
Dear SSA Membe
ement Firm Registry
of SSA’s
This is your copy
ique needs—as they
the SSA
storage managem
eir own facilities,
Knowing that self
resource to the self
e industry and owne
which serves as a
both vendors to th
developed this Man
embers in
storage industry.
egistry are SSA m
d in the 2014 Man
u may already be us
All companies liste
d realize the
ey are your colleag
s in self storage an
good standing.* Th
ed facilities to
e firms are
r owned and manag
their services. Thes
to, and paying
value of belonging
tional trade associ
their industry’s na
be a quick and
t Firm Registry to
the industry.
will find the
anagement firms in
We hope that you
e guide to re
the results of a ques
easy-to-use referenc
to review the
ntained in the Reg
ease take the time
The information co
should you need
this resource useful
sent to SSA manag
re. We ho
companies listed he
g with
management servic
ember benefit, alon
s, thanks for your
your feedback on
services. As alway
Feel free to give us
lue to the SSA.
A members
rship is of great va
all of the other SS
an SSA mem
financial support as
Best Regards,
Stacey Loflin
embership & Marke
Vice President, M
Registry, you
e Management Firm
l SSA and
* To be listed in th
ber of the nationa
must be a cu
erties managed.
pay dues on all prop
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Don’t see your
company listed here and it is
a Third-Party Management firm?
Please call 888/735-3784
to make sure you’re included
in the next edition.
A-American Self Storage
Acorn Mini Storage
Claire Shamsid-Deen
11560 Tennessee Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90064-1513
Phone: (310) 914-4022 / Fax: (310) 914-4042
Email: claire@aamericanselfstorage.com
Website: www.aamericanselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 20
Employees: 55
Years Managing: 41
Service Area: CA HI MO NV
Dale Habas
3410 Winnetka Ave. N
New Hope, MN 55427
Phone: (763) 512-7720
Email: acornministorage@nationwidehsg.com
Website: www.acornministorage.com
Facilities Operated: 9
Employees: 25
Years Managing: 26
Service Area: MN
AAAA Self Storage
Advantage Self Storage Property Management, LLC
Tom Nicholson III
819 W. Little Creek Rd.
Norfolk, VA 23505-2003
Phone: (757) 423-3281 / Fax: (757) 423-1718
Email: tnicholsoniii@thenicholsoncompanies.com
Website: www.thenicholsoncompanies.com
Facilities Operated: 46
Employees: 120
Years Managing: 40
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Cory Horne
2600 W. Eldorado Parkway, Suite 110
McKinney, TX 75070-7517
Phone: (972) 547-0236 / Fax: (972) 547-0237
Email: rjones@advantagestorage.net
Website: www.advantagestorage.net
Facilities Operated: 24
Employees: 61
Years Managing: 19
Service Area: OK TX
Absolute Storage Management Inc.
America West Management
Michael Haugh
1138 N. Germantown Rd., Suite 101#371
Cordova, TN 38016-5872
Phone: (901) 372-9622 / Fax: (901) 383-9882
Email: michael.haugh@absolutemgmt.com
Website: www.absolutemgmt.com
Facilities Operated: 76
Employees: 150
Years Managing: 12
Gary Braun
5901 Encina Road Ste. C-5
Goleta, CA 93117-2272
Phone: (805) 967-5951 / Fax: (805) 964-5934
Email: gbraun@storewithus.com
Website: www.storewithus.com
Facilities Operated: 31
Employees: 97
Years Managing: 38
Service Area: AL CA GA TX UT
Access Management Co.
America’s Budget Storage
Jim Grecco
208 Gates Rd.
Little Ferry, NJ 07643-1917
Phone: (201) 204-4997 / Fax: (201) 807-1610
Email: jgrecco@access-store.com
Website: www.accessselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 17
Employees: 75
Years Managing: 38
Service Area: NJ NY
Sidney Moss
31275 Northwestern Hwy Suite 116
Farmington Hills, MI 48334-2578
Phone: (248) 449-6663 / Fax: (248) 449-7288
Email: tinaf@medallioncompanies.com
Website: www.americasbudgetstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 1
Employees: 6
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: CA
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
America’s Finest Property Management Inc.
Barrymor Enterprises of NJ LLC
Hector Ruiz
680 Old Telegraph Canyon Road, #203
Chula Vista, CA 91910-6552
Phone: (619) 482-3300 / Fax: (619) 482-3322
Email: afinestpm@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.afinestrealty.com/selfstorage.htm
Facilities Operated: 1
Employees: 4
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: CA
Thomas Smith
PO Box 496
Allenwood, NJ 08720-0496
Phone: (732) 449-0022 / Fax: (732) 449-2325
Email: twsmith@barrymor.com
Website: www.newjersey-storage.com
Facilities Operated: 5
Employees: 15
Years Managing: 37
Service Area: NJ NY
American Self Storage
Better Management Systems, LLC
Dennis Peterson
146 E. Carrillo St.
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2111
Phone: (805) 963-5945 / Fax: (805) 564-8632
Email: peterson@dapentinc.com
Website: www.americanselfstorage.biz
Facilities Operated: 13
Employees: 33
Years Managing: 28
Service Area: AZ CA NV
David Blum
12160 NW 10th Street
Coral Springs, FL 33071-5001
Phone: (954) 255-9500 / Fax: (954) 341-2404
Email: davidb@bmsgrp.com
Website: www.bmsgroup.net
Facilities Operated: 1
Employees: 3
Years Managing: 17
Service Area: SE U.S.
There’s No Place
Like Home
Self storage management is our only business
and has been since 1976!
Access Self Storage focuses on third party
management operations in the New York
Metropolitan area as well as Connecticut and South
Jersey. We know what it takes to be successful here.
We live here. We work here. We raise our families
A common sense, regional approach to managing
our business, in depth knowledge of the market
and no conflicts with national agendas make
a partnership with Access attractive to the
independent self storage owner looking to dedicate
their time and attention to other pursuits and not
worry about day to day storage operations.
What can we offer?
Everything the “big guys” offer.
A robust website, SEO strategies, an intense focus
on revenue management, brand recognition, human
resource management, training, buying power,
attractive insurance packages and accounting
services. 2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
What makes Access Self Storage the third party management company
of choice? A passionate trustworthy 38 year history of keeping our
owner’s properties well maintained, well managed and profitable!
We are optimistic about the future of the self storage industry.
Let us manage your operation. We welcome hearing from you.
Jim Greco
Michele Cavaliere
Vice President
Black Diamond Group, Inc.
Calwest Properties Inc.
Allen Farnsworth
221 E. Walnut St. Suite 224
Pasadena, CA 91101-1554
Phone: (909)226-7086 / Fax: (310) 496-2943
Email: storageservices@aol.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 3
Years Managing: 3
Service Area: CA
Rodney Plascencia
PO Box 3606
Costa Mesa, CA 92628-3606
Phone: (714) 427-3030 / Fax: (714) 427-3031
Email: calwestproperties@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.calwestproperties.com
Facilities Operated: 1
Employees: 6
Years Managing: 22
Service Area: CA
Bridgeton Realty Management
John Malek
9893 US Hwy. #1
Sebastian, FL 32958-6367
Phone: (772) 633-4607
Email: msv@bridgetonproperties.com
Facilities Operated: 2
Employees: 4
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: FL NJ PA
Brundage Management Co. Inc.
Warner Huddleston
254 Spencer Lane
San Antonio, TX 78201-2016
Phone: (210) 735-9393 / Fax: (210) 735-2061
Email: Warner@brundagemgt.com
Website: www.a-aaakey.com
Facilities Operated: 40
Employees: 100
Years Managing: 44
Service Area: AR AZ CO FL IL LA OK TN TX
Budget Management
Cher Rowe
2106 Bispham Road, #B
Sarasota, FL 34231-5522
Phone: (941) 924-8786 / Fax: (941) 922-9512
Email: cher@budgetselfstorage.bz
Facilities Operated: 9
Employees: 30
Years Managing: 27
Service Area: FL NC
Casey Property Management LLC
Morgan Hanlon
198 Washington Street
Auburn, MA 01501-3225
Phone: (201) 747-3494
Email: morgan@stileslakeinvestors.com
Facilities Operated: 9
Employees: 20
Years Managing: 8
Service Area: NE U.S.
Caster Properties, Inc.
Brian Caster
4607 Mission Gorge Pl.
San Diego, CA 92120-4133
Phone: (619) 287-8873 / Fax: (619) 287-2493
Email: brcaster@castergrp.com
Website: www.a1storage.com
Facilities Operated: 45
Employees: 125
Years Managing: 32
Service Area: CA
Cedartree Management Company
Lynne Powell
PO Box 2879
Vancouver, WA 98668-2879
Phone: (360) 750-9373 / Fax: (360) 750-9441
Email: lynne@cmcstorage.net
Website: www.selfstorageoni5.com
Facilities Operated: 20
Employees: 60
Years Managing: 21
Service Area: OR WA
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Chesapeake Resources
Crosby Property Management Ltd.
Nancy Gunning
6001 Montrose Rd. #800
Rockville, MD 20852-4874
Phone: (301) 881-5151 / Fax: (301) 881-4874
Email: ngunning@selfstorageplus.com
Website: www.selfstorageplus.com
Facilities Operated: 18
Employees: 75
Years Managing: 27
Service Area: MD VA
Judith Harris
Ste. 600 - 77 Hornby St.
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1S4 Canada
Phone: (604) 460-7867 / Fax: (604) 460-7837
Email: jharris@crosbypm.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 22
Years Managing: 8
Service Area: BC, Canada
Clisham Management Company
J.R. Clisham
924 Farmington Ave., Ste. 201
West Hartford, CT 06107-2221
Phone: (860) 523-4292 / Fax: (860) 523-4293
Email: jclisham@ctselfstor.com
Website: www.ctselfstor.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 14
Years Managing: 13
Service Area: CT MA
Colliers International
Margaret Maher
1200 Barrow Road, Suite 104
Little Rock, AR 72212
Phone: (501) 223-2340 / Fax: (501) 223-9707
Email: margaret.maher@colliers.com
Website: www.colliersarkansas.com
Facilities Operated: 8
Employees: 8
Years Managing: 21
Service Area: AR
Cox Armored Mini Storage Management, Inc.
Diane Gibson
1650 E. Lamar Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016-1016
Phone: (602) 997-7561 / Fax: (602) 200-8161
Email: storagelady@aol.com
Website: www.armored-mini-storage.com
Facilities Operated: 19
Employees: 65
Years Managing: 18
Service Area: AZ
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Cubby Hole Inc.
Jerry Hendrix
200 Timberlake Ranch Rd.
Hallsville, TX 75650-3486
Phone: (903) 668-1448 / Fax: (903) 668-1048
Email: jhendrix@hughes.net
Website: www.cubbyholeusa.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 21
Years Managing: 20
Service Area: AR LA TX
Guy Middlebrooks
5 Old Lancaster Ave
Malvern, PA 19355-2132
Phone: (610) 535-5763 / Fax: (610) 535-5002
Email: gmiddlebrooks@cubesmart.com
Website: www.cubesmart.com
Facilities Operated: 526
Employees: 1505
Years Managing: 39
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Development-Management Inc.
Jay Fulcher
P.O. Box 35349
Charlotte, NC 28235-5349
Phone: (704) 343-0056 / Fax: (704) 343-0059
Email: jfulcher@dmi-nc.com
Website: www.dmistorage.com
Facilities Operated: 5
Employees: 10
Years Managing: 5
Service Area: NC SC
Devon Self Storage
Executive Self Storage Assoc. Inc.
Kenneth Nitzberg
2000 Powell St. #1240
Emeryville, CA 94608-1757
Phone: (510) 450-1300 / Fax: (510) 450-1325
Email: knitzberg@devonselfstorage.com
Website: www.devonselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 33
Employees: 75
Years Managing: 21
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Joe Niemczyk
5353 West Dartmouth Ave. Suite 401, Suite 203
Denver, CO 80227-5540
Phone: (303) 703-1290 x201 / Fax: (303) 703-1289
Email: karen@executiveselfstorage.com
Website: www.executiveselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 15
Employees: 50
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Diede Property Management Inc.
Extra Space Storage
Robert Lee
PO Box 1007
Woodbridge, CA 95258-1007
Phone: (209) 369-8255 / Fax: (209) 368-0600
Email: rlee@diedeconstruction.com
Website: www.mystorageconnection.com
Facilities Operated: 9
Employees: 22
Years Managing: 11
Service Area: North Central California
Jim Stevens
2795 East Cottonwood Pkwy. #400
Salt Lake City, UT 84121-7033
Phone: (801) 562-5556
Email: jstevens@extraspace.com
Website: www.extraspace.com
Facilities Operated: 910
Employees: 2500
Years Managing: 36
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Duke Management Services Inc.
Five Star Storage
Andy Duke
10286 Staples Mill Road, #807
Glen Allen, VA 23060-3064
Phone: (804) 640-7949 / Fax: (804) 798-7722
Email: a.duke@ezboxstorage.com
Website: www.storageunitsglenallen.com
Facilities Operated: 5
Employees: 12
Years Managing: 25
Service Area: VA FL
Charles Hendricks
3255 43rd St. S.
Fargo, ND 58104-8699
Phone: (701) 365-5000 / Fax: (701) 232-8578
Email: ben@fivestarservice.biz
Website: www.fivestarstorage.biz
Facilities Operated: 8
Employees: 6
Years Managing: 10
Service Area: MN ND
Epic Group
Granados Management Company
William Kendall
1601 Eastman Avenue, Unit 100
Ventura, CA 93003-6441
Phone: (805) 642-4773 / Fax: (805) 642-4662
Email: epicgrp@pacbell.net
Website: www.venturastorage.com
Facilities Operated: 11
Employees: 31
Years Managing: 29
Service Area: CA
Steve Warren
1547 N Florida Mango Road, Suite 1-3
West Palm Beach, FL 33409-5277
Phone: 561-686-0326 / Fax: 561-478-6530
Email: stevewarren@granadosmgmt.com
Facilities Operated: 10
Employees: 100
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: FL
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Boost Your Bottom Line With
Southeast Management Company
Let Us Share Our Strategy For Sucess With You
Use a QR Code reader
on your mobile device
to access additional
Strategies to Maximize Revenue
Accounting and Reporting
Payroll and Associated Tax Reporting
Evaluation Services
Facility Site Design
Training and Full-Service Management
And Much More!
Call today for an evaluation
94 N. Main Street
Kilmarnock, VA 22482
500 Shady Circle Drive
Rocky Mount, NC 27803
Guardian Storage Solutions
Kleege Enterprises
Steve Cohen
5879 Centre Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15206-3709
Phone: (412) 661-7368 / Fax: (412) 661-5130
Email: coz@guardianstorage.com
Website: www.guardianstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 14
Employees: 20
Years Managing: 22
Service Area: PA
Michelle Clarke
12625 High Bluff Drive, Suite 310
San Diego, CA 92130-2054
Phone: (858) 481-3081 / Fax: (858) 481-2674
Email: michelle@kleege.com
Website: www.kleege.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 9
Years Managing: 16
Service Area: CA
HCA Management
Liberty Investment Properties Inc.
Christine Compton
P.O. Box 7
Novato, CA 94948-0007
Phone: (415) 892-4795 / Fax: (541) 772-0320
Email: chris@hcamgmt.com
Website: www.cascadeselfstorageOR.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 18
Years Managing: 16
Service Area: AZ OR
Facilities Operated: 15
Employees: 40
Years Managing: 24
Service Area: FL NC
Hunsaker Management
Lindsey Self Storage Group
Carolyn Kirkland
17761 Mitchell Street
Irvine, CA 92614-6028
Phone: (949) 863-1390 / Fax: (949) 553-8390
Email: ckirkland@hundevco.com
Facilities Operated: 2
Employees: 4
Years Managing: 37
Service Area: Southern CA
JES Management/44th Street Self Storage
John Slagboom
3535 44th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512-3815
Phone: (616) 554-2002 / Fax: (616) 554-2004
Email: johnslag@aol.com
Website: www.access24online.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 8
Years Managing: 12
Service Area: MI
Adam Mikkelson
2200 Lucien Way Ste. 410
Maitland, FL 32751-7048
Phone: (407) 774-8818 x1693 / Fax: (407) 774-6697
Email: amikkelson@libertyprop.com
John Lindsey
1800 MLK Parkway, Suite 103
Durham, NC 27707-3500
Phone: (919) 787-1281 / Fax: (919) 797-1283
Email: john@lindseyselfstoragegroup.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 2
Years Managing: 2
Service Area: NC SC
Lock Up Development Corp.
Robert Soudan
800 Frontage Rd.
Northfield, IL 60093-1205
Phone: (847) 441-7760 / Fax: (847) 441-7732
Email: northfield@thelockup.com
Website: www.thelockup.com
Facilities Operated: 29
Employees: 50
Years Managing: 39
Service Area: CT FL HI Il MA MN NJ NY
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Magellan Storage
Move It Management
Kari Kaltenborn
1800 Avenue of the Stars Ste #105
Los Angeles, CA 90067-4203
Phone: (310) 277-8337 x10 / Fax: (310) 277-8330
Email: kkaltenborn@magellanstorage.com
Website: www.magellanstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 19
Years Managing: 17
Service Area: CA
Tracy Taylor
4015 Beltline Road Suite 300
Addison, TX 75001-4353
Phone: (214) 389-3930 / Fax: (214) 389-3959
Email: ttaylor@watsontaylor.com
Website: www.watsontaylorselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 27
Employees: 50
Years Managing: 37
Service Area: FL NC SC TN TX
Management & Blue Prints
Mr. Storage of Olney-Philadephia
Jay Wallace
2245-C Ashley Crossing Drive, Suite 310
Charleston, SC 29414-5704
Phone: (855) 552-5837 / Fax: (888) 940-7771
Email: info@associationblueprints.com
Website: www.MonsterStorage.com
Facilities Operated: 1
Employees: 2
Years Managing: 26
Service Area: SC
Mike Doyle
1408 Bethlehem Pike
Flourtown, PA 19031-2004
Phone: (215) 233-9300 x104 / Fax: (215) 836-7358
Email: MikeDoyle@MrStorages.com
Website: www.mrstorages.com/olney
Facilities Operated: 6
Employees: 4
Years Managing: 25
Service Area: Philadelphia
Morningstar Properties LLC
National Self Storage Mgmt. Inc.
Wes Carter
725 Park Center Drive
Matthews, NC 28105-5012
Phone: 704-847-0968 / Fax: (704) 847-1640
Email: wcarter@mstarproperties.com
Website: www.morningstar-storage.com
Facilities Operated: 27
Employees: 200
Years Managing: 34
Service Area: TX OH
Travis Morrow
P.O. Box 90540
Tucson, AZ 85752-0540
Phone: (520) 577-9777 x223 / Fax: (520) 577-0824
Email: tmorrow@nationalselfstorage.com
Website: www.nationalselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 14
Employees: 36
Years Managing: 39
Service Area: Southwest U.S.
Morris Piha Real Estate Services Inc.
NetREIT, Inc.
Lance Baker
PO Box 53290
Bellevue, WA 98015-3290
Phone: (425) 974-4233 / Fax: (425) 643-9139
Email: lbaker@mpiha.com
Facilities Operated: 12
Employees: 28
Years Managing: 31
Service Area: WA
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Katz Gary
1282 Pacific Oaks Place
Escondido, CA 92029
Phone: (760) 471-8536 / Fax: (760) 471-0399
Email: gary@netreit.com
Website: www.netreit.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 18
Years Managing: 7
Service Area: Southern CA
Omega Properties, Inc.
Peak Management LLC
William Barnhill
150 Government St. Ste. 1003A
Mobile, AL 36602-3120
Phone: (334) 432-1287 / Fax: (334) 433-3470
Email: debra@omegapropertiesinc.com
Website: www.omegapropertiesinc.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 16
Years Managing: 19
Service Area: AL
Teresa Rosier
9640 Deereco Rd.
Timonium, MD 21093-2120
Phone: (410) 561-1300 / Fax: (410) 628-2700
Email: trosier@hillmgt.com
Website: www.whatwillyoustore.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 24
Years Managing: 14
Service Area: MD
Optivest Properties
Pegasus Group
Debi Lerma
24921 Dana Point Harbor Dr Suite B200
Dana Point, CA 92629-2929
Phone: (949) 661-8686
Email: debi@optivestproperties.com
Website: www.optivestproperties.com
Facilities Operated: 53
Employees: 150
Years Managing: 7
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Dwight Davis
1148 Alpine Road
Walnut Creek, CA 94596-4444
Phone: (925) 930-0810 / Fax: (925) 256-0300
Email: davisd@pegasusgroup.net
Website: www.pegasusgroup.net
Facilities Operated: 50
Employees: 100
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Outback Management LLC
Richard Ward
112 Sheffield Loop
Hattiesburg, MS 39402-1406
Phone: (601) 264-0403 / Fax: (601) 264-0433
Email: rickward@megagate.com
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 2
Years Managing: 18
Service Area: SE U.S.
Paul Darden Company
Paul Darden
15400 Knoll Trail Ste. 106 LB42
Dallas, TX 75248-6913
Phone: (972) 755-6464 / Fax: (972) 755-6465
Email: paul@pauldarden.com
Website: www.pauldarden.com
Facilities Operated: 9
Employees: 37
Years Managing: 40
Service Area: AR LA TX
Pegasus Group is a real estate investment and management firm that
specializes in acquiring, developing and managing self-storage investments. Pegasus Group has a unique ability to quickly respond to market
conditions and emerging opportunities allowing for the implementation of creative strategies that reduce expenses and increase income
at the property level. Our effective management team and technological management platforms provide an upper hand in maximizing
revenue and asset appreciation. For Management contact: Margaret
Martin 925.930.0810 ext. 118 For Acquisitions contact: Phil Jones
925.930.0810 ext. 115
Personal Mini Storage Management Co.
Marc Smith
6327 Edgewater Dr.
Orlando, FL 32810-4719
Phone: (407) 297-3683 / Fax: (407) 578-0400
Email: ms@personalministorage.com
Website: www.personalministorage.com
Facilities Operated: 35
Employees: 70
Years Managing: 32
Service Area: Mid-Florida
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Platinum Storage Group
RMB Management Co. Inc.
Daniel Elefante
9834 Research Drive
Irvine, CA 92618-4310
Phone: (949) 770-2232 / Fax: (949) 770-9522
Email: skip@platinumstorage.com
Website: www.platinumstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 35
Employees: 220
Years Managing: 14
Joann Reeves
1912 Rollingwood Dr.
Fairfield, CA 94534-7932
Phone: (707) 421-2889 / Fax: (707) 421-2889
Email: rmbmanagement@comcast.net
Facilities Operated: 2
Employees: 6
Years Managing: 26
Service Area: CA
Plus Management
Robert High Properties
Tammy Moritz
14511 Golden Garden Parkway
Chester, VA 23836-6256
Phone: (804) 425-6600
Email: tmoritz@plusmgt.com
Website: www.plusmgt.com
Facilities Operated: 1
Employees: 2
Years Managing: 7
Service Area: VA
Robert High
223 Greenville Ave
Wilmington, NC 28403
Phone: (910) 790-9490 / Fax: (910) 790-9991
Email: jconner@roberthighproperties.com
Website: www.coastalministorage.net
Facilities Operated: 10
Employees: 15
Years Managing: 11
Service Area: NC
Pogoda Management Co.
Maurice Pogoda
30301 Northwestern Highway, Suite 400
Farmington Hills, MI 48334-3276
Phone: (248) 855-9676 x222 / Fax: (248) 855-0170
Email: mpogoda@pogodaco.com
Website: www.pogodaco.com
Facilities Operated: 35
Employees: 85
Years Managing: 24
Service Area: MI Midwest
We will design, implement & conduct
a highly effective, professional
management program to achieve
your personal objectives.
Porter Properties, LLC
Matthew Rice
PO Box 28
Auburn, AL 36831-0028
Phone: (334) 826-8682 / Fax: (334) 826-8602
Email: msrice@portercompanies.com
Website: www.portercompanies.com
Facilities Operated: 6
Employees: 40
Years Managing: 14
Service Area: AL MS
Contact Charlie or Dave today for a FREE consultation!
Charlie Fritts / 716-689-7377 / charlie@simi.org or
Dave Inman / 651-351-9579 x205/ dave@simi.org
The most trusted name in Storage Management since 1988
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
S.I. Management
Schmitt & Co.
Craig Lyons
4100 Newport Place Ste. 810
Newport Beach, CA 92660-2429
Phone: (949) 752-5000
Email: kim@stor-it-selfstorage.com
Website: www.stor-it-selfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 13
Employees: 51
Years Managing: 29
Service Area: CA
Debbie Jirasek
21 Commercial Blvd., Suite 2
Novato, CA 94949-6109
Phone: (415) 883-7846 / Fax: (415) 382-0254
Email: debbie@schmittandco.com
Website: www.selfstorageprofessionals.com
Facilities Operated: 9
Employees: 36
Years Managing: 36
Service Area: CA
Self Storage Management Co.
Burgess Carey
1040 Elizabeth Street
Nicholasville, KY 40356-8710
Phone: (859) 885-9444 / Fax: (859) 885-2704
Email: burgcarey@aol.com
Website: www.safestorage.com
Facilities Operated: 5
Employees: 10
Years Managing: 20
Service Area: KY
Robert Abernethy
PO Box 90855
Los Angeles, CA 90009-0855
Phone: (310) 642-0080
Email: rabernethy@techcenter.net
Website: www.ministorage.net
Facilities Operated: 15
Employees: 75
Years Managing: 38
Service Area: Southern CA
Self Storage Management Company, Ltd
Robert Krumdieck
6257 Springdale Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45247-3345
Phone: (513) 741-1400 / Fax: (513) 741-4479
Email: bob@rjkassociates.net
Facilities Operated: 5
Employees: 14
Years Managing: 20
Service Area: IN KY
Self Storage Management Service, Inc.
- T op Ope rat o r M a n a gem e nt
- F ea sibil it y St u d ie s
- M ark et Surve y s
- Tr ain in g
- C o n su l ti ng
- Jo in t V en t u res
Alan Gamache
PO Box 1929
Jackson, CA 95642-1929
Phone: (916) 501-4113 / Fax: (916) 313-3757
Email: ag@selfstoragemanagement.com
Website: www.selfstoragemanagement.com
Facilities Operated: 3
Employees: 12
Years Managing: 30
Service Area: CA NV
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Self Storage Services Inc.
Southeast Management Company, LLC.
Richard Moran
1682 E. Gude Drive Ste. 201
Rockville, MD 20850-5345
Phone: (301) 762-1030 / Fax: (301) 762-1317
Email: rpmoran@selfstorageservicesinc.com
Website: www.selfstorageservicesinc.com
Facilities Operated: 20
Employees: 40
Years Managing: 29
Service Area: DC FL MD VA
March Chase
500 Shady Circle Drive
Rocky Mount, NC 27803
Phone: (804) 436-2596 / Fax: (804) 435-0616
Email: march@southeastmanagementcompany.com
Website: www.southeastmanagementcompany.com
Facilities Operated: 8
Employees: 25
Years Managing: 10
Service Area: VA to FL and West to MS
Southeast Management Company, (“SEM†) boasts an
accomplished team of experienced professionals. Our objective
is to provide consulting and comprehensive management
services for independent owners of self storage properties.
Southeast Management Company offers all of the adjunct
services, skills and systems necessary to maintain properties
to the highest standards of quality, to achieve the greatest
operating efficiencies, and to realize the highest profit
performance possible.
Sentry Self Storage
Rick Yonis
12375 West Sample Road
Coral Springs, FL 33065-8002
Phone: (561) 477-4165 / Fax: (954) 341-1444
Email: ryonis@sentry-selfstorage.com
Website: www.sentry-selfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 32
Employees: 130
Years Managing: 17
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Simply Storage Management
Kurt O’Brien
7932 West Sand Lake Road, Suite 108
Orlando, FL 32819-7299
Phone: (407) 248-7878 / Fax: (407) 248-9048
Email: kobrien@obcompanies.com
Website: www.simplyss.com
Facilities Operated: 137
Employees: 315
Years Managing: 22
Service Area: Entire U.S.
SKS Management
Paul Grossberg
1939 Harrison St., Suite 410
Oakland, CA 94612-3532
Phone: (510) 273-8543 / Fax: (510) 273-8852
Email: pgrossberg@safkeep.com
Website: www.safkeep.com
Facilities Operated: 18
Employees: 85
Years Managing: 34
Service Area: CA HI
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Southwest Self Storage
Scott Flaming
8080 La Mesa Blvd., Suite 211
La Mesa, CA 91942-0362
Phone: (619) 461-0012 / Fax: (619) 461-0189
Email: Scott@southwestselfstorage.net
Facilities Operated: 7
Employees: 30
Years Managing: 10
Service Area: Inland Empire
SSZ Management
Chris Potash
11583 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817
Phone: (407) 408-5021 / Fax: (407) 277-6889
Email: cpotash@americanstorall.com
Website: www.selfstoragezone.com
Facilities Operated: 8
Employees: 30
Years Managing: 15
Service Area: East Coast
States Self Storage Management Company, LLC
Jim O’Malley
5715 108th Street
Hales Corners, WI 53130-1941
Phone: (414) 573-0855
Email: omalley1967@sbcglobal.net
Facilities Operated: 2
Employees: 5
Years Managing: 1
Service Area: NC WI
Sterling Management & Consulting Services Inc.
Storage Investment Mgmt. Inc.
Sarah Even
900 SW 5th Place
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-2569
Phone: (954) 767-8011 / Fax: (954) 648-0635
Email: sarah@sterling-mgmt.com
Website: www.sterling-mgmt.com
Facilities Operated: 10
Employees: 20
Years Managing: 25
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Charlie Fritts
PO Box 198
Stillwater, MN 55082-0198
Phone: (716) 689-7377 / Fax: (716) 689-0001
Email: charlie@simi.org
Website: www.simi.org
Facilities Operated: 30
Employees: 90
Years Managing: 26
Service Area: Northeast & Mid Atlantic U.S.
Storage Asset Management, Inc.
Storage Pros Management LLC
Jay Hoke
294 Pleasant Acres Rd, Ste 204
York, PA 17402-9016
Phone: (717) 779-0044 / Fax: (717) 779-0048
Email: jhoke@storageasset.com
Website: www.storageassetmanagement.com
Facilities Operated: 31
Employees: 74
Years Managing: 4
Service Area: East Coast U.S.
David Levenfeld
30665 Northwestern Hwy #100
Farmington Hills, MI 48334-3128
Phone: (617) 658-1200
Email: dlevenfeld@storageop.com
Website: www.TheStoragePros.com
Facilities Operated: 53
Employees: 115
Years Managing: 7
Service Area: East Coast U.S.
Storage Etc.
Stow Away Storage
Greg Houge
2870 Los Feliz Place
Los Angeles, CA 90039-1633
Phone: (323) 852-1400 / Fax: (323) 852-1432
Email: ghouge@storageetc.com
Website: www.storageetc.com
Facilities Operated: 10
Employees: 70
Years Managing: 15
Service Area: Southwest U.S.
Bert Pooser
1 Surrey Ct
Columbia, SC 29212-3139
Phone: (803) 772-2629 / Fax: (803) 772-7113
Email: Bpooser3@imichotels.com
Website: www.imichotels.com
Facilities Operated: 2
Employees: 4
Years Managing: 15
Service Area: SC
Storage Inns Inc.
Strategic Capital Holdings LLC
Frank Blumeyer
9909 Clayton Rd. Suite 205
Saint Louis, MO 63124-1120
Phone: (314) 997-6603 / Fax: (314) 997-0376
Email: astorageinns@att.net
Facilities Operated: 10
Employees: 20
Years Managing: 41
Service Area: IL MO
H. Michael Schwartz
111 Corporate Dr. Ste. 120
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694-1199
Phone: (949) 429-6600 x102 / Fax: (949) 429-6606
Email: hms@sstreit.com
Website: www.strategicstoragetrust.com
Facilities Operated: 124
Employees: 270
Years Managing: 8
Service Area: Entire U.S.
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Urban Self Storage
Seattle, Washington
918 S. Horton Street, Suite 1000
Seattle, WA 98134
Phone: 206-322-4868
Fax: 206-328-3711
Toll Free: 800-304-0576
Email: info@urbanstorage.com
Web: www.urbanstorage.com
President: Patrick Reilly
Chairman: Lorin Christean
Number of Employees: 120
Urban Self Storage has been providing
trusted expertise to the Northwestern
self storage industry for over 23 years.
Our innovative approach to self
storage market research and analysis,
operations, financing and marketing
combined with our ability to service
the local market has set us apart from
other local and national companies.
Our exceptional track record has
been accomplished through careful
technology implementation, unit mix
determination, marketing, and market
analysis. Patrick is also the President
of the Washington Self Storage
Association and currently serves as
Secretary on the National Self Storage
Association’s Board of Directors.
Lorin J. Christean, Chairman, has been
a developer of self storage facilities
since 1975.
market research and goal-oriented
Let us put our more than 3 million
that reward employee achievement.
to work for you on your investment.
management with bonus structures
square feet of self storage experience
These operating principles are
For more information about our
unusual in an industry dominated
by cost management rather than
consumer needs and customer service.
Our President, Patrick J. Reilly, is a
self storage industry expert in web
partnership programs, joint ventures,
operations, facility evaluations, and
web marketing programs, please
email us at info@urbanstorage.com or
call 800.304.0576.
Strategic Property Management Inc.
Towne Storage Management Co
Don Clauson
2055 Third Ave. Ste. C
San Diego, CA 92101-2058
Phone: (619) 295-2211 x224 / Fax: (619) 295-2262
Email: dclauson@stratprop.com
Website: www.stratprop.com
Facilities Operated: 37
Employees: 110
Years Managing: 15
Service Area: CA TX
Burke Bradshaw
1100 E. 6600 South Ste. 201
Salt Lake City, UT 84121-7410
Phone: (801) 262-3388 / Fax: (801) 262-7893
Email: burkeb@townestorage.com
Website: www.townestorage.com
Facilities Operated: 14
Employees: 35
Years Managing: 20
Service Area: Western U.S.
Suburban Management Group Inc.
Turtle Creek Management Inc.
Lynn Skyes
999 Waterside Dr. Ste. 2220
Norfolk, VA 23510-3306
Phone: (757) 671-1700 / Fax: (757) 671-7477
Email: lynn@samvirginia.com
Website: www.happyboxes.com
Facilities Operated: 12
Employees: 32
Years Managing: 15
Service Area: NC VA
Mark Jackson
6900 S. Gray Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46237-3209
Phone: (317) 783-5461
Email: majackso@tcm-bai.com
Facilities Operated: 4
Employees: 10
Years Managing: 20
Service Area: IN
Synergy Storage Group
James Gail
2971 Wentworth Way
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688
Phone: (727) 937-7777 / Fax: (877) 300-7744
Email: synergystorage@aol.com
Website: www.store-it.com
Facilities Operated: 27
Employees: 87
Years Managing: 28
Service Area: AL AZ FL ID TN
TNT Self Storage Management
Dianne Tanna
30052 Santiago
Temecula, CA 92592-5115
Phone: (714) 777-2015 / Fax: (714) 777-2072
Email: tntmanagement@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.tntselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 50
Employees: 130
Years Managing: 25
Service Area: AZ CA
Uncle Bob’s Management
Dale Payne
6467 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14221-5856
Phone: (716) 650-6140 / Fax: (716) 630-5172
Email: dpayne@sovranss.com
Website: www.unclebobsmanagement.com
Facilities Operated: 443
Employees: 1,200
Years Managing: 13
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Universal Storage Group
M. Anne Ballard
2625 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 205
Atlanta, GA 30339-3911
Phone: (770) 801-1888 / Fax: (770) 801-0068
Email: manneballard@aol.com
Website: www.storagecentres.com
Facilities Operated: 42
Employees: 124
Years Managing: 22
Service Area: AL, CA, CO, GA, FL, LA, OK, SC, NC, TN, VA
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
Urban Self Storage Inc.
Westport Properties, Inc.
Patrick Reilly
918 S. Horton St. Suite 1000
Seattle, WA 98134-1955
Phone: (206) 322-4868 x102 / Fax: (206) 328-3711
Email: patrick.reilly@urbanstorage.com
Website: www.urbanstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 56
Employees: 140
Years Managing: 27
Service Area: NM OR WA
Barry Hoeven
2201 Dupont Drive, Suite 700
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone: (949) 428-7070 / Fax: (949) 428-7087
Email: drewh@usstorage.net
Website: www.usstoragecenters.com
Facilities Operated: 78
Employees: 208
Years Managing: 29
Service Area: Entire U.S.
Ventura Investment Co.
Anna Garcia
1601 Carmen Drive, Suite 100
Camarillo, CA 93010-3103
Phone: (805) 484-0477 / Fax: (805) 388-8827
Email: agarcia@venturainvestmentco.com
Website: www.venturainvestmentco.com
Wagner & Associates Inc.
Debra Stoss
2720 Sandhurst Lane, Suite 100
Midlothian, VA 23113-2240
Phone: (804) 840-0215
Email: debra@wagnerpropertymanagement.com
Website: www.richmondselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 2
Employees: 7
Years Managing: 25
Service Area: VA
Websco Properties
US Storage Centers (USSC) currently owns, manages, and operates
approximately 78 self storage locations and over 5,000,000 square
feet throughout the United States. Established in 1985, USSC is unlike
many 3rd party management companies in that they own more than
50% of their locations. Their 25+ years of storage experience offers
a management platform that provides top notch upper level and field
management staff, operational strategy that is unique and NOI focused,
21st century marketing and sales programs, cutting edge technological resources benefiting both web marketing and accounting, and the
uniform processes needed to manage a nationwide portfolio seamlessly.
US Storage Centers Management offers full service operational management in addition to consulting packages to improve NOI performance at
individual locations.
William Warren Group Inc.
William Hobin
201 Wilshire Blvd. Ste. 102
Santa Monica, CA 90401-1220
Phone: (310) 451-2130 / Fax: (310) 451-7821
Email: bhobin@williamwarren.com
Website: www.storquest.com
Facilities Operated: 102
Employees: 310
Years Managing: 20
Service Area: CA, CO, AZ, HI, FL, SC, NV, TX
Ben Wells
2681 Walnut Ave., 2nd Floor
Tustin, CA 92780-7005
Phone: (714) 544-8200 / Fax: (714) 544-8231
Email: bwells@webscoproperties.com
Website: www.aaaqualityselfstorage.com
Facilities Operated: 8
Employees: 33
Years Managing: 35
Service Area: CA
2014 SSA Management Firm Registry
2014 SSA Events
Mark your calendar for these upcoming SSA events!
Full programs and additional events can be found on our website:
2014 Valuation & Acquisition Course
May 5–7, 2014
Sheraton Philadelphia (Downtown)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2014 Fall Conference & Trade Show
September 10–12, 2014
Caesars Palace
Las Vegas, Nevada
29th Annual Executive Ski Workshop
January 20–23, 2014
Big Sky, Montana
For more information or to register, visit