Innovating in Education


Innovating in Education
in Education
Gaudi’s Salamander
In collaboration
with SEDEM
Gaudi’s Park Guell
27th - 31st August 2016
Casa Batllo
Casa De Los Paraguas
Inspire ... and be inspired
Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona
Conference themes include:
•Responding to challenging circumstances
•Justifying the costs of innovation
•Decision-making in a complex environment
Programme includes:
•AMEE-Essential Skills in Medical
Education Courses & Masterclasses
•Pre-conference workshops
•Short communications, posters, workshops,
PechaKucha, Fringe
•Research Papers, PhD Reports
•Meet the Experts
Scottish Charity SC031618
Why you should attend AMEE 2016
The AMEE Conference is widely recognized as the key annual medical & healthcare professions
education platform, regularly attended by 3,500 participants from around the globe.
•Participate in stimulating, thought-provoking, interactive sessions: Plenaries, symposia, short communications, preconference and
conference workshops, posters, research papers, PhD reports, AMEE Fringe, meet the experts, and so much more
•Choose content of particular relevance to your needs: Undergraduate, postgraduate & continuing education are well-represented
in the exciting programme, with sessions for teachers, researchers, deans, course directors, administrators and students, not only
in medicine but in the other healthcare professions
•Join in some of the practical preconference workshops and get hands-on experience from experts
•Take one of the courses on offer, including the AMEE Essential Skills in Medical Education courses and Masterclass sessions
•Network with colleagues in medical and healthcare professions education
•Personalise the programme to your own needs, and arrange your own schedule through the Guidebook App
•Share your views with online participants in an exciting new feature - “wisdom of the crowds”
•Watch the recordings of the plenaries and some of the symposia & interviews after the Conference through the AMEE Live feature
(see page 19)
There’s so much to choose from! We hope you enjoy browsing through this Provisional Programme and that we will
see you in Barcelona for AMEE 2016.
Local Organising Committee
Felipe Rodríguez de Castro (President), Jordi Palés, Milagros García
Barbero, Jesús Millán, Núñez-Cortes, Arcadi Gual, Maria Nolla,
Emilio Sanz, Joaquin García-Estañ, Jesús Morán
Universitat Rovira Virgili, URV: Maria Rosa Fenoll-Brunet
Spanish Council of Deans of
Medical Schools, CNDFM: Ricardo Rigual
Ronald Harden, Pat Lilley, Tracey Thomson
AMEE Executive Committee
President: Professor Trudie Roberts, Leeds, UK
General Secretary/Treasurer: Professor Ronald Harden, Dundee, UK
Committee Members: Professor Deborah Murdoch Eaton, Sheffield, UK
Dr Janusz Janczukowicz, Lodz, Poland
Professor Gary Rogers, Gold Coast, Australia
Dr Steven Durning, Bethesda, USA
Professor Olle ten Cate, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Professor Martin Fischer, Munich, Germany
Coopted member: Professor Davinder Sandhu, Bahrain
Ex officio Members: AMEE Past-President: Professor Madalena Patrício, Lisbon, Portugal
Student Representatives: Ms Stijntje Dijk (IFMSA Representative)
Ms Kristina Filipova (EMSA Representative)
Junior Doctor Representative: Dr Rille Pihlak, Estonia
AMEE is pleased to again be working with the IFMSA and EMSA Student Groups, as well as the local
Spanish students, and looks forward to welcoming students and junior doctors from around the
world. A call for applications for international students to join the AMEE 2016 Student Task Force
will be issued by IFMSA and EMSA in early 2016. 2
Spanish Society for
Medical Education
Royal Academy of
Medicine of Catalonia
University of Barcelona
Rovira i Virgili
National Conference of
Deans of the Spanish
Medical Schools (CND)
General Information
Barcelona, the cosmopolitan capital of Spain’s Catalonia region, is defined by quirky art and architecture, imaginative food and vibrant
street life. It has medieval roots, seen in the mazelike Gothic Quarter, but a modernist personality represented by architect
Antoni Gaudí’s fantastical Sagrada Família church. Its restaurant scene, anchored by the central Boqueria market, ranges from fine
dining to tiny tapas bars. For more information, please visit: or
Getting to Barcelona
Barcelona airport, is located 16 kilometres south of the city & is also
known as Barcelona-El Prat. Barcelona can also be reached by
transport links from other regional airports, including Girona, Reus
& Lleida - Alguaire.
Registered participants may take children into all conference sessions
except workshops if it is not possible to make alternative
arrangements for their care. Children must be accompanied at all
times, & participants are kindly asked to take them out of sessions if
they become disruptive.
The currency is the Euro (€). Credit cards are widely accepted and
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) or cash machines can be found
throughout the city. For current exchange rates visit:
Barcelona has a Mediterranean climate. In August it is very warm.
For an up-to-date weather forecast, please visit:
Entry to Spain and Travel Visas
It is strongly recommended that you take out insurance to cover any
potential loss of registration fees, travel and accommodation costs
that might result from any medical condition or accident that
may preclude your attendance at the conference, or cause you
to seek medical advice during your stay in Spain.
Please check with the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in your country
to find out whether you need a visa, and if so, the documentation
that must be supplied. If you need AMEE to supply a letter of
invitation to support your application please contact a minimum of 2 weeks before submitting
your application. Before a letter can be issued you should formally
register for the conference.
About the Conference
Conference Venue: AMEE 2016 will take place at CCIB - Centre Convencions Internacional de Barcelona. The CCIB is an integral part of Diagonal
Mar, the newest section of Barcelona’s seafront. A 3 day local travel ticket will be provided for those registered for the main conference.
Language: Conference sessions will be conducted in English. One stream of Spanish sessions will also be offered.
CME Accreditation: Credits are being requested from the UK Royal Colleges for attendance at the main conference (29-31 August).
Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME) Sessions
All participants may register for GAME sessions.
Register for GAME full day meeting (Sunday) as a standalone event or in addition to the main AMEE 2016 Conference
and receive a discount on GAME attendance.
Saturday 27 August
Sunday 28 August
• Pre-conference workshops (Optional extra, ¤97 per workshop)
- PCW7: Patient Engagement...How it Improves Global Health Care
Outcomes (0915-1215)
- PCW18: The Australian experience of implementing an international
grant model for interprofessional continuing health education (CHE):
what works, what does not! Facilitating an international discussion
• Special Interest Groups – breakfast discussions (0700-0830)
• GAME Full Day Meeting (0900-1730)
Topics Include:
1.Designing a Webinar Strategy for your Organization: planning, delivery,
and evaluation
2.Competence and Performance Outcomes for Physicians: How to
incorporate concepts of outcomes measurement with the realities of
proficiency in performance.
3.Hot Topics in Global CPD, including: Joint accreditation; What
supporters look for in grant proposals; Challenges with implementation
of global CPD initiatives; Your compliance or mine? – navigating the
minefield of worldwide regulatory compliance.
Registration fees
• Pre-Conference Workshops: ¤97 each (in addition to GAME Meeting
registration or main AMEE conference registration)
• GAME Meeting Sunday 28 August only: ¤250 (¤278 from 18 May)
• GAME Meeting Sunday 28 August if also attending AMEE 2016:
¤222 (¤250 from 18 May)
How to register | Register to attend online at
See for full details
ESME Course
ESMEA Course
ESCEPD Masterclass
ESCEL Masterclass
ESMESim Masterclass
RESME Course
FLAME Course
Pre-Conference Workshops
AMEE Executive Committee
ESME Course
ESMEA Course
RASME Courses
CALM Course
GAME Meeting
Plenary 2
Short Communications
Research Papers
Meet the Expert
Plenary 3
Short Communications
Research Papers
Meet the Expert
Short Communications
Research Papers
Plenary 4
Close of Conference
ESME Course
RESME Course
FLAME Course
CALM Course
AMEE Committee Open Meetings
ESME Course
RESME Course
FLAME Course
CALM Course
ESME Course
FLAME Course
CALM Course
ESME Course
RASME Courses
CALM Course
GAME Meeting
AMEE Orientation
Short Communications
Research Papers
AMEE Fringe
PhD Reports
Short Communications
Research Papers
AMEE Fringe
PhD Reports
ESMEA Course
RESME Course
AMEE Executive Committee
Opening Ceremony
Plenary 1
Networking Reception
Private Meetings
Private Meetings
ESME Course
ESMEA Course
ESCEPD Masterclass
ESCEL Masterclass
ESMESim Masterclass
RESME Course
FLAME Course
Pre-Conference Workshops
AMEE Executive Committee
Outline Programme
Practical Skills for Reviewing Evidence in Health Professions Education
This introductory/intermediate course has been designed to
present and develop a set of core skills that are key in using and
undertaking systematic reviews in the healthcare professions.
These will include: developing relevant topics for review;
considering and selecting appropriate methods for review and
synthesis of evidence; searching and appraising research;
synthesising studies; writing up a review in a manner that can
impact practice and using and peer reviewing of education
The Course is designed for all healthcare professionals interested in
planning, implementing and reporting a systematic review as well
as those interested in reviewing/managing a systematic review.
Whilst the Course draws on experience gained with the Best
Evidence Medical Education (BEME) Collaboration, it is
appropriate for a wider audience.
Cost: ¤695
Course Faculty:
•Morris Gordon, School of Medicine, University of Central
Lancashire, UK, and Director of the BEME Education and
Training Committee
•Madalena Patricio, Faculty of Medicine University of Lisbon,
Portugal, Chair of BEME Board and Past President of AMEE
• Antonio Vaz Carneiro, Head, Center for EBM and Director of the
Department of Medical Education at the Faculty of Medicine
University of Lisbon, Head of Cochrane Portugal.
Sunday (0930-1630)
Tuesday (1600-1730)
Wednesday (0830-1000)
One-to-one web-based coaching meeting following the
Certificate of participation following completion of the Course;
Post-course assignment:
Optional submission and assessment of a post-course report,
Participants may choose to submit, within six months of details of which will be given during the Course; Award of
completion of the course, a protocol for their own review, or PASREV Certificate if the post-course report is assessed as
appraisal of a published review. If completed to a successful meeting the standards.
standard, award of the PASREV Certificate will be made.
Please note:
Course participants must also register for AMEE 2016 and pay the
conference registration fee. Course fees are exclusive of Spanish
AMEE-Essential Skills in Medical Education Courses
Offered and accredited by AMEE
AMEE-ESME courses, are aimed at practising teachers in medicine and the healthcare professions, both basic
scientists and clinicians. They are designed for those new to teaching and also for teachers with some experience
who would like a greater understanding of the basic principles and an update on current best practice.
Post-course report: Participants of the AMEE-ESME Courses may choose to submit, within six months of completion
of the course, a post course report leading to award of the AMEE-ESME Certificate in Medical Education.
PLEASE NOTE: Course participants must also register for AMEE 2016 & pay the conference registration fee | Courses fees are exclusive of Spanish VAT.
ESME - Essential Skills in Medical Education
The ESME Course provides a strong foundation in the basic
competency required of all medical and healthcare professions
teachers: the Effective Teacher, the Informed Assessor/Evaluator
and the Skilled Educational Planner. This highly interactive course
focuses on how people learn and the range of teaching, learning
and assessment methods and opportunities available to the
teacher. It also examines how teaching, learning and assessment
can be organized in the curriculum.
Cost: ¤764
Stewart Mennin (Mennin Consulting & Associates, USA),
Ruy Souza (Federal University of Roraima, Brazil), Regina Petroni
Mennin (Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Saturday (0830-1700 hrs);
Sunday (0830-1630 hrs);
Monday (1215-1315 hrs);
Tuesday (1245-1345 hrs);
Wednesday (1300-1400 hrs)
ESMEA - Essential Skills in Medical Education Assessment
The ESMEA Course provides an introduction to the fundamental
principles of assessment for those new to the area. Through
a series of short presentations & small group work, participants will
gain experience in designing assessments, blueprinting, writing
test material & standard setting. After completing the course,
participants will have acquired a vocabulary and a framework
for understanding essential concepts in assessment and
familiarity with the principles for their practical implementation.
Katharine Boursicot (Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine,
Singapore), Brownie Anderson (NBME, USA), Richard Fuller
(Leeds, UK), Kathy Holtzman (ABMS, USA), John Norcini (FAIMER,
USA), Trudie Roberts (Leeds, UK), Dave Swanson (ABMS, USA),
Sydney Smee (Medical Council of Canada)
Saturday (0845-1630 hrs);
Sunday (0845-1215 hrs);
Tuesday (1600-1730 hrs)
RESME - Research Essential Skills in Medical Education
The RESME Course provides an introduction to the essential
principles & methods of conducting research in medical
education: formulating research questions, choosing a research
approach and selecting an appropriate global methodology,
and constructing a research plan. Through a series of short
presentations and small group work, this highly interactive
course will introduce basic concepts and principles using a
variety of examples related to theory. After completing the
course, participants will have acquired a framework for
understanding and application of essential concepts and
principles for research in medical education.
Cost: ¤695
Cost: ¤695
Charlotte Ringsted (University of Aarhus, Denmark), Tina
Martimianakis (The Wilson Centre, University of Toronto, Canada)
& Albert Scherpbier (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
Saturday (0845-1630 hrs);
Monday (1215-1315),
Tuesday (1245-1345 and 1600-1800)
See for full details
AMEE-Essential Skills in Medical Education Masterclasses
Offered and accredited by AMEE
PLEASE NOTE: Course participants must also register for AMEE 2016 & pay the conference registration fee | Courses fees are exclusive of Spanish VAT.
ESCEL - Essential Skills in Computer-Enhanced Learning
Whether using a desktop computer, tablet, smartphone, or
other device, effective computer-assisted learning requires a
skilful alignment of learner and program needs, learning context,
instructional design, assessment, and technology. The ESCEL
Masterclass will prepare participants to develop, deliver, and
evaluate computer-enhanced learning activities using sound
educational principles and a range of creative technologies. This
highly-interactive course will employ a series of short presentations,
problem-focused small group activities, and group discussion.
Extensive computer experience is NOT required.
Note that hands-on training in specific development tools is
beyond the scope of this course.
David A Cook (Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA) and
Rachel Ellaway (University of Calgary, Canada)
Saturday (0830-1630)
ESMESim - Essential Skills in Simulation-based Healthcare Instruction
This highly interactive, full-day faculty development Masterclass
is designed as an introduction to fundamental skills for delivering
simulation-based health professions education through a
variety of techniques. Topics to be covered include: available
simulation technologies & environments; evidence-based
features and practices that promote effective learning through
simulation; construction of simulation scenarios; and assessment
and debriefing. Large-group discussions will be interspersed
among small-group breakout activities that include not
only design and development of simulation scenarios, but also
actual implementation with hands-on use of various simulators.
Participants will experience simulations – including debriefing
after each scenario – from both the instructor and learner
perspectives, and will also receive feedback from experts
with many years of experience using simulation for health
professions education.
Cost: ¤250
N.B.: Like the main AMEE conference, large-group discussions
will be conducted in English, but in consideration of this
year’s meeting location, bilingual faculty will participate, who
can facilitate work in Spanish for course registrants who would
be more comfortable communicating in their native language
during small-group breakout activities.
Ross Scalese, Ivette Motola (Gordon Center for Research in Medical
Education, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA),
Luke Devine (University of Toronto, Canada)
Saturday (0830-1630)
ESCEPD - Essential Skills in Continuing Education and Professional Development
The Masterclass will provide AMEE participants with a global
appreciation of current Best Practices in CE, the evidence and
theory informing effective CEPD, and practical approaches for
implementing CEPD within different settings. This program
should be of interest to those who are currently involved
in the planning, organization and or implementation of medical
(health) education at the continuing professional development
level. It is appropriate for beginners and those at an intermediary
point in their CEPD careers.
Cost: ¤250
Cost: ¤250
Jane Tipping, Suzan Schneeweiss, Amy Wolfe, Rita MacDowall
Saturday (0830-1630)
Research Advanced Skills in Medical Education (RASME) Sessions
Offered and accredited by AMEE
PLEASE NOTE: Course participants must also register for AMEE 2016 & pay the conference registration fee | Courses fees are exclusive of Spanish VAT.
One-day RASME courses offer the chance to look at an area of research in medical education at intermediate or advanced level.
Whilst some participants may find it beneficial to complete the RESME three-day course first, this is not a requirement and a RASME
one-day course may be taken separately from RESME.
Experimental Studies in Medical Education: from theory to practice
Experimental research in medical education involves studies that
aim to verify, refute or expand on the validity of hypotheses. This
type of research is paramount for developing and refining
theory and advancing the field of medical education. However,
experimental studies in the medical education research
literature often lack the methodological rigor that characterizes
research conducted within traditional disciplines (e.g.,
psychology, biomedicine), affecting the trustworthiness of the
evidence produced. Furthermore, many medical education
researchers struggle when using theory to construct research
questions, to choose experimental designs & data analyses, and
to integrate their findings with existing theoretical frameworks.
Working with experts in experimental research, participants will
learn about relevant research methodologies & ways to
incorporate theory into the design and reporting of experimental
studies. Using a mix of short presentations and interactive
small-group sessions, experienced scientists will guide
participants to refine their own research proposals and research
Martin G. Tolsgaard (Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education
and Simulation, Denmark), Ryan Brydges (Wilson Centre and
University of Toronto, Canada), Vicki LeBlanc (Department of
Innovation in Medical Education, University of Ottawa, Canada)
Sunday (0830-1630)
Qualitative Research Methodologies: Embracing Methodological Flexibility As qualitative methodologies and methods are employed with
increasing frequency, particular conceptions of certain
methodologies have been embraced to the exclusion of others.
The implication of such practices in qualitative research should
be considered & evaluated. To that end, in this RASME
workshop we will describe three approaches for encouraging
methodological flexibility in qualitative research: (1)
methodological borrowing, (2) methodological shifting, and
(3) methodological importing. These approaches are some
of the means through which qualitative researchers have made
space for their work in the health professions community.
We will define each approach and explore their use by
analyzing their application to specific qualitative methodologies.
Using their own research proposals and examples from the
literature, participants will gain an understanding of how to
develop a qualitative study that flexibly employs qualitative
methodologies, while also maintaining appropriate markers of
qualitative rigor.
Cost: ¤250
Cost: ¤250
Maria Mylopoulos (University of Toronto, Canada), Lara Varpio
(Uniform Services University, USA), Tina Martimianakis, Elise
Paradis (University of Toronto, Canada)
Sunday (0915-1630)
See for full details
ASME Courses
Accredited by the Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME)
PLEASE NOTE: Course participants must also register for AMEE 2016 & pay the conference registration fee | Courses fees are exclusive of Spanish VAT.
Fundamentals of Leadership and Management in Education – Introductory workshop
This Course provides an introduction to key aspects of leadership
and management for healthcare educators who wish to develop
a deeper understanding of leadership and management theory
and gain an evidence base to help them become more effective
leaders. The Course and its linked lunchtime sessions comprise
interactive group activities, short presentations, and individual
exercises aimed towards gaining insight into the impact
of leadership styles and approaches on the structure and
function of educational organisations. Core topics
include leadership/management theory & practice; challenges
and opportunities; the impact of policy and strategy; leading teams;
emotional intelligence, setting personal goals & action planning.
Cost: ¤695
Judy McKimm, Gillian Needham, Paul Jones (Association for the
Study of Medical Education (ASME), UK)
Saturday (0845-1630 hrs);
Monday (1215-1315 hrs),
Tuesday (1245-1345 hrs),
Wednesday (1300-1430 hrs)
Change, Adaptability, Leadership and Management Workshop
A follow-up to FLAME or a standalone Course as part of the ASME
FLAME (Fundamentals of Leadership and Management in
Education) series. This course provides an introduction to the
key concepts of change and adaptability for healthcare educators
who wish to develop a deeper understanding of leadership and
management theory, how to manage change and gain an evidence
base to help them become more effective leaders. The Course
and its linked lunchtime sessions comprise interactive group
activities, short presentations, and individual exercises aimed
towards gaining insight into how change can be planned for,
managed and led from personal, interpersonal and organisational
perspectives. Core topics include the leader as an agent of
change; psychological responses to change; models of change
management; leading teams through change; change in complex
organisations and contexts; setting personal goals and action
Cost: ¤695
Judy McKimm, Gillian Needham, Paul Jones (Association for the
Study of Medical Education (ASME), UK)
Sunday (0845-1630 hrs);
Monday (1215-1315 hrs),
Tuesday (1245-1345 hrs),
Wednesday (1300-1430hrs)
For more information on FLAME or CALM contact
Pre-Conference Workshops
Half-day workshops:
¤97 (includes coffee only);
Full-day workshops:
¤222 (includes coffee and lunch).
Prices are exclusive of Spanish VAT
PCW28: Junior Doctor Workshop ¤30
PCW11: ADEE/AMEE Collaborative Workshop: Free of Charge
PLEASE NOTE: Pre-conference workshop participants must also register
for AMEE 2016 and pay the appropriate registration fee except PCW 7
and 18 for which participants may instead register and pay to attend the
GAME Meeting on Sunday).
Participants attending PCW 26 may register for this only or in addition to
AMEE 2016.
Pre-Conference Workshops | Saturday 27th August 2016
Workshops will be highly interactive and will provide the opportunity for hands-on practice. Short summaries are given below.
Please refer to the website for full details of what each workshop offers.
PCW 1 | 0915-1215
Small Group Teaching with SPs:
preparing faculty to manage student
-SP simulations to enhance learning
Acquire skill sets to manage teaching
simulations with SPs, including enlisting SPs
as co-teachers, using time outs, feedback/
re-practice and role modelling.
Lynn Kosowicz, Jen Owens, Karen Lewis (USA),
Diana Tabak, Cathy Smith (Canada), Jan-Joost
Rethans (Netherlands), Henrike Holzer
(Germany), Carine Layat Burn (Switzerland),
Keiko Abe (Japan), Mandana Shirazi (Iran),
Karen Reynolds (UK)
PCW 2 | 0915-1215
The experiential learning feast around
non-technical skills
Design simulation situations to teach effective
and goal-oriented patient communication in
a team setting.
Peter Dieckmann, Kristian Krogh, Doris
Østergaard (Denmark), Simon Edgar (UK),
Walter Eppich (USA), Nancy McNaughton
PCW 3 | 0915-1215
“Letting go” - how to apply principles
of Directed Self Regulated Learning in
unsupervised technical skills training
Curriculum Mapping –
black box or easier than thought?
Corrado Paganelli (ADEE), Jack Olivier Pers
(ADEE), Janusz Janczukowicz (AMEE) & others
(Note: free of charge - ADEE visitors do not
need to register for AMEE 2016)
An overview of curriculum mapping including
examples of automatically created learning AFTERNOON SESSIONS
guides and accreditation documents, and
the opportunity to conceptualise your own PCW 12 | 1330-1630
Integrating SPs into the IPE
curriculum map.
Olaf Ahlers, Martin Dittmar, Felix Balzer, Jan Experience
Carl Becker (Germany), Ina Treadwell (South Develop IPE modules utilizing Standardized
Africa), Ara Tekian, Ricardo Correa (USA)
Patients, which are adaptable to a variety of
settings & healthcare professions.
PCW 7 | 0915-1215
Dawn M Schocken, Steve Charles, Vinita Kiluk
Patient Engagement...How it
Improves Global Health Care Outcomes
This workshop will showcase programs that
educate, empower & engage patients, & will
demonstrate how healthcare outcomes are
enhanced when patients are involved in taking
a participatory role in their own healthcare.
Laura Muttini, JoAnne Schaberick, Sarah
Krug (USA), Lisa Sullivan (Australia), & others
(organised by Global Alliance for Medical
Education (GAME)
PCW 8 | 0915-1215
Enhancing difficult communication in a
high-stakes environment
PCW 13 | 1330-1630
Development of Situational Judgement
Based Approaches for Selection,
Development & Assessment
The key principles in scenario assessment
design, implementation and evaluation,
including the practicalities & implications of
online or video-based approaches.
Fiona Patterson, Lara Zibarras, Vicki Ashworth
PCW 14 | 1330-1630
Icing the Cake: Using Capstone Courses
Participants are guided through structured to Enhance the Transition from Medical
applying Student to Junior Doctor
standardized, validated communication
Develop a framework for a capstone course
Develop a strong, framework-based technical strategies in difficult patient care scenarios.
skills curriculum, preparing your trainees for Moushumi Sur, Laura Loftis, Danny Castro, targeted to the needs of your own institution
based on a consensus definition of the
life-long learning.
Tessy Thomas (USA)
entrustable activities expected at the end of
Ryan Brydges (Canada), Steven A. W. Andermedical school.
sen, Ebbe Thinggaard, Lars Konge (Denmark)
PCW 9 | 0915-1215
Christopher Richardson, Daniel Axelson,
A Framework for Analysis of
Whitney Bryant, Riley Grosso, Sarah
PCW 4 | 0915-1215
Unprofessional Behaviour in Medical
Ronan-Bentle, Matthew Stull (USA)
Making a “Flipped” Classroom
Successful: What is it and how to do it
This workshop will provide an introduction
to the elements of Team-Based Learning
(TBL). Participants will gain understanding
of educational principles, basic elements of
TBL (preparation, readiness assurance, and
Application), and how this differs from other educational strategies, by experiencing a
TBL module. In addition, participants will
brainstorm how they may apply this within
their own teaching activities. There will be
required pre-readings designed to help the
learner get the most out of this experience.
Sandy Cook (Singapore), Ruth Levine (USA)
PCW 5 | 0915-1215
Assessing assessment. Best
practice approaches in assessment
and tips for submitting a successful
ASPIRE award application in this area
Discuss challenges & innovations in effective
practical assessment and tips for writing an
ASPIRE application in the area of assessment.
Heeyoung Han, Reed Williams (USA),
Anne-Marie Reid ( UK)
PCW 6 | 0915-1215
Gain an understanding of contextual factors and
intentions that feed into unprofessional
behaviour and how a framework can be
used in different contexts.
Vikram Jha, Susannah Brockbank (UK)
PCW 15 | 1330-1630
Beyond Numbers: Observational and
Qualitative methods for medical
education researchers
An overview of qualitative approaches such as
ethnography, phenomenology and grounded
theory, the key steps in study design, & how
Matching an Active Learning Modality
research questions drive the methodology,
to a Curricular Topic
data collection and sampling strategies.
Strengths and weaknesses of techniques to Karen Mann (Canada), Subha Ramani,
teach essential pre-clinical curricular content Antoinette Peters (USA)
and the development of criteria to match
PCW 16 | 1330-1630
techniques to curricular topics to enhance
Paths to student engagement
student motivation and learning.
Frazier Stevenson (USA)
in medical schools: key
PCW 10 | 0915-1215
PCW 11 | 0900-1230
Dentistry and Medicine – a new
AMEE-ADEE initiative
This two part collaborative workshop will
discuss common interests in Medicine and
Dentistry. Part 1: Interprofessional education
– a holistic approach to patients; Part 2:
Teaching medicine to dentistry students and
dentistry to medical students.
ingredients among multiple paths
A discussion of what is involved in student
engagement and identification of challenges
and good practice for student engagement
in participants’ own contexts.
Marko Zdravkovic (Slovenia), Manuel João
Costa (Portugal), Danai Wangsaturaka
(Thailand), Kulsoom Ghias (Pakistan), Simon
Drees, Harm Peters (Germany), Michael Rieder
See for full details
Culture matters: Feedback in health
profession education for diverse
learners in international settings
How to provide culturally-sensitive feedback
to optimise learning using models to identify
differences among cultures including race,
religion, gender & specialty.
Chaoyan Dong, Chay-Hoon Tan (Singapore),
Elizabeth Kachur (USA), Che-Wei Thomas Lin
(Taiwan), Monica van de Ridder
Netherlands), Peter Dieckmann (Denmark)
PCW 18 | 1330-1630
The Australian experience of
implementing an international grant
model for interprofessional continuing
health education (CHE): what works,
what does not! Facilitating an
international discussion
The workshop will discuss the challenges,
weigh up the value and identify the solutions
to implementing a truly independent CHE
in regions outside the US while considering
the real challenges faced by providers with
regard to the learner’s expectations, logistics
and costs.
Lisa Sullivan (Australia), Sean Hayes (Canada),
Suzanne Murray (Canada) (organised by
Global Alliance for Medical Education
PCW 19 | 1330-1630
Dying and grief: practical tools to help
students reflect on these challenges
Methods and tools that may be used to
create a safe, effective & culturally sensitive
educational setting to enhance reflection on
dying and grief.
Veronica Selleger (The Netherlands), Bryan
Vernon (UK)
PCW 20 | 1330-1630
Globalizing medical education and
health through resident exchanges:
Making it happen
Identification and discussion of possible
gaps, barriers and ethico-legal implications
of physician mobility with a reference to
resident exchanges.
Ahmet Murt (Turkey), Klaus Puschel (Chile),
Sohaila Cheema (Qatar), Anna Iacone, Marta
van Zanten (USA), Ricardo Correa (USA)
PCW 21 | 1330-1630
Rethinking the role of Twitter and social
media in medical education: social
media as open learning resources
How to maximize the potential of Twitter,
Instagram, Vine, blogs, YouTube & Wikipedia
in medical education activities.
Natalie Lafferty (UK), Annalisa Manca (UK)
Pre-Conference Workshops | Sunday 28th August 2016
PCW 17 | 1330-1630
PCW 27 | 0915-1215
PCW 22 | 0915-1215
Use of Generalizability Theory in
Designing and Analyzing
Performance-Based Tests
Converting Ability to Capability.
Developing Skills that Enhance Faculty
Develop the ability to manage and utilize
highly diverse faculty teams with applied
leadership skills, & an understanding of
models and theories that help facilitate
superb faculty performance.
Davinder Sandhu (Bahrain), Alan Cook (UK)
PCW 23 | 0915-1215
Non-technical skills: what are they and
how can we teach/assess them?
Training in non-technical skills aids teams during
their routine work, as well as in the mitigation
and recovery from unplanned events. Whilst
principally aimed at teams in the operating
theatre, the workshop will be relevant to all
interested in increasing their knowledge of
non-technical skills.
Jonathan Beard, Eleanor Robertson (UK)
PCW 24 | Full Day - 0915-1630
Creating blended learning approaches
AMEE eLearning Committee
(includes lunch)
An explanation of g-theory & its advantages
over classical test theory, including statistical
procedures & software for conducting
generalizability analyses.
David B Swanson (USA)
PCW 28 | 0915-1215
Kick-starting a Career in Medical
Education: Channeling Passion into
Helping early career medical educators to set
short and long-term career goals, addressing
topics including mentorship, collaboration,
balancing clinical and education priorities
and deriving academic credit for their work.
Matthew J. Stull (USA), Rille Pihlak (Estonia),
Robbert Duvivier (Australia), Margot
Weggemans (The Netherlands), Kevin Garrity
PCW 29 | 0915-1215
Teaching & learning clinical reasoning
Equipping clinical teachers to teach and assess
clinical reasoning in daily clinical practice by
learning to use the ‘think aloud’ technique.
An exploration of educational thinking and Ralph Pinnock, Helen Chignell (New Zealand),
theory to inform the development of Louise Young, Paul Welch (Australia), Erle Lim
blended learning approaches including how Chuen Hian (Singapore)
technology can support learning & how it
PCW 30 | 0915-1215
can be used to develop learning resources.
PCW 25 | 0915-1215
The Small Group Experience:
Strategies to Improve Your Performance
as Facilitator
How to design integrated simulation
Hands-on hybrid simulation scenario design
including standardized patients, virtual
patients & low or high fidelity manikins, and
the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Develop your skills as a facilitator including
Che-Wei Lin, Wen-Chen Huang, Jen-Chieh Wu
the use of a variety of techniques such
(Taiwan), Terry Pan (Singapore), Geoffrey T.
as buzz groups, snowballing, pair-share,
Miller, Paul E. Phrampus (USA)
cross-over groups & circle of voices.
Carol F. Capello, Elza Mylona, Norma S. Saks, AFTERNOON SESSIONS
Thanakorn Jirasevijinda (USA)
PCW 26
Full Day - 0915-1630
Going beyond veterinary
professional skills: the question of
employability (includes lunch)
PCW 31 | 1330-1630
An Expert’s Guide to Peer Review:
An Interactive Look at the Life Cycle
of a Scholarly Submission
An understanding of the peer review process,
including tips on improving your chances
The educator’s role in ensuring graduates of getting your work published and how to
recognize their skills, where they need review different types of medical education
further development and facilitating their research papers, from the Editors of
transition to the workplace. This workshop Academic Medicine and MedEdPORTAL.
focuses on veterinary education but all David Sklar, Steven Durning, Chris Candler, Anne
Farmakidis, Mary Beth DeVilbiss (USA)
professions are welcome.
Liz Mossop, Kate Cobb, Susan Rhind (UK),
PCW 32 | 1330-1630
John Tegzes (USA)
Advanced Presentation Skills Going From Good to Great
Developing skills and techniques to improve
your presentation skills, including real-time
needs assessment, reading an audience,
use of visual aids and positioning/posture/
Lawrence Sherman (USA)
PCW 33 | 1330-1630
PCW 36 | 1330-1630
PCW 39 | 1330-1630
What to do when OSCEs go wrong!
Using meaningful psychometrics to
support recognition, remediation and
decision making in OSCE ‘dilemmas’
Understanding, Developing and
Implementing Adaptive Education; a
Model for Future Medical Education
Communicating with the Learner in Difficulty
Challenging OSCE issues including ‘extreme’
examiners at individual & group level, multi-site
variation, stability of borderline groups and
whether stations should be ‘removed or
Richard Fuller, Matthew Homer, Godfrey Pell (UK)
PCW 34 | 1330-1630
Self-Awareness, Reflection, & Meaning
Making: A Faculty Development Workshop
Introducing Mind-Body Medicine and
Reflective Writing for Preventing Burnout
and Promoting Resiliency
An understanding of the concepts that underpin
Adaptive Education, which recognises every
learner’s uniqueness, and strategies for
overcoming barriers to its implementation.
Hilliard Jason, Michael Seropian, Jane Westberg
(USA), Davinder Sandhu (Bahrain), Andrew
Douglas (UK)
PCW 37 | 1330-1630
“I used to be afraid, but now I’m not…”
- How to use statistics effectively (and
impactfully!) in Medical Education Research
An explanation of the key statistical methods
that will be of particular interest to educators,
Strategies to boost resiliency & to reduce or and the opportunity to befriend, interpret and
prevent burnout, thus providing a protective skill apply them.
set for use throughout one’s career.
Karen Elley, Connie Wiskin, John Duffy (UK)
Hedy S. Wald, Aviad Haramati (USA)
PCW 38 | 1330-1630
PCW 35 | 1330-1630
An opportunity to practice new techniques that
will help clinical teachers to be calmer, clearer
and more confident when dealing with learners
in difficulty.
Carmen Wiebe, Mark Halman, Susan Lieff (Canada)
PCW 40 | 1330-1630
Five essential topics for faculty
development programs in assessment:
What do faculty need to know?
Five essential components of a complete faculty
development program in assessment will be
presented, with templates for organizing the
workshops in participants’ own institutions.
Ara Tekian, John Norcini (USA)
PCW 41 | 1330-1630
Mentoring your mentors: facilitating the
development of mentors in the context
of a longitudinal and portfolio-based
mentoring system
Globalising Your Medical School
An evidence-based framework for the
An opportunity to create or develop your medical professional development of mentors will be
A toolkit including practical advice for structuring school’s global strategy including considerations presented, which participants can use to design
MCQs, guidelines for video development, and on recruitment, mobility, research, partnerships, their own programme.
sample scenarios for use locally.
budget, grants, engagement, alumni and culture, Sylvia Heeneman, Willem de Grave (The
Kathy Holtzman, Krista Allbee (USA)
and how to get colleagues on board.
Assessing Professionalism with MCQs
Elise Moore (Australia)
AMEE Orientation Session
Sunday (1600-1700)
If you are a first-time attendee at an AMEE conference, come to hear some suggestions of how to get the most from the Conference, and meet
the AMEE Executive Committee & other first timers over a drink afterwards (included in the registration fee, but please register for this session).
1730-1900 Chair: Ronald Harden (UK)
1730-1745 Opening of AMEE 2016
1745-1800 Introduction to AMEE 2016 Programme, Ronald Harden, General Secretary/Treasurer, AMEE
1800-1900 Plenary: Graham Brown-Martin, Education Design Labs, UK
Graham Brown-Martin excels at stimulating new thinking and new ideas. Whether speaking
on education, technology, digital learning, new futures, privacy, digital safety and
entrepreneurship, he takes his audience on a journey and challenges them to think differently.
Brown-Martin was the founder of Learning Without Frontiers, a global think tank that brought
together renowned educators, technologists and creatives to share provocative and
challenging ideas about the future of learning. He was responsible for some of the most
provocative and challenging debates about education. He left LWF in 2013 to pursue
new programmes and ideas designed to transform the way we learn, teach and live. His 30-year
career has spanned the digital, education and creative sectors inventing and building
new businesses that challenged the status quo. Always too early, he designed mobile
computers in the 1980s, interactive digital music systems in the 1990s and cloud-based storage systems in
the early 2000s. Brown-Martin’s rich and varied experiences in the entertainment, education, digital and creative fields
give him a unique perspective on innovative learning strategies for the new generation of learners.
Graham Brown-Martin,
Education Design Labs, UK
SESSION 1 – Plenary | Sunday 28th August
1900-2000 Networking Reception
Enjoy a drink and some canapes and take the opportunity to renew acquaintances and make new friends, as well as the
chance to visit the exhibition stands.
Fee: included in the registration fee for registered participants & one guest.
See for full details
Chair: Stewart Mennin (Brazil)
Uncertainty in Healing and Learning:
Finding the Simple in the Complex
Dr Glenda Eoyang
Executive Director
Human Systems
Dynamics Institute, USA
Monday 29th August 2016
SESSION 2 – Plenary
Uncertainty is a fact of life in the medical
professions, but it seldom appears in educational
programs for health care professionals. The
theory & practice of dealing with uncertainty have
long been relegated to the world of intuition &
luck. Recent developments in the sciences of
chaos and complexity introduce rigorous and
disciplined approaches to deal with uncertainty.
In this session, Dr. Eoyang will share the two
fundamental principles of human systems
dynamics and three core distinctions that
will inform theory and practice to improve
educational outcomes for your students,
performance outcomes for their organizations,
& health outcomes for their patients.
0905-0915 | Questions
Symposium 3B:
Making Feedback Better: How can we innovate
within a rigid professional culture?
Symposium 4C:
The Many Faces of Postgraduate Training – the
future is here
Panel: Anna Ryan (Australia), Chris Watling,
Canada), Chris Harrison (UK), Kevin Eva (Canada)
Panel: Organised by AMEE Postgraduate
Committee Subha Ramani, Matthew J Stull (USA),
Rille Pihlak (Estonia), David CM Taylor (UK)
Improving feedback in medical education is as
much a cultural challenge as an individual one.
We will challenge the audience to consider
medicine’s learning culture & the professional
values that sustain it, and to problem-solve
to support meaningful feedback innovations.
The symposium will review tailored PG tracks
already in place in some countries and data from
junior doctors on what further career training they
feel they require. Participants are invited to share
their own experiences with supplemental PG
training and debate the need to train PGs around
the world with a focus on their career goals.
Symposium 3C:
Big Learning from Small Screens: Using mobile
technology in medical education
Panel: Organised by AMEE eLearning Committee
(Coordinator: Peter GM de Jong, Netherlands)
Several current & future developments in mobile
learning for teaching the health sciences will be
discussed. Members of the audience are
encouraged to bring their own mobile devices
to actively participate in the symposium.
Symposium 3D: (Conducted in Spanish)
Teaching Medicine in the Clinical Setting
Panel: Organised by Spanish Society
for Medical Education (SEDEM)
(Coordinator: Jesús Millán Núñez-Cortés)
A global view of teaching medicine in clinical
settings, defining their characteristics & principal
traits affecting the structure, the process
(including the actors involved in the teaching)
and the outcomes.
1200-1330 | Lunch Break
SESSION 4 - Simultaneous sessions
0930-1000 | Refreshment Break
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters,
PechaKucha, workshops, exhibition
SESSION 3 - Simultaneous sessions
Symposium 4A:
Should medical education be based in
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters,
PechaKucha, workshops, exhibition
Symposium 3A:
Medical Education and Health Systems
in the 21st Century: In search of a new
paradigm for “Wicked” problems in healthcare
Panel: Stewart Mennin (Brazil), Ian Curran (UK),
Glenda Eoyang (USA), Lambert Schuwirth
(Australia) (Chair)
We will explore these ‘wicked’ challenges,
promote dialogue & discover new paradigms
that offer the hope, scope and capacity to face
the current and emerging challenges of health
and education in the 21st century.
Panel: John Cookson, Stewart Petersen, Jerry
Booth (UK)
The panellists aim to stimulate debate about
the forces that currently shape medical
education and whether these are now
operating in the best interests of society, in
particular whether the historical role of
universities to produce the educated person
has been lost in the drive for basic competence.
Symposium 4B:
Globalisation of Medical Education: Can it
contribute to world peace?
Panel: Matthew C E Gwee (Singapore), Maria
Athina Martimianakis (Canada), Janneke
Frambach (Netherlands), Dujeepa D Samarasekera
(Singapore), and representatives from Africa &
the Middle East
Panellists present initiatives which provide
evidence that medical education largely free
from national prejudices is more readily accepted
as a potential developmental tool to enhance
& enrich the quality of medical education and,
consequently, healthcare delivery systems.
Symposium 4D: (Conducted in Spanish)
The Neglected Competencies in
Undergraduate Medical Education
in Spanish Medical Schools
Panel: Organised by Spanish Society
for MedicalEducation (SEDEM)
(Coordinator: Jordi Palés Argullós)
We will discuss how to teach and assess
competencies including communication skills,
information science, languages, professional
empathy, critical thinking & dealing with
BarCamp: Informal Learning and
Facilitators: Sebastian Dennerlein (Austria), John
Bibby (UK), Raymond Elferink (Netherlands),
Micky Kerr (UK), Natalie Lafferty (UK), David
Topps (Canada), Tamsin Treasure-Jones (UK)
BarCamps ( have an exciting,
informal format, with the overall theme and
BarCamp rules set in advance,
but the
agenda and activities democratically decided
on the day. Participants propose activities,
discussion topics & questions. Our theme for
this session will be informal learning and
technology. Together we will explore and share
innovative approaches to using technology to
support such learning. Join us in sharing your
knowledge/experiences at the BarCamp – we
could even continue over dinner if desired!
1515-1545 | Refreshment Break
SESSION 5 - Simultaneous sessions
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters,
PechaKucha, workshops, exhibition
Symposium 5A:
Faculty Development in the Health Professions:
From skill acquisition to professional identity
Panel: Yvonne Steinert (Canada), David Irby, Patricia
O’Sullivan (USA)
The symposium will examine the role & importance
of faculty members’ professional identities & how
these identities can be supported and nurtured
by faculty development programs and activities.
Symposium 5B:
Exploring Active Learning Strategies
for Large Group Settings
Tuesday 30th August 2016
0915-0950 | Plenary 6B:
Medical Education in Difficult
Circumstances: a student perspective
Ewa Pawlowicz
Recent Graduate,
Medical university of
Lodz, Poland
Panel: Organised by International Association
of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE)
Peter GM de Jong (Netherlands), Ann Poznanski,
Joseph P Grande, Frazier Stevenson (USA)
The symposium provides an overview of active
learning strategies currently used in health sciences
education followed by a discussion of the
opportunities & challenges of introducing active
learning strategies into teaching activities.
Symposium 5C:
Making the Implicit Explicit: Theories informing
simulation-based education
Panel: Debra Nestel (Australia), Nancy McNaughton
(Canada), Walter Eppich (USA), Gabriel Reedy
(UK), Ryan Brydges (Canada), Peter Dieckmann
The panellists will share their experience of the
application of theories in simulation-based
education, with examples. Participants will be
invited to respond to the examples and to share
how theories inform their own practices.
SESSION 6 – Plenary:
Medical Education in
Difficult Circumstances
0950-1000 | Questions
Miriam Friedman Ben David New
Educator Award
Chair: Trevor Gibbs (UK)
0830-0905 | Plenary 6A:
Prof Phillip Cotton
Vice Chancellor of the
University of Rwanda
Stumbling blocks into stepping stones;
celebrating medical education in Rwanda
AMEE Fellowship and Associate
Fellowship Awards
Essential Skills in Medical Education
(ESME) Certificates
1015-1045 | Refreshment Break
The University of Rwanda was created two years
ago from the merger of the seven public Universities
and has 31,000 students on 14 campuses. It is the
majority provider of doctors & nurses, & the sole
provider of all other health care professionals.
The merger is one part context and during these
two years, in response to predicted needs, we
have opened the first-ever dental school, doubled
the intake into medicine, and started the first
ever Masters degrees in clinical nursing for 160
candidates. The challenges facing students and
faculty, and delivery of teaching in clinical
environments, are not new but the opportunities
that emerge are exciting and energizing.
0905-0915 | Questions
Difficult circumstances, faced by both students &
faculty, in medical education range from military
activities, human rights violations and poverty,
to the lack of awareness of evidence-based
medical education resulting in an outdated,
traditional way of teaching. Until recently, Polish
traditional; non-integrated and overloaded with
theoretical knowledge while minimising practical
skills & social competence. Thanks to exchange
programmes and support from international
organisations, Polish students have become
acquainted with modern educational systems
and are initiating their implementation. Examples
of Polish students’ activities & projects will be
presented, also illustrating how medical students can
act as change leaders in medical education.
Simultaneous sessions
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters,
PechaKucha, workshops, exhibition
Symposium 7A:
Medical Education in Difficult Circumstances: Finding
solutions to problems
Panel: Robert Woollard (Canada), Mona Siddiqui
(UK), Elpida Artemiou (St Kitts and Nevis), Trevor
Gibbs (UK) (Chair)
The world of medical education is not a level playing
field. Using examples from around the globe, each
giving a different perspective on ‘difficult
circumstances’, the symposium will explore and
share various mechanisms that some schools have
used to bring their institution up to the same level of
quality enjoyed by the few.
Symposium 7B:
Teaching Professionalism to Medical Students:
A cross-national discussion
Panel: Ducksun Ahn (South Korea), Barbara Barzansky,
Dan Hunt (USA), Nobou Nara (Japan)
Panellists will address questions including how & by
whom professionalism is defined, how it is taught and
assessed, behaviours that must be demonstrated in
the clinical setting & how inappropriate behaviour
by students and faculty is addressed.
Symposium 7C:
Issues in Recruiting, Training and Rewarding Clinical
Faculty Outside the University and Hospital
Panel: Daniel Webster, William A Anderson, Elza Mylona,
Peggy A Weissinger (USA), Simon Gregory (UK), Niels
Kristian Kjaer (Denmark)
Delivering quality clinical training in decentralized
environments requires not only a well-organized
curriculum but also quality clinical faculty to teach &
serve as role models. The audience will be invited to
discuss the issues with the goal of identifying best
1230-1400 | Lunch Break
1245-1345 | AMEE Annual General
Meeting (all members invited)
Simultaneous sessions
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters,
PechaKucha, workshops, exhibition
Symposium 8A:
Building the Community of Medical Education Scholars:
Sharing lessons learned for developing and maintaining
successful units for medical education scholarship &
Panel: Lara Varpio, Larry Gruppen (USA), Cees van
der Vleuten (Netherlands), Wendy Hu (Australia)
(Additional comment from: Steven Durning, Stanley
Hamstra, David Irby, Bridget O’Brien, Olle ten Cate,
Susan Humphrey-Murto)
Our research team is studying Medical Education Units
around the world to construct broadly applicable
understandings of how MEUs are launched and
successfully maintained. We share our findings,
describe MEUs from 4 national contexts, and best
practices for securing institutional support.
Symposium 8B:
The Role of Qualitative and Quantitative
Feedback in the Context of a
Competency-Based Curriculum
Panel: John Norcini, Ara Tekian (USA), Glenn Regehr
(Canada), Trudie Roberts (UK), Lambert Schuwirth
(Australia), Yvonne Steinert (Canada)
The symposium will provide real-time examples,
with opportunities for participants in small
groups to discuss strategies to meaningfully
integrate qualitative and quantitative feedback in
their own institutions.
See for full details
Cont’d ... Tuesday 30th August 2016
Symposium 8C:
Why diversity matters to health, health care and
medical education
Panel: Mark Quirk, (Chair), Catherine Lucey, Mark
Earnst (USA), Wendy Hu (Australia), Terry Poulton
(UK), Gary Rogers (Australia), Ming-Jung Ho (Taiwan)
Panel: Janusz Janczukowicz (Poland), Nisha
Dogra (UK), Petra Verdonk (Netherlands),
Student representatives
1530-1600 | Refreshment Break
This symposium will explore the common
features of ‘funding programs’ that lead to lasting
meaningful change in medical education.
The panel will include recipients of grants
or awards from organizations that intend
to lastingly strengthen medical education
throughout the world.
They will share
their goals and outcomes and analyze their
experiences using principles of organizational
change and sustainability. Presenters will
debate the short and long-term impact
of external funding on careers & curricula.
Recommendations will be offered for cultivating
innovation and change with and without
external funding.
SESSION 9 - Simultaneous sessions
Symposium 9B:
Doctoral training & advancements in education,
research and health education leadership
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters,
PechaKucha, workshops, exhibition
Panel: Pim Teunissen, Cees Van der Vleuten
(Netherlands), Ara Tekian, Steven Durning (USA),
Tim Dornan (UK), Susan van Schalkwyk (South
Wednesday 31st August 2016
SESSION 10 - Simultaneous sessions
The symposium aims to support both clinical
and non-clinical teachers with responsibility for
designing, delivering and/or assessing diversity
education, and those teachers who want to ensure
their teaching incorporates strategies to address
clinical and societal diversity.
Symposium 9A:
Fostering Innovation and Change in Medical
Education: The Durable Impact of Awards and
Concurrent short communications,
research papers, posters, PechaKucha
workshops, PhD Reports, exhibition
Symposium 10A:
Creating Safe Spaces for Academic Innovation:
Pushing the boundaries of Medical education
research and scholarship
Panel: Jennifer Cleland, Rona Patey (UK), Ayelet
Kuper, Jerry Maniate, Cynthia Whitehead (Canada)
Panel: Organised by Medical Students. Stijntje
Dijk (Netherlands), (Moderator), Charles Boelen
(Tunisia), Björg Pálsdóttir (USA) Omar Cherkaoui
(IFMSA, Morocco), other speakers representing
international organisations
Questions that will be addressed are: what are
the roles of medical students and of faculties
to serve the community, & how do we motivate
our students and faculties to take on these
leadership roles? Participants will be invited to
share their success stories and challenges.
Panel: Sarah Walpole, Andrew Punton, David
Pearson, David McCoy (UK), Maria Aroca (Spain),
Ben Canny (USA), Hanna-Andrea Rother (South
Africa), and a team of medical students
The symposium will explore how medical
curricula can help future health professionals to
respond to health threats and environmental
change, and the skills needed to promote
communities. Using ideas from the audience
we will build a model curriculum to inform
curriculum development.
PechaKucha Presentations
SESSION 11 – Plenary
•Tunnels, fences, open land? Curricular
integration of the basic and clinical
Martin Fischer (Germany)
Professionalising teaching
innovation in the digital age
•Flipped Classroom
William Jeffries (USA)
Chair: Trudie Roberts, UK
Prof Diana Laurillard,
London Knowledge Lab,
UCL Institute of
Symposium 10B:
Competencies, Outcomes and EPAs: A virtue or
a plague for our learners?
Symposium 10C:
Creating (Global) Citizenship: Introducing
students to community and the global playing
Symposium 9C:
Build Your Own: An environmentally
accountable curriculum
1015-1045 | Refreshment Break
As medical education becomes an increasingly
diverse and scholarly field, academic findings
may call into question accepted ways of thinking and practicing. We will explore strategies
to support & encourage important, potentially
dissenting voices in our field in order to create
safe environments for transformative innovation.
Panel: Erik Driessen (Netherlands), Cees van der
Vleuten (Netherlands), Eric Holmboe (USA),
Larry Gruppen (USA), Linda Snell (Canada), Pim
Teunissen (Netherlands)
Educating future researchers and educators in
health professions is of utmost importance for
the advancement of our field, yet there is great
variation among PhD programs worldwide.
Building on the AMEE 2014 symposium where
differences between PhD programs were
highlighted, we will discuss how our models of
doctoral level training help to fulfill our societal
As educators in the digital age we need to
optimise our use of digital methods to
improve the quality and reach of our teaching,
and improve students’ learning outcomes.
How do we build that new knowledge,
and share what we discover about the
new digital pedagogies now open to us?
Educators can no longer work in isolation given
the challenges we face. Can we use the
technology to become more professional
in building our collective knowledge? The
presentation will propose some new design
tools to support educators, and a new approach
to professionalising teaching.
•Technology enhanced learning in
Medical Education: What’s new, what’s
useful, & some important considerations
Poh Sun Goh (Singapore)
•Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships:
the Wollongong experience
Ian Wilson (Australia)
•The Curriculum Positioning System
(CPS): A Navigational Necessity for the
Master Adaptive Medical Learner
Mark Quirk ((USA)
•(Ex)changing the world: an
opportunity or responsibility?
Stijntje Dijk (Netherlands)
Announcement of AMEE
Conference Prizes
A look ahead to AMEE 2017
1225-1230 | Concluding remarks
Trudie Roberts, AMEE President
1230 | Close of Conference
For more details on hotels and tours and to book see
Worldspan Plc is delighted to have the opportunity to
assist with your hotel requirements for AMEE 2016 in
Barcelona. We have designed the AMEE Official Hotel
Reservation Service to be simple and efficient, with a
direct online hotel booking facility via the AMEE 2016
Conference Registration Website. Where possible, we have
negotiated special rates for AMEE delegates and have
secured a guarantee from hotels that the AMEE rates will
be the lowest available on general public sale over the
conference dates.
Barcelo Atenea Mar
€ 152.00
€ 163.00
Barcelona Princess
€ 163.00
€ 186.00
Doubletree by Hilton
€ 194.00
€ 220.00
Eurohotel Barcelona
€ 159.00
€ 171.00
Four Points by Sheraton Diagonal
€ 150.00
€ 163.00
H10 Universitat
€ 230.00
€ 250.00
The official allocations incorporate hotel grades from 5*
through to lower-priced 4* and 3* properties and we have
secured as many rooms as possible at hotels which are
within walking distance of CCIB, Barcelona International
Convention Centre. We have aimed to offer a choice of
hotel standard, style and price to suit every AMEE delegate’s
need! A significant number of rooms are in well-known
international branded hotels, however we have also
contracted a number of high quality independent
unaffiliated properties, which are approved by the CCIB
and the Barcelona Convention Bureau.
H10 Urquinaona Plaza
€ 255.00
€ 306.00
Hesperia Del Mar
€ 169.00
€ 186.00
Holiday Inn Express Barcelona
€ 123.00
€ 123.00
Hilton Diagnal Mar
€ 183.00
€ 203.00
Hotel 4 Barcelona
€ 118.00
€ 125.00
Hotel Attica 21
€ 265.00
€ 280.00
Hotel SB Diagonal
€ 166.00
€ 189.00
Melia Barcelona Sky (ME Barcelona)
€ 158.00
€ 174.00
NH Barcelona Centro
€ 163.00
€ 181.00
We encourage early reservations, as our hotel allocations
are available to all AMEE delegates on a first-come,
first-served basis.
NH Calderon
€ 186.00
€ 203.00
NH Diagonal Center
€ 163.00
€ 181.00
Novotel Barcelona City
€ 215.00
€ 230.00
Salles Hotels
€ 128.00
€ 138.00
Silken Concordia
€ 143.00
€ 159.00
Silken Diagonal Mar
€ 118.00
€ 133.00
The Level @ Melia Barcelona Sky
€ 208.00
€ 225.00
TRYP Condal Mar
€ 146.00
€ 160.00
Vincci Bit
€ 146.00
€ 158.00
Vincci Maritimo
€ 146.00
€ 158.00
• All rates are inclusive of breakfast
• Distances are approximate
• Prices include 10% Tax
• City tax (€1.21 per person per person per night) is in
addition to the rates shown
• Rates are subject to change
All accommodation enquiries should be directed to Worldspan PLC
Tel: +44 (0)1745 828400 / email:
You will have the opportunity to book tickets for the tours Worldspan have provided an interesting and varied tour programme, offering a variety
both in advance through the online registration site and at of half-day and full-day tours, enabling you to combine your conference sessions with
the Tours Desk onsite in Barcelona, subject to availability.
the opportunity to engage in the culture, style and friendliness of the city.
For a full list of what’s available, booking terms and conditions and to book please visit
All tour enquiries should be directed to Worldspan PLC
Tel: +44 (0)1745 828400 / email:
See for full details
Contributing to AMEE 2016
Please submit abstracts online through our new abstract submission site. The presenter
must be the person submitting the abstract. An automatic email confirmation should be
received within a few minutes of submitting. If you do not receive a confirmation please
check your junk mail folder before contacting
Abstract submissions may cover any topic in medical & healthcare professions education relating to
undergraduate/basic training, postgraduate/specialist training or continuing professional development
/continuing medical education. Abstracts are invited for presentation in the formats listed below.
All abstracts are reviewed by a minimum of three reviewers. For further information on presentation formats
see the website (
Research and PhD Report Submissions:
Deadline 12 January 2016
All other Submissions:
Deadline 15 February 2016
•Research papers: Themed sessions reporting original research. Abstracts of maximum 500 words should be structured as follows: Introduction,
Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions. Up to two references may be included. One of the research paper sessions will be held in a
‘flipped classroom’ format where participants are asked to read & reflect on the abstract and other supporting materials in advance of the session,
and the presentation time is used for clarification & discussion of the issues involved. You will be advised in June if your abstract is to be
presented in the ‘flipped classroom’ session.
•PhD Reports: Presentations based on the participant’s PhD thesis, completed not more than two years ago. Abstracts of maximum 500 words
should be structured as follows: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions. Up to two references may be included.
•Short communications: Simultaneous, themed sessions throughout the programme, with approximately six presentations per session. Abstracts
of maximum 300 words should be structured as follows: Background, Summary of work, Summary of results, Discussion, Conclusions,
Take-home messages. Short communication sessions in the following areas are featured for the first time, and the box on the submission form
should be ticked if the abstract should be considered for one of these sessions: (1) Teaching diversity in health professions education; (2) Medical
education in difficult circumstances. Presenters may also check the box to be considered for sessions to be presented in ‘flipped classroom
format’. More information:
• Patil Teaching Innovation Award Presentations: Short communications of work that demonstrates innovation in health professions education may be
submitted for consideration for the Patil Award sessions. More Information:
-innovation-awards. If not selected for the Patil sessions, the submission will be considered for one of the other short communication sessions.
•Presentation with Poster: Simultaneous themed poster sessions are held throughout the programme. Abstracts of maximum 300 words should be
structured as follows: Background, Summary of work, Summary of results, Discussion, Conclusions, Take-home messages. Poster sessions in
the following areas are featured for the first time, and the box on the submission form should be ticked if the abstract should be considered
for one of these sessions: (1) Teaching diversity in health professions education; (2) Medical education in difficult circumstances. A poster
mentoring service will operate, and presenters of accepted posters will be invited to sign up for this in June.
• AMEE Fringe: There is no prescribed format, and presenters may use the time however they wish, with an emphasis on creativity, performance and
engagement with the audience. Unstructured abstracts should be maximum 300 words.
•PechaKucha™ 20 x 20: These are sessions where presenters use 20 slides which are set to advance automatically after 20 seconds
( Three minutes is allocated after the slides have finished for discussion. Abstracts of maximum 300 words may be
submitted in any format. NEW!
• Point of View: Do you have a viewpoint that you would like to communicate to AMEE participants on any aspect of health professions education?
Is there something you feel passionately about, a topic that you feel needs to be discussed, or something that particularly frustrates you?
No evidence is needed, just your opinion! Abstracts, maximum 300 words, may be submitted in any format. NEW!
Terms and Conditions
• Conference workshops: Workshops are between 1.5 and 2 hours in duration & should be highly interactive and participative. Abstracts of maximum
300 words should be structured as follows: Background, Who should attend, Structure of workshop, Intended outcomes, Level (introductory/
• You may list up to 6 authors for each abstract.
• Presenters should be available to present at any time between
• The submitter must be the presenter
0830 hrs on Monday and 1030 hrs on Wednesday. We are unable
• Only 1 presenter may be indicated for each abstract except in the
to take requests for specific presentation days
case of conference workshops when a maximum of 6 may be
• It is essential that the abstract presenter is registered and has paid
the registration fee by 1 June 2016 (or has registered and made
• Although you may submit as many abstracts as you wish, it is unlikely
arrangements to pay the registration fee either prior to arrival
that more than one short communication or poster per presenter
or on site) in order to guarantee inclusion in the programme.
can be accepted due to scheduling complexities.
• The early registration fee applies until 17 May 2016.
•The abstract submitter will be notified of the decision by
• The final programme will be available from early July 2016.
mid April 2016.
Enquiries related to registration should be directed to Worldspan PLC. Tel: +44 (0)1745 828400; Email:
Registration Category
Payment may be made by credit card or by bank transfer in Euros only.
Please ensure that bank transfers are remitted to the Worldspan
account as detailed on the invoice and not to the AMEE account.
For bank transfers please instruct the payee to accept and pay for
both sender and recipient bank charges and to quote your delegate
registration number as the payment reference. Payment should be
remitted to Worldspan within 2 weeks of registration if you are registering
using the early bird fee. For all registrations made after the early bird rate
has expired payment should be remitted to Worldspan no later than 29
July 2016. Delegates registering after 31 July 2016 will require immediate
payment. Any outstanding fees will require payment on-site during
registration prior to gaining entry to the conference.
We strongly recommend you take out insurance to cover any potential loss
of registration fees, travel & accommodation costs that might result from
any medical condition or accident that may preclude your attendance
at the conference, or that may necessitate treatment while in Spain.
Countries qualifying for ‘Special Rate’ Registration Fee:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi,
Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire,
Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Georgia, Guatemala,
Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Kiribati,
Kyrgyzstan, Lao, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania,
Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua,
Niger, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa,
Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Is., Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan,
Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam,
Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Terms and Conditions of AMEE 2016 Registration
1. Completion of the registration information signifies acceptance of
the terms and conditions set out below.
2. The registration fees may only be paid in Euros irrespective of your
country of origin.
3. GAME Meeting attendance includes: coffee, lunch and access to
special interest group discussions (Sunday 28 August). PCW 7 & 18 on
Saturday 27 August are available as optional extras at ¤97 each.
4. AMEE 2016 Registration fee includes: attendance at main conference
sessions (Sun-Wed) including conference workshops (according to
availability); lunch (Mon-Tues) and coffee breaks (Mon-Wed);
Opening Reception (Sun); Conference materials; 3 day public
transport ticket; access to AMEE Live.
5. Travel to Barcelona and accommodation is NOT included in the
registration fee.
6. Payment may be made by credit/debit card (VISA, Mastercard) or
bank transfer in Euros only. All payments must be made prior to
the start of the Conference unless prior arrangements have been
made to make payment at the registration desk.
7. Cancellation policy for registration: a refund of previously paid
registration fees will be made as follows:
Notification in writing by 17 May 2016: full refund less ¤75
administration fee;
Notification in writing by 1 July 2016: 50% refund;
Notification after 1 July 2016: no refund.
8. Cancellation policy for Preconference workshops and Courses:
AMEE will make every effort to resell places on pre-conference
workshops/courses but cannot guarantee a refund will be
9. Please note in the event of cancellation, bank or credit card
charges incurred by AMEE will not be refunded.
10.This contract is governed by the laws of Scotland.
17 May* 18 May*
AMEE Member
AMEE Non-Member
AMEE Student Member (1)
Student Non-Member (1)
AMEE Member Special Rate Country (2)
Non-Member Special Rate Country (2)
Additions to registration
ESME Course (3)
ESME Masterclasses (ESCEL, ESCEPD, ESMESim) (3)
RASME Sessions (3)
FLAME or CALM Course (3)
Pre-conference workshop full day (3)
Pre-conference workshop half day (4)
Junior Doctors PCW28
GAME Meeting Only
GAME Meeting also attending AMEE 2016 (5)
Additional guest at opening plenary and
reception (First guest free of charge) (6)
AMEE 2016 Live! (7)
*All prices are in Euros and exclude Spanish VAT at 21%.
Student registration is available to medical/healthcare professions
students up to two years post basic qualification only. It is not
available to PhD or Master Students
See list for qualifying countries.
Includes coffee and lunch
Includes coffee only
If you register for both AMEE 2016 and the GAME Meeting you will
receive a discount on fees for GAME.
Registered participants may bring one guest to opening plenary and
reception free of charge (please indicate on registration form)
Register online at
Includes live streaming of plenary sessions (Sun-Wed); a selection of
symposia sessions (Mon-Wed); Interviews with speakers and
conference participants and ability to ask speakers questions;
Streaming may be accessed for a minimum of one year after the
event. Registration entitles one access as individual or a group
watching on one device. See page 19 for details
Register Online:
See for full details
Exhibition & Sponsorship
•Miriam Friedman Ben-David New Educator Award: Nominations are
invited for this award, by 31 January 2016.
For full details, please visit
The Exhibition, consisting of commercial, not-for-profit
and institutional exhibitors, is now a major feature of the
AMEE Conference.
• Patil ‘Teaching Innovation’ Awards are made possible through support
of the Patil family. An award will be made to one or more presenters
of short communications judged as having made an outstanding
contribution to the programme in the area of Teaching Innovations.
For further details, please visit
• Medical Teacher Poster Prize is awarded for the best poster as selected
by the Poster Prize Committee. For further details, please visit
•Free Registration Awards: A limited number of free registrations
are available to participants from the “special rate” countries listed
on page 17 who submit and have accepted an abstract for a research
paper, a short communication or poster presentation. Practising
teachers and registered students from medical and healthcare
professions institutions may apply. Please email your request to the
AMEE Office ( by 26 February, after submission
of your abstract. Participants to be offered free registration will
be notified by 30 April.
Exhibitors Include
Awards and Prizes
• publishers of medical and basic science textbooks, and books and
journals relevant to teachers in medicine & the healthcare professions;
• manufacturers and suppliers of teaching aids including simulators,
computers, mobile technology and elearning packages;
• institutions offering a service in medical education, e.g. testing, data
•pharmaceutical companies, particularly those involved in the
development of educational resources;
• institutions and bodies offering courses for healthcare professionals
across the continuum of education;
• institutions responsible for administration or regulation in medicine
and the healthcare professions;
• professional bodies and medical schools.
AMEE offers a range of opportunities including exhibition booths,
table-top displays, inserts in the conference bags, adverts in the
conference programme and sponsorship of conference materials.
For further details visit
•Postgraduate Travel Award: If you are a junior doctor and have
submitted a short communication relating to an area of
postgraduate training, you may be eligible for consideration for
a small award to assist your participation in the AMEE Conference.
For further details, please visit
•Research Paper Awards: The AMEE Research Committee recognises
those who have demonstrated excellence in medical education
research through their presentation at an AMEE Conference.
For further details, please visit
Don’t wait until you arrive in Barcelona to start communicating about
the exciting sessions in the programme!
AMEE Live Online!
Not everyone can find the funds, or the time, to attend AMEE 2016 so we are offering the option of registering for AMEE Live
Online! You can watch the plenaries, some of the symposia, and hear live interviews from speakers & participants (see page 19).
If you’re attending AMEE 2016 in person, you will also have free access to the streams, so you can take part in one of the other
sessions and catch up on the symposia later.
Follow @AMEE_Online and use hashtag #amee2016 to tweet
about sessions in the programme, and to start networking with
Conference App | Guidebook
Accessible on all mobile devices, you will be able to see the full
programme & abstracts, build your own schedule and connect
with other conference participants.
Keep up to date with all AMEE news by ‘liking’ our Facebook page:
MedEdWorld forums
All registered participants can join in any of the MedEd Forums to
discuss topics of particular interest, and to set up collaborations
before the Conference.
Why not visit to see what it can offer?
AMEE 2016 Live - the next best thing!
AMEE Live Programme
If you are unable to attend AMEE
2016 in person, the next best
thing is to join online With live
streaming of the sessions in the
plenary hall throughout the
Conference you can watch the
opening ceremony, all four plenary
sessions and seven symposia
live as they happen, or catch up
afterwards if the timing doesn’t
suit you.
But there’s so much more to AMEE Live!
• Watch alone or as part of a group
• Watch interviews with speakers and participants in the breaks
• Email or tweet your questions or comments to the speakers
• New for 2016! Ask questions of the audience and receive the “wisdom of the crowd” – find out
more about this on
• Access the Conference App and abstracts
Sessions: Full details of sessions are given on the website
Fee: ¤150 Access from one device
How to Register: Register at
Sunday 28 August 2016
1730-1900 Introduction
Ronald Harden
1800-1900 Plenary: Innovative Learning Strategies
Graham Brown-Martin
Monday 29 August 2016
Plenary: Uncertainty in Healing and Learning: Finding the Simple in
the Complex
Glenda Eoyang
0915-0930 ASPIRE-to-Excellence Awards
Symposium: Medical Education and Health Systems in the 21st
1000-1200 Century: in search of a new paradigm for “Wicked” problems in
Panel: Stewart Mennin, Ian Curran, Glenda Eoyang,
Lambert Schuwirth
1330-1515 Symposium: Should medical education be based in universities?
Panel: John Cookson, Stewart Petersen, Jerry Booth
Symposium: Faculty Development in the Health Professions: From
skill acquisition to professional identity formation
Panel: Yvonne Steinert, David Irby,
Patricia O’Sullivan
Tuesday 30 August 2016
Plenary: Medical Education in Difficult Circumstances
1. Stumbling blocks into stepping stones: celebrating medical
Phillip Cotton
education in Rwanda.
2. Medical Education in Difficult Circumstances: A student perspective Ewa Pawlowicz
Symposium: Medical Education in Difficult Circumstances: Finding
solutions to problems
Panel: Robert Woollard, Mona Siddiqui, Elpida
Artemiou, Trevor Gibbs
Symposium: Building the Community of Medical Education
1400-1530 Scholars: Sharing lessons learned for developing and maintaining
successful units for medical education scholarship and research
Panel: Larry Gruppen, Lara Varpio, Cees van der
Vleuten, Wendy Hu
1600-1730 Funding and Support in Education
Panel: Mark Quirk, Catherine Lucey, Mark Earnst,
Wendy Hu, Terry Poulton, Gary Rogers, Ming-Jung Ho
Wednesday 31 August 2016
Symposium: Creating Safe Spaces for Academic Innovation: Pushing Jennifer Cleland, Ayelet Kuper, Jerry Maniate, Rona
the boundaries of medical education research and scholarship
Patey, Cynthia Whitehead
1045-1130 Plenary: Professionalising teaching innovation in the digital age
Diana Laurillard
PechaKucha™ 20 x 20 Presentations
Integration of the basic & clinical sciences in a
curriculum (Martin Fischer)
Flipped Classroom (William Jeffries)
Technology enhanced learning in medical
education (Poh Sun Goh)
Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (Ian Wilson)
The Curriculum Positioning System (Mark Quirk)
(Ex)changing the world: an opportunity or
responsibility? (Stijntje Dijk)
Close of Conference
See for full details
If you would like more information about AMEE and its activities, please contact
the AMEE Office:
What does AMEE do?
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
12 Airlie Place, Dundee, DD1 4HJ, UK
The Association for Medical Education
in Europe (AMEE) is a worldwide
organisation with members in 90
countries on five continents.
Tel : +44 (0)1382 381953
Fax : +44 (0)1382 381987
Email :
Scottish Charity: SC031618
Members include teachers, educators,
researchers, administrators, curriculum
developers, deans, assessors, students &
trainees in medicine and the healthcare
AMEE’s interests span the continuum of
education from undergraduate education
through postgraduate training and continuing
professional development.
AMEE pursues excellence in healthcare
professions education internationally by:
• 12 January:
Submissions: Research papers and PhD report abstracts
• 31 January:
Close of nominations for Miriam Friedman Ben-David New Educator Award
• 15 February:
Submissions: Short communications, Patil awards, conference workshops, posters,
Point of View and AMEE Fringe abstracts; Last date to apply for free registration
• Mid April:
Notification of abstract decision
• 30 April:
Notification of free registration awards;
Notification to Miriam Friedman Ben-David New Educator Award winner
• 17 May:
End of early registration
• 31 May:
Last date to book accommodation in order to guarantee availability
• 1 June:
Deadline for registration by presenters to ensure abstract included in the programme
• 31 July:
Last date to book exhibition space
Last date to book tours/social events
• Promoting the sharing of information
through networking, conferences,
publications and online activities
• Identifying improvements in traditional
approaches & supporting innovation in
curriculum planning, teaching and learning,
assessment & education management
• Encouraging research in the field of
healthcare professions education
• Promoting the use of evidence informed
• Setting standards for excellence in
healthcare professions education
• Acknowledging achievement both at an
individual and an institutional level
• Recognising the global nature of healthcare
professions education
• Influencing the continuing development of healthcare professions education through collaboration with relevant national, regional and international bodies.
:+44 (0) 1382 381953
+44 (0) 1745 828400
Scottish Charity SC031618