Council Packet 12-08-14
Council Packet 12-08-14
FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT 4:15 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5:30 P.M. CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday, December 8, 2014 INVOCATION PLEDGE TO FLAG Matt Snyder from Frisco Church OPENING OF MEETING Roll Call Public Comments CONSENT AGENDA 1. Council Minutes-November 24, 2014 3. Fire Monthly Report-November 2014 2. Animal Control Report-November 2014 4. Fire Monthly Statistics-November 2014 RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 14-1005 approving a project for Freeman Health Systems MOTIONS Wastewater Dept. - Task Order for Engineering Services for sewer main relocation and replacement along Eagle and Par Road (Motion to approve and vote.) PD- Allow PD to purchase two new all wheel drive sedans from Republic Ford (Motion to approve and vote) Fire Dept-Sale surplus equipment (pickup bed off Brush Truck) (Motion to approve and vote) Fire Dept- Purchase three new computers and VPN connection (Motion to approve and vote) COMMITTEE REPORT 1. Financial Oversight A. Statement of Accounts, December 08, 2014 Action & Authorization 2. Committee of the Whole Next Council Meeting- Monday, December 22, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. ADMINISTRATOR Report Attached OTHER ADJOURN CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION November 24, 2014 Page 1 INVOCATION Councilman Lynn Ragsdale gave the invocation. PLEDGE TO FLAG The Council remained standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEETING The City Council of Webb City, Missouri met in regular session Monday, November 24, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Mayor John Biggs presided. ROLL CALL The following members answered roll call: Doug Goodall, Gina Monson, Alan Hughes, Brandon Wilson, Ray Edwards, Lynn Ragsdale, Jerry Fisher and Jim Dawson. There being eight members present, and eight members representing a quorum. Mayor Biggs declared this session of council officially opened. Also present were: City Attorney Troy Salchow, City Clerk Kimberley DeMoss, Sewer Utility Director William Runkle, Parks Director Tom Reeder, Economic Development Coordinator Erin Turner, Fire Chief Andy Roughton, Street & Water Director Rick Roth and Detective Joe Beckett. Absent: Interim City Administration Carl Francis and Finance Administrator Tracy Craig. APPOINTMENTS Mayor Biggs presented the name of Kevin Sidenstricker to the council for appointment as a member of the Park Board. He will replace Helen Woodworth. Councilman Fisher moved to accept the appointment. Councilman Hughes seconded. The motion carried with eight yes votes. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hughes moved to approve the Consent Agenda items for November 24, 2014. Councilman Goodall seconded. The motion carried with eight yes votes. 1. Council Minutes-Nov 10, 2014 3. BOA – Minutes Sept & Oct 2014 5. PD- Monthly Report Oct 2014 7. Treasurer’s Report 2. 201 Center Creek Min Oct 2014 4. PD-Uniform Crime Stats Oct 2014 6. General Sales Tax CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION November 24, 2014 Page 2 COUNCIL BILL NO. 14-017 An Ordinance calling a Bond Election in the City of Webb City, Missouri. Councilman Fisher presented Council Bill No. 14-017 for the first reading. First reading complete. Councilman Fisher moved to accept the first reading. Councilman Hughes seconded. The motion carried with eight yes votes. Councilman Wilson moved to have the second and final reading of Council Bill No. 14-017. Councilman Fisher seconded. The motion carried with a roll call vote: Yes: Goodall, Monson, Hughes, Wilson, Edwards, Ragsdale, Fisher and Dawson. Second and final reading completed. Councilman Fisher moved to accept the second and final reading of Council Bill No. 14-017. Councilman Wilson seconded. During a brief discussion, Councilman Ragsdale stated that the council needed to create a positive way to inform the citizens about the importance of the bond and how beneficial this will be for the community versus using scare tactics. After brief discussion, the motion carried with a roll call vote: Yes: Goodall, Monson, Hughes, Wilson, Edwards, Ragsdale, Fisher and Dawson. FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT Councilwoman Monson moved to accept the Statement of Accounts dated November 24, 2014. Councilman Goodall seconded. The motion carried with eight yes votes. Statement of Accounts is as follows: General Fund NO. Downtown Events Street Fund Park Fund Debt Fund Capitol Improvement Fund O & M Fund Solid Waste Fund Water Fund Water Meter Fund GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 18269-18323 $ 2073 11742-11771 10118-10133 58 5577 8627-8645 5384 16101-16129 5712-5714 $ 159,032.27 157.83 54,752.04 15,941.00 91,893.15 99,629.00 24,021.36 34,449.97 88,587.70 5,559.73 574,024.05 CITY OF WEBB CITY, MISSOURI COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR SESSION November 24, 2014 Page 3 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mayor Biggs set the next Council Meeting for Monday, December 8, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. ADMINISTRATION Administrators Report for November 24, 2014 was available for the Council to review. ADJOURN Mayor Biggs adjourned the council meeting at 5:39 p.m. ____________________________________ John Biggs, Mayor and Presiding Officer Attest: _____________________________________ Kimberley E. DeMoss, City Clerk Webb City Police Department ACO ~ Jonah Holly Date 11/03/2014 2014 Animal Control Humane Society Report Pick up Owner/citizen give up Quarantine Location X 11/04/2014 X Description Book number 505 s Elliott DSH 105849 1621 Brewster DSH 106100 11/04/2014 X 528 centennial 106101 11/05/2014 X 4th/roane 106102 11/06/2014 X 414 n Washington Schnauzer 106103 11/06/2014 X 414 n Washington Wire terrier 106104 11/06/2015 X 733 Jillian Lab mix 106105 11/06/2014 X 733 Jillian Pitt mix 106106 11/10/2014 X 1451 prairie flower 2 corgi mix 106107 11/10/2014 X 1451 prairie flower DSH 106108 601 N Ball DLH 106109 11/10/2014 X X 11/10/2014 X 309 s liberty Lab/Dane mix 106110 11/10/2014 X 1005 w Daugherty DSH 106111 11/14/2014 X South Hall Terrier 106112 11/14/2013 X 1134 N Pennsylvania Boxer (DOA) picked up for owner per 417 106113 11/14/2014 X 1604 S Ellis Lab 11/15/2014 X 11/15/2014 X 106200 (new book used) 900 blk w Broadway 106201 506 e rudondo 106202 11/18/2014 X 1707 redwood DSH 106114 (back to old book) 11/18/2015 X Sacred heart Catholic Church DSH 106115 11/20/2014 X Liberty/Daugherty Corgi mix 106116 11/21/2014 X 307 E. Fountain Lab 106117 11/21/2014 X 307 E. Fountain Shepherd 106118 11/22/2014 X Oronogo/171 Lab 106119 11/23/2014 X 928 Megan lane Cats (2) 106120 701 N HWY D (oronogo) Lab 106121 DSH 106122 11/25/2014 11/29/2014 X X City of Webb City * PO Box 30 * 506 S. Ellis * Webb City, Missouri 64870 Fire Department 417-673-2254 Fax – 417-673-5260 December 2, 2014 To: Webb City Mayor and City Council Members Ref: Fire Department monthly report for November 2014 The Webb City Fire Department responded to a total of 121 calls for service during the month. See attached sheet for breakdown information. Members of the department conducted 40 hours of repair to equipment at the fire department that aided in a reduction in cost of repairs. 8 inspections were made by the members of the Fire Department for the month of November. 48 fire hydrants were inspected for the month of November. We have begun yearly physicals on all members of the fire department as required by NFPA. They should be completed in December. The new flatbed has been placed on the Brush Truck and it is back in service. 70 hours of department training was conducted for the month and 15 hours of public education was conducted for 120 children and 30 adults by members of the Fire Department. Andrew Roughton Fire Chief Webbb City Fire Department Departmental Statistics for 2013 to 2014 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals 2014 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals change from 2013 Averages per Month 2013 2014 change from same time period in 2013 Calls for Fire Rescue Hazardous Service Good False Alarm Special Service Response & EMS No Fire Calls Intent False Call Incident 161 105 108 133 133 145 139 167 141 148 136 128 1,644 5 6 5 4 5 10 12 11 4 3 7 5 77 126 82 89 90 104 106 98 124 110 112 109 100 1,250 3 2 1 1 5 2 3 1 5 6 2 5 36 10 5 4 8 6 10 8 16 11 18 9 7 112 7 8 2 8 4 8 6 6 6 5 7 6 73 10 2 7 17 9 4 11 7 5 4 0 5 81 0 0 0 5 0 5 1 2 0 0 2 0 15 Calls for Fire Rescue Hazardous Service Good False Alarm Special Service Response & EMS No Fire Calls Intent False Call Incident 131 111 149 170 142 139 141 158 120 124 121 13 9 15 7 3 1 16 11 2 3 5 99 82 109 134 119 113 95 112 93 86 95 1 3 2 2 2 3 2 6 0 2 0 6 6 10 11 4 13 15 8 12 19 10 8 8 6 8 7 4 7 13 6 6 5 4 3 4 8 7 5 6 8 6 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1,506 -10 85 1,137 -13 23 114 78 64 2 13 -8 9 11 -12 -13 Calls for Fire Rescue Hazardous Service Good False Alarm Special Service Response & EMS No Fire Calls Intent False Call Incident 137.8 136.9 6.5 7.7 104.5 103.4 2.8 2.1 9.5 10.4 6.1 7.1 6.9 5.8 1.4 0.2 -0.7% 18.1% -1.1% -25.8% 8.6% 16.4% -15.8% -86.7% (increase/decrease) RESOLUTION NO. 14-1005_____ A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROJECT FOR FREEMAN HEALTH SYSTEM TO BE FINANCED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF JASPER, MISSOURI. WHEREAS, The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Jasper, Missouri (the “Authority”), is proposing to finance a project to be located in the City of Webb City, Missouri, involving the issuance of approximately $5,000,000 principal amount of bonds of the Authority for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, improving and equipping land and buildings for use as health care facilities, including the construction and equipping of an outpatient dialysis and urgent care facility (the “Project”) for Freeman Health System, a Missouri nonprofit corporation (the “Borrower”); and WHEREAS, Section 349.010 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri requires that projects of an industrial development authority of a county must be located wholly within an unincorporated area of such county, except that such projects may be located within the corporate limits of a municipality within such county when approved by the governing body of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEBB CITY, JASPER COUNTY, MISSOURI, THE MAYOR CONCURRING HEREIN, AS FOLLOWS: That the Project is hereby approved and the City Council grants its permission to The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Jasper, Missouri, to proceed with the issuance of approximately $5,000,000 principal amount of bonds for financing said Project. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ____ DAY OF DECEMBER, 2014. John Biggs, Mayor and Presiding Officer ATTEST: Kimberley E. DeMoss, City Clerk Council Report City of Webb City Approval of the execution of a task order for engineering services. 12-8-2014 SUBJECT: Request for approval of the execution of a task order with Olsson Associates Engineering to survey and design a sewer gravity main relocation and replacement along Eagle and Par Road. BACKGROUND: Currently, the sewer gravity main that runs north between Eagle and Par Roads is running under several houses and is undersized in that area creating a bottleneck in the system. This creates a situation that makes it impossible to work on the main when necessary and creates a backup in the system during wet weather events. This is a contributing factor to the Sanitary Sewer Overflows that we experience along Crestwood Drive and 2nd Street during the yearly wet seasons. This relocation and replacement will eliminate the sewer main that is under several houses for future maintenance needs and eliminate the bottleneck by upsizing the main to be equal to the pipe size that is both before and after that area. COST: $16,000 for engineering services to design the relocation and replacement of the gravity flow sewer main along Par and Eagle Road. IMPACT & EFFECT: This is a budgeted expense for this project that will come from O&M fund, # 41-04-32-9100 that has a balance of $85,000. This cost will leave a balance of $69,000 for the project completion. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends proceeding with the task order with Olsson Associates for the engineering to survey and design the sewer main relocation and replacement. PREPARED BY William Runkle Waste Water Utilities Director SUBMITTED BY: William Runkle Waste Water Utilities Director Council Report Police Department Vehicle Purchase City of Webb City December 8, 2014 SUBJECT: Allow the police department to purchase two all wheel drive police rated sedans. BACKGROUND: The police department budgeted $72,000 to purchase vehicles during this fiscal year. In the past we purchased up to ten vehicles and paid off the loan within three years. This year we decided to purchase two vehicles to replace two vehicles that are becoming costly to maintain. We solicited bids from several dealerships in the area; their bids are listed in the recommendations. The all wheel drive vehicles will give us increased mobility during inclement weather. RECOMMENDATION: Allow the police department to purchase two all wheel drive police rated from Republic Ford in Republic, Missouri. Sedan TOTAL Trade-in Trade-in Trade-in TOTAL Vendor Pricing New #05688 #05690 #05691 Trade-in Republic Ford $23,887 $47,774 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 2,500 $ 8,500 Joe Machen Ford $23,843 $47,686 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 3,000 Van's Vans $24,690 $49,380 did not bid did not bid did not bid $ Bob Hurley Ford $24,780 $49,560 did not bid did not bid did not bid $ Carthage Ford Don Vance Ford Friendly Ford Joe Machen Ford Kenny Neal Ford Max Motors Pittsburg Ford sedans TOTAL $ 39,274 $ 44,686 $ 49,380 $ 49,560 did not bid did not bid did not bid did not bid did not bid did not bid did not bid FISCAL IMPACT: $39,274 from $72,000 of budgeted funds. A portion of the remaining $32,726 in budgeted funds will be used to purchase a third vehicle if the need arises and to remove equipment (lighting, siren, console, radar unit, computer, etc) from the old vehicles then have it installed it in the new vehicles. Prepared By: Donald E. Melton Assistant Chief of Police Submitted By: Carl Francis Chief of Police Reviewed By: Kim DeMoss City Clerk Reviewed By: Carl Francis Interim City Administrator COMPARATIVE 2015 MO State Contract PRICING SEDANs 2015 Chevrolet Caprice 9C1 Police Package Sedan 2015 Dodge Charger Police Pursuit 2015 Ford Police Interceptor Sedan PRICE: $26,681 PRICE: no contract pricing PRICE: $25,330 SUVs 2015 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe 2-Wheel Drive Police Package PPV PRICE: $25,410 PRICE: $31,333 COMPARATIVE 2014 MO State Contract PRICING SEDANs 2014 Chevrolet Caprice 9C1 Police Package Sedan 2014 Dodge Charger Police Sedan 2014 Ford Police Interceptor Sedan PRICE: $25,027 PRICE: $23,145 PRICE: $23,150 SUVs 2014 Ford Police Interceptor Utility AWD PRICE: $25,475.00 2014 Chevrolet Tahoes were not listed in the State Contract for Police vehicles Council Report City of Webb City Fire Department to Sale Surplus Equipment 12-08-14 SUBJECT: Allow the fire department to sale the surplus pickup bed that came off of the Brush truck. BACKGROUND: On September 22nd, 2014, the Council approved the purchase of a flatbed to replace the damaged pickup bed that was currently on the Brush truck at the fire department. At that time, the old bed was going to go to Public Works, but they now have no use for the bed. RECOMMENDATION: Allow the fire department to sale the surplus pickup bed, headache rack, bumper, and reciever hitch via sealed bid. We will advertise the items in the paper and on the department’s facebook site until January 7th, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. where the bids will be opened at City Hall. FISCAL IMPACT: Allow the fire department to use the funds from the sale of the surplus items to purchase storage boxes to be added to the Brush truck to help hold additional equipment that is currently being stored inside of the cab behind the seat. Prepared By: Submitted By: Andrew Roughton Fire Chief Andrew Roughton Fire Chief Reviewed By: Kim DeMoss City Clerk Reviewed By: Carl Francis Interim City Administrator Fire Department Computer Purchase December 8th, 2014 Council Report City of Webb City SUBJECT: The fire department would like to purchase three new computers and a VPN connection to the City’s server. BACKGROUND: The fire department currently has no formal server or backup system to maintain records and data. We currently are using a system of stand alone computers that have been purchased and inherited over the years from various departments. Purchasing the new computers will allow updated workstations, use of the City’s server for programs, and backup protection. RECOMMENDATION: Allow the fire department to purchase the following equipment and services from NeoTech. Item Sonicwall TZ105-Wireless w/ Total Secure StorageCraft Virtual Server/ShadowStream Backup Software Setup and Configuration of Remote Access to Firehouse Labor Setup Workstations Shipping 3 Computer Towers Total Annual Maintenance Annual Renewal for Backup Software Monthly Fee for Off-Site Backup Total Annual Maintenance $166.00 X 12 = Cost $409.20 $525.00 $895.00 $875.00 $1050.00 $25.00 $2400.00 $6179.20 Cost $95.00 $1,992.00 2,087.00 FISCAL IMPACT: The 2014 – 2015 fiscal budget has $7,000 alloted for Technology. The $1,266 difference will be absorbed through other line item savings and if necessary through a budget revision. As a side note, the 2013 – 2014 budget for Technology was $5,000, only $2,100 used. The original intent to purchase 3 new computers in last year’s budget, because of timing issues, did not happen. Prepared By: Andrew Roughton Fire Chief Submitted By: Andrew Roughton Fire Chief Reviewed By: Tracy Craig Finance Director Reviewed By: Carl Francis Interim City Administrator City of WebbCity * PO Box 30 * 200 Main Street* Webb City, Missouri64870 Office of Administration 417-673-4651 Fax – 417-673-6264 Council Meeting 12/08/14 Freeman Hospital has completed the purchase of the old Mays building recently and has requested the Jasper County Industrial Development Authority to issue tax exempt bonds for the construction costs for the new medical center to be located there. Under Missouri State Statue Sec. 349.010 to 349.100 establishes industrial development corporations (IDCs) for the purpose of issuing taxable bonds or tax-exempt bonds for eligible projects (see definition below). There is no voter approval required and the general credit of a city or county does not guarantee the bonds. Wastewater department has continues working on lines north of Cardinal Scale. Several old and damaged lines have been located in the area and we continue to try and improve our inflow and infiltration with these repairs. All divisions of Public Works have assisted the street department in King Jack Park as they work on the new road that will go around the lakes the past week. We want to avoid any traffic issues come spring when the ball season starts back up. Waste water plant employees are continuing to work with engineers to evaluate equipment options regarding the upcoming bond election for necessary equipment. We want to make sure we develop a plan that will achieve the upgrades needed at the least possible cost to our users. Limb grinding is complete out by the Waste Water plant. The contractor spent about a week longer than anticipated due to some problems with equipment and possibly under estimating the size of the job but there was no increase in costs to the city. The compost pad is under construction behind the treatment plant lagoons by the EPA Contractor. This pad will be used as a repository for them and to lay out the materials for composting once the project gets under way for us, that will allow the plant to compost and land apply for topsoil. This will save the cost of hauling and tipping fees at a hazardous waste landfill. City staff has been working with a local developer who has submitted a plan to create a Planned Urban Development (Stadium View) north and west of the Public Works facility on Madison Avenue. This development is planned to bring over 60 new single family homes to the location. Invoices for Springtime on Broadway banners and sponsorships will be going out at the end of December, as well as vendor applications. The Web City Fire Department and Police Department, last week, held classes for area law enforcement agencies by conducting training in portable defibrillator and Racial Profiling. This has assisted not only Webb City personnel. but area agencies in achieving their mandated POST CEU requirements. Last Council Meeting I wanted to try to summarize and hopefully answer any questions regarding what the Center Creek Waste Water (CCWW) Board Project and the Webb City Habitat Restoration Project mean for not only Webb City, but the two other participating communities in the CCWW Board. For many years the sludge produced at the CCWW facility has been dried and transported to a hazardous waste landfill. This is required due to high levels of zinc which enters our system thru inflow and infiltration of our collection system. The cost to accomplish this has averaged in excess of $100 to $150 per dry ton, depending on contracts with removal companies from year to year. The facility produces an estimated 350 to 400 dry ton per year. We probably have averaged removal of 100 to 150 tons every year or two and obviously someday the lagoons will reach capacity unless we do something to increase the amount removed. If that were to occur we would obviously meet with some high costs to remove a large amount to catch up. So we have two problems here that need addressed, one is the higher than permitted discharge of zinc and the other is the ever accumulation of sludge that requires drying and transported to a hazardous waste landfill. With the help of the Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Mayor John Biggs and other City Staff, we feel strongly we have put together a plan that will address both issues at a cost savings over traditional methods. No guarantees that either problem will be solved completely with these actions but the improvements proposed to the CCWW Facility thru the requested Bond issuance will certainly reduce future cost of sludge removal, improve overall operation of the plant and reduce future repair costs. You should have already received a copy of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Application that has been submitted by the CCWW Board to the DNR. This application outlines the estimated costs (page 9) associated with the equipment needed. There is also an outline (page 6) of what each of the components mean to the operation of the facility and how each will benefit the facility. Once completed this project will give staff the ability to remove sludge with our own equipment and then utilize the sludge in a compost mixture within guidelines of the DNR to be used for land application in the Habitat Restoration area. The City of Webb City has recently entered into an agreement to use awarded funds to purchase land that has been identified in the Natural Resource Damage Restoration Project for Mined Areas in Jasper County. It is our hope that the sludge to be retrieved from the CCWW Project be composted and land applied throughout this area to enrich the soil and assist in the natural habitat restoration process. In addition to this benefit we are also encompassing into the Habitat Project a bio-cell reactor and a wetland area, planted with certain metal absorbing vegetation, that once completed, will help the CCWW meet its permitted level of zinc discharge. The CCWW Board has been in the planning stage of this proposed upgrade to the facility for some time. It is only recently that the issuance of a bond requirement has been brought to our attention. This requirement is a part of the application process for a 50% matching grant for the planned improvements having become available. If we are successful in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Application we will be able to receive grant funds for 50% of the costs and a state SRF low interest loan on the other half. The bonding of those funds does require a successful passage of the ballot question which you have been presented with and asked to pass. The requirement of having to pass both a first and second read is due to the time constraint we are under to make the February election and be prepared to bond when the awards are made in April of next year. We received the ballot language from our bond company just before the previous council meeting too late to make the agenda. Public Works will start the annual leaf pickup on November 17th weather permitting. They plan to make two trips thru the neighborhoods to allow residents an opportunity to take advantage of the leaf pickup program. Public Works has been working to place the new storm shelter on the city lot located at Liberty and Daugherty. The shelter would be available to residents’ downtown, business owners and patrons in the area. Patti Etherton, our United Way Campaign Coordinator here at the City of Webb City reports we have a total giving to United Way of $5,253.04 for this new campaign year!! This includes our pledges and the two fundraisers we did. This is a total of $1140.43 more than last year! Parks Department will be busy the next two weeks setting up the annual Christmas Light Display in King Jack Park. The lights are scheduled to be on starting on November 28th. Olsson Associates Engineering has completed the preliminary Stormwater Study the council had approved previously. It is available for review in City Clerk’s office or I can provide copies to anyone who would be interested. Basically it identified three areas where they felt retention would reduce the number of gallons per second in Sunset and Southwest Creeks. The best reduction in flow would occur if retention were to be placed on the south side of 171 across from Powell Drive (42%). This would come with a high cost at this time since the city does not own the land. We will keep this in mind as any future developments are planned. The second location was College Avenue which had thought to be a good location but the hydrology study only showed a 3% reduction in flow. The third and most cost effective location was identified as King Jack Park in the low area behind the softball fields. Staff had some time back placed obstructions along the flow line to slow the water and we believe that has helped thus far. The study indicates a 27% reduction could be accomplished if we were to enhance the berm and build in mechanisms to release the water a slow rate. We currently are looking at some design possibilities for this retention area. With the recent sale of one of the NSP houses and future two sales we will now begin planning the CDBG funded program. We anticipate this project will net $150,000 that can be spent on the downtown sidewalks and lighting project. The sale of the homes and the CDBG project administration is being handled by Harry S. Truman Coordinating Council. Dates set for upcoming community events: Holiday Market & Craft Fair – December 5 & 6 and 12 & 13 Santa Stops on Route 66 – same dates Cookies and Cocoa with Santa – Thursday, December 4 at 6:30 p.m., Sunday, December 7 at 2 p.m. with the possibility of a third event at 4 p.m. that same day at the route 66 center. Tickets are $5.00 per person. 7th Annual Springtime on Broadway scheduled for April 10 & 11, 2015. Please continue to forward complaints or concerns regarding code violations. We are working hard to try and monitor our progress on these situations and report back to the complaining parties what is being done to remedy them. Thank You Carl Francis / Interim City Administrator
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