 2 (aka Nastar; Nastar Warrior) [Banned technique: Round 4 sitting and killing enemies from the left you can increase time indefinitely] 375 600 “giro-X” (29/12/2013) (E) 1994 Rayforce (aka Gunlock) 16 800 000 Francesco-Alessio Ursini (21/5/2008) 1996 Ray Storm 18 051 250 “SKM” 1983 Razzmatazz 3 124 970 Gavin Carper - ‘Marathon’ score (14/1/2008) (E) 1982 Reactor 673 011 448 833 Rafal Politanski (11/4/2007) (E) Ed Flores (2/1/1983) 1987 Reaktor 201 600 German Krol (29/5/2007) (E) 1995 Real Bout Fatal Fury (aka Real Bout Garou Densetsu) 2 443 100 ? 1996 Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (aka Real Bout Special) ? 1 957 500 1998 Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 – The Newcomers (aka Real Bout Garou Densetsu 2-) 1 747 300 ? 1987 Real Ghostbusters, The (aka Meikyuu Hunter G) 2 116 850 “PAC” (21/11/2013) (E) 1987 Red Action (aka JT-104) 1 747 090 “” (E) 1981 Red Alert (aka WW III) 24 260 24 260 1980 Red Baron 1 219 230 Steve Harris (31/3/1983) Martin Bedard (19/11/2005) David Palmer – 'Marathon' score Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 37 1981 Red Clash [Tehkan] [Kaneko version (1982)] 1987 Redline Racer 71 340 “WRX2” (29/10/2003) (E) 109 100 “WRX2” (29/10/2003) (E) 12 210 Gavin Ward (11/10/2004) (E) 1984 Red Robin 283 250 Anders Svensson (4/8/2002) (E) 1983 Regulus 361 800 “VERTEX-B” (22/7/2002) (E) 1988 Reikai Doushi 653 900 “SPREAM-I.Z” 1986 Renegade / Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-Kun 827 450 “MORENO@TeamBrazil” (13/1/2011) (E) 1985 Repulse (aka ’99: The Last War) (Bootleg: Son of Phoenix) 2 183 680 “MORENO@TeamBrazil” (9/5/2005) (E) 1982 Rescue (Bootleg: Apocaljpse Now) 606 235 Grant Kupfer (15/12/1983) 1987 Rescue Raider 791 250 Matt Hall (5/4/2006) (E) 1985 Return of the Invaders 3 295 900 Renzo Vignola (21/9/2010) (E) 1984 Return of the Jedi [Difficulty: Medium; Lives: 3; Bonus Life: 40000pts] 2 193 000 Hector T Rodriguez (8/9/2011) 1993 Return of the Lady Frog, The 1994 Revolution X 334 600 19 797 890 1991 Rezon 193 800 1991 Ribbit! 1 576 1992 Riding Fight 1984 Ring Fighter (aka VS Gong Fight) 449 680 2 020 200 “asn007@” (29/8/2007) (E) Aaron Van Buren (20/4/1997) “WRX2” (21/1/2003) (E) “Guinness” (14/2/2003) (E) “Caseh” (5/7/2006) (E) “WRX2” (21/11/2003) (E) 1994 Ring of Destruction – Slam Masters II (aka Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout) 15 276 700 “736 KANINOJI S” 1992 Ring Rage 30 000 198? Rio Bravo 3 498 000 1992 Riot 497 “Kale” (3/7/2002) (E) Simone Picelli (15/2/1985) “GNU” (16/4/2009) (E) 1991 Riot City 2 403 200 1979 Rip Cord 13 520 “diabolik” (2/5/2009) (E) 1980 Rip Off [Starting Fuel Pods – 16 maximum] 19 750 John Cunningham (29/7/2008) (E) 1997 Ripper Ribbit 1993 Risky Challenge (aka Gussun Oyoyo) “krizalidclone” (5/5/2010) (E) 8 400 “izius” (20/4/2008) (E) 4 106 600 “Kale” (28/6/2010) (E) 1998 Rival Schools: United By Fate (aka Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Legion of Heroes) 15 316 000 “WEDNESDAY” (13/4/2013) (E) 1981 River Patrol (Bootleg: Silver Land) 4 044 090 “VERTEX-DAN” (16/8/2008) (E) 1987 Road Blasters 2 216 120 Stan Szczepanski (27/6/1987) 1984 Road Fighter 1 486 310 Luca Santorsola (25/5/1985) 1985 Road Runner (Atari) 2 442 280 Stefano Brusasca 1981 Robby Roto 712 005 518 250 Rafal Politanski (29/7/2006) (E) Colin Hageney (5/1/1983) 1991 Robo Army 225 400 “P21” (9/11/2007) (E) 1988 Robocop 1991 Robocop 2 [Lives = 3] 10 076 700 8 709 200 1992 Robocop 3 1982 Robotron: 2084 1986 Robo Wrestle 2001 226 460 348 691 680 10 000 000+ “PAC” (19/8/2011) (E) “SANKOU KIROKU” Max Kazakov (18/12/2008) (E) Brian King – ‘Marathon’ score (29/6/1983) “XXX ASHURATEMPORU” 1983 Roc ‘N’ Rope 487 760 Antonio D’Ambrosio (10/7/1984) 1981 Rock Climber (FYI: similar to Crazy Climber) 298 300 “VERTEX-B” (25/5/2003) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 38 1986 Rock ‘n Rage (aka Koi no HotRock) 9 999 900 1990 Rod-Land [NOT playing Secret Stages] 1991 Rohga: Armor Force (aka Wolf Fang – Kuhga 2001) 669 250 3 264 800 1984 Roller Jammer 1986 Rolling Thunder 329 554 1 023 380 maximum achieved (E) “” (11/7/2003) (E) “SPELUNKER” (1/5/2008) (E) “DRN” (28/7/2002) (E) Darren Evans (10/3/2009) (E) 1990 Rolling Thunder 2 995 530 “HST-SPT” 1989 Rompers 689 260 “Blost” (17/1/2004) (E) 1982 Rootin' Tootin' (aka La.Pa.Pa) 506 920 “SBY@Team2ch” (16/9/2002) (E) 1990 Rough Racer 41 600 “PRE” (18/2/2005) (E) 1988 Rough Ranger (aka Super Ranger) (FYI: very similar to Rolling Thunder) 288 800 “edusword” (12/12/2012) (E) 1982 Rougien 199 200 “DaviL” (9/10/2005) (E) 1981 Round-Up (aka Fitter) 477 200 “VERTEX-DAN” (7/6/2009) (E) 1989 Round Up 5 – Super Delta Force (FYI: similar to Chase HQ) 1 608 190 “F105-AFH-APPLE-68K” 1981 Route 16 “DaviL” (1/1/2004) (E) 122 070 1994 R-Shark 4 098 900 “NoMercy” (2/2/2001) (E) 1987 R-Type 1 465 000 1 463 900 “PAC” (21/4/2011) (E) “J.D” (17/1/2010) (E) 1989 R-Type II 1 633 600 1 624 300 “nari” (2010) “HAIJIN@HIBACHI” 1992 R-Type Leo 5 740 700 “OYAKATA LEO” 2004 Rumble Fish, The 1 388 680 “PUCHI TENSHI” 2005 Rumble Fish 2, The 1 273 350 “MOKA OSACHI” 1986 Rygar – Legendary Warrior (aka Argus no Senshi - Legendary Warrior) 12 609 720 “NRX-044” 1993 Ryu Jin 1992 Saboten Bombers (Bootleg: Cactus) 2 156 220 99 999 900 1977 Safari 12 700 1979 Safari Rally 1 331 300 1989 Saint Dragon 25 764 100 “SAI” maximum achieved “Jeffw” (130/9/2012) (E) “VERTEX-DAN” (2/11/2012) (E) “FACILITY-ARIS” 1986 Salamander (aka Life Force (1986)) (FYI: Life Force was also re-released in Japan in 1987 and had a different power-up weapons system. This record relates to the 1986 versions of the game) 7 394 100 “” (13/5/2002) (E) 1996 Salamander 2 814 500 “PAC” (2/10/2015) (E) 1980 Samurai 252 300 “VERTEX-DAN” (31/5/2006) (E) 1993 Samurai Aces (aka Sengoku Ace) 1 981 200 1985 Samurai Nihon-ichi 1993 Samurai Shodown (aka Samurai Spirits) 106 220 1 101 830 1 100 600 “SENGOKUNIN” “Kold666@TeamItaly” (10/5/2002) (E) “njh” (3/9/2007) (E) Sabino Sinesi 1994 Samurai Shodown II (aka Shin Samurai Spirits – Haohmaru Jingokuhen) 448 680 “YABA OSACHI” 1996 Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood (aka Samurai Spirits – Zankurou Musouken) 2 093 500 “Vansibel” (23/8/2005) (E) 1992 Sand Scorpion – Sasori 6 338 800 1989 SAR – Search and Rescue 782 390 “HKR” “SDI DA!” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 39 1985 Sarge 246 000 Phil Blanchard (27/6/1987) 1980 Sasuke vs Commander 115 960 “VERTEX-B” (23/1/2007) (E) 1981 Satan of Saturn (aka Zarzon) 110 500 “PAC” (14/7/2015) (E) 1982 Satan’s Hollow 55 913 135 43 086 300 Ben Falls – 'Marathon' score (12/11/2013) (E) Aaron Samuel – ‘Marathon’ score (5/8/1983) 1983 Saturn 108 490 Renzo Vignola (9/5/2001) (E) 1987 Sauro 164 957 “edusword” (5/11/2012) (E) 1995 Savage Reign (aka Fu’un Mokushiroku) 414 400 Max Kazakov (19/12/2007) (E) 1993 Schmeiser Robo 175 000 Renzo Vignola (21/9/2010) (E) 1984 Scion 1 106 800 1985 Scooter Shooter 691 930 1982 Scorpion 66 740 “” (25/8/2005) (E) “jm2003” (17/11/2007) (E) Claudio Polvara (21/10/1984) 1981 Scramble (Bootlegs: Explorer; Impacto; Strafe Bomb) (Prototype: Malzak) [Konami version] 1 918 250 John P McAllister – ‘Marathon’ score (1/1/2010) [Stern version] (FYI: more difficult version) 1983 Scrambled Egg (aka Eggs) 1986 Scramble Formation (aka Tokio) 1988 Scramble Spirits 634 520 John P McAllister (29/9/2010) (E) 649 430 Mike Dietrich (20/1/2015) (E) 3 600 600 3 485 500 10 000 000+ 1984 Scrum Try 992 440 (E) [4hrs] Saulo Bastos (24/6/2011) (E) Stuart Dixon (12/11/1986) “CHACHA” “VERTEX-DAN” (12/3/2013) (E) 1991 SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui 2 092 500 “KGP-N.H” 1992 SD Gundam Neo Battling 1 464 200 “H.Y (KIW SAN ” 1993 SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (FYI: Translates to So Gundam – Knights of the Three Rainbow Kingdom) 1 064 000 “(Z)-CLT” 1987 SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative (aka Defense) [Bonus Life @ 50 000] [No Bonus Life] 79 638 210 “YANCHI HIME DTO ® TM” 10 397 990 “SPREAM-BOMB” 1984 Sea Fighter Poseidon 153 210 “BeeJay” (29/6/2007) (E) 1976 Sea Wolf 11 800 “diabolik” (24/8/2001) (E) 1978 Sea Wolf II 18 400 Martin G Racine (3/9/2010) (E) 1989 Secret Agent (aka Sly Spy) 1 140 000 “PAC” (1/8/2012) (E) 1985 Section Z [Normal Difficulty] 2 222 210 John P McAllister – 'Marathon' score (5/4/2009) 400 720 John P McAllister (30/8/2010) (E) 165 220 “J.D” (14/7/2011) (E) 4 099 700 “up2” (9/11/2003) (E) [Harder ROMset. Difficult / Very Difficult] 1984 Sector Zone (aka Seicross) 1985 Sega Ninja (aka Ninja; Ninja Princess) 1991 Sel Feena 1997 Sengeki Striker 12 556 300 264 279 490 “TWL-YETI F” “RedStar” (6/1/2006) (E) 1991 Sengoku (aka Sengoku Denshou) 777 400 777 400 “SUR-NINJA COMBAT-GIN” “P21” (10/12/2007) (E) 1993 Sengoku 2 (aka Sengoku Denshou 2) 611 250 “TMC-SAN” 1996 Sengoku Blades: Sengoku Ace Episode 2 (aka Tengai) 2 448 900 “J.G.K-ALL (SOI)” 2001 Sengoku 3 (aka Sengoku Legends 2001) “phlkk” (27/3/2006) (E) 2 078 100 1983 Senjyo 325 900 Brian Johnstone (25/4/2001) (E) 1999 Sen-Know 22 222 222 “” (20/7/2004) (E) 2005 Senko no Ronde 55 975 030 “EOT” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 40 1996 Sexy Parodius (aka Fantastic Journey 2) 1 016 300 Justin Kvithyll (21/9/2009) (E) 1986 Shackled (aka Breywood) 2 239 830 “Scorpion” (16/1/2014) (E) 1989 Shadow Dancer – Kage No Mai 1 752 750 “danacol” (2/2/2009) (E) 1993 Shadow Force – Henshin Ninja 500 170 “” (28/5/2004) (E) 1987 Shadowland (aka Yokai Douch uuki) 5 519 300 “zfz@Team2ch” (8/5/2015) (E) 1985 Shanghai Kid (aka Hokuha Syourin) 1 060 600 “EMPTY-BOY” (17/10/2003) (E) 1981 Shark Attack 298 900 1979 Sheriff (aka Bandido (1980); Western Gun Part II) 5 522 060 1997 Shienryu 69 858 260 Matt O'Rourke (11/10/2007) (E) “Dale” (15/11/2012) (E) “TONO SHIYOU-T” 2001 Shikigami no Shiro (aka Castle of Gods) 3 804 973 860 “third_strike” 2003 Shikigami no Shiro II 7 103 884 810 “YUSEMI-SWY” 2005 Shikigami no Shiro III 11 010 533 390 “KDK-TAKEYUKI” 1988 Shingen: Samurai-Fighter (aka Takeda Shingen) 246 220 “VERTEX-DAN” (18/1/2006) (E) 1987 Shinobi 774 920 “Alpha” (23/12/2009) (E) 1994 Shippu Mahou Daisakusen Kingdom-GrandPrix (aka Kingdom-GrandPrix) 2 262 137 “Sekkyou MLK” (E) 1997 Shocking 200 000 1997 Shock Troopers nd 1998 Shock Troopers – 2 Squad 1992 Shogun Warriors (aka Fujiyama Buster) “edusword” (12/4/2014) (E) 37 768 300 Matt Hall (21/6/2002) (E) 30 155 810 “SAKYO” 1 989 600 Heppoko Koushin 1984 Shooting Master 749 400 David Nelson (25/5/2005) 1985 Shoot Out 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1984 Shot Rider 786 660 Patrick Wheeler (28/12/2008) (E) 1986 Side Arms – Hyper Dyne (Hack: Turtle Ship) 17 663 300 Johnathon Cook – ‘Marathon’ score (5/4/1986) 1986 Side Pocket 157 000 “WRX2” (1/10/2006) (E) 1979 Side Track 74 530 “diabolik” (4/1/2002) (E) 1988 Sidewinder 213 400 “edusword” (28/12/2012) (E) 1992 Silent Dragon (FYI: similar to Double Dragon) 3 396 000 Rafal Politanski (12/5/2003) (E) 1999 Silent Scope [Story Mode] 9 002 000 Houkou Yarou 2001 Silent Scope EX (aka Sogeki) [Story Mode] 3 062 200 “JKP-RDX” 1988 Silk Worm [As Heli] 2 241 600 “RedStar” (21/12/2009) (E) [As Jeep] 2 684 400 Shahbaz Sadiq (3/2/2012) (E) 1995 Silver Millennium 75 120 Paul Valmir (26/2/2014) (E) 1991 Simpsons, The [World version] 515 Saulo Bastos (28/6/2011) (E) [Japan version] 192 300 Saulo Bastos (29/7/2011) (E) 1983 Sindbad Mystery 113 650 Martijn Cobussen (24/9/2010) (E) 1982 Sinistar [Banned technique: 255 lives trick] 761 305 Chris Emery (3/4/1984) 1983 Skater 735 000 “VERTEX-DAN” (4/2/2013) (E) 1983 Skelagon (aka SF-X) 348 800 Matt Hall (17/7/2005) (E) 1989 Skull & Crossbones 1996 Skull Fang 4 208 8 388 000 1989 Sky Adventure 11 471 “Dax” (7/2/2003) (E) “LAWLZSHOOTERGAMES” (11/12/2010) (E) “KDK-TAKEYUKI” 1992 Sky Alert 1 763 250 Baron Rojo (5/8/2015) (E) 1982 Sky Army 1 482 660 “VERTEX-B” (5/2/2004) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 41 1982 Sky Base 117 950 1980 Sky Chuter 4 110 “PAC” (13/7/2015) (E) “PAC” (E) 1985 Sky Destroyer 76 100 “tar” (19/1/2013) (E) 1978 Sky Diver 36 070 David Nelson (22/11/2008) 1987 Sky Fox (aka Exerizer) 2 694 200 Renzo Vignola 1985 Sky Kid 1 139 420 “Din8-D” (29/8/2009) (E) 1986 Sky Kid Deluxe 476 680 Ken Okamoto (24/6/2000) (E) 1983 Sky Lancer 777 700 “” (10/12/2004) (E) 1979 Sky Love 84 450 “PAC” (14/6/2015) (E) 1978 Sky Raider (FYI: The first vertical continually scrolling game) 68 300 Carlos A Santiago (30/11/2006) (E) 1981 Sky Skipper Daniel Larsen (26/2/2012) (E) 78 820 1990 Sky Smasher 10 000 000+ 1988 Sky Soldiers 4 759 770 1994 Slap Shot 238 400 2000 Slash Out 24 393 785 1982 Slither 1990 Smash T.V. 248 170 20 484 190 “NOJ” Paulo Valmir (14/3/2014) (E) “” (19/9/2005) (E) “B@A2 FEAT. K.I” Ian Sutton (10/9/2004) (E) Martin Bedard (17/8/2007) (E) 1984 Snacks’n Jaxson 312 290 “Potante” (28/4/2013) (E) 1984 Snake Pit 796 650 Justin Kvithyll (7/10/2009) (E) 1981 Snap Jack 114 320 112 790 Ben Jos Walbeehm (5/5/2001) (E) John Anderson (2/4/1983) 1990 Snapper 333 200 “Bravocorazon” (9/9/2013) (E) 1990 Snow Bros – Nick & Tom (Bootleg: Winter Bobble, The) (Hack: Snow Brothers 3 – Magical Adventure) 7 806 200 “kangseungkoo” (5/7/2015) (E) 1994 Snow Bros. 2 – With New Elves / Otenki Paradise 8 520 610 “CHIN KONO CASU” 1995 Sokonuke Taisen Game 13 746 “Mike Myers” (18/8/2004) (E) 1997 Solar Assault – Gradius 656 500 “ARISUGAWA RIN” 1997 Solar Assault – Revised (aka Solar Assault) 1 919 700 “KOU (NISE)” 1981 Solar Fox 2 212 160 1 763 700 “ZAZ” (8/2014) (E) Russell Palmer (12/3/1983) 1981 Solar Quest 443 800 Eric Lidell (27/6/2011) (E) 1979 Solar War 440 870 “TK2012” (18/6/2015) (E) 1986 Soldier Girl Amazon (aka Sei Senshi Amateless) 3 507 600 “FAMK-POP” 1986 Soldier of Light (aka Solar-Warrior; Xain’d Sleena) 1 832 640 Paul Benford (27/5/1986) 1997 Sol Divide – Sword of Darkness 2 353 300 “” (10/6/2002) (E) 1991 Solitary Fighter 6 283 010 “il Kornutazzo” (30/9/2012) (E) 1986 Solomon’s Key 99 914 760 1991 Solvalou (FYI: A 3D version of Xevious) 555 460 Daniele Cavazza “GUGOCHIKAMASITEYAROU” 1987 Sonic Boom 3 937 530 “GMC. N.K” 1984 Son Son 2 718 690 “fran” (5/11/2008) (E) 1993 Sorcerer Striker (aka Mahou Daisakusen) 3 907 020 “SENGOKUNIN” 1979 SOS 106 800 Gary J Lee (21/9/2004) (E) 1995 Sotsugyo Shousho 183 700 “Guinness” (19/6/2003) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 42 1984 Space Ace (FYI: Re-released in 1991 as a slightly updated version) 770 866 Steven Joseph (5/2/1984) 770 866 Yashiro Oda (1/11/1984) 1980 Space Beam 9 200 Manuel Rotschkar (3/11/2005) (E) 1998 Space Bomber 11 857 900 1981 Space Bugger 57 700 1979 Space Chaser 119 400 “VERTEX-B” (2/8/2002) (E) 1981 Space Cruiser 31 426 “Zerstorung” (9/4/2010) (E) 623 720 David Plummer (29/1/1983) 1982 Space Duel [Single Ship] 1981 Space Dungeon 13 113 580 1980 Space Encounters 134 725 “MUNETAKA” Gerhard Schindler (19/10/2010) (E) Simone de Boni – ‘Marathon’ score (24/6/1984) John P McAllister (7/6/2015) (E) 1980 Space Firebird (aka Space Demon) (Bootleg: Space Bird; Star Warrior) 52 430 “Skito” (20/7/2014) (E) 1981 Space Force (aka Meteoroids) (FYI: Very similar to Asteroids) 399 520 “tar” (19/1/2012) (E) 1981 Space Fortress (Century Electronics) John P McAllister (27/8/2011) (E) 88 700 1981 Space Fury 241 760 222 599 1979 Space Guerilla 1985 Space Harrier 12 700 61 730 990 Richie Knucklez (14/8/2011) Loren Hawkinson (20/4/1982) “tar” (5/2/2013) (E) “WEC” 1978 Space Invaders (Bootlegs/Copies/Hacks: Alien Invasion Part II; Attack UFO; Beam Invader; Cosmic Monsters; Cosmic Monsters 2; Darth Vader; Galaxian Invaders; Galaxy Monsters; IPM Invader; Invaders, The; Invaders Revenge; Invader Wars; Invasion; Jatre Specter; Oaty Invaders; Space Attack; Space Attack II; Space Combat; Space Fever; Space Fight; Space Intruder; Space King; Space King 2; Space Stranger; Space Stranger 2; Space War; Space War Part Three; Super Earth Invasion; Super Invader Attack; Super Invaders; Super Stranger; Super Stranger 2; Yosaku to Donbei) 1 114 020 1980 Space Invaders II / Part II / Deluxe (aka Moon Base) 425 230 Eric Furrer – ‘Marathon’ score (29/8–?2/9/1980) [38.5hrs] Matt Brass (16/9/1982) 1995 Space Invaders ’95 – Attack of the Lunar Loonies (aka Akkanvader) 862 470 Paul McCallum (31/7/2007) (E) 1979 Space Launcher 1981 Space Odyssey 150 600 2 559 000 1980 Space Panic 61 630 “VERTEX-DAN” (24/3/2004) (E) Curtis Gaskill (1/4/1982) “Mocha” 1986 Space Position 296 350 Paulo Valmir (13/4/2015) (E) 1982 Space Raider 119 700 Andrew K Barrow (23/4/2011) (E) 1981 Space Seeker 255 350 “” (17/6/2002) (E) 1980 Space Tactics 3 285 800 Dan Salinas – ‘Marathon’ score (26/10/1982) 1980 Space Trek 1 662 700 John P McAllister (16/1/2012) (E) 1978 Space Walk 6 450 1979 Space War (aka Laser; Space Laser (1980)) 84 920 1980 Space Zap (aka Zap) 1984 Spatter (aka Sanrin San-Chan) 260 000 5 052 410 “PAC” (E) Matt O'Rourke (24/7/2005) (E) Bob Johnson (4/10/2009) (E) Tarenzio Carrao 1989 Special Criminal Investigation (Hack: Super Special Criminal Investigation) 10 625 000 Simone Sartori 1985 Special Forces: Kung Fu Commando 267 850 Andrew K Barrow (9/5/2011) (E) 1985 Special Forces II 192 300 Andrew K Barrow (9/5/2011) (E) 1980 Spectar (Copy: Phantomas) 151 000 Scotty Williams (13/9/1982) 1987 Speed Ball 2 554 200 German Krol (14/5/1999) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 43 1985 Speed Buggy (aka Buggy Boy; (1986) Buggy Boy Junior) [Offroad] 199 870 David Nelson [North] 151 870 Danny Carranza (28/6/1986) [South] 177 480 Mark Foster (27/6/1986) [East] 114 280 Reg Dee (15/5/2011) (E) [West] 160 230 Mark Haber (4/6/1986 272 “hp” (18/10/2002) (E) 1979 Speed Freak 1995 Speed Racer [All Tracks Combined] 74 090 Steve O’Donnell (20/4/1997) 1986 Speed Rumbler, The (aka Rush ‘N Crash) [Score leeching and repeating levels are banned tactics] 740 800 “MrBunny” (26/3/2013) (E) 1985 Spelunker (FYI: Originally released in 1984 for Commodore 64) 3 500 750 Gary Spencer – ‘Marathon’ score (20/11/1985) 1986 Spelunker II – 23 No Kagi “nol” (27/1/2002) (E) 2005 Spica Adventures 749 900 35 492 780 1991 Spider-Man: The Videogame 1981 Spiders (Bootleg: Spinner) 534 960 1 535 000 2001 Spikers Battle “G.M.C. GEEMU NO GON” Stefano Del Santo Bill Millis – ‘Marathon’ score (17/9/1983) 652 680 “R.C” 1990 Spinal Breakers 3 724 480 “Y.T” 1992 Splash! (aka Painted Lady) 1 049 085 “jar169” (23/9/2014) (E) 1982 Splat! 1 270 950 Matt Hall (10/10/2006) (E) 1988 Splatterhouse (FYI: Banned in many arcades - first game to get Parental Advisory Disclaimer) 1 305 800 “GDS-RUN” 1985 Splendor Blast 403 630 Antonio Colangelo (9/9/1985) 2001 Sports Jam 102 900 “ERO@MLC KAICHOU” 1982 Springer 255 600 “GustavoGoesGenius” (5/5/2003) (E) 1976 Sprint 2 / Sprint One (1978) 1983 Spy Hunter 484 9 512 590 1987 Spy Hunter II 310 600 1989 S.P.Y. – Special Project Y 1986 S.R.D. Mission (Bootleg: F-X) 1987 SRD – Super Real Darwin 1992 S.S. Mission 78 500 1 287 240 10 000 000+ 1 284 000 Gavin Ward (9/7/2005) (E) Paul Dean (28/6/1985) Dick Moreland (25/2/2010) (E) “Metrackle” (25/4/2005) (E) Ariel A Aguayo (14/12/2009) (E) “HTL-BIO-X” “VOJTA” (2/1/2011) (E) 1994 Stack Columns 425 041 Haurau Jin 1992 Stadium Cross [Total Time] 2’41”34 “DCC-AGAS-JYY” 1998 Stagger I (Prototype: Red Hawk) 3 060 400 1991 Starblade (FYI: similar to ‘Starfox’ on Nintendo’s Super NES) 1 773 200 “” (4/4/2002) (E) “OAC-SRP” 1980 Star Castle (Bootlegs: Space Castle; Space Fortress (Zaccaria); Stellar Castle) (FYI: One of the first games to use an experimental AI to harass the game player’s ship) [Easy chip] 10 001 110 John P McAllister – 'Marathon' score (25/9/2009) [34hrs] [Hard chip] 29 800 1978 Star Fire / Star Fire 2 (1980: minor conversion update) 9 460 John P McAllister (1/10/2009) “PAC” (11/6/2015) (E) 1984 Star Force (aka Mega Force) 10 265 700 “” (30/11/2001) (E) 1981 Stargate 71 473 400 Roger Mangum – ‘Marathon’ score (8/4/1983) 1998 Star Gladiator 2: Nightmare of Bilstein (aka Plasma Sword - …) 151 700 “SFCHAMPION” (14/9/2014) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 44 1986 Star Guards 248 800 1977 Starhawk 34 900 1983 Star Jacker [Sega] (Bootleg: Stunt Air) [Stern] (FYI: Easier version) 1983 Star Rider [1 Credit Only] 1976 Starship 1 “RedStar” (13/1/2008) (E) 503 322 “RedStar” (13/1/2008) (E) 539 960 David Palmer (5/11/1985) 1998 Star Soldier – Vanishing Earth 680 703 758 1997 Star Sweep [Challenge Mode] 474 010 123 467 525 2002 Star Trigon 821 410 1983 Star Wars 300 007 894 1998 Star Wars Trilogy Arcade 3 612 600 1994 Steel Force (FYI: very similar to Amiga game ‘Alien Breed’) 1990 Steel Gunner 146 040 1 132 680 1991 Steel Gunner 2 30 950 1980 Steel Worker “Ocean View” (4/11/2001) (E) 296 087 8 000 1982 Star Trek John P McAllister (30/8/2010) (E) Alexandre Charbonneau (E) “DKM” Alan Kwan (8/11/2003) (E) Darren Harris – ‘Marathon’ score (8/7/1985) “SKM” Robert T. Mruczek – ‘Marathon’ score (22/1/1984) Ken Towne (28/3/2003) “KEN” (2/2/2008) (E) “INGS-URANAI YAROU” “ESW-YOK” 100 000 “VERTEX-DAN” (30/1/2010) (E) 1991 S.T.G. – Strike Gunner 3 565 000 “” (10/11/2001) (E) 1983 Stinger 1 926 900 Roberto Picelli 1984 Stocker 54 542 Andrew K Barrow (25/8/2014) (E) 1986 Stompin’ 1 013 250 Keith Donnelly (10/10/1986) 1996 Storm Blade 4 105 160 “WRX2” (29/11/2002) (E) 1979 Straight Flush 104 620 1981 Strategy X (Bootleg: Strong X) 1991 Strato Fighter (aka Raiga – Strato Fighter) [Easy] 77 578 2 625 320 1981 Streaking German Krol (9/6/2004) (E) “Locut0s” (19/9/2004) (E) “SHATSU” 9 890 “fok999” (14/6/2015) (E) 1987 Street Fighter 1 975 600 Graham Smith (1/12/1987) 1991 Street Fighter II – World Warrior, The 1 924 500 “MASK 1 (MSK)” 1992 Street Fighter II – Champion Edition [NOT the ‘Rainbow’ or ‘Red Wave’ hacks or other bootlegs] 1 718 200 “NANJAKU GAMER KEMARU” 1992 Street Fighter II – Hyper Fighting 1 495 900 Paulo Valmir (1/4/2015) (E) 1995 Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors’ Dream (aka Street Fighter Zero) 2 237 900 “MORENO@TeamBrazil” (4/6/2005) (E) 1995 Street Fighter: The Movie 9 254 513 “Ace13” (15/6/2005) (E) 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 2 (aka Street Fighter Zero 2) 3 648 600 “T.CLUE-ISD” 1996 Street Fighter EX 1 880 400 “BBC” 1997 Street Fighter EX Plus 3 102 800 “BBC” 1997 Street Fighter III: New Generation [Max. Difficulty] 7 810 400 Demetrius F Stuwart (30/12/2002) 1998 Street Fighter Alpha 3 (aka Street Fighter Zero 3) 8 206 800 “WhoUSAInc.” (1/3/2000) 1998 Street Fighter EX2 3 634 500 “DREAM SSC-VAP” 1998 Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact – Giant Attack 9 999 900 maximum achieved 1999 Street Fighter EX2 Plus 1 487 600 “madmalk” (5/11/2007) (E) rd 1999 Street Fighter III: 3 Strike – Fight for the Future 11 365 000 Otoko Shuuzen 1985 Street Heat 62 438 “Germax” (14/1/2006) (E) 2 664 800 “GYOTHER-LCN (THC)” 1989 Street Smart Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 45 1991 Streets of Rage (aka Bare Knuckle) 862 000 “LastNinja2” (29/1/2011) (E) 1993 Streets of Rage 2 (aka Bare Knuckle II – Shitouke no Chinkonka) 838 400 “krizalidclone” (4/3/2010) (E) 1984 Strength & Skill (aka Guiness, The) 198 482 “Ace13” (14/7/2006) (E) 1989 Strider (aka Strider Hiryu) 492 750 “RVS-GUN” 1999 Strider 2 (aka Strider Hiryu 2) 4 124 000 1991 Strike Fighter 131 843 640 “Kale” (23/9/2010) (E) “” (11/4/2009) (E) 1991 Strikeforce 2 467 240 Patrick Wheeler (3/11/2006) (E) 1995 Strikers 1945 2 350 400 “SENGOKUNIN” 1997 Strikers 1945 II 3 421 900 “Y. SAITO” 1999 Strikers 1945 III (aka Strikers 1999) 3 564 400 “J.S” 1999 Strikers 1945 Plus 2 829 800 “WC” 1989 S.T.U.N. Runner 1 177 325 “KKKDAN-MAESHIMAKANA” [Beginner] 1 832 590 “JKP-RDX” [Intermediate] 1 722 000 “ K.A” [Advanced] 2 724 350 “DOUJOU” 2000 Stunt Typhoon 1985 Submarine 645 350 1982 Subroc-3D 3 181 554 1979 Sundance 542 1991 Sunset Riders [Dollars] 1 084 930 1981 Super Astro Fighter 20 160 1984 Super Bagman 20 598 740 1984 Super Basketball 9 999 990 1978 Super Breakout “edusword” (8/3/2014) (E) Jim DiMaggio (15/8/1983) “tar” (18/9/2004) (E) “ESSAY-MIG” “tar” (21/5/2002) (E) Robert Ferrarini – ‘Marathon’ score (15/2/1985) maximum achieved [Cavity] 2 081 Michael A. Sao Pedro (17/11/2007) [Double] 2 496 Michael A. Sao Pedro (28/1/2006) [Progressive] 2 818 Randy Lawton (21/11/2009) 2003 Super Bubble 2003 1 309 210 1977 Super Bug (FYI: First game to use a scrolling playfield) 370 1990 Super Burger Time 728 400 1990 Super Buster Bros. (aka Super Pang) [Panic Mode] [Tour Mode] 1992 Super Chase – Criminal Termination 30 495 000 “Krj” (24/5/2015) (E) Dave Nelson (21/11/2005) (E) Barbara Piras “essekappa” (21/4/2014) (E) 9 866 350 “RCA-YMT” 5 543 880 “ZENTSUUJI NO SHIROKU” 1981 Super Cobra [Stern version] 309 410 Donald Hayes (10/5/2008) 1988 Super Contra (aka Super Kontora: Alien No Gyakusyuu) 21 776 600 “WHIM-NCR” 1986 Super Cross 2 “Actarus1972” (27/3/2005) (E) 469 200 1987 Super Dodge Ball (aka Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu) 9 999 900 1983 Super Doubles Tennis 1983 Super Glob (aka Beastie Feastie; Glob, The) 1987 Super Hang-On [Beginner] maximum achieved 59 082 Philippe Lamat (10/3/2010) (E) 411 758 Donald Hayes (22/10/2008) (E) 45 284 810 Michele Fin [Expert] 87 730 660 Michele Fin [Junior] 57 598 010 Michele Fin [Senior] 76 319 550 Michele Fin 1982 Super Locomotive 641 275 “” (28/1/2002) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 46 1988 Superman 1 954 500 Rudy Chavez (29/7/2008) (E) 1985 Super Mario Bros. (FYI: There are many hacks of this game that change characters, graphics etc.) [TG Rules banning certain tactics] 3 404 400 Isaiah Johnson (6/8/2011) 1991 Super Mario World 9 999 990 1989 Super Monaco GP [Driver Points] 5 094 1982 Super Mouse (aka Funny Mouse) 101 000 maximum achieved (E) Michele Fin Fred A. Ochs (24/9/2009) (E) 1982 Super Pac-Man 12 111 640 Robbie Lakeman – ‘Marathon’ score 1991 Super Pinball Action 14 852 790 German Krol (28/4/2007) (E) 1 118 050 Charles I Bingham (30/6/2006) 1985 Super Punch-Out!! 1999 Super Puzzle Bobble 676 692 610 1987 Super Qix 2 464 600 1983 Super Rider 198 330 1992 Super Spacefortress Macross (aka Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross) 7 628 500 “SOLID-S.S” Renzo Vignola Svavar G Gunnarsson (26/10/2009) (E) “” (28/5/2002) (E) 1993 Super Spacefortress Macross II (aka Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II) [Beginner] 2 781 950 “” (17/11/2001) (E) [Medium] 3 106 010 “” (6/6/2002) (E) [Expert] 3 031 810 Christian Gomez (31/7/2009) (E) 1990 Super Space Invaders ’91 (aka Majestic Twelve – The Space Invaders Part IV) 814 090 Alex Weir (12/11/2003) 1979 Super Speed Race 3 954 1985 Super Speed Race Junior 675 360 maximum achieved (E) “VERTEX-B” (5/2/2004) (E) 1986 Super Sprint [Single Player; Difficulty Medium; Wrenches 3; No Bonus Adder] 42 600 Gavin Ward (29/1/2004) (E) 1990 Super Spy, The 283 700 1986 Super Stingray 4 096 300 Matt Hall (28/2/2005) (E) “C23” (15/9/2006) (E) 1993 Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers / … :The Tournament Battle 1 901 400 Paulo Valmir (28/5/2014) (E) 1994 Super Street Fighter II Turbo (aka Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge) 4 111 000 “RMN ? - CKY” 1981 Super Tank 83 140 1994 Super Trio 269 800 1989 Super Volleyball 79 600 “diabolik” (16/2/2004) (E) “krj” (6/9/2014) (E) “REMIA” 1982 Super Zaxxon 953 450 Donald Hayes (2004) (E) 1990 Surprise Attack (FYI: similar to Thunder Hoop) 581 850 “kamilz” (20/12/2011) (E) 1982 Survival 835 710 John P McAllister (16/9/2010) (E) 1993 Survival Arts 1 111 000 Max Kazakov (18/12/2008) (E) 1992 Suzuka 8 Hours 3’23”26 “RedStar” (2/9/2005) (E) 1993 Suzuka 8 Hours 2 [Bayside Raceway] 3’09”91 Koos van Dyk (1/2/2010) (E) [Devils Canyon] 3’33”45 “RedStar” (4/9/2005) (E) [Green Hill Circuit] 2’52”36 “SPARKLE-MKT” [Suzuka Circuit] 3’22”80 “RedStar” (2/9/2005) (E) 1984 SWAT 712 850 “” (27/7/2002) (E) 2001 SWAT Police 665 550 Matt Hall (10/7/2008) (E) 1982 Swimmer 181 540 George Strain (27/4/2006) (E) 1984 Syusse Oozumou 147 850 “VERTEX-DAN” (8/2/2003) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 47 1988 Syvalion [Game A – Basic Mode] [Game B – Combat Mode] 14 111 080 “EXCEL-SSC-VAP” 24 907 850 “G.M.C- INI” 1982 Tac/Scan 100 524 200 1981 Tactician 174 150 1979 Tail Gunner 14 200 1996 Taisen Tokkae-dama 1 938 600 1982 Talbot 94 170 2000 Tang Tang (FYI: Based on Solomon’s Key) 7 030 1985 T.A.N.K. (aka T.N.K. III) 4 885 850 1980 Tank Battalion 95 460 Chris Rollestow – ‘Marathon’ score (3/11/1983) Fabio Melone (2/7/1985) Scott Monfils (22/10/1982) Barry Rodewald (23/5/2007) (E) Brian Allen (30/12/2012) (E) “fok999” (14/6/2015) Massimo Varischio “” (20/9/2004) (E) 1983 Tank Busters 1 037 340 “VERTEX-DAN” (4/9/2007) (E) 1991 Tank Force 1 139 200 “ARIDA” 1983 Tapper (aka Root Beer Tapper) 14 000 475 1980 Targ 210 810 1989 Task Force Harrier 10 000 000+ 1989 Tatakae! Big Fighter 6 558 100 Ben Miller – 'Marathon' score (1/6/2014) [Stage 1164 – 23hrs] (E) Jamie Panagos (25/7/2006) (E) 12 players as at 8/2006 “SEKKYOU ZAC-RISTAR” 1984 Taxi Driver 34 440 1982 Tazz Mania 1 325 180 Scott Hurley – ‘Marathon’ score (16/6/1983) 1985 Teddy Boy Blues – Yohko Ishino 2 409 740 Massimo Gaspari (26/7/2010) (E) 1981 Tempest [Difficulty: Hard; Start Level 9 or less] 782 217 1998 Tenkomori Shooting 1 781 150 German Krol (28/4/2007) (E) Laszlo Takacs (5/2002) Jérome Paitreault (16/5/2009) (E) 1991 Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (FYI: Released on home consoles as Terminator 2: The Arcade Game) 3 195 950 Ian Sutton (12/12/2002) (E) 1998 Terraburst 351 995 1985 Terra Cresta 4 355 000 1996 Terra Diver (aka Soukyuugurentai) 44 904 599 1981 Terranean 25 320 Ryan M Marshall (22/8/1998) “luy br” – ‘Marathon’ score (15/9/2013) (E) Nakao Ryuuzou “PAC” (7/2/2014) (E) 1987 Terra Force 1 026 300 “DAB” (31/1/2008) (E) 1988 Tetris 4 021 471 Harry J Hong (23/6/2009) (E) 885 300 “Archiloco” (25/11/2002) (E) 391 300 “GYGPSOP-UYK” 1995 Tetris Plus [Endless Mode] [Puzzle Mode] 1997 Tetris Plus 2 [Endless Mode] 99 999 990 [Puzzle Mode] 1 852 900 1998 Tetris: The Grand Master 267 837 1981 Thief 9 456 120 1991 Thrash Rally [Dakar, Paris – The Cape; Fastest Completion] 1984 Three Stooges in Brides is Brides, The [1 Player] 1990 Thunder & Lightning (Hack: Zip & Zap) 3'06”44 2 850 000 186 195 380 1992 Thunder & Lightning 2 (aka Block Carnival) 837 650 maximum achieved Mark Alpiger (29/4/2001) (E) “HAI” (9/8/2010) (E) Mike Ziara – ‘Marathon’ score (25/4/1983) “Neverbackdown” (23/4/2011) (E) Mark Haber (6/11/1986) “ISP.” “CYR-KUMA” 1987 Thunder Blade 6 482 810 Steve Ryno (14/5/1987) 1987 Thundercade (aka Twin Formation; Tokyusyu Butai U.A.G.) 1 645 500 Graham Hawkins (9/12/2005) (E) 1986 Thunder Ceptor / Thunder Ceptor II 1991 Thunder Dragon 1993 Thunder Dragon 2 (aka Big Bang – Power Shooting) 504 450 10 000 000+ 5 006 520 “FANCY-KETOSE” “DEVICE-PHANTOM” “edusword” (30/9/2013) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 48 1990 Thunder Force AC 2 411 980 “NAKAI KOI E KONDERA” 1990 Thunder Fox 7 202 700 “BREM-CYR-BACHU” 1990 Thunder Jaws 439 257 “GOK” (5/6/2010) (E) 1991 Thunder Strike 844 010 Matt Hall (3/4/2006) (E) 1991 Thunder Zone (aka Desert Assault) 1985 Tiger-Heli [Lives: 3; Difficulty: Normal] 9 999 1 350 640 1987 Tiger Road (aka Tora-he no Michi) 399 100 “” (21/7/2002) (E) Larry Barr (4/9/1985) Shahbaz Sadiq (1/11/2014) (E) 1984 Timber 6 013 515 Don Dewelius – 'Marathon' score (5/2011) 1998 Time Crisis II 2 307 020 “M.T@Team Gun-Powers” 2003 Time Crisis 3 [Continues Allowed – Complete Game] 4 994 880 “APS@” 1992 Time Killers 200 416 1983 Time Limit 1 004 200 1982 Time Pilot (Bootleg: Space Pilot) 15 000 000 “Mike Myers” (13/1/2010) (E) “VERTEX-B” (9/2/2004) (E) Jeff Peters – ‘Marathon’ score (25/9/1985) 1984 Time Pilot ’84 786 800 1987 Time Scanner 3 626 270 “TheBSM” (28/7/2011) (E) 1991 Time Traveler (FYI: The first hologram game) 2 132 800 “ESSAY-SHIN INOCHI MEI” 1982 Time Tunnel 330 480 1993 Tinkle Pit 22 068 400 Antonio Ciccarelli (14/6/2000) (E) “VERTEX-DAN” (28/2/2003) (E) “FGM-UKA” 1983 Tin Star, The 234 850 Matt Hall (10/10/2014) 1989 Toki (aka JuJu Densetsu) [Very Hard setting] 888 650 “FAD BR” (19/9/2008) (E) 1987 Toki no Senshi – Chrono Soldier 521 700 “Ace13” (1/3/2005) (E) 1980 Tomahawk 777 (aka Tomahawk Missile) 100 000 maximum achieved (E) 1988 Toobin’ [Difficulty: Medium; Starting Lives: 3] 1994 Top Hunter – Roddy & Cathy 10 578 390 1 815 300 1996 Toppy and Rappy 699 120 1993 Top Ranking Stars (aka Prime Time Fighter) 2 472 600 1983 Top Roller 66 519 1986 Top Secret (Exidy) 102 715 David Jury (16/4/2014) (E) “WZH” “PAC” (8/6/2013) (E) “DGD” Philippe Lamat (15/10/2009) (E) Martin Bedard (31/7/2005) (E) 1997 Top Skater: Sega Skateboarding [Easy/Novice] 1 909 355 “KUHA-72!” [Hard/Expert] 1 739 543 “KUHA-72!” 1 656 000 Gerhard Schindler (18/5/2005) (E) 1980 Tora Tora 1982 Tornado (FYI: only available as conversion kit) 25 320 Paul Ford (22/1/2011) (E) 1996 Torus 9 999 900 maximum achieved (E) 1994 Toryuumon 1 261 120 “FAD-A.T” 1992 Total Carnage 1 094 178 Steve Krogman 1986 Tough Turf 10 152 400 “JAG-CYR-IGA” 1984 Tower of Druaga, The 1 358 050 “WEDNESDAY” (5/9/2006) (E) 2001 Toy Land Adventure 1 039 500 “Krj” (9/6/2015) (E) 1986 Toypop 201 450 “RMN? - ISN (TSUNE)” 1983 Track & Field / Atlant Olimpic (1996) (aka Hyper Olympic) 1 856 290 Ugo Minguzzi (15/8/1985) 1980 Tranquilizer Gun 102 310 “” (26/12/2001) (E) 1986 Transformer (aka Astro Flash) 661 040 Tony Montana (26/5/2004) (E) 3 602 775 Gianmarco Nanfito (21/3/1984) 1983 Traverse USA (aka MotoRace USA; Zippy Race) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 49 1982 Treasure Island 145 080 “VERTEX-DAN” (18/7/2008) (E) 1987 Tricky Doc 916 500 “VERTEX-B” (29/6/2003) (E) 1989 Trio The Punch – Never Forget Me... (FYI: Released in 1990) 2 351 400 maximum achieved (E) 1982 Triple Punch (aka Knock Out!!) Leo Daniels – ‘Marathon’ score 2004 Trizeal 11 165 570 5 854 340 1990 Trog 35 474 962 1986 Trojan (aka Tatakai no Banka) 1982 Tron 1 807 400 14 007 645 “UCF” Matt Hall (25/4/2003) (E) “” (19/9/2002) (E) David Cruz – ‘Marathon’ score (30/9/2011) 1983 Tropical Angel / New Tropical Angel (FYI: only available as conversion kit) 681 011 “VERTEX-DAN” (24/3/2006) (E) 1988 Truxton / Tatsujin 10 003 500 “”‘Marathon score’ (11/11/2001) (E) [3+hrs] 1992 Truxton II / Tatsujin II / Tatsujin Oh 10 000 000+ “SPK” 1993 Tube-It (aka Cachat) 191 380 “Gmitra” (23/12/2001) (E) 1984 Tube Panic 506 629 Stefano Levati (1/12/1984) 1982 Tugboat 894 1991 Tumblepop (Hack: Jump Kids; Jumping Pop (2001)) 1 727 600 1 719 400 Robert B Ballantyne (19/7/2010) (E) Oscar Sciascia (4/8/2012) (E) “TYR-YOKUOU” 1979 Tunnel Hunt / Tunnel Hunt (1981) / Vertigo (Exidy – not the 1984 game) (Prototype: Tube Chase) 821 330 Chris Randall (24/2/1983) 1981 Turbo 223 139 1991 Turbo Force 1 659 400 1989 Turbo Out Run 59 533 920 1984 Turkey Shoot 2 358 550 1981 Turtles (aka 600; Turpin) 65 000 1988 Turtle Ship (aka Geobukseon – Turtle Ship) 808 200 1982 Tutankham 2 791 880 1996 Tut’s Tomb 34 870 1985 Twin Bee 10 000 000+ 1995 Twin Bee Yahhoo! (aka Fushigi no Kuni de Oo-Abare!!) [Normal Mode] 7 903 850 [Special Mode] Mace Triesman (1/7/1983) Matsuo Ani Chama “The_Pro” (1/7/2015) (E) Jeff Peters (5/5/1987) Dwayne Richard (31/12/2002) Matt Hall (9/3/2012) (E) Rob Barrett – ‘Marathon’ score (5/6/2004) “edusword” (22/3/2014) (E) many “ZXZ” 17 797 980 “KEIJOU (SEOUL)” 1987 Twin Cobra (aka Kyukyoku Tiger) 10 000 000+ “SPREAM-I.Z” 1995 Twin Cobra 2 (aka Kyukyoko Tiger 2) 11 425 360 “AFH” (4/6/2009) (E) 1988 Twin Eagle – Revenge Joe’s Brother 3 624 000 “YSP” 1994 Twin Eagle II – The Rescue Mission 7 295 870 “BARUTORI KUN” 1989 Twin Falcons (aka Whizz) 1989 Twin-Hawk (aka Daisenpu) 837 050 10 000 000+ “majygool” (15/3/2009) (E) “SSC-VAP” 1997 Twinkle 9 498 960 Paul Valmir (26/6/2013) (E) 1996 Twinklestar Sprites [Character Mode] 3 425 054 “mfm005” (28/11/2004) (E) 2 861 812 “mfm005” (28/2/2005) (E) 905 313 “RedStar” (27/7/2006) (E) [Story Mode] 1991 Twin Squash 1984 Two Tigers 1 505 000 1984 TX-1 277 400 275 240 Mark D Boolan (5/10/2003) (E) David Palmer (2/10/1984) Andrea Paroni Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 50 1988 UFO Senshi Youko-Chan 999 990 maximum achieved 1996 Ultra Balloon 5 000 200 “” (20/9/2003) (E) 1991 Ultraman 1 706 390 “SAIGO NO HENSHIN! MGZ” 1992 Ultraman Club – Tatakae! Ultraman Kyoudai!! 2 170 500 “SKM” 1993 Ultra Toukon Densetsu 2 225 600 “SEP-FECT-F.E” 1995 Ultra X Weapons (aka Ultra Keibitai, Urutara Keibitai) 4 880 900 “JMU” (27/9/2008) (E) 1983 Uncle Poo 1993 U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker 1992 Undercover Cops 175 430 2 264 300 15 647 100 “PAC” (E) “hamami” (2013) “NICHINAN PLAN K.Y” 2005 Under Defeat 7 103 700 “TZR-SIZ” 1993 Under Fire 1 087 100 “Malibu” (22/9/2005) (E) 1980 UniwarS (aka Gingateikoku No Gyakushuu) (Bootlegs: Ataque Sideral; Sky Raiders) 137 630 “WRX2” (29/10/2003) (E) 1989 U.N. Squadron (aka Area 88) 1 960 400 Dwayne Richard (19/5/1992) 1986 Up Scope (FYI: uses Commodore Amiga board) 198 750 John P McAllister (20/6/2010) (E) 1983 Up‘n Down 547 900 Sean Jensen (21/12/1984) 1990 US AAF Mustang 10 000 000+ 7 players as at 8/2006 1984 Us vs. Them 260 125 Brian Johnstone (6/11/1999) (E) 1989 Valkyrie No Densetsu 974 910 “Andrew” (17/2/2002) (E) 1986 Valtric 981 980 “ACU-EPS” 1999 Vamp x 1/2 342 495 “GNU” (25/4/2010) (E) 1994 Vampire: The Night Warriors (aka Darkstalkers: …) [Difficulty: 8 Hardest; Damage Level: 5 Medium] 800 400 Valter A Treib (10/1/2006) (E) 1995 Vampire Hunter – Darkstalkers’ Revenge (aka Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge) 2 079 700 “black tail” (19/12/2006) (E) 1997 Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers’ Revenge 1 643 500 2000 Vampire Night 114 620 “WEDNESDAY” (25/9/2006) (E) “...H” 1997 Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Hack and working title: Darkstalkers - Jedah’s Damnation) 2 111 100 “WEDNESDAY” (25/9/2006) (E) 1997 Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire 2 565 400 ? 1990 Vandyke 2 154 420 Yasushi Kun 1981 Vanguard 3 110 100 Scotty Williams (6/7/1982) 1984 Vanguard II 1983 Van-Van Car 134 250 “Q.T.Quazar” (16/1/2000) (E) 1 230 650 Mike Dietrich (24/8/2015) (E) 1989 Vapor Trail: Hyper Offence Formation (aka Kuhga - Operation Code “Vapor Trail”) 4 730 180 “PIA-ROMPA” 1995 Varia Metal 442 190 “WEDNESDAY” (23/6/2006) (E) 1992 Varth: Operation Thunderstorm 9 999 700 “AXIOM-H.Y” 2000 Vasara 1 284 730 “PAC” (29/6/2010) (E) 2001 Vasara 2 1983 Vastar 30 858 380 1 698 530 1991 Vendetta (aka Crime Fighters 2) 2 269 1981 Venture 1992 V-Five (aka Grind Stormer) 541 950 36 815 100 1984 Victorious Nine 16 800 “GOD HAND” Michele Cassaniti (24/6/1984) “PG3” – ‘Marathon’ score (12/8/2015) (E) “Zip” (5/6/2001) (E) “CYCLONE R.T” “EMPTY-BOY” (31/8/2004) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 51 1982 Victory / Victory Banana 999 999 999 First: maximum achieved Marshall Blythe (18/9/1982) 1986 Victory Road (aka Dogosoken) 1 321 020 Stan Cejka (10/3/1987) 1982 Video 8 Ball 1 141 750 “WRX2” (14/2/2004) (E) 1981 Video Hustler 31 889 240 1979 Video Pinball 3 629 610 “Manuca” (12/6/2001) (E) 1992 Viewpoint 2 794 740 Martin Bedard (7/10/2008) (E) 1988 Vigilante 262 340 1991 Vimana 10 000 000+ 1988 Vindicators / Vindicators Part II 1 273 150 Maurizio Miccoli (12/4/1985) Shahbaz Sadiq (12/10/2014) (E) 35 players as at 8/2006 “scorpion” (14/9/2013) (E) 1989 Violence Fight 14 800 380 “SEIZE-KKK” 1993 Violent Storm 23 162 400 Piotr Goraczniak (12/10/2012) (E) 134 Quinn A Nicholson (6/9/2001) (E) 1988 Viper 1995 Viper Phase 1 [both Old and New versions] 1994 Virtua Cop 16 754 423 9 999 900 1995 Virtua Cop 2 1999 Virtua Tennis (aka Power Smash) 2001 Virtua Tennis 2 (aka Power Smash 2; Tennis 2K2) “NER” maximum achieved 979 402 “ZAP” 4 915 798 “KEI” 11 587 600 “SAT” 1989 Volfied (FYI: An update to Qix, known as ‘Ultimate Qix’ on the Sega Megadrive) 9 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1995 Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer (aka Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer) 405 600 1992 V.R. – Virtua Racing [5 Laps] [Acropolis - Expert] 4’01”46 Matt Hall (1/1/2000) (E) “DE.” [Bay Bridge - Medium] 3’05”78 “DE.” [Big Forest - Beginner] 3’06”28 “DE.” 1984 Vulgus (FYI: Only available as a conversion kit) 5 000 000 “WRX2” (17/2/2003) (E) 1982 Wacko 1 608 100 Steve Harris (31/3/1983) 1996 Waku Waku 7 1984 Wall Crash (Bootleg: Brick Blast) 35 952 400 2 945 661 1982 Wall Street 110 500 “WEDNESDAY” (8/8/2006) (E) Stefano Miccolis (1/9/1985) Marco Tapella (27/7/2001) (E) 1984 Wanted 42 650 Quinn A Nicholson (30/7/2001) (E) 1999 War: Final Assault 19 889 Trong Tran (17/3/1999) 1987 Wardner (aka Pyros; Wardner no Mori) [Score leeching allowed on stages 2 and 5 only if finish stage with same life you were leeching with] 9 999 990 maximum achieved (E) 1980 Warlords 911 875 Peter Skahill (29/8/1982) 1993 War of Aero – Project M E I O U 323 900 “Guinness” (4/2/2006) (E) 1981 War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze (FYI: Like a combination of Centipede and Galaxian) 910 130 Vignola Renzo (27/1/2012) (E) 1982 War of the Worlds 42 400 Matt O’Rourke (2/2/2007) (E) 1981 Warp Warp (aka Warp & Warp) 430 200 “” (24/12/2009) (E) 1991 Warrior Blade - Rastan Saga Episode III 504 950 “AKM-YZY” 1992 Warriors of Fate (aka Tenchi wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai; Sangokushi II) 3 636 000 “P21” (29/12/2006) (E) 1996 Warzard (aka Red Earth) 5 557 600 “HASHIMA ANI YA” Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 52 1996 Water Balls 74 030 Philippe Lamat (13/12/2005) (E) 1984 Water Match 59 738 Dick Moreland (20/7/2011) (E) 1983 Water Ski 98 690 Enrico Zanetti (20/7/1984) 1986 WEC Le Mans 24 16 260 150 1975 Wheels 1 314 1975 Wheels II 948 Keith Bradley (22/10/1986) Cameron Feltner (2003) Zachary B Hample (2/6/2001) 1994 Wiggie Waggie (aka Super Bar) (FYI: very similar to Thunder & Lightning) 163 932 540 German Krol (24/11/2007) (E) 1989 Wild Fang (aka Tecmo Knight) 1992 Wild Pilot 6 516 000 10 368 400 2001 Wild Riders 1 647 692 1992 Wild West C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa “WARUI DOREMON” Maeshi Makana “KOS-RAI” 100 000+ 1982 Wild Western 1 099 900 Richard Eldridge (5/8/1983) 1989 Willow 4 485 950 “SOF-KOU-MI” 1985 Wily Tower (aka Atomic Boy) 193 080 192 970 “DaLar” (22/12/2012) (E) Robert T. Mruczek (15/7/2007) (E) 1996 Winding Heat [Novice] 1'43”007 “IML-UUU” [Intermediate] 1'46”135 “IML-UUU” [Advanced] 2'31”313 “JAG-OYA-G” 1994 Windjammers / Flying Power Disc 219 705 “Krj” (22/5/2014) (E) 1985 Wink 199 048 German Krol (14/7/2008) (E) 1982 Wiping (aka Rug Rats (1983)) 335 690 Mark D Boolan (16/2/2005) (E) 1989 Wit’s 9 088 490 “WZH” 1985 Wiz 535 700 “Lord AxE” (26/6/2012) (E) 1981 Wizard of Wor [Lives: 3] 485 200 Doug Lowry (17/7/2008) 1991 Wonder 3 (aka Three Wonders) (*FYI: Roosters is a slightly more difficult version) [Action: Roosters* / Midnight Warriors] 1 601 800 “el fumador” (30/11/2010) (E) [Shooting: Chariot] 3 506 700 [Puzzle: Don't Pull] 18 818 360 “P100” (11/5/2010) (E) “VERTEX-DAN” (31/1/2009) (E) 1986 Wonder Boy (Bootleg: Wonder Boy Deluxe) 2 699 300 “Moreno@TeamBrazil” (22/5/2014) (E) 1987 Wonder Boy in Monster Land 7 906 810 “MJSTY” (26/2/2003) (E) 1988 Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair 881 920 Rafal Politanski (27/4/2007) (E) 1987 Wonder Momo 501 100 Hitomi Ryo 1987 Wonder Planet 10 247 210 1992 Wonder Stick 1 055 300 1981 Woodpecker 1992 World Heroes [Deathmatch or Normal mode] 1993 World Heroes 2 158 580 2 526 600 10 187 200 1994 World Heroes 2 Jet 1995 World Heroes Perfect 30 000 16 625 300 1993 World Rally 90 523 1982 World Tennis 307 250 1989 Wrestle War 10 392 400 1985 Wyvern F-0 141 310 “” (3/11/2001) (E) Renzo Vignola (24/11/2007) (E) Rafal Politanski (3/6/2005) (E) Gori Nakashima “FGK-RAN” maximum achieved “IPC-WHK (F)” “NeverBackDown” (16/4/2013) (E) Roberto Borio (20/12/1984) “MATTAYAN” “tar” (2/2/2015) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 53 2002 Wyvern Wings (aka Wivern Wings; Wyvern Wings – Space Opera) 1 898 800 “WEDNESDAY” (8/8/2012) (E) 1987 Xenophobe [Health – 1000; Difficulty – Medium] Mike K Morrow (4/12/2004) (E) 577 515 1982 Xevious (Bootlegs: Battles; Xevios) / Super Xevious (1984) 9 999 990 maximum achieved 1991 Xexex 4 208 400 “SUR OGAWA NORIKO” 1994 X-Men: Children of the Atom 9 999 999 maximum achieved (E) 1996 X-Men vs Street Fighter 2 615 200 “black tail” (29/5/2008) (E) 18 390 100 “BREM-SATOU KIMIHKO” 1989 X Multiply 1987 XYBots 1 088 100 “Lord AxE” (5/6/2012) (E) 1989 Xyonix (FYI: similar to Tetris) 599 420 “Metrackle” (28/9/2008) (E) 1982 Yachtsman (aka Mermaid) (FYI: Similar to River Patrol) 107 696 Philippe Lamat (22/3/2010) (E) 1990 Yam! Yam!? (aka Wise Guy) 1 586 800 1983 Yamato 1985 Yie Ar Kung-Fu 135 800 9 999 990 “VERTEX-DAN” (16/1/2006) (E) Matt R DuBrey (3/2/2010) (E) maximum achieved (E) 1986 Youjyuden 489 100 “SOL (SPS)” 1984 Zaviga 519 946 “DaviL@AIVA” (2/6/2003) (E) 1982 Zaxxon (Bootleg: Jackson) 4 680 740 Vernon Kalanikaus –‘Marathon’ score (15/3/1982) 1994 Zed Blade (aka Operation Ragnarok) 7 308 850 “TSUI~MARU@8GOU SAN” 1982 Zektor 547 600 Tommi Tiihonen (4/6/2004) (E) 1980 Zero Hour 101 398 “simpsons99” (14/6/2015) (E) 1983 Zeroize 139 000 “Ace13” (29/9/2005) (E) 1985 Zero Target (aka Gekitsui Oh) 113 360 “Kale” (5/11/2010) (E) 1993 Zero Team 2000 Zero Team 2000 14 008 870 2 863 100 1989 Zero Wing 845 190 “ELH-MAKA” Matt Hall (16/10/2014) (E) Paulo Valmir (7/6/2014) (E) 1992 Zing Zing Zip 4 758 000 Kamiyu Binta 1986 Zippy Bug (aka Noboranka) 3 742 550 “VERTEX-B” (26/7/2002) (E) 1982 Zoar 31 167 170 Eric Hanna – ‘Marathon’ score (12/7/1983) 1983 Zodiack 244 400 “RedStar” (11/3/2008) (E) 1995 Zombie Raid 255 730 Rafal Politanski (23/5/2007) (E) 1999 Zombie Revenge 2 205 080 “MURAI NO TESCHI DEB” 1982 Zoo Keeper [Start 3 Lives; In Coconut stage: no more than 3 landings on top platform allowed] 38 248 380 Jason Cram (18/11/2010) 2004 Zooo 229 600 Renzo Vignola (20/10/2014) (E) 1994 Zunzunkyou No Yabou 807 800 “P21” (25/11/2006) (E) 1984 Zwackery 157 570 “Luja” (8/6/2003) (E) 1982 Zzyzzyxx (Prototype: Brix) 2 814 100 Philippe Lamat (5/2/2014) (E) Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 54 ROLL OF HONOUR Name Country Number of World Records “VERTEX-DAN” JAP 46 “PAC” SPA 46 John P McAllister USA 37 Matt Hall USA 33 Paulo Valmir BRA 27 Rafal Politanski POL 26 “VERTEX-B” JAP 22 LONGEST STANDING RECORDS Space Invaders Zaxxon Space Odyssey Crazy Climber Amidar [Stern] Vanguard Lunar Lander Kick Man / Kick Warlords Eric Furrer Vernon Kalanikaus Curtis Gaskell Mark Benzie Scott Karasek Scotty Williams Michael D Mize Steve Farmer Peter Skahil September 1980 15 March 1982 1 April 1982 1 May 1982 22 June 1982 6 July 1982 1 August 1982 15 August 1982 29 August 1982 Spectar Scotty Williams 13 September 1982 Space Invaders Deluxe Matt Brass 16 September 1982 Eyes Roogie Elliott 18 September 1982 Armor Attack Tom Larkin 25 September 1982 Eliminator Curt Stillwell 25 September 1982 Compiled and Formatted by Chris Horrocks from various sources including: Please email me corrections! Twin Galaxies, MARP, AIVA, KLOV, GEMANT'S List,, ,, EMUX-REKORDY STARTED COMPILING: September 2001 (with some teething errors) LATEST VERSION: 2015.10.09_v2 55
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