FLAT OUT - Z Car Association of Richmond
FLAT OUT - Z Car Association of Richmond
T IDEWATER Z C AR C LUB & Z C AR A SSOCIATION 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX Z31, 300ZX Z32, OF R ICHMOND F LAT O UT V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 J UNE 2007 S PECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST : 11 TH A NNUAL TZCC C AR S HOW The Tidewater Z Car Club held its 11th Annual Car Show at POMOCO Nissan in Hampton, VA on May 19th. 41 entries from TZCC, Z Car Association of Richmond, Emerald City Z Club, and faithful Ken Lewis of the New England Z Car Club. The weather was perfect for the show, just enough sun but cool enough to enjoy the day. The Food Banks of the Peninsula and Southside were once again the beneficiaries of the proceeds. With Mike Kirsh as The Auctioneer, and from the food sales, TZCC raised about $1,500.00. • Remember When? What do YOU remember of a club past event? Let us all know about it • Club Cars Show season has begun. • The Year’s Calendar of Events so you can plan your schedule to attend. • Nissan Sport News Alert TZCC would like to Thank Henry Ayer and the rest of the POMOCO Nissan Staff for the support and hospitality that they extent to us each year. Henry tells me they sold 16 cars during the day, so it worked out pretty well all the way around. See Page 7 for the Final Standisngs F ROM THE E DITOR I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : I’m beginning to catch up with the Membership Chair duties and would like to welcome the new MemberFirst Name Last Name Number 200 Keith Parnell 201 Tyson Shaffer 202 Melissa Watkins 203 204 Melvin L. Joshua Moore Dawson 205 206 207 Thomas Jerome Brendan Gonnella Shepherd Cowcer 208 Veronica Palomino 209 210 Vanessa Desmond Claggion Blount Date Joined Year TZCC M INUTES 3 ZCAR M INUTES 4 U PCOMING E VENTS 5 R EMEMBER W HEN ? 6 TZCC S HOW 7 B IRTHDAYS 9 ZCAR C HAMPS 10 Model 9/23/2006 1982 280ZX 11/11/2006 2006 350Z 11/30/2006 1979 280ZX Fairlady 2+2 11/30/2006 1987 300ZX (Z31) 11/11/2006 1990 300ZX (Z32) 2+2 1/8/2007 4/10/2007 1990 300ZX (Z32) 4/13/2007 1984 300ZX (Z31) 2+2 5/19/2007 2006 350Z E– Convertible 5/19/2007 2006 350Z 5/19/2007 2006 350Z EConvertible F LAT O UT P AGE 2 C LUB O FFICERS TZCC ZCAR President Todd Wagner (757) 851-8098 zfixers@widomaker.com President Membership Chairman Theo Hartmann (804) 763-0285 theohartmann@comcast.net Vice President Kim Setzer (757) 721-4555 kim.setzer@halestar.com Vice President Nick Sletnar (804) 307-1071 kim.setzer@halestar.com Treasurer Frank Hudson (757) 867-7698 cajun38@cox.net Treasurer Gaile Cormier (804) 270-1842 jrcromier@comcast.net Secretary Wendy Smith (757) 483-5026 bradfieldsmith@cox.net Secretary Aleta Perkins (804) 526-8227 aletapp@verizon.net Membership Chairman Paul Hollander (757) 483-9745 P.hollander1@charter.net Web Master Randy Frommater (804) 264-0662 frfommater@comcast.net Tech Chairman ZCCA Liaison Todd Wagner (757) 851-8098 zfixers@widomaker.com ZCAR Store Ronald Perkins zstore@richmondzcar.com Newsletter Editor Paul Hollander (757) 483-9745 Motorsports Jim Setzer (757) 721-4555 jsetzer@verizon.net Historian as of: Checking Account Previous Balance Mandi Gregg (757) 851-8098 Webmaster Don Strifler Tzccva@cox.net Mar-07 Deposits & Other Credits Checks & Payments Patti Hollander (757) 483-9745 pn.hollander1@charter.net Activities TZCC Store TZCC Treasurer's Report Ending Balance $0.29 $102.50 $166.44 Mar-07 $4,163.24 $0.00 Interest Ending Balance $268.65 Apr-07 Savings Account Previous Balance Wayne Lewis wal280z@yahoo.com 27-Apr-07 Deposits $0.00 Withdrawals $0.00 Apr-07 $4,163.24 V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 3 TZCC M INUTES TZCC Minutes May 14, 2007 Meeting Call to Order Todd Wagner called the meeting to order. New member John Cowcer (1984 300ZX 2+2) was welcomed, along with Guests Veronica Palomino (2006 350ZX convertible) and Alex Morales (Nissan 240SX). Frank Hudson presented the treasurer’s report, showing balances of $166.44 in the checking account and $4,163.75 in the savings account as of April 30th. The April minutes were approved as written. Membership chairman Paul Hollander outlined the Z Car Association of Richmond’s plan for awarding points for participating in club events, with an annual award presented to the most active member at their combined holiday banquet/dinner meeting. Activities chairman Mandi Gregg discussed planned events, including the club’s annual car show, the Norfolk Tides baseball game on June 3, and the picnic at Newport News City Park later in June. Motor sports chairman congratulated Rob Davis for his performance at Pungo the previous day. The Tidewater Sports Car Club’s series at the ACU 4 facilities now require more information for the base access list: Driver’s name, driver’s license number, make and model of car. The access list closes Wednesday afternoon. TSCC is running two sessions, morning and afternoon, to accommodate the number of interested auto-crossers. The morning session in particular fills up fast. Coming events include the Old Dominion Region SCCA events at Pungo and the TSCC events at ACU 4. The Langley amateur racing series takes place Wednesday evenings, and NASA is sponsoring a series of autocross events at Langley. The Tarheel Sports Car Club and Triangle Z Car Club are sponsoring a joint event at Roebling Road on Father’s Day weekend, June 16-17. During the past weekend, Roy Armstrong drove his 510 in the first races of the season at Virginia International Raceway. He took two second place finishes, one each day, and turned his fastest lap of the weekend stuck in 4th gear. There were 90 cars in his class on Saturday. Roy kept it on the track, didn’t do any sheet metal damage, and had no problems getting there and back. Steve Shell crewed. Old business The more-or-less annual wine trip took us to new wineries via new driving roads during the last weekend in April. We met the Richmond club at the Boar’s Head Inn on Saturday afternoon for a photo opportunity. We dined at a Charlottesville brew pub on Saturday night and visited Monticello on Sunday. New business Future events: The National Convention is Oct. 1-5; see details at www.flza.com. The Emerald City Z club’s annual show is June 2 in New Bern, NC. Our own show is May 19 at Pomoco Nissan. Proceeds will be divided between the Food Banks of Southeastern Virginia and the Peninsula, with checks to be presented at the Mayflower Marathon in November like last year. Volunteers are needed for all phases of the show, and any assistance getting items for auction would be appreciated. The meeting was adjourned to the parking lot at 9:00. F LAT O UT P AGE 4 ZCAR Z OOMINGS Minutes of ZCAR Meeting May 21st at Ghengis Kahn Mongolian Grill were taken by the newly appointed secretary, Aleta P. Perkins. The meeting was called to order by Club President Theo Hartmann at 7:30 pm. June 24th – Day trip to Luray Caverns. Meet at Debbie’s Kitchen to leave promptly at 9:00 am arriving at approximately 11:30 am. Entrance fee is $19.00 per adult; however group discounts are available depending on number of attendees. Part of the entrance fee may be paid for from the club treasury. If we have 15 members attend, we can get our own tour guide. Also available is a car and carriage museum. Consider bringing a windbreaker due to the cool temperature inside the cave. Attendance: There were 20 members present and 1 guest. The guest was Jeff Gray but no relation to the ZCar member #104 Jeff Gray. July 22nd - Summer picnic at Lynne Kelly’s house. Flyer to be published soon. Old Business: Aug 26th – Flying Circus Air Show near Warrington, Virginia. Theo introduced the club officers and announced that Aleta Perkins has volunteered to fill the vacated club secretary position. Aleat received an standing ovation from the floor and was appointed club secretary. Congratulations Aleta ! Theo called for the minutes to be accepted as published which was approved by Gaile Cormier and seconded by Randy Frommater. Treasury Update - April’s previous balance was $3,565.54. Current balance is $3,588.18 which reflected an April credit of $183.00 based on the 50/50 raffle $33.00, and other checks/cash collections of $115.00. Debits included checks for $25.20 and $135.16 (Lazy Parrot Grill) for a total of $160.36. September 23rd – State Fair Parade in Richmond. October 21st – Ztoberfest Car Show at Victory Nissan in Richmond. November 18th – Gimmick Rally. December (date unknown) – Christmas party to be decided at a later date. Club Championship Standings – lst place – Gaile & John Cormier, Theo Hartmann & Sharon Upton 2nd place – Ron and Aleta Perkins 3rd place – Lynne Kelly 4th place – Nick Sletnar & Tammy Carter 5th place – James Csomay Membership Update – The club currently stands at 47 paid up members which equates to approximately 60 active members. New Business: Events – At the Tidewater Z Odyssey, our club had 10 cars entered in the show with 41 cars competing. Trophy winners were Theo Hartmann, Ronald Perkins, Gaile Cormier, George Metcalf, Larry Fowler, Ed Hall, Todd Wagner and Lynne Kelly. Upcoming events: Theo mentioned this was the last meeting for Randy Frommater. Randy will continue to update the website for the club. There was no door prize or 50/50 drawing at the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Best regardZ Aleta V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 5 U PCOMING C LUB E VENTS Date Time 3-Jun-07 12:00 PM 24-Jun-07 24-Jun-07 Club TZCC TZCC 9:00 AM ZCAR 22-Jul-07 ZCAR 29-Jul-07 TZCC 12-Aug-07 TZCC 26-Aug-07 9:00 AM 26-Aug-07 23-Sep-07 ZCAR TZCC 6:00 PM TZCC ZCAR Event and Contact Info Tides Baseball Game Norfolk Harbor Park @ 3rd base side at the Ticketron; Games starts at 1:15 PM TZCC Club Picnic Newport News Park, Newport News, VA More to follow Cavern Exploration More to follow Zcar Club Picnic More to follow Pool Party More to follow Bowling At Damneck or the Oceanfront, VA Bch Kim/Jim Setzer (757) 721-4555 Air Show www.flyingcircusairshow.com Bealeton, VA Brewery Trip More to follow Wendy/Steve Smith (757) 483-5026 Virginia State Fair Parade Parade thru the fair + 2 free admissions + guarded parking activitychairman@richmondzcar.com 600 E Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA 23222 All Clubs 20th Annual Z Car Club Convention www.flza.com/convention_info.htm 21-Oct-07 10:00 AM ZCAR Ztoberfest Car Show Victory Nissan, Richmond, VA More to follow 20/21-Oct-07 12:00 PM Townpoint Park Wine Festival Townpoint Park, Norfolk, VA More to follow 1-5 Oct-07 Call ZCAR @ (804) 763-0285 or TZCC @ (757) 868-6753 for additional information F LAT O UT P AGE 6 R EMEMBER W HEN ? (Beginning this month this new column titled “Remember When?” is for YOUR memories of past TZCC or ZCAR events or happenings. Please feel free to email them to me, Patti Hollander, TZCC Historian, at p.hollander1@charter.net. Each month I would like to include your “Remember When?”. Paul submitted this one.) Remember When? The FIRST Z Car Club Convention where there were a number of TZCC members to attend. That was the 2001 Convention held in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This was the formation of “Team Tidewater”. Leaving early on a Sunday morning at the McD’s on North Hampton Blvd. About 14 of us assembled and started North over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel up Rt. 13. Picking up I-83 we arrived in York, PA for lunch. Finally finding the West Side Grill we went in, only to remember that it was Father’s Day but we were fortunate and did not have to wait. I-83 merged into I-81 which would take us all the way to Canada Evening of Day One found us in Binghamton, NY checking into a hotel. We asked the hotel staff to recommend a place for dinner. Does anyone remember “The Spot”, that’s really the name of it. The food was great and you would not believe the desserts! Back on the road on Monday morning, a couple of hours found us stopping at the Nissan dealership in Syracuse just off I-83. We had a pit stop and picked up members of the Georgia Z Club and from the surrounding New York clubs. Fifteen Z cars out on the Interstate makes a wonderful sight. It got very interesting going through Customs at the border. We wanted to stay together, but the Canadian Custom folks didn’t want us to hang around. “Sorry, we don’t speak Canadian.” Monday is traditionally the Nissan Opening Reception and the Texas Z Clubs Chili Party. The reception was held at a park a little distance from the hotel and a shuttle bus was available. Nissan had sent the prototype 350Z there. Team Tidewater (we all had TZCC jackets and sweatshirts) gathered together and had our picture taken with Mr. K. It was the first time that many had ever met him. One thing I do remember, as Todd and I both found out, DO NOT be liberal with Dave’ Insanity Sauce on your chili! Tuesday was the Rally and Team Tidewater was THE Team. The countryside in that are of Ontario is beautiful and I highly recommend another visit. Wednesday was the car show which was held inside a hockey arena (no ice). Thursday was a day at the track. And, Friday was a day to rest and attend the awards banquet that evening. What an evening, Team Tidewater (I mean Steve and Elaine Shell) won the Rally but the biggest news and the best of the night was when Roy Armstrong’s name was announced as a winner of a ZCCA Gold Medallion for his 1978 280Z. I think the building shook from the yelling by Team Tidewater. It was a great experience and TZCC worked as a Team. Let’s hear your “Remember When?” (How about following Steve Shell through Atlanta?) Go to Www.flza.com for more information V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 7 Tidewater Z Car Club Z Odyssey 2007 Final Standings 19-May-07 Total Points First Name Last Name Car Number Year Model Daily Driver 240Z 148 Mandi Gregg 16 A 1973 240Z 101 Bryan Pilati 15 1971 240Z 280Z 170 Theo Hartmann 34 1978 280Z 160 Rick Marshall 38 1979 280Z 150 Kevin Wagner 36 1978 280Z 105 Gerald Rogers 41 1979 280Z 160 Mark Kane 11 1983 280Z 280ZX 300ZX (Z32) 193 Ken Lewis 5 1991 300Z 167 Steve Smith 28 1990 300Z 26 1990 300Z 165 Gerald Dale Stock 300ZX (Z31) 271 Mike Kirsch 21 1988 300Z 247 Gary Bowles 24 1986 300Z 233 Mandi Gregg 16 B 1986 300Z 268 Patricia Hatala 3 1990 300Z 237 Lawrence Davis 22 1990 300Z 300ZX (Z32) 350Z 295 Ronald Perkins 2 2005 350Z 271 Lynne Kelly 39 2004 350Z 268 Edward Hall 23 2004 350Z 266 William Clarke 40 2004 350Z Street Modified F LAT O UT P AGE 8 (Continued from page 7) 240Z 257 Paul Hollander 10 1972 240Z 276 Randy Timmons 20 1978 280Z 261 Cameron Edmondson 25 1980 280Z 283 Larry Fowler 13 1994 300Z 280Z 280ZX 300ZX (Z32) 350Z 296 Gaile Cormier 12 2004 350Z 294 Mike Buckhorn 32 2005 350Z 294 Ed Breuer 29 2003 350Z 289 Jim Setzer 7 2003 350Z 276 Donald Strifler 18 2004 350Z 287 Mark Garrenton 4 1971 240Z 283 John Ambrose 6 1978 280Z 278 Roger Williams 30 1975 280Z 265 Eric Atkinson 31 1979 280Z 270 Vernon Dyke Jr 35 1981 280Z 292 George Metcalf 33 1990 300Z 287 Nate Windley 37 1990 300Z 298 John Dunn 27 2003 350Z 289 Todd Wagner 19 2003 350Z John Santiago 14 1974 260Z Nissan Modifed 240Z 280Z 280ZX 300ZX (Z32) 350Z Ultra Modified 260Z 274 (Continued on page 9) V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 9 Best of Show, Exterior, Interior and Under Hood Best in Show High Car Number 298 Name 27 John Dunn Club Year Model Class Emerald City Z Club 2003 350Z Nissan Modifed Best Exterior Points Car Number First Name Last Name 100 27 Year Model John Dunn 2003 350Z Best Interior Points Car Number First Name Last Name Year Model 100 2005 350Z 2 Ronald Perkins Best Engine Underhood Car Number First Name Last Name 100 12 Gaile Year Cormier 2004 Model 350Z Pictures next month— IF anyone sends some to me. Birthdays in June Date Name Club June 1st Veronica Palomino TZCC June 5th Kitty Gray ZCAR June 9th Heather Van TZCC June 19th Tom Hartmann ZCAR June 20th Diana Hall ZCAR June 25th Cleveland Lynch TZCC June 26th Ronald Perkins ZCAR June 27th Barbara Santigo TZCC June 27th C. Krusen Heller ZCAR F LAT O UT P AGE 10 ZCAR Club Championship Standings 5/21/07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 45 45 45 40 35 29 25 24 22 21 17 14 14 14 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 6 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 10 3 5 3 5 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 3 5 3 5 3 10 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 10 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sep Meeting Air Show Aug Meeting Summer Picnic Jul Meeting Cavern Exploration Jun Meeting Meeting May TZCC Show Angelo's 99th Apr Meeting Wine Tour Mar Meeting Karting Feb Meeting Bowling Meeting All Club Meetings Nissan Sport Article Member Name(s) Gaile & John Cormier Sharon, Marian & Dale Upton 10 Theo & Delia Hartmann Ron & Aleta Perkins Lynne Kelly Nick Sletnar & Tammy Carter Randy Frommater James Csomay Shelly McNeece Colin Walker 10 George Metcalf Jay Beard Larry Fowler & Sabrina West William Clarke Roy Spease David Miller Ed Hall Mark Meade Al Lambiase & Suzanne Cox Paul & Patty Hollander Todd Wagner & Mandy Gregg David & Sandy Collins Angelo Ricciardelli Cortez & Joyce Dial Gerald Dale Gregory Smith Rick Marshall Doug Smith Ellsworth Jackson Eric Woodfin & Loraine Bryan Jodi Abel Kru & Connie Heller MaryBeth Forester Max Travis Jan Newsletter Article New Member Referral Points Pos Meeting / Event Attendance 2007 V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 11 JOIN US ON A ROADTRIP TO: Luray Caverns When: June 24, 2007 Where: We will meet at Debbie’ Kitchen, 13155 Mountain Rd (Route 33), Glen Allen, VA 23059 and depart promptly at 9:00AM. Route: See emailed directions or contact Ronald or Aleta Perkins Details: Details concerning Luray Caverns can be found at http:// www.luraycaverns.com/. The entrance fee of $19.00 should be reduced by group discounts (depending on how many people are able to attend, and how much ZCAR decides to pay to offset the fee), and includes admission into the Car and Carriage Caravan Museum. Bring a jacket or windbreaker as it will be a cool 54° Fahrenheit yearround in the caverns. Points of Contact: Ronald & Aleta Perkins who can be reached at ronaldmp@verizon.net or at (804) 526-8227. F LAT O UT P AGE 12 Preferred vendors Tidewater Z Auto Service 757-868-6753 Special consideration given to club members. Banzai Motor Works 301-937-5746 www.zzxdatsun.com Steve Millen Sports Cars Black Dragon Auto (714) 540-9154 ext. 138 1-800-789-DRGN(3746) Ask for Adam. Discount varies by part and Free catalog order. www.BlackDragonAutocom Advertising Rates Motorsport Auto 800-633-6331 10% off parts, identify as a club member. Victory Nissan 757-436-4900 Michael Hemelin—Parts Specialist 20% off Nissan parts 10% off Motorsports (NISMO) parts. Griot’s Garage www.griotsgarage.com Special consideration given to club members. The Z Barn Inc. www.zbarn.com 800-247-2793 Hall Nissan of Chesapeake 757-233-8189 Stormy Barnett—Parts Specialist 20% off Nissan parts 10% off Accessories and Motorsports (NISMO) parts Advertising rates are as follows: Business card: $15.00 per quarter ¼ page $30.00 per quarter ½ page $50.00 per quarter Full page $75.00 per quarter For Sale: Members – Free Non-Members – 1-Month Free — $5.00 for 3 months Membership Dues Includes a subscription to Sport Z Magazine. Membership dues are as follows: The Tidewater Z Car Club has the following items for sale: TZCC 3-in-1 jackets $110.00 Z Car hats with varied logo’s $13.00 TZCC Window decals $ 2.50 Club Tee Shirts $15.00 Z Mouse Pads $ 8.00 Club Polo Shirts $30.00 “My other car is a classic Datsun” $ 5.00 The Tidewater Z Car Club web site is located at: www.zcca.org Internet Z Car Club: Car Club Council of Central Virginia (legislative information) www.zhome.com http://www.tzccva.org www.carclubcouncil.com Z Car Club Association: license plate frame *REDUCED* Contact Wayne Lewis @ wal280z@yahoo.com for other items. Mr. K biography. $20.00 2007 ZCCA Convention: Www.flza.com V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 13 P AGE 14 F LAT O UT V OLUME 12, ISSUE 6 P AGE 15 Place The club for 240Z, 26 0Z, 2 80Z, 280ZX, 300ZX Z31, 300ZX Z32 , 35 0Z Enthusias ts Postage Here T IDEWATER Z C AR C LUB & Z C AR A SSOCIATION OF R ICHMOND P.O. Box 1941 Newport News, VA 23601-1941 Mailing Address Line 1 E-mail: p.hollander1@charter.net Phone: 757-483-9745 Fax: 757-686-3217 Mailing Address Line 2 Mailing Address Line 3 Mailing Address Line 4 W E’ RE ON THE W EB W WW. TZCCVA. ORG W WW. RICHMONDZCAR. COM ENJOY Z RIDE This Month’s Meeting Places TZCC ZCAR (Tidewater Z Car Club) (Z Car Association of Richmond) June 11, 2007 June 18, 2007 Frankie’s Place for Ribs Ghengis Kahn Mongolian Grill In the Fairfield Shopping Center 2011-A Huguenot Road Virginia Beach , VA 23464 Richmond, VA 23235 Dinner: 7 PM Dinner: 6:30 PM Meeting: 8 PM Meeting: 7 PM