CrossPointe Baptist Church 9810 N E 76 th Street Vancou ver, WA


CrossPointe Baptist Church 9810 N E 76 th Street Vancou ver, WA
CrossPointe Baptist Church
9810 NE 76th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662-3822
Reaching across cultures and generations
to develop faithful followers of Jesus Christ
April 2016
9810 NE 76th Street . Vancouver, WA . 98662
Check Up Time
Dear Friends,
Many of you are used to getting an annual physical. Although you may feel fine, it
is good to get a professional opinion. I am sure that most of you take your car in for
regular inspections and service. This can prevent or at least minimize having major
problems with your vehicle. Before buying a home you would want to have that
home inspected.
Vacation Bible School
Submerged coming June 27-July 1. Have you signed up to be a
part of this amazing journey? Consider attending VBS Training
Plus More to learn more about this opportunity to serve!
Last fall I suggested and our Elders agreed, that we would benefit by having a
Church Consultation. We have invited the Northwest Baptist Convention in to lead
the consultation. A consultation is like going to the doctor for a physical or taking
your car in for an inspection. We want to do a better job of fulfilling our God-given
mission at CrossPointe, and we all agreed that having some outside eyes would be
Your participation in the process is greatly needed and appreciated. Here is some
information for you:
1. If you haven’t already done so, please fill out a church survey. The survey is
short and can be done quickly. Please do that right away if you haven’t done
one yet. They are in the lobby of the church or you can fill one out online at:
2. Our leaders have completed a twenty - page self-study that will help the
consultation team understand our church better.
3. On Friday April 8th the team will meet with Staff and Elders.
4. On Saturday April 9th the team will meet with deacons and ministry leaders in
individual groups. In the afternoon at 1:30 there will be a group listening
session. All of you are invited and our leaders will not be in this session.
5. On Sunday April 10th the team will come and visit our church and make their
own observations.
6. On Sunday April 24th one member of the team will return and read the report
in both services (it will be about 10 minutes long)
7. Between April 24-May 14th our Elders will be available to meet with any life
groups to discuss the report and answer questions you may have.
8. On Wednesday May 4 we will have a Family Forum in the worship center
from 7-8 pm to discuss the report and ask any questions
9. On May 15 we will vote without discussion in both services.
As you can see we want to hear from all of you. We want to humbly learn how
we can improve and be more effective as a church. Please pray for and participate in
the process. Thank you so much in advance!
In His Grip,
Pastor Jim
April 9th, 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
All volunteers are welcome. If you are interested in attending
to learn more about this new exciting adventure of diving
deeper into the Bible, contact Leona Lack at 503-314-4480 or
LOCATION: The Northwest Baptist Convention Center
(3200 NE 109th Ave, Vancouver, WA, 98682)
COST: $5.00 for lunch, Register by April 1st for extra door prize tickets.
9:00 a.m.– Registration sign in
9:15 – 9:45 VBS Worship
9:45 – 11:45 VBS Breakouts – Bible Study, Preschool, Missions,
Crafts, Music, Recreation & Snacks
11:45 – 12:00 Door Prizes
12:00— 12:30 Lunch
12:30—2:30 Plus MORE Breakouts (Not necessarily VBS)
We hope you’ll plan to attend!!
Bible Journaling Group
“Save the Date”
A Vintage Tea Party on
Saturday, June 4th, 11:30
AM at CrossPointe.
All ladies are welcome.
More information to come!
On the 3rd Thursday of the Month
at CrossPointe, 6:30 PM, Room 304
We will be illustrating our faith (our favorite
Bible promises) with stamps, stickers, colored
pencils, etc. There are journaling Bibles with
wide margins available, but you can also insert
your art into your existing Bible or just bring a
journal or a notebook.
No great artistic talent required!
For more info contact Anne Dehart at or 402-209-5154
Ladies Wednesday Evening Life Group
CrossPointe, 7:00 PM, Room 304
Please join us during the Wednesday Night Women’s Life Group
beginning March, 30th, for a new Ladies Bible Study on
The Gospel of Mark: The Jesus We’re Aching For, by
Lisa Harper. The book of Mark unveils Jesus’ power and authority
while also showing his humility and love. This study invites us to
look into Jesus’ teachings and encourages us to become active
participants in following him. Contact Sonya
Fitzpatrick at 713-3029 or
Ladies Night Out
Have you ever thought about how important shoes are in daily life? Good shoes are
essential for kids going to school, but the staff at Silver Star Elementary have noticed
that some kids don’t have the shoes they need. Some students must wear shoes that
are too small for their feet or that are held together only by tape. Shoes are such a
simple thing, yet a nice pair of shoes is a special blessing.
During the first two weeks in April, we are collecting shoes to donate to
Silver Star. We will take new or gently used pairs of shoes in any size. Though we need
as many pairs of children’s shoes as possible, we need adult sizes, too. Some students
in 4th or 5th grade wear adult sizes, and those shoes can be harder for families to
afford. So do some spring cleaning, pull out shoes that your kids have outgrown or
that you no longer wear regularly, and bring them to the church! Please bring only
shoes that are in school-appropriate condition.
From now until June, we will continue to collect money for North American
missions. You can give by marking “Annie Armstrong Offering” on your check or
offering envelope. This money goes toward church planting, evangelism, and ministry
training in our region and throughout the U.S. and Canada.
We also are preparing to send a team overseas to work this summer. If you
want to donate to help the team pay for expenses, please write “summer missions
trip” on your gift. The team is putting together some fundraising events, as well. If you
aren’t able to give money right now or want to support the team in other ways,
consider volunteering to help with a fundraiser. The team soon will give us more
information about their upcoming fundraisers, so keep your eyes and ears open!
Monday, April 18, 6:30 PM
Looking for a way to connect with other ladies at CrossPointe?
Then join us for great fellowship as we meet for dinner at this month's restaurant,
The Black Bear Diner (1505 SE 164th Ave, Vancouver, 98683). This is also
a terrific opportunity to invite a friend! Please RSVP on your Connection Card
so we know how many ladies are coming! Contact Tanja Hancuff at 907-8853 or with any questions.
By Ashley Seuell
Ministry of the Month
“Deacon Ministry”
Our deacons are Brian Dalgardno, Dave Jones, Lou Blakeslee,
Matt Dela Vega, Jose Alvarez and Bob Story. These men meet monthly
to pray for and minister to the church. Each of them keeps in touch with
a senior adult who might be struggling, connects with two ministry
leaders to see how they can help them and does some of the normal
deacon duties like serving communion, preparing baptisms, locking the
building, meeting needs of people in the church and community
etc. Pray for these guys and let them know if they can help you in
some way.
mit 20
Welcome New Members and
congratulations on your
Johnny Perry
Emma Kauffman
& Noah Kauffman
Additional questions about the NW Women’s Summit 2016: Please contact
Sonya Fitzpatrick at 360-713-3029 or
We are putting together a new church photo directory for our
website and the new directory wouldn’t be complete without
each and everyone of you!
If you haven’t already done so,
please email either an individual photo or
family photo in jpeg format to the church office at
Remember to include your name(s) with the photo.
The Storehouse Report
February 2016
General February Receipts: $29,677.83
Monthly Budget Requirement: $32,901.83
February Missions Receipts & Allocations $5,680.79
Year-To-Date Net Income/(Loss): $1,836.18
February 29, 2016 General Fund Balance $51,913.21
What: Adopt a road clean up
In the total expanse of human life there is not a single square
inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not
declare “That is mine!”. Abraham Kuyper
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures in on earth, where moth
and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up
for yourselves treasurers in heaven, where neither moth nor rust
destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where
your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21
Where: Padden Parkway, directly behind the Church.
When. Saturday, April 23
Time: 8:00 am till Noon
Please contact Dave Jones if you have any questions or would like to participate
at or 360-904-3705. Anyone from the age of 13 to
18 may participate with a parental consent form.
By Robin Smith, Treasurer
This section of the Newsletter is solely dedicated
to honor those from our congregation serving in
the field. Please remember to keep each of them
in your daily prayers.
Robert Story
Sunday, Room 305
Sunday, Room 305
9:15 AM
10:50 AM
Brian Dalgardno
Sunday, Room 302
10:50 AM
ages 20-59
Jeff Hancuff
Sunday, Hancuff’s
Sunday, Inman’s
James Smith
From Christie:
Please pray for myself and a group of volunteers that are coming from Alabama
April 8th - 18th. While they are here they will be helping a partner church by
scraping walls that are crumbling, re-plastering and painting their Fellowship Hall.
Much weekday ministry happens here in the community I live in. They will also be
about the “main thing” as they meet people in the community, whilst here. Pray for
incredible opportunities to share the gospel with those they come in contact with.
Praise, for God supplying the D family with a place to live! Please pray for them as
they settle in and make it a home and get to know their neighbors and see where
God is already at work in lives and where/how to access the peoples who’s
language they already speak from the North African & Middle East Affinity.
Steve Hensley
Missionaries out of our own family of believers need our continual prayer support,
as well as encouragement. An especially important opportunity to do that is when
they are celebrating their birthdays far away from their families. Jared and Jackson
both celebrate Birthdays this month. Send a card or email to each of them with an
encouraging birthday message and news about your family. Postal messages take a
lot longer, so send them quite early. Contact Elizabeth Smith for both addresses at, or phone 360-695-2240 and she will get them for you.
5:00 PM Families
6:00 PM
Donna Spencer
Tuesday, Room 305
Debbie Hensley
Tuesday, Hensley’s
9:30 AM
Danny & Laurie
Tuesday, Blakeslee’s
1st & 3rd Weeks
6:45 PM
“Book of John”
Jim Fitzpatrick
Wednesday, Room 302
7:00 PM
“As Iron Sharpens Iron,” Men’s
Sonya Fitzpatrick
Wednesday, Room 305
7:00 PM
Ladies' “The Gospel of Mark”
Doug MetcalfeWhite
Wednesday, Music Room 7:00 PM
“I Am Your God”
Clint Ashley
Wednesday, Ashley’s
2nd & 4th Weeks
Grant Welch
Thursday, begins 4/14
Saturday, Berglin’s
Matt Kauffman
6:30 PM
Sunday, Alvarez’s
1st & 3rd Weeks
Jared’s Birthday is April 8th and Jackson’s is April 18th
Jerry Chambers
Continue to pray for me to be still and learn the story from Creation to Christ, that I
may use this “good news” and share it boldly with those I meet.
Serving the NAME in Central England
“Sunday Message Discussion”
10:30 AM Senior Adult Class
6:30 PM
East Vancouver
“Book of Ephesians”
7:00 PM
College & Young Professionals
6:00 PM
Families with kids/Ridgefield
Revised 03/23/2016
From Scott and Emily:
Alvarez, Jose
McWhirter, Dennis
Smith, Shannon
Blakeslee, Lou
Johnson, Tommy
Harvey, Denise
Taylor, Chuck
Fitzpatrick, Jared
Eckhart, Anna Belle
Hartman, Phil
Price, Mary
Rundell, April
Smith, Adrianna
Eckhart, Kailee
Wollen, J.R.
Seymour, Jackson
Echart, Alexander
Fritz, Kris
Jones, Matthew
McNeil, Parker
Smith, Sierra
Elliott, Alex
Adams, Randy
Kaps, Vikki
Price, Dale
Prichard, Staci
Johnson, Ezekiel
Walker, Sharon
Shultz, Barbara
Walker, M.L.
Digel, Barbara
Williamson, Jennifer
Ketel, Beka
This past month has been the month of red tape and paperwork! We've been
trying to get a driver's license for Emily, a social security number for Jack, and
various other paperwork for Scott. We seem to run into every issue imaginable,
and on some days I think we wear rose-colored glasses when we think about how
efficiently things are done in the States. I know that last line will probably make
some people laugh! Please pray that we are able to get everything sorted out. The
driver's license in particular is causing issues with ministry plans since Scott can't
travel until Emily has her license.
The other key word from this month is LANGUAGE. Scott is making a big language
push in order to try to pass his language test and finish up full-time study. He works
incredibly hard, has improved a lot, and does great in his interactions with people,
but he needs to be able to defeat the language test. Please pray that he will both
continue to improve in his language skills and that, when the next time comes to
take the test, he will be calm and not let it intimidate him.
As always, thank you for remembering us!
Scott, Emily, Austin, Adelaina, and Jackson
Serving in the North Africa Middle East Region
Danny and Laurie Kuykendall, April 13, 1975
Charles and Barbara Cunningham, April 27, 1956
If your special day was not included on the Anniversary or Birthday list, please take a
moment to fill out your Connection Card and include your date(s) so we can update our
records with your information. Thank you!
On Wednesday, April 13th, our High School Program will move from Thursdays to
5:30 on Wednesday nights. The small groups will be exactly the same, but our High
School students will be present and available to help run our Wednesday,
Middle School night!!
God’s Not Dead 2!
At 5:00 PM on Friday, April 15th, we’re meeting at the church to watch the original
God’s Not Dead movie and eat a lasagna dinner at the church. Then, we’ll head to
the theatre and watch the new God’s Not Dead 2!! COST IS (only) $15!! This is a big
outreach event, so our students are highly encouraged to bring friends. In fact,
there will be a raffle for those students who bring friends!!
9:30-11:00AM Ladies Life Group
at the Hensley’s
10:30 AM Senior Adult Life
6:30 - 8:45PM English as a
Second Language (ESL)
6:00 AM Morning Prayer Gathering
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Adult Life Groups
7:00– 8:00 PM KidsPointe 252
(Grades K-5)
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 6-8)
6:00 - 8:00 PM Worship
Team Rehearsal
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
9:30 -11:00 AM Ladies Life
Group at the Hensley’s
10:30 AM Senior Adult Life
6:30 - 8:45PM English as a
Second Language (ESL)
6:45 PM Life Group,
Kuykendall’s at the Blakeslee’s
6:00 AM Morning Prayer Gathering
6:00 - 7:00 PM Go Team Meeting
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Adult Life Groups
7:00 - 8:00 PM KidsPointe 252
(Grades K-5)
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 6-8)
6:00 - 8:00 PM Worship
Team Rehearsal
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
9:30 -11:00 AM Ladies Life
Group at the Hensley’s
10:30 AM Senior Adult Life
6:30 - 8:45PM English as a
Second Language (ESL)
6:00 AM Morning Prayer Gathering
5:-30 - 7:00 PM
Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
6:30-8:00 PM Elder’s Meeting
6:30 PM Life Group at the Ashley’s
7:00 - 8:00 PM Adult Life Groups
7:00– 8:00 PM KidsPointe 252
(Grades K-5)
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 6-8)
6:00 - 8:00 Worship
Team Rehearsal
6:30 PM Bible Journaling Group
7:00 Life Group at the Welches
6:30-8:00 PM
Worship Leader
Search Team
6:30 PM
Ladies Night Out at
the Black Bear
Diner 1505 SE
164th Ave, 98683
9:30 -11:00 AM Ladies Life
Group at the Hensley’s
10:30 AM Senior Adult Life
6:30 - 8:45PM English as a
Second Language (ESL)
6:45 PM Life Group,
Kuykendall’s at the Blakeslee’s
6:00 AM Morning Prayer Gathering
5:-30 - 7:00 PM
Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
6:30-8:00 PM Elder’s Meeting
7:00 - 8:00 PM Adult Life Groups
7:00– 8:00 PM KidsPointe 252
(Grades K-5)
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 6-8)
6:00 - 8:00 PM Worship
Team Rehearsal
9:15 & 10:50 AM
Worship & Life Groups
5:00PM Life Group at the
6:00 PM Life Group, Steve
Hensley at the Inman’s
6:30 PM Life Group, Jerry
Chambers at the Alvarez’
9:30 -11:00 AM Ladies Life
Group at the Hensley’s
10:30 AM Senior Adult Life
6:30 - 8:45PM English as a
Second Language (ESL)
6:00 AM Morning Prayer Gathering
5:-30 - 7:00 PM
Youth Group (Grades 9-12)
6:30-8:00 PM Elder’s Meeting
6:30 PM Life Group at the Ashley’s
7:00 - 8:00 PM Adult Life Groups
7:00– 8:00 PM KidsPointe 252
(Grades K-5)
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Youth Group (Grades 6-8)
6:00 - 8:00 PM Worship
Team Rehearsal
7:00 Life Group at the Welches
9:15 & 10:50 AM
Worship & Life Groups
12:30PM Deacon’s Meeting
5:00PM Life Group at the
6:00 PM Life Group, Steve
Hensley at the Inman’s
6:30 PM Life Group, Jerry
Chambers at the Alvarez’
9:15 & 10:50 AM
Worship & Life Groups
5:00PM Life Group at the
6:00 PM Life Group, Steve
Hensley at the Inman’s
9:15 & 10:50 AM
Worship & Life Groups
5:00PM Life Group at the
6:00 PM Life Group, Steve
Hensley at the Inman’s
8:00 AM
Men’s Breakfast at the church
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Vacation Bible
School Training Plus More at the
Northwest Baptist Convention
Center 3200 NE 109th Ave, 98682
1:30 PM Church Consultation
Group Listening Session (for all
Members & Regular Attenders)
5:00 PM Youth Group “God’s
Not Dead Movie & Dinner
Outreach Event”
7:00 - 9:00 PM NW Women’s
Summit at the Northwest
Baptist Convention Center
3200 NE 109th Ave, 98682
Life Group
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM NW Women’s
Summit at the NWBC
6:00 PM Life Group, Kauffman at
the Berglin’s home
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Adopt a Road Cleanup Day
6:00 PM Life Group, Kauffman at
the Berglin’s home