wirreanda whisper - Wirreanda Public School


wirreanda whisper - Wirreanda Public School
Excellence and opportunity in an innovative and supportive learning environment
Address: 43 Brocklesby Road Medowie NSW 2318
Email: wirreanda-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Term 4 Week 10
Phone: 4982 8893
Fax: 4982 8097
Web: www.wirreanda-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
10 December 2014
Term 4
8 December
9 December
10 December
11 December
12 December
St 2 Culminating Day 1:30pm Christmas
Class Parties
Reports go home
15 December
16 December
17 December
18 December
19 December
Philippa Young, Principal
Philippa Young
This is our last Whisper for 2014; I would like to thank
our community for your support, enthusiasm and
assistance this year. Your support is essential in our
continuing efforts to provide a quality education in a
safe and happy environment. My thanks also to the
members of the school staff, both teaching and nonteaching, for their professionalism and commitment.
We farewell some of our staff at the end of this year:
Mrs McCunn will move to Moss Vale Public School.
Mr Hay will move to St Michael’s in Nelson Bay.
Mrs Stone will take a year’s leave to study at
university. We wish each of them well in their new
Last night we celebrated our Year 6 students at their
farewell evening. It was a lovely night with dinner and
Yesterday was the Gold Award day at Tomaree Pool. It
was a fantastic day enjoyed by both students and
teachers alike. Thank you to Mrs Wilson who
coordinated the day.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Christmas and a
relaxing vacation.
Wednesday 28th January – Years 1-6
Tuesday 3rd February - Kindergarten
Students will return to their 2014 class in 2015 until
enrolment numbers are verified. These are called
holding classes. The time in holding classes depends
upon how quickly our student enrolments become
stable. Student enrolment numbers determine class
organisation, staffing allocations, room allocations
and class size.
Congratulations and thank you to our P&C and in
particular Tammy Lawson. Tammy, on behalf of the
P&C, successfully applied for a community building
partnerships grant to purchase and install stage
curtains for our MPC. We received notification
yesterday that it was successful. The grant is worth
almost $17,000! We can look forward to the curtains
going in in 2015.
Congratulations to 2J and 5/6H for their efforts in the
last weeks of Term to be rewarded with the Cup of
the Week in weeks 9 and 10.
There will be extra WOW cards drawn out of the box
at Week 11’s assembly and teachers will be on the
lookout for students demonstrating safety and
respect in order to fill the WOW card box.
Congratulations to the graduating Year 6 students,
Mrs McCunn, Mrs Stone and Mr Hay on a wonderful
Year 6 Farewell. The students presented themselves
beautifully and their families must have been so
proud – as were the teachers!
I would like to take the opportunity to add my best
wishes to the graduating students as they begin their
next adventure. I look forward to hearing of their
successes as they journey through high school.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all
families and school community members a safe,
happy and restful Christmas holiday and a prosperous
New Year. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2015
for another wonderful year at Wirreanda.
Sue Wilson
Deputy Principal
Medowie Carols by Candlelight cancellation
Kindergarten note
Litiana Durbin, Mia Poulter
Parents and caregivers of students in Year 3 to 6 in
2015 will receive information regarding the Interrelate
program that will be held early in Term 1, 2015.
There will be a Special Evening Program for parents on
Wednesday 18th February at 6pm. The cost of the
evening will be $25 per family.
Years 5 and 6 will also have the opportunity to
participate in the Minding Me (Year 5) and Moving
Into Teen Years (Year 6) programs in February. The
cost of these programs is $16.50 and $32 respectively.
More information will be sent home regarding
Interrelate early in Term 1 next year.
The students and staff enjoyed an exciting, tiring day
at the Tomaree Pool yesterday. The behaviour of
students was outstanding throughout the entire day.
Pool staff commented on the manners of the students
and how well they cleaned up their area before
leaving. Well done once again Wirreanda!
The event of the year is finally here! The Annual
Wirreanda Christmas Concert is on Friday 12th
December at 1:30pm in the MPC. Wear your best
Christmas outfits and get your sweetest, loudest
singing voices ready to join in with the carols. I think it
is supposed to be a secret but I believe that there will
be visitors from one of the coldest parts of the world
Halle Lennox, Madison Tenbosch, Jack Mostyn, Logan
Armstrong, Connar Aurisch, Connor Cadman, Connor
Mehonoshen, Liam Millar
Nicholas Morgan, Liam Turner, Donald Druce, William
Morgan-Kemp, Toby Salamon, Brock Newburn,
Deontae Jensen, Leia Griffiths, Janet Mate, Hayley
Moore, Karly Page, Taleea Redriff, Angus Moszi, Colby
Page, Selman Hassan, Toby Laroche, Nicolas Breed,
Ella MacLucas, Lillian Wilson, Olivia Gordon, IsabelleRose Andric, Holly Boatswain, Temika Jarvis, Elektra
Mills, Bailey Johnson, Annabelle Tacon, Jack Jarvis,
Liam Eade, Amali Binns, Joshua Bell, Amelia Cochrane,
Isabella McLaughlin-White, Matthew Howland, Jordyn
Booth, Brooke Larkins, Brandon Dennett, Sabian
Carstairs, Charlotte Hack, Charlotte Fathers Jamieson,
Andie Archer, Stevie-Lee Ashpole, Connor Hawes,
Isabella Hall, Joop van de Wijgaart, Joshua Salerno,
Crystal Taylor, Jordan Hannah-Salerno, Brianna
Broderick, Marvin Imanil, Edward Dolstra, Justin
Hough, Jake Olsen, Liam Anderson, Corey Lawson,
Bryn Williams, Chantell Saunders, Mitchell Clarke,
Adrian Zaniol, Bryce Littlejohns, Andrew Howell, Jaydn
Healy, Ryan Allison, Trinity Spelt, Abbey Smith, Jemma
Montgomery, Kayla Merritt, Ryley Lennox, Paige
Dennett, Alexander Phillips, Noah Thomas, Jayden
Clifford, Bianca Gardiner, Jorjia Arnts, Oliver Wootten,
Jakob Paul, Jacob Mead, Alyssa Weeks, Lily StuartWirreanda Whisper Page 2
Caulfield, Jaime Smith, Jessica McDonald, Megan
Rainbow, Oliver Biscan, Danelle Evans, Riley Burr, Ayla
Barrett, Joel Cunningham, Tyler Mackersey, Kiara
Geddes, Lacey Hitchenor, Dylan Yowanowski, Riley
Williams, Riley Dyer, Brooke Lawson, Ryan Powell,
Imogen Barrett, Isabelle Wootten, Liam Nolan, Tyson
Hannah-Salerno, Dominic Taylor-Thurgar, Boden
KG Class Award David Gorton, Caitlin Goodreid, Sarah
O’Rourke, Lachlan Manen Citizen Jasmine Bowden
KM Class Award Nicholas Salerno, Hudson Poynter,
Ethan Johnson, Makayla Thompson Citizen Bailey
KR Class Award Caleb Humphrey, Patrick Harrison,
Caitlin Randall, Owen Johnson Citizen Alyssa Longton
KH Class Award Alexa Drury, Cooper McKenna,
Amalee Peisto, Bronte Bohan Citizen Eva Bailey
K/1P Class Award Holly Olding, Isobelle Brkich,
Josephine Beninga, Brodie Warner Citizen Haylie
1S Class Award Eboni Hollingworth, Mitchell Hawes,
Luke Janssen, Taylor Guile Citizen Tamika Lane
1D Class Award Lilly Morrison-Rumbel, Lachlan
Halliday, Alexis Cannings, Zach Wright Citizen Addyson
1E Class Award Liam Nolan, Piper Hodgson, Aizak
Willis-Monk, Clara Bryce Citizen Evie Dolstra
2S Class Award Bianca Gardiner, Alex Phillips, Jorjia
Arnts, Izabelle Schick-Doyle Citizen Michael Moffat
2W Class Award Ella Clayden, Madison Clarke, Raquel
Gorton, Daniel Lightfoot Citizen Lachlan Summers
2J Class Award Abbey Threadgate, Lucah McAusland,
Kayla Bell, Charlotte Hack Citizen Brandon Dennett
2A Class Award Luke Mildren, Maddison Cunningham,
Zahli Olding, Cameron Jones Citizen Bailey Stone
3B Class Award William Phillips, Jeremy Black, Mikayla
De Lacy Peek, Madelaine Beninga Citizen Sienna
3S Class Award Alana Flesser, Sibella Rowan, Lily
Foster, Dylan Yowanowski Citizen Isabelle Mead
3M Class Award Christian Thompson, Lacey
Hitchenor, Jessica DesJardins, Isabelle Delafontaine
Citizen Tyler Mackersey
3/4C Class Award Brooke Lawson, Eden McAusland,
Kobe Saxby, Macey Edwards Citizen Ella Curtis
4F Class Award Montana Olding, Shannon Bohan, Ella
Burns, Ayla Barrett Citizen Jade Bowden
4G Class Award Selman Hassan, Elektra Mills, Toby
Laroche, Holly Boatswain Citizen Olivia Gordon
5O Class Award Ryan Allison, Jaydn Healy, Riley Neil,
Andrew Howell Citizen Paige Dennett
5H Class Award Charlotte Threadgate, Corey Lawson,
Georgia Almond, Cameron DesJardins Citizen Liam
5/6H Class Award Chantell Saunders, Jayden Focic,
Luka Archer, Corey Sheals Citizen Harry Fraser
6M Class Award Mikayla Pink, Drew Curtis, Zoey
Bailey, David Gray Citizen Isabela Kennedy
6S Class Award Keely Edwards, Anthony White, Nicola
Green, Jacob Humphrey Citizen Emily Workman
School Dux Aleesha Snowden
School Citizen Isabella Biscan
Community Service Award Jasmine Soley
Lakeside Learning Community Scholarship Donald
Reading Recovery Awards Dominic Eaton, Jackson
Brown, Kathleen Winter, Thomas Rebb
CAPA Awards ES1 Scarlett Lewis, S1 Dylan Bailey, S2
Elektra Mills, S3 Nicola Green
Public Speaking Charlee Lawson
Debating Aleesha Snowden
Rising Star Numeracy Trophy ES1 Lachlan Webster,
S1 Arrowyn Carter, S2 Regan Taylor, S3 Ella Ruhl
Rising Star Literacy Trophy ES1 Alexa Drury, S1 Coral
Durbin, S2 Zac Ruhl, S3 Noel Imanil
WirreBanda Award Aleesha Snowden
Library Award Paige Dennett
Environmental Award Taneisha Tacon , Noah Maxwell
Rotary Debating Certificates Aleesha Snowden, Nicola
Green, Jacob Humphrey, Anthony White
2014 Captains Kasey Tyson, Lachlan Freer
2014 Vice Captains Isabella Biscan, Harry Fraser
2014 Prefects Mikayla Pink, Victoria Jarvis, Luka
Archer, Anthony White, Corey Sheals, Bailey Curtis
2015 Captains Georgia Almond, Cameron DesJardins
2015 Vice Captains Jessica McDonald, Riley Neil
2015 Prefects Hannah Andric, Laurell Newman,
Megan Rainbow, Chantell Saunders, Connor
Mehonoshen, Ryan Allison, Michael Stapleton
As the school holidays approach, it is important to
remember when walking near roads, on footpaths,
near driveways and in car parks always:
• hold your child’s hand. Until they are at least 8
years old children need to hold an adult's hand.
Until they at least 10, children should be closely
supervised by an adult and hold hands when
crossing the road.
Wirreanda Whisper Page 3
• talk to your child about road safety. Talk about
how to be safe when near roads. Be a good role
• point out road safety dangers and differences in
new environments. This is especially important
when on holidays in different surroundings. Roads,
footpaths and pedestrian facilities may look
different in holiday areas.
The best way to keep your child safe on or near the
road is to hold their hand.
Talk with your child daily about road safety.
Remind other adults and carers about this too.
You can find out more at Transport for NSW.
Focus on Reading strategies
The Uniform Shop will be opened every morning in
the first week back for 2015 (Tues 27th, Wed 28th, Thur
29th & Fri 30th January) from 9.00 – 11.00 am
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone
who assisted in the running of the canteen this year,
especially Karen, Nicole, Headley, Edith, Shelley &
Kassie. I hope that everyone has a safe and happy
holiday break and I will see you back in 2015.
Caroline Chamberlain – Canteen Coordinator
Week 10
Thur 11th
Fri 12th
Week 11
Mon 15th
Tues 16th
Wed 17th
Thur 18th
Fri 19th
K Leard
N Kalischer, S Greaves, K Woodruff
K Leard
Staff Development Day
School Closed
Wirreanda’s newsletter contains paid advertisements which assist with the
cost of publication. The publication of such advertisements does not imply
endorsement of any product or service by the NSW Department of
Education and Communities or Wirreanda Public School.
Are there any families who would be interested in a
Homework Club next year? We have 2 qualified
teachers (they especially love Maths!) who are willing
to make themselves available on a Tuesday afternoon
if there are kids in the local community who would
like some help with their homework. This is a
community service being offered by the Medowie
Uniting Church. You can ring Karen Fogg to register
your interest or for more information on 4982 8044
(H) or 0438 299 969 (M).
Lane 4 Stockton
Stockton is now holding Learn to Swim, Junior Squad
sessions for children and Fun Aquarobic sessions for
During the school holidays we will also be hosting
“Intensive Swimming Programs” for all ages. Numbers
will be limited so act now. For further information
contact bookingsnewcastle@lane4aquatics.com.au or
call Danielle on 4952 5522
Wirreanda Whisper Page 4
Wirreanda Whisper Page 5