HGHS BULLETIN - Hamilton - Hamilton Girls` High School
HGHS BULLETIN - Hamilton - Hamilton Girls` High School
ISSUE #3 TERM 2 / WEEK 8 HGHS BULLETIN “A wise woman shapes her own destiny” Kia ora koutou Creating a culture of excellence has been a priority for me over the last three years. Hamilton Girls’ High is a wonderful school with many great students and the BOT and Senior Leadership team have continued to work with staff, students and parents to consolidate and lift the bar for raising achievement across the four cornerstones of Academic, Leadership, Cultural and Sporting excellence. I want to reiterate that the messages I had in my first year as Principal in 2013, are still as strong today. Instilling school pride in our students at Hamilton Girls’ High School is our collective responsibility. The small things count. Wearing our uniform with pride, using our manners, being prepared for class and taking responsibility for our actions are important to being a student at our school. While we do not want to become complacent, it is certainly pleasing to see the change in both our own school and wider community perception. Many of our staff encourage students to think, create and develop knowledge through inquiry and making sure they become the best that they can be. Motivation is always high at the beginning of the year, however we want students to remain focused on their goals and committed to achieving them. It is one thing to have a purpose, but it is equally important to know how you are going to achieve it. Attendance every day is important to achieving academic aims. Being a Principal is an extremely challenging, but rewarding position. One of the enjoyable parts of the job is getting out and about to sporting and cultural events to watch our students play or perform. I have included “out and about “ photographs from the past fortnight. Thank you to all our parents, teachers and volunteers who give their time to provide wonderful opportunities for our students. Have a good weekend. Marie Gordon Principal ACHIEVEMENTS SQUASH WAIBOP CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to the WAIBOP Cross Country that competed Tuesday 7th June at the Agrodome in rotorua. We had 20 representatives. An excellent effort by our Junior HGHS champion Maria Sartin who finished 12th and our junior team (6 man) finished 2nd in the team competition; Intermediate HGHS champion Sharnae Taylor finished 9th and has been selected for the WAIBOP relay team who will compete at Nationals at the end of June. The Intermediate team (6 man) were 3rd in the team competition. Our senior team also finished 3rd in the 3 man competition. The Waikato Secondary Schools squash tournament was held on the 8th June. Congratulations to Anika Jackson who won the Division 1 competition and Leah Hodge who came 3rd taking out the Plate, Hayley Carsor finished 4th in Division 1. A fantastic effort by those players to take 3 of the top 4 places. Anna Gallaher came 3rd in the Division 3 and played 5 sets with the last set going beyond the 15 point score to finish 22-20. Division 1 winners - Anna Gallaher, Anika Jackson, Leah Hodges, Hayley Carson Sharnae Taylor CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to our Kapa Haka Prefect, Aniwa Collier who was part of the winning senior Kapa Haka Group Te Waka Huia for the Auckland regionals. SEVENS Congratulations to Ariona Ieremia who has been selected for the Cook Island Womens Sevens Team.The team travelled to Dublin, Ireland to compete in the World Rugby Women’s 7s Repechage tournament on Saturday 25th-Sunday 26th June. This is a great opportunity for Ariona and the team to try and qualify for the Rio Olympics. 3 ENGLISH WITH EXTENSIONS This class has recently completed the AS 91480 assessment and the analyses were of a very high standard with 71% of students achieving an Excellence grade. Division 3Winners - Morgan Craven,Teal King, Kobi Bartlett. MANU KORERO SPEECH COMPETITION This year Hamilton Girls’ held our very first interschool Maori Speech competition. There are 4 sections which the girls can enter. Junior Maori, Senior Maori, Junior English and Senior English. We are very proud of the 11 girls who participated in this event.The winners of each section will go on and represent Hamilton Girls at the Waikato Manu Korero Speech Competition at the end of this term. Congratulations to Pani Potts (Junior Maori), Pourewa Ruri-Clarke (Senior Maori), Hinetaapora Short (Junior English) and Tiana McCaskill (Senior English). Thank you to all that supported this evening. YOUNG SINGERS IN HARMONY BARBERSHOP QUARTET Congratulations to our HGHS Chorus group that were placed 2nd in the YSIH Competition, and to the Hendricks Quartet that were placed 4th. Although there were only 2-3 points separating the top groups, both have been invited to the Nationals in September. ISSUE #3 TERM 2 / WEEK 8 HALL OF FAME Carolyn Grey our own Sports Director was inducted into the Hall of Fame for Basketball. This is an amazing achievement as she has been recognised for her services for basketball. This includes playing representative basketball for Waikato and New Zealand and her services of many years of coaching. To celebrate such an achievement we had a cake made in the shape of a basketball court for her. TEXTILES TECHNOLOGY The Ag Art Wear competition was held as part of Fieldays at Mystery Creek and challenged designers to use farmyard materials - everything from bale wrap to chicken wire.This was the first year that a group from L2 Textiles entered the AgArtwear at the fieldays. , and although not placed, It was a very positive experience. IMPORTANT INFORMATION MATARIKI - Maori New Year Our Ka Awatea Prefect, Murihuku Martell celebrated this event over 3 days and offered the opportunity for our students and staff to come in and make Manu Aute. It was a wonderful opportunity and something new for us. There is a great exhibition at the Waikato Museum that we encourage all our girls to get along and see. SCHOOL LEAVER WEBSITE A new website for career information combining a range of sources – a good ‘one stop shop’. Well worth a look at for students and parents www.schoolleaver.nz FRENCH TRIP FUNDRAISER Thank you to all those who attended the screening of “Finding Dory” as part of our fundraising. MUSIC Our Choir, Mana Wahine travelled to Bethlehem Performing Arts centre to perform in BIG SING and were awarded a Highly Commended. Our girls were the largest group to compete and their voices were . Congratulations to Mrs Dickinson and all those who trained in lunchtimes and afterschool for so long. HGHS HOCKEY HGHS vs Waikato Dio Hockey team played the final on Wednesday 22nd of June and the result was 2 -1 to Dio. Great effort put forth by the whole team with our hard earned goal scored by Maria Sartin. UP AND COMING EVENTS Ian Hunter Scholarship Preparation Workshop Dr Ian Hunter Scholarship Preparation Workshop for Year 12 and 13 students is happening on 29th June. Those who have been selected have been given permission slips.The workshop will focus on speeding up student planning, fluency, output and teaching students to critically analyse, think and then write. July 7th Thurs - Victoria University Info evening Waikato Stadium July 7th Thurs - University of Auckland Enginuity Day Auckland - register in Careers Office (students interested in Engineering) July 7th Thurs - Tauranga Girls’ High Sports exchange: RESPONSIBLE DIGITAL CITIZENS All students must read and sign a cybersafety agreement before gaining access to our School wifi. The expectation is that students are using the internet to connect to Educational websites, including our Learning Management System (Schoology) and Google Apps. It has become evident that some students are using a VPN to access sites, such as Facebook, that are ‘blocked’. Unfortunately, there are a few students that are ‘live streaming’ whilst at school. This is inappropriate and unacceptable and will be treated as a disciplinary issue. Sports participating in the Annual Tauranga exchange at Hamilton Girls’ High School: RUGBY: 10:45 kickoff on the school field NETBALL: 10:15 Prem reserves 10:30am 10 A 11:30 am Premier All played on the school courts BASKETBALL: Senior Prems 10:30am school gym HOCKEY: 2nd XI 10:30am - 1st XI 11:00am Games are at Gallagher Hockey centre Innes Common FOOTBALL: Jun 1st XI - 10:15 - Sen 1st XI 11:30 am games played at Innes Common CONGRATULATIONS - NETBALL MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE After 6 weeks of competition, HGHS netball finished the league with some great results. YR 10A 1st, Premiers 3rd, Premier Reserves 3rd P.2 ISSUE #3 TERM 2 / WEEK 8 INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT We welcome 2 new students : Marian Mosquera from Philippines and Nohemi Tenorio Quinones from Colombia (via HFHS). Our International students had an international shared lunch, and have another one planned for later this week. The 2 International Tutor Groups enjoyed Ten Pin Bowling - a new experience for many! STAFF FIRST AID COURSE On Saturday, June 18th, 18 staff took part in First Aid Training. We have many up-to-date first aiders available throughout the school who are capable and have the necessary skills to react effectively in a medical emergency inside or outside the classroom. WORLD VISION - 40 HOUR FAMINE Our Services Council have been busy this term, organising, promoting and now collecting for the 40 Hour Famine. Approximately, 40 girls from each House signed up for the 40 Hour famine. Sponsorship Booklets and money is now due back. House Captains will do a collection at tutor time but the booklets can also be dropped off at the Finance office. There are movie vouchers up for grabs to the top seller in each House; as well as a double movie voucher for the overall winner. Well done to everyone who has supported this worthy cause. JAPANESE TRIVIA COMPETITION On Friday 17th June 8 girls participated in the annual Japanese trivia competition held at Waikato University. Our Year Nine team of Nikkaella Lulu, Sophie Pottinger, Sheridan O’Keeffe and Jessica Kong (left to right in photo) came in fourth, one point behind the two teams that tied for second place. This was an impressive effort from the girls who made the extra effort to wear Japanese dress to the event. YEAR 11 GEOGRAPHY On Monday 13 June, both Year 11 Geography classes took a field trip to the Hamilton Lake. The trip was based around data collection for their research project. It was a fantastic day, with brilliant weather, where the girls were able to gather data in the field; they mapped, they interviewed and took photos of uses of the Hamilton Lake Domain. YEAR 9 EXTENSION FIELD TRIP (ONSITE) On Monday 20th June, 9XA and 9X1 participated in an onsite field trip which included a motivational speaker, team building games and a Science extension activity. The day started with Janine Mackay, from the University of Waikato, speaking about student leadership and the values of a leader. Both classes were able to work together to discuss what this looks like and how they could use these attributes in the future. This session ran for one hour and then the students carried out some team building games. The classes were mixed up for this activity and encouraged to use their problem-solving skills to figure out two challenging tasks. The afternoon session involved the classes working together on a Science activity based around Solar Panels. Overall, a very engaging day! P.3 ISSUE #3 TERM 2 / WEEK 8 NZQA NZQA KEY DATES Start checking your results on the NZQA Database 5th April (Updated on the 5th day of each Month) NZQA Fees (Payments are now overdue) School’s deadline – 10th June 2016 Financial Assistance (Will receive late applications) School’s deadline – 10th June 2016 Last Date to Withdraw from External Exams School’s deadline – 12th August 2016 Last Date to Withdraw from Internal Standard (Unless you have been given an adequate assessment opportunity) School’s deadline – 18th November 2016 AUTHENTICITY: All your grades will be based on the work you produce. Assignments, Projects, Portfolios, etc. • The work must be your own: The teacher will use at least one method to check that the work is your own. Methods could include: supervising the research process by including regular checkpoints, requiring draft work to be submitted, keeping work onsite, and oral questioning. Plagiarism • • • • • • Is the “wrongful appropriation” and “stealing and publication” of another person’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism or assisting someone to plagiarise is considered cheating and is dealt with as a Breach of the Rules (refer to this section). Plagiarised work will be ineligible for a grade. Plagiarism will deem to have occurred if a student presents words or expressions the same as another person. Then it will be deemed that the student has either plagiarised or assisted some else to plagiarise. A student will not be penalised if they can prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that either someone had stolen their work and used it without their knowledge, or were bullied into giving their work to another person. Note: Properly referenced quotes are not considered plagiarism, refer to the next section. Referencing • • You are to acknowledge your sources and use the referencing procedures below (unless otherwise directed to do so by your teacher): All primary (i.e., information you collect directly, e.g. surveys) surveys and secondary sources of written information/material/ data (e.g., from books, magazines, internet) must be referenced so they are able to be checked by another person. As a guide: For written material: listing the author, the date of publishing, publication name, publisher, and page numbers This applies to all, material, such as: books, magazines, newspapers, internet, teachers notes, other students’ work, etc. For surveys: a copy of the survey with, either the names or contact details of the people surveyed or the survey conditions used. Where you quote/ paraphrase written material: • • • • Use quotation marks at the beginning and at end of the quoted information/material Use a series of dots to indicate that some of the material has been removed (e.g., She said to Joan ……… that) Use brackets when extra information is added (e.g., She said to Joan [her sister]) Cite the author and where this information can be checked by another person. See NZQA website for further information on Authenticity. School contact Mr Mitchell is the Principal’s Nominee (NZQA Liaison) at the school. You can contact him by: E-mail: mitchellm@hghs.school.nz Phone: 07 839 1304 EXT 839 Mail: Mr Mitchell Principal’s Nominee PO Box 4082 Hamilton BOOK LAUNCH On Monday, June 13th, Mrs Gordon was privileged to represent Hamilton Girls’ High School at the book launch of War Artist and Soldier, HORACE MOORE-JONES. A Hamilton hero, a brave soldier, a husband, a father and master painter who is most famous for his painting of “The man and his donkey” a painting that is depicted of a soldier leading a donkey back to the shore in help of medical care for the British soldier on the donkey. Horace Moore-Jones was the very first art teacher at Hamilton High School. We have two books that have been gifted to our school; One book sits alongside the miniature marquette in our administration block, that was also gifted to the school, and the other book has been gifted to our library. GOOD LUCK To our Barbershop Girls who compete in the Regional Competitions this Friday!. P.4 ISSUE #3 TERM 2 / WEEK 8 OUT AND ABOUT WITH MRS GORDON: HGHS OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION Calling all Old Girls’ We're here on social media! Like and share with a fellow Old Girl to stay connected. A very special thank you to Bobbie Jarvis for her contributions as President to the Old Girls', and she now will take the role of Treasurer. We appreciate everything you have done and continue to do for the Association, and for Hamilton Girls' High School. We would like to congratulate and welcome Marie Quill as the Old Girls’ new President and Gemma Ward-Duin as our Secretary. We look forward to helping re-establish the Association and help us all connect (and get socialising!) once again. KEY DATES THIS FORTNIGHT 24-26 JUNE 26 JUNE 26 JUNE 29 JUNE 30 JUNE 30 JUNE 30 JUNE 1 JULY 1 JULY 1 JULY 2 JULY 4 JULY 4-10 JULY 6 JULY 6 JULY 7 JULY 7 JULY 7-8 JULY 8 JULY 8 JULY 8-10 JULY Kapa Haka Noho Hillary Challenge 6 hour adventure race NZSS Hillary Challenge 6 Hour Race North Island Ian Hunter Scholarship Workshop TGTG 3APO/3APS (all day) Year 11 Drama Field Trip 2HOS WINTEC visit 2APS & 2APO fitness day Robocup - robotics 2HOS WINTEC visit Senior Ball Y13 Science (Health) Day Maori Language Week Prefects Leadership Breakfast Dance Showcase Waikato Culinary Fare Tauranga Girls’ High Sports Exchange Waikato Culinary Fare Founders Day Waikato Regional Manu Korero Speech Competition Kapa Haka Noho CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to our Kapa Haka Prefect- Aniwa Collier who was part of the winning senior Kapa Haka Group Te Waka Huia for the Auckland regionals. P.4 High School Thousands of students are passing exams easily and without stress due to some simple ideas promoted by Karen Boyes, NZ’s leading educationalist. “Increasing your marks is simple when you know what you are doing. Far too many people study harder rather than smarter and end up burning out.” “Sitting and passing exams is supposed to get you further ahead in life and not make you tense, stressed and a nervous wreck.” explains Mrs Boyes “What we teach you is how to massively increase your ability to pass exams, with simple effective learning and memory techniques.” You’ll cover the 5 essential topics; study skills, learning styles, memory techniques, motivation and setting up an effective study environment. “If you apply just 4 of the ideas from this workshop and do not pass every exam this year, I will bring you to our next seminar free of charge. I’m guaranteeing you a 100% success rate. If you still don’t pass, I’ll refund your money in full” states Mrs Boyes. The Study Smarter workshop is being held in the school holiays in Hamilton for secondary students on Monday 18th July. Karen Boyes Study Smarter Workshop Creator If you book before Wednesday 6th July, you can invite a friend to attend the seminar FREE of charge. That’s right you and your friend can participate for just $149. If you quote the code SS101, you’ll receive a “27 Study Tips for Success” poster FREE and you’ll also get the free ticket. To book your tickets, or for more information you need to call the organisers - Spectrum Education, on 0800 37 33 77 or email info@spectrumeducation.com. “Education is the key to the future. Working smarter not harder is the key to success.” says Karen. FOUNDERS DAY 2016 PROGRAMME Date: Friday, 8th July Where:Ngaa Puawaitanga auditorium Time: Please be seated by 2.20pm Guest Speaker: Madison Nonoa “A wise woman shapes her own destiny” Hamilton Girls’ and Boys’ High Schools In association with Origin Theatrical Ltd With sponsorship from Stronglite Staging and ROAD AND SPORT HARLEY DAVIDSON Present WHERE: Nga Puawaitanga Hamilton Girls High School WHEN: Saturday August 6 7.30pm Sunday August 7 2pm Wednesday August 10 6.30pm Thursday August 11 7.30pm Friday August 12 7.30pm Saturday August 13 7.30pm TICKETS: Available from HGHS and HBHS Adults $20 Students $15 Sunday Matinee All tickets $15 Music and Lyrics by Jam Jacobs andWarren Casey