Paw Print Q2 - Hoosier labrador Retriever Club
Paw Print Q2 - Hoosier labrador Retriever Club
1 Paw Print June 30, 2015 Volume 1, Issue 2 President’s Column WC rules : © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Inside this issue: President’s Column 1 Upcoming Events 2 2014 WC Results 4 Photo Gallery 5 Brags 6 Organization and Publication Deadlines 7 Ournextevent isSeptember 26—WCand FieldPractice Day—seep.2 fordetails Greetings Lab lovers, As I write this, summer is waning and autumn approaches. It has been a busy year so far, I hope this finds all of you healthy. We have revamped our web site,, so check it out if you haven’t been there recently. We have a new Facebook chat group, a special thank you to Betty Baker for taking that over. We are having a new event this autumn, a Halloween party especially for Labradors (see details in newsletter and on our website and Facebook page ). We are also looking forward to our annual Working Certificate (WC) test, check the website and this newsletter for date, time, location and entry form, I’ll explain the WC rules below. We all hope that you will join us at one or all of our events this fall. A special note for those of you who spend time with your Labs doing what they were bred for, Happy Hunting !!! A single retrieve on land at 50 yards, or greater, landing in light cover. Back to back singles on water to prove willingness for re-entry. The dog does not have to be steady on the line. Delivery to hand is not required. For those not familiar; we use pigeons on land and ducks on water. —Pete Pete Zimmerman President © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Contact the Editor: 2 Volume 1, Issue 2 Paw Print Upcoming 2015 Events June 30, 2015 Month September Date Day of Week 26 Saturday Event & Location Lab Fun Day and Retriever Practice & Field Training Fun Day Start Time What to Bring 10 a.m. Pitch in lunch item, water bowls, leads, chair, crates, camera 9 a.m. Crate, leads, chair, etc. Entry fee will be required. AKC Registration form. Pitch-in lunch item, camera Brummett Home 6631 E.CR 900 N. Sheridan, IN 46069 317-508-9443 October 17 Saturday HLRC WC TEST Izaak Walton League 1046 N State Road 17 Logansport, IN 46947 574-753-5921 October 24 Saturday Halloween Fun Day Lilly Lake Shelter Eagle Creek Park Indianapolis, IN 46278 317-327-7110 Noon – 5 p.m. November 8 Sunday Annual Club Meeting Squealer’s Restaurant 5515 W. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46268 317-871-7427 2 p.m. December 19 Saturday HLRC Club Christmas Party 6 p.m. Pitch-in Lunch Dish (warm, if possible!), camera, leashes and crates, dog costume! Gate entry fee. Gift to exchange (optional) Bynum’s Steak House 3850 S Meridian St Indianapolis, IN 46217 317-784-9880 © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Contact the Editor: 3 Volume 1, Issue 2 Page 3 Paw Print Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club Halloween Event ! Saturday, October 24, 2015 Lilly Lake Shelter, 12-5 PM Eagle Creek Park Indianapolis, IN Lunchtime Pitch-in, Games, Socializing and Dog Costume Contest! 12:00 Arrive, Set Up and Pitch-in Lunch Please bring soups, chili, breads and rolls, salads or desserts. The club will provide water and soft drinks. Unfold crates and set up water bowls for your dog. 2:00 Dog Costume Contest 3:00 Fun and Games and Socializing Note: All dogs must remain on leash while in the park. No swimming allowed. Bring water for your dog and a crate to rest your dog during lunch. © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Contact the Editor: 4 Volume 1, Issue 2 Paw Print 2014 Working Certificate Results This year’s Working Certificate test will be just as exciting as last year’s and we June 30, 2015 hope to see everyone there to encourage the teams! Here are the handler-dog teams who qualified last year. Dog Name Blackrock Brooklin Call Name Brooklin Handler/Owners Dale Brummett Blackrock Delian Glamour Glamour Dale Brummett Blackrock Booner Zafa Booner Jeff & Monica Stone Duckcreek Blackrock Brezzie Brezzie Dale Brummett Liberty Creek Houston Houston Betty Baker Liberty Creek Son of Simon Tymber Betty Baker Little Prairie’s Home Made Brew Brew Bonnie Moore Paradocs Famous Crooner CD BN PCD Crosby Laura & Christopher Suter River’s Edge Midnight Jewel CD Jewel Linda Wainiola Dale Brummett and a young hopeful in training. Judge Tanya Zimmerman and Bonnie Moore celebrate a new WC title. © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Contact the Editor: 5 Paw Print Photo Gallery Meadow, GCH Belquest Fields of Gold At Eagle Bay, win‐ ning her AOM at the Potomac. Breeder, Vicky Creamer. Owners, Mary Broihier & J. C. Randolph Brodie, (left) Eagle Bay’s Bodacious in Black, and Shane, (right) Eagle Bay’s Call of the Faraway Hills, showing off their Rally wins from the Potomac. Breeders, Mary Broihier & J. C. Randolph. Owners, Mike and Lawren Kincaid © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Tymber, Liberty Creek’s Son of Simon, showing his natural birding instincts. Breeder/Owner, Betty Baker Tanya and Birdie, Fenwick’s Eagle Has Landed At Feather‐Reed, get ready. Owners, Pete & Tanya Zimmerman Contact the Editor: 6 Volume 1, Issue 2 Paw Print Brags This is the format you need to use. Name: Name Name: AKC Name and Call (parentheses and ital- ics) Event: Location: Date: Winnings: Owner: Breeder: Handler: Use the KC or host club name City and State Month and date Be Specific. Full name (s) Full name (s) Full name Event: Canine Location: Dates: Titles, Certs: _________________________________ Name: Event: Club of Location: Date: Winnings: Owners: Breeder: Handler: Name: Event: Location: Date: Titles,Certs: Title & ami Owner: Breeder: Handler: Name: Event: Location: Date: Title: Owner: Breeder: Handler: GCH Belquest Fields of Gold At Eagle Bay (Meadow) Labrador Retriever The Potomac Frederick, MD April 10, 2015 Judges Award of Merit Mary Broihier & J. C. Randolph Vicky Creamer Rusty Howard UR03, SHR, U-CD Folklaur My Secret Love Affair WCX JH CD BN RE CGC TDI (Winston) Crossroads Canine Club Dayton Ohio September 2014 UKC CD Obedience Certified Pet Therapy dog with MiValley Pet Therapy Association. Jennifer Ison Laura Dedering Jennifer Ison Can Ch U-NJ SHR Folklaur Abracadabra WC CGC TDI (Abra) Ultimate Air Dogs Lancaster Ohio May 2014 UKC Novice Jumpers Dock Diving Title. Jennifer Ison Laura Dedering Jennifer Ison © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Owner: Breeder: Handler: Name: Event: Location: Date: Titles, Certs: Owner: Breeder: Handler: Name: Event: Location: Date: Winnings: Owners: Breeder: Handler: SHR U-CD UR03 Ch Folklaur A Sailor's Story JH WC CD BN RE CGC TDI (Sailor) Gem City Dog Obe dience Club & Crossroads Club Dayton Ohio May 2014 & September 2014 UKC Rally Level 3 (UR03) AKC CD & Rally Excellent (RE), Certified Pet Therapy dog with Miami Valley Pet Therapy Association. Jennifer Ison Laura Dedering Jennifer Ison Twin Harbors I Shot The Sheriff U-NJ AGII CGC TDI (Trooper) Ultimate Air dogs Lancaster Ohio May 2014 UKC Novice Jumpers dock Diving & Certified Pet Therapy dog with VISTA hospice center. Jennifer Ison Unknown - (rescue) Jennifer Ison Folklaur Scent of Jasmine (Jazz) Crossroads Canine Club Dayton Ohio November 2014 Winners Bitch (WB), Best of Opposite Sex (BOS) Jennifer Ison & Laura Dedering Laura Dedering Jennifer Ison Shannon Thomas Brummett waits for ring time at a recent show. Didn’t Remember to Send in Your Working or Conformation Brag? Don’t worry—we will get you in next time! Send your brags to the Editor! Contact the Editor: 7 Paw Print Want to Join HLRC? Request an application form or download it from our Facebook group or website. Attend an event to obtain sponsors or talk to your breeder or a Board member. Pete Zimmerman, President: 1328 Michigan Ave. Logansport, IN 46947 Club Officers and Board of Directors We’re on the web: Pete Zimmerman President Russ Harlow Vice President Tanya Zimmerman Treasurer Kathy Yoder Recording Secretary Mary Broihier Corresponding Secretary Sue Halling Board Member Jolene Holtz Board Member 2015 Submission and Publication Schedule Please submit news for publication according to the following schedule, including columns, brags, photographs, activities or information pertaining to Labrador Retrievers. Our Facebook group Please visit us to see the years of activities that make us who we are today. Join the club and start enjoying your Labs even more! Just type in Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club in the search window of Facebook and you will find us. Q1 Submissions: March 10 Publication: March 31 Don’t snooze and get left out! Q2 Submissions: June 10 Publication: June 30 Q3 Submissions: September 10 Publication: September 30 (Need by October 10) Q4 Submissions: December 10 Publication: December 31 © 2015 Hoosier Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Contact the Editor:
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