Purchasing Info
Purchasing Info
DCMO BOCES BID ART Supply Bid #2016-101 DCMO BOCES INFORMATION Address: 6678 County Road 32 Norwich, NY 13815 Contact Person: Megan Corey Phone # 607-335-1238 coreym@dcmoboces.com Bid Prices Expire on March 31, 2017 To: Participating Districts From: Megan Corey, Cooperative Purchasing Clerk Date: April 8, 2016 Re: Cooperative Purchasing Art Supply Bid Awards #2016-101 Results & Awards: The bid resulted in the receipt of 5 bids. The bid committee meet on March 29, 2016, to make recommendations for award. The committee discussed to award the bid by different methods, one way was to look at the top 3 vendors providing the lowest bid with a majority of the items being bid. A total award to one or two vendors would leave to many items with no bid prices at an increased price. After reviewing the specialty items in detail, there were items that Pyramid School Supply offered that were substantially lower than the next lowest bidder using the selected method. With concerns of not meeting the $25 minimum on these items, we looked items that had a value of $25 or more form Pyramid. Awarding these additional items would provide an additional savings of over 9% off the next bidder’s price, one of the items is over 20% savings. The recommendations were sent to the Board. On April 7, 2016, the DCMO BOCES Board of Education, reviewed the Art Bid #2016-101 bid award recommendations, and approved and awarded the bids by Board Resolution. Please see the attached “Art Supply Bids Awards” in a PDF format. These are the results of the bid award recommendations made by the committee. Any district in the service may take advantage of this award, even if the district did not participate in the initial requisitioning of items. The vendor award contact sheet will give you additional information regarding the awarded bidder, such as the address, phone number, contact person, etc. Discounts: Several of the vendors offered discounts off their website or catalog. These discounts are listed on the vendor summary sheet. Not all vendors offering a discount are listed, only the vendors that offer specialty items are listed. It is highly suggested that if the item is not found in this bid that you search for the item utilizing the discounts from several vendors to ensure that you are getting the best possible price. Sometimes a 15% discount from one vendor is better than a 20% discount from another vendor. Please review the discount analysis for further information. Reports & Export / Import Files: You should receive the following reports shortly. These reports will be sent to you prior to producing the PO Attachments or exports for WinCap. Please review these reports and make any changes necessary as soon as possible. These reports will be produced for each bid type. 1. District Summary – this report shows the purchase detail of every requestor at your district. Similar to the PO Attachment in information except that the vendor is not listed. 2. District Total – this report shows the requestor name and their total purchase amount. Along with a grand total representing all orders received from your district. 3. Add-on items not on bid – this excel sheet shows the items that were submitted by a district requestor through Add-on Portal. However, it only shows the items that were not bid. These items should be reviewed. If you do not receive this excel file it means everything that was added to the bid data base will appear on the PO Attachments. If you see any price that shows as $0.01 on any reports or online this means the item in question did NOT RECEIVE A BID. The item was either discontinued or not available from the vendors. The No Bid items may have a suitable substitution within the bid awards. WinCap catalog downloads will be available off our website shortly. If you need Finance Manager Imports - please let us know which type. Purchase Order Attachment Information: The “P.O. Attachments” and the district ordering summary will be sent to you in a PDF file once we have your approval. The PO Attachments will show the items that are to be purchased from each award bidder, by each district requisitioner. This information is also available in an import for Finance Manager, NVision and Wincap. Please contact us for details. If you need to make any deletions or additions to the P.O. Attachment(s), please make them by placing a line through the quantity, and writing “delete” or the new amount required. DO NOT cross out the BOCES Item Number. Fax these changes to 607-334-9848 or scan and e-mail them. A new P.O. Attachment will be issued with the updates within two days of receiving the requested changes. If you want to utilize the online web portal for additional ordering please let us know. The Web Portal will open on April 15, 2016 and will close on April 29, 2016. You may receive a Purchase Order Attachment that has no vendor listed at the top, this report shows items that are “no bid items”. [Please refer to the “No Bid Items Report” for complete descriptions of these items]. There may be several reasons for an item appearing on this report, some which may be because the item was discontinued or there were no bids were received. Requisitioners should review these sheets and either, research the item to see if it may be available from the awarded vendor or find a substitution in the bid or catalog. If the items are available; the vendor’s name, product source number and price (with discount taken, if applicable) may be written on the top of the PO Attachments and used in the same capacity as a normal Purchase Order Attachment. Ordering Information & Shipping: Please note that according to our contract the awarded vendors must follow these contract terms: Must deliver and invoice within 35 days of the date of the purchase order was received by the vendor. Pricing is fixed until 3/31/17. Must provide the brand they specified on the bid throughout the bid contract, if no brand has been specified by the vendor. Must not substitute any item unless they have advance approval from the district. Must not include shipping, handling or fuel surcharges on any order. Minimum ordering amount is $25.00 unless otherwise indicated on the vendor contact sheet. Purchase order can be combined with other items not on this bid to reach the minimum ordering amount. Reading the PDF Awards: When reviewing the PDF award the document shows the common items together To search the PDF, there is a “find” box in the tool bar or use “CTL & F. Placing any search word in this box should result in the document being searched for the item in question. If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 607-335-1238 or email me at coreym@dcmoboces.com Please make sure the bid number and any reference numbers appears on all purchase orders. AWARD AND CATALOG DISCOUNT INFORMATION SHEET – Art Bid #2016-101 PLEASE REFERENCE THE BID NUMBER #2016-101: Vendor reference numbers must appear on all P.Os. Discounts are only to be used to obtain items that were not on the bid. It is required that you first use the discounts offered from the awarded vendors, before using other discounts. VENDOR Blick Art Materials P.O. Box 1267 Galesburg, IL 61402 Contact: Jen Sholl Phone: 800-447-8192 or 800-704-7744 Fax: 800-621-8293 Email: orders@dickblick.com Pyramid School Products 6510 North 54th Street Tampa, FL 33610-1908 Contact: Candy Estes Phone: 800-792-2644 ext 232 Fax: 813-621-7688 Email: orders@pyramidsp.com School Specialty Attn: Order Department P.O. Box 1579 Appleton, WI 54912-1579 Contact: Order Entry Phone: 888-388-3224 Fax: 888-388-6344 Email: orders@schoolspecialty.com % OF DISCOUNT OFF CATALOG ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM DISCOUNT MINIMUM ORDER 20% off Catalog, Free Shipping on items $49 or more. Discount excludes Sales, Web and Promotions, Any item that starts with a “F”, Oversized or Heavy items, 50 lb boxes of clay or any modeling material totaling 50lbs or more, Paper or Board larger than 18” X 24” in Quantities of 10 or less. $25 for Bid Items None F.O.B. DEST. - NOTES Reference # must be on PO Reference QBM0805 $49 for Discount Items $25 Website: www.dickblick.com Reference #: 2016-101D-C-M-O Website: www.pyramidsp.com 25% off 9 Prefix items 10% off 6, 7, & 8 Prefix items Items listed as “Net Price” and any catalog that says “No Other Discounts Apply” $25.00 For Free shipping (prefix 7,9) Free delivery on all orders over $25. Furniture & Equipment items ship Free (Prefix 6 & 8) Reference #: 7780317709 Website: www.schoolspecialty.com VENDOR Triarco Arts & Crafts 9900 13th Ave. N., Ste 1015 Plymouth, MN 55441-5035 Contact Jennifer Foster Phone: 800-328-3360 - Option 1 Fax: 877-727-2380 Email: orders@triarcoarts.com % OF DISCOUNT OFF CATALOG ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM DISCOUNT MINIMUM ORDER 25% Excludes items already on sale in flyers No min. F.O.B. DEST. - NOTES Reference # must be on PO Free Shipping Reference#: Bid#19183 All Damage or Shortages must be reported within 30 Days of Invoice Date. Website:www.etriarco.com Not all vendors offered discounts. We are only providing discount offers to be utilized for specialty or unique products which are not awarded to one of the vendors ART SUPPLY BID INDEX Page Air Brush………………….………….16 Balsa…………………………….……23 Basketry – Reeds……………….…….23 Boards / Canvas Bristol Board………………....…….2 Canvas Board…………...….…....... 2 Mat Board………………….……....4 Miscellaneous Board……..…..…….3 Poster/Railroad Board…...……........4 Tag Board…..……………...….........5 Calligraphy……………………..…...…9 Candle Making………………….…….23 Ceramics Clay…………………………...…10 Air Dry………………………..…10 Modeling……………………..….11 Molds………………………..…..11 Glazes………………….…….......12 Tools……………………….….…11 Drafting Supplies…………..………..…7 Drawing Supplies……..…….………..10 Dyes………………………….…...…..23 Erasers………………………..…..........9 Printing Ink……...……………..….….21 Kiln……………………………..…….15 Accessories & Furniture…...…..…..15 Markers ………………………….…….6 Miscellaneous Items…………..….…..22 Page Paint Acrylics…………………….….........16 Encaustic……………………………17 Miscellaneous………………….…...19 Oil…………………………..………17 Tempera……………………….....…19 Watercolor……………………..…...18 Papers Art Papers…………………...............1 Card Stock……………………..…....3 Drawing Pads……………….………2 Drawing Paper………………..……..2 Specialty Paper………………..….…4 Watercolor Paper……………..….….6 Paint Brushes………………………....18 Printing Ink…………………………...21 Painting Accessories………....…….…20 Pastels Oils………………….….…….20 Pencils Colored……………….….…………7 Drawing……………………….……6 Specialty………….………….……..6 Watercolor………………….…..…..9 Reference Materials.………….………24 Sandpaper……………………...……..24 Screen Printing….……………………24 Stained Glass….……………….….….16 Stencils……….………………………10 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER PKG PKG REAM PKG REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM PKG REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM EACH EACH PKG EACH PKG REAM PKG PKG REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM REAM PKG EACH EACH 520010 206429 085602 006639 085531 085549 053928 085574 053934 206300 053946 206312 401238 085552 054654 053937 206303 053949 206315 1435266 006153 406583 RA18860 404399 085475 1540121 1323137 085529 085541 053925 085570 053931 206309 053943 206321 085604 402569 1519269 RA22307 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 PAPERS ‐ BOARDS ‐ CANVAS ‐ PANELS ART PAPER 28254 206429 085602 006639 085531 085549 053928 085574 053934 206300 053946 206312 401238 085552 054654 053937 206303 053949 206315 1435266 28203 406583 358664 404399 085475 1540121 1323137 085529 085541 053925 085570 053931 206309 053943 206321 085604 402569 31851 28662 11 X 14 Scratch Art Black on White ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ SAC‐8080 11 X 15 Sax Drawing Paper 90# ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ White 12 X 18 Drawing Paper 80# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Gray 12 X 18 Fadeless Art Paper, Duet Sheets, Assorted Colors ‐ 30/Pkg 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 40# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 50# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 50# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 60# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 60# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 70# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 80# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 12 X 18 Sax Drawing Paper 90# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 17 X 22 Juxt a Tone Paper, Assorted ‐ 30/Pkg 18 X 24 Sax Drawing Paper 50# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 18 X 24 Sax Drawing Paper 50# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 18 X 24 Sax Drawing Paper 60# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 18 X 24 Sax Drawing Paper 70# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 18 X 24 Sax Drawing Paper 80# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 18 X 24 Sax Drawing Paper 90# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 48 Inch X 12' Pacon Fadeless Acid‐Free Heavy Weight Premium Glossy Art Paper Roll, Glorious Green 48 Inch X 50' Pacon Fadeless Art Paper, Acid‐Free ‐ Roll ‐ Canary Yellow ‐ 006153 8 X 10 Contrast‐O Black & White Contrast Counterchange Sheets ‐ 10/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Strathmore Sketchbook, Spiral Bound, 50lb., 100 Sheets 9 X 10 Embossed Metallic Foil Paper ‐ 30/Pkg 9 X 12 Drawing Paper 50# White Cross Ruled, 1/2 Rule, One Side ‐ 500/Ream 9 X 12 Jack Richeson Drawing Paper 75# ‐ 1000 Sheets 9 X 12 Roselle Pen and Ink 100% Sulphite Drawing Paper, 80 lb, Sulphite, White, 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 40# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 50# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 50# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 60# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Manila 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 60# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 70# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 80# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 9 X 12 Sax Drawing Paper 90# ‐ 500/Ream ‐ White 9 X 12 White Drawing Paper, 50# ‐ 500/Ream Egyptian Papyrus Paper 12 x 16 ‐ 4/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors Fadeless Design Paper Roll, 48 in x 50 ft, Lime Dots ‐ 1519269 Fadeless Design Rolls ‐ weathered wood 082281 $5.71 $10.88 $13.99 $4.93 $6.98 $7.58 $10.07 $9.52 $11.47 $13.31 $14.89 $17.36 $10.08 $15.14 $20.17 $22.79 $26.68 $29.93 $34.22 $4.04 $8.42 $5.82 $2.59 $4.25 $5.21 $20.27 $1.77 $3.50 $3.78 $5.09 $4.76 $5.80 $6.71 $7.51 $8.73 $4.31 $10.97 $9.40 $4.59 Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts 1 BOCES # 31894 31895 29185 223362 31846 29156 31892 31873 29155 31874 31862 31844 29826 409057 405833 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Fadeless Fade‐Resistant Paper Roll, 48" x 12', Chevron Gray ‐ 1495768 Fadeless Fade‐Resistant Paper Roll, 48" x 12', Classic Dots ‐ 1495769 Fadeless Fade‐Resistant Paper Roll, 48" x 50', Chevron Aqua ‐ 1495772 Original Scratch Art Paper, 6 Colors ‐ 60/Pkg Pacon Drawing Paper, 60 lb, 12 x 18 in, White ‐ 1435633 Pacon Fadeless Acid‐Free Designer Art Paper, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 221967 Sax Multi‐Purpose Drawing Paper, 56 lb, 9 X 12 in, Manila Cream, Pack of 500 ‐ 085559 Sax Multi‐Purpose Drawing Paper, Premium‐Weight, 9 X 12 in, Manila, Pack of 500 ‐ 085579 School Smart Super Value Multi‐Purpose Drawing Paper, Premium‐Weight, 12 X 18 in, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 087813 School Smart Super Value Multi‐Purpose Drawing Paper, Premium‐Weight, 9 X 12 in, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 087812 School Smart Super Value Multi‐Purpose Drawing Paper, Standard‐Weight, 12 X 18 in, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085607 School Smart Super Value Multi‐Purpose Drawing Paper, Standard‐Weight, 18 X 24 in, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085609 Scratch Art Film, Clear 8 X 9‐3/4 ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ C13524‐1030 Scratch‐Lite Stained Glass Sheets Film, 8 X 9‐3/4 Inch ‐ 30 Sheets/Pkg St Louis Crafts Aluminum Foil Roll, 12 in X 25 ft UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH RA29163 1495769 1495772 550447 10266‐1206 221967 085559 085579 $4.59 $3.58 $9.40 $10.93 $16.16 $10.75 $4.72 $7.02 Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH 10266‐1306 $22.41 Blick Art Material EACH 087812 $7.10 School Specialty EACH 085607 $8.64 School Specialty EACH PKG PKG EACH 085609 RA06646 409057 405833 $16.98 $13.33 $13.18 $9.35 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 411251 405683 409525 457586 RA07106 409161 $4.31 $4.84 $2.72 $1.15 $1.69 $7.72 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty EACH EACH PKG 13663‐2542 13663‐8242 RA01659 $9.11 $9.11 $7.22 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG 1329641 085554 085535 085538 085534 085561 234354 085533 $5.98 $7.61 $6.08 $8.55 $6.03 $15.20 $6.98 $3.81 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH 412087 $0.55 School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR DRAWING PADS 411251 405683 409525 457586 457568 409161 11 X 17 Strathmore Charcoal Drawing Pad, 32 Sheets 8 X 10, Drawing Pad, 80lb ‐ 100 Sht/Pad 9 X 12 Strathmore Drawing Pads, 80lb ‐ 24 Sheets/Pad Artist's Sketch Diary 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 50 Sheet Pad Practice Spiral Sketchbook 8‐1/2 X 11, 20 lb, 100 Sheets Sax Blanc Books, Hardcover, 6‐1/2" x 8‐1/4", 60 Sheets, White, Pack of 4 28224 28225 1334553 Strathmore Toned Sketch Rolls ‐ Gray ‐ 13663‐2542 Strathmore Toned Sketch Rolls ‐ Warm Tan ‐ 13663‐8242 Triarco Charcoal Drawing Paper, Acid‐Free, 19 X 25, Assorted Color ‐ 25/Pkg 1329641 085554 085535 085538 085534 085561 234354 085533 11 X 17 Bristol Board, Strathmore 200 Series ‐ 24/Pkg 12 X 18 Folding Bristol Board, Assorted ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 18 Folding Bristol Board, Medium Weight Black ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 18 Folding Bristol Board, Red ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 18 Folding Bristol Board, White ‐ 100 Sht/Pkg 18 X 24 Folding Bristol Board ‐ Assorted ‐ 100/Pkg 19 X 24 Bristol Board, Strathmore 300 Series,100 Lb., 20 Sheets 9 X 12 Folding Bristol Board, Assorted ‐ 100/Pkg 412087 10 X 14 X 1/8 Masonite Hardboard Panels DRAWING PAPER BRISTOL BOARD CANVAS BOARDS 2 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE 412667 29797 412514 412526 401427 412529 401429 203753 405123 014945 1371353 1473559 412505 215562 29159 31823 31833 29184 29179 29178 29823 31842 31827 31824 2100100 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 11 X 14 Canvas Panel, Sized, Primed 12 X 12 Masonite Hardboard Panel, Ampersand ‐ 14941‐1212 12 X 16 Canvas Panel, Sized, Primed 16 X 20 Canvas Panel, Sized, Primed 16 X 20 Canvas Panels, Sax ‐ Classroom Packs ‐ 36/Pkg 18 X 24 Canvas Panel, Sized, Primed 18 X 24 Canvas Panels, Sax ‐ Classroom Packs ‐ 36/pkg 20 X 24 X 1/8 Masonite Hardboard Panels 20 X 30 Illustration Board ‐ Heavyweight 30 Ply ‐ 10/Pkg 6 X 6 X 1/8 Masonite Hardboard Panel 6 X 8 Canvas Panel, Sized, Primed 8 X 10 Canvas Panels ‐ 25/Pkg 9 X 12 Canvas Panel, Sized, Primed 9 X 12 Canvasette Panels in Pad ‐ 10/pkg Acid‐Free Double‐Primed Canvas Panel Classroom Pack, 9 X 12 in, 35‐Ply Thickness, White, Pack of 36 ‐ 240336 Cotton Duck Unprimed Medium‐Weight Economy Artists Canvas, 62 in X 30 yd Roll, 7 oz ‐ Blick Fredrix Ponderosa Pine Tongue‐and‐Groove Stretcher Bar, 18 in, Clear, Pack of 50 ‐ 407145 Fredrix Value Acid‐Free Cut Edge Double‐Primed Round Canvas Panel, 8 in, White, Pack of 25 ‐ 1473562 Genuine Acid‐Free Double‐Primed Canvas Panel, 12 x 12 in, White ‐ 1301311 Genuine Acid‐Free Double‐Primed Canvas Panel, 8 x 8 in, White ‐ 1301310 Richeson Black Canvas Print Rack A52505‐1002 Sax Ponderosa Pine Tongue‐and‐Groove Stretcher Bar, 12 in, Clear, Pack of 50 ‐ 407142 Sax Ponderosa Pine Tongue‐and‐Groove Stretcher Bar, 24 in, Clear, Pack of 50 ‐ 407148 Sax Ponderosa Pine Tongue‐and‐Groove Stretcher Bar, 36 in, Clear, Pack of 50 ‐ 407151 Unprimed Canvas, 72 In. Wide ‐ Utrecht 9oz Oz ‐ Heavy Cotton ‐ Yard EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 412667 14941‐1212 412514 412526 401427 412529 401429 203753 405123 14945‐1066 RA18246 1473559 RA00931 215562 RA00931 07309‐1062‐30 RA05482 1473562 RA05154 RA05152 52505‐1002 407142 407148 407151 07377‐0172 $0.90 $3.11 $1.11 $1.73 $61.88 $2.61 $85.74 $1.57 $35.96 $0.38 $0.42 $9.05 $0.64 $3.26 $23.04 $4.87 $40.95 $10.97 $0.95 $0.55 $25.74 $20.17 $40.65 $76.11 $5.18 School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material 085572 085564 12 X 18 News Board, 40 Ply ‐ 24/Pkg 9 X 12 News Board, 40 Ply ‐ 24/Pkg PKG PKG 085572 085564 $3.90 $2.50 School Specialty School Specialty 409338 1301573 1301571 1439851 248961 248962 1438734 1280355 1284413 077432 1438811 027601 12 X 12 Card Stock, Pacon 65 lb ‐ Assorted Colors‐ 160/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock Paper, Exact 110 lb ‐ Ivory ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock Paper, Exact 110 lb ‐ White ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Array 65 lb ‐ Acid‐Free Heavy Weight, Pastel‐Bright, 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Array 65 lb ‐ Black ‐ 100/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Array 65 lb ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Astrobrights 65 lb ‐ Red ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Astrobrights 65 lb ‐ Solar Yellow‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Astrobrights 65 lb ‐ Terra Green ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Astrobrights 65 lb, Acid‐Free, Assorted Color ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Astrobrights 65 lb, Acid‐Free, Stardust White ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Astrobrights 65 lb, HW ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG 409338 1301573 1301571 1439851 248961 248962 1438734 1280355 1284413 077432 1438811 027601 $12.12 $8.42 $8.09 $13.00 $6.08 $5.78 $7.65 $8.65 $8.65 $11.51 $7.97 $6.08 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR MISC BOARD CARD STOCK 3 BOCES # 1301559 1468287 1439847 318172 28259 1495114 28469 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Neehah 65 Lb, Smooth Finish, Bright White ‐ 250/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Neehah 70 Lb, Double Color ‐ Assorted ‐ 40/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Pacon, 10 Colors ‐ 100/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Card Stock, Pacon, Heavy Weight, Bright Assortment ‐ 100/Pkg Astrobrights 65 lb. Cardstock Spectrum Pack 1534827 Astrobrights Cardstock, 8‐1/2 x 11, 65 lb, Eco Assored Color ‐ 250/Pkg Metallic Cardstock 1537333 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG 1301559 1468287 1439847 318172 1534827 1495114 1537333 $10.24 $2.93 $13.00 $6.08 $4.97 $10.19 $2.84 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH 13409‐1006 1570270 405217 405162 405165 452678 408412 408476 408482 206483 239352 $6.02 $6.67 $42.41 $36.48 $42.41 $1.98 $2.91 $23.47 $39.20 $8.74 $5.59 Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH 409657 $5.20 School Specialty EACH EACH 13113‐1116 13113‐1112‐10 $3.31 $17.50 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material REAM REAM PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG REAM REAM EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH 453719 085597 085598 1404089 RA12494 401986 085596 464822 077428 1534824 1497172 353012 082292 RA17208 1435529 402618 $13.92 $4.15 $8.26 $6.05 $9.04 $1.34 $2.07 $5.18 $9.17 $8.28 $18.82 $10.38 $10.38 $15.45 $4.17 $7.20 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR MAT BOARDS 24226 28209 405217 405162 405165 31914 31906 408476 408482 206483 31876 409657 20 X 30 Crescent Illustration Mat Board, 16 Ply ‐ B13409‐1006 5 X 5 Precut Frames ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 9703423 Colored Mat Board, Medium Gray, 32 X 40 ‐ 10/Pkg Crescent Acid‐Free Smooth Surface Mat Board, 32 X 40, White/Cream Smooth ‐ 10/Pkg Crescent Pebbled Mat Board 32 X 40 , 14 Ply, 10/Pkg, White/Black Inovart 6‐Ply Medium‐Weight Pre‐Cut Mat Board Frame, 6 X 6 in, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 452678 Inovart Medium‐Weight Pre‐Cut Mat Board Frame, 8 X 11 in, 6‐Ply Thickness, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 408412 Pre‐Cut Mat ‐ 12 X 16 (9 X 12 Art Size) ‐ White Pebble ‐ 50/Pkg Pre‐Cut Mat 16 X 22 (12 X 18 Art Size) ‐ White Pebble ‐ 50/Pkg Pre‐Cut Mat Frames, Assorted Sizes, White ‐ 60/Pkg Sax 6‐Ply Medium‐Weight Pre‐Cut Mat Board Frame, 22 X 28 in, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 239352 Sax Acid‐Free Premium Smooth Surfaced Pre‐Cut Mat, 8 X 10 in Outside, 4‐1/2 X 6‐1/2 in Window, Black, Pack of 10 POSTER / RAILROAD BOARD 9700977 31845 28 X 44 Crescent Heavyweight Art Poster Board Crescent Non‐Bleeding Art Poster Board, 22 X 28 in, 14‐Ply Thickness, Satin White, Pack of 10 ‐ 405033 453719 085597 085598 1404089 25271 25289 085596 46482 28204 28207 31840 31849 31488 31848 1435529 31877 11 X 14 Sax Tracing Paper Pad, 25 Lb ‐ 500/Ream 12 X 18 Sax White Newsprint ‐ 500/Ream 18 X 24 Sax Plain Newsprint Newspaper ‐ White ‐ 500/Pkg 9 X 12 Strathmore 300 Studio Mixed Media, Acid Free 90 Lb Paper ‐ 40 Sheets/Pad 9 X 12 Drawing Paper, Shizen Deckle Edge Earth Tones ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 9728635 9 X 12 Sax Black Drawing Paper ‐ 50/Pkg 9 X 12 Sax Plain Newsprint Newspaper ‐ White ‐ 500/Pkg 9‐1/2 X 13 Yasutomo Rice Paper, Acid‐Free Hanshi ‐ 100/Pkg Astrobrights 24lb. paper assortments ‐ vintage 077428 Astrobrights Paper Bright Assortments 91534824030 Daler‐Rowney Hardbound Sketchbook, 65 lb, 8‐1/2" x 11", White Paper, Pack of 6 ‐ 1497172 Rainbow Duo‐Finish Fiber Light‐Weight Kraft Paper Roll, 40 lb, 36 in X 100 ft, Black ‐ 353012 Rainbow Duo‐Finish Fiber Light‐Weight Kraft Paper Roll, 40 lb, 36 in X 100 ft, Purple ‐ 082292 Rainbow Duo‐Finish Fiber Light‐Weight Kraft Paper Roll, 40 lb, 48 in X 200 ft, Purple ‐ 1369531 Roylco Antique Paper, 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 32/Pkg Sax Antique Style Picture Frame Paper, 13‐1/2 X 15‐1/2 in, Pack of 50 ‐ 402618 SPECIALTY PAPER 4 BOCES # 409862 31908 31907 29175 31481 31482 31920 31917 31915 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Sax Drawing Paper, Heavy Weight Recycled, 105 Lb., 19‐1/2 X 27‐1/2, Black ‐ 10/Pkg Sax Heavy‐Weight Art Paper ‐ 100% Sulphite, 12 X 18 in, Yellow/Green, Pack of 50 ‐ 402009 Sax Heavy‐Weight Art Paper ‐ 100% Sulphite, 130 gsm, 12 X 18 in, Peach, Pack of 50 ‐ 402002 Sax Square Paperwhites Practice Origami Paper, 5‐7/8 X 5‐7/8 in, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 456872 Spectra Deluxe Bleeding Recyclable Art Tissue Paper, 20 X 30 in, Apple Green, Pack of 24 ‐ 006213 Spectra Deluxe Bleeding Recyclable Art Tissue Paper, 20 X 30 in, Seal Brown, Pack of 24 ‐ 006228 Spectra Deluxe Bleeding Recyclable Art Tissue Paper, 20" x 30", Scarlet, Pack of 24 ‐ 1006914 Spectra Deluxe Pacon Bleeding Art Tissue Paper Assortment, 20 X 30 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 20 ‐ 389950 Spectra Deluxe Pacon Color Bleeding Recyclable Art Tissue Paper, 20 X 30 in, Azure, Pack of 24 ‐ 391949 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 409862 402009 402002 456872 006213 006228 1006914 $6.58 $3.22 $2.85 $3.26 $1.69 $1.69 $1.69 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH RA13569 670235 $2.05 $1.79 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts BOX PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH RA07555 RA17899 13105‐0429 1485728 1485755 1508086 1485741 031834 $14.14 $10.05 $11.10 $5.31 $6.82 $23.69 $14.00 $13.40 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH 085515 085521 085511 085497 085507 085484 085513 085498 085508 085494 085567 085516 085499 085509 085495 085514 085510 085496 085506 085483 085548 $11.36 $6.26 $5.51 $4.97 $5.00 $4.47 $11.05 $10.38 $10.03 $8.95 $30.46 $22.05 $20.77 $20.07 $17.83 $5.72 $2.75 $2.49 $2.50 $2.23 $7.01 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR TAG / RAILROAD BOARD 29796 1485727 1485739 1485728 1485755 31841 31836 31834 22 X 28 Pacon Poster Board, 4 Ply, White ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ 13100‐1022 22 X 28 Pacon Railroad Poster Board, 4 Ply, White ‐ 25/Pkg 22 X 28 Railroad Poster Board, 4 Ply, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/Pkg 22 X 28 Railroad Poster Board, 4 Ply, Black ‐ 25/Pkg 22 X 28 Railroad Poster Board, 6 Ply, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/Pkg Pacon Railroad Posterboard, 22 x 28 in, White, Carton of 50 Sheets ‐ 1508086 School Smart Railroad Board, 22 X 28 in, 4‐Ply Thickness, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1485741 School Smart Railroad Board, 22 X 28 in, 6‐Ply Thickness, Assorted Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 1485756 085515 085521 085511 085497 085507 085484 085513 085498 085508 085494 085567 085516 085499 085509 085495 085514 085510 085496 085506 085483 31852 12 X 18 Tag Board 100 Lb ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ Super Bright Assorted Colors 12 X 18 Tag Board 100 Lb ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ Super Bright Assorted Colors 12 X 18 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 18 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 18 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 18 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 18 X 24 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 18 X 24 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 18 X 24 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 18 X 24 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 24 X 36 Folding Tag Board, Assorted ‐ 100 Sht/Pkg 24 X 36 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 24 X 36 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 24 X 36 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 24 X 36 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Tag Board 100 Lb ‐ Super Bright Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Tag Board Heavy Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ Manila ‐ 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Tag Board Medium Weight ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg School Smart 100% Sulphite Folding Medium‐Weight Bristol Tagboard, 12 X 18 in, Green, Pack of 100 ‐ 085548 TAG BOARD 5 BOCES # 29152 30151 31830 31884 31883 31870 31904 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 School Smart 100% Sulphite Folding Medium‐Weight Bristol Tagboard, 18 X 24 in, Black, Pack of 100 ‐ 085563 School Smart 100% Sulphite Folding Medium‐Weight Bristol Tagboard, 18 X 24 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085557 School Smart 100% Sulphite Folding Medium‐Weight Bristol Tagboard, 24 X 36 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085565 School Smart 100% Sulphite Folding Medium‐Weight Bristol Tagboard, 9 X 12 in, Red, Pack of 100 ‐ 085524 School Smart 100% Sulphite Folding Medium‐Weight Bristol Tagboard, 9 X 12 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085520 School Smart Light‐Weight Multi‐Purpose Tagboard, 18 X 24 in, Manila, Pack of 100 ‐ 085503 School Smart Light‐Weight Tagboard Assortment, 9 X 12 in, Assorted Pastel Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 085519 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 085563 085557 031830 085524 085520 085503 085519 $17.72 $12.06 $12.74 $4.34 $3.02 $8.34 $3.14 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG RA17971 205457 10008‐1022‐10 1436146 RA12490 408400 $10.38 $25.43 $6.70 $8.42 $14.76 $6.68 Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty EACH 1289220 $14.41 School Specialty EACH 411254 $2.12 School Specialty SET 22148‐1024 $29.01 Blick Art Material EACH EACH EACH EACH RA04986 RA06228 1272519 1537467 $6.50 $9.81 $10.20 $3.97 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG SET PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG 406774 RA08554 22220‐2009 730030 730035 230766 RA16809 408378 227018 20406‐2091 1468361 1468360 1468359 227021 $2.51 $6.90 $5.14 $6.90 $6.90 $42.09 $3.92 $2.64 $2.64 $0.76 $0.87 $0.87 $0.87 $2.64 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR WATERCOLOR PAPER 358445 205457 404892 1436146 29630 408400 29177 31918 18 X 24 Watercolor Paper 90# ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ Canson 19 X 24 Watercolor Paper 90# ‐ 100/Pkg 22 X 30 Watercolor Paper 140#, White ‐ 10/Pkg 8 Inch Shizen Round Handmade Watercolor Paper, 140 lb ‐ 10/Pkg 9 X 12 Deckle Edge Watercolor Paper ‐ 25 sheets 9728631 9 X 12 Watercolor Paper ‐ 90# ‐ 100/Pkg Shizen Design Punjab 100% Cotton Acid‐Free Handmade Watercolor Paper, 90 lb, 9 X 12 in, Natural White, Pack of 25 ‐ 1289220 Strathmore 200 Tape Binding Acid‐Free Light‐Weight Student Grade Watercolor Pad, 9 X 12 in, 15 Sheets ‐ 411254 PENCILS ‐ MARKERS ‐ PENS ‐ ERASERS ART MARKERS 29800 31879 31858 31856 28535 Blick Studio Marker Set ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set ‐ 22148‐1024 Sakura Gelly Roll Moonlight Non‐Toxic Permanent Waterproof Pen, 1 mm Bold Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 10 ‐ 402356 Sakura Gelly Roll Non‐Toxic Opaque Waterproof Puffy Ink Souffle Pen, Assorted Color, Pack of 10 ‐ 409071 Sakura Gelly Roll Non‐Toxic Waterproof Pen Set, 1 mm Bold Tip, Assorted Metallic Color, Set of 16 ‐ 1272519 Sakura Pen‐touch Markers, Extra‐Fine Tip, Metalic ‐ 3/Pkg ‐ 9737688 PENCILS - DRAWING 406774 410423 29801 373781 373778 230766 25489 408378 233628 204062091 233622 233619 233616 227021 6B Solid Drawing Pencil ‐ Black, 12/Pkg Black Charcoal Pencils 2H Tip, 12/Pkg Blick Drawing Pencils ‐ 12/Set ‐ 22220‐2009 Charcoal Pencils ‐ HB ‐ 12/Pkg Charcoal Pencils, 2B Medium ‐ 12/pkg Charcoal Pencils, 2B, 4B, 6B Assorted ‐ 72/Pkg Derwent Sketching Pencils in Tin (3B, 2B, B, HB, H, 2H) ‐ 9730351 Drawing Pencil B, 12/Pkg Drawing Pencil, General's ‐ HB ‐ 12/Pkg Drawing Pencil, Prismacolor Premier Turquoise ‐ 9B Drawing Pencil, Prismacolor Scholar ‐ 2B Drawing Pencil, Prismacolor Scholar ‐ 4B Drawing Pencil, Prismacolor Scholar ‐ 6B Drawing Pencils ‐ 2H ‐ 12/Pkg 6 BOCES # 227027 408375 31909 29162 29173 31899 1296501 29171 443561 29167 31484 406088 31487 31486 31485 31919 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Drawing Pencils ‐ 4H ‐ 12/Pkg Drawing Pencils 5B, 12/Pkg Faber‐Castell Non‐Toxic Creative Studio Hexagonal Graphite Sketch Pencil Set, Assorted Tip, Black, Set of 6 ‐ 407433 General's Extra Smooth Non‐Toxic Top Quality Charcoal Pencil, 6B Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 373787 General's Non‐Toxic Smooth Artists Graphite Drawing Pencil, 6B Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 411951 General's Non‐Toxic Top Quality Charcoal Stick, 3 in, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 446081 Pencil Sticks, General's Extra Smooth Square Compressed Charcoal, 4 Ea (6B Soft, 4B Med, 2B Hard), Black ‐ 12/Pkg Sax Solid Drawing Pencil, HB Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 406789 Sax Solid Drawing Pencils, 6B, 4B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H, Assorted ‐ 144/Pkg Sax True Flow White Taklon Paint Brush Set, Assorted Size, Red, Set of 72 ‐ 402753 School Smart Non‐Toxic Square Compressed Charcoal Stick, 3/8 x 2‐3/8 in, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 067255 Sketching Pencil, Class Pack, 24 Each of 3H, H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B ‐ 144/Set Ticonderoga Laddie Intermediate TriWrite Non‐Toxic Triangular Graphite Pencil with Eraser, 13/32 in, No 2 Tip, Yellow, Pack of 36 ‐ 078665 Ticonderoga Laddie Intermediate TriWrite Non‐Toxic Triangular Graphite Pencil Without Eraser, 13/32 in, No 2 Tip, Yellow, Pack of 36 ‐ 078664 Ticonderoga My First TriWrite Non‐Toxic Triangular Graphite Pencil with Eraser, 13/32 in, No 2 Tip, Yellow, Pack of 36 ‐ 078663 Ticonderoga Original Lead‐Free Latex‐Free Non‐Toxic Pre‐Sharpened Graphite Pencil with Eraser, No 2 Tip, Pack of 12 ‐ 087190 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE PKG PKG 227027 408375 $2.64 $2.64 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH 407433 730045 RA21371 RA10818 $3.31 $6.90 $2.95 $5.03 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts PKG EACH PKG EACH EACH SET 22921‐2001 406789 443561 402753 067255 406088 $2.04 $2.49 $32.96 $13.35 $2.24 $50.20 Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH 078665 $9.19 School Specialty EACH 078664 $7.49 School Specialty EACH 078663 $11.77 School Specialty EACH RA10661 $1.70 Triarco Arts & Crafts SET EACH SET EACH SET SET SET EACH PKG SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1430631 409033 407187 1495166 PRANG #82408 405826 ART STIX #2164 20008‐2001 730070 423352 SMACOLOR #928 730812 730620 732521 730570 730876 730834 730655 $20.86 $61.20 $10.44 $4.95 $31.95 $1.41 $29.95 $1.12 $4.09 $5.41 $26.89 $0.88 $0.88 $0.89 $0.88 $0.89 $0.89 $0.88 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Pyramid School School Specialty Pyramid School Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Pyramid School Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts AWARDED VENDOR COLORED PENCILS 1430631 29172 28523 31891 212430 405826 402865 24200 020814 423352 248944 233235 233214 233703 233295 11073 233313 233244 Colored Pencils, Lyra Rembrandt Aquarell ‐ 24/Set Derwent Highly Reflective Non‐Toxic Colored Pencil Set, Assorted Metallic Color, Set of 72 ‐ 409033 Derwent Metallic Pencils ‐ 12/Set ‐ 9723191 Maped Color'Peps Colored Pencil Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 48 ‐ 1495166 Prang Colored Pencil, 3.3 mm, Smooth Core, Master Pack, 12 Assorted Colors ‐ 288/Set Prang Colored Pencils, 7 In. Pencils, Thick, 3.3 mm, Pre‐Sharpened ‐ 12/Set Prismacolor Art Stix ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 36/Set Prismacolor Art Stix ‐ Black C20008‐2001 Prismacolor Ebony Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg Prismacolor Pencil, Smooth, Creamy Texture And Strong Thick Lead ‐ 12/Set Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils ‐ Assorted Colors, 36/Set Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Apple Green (912) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Aquamarine (905) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Beige (997) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Black (935) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Black Cherry (1078) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Burnt Ochre (943) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Canary Yellow (916) 7 BOCES # 233268 233343 233517 233520 233217 233241 233265 233322 233223 233226 233376 233202 233292 233691 233346 233271 233340 233211 233280 233334 233331 233352 233232 233250 233580 233304 233277 233259 233442 246133 233262 233319 233238 233247 233316 233208 233229 233298 233205 233286 233289 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Carmine Red (926) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Chartreuse (989) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Cool Grey 30% (1061) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Cool Grey 50% (1063) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Copenhagen Blue (906) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Cream (914) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Crimson Red (924) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Dark Brown (946) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Dark Green (908) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Grass Green (909) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Imperial Violet Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Indigo Blue (901) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Lavender (934) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Lemon Yellow (915) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Light Aqua (992) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Light Peach (927) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Lilac (956) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Lt. Cerulean Blue (904) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Magenta (930) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Metallic Gold (950) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Metallic Silver (949) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Mulberry (995) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Olive Green (911) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Orange (918) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Parma Violet (1008) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Peach (939) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Pink (929) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Poppy Red (922) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Raspberry (1030) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Sand (940) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Scarlet Lake (923) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Sienna Brown (945) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Spring Green (913) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Sunburst Yellow (917) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Terra Cotta (944) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ True Blue (903) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ True Green (910) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Tuscan Red Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Ultramarine Blue (902) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Violet (932) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Violet Blue (933) UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 730545 730848 732548 732550 730804 730605 730820 730595 730806 730808 732446 730800 730625 732515 730854 730710 730844 730630 730555 730840 730715 730860 730810 730665 732448 730645 730550 730870 732492 730872 730540 730610 730814 730650 730836 730802 730640 730828 730615 730565 730826 BID PRICE $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.89 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.89 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 AWARDED VENDOR Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts 8 BOCES # 233496 233301 233310 233361 1515086 002430 434456 31855 29799 29154 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Warm Grey 30% (1063) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ White (938) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Yellow Ochre (942) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencil ‐ Yellowed Orange (1002) Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencils ‐ Full Size, Slow Wearing And Water Resistant ‐ 12/Set Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colored Pencils ‐ Full Size, Slow Wearing And Water Resistant ‐ 24/Set Prismacolor Premium Colored Pencils Colorless Blender ‐ 12/Box EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET BOX 732536 730585 730590 732434 20508‐1209 20508‐2409 732620 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $0.88 $8.38 $15.44 $10.50 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Prismacolor Scholar Non‐Toxic Smooth Colored Pencil Set, Thick Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 24 ‐ 423353 Sax Artists' Colored Pencil Set ‐ 36/Set School Smart Colored Pencil Classroom Pack, 7 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 480 ‐ 086305 EACH SET EACH 423353 1438800 029154 $10.79 $15.12 $58.30 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET SET SET 1430632 20528‐0019 20528‐0029 ISMACOLOR #40 $31.27 $8.28 $15.74 $28.95 School Specialty Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Pyramid School EACH PKG BOX EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH 528175 000906 077362 21500‐0000 434498 760020 438476 438473 247703 21500‐0000‐20 RA27044 $0.39 $8.48 $5.62 $0.87 $9.04 $5.59 $2.80 $2.80 $2.80 $17.40 $0.48 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH SET EACH PKG PKG SET 1402104 794961 381350 20909‐1020 404811 RA07806 $4.36 $4.84 $6.61 $1.89 $12.25 $2.42 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH RA22068 RA08068 1299780 461963 409346 RA19006 $9.69 $7.92 $45.20 $3.73 $12.05 $0.69 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts DESCRIPTION BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR WATER COLOR PENCILS 1430632 222684 222690 222693 Watercolor Pencils, Lyra Rembrandt Aquarelle ‐ 36/Set Watercolor Pencils, Prismacolor Premier ‐ 12/Set Watercolor Pencils, Prismacolor Premier ‐ 24/Set Watercolor Pencils, Prismacolor Premier ‐ 36/Set 31925 000906 077362 1069485 434498 434501 31905 438473 247703 405548 1077766 Alvin Vinyl Pencil Eraser, 2‐1/2 X 7/8 X 1/2 in, White ‐ 528175 Factis Extra Soft Magic Eraser, White, 2‐1/4 X 15/16 X 1/2 Inch ‐ 20/Pkg Magic Rub Eraser, Latex Free, 2‐1/4 X 1 X 7/16 ‐ 12/Box Mars Plastic Eraser Prismacolor Kneaded Erasers ‐ 1‐1/4 X 3/4 inches ‐ 24/Pkg Prismacolor Kneaded Rubber Eraser 1‐3/4 X 1‐1/4 X 1/4 ‐ 12/Pkg Sax Artgum Block Shape, General Purpose Eraser, 2 X 1 X 1 in, Brown, Pack of 12 ‐ 438476 Sax Artgum Block Shape, General Purpose Eraser, Brown, 1 X 1 X 3/4 Inch ‐ 24/Pkg Sax Soap Erasers 1 X 1 X 5/8 Inch ‐ 24/Pkg Staedtler Mars Plastic Stick Erasers ‐ 3‐7/8 inches ‐ 20/Pkg Vinyl Eraser, Prismacolor Magic Rub Multi‐Purpose, 2‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 X 1, White 1402104 794961 28208 209091 404811 443609 Bienfang Calligraphy Parchment Pad, Assorted Colors, 8.5 X 11, 60Lb, 50/Pkg ‐ Each Calligraphy Markers Set, Medium, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set Speedball Artists Calligraphy Pens ‐ No. 56, Box of 12 ‐ 9702827 Speedball Crow Quill Dip Pen Nib #102 ‐ 2/Pkg Speedball Reservoir Dip Calligraphy, Flat Style C Lettering Pen, C3 Tip, ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 404811 Yasutomo Calligraphy Chisel Tip Markers ‐ Assorted Sizes ‐ 3/Set ‐ Black 28174 31860 31826 28229 409346 31923 19 In X 10 yds Akua Wiping Fabric for Printing Ink ‐ 40222‐1010 Non‐Toxic Water Based Block Printing Ink, 1 lb Jar, Black ‐ 380810 Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Block Printing Ink Set, 1 pt Jar, Assorted Color, Set of 6 ‐ 1299780 Sax water soluble block printing ink, 5 oz. black Speedball Drawing Ink ‐ 2 oz. ‐ 6/Set Speedball Plastic Penholder ‐ 466277 ERASERS CALLIGRAPHY DRAWING INK 9 BOCES # 29169 29163 31847 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Speedball Reservoir Dip Flat Style C Lettering Pen, C1 Tip, Pack of 12 ‐ 404809 Speedball School Pen, No 56 Fine Tip, Pack of 12 ‐ 381350 Speedball Step‐By Step Instructions for Screen Printing DVD, 35 min ‐ 1272532 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH EACH 404809 880445 RA12982 $12.25 $6.70 $6.53 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET BOX BOX 22942‐1212 22855‐1036 460525 460530 RA26638 438881 1296375 1005549 22856‐1048 415105 70015 $0.46 $1.50 $6.69 $6.34 $13.08 $4.54 $5.88 $3.20 $7.84 $6.58 $6.34 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH SET 1440838 1495761 $2.15 $1.92 School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET EACH EACH PKG EACH BOX EACH BOX BOX EACH BOX EACH EACH BOX EACH BOX EACH 400264 34107‐1003 409900 351482 088213 33285‐0069 351476 400258 351452 351458 223053 1006331 PACON #52720 246987 446432 359294 432134 247432 $16.56 $195.66 $17.70 $19.99 $8.21 $49.84 $17.13 $17.13 $15.99 $19.42 $20.36 $1.01 $39.95 $27.98 $12.01 $4.36 $46.61 $25.78 School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Pyramid School School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH 402813 1383757 $19.63 $9.01 School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR DRAWING SUPPLIES 416632 28260 9718860 435146 24580 31871 31882 1005549 1412124 415105 415102 Blending Tortillon, Medium, Single‐Pointed End, 3/8 X 3/16 ‐ 12/Pkg Blending Tortillons, Jack Richeson ‐ Assortment 36/Pkg ‐ 9730969 Human Figure Template 13‐3/4 ‐ Dick Blick 21624‐1020 Human Figure Template 6‐3/4 ‐ Jack Richeson Richeson Adjustable Hands M‐Right C21611‐0100 Sax Heavy Duty Double Sided Self‐Portrait Mirror, 8‐1/2 X 11 in ‐ 438881 School Specialty Star Earth Friendly Art Portfolio, 20 X 26 X 2 in, Green ‐ 1296375 Self Portrait Mirrors 8‐1/2 X 11 Stumps Blending Class Pack, Assorted Sizes, 48/Set Yarka Charcoal Compressed, Black, 10/Box Yarka Charcoal Willow ‐ 50/Box 29181 1495761 C‐Thru Jumbo Circles Geometric Template, 8‐3/4 X 11‐1/2 in ‐ 1440838 Pacon Letter Stencils, Plastic, 3 In ‐ 60/Set STENCILS POTTERY - CLAY - KILNS - ACCESSORIES CLAY 400264 24964 409900 351482 088213 1361983 351476 400258 351452 351458 31839 1006331 399398 246987 446432 359294 432134 247432 Amaco Hi Fire Moist Stoneware Clay ‐ 50 Lbs ‐ Warm Brown Amaco Intermediate Glass Slumping Kit B34107‐1003 Amaco Low Fire Earthenware Clay ‐ 50 Lbs ‐ Brown Stone Amaco Low Fire Terra Cotta Earthenware Clay ‐ 50 Lbs ‐ Red Amaco Mexican Pottery Clay ‐ 5Lb/Pkg Amaco Non‐Toxic Cloud Clay Classroom Pack, Assorted Colors, 6 Lbs ‐ Each Amaco Sedona Red Clay Cones 06‐05 #67M, 25 lb Bag ‐ 2/Box (50 Lbs) Amaco Versa Clay Cones 06‐04 #20M ‐ 50 lb Bag Amaco White Art Clay Cones 06‐05, #25M, 25 lb Bag ‐ 2/Box (50 Lbs) Amaco White Sculpture Clay Cones 05‐6 #27‐M, 25 lb Bag ‐ 2/Box (50 Lbs) Instamold Non‐Toxic Mold Making Compound, 3 lb ‐ 223053 Plaster of Paris ‐ 4.5 Lbs/Box Plast'r Craft ‐ 20 Lbs Sax Fast Acting Professional Plaster Wrap, 4 X 180, 40 Rolls ‐ Each Sax Moist Clay, Cone 06‐04, Talc Free, White ‐ 50 Lb/Box Sax Plaster Of Paris, White ‐ 25 Pounds/Bag Sax Ultra Mache ‐ 24 lbs/Box Super Sculpey Oven Bake Clay ‐ 8lb 402813 1383757 Air Dry Clay, Moist ‐ 25 Lb/Pkg ‐ Gray Amaco Air‐Dry Modeling Clay, 25 Lb, White ‐ Each CLAY - AIR DRY 10 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 408132 31910 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Clay Crayola Air Dry Value ‐ White ‐ 25# Sax Ready to Use Non‐Toxic Paper Based Clay, 1 lb ‐ 410706 29660 351254 31825 29791 29805 086004 086002 085998 086001 085997 085999 085996 086000 086003 086005 088677 088678 31897 400157 28242 28244 28243 Air Hardening Modeling Clay, DAS ‐ 9725715 Amaco Sculptamold Modeling Compound, White ‐ 25 Lb/Bag Celluclay Non‐Toxic Instant Papier‐Mache, 24 lb Bag, Gray ‐ 350069 Liquitex Flexible Non‐Toxic Modeling Paste ‐ Gallon ‐ 00609‐1039 Make‐a‐Mold Alginate Impression Material ‐ Box, 4.5 lb 3353‐1045 Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Assorted (Red, Yellow, Blue, And Green) Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Blue Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Brown Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Cream Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Gray Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Green Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Red Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Terra Cotta Modeling Clay, 1/4# Pkg ‐ 4/Pkg (1#) ‐ Yellow Modeling Clay, Earth Tone Color Assortment, 1/4# Pkg (Terra Cotta, Gray, Brown, and Cream) ‐ 4/Pkg Modeling Dough ‐ 3.3 Lb ‐ Blue Modeling Dough ‐ 3.3 Lb ‐ Green School Smart Non‐Toxic Modeling Clay Set, 5 lb, Earthtone Colors ‐ 086007 Sculpey III Colored Modeling Compound, 30 Colors Van Aken Claytoon Modeling Clay ‐ Cool Colors ‐ 9710509 (A) Van Aken Claytoon Modeling Clay ‐ Earth ‐ 9710509 (D) Van Aken Claytoon Modeling Clay ‐ Neutral ‐ 9710509C 398105 #5 Junior Pyrometric Cones ‐ 50/Box 31854 AMACO Turtle and Frog Plaster Sprig Mold, 7 X 6‐1/4 in ‐ 1442856 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH RAYOLA #57‐500 410706 $26.95 $1.15 Pyramid School School Specialty EACH EACH EACH GAL PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH SET PKG PKG PKG 30538‐1041 351254 350069 00609‐1039 33535‐1045 086004 086002 085998 086001 085997 085999 085996 086000 086003 086005 088677 088678 086007 400157 RA02718 RA09847 RA10250 $2.42 $28.58 $69.43 $45.49 $26.38 $0.91 $0.78 $0.83 $0.83 $0.78 $0.83 $0.78 $0.83 $0.83 $0.91 $3.65 $3.65 $3.45 $13.54 $1.71 $1.71 $1.71 Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts BOX 1510288 $5.12 Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH 1442856 $10.28 School Specialty EACH EACH SET PINT EACH SET SET EACH EACH EACH PKG 33400‐1410 1367928 1442850 1510820 465818 RA21295 30322‐1009 32904‐1025 190006 RA04360 402383 $4.33 $8.71 $10.82 $8.43 $5.27 $3.39 $6.70 $0.68 $3.31 $3.57 $25.44 Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR CLAY - MODELING CLAY CONES CLAY MOLDS CLAY/CERAMIC TOOLS &SUPPLIES 28214 31885 1442850 28228 31878 407369 407370 434144 29164 25255 402383 Aluminum Armature wire ‐ 10‐ft. Spool, 3/8 dia. ‐ 9726813 AMACO Pony Roller, 1‐5/8 in, Hardwood, Steel Frame ‐ 1367928 Amaco Texture Rollers ‐ 4/Set Amaco Wax Resist ‐ 16 oz ‐ 32936‐0006 Chenille Kraft Plastic Double Ended Utensil Heavy Duty Artists Tool Kit, 7 in, Pack of 5 ‐ 465818 Clay Hole Cutters, Assorted Sizes ‐ 4/Set Double Ended Finishing Touch Clay Tools ‐ 12/Set Elephant Ear Sponge, Small Jack Richeson Handmade Artist Female Manikin, 12 in ‐ 384071 Miniature Sculpting Tools ‐ 6/Set ‐ 9722058 Modeling Clay Tool Set, 6 Inch Boxwood ‐ 6 Assorted Tools ‐ 72/Pkg 11 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE SET EACH EACH EACH EACH ROLL EACH ROLL SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH 419377 RA07522 61132‐1000 30249‐1016 1480035 33400‐1950 RA13553 405627 1481030 408064 RA05817 427507 1090126 RA16164 30317‐1063 $5.77 $0.93 $4.13 $316.00 $1.01 $4.10 $0.52 $6.82 $1.15 $0.18 $5.76 $21.91 $6.10 $0.52 $2.01 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material AWARDED VENDOR 419377 236226 9730926 408095 243699 411374 457358 405627 355478 408064 408851 31843 28470 1005537 24205 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Modeling Tools, Plastic ‐ 12/Set Molded Rubber Finishing Tool, Soft, 4 1/4 Inches Mosaic Art Sanded Grout, 2lb Tub ‐ White Portable Small Slab Clay Roller, Bailey Mini‐Might Durable Pro‐Needle Tool, Richeson 6‐1/8 Inch Sax Armature Wire 1/8 Inch ‐ 50' Roll Scrapers, Flexible Smooth Oval, 2 X 4 Inch Steel Sculpture Wire, 14 Gauge ‐ 350'/Roll Student Modeling Tools ‐ 7/Set Synthetic Ceramic Sponge 2‐1/2 Dia. X 1 Texturing Stamps ‐ 6/Set Twisteez Craft Sculpture Wire, 5 ft, Assorted Color, Pack of 200 ‐ 427507 twisteezwire 2300220 Wire Clay Cutter Wire Loop Sgraffito Tool ‐ B30317‐1063 409604 1356607 400660 400639 400642 400666 400657 1356610 400612 400624 400606 1356611 1356608 1356613 Amaco Artists Choice Lead Free Glazes ‐ 1 Pint ‐ 6/Set ‐ Assorted Colors Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Azurite Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Buttercup Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ CTL‐35 Nutmeg Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ CTL‐36 Gingerbread Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ CTL‐9 Snap Dragon Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Firecracker Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Magnolia Jewel Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Mardi Gras Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Milky Way Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Peppermint Ice Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Purple Blaze Amaco Crystaltex Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Summer Mango Amaco Crystaltex Glazes, Set #3, Assorted, Pints, 6/Set SET PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET 409604 1356607 400660 400639 400642 400666 400657 1356610 400612 400624 400606 1356611 1356608 1356613 $34.24 $13.30 $10.96 $13.30 $13.30 $10.96 $13.30 $13.30 $10.96 $13.30 $10.96 $13.30 $13.30 $72.48 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1356612 9729350 411648 1402958 400777 423487 411646 351728 351731 351737 351740 Amaco Crystaltex Glazes, Set #4, Assorted, Pints, 12/Set Amaco Crystaltex Glazes, Set #5, Assorted, Pints, 12/Set Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Amethyst Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Aqua Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Celadon Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Coral Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Evergreen Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐10 Clear Transparent Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐11 White Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐22 Royal Blue Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐25 Turquoise SET SET PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT 1356612 30407‐0129 411648 1402958 400777 423487 411646 351728 351731 351737 351740 $143.82 $161.07 $13.13 $9.13 $9.13 $13.13 $9.13 $7.99 $9.13 $9.70 $9.70 School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty GLAZES 12 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 351743 351752 351758 351761 351764 351770 423490 351749 423488 411645 361767 351725 423483 31865 31859 411384 405459 409880 403032 437630 437633 437618 437657 437651 406952 351866 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐30 Chocolate Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐50 Rose Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐52 Burgundy Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐55 Pink Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐60 Golden Yellow Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐65 Amber Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ F‐66 Orange Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Light Green Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Red Amaco F‐Series Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Violet Amaco F‐Series Glaze, Lemon Yellow ‐ 1 Pint Amaco F‐Series Glaze, Plastic Jar, Jet Black ‐ 1 Pint Amaco Lead Free LG‐10 Clear Transparent Glaze ‐ Gallon AMACO LG Lead‐Free Non‐Toxic Gloss Glaze, 1 pt Plastic Jar, Chrome Green LG‐48 ‐ 351839 AMACO LG Lead‐Free Non‐Toxic Gloss Glaze, 1 pt Plastic Jar, Dark Blue LG‐21 ‐ 351794 Amaco LG Liquid Gloss Glazes, Pint ‐ 12/Set Amaco LG Liquid Gloss Glazes, Set #1 ‐ 6/Set Amaco LG Liquid Gloss Glazes, Set #2 ‐ 6/Set Amaco Liquid Underglaze Decorating Colors ‐ Pint ‐ 12/Set ‐ Assorted Colors Amaco Liquid Underglaze Decorating Colors ‐ Pint ‐ Blue Green Amaco Liquid Underglaze Decorating Colors ‐ Pint ‐ Dark Green Amaco Liquid Underglaze Decorating Colors ‐ Pint ‐ Light Brown Amaco Liquid Underglaze Decorating Colors ‐ Pint ‐ Light Yellow Amaco Liquid Underglaze Decorating Colors ‐ Pint ‐ Purple Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Brilliant Red Glaze Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Canary Yellow PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT GAL EACH EACH SET SET SET SET PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT 351743 351752 351758 351761 351764 351770 423490 351749 423488 411645 351767 351725 423483 351839 351794 411384 405459 409880 403032 437630 437633 437618 437657 437651 406952 351866 $9.13 $11.41 $11.41 $9.13 $9.13 $9.13 $13.13 $9.13 $13.13 $13.13 $9.13 $9.13 $27.11 $9.07 $10.56 $109.58 $58.21 $66.20 $127.84 $13.70 $13.70 $13.70 $13.70 $13.70 $12.27 $9.07 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 351812 351863 351791 351848 351857 351818 406958 405461 400501 400504 400477 400495 400498 1402970 411383 Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Chocolate Brown Glaze Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Dark Yellow Glaze Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Medium Blue Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Petal Glaze Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Purple Glaze Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Red Brown Glaze Amaco Low Fire Dinnerware‐Safe Gloss Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Vivid Orange Glaze Amaco Opalescent Glaze, Class Pack, Pint ‐ 6/Set Amaco Opalescent Low Fire Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Autumn Leaf Amaco Opalescent Low Fire Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Moss Green Amaco Opalescent Low Fire Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Pearl Amaco Opalescent Low Fire Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Sapphire Blue Amaco Opalescent Low Fire Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Turquoise Amaco Teachers Palette Glaze, Pints, 12/Set Amaco Textured LT Alligator Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Jewel Brown PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET PINT 351812 351863 351791 351848 351857 351818 406958 405461 400501 400504 400477 400495 400498 30476‐1259 411383 $9.42 $9.07 $9.07 $9.07 $12.27 $10.56 $12.27 $50.22 $8.79 $8.79 $8.79 $8.79 $8.79 $62.51 $8.56 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty 13 BOCES # 351989 351935 351929 31861 401650 401773 433190 1444678 29804 29802 29803 28227 1432950 14734 1432960 14738 1432943 1432942 1432945 1432963 1432955 1432951 407321 407325 407322 407326 407327 407317 407333 407340 407342 407345 411106 97217661 407328 411107 407330 407336 411108 1430065 1430160 DESCRIPTION DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Amaco Textured LT Alligator Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Mottled Orange Amaco Textured LT Alligator Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Speckled Blue‐Gray Amaco Textured LT Alligator Glaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Speckled Green AMACO Velvet Lead‐Free Non‐Toxic Semi‐Translucent Underglaze, 1 pt Jar, Jet Black V‐361 ‐ 402800 Amaco Velvet Non‐Toxic Semi‐Translucent Underglaze Set ‐ 1, 2 oz Jar ‐ Assorted Color ‐ 12/Set Amaco Velvet Non‐Toxic Semi‐Translucent Underglaze Set ‐ 2, 2 oz Jar ‐ Assorted Color ‐ 12/Set Amaco Velvet Non‐Toxic Semi‐Translucent Underglaze Set 3, 2 Ounce Jars, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set Amaco Velvet Underglaze Set 4 ‐ 2 Ounces, Assorted Colors, 12/Set Amaco Velvet Underglaze, Lead‐Free ‐ Set 3 ‐ 2 Ounces, Assorted Colors, 12/Set ‐ 30411‐1104 Mayco Class Pack #1 ‐ Pint, Set of 6 30400‐0019 Mayco Class Pack #3 ‐ 6 Pints 30400‐0069 Mayco Cobblestone Glaze ‐ Pint, Black 30460‐2026 Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Cappuccino Mint Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Celestial Blue Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Lotus Blossom Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Monsoon Seas Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Northern Lights Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Peacock Eyes Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Plum Jelly Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Poppy Fields Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Spotted Kiwi Mayco Crystalites Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Tahiti Grape Mayco Elements Chunkies Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Glowing Embers Mayco Elements Chunkies Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Gold Mine Mayco Elements Chunkies Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Jade Pebbles Mayco Elements Chunkies Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Moss Creek Mayco Elements Chunkies Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Night Sky Mayco Elements Chunkies Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ River Bottom Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Amber Ash Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Blue Gratto Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Burnished Steel Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Copper Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Malachite Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Mudslide Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Oyster Shell Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Patina Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Sea Spray Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Spanish Moss Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Stormy Blue Mayco Elements Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Turtle Shell Mayco Foundations Glaze 1 Pint Jars ‐12/Set UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER PINT PINT PINT EACH SET SET SET SET SET PKG PKG PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET 351989 351935 351929 30411‐2034 401650 401773 433190 1444678 433190 30400‐0019 30400‐0069 RA07066 1432950 1432956 1432960 404853 1432943 1432942 1432945 1432963 1432955 1432951 407321 407325 407322 407326 407327 407317 407333 407340 407342 407345 411106 RA11623 RA11615 411107 RA11617 407336 411108 1430065 1430160 BID PRICE $11.70 $8.56 $8.56 $3.20 $28.54 $28.54 $28.54 $25.25 $25.25 $63.07 $64.09 $5.46 $7.49 $7.67 $7.67 $8.45 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $8.66 $8.66 $8.66 $8.66 $8.66 $8.66 $6.47 $6.47 $6.47 $6.47 $6.47 $6.67 $6.67 $6.47 $6.75 $6.47 $6.47 $6.47 $74.91 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 14 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 1432985 1433007 1432982 1433004 1432999 1433005 1432989 1432975 1432981 1432994 1432974 9730597 28226 1430161 404840 406217 411105 404829 411104 404838 406218 409699 404832 409701 404841 407112 411102 411103 409697 1430098 404837 404831 409698 404844 31866 28478 1371407 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Black Opal Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Dragons Breath Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Firecracker Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Floral Fantasy Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Kaleidoscope Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Masquerade Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Obsidian Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Peacock Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Sassy Orange Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Wildfire Mayco Jungle Crystal Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Woodland Fantasy Mayco Jungle Gems Crystal Glazes, Assorted Colors, Pint ‐ 12/Set Mayco Snowfall Glaze ‐ Pint 30460‐1186 Mayco Stroke & Coat Glaze ‐ Pint ‐ Blue Isle Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Blue Yonder Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Candy Apple Red Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Cara Bein Blue Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Cotton Tail Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Grapel Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Green Thumb Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Hot Tamale Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Irish Luck Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Jack O Lantern Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Java Bean Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Moody Blue Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Orange A Peel Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Pink A Boo Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Pink Rosey Posey Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Purple Haze Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Silver Lining Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Sour Apple Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Sun Kissed Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ The Blues Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze for Bisque ‐ Pint ‐ Tuxedo Mayco Stroke & Coat Wonderglaze Non‐Toxic Glaze, 1 pt Bottle, Wine About it ‐ 1430076 Sargent glitter glaze ‐ Pint ‐ A00704‐1006 Sax Under Glaze, Assorted Colors, 2 Oz ‐ 12/Set 1302513 Skutt KM1018‐3 Kiln, 208 V, 1 Phase UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE PINT PINT PINT PINT EACH PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT EACH QUART SET 1432985 1433007 1432982 1433004 1432999 1433005 1432989 1432975 1432981 1432994 1432974 RA17141 30460‐1186 1430161 404840 406217 411105 404829 411104 404838 406218 409699 404832 409701 404841 407112 411102 30408‐3766 409697 1430098 404837 404831 409698 404844 1430076 00704‐1006 1371407 EACH 1302513 $1,852.50 School Specialty CTN 351623 $10.46 School Specialty $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $7.67 $127.75 $7.13 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.96 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.61 $8.82 $17.81 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty KILN KILN ACCESSORIES & FURNITURE 351623 Amaco Kiln Shelf Wash, Dry Form ‐ 4 lb Carton 15 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 24548 220191 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Skutt half kiln shelves # 1018 CF30131‐1028 Skutt Kiln Peephole Plug 972959 405437 532511 409593 1300317 411848 409607 28245 28533 28534 29808 29153 28211 3/4 Inch Vitreous Glass Mosaic Tile Packs, Metallic Colors ‐ 450/Pkg 3/4 Inch Vitreous Glass Mosaic Tile Packs, Regular Assorted Colors ‐ 450/Pkg 40/60 Resin Core Solder, 1/16 ‐ 1 lb Amaco Assorted Glass Shapes ‐ 4 Oz Amaco Glass Mosaic Chunks and Glass Frit Assortment , 3 Oz Jars, 12/Set Amaco Glass Noodle and Stringer Assortment ‐ 5 Oz Amaco Glass Noodles, Assorted, Mardi Gras ‐ 5 Oz Damar Resin A01100‐2001 glass stain 9736690 glass stain 9736691 Mosaic Studio Stained Glass Tiles ‐ Assorted Colors, 4 lb School Smart Spectrum Square Mosaic, 3/4 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 4000 ‐ 085733 Scratch lite stained glass sheets ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 9712863 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH 1511040 30116‐0000 $27.71 $3.53 Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material PKG PKG EACH EACH SET EACH EACH LBS EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH RA15107 RA02770 532511 RA22202 33598‐1003 411848 409607 01100‐2001 RA26995 RA26996 248237 085733 409262 $16.39 $7.48 $23.25 $26.74 $4.05 $14.81 $14.24 $11.83 $1.48 $1.48 $17.25 $5.10 $8.06 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH 23220‐1050 72243‐1003 $28.52 $27.16 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material EACH GAL EACH SET EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 403861 1384132 RA17262 00711‐1039 RA00709 1439374 424766 RA27627 1465483 1465485 361436 361433 361451 361457 30103 361427 30165 361460 361421 410822 $11.13 $14.62 $5.30 $18.46 $38.81 $17.16 $38.10 $14.03 $2.82 $2.82 $5.38 $5.38 $5.38 $5.38 $6.01 $5.38 $6.01 $5.38 $5.38 $5.09 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR STAINED GLASS PAINTS ‐ ACCESSORIES AIRBRUSH 29827 29824 24 In X 50 ' Grafix Seal Film ‐ C23220‐0050 Crystal Productions Art Portfolio Prints‐ 21st Century Art A72243‐1003 PAINT - ACRYLICS 403861 1384132 31881 28218 28516 29180 31828 28252 1465483 1465485 361436 361433 361451 361457 31890 31887 31888 31889 31886 31901 Acrylic Gesso, Non‐Yellowing White ‐ 64 oz Acrylic Gesso, Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic, White ‐ Gallon Apple Barrel Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Acrylic Paint Set, 2 oz Bottle, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 407724 Blickrylic Student Acrylics ‐ Mixing Color Set, Pack of 6 Colors, Pints 00711‐1039 Bulk Acrylic ‐ Pints‐12 Chroma Acrylic Essential Set, 1 pt Bottle, Assorted Primary Colors, Set of 6 ‐ 1439374 Chroma Acrylic Essential Set, 1 pt Bottle, Assorted Vibrant Colors, Set of 12 ‐ 424766 Chroma Molten Metals Acrylics, set of 6 Chromacryl Acrylic Essential Paint ‐ Cobalt Blue ‐ 1 Pt Chromacryl Acrylic Essentials Paint ‐ Green ‐ 1 Pt Chromacryl Acrylic Paint ‐ Cool Red ‐ 1 Pt Chromacryl Acrylic Paint ‐ Green ‐ 1 Pt Chromacryl Acrylic Paint ‐ Orange ‐ 1 Pt Chromacryl Acrylic Paint ‐ Warm Red ‐ 1 Pt Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Bottle, Magenta ‐ 439367 Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Bottle, Primary Cool Blue ‐ 361427 Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Bottle, Primary Cool Yellow ‐ 361445 Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Bottle, Warm Blue ‐ 361460 Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Bottle, White ‐ 361421 Liquitex Basics Non‐Toxic Heavy Body Acrylic Paint, 8.45 oz Tube, Mars Black ‐ 410822 16 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 29170 439304 28219 28221 28220 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Liquitex Basics Non‐Toxic Heavy Body Acrylic Paint, 8.45 oz Tube, Titanium White ‐ 410820 liquitex glazing mediium 9722717 Liquitex Non‐Toxic Acrylic Medium, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Matte ‐ 403930 Sargent Art Liquid Metal Non‐Toxic Premium Acrylic Paint Set, 8 oz Jar, Assorted Metallic Color, Set of 6 ‐ 405594 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Assorted ‐ 12/Set ‐ 439304 Student Acrylics ‐ Bright Red, Pint ‐ Triarco Student Acrylics ‐ Metallic Silver, Quart ‐ Triarco Student Acrylics ‐ Metallic Soft Gold, Quart ‐ Triarco 409913 402444 29792 406874 1444330 1444329 403855 232485 404242 404386 404197 389684 404002 1444331 409812 Chroma A2 Acrylic paint, 4 Oz Tube ‐ Black ‐ 409913 Chroma A2 Acrylic paint, 4 Oz Tube ‐ White ‐ 402444 Chroma A2 Lightfast Heavy Body Acrylic Paint Set, 120 ml Tube, Assorted, 8/Set ‐ 00656‐1089 Chromacryl Acrylic Paint, Class Pack, 0.65 oz Tube, Assorted Color ‐ 96/Set Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Cadmium Red Medium Hue Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Cadmium Yellow Light Hue Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Ivory Black Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Light Green Permanent Liquitex Heavy‐Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Cobalt Blue Liquitex Heavy‐Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Dioxazine Purple Liquitex Heavy‐Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Raw Umber Liquitex Heavy‐Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Titanium White Liquitex Heavy‐Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz ‐ Yellow Oxide Liquitex Heavy‐Body Acrylic Paint ‐ 4.65 Oz, Cadmium Red Light Hue Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Medium Body Acrylic Paint Set, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Assorted Color, Set of 6 31900 28213 29168 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH EACH RA08763 RA03571 403930 $5.25 $10.61 $9.59 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty EACH SET PINT QUART QUART 405594 439304 RA19156 RA07841 RA07839 $21.63 $22.06 $3.15 $6.61 $6.61 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 409913 402444 00656‐1089 406874 1444330 1444329 403855 232485 404242 404386 404197 389684 404002 1444331 409812 $2.55 $2.55 $20.33 $80.16 $7.38 $7.19 $6.63 $8.34 $13.48 $8.34 $6.63 $6.63 $6.63 $7.38 $20.67 School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty QUART PINT EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH LBS 03503‐1007 01100‐1001 01101‐7990 01101‐5200 01101‐2250 01101‐2040 01101‐4140 01101‐8060 01101‐8070 01101‐1020 01100‐1041 $25.74 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $15.19 $11.83 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material SET EACH 245946 237933 $23.86 $8.42 School Specialty School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR PAINT - ACRYLICS - TUBE ENCAUSTIC PAINT 29820 29810 29816 29815 29812 29813 29814 29818 29817 29811 28247 Encaustic Gesso ‐ Quart ‐ A03503‐1007 Encaustic Medium, Pellets ‐ 16 oz. A01100 1001 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Courbet Green ‐ A01101‐7990 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Indigo Encaustics A01101‐5200 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Ivory Black Encoustic A01101‐ 2250 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Mars Black A011012040 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Naples Yellow A011014140 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Raw Sienna A01108060 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Raw Umber A01101‐8070 Encaustic Paint, 104 mL ‐ Titanium White A011001‐1020 White Bees Wax ‐ 1 Lb. ‐ A011001041 29790 28217 Oil Paint, Winsor & Newton Artisan, .7 Oz. Tube, 10 Color Studio Set Oil Paint, Winsor & Newton Artisan, 6.75 Oz. Tube ‐ Titanium White PAINT - OIL 17 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET SET RA04474 RA04476 RA03824 068624 RA05147 RA05144 059184 00380‐0079 1329860 245705 408275 $1.89 $1.89 $1.89 $22.63 $2.27 $2.27 $3.87 $2.64 $0.61 $6.20 $1.74 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH 408276 $1.22 School Specialty EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET 408278 406050 RA07663 RA04472 01759‐1059 405951 $1.22 $13.82 $10.94 $1.88 $27.21 $45.75 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH 443474 410603 404392 404394 404385 404387 404388 06046‐5072 RA04022 007497 DYNASTY #B410 375125 405384 407484 405386 05156‐1003 RA29181 224211 $3.71 $3.49 $0.20 $0.26 $0.08 $0.10 $0.13 $81.33 $1.12 $1.87 $69.95 $92.99 $47.69 $87.72 $47.69 $3.85 $0.29 $14.89 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Pyramid School Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 PAINT - WATERCOLOR 31922 31850 401176 31913 29627 405951 Liquid Water Color, Magenta ‐ 8 Oz Liquid Water Color, Turquoise ‐ 8 Oz Liquid Water Color, Yellow ‐ 8 Oz liquid watercolors 9‐068624‐705 Metallic Liquid Water Color, Copper ‐ 8 Oz Metallic Liquid Water Color, Silver ‐ 8 Oz Niji Non‐Toxic Watercolor Paint Set, 0.2 oz Tube, Assorted Primary/Secondary Color, Set of 18 ‐ 059184 Opaque Watercolor Gouache, Yarka Richeson ‐ Assorted ‐12/Set Premium Watercolors w/ Plastic Tray And Brush, Oval Pan, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Reeves Watercolors ‐ 10 ml Tubes ‐ 18/Set ‐ Assorted Colors Sax True Flow 8 Color Watercolor Paint Set, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Semi‐Moist Watercolor Paint Refill Strip Set with Brush, Plastic Palette Case, Assorted Primary Color, Set of 8 ‐ 408276 Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Semi‐Moist Watercolor Paint Refill Strip Set with Brush, Plastic Palette Case, Assorted Secondary Color, Set of 8 ‐ 408278 Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Students Watercolor Paint Set, 2.5 oz Tube, Assorted Color, Set of 10 ‐ 406050 Talens Non‐Toxic Watercolor Paint Set with 5 ml Tube of White, Assorted Transparent Color, Set of 12 True Color Non‐Toxic Concentrated Washable Liquid Watercolor Paint, 8 oz Bottle, Orange ‐ 404586 Washable Watercolor Magic Liquid Watercolors, 8 oz. ‐ 10/Set ‐ 9717705 Watercolor Classroom Pack, 12 ml Tubes, 12 Tubes Of 12 Colors ‐ 144/Set 443474 410603 404392 404394 404385 404387 404388 29793 424713 007497 407481 29160 405384 407484 405386 410031 224295 31835 Bamboo Watercolor Brushes, Size, 1, 2, 3, 4 And 6 ‐ 5/Set Brush Set, Light‐Weight Golden Taklon Hair Acrylic Handle Ultra Short , Assorted Size, Translucent Blue, 10/Set Camel Hair Round Easel Brush, Size 10 Camel Hair Round Easel Brush, Size 12 Camel Hair Round Easel Brush, Size 2 Camel Hair Round Easel Brush, Size 4 Camel Hair Round Easel Brush, Size 6 Classroom Caddie w/ Brushes, Royal Langnickel Clear Choice ‐ Round and Flat, Set of 72 ‐ 06046‐5072 Crayola 1000 Round Standard Taklon Watercolor Paint Brush, Size 7, 7‐3/16 in, Black Crayola 978 3/4 in. Flat Chiseled Nylon Bristle Long Wood Handle Easel Brush, Clear Dynasty B‐410 Golden Synthetic Flat Shader Brushes ‐ 108/Set Dynasty Cylinder Golden Taklon Short Handle Paint Brush Set, Assorted Size, Set of 144 ‐ 247533 Dynasty Emerald Brushes, Assorted, 72/Set Dynasty Golden Taklon Rounds Finest Detail Synthetic ‐ 144/Set Dynasty Ruby Brushes, Assorted ‐ 72/Set Gesso Brush 3 Inch, Nylon Jack Richeson Flat Natural White Bristle Wood Handle Paint Brush, 1 in Jack Richeson Spotter Camel Hair Watercolor Paint Brush, Pack of 36 ‐ 224211 404588 404589 404583 28205 409168 409167 31483 241566 1329860 245705 408275 31921 PAINT BRUSHES 18 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 25259 25258 411602 411572 421078 421087 421090 421096 421165 29795 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Jack Richeson Utility Camel Hair Wood Handle Paint Brush Assortment, Assorted Size, Black, Pack of 60 ‐ 443483 Liquitex Basics Synthetic Brushes ‐ Classroom Pack, 96/Set ‐ 9728382 Quality Black Bristle Easel Brush ‐ 1 Inch Hair Width, 1‐1/4 Hair Length Quality Black Bristle Easel Brush ‐ 1/2 Inch Hair Width, 1‐1/8 Hair Length Quality Black Bristle Easel Brush ‐ 1/4 Inch Hair Width, 7/8 Hair Length Royal & Langnickel Big Kids Choice Lil' Grippers Brush Set‐ Set of 5 Angular A06082‐2059 Royal Brush Gold Taklon, Translucent, Acrylic, 5/8 Flat; 3/0, 2/0, 0 Rounds; 1, 3, 5 Pointed Rounds; 2, 6, 10 shaders ‐ Set ‐ 9723224 Royal Brush Gold Taklon, Translucent, Acrylic, Shaders (2, 4, 6, 8,10), Rounds (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) ‐ 10/Set ‐ 9723222 Sax Golden Taklon Long Lacquered Wood Handle Artists Fan Blender Brush Set, Assorted Size, Set of 3 Sax Red Sable Hair Short Hardwood Handle Detail Spotter Brush Set, Assorted Size, Black, 6/Set Sax Royale Finest Selected Sabeline Size 1 Round Brush ‐ 3/8 inch Sax Royale Finest Selected Sabeline Size 2 Round Brush ‐ 7/16 inch Sax Royale Finest Selected Sabeline Size 6 Round Brush ‐ 3/4 inch Sax Royale Finest Selected Sabeline Size 8 Round Brush ‐ 1‐1/3 inch Sax Royale Round Brush Finest Selected Sabeline Size 4 ‐ 5/8 inch Shader/Round, Brushes, Dynasty Synthetic ‐ 96/Set ‐ 06579‐7250 29631 29633 29635 29636 29634 29632 390809 402891 25262 28237 28235 28238 28239 28234 28233 28232 28231 28236 25249 Amaco Low‐Fire Glaze ‐ Gallon, Brown ‐ t‐32 Amaco Low‐Fire Glaze ‐ Gallon, Black ‐ tc‐1 Amaco Low‐Fire Glaze ‐ Gallon, Blue ‐ tc‐21 Amaco Low‐Fire Glaze, Gallon ‐ Red ‐ tc‐58 Amaco Low‐Fire Glaze, Gallon ‐ White ‐ tc‐11 Amaco Low‐Fire Glaze, Gallon ‐ Yellow ‐ t‐60 Gesso Liquitex, Wide mouth Jar ‐Gallon Jacquard Non‐Toxic Lumiere Paint Set, 2.25 oz Bottle, Assorted Metallic and Pearlescent Color, Set of 8 Liquid Metals Paint, 4 oz ‐ 6/Set ‐ 9725514 Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Magenta ‐ 4400180Q Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Amethyst ‐ 4400180N Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Berry Red ‐ 4400180R Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Black Onyx ‐ 4400180T Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Emerald Green ‐ 4400180M Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Orange Poppy ‐ 4400180L Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Snow White ‐ 4400180J Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Sun Yellow ‐ 4400180C Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, 2 Oz. ‐ Turquoise ‐ 4400180P Stain Glass Paint, Gallery Glass, Assorted, 2oz ‐ 6/Set ‐ 9718741 31869 Jack Richeson Playcolor Water Soluble Easy‐to‐Use Standard Solid Tempera Paint Stick Set, Assorted Matte Color, Set of 12 ‐ 1439038 31863 29629 445091 445085 445082 28248 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH SET EACH EACH EACH SET RA06319 1403107 05172‐1001 05172‐4012 05172‐4014 RA14126 $11.10 $63.31 $0.53 $0.30 $0.29 $3.14 Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET RA21342 RA21341 411602 411572 421078 421087 421090 421096 421165 RA11784 $3.50 $3.49 $1.31 $2.13 $0.09 $0.10 $0.13 $0.17 $0.11 $91.08 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET 1367903 1367900 1367902 1367905 1367901 1367906 390809 402891 RA06639 2380940 2380930 2380935 2380955 2380915 2380905 2380950 2380900 2380920 RA12591 $35.38 $35.38 $35.38 $35.38 $35.38 $35.38 $38.31 $19.19 $18.19 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $1.15 $5.55 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH 1439038 $7.25 School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR PAINT MISCELLANEOUS PAINT TEMPRA 19 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 31903 402321 24737 24739 24742 24735 24736 24743 24741 24738 24740 24734 24733 1440733 29789 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Metallic Tempera Aztec Gold ‐ 9721964B Metallic Tempera Paint ‐ Copper ‐ 9721964D PlayColor Water Soluble Tempera Sticks Matte 144/set Sax Giant Non‐Toxic Tempera Paint Cake Set, 2‐1/4 X 3/4 in, Assorted Secondary Replacement Color, Set of 6 ‐ 401193 Sax Non‐Toxic Giant Tempera Paint Cakes, 2‐1/4 X 3/4, Assorted Colors ‐ 9/Set Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Blue ‐ 6/Cakes Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Brunt Sienna ‐ 7100144H Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Cobalt ‐ 7100144M Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Crismson Red ‐ 6/Cakes Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Green ‐ 6/Cakes Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Leaf Green ‐ 7100144N Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Magenta ‐ 7100144L Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Orange ‐ 6/Cakes Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Purple ‐ 6/Cakes Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Turquoise ‐ 7100144BK Tempera Color Blocks, Individual Blocks, Jack Richardeson ‐ Yellow ‐ 6/Cakes Tempera Paint Set, Assorted Pearlescent Color, 1 Pint ‐ 8/Set Tempera Paint, Premium Grade, Assorted Colors, Pint ‐ 6/Set ‐ 00011‐0069 410715 410718 1371307 1439143 29822 29825 29794 1478593 29821 410957 085860 407081 085859 567196 1 oz Art Utility Cup ‐ 250/Pkg 1 oz Art Utility Cup Lids ‐ 125/Pkg Acrylic Gloss Polymer, Sax True Flow Artists ‐ 500 mL Art Tray, Plastic15 X 10‐1/2 Inch, Assorted Colored ‐ 5/Pkg Artist Color Wheel ‐ Pocket 5‐1/8 in. ‐ A04951‐0000 Drying Rack, 40 Shelf Rack, 45‐1/2"Hx25‐1/2"W ‐ AF51342‐1040 Dynasty synthetic brush container, filber/angle, 84 06579‐7200C Fiberglass Tote Tray, 13‐1/2 W X 4‐1/4 D X 19 H in Gray Scale and Value Finder, 4 X 6 Paint and Clay Roller ‐ 4/Set Paint Tray Palette With Cover, Plastic, 7‐1/2 Inch ‐ White, 12/Pkg Palette Pad 9 X 12, Reeves Tear‐Off ‐ 40 Sheet/Pad Plastic Art Tray, 13 X 18 X 1 In. Turpenoid Odorless Turpentine Substitute ‐ 1 Gallon 059187 059190 059193 244110 404801 404795 Cray‐Pas, Oil Pastels, Sakura Junior Artist ‐ 12/Set Cray‐Pas, Oil Pastels, Sakura Junior Artist ‐ 16/Set Cray‐Pas, Oil Pastels, Sakura Junior Artist ‐ 25/Set Cray‐Pas, Sakura Expressionist Oil Pastels, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/Set Cray‐Pas, Sakura Expressionist Oil Pastels, Blue ‐ 12/Box Cray‐Pas, Sakura Expressionist Oil Pastels, Red ‐ 12/Box 25381 25382 1439053 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH SET RA16527 10160 1439053 $2.36 $2.41 $86.09 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET 401193 00001‐1019 1496083 15030 RA26382 1496085 1496086 RA26383 RA26381 1496087 1496088 15055 1496084 1440733 00011‐0069 $2.97 $5.36 $2.23 $0.49 $0.49 $2.23 $2.23 $0.49 $0.49 $2.23 $2.23 $0.49 $2.23 $16.07 $4.76 School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET PKG EACH EACH GAL RA13548 RA13568 00711‐1026 1439143 1294787 51342‐1040 06579‐7200 1478593 245557 RA08815 085860 RA05376 085859 RA00712 $2.13 $0.98 $2.74 $9.63 $1.73 $613.00 $95.16 $14.03 $1.41 $3.84 $4.19 $2.10 $5.31 $19.88 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts SET SET SET SET BOX BOX 059187 059190 059193 244110 100165 100140 $0.98 $1.28 $1.96 $5.82 $3.55 $3.55 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts AWARDED VENDOR PAINTING ACCESSORIES PASTELS - OIL 20 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 405701 404791 424992 1332337 29182 020556 406501 1301672 248364 248365 248363 001365 29161 29157 29158 31829 401340 29628 248372 072726 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Cray‐Pas, Sakura Expressionist Oil Pastels, White ‐ 12/Box Cray‐Pas, Sakura Expressionist Oil Pastels, Yellow ‐ 12/Box Cray‐Pas, Sakura Junior Artist Color Pack, 12 Assorted Colors, 432/Set Cray‐Pas, Sakura Multicultural Set Faber‐Castell Non‐Toxic Oil Pastel Set, Assorted Color, Set of 24 ‐ 1461753 Nupastel Pastel Sticks, Prismacolor ‐ 3‐1/2 X 1/4 Inch, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set Nupastel, Prismacolor Set, Assorted Colors ‐ 48/Set Oil Pastel, Pentel Set, 5/16 X 2‐7/16, Assorted Colors ‐ 50/Set Oil Pastels, Assorted Colors ‐ 16/Set Oil Pastels, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/Set Oil Pastels, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set Oil Sketcho Crayons, Prang Professional ‐ 12/Box Pentel Non‐Toxic Regular Oil Pastel Set, 3/8 X 2‐3/8 in, Assorted Color, Set of 432 Sargent Art Gallery Non‐Toxic Oil Pastel, 7/16 X 3‐1/4 in, Assorted Fluorescent Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 225219 Sargent Art Gallery Non‐Toxic Oil Pastel, 7/16 X 3‐1/4 in, Assorted Metallic Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 225222 Sax Non‐Toxic Soft Pastel Classroom Pack, 3/8 X 2‐1/2 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 288 ‐ 405425 Soft Pastel, Faber‐Castell, Assorted Colors ‐ 48/Set Soft Pastel, Faber‐Castell, Assorted Colors ‐ 72/Set ‐ 9725357 Square Pastels, Alphacolor, Assorted Colors ‐ 144/Set Square Pastels, Sargent Artist, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set 25377 410853 4011001 29798 29807 1473608 411875 411874 411869 411871 411870 411876 411868 1473769 424292 424291 28240 402395 090907 380960 22 X 30 BFK Rives Printmaking Paper, Off White ‐104191022 3 X 4 Linoleum Block 4 X 6 Soft‐Kut Printing Blocks, Latex Free ‐ 424663 8 X 10 Clear Acrylic Sheets ‐ 18973‐1008 9 X 12 Printing form with adhesive backing ‐12/Pkg 40408‐0000 Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 4 oz ‐ Orange Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ Black Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ Brown Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ Crimson Red Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ Green Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ Phthalo Blue Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ White Akua Intaglio Non‐Toxic Water Based Ink, 8 oz ‐ Yellow Akua Water‐Based Ink Applicator Needle Set Block Printing Ink, 5 oz ‐ Magenta Block Printing Ink, 5 oz ‐ Turquoise Cooper tooling ‐ 60513‐2038 Easy‐to‐Cut, Faux Linoleum 6 X 9 ‐ 12/Pkg Ink Mixing Trays, Plastic ‐ 10/Pkg Inking Plate / Bench Hook 9 X 7 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR BOX 405701 BOX 100145 SET 424992 SET 1332337 EACH 1461753 SET 020556 SET NUPASTEL #2705 SET 1301672 SET 248364 SET 248365 SET 248363 BOX 001365 EACH 20020‐4329 EACH RA12480 EACH RA12479 EACH 405425 SET 401340 EACH RA06447 SET 248372 SET 072726 $1.44 $3.55 $32.10 $3.21 $3.26 $17.83 $34.95 $3.69 $0.80 $1.31 $0.62 $3.52 $32.91 $3.31 $3.31 $41.46 $12.41 $19.46 $15.01 $4.62 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Pyramid School School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH $3.88 $0.84 $0.97 $2.48 $10.15 $7.31 $8.51 $9.29 $11.35 $9.80 $9.80 $9.29 $9.80 $13.48 $3.82 $3.82 $1.40 $23.88 $2.12 $4.08 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PRINTING INK & SUPPLIES 10419‐1022 40404‐1021 940500 18973‐1008 520070 1473608 411875 411874 411869 411871 411870 411876 411868 1473769 RA08052 RA08051 1570655 402395 090907 380960 21 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 407262 407261 407259 1288659 407542 424280 424284 424286 424289 424282 424290 424285 424287 246982 035765 1299769 31864 408106 408108 29651 380972 31924 380969 407536 461960 424295 424296 466310 409309 404696 406610 22115 29626 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Linozip Safety Cutter Large U Tip ‐ 12/Pkg Linozip Safety Cutter Small U Tip ‐ 12/Pkg Linozip Safety Cutter Small V Tip ‐ 12/Pkg Mini pattern imprinting sheets 1 X 6‐3/4 In. ‐ 24/Set No. 1 Speedball Linoleum Cutters ‐ 12/Pkg Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Black Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Blue Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Green Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Orange Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Red Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Violet Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ White Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Yellow Sax Perfect Print Block Printing Paper 12 X 18, 60 # White ‐ 100/Pkg Sax Perfect Print Block Printing Paper 9 X 12, 60 # White ‐ 100/Pkg Sax True Flow Water Soluble Block Printing Ink, Red ‐ 16 Oz Sax Write‐On Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose India Ink, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Black ‐ 245930 Scratch Foam Board Printing Plates 6 X 9 In, 30/Pkg Scratch‐Art Foam Board Printing Plates 9 X 12 ‐ 48/Pkg Softoleum Classroom Pack ‐ 9719430 Speedball Baren For Block Printing Speedball Battleship Extra Soft Unmounted Linoleum, 4 X 6 in, 1/8 in Thickness, Gray ‐ 356768 Speedball Linoleum Cutter Handle ‐ Red Speedball Linoleum Cutters, 5 Assorted Sizes ‐ Set Speedball Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Brown Speedball Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Gold Speedball Non‐Toxic Water Soluble Ink ‐ 5 oz ‐ Silver Speedball Plastic Handle Hard Rubber Brayer ‐ 4 Inch Speedball Speed Clean Screen Cleaner ‐ 32 Oz Speedball Super Black India Ink ‐ 16 Oz Subi Block Printing Paper 9 X 12, 60# ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 40/Pkg Utrecht White Printmaking Paper B10472‐1023 Water‐Soluble, 8 Color Set ‐ 5‐oz. Tubes 24474 28251 28215 29828 28258 28525 1501136 2 Inch Kraft Gum Tape 9701131 30 Inch Denim Artist's Apron 5 X 8 X 2 Foam Block ‐ 9732781 6"Wooden Embroidery Hoop ‐ C66906‐1006 8 X 11 Cutting Board ‐ 1467385 8" italian riffleers 9726740 All Purpose Wood Burning Pen, Includes Iron, Assorted Tips And Stand ‐ Set UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE PKG PKG PKG SET PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH SET 407262 407261 407259 1288659 407542 RA08044 RA08049 RA08050 RA08053 RA08046 RA08054 RA08045 RA08048 246982 035765 1299769 245930 RA00513 RA00511 40401‐1009 380972 356768 380969 407536 461960 424295 424296 940487 409309 404696 551735 10472‐1023 RA01521 $9.36 $9.36 $9.36 $11.53 $9.36 $3.82 $3.82 $3.82 $3.82 $3.82 $3.82 $3.82 $3.82 $8.24 $4.60 $7.54 $7.79 $4.66 $10.60 $77.49 $11.10 $0.77 $2.09 $3.77 $3.73 $4.47 $4.47 $3.94 $6.97 $4.73 $3.47 $1.56 $32.50 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET 24118 086517 RA20071 66906‐1006 1467385 34201‐1008 1501136 $4.78 $9.97 $3.49 $0.65 $5.99 $13.67 $7.53 Blick Art Material School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR MISC 22 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 31902 28528 29809 27976 401564 28257 001737 31896 31832 31916 31853 24966 31868 DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 Alvin Reinforced Mesh Zipper Bag, 20 X 26 in, Vinyl, Clear ‐ 411039 Carving Foam,Non‐Toxic 4‐1/2 X 6 in, 1/2 in ‐ 36/Pkg Color Wheel Wafer Thin Assorted Shape Miracle Sponge, 3 X 4‐1/2 in, Pack of 12 ‐ 435602 Copper Wire, Bare, 18 Gauge, 1Lb/199', Spool cotton liners 9711892 Cricut Replacement Blade ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 088010 Crystal Productions Speaking of Art Poster A69859‐1001 Customizable Applicator Kit ‐ 36/Set Faber‐Castell PITT Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Waterproof Odorless Permanent Artists Pen, Assorted Tip, Black, Pack of 4 ‐ 402816 Felting Needles 9732789 Grafix Shrink Film, 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 50 Sheets ‐ 61412‐1150 Grafix Shrink Film, Assorted Color 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 60/Pkg Grafix Shrink Film, White 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 50/Pkg HANGERS SAWTOOTH PICTURE HANGER ‐ 1‐7/8" X 2‐1/2" PACK OF 100 1443297 No. 1 Knife W/ Safety Cap Sax Midwest Products Project Wood Thin Plywood with Economy Bag, Assorted Size ‐ 407054 Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Mural Paint, 1 gal Plastic Container, Black ‐ 1367996 School Smart Artist Knife Blade, No 11, Comfortable Grip ‐ 401198 Scribbles 3D Fabric Paint Set, 1 oz Bottle, Assorted Iridescent, Set of 20 ‐ 1502478 Sculpture Stone Carving Sandbag ‐ B34966‐1001 Strathmore 400 Top Tape Binding Acid‐Free Pastel Pad, 80 lb, 18 X 24 in, 24 Sheets, Assorted Color ‐ 234432 28526 1448303 1448293 1448292 1448295 407055 Amaco Balsa‐Foam II ‐ 3 X 4‐1/2 X 5 ‐ 8/Pkg Balsa Wood ‐ 1/16 X 4 X 36 ‐ 20/Pkg Balsa Wood ‐ 1/8 X 1/4 X 36 ‐ 30/Pkg Balsa Wood ‐ 1/8 X 1/8 X 36 ‐ 36/Pkg Balsa Wood ‐1/4 X 1/4 X 36 ‐ 20/Pkg Balsa Wood, 1/2 BF ‐ Assorted Sizes 31898 408389 29174 447632 28210 28206 28250 1539486 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH SET RA04877 408389 RA11864 RA11833 12878‐1025 088010 69859‐1001 1539486 $5.89 $19.94 $10.65 $8.93 $11.65 $6.99 $15.84 $11.08 Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH RA23997 RA20081 RA19619 1293521 401564 1443297 001737 RA04133 1367996 57419‐2980 1502478 34966‐1001 RA18887 $6.53 $8.51 $16.61 $12.85 $12.48 $6.20 $1.13 $4.92 $59.99 $2.99 $19.49 $10.83 $5.44 Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty Blick Art Material School Specialty Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH RA13704 1448303 1448293 1448292 1448295 407055 $8.59 $23.44 $8.44 $8.44 $8.44 $4.77 Triarco Arts & Crafts School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 2530035 60961‐1326 2530060 2830015 RA04200 $7.69 $9.18 $0.39 $25.38 $13.25 Triarco Arts & Crafts Blick Art Material Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts EACH LBS 60955‐1000 01200‐1001 $3.15 $8.35 Blick Art Material Blick Art Material SET SET 01218‐1009 1429167 $16.89 $30.97 Blick Art Material School Specialty AWARDED VENDOR BALSA WOOD BASKETRY - REEDS 25232 25233 25234 28532 28520 #3 Round Basketry Reed ‐ 1‐lb. Roll 1/4 Inch Flat Reed ‐ 400' 3 Inch Round Basket Base ‐ 0500109 popular round basket kits 9735907 weaving strips 9720008 28249 28246 Candle Wicking, 300' ‐ A609551000 Jacquard Batik Bees Wax/Parifin ‐ 1 Lb. ‐ A01200‐1001 CANDLE MAKING SUPPLIES DYES 29819 1429167 Jacquard Dye‐na‐ flow Fabric Dye ‐ A01218‐1009 Jacquard Procion MX Dye Classroom Pack ‐ 13/Set 23 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE EACH EACH EACH 1440820 RA11692 RA11695 $11.86 $21.14 $21.14 School Specialty Triarco Arts & Crafts Triarco Arts & Crafts PKG EACH 246116 404894 $9.88 $5.06 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET 401502 409712 407347 407875 1483707 1483703 64903‐1004 43304‐1005 $7.92 $7.59 $9.07 $13.49 $3.71 $3.71 $9.60 $15.51 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Blick Art Material Blick Art Material AWARDED VENDOR DCMO BOCES Art BID #2016‐101 REFERENCE MATERIALS 1440820 31838 31837 Book ‐ Heirloom Ceramics Press Fired‐On Images Getting to Know World's Greatest Artists ‐ Michelangelo DVD, 23 min, Grade 2 ‐ 409857 Getting to Know Worlds Greatest Artist's ‐ Vincent Van Gogh DVD, 23 min, Grade 2 ‐ 409854 SANDPAPER 28175 31880 9 X 11 Sandpaper Assortment ‐ 25/Pkg Jack Richeson Sandpaper Block with Wood Handle, Brown, Pack of 12 ‐ 404894 29165 31867 407347 25385 1483707 1483703 28253 24222 Jacquard Silk Round Stretched Hoop, 9‐1/2 in, White, Pack of 3 ‐ 401502 Sax Non‐Marking Silkscreen Squeegee, 50 Durometer Neoprene, 10 in ‐ 409712 Screen Drawing Fluid, Speedball ‐ 32 oz. Screen Filler, Speedball ‐ 32 Oz. ‐ 3200108 Silk Screen Printing Ink, Fluorescent Blue, Speedball, 8 Oz. Silk Screen Printing Ink, Fluorescent Green, Speedball, 8 Oz. Silk Stetcher Frame, 24 Inch ‐ C64903‐1004 Speedball Diazo Photo Screen Printing System Kit 433041005 SCREEN PRINTING 24 DCMO BOCES COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICE BID AWARD RESULTS FOR ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLY & UNIFORM BID #2016-105 Prices expire March 31, 2017. BID AWARD INFORMATION To: Participating Districts From: Megan Corey, Cooperative Purchasing Clerk Date: April 14, 2016 Re: Cooperative Purchasing award results for: Athletic Equipment and Supply Bid #2016-105 On April 13, 2016, the BOCES Assistant Superintendent for Management Services reviewed the bid award recommendations, and approved and the bids. The attached “Successful Bids” sheets are the results of the award of the bids. These sheets list each item that was on the bid and references the awarded bidder, bid price, vendor product number. Any alternate information is found within the actual item description. This means that if an alternate brand was accepted and awarded, the alternate brand has become the item’s description for this bid cycle. If you need additional information on an item, in most cases, the item can be found on the awarded vendor’s website by using the vendor product number to conduct a search for that item number within the vendor’s online catalog. The bidder MUST provide the item to the brand and model listed within the item’s Description. Please let me know if any item is received that does not match the brands listed on the award sheets. Also attached is the “Awarded Vendor Summary” sheet. This sheet will provide you with pertinent information regarding the address, phone number, website and contact person for each awarded vendor, along with a discount being offered for additional items which were not listed on the bid. Please make sure that the appropriate bid number appears on each purchase order sent to the awarded, corresponding vendor, Along with any reference numbers. Districts that participated in the Bids will be sent the “Purchase Order Attachments” for the items requisitioned. These sheets will be sent as a PDF file. The PO Attachments show the items that are to be purchased from each awarded bidder, by Requisitioner. These sheets may become an attachment to a purchase order, making separate typing unnecessary. District’s that utilize the WinCap exports will be sent the export sheets shortly. Any District in the service may take advantage of this bid, even if the District did not participate in the initial bids. Please note: Purchase Order Attachments with “No bids Recieved” at the top are a notification that those items were not bid upon and therefore must be purchased outside bid award. Since these items were not available from the bidders; it is possible that the item is obsolete and no longer available. It is suggested that you use the discounts provided on the Awarded Vendor Summary sheet for any items that were not listed within the bid awards Vendor Product Number Each awarded item should show the vendor’s product number in the “Vendor Item #” area on the bid award PDF or excel sheet. If you go to the vendor’s website you should be able to view the item by placing the vendor’s product number in the search engine. Alternate Items Any item awarded with an alternate pack size has had the original pack size in the specification changed to reflect the award. Please also note, that these changes in pack size may be reflected on your PO Attachments. For example, if you ordered 12 of an item and the awarded unit of measure is by the dozen, then your PO Attachment will reflect an order for 1, since 1 now equals a dozen. Remember, that the listed within the description is the product brand that must be provided by the awarded vendor, any deviation of brands is not allowed. Please call us if this happens. Uniforms We have secured pricing for screen printing & embroidery fees for uniforms; this can be used in conjunction with uniforms that have a bid price or to use with the manufacture or catalog discounts provided If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 607- 335-1238 or email me at coreym@dcmoboces.com. Thank you. There is a $25 minimum order for free shipping on items within the bid. Items not found in the bid can be secured using the discounts below. Please note the amounts required for min. orders for free shipping on these orders. Make sure you put the Bid # and Reference # on all PO’s. Award and Discount Summary PLEASE REFERENCE BID # 2016-105 WHEN ORDERING VENDOR BSN Sports, Passon’s P.O. Box 49 Jenkintown, PA 19046 Gopher Sport 2525 Lemond Street SW Owatonna, MN 55060-0998 Longstreth Sporting Goods 78 Wells Road Spring City, PA 19475 MEDCO Supply Co. 500 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150 MF Athletic – MFAC, LLC 1600 Division Rd West Warwick, RI 02893 Neff Motivation, Inc 645 Pine St Greenville, OH 45331 45331 Riddell 669 Sugar Lane Eylria, OH 44035-6309 Scholastic Sports Sales 8195 Cazenovia Road Manlius, NY 13104 Contact Person Phone # WebSite / Email 10% Off Catalog W/exceptions – $25 min for free shipping on Discounts 10% off excluding “only from gopher items” free shipping, except truck delivery Ryan McCracken 800-445-9446 Fax: 800-523-5112 Bill Grinde (800) 533-0446 FAX: (888) 319-7452 billgrinde@gophersport.com www.gophersport.com 800-322-7022 Fax 610-495-7023 www.longstreth.com Team.sales@longstreth.com 800-256-3326 Fax: 800-222-1934 www.medco-athletics.com Customer Service Department / Carol Gilligan Jennifer Wheeler Discounts www.bsnsports.com www.usgames.com passonsbid@bsnsports.com Ref # 100431143 Jenn Lachapelle 800-556-7464 Fax: 800-682-6950 Dominic Palumbo 315-699-3335 Fax: 315-699-3336 www.neffco.com dpalumbo@neffco.com 585-330-7060 Fax: 440-366-0041 www.riddell.com kfenn@riddellsales.com 15% Off the multi-Sport Catalog, Excludes Ridell Brand $100 Min for Free Shipping on discounts 315-682-9444 Fax 315-682-4213 www.scholasticsportssales.com 10% Off Catalog, 40% off Alleson, Under Armour & Wilson. 30% Motion Wear Jeffrey Miller Ref# 3075168-2016 10% Off No Free Shipping jenn@emedcosupply.com www.mfathletic.com mfathletic@mfathletic.com Kyle Fenn Ref # Sports@scholasticsportsales.com 10% Off Excludes: Sales, Pits, Hurdles, Pole Vault Poles, Crossbars, Timing Systems, Software, Cardio, Weight, In-Ground Equipment, Items with Special Handling or truck shipments. 25% Off Catalog $100 min for free shipping on Catalog Discount, $500 off Uniform MFG Discounts. Ref# 125430 VENDOR School Specialty 140 Marble Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 Sportsman's 829 Horner Street Johnstown, PA 15902 S&S Worldwide 75 Mill Street Colchester, CT 06415 Stadium System Inc. 61 Church Street Canaan, CT 06018 Contact Person Phone # Order Department Bill Casbolt 888-388-3224 Fax: 888-388-6344 Customer Service 814-536-5318 Fax: 814-536-7868 WebSite / Email www.schoolspecialty.com orders@schoolspecialty.com Discounts 25% Off Supplies 10% Off Equipment $25 min for free shipping www.Teamsportsmans.com 2% Catalog Discount Teamsportsmans@aol.com $3,500 min for free shipping Ref # Ref # 7780334527 18.5% Off Jenna Schall 800-642-7354 Fax: 800-566-6678 www.ssww.com orders@ssww.com Shipment that require a dock - If no loading dock is available Truck shipments w/ lift gate – call for quote Ref 2016-105-17PE or 2016-105-17PE% for catalog discount www.stadiumsystem.net Mary Janusz 800-708-0059 Fax: 860-824-1279 mjanusz@stadiumsystem.net Vendors Offering DISCOUNTS ONLY VENDOR Aluminum Athletic E quip. 1000 Enterprise Drive Royersford, PA 19468-1298 Rogers Athletic Company 3760 W. Ludington Drive Farwell, Michigan 48622 Varsity Spirit Fashions 6745 Lenox Center CT. STE 300 Memphis, TN 38115 Contact Person Phone # WebSite / Email www.myaaeworld.com Tom Syron (800) 523-5471 Fax: 610-825-2378 Toms@aaesports.com www.rogersathletic.com Nathan Yarhouse Cathy Ray 800-248-0270 Fax 888-549-9659 800-533-8022 Ext 5827 Discounts 18% Off Catalog Excludes Crossbars, Vaulting Poles and special pricing free shipping Ref # Ref # 160221 5% Discount No Free Shipping nyarhouse@rogersathletic.com www.varsity.com oebids@varsity.com 8% Catalog Discount Free Shipping Must contact CS to get Discount Table of Contents Athletic Equipment, Supplies & Uniforms/Garments Search Instructions: On any vendor’s website, place the vendor’s part number (located on the Award report) in the “Search” box on the Vendor’s website, to obtain additional information on the item awarded. Table of Contents Page Archery Supplies…………………...9 Badminton / Paddle Ball…………...10 Balls – Miscellaneous……………...12 Ball Games………………………..14 Baseball...……………………...…..…1 Basketball…………………...…...... 2 Bean Bags…………………….......14 Bowling……………………….......11 Cleats / Spikes ………………....…19 Coach / Umpire Supplies……...….19 Cones / Outside Games…………...21 Eye/Mouth Protection………….…18 Equipment………………………...23 Equipment Carts…………………..23 Field Hockey……………………….3 Fitness …………..……………...…15 Floor Tape………………………....17 Football……………………………..3 Frisbee / Scooters ………….......….22 G a me s / A c t i v i t i e s … … . . … . .1 6 Golf……………………………........4 Hockey……………………….....…11 Table of Contents Page Gymnastics……………………..…4 Kettlebells………………………..18 Lacrosse…………………….......…4 Mesh Bags………………………..18 Miscellaneous items………...……23 Paint……………………………...22 Playground Balls…………….. .....14 Soccer……………………….…......5 Softball……………………….. ..…6 Spots……………………………...18 Supplies…………………………..17 Swimming…………………...…....11 Table Tennis…………………..…..12 Tennis…………………………......12 Time Keepers / Whistles………….20 Track Equipment…………………..7 U n i f o r m s… … … … … … . … . . . 2 4 Vest / Gloves and Protection…….. 19 Volleyball…………………….... . . .8 Weight Lifting………………….....12 Wrestling………………………...…9 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH 1172577 $1.74 BSN Sports BASEBALL 9500 3069 29745 02210 8111 21140 26804 8742 9501C 29746 01904 10821 02200 8104 26806 26805 02184 5100 8105 42295 3813 02213 29564 02209 02208 02211 9495 01897 1‐1/2 X 48 Inch Elastic Baseball Belt ‐ Specify Color ‐ Each 12 Inch Diamond Pro Infield All‐Leather Glove, Specify Right 42117 Or Left Hand ‐ Rawlings 29 Inch Phenom Jr Plastic Bats ‐ 6/Set 32 Inch Baseball Bat, Easton S500, 29 Oz, 2‐5/8 Barrel ‐ Each Ball Bag, Holds 48 Baseballs ‐ Each Baseball Ball Bucket Baseball Belts, Black Baseball Metal Award Pin ‐ 25/ Box Baseball Pant, Belted Waist, Adult ‐ Gray ‐ Small ‐ X‐L Carpet Bases ‐ 5/Set ‐ 42‐568 Deluxe Adjustable Tee With Base ‐ MacGregor Diamond Catcher's Helmet, Hockey‐Style, Lightweight, Impact Resistant ABS Plastic Shell, Wire Frame, Adjustable Chin Pad And 3 Adjustable Straps And Bag. NOCSAE ‐ Adult ‐ 45226 Diamond D1 Full Hardness Practice Baseballs ‐ 30/Pail ‐ 44880 Diamond D‐1, NFHS Game Baseballs, Leather Cover, Cork Core ‐ Doz Diamond DFX‐LC5 Flexball Baseballs ‐ Doz Diamond DOL‐1, NFHS Game Baseballs, Leather Cover, Cork Core ‐ Doz Easton IncrediBall Soft Practice Baseballs, Nylon Cover, Level 1 Hardness, Polyurethane Core ‐ 41114 Easton Thunderstick Bat (#A111155RG) ‐ Each Glovers Baseball Softball Scoring & Stats Refill (BB100) ‐ Each Grid‐Bottom Base Set ‐ White ‐ 4/Set ‐ MacGregor Line‐Up Cards, Baseball And Softball ‐ 24/Pkg MacGregor Pitcher's Plate ‐ Each Nike GK Goalkeep Spyne Pro Goalkeeper Gloves, Size 11 ‐ Pair Pitching Machine Balls ‐ Doz Rawlings Baseball Catcher's Mitt (RH), 33‐1/2 Adult, Leather ‐ 42252 Rawlings Batter's Helmet NOCSAE Approved, Double Ear, Fits Sizes 6‐1/2 To 7‐3/8 ‐ 44902 Riddell Practice Balls ‐ 36/Pail Riddell Team B Bat Bag, 36 X 12 X 12 Inch ‐ Each EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH DOZ EACH SET EACH 1380043 1205978 1391872 R27570 1378437 1172577 MI205G Baseball Alleson 42‐568 BBBATTEE $47.47 $41.86 $84.32 $9.50 $11.03 $1.74 $11.75 $10.90 $33.90 $12.67 Pro Team EACH PAIL DOZ DOZ DOZ EACH EACH EACH SET PKG EACH PAIR DOZ EACH EACH PAIL EACH Martin D1NFHS K14406 BSDOL1 BBST9W 1264005 SGSBF (30 sheets) 1772, 1773 LUC BBPPLATE Brine DB10 42‐252 1391875 RBBPB R427571 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Riddell BSN Sports BSN Sports Neff Motivation Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Scholastic Sports $44.90 $44.90 $54.85 $29.05 $34.93 $2.48 $39.49 $11.95 $19.90 $3.48 $8.21 $49.90 $17.88 $42.22 $14.41 $99.00 $13.50 Scholastic Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Longstreth BSN Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Gopher Sport BSN Sports Riddell Riddell 1 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 9496 27969 26858 27968 9485 9494 03250 DESCRIPTION Socks Baseball, Adult, Quality Solid Color Heel And Toe ‐ Black ‐ Pair Spalding 100 Series Baseball Official NYSPHSAA ‐ 41‐106HS ‐ Doz Spalding 500 Series NFHS Premium Leather Baseball ‐ Doz Spalding Pro Series Baseball Official NYSPHSAA ‐ 41‐100HS ‐ Doz Turf Liquid Absorber, Surface Quick Dry ‐ Ton Two‐Handed Drills, Adult Practice Aid, Infield ‐ Each Wilson A1030 HS1 SST: Leather Cover, Cork Core ‐ Doz ‐ 41121 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER PAIR DOZ DOZ DOZ TON EACH DOZ PAS 41106HS 1389838 1394787 SET EACH EACH EACH 93400 W2999 W5979 1388107 MI231G Basketball 1235548 93500 VXB20JNR 5710XXXX SSH1 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $1.60 $39.40 $54.49 $37.03 $1,090.00 $7.95 $34.90 Sportsman's Sportsman's BSN Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Longstreth Scholastic Sports $21.12 $21.36 $24.57 $5.07 BSN Sports S&S Worldwide S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BASKETBALL 016264 9432 9442 26796 8746 21155 02152 24227 8127 02151 25113 25114 01887 016112 01886 17347 61227 3606 01881 27963 3599 3585 01880 3601 25134 02155 27 Inch Rubber Basketballs, Junior, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ MacGregor 3‐Tier Wheeled Basketball Rack, Holds 12 Balls, 34 Inch H 4‐Tier Wheeled Basketball Rack, Holds 16 Balls, 51‐1/2 Inch H Basketball Dry Erase Clipboard Basketball Metal Award Pin ‐ 25/ Box Basketball, Size 6 ‐ Voit Basketball, Size 6, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ MacGregor Defender BasketBall Rubber Junior Size 5 ‐ Voit Dribble Aid ‐ Each Hands‐On Basketball, Teaches Proper Hand Shooting Positions, Junior Size 5 ‐ KBA MacGregor X6000 Basketball Men's, Size 7 MacGregor X6000 Basketball Women's Size 6 Mark V Basketball Official Scorebook Max Hands On Basketball Trainer Junior Size 27 inch 016112 Nylon Anti‐Whip Basketball Net ‐ 66226 Performer Rubber Basketball, Size 7 ‐ Yellow ‐ MacGregor Rubber Ball, Compact, Tan Size 4 ‐ Voit Slipp‐Nott Traction Mat Replacement Sheets ‐ 60/Pkg ‐ 65229 Spalding TF‐1000 Official NYSPHSAA Men's Basketball ‐ 74‐7839 Spalding TF‐1000 Official NYSPHSAA Women's Basketball ‐ 74‐7849 Spalding TF‐1000 Top Flite Basketball, Men's Size 7 ‐ 61110 Spalding TF‐1000 Top Flite Basketball, Women's Size 6 ‐ 61148 Spalding TF‐1000 Top Flite ZK NFHSPro Basketball, Men's Spalding TF‐1000 ZK Pro Basketball, Women's Size 6 Voit Basketball Size 4 Compact Voit Basketballs, Youth Size 5 DOZ EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH H‐UP MCX6000X MCX6285X BS1 W11641005 Martin MCBBX625 1337 1337 1335 $11.75 $4.66 $22.74 $4.83 $1.54 $3.55 $9.36 $9.13 $2.76 $3.63 $1.60 $4.04 $3.49 $27.80 $39.90 $39.90 $39.90 $39.90 $39.90 $39.90 $3.49 $3.59 Neff Motivation BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Riddell BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's S&S Worldwide Scholastic Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports 2 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 26784 DESCRIPTION Wilson Evolution Official Basketball UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH B0516 $40.30 Sportsman's EACH EACH EACH DOZ PAIR Cranbarry FHS1 1050 HB4/O $24.90 $2.99 $0.28 $29.95 $3.90 Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Sportsman's Longstreth Scholastic Sports FIELD HOCKEY 9456 03237 03235 02275 02277 33 Inch Brine FSC1009 C100 Field Hockey Stick, Junior Varsity ‐ Each Field Hockey Official Scorebook ‐ Each Mouth Guard, Red ‐ Each Multi Turf Field Hockey Game Balls, Orange, TK (NFHS) ‐ Doz Shin Guards, Plastic With Velcro Straps ‐ Pair ‐ 73601 FOOTBALL 03272 1 Inch Football Belts, D‐Rings, Double Riveted, 60 Inch Long Specify Color ‐ Each EACH 11 Inch, Junior EZ Grip Football, Latex Free Synthetic Material, Assorted Colors ‐ 12107 6/Set 26823 1‐1/2 Metal T‐hook, (Football Shoulder Pad) ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ FBTH150XPK 01858 2 Inch Kickoff Tees, Rubber, Orange ‐ 66653 02135 Adult/Youth Knee Pad Set, Pro down ‐ Pair 02191 Coated‐Foam Football, Size 4 Intermediate ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 02142 Cramer Junior Mouth Guard With Strap ‐ Each 02131 Cramer Senior Mouth Guard With Strap ‐ Each 63400 Flag Belt System, 3 Flags, Medium 26‐38 Inch Waist ‐ 24/Set 71565 Foam Football, Brown, Size 4 ‐ 71565 01866 Football Cleats, Male Posts ‐ Each 41748 Fun Gripper Footballs, Size 2 ‐ 6/Set ‐ 41748 28309 Softex Football, Size 3, Assorted ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71522 28297 Wilson NCAA Intermediate Composite Football ‐ 62‐317 25063 Grip Zone Footballs ‐ 62‐561 8096 Mikasa F5500 Football, Size 4 Intermediate ‐ 62325 02123 Mikasa F5500 Size 5 Official NFHS Football 041230 Nerf Football 62299 Nike 1000 Football, Size 3, Junior ‐ 62299 02195 Poof Football, Size 3 Junior ‐ 41565 3803 Rawlings Official NAIA ST5 Full Grain Leather Football NFHS ‐ Each 28272 5 pad girdle 345‐1378918 SET PKG EACH PAIR SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 61431 29562 29563 EACH EACH EACH Rawlings ST5 Comp Football ‐ Size 4 ‐ Intermediate ‐ 61431 Schutt DNA PRO+ FTB Helmet, Navy ‐ Medium Schutt DNA PRO+ FTB Helmet, Navy ‐ Small FBBLT1 1205688 TH2 MSKICKOF KP2000R 1378966 1149494 71‐565 1/2MPOLY 1256659 71‐522 Rawlings 62‐561 022570 022567 40199XXX 078369 ST5 COMP FGP Rawlings‐Edge $0.63 BSN Sports BSN Sports $35.70 $11.00 $1.27 $1.82 $8.73 $0.27 $0.27 $37.68 $14.50 $0.08 $56.58 $63.00 $16.90 $11.02 $9.26 $9.61 $2.38 $13.90 $2.32 $24.90 $14.40 Sportsman's BSN Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport Sportsman's BSN Sports Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports Scholastic Sports School Specialty Scholastic Sports Sportsman's $19.90 $159.95 $159.95 Scholastic Sports Stadium System Stadium System 3 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 9508 26809 71522 27964 03577 26811 71925 28179 29770 DESCRIPTION Scrimmage Cap, Adult ‐ Specify Color ‐ 12/Set Scrimmage Helmet Cover Color ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Set Softex Football, Size 4, Assorted ‐ 6/Set ‐ MacGregor Spalding Alpha Football Varsity Official NYSPHSAA ‐ 72‐6758 Spiral Tech Football, Junior, 41667 Ultra Lite 3‐Piece Hip Pad ‐ FBULH3A Ultra Play Football, Size 4, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71925 Wilson NCAA 1003 GST Football, Size 5 ‐ 62‐308 Wilson NCAA 1003 GST Football, Size 5 ‐ 62‐308 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH 1071948 1071979 1255829 72‐6758 41‐667 FBULHP3A 71‐925 F1003 F1003 $17.04 $17.04 $40.80 $56.50 $7.12 $4.58 $14.50 $61.25 $61.25 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport Sportsman's Sportsman's EACH PKG DOZ DOZ EACH EACH EACH EACH DOZ 3084MXXX 16‐808 11‐707 $14.48 $9.72 $19.47 $23.90 $13.21 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $2.04 BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's GOLF 12169 8031 8032 5097 21137 20835 20836 20837 02166 10829 02164 8033 02163 5096 12171 #9 Iron Golf Club, Left Handed 1‐3/4 Inch Flexible Rubber Tees ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 16808 2 Inch Oversized Jumbo Foam Golf Balls ‐ Yellow ‐ Doz ‐ 11707 Callaway Golf Balls ‐ Doz Golf Practice Driving/Chipping Mat Innova Disc Golf Discs, Pro Driver Disc ‐ 20835 Innova Disc Golf Discs, Pro Mid‐Range Disc ‐ 20836 Innova Disc Golf Discs‐Pro Putter Disc ‐ 20837 Plastic Perforated Practice Golf Balls ‐ Doz ‐ 11519 Putt‐O‐Cups Set, Includes 6 Cups (4 Inch Hole), 6 Removable Flags ‐ Set ‐ 31158 Rewashed Used Golf Balls, Assorted Brands ‐ Doz ‐ 11153 Short Flyte Weighted Foam Practice Golf Balls ‐ Doz ‐ 11156 Spaulding Top Flight Golf Balls, X Out Variety Pack ‐ Doz Top Flite TL Distance Golf Balls ‐ Doz Whiffle Golf Balls ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 11‐519 SET DOZ DOZ DOZ DOZ PKG W10420 1282689 1282696 1282702 PLGB 1137545 BSN Sports PLGB $26.27 $6.90 $11.02 $14.90 $14.90 $2.04 Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's EACH 1468462 $134.43 School Specialty EACH DOZ SET EACH EACH EACH EACH LGSSG 10" K LBW 38‐544 Brine LCSCP S‐L $69.99 $14.40 $125.13 $69.90 $80.99 $149.50 $22.99 Longstreth Sportsman's Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports Longstreth Scholastic Sports Longstreth 11‐156 GYMNASTICS 88049 4' X 8' X 2 Inch Gym Mats LACROSSE 28332 02237 29742 28335 28324 28322 28321 10" black Sportstop STX Sultra Women's Lacrosse Goalie Gloves na Brine Lacrosse Ball, #LBW Or #LBO ‐ Doz Lacrosse Goal, Mini w/ Nets, 3' X 3' X 3' ‐ 2/Set ‐ 38‐544 Large and XL STX SULTRA WOMEN'S LACROSSE/FIELD HOCKEY GOALIE CHESST PROTE Large STX Shield 300 Lacrosse Goalie Chest Protector na Longstreth bownet portable lacrosse goal LOBOW Longstreth STX Lilly LASLCS LASLCS/color 4 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 28331 29773 29772 28348 28339 01908 28338 21128 DESCRIPTION Men's Lacrosse Scorebook ‐ Sportsmans NOCSAE / NFHS Certified Game Balls Lacrosse Ball, White ‐ 120/Case NOCSAE / NFHS Certified Game Balls Lacrosse Ball, Yellow ‐ 120/Case Sportsmans Bounce Back Target 4'x3' Lacrosse Wall Rebounder sportstop STX Challenger Wheelie Lacrosse Equipment Bag na STX Lacrosse Stick Ball Set Includes: 12 Sticks, 6 STXBALL, Indoor‐Outdoor Balls & Rulebook ‐ 10726 STX Precision Pocket Women's Lacrosse Stringing Kit na Warrior Mini Evo 4, lacrosse Set ‐ 12 Player Set ‐ 38‐644 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH CASE LS1M LBWN $4.70 $154.50 Sportsman's Sportsman's CASE EACH EACH SET EACH SET Martin W/Stamp LRB STXWBCH 1010 LRPP 38‐644 $159.00 $159.90 $95.95 Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Longstreth BSN Sports $116.88 $15.99 $204.78 Longstreth Gopher Sport $14.90 $78.90 $5.85 $27.10 $16.90 $16.90 $16.90 $3.90 $12.90 $12.90 $16.56 $14.89 $34.80 $10.90 $6.40 $6.40 $21.90 $15.80 $19.90 $14.89 $14.89 $1.38 $58.29 $9.72 $29.90 Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports School Specialty Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's School Specialty Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports SOCCER 26787 26785 02193 71570 9465D 9465C 9465B 26777 9468A 9468C 3827 03284 3796 01873 5111 5108 3790 03244 26791 9650 41091 9464 03290 03292 26828 1 Inch Velcro ‐ 12' Roll 60 Inch Official Corner Flags, Kwik Goal ‐ 4/Set ‐ 6B504 7 Inch Poof Soccer Ball ‐ 41566 8‐1/2 Inch Dura Ball Sport Balls ‐ 6/Set Adidas Basic GK Soccer Shorts ‐ Large ‐ Each Adidas Basic GK Soccer Shorts ‐ Medium ‐ Each Adidas Basic GK Soccer Shorts ‐ Small ‐ Each Adidas Field Sock II: White Adidas Valence Ultra E3S Soccer Goalie Gloves ‐ Size 7 ‐ Pair Adidas Valence Ultra E3S Soccer Goalie Gloves ‐ Size 9 ‐ Pair Ball Bag, Large, Holds 12 Soccer Balls, Vinyl, Black Brine Brine Voracity Soccer Ball, Meets NCAA Specs ‐ Each Brine Championship Soccer Ball NCAA ‐ Each Brine Evolution Soccer Ball, Size 5 ‐ Black ‐ 61565 Brine or McGregor Goalie Gloves, Size 7 ‐ Pair Brine or McGregor Goalie Gloves, Size 9 ‐ Pair Brine Phantom Soccer Ball, Size 5 ‐ 61640 Brine SBI‐HV Soccer Ball, Indoor Felt Cover Brine Triumph 3x GK Gloves Brine Voracity Soccer Ball ‐ 62005 Brine Voracity Soccer Ball, International 32 Panel ‐ Each Captain Arm Band, Specify Color ‐ Each Coated‐Foam Soccer Balls, Size 4 ‐ 6/Set Coated‐Foam Soccer Balls, Size 5 Official ‐ 41212 GK Spyne Pro Goalkeeper Glove ‐ GS0257 PKG SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH PAIR PAIR PAIR EACH EACH EACH EACH PAIR PAIR EACH EACH PAIR EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH Velcro Rolls 3169 018564 Select Select Select Twin City Brine Brine CB100 1378532 1378541 Brine Attack MCSGLVA7 MCSGLVA9 1390138 1378532 1378532 CAP 007292 41‐212 Brine 5 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 62151 62155 10392 28310 28273 29188 02181 03278 28178 26793 03277 21166 5115 5116 03281 26788 26799 12140 02147 3806 01869 8744 02335 01870 26790 26797 26776 26798 71111 21160 27965 24788 61699 Indoor Soccer Ball ‐ 6/Set ‐ 62‐151 Indoor Soccer Ball, Size 5 Indoor Striker Soccer Ball, Size 4, Champion Soccer Ball, Size 4 Sreamin, Assorted ‐ 71‐766 Gopher Fun Gripper Balls, Soccer, Size 4, 8" Diameter GA41‐644 School Smart No 4 Soccer Ball, Black/White ‐ 1004615 Mikasa Super‐Soft Soccer Ball, Size 5 ‐ Red ‐ 62027 Pear Sox Purple Orlon Tube Soccer Hose ‐ Pair Pear Sox Soccer Socks Orange Pear Sox Soccer Socks White Pear Sox White Orlon Tube Soccer Hose ‐ Pair Pop Up Soccer Goal, Fiberglass Frame, 48 X 32 X 32 ‐ 2/Set Puma Goalkeeper Jersey, Size XL ‐ Black / Sky ‐ Each Puma Inca Gloves, Size 10 ‐ Pair Rench Europa Goalkeeper Gloves ‐ Pair Royale Select Soccer Balls Orange/White, Size 5 Select 33 Goalie Gloves: Size 8 Size 4, Foam Soccer Ball, Embossed Surface ‐ 71‐366 Soccer Corner Posts, CSGL ‐ 4/Set Soccer Dry Erase Clip Boards Soccer Goal Nets, 5 Inch Square, 4mm , Alumagoal, Orange ‐ 2/Set Soccer Metal Award Pin ‐ 25/ Box Soccer Official NFSHSA Scorebook ‐ Sportsmans Soccer Official Scorebook ‐ Each Soccer Socks ‐ Black ‐ Nike Classic III Soccer Socks ‐ Orange ‐ #JY Soccer Socks: Adidas Metro III ‐ Black Soccer Socks: White ‐ #JY SoffPlay Soccer Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71111 Soft Score Plus Coated‐Foam Soccer, Assorted Color, Size 5 ‐ 71‐765 Spalding Soccer TF‐5000 Size 5, Official NYSPHSAA ‐ 64‐7929 Voit Fuzzie Voit Fuzzie SS 5ys Soccer Ball 02185 8754 12 Inch Incrediball Softball ‐ Each 30 Inch Worth Fast Pitch Softball Bat UOM SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH PAIR EACH PAIR PAIR SET EACH PAIR PAIR EACH PAIR EACH SET EACH SET BOX EACH EACH PAIR PAIR PAIR PAIR SET SET EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR VSBMFEL5 VSBMFEL5 $154.23 $14.23 $18.80 $150.35 $14.36 $8.09 $8.10 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $37.15 $29.90 $21.90 $34.90 $34.05 $22.90 $15.47 $16.27 $4.81 $98.60 $11.75 $2.88 $2.88 $6.08 $1.59 $5.80 $1.59 $47.48 $150.35 $31.80 $7.23 $7.23 Gopher Sport School Specialty Sportsman's Gopher Sport Gopher Sport School Specialty School Specialty Sportsman's Sportsman's Sportsman's Sportsman's School Specialty Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Neff Motivation Sportsman's Sportsman's BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports FPLA11 $3.90 $44.50 Scholastic Sports Sportsman's 62‐151 023799 3STAR4 71‐766 41‐644 1004615 1282632 PAS PAS PAS PAS 1385190 Select Brine Brine 1390172 71‐366 MSSOCFLGY 1388110 SN383PROY MI290G Softball SS1 SS1 NK394386 Pear Sox METRO Pear Sox 71‐111 71‐765 SOFTBALL EACH EACH 6 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 6511 9479 9475 41877 26801 24790 42089 8054 02221 26853 8747 27970 9476 DESCRIPTION 31 Inch Worth Fast Pitch Softball Bat ‐ Each Chin Strap For Rawlings Batter's Helmet Elastic, Fits RCS1, PL1, PL75R, PL95R, PLDLX, PL1W Models ‐ Each Dudley Softball, Yellow, Leather Cover NFHS, SB12LRFY‐FP‐NFHS ‐ Doz Easton IncrediBall Soft Softballs ‐11 Inch Yellow Nylon Cover, Foam Core ‐ 41877 Game Socks, Softball, Pear Sox ‐ Black Incrediball softouch leather softball PE02212E Individual Flat Big Bat, Blue ‐ 42‐089 Indoor/Outdoor Softball Bases, Grid Bottom Base, White ‐ 3/Set Jugs Softie Softball, Leather Cover, Official Size ‐ Doz Mizuno Classic Pro Soft Series 34 Inch GXS33 Fastpitch Softball Catcher's Mitt Softball Metal Award Pin ‐ 25/ Box Spalding SB‐12 Fast Pitch Softball Official NYSPHSAA ‐ Yellow ‐ 4H‐311Y ‐ Doz Trump Softball Scorebook, 11 Position, 31 Game, Big Book Classic, MG‐TRUMP‐ SBBIG ‐ Each UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH FPLA11 $44.50 Sportsman's EACH DOZ EACH PAIR EACH EACH SET DOZ EACH DOZ BHS PAS 42‐089 1772 Diamond Flex 1385193 MI210G Softball DOZ EACH $1.19 $61.90 $3.90 $1.60 $3.90 $12.56 $13.08 $54.90 $53.37 $11.75 $61.90 Big Red $2.90 Sportsman's Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports Neff Motivation Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports TRACK 02243 02256 02242 02257 02246 26794 02251 01915 02241 68827 01913 02248 02249 01914 02245 68825 02250 1.0 Kilo Gill Hollowood Wooden Discus ‐ Each 1.0 Kilo Hard Rubber Discus ‐ Portapit 1.6 Kilo Gill Hollowood Wooden Discus ‐ Each 1.6 Kilo Hard Rubber Discus ‐ Portapit 100' Open Reel Measuring Tape 11' Pacer Mystic Vaulting Pole ‐ 100 lb ‐ Gill 633545 12 Lb Indoor Shot With Polyethylene Shell ‐ 38354 12 Lb Iron Shot ‐ Portapit 14' ‐10 Inch Gill High Jump Crossbar ‐ Each 16 Inch Training Hurdles, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set 165' (50 M) Measuring Tape, Closed Reel ‐ 38260 330' Open Reel Measuring Tape ‐ 38258 4 Kilo Indoor Shot With Polyethylene Shell ‐ 38347 4 Kilo Iron Shot ‐ 8338 50' Closed Reel Measuring Tape ‐ Each 6 Inch Training Hurdles, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ 68‐825 8 Lb Indoor Shot With Polyethylene Shell ‐ Each EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH 313 ARD1.0XX 305 ARD1.6XX R100C MS11100 38‐354 ARSHOT12 AFHJ1500 1306558 F165 MSTAP330 38‐347 ARSHOT4K MSTAP50X PH66SET 3208 $210.60 $2.42 $224.40 $3.46 $6.18 $356.46 $76.25 $9.94 $88.64 $32.12 $8.60 $12.76 $58.47 $7.80 $3.08 $40.50 $68.60 Sportsman's BSN Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports School Specialty Sportsman's BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's Sportsman's 7 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 68826 9 Inch Training Hurdles, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ 68‐826 Aluminum Relay Baton, 1‐1/2 Dia x 11‐1/2 Inch L, Official Size, Specify Color: Silver, Green, Gold, Red, Blue, Blk And Purple SET 68‐826 $67.85 Gopher Sport 6508 6517 3811 02244 12135 02254 01912 26782 8745 Gill Essentials High Jump Standards, Steel Construction Black Powder‐Finish. 18 Inch Square Steel Base W/ Wheels, Height Scales English & Metric Adjusts From 2' to 8', 70 lbs. Meets High School And NCAA Specifications ‐ Pair Gill Track Baton ‐ Each Measuring Wheel (Track), Reads In Foot/Inch Up To 10,000' ‐ 38266 Over/Under Hurdles Fit Into Cones With 1.25 ‐ 1.5 Inch Opening ‐ 5/Set Shot / Discus Carrier ‐ 38461 Starting Pistol .32 Caliber ‐ Each Using Drills to Run Faster DVD, Track and Field ‐ 6257 Winged Foot Track Metal Award Pin ‐ 25/ Box EACH AALBAT $1.19 1375234 PAIR EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH DOZ AALBAT 38‐266 8806 SD10 MF # 4725 MF # 6257 MI505G wingfoot BSN Sports BSN Sports $267.55 $1.19 $51.97 $40.41 $4.25 $115.00 $25.00 $11.75 BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Sportsman's MFAC MFAC Neff Motivation VOLLEYBALL 12213 21118 9483 02160 28274 28361 6917 03264 25124 03263 25111 27966 27967 26825 29570 62503 02180 10 Inch Oversized Volleyball Trainer, Lite, Beginner, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 16 Inch Oversized Volleyball Trainer, Biggie ‐ 61‐265 Antimicrobial Volleyball Knee Pads ‐ Black ‐ Pair ‐ MacGregor Asics Standard Gel Volleyball Knee Pads ‐ Pair 10 inch volleyball trainer GA41‐865 No‐Sting Volleyball ‐ 030165 Competition / School Volleyball Net, 32' X 36 Inch, 2‐1/2 Inch White Vinyl Headband, 2.5 mm Knotted Nylon W/ 4 Inch Black Mesh Foldable Volleyball Antennas ‐ Pair Lite Volleyball, Rally, Official Size, White ‐ Voit Safety Post Pad ‐ Red ‐ Pair SoftPlay Volleyball Trainer ‐ 6/Set ‐ 60‐510 Spalding TF‐VB5 Volleyball Official NYSPHSAA ‐ 72‐1338 Spalding TF‐VB5 Volleyball Official NYSPHSAA ‐ 72‐1358 Tachikara Hammock Style Portable Ball Cart Tachikara NFHS Volleyball Navy‐White SV5WSCNW Tachikara Soft V Volleyball ‐ 62‐503 Tachikara Soft V Volleyball Trainer, Soft, Foam Backed Fabric Cover, Butyl Bladder ‐ 61820 SET EACH PAIR PAIR EACH EACH EACH PAIR EACH PAIR SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1297928 1363035 1310177 Mizuno 41‐865 030165 SNVBSP32Y 1394125 1392604 101239S 60‐510 1155389 1072280 1508059 W5833 $46.78 $13.77 $6.20 $9.49 $16.16 $8.02 $33.03 $53.59 $9.04 $211.29 $96.95 $40.90 $40.90 $89.20 $24.77 $8.64 $10.56 BSN Sports School Specialty BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Gopher Sport School Specialty BSN Sports School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports School Specialty S&S Worldwide 8 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 41103 02158 26810 3815 02157 26826 26803 11035 DESCRIPTION Tachikara SV12R Super‐Soft Volleyball ‐ 61796 Tachikara SV18L Volleyball ‐ 61759 Tachikara SV5W Gold Game Ball: Blue/White/Silver ‐ 60736 Tachikara SV‐5WM Volleyball, Leather ‐ White ‐ 61743 Tachikara SV‐5WS Sensi‐Tec Volleyball, NFHS, White Tachikara SV5WSC Practice Volleyball Ball: Orange/Black Tachikara SV5WSW Practice Volleyball Ball: Orange/Black Tachikara SV‐MNC Volley‐Lite Volleyball For 12 & Under Team Launch Parachute Volleyball Set, Includes 1 Ball and 6 Parachutes ‐ 01‐520 001520 02159 023778 17379 3816 Volleyball Knee Pads, One Size Fits All, White ‐ Pair ‐ MacGregor Volleyball Soft Econ O Trainer ‐ Voit Volleyball Soft Econ O Trainer, Oversized ‐ 60723 Volleyball Trainer DVD ‐ Training The Setter ‐ Peggy Martin ‐ Each 28349 02233 26827 9446 9450 02231 9444 3" mat tape case of 24 rolls wwmt3 4 Inch X 36 Yds Mat Tape, Clear ‐ Roll Brute Maxx Lite 4 Head Gear ‐ Boys ‐ Black Cliff Keen MC8 Germicidal Mat Cleaner, One Pkg/Pail Of Water ‐ 36 Pkg Kennedy Full Spectrum Disinfectant Wipes, 180 Wipes/Canisters ‐ 6/Case Wrestling Knee Pads, Specify: Small, Medium or Large ‐ Pair, Cliff Clean Wrestling Scorebook ‐ Sportsmans UOM EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET PAIR EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM NUMBER 44771 SV5W 1371299 024803 SV5WSC SV5WSC 1322201 01‐520 1310207 1342536 023774 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $8.80 $26.90 $38.40 $26.36 $24.42 $24.62 $24.62 $20.05 BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports School Specialty Sportsman's Sportsman's School Specialty Gopher Sport $163.93 $6.20 $5.72 $6.97 $49.90 BSN Sports BSN Sports School Specialty Scholastic Sports $97.44 $5.24 $17.54 $39.95 $79.50 $14.95 $2.95 Sportsman's Sportsman's BSN Sports Sportsman's Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Sportsman's WRESTLING CASE ROLL EACH PKG CASE PAIR EACH 3PST 4PST 1393480 MC8 BK64 WS1 ARCHERY SUPPLIES 23340 29758 01924 8763 21123 8760 8766 72170 02280 02284 10 X 36' Green Arrow Backstop Netting, High Performance, Indoor Archery Arrow Catching Nets ‐ 9100011 26 X 5/16 Inch Standard Hardwood Arrows With Feather Fletching ‐ Doz 28 X 5/16 Inch Standard Hardwood Arrows With Feather Fletching ‐ Doz 30 Inch Aluminum Arrows With Plastic Vanes ‐ Doz ‐ Easton 30 Inch Fiberglass Arrows With Plastic Vanes ‐ 12/Set 30 Inch Standard Hardwood Arrows With Feather Fletching, 5/16 Inch Dia Shaft ‐ Doz 36 Inch Bull's Eye Target Faces, Skirted ‐ 72174 36 Inch Self‐Healing Ethafoam Target ‐ 72170 48 Inch Bull's Eye Target Faces, Skirted ‐ 72181 60 Inch Bear Titan Recurve Bow For Ages 10 And Up, AMO 60 Length, 25 ‐ 29lb Draw Weight ‐ 72140 EACH DOZ DOZ DOZ SET DOZ EACH EACH EACH EACH 1233834 1160123 1162905 1380826 20021307 1162912 1282580 72‐170 1282566 72‐140 $197.50 $40.57 $40.58 $50.30 $31.38 $40.59 $7.94 $129.35 $12.54 $34.72 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport 9 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 21124 28311 8761 60 Inch Bow String, Double Loop ‐ 72‐520 34 X 34 Square Target Face ‐ 72‐548 Archery Nocks ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 72500 Genesis Compound Bow, NASP, 15 ‐ 30 Inch Draw Length, 10 ‐ 20 lbs Draw, Green, RIGHT Handed ‐ GX72‐018 HybriMAT School Practice Mat Archery Target ‐ 72‐547 On‐Guard Armguard EACH EACH PKG 72‐520 72‐548 72‐500 $6.47 $11.66 $18.17 Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport 21161 29759 3061 EACH EACH EACH EACH 72‐018 Gopher Sport 72‐547 3700 $164.90 $257.11 $1.30 Gopher Sport BSN Sports 3466 $10.94 BSN Sports BADMINTON / PADDLE BALL 4904 02293 6256 53337 3063 21149 24237 24238 02292 21115 21' X 30 Inch Badminton Net, 3/4 Inch Mesh, 1‐1/2 Reinforced Vinyl 24 Inch G1000 Junior Steel Badminton Racquet, Braided Nylon Strung ‐ MacGregor 26 Inch Aluminum/Steel MacGregor Badminton Racquet 26 Inch G1000 Junior Steel Badminton Racquet, Coated Steel String ‐ MacGregor 26 Inch Wilson Matchpoint Badminton Racquet 9 Inch Foam Paddle ‐ 6/Set ‐ US Games Carlton Aeroblade 3000 26 Inch Badminton Racquet ‐ 51‐028 Carlton F1 Tournament Shuttlecocks, Yellow ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 51‐052 Carlton F2 Tournament Shuttlecocks, White ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 51201 Carlton F2 Tournament Shuttlecocks, Yellow ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 51‐205 Carlton T800 Shuttlecocks, Badminton Birdies, Blue/Medium Speed, Yellow Skirt ‐ 8087 6/Pkg ‐ 51811 Carlton T800 Shuttlecocks, Badminton Birdies, Red/Fast Speed, White Skirt ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 3818 51820 6254 Pickle Ball Paddle 68746 Pickle Ball Set, Pro Yellow Ball ‐ 12/Set 68745 Pickle Ball Sets Official White Pickle‐Ball, 12/Set 6248 Pickle Ball, Official White, Outdoor ‐ 41631 6253 Pickle Ball, Yellow ‐ 41583 28288 Pickle Ball Set, Yellow Ball ‐ 12/Set ‐ 56‐037 28285 Pickleball Paddles, Full Size, 18 Paddles, 9 Balls/Set ‐ 53‐390 024548 Quick Set Badminton Net, 52 Inch H X 10' W ‐ 52260 24240 Recreational Shuttlecocks‐Medium Speed ‐6/Set ‐ MacGregor 53478 Shuttlecocks Medium Speed, Yellow Skirt ‐ MacGregor 24239 Ultra Net Portable Net Systems ‐ 53‐417 EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH PKG PKG PKG 1526 1524 1143294 1310122 1008104 1376932 PKG PKG EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH $1.96 $3.69 $3.90 $6.98 $42.96 $6.98 $6.80 $6.80 $6.80 $6.80 T800WHBL 003688 032922 032920 W5592 41‐583 56‐037 53‐390 024548 1762 1763 53‐417 $6.76 $15.44 $19.15 $18.64 $2.05 $2.11 $20.32 $179.10 $52.16 $4.93 $4.94 $134.83 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports BSN Sports School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty S&S Worldwide Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport 10 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 4543 45‐937 45‐951 45‐568 W9285 1281095 $14.78 $33.90 $161.85 $43.60 $18.00 $68.51 BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BOWLING 011303 8049 45951 02317 17331 8011 28277 21131 EACH 2‐1/2 Lb Rubber Bowling Balls EACH 2‐1/2 lb Tuff Stryke Foam Weighted Bowling Ball Blue ‐ 45937 SET 3 Lb Rubberized Plastic Bowling Balls, X‐Force, 6/Set ‐ 45951 SET 4 Lb Rubberized Plastic Bowling Balls, Blue ‐ 45‐568 EACH 5 Lb Rubber Bowling Ball SET Ultra Strike Coated‐Foam Bowling Balls, 6 Colors/Set ‐ Voit UltraPin Nonweighted Bowling Pin basic set‐ 10 pins, pin set‐up template and score SET pad GA45‐960 SET Weighted Basic Traditional Bowling Set ‐ 10/Set ‐ 45‐964 45‐960 Gopher Sport W2577 $63.00 $23.99 S&S Worldwide 87‐225 $42.03 Gopher Sport CLIMBING EQUIPMENT / SUPPLIES 87225 EACH Hoop Holder ‐ 87‐225 FLOOR HOCKEY 23341 53387 8824 24233 24236 24235 8759 8056 36 Inch Shield LTG Elementary Floor Hockey Sticks, 2 Balls ‐ 12/Set ‐ Life Time Guarantee ‐ 1321032 40 Inch Goalie Stick ‐ 10‐190 47 Inch Aluminum‐Shaft Hockey Set, 12 Sticks, 2 Balls ‐ Shield 52 Inch Black Aluminum Shaft Hockey Stick ‐ 17‐583 54 Inch DOM Floor Hockey Sticks, Fiberglass ‐ 12/Set ‐ 17‐405 Blue Indoor Hockey Blade Only ‐ 3/Set Floor Hockey Ball, PVC ‐ 3/Set Folding Multi‐Purpose Hockey Goals, 4' H X 6' W, Steel Frame, Nylon Net, Hook & Loop Closure ‐ 2/Set ‐ FHG‐46PR Goalie Pads, Large, 32 Inch ‐ 2/Set ‐ Mylec Mylec Folding PVC Floor Hockey Goal With Net, 54 X 44 X 24 Inch ‐ 17044 Scooter Board Floor hockey ‐ 12/Set ‐ 10728 Shield Replacement Hockey Blades, Blue ‐ 17‐943 Shield Replacement Hockey Blades, Red ‐ 17‐942 Shield Wood‐Shaft Indoor Floor Hockey Stick, Specify Color ‐ 17079 Soft Shot Floor Hockey Puck, 2‐3/4 In., Orange ‐ 3/Set 29736 42 Inch Fiberglass Shaft Hockey Stick ‐ 17‐897 21152 24234 21139 17583 21114 17008 17330 SET EACH SET EACH SET SET SET SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH 1321032 868XXXXX 10577XXX 17‐583 17‐405 894BL 1040234 FHG‐46PR $67.45 $13.32 $209.72 $29.05 $247.58 $2.96 $0.86 School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports S&S Worldwide W3580 1065336 737 17‐943 17‐942 2002745 1040944 $377.29 $59.46 $34.21 $15.14 $3.04 $3.04 $13.91 $0.85 S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports EACH 17‐897 $22.26 Gopher Sport SET PKG SET 10‐121 1100500 10‐122 $6.47 $49.07 $6.47 Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport HOCKEY SWIMMING / AQUATICS 25109 8025 25110 10 Inch FUNoodles Noodle Connecter w/ Holes ‐ 3/Set 10‐121 2‐5/8 X 59 Inch Fun Noodles (US Games #US‐1100500) ‐ 32/Pkg 9 Inch FUNoodles Noodle Connecter ‐ 3/Set 10‐122 11 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 21165 21164 8069 86515 DESCRIPTION Swim Finx ‐ Medium ‐ size 7‐9 ‐ TYR Swim Finx ‐ Small ‐ size 5‐7‐ TYR Water Game Tube, Heavy Duty 13 Gauge Vinyl, Dual Bonded Handles ‐ 86635 Water Gear Goggle, Blue Lens ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ TYR UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH SET 1371332 1371331 $20.38 $20.38 BSN Sports BSN Sports 86‐635 EACH PKG 1307320 $14.92 $28.68 SET DOZ PKG CASE EACH 71‐410 MTPENBAL W10836 T1001 54‐005 $11.67 $8.96 $12.34 $59.28 $28.76 Gopher Sport BSN Sports TENNIS 01944 02174 52150 9472 28287 02170 02173 02171 Deck Tennis Rubber Rings ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71410 Penn Practice Tennis Balls ‐ Doz Quick Start Tennis Balls ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 52‐150 Wilson Extra‐Duty Championship Tennis Balls ‐ 72/Case ‐ 54084 21 Inch Wilson US Open Junior Tennis Racquet ‐ 54‐005 27 Inch Midsize Aluminum Tennis Racquet With Nylon Strings ‐ MacGregor 27 Inch Oversized Aluminum Tennis Racquet With Nylon Strings ‐ MacGregor Penn Coach Tennis Balls, Yellow Mix Blems xxx Out ‐ Doz ‐ 51115 EACH EACH DOZ MTSRAQ38 MTMRAQ38 $6.41 Gopher Sport BSN Sports S&S Worldwide Sportsman's Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports 51‐115 $7.92 $2.95 Gopher Sport 427 1035612 1035612 10‐143 429 $1.70 $19.20 $0.80 $31.95 $2.10 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports TABLE TENNIS 3821 6931 02190 8758 41389 4902 23338 1 Star Table Tennis Paddle 2 Star Table Tennis Balls ‐ 144/Pkg 3 Star Table Tennis Balls ‐ 6/Pkg 70 Inch Stiga Premium Table Tennis Net And Post Set ‐ 10143 Deluxe Table Tennis Paddle, 5 Ply, Hardwood Handle, Rubber Face Stiga InstaPlay Table Tennis Table, High Density Fiber‐Board W/ Green Low Reflectivity Multi‐Coated Surface. Fully Assembled, 3' Rubber Wheels, Net And Posts, 180 L X 60W X 30 Inch H Stiga STS 520 Ping Pong Table ‐ GW16‐892 EACH PKG PKG SET EACH 1276176 SET EACH PKG EACH EACH BSN Sports 1375131 $458.36 $726.40 BSN Sports 1015911 1291995 1291940 $4.32 $10.81 $5.41 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports WEIGHT LIFTING 84518 29756 29755 8084 11777 2 Inch Weight Spring Collars ‐ 2/Pkg Dumbbells, Neoprene Coated ‐ 10 lb ‐ 68‐909 Dumbbells, Neoprene Coated ‐ 5 lb ‐ 68‐899 Lat Bar Package, Includes: 20 Inch Rotating Straight Bar, Tricep Lat Rope And 'V' Shaped Press Down Bar ‐ Set Weighted Vests And Weights, Specify Size 25076 29757 10 Inch Coated‐Foam Balls, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71‐721 10 Inch Kickballs, Ultra Flight, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit SET EACH 1051377 1369608 $29.93 $34.38 71‐721 1282108 $152.75 $20.75 BSN Sports BSN Sports BALLS - MISCELLANEOUS SET SET Gopher Sport BSN Sports 12 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 29732 29664 027152 041517 71509 8005 29743 21170 25071 12174 28317 71348 71690 25064 71556 17387 25070 29640 71439 29753 29754 DESCRIPTION 18 ‐ 24 Inch Omnikin Replacement Bladder ‐ 11‐308 18 In. Hop Along Ball Bouncers ‐ US Games 18 Inch Omnikin 'Six' Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ GY47‐015 3 Inch High‐Density Premium Fleece Balls, Assorted Colors ‐ 3/Set 3.5 Inch Play Ball Coated Foam Play Ball, Low Density ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 4 Inch High Density Premium Fleece Balls ‐ White 4 Inch High Density Premium Fleece Balls Rainbow ‐ 6/Set 4 Inch High Density Premium Fleece Balls, Assorted ‐ 6/Set 48 Inch Omnikin Ball, Nylon Cover, Replaceable Bladder ‐ 11‐319 6 Lb Medicine Ball 4.4 lb champion sports medicine ball CSMEDBALL4.4RED 6.3 Inch Diameter Ball, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 6.3 Inch Diameter Orange Dodge Ball ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 7 Inch Coated Foam Dodgeballs ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 8‐1/2 Inch Kick Ball, Red ‐ Voit Ball Launcher PE07221E Omnikin Rule Book ‐ 10‐999 Reaction Ball, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set Rugby Ball ‐ Size 5 Official ‐ 71439 Tremor Slam Ball ‐ 15 lb Tremor Slam Ball ‐ 20 lb UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH SET Set SET EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH 1313895 1256772 47‐015 033073 1369509 W4837003 W4836 W4836 20020170 1266290 RMB2 1378948 1378950 1369579 VPG85HXX 20032512 10‐999 W8434 022516 1375504 1375505 $13.67 $7.16 $253.69 $3.90 $12.77 $2.56 $14.94 $14.94 $215.06 $11.94 $26.60 $29.66 $29.58 $40.35 $2.44 $25.19 $14.27 $6.71 $5.88 $15.48 $20.75 BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport School Specialty BSN Sports S&S Worldwide S&S Worldwide S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport S&S Worldwide School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports SET SET SET SET SET SET SET 38‐591 1181555 1378950 000326 1378948 1378948 1369579 $8.42 $18.26 $29.58 $77.55 $29.66 $29.66 $40.35 Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports SET SET EACH SET EACH SET 2448 11‐027 2450 71‐591 2451 1304320 $4.32 $15.57 $0.91 $48.45 $1.26 $4.73 BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports School Specialty FOAM BALLS 21146 71720 8013 8012 71342 17357 21106 2‐1/4 Inch Foam Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 38‐591 5 Inch Play Ball Coated Foam Ball, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 6.3 Inch Orange SoftiBall Coated Foam Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 6.3 Inch Screamin Green SoftiBall Coated Foam Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 47401 6.3 Inch SoftiBall Coated Foam Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 6.3 Inch Super SoftiBall Coated Foam Balls, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 7 Inch SoftiBall Coated Foam Balls, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit INFLATABLE BALLS - MISCELLANEOUS 71590 11027 12166 71591 8047 11066 12 Inch Beach Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ US Games 15 Inch Beach Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 11027 16 Inch Heavy Duty Beach Ball, US Games 18 Inch Kowabunga Beach Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71‐591 20 Inch Heavy Duty Beach Ball, US Games 24 Inch Beach Balls ‐ 6/Set 13 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 61862 17392 23378 10947 8128 DESCRIPTION 33 Inch Stability, Exercise, Therapy Ball ‐ 61862 40 Inch Omnikin Replacement Ball Bladder 48 Inch Kin‐ball W/ Extra Bladder ‐ Pink ‐ 10‐946 48 Inch Omnikin Replacement Bladders ‐ 10947 Inflation Ball Gauge UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 61‐862 027156 027125 1071450 1369558 $18.11 $14.17 $48.58 $35.94 $13.76 Gopher Sport School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH 1293617 1293605 087986 000326 W4791 1293611 1293609 VPG85HXX 1293615 44015XXX 71‐350 081474 $2.28 $1.12 $19.04 $77.55 $8.81 $5.62 $2.05 $2.44 $11.96 $8.96 $144.53 $68.99 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Gopher Sport S&S Worldwide School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports School Specialty BSN Sports Gopher Sport School Specialty 3200 426306 1139983 $2.72 $2.47 $144.76 BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports PLAYGROUND BALLS 02178 02175 31930 4906 02189 29190 02176 02177 12210 21142 28308 31496 10 Inch Playground Ball ‐ Yellow ‐ 71304 6 Inch Playground Ball 6.25 In Foam Coated Medium Bounce Dodgeball, Yellow/Black 6‐3/8 Inch Screamin Orange Coated Foam Dodge Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 47433 8 Inch Gator Skin ‐ Each 8‐1/2 in Playground Ball, Blue ‐ 1293611 8‐1/2 Inch Playground Ball ‐ Red ‐ 71143 8‐1/2 Inch Playground Ball ‐ Yellow ‐ Voit 8‐1/2 Inch Playground Balls, Rubber ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set 8‐1/4 Inch DuraCoat Foam Dodgeball, Red ‐ 6/Set ‐ Voit 8‐1/4 Inch Screamin Orange Coated Foam Dodge Balls ‐ 6/Set ‐ 71‐350 Rhino Skin Dodgeballs, Set of 6 ‐ 081474 BALL GAMES 10400 8042 03297 8061 EACH 30 Inch Whiffle Ball Bat, US Games SET Air‐Lite Whiffle Balls, Baseball Size ‐ 6 Colors/Set ‐ 41635 SET Broom Ball Set, Elementary ‐ 12 Player Set Deluxe Bocce Set, Med Weight Balls, 50 mm, Includes 8 Balls, 1 Pallino And Bag ‐ 58‐ SET 121 Tchoukball Pack Complete Set, Includes 2 Nets, Ball, Rules, Book, DVD ‐ 58‐000 58000 21154 8041 02197 42553 Ultra Catch Jumbo Scoops ‐ 12/Set ‐ 58‐175 Whiffle Balls, Softball Size ‐ 6 Color/Set Whiffle Balls, Softball Size 4 ‐ 41649 Yellow Whiffle Balls, 6/Set ‐ 42553 12121 20385 20550 03295 20386 3 Inch Round, Bean Bag Veggie And Fruit Toss Combo ‐ 12/Set 4 Inch Bean Bags ‐ 6/Set ‐ 20‐385 5 Inch Bean Bags, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set 5 X 5 Inch Bean Bags, Nylon ‐ 6/Set 6 Inch Bean Bags ‐ 6/Set ‐ 20‐386 SET SET SET EACH SET SET SET SET SET SET 58‐121 58‐000 $83.85 Gopher Sport Gopher Sport 1270402 1503872 PLSB PLSBY $428.35 $21.45 $3.19 $0.54 $3.48 BSN Sports School Specialty Sportsman's Sportsman's 1295842 20‐385 1039900 1039900 20‐386 $15.08 $9.72 $4.44 $4.44 $11.02 School Specialty Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BEAN BAGS 14 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 29744 DESCRIPTION Baggo Beanbag Game ‐ 41‐884 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR SET 1269000 $78.88 BSN Sports EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 2217 20023112 02‐130 1347784 20023118 85‐853 MSABWHLX 7137 $103.94 $45.75 $92.10 $14.98 $51.75 $48.72 $4.78 $8.38 BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports FITNESS SUPPLIES / EQUIPMENT 21158 29749 29729 69739 29750 85853 21211 6242 29763 68285 28304 21132 8073 28307 31491 68919 86047 8004 28303 28306 21153 31490 31928 31934 8168 8010 8756 31493 28302 21133 11 Inch Insta‐Pulse Hand Held Unit ‐ 91‐146 12 Inch Plyo Box 12 Sided Fitness Die ‐ 6/Set ‐ 02‐130 15 Lb Troy Rubber Coated Dumbbells 18 Inch Plyo Box 2' X 4' Maxfit Workout Mat, 1 Inch thick, Folding, Blue ‐ 85‐853 3 lb Double Ab Wheel 3/8 Inch Thick Foam Workout Mats, 48 X 40 Inch ‐ Blue 30 Inch Square Interlock Rubber Floor Tiles 1/2 in. Thick ‐ Center ‐ Ultimate RB EACH EACH 36 Inch Ultra Fit Foam Roller, Semi‐Firm EACH 24 Inch Spooner Balance Trainer Board ‐ 68‐553 EACH 4' X 8' Tumble Pro 1‐3/8 Inch Thick, Polyethylene/Foam Mat ‐ GSC EACH 55 Cm Stability Ball ‐ Green EACH 65 cm Stability Balls, 26 Inch ‐ 71‐015 EACH 65cm Economy Play and Exercise Ball, Green ‐ 010523 EACH 7 Lb Vinyl Coated Dumbbells EACH Agility Ladder, 15' X 16‐1/2 Inch EACH Agility Ladder, 29‐1/2' X 17 Inch ‐ 86937 EACH BODYBLADE‐ classic 0‐22 lb. resistance CA68‐462 EACH BOSU Balance Trainer ‐ 69‐238 SET Busy Body Exercise Cards ‐ Roylco EACH Cando Medium Theraputty, 2 oz, Green ‐ 008006 EACH Cando Theraputty, Different Resistances, Set of 6 ‐ 1387127 CanDo X‐Heavyweight Exercise Tube with Handles, 48 L in, Rubber Latex, Black ‐ 1493 EACH EACH Economy Agility Ladder ‐ Each Fitness Skillastics Game Board & Supplies (Grades 1 ‐ 5) Includes: PVC Activity Mat, 6 Dice, 6 Beanbags, 6 Mini Game Mats, Instruction Manual And Storage Bag Flex‐Tester Sit And Reach Tester, Measurement In Inches And Centimeters Sportime 12‐3/4 in StabilityPad ‐ 026616 Wobble Board ‐ 68‐302 Yoga CD & DVD ‐ 86‐932 20015530 1377211 68‐553 1044492DS 1335880 71‐015 010523 1291964 15781 86‐937 550839 268274 1281960 008006 1387127 551618 1271560 $21.14 $12.86 $40.45 $170.29 $7.19 $34.87 $23.39 $7.57 $32.07 $58.15 $43.61 $103.84 $13.38 $4.49 $23.99 $6.58 $9.74 1098464 SET EACH EACH EACH SET BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport School Specialty BSN Sports MEDCO Gopher Sport MEDCO MEDCO School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty MEDCO BSN Sports BSN Sports $192.34 W9327 026616 68‐302 86‐932 $64.75 $26.99 $53.30 $32.47 S&S Worldwide School Specialty Gopher Sport Gopher Sport 15 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET SET SET EACH SET SET 1024135 1475761 17314 17316 1172560 1040043 1343670 1040159 W4998002 1004677 1040067 022159 1004680 022161 1475760 1343694 1323382 17330 1172539 1188325 1040142 70‐088 $15.06 $1.55 $2.08 $2.36 $9.89 $3.48 $4.31 $5.88 $6.26 $3.98 $0.69 $0.89 $3.89 $2.69 $1.44 $5.32 $12.84 $4.05 $4.95 $64.71 $5.10 $145.79 BSN Sports School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports S&S Worldwide School Specialty BSN Sports School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport ROLL ROLL EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 020416 020418 1249804 W10642 262647 262645 262646 551610 551608 68‐680 $5.82 $6.29 $4.88 $26.43 $2.80 $2.40 $2.60 $6.01 $5.43 $17.94 School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports S&S Worldwide MEDCO MEDCO MEDCO MEDCO MEDCO Gopher Sport SET 1206258 $4.35 BSN Sports JUMP ROPES 8139 12152 12134 12153 17332 29734 8767 8059 02321 8060 12150 022159 31939 31492 12151 8767C 29733 11679 011351 29748 11670 24786 1 Lb Heavy Rope Jump Rope ‐ 86755 10' Licorice Speed Jump Rope ‐ 6/Set 14' Double Dutch Speed Rope ‐ 2/Set ‐ 11677 16' Double Dutch Jump Rope ‐ 2/Set ‐ 41‐033 16' Polypropylene Jump Rope ‐ 6/Set ‐ 11‐354 6' Speed Jump Ropes ‐ 11‐950 7' Link N Speed Jump Ropes ‐ 6/Set ‐ 10‐090 7' Segmented Jump Rope, Red Handle ‐ 6/Set ‐ 11671 8' Jump Rope ‐ 6/Set 8' Jump Rope, Yellow Handle, 6/Set 8' Licorice Speed Jump Rope ‐ 11‐682 8' Segmented Jump Rope School Smart 16 ft Plastic Links Jump Rope, Green School Smart 9 ft Plastic Links Jump Rope, Blue ‐ 022161 9' Licorice Speed Jump Rope ‐ 6/Set 9' Link N Speed Jump Ropes ‐ 6/Set 9' Segmented Jump Ropes with Foam‐Covered Handles ‐ 6/Set ‐ 11‐869 EZ Grip Double‐Dutch Ropes 30' L Red Handle ‐ 2/Set ‐ 11‐331 Jump Ropes, Polypropylene ‐ 6/Set ‐ 11‐351 Rope and Hoop Rack ‐ 43‐710 Segmented Jump Ropes ‐ 6/Set ‐ 11‐670 Warrior Rope Sets ‐ 70‐088 RESTANCE BANDS / TUBES 020416 020418 1379109 1429593 69074 69072 69073 28301 28300 28305 6 Inches X 6 Yards, Non Latex Exercise Band, Light Resistance 6 Inches X 6 Yards, Non Latex Exercise Band, Medium Resistance Fitness Resistance Tube with Handle ‐ Light ‐ Green ‐ Cando Fitness Resistance Tubing Exercises Posters ‐ 2/Set ‐ 1429593 Loop, Heavy Resistance, Blue ‐ Cando Loop, Light Resistance, Green ‐ Cando Loop, Medium Resistance, Red ‐ Cando Resistance Tubing with Plastic Handles, Heavy, Blue ‐ Cando Resistance Tubing with Plastic Handles, Medium, Red ‐ Cando Strength band traning Book ‐ 68‐680 GAMES / ACTIVITIES 12139 15 Inch Square, Scarf Juggling Scarves ‐ US Games ‐ 12/Set 16 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 17878 12136 28313 28319 28267 12176 29730 20413 42110 58024 58116 58075 21103 29752 29765 29766 15' X 40 Inch Pathway Super Enormous Tunnel ‐ 17‐878 24' Grip Parachute With 22 Handles ‐ US Games 20' Diameter Parachute Without Handles ‐ 85‐942 6' parachute GA85‐940 20 mobility chute 410537 6' Grip Chute, 6 Handles, US Games 60 Inch FUNoodles Noodle Round Foam Rods ‐ 24/Set ‐ 10‐120 Balance Feathers ‐ 12/Set ‐ 20‐413 Big Bopper Birdies, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ US Games Blindfolds ‐ 6/Set ‐ 58024 Bulls Eye Velcro Catch Mitts ‐ 2/Set ‐ US Games Bulls Eye Washer Game Cooperative Maze Game, 6 Balls, Maze and Mesh Bag ‐ Set ‐ 01‐358 Croquet Set Dart Board Set ‐ 90‐036 Darts ‐ 3/Set ‐ 90‐037 Fitdeck Instructional Yoga Card Set with Standing, Forward Bends, Back Bends, 1385834 Twisting, Lying Down and Strength ‐ 56/Set 21207 Fitness Dice ‐ 2/Set ‐ 41‐605 12448 Foosball Balls ‐ 12/Pkg 29639 Juggling Sticks ‐ PE05613E 58310 Ladder Ball Game, 2 Targets, 6 Bolos ‐ Set ‐ 58310 28173 NitroBall ‐ Basic Pack ‐ 58‐142 86406 Rescue Tubes & Torpedo Cans ‐ Large Rescue Tube ‐ 86406 1463511 Rythm Drum‐N‐Store Bucket, 6/Set 58233 Speed Stacking Cups, Blue ‐ 12/Set 25115 Spikeball Game Set 58‐196 12187 Standard Playing Cards 041286 Tag‐It Foam Mitts, 11 X 9 Inch ‐ 6/Set ‐ 41‐286 21147 Tag‐It Mitts ‐ 6/Set ‐ 41‐286 17329 Walkaroo Stilts ‐ 10117 58340 Washers Game Toss Set UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH SET 17‐878 1040029 85‐942 85‐940 410537 1040005 10‐120 W5076 1126365 1140217 1039894 1268874 01‐358 1152043 90‐036 90‐037 $193.03 $67.20 $107.10 $21.56 $2,088.00 $9.03 $58.47 $11.73 $16.75 $3.67 $4.42 $21.80 $92.10 $37.39 $42.22 $7.77 Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Sportsman's BSN Sports Gopher Sport S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport SET SET PKG SET SET SET EACH SET SET SET SET SET SET PAIR SET PKG EACH SET 1385834 School Specialty 1142556 W4310 1276831 1257021 58‐142 86‐406 1463511 018495 W12310 GA30 41‐286 41‐286 10‐117 1268874 $8.74 $5.48 $5.18 $15.17 $45.28 $96.95 $74.11 $84.23 $12.85 $38.32 $0.57 $67.85 $67.85 $44.63 $21.80 BSN Sports S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport School Specialty School Specialty S&S Worldwide S&S Worldwide Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport BSN Sports 008320 17842 1126327 $9.23 $31.10 $5.56 School Specialty MEDCO BSN Sports SUPPLIES / EQUIPMENT 12119 12 Inch Multi‐Colored Balloons ‐ 144/Pkg 8129 15 X 18 Inch Slipp‐Nott Pads (SNR‐60) ‐ 60 Sheets/Pad ‐ 65232 004549 36 Inch Ribbon Wands ‐ 6/Set 17 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 12125 17376 DESCRIPTION Flag Football Replacement Flags, Specify Color ‐ 12/Set ‐ US Games Pedometer ‐ 12/Set ‐02095 UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR SET SET MSFLAGS 596473 $2.32 $61.98 BSN Sports MEDCO SET SET SET SET EACH SET SET SET SET SET 20025046 6060 MSP W8869 MSP W8550 1428918 1284390 1428916 1284389 $10.97 $26.52 $18.95 $5.85 $1.60 $38.26 $27.87 $27.84 $27.87 $28.43 BSN Sports BSN Sports Sportsman's S&S Worldwide Sportsman's S&S Worldwide School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty ACTIVITY SPOTS 93022 21127 29726 010829 28344 29735 68812 68699 68697 17352 12098 5 Inch Poly Spots, Assorted Colors Vinyl ‐ 6/Set ‐ 93022 9 Inch Numbered Poly Spots ‐ 10/Set ‐ 93‐308 9 Inch Vinyl Spots ‐ 12/Set ‐ Blue ‐ 10‐832 9 Inch Vinyl Spots, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set Poly spots Fitness Spots ‐ 10/Set ‐ 17‐841 Hot Spot Exercise Spots, Cardio Training ‐ 12/Set Hot Spot Exercise Spots, Core Training ‐ 12/Set Hot Spot Exercise Spots, Stability Ball ‐ 12/Set Hot Spot Exercise Spots, Tubing ‐ 12/Set Hot Spots Partner Exercise Set, Bright Graphics Printed On Anti‐Slip, Tear Resistant Rubber Material For Circuit Training Or Exercise Stations ‐ 12 Discs/Set W8937 SET S&S Worldwide $31.58 KETTLEBELLS 69794 69795 69796 69797 15 Lb Kettleball Rubber Kettlebell ‐ 69‐123 20 Lb Kettleball Rubber Kettlebell ‐ 69‐124 25 Lb Kettleball Rubber Kettlebell ‐ 69‐125 30 Lb Kettleball Rubber Kettlebell ‐ 69‐126 EACH EACH EACH EACH 596595 596596 596597 596598 $23.03 $30.71 $38.38 $46.06 MEDCO MEDCO MEDCO MEDCO SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH MB21 SNBCNETO SNBCNET 1257663 SNBCNETC PDM W10166 $14.10 $12.72 $2.12 $15.20 $2.12 $24.85 $5.93 Sportsman's BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Riddell S&S Worldwide EACH 53‐353 $9.72 Gopher Sport MESH BAGS 10102 89940 01947 12206 01946 10825 3809 18 X 24 Inch Washable Mesh Storage Bags ‐ 6/Set 24 X 36 Inch Heavy Duty Mesh Storage Bags ‐ Orange ‐ 6/Set 32 X 36 Inch Heavy Duty Mesh Equipment Bag ‐ Each 32 X 36 Inch Heavy Duty Mesh Storage Bags, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set 36 Inch L X 32 Inch W Mesh Net Ball Bag With Drawstrings, Black 40 L X 30 Inch W Mesh Net Ball Bag With Drawstrings, Black 45 X 36 Inch W Mesh Bags, XX‐Large ‐ Blue EYE / MOUTH PROTECTION 29751 6459 02330 28286 Eye Protection Glasses w/ Elastic Strap ‐ 53‐353 Eye Protection, Bangerz HS3700 Goggles For Hockey And Lacrosse. Meets ASTM F803. Stretched 'Cat‐Eye' Configuration, Form‐Fitting, Hypo Allergenic Padding And Adjustable Double Head Strap Eye Protectors US Games, USG1720 ‐ Each Protective Eyewear, Multiuse Eye Guard w/ Elastic Strap ‐ 53‐415 HS3700 EACH EACH EACH 1720 53‐415 BSN Sports $23.53 $5.38 $9.86 BSN Sports Gopher Sport 18 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 3799 39512 DESCRIPTION Mouth Guards, No Strap ‐ Each Small Safety Glasses ‐ Head UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH 1050 1238983 $0.28 $6.83 Sportsman's BSN Sports EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PAIR PAIR PAIR SET SET SET SET SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG CAP C46ROXXX C46KEXXX C46ORXXX C46PUXXX C46SCXXX C46GOXXX MCSGLVY6 MCSGLVA8 MCSGLVA9 C46 C47NROXX C47NKEXX C47NORXX C47NPUXX C47NSCXX C47NGOXX SV4 SV4 SV3 29‐081 29‐083 $1.34 $1.30 $1.30 $1.30 $1.30 $1.30 $1.30 $5.80 $6.40 $6.40 $15.60 $19.33 $19.33 $19.33 $19.33 $19.33 $19.33 $3.95 $3.95 $3.90 $2.57 $2.57 Sportsman's BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports BSN Sports Riddell Riddell Riddell Gopher Sport Gopher Sport PKG PKG PKG TSP12 1/4TS MF # 4632 $7.19 $6.96 $8.00 Riddell Sportsman's MFAC $12.90 $38.90 Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports VESTS / GLOVES / PROTECTION 9461 8098 29740 8071 8016 8099 8017 14698 3604 3605 29210 8091 14693 14692 14694 8089 8090 12198 12199 29191 29081 29083 Captain's Armband, Adult ‐ Each Classic Mesh Vests, Large ‐ Blue Classic Mesh Vests, Large ‐ Green Classic Mesh Vests, Large ‐ Orange Classic Mesh Vests, Large ‐ Purple Classic Mesh Vests, Large ‐ Red Classic Mesh Vests, Large ‐ Yellow Goalie Gloves, Women's Size 6 ‐ Pair Goalie Gloves, Women's Size 8 ‐ Pair Goalie Gloves, Women's Size 9 ‐ Pair Mesh Vests, Medium ‐ 12/Set ‐ Specify Color Numbered Mesh Vest ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Set Numbered Mesh Vest ‐ Green ‐ 12/Set Numbered Mesh Vest ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Set Numbered Mesh Vest ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Set Numbered Mesh Vest ‐ Red ‐ 12/Set Numbered Mesh Vest ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Set Scrimme Pinnie ‐ Full Size ‐ Blue Scrimme Pinnie ‐ Full Size ‐ Green Sportime Youth Mesh Scrimmage Vest, Green Wrist Bands, Red Team ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 29‐081 Wrist Bands, Yellow Team ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 29‐083 01934 01932 01933 1/2 Inch Pyramid 4633 Spikes ‐ 100/Pkg 1/4 Inch Pyramid 4631 Spikes ‐ 100/Pkg 3.8 mm Pyramid 4632 Spikes ‐ 100/Pkg CLEATS / SPIKES COACH / REFEREE / UMPIRE SUPPLIES 02260 02262 12133 3073 01894 .22 Caliber Starting Blanks, Smoke ‐ 50/Box .32 Caliber Starting Blanks, Black Powder ‐ 50/Box 1/6 HP, Air Compressor Mini Super Duty, 80 Psi Max Output, 1 Amp, 110V Power With Pressure Gauge Reads 0‐30 Psi 2 Inch Ball Inflation Needles, Threaded ‐ Doz Baseball / Softball Official Scorebook ‐ Sportsmans BOX BOX EACH DOZ EACH EP1500 W10980 BS2000 $48.48 $0.96 $2.77 Sportsman's S&S Worldwide Sportsman's 19 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 003490 716170 MSHNINFSY 1471193 HIP 61‐800 $5.07 $10.00 $17.96 $18.97 $39.18 $6.90 $5.28 $23.56 $5.90 $24.40 $93.90 $115.00 $8.03 $21.03 $4.90 $12.75 $6.62 $2.48 $1.14 $4.99 $61.72 BSN Sports School Specialty Gopher Sport School Specialty MEDCO Sportsman's BSN Sports S&S Worldwide Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Scholastic Sports MFAC BSN Sports School Specialty Scholastic Sports School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports School Specialty Sportsman's Gopher Sport EACH EACH EACH EACH 49‐254 49‐255 49‐257 49‐015 $48.45 $48.45 $48.45 $144.53 Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH W605 CEI CEI Sportline S2XL S3E 030714 1467473 MSWHIFOX $5.88 $12.90 $12.90 $7.90 $5.79 $10.80 $100.49 $44.99 $2.89 Sportsman's Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Sportsman's Sportsman's School Specialty School Specialty BSN Sports BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM 10826 12423 28315 31931 8138 01885 6929 03275 03282 91109 91413 02259 03256 6920 01920 23363 29187 9467 24231 9502 61800 Dry Erase Basketball Clip Board Fox 40 Electronic Whistle 18 Gallon Sterilite Tote ‐ 89‐686 Innovative Storage Designs Plastic Recycled Stackable Storage File Tote with Snap‐On Gatorade 3 Gallon Water Jug ‐ Each Marker Pens Pack (K‐451) ‐ 4/Pkg ‐ Black Master Padlocks With Keyway, Black ‐ 85915 Megaphone, 300‐Yard Range, 10 Watt Push Button Signal Air Horn Refill ‐ 25421 Robic SC‐606W Stopwatch, Blue 91‐109 Robic Stopwatches ‐ 6/Set ‐ 91‐413 Starting Gun .22 Caliber ‐ Each Super Utility Size Bag With Shoulder Strap Team First Aid Kit, 111‐Piece Kit, Includes Case ‐ Cramer Track / Field Official Scorebook ‐ Each 28 Inch Heavyweight Traffic Cones, Stackable, Orange Poly Enterprises 18 in Classic Game Cone, Orange Ball Inflation Hand Pump, Lightweight Plastic With 3 Needles ‐ Kit Draw String Sports Pack/Bag Blue ‐ 1471193 Helmet Inflator, Ball Bulb Pump With Short Needle ‐ Each Metro Magic Air Pump ‐ 61800 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH KIT EACH EACH EACH KIT EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM NUMBER 1388107 1507829 89‐686 1330408 73021 K451 MSLK1525 W5905001 SC606 CEI MF # 4724 1235654 016852 REFERENCE MATERIAL / CD / DVD / BOOKS 28280 28281 29282 28279 Bones Banner ‐ 49‐254 Muscles Banner ‐ 49‐255 MyPlate Banner ‐ 49‐257 Inreach Teacher Activity Boards ‐ 49‐015 TIME KEEPERS / WHISTLES / MEGAPHONES 02312 01938 3823 3810 31935 31932 31494 31927 8134 Acme Thunder 60‐1/2 Pea‐Style Whistle ‐ 66645 Accusplit AX625 Stopwatch ‐ Each Accusplit Pro A705MX Stopwatch ‐ Each Accusplit Pro Survivor Stopwatch Accusplit S2XL Survivor III Stopwatch, Black ‐ 700639 Accusplit S3E Event Stopwatch ‐ 087981 Sportime Sense‐Of‐Timers, Set of 6 Time Timer Light‐Weight Plus Timer, 5‐1/2 X 7 in, Red ‐ 1467473 Classic Fox 40 Whistle ‐ Each ‐ 66603 20 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 10832 02311 31489 28299 28298 01888 8151 Econo Lanyards Whistles ‐ 12/Set Econo Lanyards Whistles ‐ Doz Champion Acme Thunderer Metal Whistle ‐ 007802 Pea Style Whistles Bakelite ‐ 66‐682 Nylon Woven Lanyards, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set ‐ 66‐516 Plastic Whistle, Black, Champion ‐ Each Robic SC‐500E Stopwatch ‐ 91352 Stopwatch Time Tracker Basic, Dual Mode Buttons And Easy‐Read 1/2 Inch Displays 1/100 Sec, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set SET DOZ EACH EACH SET EACH EACH MSLNYD MSLNYDRODZ 007802 66‐682 66‐516 601 004267 $0.23 $2.76 $9.22 $0.86 $5.36 $0.24 $12.78 BSN Sports BSN Sports School Specialty Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Sportsman's School Specialty 12205 SET S2XL $35.52 Sportsman's CONES / DISC / OUTSIDE GAMES 12146 29762 01941 8039 02324 12122 93011 9463A 9463B 29747 43500 010919 8014 12112 8036 12200 12123 29728 12159 21148 02323 6237 8828 10 Inch, Spot Markers, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set 12 Inch Blue Cones ‐ 85‐874 12 Inch Plastic Game Cones ‐ Each ‐ 85871 17 Inch Rubber Chickens, Has Squeaker ‐ 12/Set ‐ 12658 18 Inch Game Cones, Orange ‐ 85835 18 Inch, Colored Plastic Safety Cones ‐ 6/Set ‐ 93‐100 2‐1/2 Inch Half Cones, Assorted Color ‐ 36/Set ‐ 93011 2‐1/4 X 7‐5/8 Inch Disc Cones, Blue ‐ Each 2‐1/4 X 7‐5/8 Inch Disc Cones, Red ‐ Each 24 Inch Diameter Dura Hoops ‐ 12/Set 24 Inch Revolution Hoops, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set ‐ 43‐500 30 Inch Deluxe Hoops, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set 30 Inch Premium No Kink Hoops ‐ 12/Set 3‐1/2' X 6', Pop‐Up Goal Set, Portable Practice Goals With A Simple Twist Folds Flat Into Heavy Duty Carry Bag, Set Includes 2 Goals With Attached Nets And Ground Pegs and Carry Bag 36 Inch Premium No Kink Hoops ‐ 12/Set 6 Inch Game Cones ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set 6 Inch, Colored Poly Game Cones ‐ 6/Set Adventure Course Cone, Boundary Set ‐ 01‐114 Cone Marker Covers, Dry Erase ‐ 12/Set ‐ 93‐111 Foam Hoop Holders ‐ 12/Set Game Cones, Colored: Orange, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green And Purple ‐ 6/Set Half Cones, Orange ‐ 36/Set ‐ 93012 Indoor / Outdoor Base Sets, Rubber Throw Down, Orange ‐ 4/Set SET EACH EACH SET EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET SET SET SET 1309973 85‐874 MS12CONEY 12‐658 TC18 93‐100 1255690 SCX SCX W9759001 1246087 W9759002 1321059 $5.48 $2.57 $1.18 $35.72 $3.30 $43.60 $9.00 $0.31 $0.31 $22.87 $19.26 $28.09 $26.70 POP72 SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET SET 1321060 17906PK W9939 01‐114 93‐111 W10215 1093452 1255706 708331 BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport Sportsman's Gopher Sport BSN Sports Sportsman's Sportsman's S&S Worldwide BSN Sports S&S Worldwide School Specialty Sportsman's $68.80 $29.68 $9.92 $3.47 $122.85 $72.70 $17.31 $23.36 $9.00 $4.50 School Specialty BSN Sports S&S Worldwide Gopher Sport Gopher Sport S&S Worldwide BSN Sports BSN Sports School Specialty 21 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR CASE CASE 0792YLXX W10851007 $35.96 $33.43 BSN Sports S&S Worldwide PKG ROLL EACH ROLL ROLL EACH ROLL EACH ROLL EACH EACH EACH ROLL ROLL ROLL EACH 1505460 $9.64 $1.94 $1.94 $1.94 $1.94 $1.94 $1.94 $1.94 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 School Specialty Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports Scholastic Sports EACH EACH SET EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH 41‐984 025121 W7626 734 1282641 1137408 57‐041 57‐037 007366 20‐823 20‐540 1268942 10‐320 742XXXXX 13‐003 $5.17 $7.45 $97.79 $6.76 $122.64 $232.57 $29.66 $29.66 $10.89 $13.62 $35.72 $7.38 $29.05 $77.67 $239.96 Gopher Sport School Specialty S&S Worldwide BSN Sports School Specialty BSN Sports Gopher Sport Gopher Sport School Specialty Gopher Sport Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport BSN Sports Gopher Sport FIELD MARKING PAINT 24058 6923 Field Marking Paint ‐ Yellow ‐ 17 Oz Can ‐ 12/Case Field Marking Spray Paint, 18 Oz Cans ‐ White ‐ 12/Case FLOOR TAPES 1505460 8825 29767 8072 02303A 31938 02303 29769 8826 29760 29768 1014110 8827 02304A 02304 93050 1 Inch X 36 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Pkg 1 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Blue ‐ 77849 1 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Purple ‐ 93‐135 1 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Yellow ‐ 77851 1 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, Black ‐ 77855 1 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, Green ‐ 77‐850 1 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, Red ‐ 77848 1 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, White ‐ 77‐853 2 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Blue ‐ 77857 2 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Green ‐ 77‐850 2 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Orange ‐ 93‐137 2 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Purple ‐ 1375082 2 Inch X 60 Yds Floor Marking Tape, Yellow ‐ 77859 2 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, Black ‐ 77863 2 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, Red ‐ 89815 2 Inch X 60 Yds Vinyl Floor Marking Tape, White ‐ FTAP26WT FRISBEE / SCOOTERS 3798 8062 24245 02300 12188 25136 28290 28289 17421 29739 29738 010394 29731 29637 29663 10 Inch Frisbee Pro Classic Disc, 130 Grams ‐ 41984 11 Inch Frisbee Heavyweight Disc, 200g ‐ Wham‐O 12 Inch Connect a Scooter, handles 6/Set ‐ 86‐747 12 Inch Scooter Boards, Plastic With Safety Guard Handles ‐ Each 16 Inch Scooter Board With Handles, Connects to Each Other ‐ 6/Set 16 Inch Turbo Scooter ‐ 6/Set ‐ 12 Inch Connect a Scooter, Handles ‐ Blue ‐ 57‐041 12 Inch Connect a Scooter, Handles ‐ Red ‐ 57‐037 Foam Flyer Frisbee ‐ 6/Set Frisbee Plastic Discs, 10 Dia. 120 Grams ‐ 6/Set ‐ 20‐823 Frisbee Ultimate Disc ‐ Official Size, 10‐3/4 Dia. ‐ 6/Set ‐ 20‐540 Frisbee Ultimate Disc ‐ Official Size, 10‐3/4 Dia. 175g ‐ 10394 Hop Along Bouncer ‐ Blue ‐ 10‐320 Roller Racer Scooter ‐ 85‐355 Trike, Tricart, Tricycle ‐ Elementary ‐ 13‐003 22 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # 57016 57024 86188 12203 DESCRIPTION Ultimate Scooter Basketball Net, Blue ‐ 57‐016 Ultimate Scooter Basketball Net, Red ‐ 57‐024 Ultimate Scooter Board, Blue ‐ 86‐188 Wham‐O World Class Frisbee Disc ‐ 160 Grams UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH 57‐016 57‐024 86‐188 025118 $63.00 $63.00 $67.85 $6.52 Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 17‐493 17‐494 41‐949 51‐187 58‐395 58‐322 58‐339 49‐006 58‐174 58‐320 45‐953 51‐185 87‐224 091452 1449452 1403365 705343 1004908 $53.94 $44.94 $67.44 $53.96 $154.23 $290.03 $96.95 $44.96 $53.96 $89.94 $38.75 $18.84 $346.50 $14.24 $2.92 $97.49 $24.82 $19.19 Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport Gopher Sport School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 89‐687 269817 89‐561 1162578 1173123 $16.22 $36.56 $83.85 $134.38 $57.97 Gopher Sport MEDCO Gopher Sport BSN Sports BSN Sports EACH 41‐006 $96.85 Gopher Sport MISC. ITEMS 28270 28271 28275 28284 28296 28294 28295 28278 28292 28293 28276 28283 28314 31933 31940 29192 31929 29189 Master pogo stick GA17‐493 Maverick pogo stick GA17‐494 Pogo stick replacement tips (dozen) GA41‐949 12 Fun/12 Match Speeders, Speedmiton ‐ 51‐187 ACTION Sling N Score GA58‐395 Action Tip‐N‐Flip GA58‐322 Action! Super Shielders GA58‐339 Beeper Ball, In Reach ‐ 49‐006 Catch Scoops, Assorted Color ‐ 6/Set ‐ 58‐174 GamePlay Disc Bonk GA58‐320 Rainbow PinDeck Placement Mats GA45‐953 Speedminton, School Raquet ‐ Blue ‐ 51‐185 Spider's Wev Team Challenge GY87‐224 School Smart Group Attribute Blocks ‐ 091452 Sportime 2‐1/2 in Rub‐R‐String Ball, Multiple Color ‐ 1449452 Sportime 28 x 28 in Two Sided Rebounder Net and 39 x 36 in Frame ‐ 1403365 Sportime Junior Hop 45 Spring Ball, Yellow ‐ 705343 Swing Balls ‐ Set of 6 ‐ 1004908 EQUIPMENT 21135 29727 21169 29764 21134 25 Gallon Sterilite Tote ‐ 89‐687 Ekho BFA with Scale, Records BMI Gorilla Equipment Wagon/Cart, 600 lb Capacity ‐ 89‐561 Lockable Wall Mounted Ball Racks Dual Lockable Wall‐Mount Ball Racks, Titan, 22 W X 12 D X 66 H EQUIPMENT CARTS 25159 Magnus Jump Rope Cart GY41‐006 23 DCMO BOCES ATHLETIC BID #2016‐105 BOCES # DESCRIPTION UOM VENDOR ITEM NUMBER BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR UNIFORMS & APPARAL Champro 29771 Champro Sport Dazzle Stretch Football Pant Size S ‐ XXXL ‐ FPA7 ‐ Specify Color When Ordering EACH FPA7 $12.68 Riddell NIKE 28318 5123 24509 9516 24509A Riddell Football Practice Jersey EACH Track Short ‐ Riddell Men's Tiempo, split short, Color: Cardinal Red, Sizes: S‐2XL, Each EACH Track Singlet ‐ Riddell Women's Anchor polyester singlet, with 6 inch x 8 inch Express Train Logo on Center Front, Color: Cardinal Red, Sizes: S‐XL, Each PJME (print extra) High Performance $26.00 High Performance EACH Track Singlet ‐ Riddell Men's Miler singlet, with 6 inch x 8 inch Express Train Logo on High Performance EACH Center Front, Color: Cardinal Red, Sizes: S‐2XL, Each Track Singlet ‐ Riddell Women's Anchor polyester singlet, with 6 inch x 8 inch Express Train Logo on Center Front, Color: Cardinal Red, Sizes: 2XL‐3XL, Each $10.50 Riddell Riddell $29.00 $29.00 High Performance EACH Riddell Riddell Riddell $29.00 SOCKS 29567 29566 29568 29565 Pear Sox Soccer Hose Socks Navy ‐ Large ‐ NS489167 Pear Sox Soccer Hose Socks Navy ‐ Medium Pear Sox Soccer Hose Socks Navy/White ‐ Large Pear Sox Soccer Hose Socks White ‐ Medium SET SET SET SET PAS PAS PAS PAS $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 Sportsman's Sportsman's Sportsman's Sportsman's 24 DCMO BOCES COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICE BID AWARD RESULTS FOR HEALTH SUPPLY BID #2016-103 Prices expire March 30, 2017. Created by The Cooperative Purchasing Service COOPERATIVE PURCHASING S E R V I CE BID AWARD INFORMATION To: Participating Districts From: Deb Bestwick, Cooperative Purchasing Agent Date: April 18, 2016 Re: Cooperative Purchasing award results for: Health Equipment and Supply Bid #2016-103 On April 7, 2016, the BOCES Board of Education reviewed the bid award recommendations, and approved and awarded the bids. The attached “Successful Bids” sheets are the results of the award of the bids. These sheets list each item that was on the bid and references the awarded bidder, bid price, vendor product number. Any alternate information is found within the actual item description. This means that if an alternate brand was accepted and awarded, the alternate brand has become the item’s description for this bid cycle. If you need additional information on an item, in most cases, the item can be found on the awarded vendor’s website by using the vendor product number to conduct a search for that item number within the vendor’s online catalog. The bidder MUST provide the item to the brand and model listed within the item’s specifications. Please let me know if any item is received that does not match the brands listed on the award sheets. Also attached is the “Awarded Vendor Detail” sheet. This sheet will provide you with pertinent information regarding the address, phone number, website and contact person for each awarded vendor, along with a discount being offered for additional items which were not listed on the bid. Please make sure that the appropriate bid number appears on each purchase order sent to the awarded, corresponding vendor. Districts that participated in the Bids will be sent the “Purchase Order Attachments” for the items requisitioned. These sheets will be sent as a PDF file. The PO Attachments show the items that are to be purchased from each awarded bidder, by Requisitioner. These sheets may become an attachment to a purchase order, making separate typing unnecessary. District’s that utilize the WinCap or Finance Manager imports will be sent the import files after the requisitions have been approved for export. The import files will be available after May 5th, 2016, when the online requisition is closed down. If you need the imports sooner, please let me know. The May 6th date is only for requisitions being amended online at our website. Otherwise, these imports are available immediately. Please note that if you are using FM NVision we can import to this program, however, we will need to send the file to Finance Manager first, in order to have them configure the file into a format that can be imported into the program. This function will take approximately 2 weeks, so please factor this time requirement into your schedule. Please note: Purchase Order Attachments with No Vendor Name Listed at the top are a notification that those items that did not receive a bid and therefore must be purchased outside bid award. Since these items were not available from the bidders; it is possible that the item is obsolete and no longer available. It is suggested that your teachers/nurses review the available items that were awarded for a suitable substitution, or utilize the discounts provided on the Awarded Vendor Detail sheet to obtain a price from one of the vendors. Since we included all the “Add-On Items” to the bid that we collected during the requisitioning process, the amount of “No Bid Items” should be minimal. Vendor Product Number Each awarded item should show the vendor’s product number in the “Vendor Item #” area on the bid award PDF or excel sheet. To view the awarded item, go to the vendor’s website and place the vendor’s product number in their website’s search engine. Alternate Items Any item awarded with an alternate pack size has had the original pack size in the specification changed to reflect the awarded pack size. Please also note, that these changes in pack size are reflected on your PO Attachments. For example, if you ordered 12 of an item and the awarded unit of measure is by the dozen, then your PO Attachment will reflect an order for 1, since 1 now equals a dozen or 12. Remember, any product brand listed within the specification must be provided by the awarded vendor; any deviation of brands is not allowed. Please call us if any vendor provides a substitution without your prior approval. The variance form and procedure is available on the website for your review and use should you have a problem with the quality or delivery of any item awarded on this bid. Please review the variance procedure before filling out the variance form. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 607- 335-1262 or email me at bestwicd@dcmoboces.com. Thank you, Award and Discount Summary School Nurse and Sports Medicine Bid 2016-103 Please Reference the Bid and Vendor Ref # when ordering FREE SHIPPING IS PROVIDED FOR BID ITEMS ORDERED OVER $25 – ITEMS ORDERED OUTSIDE THE BID ARE SUBJECT TO THE DISCOUNTS AND TERMS WRITTEN BELOW Contact Person Phone Number E-Mail / WebSite Notes / Discounts VENDOR Henry Schein Inc. Joe DeBona 800-851-0400 biddept@henryschein.com 15% discount on publish price 135 Duryea Road - E-115 Fax: 866-738-8999 Excluded: Gatorade Hydration Melville, NY 11747 www.henryschein.com packs, Mueller M-pack, Power For ordering: Play Kit, Hawkgrips, Hazardous materials subject to DOT 800-851-0400 NormaTech, Chattanooga handling charges of $30.00 Genysis, Epi-Pens, Game Ready For Free Freight, the order must be over $150 School Health 865 Muirfield Drive Hanover Park, IL 60133 Customer Care 866-323-5465 Fax: 800-235-1305 orders@schoolhealth.com www.schoolhealth.com For ordering: 866-323-5465 For ordering : orders@schoohealth.com Reference: #3118343 10% Discount off Catalog except medical recordkeeping software, software, Rx products, customized kits, special promotion items, furniture and appliances, vision and hearing screening equipment, AED’s Free shipping for bid item orders $25 or more Moore Medical LLC PO Box 4066 Farmington, CT 06032 Call Center 800-234-1464 X 3040 Fax: 877-354-5916 bid@mooremedical.com www.mooremedical.com Reference: #917547 18% off current web pricing. Items purchased by Discount pricing may incur the following: $6.95 SOI (ship on ice) fee for refrigerated items – $27.50 for HZD (hazard shipping) for hazardous items VENDOR Pyramid School Prod. 6510 N. 54th Street Tampa, FL 33610 Medco Supply Co. 500 Fillmore Ave. Tonawanda, NY 14150 Contact Person Kenneth Moller Phone Number Fax: 813-621-7688 Phone #: 800-792-2644 – Not for Orders Jennifer Wheeler 800-556-3326 X338 Fax: 800-222-1934 E-Mail / WebSite orders@pyramidsp.com www.pyramidsp.com jennp@medcosupply.com www.medco-athletics.com Notes / Discounts Reference: #2016-103D-C-M-O ORDERS MUST BE FAXED OR EMAILED Reference: #100431157 18% off materials and supplies Free shipping on orders over $25.00 NOTE: There is a minimum ordering amount for all order of $25.00 – Orders under this minimum amount may incur shipping charges. Bid Prices and Discounts are in effect until March 30, 2017 HEALTH BID #2016-103 - INDEX Sub-Category Name Ace Bandages Antacids Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Bandages / Band-Aids Blood Pressure Equipment Cough Drops Diabetic / Glucose Products Epi-Pen / Bee Sting & First Aid Kits Examination Equipment Examination Equipment Supplies Examination Room Supplies Examination Supplies Eye Products Face / Hand / Body Products Face Masks / Mouthpieces Foot Products Gauze / Cotton / Cotton Tip Gloves Hair and Head Products Hot / Cold Packs Medicinal Items Miscellaneous Oral Products Pain Relief / Analgesics Paper Products Plastic Products Reference Guides / Books Splints / Braces / Supports Tapes Test Strips Thermometers / Sheaths Tongue Depressors Topical Antiseptics Page # 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 11038 01150 11039 9135 01151 11040 01152 11041 01153 17140 07213 01272 07606 01273 28383 29602 05744 01276 01244 06293 42000 49058 3596 6191 DESCRIPTIONS ACE BANDAGES 1 In. X 5 Yds 3M Coban Self‐Adherent Wraps 5 Yds Latex Free Natural ‐ 31022 2 In. X 4.5 Yds Econolast Elastic Wrap Ace Bandage ‐ 31006 2 In. X 5 Yds 3M Coban Self‐Adherent Wraps 5 Yds Latex Free Natural ‐ 31014 3 In. Coban Self‐Adherent Wrap, Neon ‐ 12/Box ‐ 31021 3 In. X 4.5 Yds Econolast Elastic Wrap Ace Bandage ‐ 31007 3 In. X 5 Yds 3M Coban Self‐Adherent Wraps 5 Yds Latex Free Natural ‐ 31015 4 In. X 4.5 Yds Econolast Elastic Wrap Ace Bandage ‐ 31008 4 In. X 5 Yds 3M Coban Self‐Adherent Wraps 5 Yds Latex Free Natural ‐ 31016 6 In. X 4.5 Yds Econolast Elastic Wrap Ace Bandage ‐ 31009 ANTACIDS Alka Seltzer Plus Cold Tablets ‐ 20/Pkg ‐ 44339 Diotame Tablets (Generic Pepto Bismol) (50/2's) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 44118 Pepto Bismol Tablets ‐ 48/Box ‐ 44047 Tums Antacid ‐ 150/Bottle ‐ 44203 Tums Extra Strength ‐ 96 Tablets/Bottle ‐ 44204 Imodium Multi‐Symptom Relief ‐ 18/Box ‐ 44574 ANTIBACTERIAL / ANTIMICROBIAL / DISINFECTANTS 2XL‐100 Antibacterial Gym Wipes, 700/Count 49284 70% Isopropyl Alcohol ‐ 16 Oz Bottle ‐ 34042 Alcohol Wipes ‐ 200/Box ‐ 49251 Antibacterial Cleansing Wipes ‐ 40/Pkg ‐ 49190 Antimicrobial Liquid Soap ‐ Gallon ‐ 34073 Antiseptic Disposable Wipe Alls ‐ 75 Wipes /Tub ‐ 49188 Audio‐Tech Pop‐up Towel Cleaning Wipes For Medical Equipment ‐ 160/Tub ‐ 49058 Derma Scrub Creme Soap ‐ Gallon Dermagel Hand Sanitizer, Single Pump Bottle ‐ 18 Oz ‐ 34405 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH 31022 260143 $1.01 $0.27 School Health Medco Supply EACH BOX EACH 7777993 44424 260144 $1.78 $25.06 $0.35 Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Medco Supply EACH EACH 7775640 260145 $2.23 $0.42 Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply EACH EACH 7775476 360146 $2.79 $0.57 Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply PKG 44339 $7.05 School Health BOX BOX BTL BTL BOX 33656 44158 43031M 43033M 596477 $5.85 $6.08 $4.78 $4.78 $7.75 Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply CASE BTL BOX PKG GAL EACH 49284 1028806 1126131 49190 3904396 49188 $36.63 $1.10 $1.17 $2.66 $11.60 $5.30 School Health Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health EACH GAL BTL 49039 36930 3628351 $7.39 $40.00 $2.69 School Health Moore Medical Pyramid School Prod. 1 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 32076 DESCRIPTIONS U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE Dial Antimicrobial Liquid Soap, Pump Dispenser Bottle ‐ 16 Oz ‐ 90000 EACH 92861 $4.25 Dial Complete Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash, Pump Bottle ‐ 7.5 Fluid Oz ‐ 34321 EACH 54112M $3.12 Dial Liquid Antimicrobial Soap, Dispenser Bottle ‐ 7.5 Oz Pump ‐ 34007 EACH 62331 $2.48 Hand Sanitizer, Instant ‐ 8 Oz ‐ 34235 EACH ERMAGEL #364145 $1.89 Hibiclens ‐ 16 Oz ‐ 34103 EACH 11126 $9.65 Huggies Baby Wipes, Sensitive Skin, Hypoallergenic Containing No Perfumes, Dyes ‐ 64/Pkg ‐ 49201 PKG 6025044 $2.20 Hydrogen Peroxide ‐ 16 Oz ‐ 34041 EACH 1127069 $0.41 Lysol Disinfectant Spray Original Scent ‐ 19 Oz Can ‐ 50025 EACH LYSOL #REC04650 $5.94 Lysol Spray Fresh Scent Disinfectant ‐ 19 Oz Can ‐ 50159 EACH LYSOL #REC04650 $5.99 Mueller Germa Spray Plus, 2 oz Pump EACH 243998 $3.70 PAWS Antimicrobial Towlettes ‐ 100/Box ‐ 49114 BOX 57578 $3.41 Povidone Iodine Swabs ‐ 50/Box ‐ 49128 BOX 92627 $4.35 Sani‐Cloth 6 X 6‐3/4 HB Germicidal Disposable Cloths ‐ 150/Pkg ‐ 49050 PKG NI HANDS #NICP43 $4.79 Sani‐Cloth 6 X 6‐3/4 Plus Hard Surface Disinfectant Cloths ‐ 160/Pkg‐ 49055 PKG 2670721 $5.02 Sani‐hands Antimicrobial Hand Wipes ‐ 135/Tub ‐ 49177 EACH 75248 $4.65 Solarcaine Aerosol Spray, 4‐1/2 Oz ‐ 50092 EACH 92865 $5.25 White Clout Baby Wipes ‐ 80/Pkg ‐ 49278 PKG 49278 $3.02 BANDAGES / BAND‐AIDS 1 X 3 Adhesive Bandages, Fabric ‐ 1500/Box ‐ 32076 BOX 32076 $29.35 01113 01106 4320 1 X 3 Coverlets Elastoplast (Latex‐Free) Bandages ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32219 BOX 1 X 3 Curad Strip Bandages (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32313 BOX 1 X 3 Flexible Fabric Bandages, Latex Free ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32116 BOX 17169 1 X 3 Flexible Fabric Bandages, Latex Free, Bulk ‐ 1500/Box ‐32076 1 X 3 Strip Bandages (Latex‐Free), Industrial Pack ‐ 1500/Case ‐ 32071 BOCES # 07218 01284 00994 00105 03265 10079 01280 01288 8949 29571 49114 01281 07612 40066 49177 50092 8669 01107 AWARDED VENDOR Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical Pyramid School Prod. Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. Medco Supply Moore Medical Moore Medical Pyramid School Prod. Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Moore Medical School Health School Health 22021M 1126142 261838 $2.69 $1.08 $1.89 Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply BOX 32076 $29.35 School Health CASE 1126135 $15.53 Henry Schein Medical Co. 2 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 37200 01116 4318 29596 06298 22643 01114 01115 17170 32120 07199 01108 6912 29594 32265 20460 29595 01134 11347 01851 22625 4316 DESCRIPTIONS U/M 1 X 6 Yds Andover Powerflex Cohesive Bandages, White ‐ 48/Case ‐ 28163 CASE 1‐1/2 X 3 Elastoplast Elastic Coverlet Knuckle Bandages (Latex‐Free) #1390 ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32023 BOX 1‐1/4 Coverlet Oval, Latex‐Free ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32062 BOX 2 in. X 16.4 ft. Kinesiology Tape, Mueller, Beige ‐ 6/Case ‐ 28522 2 In. X 4.5 Yds Elastomull Elastic Gauze Bandage ‐ 27077 2 X 10 Yards Stretch Adhesive Bandage Cover‐Roll 27114 2 X 1‐1/2 Fingertip Coverlets Elastoplast Elastic Bandages (Latex‐ Free) #1306 ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32020 2 X 2‐1/2 Fingertip Coverlets Elastoplast Elastic Bandages (Latex‐ Free) ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32018 2 X 4 Adhesive Bandages, Extra‐Large Fabric ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32120 2 X 4 Adhesive Bandages, Extra‐Large Fabric ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32120 2 X 4 Adhesive Bandages, Extra‐Large Plastic (Latex‐Free) ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32044 2 X 4‐1/2 Johnson & Johnson Band‐Aid Strips (Latex‐Free) Sheer Extra‐Large (5716) ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32007 2 X 5 Yds Kids Pack Latex‐Free Bandages, Assorted Colors ‐ 36/Box ‐ 27296 2 X 6 Yds Andover Powerflex Cohesive Bandages, White ‐ 24/Case ‐ 28165 3 X 3 Adhesive Bandages ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32265 3 X 3 Band‐Aid Coverlet Four Wing Bandages (Latex‐Free) ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32022 3 X 6 Yds Andover Powerflex Cohesive Bandages, White ‐ 16/Case ‐ e 28167 3/4 X 20' Finger Splint, Cutable Roll And X‐Ray‐Able ‐ 20011 3/4 X 3 Adhesive Bandages, Fabric ‐ 750/Box ‐ 32072 3/4 X 3 Adhesive Bandages, Plastic ‐ 1500/Box ‐ 32070 3/4 X 3 Adhesive Bandages, Plastic, 100/Box ‐ 32001 3/4 X 3 Band‐Aid Brand Bugs And Daffy Adhesive Strips Bandages, Latex‐Free ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32040 VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 37100 $25.41 Medco Supply 22024M 8081 $5.46 $4.26 Medco Supply Moore Medical CASE ROLL EACH 3640162 27077 63326 $38.63 $0.51 $7.62 Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Moore Medical BOX 22026M $5.38 Medco Supply BOX BOX BOX 8091 68185 68185 $6.41 $3.02 $3.02 Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical BOX 261846 $2.20 Medco Supply BOX 32007 $6.66 School Health BOX 76880 $45.71 Moore Medical BOX BOX 37200 261834 $25.41 $3.74 Medco Supply Medco Supply BOX 22028M $8.25 Medco Supply BOX ROLL BOX BOX BOX 37300 20011 32072 1126134 1126138 $25.41 $8.87 $13.00 $13.34 $0.93 Medco Supply School Health School Health Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. BOX 62362 $3.65 Moore Medical 3 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 01123 41146 01104 01103 07200 01109 01122 22659 8684 01112 10121 4314 4313 8948 22442 29589 29580 4319 28172 29590 28374 29204 DESCRIPTIONS U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE 22020M $2.62 Medco Supply 1126132 $1.20 Henry Schein Medical Co. 261838 68273 $1.89 $0.94 Medco Supply Moore Medical 38080 $2.35 Moore Medical 38080 92750 317385 2617568 1126143 22025M $2.36 $0.29 $2.11 $1.23 $0.69 $3.69 Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply 261836 $3.35 Medco Supply 1126144 $2.44 Henry Schein Medical Co. 262718 $2.51 Medco Supply 47069 $9.95 Medco Supply EACH EACH 30003M 53798 $1.00 $15.58 Medco Supply Moore Medical BOX BOX EACH EACH EACH 71856 44468 92602 261845 $2.31 $23.30 $2.83 Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply 3/4 X 3 Coverlets Adhesive (Latex‐Free) Bandages ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32217 BOX 3/4 X 3 Fingertip Flexible Fabric (Latex‐Free) Bandages, large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32005 BOX 3/4 X 3 Medco Fabric Strips Bandages (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32115 BOX 3/8 X 1‐1/2 Juniors Bandages (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32241 BOX 3/8 X 1‐3/4 Band Aid Butterfly Closures (4331) (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32279 BOX 3/8 X 1‐3/4 Butterfly Fabric Closures Bandages, Latex‐Free ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32279 BOX 40 X 40 X 56 Triangular Bandages ‐ 27549 EACH 5 X 9 Sterile Combine Pads, 25/Pkg 27262 PKG 5/8 X 2‐1/4 Kid Size Adhesive Bandages ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32229 BOX 7/8 Diameter Sports Bandages ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32042 BOX 7/8 Inch Coverlet Round ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32061 BOX Band‐Aid Fingertip Flexible Fabric Bandages, (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32320 BOX Band‐Aid Knuckle Flexible Fabric Bandages, (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32319 BOX Dora the Explorer Band‐Aid Adhesive Bandages, Assort Sizes: 10 (3/4 X 3),15 (5/8 X 2‐1/4) ‐ 25/Box ‐ 32140 BOX Johnson & Johnson Band‐Aid Adhesive Bandages Variety Pack ‐ Assorted Shapes and Sizes ‐ 280/Pkg ‐ 1091791 CASE Kendal Curity Multi‐Trauma Dressing 10" x 2‐1/2', sterile 27021 Spenco 2nd Skin 1 Inch Squares ‐ 200/Jar ‐ 10637 Sponge Bob Bandages, Asst. Sizes 10 (3/4 X 3) And 10 (5/8 X 2‐1/4) Latex‐Free ‐ 20/Box ‐ 32157 Val‐guard Finger Splints ‐ 10/Box ‐ 20069 Waterjel burn dressing, 4" x 4", sterile ‐ 27187 Artery Section with Blockage WA09742G School Health Strip Bandage, 3 x 3/4 in, Pack of 100 ‐ 1293842 $1.28 AWARDED VENDOR 4 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 28177 28176 01220 01221 29610 41399 6234 01240 01239 01712 01242 44036 01241 01179 10122 10123 10124 8674 01278 91053 17185 11346 DESCRIPTIONS U/M 1‐1/2 X 2 Coverlets Adhesive Bandages (Latex‐Free) ‐ 100/Box ‐ 32060 BOX 2‐3/4 X 4 Coverlets Adhesive Bandages (Latex‐Free) ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32280 BOX BLOOD PRESSURE EQUIPMENT Professional SH Sphygmomanometer With Child Cuff, Latex‐Free ‐ 56120 EACH Professional Sphygmomanometer With Adult Cuff, Latex‐Free ‐ 56121 EACH Professional Sphygmomanometer With Large Adult Cuff, Latex‐Free ‐ 56135 EACH Replacement Gauge For Sphygmomanometer, No Stop Pin ‐ 56165 EACH SH Sphygmomanometer, Standard Kit With Adult Cuff, Latex‐Free ‐ 56336 KIT COUGH DROPS Cepacol Lozenges ‐ 16/Box ‐ 44034 BOX Chloraseptic, Cherry Flavored ‐ 6 Oz Pump ‐ 34107 EACH Generic Menthol Cough Drops, Cherry ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ 44536 PKG Halls Cough Drops, Cherry ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ 44002 PKG Halls Cough Drops, Honey Lemon ‐ 40/Pkg 44535 PKG Vicks Chloraseptic ‐ Cherry Flavored Lozenges 16/Pkg ‐ 10 Pkg/Case ‐ 44109 CASE DIABETIC / GLUCOSE PRODUCTS Glucose Tablets, Orange, Dex4 ‐ 50/Bottle ‐ 44167 BTL One Touch Ultra Blood Glucose Meter ‐ 36218 EACH One Touch Ultra Control Solution, Vial ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 34403 PKG One Touch Ultra Test Strips ‐ 50/Box ‐ 44336 BOX True2go Self‐Contained Unit W/ 10 Test Strips ‐ Kit ‐ 91193 KIT EPI‐PEN / BEE STING AND FIRST AID KITS Ammonia Capsules / Inhalants ‐ 10/Box ‐ 49144 BOX Epinephrine Auto Injector Wall Mount Storage Case ‐ 91053 EACH Epi‐Ready Epipen Wall Holder, Holds 2 Doses ‐ 61699 EACH First Aid Field Trip Kit ‐ 91174 KIT VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 22022M $5.74 Medco Supply 268442 $6.21 Medco Supply 242809 $8.48 Medco Supply 242810 $8.48 Medco Supply 242811 $10.11 Medco Supply 66312 $6.24 Moore Medical 242811 $10.11 Medco Supply 240633 36564 267576 92790 44535 $2.94 $4.48 $0.72 $1.66 $1.19 Medco Supply Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical School Health 260633 (X10) $29.40 Medco Supply 15569 13748 70497 65092 91193 $4.75 $17.14 $9.37 $67.27 $16.64 Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical School Health 72977 91053 91616 91174 $2.02 $42.63 $237.06 $30.04 Moore Medical School Health School Health School Health 5 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Oral Glucose Gel Diabetic Glutose Kit ‐ 3/Pkg ‐ Lemon ‐ 34199 00104 Sting Kill Swabs ‐ 10/Box ‐ 49007 01277 EQUIPMENT Acti‐Lance Safety Lancets ‐ 100/Box ‐ 36325 29600 Acti‐Lance Safety Lancets, 28G,1.5MM ‐ 100/Box ‐ 36324 29599 ESV 1200 Illuminated Cabinet w/ LED 53286 29607 Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter 53249 29606 Kelly forceps straight, 5 1/2" ‐ 36053 29598 Lister bandage 7 1/4" scissors ‐ 36032 29597 Wheelchair 18 Inch With Detachable Elevating Leg Rests, 300 Lb Capacity ‐ 10029 17141 EXAMINATION EQUIPMENT Bulb Only for blood pressure cuff ‐ School Nurse 41278 28378 3 Inch Diagonal Tweezers ‐ 36241 10689 Adjustable Stool With Hard Rubber Wheels Casters ‐ 24148 03786 Feilchenfelds Splinter Forceps 4‐1/2 Inch ‐ 36045 01159 Magnum Mitylight, Yellow ‐ 90216 90216 Onyx Vantage Nonin 9590 Finger Pulse Oximeter ‐ 53240 53240 OSZ5 Automatic Electronic Welch Allyn BP Unit, Arm ‐ 56118 8678 Pointed Splinter Tweezers 4‐1/2 Inch ‐ 36291 36131 Replacement Bulb, 3.5 Volt, Welch Allyn Otoscope (03100‐U) ‐ 53025 00992 Scoliometer ‐ 61024 02433 SECA Wall Tape‐Stadiometer ‐ 90508 90508 Skin Skope ‐ 90171 90171 Sprague Rappaport‐Type Stethoscope, Red ‐ 57096 9133 Stethoscope 20 Inch Dual Head , 3M Lightweight II SE Latex‐Free ‐ Blue ‐ 57014 00114 Stethoscope 20 Inch Pediatric Dual Head, 3M Littmann Classic II ‐ Black ‐ 57056 00996 Stethoscope 22 Dual Head, Latex‐Free ‐ Black ‐ 57103 01223 Stethoscope 22 Inch Sprague Rappaport‐Type, Black ‐ 57092 01845 Tick Remover Tool, Ticked Off Safe And Effective ‐ 90451 90451 U/M PKG BOX VENDOR ID # 80915 49007 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $10.55 Moore Medical $1.00 School Health BOX BOX EACH EACH EACH EACH 36325 36324 53286 267869 52290 75200 $15.50 $15.50 $225.97 $34.15 $1.23 $1.59 School Health School Health School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply EACH 6354311 $206.09 Henry Schein Medical Co. EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 99313 36241 596557 3789739 90216 240743 317899 36291 $2.18 $0.70 $68.47 $0.95 $27.58 $152.44 $37.80 $0.68 Moore Medical School Health Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply School Health EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 51805 61024 90508 90171 268386 $16.14 $53.56 $119.48 $30.62 $4.43 Moore Medical School Health School Health School Health Medco Supply EACH 57014 $60.81 School Health EACH EACH EACH EACH 57056 268378 268378 90451 $116.46 $4.43 $4.43 $3.73 School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply School Health 6 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 03269 DESCRIPTIONS U/M Varsity Recovery Couch, Slate Blue or Wedgewood Blue (Please specify color) ‐ 24142 EACH Welch Allyn 2.5 Volt Otoscope / Throat Illuminator Pocket Scope ‐ 53038 EACH Welch Allyn 3.5 Volt Ophthalmoscope Replacement Lamp (03000‐U) ‐ 53027 EACH Welch Allyn KleenSpec Disposable Specula 2.75 mm , Pediatric Speculum ‐ 34/Tube ‐ 53021 TUBE Welch Allyn KleenSpec Disposable Specula 4.25mm Regular Speculum ‐ 34/Tube (52434‐U) ‐ 53022 TUBE Welch Allyn Thermoscan Pro 4000 Ear Thermometer ‐ 13086 EACH EXAMINATION EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 3V ‐ DL2032 Battery For Thermoscan ‐ 90406 EACH Welch Allyn 2.5 Volt Ophthalmoscope Replacement Lamp (03900‐U) ‐ 53028 EACH Welch Allyn Specula 3 mm ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 53018 PKG Welch Allyn Specula 4 mm ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 53019 PKG EXAMINATION ROOM SUPPLIES Bulb Syringe 2 oz. ‐ 90403 EACH 0298 14695 06292 02397 CoCompressor Nebulizer System By Omron mp‐Air C‐25 ‐ 61315 Emergency Mylar Solar Blanket ‐ 48025 Exam Paper (Crepe) 18 Inch X 125' ‐ 12 Rolls/Case ‐ 21409 Exam Table Paper 21 Inch X 125' ‐ 12 Rolls/Case ‐ 21410 EACH EACH CASE CASE 61315 48025 76992 1001657 $29.63 $0.79 $17.08 $16.54 School Health School Health Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. 6355 01158 33437 22648 6362 01846 17187 01204 41085 Head Rest Tissues for Titmus Vision Screeners ‐ 5000/Pkg‐ 52002 Lister Bandage 5‐1/2 Scissors ‐ 36031 Moister Proof Pillow, Antibacterial ‐ 48019 Otoscope Specula 2.75 mm , 34/Sleeve ‐ 53021 Pen Light ‐ 91308 Pillow Saver (Paper) Model 7161 ‐ 100/Case ‐ 21187 Red Sharps Container 1 Gallon ‐ 90081 Red Sharps Container 1 Quart ‐ 90080 Scissors 7‐1/4 Inch Heavy Duty Utility Tape ‐ 36066 PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH CASE EACH EACH EACH 1009865 3789251 52049M 555855 5901834 1016311 34983 19125M 36066 $15.65 $0.97 $5.65 $1.06 $1.19 $17.12 $2.45 $1.74 $2.93 Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Medco Supply School Health BOCES # 3584 01746 01226 01224 01228 13086 8671 01227 53018 53019 VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 924600 $301.26 Medco Supply 68000 $160.00 Moore Medical 27461 $17.27 Moore Medical 555855 $1.06 Medco Supply 555857 5663430 $1.06 Medco Supply $187.53 Henry Schein Medical Co. 68716 $0.90 Moore Medical 55651 53018 53019 $22.95 $1.46 $1.42 Moore Medical School Health School Health 53731 $0.84 Moore Medical 7 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 8668 41165 3581 01212 3580 50467 3582 01724 DESCRIPTIONS Splinter Removers ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 36123 Sterile Water ‐ 1000 Ml Bottle ‐ 42057 Symbol Near Vision Card ‐ 52193 Syringes TB 25G , 1 cc ‐ 100/Box ‐ 90224 Thermal Acrylic Blanket, Single Size ‐ 48001 Under Pad For Small Chair 23 X 24 ‐ 200/Box ‐ 27177 Vision Card, Sloan (Near Vision) ‐ 52312 Wash Basins, Economy Plastic, 7 Quart ‐ 46014 U/M PKG BTL EACH BOX EACH BOX EACH EACH 3579 Zippered Reusable Plastic Pillow Covers, Regular Size ‐ 48020 EXAMINATION SUPPLIES 3.5 V Rechargeable Battery Replacement for Welch Allyn Audioscope 3, Orange (72300) ‐ 53043 9 Volt Battery ‐ 90283 AA Eveready / Energizer Alkaline Batteries ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 90036 AAA Eveready / Energizer Alkaline Batteries ‐ 90284 Distant vision chart, shapes (Lea), 10 ft. ‐ 52551 Distant vision chart, Sloan, 10 ft. ‐ 52064 Size C Battery ‐ 90286 Size D Battery ‐ 90287 EYE PRODUCTS Collyrium Eye Wash ‐ 4 Oz Bottle (Eyecup Included) ‐ 34029 Contact Lens Cases ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 90952 Coverlet Eye Occlusor, Junior Size 1 ‐ 20/Box ‐ 32055 EACH 01848 01000 41171 15830 29604 29603 01713 03763 02385 6361 06296 06295 90561 00106 02387 02388 02436 29581 41268 Coverlet Eye Occlusor, Regular, Size 1, Regular ‐ 20/Box ‐ 32058 Eye Cups, Nonsterile Plastic Disposable ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 90561 Eye Irrigating Solution ‐ 4 Oz ‐ 34105 Eye saline Sterile Eyewash ‐ 8 Oz ‐ 42066 Eyeglass Repair Kit ‐ 90078 Light Pen, Disposable ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 90071 Plates for Testing Color Vision (Squares, Circles, and Trails) by Good‐ Lite ‐ 11024 Saline Solution For Contact Lenses ‐ 12 Oz ‐ 34232 EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ID # 62145 13935 52193 25848 90248 53416M 52312 46014 BID PRICE $1.08 $3.29 $10.92 $15.31 $8.81 $26.04 $12.88 $0.75 89336 $1.28 52084 $34.09 98358SD $0.72 NERGIZER #EN91‐ $0.66 ENERGIZER #EN92 $0.32 52551 $16.37 52064 $16.37 98360SD $0.43 98361SD $0.43 AWARDED VENDOR Moore Medical Moore Medical School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply School Health School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. School Health School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply EACH PKG BOX 38798 70685 8094 $4.00 0.60+ $4.68 Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical BOX PKG EACH EACH KIT PKG 8093 66880 75519 559553 70690 81238 $4.69 $1.52 $1.25 $3.60 $1.29 $3.69 Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply Moore Medical EACH EACH 11024 267568 $165.55 School Health $3.03 Medco Supply 8 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 02431 3576 22443 29605 3591 43048 22444 02402 01161 8680 01160 22656 40065 00991 02403 01658 28382 28381 28380 96020 48011 6356 06304 11363 55003 55118 6235A 05718 29608 21301 DESCRIPTIONS Shapes Eye Chart ‐ Kindergarten ‐ 52386 Sterile Saline Eye Wash ‐ 1 Oz Bottle ‐ 42068 Visine Original Eye Drops, 1/2 oz. 34025 Welch Allyn VS100S‐B Spot Vision Screener ‐ AJ52890 FACE / HAND / BODY PRODUCTS Blistex Tube, 0.5 Oz ‐ 500/Box ‐ 43125 Chapstick ‐ 0.15 Oz ‐ 43048 Cuticle Scissors ‐ 36221 Disposable Washcloths ‐ 500/Case ‐ 21043 Emory Boards ‐ 7/Box ‐ 90464 Eucerin Lotion ‐ 16.9 Oz Bottle ‐ 43107 Fingernail Clipper ‐ 36071 Hygea Adult Washcloths 5.375 X 6.25 Inch , 48/Pkg ‐ 49145 Jergens Hand Lotion ‐ 10 Oz ‐ 43252 Nail Scrub Brush ‐ 90012 Professional Towels 13 X 19 , White ‐ 500/Case ‐ 21042 Right Guard Xtreme Sport Deodorant, 8.5 Oz Aerosol ‐ Each‐ 50087 Degree Men's Invisible Solid Extreme Blast ‐ 44506 Degree Women's Invisible Solid Shower Clean ‐ 44505 Roll on deodorant 1.5 oz ‐ 44092 Terry Towels 15 X 25 ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 48021 Wash Cloths, Terry Cloth ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 48011 FACE MASKS / MOUTHPIECES CPR Face Shield, Key Ring ‐ 55181 CPR Mouth Piece ‐ Micro Shield ‐ 55038 CPR Practice Training Shields ‐ 36/Box ‐ 55199 CPR Protection Pak, Includes, CPR Mark, Gloves In Waterproof Pouch ‐ 55003 CPR Reusable Micromask With Replaceable Valve ‐ 55118 Face Mask Respirators N95 Modex 2000 ‐ 20/Box Face Masks ‐ 50/Box ‐ 21171 Laerdal Pocket Mask HC (IE), each ‐ 55541 Mask, child, fluid‐resistant, N95, latex free, box of 75 ‐ 21301 U/M EACH BTL OZ PKG VENDOR ID # 45926 77539 18031M 4970004 BID PRICE $4.72 $1.10 $3.93 $7,302.88 AWARDED VENDOR Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. BOX EACH EACH CASE BOX BTL EACH EACH EACH EACH CASE 74947 92901 75330 9004279 90464 85161 48134M 85443 1045571 28695 77001 $25.73 $1.22 $0.89 $14.00 $0.97 $8.72 $0.28 $1.60 $3.85 $0.85 $13.61 Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Moore Medical CASE EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG 50087 44506 44505 44092 96020 90333 $6.71 $4.23 $1.62 $1.95 $6.93 $2.56 School Health School Health School Health School Health Medco Supply Moore Medical EACH EACH BOX 97994M 35472 23090 $4.65 $4.17 $6.80 Medco Supply Moore Medical Moore Medical EACH EACH BOX BOX EACH BOX 43006 53138 94075SD 82665 97982M 558090 $5.54 $8.36 $18.73 $3.20 $11.61 $14.55 Medco Supply Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply 9 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Microkey CPR Case ‐ Black ‐ 55031 00998 Pocket Chamber ‐ Latex Free ‐ AG 61675 61675 Replacement Nebulizer Kit for Model C‐16, C‐25 and C‐28, 7' 02 Tubing Reuse T‐Mouthpiece Med Child ‐ 61108 01214 Tee Adaptor Kit with 7' Air Tubing and Nebulizer ‐ 61670 22657 FOOT PRODUCTS Cramer Felt Kit ‐ 29060 02429 Cramer Heel and Lace Pads 2000/Case ‐ 28123 29593 Lotrimin A.F. Cream 24 Grams‐ 43131 22646 Tings Antifungal Athletic Foot Cream ‐ .5 Oz ‐ 43145 02442 GAUZE / COTTON / COTTON TIP APPLICATORS Medline Avant Non‐Woven Sterile Gauze Sponge, 3 X 3 in, 4 Ply, Rayon, Polyester, White, Pack of 40 ‐ 1332824 31971 1 In. Gauze, 4.1 Yard Roll ‐ 24/Pkg ‐ 27501 27089 2 In. Flexicon Elastic Gauze Bandage 4.1 Yds Non Sterile, Self‐ Adherent ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 27034 27034 2 X 2 Non‐Sterile Sponges ‐ 200/Box ‐ 27535 01141 2 X 2 Non‐Sterile, Non‐Woven Sponges ‐ 200/Box ‐ 27539 27539 2 X 2 Sterile Gauze Pads ‐ 100/Box ‐ 27542 01140 2 X 3 Coverlet Adhesive Patch Dressing ‐ 50/Box ‐ 32021 06297 2 X 3 Telfa Pads ‐ 100/Box ‐ 27047 01132 3 In. X 4.1 Yds Elastic Gauze Bandage, Non Sterile, Hartmann ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 27083 8676 3 In. X 4.5 Yds Elastomull Elastic Gauze Bandage ‐ 27078 06299 3 X 3 Non‐Sterile Sponges ‐ 200/Box ‐ 27534 01143 3 X 3 Sterile Gauze Pads ‐ 100/Box ‐ 27543 01142 3 X 4 Sterile Non‐Adherent Gauze Pads ‐ 100/Box ‐ 27532 01133 3 X 4 Sterile Telfa Pads, Non‐Adhesive ‐ 100/Box ‐ 27048 07223 4 X 4 Non‐Sterile Gauze Sponges ‐ 200/Box ‐ 27533 01145 4 X 4 Sterile Gauze Pads ‐ 100/Box ‐ 27544 01144 Cotton Balls Medium Size Non‐Sterile ‐ 2000/Bag ‐ 2 Bags/Case ‐ 30022 01148 Cotton Puffs Jumbo Cosmetic ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 30026 30026 Cotton Tip Applicators #3‐ 1000/Box ‐ 90851 01146 U/M EACH EACH VENDOR ID # 52052 61675 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $5.89 Moore Medical $9.16 School Health KIT EACH 61108 61670 $1.02 $7.83 School Health School Health KIT CASE EACH EACH 29060 30565 02274 50590 $11.41 $16.44 $11.06 $2.71 School Health Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply EACH PKG 317375 27501 $1.14 $3.44 Medco Supply School Health PKG BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX 25026M 1002524 27539 8250 45292 317387 $3.05 $0.80 $0.68 $2.61 $5.03 $3.33 Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply PKG EACH BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX 81904 27078 267670 35260 317388 317388 267672 93357 $1.56 $0.68 $1.81 $3.36 $5.33 $5.33 $2.65 $3.80 Medco Supply School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply Moore Medical CASE PKG BOX 92796 30026 010131 $10.38 $1.39 $2.72 Moore Medical School Health Medco Supply 10 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 01147 02430 5906 9134 DESCRIPTIONS Cotton Tip Applicators #6‐ 1000/Box ‐ 90852 Dressing Supply Jars W/ Lids 4 X 4‐1/2 ‐ 46002 Spenco 2nd Skin 3 Inch Circles, Non‐Sterile ‐ 48/Pkg ‐ 27061 Sterile Spenco 2nd Skin 1‐1/2 X 2 ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 27121 U/M BOX EACH PKG PKG 29591 Stretch gauze, 4" x 60", non‐sterile, latex free, 12/pkg ‐ 27553 GLOVES Large Powdered Vinyl Gloves, 100/Pkg 21308 PKG Latex Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile, Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21181 Latex Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile, Medium ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21180 Latex Disposable Exam Gloves, Sterile ‐ Medium ‐ 50/Box Nitrile Powder Free Gloves ‐ Medium ‐ 200/Box ‐ 21550 Safeskin Lavender Nitrile Gloves, Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21528 Safeskin Lavender Nitrile Gloves, Medium ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21527 Safeskin Lavender Nitrile Gloves, Small ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21526 Safeskin Lavender Nitrile Gloves, X‐Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21529 BOX TRADEX #LLG100 $3.74 Pyramid School Prod. BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX TRADEX #LMD100 $3.74 52930 $19.40 17398 $7.20 NLG400 $3.69 NMD400 $3.69 NSM400 $3.69 NXL400 $3.69 Pyramid School Prod. Moore Medical Moore Medical Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. BOX TRADEX #VLG100 $2.28 Pyramid School Prod. BOX TRADEX #VMD100 $2.28 Pyramid School Prod. BOX TRADEX #VLG200 $2.29 Pyramid School Prod. BOX TRADEX #VMD200 $2.29 Pyramid School Prod. BOX TRADEX #VSM200 $2.29 Pyramid School Prod. BOX TRADEX #VXL200 $2.29 Pyramid School Prod. PKG EACH EACH 65960 34116 90943 $1.82 $11.32 $6.14 Medco Supply School Health School Health 22675 0777 02394 00103 21550 21528 21527 21526 21529 02393 02392 10685C 10206B 10208A 10207D 8681 00995 02408 Vinyl Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile ‐ Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21308 Vinyl Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile ‐ Medium ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21325 Vinyl Powder Free Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile ‐ Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21328 Vinyl Powder Free Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile ‐ Medium ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21312 Vinyl Powder Free Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile ‐ Small ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21324 Vinyl Powder Free Disposable Exam Gloves, Non Sterile ‐ X‐Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21327 HAIR AND HEAD PRODUCTS Check A Head Lice Screening Sticks ‐ 1000/Pkg ‐ 90956 NIX Lice Shampoo, No Subs ‐ 34116 NPA Lice Meister Comb ‐ 90943 BOX VENDOR ID # 90852 46002 15581 89742 BID PRICE $3.44 $3.78 $23.17 $4.21 27553 $3.33 TRADEX #VLG5101 $2.24 AWARDED VENDOR School Health School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical School Health Pyramid School Prod. 11 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 6357 41153 4322 01176 DESCRIPTIONS U/M Plastic Comb ‐ 7 Inch Black ‐ 90622 EACH Plastic Combs ‐ 5 Inch ‐ 12/Box BOX Rid Lice Shampoo, 2 Oz W/Comb Kit ‐ 34061 EACH Wash Cloths, Disposable ‐ Flushable ‐ 48/Pkg ‐ 49145 PKG HOT / COLD PACKS 3 x 5 Therma Kool Reusable Hot/Cold Packs ‐ 37277 EACH 4 X 6 Instant Cold/Ice Packs, Non Reusable ‐ Each ‐ 37219 CASE 4 X 6 Therma Kool Hot /Cold Packs, Reusable ‐ 37064 EACH 5 X 4 Therma Cool Reusable Hot & Cold Compress ‐ 37019 EACH 6 X 10 Blue Easy Sleeves Covers For Reusable Hot/Cold Packs ‐ Each ‐ 37180 EACH 6 X 9 Therma Kool Hot / Cold Packs, Reusable ‐ 37020 EACH Boo‐Boo Bear Cold Pac EACH Cramer Flex‐i‐Cold Reusable Cold Packs 4 X 6‐ 12/Box ‐ 37021 BOX 01177 02031 41088 01229 22652 Cramer Flex‐i‐Cold Reusable Cold Packs 6 X 9 ‐ 12/Box ‐ 37028 Cramer Heavy Duty Ice Bags 9‐1/2 X 18 ‐ 1500/Roll ‐ 21144 English Style Ice Packs 11 Inch ‐ 37012 Hot Water Bottle ‐ 37011 Ice Bag Dispenser ‐ Wall Mount ‐ 90107 BOX ROLL EACH EACH EACH 1340809 56487 29370 13310 23627 $1.13 $72.21 $3.17 $3.03 $37.41 Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply 01174 Kwik‐Kold Junior Instant Cold Packs 5 X 7‐1/2 ‐ 16/Case ‐ 37006 CASE 8957139 $0.63 Henry Schein Medical Co. 01175 68194 22660 31972 CASE EACH EACH EACH 89520 2632589 3457704 43071 $9.55 $15.46 $4.94 $0.48 Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply 01238 22441 Kwik‐Kold Large Instant Cold Packs 6‐1/4 X 9 ‐ 16/Case ‐ 37005 Moist/Dry Heating Pad, Wet‐Proof ‐ 35001 NoseBudd Ice For Nose Bleeds ‐ 37224 School Health Hot/Cold Compress, 4 x 6 in ‐ 1440806 MEDICINAL ITEMS Blistex, .21 Oz Tube ‐ 43015 Economy Nosebleed Clip ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 91456 TUBE PKG 92911 91456 $1.48 $27.74 Moore Medical School Health 29609 1182 31970 Intranasal Naloxone (Narcan) Mucosal Injection, 2 mL ‐ 55921 Sepa Soothe (Medique) ‐ 500/Box ‐ 44171 Nice N Clean Screen Wipes, 12 Packs of 80 ‐ 1533050 EACH BOX EACH 11216 44171 34041M $36.77 $26.63 $26.39 Moore Medical School Health Medco Supply BOCES # 11349 02409 02405 49145 22649 41087 41151 22627 VENDOR ID # 90622 75014 38022M 85443 BID PRICE $0.21 $0.21 $7.24 $1.60 AWARDED VENDOR School Health Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical 37277 80543 80546 37019 $0.72 $0.29 $0.60 $1.40 School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical School Health 37180 80547 37320 1341428 $0.24 $1.01 $3.66 $0.82 School Health Moore Medical School Health Henry Schein Medical Co. 12 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 02435 22662 8470 8471 22440 29612 DESCRIPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS #2 Safety Pins ‐ 144/Pkg ‐ 90025 Citrus II Deodorizing Spray Bottle 22 Oz ‐ 34210 Cooler 3‐Gallon ‐ 38011 Cooler 5‐Gallon ‐ 38084 Cryopack flexible blankets 37169 EZ Clean, Biohazard Clean Up Kit ‐ 90959 PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 85885 53422 6075932 260771 37169 19171M $1.37 $4.82 $32.05 $30.80 $3.00 $4.37 Moore Medical Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply School Health Medco Supply 02448 Glade Aerosol Odor Spray, Assorted Fragrances ‐ 16 oz. Each ‐ 50205 EACH 1000070 $7.09 School Health 29613 40151 29611 29646 8472 22647 02434 29584 28389 Intranasal Naloxone (Narcan) Mucosal Atomizer Device ‐ 1005449 Messenger Bag 40151 Mini MagLite with 2 AA Batteries, 90001 Osteoporosis Model SB36932G Playmate Elite Cooler 16‐Quart Ready Flush Biodegradable Flushable Wipes, 40/Pkg 49270 Safety Pins, Assorted ‐ 90/Pkg ‐ 90027 Thermofocus Hospital Model ‐ 13109 hearing stickers 91180 Sloan Letters Proportionally Spaced 9" x 14" 10 Ft. Distance Chart 52844 Spectacle Occluder ‐ 1005613 Stretch Out Strap with Booklet 62127 Suture Removal Kit ‐ 90135 vision stickers 91179 ORAL PRODUCTS Anbesol ‐ 0.41 Fl Oz ‐ 34006 Anbesol Generic ‐ 0.33 Oz ‐ 43202 Antibacterial Toothbrush Cover ‐ 4/Pkg ‐ 47061 Child Toothbrushes, Economy ‐ 144/Pkg ‐ 47020 Mouth Wash, Generic, Mint ‐ 16 Oz Bottle ‐ 34242 Oil of Cloves ‐ 1/8 Oz ‐ 1058577 OraJel ‐ 1/2 Oz Tube ‐ 43155 OraLine Adult Toothbrushes ‐ Economy, Qty: 72 ‐ 47050 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH 21088 40151 57240 557955 73720 49270 260238 264412 91180 $4.84 $14.85 $5.80 $69.76 $24.93 $3.42 $0.99 $60.98 $7.94 Moore Medical School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply School Health EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 52844 85959 550911 82720 91179 $16.43 $3.75 $9.80 $0.60 $7.94 School Health Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical School Health EACH EACH PKG PKG BTL BTL TUBE CASE 89647 89384 597111 27154 34242 67079 43155 18606MC $4.58 $4.58 $0.40 $5.65 $1.26 $5.17 $5.53 $14.73 Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical School Health Moore Medical School Health Medco Supply BOCES # 28385 28390 28386 28387 28388 41264 07226 47061 02411 02415 41169 02412 22663 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 13 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 02034 02421 02021 90246 02414 02413 28379 00112 03566 3588 0125 01230 01243 07607 6788 37016 01237 01679 01232 0778 00111 00113 90564 3589 00110 01231 29557 DESCRIPTIONS U/M Save A Tooth, Tooth Preserving System ‐ 47028 EACH Squeeze Bottles W/ Spouts 1 Qt ‐ Each ‐ 38081 BOX Tooth Chest ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 90404 PKG Tooth Saver Necklaces ‐ 144/Pkg ‐ 90246 PKG Toothpaste, Sample Size ‐ 47012 EACH Waxed Dental Floss, 100 Yds. ‐ 47018 EACH Lip Balm, Safetec, 0.5 G ‐ 144/Pkg ‐ 43352 PKG PAIN RELIEF / ANALGESICS Acetaminophen Children's Strength, Chewable Tablets, 80 Mg ‐ 30/Bottle ‐ 44104 BTL Acetaminophen, Generic, 325 Mg ‐ 100/Bottle ‐ 44058 BTL Advil Tablets, 2/Pkg ‐ 50 Pkgs/Case ‐ 44013 CASE Aleve, Generic Acetaminophen Extra Strength, 500 Mg ‐ 100/Bottle ‐ 44096 BTL Aspirin, 325 Mg ‐ 100/Bottle ‐ 44009 BTL Benadryl Generic, Diphenhydramine, 25Mg ‐ 100's ‐ 44359 BOX Children's Benadryl / Diphenhydramine Generic, Allergy Liquid Medication, Cherry Flavor, 12.5 mg Per Tsp. ‐ 4 Oz ‐ Expiration Dates Must Be Listed ‐ 34440 EACH Children's Tylenol Chewables 30/Bx. ‐ 44317 BOX Ear Ease Pain Reliever ‐ 37016 EACH Extra Strength Acetaminophen, 500 Mg ‐ 100/Bottle ‐ 44096 BTL Generic Acetaminophen Regular Strength, 325 Mg ‐ 1000/Bottle ‐ 44083 BTL Generic Tylenol, 250 mg, 2/Pkg ‐ 250/Pkg ‐ 44098 PKG Ibuprofen Generic Brand, 200 Mg ‐ 500 Tablets/Bottle ‐ 44067 BTL Ibuprofen, Children's Liquid ‐ 4 Oz ‐ 34641 EACH Jr. Strength Ibuprofen Chewable Tablets ‐ 24/Box ‐ 44477 BOX Pillbox Splitter/Crusher ‐ 90564 EACH Tylenol Caplets, 500 mg, 2/Pkg ‐ 50 Pkgs/Case ‐ 44113 CASE Tylenol Generic, Children's Liquid ‐ 4 Oz ‐ 34052 EACH Tylenol, 325 Mg ‐ 100/Bottle ‐ 44012 BTL PAPER PRODUCTS 8 oz paper cups ‐ package of 1000 ‐ 331332 PKG VENDOR ID # 47028 1006062 99505 13303 47012 47018 269536 BID PRICE $10.87 $3.14 $5.47 $10.25 $0.33 $0.79 $5.14 AWARDED VENDOR School Health School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical School Health School Health Medco Supply 64134 83277 68126 $0.96 $0.74 $10.86 Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply 83279 12765 269581 $0.95 $0.73 $2.87 Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply 267658 44104 37016 83281 $1.21 $1.23 $12.67 $0.99 Medco Supply School Health School Health Moore Medical 83278 83277 88906 267572 97945 90564 44310 1180800 46028M $4.46 $0.74 $7.09 $4.41 $2.92 $2.95 $11.80 $1.18 $7.86 Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical School Health Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply 92662 $71.60 Moore Medical 14 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 22028 02418 02420 21209 01167 10876 DESCRIPTIONS Always Thin Ultra Maxi Pads ‐ 36/Pkg ‐ 22053 Cup 3‐1/2 Oz Pleated Paper ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 21013 Cup 5 Oz Paper Flat Bottom ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 21010 Cups, flat bottom, paper, 3 oz, sleeve of 100 ‐ 21209 Facial Tissue, 144/Box ‐ 36 Boxes/Case ‐ 21396 Huggies Pull‐Ups Training Pants, Boys 4T ‐ 5T ‐ 18/Pkg ‐ 21435 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE PKG 1006292 $7.94 PKG 21013 $2.43 PKG 1049869 $2.09 PKG XIE CUP #DIX45PAT $2.99 CASE 21396 $35.36 PKG 1001954 $12.98 AWARDED VENDOR School Health School Health Henry Schein Medical Co. Pyramid School Prod. School Health School Health 10879 21298 01169 00117 Huggies Pull‐Ups Training Pants, Girls 4T ‐ 5T ‐ 18/Pkg ‐ 1001955 Kleenex Facial Tissue, 125/Box ‐ 48 Boxes/Case ‐ 21299 Kotex Maxi Pads ‐ 24/Box ‐ 22011 Playtex Gentle Glide Tampons ‐ 500/Case ‐ 22005 PKG CASE BOX CASE 1001955 91750 26292 PLAYTEX #T500 $12.98 $49.94 $3.26 $55.95 School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical Pyramid School Prod. 01170 Regular Tampax Tampons, Flushable Applicator ‐ 40/Box ‐ 22010 Stayfree Napkins/Maxi Pads, Individually Wrapped ‐ 250/Box ‐ 22003 PLASTIC PRODUCTS BOX 91998 $5.98 Moore Medical BOX GARDS #147A $28.98 Pyramid School Prod. 4 In. X 650' Econo Self‐Adherent Plastic Wraps ‐ 6 Rolls/Case ‐ 21628 Baggies Gallon Size With Twist Ties 11‐1/2 X 12‐1/2 Inch ‐ 50/Box ‐ 21054 Contaminated Waste Red Garbage Bag ‐ 20/Case ‐ 21183 Cup 3‐1/2 Oz Clear Plastic ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 21418 Cup 3‐1/2 Oz Clear Plastic ‐ 2500/Cse ‐ 21408 Drink Cup 5 Oz Plastic Cold ‐ 2430/Case Drink Cup 5 Oz Plastic Cold ‐ 90/Pkg ‐ 21012 Medicine Cups 1 Oz Paper Pleated ‐ 250/Pkg ‐ 21095 Medicine Cups 1 Oz Plastic ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 21004 Reclosable Bags 4 X 4 ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21338 Ziploc Bag 4 X 6 ‐ 2 Mils ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21422 Ziploc Gallon Freezer Bags, 30/Box ‐ 21133 Ziploc Pint Sandwich Bag ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21066 Ziploc Quart Freezer Bags, 500/Box ‐ 21595 Ziploc Snack Bag, 6‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 Inch ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21220 Zipper Seal Top Baggies 5 X 8 ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 21390 CASE 86598 $20.12 Medco Supply BOX CASE EACH Case CASE PKG PKG PKG BOX BOX CASE BOX CASE BOX PKG 21054 88720 21418 3957419 596681 596680 1195506 210047 21338 21422 $2.58 $3.16 $2.29 $2.40 $37.99 $1.41 $1.92 $0.70 $1.46 $1.36 $2.99 $2.76 $12.89 $3.24 $1.62 School Health Moore Medical School Health Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health School Health School Health Pyramid School Prod. Henry Schein Medical Co. Pyramid School Prod. School Health Medco Supply 01847 29588 06288 02426 21418 02416 21401 02419 21095 02417 21338 3575 02425 41170 02424 21220 21390 3956532 21220 29670 15 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 21339 6236 02450 16146 22654 17162 28384 10972 0117 0118 0116 02024 3578 1185 1184 80450 28377 01131 01101 01125 01129 01136 01130 01126 01128 DESCRIPTIONS Zipper Seal Top Reclosable Clear Bags 5 X 7, 2 mil ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 21339 Clinical Guidelines for School Nurses ‐ 2013 Merk Manual ‐ Newest Edition ‐ 11006 REFERENCE GUIDES / BOOKS CONCUSSION: An Educational DVD 16146 Health Problems in the Classroom PK ‐ Grade 6 ‐ 11301 Managing Diabetes At School, Tools For School Nurse Book And Record Forms ‐ 11761 SPLINTS / BRACES / SUPPORTS Orthodontia Wax Kit ‐ Brace Gard Mini Pak ‐ 47029 Adult Arm Sling Denim, Large, Closed End ‐ 20192 Ankle Braces Large ‐ 41448 Ankle Braces X‐Large ‐ 41449 Ankle Braces, Medium ‐ 41447 Bass Wood Splints ‐ 12/Box ‐ 20006 Cervical Collar, 16‐18 Inch ‐ Medium ‐ 41001 Foot & Ankle Inflatable Air Splint ‐ 20032 Half Arm Inflatable Air Splint ‐ 20020 Universal Sam Splint 4‐1/4 X 36 Inch ‐ 20072 TAPES Tape Cutter Replacement Blades 20/Package 36068 1 In. X 10 Yds Dynarex Hypoallergenic Cloth Tape ‐ 12/Box ‐ 28281 1 In. Curad Waterproof Tape, 10 Yds ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 28115 1 In. Hypoallergenic Dermiclear Tape, Latex‐Free ‐ 12 Rolls/Box ‐ 28110 1 In. X 10 Yds Paper Surgical Tape ‐ 12/Box ‐ 28178 1 In. X 2‐1/2 Yds Johnson & Johnson Elastikon Tape ‐ 12 Rolls/Box ‐ 28034 1/2 In. X 10 Yds Dynarex Cloth Tape ‐ 24/Box ‐ 28280 1/2 In. Hypoallergenic Dermiclear Tape, Latex‐Free ‐ 24 Rolls/Case ‐ 28109 1/2 In. X 10 Yds Paper Surgical Tape ‐ 24/Box ‐ 28177 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR PKG EACH EACH 21339 11914 019482 $1.98 $62.92 $84.00 School Health School Health Medco Supply EACH EACH 16146 11301 $22.02 $62.54 School Health School Health EACH 11761 $48.63 School Health EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH BOX EACH EACH EACH EACH 47029 262965 65921 65922 65920 88622 267628 20032 20020 37155 $0.60 $2.04 $4.08 $4.08 $4.08 $7.74 $3.41 $8.74 $7.74 $6.60 School Health Medco Supply Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply School Health School Health Moore Medical PKG 36068 $5.57 School Health BOX PKG 4990655 243833 $7.48 $12.00 Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply BOX BOX 28110 79812 $19.00 $3.07 School Health Moore Medical BOX BOX 5555165 79816 $15.54 $7.24 Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical CASE BOX 28109 79815 $21.50 $3.27 School Health Moore Medical 16 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 01154 01119 01102 01117 3795 01155 01118 29592 8675 01841 01163 07209 02444 84620 84480 06316 22644 41108 86160 090693 3594 00099 DESCRIPTIONS U/M 1‐1/2 In. X 15 Yds Johnson & Johnson Coach Porous Athletic Tape ‐ 32 Rolls/Case ‐ 28026 CASE 2 In. Bike Elastic Conform Tape ‐ 24 Rolls/Case ‐ 28062 CASE 2 In. Curad Waterproof Tape, 10 Yds ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 28116 PKG 2 In. Johnson & Johnson Elastic Conforming Gauze Tape, 5 Yds/Roll ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 27551 PKG 2‐3/4 In. Pre‐Tape Under Wrap, 30 Yds/Roll ‐ 48 Rolls/Case ‐ 28047 2‐3/4 In. X 30 Yds Under Wrap Pre Tape, Beige ‐ 48 Rolls/Case ‐ 28500 VENDOR ID # BID PRICE 5550533 85295 243835 $50.18 $34.46 $12.00 Henry Schein Medical Co. Medco Supply Medco Supply 27551 $1.07 School Health CASE 92120 $31.39 Medco Supply CASE 92120 $31.39 Medco Supply 1048997 $1.30 Henry Schein Medical Co. 5556816 $57.88 Henry Schein Medical Co. 8632 $13.93 Moore Medical 30523 36067 $7.63 $1.61 Moore Medical School Health 28176 92120 84593 5550459 $12.00 $31.39 $42.04 $57.88 School Health Medco Supply Medco Supply Henry Schein Medical Co. 5551209 9113665 28138 98077 $55.76 $5.80 $10.56 $1.66 Henry Schein Medical Co. Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Moore Medical BOX 28278 $7.61 School Health BOX BOX 32403 82792 $40.90 $24.59 Moore Medical Moore Medical 3 In. X 5 Yds Elastic Conforming Gauze Tape ‐ 12 Rolls /Pkg ‐ 27552 PKG 3 Inch X 2‐1/2 yds Elastikon Athletic Tape, Johnson and Johnson ‐ 16 Rolls/Case 28108 CASE 3M Blenderm Surgical Tape 1 Inch X 5 Yds , Hypoallergenic And Latex Free ‐ 12/Box ‐ 28067 BOX Cramer Tuf‐Skin Colorless Tape Adherent ‐ 10 Oz Spray ‐ 50020 EACH Crammers Zip Tape Cutter ‐ 36067 EACH Dermacel Cloth 1 Inch X 10 Yds Surgical Tape, Hypo‐Allergenic ‐ 12/Box ‐ 28176 BOX Econowrap 2‐3/4 Inch X 30 Yds/Roll ‐ 48 Rolls/Case ‐ 28047 CASE Elastic Tape 2 Inch X 7‐1/2 Yds Ultralight ‐ 24/Case ‐ 28062 CASE Elastikon 2 Inch X 2‐1/2 Yds ‐ 24/Case ‐ 28107 CASE Johnson & Johnson Zonas 1‐1/2 Inch X 15 Yds Plain Athletic Tape ‐32 Rolls/Case ‐ 28025 CASE Leukotape Sports Tape 1‐1/2 Inch X 15 Yards ‐ 28105 ROLL Steri‐Strips 1/8 X 3 ‐ 50/Pkg‐ 28138 PKG Tape Remover Pads ‐ 100/Box ‐ 49006 BOX Transpore Clear 1 Inch X 10 Yds First Aid Tape ‐ 12/Box ‐ 28278 TEST STRIPS Multistix 10SG ‐ 100/Box ‐ 44193 Strep Test ‐ Rapid ‐ 25/Box ‐ 90493 AWARDED VENDOR 17 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 01245 01256 43106 01248 01257 01260 01250 01258 DESCRIPTIONS U/M Urine Test Strips, Generic Of Uristix, Test For Urinary Protein And Glucose Strips, GEN‐GP2 ‐ 100/Box ‐ 44183 BOX THERMOMETERS / SHEATHS Exergen Probe Covers For Temporal Scanner 50/pkg. ‐ 21250 EACH Filac 3000EZ Thermometer with Oral Probe ‐ 13107 EACH Probe Covers For Welch Allyn Sure Temp Thermometer ‐ 1000/Case ‐ 21394 Case Probe Covers For Welch Allyn Sure Temp Thermometer ‐ 250/Box ‐ 21431 BOX Temporal Scanner Thermometer, Exergen ‐ 13066 EACH Thermometer Digital ‐ Regular Hard Tip ‐ 13101 EACH Thermometer Sheaths Sterile Electronic , Latex‐free ‐ 100/Box ‐ 21051 BOX Thermometer Strip, Fever Scan Reusable Forehead Reads In 15 Seconds, Contains No Latex ‐ 13081 EACH Welch Allyn Thermo Scan Pro 4000 Probe Cover Sheaths ‐ 200/Box ‐ 21292 BOX Welch Allyn Thermometer, Sure‐Temp Plus, 4 Second Oral, 10 Second Pediatric Axillary Temp, 3 ‐AA ‐ 13071 EACH TONGUE DEPRESSORS Junior Tongue Depressors ‐ 500/Box ‐ 90023 BOX Large Tongue Applicator ‐ 500/Box‐ 90022 BOX Wood Applicators 6 Inch ‐ 1000/Box ‐ 90019 BOX TOPICAL ANTISEPTICS 1% Hydrocortisone Cream ‐ 1 Oz ‐ 43134 EACH A & D Ointment ‐ 2 Oz Tube ‐ 43032 TUBE Aquaphor Ointment ‐ 1.75 Oz Tube ‐ 43106 TUBE Bacitracin Ointment ‐ 1 Oz ‐ 43009 EACH Bactine ‐ 5 Oz Pump ‐ 50035 EACH Bactine, Squeeze Bottle ‐ 4 Oz ‐ 34326 EACH Betadine Ointment ‐ 1 Oz EACH Caladryl Lotion (Not Calahist) ‐ 6 Oz ‐ 43039 EACH 07225 Caladryl Lotion (Not Calahist) Callergy Clear Lotion ‐ 6 Oz ‐ 34384 BOCES # 01191 21250 29583 3592 0127 29582 01197 01198 01200 00997 47000 01195 01194 04709 EACH VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 44183 $11.54 90291 85560 $3.24 Moore Medical $168.54 Moore Medical School Health 5660460 $9.75 Henry Schein Medical Co. 17737 13066 15605m $8.80 $62.98 $2.43 Moore Medical School Health Medco Supply 63347 $1.58 Moore Medical 13081 $3.11 School Health 22883 $12.79 Moore Medical 13071 $233.73 School Health 04221 04220 65960 $3.56 $3.56 $1.82 Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply 9004787 96776 67292 9004971 67412 90224 044611 43039 $1.06 $0.43 $3.98 $1.33 $4.78 $3.47 $2.41 $5.53 Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply School Health 83624 $2.72 Moore Medical 18 DCMO BOCES ‐ HEALTH SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐103 BOCES # 41160 01261 01264 01089 01840 04701 01268 01255 01247 03271 43016 41163 8666 43013 40064 41164 DESCRIPTIONS Calamine Lotion ‐ 6 Oz ‐ 43394 Camphophenique ‐ 43205 Cramer Atomic Balm, 1 lb. ‐ 43073 Cramer Cindersuds ‐ 5 Oz Spray Can ‐ 50008 Cramer Cold Spray ‐ 6 Oz Can ‐ 50010 First Aid Cream ‐ 1.5 Oz Tube ‐ 43263 Hydrocortisone Cream ‐ 0.5%, 1 Oz ‐ 43063 Lidocaine (Xylocaine) 2%, 50 cc ‐ 34271 Medi‐Quick First‐Aid Spray, Pump ‐ 3 Oz ‐ 34022 Mineral Ice ‐ 16 Oz ‐ 43103 Muscle Jel‐ 4 Oz ‐ 43356 Neosporin ‐ 1 Oz ‐ 43030 Petroleum Jelly ‐ 13 Oz ‐ 43053 Triple Antibiotic Ointment ‐ 1 Oz ‐ 43013 Vaseline ‐ 3‐1/4 Oz Tubes ‐ 43026 Zinc Oxide ‐ 1 Oz ‐ 43034 U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH TUBE EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH TUBE EACH VENDOR ID # 261025 68580 30581 27070 29070 317497 268891 59498 34012M 88585 88369 5803430 43053 99492 8622 268888 BID PRICE $1.23 $3.40 $8.78 $5.43 $7.06 $1.52 $1.22 $2.69 $3.70 $11.58 $3.75 $5.67 $2.12 $1.14 $0.95 $0.64 AWARDED VENDOR Medco Supply Medco Supply Moore Medical Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply Medco Supply Moore Medical Medco Supply Moore Medical Moore Medical Henry Schein Medical Co. School Health Moore Medical Moore Medical Medco Supply 19 DCMO BOCES COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICE BID AWARD FOR LIBRARY EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY BID #2016-104 Bid Prices Expire on March 30, 2017 Created by The Cooperative Purchasing Service COOPERATIVE PURCHASING S E R V I CE BID AWARD INFORMATION To: Participating Districts From: Deb Bestwick, Cooperative Purchasing Agent Date: April 18, 2016 Re: Cooperative Purchasing award results for: Liberty Equipment and Supply Bid #2016-104 On April 7, 2016, the BOCES Board of Education reviewed the bid award recommendations, and approved and awarded the bids. The attached “Successful Bids” sheets are the results of the award of the bids. These sheets list each item that was on the bid and references the awarded bidder, bid price, vendor product number. Any alternate information is found within the actual item description. This means that if an alternate brand was accepted and awarded, the alternate brand has become the item’s description for this bid cycle. If you need additional information on an item, in most cases, the item can be found on the awarded vendor’s website by using the vendor product number to conduct a search for that item number within the vendor’s online catalog. The bidder MUST provide the item to the brand and model listed within the item’s specifications. Please let me know if any item is received that does not match the brands listed on the award sheets. Also attached is the “Awarded Vendor Detail” sheet. This sheet will provide you with pertinent information regarding the address, phone number, website and contact person for each awarded vendor, along with a discount being offered for additional items which were not listed on the bid. Please make sure that the appropriate bid number appears on each purchase order sent to the awarded, corresponding vendor. Districts that participated in the Bids will be sent the “Purchase Order Attachments” for the items requisitioned. These sheets will be sent as a PDF file. The PO Attachments show the items that are to be purchased from each awarded bidder, by Requisitioner. These sheets may become an attachment to a purchase order, making separate typing unnecessary. District’s that utilize the WinCap or Finance Manager imports will be sent the import files after the requisitions have been approved for export. The import files will be available after May 5th, 2016, when the online requisition is closed down. If you need the imports sooner, please let me know. The May 6th date is only for requisitions being amended online at our website. Otherwise, these imports are available immediately. Please note that if you are using FM NVision we can import to this program, however, we will need to send the file to Finance Manager first, in order to have them configure the file into a format that can be imported into the program. This function will take approximately 2 weeks, so please factor this time requirement into your schedule. Please note: Purchase Order Attachments with No Vendor Name Listed at the top are a notification that those items that did not receive a bid and therefore must be purchased outside bid award. Since these items were not available from the bidders; it is possible that the item is obsolete and no longer available. It is suggested that your teachers/nurses review the available items that were awarded for a suitable substitution, or utilize the discounts provided on the Awarded Vendor Detail sheet to obtain a price from one of the vendors. Since we included all the “Add-On Items” to the bid that we collected during the requisitioning process, the amount of “No Bid Items” should be minimal. Vendor Product Number Each awarded item should show the vendor’s product number in the “Vendor Item #” area on the bid award PDF or excel sheet. To view the awarded item, go to the vendor’s website and place the vendor’s product number in their website’s search engine. Alternate Items Any item awarded with an alternate pack size has had the original pack size in the specification changed to reflect the awarded pack size. Please also note, that these changes in pack size are reflected on your PO Attachments. For example, if you ordered 12 of an item and the awarded unit of measure is by the dozen, then your PO Attachment will reflect an order for 1, since 1 now equals a dozen or 12. Remember, any product brand listed within the specification must be provided by the awarded vendor; any deviation of brands is not allowed. Please call us if any vendor provides a substitution without your prior approval. The variance form and procedure is available on the website for your review and use should you have a problem with the quality or delivery of any item awarded on this bid. Please review the variance procedure before filling out the variance form. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 607- 335-1262 or email me at bestwicd@dcmoboces.com. Thank you, Award and Discount Summary Library Equipment and Supply Bid # 2016-104 There is a $25 min. order for free shipping on items within the bid. Items not found in the bid can be secured using the discounts below. Please note the amounts required for min. orders for free shipping on these orders. Please use Bid #2016-104 and the Vendor Ref # when ordering VENDOR Brodart Company 500 Arch Street Williamsport, PA 17701 Contact Person Emilee Snook Phone Number 888-820-4377 Fax: 800-5781064 The Library Store P.O. Box 0964 301 E. South Street Tremont, IL 61568 Audrey Airmone Ordering: Customer Service 800-548-7204 Fax:800-3207706 Demco, Inc. P.O. Box 7488 Madison, WI 53707 Kristopher Snow Ordering: Order Entry Department 800-356-1200 Fax: 800-2451329 E-Mail / WebSite Notes www.shopbrodart.com Reference #85192 30% - Library/ A/V Equip. & Archival Supplies 15% for Furniture & Equip. supplies.quotes@brodart.com $100 min free delivery Freight for durable/drop ship www.thelibrarystore.com 10% - AV Equip – Furniture 15% - Book Care, display etc customerservice@thelibrarystore. 20% - Tape, Cards, Laminate com Free Shipping on orders over $100.00 order@demco.com Reference #C00043 www.demco.com 12% - Supplies 5% - Learning Materials 5% - Furniture & Equipment $25 min free delivery Discounts not available on security products, periodicals, subscriptions or licensed products * Purchase orders must have the vendor reference number written on the PO LIBRARY SUPPLY BID #2016-104 - INDEX Sub-Category Name Adhesives Book Ends Book Jackets / Covers Book Pockets Book Repair Supplies Book Tapes Bookmarkers Catalog / Book Cards Covers / Magazine – Book File Boxes / Holders Labels Library Equipment Media Bags Miscellaneous Supplies Trimmers / Cutters Page # 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 DCMO BOCES ‐ LIBRARY SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐104 BOCES # DESCRIPTIONS BOOK ENDS Bookends 9 Inch Polyester‐Coated Steel, Plain Base, Specify Color ‐ Each ‐ H16605 Non‐Skid Bookend 5‐1/2 In. Bases, Cork Base ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ H66875 Bookends 5‐1/2 In. Polyester‐Coated Steel Cork Base, Specify Color ‐ Each ‐ H16607 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE EACH PKG 66‐0307 66‐0302 $2.00 $4.29 The Library Store The Library Store EACH 44‐751 $1.50 Brodart Company EACH 809265 $2.89 Demco, Inc. PKG 30‐0837 $16.25 The Library Store 6983 Bookend 9 Inch Polyester‐Coated Steel, Plain Base ‐ Each ‐ H16605 BOOK JACKET COVERS Adhesive Reddi‐Covers ‐ Small Size Assortment ‐ 7, 8 And 9 Inch Covers ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ H53538 Adhesive Reddi‐Covers ‐ Large Size Assortment ‐ 10, 11 And 12 Inch Covers ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ H53540 PKG 30‐0838 $33.47 The Library Store 07568 Acid‐Free PreCut Combo Book Covers 9 X 19 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ H80582 PKG 20‐601‐101 $3.12 Brodart Company 07571 Acid‐Free PreCut Combo Book Covers 14 X 28 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 25/Ctn ‐ 12201440 Ctn 20‐601‐104 $6.90 Brodart Company 07569 Acid‐Free PreCut Combo Book Covers 10 X 21 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ H80583 PKG 12201040 $5.09 Demco, Inc. 07558 Acid‐Free E‐Z Fit Book Jacket, 9 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 300 Ft. Roll ‐ 12221100 ROLL 12221100 $16.69 Demco, Inc. 07560 Acid‐Free E‐Z Fit Book Jacket 12 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 300 Ft. Roll ‐ 12221110 ROLL 12221110 $18.19 Demco, Inc. 80520 Acid‐Free E‐Z Fit Book Jacket 16 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 300 Ft. Roll ‐ 12224500 ROLL 12224500 $18.29 Demco, Inc. 80517 28412 Acid‐Free E‐Z Fit Book Jacket 10 Inch, 1.5 mil. ‐ 300 Ft. Roll ‐ 12223000 Superfold Book Jacket Covers 12 X 24 In ‐ 50/pkg ‐ WA12211200 BOOK POCKETS ROLL CASE 12223000 55‐0673 $18.98 $21.11 Demco, Inc. The Library Store 6995 Self‐Adhesive Book Pockets 3‐1/4 Inch , Reinforced, Plain ‐ 500/Pkg ‐ H30635 PKG 23‐262‐001 $7.32 Brodart Company 07541 Self‐Adhesive Book Pockets 6‐1/4 Inch, Reinforced, Plain ‐ 500 /Pkg ‐ H33653 PKG 23‐263‐001 $9.09 Brodart Company 07583 66875 07585 07587 6982 AWARDED VENDOR 1 DCMO BOCES ‐ LIBRARY SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐104 DESCRIPTIONS U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE 6994 Self‐Adhesive Book Pockets, Reinforced 3‐1/4 Inch , Plain ‐ 100/Box ‐ 12155260 BOX 12155260 $3.79 Demco, Inc. 07542 Self‐Adhesive Book Pockets 4‐1/4 Inch, Reinforced, Plain ‐ 500 /Pkg ‐ H90127 PKG 12532500 $12.29 Demco, Inc. 25153 Pressure Sensitive Book Pockets, High back, No Date Grid, 500/bx ‐ 12147110 BOX 12147110 $13.79 Demco, Inc. 28422 Pressure Sensitive Book Pockets, high back, no date grid, 500/box WS12147110 BOOK REPAIR SUPPLIES All‐Plastic Razor Blade Label Peeler ‐ 13214080 Book Saver 8 Oz Bottle ‐ 13459840 Scotch Sticker And Adhesive Remover Pen ‐ H46503 Squeegee For Book Care & Repair ‐ 12175610 Clear Book Repair Wings P164‐7105 Page Repair Strips ‐ 13199500 Book Repair Tool Kit BOOK TAPES BOX 23‐620‐001 $22.11 Brodart Company EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH KIT 16‐00011 40‐408‐001 41‐170‐001 12175610 16471050 13199500 16202080 $0.88 $3.36 $7.08 $0.69 $0.89 $2.09 $41.29 The Library Store Brodart Company Brodart Company Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. BOCES # 10788 010124 10790 10787 24802 24800 4723 AWARDED VENDOR EACH 31‐0251 $2.85 The Library Store 1445233 07580 1‐1/2 In Premium Book Tape, 4 Mil, Clear ‐ 15 yrds/Roll ‐ 12556660 Scotch 840 Economy Self‐Adhesive Book Tape with 3 in Core, 3 X 30 Yards X 2.6 mil, Clear Elmer‘s Rubber Cement ‐ 8 Oz Bottle ‐ 20525120 EACH EACH 31‐10003 37‐015‐004 $4.36 $2.67 The Library Store Brodart Company 11351 2 In. Easy Bind II Repair Tape, 2‐Mil Polyester, 90 Ft. Roll ‐ 14200490 EACH 11‐103‐001 $16.59 Brodart Company 11029 14568 14570 14573 16335850 3 In. Easy Bind II Gloss Clear Poly RepairTape, 30 Yards 3 Inch Core 3/4 In Color Coding Tape, 42' Roll ‐ Light Blue ‐ 16823060 3/4 In Color Coding Tape, 42' Roll ‐ Green ‐ 16823180 3/4 In Color Coding Tape, 42' Roll ‐ Orange ‐ 16823050 Demco Scotch P‐56 Multiple Roll Tape Dispenser EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 11‐103‐002 16823060 16823180 16823050 16335850 $18.60 $1.89 $2.39 $2.39 $2.39 Brodart Company Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. 23102 3 In X 15 Yards Brodart Cloth Tape with Release Backing‐Blue 16620130 EACH 16620130 $7.19 Demco, Inc. 30203 2 DCMO BOCES ‐ LIBRARY SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐104 0387253 1361817 387253 DESCRIPTIONS Vinyl Repositionable Laminate Book Covers 9 Inch Vistafoil 4 mil. ‐ 400 Inch Roll ‐ 12281410 3/4 In Scotch 471 Vinyl Hinge Tape, 5 mil. ‐ 108 Ft. Roll ‐ H35133 Vinyl Repositionable Laminate Book Covers 10 Inch Vistafoil 4 mil. ‐ 400 Inch Roll ‐ 12281420 Vinyl Repositionable Laminate Book Covers 12 Inch Vistafoil 4 mil. ‐ 400 Inch Roll ‐ 12201170 1 In Scotch 471 Vinyl Hinge Tape, 5 mil ‐ 108 Ft. Roll ‐ H42891 Vinyl Repositionable Laminate Book Covers 14 Inch Vistafoil 4 mil. ‐ 400 Inch Roll ‐ 12281440 Vinyl Repositionable Laminate Book Covers 18 Inch Vistafoil 4 mil. ‐ 400 Inch Roll ‐ 12281450 Vinyl Repositionable Laminate Book Covers 24 Inch Vistafoil 4 mil. ‐ 400 Inch Roll ‐ 12281460 Scotch P‐56 Multiple Roll Tape Dispenser ‐ WS16335850 BOOKMARKS Happy Birthday Bookmarks 36/Pkg ‐ 387253 We're Wild About Books Bookmark ‐ 36/Pkg ‐ 1361817 Happy Birthday Bookmark ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ 12262320 10807 10805 1414852 14433 14434 14435 Dr. Seuss Books are Fun Bookmarks 2 X 6 Inch ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12207760 Animals Bookmarks 2 X 6 Inch ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12264130 Bookmark, Cat in the Hat Read Every Day, 6 X 2, 36/Pkg Seasonal Bookmarks, Assorted, Spring ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12263020 Seasonal Bookmarks, Assorted, Summer ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12263040 Seasonal Bookmarks, Assorted, Winter ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12758010 PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG 12207760 12264130 13101090 12263020 12263040 12758010 $3.89 $4.19 $4.19 $4.19 $4.19 $4.19 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. 24490 44000 25494 The More You Read Stars Bookmarks 2 X 6 2 Sided ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12263660 Seasonal Bookmarks, Assorted Fall ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ 12758000 Dr. Seuss Poem Bookmarks ‐ 13635920 Fun‐N‐Nuf Fun Assortment Clip‐Over‐The‐Page Bookmark, Plastic, Pack of 10 ‐ 079234 PKG PKG EACH 12263660 12758000 13635920 $4.19 $4.19 $8.50 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. EACH 03‐1022 $5.44 The Library Store BOCES # 07573 4713 07574 07575 4724 07576 07577 07578 29724 31501 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR ROLL ROLL 12281410 12176320 $10.98 $11.09 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. ROLL 12281420 $12.09 Demco, Inc. ROLL ROLL 12201170 12176330 $12.59 $14.59 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. ROLL 12281440 $17.29 Demco, Inc. ROLL 12281450 $21.29 Demco, Inc. ROLL EACH 12281460 16335850 $27.59 $37.49 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. EACH PKG PKG 03‐15480 03‐15141 12262320 $3.01 $3.01 $2.29 The Library Store The Library Store Demco, Inc. 3 DCMO BOCES ‐ LIBRARY SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐104 BOCES # DESCRIPTIONS U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH 03‐15150 $39.91 The Library Store PKG 82‐0258 $5.28 The Library Store 24497 Fun‐N‐Nuf Smiley Circle Clip‐Over‐The‐Page Bookmark, Pack of 75 ‐ 1429709 CATALOG/BOOK CARDS Shelf Markers, Assorted ‐ 24/Pkg ‐ 12803220 07505 Standard Book Cards 3 X 5 Inch , Double Lined Header Box ‐ (Specify Color: F‐ Buff / G‐Green / L‐Blue / S‐Salmon / W‐White) ‐ 500/Box ‐ 13221650 BOX 13221650 $1.98 Demco, Inc. 07599 Pressure Sensitive Date Due Slips 3 X 5 Inch ‐ 500/Box ‐ 13829300 BOX 13829300 $6.29 Demco, Inc. 07600 Pressure‐Sensitive Date Due Slips 3‐3/4 X 2‐3/4 Inch ‐ 500/Box ‐ 13432570 COVERS/MAGAZINE‐BOOK Demco CircExtender 3X Laminate 10 X 400 Inch ‐ P122‐0116 Reddi‐Covers For Books 7‐1/2 X 13 ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ H53533 BOX 13432570 $7.69 Demco, Inc. EACH PKG 30‐05002 30‐0831 $4.36 $20.71 The Library Store The Library Store PKG 30‐0572 $21.54 The Library Store PKG Ctn PKG 30‐0573 30‐0832 30‐0833 $26.07 $27.89 $35.13 The Library Store The Library Store The Library Store EACH 13900260 $7.89 Demco, Inc. 31976 23098 07561 23106 23105 07562 07563 3900260 Easy Cover II Two‐Piece Adhesive Book Cover 9 X 6‐1/2 Inch, 25/Pkg ‐ 14201320 Easy Cover II Two‐Piece Adhesive Book Cover 10‐1/2 X 7‐1/2 Inch, 25/Pkg ‐ 14200330 Reddi‐Covers For Books 8‐1/2 X 13 ‐ 50/Ctn ‐ H53534 Reddi‐Covers For Books 9‐3/4 X 15 ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ H53535 FILE BOXES Brochure Size Literature Holder, Clear ‐ 13900260 07613 Colorful Magazine 12‐3/4 X 3 X 10 Boxes (Files) Corrugated ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 13069870 LABELS PKG 13069870 $9.98 Demco, Inc. 69658 14008A 14010A 14039A 46390 Clear Bar Code Label Protectors 1‐1/2 X 3 Inch, 2 Mil. ‐ 200/Pkg ‐ H69658 Biography Classification Labels ‐ 216/Pkg ‐ 13195950 Christmas Classification Labels ‐ 250/Pkg ‐ 13195970 Mystery Classification Labels ‐ 250/Pkg ‐ 12553500 Graphic Novel Classification Labels ‐ 216/Pkg ‐ 12557450 PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG 16‐10823 13195950 13195970 12553500 12557450 $9.67 $2.39 $2.39 $2.39 $2.39 The Library Store Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. 43651 Clear Bar Code Label Protectors 1‐1/4 X 2‐3/4 Inch ‐ 250/Roll ‐ 12806580 ROLL 12806580 $3.19 Demco, Inc. 4 DCMO BOCES ‐ LIBRARY SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐104 BOCES # DESCRIPTIONS U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 4719 Label Protectors 1‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 Inch , Rounded Style ‐ 200/Roll ‐ 12890030 ROLL 12890030 $3.69 Demco, Inc. 07525 Label Protectors, Rounded Style 1‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 Inch ‐ 250/Roll ‐ 12850490 ROLL 12850490 $4.09 Demco, Inc. 07524 Clear Bar Code Label Protectors 1‐1/2 X 4 Inch ‐ 250/Roll ‐ 12806620 ROLL 12806620 $5.39 Demco, Inc. 6989 PKG 12806760 $8.39 Demco, Inc. 10810 Label Protectors 1‐1/4 X 3 Inch, Rounded Style ‐ 1000/Pkg ‐ 12806760 Label Protectors 1‐1/4 X 3‐1/4 Inch, Square Style 13612310 ‐ 1000/Roll ‐ 13612310 ROLL 13612310 $9.35 Demco, Inc. 6990 Label Protectors 1‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 Inch, Rounded Style ‐ 1000/Pkg ‐ 12806820 PKG 12806820 $12.29 Demco, Inc. 46472 Classification Label Sets ‐ Holiday Assortment ‐ 486/Pkg ‐ 13071370 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT PKG 13071370 $29.69 Demco, Inc. EACH EACH EACH 91‐20008 807538 13587810 $544.46 The Library Store $1.09 Demco, Inc. $1.59 Demco, Inc. EACH EACH 73‐01862 12746000 122.3.6 The Library Store $0.59 Demco, Inc. SET 80‐10305 $7.78 The Library Store PKG 80‐10304 $7.78 The Library Store PKG PKG 16300880 12752640 $8.59 $23.19 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. 07619 24805 25196 29208 07582 1283397 335281 07591 11353 Bretford Voyager Book and Utility Truck, 6 Sloped Shelves, 5 Inch Quiet Glide Casters, Two Locking, 44 X 36 X 18 Inch ‐ H10189 Large Folding Wire Easel ‐ 807538 Large Book Easel ‐ 13587810 Safco Corrugated Literature Organizer, 36 Compartments, 29 W x 12 D x 34‐1/2 H in, Medium Oak ‐ 674816 Ultra‐Slim One‐Disc CD/DVD Case ‐ 12746000 MEDIA BAGS Jumbo Buddy Book Bags 11 x 16 Inch ‐ 5/Set ‐ BG508 Book Buddy Bags, Sturdy Plastic Handle, Area to write name ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 335281 Monaco Standard Hang Up Media Bags 12‐3/4 X 10‐1/4 Inch ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 16300880 I Heart / Love Books Economy Book Bags ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 12752640 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 5 DCMO BOCES ‐ LIBRARY SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐104 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE 28408 28409 28411 4710 24804 24803 22448 10804 DESCRIPTIONS 10 X 400 in. Economy Vistafoil Laminate, Polyproplene 2.5‐Mil Glossy ‐ p124‐ 4444 Economy Vistafoil Laminate‐ 12 W x 400 In. Gloss Roll Small Book Easel P807539 Bone Folder 8 Inch ‐ 16280200 Economical Wire Easels ‐ 807536 2 mil Clear Plyester Bookcraft Demco Reddi Corners ‐ 1647115 DEMCO Clear Riddi Corners Protectors ‐ 16471160 Handi Ball‐Point Pen Refills ‐ 3/Pkg ‐ 12158050 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG 30‐0694 30‐0696 87‐561 16280200 807536 16471150 16471160 12158050 $14.70 $17.16 $1.56 $0.69 $0.89 $1.09 $1.79 $2.19 The Library Store The Library Store Brodart Company Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. 07596 22449 3786 25704 Handi Ball‐Point Pen With Self‐Adhesive Base Single Chain ‐ H10624 Clear Clip on Shelf Label Holders 3/4 x 6 ‐ 12880560 Library Reading Motivation Pencils ‐ 144/Box ‐ 12754510 Dewey Decimal Illustrated Poster Set ‐ 13042250 EACH PKG BOX SET 12158030 12880560 12754510 13042250 $2.98 $8.79 $22.09 $24.95 Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. Demco, Inc. 31977 Barker Creek Nautical Chevron Library Pocket Set, Set of 30 ‐ 1497776 Safco Corrugated Literature Organizer, 24 Compartments, 29 W x 12 D x 23‐1/2 H in, Medium Oak ‐ 675060 TRIMMERS / CUTTERS Fiskars Self‐Healing Cutting Mat 18 X 24 Inch Fiskars Rotary Cutter EACH 17‐11422 $6.16 The Library Store EACH 73‐01861 $96.26 The Library Store EACH EACH 25‐0402 42‐149‐001 $13.94 $10.50 The Library Store Brodart Company BOCES # 31974 4717 4716 AWARDED VENDOR 6 DCMO BOCES COOPERATIVE PURCHASING BID AWARDS FOR 2016-2017 SCHOOL / OFFICE BID #2016-100 School Supply and Office Supply Price Guide Pricing is in effect from: April 15, 2016, until March 30, 2017 Discounts are in effect until March 30, 2017 (The Middle School/High School Art Bid is now a separate bid) To: Participating Districts From: Deb Bestwick Date: April 12, 2016 RE: Bid award results for School and Office Supply Bid 2016-100 Enclosed are the “Successful Bid Award” reports that are the results of the awards by the DCMO BOCES Board of Education on April 7, 2016, for the School / Office Supply Bid. The Copy Paper bid awards will be issued in late April 2016. The bid number listed below and must appear on all purchase orders sent to the awarded vendors. #2016-100 - School and Office Supplies Bid Bid Results The bid resulted in the receipt of 9 bids. The bid committee met to review the bid analysis on March 29, 2016, to make a recommendation for the awards. The decision was made to award the bid to the overall lowest bidders for School / Office Supplies with specialty items being awarded to the lowest bidder for those items. This year the lowest overall bidder was School Specialty, which offered the most items and which had the overall lowest bids. The bid committee discussed the award options, which included an option to award line by line to lowest bidders. This option would have resulted in an award to other vendors in conjunction with School Specialty and would have secured a bid price for 98% of the items on bid. The bid committee felt that awarding the bid in this capacity would be a mistake since it would create extra purchase orders and in turn create extra labor handling those purchases and the chance of incurring shipping charges for order that would fall under the $25 minimum ordering amount. The committee then suggested that we award the total bid to School Specialty with a secondary awards to the vendors that offered specialty products. The committee agreed that this was the best option. Discounts: Several of the vendors offered discounts off their website or catalog. These discounts are listed on the vendor summary sheet. Not all vendors offering a discount are listed, only the vendors that offer specialty items for education are listed. It is highly suggested that if the item is not found in this bid that you search for the item utilizing the discounts from several vendors to ensure that you are getting the best possible price. Sometimes a 15% discount from one vendor is better than a 45% discount from another vendor. Please review the discount analysis for further information. Reports You should receive the following reports shortly. These reports will be sent to you prior to producing the final PO Attachments or exports for WinCap or FM. Please review these reports and make any changes necessary as soon as possible. These reports will be produced for each bid type. 1. District Total – this report shows the requestor name and their total purchase amount, along with a grand total representing all orders received from your district. 2. Initial PO Attachments. This is sent to show the detail of each order for amendment, if needed. 3. No Bid Items, This PO Attachment sheet shows the items that were submitted by a district requestor through the requisition Portal which did not receive a bid. These items are listed on the sheet with a cost of $.01 (to produce the information we need to apply a cost), these items should be reviewed. If you do not receive any sheets it means everything that was added to the bid database received a bid will appear on the PO Attachments. If you see any price that shows as $0.01 on any reports or online this means the item in question did NOT RECEIVE A BID. The item was either discontinued or not available from the vendors. The No Bid items may have a suitable substitution within the bid awards. Purchase Order Attachment Information: The final “P.O. Attachments” and the district ordering summary will be sent to you in a PDF file once I have your final approval that all changes have been made and the information is good. The PO Attachments will show the items that are to be purchased from each award bidder, by each district requisitioner. The P.O. Attachments are like a Purchase Order Request, they list the items awarded; bid price, and are printed by Vendor for each requisitioner (teacher). The PO Attachment header information includes: The Vendor name, address and code; The Requisitioners’ name; School and Address [ship to and bill to addresses, in some cases, may be different]. The body of the report lists all the items that the district’s requisitioner requested that were awarded to the vendor listed at the top of the page. Each line item lists the quantity originally ordered or adjusted, item number, vendor product number, description, unit of measure, unit price and extended price. Alternate brand or unit of measure has been written into the original specification. It should be noted that in some cases the original amount ordered will be adjusted to reflect the updated alternate unit of measure. For example, if the original unit of measure was “each” and the item award has a unit of measure of 12, a teacher originally ordering 12 will see an order on their PO Attachment for 1, which reflects the awarded alternate unit of measure. The P.O. Attachment frequently becomes an attachment to a Purchase Order, making separate typing of POs unnecessary. Some districts simply type one purchase order for each awarded vendor with the total dollars being the aggregate of all the P.O. Attachments for that awarded vendor. A request to “see attached P.O. Attachments” is added to the PO. Vendors are aware that they are to pack and mark per teacher and invoice separately if requested, at no extra charge. There are no fuel surcharges, handling fees or shipping costs allowed on any invoice. It should be noted that this year we bid all the items, including the add-on items. This means that 98% of the items captured during the requisition process should be either exported or on a PO Attachment with a bid price. However, if you should see any items with a $.01 price, it means the item was NOT BID. No bid items will be sent back to you for further processing. WinCap We have developed a few export/import files for use with WinCap that will facilitate the purchase order function. Wincap has the capacity to import our bid award data deck, along with the requisitions collected from our website. The function has been tested with the Sullivan County BOCES CBO to ensure the new process works properly. WinCap has a Universal Import for Purchase Orders, which we have been able to utilize with the help of WinCap to imported the data extracted from the PO Attachments produced by our Software package. This file is then imported into WinCap along with the bid awards, U/M and vendor imports. If you would like to utilize this import function please call or email me. DO NOT CALL WINCAP. The exports will be available after May 6th, 2016, after the online requisition is closed down and final changes are made. If you need the exports sooner, please let me know. The May 6th date is only for requisitions being amended on the online website. Otherwise, these exports are available immediately. Finance Manager - NVision We now have a workable download for Finance Manager and NVision with the capability of importing the same information as above into their financial package. However in order to make this work properly we need to have the building code and budget code for each end user built into our system before exporting the file. Please call me if you want to receive the export files. Please note that if you are using NVision we can import to this program, however, we will need to send the file to Finance Manager first in order to have them configure the file into a format that can be imported into the program. This function will take approximately 2 weeks, so please factor this time into your schedule. SUBSTITUTED ITEMS: The vendor must supply the products to our original specification unless the vendor otherwise offered an alternate brand which was accepted and awarded. The alternate brands awarded are listed on the award sheets within the descriptions. Alternate unit of measures were also updated within the item’s specification. SHIPPING NOTES: With the cost of shipping prices increasing due to the high cost of fuel, School Specialty has requested a minimum ordering amount of $25.00 to save on the cost of shipping and handling. In the past, we have seen PO Attachments generated for as low as $0.40, which causes not only a problem for the vendors, but a problem for school districts as well, since districts may create a purchase order for each PO Attachment. Please try and maintain this ordering amount by combining small orders. For example, if all your first grade teacher orders are under $25.00, these orders should be combined to meet the minimum order. Basic Instructions: 1. It is suggested that you go through the District Summary sheet to audit them for correctness. In some cases, looking at the total amounts on the District Summary may give you some indication of a problem. This should be done before we produce the PO Attachments or exports Please also review the any Add-on Excel sheet you may receive, these items should be at a minimal amount. 2. The P.O. Attachments will be issued once I have your approval. These reports are separated by Requisitioner. Please check and make sure you have a P.O. Attachment for each Requisitioner. 4. Check P.O. Attachments for small orders under the minimum amount of $25.00. These orders should be combined, so that the minimum order amount is reached. 5. If you need to make any deletions or additions to the P.O. Attachment(s), please make them by placing a line through the quantity, and writing “delete” or the new amount required. DO NOT cross out the BOCES Item Number. Fax these changes to me at 607-334-9848. A new P.O. Attachment will be issued with the updates within two days of receiving the requested changes. Changes to the P.O. Attachments may be made at anytime and for any reason. If you want to utilize the online web portal for additional ordering please let me know. The Web Portal will be closed on May 11th, 2015. If you the site opened later than this date please call me. 6. You may receive a Purchase Order Attachment that has no vendor listed at the top, this report shows items that are “no bid items”. [Please refer to the “No Bid Items Report” for complete descriptions of these items]. There may be several reasons for an item appearing on this report, some which may be because the item was discontinued or there were no bids were received. Requisitioners should review these sheets and either, research the item to see if it may be available from the awarded vendor or find a substitution in the bid or catalog . If the items are available; the vendor’s name, product source number and price (with discount taken, if applicable) may be written on the top of the PO Attachments and used in the same capacity as a normal Purchase Order Attachment. ADD-ON INFORMATION Within the Requisition process we provided a website for requesting “Add-On Items". Add-On Items are items that were not found within the requisitioning booklets, but were required by the teacher or staff person. The procedure for adding an item to the main bid was that the item had to be required in the amount of 10 or more (combined or by separate request) or had to have a value of $20 or more and be appropriate for the commodity being bid. In addition the requestor had to utilize the correct catalog and procedures for adding an item to the add-on portal program. Items meeting this requirement were added to the main database of the bid. Items that did not meet this requirement were added to the “Market Basket” bid area. This is a temporary bid database created so we can obtain a bid price for all of the items captured during the requisition process. In creating this temporary database we ensured that 95% of the items requisitioned through the requisition portal were awarded with a bid price making the process easier with fewer “No Bid Items” However, we found some items that were questionable for placement on one of the available bids due to the item being categorized as expensive such as furniture, rugs, specialty equipment, or by having vague descriptions which preventing us from ensuring we would obtain the correct item. These items will be reported as “No Bid Items”. A few items on the bid received No Bids. This can occur for various reasons, ranging from the item being discontinued, to the specialty item not being bid by the specialty vendor. Any item that did not receive a bid will be sent back to you in an excel format or on a PO Attachment. The excel file will provide you with the teacher’s name, description of the item, vendor, vendor part number, quantity and price. The item information on this excel was obtained from the teacher when they added the item to the add-on portal website. For that reason we do not guarantee that this information is accurate. The “No Bid” items on a PO Attachment will be sent back with No vendor name on top and with a $0.01 dollar amount for the items in question. Anytime you see an item with a $.01 amount, it means the item was NOT awarded. The online requisitions will reflect the $0.01 pricing for No Bid Items, so please make your teacher aware when reviewing these requisitions. Discounts It should be noted that all non bid items can be procured using the “Percentage Off Discount” as offered by each vendor. The discount percentage is listed on the Vendor Summary Page within this bid. It is highly suggested you utilizes the discounts from several vendors to ensure that you are getting the best possible price. Sometimes a 15% discount from one vendor is better than a 45% discount from another vendor. AWARD AND CATALOG DISCOUNT INFORMATION SHEET – School and Office Bid #2016-100 PLEASE REFERENCE THE BID NUMBER #2016-100: Vendor reference numbers must appear on all P.Os. Discounts are only to be used to obtain items that were not on the bid. It is required that you first use the discounts offered from the awarded vendors, before using other discounts. VENDOR % OF DISCOUNT OFF CATALOG ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM DISCOUNT MINIMUM ORDER Lakeshore Learning Materials 2695 E. Dominguez St. Carson, CA 90895 Contact Rafael Muro Phone: 800-778-4456 Fax: 800-537-5403 Email: orderdept@lakeshorelearning.com Website: www.lakeshorelearning.com 7.5% n/a No min. 25% off 9 Prefix items 10% off 6, 7, & 8 Prefix items Items listed as “Net Price” and any catalog that says “No Other Discounts Apply” $25.00 For Free shipping Excludes items already on sale in flyers No min. School Specialty Attn: Order Entry P.O. Box 1579 Appleton, WI 54912-1579 Contact: Order Entry / Bill Casbolt Phone: 888-388-3224 Fax: 888-388-6344 Email: orders@schoolspecialty.com / Bill.casbolt@schoolspecialty.com Triarco Arts & Crafts 9900 13th Ave. N., Ste 1015 Plymouth, MN 55441-5035 Contact Jennifer Foster Phone: 800-328-3360 - Option 1 Fax: 877-727-2380 Email: orders@triarcoarts.com Website: www.etriarco.com 25% Purchase order must be over $25.00 F.O.B. DEST. - NOTES Reference # must be on PO Free Shipping Free delivery on all orders over $25. Furniture & Equipment items ship free Reference #7780299378 Website: www.schoolspecialty.com Reference #19183 Free Shipping VENDOR EAI Education 118 Bauer Drive Oakland, NJ 07436 Contact: Barbara Tuzzeo Phone: 800-770-8010 Fax: 201-891-5689 Email: bidsquotes@eaieducation.com Website: eaieducation.com 15% ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM DISCOUNT Calculators & peripherals, Software, Furniture, Batteries, Rugs Really Good Stuff P.O. Box 386 Botsford, CT 06707-0386 Contact: Inside Sales Phone: 800-466-1935 Fax: 203-268-8120 Email: sales@reallygoodstuff.com Website: www.reallygoodstuff.com 3% No exceptions Learning Zone Express 667 E. Vine St. Owatonna, MN 55060 Phone: 888-455-7003 Fax: 507-455-3380 Email: customercare@learningzonexpress.com 10% Shipping is 8% of order Pyramid School Products 6510 North 54th Street Tampa, FL 33610-1908 Contact: Candy Estes – X225 Phone: 800-792-2644 Fax: 813-621-7688 Email: orders@pyramidsp.com Website: www.syramidsp.com VENDOR % OF DISCOUNT OFF CATALOG MINIMUM ORDER Free Shipping on Discount orders over $100 – Orders under $100 add $7.00 for shipping F.O.B. DEST. - NOTES Reference # must be on PO Bid Number must be on PO #2016-100 No Free Shipping Must Reference #0026091 Orders under $40 will be charged $8.95 – Order over $50 will be charged $10.95. Orders above $100 will be at 14% of order No Min. Power Point and Posters are nonreturnable. Website: www.learningzoneexpress.com None Provided % OF DISCOUNT ITEMS MINIMUM F.O.B. DEST. - NOTES OFF CATALOG Acco Brands USA P.O. Box 840 Booneville, MS 38829 Contact: Joey Mann Phone: 847-796-4985 Fax: 847-793-9005 Email: directbid@acco.com Website: gbcconnect.com 40% EXCLUDED FROM DISCOUNT Custom made items, equipment, DCMO BOCES – COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICE: Contact Information: Deb Bestwick – Purchasing Agent Phone: 607-335-1262 Min. Ordering for items on bid - $25.00 – Discounts may differ ORDER Reference # must be on PO None Not all vendors offered discounts. We are only providing discount offers to be utilized for specialty or unique products which are not awarded to one of the vendors SCHOOL SUPPLY BID #2016-100 - INDEX SCHOOL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES Sub-Category Name Add – On Items Adhesives / Glue Binders Binding Spines Bordette Boxes / Totes Calculators Cellophane Chalk Chalk Accessories Composition Books / Spiral Notebooks Crayons Calendars Correction Fluid / Wite Out Desk Accessories Dictionaries Erasers File Folders File Tabs / Accessories Envelopes Expanding Pockets / Folders Flash Cards Folders Hanging Games / Educational Tools Graph Paper Handwriting Paper Health / Cleaning Incentive Charts Index Cards / Library Cards Labels Lesson Plan Books Maps / Flags Markers – Crayola Markets – Dry Erase Markers – Hi-Light Markers – Permanent Markers – Permanent Page # 82 28 1 30 30 30 33 33 34 34 36 40 2 3 3 42 42 6 7 5 5 43 8 43 47 47 49 49 51 8 50 51 52 52 54 55 55 Sub-Category Name Markers – Sharpie Markers – Vis-à-vis Markers – Washable Markers – Watercolor Markers – Mr. Sketch Miscellaneous Supplies Notebook / Writing / Guideline Paper Pads – Legal / Note / Chart Paper Clips – Tacks – Push Pins Pencils Pencil Sharpeners / Accessories Pens – Ball Point Pens – Gel Pens – Retractable Pens – Expresso Pens – Swirl Pens – Roller Ball / Uniball Pens – Erasable Pens – Flair / Felt Tip Physical Fitness – Play Ground Equip. Pocket Charts Portfolios / Report Covers Post-It Notes Staplers / Staples Tape – Special Tape – Transparent Tape w/Dispenser Tape – Masking Transparency Film Ruler / Compass Scissors Tissue Paper Yarn / Felt / Glitter Page # 56 57 57 57 58 58 85 11 13 67 66 68 70 71 71 71 71 72 42 72 73 73 15 98 18 18 19 11 19 75 76 80 81 Sub-Category Name Seating Charts Sentence Strips Specialty Paper Specialty Pencils Spelling Blanks Staplers – Staples Stickers White Boards / Writing Boards 9 X 12 Construction Paper – 50/pkg 9 X 12 Construction Paper – 100/pkg 9 X 12 Construction Paper – Tru Ray 12 X 18 Construction Paper – 50/pkg 12 X 18 Construction Paper – 100/pkg 12 X 18 Construction Paper – Tru Ray 18 X 24 Construction Paper – 50/pkg 18 X 24 Construction Paper – 100/pkg 18 X 24 Construction Paper – Tru Ray 24 X 36 Construction Paper 24 X 60 Construction Paper – Rolls Craft Supplies Construction Paper - Misc. Art Paper Colored Pencils Paint – Acrylics – Pint Paint – Acrylics – Quart Paint – Acrylics – ½ Gallon Paint – Finger – Pint Paint – Finger – Quart Paint – Tempera – Pint Paint – Tempera – Quart Paint – Tempera – Gallon Paint – Tempera – Sets Paint – Tempera – Washable - Sets Paint – Washable – Pint Paint – Washable – Gallon Paint – Watercolor Paint – Accessories Paint – Miscellaneous Paint Brushes Modeling Dough Page # 77 78 78 71 78 17 79 81 19 21 20 22 23 22 24 25 24 25 25 36 27 30 35 59 59 60 61 61 61 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 66 66 65 34 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.55 $1.55 $1.41 $1.25 $1.41 $1.24 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 $4.12 $1.75 $1.75 $1.60 $3.91 $1.41 $1.41 $1.54 $1.53 $1.54 $1.54 $1.86 $2.04 $1.86 $7.84 $7.04 $1.89 $1.89 $1.89 $1.89 $1.89 $1.89 $2.46 $2.46 $2.24 $10.68 $9.37 086386 086387 086389 1439110 086388 086358 086360 086362 086361 086359 086363 1053386 086392 086393 086391 1396580 086364 086366 086368 086367 086365 086370 086395 086396 086394 1314399 1314398 086371 086373 086375 086374 086372 086376 086398 086399 086397 1314401 1314400 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty OFFICE SUPPLIES 086386 086387 086389 1439110 086388 086358 086360 086362 086361 086359 086363 1053386 086392 086393 086391 1396580 086364 086366 086368 086367 086365 086370 086395 086396 086394 1314399 1314398 086371 086373 086375 086374 086372 086376 086398 086399 086397 1314401 1314400 BINDERS / CLIPBOARDS 1/2 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 1/2 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 1 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 1 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 1 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 1 In. Polypropylene Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 1 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 1 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Green 1 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Maroon 1 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Red 1 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 1 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Yellow 1‐1/2 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 1‐1/2 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 1‐1/2 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 1‐1/2 In. View Binder, Slant Ring, Gap Free, 3 Ring, 8‐1/2 X 11, Black 1‐1/2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 1‐1/2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 1‐1/2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Green 1‐1/2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Maroon 1‐1/2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Red 1‐1/2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 2 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 2 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 2 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 2 In. D‐Ring Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 2 In. D‐Ring Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 2 In. Polypropylene Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Green 2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Maroon 2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Red 2 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 3 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 3 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 3 In. Clear Vue Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 3 In. D‐Ring Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 3 In. D‐Ring Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 1 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 3 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 3 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Blue 3 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Green 3 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Maroon 3 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Red 3 In. Vinyl Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, White 4 In. Clear View Binder, 8‐1/2 X 11, 3 Ring, Black 4 In. View Binder, Heavy Duty, One Touch EZD Ring, Holds 780 Sheets, White Clipboard, Brown, 9 X 12‐1/2 Clipboard, Legal Size, 9 X 15‐1/2, Brown Clipboard, Letter Size 9 X 12‐1/2 Low‐Profile, Acrylic Clipboard, Plastic, Smoke Slant Writing Board 12 X 12, Stackable CALENDARS 1536879 12 Month Desk Pad Refillable Calendar, 22 X 17 In., 2017, Jan ‐ Dec 1053241 12 Month Flip‐A‐Week Desk Calendars Refill, 5‐5/8 X 7 In.‐ 2017 1536864 12 Months Academic Wall Calendar, 22 X 31‐1/4 In., Aug ‐ July ‐ 2016/2017 DESCRIPTION EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.82 $2.82 $2.82 $2.82 $2.82 $2.82 $17.44 $14.15 $1.04 $0.83 $0.76 $0.95 $38.48 086378 086381 086383 086382 086379 086384 1054786 077087 1078313 1272481 1272480 038074 1304919 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $2.44 $9.93 $9.94 1536879 1053241 1536864 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1536863 12 Months Deluxe Academic Wall Calendars,15‐1/2 X 22 In. , Aug ‐ July ‐ 2016/2017 13 Months, Academic Desk Pad Calendar, 22 X 17 In., House of Doolittle, August 2016 ‐ 1536884 August 2017, Black/White 1536889 14 Month Academic Appointment Planner 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 2016/2017 1536878 14 Month Desk Pad Calendar Refill, 22 X 17 In., 2016/2017, Jul ‐ Aug 1536877 14 Month Desk Pad Refillable Calendar, 22 X 17 In., 2016/2017, July ‐ Aug 1080017 14 Months, Wall Calendar, 12 X 27 In., 3‐Month Reference, Dec 2016 ‐ Jan 2017 1536856 14‐Month Academic Monthly Planner, 8‐1/2 X 11 In., Black ‐ 2016/2017 16 Month Calendar With Vinyl Holder, 2016/2017 Punched Tab For Wall Hanging, 8‐1/2 X 1536858 9‐3/4, September ‐ December, Black EACH $7.55 1536863 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $7.33 $3.65 $2.55 $3.32 $12.78 $4.63 1536884 1536889 1536878 1536877 1080017 1536856 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.71 1536858 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $3.61 $2.86 $1.99 $9.28 $15.65 $10.23 $8.83 1536875 1536876 1536885 076432 1053152 1536888 1370256 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1532873 Desk Calendar Refill 3‐1/2 X 6 In., for Use with J17 and E17 Bases, Jan ‐ Dec 2017 EACH $1.75 1532873 School Specialty 087711 Desk Protector With Reference Calendars And Note Strip Desk Pad ‐ 19 X 24 ‐ Vinyl 1401846 GoWrite Dry Erase Self‐Adhesive Calendars 16‐1/2 X 22 In.‐ 3/Pkg EACH PKG $13.68 $8.83 087711 1401846 School Specialty School Specialty 086378 086381 086383 086382 086379 086384 1054786 077087 1078313 1272481 1272480 038074 1304919 1536875 1536876 1536885 076432 1053152 1536888 1370256 17 Month Desk Pad aCADEMIC, Refillable Calendar, 22 X 17 In. 2016/2017, Aug ‐ Dec 17 Month Desk Pad Calendar Refill, 22 X 17 In., 2016/2017, Aug ‐ Dec 2017 Book‐Style Desk Calendar Refill ‐ 3‐1/2 X 6, Jan ‐ Dec Blank Calendars, 22 X 28, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Pkg Calendar Planner Refill, Day Minder Weekly 6.88 X 8.75 In. ‐ 2017 Daily Academic Day Planner, July 2016 ‐ June 2017 ‐ 5‐1/2 X 8‐1/2 Day Planner, 30/60 Day ‐ 18 X 24 Laminated ‐ 2017 2 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $12.97 $5.74 $5.63 $8.29 $12.93 1116044 1540036 1540035 1536887 1536886 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1053185 Wall Planner Calendar 32 X 48, Double Sided Erasable Horizontal, Jan ‐ Dec ‐ 2017 EACH $27.06 1053185 School Specialty 1536857 Weekly Planner 8 1/2 X 11 In. House of Doolittle , Black, August 2016 ‐ July 2017 CORRECTION FLUID / FILM ‐ WITE OUT 023158 1/6 Inch Wide Tombow Mono Correction Tape, White 1465015 BIC White‐Out 2‐in‐1 Correction Fluid, 15 mL, White 069787 BIC White‐Out Correction Pen, Shake'n Squeeze 0.3 Fl Oz, White 082317 BIC White‐Out Correction Tape, 1/5 In, Exact Liner, White 061458 BIC White‐Out Quick Dry Correction Fluid, White, 0.65 Oz Bottle 061419 BIC White‐Out, Extra Coverage Correction Fluid, White, 0.65 Oz 1272203 BIC Wite‐Out Correction Tape, 1/5 In, White ‐ 10/Pkg 079593 BIC Wite‐Out Correction Tape, Tear‐Resistant, 1/5 In, White 069406 Liquid Paper Correction Film, 1/5 In X 27.9 Ft, White 1089020 Liquid Paper Dryline Refillable Correction Tape ‐ Refill Ultra 2 Pack 026931 Liquid Paper Fast Dry Correction Fluid, Bright White, 0.74 Oz. 077441 Multi‐Purpose Correction Fluid, White, 0.74 Fl Oz ‐ 12/Pkg 1077205 Pentel Presto Correction Pen, 7 Mil 040734 POST‐IT cover‐up Tape, 1 in. Roll on dispenser, White 801203 Post‐It Cover‐Up Tape, Removable, 1/3 in. Roll on Dispenser, White DESK ACCESSORIES 072612 #12 Size, Rubber Finger Grips, 11/16 In Dia., Ventilated, Amber ‐ 12/Pkg 389082 10 Slot, Vertical Desktop Sorter 038064 10 X 6‐ 3/4 X 10 Inch Buddy Products 5 Slot Vertical File Separator, Steel ‐ Black 056163 41 Qt. Continental Plastic Wastebasket, 20 X 15‐1/2 X 11, Putty 22835 7 X 13 Inch Magnetic Folder Bins, 3/Set ‐ FF189 067141 8 X 9 X 11‐3/8 Inch, Fellowes Wire Sorter, Black 027489 9.5 X 12 X 12, Combination Organizer ‐ Black 090455 Baumgartens Letter Opener/Envelope Slitter, 1.88 X 2.25 In, Assorted Colors 032406 Bookend Set, 5‐3/4 X 6, Steel, Non‐Skid, Black ‐ 2/Set 032379 Bookend Set, Steel, Jumbo, Non‐Skid, 6 X 9, Black ‐ 2/Set 1487822 Classic 5 Tier Trays, 12W X 9 1/2D X 9 1/2H Letter Size, Steel, Black 1487828 Classic Letter Rack, Padded Bottom, 6 Tiers, 9‐1/2H X 12W, Steel EACH $8.67 1536857 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $1.86 $1.38 $1.33 $1.84 $0.92 $0.90 $13.53 $1.55 $2.03 $2.96 $0.95 $5.80 $2.53 $2.99 $2.08 023158 1465015 069787 082317 061458 061419 1272203 079593 069406 1481190 026931 077441 1077205 040734 801203 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH $1.24 $27.74 $17.05 $5.89 $27.74 $4.59 $36.70 $0.68 $1.08 $2.40 $33.46 $37.65 1514693 TT514 1487827 056163 FF189 067141 1487819 090455 032406 032379 1487822 1487828 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $12.83 087124 School Specialty 1116044 1540036 1540035 1536887 1536886 DESCRIPTION Marble Desk Pad Calendar, 22 X 17 In., Jan ‐ Dec., Assorted Color, 2016‐2017 National School Calendar Deluxe, 2016/2017, July ‐ July National School Calendar, 2016/2017, July ‐ July Today Is ‐ Today Wall Calendar Refill, 6 X 6 In., Jan ‐ Dec, 2017 Today Is Wall Calendar, 6‐1/2 X 9 In., Jan ‐ Dec, 2017 087124 Classroom Keepers Mailbox, 10 Slots, 12‐1/2 X 10 X 1‐3/4, Sturdy Corrugated Cardboard 3 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 087094 Classroom Keepers Mailbox, 15 Slots, 16‐3/8 X 31‐1/2 X 12‐7/8 1398160 090112 1467715 1293628 1503950 1368939 1437530 073191 021486 073194 021489 1062979 1465540 1405632 1446841 090576 1368943 1368945 1095341 626436 1394496 17702 027593 1334400 1443306 1465544 056342 021354 600255 1325626 1298995 1436190 081666 1097148 17699 Classroom Keepers Mailbox, 30 Slots, 12‐1/2 X 10 X 1‐3/4, Sturdy Corrugated Cardboard Classroom Keepers, 6 Shelf Organizer, 17 ‐3/4 X 13‐1/2, Blue Compact Digital Scale, 2 Kg Construction Paper Storage 10 Shelf Unit, 12‐1/4 X 18‐1/4 X 3 Cross‐Cut Personal Shredder 14 X 7 X 13‐2/5 Inches, 4 Gallon Deluxe Desk Organizer, 5 X 3/8 X 6‐3/4, Plastic, Black Desktop File Organizer, Plastic, 3‐1/4 X 8‐5/8 X 10‐3/4, Black Fellowes Desk Tray, 3 X 10 X 14‐1/8, Wire, Silver Fellowes Heavy Duty Vertical Drawer File Sorter, 9 X 11‐3/8 X 8, 11 Slots, Silver Fellowes Stacking Post for Wire Tray Organizedr, Silver ‐ 4/Pkg Fellowes Vertical File Organizer for Desktop or Drawers, 11‐1/2 X 23‐1/4 X 7‐1/2 Inch, Silver Kensington Flexclip portable Copyholder, 9‐3/4 X 1‐/ X 1‐3/4, Black Letter Tray, Side Load, Ribbed Base, Carry Handle, Blue Glacier LORELL Multi‐Purpose Mesh Desktop Organizer, 17 X 6‐5/8 X 7‐3/4 in, Steel Lorrell Monitor/Printer Stand, 20 X 12 X 5‐3/4 in, Steel Mesh, Black Multi‐Compartment Double Supply Organizer, 11 Compartments, 6 H X 5‐1/4 W X 6‐3/4 D In., Clear Plastic Recycled Magazine File, 3 X 11 3/4 X 9 1/2, Black Plastic Recycled Wall File, 13 X 4‐1/2 X 14‐1/2, Black ‐ 3/Pkg Polycarbonate 1 Pocket Unbreakable Wall File ‐ Letter Size, Clear Porta‐Screen Carrel for Use with Tabletop, 42 Inches Long (fully extended), 21 Inches Long X 10‐1/2 Side Panels X 11‐3/4 High Post‐It Rotary Organizer with Tape, Post‐it Notes and Flags, Plastic, Black Privacy Partition ‐ 10/Set (Lakeshore Learning ‐ JJ689) Rolodex Plastic Regular Magazine File, 3 X 11‐3/4 X 9‐5/8 Safco Telephone Organizer Stand with Drawer School Smart Steel Stackable Mesh Pencil Cup, 3‐3/4 X 4 in, Black ‐ 1443306 Sorter and Organizer w/ Pop Up Note Dispenser, 9‐1/2 X 13‐1/2 X 6‐16/2, Black Sortkwik Fingertip Moisteners, 1‐3/4 Oz Stackable Desk Tray, Letter Size, Side load, Black Steel Stool Fixed Height, 18 Inch Storex Literature Organizer, 24 Compartments, 31‐3/8 X 14‐1/2 X 21, Gray Storex Organizer, 12 Compartments, 31‐3/8 X 14‐1/8 X 15‐1/2, Gray Storex Plastic Recycled Vertical Sorter, Black Teacher's Desk Starter Kit Telephone Stand with Storage Area, 12‐1/2 X 10‐1/2 X 5‐1/8, Black Turn‐In‐Your‐Work Organizer 15‐3/4 In. H ‐ 4 Colored Trays 0JJ627 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $16.87 087094 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG $29.61 $9.76 $9.45 $16.07 $23.38 $4.45 $8.12 $3.58 $4.62 $1.79 1398160 090112 1467715 1293628 1503950 1368939 1437530 073191 021486 073194 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $7.25 $9.01 $1.58 $14.83 $18.46 021489 1062979 1465540 1405632 1446841 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH PKG EACH $8.75 $2.54 $10.26 $10.31 090576 1368943 1368945 1313097 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $4.41 $21.41 $27.74 $2.56 $26.18 $0.53 $19.28 $2.21 $1.74 $19.39 $87.89 $45.22 $2.27 $5.78 $15.37 $36.99 626436 1394496 JJ689 027593 1334400 1443306 1465544 056342 021354 600255 1325626 1298995 1436190 081666 1097148 JJ877 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 4 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG $7.89 073722 School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG $11.89 $7.08 $16.40 $5.30 085065 085020 085029 085038 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $8.98 $5.81 $24.23 $28.08 $31.14 $6.77 1398014 085059 1083594 1333277 1077359 085044 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG $10.60 $14.31 $7.49 $7.46 $7.95 $10.11 $33.37 $61.10 $8.22 $12.78 $106.42 $0.98 $10.48 $58.56 $10.59 1398015 085033 085018 085045 085022 085027 1333274 1066539 085046 085057 1079678 002106 085054 1066509 085056 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 078601 Pendaflex View Front Poly Envelopes, Elastic Tie Closure, Letter, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Pkg EXPANDING POCKETS / FOLDERS PKG $18.57 078601 School Specialty 1069089 12 X 10 Project File, Tabs, Elastic Closure, 5‐1/4 Inch Expansion, 6 Pockets, Brown 1313753 3‐1/2 In. Expanding Secure Pockets, Letter ‐ 25/Pkg EACH PKG $11.23 $66.07 1069089 1313753 School Specialty School Specialty 1398937 Envelope, String and Button Closure, Letter, Heavy Duty, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Pkg 060111 Esselte Expanding File Pocket, Letter, 14‐3/4 X 9‐1/2, 3‐1/2 Inch Expansion Expanding Files Without Flap, Alphabetical, Letter, 10 X 12, 7/8 Inch Expansion, 21 072399 Pockets, Redrope PKG EACH $2.59 $0.91 1398937 060111 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.26 072399 School Specialty 073722 Wall File, Plastic Double Sided 13‐3/8 X 7‐3/8 X 4‐5/8, Smoke ‐ 2/Pkg ENVELOPES 085065 3‐1/8 X 5‐1/2 Coin Envelopes ‐ 500/Pkg 085020 #6‐3/4 Envelopes Plain, 3‐5/8 X 6‐1/2, Paper, White ‐ 500/Pkg 085029 6 X 9 Catalog Envelopes, 28 Lb., Self‐Sealing, Kraft ‐ 500/Pkg 085038 6 X 9 Clasp Catalog Envelopes, Manila Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 6 X 9 In. Resealable Clasp Envelope, with Gummed Flap Closure, 28 lb, Kraft, Brown, 1398014 100/Pkg 085059 6 X 9 Report Card Envelopes, 28 lb ‐ 100/Pkg 1083594 6 x 10 Mailer, Sealed Air TuffGard Self‐Seal Cushioned, White ‐ 25/Pkg 1333277 9 X 12 Catalog Envelopes, Pull & Seal Closure, Brown, Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 1077359 9 X 12 Catalog Envelopes, Pull & Seal Closure, White ‐ 100/Pkg 085044 9 X 12 Clasp Catalog Envelopes, Manila Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 1398015 085033 085018 085045 085022 085027 1333274 1121333 085046 085057 1079678 002106 085054 1066509 085056 9 X 12 In. Clasp Envelope with Gummed Flap Closure, 28 lb, Kraft, Brown, 100/Pkg 9 X 12 Inch Catalog Envelopes, 28 Lb., Gummed, No Clasp, Kraft ‐ 250/Pkg 9 X 12 Instant Stick Envelopes, 28lb. Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 9‐1/2 X 12‐1/2 Clasp Catalog Envelopes, Manila Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg #10 Envelopes Plain, 4‐1/8 X 9‐1/2, Paper, White ‐ 500/Pkg #10 Window Envelopes, 4‐1/8 X 9‐1/2, Paper, White ‐ 500/Pkg 10 X 13 Catalog Envelopes, Pull & Seal Closure, Brown Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 10 X 13 Catalog Envelopes, Pull & Seal Closure, White ‐ 100/Pkg 10 X 13 Inch Clasp Catalog Envelopes, Manila Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 10 X 13 Inch Inter Department Envelopes, String and Button Closure ‐ 100/Pkg 10 X 13 Tyvek Expanding Envelopes, White, Quick Strip ‐ 100/Pkg 10 X 15 Expanding Envelopes, Red Rope, 2 In Expansion 11‐1/2 X 14‐1/2 Gummed Catalog Envelopes, Manila Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 12 x 15‐1/2 Catalog Envelopes, Self‐Sealing, Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 12 X 15‐1/2 Clasp Catalog Envelopes, Manila Kraft ‐ 100/Pkg 5 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 1375376 1101260 1375373 1069139 1540639 001818 021573 081952 081950 085104 085103 Expanding Files, Easy Grip Pockets, Letter, 1‐3/4 In. Expansion ‐ 25/Box Expanding Wallets, Letter, 3‐1/2 Inch Expansion, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Pkg File Pocket, Expanding Easy Grip Pockets, 5‐1/4 In. Exp, Letter ‐ 10/Pkg File Pocket, Tab, Letter, 3 1/2 Inch Expansion ‐ 10/Pkg Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Orange Pendaflex Expanding File Pocket, Legal, 14‐3/4 X 9‐1/2, 3‐1/2 In Expansion Pendaflex Heavy Duty 2 Pocket Portfolio, 3‐Hole Fastener Insert, Red ‐ 25/Pkg Pocket Page, 10 Pockets, Tabs, 11 X 8‐1/2, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Set Poly Binder Pocket Divider, 8‐1/2 X 11, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Pkg Poly Expanding Files, 13 Pocket, Black Poly Expanding Files, 7 Pocket, Black Portofolio, Leatherette 2 Pockets Heavy Weight , 1/2 Inch, 8 1/2 X 11 Inches, Lavender ‐ 25/Pkg Portofolio, Leatherette 2 Pockets Heavy Weight , 1/2 Inch, 8 1/2 X 11 Inches, Orange‐ 25/Pkg Red Rope Expanding Wallets ‐ Letter Size Storage Envelope for 3‐Ring Binder, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Pkg BOX PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG SET PKG EACH EACH $40.98 $13.85 $20.51 $21.86 $8.46 $0.99 $12.27 $0.86 $0.63 $2.34 $1.27 1375376 1101260 1375373 1069139 1540639 001818 021573 081952 081950 085104 085103 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty BOX $9.04 1398919 School Specialty BOX EACH PKG $9.04 $1.72 $1.41 1398920 1069222 1364506 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1372190 Twin Pocket Folder with Fasteners, 11 X 8 1/2, Pendaflex, Assorted Colors ‐ 50/Pkg 1463754 Two‐Pocket Heavyweight Folder, 3‐Hole Punch, Assorted Colors 081946 Zippered Binder Pocket, 3‐Ring, 8‐1/4 X 10‐1/2, Assorted Color ‐ 12/Cse FILE FOLDERS 1058724 1‐ 1/5 Inch Expanding File Jacket, Letter, Manila ‐ 50/Pack 1296750 1/3 Cut File Folder, 1‐Ply Top Tab , Manila, Letter ‐ 100/Pkg PKG EACH Case $19.12 $0.58 $7.00 1372190 1463754 081946 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty BOX PKG $21.88 $10.51 1314686 1296750 School Specialty School Specialty 1077896 1/3 Cut File Folder, Letter, 1/2 In High Tab, 3/4 Inch Expansion, Navy Blue ‐ 100/Pkg 1395757 2 In. Classification Folder, Letter size, 2 Partition, Ruby Red ‐ 10/Pkg 1475805 Assorted Colors Two‐Tone Reversible File Folders, Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg PKG PKG PKG $20.75 $16.61 $4.20 1077896 1395757 1475805 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1069278 1069274 1069222 1364506 044507 1068560 015765 015741 1436444 Esselte Pendaflex Medium Weight Stock 1/3 Cut Recycled Top Tab, Letter, Pink ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, 2/5 Cut , Right Tab, Manila ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Legal Size, 1/3 Cut, 11‐3/4 X 9‐1/2, Manila ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter 1/3 Cut, 11‐3/4 X 9‐1/2, Manila ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter 1/3 Cut, Manila, Reinforced ‐ 100/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $15.06 $26.93 $7.40 $5.35 $7.35 044507 1068560 015765 015741 1436444 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1068623 015744 015789 015795 015798 File Folders, Letter 1/3 Cut, Pressboard Tab Folders, Letter, Gray Green ‐ 25/Pkg File Folders, Letter 1/5 Cut, 11‐3/4 X 9‐1/2, 11 Pt, Manila ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Colored, Blue ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Colored, Canary ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Colored, Green ‐ 100/pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $39.98 $6.72 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 1068623 015744 015789 015795 015798 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 6 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 085105 085106 015792 015738 015735 001929 File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Colored, Lavender ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Colored, Orange ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Colored, Red ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 11‐3/4 X 9‐1/2 1/2 Cut, 11 Pt, Manila ‐ 100/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, Straight Cut, 11‐3/4 X 9/1/2, 11 Pt, Manila ‐ 100/Pkg File Jacket, Expands To 1 in., Letter Size Vertical Filing Jackets, Manila PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH $5.35 $5.35 $5.29 $6.72 $6.72 $0.46 085105 085106 015792 015738 015735 001929 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 002866 072863 072855 072860 Pendaflex 1/3 Cut, File Folders, Letter Size, 11 Pt, Reversible Colored, Lavender ‐ 100/Pkg Pendaflex 1/3 Cut, Two Tone Colored File Folders, Letter Size, Teal ‐ 100/Pkg Pendaflex 2 Tone Colored File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Burgundy ‐ 100/Pkg Pendaflex 2 Tone Colored File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Navy ‐ 100/pkg Pendaflex 2 Tone Colored File Folders, Letter Size, 1/3 Cut, Reversible Assorted Colored ‐ 100/Pkg Vertical Filing Jackets, 2 Inch Expansion, Letter Size FILE TABS AND ACCESSORIES 11 X 8‐1/2 Inch Insertable Tab Indexes, 3‐Hole Punch, 8 Per Pack Avery Plastic Month Divider Set ‐ 12/Set Avery Ready Index Dividers, 1‐10 Tab, Table of Contents, MultiColor ‐ 10/Set Avery Ready Index Dividers, A‐Z Tab Set, Table of Contents ‐ 26/Set Avery, 1/3 Cut Removable File Folder Label, 2/3 X 3‐7/16 Inch, White ‐ 252/Pkg Avery, 1‐1/4 Inch Printable Index Tab, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Violet, Yellow, 96/Pkg Erasable Tab Dividers, 8‐1/2 X 11, Assorted Colors, 5 Per Pack Esselte Plastic Tabs, 2 Inch Fits 1/5 Cut, Clear ‐ 25/Pkg Esselte Plastic Tabs, 3‐1/2 Inch Fits 1/3 Cut, Clear ‐ 25/Pkg Index Plastic Tabs, Removable, Reusable, 1 X 1‐1/2 Inch, White ‐ 50/Pkg Insertable Tab Index, 11 X 8‐1/2, Clear, Pack of 5 Insertable Tab Indexes, 11 X 8‐1/2, 3‐Hole Punch, Assorted Colors, Pack of 5 Post‐it File Folder Tabs, 2 X 1‐7/10, Assorted, 8 Tabs/Color ‐ 24/Pkg Post‐it Tabs, 1 Inch, Fluorescent Set, 66 Tabs/Pack Post‐it Tabs, 1 Inch, Yellow, Aqua, Red, 66 Tabs/Pack Self‐Adhesive Paper Reinforcements, 1/4 Inch, White ‐ 200/Pkg Wilson Jones View Tab Divider, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set FOLDERS ‐ HANGING 1/5 Cut, Ready Tab Hanging File Folders, Legal, Standard Green ‐ 25/Set 1/5 Cut, Tab Hanging File Folders, Legal, 2 Inch Expansion, Red ‐ 25/Pkg File Folders, Letter Size, 11 Pt, 1/3 Cut, Assorted Colors, 3 Each Of Blue, Green, Red, Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg Hanging File Folder Frames, Letter / Legal Size, 21 X 27 PKG PKG PKG PKG $14.84 $14.84 $14.85 $14.84 002866 072863 072855 072860 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH $15.63 $0.55 033803 060117 School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET SET SET PKG $0.46 $4.08 $2.45 $3.33 $2.45 081933 1483175 078524 078526 1463048 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH SET PKG SET $3.97 $0.79 $1.31 $1.47 $4.33 $0.33 $0.33 $2.24 $4.65 $4.31 $0.54 $3.04 1463053 081942 070329 070332 1311281 081934 081940 082202 074460 074462 016575 077207 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET PKG $5.73 $20.65 070317 1068931 School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH $5.66 $5.90 1068569 023146 School Specialty School Specialty 033803 060117 081933 1483175 078524 078526 1463048 1463053 081942 070329 070332 1311281 081934 081940 082202 074460 074462 016575 077207 1093597 1068931 1068569 023146 DESCRIPTION 7 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1058906 070314 085107 070311 085109 085012 085113 085112 085111 085110 DESCRIPTION Hanging File Folders, 1 Inch Box‐Bottom, Letter, 1/5 Cut W/ Tabs, Standard Green ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/3 Cut Tabs, Standard Green ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut Tabs, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut Tabs, Standard Green ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut, Blue ‐ 25/pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut, Bright Green ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut, Orange ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut, Purple ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut, Red ‐ 25/Pkg Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut, Yellow ‐ 25/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $24.40 $4.55 $6.46 $4.19 $5.30 $4.37 $4.37 $4.37 $4.33 $4.33 1058906 070314 085107 070311 085109 085012 085113 085112 085111 085110 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1296753 Hanging Pockets, Letter size, Gusseted, 3‐1/2 Inch Expansion, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Pkg Pendaflex 1/3 Cut, Hanging File Folders, Letter, W/ Info Pocket inside, Standard Green ‐ 022062 25/Box PKG $16.48 1296753 School Specialty BOX $14.01 022062 School Specialty 080022 Pendaflex 1/5 Cut, Ready Tab Hanging File Folders, Letter, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/set SET $17.26 080022 School Specialty 080021 Pendaflex 1/5 Cut, Ready Tab Hanging File Folders, Letter, Standard Green ‐ 25/set SET $13.42 080021 School Specialty 075566 Pendaflex Easy View Hanging Folders, 1/5 Cut, Assorted Colors, Letter ‐ 25/Set Pendaflex Hanging File Folders, 2 Inch Expansion, Letter, W/ Tabs, Assorted Colors ‐ 033797 25/Pkg SET $21.89 075566 School Specialty PKG $20.23 033797 School Specialty PKG $18.07 038053 School Specialty PKG PKG $16.38 $12.85 022071 022059 School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH $0.68 $3.88 084928 084937 School Specialty School Specialty PKG $4.61 070046 School Specialty PKG SET BOX $7.35 $9.70 $1.81 080839 1329539 1056717 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG $3.61 $5.11 067670 1117998 School Specialty School Specialty 038053 Pendaflex Hanging File Folders, 3 Inch Expansion, Letter, Standard Green ‐ 25/Pkg Pendaflex, Hanging File Folders, 2 Inch Capacity, Letter, W/ Tabs, Standard Green ‐ 022071 25/Pkg 022059 Pendaflex,1/5 Cut, Extra Capacity Hanging File Folder, Letter, Green ‐ 25/Pkg LABELS 084928 1 X 3 All Purpose Removable Labels, White ‐ 250/Pkg 084937 1 X 4 Laser Mailing Labels, White, 2000/Box 13 Ft L X 1/2 In W, Dymo Letratag Paper Self‐Adhesive Labeling Tape for Letratag Label 070046 Maker ‐ Pearl White ‐ 2/Pkg 1‐5/8 X 3‐1/4 Inch Shapes Etc Assorted with Lines Nametags And Label Assortment with 080839 Lines ‐ 144/Pkg 1329539 4‐Design Nametag Set ‐160/Set 1056717 Adhesive Visitor Name Badge Labels, 100/Box Avery 3/4 in Dia, Round Print or Write Removable Adhesive Color Coding Label, 4 X 6 067670 Sheets, Assorted Colors ‐ 1008/Pkg 1117998 Avery 3/4 Inch Round Color Coding Dots, Removable Labels ‐ Yellow ‐ 1008/Pkg 8 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 067672 067673 067674 067683 067677 076370 1074435 1074439 1054672 1054708 Avery 45395 Ink Jet Adhesive Name Badges, White, 2‐1/3 X 3‐3/8 inches ‐ 400/Pkg Avery 5160 Laser Mailing Labels, 1 X 2‐5/8, White ‐ 3000/Pkg Avery 5161 Mailing Labels Laser Mailing Labels, 1 X 4, White ‐ 2000/Pkg Avery 5436 1‐1/2 X 3 Mailing Labels, White ‐ 150/Pkg Avery 5660 Laser Mailing Labels, 1 X 2‐5/8, Clear ‐ 1500/Pkg Avery 5663 Laser Mailing Labels, 2 X 4, Clear ‐ 500/Pkg Avery 5666 File Folder Labels, 2/3 X 3‐7/16, Purple ‐ 750/Pkg Avery 5978 Shipping Labels, 2 X 4, Assorted Neon Colors ‐ 150/Pkg Avery 5979 Address Labels, 1 X 2‐5/8, Assorted Neon Colors ‐ 450/Pkg Avery 6490 Removable, 3.5 Diskette Labels, White ‐ 375/Pkg Avery Business Card Clean Edge Two‐Side Printable for Laser and Color Laser Printers, 3‐ 1/2 X 2 In. ‐ 8 Cards/Page, Ivory ‐ 200/Pkg Avery Permanent Filing Labels, 2/3 X 3‐7/16, 1/3 Cut, Assorted ‐ 750/Pkg Avery Permanent‐Adhesive File Folder Labels For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 11/16 x 3‐ 7/16 in, 1/3 cut, White, Pack of 252 ‐ 067664 Avery Removable‐Adhesive Rectangular Identification Labels For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 2 x 4 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 067684 Avery Self‐Adhesive Name Badge Label, 2‐11/32 X 3‐3/8 in, 3.6 mil Thickness, Paper, White, Blue Border, 100/Pkg Avery, 1/2 X 1‐3/4 Clear Return Address Labels, Permanent, Clear ‐ 2000/Pkg Badge With Strap Clip, Self Laminating ‐ 25/Pkg Birthday Badges, It's My Birthday, 3‐1/4 X 3‐1/4 ‐ 36/Pkg Brother 1/2 Inch Black On White M Series Tape Labels Brother P‐Touch Laminated Standard Adhesive Labeling Tape Cartridge, 3/8 X 26.2', Black On White TZ Tape Labels, TZ221 Hall Pass Pad, 3 X 5 Inch Hammond & Stephens, Yellow, 10 Passes/Package Happy Birthday Badges ID Badge Holder And Clips, 3‐7/8 X 2‐5/8, Vinyl ‐ 50/Pkg Labels, Laser‐Ink Jet Printer, Return Address, 1/2 x 1‐3/4‐ 2000/Pkg Labels, Laser‐Ink Jet Printer, Shipping 3‐1/3 X 4 ‐ 600/Pkg Laminated Standard Adhesive Labeling Tape Cartridge, 1/2 X 26.2', Black On White TZ Tape Labels, Brother TZ231 Laser Ink Jet Printer Shipping Labels, 2 X 4, White, 1000/Pkg Magnetic Label Holders, Vinyl, Clear ‐ 10/Pkg Name Badge Holder Clip Style 2 1/4 X 3 1/2 ‐ 50/Pkg Name Badges 'Hello' Blue, 100 Badges/Package Nametag, Cat in the Hat, 2‐7/8 X 2‐1/4, 40/Pkg Poly Pockets, 7 X 4‐3/4 Inch Self‐Adhesive, Clear ‐ 100/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $35.29 $24.36 $24.36 $2.20 $32.86 $32.86 $22.24 $15.01 $13.60 $18.18 067672 067673 067674 067683 067677 076370 1074435 1074439 1054672 1054708 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG $11.65 $12.80 1085881 067669 School Specialty School Specialty BOX $1.66 067664 School Specialty PKG $2.41 067684 School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH $1.74 $27.66 $11.24 $2.62 $8.91 023506 1054881 1308361 049502 1055964 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG $15.15 $3.91 $2.71 $11.98 $2.04 $4.41 1056061 1481869 357181 1403329 084930 1502918 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG $18.28 $3.92 $22.82 $17.67 $1.84 $1.87 $20.81 1074692 084943 1314781 1438627 1380620 1414853 1314745 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1085881 067669 084951 084925 1054557 1054881 1308361 049502 1055964 1056061 1481869 357181 1403329 084930 084935 1074692 084943 1314781 1438627 1380620 1414853 1314745 9 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Quick Clip ID Card Reel with Belt Clip, 30 in L Cord, Plastic, Assorted Color ‐ 3/Pkg Shipping Labels, Laser‐Ink Jet, White, Full Sheet 8‐1/2 X 11‐ 25/Pkg Teacher Created Resources Hall Pass, 6 X 2 In., 6/Set Vinyl Self Adhesive Zip CD DVD Pockets ‐ Clear ‐ 10/Pkg LAMINATING FILM / CONTACT PAPER PKG PKG EACH PKG $5.74 $1.75 $10.76 $7.26 1402407 1502919 090013 1080071 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 036413 ACCO GBC Laminating Film, 27 X 500', 1 Inch Core, High Gloss, Use with Roller Laminator Con‐Tac Self‐Adhesive Contact Paper for Lamination, Vinyl, Durable, Repositionable, 12 075213 In X 36', Clear Con‐tac Self‐Adhesive Contact Paper Roll for Lamination, Vinyl, Respositinable, 18 X 24', 023274 Clear Con‐Tact Self‐Adhesive Contact Paper for Lamination, Vinyl, Repositionable, 18 in X 75 Ft, 204986 Clear 1277259 Laminating Film 12 Inch X 500' ‐ 1.5 Mil Roll With 1 In. Core ‐ Glossy EACH $32.40 036413 School Specialty EACH $5.14 075213 School Specialty EACH $5.18 023274 School Specialty EACH ROLL $15.60 $6.66 204986 1277259 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $22.19 669689 School Specialty EACH $30.37 084679 School Specialty EACH PKG $15.10 $14.77 1277261 086083 School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG Case PKG $1.79 $7.41 $7.23 $30.77 $11.61 086080 086081 1388771 3200404 1438680 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty ACCO Brands USA School Specialty PKG $23.11 1465297 School Specialty PKG $11.77 1465221 School Specialty EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH $110.36 $27.41 $1.95 $2.69 $18.81 1465161 1438679 1388774 1388776 1401451 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $1.33 1461988 School Specialty 1402407 1502919 090013 1080071 DESCRIPTION 669689 Laminating Film, 18 in X 500 Foot Roll, 1‐1/2 mil Thickness, 1 In. Core, High Gloss Laminating Film, 25 In X 500 Foot Roll, 3 mil Thickness, 1 Inch Core, High Gloss, Use with 084679 Roller Laminator Laminating Film, 25 in X 500 Ft Roll, 1‐1/2 mil Thickness, 1 In. Core, High Gloss, use with 1277261 roller laminator 086083 Laminating Pouch, 2 Carriers, 12 X 18, 3 mil Thickness ‐ 100/Pkg 086080 086081 1388771 1314154 1438680 1465297 1465221 1465161 1438679 1388774 1388776 1401451 1461988 Laminating Pouch, 2 Carriers, 2‐1/2 X 3‐1/2 In, Use with Hot Laminator ‐ 100/Pkg Laminating Pouch, 2 Carriers, 9 X 11‐1/2 In ‐ 100/Pkg Laminating Pouch, 8‐1/2 X 11, Clear, Use with Thermal Laminators ‐ 50/Pkg Laminating Pouch, Heat Sealing, 11‐1/2 X 9, 5 mil Thickness, Clear, Case of 100 Scotch Laminating Pouch, 8.9 X 11‐2/5 Inches, 3 mil Thickness ‐ 100/Pkg Scotch Letter Size Thermal Laminator Pouch, 8.9 X 11.4 Inch, 3 mil Thickness, Clear ‐ 200/Pkg Scotch Menu Size Laminator Pouch, 11‐1/2 X 17‐1/2 Inches, 3 mil Thickness, Clear ‐ 25/Pkg Scotch Pro Thermal Laminator with 4 Roller, 18 ipm, 1 min Warm‐up, 13 in Throat, 6 mil Pouch Scotch Thermal Laminator Value Pack, Laminator and 20 Letter Size Pouches Thermal Laminating Pouch, 4 X 6, 5 mil Thickness ‐ 20/Pkg Thermal Laminating Pouch, 5 X 7, 5 mil Thickness ‐ 20/Pkg Xyron EZ Laminator Refill, 60 Foot Roll, Use with Xyron Laminator MASKING TAPE 1/2 In, 3M Rubber Value Masking Tape, Tan ‐ 60 Yds 10 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1461989 042105 1461990 040590 309345 1319021 309339 309342 309354 309340 002181 309351 1461991 1461992 040596 1462178 1312720 1473615 1445990 1514760 086295 1386267 1487817 1363426 1468121 006435 1053842 085208 085257 085258 1070639 085292 085290 085332 085337 085327 006426 085325 DESCRIPTION 3/4 in. 3M Value Masking Tape,Tan ‐ 60 Yds 3/4 In. Scotch 234 General Purpose Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Tan ‐ 60 Yds, 1 In. 3M Value Masking Tape, Rubber Adhesive, Tan ‐ 60 Yds 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 In. Core, Cream ‐ 60 Yds 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 In. Core, Green ‐ 60 Yds, 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set ‐ 60 Yrds/roll 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Black ‐ 60 Yds, 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Blue ‐ 60 Yds, 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Orange ‐ 60 Yds 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Red ‐ 60 Yds 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, White ‐ 60 Yds 1 In. Colored Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Yellow ‐ 60 Yds, 1‐1/2 In. 3M Rubber Value Masking Tape, Tan ‐ 60 Yds, 2 In. 3M Rubber Value Masking Tape, Tan ‐ 60 Yds 2 In. Masking Tape, 3 Inch Core, Cream ‐ 60 Yds, 3 In. 3M Rubber Value Masking Tape, Tan ‐ 60 Yds. MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES Calculator Tape ‐ Roll, 2‐1/4 in X 200 ft, Plain White ‐ 5/Pkg Carbonless Receipt Book, Duplicate, Un‐Numbered, 8‐1/2 X 11, 240 Receipts Document Frame 8.5 X 11 ‐ Plastic Wall ‐ Black/Gold Double Roll Raffle Tickets ‐ Red ‐ 2000/Roll Folding File Cart, Letter Size, 19 In Handle, 11H X 11W X 12‐7/8D High Speed Auto Paper Folder, Martin Yale Lockable Cash Box with Removable Tray, 10 X 9‐3/4 X 4 In. Heavy Duty, Gray Tack Board, Aluminum Frame, 2' X 3' with Cork, Assorted Color Energizer Advanced Lithium AA Battery ‐ 8/Pkg PADS ‐ LEGAL, NOTE, CHART 2' X 3' Manila Tag Chart Paper, 1‐1/2 Inch Guideline ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Inch Ampad Pocket Sized Memo Book, 50 Sheets, Assorted Colors 3 X 5 Memo Notebook, Side Opening, Coil Bound, 100 Sheets/Pad 3 X 5 Scratch Pads, Unruled, White, 100 Sheet/ Pad ‐ 12/Pkg 4 X 6 Scratch Pads, Unruled, White, 100 Sheet/Pad ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, 5 X 8, 16Lb, 50 Sheets/Pad, 9/32 Ruling, White ‐ 12/Pkg 6 X 9 Steno Notebooks, Gregg Ruled, Green Tint Eye Ease Paper, 80 Sheet/Pkg 6 X 9 Steno Notebooks, Gregg Ruled, White, 80 Sheets/Pad 24 X 16 Line Chart Tablet, 2‐hole Punched, 1 Inch Ruled, 25 Sheets 24 X 16 Skip‐A‐Line Chart Tablet, 1‐1/2 In. Ruled Skip, 25 Sheets 24 X 32 Chart Tablet, Ruled 1 In., 25 Sheets 24 X 32 Chart Tablet, Ruled 1 In., Ecology Recycled Paper, 70 Sheets/Pad 24 X 32 Chart Tablet, Unruled, 25 Sheets U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $0.86 $4.05 $2.31 $1.23 $2.43 $32.33 $2.43 $3.73 $2.43 $2.43 $2.35 $2.43 $3.49 $4.63 $2.44 $3.40 1461989 042105 1461990 040590 309345 1319021 309339 309342 309354 309340 002181 309351 1461991 1461992 040596 1462178 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH ROLL EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG $9.88 $3.03 $2.42 $2.67 $8.74 $655.62 $28.88 $26.41 $11.08 1312720 1473615 1445990 1514760 086295 1386267 1487817 1363426 1468121 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG $13.11 $1.43 $0.65 $2.01 $3.33 $20.39 $0.77 $0.62 $1.41 $1.40 $2.45 $14.10 $2.76 006435 1053842 085208 085257 085258 1070639 085292 085290 085332 085337 085327 006426 085325 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 11 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.52 085352 School Specialty EACH EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG $6.72 $4.28 $2.24 $4.96 $108.38 $21.55 $21.55 454118 085351 085335 048198 1272922 1467044 1467043 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $0.92 $21.81 $21.55 $14.98 $14.98 $5.65 $14.98 $5.05 $14.98 $12.38 085268 1437329 1467042 1397839 1397836 027430 1397838 027433 1397837 1078310 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1053746 Legal Pad, Ruled, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4, 15 lb. Paper, 3 Hole Punched, White, 100 Sheets/Pad EACH $6.96 1053746 School Specialty 027439 027445 1312116 1053723 Legal Pads, 3/8 Inch Ruled W/ Margin, 5 X 8 Standard, 50 Sheets/Pad, Canary ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pads, 5 X 8 Inch Standard, Ruled, 50 Sheets/Pad, White ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Ruled Pads, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 Recycled, 50 Sheets/Pad, White ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Ruled Pads, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4, White ‐ 12/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.51 $2.51 $27.52 $29.59 027439 027445 1312116 1053723 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1330033 1438936 1392771 1437330 1438937 Post‐it Easel Pad Paper, Unruled, 25 X 30, 1 Inch Blue Grids, 30 Sheets/Pad ‐ 4/Pkg Post‐it Easel Pad With Grid Lines, 25 X 30 In., White, 30 Sheets/Pad ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐It Easel Pad, 20 X 23, Tabel Top Primary Ruled, 20 Sheets/Pad Post‐it Easel Pad, 25 X 30 In. White ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐it Easel Pad, 25 X 30‐1/2, Lined, 30 Sheets/Pad ‐ Yellow, 2/Pkg Post‐it Self‐Stick Easel Pad, Unruled, Short Back Card, 25 X 30, White, 30 Sheets/Pad ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐it Telephone Message Pad, 4 X 6, Pink, 50 Sheets/Pad Post‐it Wall Pad, 20 X 23, Unruled, 20 Sheets/Pad ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐It, Easel Pad, Unruled Tabletop 20 X 23, White, 20 Sheets/Pad Recycled Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4, Ruled, 50 Sheets, Canary ‐ 12/Pkg Student Admit Book, 8‐1/2 X 11 In., W/150 Duplicate Slips ‐ White PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG $78.98 $37.11 $16.78 $36.25 $37.11 1330033 1438936 1392771 1437330 1438937 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG EACH $33.00 $0.82 $16.64 $16.78 $27.49 $4.01 1468356 072378 TA3385 038663 1312118 1481890 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 085352 24 X 32 Inch Primary Chart Paper, White, 1‐1/2 Ruled, 70 Sheets 454118 085351 085335 048198 1272922 1467044 1467043 085268 1437329 1467042 1397839 1397836 027430 1397838 027433 1397837 1078310 1468356 072378 1369018 038663 1312118 1481890 Chart Paper Pad, 24 X 36, Short Way Ruled, 1 Inch Skip Line, White, 100/Sheets 24 X 32 Primary Chart Paper, White, Ruled 1 In., 70 Sheets 24 X 32 Skip‐A‐Line Chart Tablet, 1‐1/2 In. Ruled, 25 Sheets 24 X 36 Primary Chart Paper Pads, Ruled Short Way, 1 In Ruled, 100 Sheet/Pad 25 X 30 Post‐it Easel Pad, Unruled, 30 Sheets/Pad ‐ 6/Pkg 27 X 34 Cross Ruled Easel Pad, 1 Inch Ruled, White, 50 Sheets/Pad ‐ 4/Pkg 27 X 34 Ruled Easel Pad, 1 Inch Ruled, White, 50 Sheets/Pad ‐ 4/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11, 3‐Hole Punched Theme Pad, 15 lb. Paper, 3/8 Inch Ruled, White, 100 Sheet/Pkg Chart Paper, 25 X 30 Inches, Unruled, 40 Sheets/Pad ‐ 2/Pkg Easel Pads, Unruled White, 34 X 27, 50/Sheets/Pad ‐ 4/Pkg Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 , Ruled, 50 Sheets/Pad, Gray ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 , Ruled, 50 Sheets/Pad, Ivory ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 Standard, Ruled, 50 Sheets/Pad, Canary ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4, Ruled, 50 Sheet/Pad, Pink ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4, Ruled, 50 Sheets, White ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4, Ruled, 50 Sheets/Pad, Orchid ‐ 12/Pkg Legal Pad, Ruled 8‐1/2 x 14, 50 Sheets/Pad, Yellow ‐ 12/pk 12 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 075191 Tops Telephone Message Book, 11 X 5‐1/2, NCR, 4 Sets/Page, 400 Sets/Book 1481876 While You Were Out Pads, Pink, 100 Sht/Pad ‐10/Pkg 1368694 Legal Recycled Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11 In.40 Sheets, Assorted Color, 3/Pkg PAPER CLIPS ‐ TACKS ‐ PUSH ‐ PINS 081982 #18 Alliance Latex‐Free Rubber Band, 1 lb/Pkg 020862 #18 Latex Rubber Band, 3 X 1/16, Natural, 1/4 Lb Box 1308026 #19 Rubber Bands, 1 lb/Box ‐ 1890/Box 1070985 #19 Sparco Rubber Bands, No Subs, 3‐1/2 X 1/16 Inch,1 lb/Box ‐ 1700/Cs 020868 #32 Rubber Bands, 3 X 1/8 Inch,1/4 lb/Pkg, Natural 081981 #33 Alliance Latex‐Free Rubber Band, 1 lb/Pkg 1070989 #33 Sparco Rubber Bands, No Subs, 3‐1/2 X 1/8 Inch, 1 lb/Pkg ‐ 850/Cs 059970 #4 Metal Thumb Tacks, 1/2 Inch Dia. Head ‐ 100/Pkg 020874 #54 Latex Rubber Bands, Assorted Size, 1/4 lb/Pkg, Natural 002858 #54 Rubber Bands, Assorted Size, Natural Latex, 1 Lb Box 1428641 1 In. Book Rings, Anodized Metal, Assorted Color, 50/Pkg 059952 1 Inch Brass Plated Fasteners, 4R ‐ 100/Pkg 036975 1 Inch Loose leaf Book Rings ‐ 100/Pkg 084870 1/2 Inch X 10 Ft Magnetic Rubber Strips, Adhesive 1313980 1‐1/2 in 1 Inch Loose leaf Book Rings ‐ 100/Pkg 000069 1‐1/2 In. Butterfly Clips, Medium, #2 ‐ 50/Pkg 059958 1‐1/2 Inch Brass Plated Fasteners, 6R ‐ 100/Pkg 036978 1‐1/2 Inch Loose leaf Rings ‐ 100/Pkg 077433 1‐1/4 In. Bulldog Clips w/ Magnets ‐ 24/Pkg 084473 1‐1/4 In. Non skid Paper Clips, Standard ‐ 100/Pkg 084472 1‐1/4 In. Smooth Paper Clips, Standard Gem #1 ‐ 100/Pkg 023959 1‐1/4 Paper Clip, Vinyl Coated, Standard, Assorted Color ‐ 100/Pkg 000066 2 1/2 Inches Butterfly Clips ‐ Large, #1‐ 12/Pkg 077434 2 In. Bulldog Clips w/ Magnets ‐ 12/Pkg 084442 2 In. Non skid Paper Clips, Jumbo ‐ 100/Pkg 084475 2 In. Smooth Paper Clips, Jumbo ‐ 100/Pkg 036981 2 Inch Loose leaf Rings ‐ 50/Pkg 036987 3 Inch Loose leaf Book Rings ‐ 10/Pkg 059949 3/4 Inch Brass Plated Fasteners, 3R ‐ 100/Pkg 009952 3/8 In L, Fastener Metal, Brass Plated, Stuff Shank, ‐ 100/Pkg 010021 Adams Hooks For Suspended Ceilings, Clear 084161 Adhesive Putty ‐ 2.5 Oz/Pkg 032400 Binder Clip, 1‐1/4 In, Medium ‐ 12/Pkg 032403 Binder Clip, 2 In, Large ‐ 12/Pkg 032397 Binder Clip, 3/4 In, Small, 3/8 In Capacity ‐ 12/Pkg 1073963 Binder Clips, Assorted Colors & Sizes ‐ 30/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH PKG PKG $3.52 $3.48 $3.21 075191 1481876 1368694 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH BOX Case EACH EACH Case PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH BOX PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $4.12 $0.77 $9.63 $6.47 $0.77 $4.12 $6.47 $0.63 $0.77 $3.16 $3.71 $0.79 $4.08 $1.89 $12.56 $0.95 $1.07 $5.22 $4.49 $0.16 $0.15 $0.32 $0.60 $2.10 $0.44 $0.44 $3.54 $1.19 $0.52 $0.41 $0.28 $2.30 $0.49 $1.01 $0.18 $3.34 081982 020862 1308026 1070985 020868 081981 1070989 200‐6850 020874 002858 1428641 059952 036975 084870 1313980 000069 059958 036978 077433 084473 084472 023959 000066 077434 084442 084475 036981 036987 059949 009952 010021 YD812 032400 032403 032397 1073963 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 13 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 1314463 Bulldog Clip, 5/8 in Capacity, Heavy Duty Grip, Nickel Plated Steel Silver, 12/Pkg Bulldog Clip, No 2, 1/2 Inch Capacity, Heavy Duty Magnetic Grip, Nickel Plated Steel, 1314468 Silver, 12/Pkg 080008 Cubicle Clips, Assorted ‐ 4/Pkg Dowling Miner Magnetics Colored Magnet Hold It, 10‐3/4 In. Ceramic Disc, Assorted 1465812 Color, 10/Set 090668 Economy Rubber Band Ball, Multiple Color 060915 E‐Z Up Stikki Clips, Standard Size, White ‐ 20/Pkg 089998 File Folder Rubber Bands, 7 X 1/8 Inch, Assorted Colors ‐ 50/Pkg 089888 Foam Magnetic Base 10 Set 081907 Giant Push Pin with Reclosable Tub, Assorted Color, 12/Pkg 021795 Handle‐Like Head, Steel T Pins ‐ 1 1/2 inch, 100/Pkg 081983 Latex Free Rubber Band, 3‐1/2 x 1/16 In, 1 Lb Box U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG $6.49 1314463 School Specialty PKG PKG $5.75 $3.58 1314468 1091676 School Specialty School Specialty SET EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH $2.60 $1.27 $2.36 $1.77 $16.02 $0.84 $0.53 $4.12 1465812 090668 060915 089998 089888 081907 021795 081983 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 081906 010024 090052 090051 1370549 1370550 060867 1100777 1369864 032732 038221 Magnet Button Assortment ‐ Configurable Item, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, 30/Pkg Magnet Man Shaped Clip, Red Magnetic Adhesive Extra Thin Tape 3/4 In X 25 Ft , With Dispenser Magnetic Dots w/ Adhesive, 3/4 In. ‐ 100/Pkg Magnetic Hook, 14 lb Capacity, White, 2/Pkg Magnetic Hook, 20 lb Capacity, Chrome Magnetic Paper Clip Dispenser, 1‐5/8 X 1‐5/8 X 2‐3/4, Smoke Base, Black Top Magnetic Push Pins, 1‐1/2 Inches, 6 Sheet Capacity ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 20/Pkg Metal Thumb Tacks, 7/16 Inch Dia. Head ‐ 100/Pkg Metal Vinyl Coated Paper Clip, Standard, Assorted Color ‐ 800/Pkg Mini Binder Clips 9/16 Inch ‐ 12/Pkg PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.06 $0.65 $4.20 $2.34 $2.51 $2.09 $0.40 $16.11 $0.57 $1.63 $0.17 081906 010024 090052 090051 1370549 1370550 060867 1100777 1369864 032732 038221 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 078829 059946 023974 075209 Mini Magnet Man Clips, Heavy Duty, Assorted Colors, Translucent, 1‐3/8 X 1 ‐ 10/Pkg No 2, 1/2 Inch Brass Plated Fasteners, 2R ‐ 100/Pkg Paper Clip, Jumbo, Metal Vinyl Coated, Assorted Color ‐ 40/Pkg Presentation Binder Clip, Assorted Size, Silver, 30/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG $3.49 $0.48 $0.28 $0.87 078829 059946 023974 075209 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG $0.46 $0.46 $0.18 003351 003354 021780 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG SET $2.89 $3.10 $3.91 079044 1409473 078731 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 003351 Push Pins, Assorted Colors, 3/8 In L, 1/2 in Head, Plastic Head, Steel Point ‐ 100/Pkg 003354 Push Pins, Clear, 3/8 In L, 1/2 In Head, Plastic Head, Steel Point ‐ 100/Pkg 021780 Safety Pins, Assorted Size, Steel, Nickel Plated ‐ 50/Pkg Stikkiworks Stikki Clip, Damage‐Free, Reusable, Removable, Standard for Any Surface, 079044 White, 30/Pkg 1409473 Tub of Assorted Magnets,12/12/6 Different Sizes ‐ 30/Pkg 078731 Vinyl Coated Teachers Clip and Pin Set, 3/Set 14 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH $1.86 $4.64 $5.48 $4.01 $6.11 $11.88 $11.28 $7.22 $4.03 $3.15 $5.35 $2.00 $5.32 023195 040548 025669 023197 075545 1486657 005049 1311872 1396810 1396806 785421 1396805 005046 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 3 X 3 Post‐it Original Notes Cabinet Pack, 90 Sheets/Pad ‐ Canary Yellow, 18/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Original Pop‐Up Note Refill, 90 Sheets/Pad, Neon Colors ‐ 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Pop Up Notes, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Asst. Neon Colors, 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Pop‐Up Note Refills, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Jaipur Colors, 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Pop‐Up Note Refills, Canary Yellow, 100 Sheets/Pad 3 X 3 Post‐it Pop‐Up Note Refills, Marseille Colors, 90 Sheets/Pad ‐ 6/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Pop‐Up Note, 100 Sheets/Pad, Assorted Pastel Colors ‐12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐It Ruled Post‐it Notes, 90 Sheets/Pad ‐ Assorted Colors, 18/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Super Sticky Notes, 25 Sheets/Pad ‐ Bora Bora Colors, 4/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Super Sticky Pop Up Notes with Weighted Dispenser, 90 Sheets/Pad, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Pkg 3 X 5 Post‐it Lined Notes, Ruled, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Canary Yellow, 12/Pkg 3 X 5 Post‐it Notes, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Capetown Colors, 5/Pkg 3/4 X 2 Post‐it Note, 50 Sheets/Pad ‐ Assorted Bright Colors, 4/Pkg 4 X 4 Post‐it Super Sticky Notes, Lined Notes, 90 Sheets/Pad ‐ Rio De Janeiro Colors, 6/Pkg 4 X 6 Inch Post‐it Pop‐Up Note and Flag Dispenser, Photo Slot 4 X 6 Post‐it Lined Notes, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Capetown Colors, 3/Pkg 4 X 6 Post‐it Notes, Lined, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Yellow, 12/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG $14.90 $12.46 $4.03 $12.54 $0.98 $5.75 $3.07 $18.90 $2.12 086837 076150 1396811 076153 042024 038706 1396809 1311910 1434830 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG $13.91 $15.72 $6.98 $0.63 1272311 1486658 785418 1396812 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH PKG PKG $9.99 $8.46 $6.91 $19.61 086845 1463195 025693 1486659 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 086846 4 X 6 Post‐it Super Sticky Notes, Lined, 90 Sheets/Pad ‐ Rio De Janeiro Colors, 3/Pkg PKG $6.99 086846 School Specialty 081876 6 X 4 Post‐it Super Sticky Meeting Notes, 45 Sheets/Pad ‐ Rio De Janeiro Colors ‐ 8/Pkg 081877 8 X 6 Post‐it Super Sticky Meeting Notes, Rio De Janiero Colors ‐ 4/Pkg 074457 Post‐it Arrow Flag, 1/2 X 1‐7/10, Assorted Standard Colors, 4/Pkg PKG PKG EACH $9.17 $9.17 $2.54 081876 081877 074457 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 023195 040548 025669 023197 075545 1486657 005049 1311872 1396810 1396806 785421 1396805 005046 086837 076150 1396811 076153 042024 038706 1396809 1311910 1434830 1272311 1486658 785418 1396812 086845 1463195 025693 1486659 DESCRIPTION POST‐IT NOTES 1 X 3 Post‐it Page Markers, Ultra Assorted, 50 Sheets/Pad ‐ 4/Pkg 1‐1/2 X 2 Post‐it Notes, 100 sheets/Pad, Canary Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg 1‐1/2 X 2 Post‐it Original Notepad, 100 Sheets/Pad, Jaipur Color ‐ 12/Pkg 2 x 1/2 Post‐it Page Markers,100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Neon Colors ‐ 5/Pkg 2 X 2 Post‐it Memo Cubes, 400 Sheets/Cube ‐ Green Wave Colors, 3/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Lined Notes, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Canary Yellow, 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it note cube ‐ 12 Pads/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Note Cubes, Ultra Bright, 400 Sheets/Cube 3 X 3 Post‐it Notes, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Assorted Bright Colors, 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Notes, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Assorted Brights Colors, 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Notes, 100 Sheets/Pad, Capetown Colors ‐ 5/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Notes, Assorted Pastel, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ 12/Pkg 3 X 3 Post‐it Notes, Ultra colors, 100 Sheets ‐ 5/Pkg 15 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Post‐it Arrow Flags, 1/2 X 1‐7/10, Bright Pink, Yellow, Blue, Green, 96/Pkg Post‐it Filing Tab, 2 X 1‐1/2, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Pkg Post‐it Filing Tabs, 3 X 1‐7/10 In, 4 Colors, 8 Tabs/Color ‐ 24/Pkg Post‐It Flag 1 X 1‐3/4, With Pop‐Up Dispenser, 50 Sheets, Orange ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐it Flag Highlighter, 3/8 In. Flags: Fluorescent Green, Yellow & Orange, 50 Flags/Pkg ‐ 089640 3/Pkg DESCRIPTION EACH PKG PKG PKG $3.30 $2.06 $2.65 $5.66 074459 390177 1394487 1116992 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $4.92 089640 School Specialty 1329898 Post‐It Flag Markers, 4 Colors/Dispenser (Blue, Purple, Green, Orange), 2 Dispensers EACH $6.22 1329898 School Specialty EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG $6.12 $3.30 $3.44 $3.44 $3.44 $5.58 $5.66 $4.36 $3.88 $7.13 $3.98 $7.86 $3.38 $2.07 $3.38 1329902 038709 1281495 1281496 1281497 1116983 1116986 1329905 023198 1396395 072384 1329903 1281494 084876 084879 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.98 $0.51 $1.54 $25.41 $28.12 087472 039423 1071805 1493159 081574 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $3.78 $3.08 $18.43 $15.99 $0.23 $83.91 076352 1436350 025971 061114 000189 1314593 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $32.25 $9.27 1377674 038174 School Specialty School Specialty 074459 390177 1394487 1116992 1329902 038709 1281495 1281496 1281497 1116983 1116986 1329905 023198 1396395 072384 072386 1281494 084876 084879 087472 039423 1071805 1493159 081574 Post‐It Flag Markers, 4 Colors/Dispenser (Red, Blue, Yellow Green), 2 Dispensers Post‐it Flag with Dispenser, 1/2 X 1‐7/10, 4 Colors, 35 Flags/Color Post‐It Flag, 1 In., 50 Sheets/Dispenser ‐ Yellow ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐It Flag, 1 In., 50 Sheets/Dispenser, Blue ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐It Flag, 1 In., 50 Sheets/Dispenser, Red ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐It Flag, 1 X 1‐3/4, 50 Sheets, Bright Blue ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐It Flag, 1 X 1‐3/4, 50 Sheets, Pink ‐ 2/Pkg Post‐it Lined Tab with Dispenser, 1 X 1‐7/10, Assorted Colors, 66/Pkg Post‐it Page Markers, 1/2 X 2 Inch, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ Ultra Colors, 500/Pkg Post‐it Portable Wall Easel with Command Adhesive Strips, 3 X 15 X 1, 2/Pkg Post‐it Sign Here Flags, 1/2 In., Assorted Color, 80/Pkg Post‐it Signature Flags ‐ 50 Flags plus 48 Arrow Flags ‐ Assorted Colors Post‐It TAPE FLAGS, 1 In., Purple ‐ 2/Pkg Self Stick Notes, 3 X 3, Yellow, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ 12/Pkg Self Stick Notes, 3 X 5, Yellow, 100 Sheets/Pad ‐ 12/Pkg STAPLERS ‐ STAPLES ‐ HOLE PUNCH Bostitch Magnetic Staple Remover, Black 1/4 Inch Paper Punch, One Round Hole, 10 Sheets 1/4 Inch Paper Punch, Round Hole 3 Hole, Heavy Duty Punch, 40 Sheets 3‐Hole Punch Heavy‐Duty Deluxe, 45 Sheets cap. 5/8 Inch Swingline Light Touch Heavy Duty Staples, Holds 20‐120 Sheets ‐ 2500/Pkg Bostitch Ascend Desktop Stapler, Black Bostitch Heavy Duty Stapler, Black Bostitch Long Reach Stapler, 20 Sheet Capacity, Black Claw Staple Remover Electric Hole Punch, High Volume 30 Sheets, 2‐3 Holes, Gray Electric Stapler, Battery operated and Electric Adapter, Uses Standard Staples, 20 Sheets, 1377674 Silver 038174 Heavy Duty 2 Or 3 ‐ Hole Punch, 40 Sheets, Black 076352 1436350 025971 061114 000189 1314593 16 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 1369894 1396400 084871 1327782 075489 040722 1354241 1330419 040572 Heavy Duty Staples, 1/2 Inch Leg, 25‐85 Sheets ‐ 1000/Pkg Heavy Duty Staples, 1/4 Inch Leg, 30 Sheets ‐ 1000/Pkg Heavy Duty Staples, 3/8 Inch Leg, 25‐55 Sheets ‐ 1000/Pkg Standard Staples ‐ 5000/Pkg Stanley Bostitch Ascend Desktop Stapler, 20 Sheets, Red Stanley Bostitch B515 All Metal Full Strip Stapler, Black Stanley Bostitch Full Strip Stapler, Black Stanley Heavy Duty,1/4 Inch Staples T50 ‐ 1000/Pkg Staple Remover, Heavy Duty, Metal, Black Swingline 3‐Hole Electric Punch, 28 Sheets, Platinum Swingline 444 Commercial Full Strip Stapler, 20 Sheets, Black Swingline 711 Half Strip Desk Stapler, 20 Sheets, Black Swingline 747 Classic Full Strip Stapler, 20 Sheets, Black Swingline Full‐strip Low Force Desktop Stapler Black/ Silver Swingline Heavy Duty Staples, 1/2 Inch, 90 Sheets ‐ 5000/Pkg Swingline Heavy Duty Staples, 3/8 Chisel, 60 Sheets ‐ 5000/Pkg Swingline LightTouch Heavy Duty Stapler, 2‐3/4 in Throat, 20 ‐ 120 Sheets Swingline LightTouch High Capacity Desktop Punch, 12 Sheet Capacity Swingline Optima High Capacity Staples, 3/8 Inch ‐ 2500/Pkg Swingline Speed Point Staples, Full Strip, 1/2 Crown, 25 Sheets ‐ 5000/Pkg Three Hole Adjustable Paper Punch, 12 Sheets, Black TAPE ‐ SPECIAL 1 In. 3M Scotch Painters Tape, Roll/60 Yd., Blue 1 In. Scotch Permanent Interior/Exterior Mounting Tape, Roll/60 in., Red 1 Inch X 10 Ft Magnetic Rubber Strip, Adhesive Backed 1.88 In Shipping Tape Heavy Duty With Dispensers, Scotch, Clear ‐ 6/Pkg 1.88 In X 54.6 Yds, Scotch 3650 Moving and Storage Tape, Clear ‐ 4/Pkg 1/2 In X 36 Yds Highland 6200 Permanent Mending Tape, 1 In Core, Clear 1/2 In. Permanent Mending Tape, 1 Inch Core, Roll/36yrds. ‐ Clear ‐ 12/Pkg 1/2 Magnetic Tape Refill, Roll‐N Cut, 15', Black 1‐1/2 X 15 Yds Scotch 845 Book Tape, 3 Inch Core, Crystal Clear 056307 040575 040578 042015 040725 040713 1311916 1‐9/10 In X 54‐3/5 Yds, Tartan General Purpose Shipping Tape, 3 Inch Core, Clear 2 In X 15 Yds, Scotch 845 Book Tape, 3 In Core, Crystal Clear 3 In X 15 Yds Scotch 845 Book Tape, 3 In Core, Crystal Clear 3/4 In X 150 Yds Scotch 109 Removable Poster Tape, Clear 3/4 In X 36 Yds Highland 6200 Permanent Mending Tape, 1 In Core, Clear 3/4 In X 60 Yds Scotch 893 Premium Heavy Duty Strapping Tape, Transparent 3/4 In. Scotch Double Sided Tape, 3 Inch Core, Clear, 2/Pkg 025980 025974 025977 061059 1436352 1488880 010191 1397684 1314168 038177 061188 061131 061149 1378507 1069678 1069680 076351 799882 1069593 061092 025983 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG. PKG DOZ EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH $2.12 $1.81 $1.84 $0.49 $3.08 $6.76 $5.24 $1.33 $6.60 $135.28 $6.25 $8.31 $11.07 $15.40 $8.72 $12.00 $48.31 $14.01 $4.42 $2.05 $3.18 025980 025974 025977 061059 1436352 1488880 010191 1397684 1314168 038177 061188 061131 061149 1378505 1069678 1069680 076351 799882 1069593 061092 025983 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH EACH $3.42 $3.09 $1.78 $11.35 $10.05 $0.59 $6.29 $5.62 $3.22 1369894 1396400 084871 1327782 075489 040722 1354241 1330419 RA10366 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG $1.13 $4.32 $7.22 $3.25 $0.85 $6.53 $21.05 056307 RA16052 040578 042015 040725 040713 1311916 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 17 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1434794 040581 1436315 1403117 087148 1413321 269405 040761 1494671 1301244 1120665 1369042 040533 1354242 1369041 1390565 1369043 1354240 1071861 040536 040647 1390561 DESCRIPTION 3/4 In. Tape, Scotch Designer Dog Shaped Refillable Desktop Dispenser with 1 in Core, Bowl 4 In X 15 Yds Scotch 845 Book Tape, 3 In Core, Crystal Clear Duck Tape, General Purpose, 1‐7/8 X 10 Yard, Waterproof, Self‐Adhesive ‐ Assorted Paint Splatter Design Duct Tape, Multi Purpose, 1.88 In X 55 Yds, Gray Mavalus Removable Measuring Tape, 1 In X 10 Yd, 1 In Core Packing Tape, 1‐9/10 X 54‐3/5 Yds, 3 Inch Core, Clear ‐ 6/Pkg Removable Poster Tape, 1 Inch Core, 1 Inch X 10 Yards, White Scotch 3750 Packaging Tape, Clear, 1.88 In X 54.6 Yd Scotch Removable Dry Erase Tape, 1.88 In X 5 Yd., White TAPE ‐ TRANSPARENT 1 In. Scotch 810 Magic Tape, 3 Inch Core, Matte Clear ‐ 3/Pkg 1 in. Scotch Magic Invisible Tape, Boxed Refill Roll, 1 in Core 1/2 In. Scotch 810 Magic Tape, 1 Inch Core, Matte Clear, Rolls/1296 In. ‐ 2/Pkg 1/2 X 36 Yds Scotch 600 Transparent Tape, 1 Inch Core 3/4 In. Invisible Tape, Writable, 1 Inch Core ‐ Roll/36yrds ‐ 12/Pkg 3/4 In. Scotch 810 Magic Tape, 1 Inch Core, Matte Clear, Rolls/1296 In. ‐ 6/Pkg 3/4 In. Scotch Magic Greener Tape, Matte ‐ Rolls/900 in. 16/Pkg 3/4 In. Scotch Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Invisible Tape, 1 Inch Core, Rolls/1000 In. ‐ 18/Pkg 3/4 In.Transparent Tape, 1 Inch Core ‐ 12/Pkg 3/4 Premium Tape, Invisible, Photo‐Safe, Transparent, 1 In Core 3/4 X 36 Yds Scotch 600 Transparent Tape, 1 Inch Core TAPE WITH DISPENSERS 1/2 X 450 Scotch Magic Tape In Dispenser, Matte Clear 3/4 In. Scotch Magic Greener Tape, In Dispensers, 1 Inch Core, Matte ‐ Rolls/600 in. ‐ 6/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $6.18 $9.16 1434794 040581 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $2.67 $3.54 $2.27 $5.58 $2.31 $4.40 $3.26 1436315 1403117 087148 1413321 269405 040761 1494671 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG $17.54 $4.09 $3.41 $1.34 $7.41 $13.30 $26.54 1301244 1120665 1369042 700035 1354242 1369041 1390566 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG EACH EACH $31.28 $6.18 $0.96 $1.81 1369043 1354240 1071861 700040 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art EACH $1.02 040647 School Specialty PKG $9.19 1390561 School Specialty PKG EACH $12.10 $1.87 044366 084856 School Specialty School Specialty 044366 3/4 X 1000 Scotch 810 Magic Tape, 1 Inch Core With C‐40 Dispenser, Matte Clear‐ 6/Pkg 084856 Packing Tape Dispenser, Holds 3 Inch Core, Black Refillable Scotch Handheld Plastic Tape Dispenser for 1/2 or 3/4 inch Tape, Tape Sold 1410382 Separately, Smoke, 1 Inch Core Scotch 665 & 136 ‐ 1/2 X 250 Double‐Sided Transparent Tape, In Dispenser, 1 In Core, 090021 Clear ‐ 3/Pkg 040470 Scotch 810 Magic Tape, 3/4 X 300 In, Matte Clear 040662 Scotch C25 Heavy Duty Tape Dispenser, 3 Inch Core, Beige EACH $0.65 1410382 School Specialty PKG EACH EACH $3.81 $1.03 $25.54 090021 040470 040662 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 040488 Scotch Transparent Tape in Dispenser, 1/2 X 450, Photo ‐ Safe, Glossy Transparent 1327783 Shipping Packing Tape, Easy Grip Dispenser, 1‐7/8 X 600 In., Refillable EACH EACH $0.84 $6.25 040488 1327783 School Specialty School Specialty 18 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 040617 Tape Dispenser, Weighted, 1 Inch Core, 1/2 ‐ 3/4 In Tape, Black TRANSPARENCY FILM Apollo Quick Dry Transparency Film For Ink Jet Printers, 8‐1/2 X 11, Removable Sensing 067385 Strip ‐ 50/Pkg 079881 Copier Transparency Film, 8‐1/2 X 11, Removable Sensing Strip ‐ 100/Pkg 079880 Copier Transparency Film, 8‐1/2 X 11, without Sensing strip ‐ 100/Pkg 079883 Copier Transparency Film, 8‐1/2 X 11, Without sensing strip ‐ 50/Pkg 631839 Medium Weight Write‐On Transparency Film, 8‐1/2 X 11, Clear ‐ 100/Pkg DESCRIPTION EACH $0.80 040617 School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $22.59 $7.56 $5.95 $7.32 $6.24 067385 079881 079880 079883 631839 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 401473 Plastic Light Weight Sheet for Monoprinting, 6 X 9 X 0.02 In, Transparent ‐ 10/Pkg 389555 Write On Transparency Film, 100 Sheets Per Box PKG EACH $6.15 $11.74 401473 389555 School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.40 $1.46 $0.64 $0.59 $0.55 $0.55 $0.61 $0.59 $0.60 $0.59 $0.64 $0.64 $0.56 $0.56 $0.69 $0.61 $0.56 $0.53 $0.59 $0.61 $0.64 $0.56 $0.68 $0.55 $0.56 $0.56 075944 409340 201204 201183 201234 1506446 1506457 201190 201207 201178 201222 201175 201225 1506449 RA15823 200047 1506450 201231 1506440 201229 201181 201208 1506433 201184 201232 201189 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 SCHOOL SUPPLIES 075944 409340 201204 201183 201234 1506446 1506457 201190 201207 201178 201222 201175 201225 1506449 201187 200047 1506450 201231 1506440 201229 201181 201208 1506433 201184 201232 201189 9 X 12 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 50/PKG 9 X 12 Construction Paper ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Marble 9 X 12 Construction Paper ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Multicultural 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Blue 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Blue 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Green 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright White 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Brown 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Blue 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Brown 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Gray 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Hot Pink 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Light Green 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Lilac 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Lt Brown 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Magenta 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Orange 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Pink 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Red 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Violet 19 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1506456 201192 1506452 053982 248603 248637 054054 247968 1398064 1006763 054027 053985 053973 054033 054024 053976 054648 054402 054042 216777 216775 054006 053994 054003 054015 053958 053964 053997 054588 054411 054051 054012 053991 054000 054009 054045 054030 053979 053988 DESCRIPTION 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ White 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow Orange 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Scarlet 9 X 12 Construction Paper, Recycled, 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors 9 X 12 Riverside Construction Paper, Recycled ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Light Green 9 X 12 TRU‐RAY CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 50/PKG 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted Brights 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted Warm Colors 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Black 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Blue 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Brilliant Lime 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Chartreuse 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Dark Brown 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Festive Green 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Festive Red 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Gold 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Gray 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Light Green 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Light Red 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Light Yellow 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Lilac 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Magenta 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Orange 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Pink 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Pumpkin 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Purple 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Red 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Royal Blue 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Salmon 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Shocking Pink 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Slate 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Tan 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Violet U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $0.56 $0.53 $0.61 $0.69 $1.10 $0.93 1506456 201192 1506452 RA15833 TA50AC 248636 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.32 $1.47 $1.36 $1.16 $1.19 $1.33 $1.34 $1.14 $1.29 $1.29 $1.19 $1.11 $1.12 $1.32 $1.32 $1.27 $1.28 $1.13 $1.13 $1.30 $1.19 $1.15 $1.16 $1.29 $1.14 $1.19 $1.33 $1.19 $1.15 $1.12 $1.09 $1.31 $1.21 054054 247968 1398064 1006763 054027 053985 053973 054033 054024 053976 054648 054402 054042 216777 216775 054006 053994 054003 054015 053958 053964 053997 054588 054411 054051 054012 053991 054000 054009 054045 054030 053979 053988 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 20 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 054036 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Warm Brown 1006764 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ White 053970 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Yellow 9 X 12 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 100/PKG 025524 9 X 12 Construction Paper ‐ 100 Sht/Pkg ‐ Red/Orange 1506501 9 X 12 Construction Paper ‐ 100 Sht/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 1506502 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheet/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 1506488 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black 299665 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Blue 1506500 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Blue 1506512 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Green 299673 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright White 1506492 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Brown 1506498 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Blue 1506493 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Brown 1506503 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 1506509 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Gray 1506504 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 299677 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 1506494 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Light Brown 1506505 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Light Green 299659 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Lilac 1506489 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Magenta 1506491 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Orange 1506495 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Pink 1506487 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Red 1506497 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Violet 1506506 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow 1506507 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow/Orange 1506490 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 100/Pkg ‐ Assorted 12 X 18 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 50/PKG 248484 12 X 18 Construction Paper ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Med Green 054765 12 X 18 Construction Paper ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Red ‐ Orange 201193 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 201195 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Blue 1506477 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 201205 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors 1506461 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black 201217 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Blue 1506473 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Blue U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG $1.12 $1.04 $1.14 054036 1006764 053970 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.52 $1.07 $1.11 $1.19 $1.07 $1.11 $1.11 $1.21 $1.19 $1.28 $1.32 $1.38 $1.07 $1.07 $1.38 $1.27 $1.07 $1.07 $1.21 $1.32 $1.07 $1.36 $1.07 $1.07 $1.25 $1.38 025524 1506501 1506502 1506488 299665 1506500 1506512 299673 1506492 1506498 1506493 1506503 1506509 1506504 RA21481 1506494 1506505 299659 1506489 1506491 1506495 1506487 1506497 1506506 1506507 RA21479 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.08 $1.52 $1.29 $1.14 $1.16 $1.34 $1.27 $1.02 $1.16 248484 054765 201193 201195 1506477 201205 1506461 201217 1506473 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 21 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1506485 201201 201211 1506466 1506482 201199 200050 200029 1506469 1506467 201213 299528 201210 200013 201198 201216 201200 1506484 201202 1506480 248617 248619 054156 054150 054129 054084 248444 054126 054135 054075 054405 054144 216778 216776 054114 054057 054063 054096 054123 DESCRIPTION 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright White 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Brown 12 x 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Brown 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Gray 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 12 x 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Hot Pink 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Light Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Lilac 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Lt Brown 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Magenta 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Orange 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Pink 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Red 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 12 x 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 12 x 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Violet 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ White 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow Orange 12 X 18 Construction Paper, Recycled ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Light Green 12 x 18 Construction Paper, Recycled ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Salmon 12 X 18 TRU‐RAY CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 50/PKG 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Black 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Blue 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Brilliant Lime 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Burgundy 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Dk Brown 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Festive Green 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Gold 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Gray 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Lilac 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Magenta 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Orange 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Pink 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Pumpkin U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.16 $1.13 $1.14 $1.39 $1.16 $1.39 $1.14 $1.02 $1.13 $1.10 $1.14 $1.29 $1.04 $1.32 $1.02 $1.02 $1.11 $1.08 $1.02 $1.29 $1.78 $1.77 1506485 201201 201211 RA15844 1506482 RA15848 200050 200029 1506469 TA50LB 201213 299528 201210 200013 201198 201216 201200 1506484 201202 1506480 248616 248619 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.65 $2.46 $2.43 $2.35 $2.65 $2.60 $2.23 $2.60 $2.17 $2.24 $2.64 $2.65 $2.24 $2.37 $2.43 $2.36 $2.36 054156 054150 054129 054084 248444 054126 054135 054075 054405 054144 216778 216776 054114 054057 054063 054096 054123 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 22 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 054414 054153 054111 054090 054108 054132 054078 054087 054138 054141 054069 248482 1506517 299650 1506526 1506527 1506538 1506534 1506525 1506520 1506529 1506535 1506530 1506539 1506536 1506521 1506531 1506516 299654 1506522 1506514 1506540 1506524 1506532 1506533 245753 1506528 054933 DESCRIPTION 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Purple 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Red 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Royal Blue 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Salmon 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Tan 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Violet 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Warm Brown 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ White 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Yellow 12 X 18 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 100/PKG 12 X 18 Construction Paper ‐ 100 Sht/Pkg ‐ Med Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Blue 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Blue 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright White 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Blue 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Brown 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Gray 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Hot Pink 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Light Brown 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Light Green 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Magenta 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Orange 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Pink 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Red 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Violet 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow 12 X 18 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow Orange 12 x 18 Construction Paper, 20 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Assorted Fluorescent 12 X 18 Construction Paper,100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 18 X 24 TRU‐RAY CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 50/PKG 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.60 $2.35 $2.43 $2.51 $2.24 $2.24 $2.59 $2.36 $2.24 $1.90 $2.36 054414 054153 054111 054090 054108 054132 054078 054087 054138 054141 054069 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.15 $2.52 $2.42 $2.40 $2.36 $3.30 $2.65 $2.76 $2.74 $2.72 $2.15 $2.53 $2.77 $2.47 $2.52 $2.40 $2.76 $2.52 $2.40 $2.87 $2.15 $2.40 $2.40 $2.52 $5.45 $2.40 248482 1506517 299650 1506526 1506527 497048 1506534 1506525 1506520 1506529 1506535 1506530 RA21505 1506536 1506521 1506531 1506516 299654 1506522 RA21506 1506540 1506524 1506532 1506533 245753 1506528 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $5.49 054933 School Specialty 23 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 054939 054927 055248 801328 054945 011172 801337 011163 801271 054936 801307 011145 054942 011115 055242 055239 801331 801283 801292 054918 054921 028019 1506566 1506562 1506567 1506564 1506573 1506572 1506574 1506568 1506523 1506570 1506563 1506555 1506565 1506545 1506553 1506556 DESCRIPTION 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Black 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Blue 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Dark Brown 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Dark Green 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Festive Red 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Gold 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Gray 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Lime 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Magenta 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Orange 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Pale Yellow 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Pink 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Red 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Royal Blue 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Scarlet 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Tan 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Turquoise 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Violet 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ White 18 X 24 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Yellow 18 X 24 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ 100/PKG 18 X 24 Construction Paper ‐ 100 Sht/Pkg ‐ Red 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheet/Pkg ‐ Orange 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Assorted 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Blue 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright White 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Brown 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Green 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Holiday Red 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Lilac 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Pink 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ White 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 100 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright white 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Sky Blue 18 X 24 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ White U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $4.64 $5.00 $4.93 $5.20 $5.03 $5.12 $5.06 $5.73 $5.64 $4.72 $5.01 $4.86 $4.61 $5.49 $5.66 $4.54 $4.93 $5.39 $5.20 $4.40 $4.62 054939 054927 055248 801328 054945 011172 801337 011163 801271 054936 801307 011145 054942 011115 055242 055239 801331 801283 801292 054918 054921 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $3.05 $5.59 $5.70 $5.32 $4.86 $5.13 $5.22 $5.02 $6.12 $2.12 $4.93 $4.75 $4.78 $4.86 $2.49 $2.46 $2.43 1506549 1506566 1506562 1506567 1506564 1506573 1506572 1506574 1506568 1506523 1506570 1506563 1506555 1506565 1506545 1506553 1506556 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 24 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG $5.68 $5.55 $6.15 $10.94 1506558 1506559 1506560 134007 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 085437 10‐1/2 X 8 No Margin Paper, Ruled Long Way, 3/8 Solid Rule, 16# ‐ 500 Sheets/Ream REAM $2.84 085437 School Specialty 085239 7 X 8‐1/2 Practice Composition Paper ‐ 3/8 Long Way Ruling, 16#, White ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.45 085239 School Specialty 085237 7 X 8‐1/2 Practice Composition Paper ‐ 3/8 Short Way Ruling, 16#, White ‐ 500/Ream 8 X 10‐1/2 Essay And Composition Paper, Ruled 3/8 W/ Margin ‐ 16 lb. ‐ White ‐ 500 085424 Sheets/Ream 8 X 10‐1/2 Essay And Composition Paper, Ruled 3/8 W/ Margin On Both Sides, 20 lb., ‐ 085427 White ‐ 500 Sheets/Ream 8 X 10‐1/2 in, 1/2 in Ruling, 1/4 in Broken Line, 1/4 in Skip Line, Red/Blue, Zaner‐Bloser 085370 Multi‐Program Handwriting Paper, 500/Pkg 8 X 10‐1/2 Newsprint Theme Paper, 3/8 Ruled Short Way, Red Margin, Yellow ‐ 085235 500/Ream REAM $2.21 085237 School Specialty REAM $2.34 085424 School Specialty REAM $2.99 085427 School Specialty REAM $3.14 085370 School Specialty REAM $1.90 085235 School Specialty 085432 8 X 10‐1/2 No Margin Composition Paper, Ruled 3/8 ‐ 16 lb, White ‐ 500 Sheets/Ream REAM $2.31 085432 School Specialty 085425 8‐1/2 X 11 Essay And Composition Paper, White, Red Margin ‐ 16 lb. ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Inch, 15 lb, 9/32 Inch, 3‐Hole Punched Filler Paper with Margin, College 038779 Ruling, Bright White ‐ 500/Pkg 085454 8‐1/2 X 11 Inch, 20 lb, Ruled Exhibit Paper Assortment, Assorted Color, 500/Pkg 085433 8‐1/2 X 11 No Margin Composition Paper, 16 lb. White ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Red and Blue Story Paper For Grades 1 and 2, 5/8 Ruling, 5/1 Broken Line, 5/1 085321 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 1335536 Hi‐Write Intermediate 1 Paper, Pack of 100 ‐ 1335536 027323 Hi‐Write Intermediate 2 Paper, Pack of 100, Grade 1 ‐ 027323 CONSTRUCTION / KRAFT PAPER ROLLS 006120 24 X 60' Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Apple Green 006135 24 X 60 Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Black 006108 24 X 60' Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Canary Yellow 006123 24 X 60' Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Emerald Green 006105 24 X 60' Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Flame Red 006114 24 X 60 Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Orange 006129 24 X 60' Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Rich Blue REAM $2.70 085425 School Specialty PKG REAM REAM $2.51 $5.49 $2.66 038779 085454 085433 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty REAM REAM REAM $2.70 $3.31 $4.99 085321 1335536 027323 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL $7.41 $5.55 $7.41 $7.41 $7.41 $7.41 $7.41 006120 006135 006108 006123 006105 006114 006129 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1506558 1506559 1506560 134007 DESCRIPTION 24 X 36 CONSTRUCTION PAPER 24 X 36 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors 24 X 36 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black 24 X 36 Construction Paper, 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Bright White 24 X 36 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50 Sht/Pkg ‐ Assorted COMPOSITION PAPER 25 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 027291 027282 027294 006255 006261 006696 006252 006459 082288 006546 247815 006240 006249 085445 085485 1369515 006285 006420 006750 006747 006273 006288 006282 006270 006744 006279 006276 006291 006753 081720 006024 006015 006537 006156 006144 006162 006174 067352 1329491 356969 DESCRIPTION 36 x 1000' Duo‐Finish Art Kraft Paper, 50 lb ‐ Canary Yellow 36 x 1000' Kraft Paper Roll, 40 Lb., Black 36 x 1000' Rainbow Duo‐Finish Paper Roll, 40 Lb., Orange 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Emerald Green 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Black 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Gold 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Orange 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Pink 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Royal Blue 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Scarlet 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Sky Blue 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ White 36 x 1000' Spectra ArtKraft Duo‐Finish Paper Rolls ‐ Yellow 36 X 1000', Brown Kraft Paper, 40 lb ‐ 1000' Roll 36 X 1000', White Butcher Paper, 40 lb ‐ Roll 48 In. Bulletin Board Finish Paper, Roll/200' ‐ White X 200' 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Aqua Blue 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Black 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Brite Blue 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Brite Green 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Canary Yellow 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Dark Blue 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Emerald Green 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Flame Red 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Gold 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Light Green 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Orange 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Pink 48 In. X 200' Bulletin Board Paper ‐ Purple 48 In. X 50', Fadeless Art Paper, 50#, Cloud Fadeless, Roll 48 X 25' Corobuff Solid Color, Canary 48 X 25' Corobuff Solid Color, White l 48 X 50' Fadeless Art Paper, 50# ‐ Black ‐ Roll 48 X 50' Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Orange 006156 48 X 50' Fadeless Art Paper, 50# ‐ White ‐ Roll 48 X 50' Roll Fadeless Art Paper ‐ Emerald Green 48 X 50' Roll Fadeless Art Paper, Violet Bulletin Board Set, Place Value Bulletin Board Set, Welcome , 41 Pieces Carson‐Dellosa Birthday Cakes Design Bulletin Board Set, 18/Set U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR ROLL EACH EACH ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL EACH ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL EACH ROLL ROLL ROLL SET EACH SET $33.19 $30.02 $32.52 $38.15 $47.12 $56.08 $47.23 $51.59 $71.48 $42.71 $53.48 $39.57 $52.31 $25.53 $28.48 $10.42 $14.79 $13.54 $15.39 $15.45 $14.25 $15.45 $12.05 $15.27 $14.79 $14.79 $14.67 $14.20 $14.44 $11.32 $14.17 $13.92 $10.69 $11.19 $10.70 $8.22 $10.69 $6.75 $3.54 $6.50 027291 027282 027294 006255 006261 006696 006252 006459 082288 006546 247815 006240 006249 085445 085485 1369515 006285 006420 006750 RA17203 006273 RA17213 006282 006270 006744 006279 006276 006291 006753 081720 006024 006015 006537 006156 006144 006162 006174 067352 1329491 356969 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 26 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR SET ROLL EACH $6.82 $28.46 $6.50 090146 027285 082996 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG REAM PKG PKG $2.88 $4.77 $10.72 $2.67 $6.03 402037 006093 1439852 054795 336373 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH $92.63 $97.35 $28.21 $35.90 $72.00 $30.10 673665 409255 1506626 1496631 534942 1326648 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty PKG PKG $2.27 $2.08 1434806 023202 School Specialty School Specialty 023201 1433174 23 X 30 Inch Rolling Presentation Easel, Melamine, Best‐Rite Eco‐Wheasel ‐ 786 Deluxe Yacker Tracker 154309 Mobilo Basics ‐ 120/Set NeoRok 12 in Stool ‐ Select Color when Ordering SmartPal Fluorescent Classroom Kit GMS‐534942 ‐ Page 10 of Math Catalog Visual Stress Tools Color Overlays ‐ Pack of 10 ADHESIVES / NON‐TOXIC 3M Command Strips Adhesive Products ‐ Cord Clips ‐ 4/Pkg 3M Command Strips Adhesive Products ‐ Large Mounting Hook ‐ 1/Pkg 3M Command Strips Adhesive Products ‐ Medium Mounting Hook ‐ 40 Hooks and 80 Strips/Pkg 3M Command Strips Adhesive Products ‐ Picture Mounting Hook ‐ 6/Pkg PKG PKG $24.40 $2.01 1328439 1433174 School Specialty School Specialty 327748 471194 1452540 1452541 055992 7131007 1434803 1328435 1434863 027626 404140 443195 1366803 1428712 5/8 Inch Velcro Sticky‐Back Poster Hanger Coin with Hook and Loop, White, 15/Pkg Adhesive, Fun Tak ‐ 1 Oz Pkg All Purpose Dual Temp Hot Glue Sticks 7/16 Dia., 4 Inches Long ‐ 20/Pkg All Temperature, Hot Glue Sticks, Clear, 4 In. x 7/16 Dia. ‐ 50/Pkg Art Paste, Non‐Toxic, Makes 4 Quarts ‐ 2 Oz Pkg Best‐Test Rubber Cement Quart Command Clear Cord Organizer, 4 Adhesive Strips, Small, 1/2 Lb, 3‐Pkg Command Refill Strips ‐ 9/Pkg Command Small Refill Strips ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Clear Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable No Run School Glue ‐ 4 Oz Squeeze Bottle ‐ White Crayola Washable Glitter Glue Set, 0.35 oz Tube ‐ Assorted Color ‐ 5/Set E6000 Multi‐Purpose Adhesive ‐ 3‐7/10 Oz Tube Elmer's Carpenter's Wood Glue ‐ 16 Oz Elmer's Classic Glitter Glue, 6 Oz., Assorted Colors ‐ 3/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH SET EACH EACH PKG $1.16 $1.08 $1.16 $2.64 $2.15 $10.27 $2.21 $2.05 $1.55 $0.81 $2.06 $3.21 $3.10 $5.45 327748 471194 1452540 1452541 1366814 820073 1434803 1328435 1434863 RA02755 404140 443195 1366803 1428712 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $5.45 1428713 School Specialty 090146 Daily Schedule Bulletin Board Set 027285 Kraft Paper Roll, 40 lb, 36 in X 1000 ft, Brown 082996 Writing Process Bulletin Board Set ‐ 082996 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ‐ MISC. 402037 12 X 18 Assorted Colors, Fadeless Art Board ‐ 8 Sheets/Pkg 006093 12 X 18 Assorted Fadeless Art Paper, 50# Sulphite ‐ 60/Pkg 1439852 8‐1/2 X 11 Array Bond Paper 24 lb ‐ 500/Ream ‐ Assorted Brights 054795 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 20 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Fluorescent Assorted Colors 336373 9 X 12 Construction Paper, 300/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors ADD ON ITEMS BID 2016 673665 29618 1506626 1496631 29788 1326648 1434806 023202 1428713 Elmer's Classic Glitter Glue, Classic Colors, 6 Oz., Assorted Primary Colors ‐ 3/Pkg 27 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1366811 023136 067912 024088 213964 081454 081455 082459 1337116 1337117 1337118 200675 008970 008979 1295573 001335 000681 1366805 067331 1333168 9717376 085754 085890 091230 1394117 1388919 1353960 1353961 1353962 1443298 1452543 1366813 1390716 307431 1381028 1452544 025714 024550 026055 026052 DESCRIPTION Elmer's Craft Bond Tacky Glue ‐ 8 Oz Elmer's Disappearing Purple Glue Stick ‐ .77 Oz Elmer's Glue Pump For Gallons Elmer's Glue Stick ‐ Clear ‐ .21 Oz Elmer's Glue Stick, Clear ‐ .77 Oz Elmer's Glue Stick, Clear .24 Oz ‐ 30/Pkg Elmer's Glue Stick, Purple .24 Oz ‐ 30/Pkg Elmer's Glue Stick, Purple, .24 Oz ‐ 4/Pkg Elmer's Glue‐All ‐ 4 Oz Elmer's Glue‐All ‐ 7.625 Oz Elmer's Glue‐All ‐ Gallon Elmer's No Run Gel School Glue, Cool Blue Dries Clear, Squeeze Bottle ‐ 4 Oz Elmer's No Run School Glue ‐ 4 Oz Elmer's No Run School Glue ‐ Gallon Elmer's Repositionable School Glue Stick ‐ 15g ‐ Pack of 2 Elmer's Rubber Cement With Brush ‐ 8 Oz, Non‐Toxic Elmer's Spray Adhesive, 11 Oz Elmer's Wood Glue ‐ 1 Gallon Envelope Moistener Dobber w/Adhesive ‐ Fast‐Drying ‐ 50 ML Envelope Moistener With Adhesive, Park Pen Style ‐ 10 Mil‐ 2/Pkg Glitter Glue Pens, Assorted, Classroom Pack ‐ Box of 72 ‐ 9717376 Glitter Glue Sticks, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Pkg Glitter Glue, Washable, Assorted, 4 Oz ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 085890 Glue Dots Craft Glue Dots ‐ Clear ‐ 600/pkg Glue Gun, Mini Ultra Low Temp ‐ 10 Watt Glue Sticks Crayola Washable ‐ .29 Oz ‐ 12/Pkg Glue Sticks, Twist‐Up Purple, Dries Clear, .28 Oz ‐ 12/Pkg Glue Sticks, Twist‐Up, White, 1.27 Oz ‐ 12/Pkg Glue Sticks,Twist‐Up, Purple, Dries Clear, 1.27 Oz. ‐ 12/Pkg High Temp Hot Glue Gun ‐ 40 Watt Hot Glue Sticks, 7/16 X 10 In. ‐ Dual All‐Temperature ‐ 20/Pkg Krazy Glue All‐Purpose Instant Krazy Glue ‐ 2 Grams Lakeshore Washable School Glue Stick ‐ X‐Treme ‐ .88 oz. Low Temperature Glue Gun, Miniature Trigger‐Fed, 10 W, 5/16 Glue Stick, Red Mini Hot Glue Sticks 4 In. ‐ 15/Pkg Mini Hot Glue Sticks, Clear, 5/16 X 4, Dual Temp ‐ 100/Pkg Post‐it Removable Labeling and Cover‐Up Tape, 1/6 X 700 L In. ‐ Opaque White Prang Glue Sticks ‐ Clear ‐ .28 Oz Prang Glue Sticks ‐ Purple ‐ 1.27 Oz Prang Glue Sticks ‐ Purple .74 Oz U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH GAL EACH EACH GAL PKG EACH EACH GAL EACH PKG BOX PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.23 $0.71 $14.83 $0.26 $0.67 $8.83 $4.62 $1.17 $0.81 $1.29 $10.36 $0.92 $0.59 $9.20 $1.41 $2.45 $3.12 $13.58 $1.31 $4.73 $25.00 $2.46 $9.39 $4.70 $3.14 $4.49 $1.95 $3.73 $3.91 $2.60 $2.67 $1.05 $0.92 $2.05 $1.12 $2.25 $1.55 $0.36 $0.77 $0.50 1366811 023136 067912 820215 820220 081454 TT505Z 082459 RA13551 RA13895 RA13893 RS4 820606 008979 1295573 001335 000681 1366805 067331 1333168 RA00384 085754 085890 091230 RA26887 1335454 1353960 1353961 1353962 1443298 1452543 RA13551 TT506 307431 1381028 1452544 025714 024550 RA01785 026052 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty 28 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 204983 1465923 042030 042051 1434785 447443 090160 443024 201224 037091 020867 1396657 035462 Prang Roll‐On‐Glue, Color Indicator ‐ 1.69 Oz Pre‐Scored Removable Adhesive Tab ‐ 80/Pkg Scotch Adhesive Wall Mounting Tabs, 1/2 X 3/4 Double Sided Foam ‐ 48/Pkg Scotch Adhesive Wall Mounting Tabs, 1/2 X 3/4 Double Sided Foam ‐ 480/Pkg Scotch Super Glue Liquid In Precision Applicator ‐ 14 Oz Self‐Adhesive Tabs With Hole ‐ 100/Pkg Stikki Dots Non‐Damaging Non‐Toxic Reusable Adhesive ‐ Colorless ‐ 100/Pkg Tacky Glue ‐ 16Oz Tap‐N‐Glue Cap Fits 4 Oz And 8 Oz Bottles UHU Glue Sticks ‐ Clear 1.41 Oz Dries Clear, Twist‐Up Applicator UHU Glue Sticks ‐ Purple 1.41 Oz ‐ Dries Clear, Twist‐Up Applicator Velcro Fastener Peel and Stick Ovals, ‐ 1‐1/4 X 1/2 In. ‐ White, 40/Pkg Velcro Sticky Back Dots ‐ Beige ‐ 200/Pkg Velcro Sticky Back Self‐Adhesive Hook and Loop Fastener Tape with Dispenser, 3/4 in X 15 ft. ‐ Black Velcro Sticky Back Tape 3/4 In. X 15 ft.‐ White Velcro Tape, 2 In. X 15' Water Resistant, Industrial Strength ‐ Roll White Glue, Squeeze Bottle, 8 Oz ‐ 12/Case ART PAPERS 11 X 14 Yupo Watercolor Paper ‐ 15 Shts/Pad 8‐1/2 X 11 Astrobrights Acid‐Free Convenience Paper, 24 lb, Assorted Astrobright Color, 500/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Patterns Bulk Paper, 96 Sheets, Multiple Colors, 96/Pkg 9 X 12 Tracing Paper Pad, 25 lb ‐ White ‐ 50/Pkg Origami Paper Squares, 9‐3/4 X 9‐3/4, Assorted Solid Colors ‐ 100/Pkg Scratch‐Art Multi‐Color Paper 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ 50/Pkg Scratch‐Art Nature Scratchin Shapes Group Pack, 10 Point Thickness, 25/Pkg Scratchboard 8‐1/2 X 11, Gold ‐ 50/Pkg Sketch & Trace Paper, 25 Lb, 12 X 18, White ‐ 500 Sheets/Ream Student Scratchboard 8‐1/2 X 11 In., Flexible ‐ 10/Pkg Watercolor Paper 90# ‐ 22 X 30 ‐ 100/Pkg BINDING SPINES 1 In. Binding Spines, Black, Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 200 Sheet Capacity ‐ 50/Box 1/2 In. Binding Spines ‐ Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 90 Sheet Capacity ‐ 100/Box 1/4 In. Binding Spines ‐ Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 25 Sheet Capacity ‐ 100/Box 3/4 In. Binding Spines ‐ Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 150 Sheet Capacity ‐ 100/Box 3/8 In. Binding Spines ‐ Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 55 Sheet Capacity ‐ 100/Box 5/16 In. Binding Spines ‐ Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 40 Sheet Capacity ‐ 100/Box 5/8 In. Binding Spines ‐ Black, 19‐Ring Binders, 125 Sheet Capacity ‐ 100/Box Plastic Comb, 3/4 inch, CombBind 121‐150 Sheets, Black, 19 Rings ‐ 100/Pkg EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG $1.00 $1.34 $2.08 $6.47 $1.74 $6.20 $2.88 $2.94 $0.64 $1.46 $1.46 $2.76 $11.14 RA16376 1465923 042030 YD811 1434785 1443297 090160 RA01604 201224 037091 020867 1396657 035462 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH ROLL ROLL CASE $10.79 $10.78 $18.24 $4.68 079074 035465 079077 1354286 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $17.06 RA17109 Triarco Art PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG REAM PKG PKG $9.17 $8.57 $1.18 $7.51 $13.92 $4.59 $20.31 $14.79 $3.13 $33.40 077428 RA09021 248200 227619 216474 1295204 550570 205538 RA07434 205469 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX PKG $4.28 $2.88 $1.50 $5.01 $2.09 $1.90 $4.15 $18.12 084388 084380 084373 084385 084377 084375 084383 1080543 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 079074 035465 079077 1354286 1621005 077426 410512 248200 227619 216474 1295204 245463 205538 203639 205469 084388 084380 084373 084385 084377 084375 084383 1080543 29 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 080421 359655 1334956 1334953 006405 006087 006081 006811 006060 006066 006075 006063 006069 006084 006090 006057 1398320 1426098 1426097 1329483 386825 1401783 1356819 1329467 080423 089454 089455 333887 DESCRIPTION BORDETTE 2‐1/4 in X 3 ft, Carson‐Dellosa Scalloped Borders Variety, 4/Set 2‐1/4 In. Scalloped Solid Border, 3 Ft, Assorted Color, 4/Pkg Apples Border ‐ Dots on Black Black Border, Dots on Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Apple Green Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Black Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Blue Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Brite Blue Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Brown Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Canary Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Emerald Green Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Flame Red Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Orange Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Pink Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ Violet Bordette Scalloped Border, 2‐1/4 X 50' ‐ Roll ‐ White Bordette, Scalloped Birthday Cupcakes Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 Inch X 25 Ft Bulletin Board Border 24 X 1‐1/2 Inch, Stripes Design Bulletin Board Border, 24 X 1‐1/2 In. Magna‐Borders Circle Bulletin Board Essentials Set, Owls Design Bulletin Board Sparkle Trimmer Value Pack ‐ 130' ‐ Silver, Red, Blue and Yellow Carson‐Dellosa Holidays Single Cut Out Set ‐ 144/Pkg Colorful Paw Prints Wall Accents, 30/Pkg Pop It Borders Back to School Combo Pack Scalloped Borders Variety Set IV, 13 Strips, 4 Designs, 2‐1/4 X 3' ‐ 4/Pkg Terrific Trimmer, Jigsaw, 2‐1/4 in X 39 ft, Assorted TerrificTrimmer 2‐1/4 X 39' ‐ Stained Glass BOXES ‐ TOTES ‐ STORAGE 10 Drawer Mobile Multiple Colored Rolling Storage Cart, 2 Locking Casters 335905 12 Drawer Mobile Organizer Multiple Colored Rolling Storage Cart, 2 Locking Casters 14 Month Academic Desk Pad Calendar 22 X 17, House of Doolittle, July 2016 ‐ August 1497639 2017 406832 1402196 1467375 005667 1351381 20 Drawer Chrome Frame Mobile Organizer ‐ 39 X 21‐3/4 X 14 in. ‐ Multiple Colors 4 Inch Bankers Box Magazine File, Assorted Primary Color, 3/Pkg Adjustable Book Rack ‐ 5 Removable Dividers, 15W X 9‐1/4D X 1‐1/4H Bankers Box Magazine Files ‐ 4‐1/4 X 12 X 9‐5/8 Bankers Box R‐Kive Storage, File Box, 10 X 12 X 15, Letter ‐ 12/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR SET PKG EACH EACH ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG $7.65 $7.65 $2.10 $2.10 $0.89 $0.89 $1.19 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $0.89 $1.63 $4.32 $4.32 $15.02 $7.54 $9.77 $2.91 $9.90 $7.65 $1.39 $1.39 080421 359655 1334956 1334953 006405 006087 551018 006811 006060 006066 006075 006063 006069 006084 006090 006057 1398320 1426098 1426097 1329483 386825 1401783 1356819 1329467 080423 089454 089455 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $23.35 333887 School Specialty EACH $32.49 335905 School Specialty EACH $6.23 1536872 School Specialty EACH PKG EACH EACH PKG $44.71 $4.95 $28.56 $1.32 $51.84 406832 1402196 1467375 005667 1351381 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 30 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 005649 Bankers Box Stor‐File W/ Lift‐Off Lid, 10 X 12 X 15, Letter or Legal 081941 Blue Tote Tray, 12L X 8W X 5D With Lids (Tray #081941, Clear Lid #081970) EACH EACH $2.40 $6.92 005649 YB10BU + YB11BU School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 1370526 Chest, 6‐Case Compartment, 6‐12 X 12 In. Drawers, 15.88 X 14‐1/4 X 26‐3/4, Black Classroom Keepers Cardboard Magazine Holder, 12‐3/8 X 3‐1/8 X 10‐1/4, Assorted 1398162 Colors, 6/Pkg EACH $36.46 1370526 School Specialty PKG $9.00 1398162 School Specialty PKG EACH EACH EACH $20.11 $11.80 $13.69 $41.90 076534 1405644 085944 1313113 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 076534 1405644 085944 1313113 DESCRIPTION Classroom Keepers Tote and Store Boxes ‐ 10 X 12 X 15 inch, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Pkg Clear File Box ‐ 13‐4/5 X 19 X 11 Construction Paper Storage,15 Slots Desk/Wall Organizer, 6‐Pocket 3‐Tier ‐ Rubbermaid Plastic, Letter Size, Black 080020 Early Childhood Resources Rolling Cart, 3 Drawers, 26H X 13W X 15‐1/4D, Multiple Color Esselte Pendaflex Translucent Polypropylene Desk‐Free Vertical Hanging Organizer with 038518 Case, Letter, Black 1466440 File Crate with Handles, Storex ‐ 14‐1/4 X 17‐1/2 X 10‐3/8, Black 385560 File Folder Box, 12‐1/4 X 8 X 10‐1/4 237395 File 'n Save, Trimmer System Storage Box 075143 Flat Storage Tray ‐ 13 X 10‐1/2 X 2‐7/8 ‐ Blue 075144 Flat Storage Tray ‐ 13 X 10‐1/2 X 2‐7/8 ‐ Green 075140 Flat Storage Tray ‐ 13 X 10‐1/2 X 2‐7/8 ‐ Red 075141 Flat Storage Tray ‐ 13 X 10‐1/2 X 2‐7/8 ‐ Yellow EACH $17.91 080020 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $11.98 $5.97 $3.15 $3.50 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 $1.41 038518 1466440 385560 237395 075143 075144 075140 075141 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Help Yourself Book Boxes, 14 X 7 X 5 With Label ‐ 6/Set ‐ (Lakeshore Learning ‐ GG963X) IRiS Stack and Pull Clear Container With Lid, 5.7 Quart Large Art Caddy 6‐3/4 in H X 11 in W X 12‐1/2 in L, Assorted Color, 4/Pkg Latch Box with Buckle Snaps, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2, Clear/Silver Magazine Rack 4 Pocket, Steel, 9 3/4 X 6 1/2, Black Manta‐Ray Clutter Box with Lid 13 1/2 X 8 3/4 X 3 3/4, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Set Medium Storage Basket, White ‐ 14‐3/4 X 10‐1/4 X 5 ‐1/2 In Metal Audio Listening Storage Rack ‐ 17‐1/2 X 13‐1/2 X 19 Pendaflex File Crates ‐ 16‐5/8 X 13‐5/8 X 11‐5/8 Plastic File Storage Tote W/ Lid, Fits Letter or Legal ‐ 18‐5/16 X 14‐1/16 X 12‐3/8 Plastic Utility Boxes, 8‐1/2 X 5 X 2, Red SET EACH PKG SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $36.99 $2.00 $17.83 $1.09 $51.85 $20.03 $1.46 $20.28 $8.50 $13.90 $0.93 GG965X 1461054 407825 1461065 1333021 258111 086526 203419 038079 091789 085632 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 076697 Portable Clipboard Storage Case with Handle, 14‐3/8L X 11‐7/8W X 1‐5/8D, Charcoal EACH $12.97 076697 School Specialty 1371040 Portable File Box, Letter, Plastic W/ Latching Lid & Handle, 11‐17/27 X 13‐11/29 X 10 081947 Red Tote Tray, 12L X 8W X 5D with Lids (Tray #081947, Clear Lid #081970) 407824 Small Art Caddy, 5‐3/4 in H X 9‐1/4 in W X 9‐1/4 in L , 4/Pkg EACH EACH PKG $8.90 $6.92 $10.99 1371040 YB10RD + YB11RD 407824 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty 18293 1461054 407825 1461065 1333021 258111 086526 203419 038079 091789 085632 31 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 086525 086527 1466441 1466438 1281650 1375593 1375594 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.10 $0.83 $5.97 $5.97 $2.88 $2.64 $1.61 086525 086527 1466441 1466438 1281650 1375593 1375594 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.79 $1.89 $0.34 533803 534078 053859 EAI Education EAI Education School Specialty EACH EACH $7.79 $1.44 11383E 1493508 EAI Education School Specialty EACH EACH $2.58 $20.11 084281 081429 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.74 $4.78 $95.95 084087 084227 1107115 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $12.95 70334 EAI Education EACH $1,387.00 560417 EAI Education 29787 29649 064053 Storage Baskets, Large, 17‐3/4 X 11‐3/4 x 7 Storage Baskets, Small, 11.75 X 7.75 X 4.25, White Storex 2‐Color Large Crate with Handles, Blue/White Storex 2‐Color Large Crate with Handles, Purple Vine/White Stor‐N‐View Boxes With Lids, 16 x 11 x 6 In., Assorted Colors Tote Box with Lid, 13.5 Quart, Transparent Tote Box with Lid, 6 Quart, Transparent CALCUALTORS Calc Pal EAI‐80 Calculator ‐ Page 189 of Math Catalog CalcPal EAI‐90 Power Calculator ‐ Page 189 of Math Catalog Calculator Tape, 2‐1/4 X 150' Casio FX‐260 Solar Scientific Calculator, 144 Built‐in Mathematical Functions ‐ Page 197 of Math Catalog Compucessory 22084 Hand Held Calculator, Dark Gray Dual Power Tilt Screen Calculator, Dual Power, Tilt Screen, Three‐Key Memory, 5 X 4‐1/4 X 1‐1/8 Educational Insights See 'N' Solve Visual Calculator, Over‐Sized LCD Screen Pocket Calculator, Solar Power Or Automatically Switches To Battery In Low Light. 8‐Digit Display, 24 Keys W/ One‐Touch Square Root, Percent. 3‐Key Memory. Protective Hard Cover 4‐5/8 X 2‐7/8 X 3/8 Scientific Calculator Sharp EL2630PIII Calculator Texas Instruments TI‐30XS Multi‐View Scientific Calculator ‐ 16‐Digit 4‐Line Dual Power, Multiple Calculation ‐ Page 188 of Math Catalog Texas Instruments┐ TI‐Nspire CX EZ Spot Teacher Pack (10 Calculators) 560417 ‐ Page 192 of Math Catalog Texas Instruments┐ TI‐Nspire CX Navigator 30‐User System 560418 ‐ Page 193 of Math Catalog TI 34 Texas Instruments, Dual Power Scientific Calculator ‐ 1362308 TI‐108 Solar Powered Elementary Calculator ‐ Page 188 of Math Catalog EACH EACH EACH $2,499.50 $18.48 $4.08 560418 1362308 70001 EAI Education School Specialty EAI Education 064056 038432 038121 038122 TI‐108 Solar Powered Elementary Calculators ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Page 188 of math Catalog TI‐15 Explorer Calculator ‐ Page 188 of Math Catalog TI‐30X IIS Advanced Scientific Calculator ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Page 188 of Math Catalog TI‐30X IIS Advanced Scientific Calculator ‐ Page 188 of Math Catalog PKG EACH PKG EACH $40.80 $12.89 $109.50 $10.95 70003‐001 70250 70333 70332 EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education 572555 TI‐30XA Scientific Calculator, Trigonometric, Logarithms, 3‐1/10L X 4/5W X 6H, Black EACH $9.22 572555 School Specialty 23596 TI‐30XS Scientific Calculator EZ Spot Teachers Pack ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Page 188 of Math Catalog 1362308 TI‐34 II Explorer Plus Calculator PKG EACH $124.00 $18.48 70338 1362308 EAI Education School Specialty 084088 084085 053859 035399 1493508 084281 081429 084087 084227 1107115 091224 29786 32 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 038117 TI‐83 Plus Graphing Calculator ‐ Page 190 of Math Catalog 078653 TI‐84 Plus Graphing Calculator ‐ Page 191 of Math Catalog CELLOPHANE 358283 Cellophane 20 In. X 25' ‐ Clear 446390 Hygloss Rainbow Cellophane Assortment ‐ 60/Case CHALK 008034 Crayola Anti‐Dust Chalkboard Chalk ‐ White ‐ 12 Sticks/Box 007632 Crayola Drawing Chalk, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set 007629 Crayola Drawing Chalk, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set 373793 Drawing Chalk, Classroom Pack ‐ 100/Box 084832 Dustless Chalkboard Chalk ‐ White ‐ 12/Box 084833 Dustless Chalkboard Chalk ‐ White And Yellow, Assorted ‐ 12/Box 084831 Dustless Chalkboard Chalk ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Box 0303401 Prang Dustless Chalkboard Chalk, White ‐ 12/Pkg 034265 Prang Hygeia Dustless Chalkboard Chalk ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Box 072759 Quartet Omega Colored Chalkboard Chalk, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set 411467 Sidewalk Chalk 1 X 4 ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 52/Box CHALK ACCESSORIES 1401850 12 X 14 Chalk Board Dry Erase Cleaning Cloth 081882 Aluminum Chalk Chuck ‐ Silver 085845 Cellulose Sponges, Medium, 6 X 4‐1/4 X 1‐1/2 In. 204887 Chalkboard Cleaner Quartet Deluxe Scofoam ‐ 12 x 2 x 2 in. 1462601 Earth friendly Whiteboard Cleaner, 17 oz 034313 Prang Hygieia Dustless Chalkboard Chalk ‐ Assorted Colors, 12/bx 009219 Premium Chalkboard Eraser, Felt, 5 X 2 X 1, Black 009222 Premium Felt Chalkboard Erasers 6 X 2 X 1‐5/16 MODELING CLAY / PLAY‐DOH 085797 Alphabet Clay Cutters, 1‐1/2 Inch W, Assorted Colors ‐ 26/Set Clay Assortment 5 lb. ‐ Standard Colors ‐ 1/4# Pkg ‐ 5/Pkg Of Each Color (Red, Yellow, 086006 Blue, And Green) 1400392 Clay Cutters, Multiple Shapes, Plastic, Assorted Colors ‐ 20/Set Crayola Air‐Dry Easy‐to‐Use Durable Non‐Toxic Self‐Hardening Modeling Clay ‐ 5 lb 1280534 Bucket ‐ White 391154 Crayola Dough ‐ 3# Pail ‐ Blue 1006285 Crayola Dough ‐ 3# Pail ‐ Green 391145 Crayola Dough ‐ 3# Pail ‐ Orange 391151 Crayola Dough ‐ 3# Pail ‐ Purple 391148 Crayola Dough ‐ 3# Pail ‐ Red 391142 Crayola Dough ‐ 3# Pail ‐ Yellow U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $91.00 $100.90 70806 70845 EAI Education EAI Education EACH Case $2.88 $67.66 358283 446390 School Specialty School Specialty BOX SET SET PKG BOX BOX BOX PKG BOX SET BOX $0.44 $1.69 $3.23 $5.54 $0.21 $0.28 $0.21 $0.29 $0.34 $3.48 $2.56 RA21294 70035 RA26630 DB559 084832 084833 084831 030‐3401 034265 072759 411467 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH BOX EACH EACH $1.56 $1.32 $1.36 $4.94 $2.61 $0.45 $0.46 $0.80 1401850 081882 085845 204887 1462601 034313 009219 009222 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET $3.14 085797 School Specialty PKG SET $6.75 $6.95 086006 1400392 School Specialty School Specialty EACH PAIL PAIL PAIL PAIL PAIL PAIL $3.55 $5.89 $5.91 $5.89 $5.89 $5.89 $5.89 RA05645 391154 1006285 391145 391151 391148 391142 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 33 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Crayola Model Magic Class Packs ‐ Assorted Colors, Contains 75, 1 Oz, (21 White, 18 404532 Each Of Blue, Red, And Yellow) 404531 Crayola Model Magic Class Packs ‐ White, Contains 75, 1 Oz Pkgs PKG PKG $26.95 $25.95 CRAYOLA 23‐6002 CRAYOLA 23‐6001 Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. 007620 Crayola Model Magic Dough, Non‐Toxic, 1/4 Pound, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green ‐ 4/Set 391130 Crayola Model Magic Modeling Dough, 2lb ‐ White 245870 Crayola Model Magic, 8 oz ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ White SET EACH PKG $1.67 $13.75 $34.95 1150010 391130 CRAYOLA 57‐4418 Triarco Art School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. PKG SET EACH EACH PKG SET PKG SET PKG $13.71 $18.49 $17.80 $3.61 $9.24 $17.66 $2.62 $4.75 $12.36 437543 RA188 406824 088680 RA442 1399399 RA11835 1430045 1503530 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty SET $0.71 245787 School Specialty SET $1.47 245788 School Specialty PKG $17.72 245789 School Specialty PKG $28.95 CRAYOLA 68‐8024 Pyramid School Prod. PKG $50.95 CRAYOLA 68‐8462 Pyramid School Prod. SET $6.42 730398 Triarco Art SET $1.60 730380 Triarco Art SET $3.05 730385 Triarco Art SET $4.64 730390 Triarco Art SET $1.14 RA13532 Triarco Art SET $4.88 410559 School Specialty 437543 37902 406824 088680 1439760 1399399 217341 1430045 1503530 245787 245788 245789 214005 216783 424986 1601456 008220 203198 008211 410559 DESCRIPTION Crayola Model Magic, 8 Oz ‐ 4/Pkg, Primary Colors, Red, Yellow, Blue And White Dough Cutters Bucket, 63 Pieces (Lakeshore Learning ‐ RA188) Magic Mud Non‐Toxic Modeling Clay, 25 Lbs Modeling Dough ‐ 3.3 Lb ‐ Purple Modeling Dough, 3 Lbs/Tub, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Pkg Play‐Doh Mega Pack ‐ 3 Ounce Cans in Carry Case ‐ 36/Set Play‐Doh Modeling Clay ‐ 4/Pkg Play‐Doh Tool Assortment, Assorted Colors ‐ 3/Set Play‐Doh, Dough ‐ Assorted Colors‐ 20/Pkg COLORED PENCILS Colored Pencils, 3.3mm Lead, Full Size 7 In. Pencils, Pre‐sharpened, Non‐Toxic And Waterproof ‐ 12/Set Colored Pencils, 3.3mm Lead, Full Size 7 In. Pencils, Pre‐sharpened, Non‐Toxic And Waterproof ‐ 24/Set Colored Pencils, 3.3mm Lead, Full Size 7 In. Pencils, Pre‐sharpened, Non‐Toxic And Waterproof ‐ 250 Class Pack Crayola Colored Pencil Class Pack, Pre‐sharpened Pencils In Sturdy Storage Boxes With Flip Up Lids, 20 Each Of 12 Colors ‐ 240/Pkg Crayola Colored Pencil Class Pack, Pre‐sharpened Pencils In Sturdy Storage Boxes With Flip Up Lids, 31 Each Of 8 Colors ‐ 462/Pkg Crayola Colored Pencils, 3.3 mm Lead Lays Down Smooth, Soft Lead Texture, Pre‐ Sharpened Points ‐ 50/Set Crayola Colored Pencils, Full Size, 3.3mm Lead Lays Down Smooth, Soft Lead Texture, Pre‐ sharpened Points ‐ 12/Set Crayola Colored Pencils, Full Size, 3.3mm Lead Lays Down Smooth, Soft Lead Texture, Pre‐ sharpened Points ‐ 24/Set Crayola Colored Pencils, Full Size, 3.3mm Lead Lays Down Smooth, Soft Lead Texture, Pre‐ sharpened Points ‐ 36/Set Crayola Colored Pencils, Full Size, 3.3mm Lead Lays Down Smooth, Soft Lead Texture, Pre‐ sharpened Points ‐ 8/Set Crayola Erasable Non‐Toxic Pre‐Sharpened Colored Pencil Set, 3.3 mm Thick Tip, Assorted Color, 24/Set 34 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 391163 Crayola Multicultural Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set 406860 Crayola Twistables Colored Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors Crayola Write Start Colored Pencils, Big, 3/4 Size, Hexagonal Shape For Young Hands To 423343 Hold ‐ 8/Set 220152009 Fantasia Colored Pencils, Assorted ‐ 24/Set 22118 Fantasia Colored Pencils, Assorted ‐ 36/Set 067630 Liqui‐Mark Metallic Colored Pencils, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set Non‐Toxic Pre‐Sharpened Waterproof Colored Pencil Classroom Pack, 3.3 mm Thick Tip, 411453 7 in L, Assorted Color, 144/Pkg 248019 Watercolor Pencils, Crayola Class Pack ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 240/Set 008559 Watercolor Pencils, Crayola, Thick Tip ‐ 12/Set COMPOSITION / NOTEBOOKS 1438376 Composition Book ‐ 1 Subject, 7‐1/2 X 9‐3/4 in, 100 Sheets U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR SET PKG $1.14 $2.70 730389 RA04884 Triarco Art Triarco Art SET SET SET SET $2.29 $6.88 $11.56 $1.28 RA26418 RA07504 RA07505 067630 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty PKG SET SET $8.13 $39.95 $2.25 411453 CRAYOLA 68‐4240 730387 School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. Triarco Art EACH $1.58 1438376 School Specialty EACH $1.14 1494939 School Specialty 1494939 Composition Book, Wide Ruled, 7‐1/2 x 9‐3/4 Inch, 100 Sheets, Assorted Colors Hardcover Composition Book ‐ 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 in., 100 Leaves, College Ruling, 200 Sheets, 1439309 White Paper, Black Marble Cover 1438375 Journal Composition Book ‐ 1 Subject, 7‐1/2 X 9‐3/4 in, 100 Sheets 002040 Marble Back Composition Book, 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 ‐ Hard Cover ‐ 60 Sheets 002049 Marble Back Composition Book, 8‐1/2 X 7 ‐ Flexible Cover ‐ 24 Sheets 002046 Marble Back Composition Book, 8‐1/2 X 7 ‐ Flexible Cover ‐ 36 Sheets 002058 Marble Back Composition Book, 8‐1/2 X 7 ‐ Flexible Cover ‐ 48 Sheets Marble Back Composition Book, 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 ‐ 11/32 Ruled With Margin, Hard Cover ‐ 085311 100 Sheets, Pack of 6 002052 Marble Back Composition Book, 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 ‐ Flexible Cover ‐ 60 Sheet 026029 Marble Back Composition Book, 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 ‐ Hard Cover ‐ 100 Sheets 085312 Marble Back Composition Book, 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 ‐ Quad Ruled 5 X 5, 100 Sheets EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $0.68 $1.58 $0.91 $0.24 $0.31 $0.35 1439309 1438375 002040 002049 002046 002058 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Pkg EACH EACH EACH $3.82 $0.53 $0.76 $0.75 1467045 002052 026029 085312 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 085298 Skip‐A‐Line Composition Book ‐ Grade 1 ‐ 9.75 X 7.75 ‐ Ruled 1/2, ‐ Green ‐ 50 Sheets 085291 Skip‐A‐Line Composition Book ‐ Grade 1 ‐ 9.75 X 7.75 ‐ 24 Sheets ‐ Green 085301 Skip‐A‐Line Composition Book ‐ Grade 2,‐ 9.75 X 7.75 ‐ Blue ‐ 50 Sheets EACH EACH EACH $0.43 $0.28 $0.43 085298 085291 085301 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 085302 Skip‐A‐Line Composition Book ‐ Grade 3 ‐ 9.75 X 7.75 ‐ Ruled 3/16 ‐ Red ‐ 50 Sheets 085297 Skip‐A‐Line Composition Book ‐ Grade 3 ‐ 9.75 X 7.75 ‐ 24 Sheets ‐ Red Skip‐A‐Line Composition Book, Grade 2 ‐ 9‐3/4 X 7‐3/4 ‐ 3/4 Ruled ‐ Blue ‐ 24 Shts/48 085293 Pages Spiral Bound Composition Book ‐ 10 X 8, ‐ 1/4 Ruled ‐ Eye Ease Green Tint ‐ 16 lb.‐ 80 085262 Sheets Spiral Bound Composition Book, 10‐1/2 X 8 ‐ 11/32 Ruled, 3 Subject ‐ 16 lb. ‐ White ‐120 085269 Sheets EACH EACH $0.43 $0.28 085302 085297 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $0.28 085293 School Specialty EACH $2.99 085262 School Specialty EACH $1.52 085269 School Specialty 35 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $0.79 085267 School Specialty EACH $2.17 085272 School Specialty 085420 Spiral Bound Composition Book, 11 X 8‐1/2 ‐ 9/32 Ruled ‐ 16 lb. ‐ White ‐ 80 Sheets EACH $0.68 085420 School Specialty Spiral Notebook 8‐1/2 X 11‐9/32 Ruled, Three‐Hole Punched, 1 Subject ‐ 100 Sheets Spiral Notebook, 6 X 9‐1/2 ‐ 3 Subject, College Ruled ‐ 150 Sheets Stitched Cover Composition Book, 10‐1/2 X 8 ‐ Red Margin ‐ 48 Sheets Stitched Cover Composition Book, 8‐1/2 X 7 ‐ No Margin, 48 Shts/96 Pages Top Opening Memo Notebook, 3 X 5 ‐ 100 Sheets CRAFT SUPPLIES 085927 1/2 Inch Chenille Kraft Glitter Pom, Assorted Colors, 80/Pkg EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $0.79 $2.34 $0.47 $0.37 $0.69 085421 1438382 085310 085307 085209 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $0.81 085927 School Specialty 085924 1/2 Inch Chenille Kraft Soft N Lively Mini Pom Pons, Assorted Hot Colors, 100/Pkg 1/8 X 12 Inch Chenille Kraft Creativity Street Polyester Standard Stem Multi‐Purpose Wire 085823 Pipe Cleaner, Brown, 100/Pkg 086302 10‐12 Inch non‐Toxic Long Colored Quill, Assorted Colors, 12/Pkg 363614 1‐1/2 In. Styrofoam Balls, White ‐ 12/Pkg 085949 11/64 X 4‐1/2 Inch Chenille Kraft Wood Multi‐Purpose Stylus Stick, 100/Pkg 363617 2 In. Styrofoam Balls, White ‐ 12/Pkg 085937 2‐3 Inch, Natural Feather Classroom Pack, Assorted Color, 200/Pkg 085837 2‐Tone Imitation Eagle Feather, White with Black Tip, 10 ‐ 12 Inch ‐ 12/Pkg 1432516 4 Inch Creative Teaching Press Dots on Chocolate Designer Letters, 216/Set 1307984 6 In. Paper Plates, White Uncoated, 100 Plates/Pkg ‐ 10/Case (Total Of 1,000) 085623 6 X 11 Inch Flat Bottom Paper Bag, Assorted Color, 28/Pkg 412858 6‐1/4 X 9 Inch Roylco Stand‐Up Self‐Portrait Art Project Kit ‐ 40/Pkg 085856 7‐1/2 X 10‐3/4 Inch Large Paint Palette With 6 Wells, Plastic, White 1307985 9 In. Paper Plates, White Uncoated, 100 Plates/Pkg ‐ 12/Case (Total Of 1,200) 22187 9 X 12 Peel & Stick Sm'Art Foam, Assorted Colors, 18/Pkg 9732074 1322726 All Purpose Plastic Wrap Art Film 18 Inch ‐ 1,000'/Roll 200198 Aluminum Foil For Crafts ‐ 12 In. X 25' Roll 407673 Amaco Professional Bead Baking Rack, 1/16 In., Aluminum 1006395 Balloons 4 Inch, Assorted ‐ 12/Pkg 200099 Balloons 9 Inch ‐ Assorted ‐ 144/Pkg 214812 Bright Hues Feathers 3 In. ‐ .5 Oz/Pkg 085625 Brown Paper Bags 4‐1/2 X 8‐1/2 X 2‐1/2, Flat Bottom ‐ 100/Pkg 452522 Bulk Assorted Shape Mosaic Tiles, 3/8 ‐ 1‐1/2 Inch 5lb/Bag ‐ Assorted Colors 1401782 Carson‐Dellosa Frog Design Single Cutout ‐ 36/Pkg PKG $0.56 085924 School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH CASE PKG PKG EACH CASE EACH ROLL ROLL EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG LBS PKG $0.74 $1.47 $1.51 $0.70 $2.98 $1.99 $1.66 $4.66 $10.69 $4.75 $7.77 $0.70 $20.82 $4.48 $11.76 $1.49 $11.57 $1.15 $8.86 $0.47 $5.50 $36.44 $2.60 085823 086302 363614 085949 363617 085937 085837 1432516 1307984 085623 412858 085856 1307985 RA19364 1322726 200198 407673 1006395 200099 214812 085625 452522 1401782 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Spiral Bound Composition Book, 10‐1/2 X 8‐11/32 Ruled Notebook, 16 lb.,Composition, 085267 Spiral Bound, 70 Sheets ‐ 140 Pgs ‐ White Spiral Bound Composition Book, 10‐1/2 X 8‐5/16 Ruled, 5 Subject ‐ 16 lb. ‐ White ‐ 180 085272 Sheets 085421 1438382 085310 085307 085209 36 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 1401779 Carson‐Dellosa Owl Design Single Cutout, 36/Pkg 085748 Chenille Kraft Jingle Bells,15mm, Assorted Colors, 72/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG $2.60 $2.79 1401779 085748 School Specialty School Specialty 085871 085822 1006317 215604 085624 405845 1471357 358934 406383 085735 085919 085918 085958 085959 Chenille Kraft Peel and Stick Wiggle Eye, Assorted Size, Black on White, 125/Pkg Chenille Pipe Cleaner Stems, 12 In. ‐ Dark Green, 100/Pkg Clothespins, 50/Pkg Colored Foil Rolls, 26 In. X 25 Ft ‐ Gold Colored Paper Bags 6 X 11, Flat Bottom, Pastel Colors 28/Pkg Copper Foil Roll ‐ 36 Gauge ‐ 12 In. x 25' Ft. Roll Cotton Balls ‐ 2000/Pkg Cotton Twine, Oyster Colored, 16 Ply, 1/2# Ball ‐ 200 Yds/Pkg Cotton Unbleached, Fine Weave Muslin, 5 Yard X 38 Inches, Natural Craft Buttons, Assorted Colors ‐ 1 Lb/Pkg Craft Fluffs ‐ Yellow Craft Spoons Natural ‐ 75/Pkg Craft Sticks ‐ 1000/Box Craft Sticks, Bright Hues ‐ 1000/Box PKG PKG PKG ROLL PKG ROLL PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG BOX BOX $1.18 $0.91 $2.18 $8.30 $4.75 $68.91 $6.94 $2.19 $8.00 $2.11 $1.28 $0.92 $2.85 $6.09 085871 085822 1006317 215604 085624 405845 1471357 358934 RA01031 1903015 085919 085918 2890020 085959 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty 078827 405817 200750 405603 29661 405954 1399838 085964 1398079 1398078 1494871 1337376 1443299 Crafty Dab'N Stic Non‐Toxic Odorless School Glue, 1.7 oz Bottle, Dries Clear ‐ 6/Pkg Decorate Me Jewelry Box, 4‐7/16 X 4‐13/16 X 2‐3/16, White ‐ 24/Pkg Doll Craft Clothes Pins ‐ 30/Pkg Eyeball Stickers ‐ Large, 150/Pkg Fiberboard Cone Assortment ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ 9728675 Fish Eye, Self‐Adhesive, 5 mm, 7 mm, Black on Clear ‐ 106/Pkg Fiskars All Around 4XL Lever Punch 3‐1/2 In Flat Slotted Clothespins ‐ 40/Pkg Foam Board 20 X 30 In. ‐ Black ‐ 10/case Foam Board 20 X 30 In. ‐ White, 10/case Foam Board, 20 X 30 Inch, White ‐ 10/Pkg Gallon Bag, Zipper Seal ‐ 250/Box Glue Gun ‐ Full Size Standard Dual Temperature, 40 W, fits 7/16 in Glue Sticks PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG SET PKG Case CASE PKG BOX EACH $5.13 $16.32 $2.02 $2.60 $31.31 $3.88 $10.50 $2.35 $17.40 $11.20 $11.20 $37.64 $3.18 078827 405817 200750 405603 2830006 405954 1434910 085964 1398079 521565 521565 1337376 1443299 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty 463373 002416 1298156 406512 406509 403949 017338 411126 Glue Gun, Surebonder High Temperature, Mini Trigger‐Fed, 10 W, 380 Deg F, Blue Hand Sewing Needles WA Hard Maple & Plywood Cricket Student Loom 5‐3/4 X 13‐3/8 X 18 Inch Hardwood Dowels 1/4 X 36 ‐ 12/Pkg Hardwood Dowels 1/8 X 36 In.‐ 12/Pkg High Strength Adhesive Multi‐Purpose Waterproof Glue, 2 oz Tube, Clear Hog Wild Fish Sticks Chopstick Tongs, Assorted Colors, 12/Pkg Jack Richeson Cardboard Weaving Loom, 6 X 10 X 1/8 In., Gray, Pack of 12 EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG $2.08 $0.95 $115.82 $1.85 $1.23 $1.63 $13.91 $2.62 463373 RA13554 1298156 RA00669 RA00670 403949 017338 411126 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 37 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR BOX PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH $4.80 $1.43 $3.85 $0.97 $1.10 $1.70 $3.35 $1.85 085961 085902 416155 1901230 1901240 2890185 565858 RA22598 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art 408589 Mod Podge Fast Dry Non‐Toxic Non‐Flammable Tissue Glue and Glaze, Gloss ‐ Gallon GAL $18.65 408589 School Specialty 455294 Mod Podge Fast Dry Non‐Toxic Non‐Flammable Tissue Glue and Glaze, Matte ‐ Gallon GAL $18.65 455294 School Specialty 455291 Mod Podge Fast Dry Non‐Toxic Non‐Flammable Tissue Glue and Glaze, Matte ‐ Quart QT $7.55 455291 School Specialty 085961 Jumbo Craft Sticks, Natural ‐ 500/Box 085902 Jumbo Sparkle Pipe Cleaners 12 In. ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg 416155 Krylon Spray Finish, Crystal Clear ‐ 11 Oz 216611 Large Plastic Yarn Needles 3 Inch ‐ 12/Pkg 436523 Long Plastic Weaving Needles 6 Inch ‐ 12/Pkg 9708333 Mini Craft Sticks ‐ 500/Pkg ‐ 9708333 565858 Mini Long Nose Pliers w/ Wire Cutter 330831020 Mini Wire Cutters 247312 455999 1451291 1289644 085616 085608 085617 085610 085611 Mod Podge Fast Dry Non‐Toxic Non‐Flammable Tissue Glue and Glaze, Sparkle ‐ 8 oz Jar No. 11 Replacement Blades For Craft Knife Boces #001737 ‐ 12/Pkg Non‐Toxic Craft Glitter, 1 lb Jar, Purple Palette Knives, Plastic ‐ 36/set Paper Lace Doilies 4 In., Heart Shaped, Assorted Color ‐ 100/Pkg Paper Lace Doilies 4 Inch Round Shaped, White ‐ 100/Pkg Paper Lace Doilies 6 In. , Heart Shaped, Assorted Color ‐ 100/Pkg Paper Lace Doilies 6 In. Round Shaped, White ‐ 100/Pkg Paper Lace Doilies 8 In. Round Shaped, White ‐ 100/Pkg EACH PKG EACH SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $3.04 $2.02 $2.21 $6.98 $5.42 $2.80 $6.46 $3.14 $4.54 RS200 455999 1451291 RA11050 085616 085608 085617 085610 085611 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 245868 1364813 085861 085819 085878 085873 085883 085879 1471338 1322734 424910 1322711 436520 1322710 085929 Papier‐Mache Box, Assorted Shape, 2‐7/8 ‐ 3/1/2 X 2‐1/2 ‐ 3/1/2 X 2 In., White ‐ 24/Pkg Picture Frame 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ Plastic Wall Pipe Cleaners 12 In. ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg Pipe Cleaners 12 In.‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg Pipe Cleaners 12 In. Chenille Giant ‐ 50/Pkg Pipe Cleaners 12 In. Chenille Jumbo ‐ 100/Pkg Pipe Cleaners, 6 In. ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg Plastic Bead, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, 3 lb Bucket, 3000/Pkg Plastic Craft Knives ‐ 1000/Pkg Plastic Cups 7 Oz , Clear ‐ 2500/Pkg Plastic Facial Form Mask Kit Plastic Forks, Craft, Medium Weight ‐ 1000/Case Plastic Lucite Jumbo Eye Yarn Needle 2‐3/4 In., 2/Pkg Plastic Spoon, Craft, Medium Weight ‐ 1000/Case Pom Poms, Assorted Colors ‐ 1,200/Pkg PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG KIT CASE PKG CASE PKG $12.91 $3.20 $0.91 $0.91 $1.43 $0.72 $0.53 $7.63 $22.38 $49.96 $0.92 $13.84 $0.76 $14.01 $6.56 245868 1364813 085861 085819 085878 085873 085883 085879 1471338 1322734 424910 1322711 436520 1322710 085929 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 38 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 085931 085887 1368018 1368019 468764 471270 410735 1429418 406806 406541 223368 407132 410333 1326369 1006259 1332618 244917 1502465 1004996 1004997 086520 1298273 085622 085842 085846 085843 17681 201236 207171 233288 1465252 078640 008718 424363 008715 007635 007638 007641 007671 DESCRIPTION Pom Pon, Chenille, Assorted Sizes, and Hot Colors ‐ 100/pkg Pony Beads, Plastic ‐ Bright Hues ‐ 1000/Pkg Pony Beads, Plastic ‐ Red ‐ 1000/Pkg Pony Beads, Plastic ‐ White ‐ 1000/Pkg Replacement Blades For Utility Knives ‐ 5 Pkg Retractable Blade Utility Knife Ribbon Assortment, 2‐lb. Pkg., 640 Yards Assorted Width, Assorted Color Sax Dream Catcher Kit ‐ 6 Inch ‐ 24/Pkg Sax Heavyweight T‐Shirt, White ‐ XL Scratch Foam Board 9 X 12 ‐ 12/Pkg Scratch‐Art Penholders for Scratch Knives, 12/Pkg ‐ Red Sculpt It ‐ 2 lbs ‐ White Sculpt It, 20G/Pack ‐ White Shape It! Sand Non‐drying Moldable Sand Refill ‐ 20 Lbs ‐ White Soft Brass Wire, 18 Gauge, 1Lb/Spool Styrofoam Cups 8 Oz ‐ 1000/Pkg Tie‐Dye Kit, Supplies for up to 15 Shirt, Assorted Primary Color Tulip Fabric Markers, Brush Tip, Assorted Rainbow ‐ 10/Set Uncoated Paper Plates 6 In. White ‐ 100/Pkg Uncoated Paper Plates 9 In. White ‐ 100/Pkg Vinyl Art Aprons, Primary Smock ‐ Velcro Strap Westcott Stencil 3 Inch Lettering Guides Helvetica Bold ‐ Clear Blue White Paper Bags 6 X 11 , Flat Bottom ‐ 100/Pkg Wiggly Eyes, Assorted Sizes, Shapes And Colors ‐ 100/Pkg Wiggly Eyes, Round, 10 mm ‐ 100/Pkg Wiggly Eyes, Round, Assorted Sizes Black ‐ 100/Pkg Wikki Stix Alphabet Cards (Lakeshore Learning ‐ AC214) Wikki Stix Primary Colors 8 In. ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 48/Set Wonder Foam Sheets 12 X 18, Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Pkg Wonder Foam, Assorted color and sizes‐ 264/Pkg CRAYONS Crayola 4 Sided Ultimate Crayon Case, Assorted Color ‐ 152/Set Crayola Construction Paper Crayons Class Pack, Assorted Colors ‐ 400/Box Crayola Crayon Class Pack, Large Size, 5 Of Each Color ‐ 400 Crayons/Box Crayola Crayons Class Pack, 16 Colors, 50 Of Each ‐ 800/Box Crayola Crayons Class Pack, 8 Colors, 100 Of Each ‐ 800/Box Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Black Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Blue Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Brown Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Gold U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG LBS BOX EACH EACH PKG PKG SET PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH SET PKG PKG $1.91 $3.82 $1.73 $1.73 $1.19 $3.59 $13.98 $27.89 $2.35 $2.82 $2.91 $6.06 $33.26 $38.83 $13.10 $25.36 $9.94 $7.63 $1.05 $1.80 $2.65 $2.00 $8.05 $0.77 $0.58 $0.55 $12.94 $3.52 $3.34 $0.81 085931 005838 RA11486 RA11489 468764 471270 410735 1429418 406806 520015 880055 407132 410333 1326369 1006259 1332618 244917 1502465 1004996 1004997 086520 1298273 085622 085842 085846 RA01062 AC214 201236 207171 RA28247 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art SET BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX $10.48 $29.95 $41.31 $36.95 $42.79 $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.48 1465252 CRAYOLA 52‐1617 008718 CRAYOLA 52‐8016 008715 40301 40302 40303 RA10307 School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art 39 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 007647 007650 007653 007656 007644 007659 007674 007662 007665 007668 391106 1290464 1334625 1364571 008121 220566 008721 Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Gray Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Green Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Orange Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Peach Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Pink Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Red Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Silver Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Violet Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ White Crayola Crayons Refill, 3‐5/8 X 5/16 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Yellow Crayola Crayons Refill, 7/16 X 3‐5/8 ‐ 12/Box ‐ Gray Crayola Crayons, Anti‐Roll Triangular, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Crayola Crayons, Anti‐Roll Triangular, Assorted Colors, 256/Set Crayola Extreme Twistables Crayons ‐ Neon ‐ 8/Set Crayola Fabric Crayons ‐ 8/Box Crayola Glitter Crayons, Assorted Colors ‐ 16/Set Crayola Jumbo Crayons Classroom Pack, Assorted Colors ‐ 200/Pkg DESCRIPTION BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX SET SET SET BOX SET PKG $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.48 $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.23 $1.35 $30.89 $2.25 $1.53 $1.48 $42.56 RA11751 40304 40306 RA11750 40307 40308 RA10308 40310 40311 40312 RA11751 RA10600 CRAYOLA 52‐8039 1364571 1030903 RA01699 008721 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Pyramid School Prod. School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty 008418 007563 007572 007542 248880 008716 1400730 332674 007536 007539 007512 007521 007503 406862 1364572 087084 373790 402638 1415427 067254 001290 405616 Crayola Jumbo Crayons, Extra Large Size: 5 X 9/16, Regular Colors In Tuck Box ‐ 8/Box Crayola Large 7/16 X 4, Non‐Toxic Single‐Color Crayon Refill, Black, 12/Pkg Crayola Large 7/16 X 4, Non‐Toxic Single‐Color Crayon Refill, Pink, 12/Pkg Crayola Large Size Crayons: 4 X 7/16, Tuck Box, Kindergarten ‐ 8/Box Crayola Metallic FX Crayons, Assorted Colors ‐ 16/Set Crayola Multicultural Crayons, Standard Size ‐ 8/Box Crayola Neon Crayons ‐ 8/Pkg Crayola Nontoxic Twistable Crayons, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Crayola Regular Size Crayons: 3‐5/8 X 5/16, Hinge Box ‐ 48/Box Crayola Regular Size Crayons: 3‐5/8 X 5/16, Hinge Box W/ Sharpener ‐ 64/Box Crayola Regular Size Crayons: 3‐5/8 X 5/16, Tuck Box ‐ 16/Box Crayola Regular Size Crayons: 3‐5/8 X 5/16, Tuck Box ‐ 24/Box Crayola Regular Size Crayons: 3‐5/8 X 5/16, Tuck Box ‐ 8/Box Crayola Twistable Mini Crayons ‐ 24/Set Crayola Twistables Special Effect Crayons ‐ 24/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors Elmer's Crayon Pro Electric Crayon Sharpener Erasable Charcoal Pencils ‐ White ‐ 12/Pkg Erasable Plastic Crayons, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set Hand‐Held Crayon Sharpeners ‐ each Large Non‐Toxic Crayon in Storage Box, 7/16 X 4, Assorted Colors ‐ 400/Set Prang Molded Crayons, Standard Tuck Box ‐ 16/Box Prang Molded Crayons, Tuck Box ‐ 24/Set BOX PKG PKG BOX SET BOX PKG SET BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX SET PKG EACH PKG SET SET SET BOX SET $2.21 $2.18 $2.18 $1.39 $1.48 $0.55 $0.55 $1.96 $2.62 $3.20 $1.04 $1.34 $0.54 $3.51 $3.63 $36.95 $6.90 $3.33 $0.72 $23.96 $0.54 $0.84 RA10599 40401 40407 RA14123 40277 40480 RA16823 332674 40260 RA00738 40253 40259 40250 RA04890 1364572 ELMER'S 1680 730010 RA03170 1496045 067254 001290 405616 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 40 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1280528 410769 1328757 040251 1460788 1379303 079084 040266 040248 085368 1464946 089941 000828 409250 075480 1498526 1403460 000786 077356 077355 077354 336617 084810 020754 1396401 049515 077235 077237 077238 077241 077240 077236 089410 079486 DESCRIPTION Standard Crayons, Class Pack, W/ 2 Sharpeners, Regular Size, 3‐5/8 X 5‐1/6 Inch, Assorted Colors ‐ 832/Box Twistables, Colored Pencil Set, 2mm Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 30/set DICTIONARIES American Heritage Children's Dictionary Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Merriam Webster's Elementary Dictionary Grades 3‐5, Hardcover Merriam Webster's Intermediate Dictionary Merriam Webster's School Dictionary Merriam Webster's School Thesaurus, Hardcover Roget's II, The New Thesaurus, Hardcover DISPLAY BOARDS Trifold Presentation Board 36 X 48 ‐ White 10/Pack ‐ 1464947 18 X 48 Tri Fold Presentation Board, White ‐ Package of 10 ERASERS Chisel Shaped Latex‐Free Pencil Cap Eraser, Assorted Colors, 100/Pkg Eraser, Double Beveled ‐ 12/Box Eraser, Pearl Premium, Latex‐Free, White, 12/Pkg Expo 8‐Layer Precision Point Refill Pad, for Use with Whiteboard, 2‐1/4 X 6 X 1/2 Flipside Student Dry‐Erase Erasers, 2 X 2, Felt ‐ 30/Pkg Mini Dry Erase Eraser, 2 X 2 in, for Use with Magnetic Dry Erase Board, 12/Pkg Pink Block Pencil Eraser, 1‐1/8 X 15/16 X 3/8 ‐ 60/Box Pink Erasers, Large 2‐1/2 X 1 X 3/8 ‐ 12/Box Pink Erasers, Medium 2‐1/8 X 3/4 X 3/8 ‐ 12/Box Pink Erasers, Small 1‐7/8 X 3/4 X 3/8 ‐ 36/Box Smiley Pencil Cap Eraser, Latex‐Free, Assorted Bright Neon, 144/Pkg Vinyl Eraser ‐ Latex‐Free ‐ 2‐1/2 X 7/8 X 1/2 ‐ 20/Pkg Wedge Cap Pencil Tip Erasers, Latex Free ‐ 144/Box Whiteboard Eraser 3 X 5, Each FLAIR / FELT TIP Felt Tip Marker, .85mm Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Felt Tip Pens ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Felt Tip Pens ‐ Blue‐ 12/Pkg Felt Tip Pens ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg Felt Tip Pens ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Pkg Felt Tip Pens ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg Felt Tip Pens ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Paper Mate Flair Marker Pens, Medium Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Pkg Paper Mate Flair Pen, 1.4mm Felt Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR BOX SET $45.23 $6.38 1280528 RA08519 School Specialty Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $10.85 $13.41 $10.36 $11.48 $11.39 $9.51 $11.28 1328757 040251 1460788 1379303 079084 040266 040248 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG $15.82 $12.54 1464947 1464946 School Specialty School Specialty PKG BOX PKG $0.67 $2.05 $4.68 089941 RA17840 RA06973 School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH PKG PKG BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX PKG BOX PKG $1.71 $15.67 $5.31 $2.05 $0.93 $0.68 $1.67 $2.91 $1.29 $1.09 $2.77 075480 1498526 1403460 000786 077356 077355 077354 336617 084810 020754 ZW886 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.69 $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 $1.93 $1.93 $1.85 $9.90 $10.71 049515 077235 077237 077238 077241 077240 077236 089410 079486 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 41 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 079488 079489 079487 800879 800876 800882 300327 006489 1398686 006495 250413 250635 069508 023674 250419 386714 DESCRIPTION Paper Mate Flair Pen, 1.4mm Felt tip ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Paper Mate Flair Pen, 1.4mm Felt Tip ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg Paper Mate Flair Pen, 1.4mm Felt Tip ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Paper Mate Flair Ultra Fine .4mm Tip ‐ Blue Paper Mate Flair, Ultra Fine .4mm Tip ‐ Black Paper Mate Flair, Ultra Fine .4mm Tip ‐ Red FLASH CARDS 2 X 3 Blank Flash Cards, Assorted Colors, Unruled ‐ 1000/Pkg 2 X 3 Flash Cards, Manila ‐ 1000/Pkg 3 X 5 Study Card, Just Flip It, Punched Perforated Ruled, White ‐ 75/ Pkg 3 X 9 Blank Flash Cards, Assorted Colors ‐ 250/Box Addition 0‐12 Flash Cards ‐ 91 Cards Division Flash Cards, Math ‐ 91 Cards Educational Insights Hot Dots Fractions Flash Cards ‐ Grade K Plus Flash Card Set, Unknown Quantities ‐ Nasco TB23674B ‐ Page 50 Math Catalog Multiplication Flash Cards ‐ 91 Cards Multiplication Flash Cards, Hot Dots, Math ‐ Set 382410 Sight‐Words Flash Cards 245, 3 x 6 Flash Cards, Booklet with Corresponding Games 250416 Subtraction 0‐12 Flash Cards ‐ 91 Cards 1402626 Talking Hot Dots Power Pen ‐ 1538401 GAMES & EDUCATIONAL TOOLS 29653 10 Sided Dice ‐ tb16736T ‐ Page 70 Math Catalog (Single Die from Item 530428) 082082 12 Inches, Learning Resources Inflatable Globe 076399 3‐Dimensional Magnetic Magic Shapes ‐ 81/Set 1356630 ABC Puzzle Set, 8 1/2 X 6 3/4 ‐ 26/Set 1391805 Alpha Catch Game, 4 Mitts, 26 Alphabet Balls/Set 0404030 Angle Dominoes, Grades 4‐8, 1/2 X 3, Set of 24 1397797 031548 084948 1328157 224009 224006 1426318 090854 1432526 Attribute Apples Sorting Activity, 27 Apples, Sort By Size, Color, Physical Feature Audible Countdown Timer ‐ 8 Inch Base 10 Components Plastic Units, Blue, 100/Pack Bingo Game ‐ Sight Words ‐ Level 2 Boggle ‐ Game Boggle Jr Pre School Bubble Dice, 4 sets of 4 ‐ Page 72 of Math Catalog Bullying Posters 18 X 24 ‐ 4/Set Carson‐Dellosa File Folder Math Games, Grade 3 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH $10.71 $10.71 $10.71 $0.91 $0.91 $0.91 079488 079489 079487 800879 800876 800882 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG BOX EACH EACH EACH SET EACH SET $6.17 $5.05 $1.43 $3.59 $3.91 $3.91 $6.15 $17.95 $3.91 $5.81 300327 006489 1398686 006495 250413 250635 069508 504481+504482 250419 386714 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $21.23 $3.91 $6.65 382410 250416 1538401 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH $0.14 $3.99 $11.76 $80.74 $13.68 $8.57 531457 082082 076399 1356630 1391805 040‐4030 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH SET SET EACH $11.97 $19.08 $1.17 $4.87 $7.52 $8.76 $26.25 $9.83 $20.20 1397797 031548 084948 1328157 224009 224006 520664X4 090854 1432526 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty 42 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION Chenille Kraft Wood Craft Letter and Number, 1 1/2 Inch, 3 Sets Capital Letters, 2 Sets Lower Case Letters, 5 Sets of Numbers, 4 Each of Math Symbols, Natural ‐ 200/Pkg Childcraft Colorful Furniture Complete Indoor Set ‐ 28/Set Childcraft Kindergarten Literacy Tutor Boxes, Sight Words Childcraft Kindergarten Literacy Tutor Boxes, Vowel Sounds Childcraft Lotto Games, Pre‐K ‐ K, 4 Themed Games Chrome Call Bell Counting Chart, 3 Place Value, 30 Number Cards, 3 Each Of Numbers 0‐9, 200 Counting 085078 Straws, 12‐1/2 X 9‐1/2 1497117 Creative Teaching Press Learn to Read, Variety Pack, Level B ‐ C ‐ 12/Set Creative Teaching Press Sight Word Book, Level 1, Grade K to 1, 30 Cross‐Curricular Mini‐ 1430012 Books 1399898 1381279 1324952 1324953 205782 1436432 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG SET EACH EACH SET EACH $11.65 $87.37 $15.13 $11.81 $6.76 $2.31 1399898 1381279 1324952 1324953 205782 1436432 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET $4.62 $19.43 085078 1497117 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.96 1430012 School Specialty 1497954 1399214 1401572 1367824 1473817 089918 386715 1004773 Crystal Springs Decimal Place Value Strip, Small Group Set, Student Size, Grades 4 ‐ 6 Cyber Bullying Posters Grades 2‐5, 6/Set Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems Book, 250 Exercises/Book, Grade 4 Dice Activities for Multiplication Didax Unifix CVC Word Building Card Dotted Dice, Set of 36 ‐ Page 72 of Math Catalog Educational Insights Hot Dots Flash Cards, Division Educational insights Hot Dots Flash Cards, Telling Time PKG SET EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH $12.37 $13.21 $9.96 $9.88 $4.14 $1.99 $5.82 $5.85 1497954 1399214 1401572 1367824 1473817 530082 386715 1004773 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty 387486 1458177 1369449 1401095 1329830 1329831 1502442 1396287 1369447 Edushape 3‐D Magnetic Magic Shapes Classroom Pack ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 54/Set Evan‐Moor Common Core Math Centers, Grade 2 Evan‐Moor Daily Geography Practice, Grade 5 Evan‐Moor Math Games, Level A, Grades K to 1 Evan‐Moor Read and Understand with Leveled Texts, Grade 4 Evan‐Moor Read and Understand with Leveled Texts, Grade 5 Evan‐Moor Text‐Based Writing: Common Core Mastery Book, Grade 5 Even Moor Daily Reading Comprehension, Grade 5 Even‐Moor Daily Geography Practice, Grade 3 SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $14.19 $11.13 $27.74 $11.01 $11.65 $11.65 $10.66 $15.73 $27.74 387486 1458177 DG935 1401095 1329830 1329831 1502442 1396287 DG933 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 072248 1466338 1302297 090337 078418 500888 0403985 Foam Geometric Solids, 36 Pieces, 13 Shapes, 4 Colors ‐ Page 112 of Math Catalog Frank Schaffer Spotlight on Reading Book Set, Grades 3 to 4 ‐ 5/Set Fruit Puzzle Set, 9 Pieces/Puzzle, 8 3/4 X 11 3/4 ‐ 6/Set Game The Impulse Control Geared for Time Demo Clock ‐ Page 58 of Math Catalog Gears! Beginning Set ‐ 95/Set Giant Foam Dice 5 Inch ‐ Dots ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ Page 71 of Math Catalog SET SET SET EACH EACH SET PKG $8.79 $11.06 $28.45 $34.20 $8.79 $16.78 $2.79 531251 1466338 1302297 090337 533061 500888 530207 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty EAI Education 43 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Giant Foam Dice 5 Inch ‐ Numerals ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ Page 71 of Math Catalog Hand Pointer 12 In. ‐ 3/Set Integer Chess, Grades 3‐7, DMS ‐ Page 137 of Math Catalog It's Your World Book Set ‐ 16/Set Judy Instructo Plastic Clock 5 X 5 ‐ Class Pack ‐ 6/Set Jumbo Magnetic Letters 2‐1/2 In. Uppercase ‐ 42/Set Jumbo Magnetic Money, set of 52 ‐ Page 64 of Math Catalog Key Education Big Box of Memory Matching Board Game Large Minute Timer, Easy Turn Dial Learning Measurement Set, Gallon, 5 Piece Set Learning Resources Alphabet Soup Sorters Learning Resources Cash Register Learning Resources Doctor Set‐19 Pieces PKG SET EACH SET SET SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET $2.79 $6.23 $14.57 $72.81 $17.54 $9.22 $19.60 $9.75 $3.73 $19.71 $25.44 $12.99 $19.99 530208 083154 520308 1401007 386636 070613 532617 1473813 084084 091602 1356937 1435411 082309 EAI Education School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1300213 Learning Resources Hidden Hints Context Clues Reading Comprehension Game EACH $11.20 1300213 School Specialty SET EACH $9.79 $4.97 205843 1369053 School Specialty School Specialty SET SET SET SET BOX $12.99 $5.44 $16.78 $35.66 $14.30 1465344 1283201 1006676 091269 070612 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET EACH SET SET $18.49 $27.74 $13.87 $15.11 $4.78 $16.37 $17.83 $17.46 $19.83 $17.83 GG832 GA920 RTL104 1322108 1330080 1390287 086455 1408396 080786 086456 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET PKG $20.81 $2.39 $1.71 131‐5100 1396104 085133 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 0321958 083154 520308 1401007 386636 070613 1303938 1473813 084084 091602 1356937 1435411 082309 DESCRIPTION Learning Resources Letter Linking Crab, Uppercase Letters on One Side, Lowercase 205843 Letters on Other Side, Soft Plastic Pieces, Come in Mesh Bag ‐ 26/Set 1369053 Learning Resources Pop for Letters Game Learning Resources Vowel Owls Sorting Set, 6 Owls, 100 Picture Cards and Activity Guide ‐ 1465344 6/Set 1283201 Learning Resources Word Swatters 1006676 Liquid Measurement Set, K‐8 091269 Little Red Toolbox, Photo Tiles, Initial And Final Consonants ‐ 160/Set 070612 Magnetic Letters and Numbers ‐ Multicolored ‐ 214 Pieces/Box Magnetic Number Line, 9 1/2 Inches X 2 1/4 Inches, Odd Numbers is Red, Even Numbers 1303609 in Blue, 4 Frame Magnets ‐ 24/Set 534589 Magnetic Ten Frame & Part‐Whole Classroom Set, Pre‐K‐2 ‐ 20 sets ‐ DMS 1388701 Marble Run Game 1322108 Math Operations Flash Cards Pack, Set of 4 1330080 Math Wheel Multiplication and Division Flash Cards, 240 Equations, 12/Set 1390287 Mattel Apples to Apples Jr Game 086455 Melissa & Doug Jigsaw Puzzle Set, 3‐24 Piece Puzzles 1408396 Melissa and Doug Medieval Castle Block Play Set 080786 Melissa and Doug Puzzle Wood Alphabet/Number Set, 12 X 18 ‐ 2/Set 086456 Melissa And Doug Puzzles ‐ 4/Set Money Briefcase, Learning Activity Includes an Assortment of Coins and Bills, Booklet and 1315100 Briefcase 1396104 Money Match Me ‐ Cards Set, Grade 1 to 3, 52 Cards 085133 Money Play Dollar Coins Pack 50/Pkg 44 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION Neat Seat Organizer 16" H x 12" W with a 1‐1/2" Gusset, Single Blue ‐ Page 185 of Math 083156 Catalog Occupations Costume Set, 10 Costumes with Hats, Bus Driver, Server, Astronaut, Postal Worker, Doctor, Chef, Veterinarian, Construction Worker, Firefighter and Police Officer, 205908 Washable ‐ 10/Set U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $3.50 503581 EAI Education SET $89.42 205908 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET EACH PKG EACH $14.40 $12.10 $12.37 $0.94 $3.10 $2.59 $16.14 $1.55 $6.69 $27.46 $18.69 1466862 089780 1506638 530150 224124 086635 521212 212298 086281 204373 1390615 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.48 $9.77 $10.99 084280 1515543 1004962 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $6.40 504445 EAI Education 1440093 PCI Educational Publishing Pro‐Ed Language Arts Warm‐Ups Flip Book, Vocabulary Place Value Rods Activity Playhut Fire Engine Tent, 15L X 4 1/2W X 15H Playing Cards ‐ Grade 3‐6 ‐ Page 69 Math Catalog Pressman Classic Checkers Game Quick Flip Activities For Character Education Rhythm Band Boomwhackers 8 Note Diatonic Set ‐ 8/Set Rhythm Sticks ‐ 2/Set Scholastic Hands‐On Learning Numbers Puzzles Scholastic Little Red Tool Box High Frequency Word Tiles Sight Word Super Set Scholastic Sight Word Readers, 25 Books School Smart Count up/Count Down Timer, Digital, (1) AAA Battery, 2‐3/4 in W X 2‐3/4 in H X 1 in D Scrabble ‐ JR ‐ Game Scrabble Game, 2‐4 Players Sensational Math 7‐Value Decimals to Whole Numbers Place Value Disks Set ‐ Page 47 of Math Catalog 1462617 1495923 1495927 1457919 1457921 Shell Education Nonfiction Comprehension Test Practice, Grade 6 ‐ On EAI Website Shell Education Practice Assess Diagnose: 180 Days of Language Book, Grade 2 Shell Education Practice Assess Diagnose: 180 Days of Language Book, Grade 6 Shell Education Practice, Assess and Diagnose: 180 Days of Reading, Grade 3 Shell Education Practice, Assess, and Diagnose, Grade 5 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $18.80 $8.66 $8.66 $8.66 $8.66 106174 1495923 1495927 1457919 1457921 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1495961 274441 084947 091451 1359993 Shell Education Strategies for Building Text‐Dependent Questions Book, Grades K‐12 Single Wand (as Shown on Page 17 of Math Catalog) Soft Foam Base Ten 10 Beginner Set, 311/Pkg Soft Foam Base Ten Set ‐ Grades K‐6 (Math Manipulatives) ‐ 100/Pkg Soft Foam Cushion Set, 12 X 12 X 1, Assorted Colors, 6/Set EACH EACH PKG PKG SET $17.32 $1.23 $15.81 $9.51 $27.32 1495961 532109 084947 091451 1359993 School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH $12.60 $0.49 $12.58 533385 086351 382405 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty 1466862 089780 1506638 1326199 224124 086635 521212 212298 086281 204373 1390615 084280 224144 1004962 1297773 SpinZone Magnetic Whiteboard Spinners, 11 Inches ‐ 3/Pkg ‐ Page 179 of Math Catalog 086351 Stress Ball ‐ Apple 382405 Take It to Your Seat Phonics Centers, Grades 1 to 2 45 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH SET $9.96 $10.31 $1.23 1401574 1482066 525005 School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education SET SET EACH SET EACH PKG SET EACH EACH $23.72 $1.29 $4.97 $3.41 $4.87 $33.78 $1.84 $12.53 $12.52 102465 531448 366222 080042 1322088 1364159 282922 1371214 1470904 EAI Education EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty REAM REAM REAM REAM PKG PKG $3.22 $7.67 $3.16 $2.95 $23.47 $17.00 085279 085276 085280 085277 1437849 520445 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education 10‐1/2 X 8 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style ‐ Primary Grade 085330 1, Long Way 7/8 Ruling, 7/16 Broken Line, 7/16 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.34 085330 School Specialty 10‐1/2 X 8 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style ‐ Primary Grade 085333 2, Long Way 3/4 Ruling, 3/8 Broken Line, 3/8 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.34 085333 School Specialty 10‐1/2 X 8 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style ‐ Primary Grade 085336 2, Long Way 5/8 Ruling, 5/16 Broken Line, 5/16 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.34 085336 School Specialty 10‐1/2 X 8 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style ‐ Primary Grade 085339 4, Short Way 1/2 Ruling, 1/4 Broken Line, 1/4 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.34 085339 School Specialty 10‐1/2 X 8 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style ‐ Primary Grade 085328 K, Long Way 1‐1/8 Ruling, 9/16 Broken Line, 9/16 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.09 085328 School Specialty 10‐1/2 X 8 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style ‐ Primary 085338 Grades 2‐3, Long Way 1/2 Ruling, 1/4 Broken Line, 1/4 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream REAM $2.03 085338 School Specialty 1401574 1482066 1329152 068766 085134 366222 080042 1322088 1364159 282922 1371214 1470904 085279 085276 085280 085277 1437849 1401880 DESCRIPTION Teacher Created Resources Daily Warm Ups: Word Problems Paperback Book, Grade 6, 176 Pages Thinkfun Rush Hour Jr. Traffic Jam Logic Game Transparent Counting Color Chips ‐ 250/Set ‐ Page 17 Math Catalog Unifix Letter Cubes Word Building Center, 60 Vowels, 120 Consonants, Red and Blue ‐ 180/Set ‐ Page 207 of Elementary Catalog United Sates Bills Play Money, Set of 100 ‐ Page 64 Uno Card Game Uppercase/Lowercase Casual Letters 4 in. ‐ Red ‐ 180/Set Value Bingo Game Whisper Phone Element Class Pack ‐ Grades K ‐ 4 ‐ 12/Pkg White Dice, Black Dots ‐ 36/Set Word Wall, Grade 1, Quick Stick Write‐On/Wipe‐Off Flip Chart GRAPH PAPER 8‐1/2 X 11 Graph Paper 1/2 Rule, White, 16#, Two Sides ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Graph Paper 1/8 Rule, White, 16#, Two Sides ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Graph Paper, 1 Inch Rule, White, 15#, Two Sides ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Graph Paper, White, 16#, 1/4 Rule, Two Sides, 500/Ream 9 X 12 Inch C‐Line Reusable Dry Erase Pocket ‐ Multiple Colors ‐ 25/Pkg Double Sided Centimeter Grid Board, ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Page 129 Math Catalog HANDWRITING / MANUSCRIPT PAPER 46 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR REAM $2.03 085341 School Specialty REAM $2.61 085348 School Specialty REAM $2.78 085350 School Specialty REAM $1.92 085355 School Specialty 085255 12 X 9 Green Newsprint Practice Paper, Ruled Long Way, 1 x 1/2 x 1/2 Skip ‐ 500/Ream REAM $3.09 085255 School Specialty 085256 12 X 9 Green Newsprint Practice Paper, Ruled Long, Alternate Rulings ‐ 500/Ream 12‐3/4 In L X 9‐3/4 In W X 0.6 In H, Integrations Hi‐Write Beginner 1 Journal Paper, White 21453 ‐ 100/Pkg 8 X 10‐1/2 White Sulphite Skip‐A‐Line Paper, Short Way, 3/8 Ruling, 3/16Broken Line, 3/8 085353 ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint For Grade 1, Long Way 3/4 Ruling, 3/8 Broken 085273 Line, 3/8 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint For Grade K, Long Way 1 Inch Ruling, 1/2 Inch 085270 Broken Line, 1/2 Inch Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint For Primary Grade 2, Long Way 5/8 Ruling, 5/16 085274 Broken Line, 5/16 Broken Line ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Red & Blue Ruled Newsprint For Primary Grade 3, Short Way 1/2 Ruling, 1/4 085319 Broken Line, 1/4 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Red & Blue Storybook Paper For Grade 3, Long Way 1/2 Ruling, 1/4 Broken 085323 Line, 1/4 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Skip‐A‐Line Paper ‐ Grade K ‐ 1, 1 Inch Ruling, 1/2 Broken Line, 1/2 Skip Line ‐ 085372 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Skip‐A‐Line Paper, Grade 2, 3/4 Ruling, 3/8 Skip Line, 3/8 Broken Line ‐ 085212 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11Skip‐A‐Line Paper ‐ Grade 1, 7/8 Ruling, 7/16 Broken Line, 11/16 Skip Line, LW 085374 , White ‐ 500/Ream REAM $3.08 085256 School Specialty PKG $4.94 089664 School Specialty REAM $2.88 085353 School Specialty REAM $3.55 085273 School Specialty REAM $2.08 085270 School Specialty REAM $2.57 085274 School Specialty REAM $2.87 085319 School Specialty REAM $2.57 085323 School Specialty REAM $1.92 085372 School Specialty REAM $2.04 085212 School Specialty REAM $2.40 085374 School Specialty SET EACH SET EACH EACH $7.55 $3.20 $28.95 $9.99 $9.63 1323023 1368985 1471401 027347 1290460 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.12 040746 School Specialty 085341 085348 085350 085355 DESCRIPTION 10‐1/2 X 8 Short Way Newsprint Paper for Grade 3 ‐ 4, Red/Blue Line Ruling, 3/16 Inch Broken Line, 3/16 Inch Skip Line, White ‐ 500/ream 10‐1/2 X 8 White Sulphite Skip‐A‐Line Paper ‐ Long Way, 1 Ruling, 1/2 Broken Line, 1/2 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 10‐1/2 X 8 White Sulphite Skip‐A‐Line Paper ‐ Long Way, 3/4Ruling, 3/8 Broken Line, 3/8 Skip Line ‐ 500/Ream 11 X 8‐1/2 Alternate Ruled With Lower Case Guide ‐ Grade 1, 1 Ruling, 1/2 Broken Line ‐ 500/Ream Abilitations Integrations Hi‐Write Writing Practice Paper Super Pack ‐ 98 Sheets/Set Clipboard, Recycled Plastic, Purple Handwriting Without Tears Chart Paper, 24 X 32, 30 Sheets ‐ 2/Set Hi‐Write Numerical Practice Pad, 100 Sheets/Pad Writing Paper K‐1,1 Line Spacing ‐ 360 Sheets/Pad HEALTH & CLEANING 040746 3M Desk And Office Cleaner ‐ 15 Oz Aerosol 1323023 1368985 1471401 027347 1290460 47 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION Adjustable Oscillating Fan, Black, 16 Inch Blade, 39 3/4 X 51 3/4, 3‐Speed Cellulose Sponge 6 L X 3‐1/3 W X 3/4 H Inch Clorox Cleaner Disinfecting Wipes, Fresh Scent ‐ 35 Wipes/Container Clorox Fresh Scent Disinfectant Wipes ‐ 75 Wipes/container ‐ 6/Case Extra‐Large Disinfect Wipe, 200/Canister ‐ 6/Pkg Facial Tissue ‐ Economy, 2 Ply ‐ 100/Box Gloves, Small, Clear ‐ 100/Pkg Kleenex Tissues ‐ 125/Box Oval Poly Sponge, 6 X 4 X 2‐1/2 ‐ Synthetic Purell Hand Sanitizer, Single Pump Bottle ‐ 8 Oz Sani‐Hands for Kids, 300/Canisters ‐ 6/Case Swiffer Kit The Masters Non‐Toxic Artists Hand Soap ‐ 3 Oz INCENTIVE CHARTS 200259 34 X 52 Original Pocket Chart, 10 Clear Pockets 078296 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Hayes Reading Achievement Certificate, 30/Pkg 1399528 085831 1116331 091446 1471344 073386 1474288 025504 035819 025507 1334798 1330525 359261 070374 1117982 1451996 070368 084652 1356826 076779 387214 387212 1358457 22762 241548 372285 076256 387205 1339738 250920 241647 387204 8‐1/2 X 11 Inch, Hayes Replacement Blank Certificate with Borders, Gold Ribbon, 50/Pkg Avery 05424 Label 3/8 X 5/8 ‐ Removable Self‐Adhesive MultiUse, 1000/Pkg Birthday Crowns, Carson‐Dellosa, 23‐1/2 X4‐1/4 ‐ 30/Pkg Blank Certificates With Gold Block Borders ‐ 50/Pkg Chart Stand, 28H X 53W, Steel Colorful Paw Prints Incentive Border Chart ‐ 17 In. Copernicus Deluxe Chart Stand, Adjustable Height, 26 W X 25 3/4 D X 50 ‐ 65 H Creative Teaching Press Books Incentive Chart Super Pack Creative Teaching Press Dots on Black Apples Incentive Chart Super Pack Gold Reading Medal 2 in, Solid Die Cast Happy Birthday Celebration Badge DD225 Happy Birthday! Recognition Awards ‐ 5‐1/2 X 8‐1/2 ‐ 30/Pkg Its Your Birthday Cool Recognition Award, 5‐1/2 X 8‐1/2, 30/Pkg Large Vertical Incentive Charts, 22 X 28 ‐ 12/Set Lets Read Incentive Pad, 36/Pkg Neck Ribbon, Excellence Red and Whit , 7/8 X 30 Recognition Award, Star of the week 8 1/2 X 5 1/2 ‐ 30/Pkg Recognition Award, Way to Go ‐ 30/Pkg Reward Word Incentive Pad ‐ 5‐1/4 X 6 ‐ 36/Pkg 076254 Shapes Etc ‐ Large Horizontal Incentive Charts ‐ 22 X 28 ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Pkg 1400602 Student Incentive Chart Combo Pack 387203 Under The Sea Incentive Pad 5‐1/4 X 6 ‐ 36/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH CASE PKG BOX PKG BOX EACH EACH CASE KIT EACH $24.34 $0.71 $4.53 $36.91 $39.28 $0.48 $3.69 $1.66 $1.16 $4.19 $44.03 $4.45 $2.12 1399528 085831 1116331 091446 1471344 073386 QJ578 025504 035819 025507 1334798 1330525 359261 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG $9.71 $3.09 200259 078296 School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG SET PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH $3.09 $4.55 $5.36 $3.54 $26.31 $1.34 $163.61 $4.43 $4.43 $0.69 $4.15 $1.85 $1.71 $8.66 $1.71 $0.55 $1.85 $1.85 $1.71 070374 1117982 1451996 070368 084652 1356826 076779 387214 387212 1358457 DD225 241548 372285 076256 387205 1339738 250920 241647 387204 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET EACH PKG $8.54 $7.35 $1.71 076254 1400602 387203 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 48 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1481864 1481863 175162 1053155 072594 1481868 1473653 1473683 1481885 1481897 085089 309807 1481859 1397646 1426885 205350 1481867 1481888 1481865 1481901 1473702 1473705 1473665 1486416 1473688 1473686 309804 1473689 1437856 1059523 088711 088849 088715 088716 088717 DESCRIPTION LESSON PLAN BOOKS 40 Week Plan Book, 8‐1/2 X 11, 7 Period Plan 42 Week Plan BooK, 6 Period, 8‐1/2 X 11 8‐1/2 X 10‐3/4 Inch Practical Plan Book, 40 Weeks At‐A‐Glance Non‐Refillable Professional Appointment Book, 7‐7/8 X 11 Inches, One Page/Day, 4 Students, 12 Months Class Record and Lesson Plan Binder, 9 ‐ 10 Week, Loose‐Leaf Design Class Record Book, 35 Students, 9/10 Week ‐ 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ PolyIce Cover Class Record Book, 9/10 Week 8‐1/2 X 11, 40 Students, 8 Subjects Class Record Book, 9/10 Week Period, 7 Subjects, 50 Students, 8‐1/2 X11 class record book, 9/10Week Period, 8‐1/2 X 11, 35 Students Class Record Books, 40 Weeks, 5‐6 Week Period, 35 Students Classroom Schedule Pocket Chart Creative Teaching Press Rainbow Lesson Plan Book Daily Memo Book, 200 Pages, 5‐7/8 X 9‐3/8 E‐Z Grader ‐ Purple E‐Z Grader Large Print Slide Chart 10 X 5 Inch ‐ Score up to 70 Questions, Yellow E‐Z Grader Test Quiz and Homework Scorer, 8‐1/2 X 4‐3/4 in Lesson Plan and Class Record Book, 7 Subjects, 9/10 Week ‐ Black Flexible Cover, 8‐1/2 X 11 Lesson Plan and Class Week Record, 9/10 Week, 7 Periods, 50 Students Lesson Plan Book, 7 Subjects, 41 Week ‐ PolyIce Cover, 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ White/Blue Lesson Plan Book, 8 Subject, 40 Week ‐ 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ White/Green Plan Book, 40 Week, 6 Subject , 9‐1/4 X 12‐1/4 Plan Book, 40 Week, 8 Subject , 9‐1/2 X 12‐1/4 Record Book, 8‐1/2 X 11, 40 Students, 6 Week Register Of Attendance, 8‐1/2 X 11, 9‐10 Weeks, 35 Names Student Planner, Weekly Format, 5 X 8, 96 Pages Student Planner, Weekly Format, 7 X 11, 96 Pages Teacher's Plan & Record Book ‐ 5 Weeks Per Page Undated Student Planner, 8 Subject, 2 Page/Week, 8‐1/2 X 11, 96 Pages LIBRARY / INDEX CARDS 3 X 5 Inch Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Glow Ruled Index Card, Multiple Colors, 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Card Guides A‐Z ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Assorted Neon ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Blue ‐100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Canary ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Cherry ‐ 100/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH $2.02 $1.88 $3.74 1481864 1481863 175162 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $33.52 $12.61 $1.21 $1.35 $1.87 $1.35 $4.15 $5.31 $4.33 $1.62 $3.82 $4.16 $3.79 1053155 072594 1481868 1473653 1473683 1481885 1481897 085089 309807 1481859 1397646 1426885 205350 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.95 $2.44 $2.16 $1.07 $1.38 $1.37 $1.21 $1.91 $0.75 $0.67 $4.54 $0.78 1481867 1481888 1481865 1481901 1473702 1473705 1473665 1486416 1473688 1473686 1496050 1473689 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.59 $4.03 $0.89 $1.00 $0.49 $0.49 $0.49 1437856 1059523 088711 088849 088715 088716 088717 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 49 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 088718 088719 088706 1380684 088724 088727 088703 088708 090594 088720 088721 088710 088712 1058834 088713 088722 088723 088714 1438518 1437847 1329866 1398685 1398684 075528 1312939 076042 1438081 016782 387985 082078 089061 016785 016788 1303542 088635 079157 075257 29833 29834 DESCRIPTION 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Green ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Salmon ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Unruled ‐ Blue ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Unruled ‐ Green ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Unruled ‐ Salmon ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Index Cards, Unruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 3 X 5 Oxford Spiral Bound Index Cards, White, Perforated, Ruled 4 X 6 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Blue ‐ 100/Pkg 4 X 6 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Canary ‐ 100/Pkg 4 X 6 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 4 X 6 Index Cards, Unruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 5 X 8 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ Assorted ‐ 100/Pkg 5 X 8 Index Cards, Ruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg 5 X 8 Index Cards, Ruled, Blue, 100/Pkg 5 X 8 Index Cards, Ruled, Canary, 100/Pkg 5 X 8 Index Cards, Unruled ‐ White ‐ 100/Pkg Avery 8387 Ink Jet Postcards, 4‐1/4 X 5‐1/2 ‐ White ‐ 200/Pkg C‐Line Polypropylene Durable Index Car Case, 3 X 5 ‐ Multiple Colors Index Card Box For 3 X 5 Cards ‐ Plastic ‐ Black ‐ 80/Pkg Mini Index Cards, 3 X 2‐1/2 Ruled ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 200/Pkg Mini Index Cards, 3 X 2‐1/2 Ruled ‐ White ‐ 200/Pkg Oxford Elementary Primary Ruled Index Cards ‐ 100/Pkg Rolodex Plain Rotary Card File Refill, White, 100/Pkg Ruled Wirebound Index Card, 4 X 6, White, 40/Pkg MAPS ‐ FLAGS 28 X 40 Laminated World/USA Map, With Write On/Wipe Off ‐ 1438081 Annin Wood Staff, Gold Spear Tip, US Flag, 24 X 36 Kappy Maps United States Wall Map on Roller with Backboard, 64 X 54 Laminated World Map, With Write On/Wipe Off ‐ 50 X 33 Merriam‐Webster's Student Atlas Mounted USA Classroom Flag,12 X 18 Mounted USA Classroom Flag,16 X 24 Nylon Outdoor U.S. Flag ‐ 5' X 8' Nystrom New York Roller Map ‐ 64 X 50 Nystrom Notebook Map US/World ‐ 30/Pkg Piece Together A USA Collage Map ‐ 40‐1/2 X 60 U.S. Flag, Nylon ‐ 3' X 5' ‐ AA230 U.S. Flag, Polyester ‐ 4' X 6' ‐ AA235 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH $0.49 $0.49 $0.35 $0.49 $0.49 $0.49 $0.49 $0.35 $1.51 $0.79 $0.79 $0.56 $0.56 $4.72 $0.92 $1.25 $1.25 $0.92 $11.00 $0.56 $1.74 $1.21 $0.99 $1.38 $2.16 $0.99 088718 088719 088706 1380684 088724 088727 088703 088708 090594 088720 088721 088710 088712 1058834 088713 088722 088723 088714 1438518 1437847 1329866 1398685 1398684 075528 1312939 076042 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $10.32 $3.84 $113.07 $12.79 $6.21 $3.38 $4.29 $38.94 $99.91 $63.61 $12.02 $16.25 $26.91 1438081 016782 387985 082078 089061 016785 016788 1303542 088635 079157 FK227 1334690 1334688 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty 50 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG $2.66 RA10165 Triarco Art PKG PKG SET $14.67 $56.18 $2.86 RA03963 207192 401635 Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Crayola Marker Set ‐ Original, Fine Tip, Non‐Toxic, Assorted Classic Colors, 10/Set Crayola Original Markers, Bold Colors, Conical ‐ 12/Set Crayola Original Thin Line Class Pack Markers, 10 Colors ‐ 200/Set Crayola Original Watercolor Markers, Classic, Conical, Broad Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Original Watercolor Markers, Classic, Conical, Fine Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Replacement Non‐Toxic Marker Pack, Conical Tip, Red, 12/Pkg Crayola Washable Markers, Bold Colors, Conical Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Washable Markers, Bold Colors, Fine Tip ‐ 12/Set Crayola Washable Markers, Bold Colors, Fine Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Washable Markers, Classic Colors, Conical Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Washable Markers, Classic Colors, Fine Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Washable Markers, Conical Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set Crayola Washable Markers, Fluorescent Colors, Conical Tip ‐ 6/Pkg Crayola Washable Markers, Tropical Colors, Conical Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Washable Multicultural Markers, Cone Tip ‐ 8/Set Crayola Washable Window Markers, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Crayola Watercolor Markers, Bold Colors, Conical ‐ 8/Set MARKERS ‐ DRY ERASE Bic Dry Erase Marker, Great Erase Bold, Chisel Tip ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors Bic Dry Erase Marker, Great Erase Grip XL, Chisel Tip ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Dry Erase Marker, Great Erase Grip XL, Chisel Tip ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Dry Erase Marker, Great Erase Grip XL, Chisel Tip ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg SET SET SET SET SET PKG SET SET SET SET SET SET PKG SET SET SET SET $2.08 $2.66 $40.95 $2.05 $2.05 $2.69 $2.65 $3.97 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $4.00 $2.13 $2.65 $2.65 $2.86 $2.05 RA13870 024028 CRAYOLA 58‐8210 400380 401100 RA10163 401630 401590 RA02209 401340 401695 401585 008532 401345 401705 RA00182 401620 Triarco Art School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art SET PKG PKG PKG $19.07 $6.37 $6.37 $6.37 1301088 1329770 1329771 1329772 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty BIC Dry Erase Marker, Great Erase, Low Odor Non‐Toxic, Fine Tip, Assorted Color, 30/Pkg Bic Dry Erase Marker, Great Erase, Low Odor Non‐Toxic, Fine Tip, Black ‐12/Pkg Bic Magic Dry‐Erase Low Odor Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Magic Dry‐Erase, Low Odor Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, 4/Pkg BicDry Erase Marker, Great Erase, Fine Tip ‐ Assorted ‐ 4/Pkg Crayola Dry Erase Crayons ‐ Non‐Toxic Washable, Standard Size, Assorted Classic Colors, Pack of 8 Crayola Dry Erase Markers ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Crayola Dry Erase Markers ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Crayola Dry Erase Markers ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $12.42 $5.48 $9.27 $3.07 $2.15 1301090 079517 1492310 1465020 336895 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.40 $7.34 $7.34 $7.34 RA12137 081990 081992 081993 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty MARKERS ‐ CRAYOLA 220335 Crayola Bulk Marker Pack ‐ Conical Tip, Black ‐ 12/Pkg Crayola Classic Trayola Non‐Toxic Washable Market Set, Fine Tip, Assorted Classic 24470 Trayola Colors ‐ 48/Pkg 207192 Crayola Conical Tip Markers Class Pack, Assorted Colors ‐ 256/Pkg 067569 Crayola Gel Washable Markers ‐ 8/Set 1371172 024028 207193 008148 008172 220356 008544 024034 008547 008196 008538 024031 008532 008199 391127 1400731 024046 1301088 1329770 1329771 1329772 1301090 079517 1492310 1465020 336895 1334811 081990 081992 081993 51 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 081991 1296338 087231 081994 1444328 1437663 1370867 1354253 079564 1496285 1354270 Crayola Dry Erase Markers ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Crayola Dry Erase Markers & Magnetic Eraser, Broad Line ‐ Black/Blue ‐ 2/Pkg Crayola Dry Erase Markers, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Crayola Dry Erase Markers, Fine, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set Crayola Dry Erase Washable Crayon, Assorted Color, Classpack ‐ 96/Pkg Crayola Dual‐Side Erase Board and Crayon Set, Black / White Dry Erase Answer Boards, Magnetic, Ten Frame ‐ 4/Pkg Dry Erase Marker ‐ Chisel ‐ Black ‐ 12/pk Dry Erase Marker Erasers, Large ‐ 4/Set Dry Erase Marker Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Pkg Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip ‐ 8/Set PKG PKG SET SET PKG EACH PKG PKG SET EACH SET $7.34 $5.12 $4.95 $2.53 $25.28 $7.18 $11.74 $2.71 $2.55 $2.58 $2.03 081991 1296338 087231 1494486 1444328 1400734 520654 1354253 079564 1496285 1354270 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 175139 1333747 059634 1334762 EAI Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Low Odor, Assorted ‐ 4/Set ‐ Page 184 of Math Catalog Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Low Odor ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Cleaner, Pump Spray ‐ 8 Oz Expo Click Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Black, 3/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Marker Set with Eraser and 2 oz Cleaner, Chisel Tip, Low Odor, Assorted Color, 4/Set Expo Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip, Low Odor ‐ 4/Set Expo Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip, Low Odor ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip, Low Odor ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip, Low Odor ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Bullet Tip, Neon Assorted ‐ 5/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Original, Green ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ Brown ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Low Odor ‐ 8/Set Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Low Odor ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Low Odor ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Low Odor ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Low Odor ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ 4/Set ‐ Page 184 of Math Catalog Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ 8/Set Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Original, Assorted ‐ 16/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Low Odor ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Low Odor ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Low Odor ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg SET PKG EACH PKG $1.49 $10.81 $2.33 $3.66 534951 1333747 059634 1334762 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET SET PKG PKG PKG SET SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $5.89 $3.43 $10.80 $10.81 $10.81 $5.41 $11.09 $11.09 $6.88 $3.42 $10.80 $10.81 $10.81 $2.49 $7.29 $11.09 $11.09 $11.09 $11.09 $14.41 $9.31 $9.31 $9.73 088346 059745 RA13205 1333731 1333730 1369745 1333724 1333727 026284 RA09378 RA13206 1333746 1333745 532584 059463 1361204 1333723 1333728 1333725 1296239 1333748 1333750 1333749 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 088346 059745 1333729 1333731 1333730 1369745 1333724 1333727 026284 175136 1333744 1333746 1333745 059460 059463 1361204 1333723 1333728 1333725 1296239 1333748 1333750 1333749 DESCRIPTION 52 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 389847 Expo Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Low Odor, Assorted ‐ 12/Set 389845 Expo Dry Erase Markers, Fine Tip, Low Odor, Assorted ‐ 16/Set 076878 Expo Dry Eraser For Whiteboards, Porcelain And Melamine Coated Surfaces Expo Kit, Includes 4 Fine Point Markers, 8 Chisel Tip Markers, 8 Oz Bottle Of Expo 2 038003 Cleaner And Expo Eraser, Low Odor 038357 Expo Low Odor Organizer Kit With Eraser 4 Assorted Markers in Holder 069000 Expo Scents Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Assorted ‐ 4/Pkg 059442 Expo Towelettes, Moistened Sheets ‐ 50/Pkg 079566 Kleenslate Small Dry Erase Markers, Bullet, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set 084465 Magnetic Whiteboard Dry Eraser, 4.2 X 2.2 Inch 1369017 Post‐it Tabletop Easel Pad and Dry Erase Board, Unruled, White, 20 X 23 ‐ 20 Sheets/Pad QuietShape Student Felt Eraser For Chalk And Dry Erase 2 X 2 ‐ 10/Set ‐ Page 184 of Math 1401885 Catalog 069717 The Classics 12‐N‐1 Dry Erase Eraser With Sturdy Plastic Holder 075476 XL Whiteboard Eraser 075477 XL Whiteboard Eraser Replacement Pad MARKERS ‐ HI‐LIGHT 077279 Bic Brite Highlighter ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg BIC Brite Highlighter Set, Non‐Toxic Pen Style, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, 12/Set Bic Brite Highlighter, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Set Bic Brite Highlighter, Grip XL , Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set BIC Brite Highlighters, Chisel Tip ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Pkg Bic Brite Highlighters, Retractable ‐ Chisel Tip ‐ Assorted ‐ 5/Pkg BIC Highlighter, Retractable, Chisel Tip, Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg Crayola Erasable Highlighters ‐ 12/Pkg Highlighters ‐ Assorted colors ‐ 6/Set Highlighters ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Highlighters ‐ Fluorescent Green ‐ 12/Pkg Highlighters ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Pkg Highlighters ‐ Pink ‐ 12/Pkg Highlighters ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg Highlighters, Assorted Colors ‐ set/20 Highlighters, Tank Style ‐ Chisel‐ Blue ‐ 12/pk Highlighters, Tank Style ‐ Chisel, Green ‐ 12/pk Highlighters,Tank Style ‐ Chisel, Orange ‐ 12/pk Hi‐Liter Desk Style Non‐Toxic Highlighter Value Pack, Chisel Tip, Multiple Color, Pack of 1272640 24 1054360 Hi‐Liter Highlighter, Chisel Point, Fluorescent Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg 1329755 038857 081766 1451955 1296350 1329759 1282509 1298145 1298547 1298550 1298549 1298546 1298146 1354257 1354267 1354269 1354268 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH SET EACH $9.24 $13.96 $1.84 389847 389845 076878 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET KIT PKG PKG SET EACH $15.69 $6.79 $4.22 $5.71 $1.91 $0.32 038003 038357 069000 059442 079566 084465 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $18.43 1369017 School Specialty SET EACH EACH EACH $3.49 $1.51 $8.11 $4.29 520075 069717 075476 075477 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $3.80 077279 School Specialty SET SET SET PKG PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG PKG $3.56 $1.75 $1.70 $4.98 $2.91 $6.71 $8.62 $0.76 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $2.69 $1.53 $1.53 $1.53 1329755 038857 081766 1451955 1296350 1329759 1282509 1298145 1298547 1298550 1298549 1298546 1298146 1354257 1354267 1354269 1354268 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG $7.50 $8.57 1272640 1054360 School Specialty School Specialty 53 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 077284 Sharpie Accent Highlighter ‐ Tank Style, Fluorescent Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg 409254 Sharpie Accent Highlighter Set, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Pkg Sharpie Accent Highlighter Set, Pocket Style Smear‐Resistant , Chisel‐Narrow Tip, 418819 Assorted Color, 5/Set 418828 Sharpie Accent Highlighter Set, Tank Style, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Set 077286 Sharpie Accent Highlighter, Chisel Tip ‐ Green 077282 Sharpie Accent Highlighter, Chisel Tip ‐ Pink, 12/pkg 077283 Sharpie Accent Highlighter, Chisel Tip ‐ Tank Style, Blue/Turquoise ‐ 12/Pkg 077281 Sharpie Accent Highlighter, Chisel Tip ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg 077276 Sharpie Accent Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Smear Resistant, Pocket Style ‐ 12/Pkg 1438020 Sharpie Blade Highlighter, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Pkg 1378152 Sharpie Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Retractable, Pink ‐ 12/Pkg 038849 Wide Highlighter/Note Tapes, 1/2 Inch, 3 Line, 393 Inch Roll, Yellow MARKERS ‐ PERMANENT 079355 Bic Mark‐it Permanent Marker, Fine Tip ‐ 8/Set 1329748 Bic Mark‐it Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, 36/Set 1329749 Bic Mark‐It Ultra Fine Permanent Marker, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Pkg 1329752 BIC Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip, Black ‐ 4/Pkg 1465254 Crayola Metallic Markers‐Set of 8 1465254 085037 Permanent Marker Set Extra Fine Black ‐ 12/Box 1354262 Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip, Large, Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg 1354254 Permanent Markers, Assorted Colors, Chisel Tip ‐ 8/Set 1354255 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg 1354260 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg 1354265 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Brown ‐ 12/Pkg 1354261 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg 1354263 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Pkg 1354264 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg 1400755 Permanent Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg 9716824 Sakura Micron Permanent Pens ‐ 3/Set 404690 Sakura Micron Permanent Pens, 1.0 mm Metallic, Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Set 459023 Sakura Pen Touch Opaque Metallic Markers, Fine Tip ‐ Gold 459020 Sakura Pen Touch Opaque Metallic Markers, Fine Tip ‐ Silver 9715197 Sakura Pigma Micron Pens, .25 mm, 6/Set 1446377 Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Metallic Gold/Silver, 2/Pkg 1296236 Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Black, 4/Pkg Ticonderoga RediMark Plus Non‐Toxic Waterproof Smear Proof Permanent Marker Set, 442562 Chisel Tip,Black ‐ 12/Set ‐ 442562 MARKERS ‐ SHARPIE 079504 Sharpie King Size Marker, Chisel Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG SET $5.21 $7.80 077284 409254 School Specialty School Specialty SET SET EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG ROLL $2.27 $2.74 $5.21 $5.21 $5.21 $5.21 $5.21 $2.08 $15.30 $1.85 418819 418828 077286 077282 077283 077281 077276 1438020 1378152 038849 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET PKG PKG SET BOX PKG SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET SET EACH EACH SET PKG PKG $3.44 $14.20 $3.30 $2.25 $3.63 $1.97 $2.25 $2.18 $3.11 $3.22 $2.25 $3.22 $2.25 $2.34 $3.11 $3.78 $10.82 $1.51 $1.51 $7.58 $2.80 $4.05 079355 1329748 1329749 1329752 1465254 085037 1354262 1354254 1354255 1354260 1354265 1354261 1354263 1354264 1400755 RA07593 404690 402185 402200 401230 1446377 1296236 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty DOZ $5.91 442562 School Specialty PKG $11.64 400181 Triarco Art 54 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Sharpie Magnum Marker, 5/8 Inch Wool Tip ‐ Black Sharpie Magnum Marker, 5/8 Inch Wool Tip ‐ Red Sharpie Marker, Retractable, Fine Tip, Assorted Color ‐ 8/Pkg Sharpie Oil Based Paint Markers, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Pkg Sharpie Pen Stick Fine Point Pens, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Pkg Sharpie Pen, Retractable, Fine Point, Black ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker ‐ Metallic Assorted Colors ‐ 3/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip ‐ Metallic Silver ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Sharpie Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Quick Drying Standard Size, Waterproof with Canister, Black ‐ 36/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, ‐ 12/Set Sharpie Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip, Red ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Markers ‐ Fine Point ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Permanent Markers, Fine Point ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 077399 Sharpie Permanent Markers, Fine Point ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 077402 Sharpie Permanent Markers, Fine Point ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Retractable, Fine Point ‐ Assorted Colors, 12/Set Sharpie Super Marker, Fine Point ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Super Marker, Fine Point ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Twin Tip ‐ Fine And Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set Sharpie Twin Tip, Ultra Fine, Black ‐ 12/Pkg Sharpie Waterproof Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, 24 Different Colors, 24/Set Sharpie Waterproof Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Orange, 12/Pkg EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG PKG SET SET $2.17 $2.17 $10.42 $7.16 $6.09 $15.61 $2.63 $7.81 $7.81 $5.19 $7.32 $11.51 $7.44 $7.31 $4.88 059238 059241 405861 RA03989 1400835 1333751 1438022 1333733 1333734 402353 RA09522 403479 RA09519 067115 002133 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG SET PKG SET PKG $22.25 $7.36 $7.36 $7.47 $7.47 $7.31 $7.00 $7.32 $7.40 $7.32 $7.40 $15.65 $19.10 $11.64 $4.66 $13.56 $14.46 $7.32 089077 RA01606 RA19230 RA19234 RA19232 402354 RA19229 RA09520 077399 RA09521 077400 407904 1077620 1333717 038129 246139 079673 RA09518 School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art 079674 Sharpie Waterproof Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip, 24 Different Colors ‐ 24/Set 1333716 Super Sharpie Marker, Fine Point ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg 002910 Super Sharpie Marker, Jumbo, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set MARKERS ‐ VIS‐A‐VIS 079887 Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Point ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg SET PKG SET $14.46 $11.80 $3.98 079674 1333716 002910 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $10.68 079887 School Specialty 059238 059241 405861 405871 1400835 1333751 1438022 1333733 1333734 402353 077401 403479 3164001 067115 002133 089077 077415 077417 3154501 3156001 402354 077416 077404 13337851 059397 077400 407904 1077620 1333717 038129 246139 079673 077405 DESCRIPTION 55 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 079889 079890 079891 079888 059178 1004744 419455 086512 086514 085116 086417 29652 086413 086416 086409 086400 086401 086403 086407 086405 086408 411072 1295213 418801 1428964 411071 227658 227661 227631 090158 382785 1109377 1498790 059424 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Point ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Point ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Point ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Point ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Point, Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set Expo Vis‐A‐Vis Transparency Markers, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set MARKERS ‐ WASHABLE Do‐A‐Dot Art ‐ Washable Regular ‐ 6/Set Washable Fine Line Markers ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Set Washable Fine Line Markers ‐ Assorted Colores ‐ 100/Set Washable Markers ‐ Conical ‐ 8/Set MARKERS ‐ WATER COLOR DESCRIPTION PKG PKG PKG PKG SET SET $10.68 $10.68 $10.68 $10.68 $3.59 $7.07 079889 079890 079889 079888 059178 1004744 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET SET SET $9.03 $0.39 $3.82 $0.82 419455 086512 086514 085116 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Conical And Fineline Watercolor Combo Marker, Assorted Colors, Class Pack, 192/Set liqui‐mark watercolor markers 97112768 Washable Markers, Classroom Pack, Conical, 25 Each Color ‐ 200/Set Watercolor Markers Classroom Pack, Fine Line ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ Set/200 Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Purple ‐ 12/Pkg Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Watercolor Markers, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set MISC. MARKERS Elmer's Opaque Paint Markers Med Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Set Jumbo Color Changing Markers ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Set Lakeshore Flip Chart Marker, Bullet Tip ‐ 8/Set Permapaque Opaque Paint Marker, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set Prang Metallic Art Markers ‐ 6/Set Sakura Pen Touch Opaque Metallic Markers, Med Tip ‐ Gold Sakura Pen Touch Opaque Metallic Markers, Med Tip ‐ Silver Sakura Pen Touch Opaque Metallic Markers, Med Tip ‐ White MISCELLANEOUS Biography Report Instant Personal Poster Sets, 17 X 22 In. Chair Floor Protectors ‐ Tennis Ball Document Frames, 8‐1/2 X 11, Black MR. SKETCH Mr. Sketch Scented Chisel Tip Marker, Class Pack, Assorted Colors ‐ 192/Set Mr. Sketch Scented Fiddle Sticks Markers ‐ 10/Set SET EACH SET SET SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET $12.61 $45.94 $20.03 $15.52 $0.81 $1.09 $1.09 $1.09 $1.09 $1.09 $1.14 086417 411365 086413 086416 086409 086400 086401 086403 086407 086405 086408 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH $6.61 $1.73 $3.69 $17.60 $4.29 $1.51 $1.51 $1.51 411072 1295213 JJ438 1428964 RA07029 402190 402205 402220 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art SET EACH EACH $6.81 $2.01 $9.10 090158 382785 1109377 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET $79.95 $3.25 MR SKETCH 1905311 059424 Pyramid School Prod. School Specialty 56 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION Mr. Sketch Scented Fine Tip Marker, Class Pack, Assorted 12 Colors ‐ 216/Box Mr. Sketch Scented Instant Watercolor Marker ‐ Black (Licorice) Mr. Sketch Scented Instant Watercolor Marker ‐ Blue (Blueberry) Mr. Sketch Scented Instant Watercolor Marker ‐ Brown (Cinnamon) Mr. Sketch Scented Instant Watercolor Marker ‐ Green (Mint) Mr. Sketch Scented Instant Watercolor Marker ‐ Purple (Grape) Mr. Sketch Scented Instant Watercolor Marker ‐ Red (Cherry) Mr. Sketch Scented Set In Plastic Tray ‐ 12/Set Mr. Sketch Scented Set In Plastic Tray ‐ 8/Set Mr. Sketch Unscented Class Pack Fine Line ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 216/Box Mr. Sketch Unscented Washable Markers Bullet Tip ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set NOTEBOOK / WRITING / GUIDELINE 085281 10‐1/2 X 8 Filler Paper ‐ No Red Margin, 3/8 Ruling, 5‐Hole Punched ‐ 500/Ream 085218 18 X 12 Picture Story Alternate Ruled, Long Way ‐ 7/8 Ruling, White ‐ 500/Ream 404154 6 X 9 Inch Bookmaking Journal Kit ‐ 30 Pages ‐ 30/Pkg 201437 059523 059490 059493 059499 059508 059511 059364 059361 201440 201323 085283 8 X 10‐1/2 Filler Paper ‐ White Five Hole Punched, 3/8 Ruling, Red Margin ‐ 500/Ream 8 X 10‐1/2 Punched Theme Pads ‐ White, Ruled 3/8 On Both Sides With Red Margin, 15 085261 Lb, 5 Hole Punched, 40 Sheets/Pad 085289 085287 085220 1294111 1334569 8‐1/2 X 11 Filler Paper ‐White, 9/32 Ruling,3 Hole Punched, Red Margin ‐ 200/Pkg 8‐1/2 X 11 Filler Paper, White, 3/8 Ruling, Red Margin ‐ 500/Ream 9 X 12 Picture Story Alternate Ruled, Short Way ‐ 7/8 Ruling, White ‐ 500/Ream All American Pack Magnet Man Hero Clip, 3/Pkg Drawing And Story Book, Landscape, 8‐1/2 X 11, 48 Pages 089784 Learning Resources Make A Story Writing Journals ‐ 64 Pages ‐ 5 x 7 inches ‐ 10/pkg Spiral Wirebound Notebook, 1 Subject, 8 X 10‐1/2, Wide Ruled, 70 Sheets/Notebook, 1438377 Multiple Colors 1467325 Zaner‐Boser My Writing Journal, Grades 3‐4, 8 X 10 1/2 Inches, Spiral Bound, 20 Sheets PAINT ‐ ACRYLICS PINT 408491 Handy Art Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Raw Umber 408488 Handy Art Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Venetian Red 408489 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Burnt Sienna 439259 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Burnt Umber 439250 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Chrome Orange 408497 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Chrome Oxide Green 439241 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Chrome Yellow 408498 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Cobalt Blue U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR BOX EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET BOX SET $48.95 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 $0.55 $5.36 $3.59 $50.91 $5.49 MR SKETCH 1905315 RA27326 RA27328 RA27332 RA27329 RA27333 RA27327 400037 400035 201440 400475 Pyramid School Prod. Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art REAM REAM PKG $2.18 $5.69 $34.24 085281 085218 404154 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty REAM $2.45 085283 School Specialty EACH $0.32 085261 School Specialty PKG REAM REAM PKG EACH $1.10 $2.66 $2.70 $3.37 $2.24 085289 085287 085220 1294111 1334569 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $13.42 089784 School Specialty EACH $1.03 1438377 School Specialty EACH $3.24 1467325 School Specialty PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT $3.12 $3.12 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 RA19168 RA19164 408489 439259 439250 408497 439241 408498 Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 57 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 439271 361466 439370 Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Emerald Green Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Golden Yellow Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Magenta Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Mars Black Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Phthalo Blue Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Phthalo Green Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Phthalo Red Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Raw Sienna Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Titanium White Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Ultramarine Blue Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Violet Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Pint ‐ Yellow Ochre PAINT ‐ ACRYLICS ‐ QUART Liquitex Acrylic Polymer Varnish, Medium Gloss ‐ Quart Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Quart ‐ Cobalt Blue Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Quart ‐ Green Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Quart ‐ Orange Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ Quart ‐ Violet Sax True Flow Non Toxic Medium Body Acrylic Gesso, 1 Quart ‐ Black Tricrylic Triarco True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied, 33.8 Oz, Silver Tricrylic Triarco True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied, Quart, Gold PAINT ‐ ACRYLICS 1/2 GAL Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Bright Red Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Black Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Burnt Sienna 424805 361496 361469 361478 361487 361475 424803 361484 439382 361493 424804 439373 361502 361499 Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Burnt Umber (Brown) Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Cobalt Blue Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Cool Blue Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Cool Red Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Cool Yellow Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Deep Green Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Green Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Lt. Green Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Magenta Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Orange Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Purple Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Violet Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Warm Blue Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Warm Red 439253 439238 408495 439262 439247 408494 408500 408490 439265 439244 439256 408492 403819 409809 409793 409791 409794 1439067 1439064 1439063 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 $1.54 439253 439238 408495 439262 439247 408494 408500 408490 439265 439244 439256 408492 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT $14.31 $2.83 $2.83 $2.83 $2.83 $7.37 $6.61 $6.61 403819 409809 409793 409791 409794 1439067 RA07841 RA07839 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH $5.29 $13.25 $13.25 439271 361466 439370 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $9.98 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $13.25 $9.98 $13.57 $13.25 $13.25 $9.98 $13.25 $13.57 $13.25 424805 361496 361469 361478 361487 361475 424803 361484 439382 361493 424804 439373 361502 361499 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 58 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 361490 361463 408504 408502 439295 439286 439277 408510 439289 439274 408508 439298 408509 439283 408512 408503 439301 439280 439292 408506 085373 085376 1329913 1329910 1329912 1329909 1329907 1329906 1329911 1329914 1329908 008001 008004 008007 008010 008013 008016 008019 DESCRIPTION Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Warm Yellow Chromacryl Premium Students Acrylic Paint ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ White Handy Art Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Raw Umber Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Burnt Sienna Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Burnt Umber Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Chrome Orange Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Chrome Yellow Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Cobalt Blue Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Emerald Green Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Golden Yellow Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Magenta Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Mars Black Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Oxide Green Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Phthalo Blue Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Phthalo Red Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Raw Sienna Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Titanium White Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Ultramarine Blue Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Violet Sax True Flow Acrylics Medium‐Bodied ‐ 1/2 Gallon ‐ Yellow Ochre PAINT ‐ FINGER 11 X 16 Finger Paint Paper ‐ 100 Shts/Pkg 16 X 22 Finger Paint Paper ‐ 100 Shts/Pkg Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Black Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Blue Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Brown Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Green Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Orange Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Red Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Violet Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ White Washable Finger Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Yellow PAINT ‐ FINGER ‐ CRAYOLA Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Black Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Blue Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Brown Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Green Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Orange Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Red Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Violet U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $13.25 $13.25 $9.88 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.30 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.30 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 $5.29 361490 361463 RA18997 408502 439295 439286 439277 408510 439289 439274 408508 439298 408509 439283 408512 408503 439301 439280 439292 408506 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT $1.44 $2.65 $1.32 $1.32 $1.32 $1.44 $1.32 $1.32 $1.32 $1.32 $1.32 085373 085376 1329913 1329910 1329912 1329909 1329907 1329906 1329911 1329914 1329908 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty QT QT QT QT QT QT QT $6.59 $6.59 $6.57 $6.59 $6.59 $6.59 $6.57 130201 130202 008007 130204 RA12555 130208 008019 Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty 59 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 008025 Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ White 008022 Crayola Washable Finger Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Yellow PAINT ‐ MISCELLANEOUS 217473 Zig Posterman Chisel Tip Paint Markers, Primary Colors ‐ 8/Set PAINT ‐ TEMPERA ‐ PINT 007848 Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Magenta 007854 Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Peach 1440686 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Black 1440687 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Blue 1440688 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Brown 1440689 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Green 1440690 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Magenta 1440691 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Orange 1440692 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Red 1440693 HAndy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Turquoise 1440694 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Violet 1440695 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ White 1440696 Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Yellow 007830 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Black 007833 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Blue 007836 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Brown 007842 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Green 007851 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Orange 007857 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Red 007860 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Turquoise 007863 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Violet 007866 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ White 007869 Lakeshore Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Yellow 406502 Sargent Art Metallic Tempera Paint ‐ 6 Asst. colors ‐ 8 oz. 1440732 Sax Versatemp Multicultural Tempera Paint Pints ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set 1440727 Sax Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ 6/Set ‐ Fluorescent Colors 1440731 Sax Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint, Metallic Colors, 3/Set 410945 Tempera Cakes w/8‐well Palette ‐ Assorted Colors 1439174 Tempera Paint Pints ‐ Assorted Vibrant Colors ‐ 12/Set 1439240 Tempera Paint Pints ‐ Fluorescent Colors ‐ 6/Set 439559 TriarcoVersatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Metallic Silver PAINT ‐ TEMPERA ‐ QUARTS 007875 Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Black 007878 Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Blue 007881 Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Brown U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR QT QT $6.57 $6.59 008025 130212 School Specialty Triarco Art SET $12.98 403125 Triarco Art PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET SET SET PINT EACH SET SET PINT $4.76 $4.76 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.46 $1.48 $1.46 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $1.84 $14.27 $14.34 $14.50 $6.64 $6.47 $11.28 $5.26 $3.24 10505 10515 RA18736 RA18731 RA18735 RA18734 RA18730 RA18728 RA18729 RA18732 RA18733 RA18726 RA18727 PX8BK PX8BU PX8BR PX8GR PX8RG PX8RD PX8TQ PX8VT PX8WT PX8YE 406502 1440732 1440727 1440731 VR308 1439174 1439240 14017 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art QT QT QT $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 007875 007878 007881 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 60 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 007887 007890 007893 007896 007899 007902 007905 007908 007911 1440697 1440698 1440699 1440700 1440701 1440702 1440703 1440704 1440705 1440706 1440707 1439183 1329159 1329158 1440708 1440709 1440710 1440711 1440712 1440713 1440715 1440716 1440717 1440718 1440719 086644 215265 1440720 077716 DESCRIPTION Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Green Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Magenta Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Orange Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Peach Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Red Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Turquoise Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Violet Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ White Crayola Premier Liquid Tempera Paint ‐ Quart ‐ Yellow Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Black Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Blue Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Brown Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Green Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Magenta Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Orange Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Red Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Turquoise Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Violet Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ White Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint, Nontoxic ‐ Quart ‐ Yellow Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, Plastic Bottle, Green, 1 Qt Sargent Tempera Paint ‐ Black, Quart Sargent Tempera Paint ‐ White, Quart PAINT ‐ TEMPERA ‐ GALLONS Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Black Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Blue Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Brown Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Green Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Magenta Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Orange Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Red Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Turquoise Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Violet Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ White Handy Art Versatemp Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Yellow Paint Pump Dispenser For 1/2 Gallon/Gallon Jug Prang Tempera Paint ‐ Gallon ‐ Green Sax Versatemp Non‐Toxic Tempera Paint Kit, 1 gal, Assorted Color, 4/Pkg PAINT ‐ TEMPERA WASHABLE ‐ SETS Crafty Dab Kids Tempera Paint, Assorted ‐ 10/Set U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT QT $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $8.15 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $2.68 $1.74 $1.68 $1.68 007887 007890 007893 007896 007899 007902 007905 007908 007911 RA18748 RA18743 RA18747 RA18746 RA18742 RA18740 RA18741 RA18744 RA18745 RA18738 RA18739 1439183 1329159 1329158 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL EACH GAL SET $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $9.49 $1.34 $11.09 $43.19 RA18725 RA18719 RA18723 RA18722 RA18718 RA18716 RA18717 RA18720 RA18721 RA18714 RA18715 086644 PX128GR 1440720 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty SET $8.56 077716 School Specialty 61 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 008226 008229 008232 007872 008235 008238 008523 008241 008244 008247 008250 008253 008256 008259 1439213 008262 008265 008268 008271 008274 008277 008283 008286 008289 008292 008295 213989 008748 008683 008685 007560 442655 001260 001248 001254 001251 DESCRIPTION PAINT ‐ TEMPERA WASHABLE ‐ PINT Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Black Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Blue Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Brown Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Gold Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Green Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Magenta Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Metallic Silver Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Orange Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Peach Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Red Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Turquoise Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Violet Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ White Crayola Washable Paint ‐ Pint ‐ Yellow Tempura Washable Pint Set‐ 12/Set PAINT TEMPERA WASHABLE ‐ GALLONS Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Black Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Blue Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Brown Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Green Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Magenta Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Orange Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Red Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Turquoise Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Violet Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ White Crayola Washable Paint ‐ 1 Gallon ‐ Yellow WASHABLE PAINT ‐ TEMPERA ‐ SETS Crayola Washable Tempera Paint, Assorted Brilliant Opaque Colors‐ 12/Set PAINT ‐ WATERCOLOR Crayola Jumbo Washable Watercolors ‐ Refill Strip Crayola Jumbo Washable Watercolors, With Large Brush ‐ 4/Set Crayola Watercolors, Oval Pan, Plastic Tray And #7 Paint Brush ‐ 16/Set Crayola Watercolors, Oval Pan, Plastic Tray And #7 Paint Brush ‐ 8/Set Prang Washable Watercolors Half Pan Refills ‐ Blue‐Green ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Brown Metallic ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT PINT SET $2.52 $2.50 $2.50 $7.29 $2.50 $2.47 $7.29 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $10.64 10801 10802 10803 007872 10804 10805 008523 10806 10815 10808 10809 10810 10811 10812 1439213 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL $14.33 $14.33 $14.33 $14.33 $14.33 $14.33 $14.33 $14.62 $14.33 $14.33 $14.33 008262 008265 008268 008271 008274 008277 008283 008286 008289 008292 008295 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET $27.67 213989 School Specialty EACH SET SET SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.72 $2.58 $2.60 $2.58 $2.70 $3.30 $3.30 $3.30 $3.30 RA16036 160920 008685 BS525 442655 001260 001248 001254 001251 Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 62 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG SET $3.30 $3.30 $3.30 $3.32 $3.32 $3.30 $3.30 $3.30 $3.30 $2.92 $2.21 405973 001245 001239 442475 442478 405976 001257 405979 001242 037905 405688 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET BOX BOX $4.57 $2.94 $2.92 160601 037906 037904 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET SET SET SET $4.20 $5.02 $2.23 $2.33 $17.95 160605 001350 160500 160600 403539 Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty 225882 Watercolors, Opaque , Plastic Case, 1‐1/8 Inch Round Pans, Assorted Colors ‐ 22/Set SET $4.37 RA07658 Triarco Art 225879 Watercolors, Plastic Case, Opaque, 1‐1/8 Inch Round Pans, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Set 1329859 Watercolors, Standard Oval, Assorted Colors ‐ 16/Set PAINT BRUSHES 248316 Black Bristle Series Brush ‐ 1 Inch 085671 Brush Sponge 3 Inch ‐ 10/Pkg 1440162 Brushes Gold Taklon Super Value Pack #1 ‐ 144/pkg Camel Hair Gross Brush Assortment, Camel Hair Watercolor Brushes For Classroom Use. 408901 Six Sizes, 2 Doz. Brushes Each Size ‐144/Set 1440161 Classroom Value Brush, Round, Assorted Sizes ‐ 144/Set SET SET $2.68 $0.95 225879 1329859 School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG PKG $0.36 $2.38 $15.54 248316 085671 1440162 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET $26.64 $15.54 408901 1440161 School Specialty School Specialty 423798 Crayola Good Grade Camel Hair Round Brush ‐ 3/4 Inch Hair Length: No.1127 ‐ Size 7 EACH $0.67 370047 Triarco Art Crayola Good Grade Camel Hair Round Brush ‐ 3/8 Inch Hair Length: No.1127 ‐ Size 1 Crayola Jumbo Watercolor Brush Crayola Round Watercolor Brushes ‐ Series 1121 ‐ Size 1 Crayola Series 1127 Good Grade Camel Hair Round #2 PKG EACH EACH EACH $0.42 $0.82 $0.66 $0.48 370030 373635 201890 370035 Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Magenta ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Orange ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Red‐Orange ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Red‐Violet ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Turquoise ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Violet ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ White ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Yellow Metallic ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors Oval Pan Refills ‐ Yellow‐Green ‐ 12/Pkg Prang Washable Watercolors, Oval Pan ‐ 16/Set Prang Watercolor Paint Set, Plastic Oval Pan, Non‐Toxic Semi‐Moist Wax‐Free, Assorted 406021 Color, 16/Set 037906 Prang Watercolor Refill ‐ Blue/Green 037904 Prang Watercolor Refill Oval ‐ Yellow /Orange 405973 001245 001239 442475 442478 405976 001257 405979 001242 037905 405688 1367088 001350 001227 001233 403539 423792 391070 201890 366026 Prang Watercolors Refill, Semi‐Moist Strip Set, Plastic Oval Pan, Assorted Color‐ 3/Pkg Prang Watercolors, Half Pan, Plastic Tray And #7 Paint Brush ‐ 16/Set Prang Watercolors, Half Pan, Plastic Tray And #7 Paint Brush ‐ 8/Set Prang Watercolors, Oval, Plastic Tray And #7 Paint Brush ‐ 8/Set Watercolor Sponge Applicator Wands ‐ 48/Set 63 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 357830 085682 085667 085669 085664 405892 201356 248318 248320 085763 409324 085680 201896 461006 461015 085778 22151 1414368 410712 1414369 086517 214818 089862 080572 1334170 423310 410713 248420 085855 085876 1006067 1439148 1401255 022440 003171 380150 406865 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Flat Bristle Brush, 2 X 1‐1/4 Inch Flat Tip Stubby Easel Brush, 7‐1/2 In. Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Set Foam Brush 1 Inch ‐ 20/Pkg Foam Brush 2 In. ‐ 10/Pkg Funny Floppy Foam Brush 085664 Paint Brush and Apron Combo Pack, Assorted Sizes ‐ 84/Set Paint Brush Seconds, Assorted Sizes ‐ 42/Pkg Paint Brush, 1/4 inc., White Bristle, Short Handle, Clear Paint Brush, 3/4 In. White Bristle Paint Brushes, Assortment 6 Sizes ‐ 144/Pkg Royal Brush Super Value Pack Stubby Paint Brushes 7‐1/2 Inch , Assorted Color ‐ 10/Set Watercolor Paint Brush, Size 5, Crayola 1121 Round Natural Camel Hair White Bristle Brush, Flat, Round, Assorted ‐ 24/Set White Bristle Flats Short Handle Brushes, Sax ‐ 144/Pkg Young Artist Assortment Bushes, 5 Different Sizes ‐ 36/Set PAINTING ACCESSORIES 4‐3/4 Inch dia. X 3‐1/2 Inch H Stable Water Pots, 6/Set 9719971 Art Paint Cups, Disposable 5 Oz ‐ 500/Pkg Clear Plastic Disposable Paint Souffles Cups 3‐1/4 Oz ‐ 125/Pkg Cups 9 Oz ‐ 500/Pkg Denim Apron Cover Up, 19‐1/2 In. X 17 In., W/ Back Ties And Neck Strap, Blue DESCRIPTION EACH SET PKG PKG PKG SET PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG SET EACH SET PKG SET $1.02 $2.72 $1.05 $1.99 $4.47 $44.52 $8.36 $0.19 $0.35 $8.41 $38.84 $2.79 $0.94 $3.04 $23.30 $18.49 357830 085682 RA09004 085669 085664 405892 201356 248318 248320 085763 409324 085680 201896 461006 461015 BA918 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning SET PKG PKG PKG EACH $6.45 $8.42 $2.34 $12.41 $3.94 1272198 1414368 410712 1414369 086517 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Disposable Aprons Cover‐up ,Youth Size, W/ Back Ties And Neck Strap ‐ 100/Pkg Disposable Full‐Length Plastic Apron , 28 x 48 Adult Size ‐ 100/Box Disposable Vinyl Glove, Powdered ‐ Medium ‐ 100/Pkg Gloves, Medium, Disposable, Latex General Purpose, Powdered ‐ 100/Pkg Kiss‐Off Stain Remover ‐ 7 oz Lids For 3.25 oz Clear Plastic Disposable Paint Souffles Cups‐ 125/Pkg Paint Pot Set with Lid, No‐Spill Round Cup, 3‐1/2 In., Translucent, 10/Set Plastic Paint Rite Tray, 6 Compartments ‐ 12/Pkg Plastic Watercolor Cups 3‐3/4 ‐ 12/Pkg Qorpak Spray Bottles, 16 Oz. ‐ 6/Pkg Squeeze Bottle 8 Oz, Empty PENCIL SHARPENER / ACCESSORIES 1‐Hole Pencil Sharpener with Metal Insert, Assorted Color 7 X 4.3 X 1.3 Inch, Grotto Grip Comfortable Large Pencil Grotto Grip ‐ 12/Pkg 8‐1/2 in H X 4‐3/4 in W, Flexible Vinyl Pencil Case with Metal Zipper, Blue Boston Manual Vacuum Mount Pencil Sharpener, Silver/Black Cubby Pencil Sharpener With Canister PKG BOX PKG PKG EACH PKG SET PKG PKG PKG EACH $8.32 $15.27 $2.56 $5.54 $2.18 $2.14 $3.74 $1.85 $0.96 $10.07 $0.77 214818 089862 080572 1334170 220050 14095 248420 085855 085876 1006067 1439148 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $0.83 $11.64 $0.17 $13.90 $1.95 1401255 022440 003171 380150 RA00758 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art 64 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 1401767 407247 078466 1397158 Extreme Gel Pencil Grip, Assorted Color, 12/Pkg Faber‐Castell Grip 3‐Hole Artist Sharpener Hand Held Plastic Pencil Sharpener ‐ 24/Pkg Pencil Case Box, 8.27H X 4.37W X 1.1D, Clear Pencil Grip Latex Free Phthalate Free Ambidextrous Pencil Grips, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Pkg Pencil Sharpener, Single Hole Hand Held ‐ 12/Pkg Penholder, 2 5/8 X 5/8 X 5/8, Assorted Pentel Pencil Leads .7 mm Med ‐ 12/Tube Plastic Utility/Pencil Case 12‐3/4 X 5 X 2‐1/2 Ring Binder Pencil Pouch, Fits 2 Or 3 Ring Binder, 10 X 7 ‐ 24/Pkg Stetro Pencil Grip ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 36/Pkg Vertical Electric Pencil Sharpener Weighted Pencil, 5 Weights, 12 Pencils, 10 O Rings Writing Claw Grip Ensures Proper Finger Position, Both Right Or Left Handed Use, Ages 6‐ 12 ‐ 25/Pkg X‐Acto by Boston #1799 Powerhouse Classroom Electric Sharpener X‐ACTO Replacement Cutter For 1670 School Pro Sharpener X‐Acto TeacherPro Pencil Sharpener X‐Actor ProX Electric Pencil Sharpener Barrel Sharpeners, 1 Hole X‐Acto by Boston 1900 Electric Pencil Sharpener PKG EACH PKG EACH $1.48 $2.67 $0.54 $1.80 1401767 RA09243 078466 1397158 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH SET $12.54 $1.54 $0.75 $0.48 $1.20 $15.40 $5.42 $13.55 $13.83 1004526 080312 1406759 049233 086524 081954 224766 084437 1359106 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $17.57 $22.41 $12.99 $30.79 $48.95 $0.11 $15.34 GR212 043388 084256 XACTO TEACH PRO 167 XACTO PROX 1612 073689 380174 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Pyramid School Prod. Pyramid School Prod. School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $7.12 $29.45 380144 038342 School Specialty School Specialty BOX BOX PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $11.79 $1.70 $2.49 $2.49 $2.45 $4.54 $2.47 $8.58 075258 017646 077228 077227 RA20094 1334591 1369948 087122 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.90 $1.03 $1.08 $12.64 $1.60 1372625 038109 730410 1370427 730440 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art 1004526 080312 1406759 049233 086524 081954 224766 084437 1359106 1017691 043388 084256 1295561 1295562 073689 380174 380144 X‐Acto by Boston KS Pencil Sharpener, Chrome Plated, Mounting Screws Included 038342 X‐Acto by Boston School Pro Electric Pencil Sharpener, 6.5 X 4 X 5.2 PENCILS 075258 #2 Ticonderoga Pencil ‐ 96/Box 1283257 #2 Ticonderoga Pencils ‐ 12/Box 077228 Bic #2 Mechanical Pencil Disposable Clear Barrel, 0.7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg 077227 Bic #2 Mechanical Pencil Disposable, .5 mm Tip, 12/pkg 077229 Bic Mechanical Pencil .7 mm, Matic Grip ‐ 12/Pkg 1334591 BIC Mechanical Pencil, 0.9mm, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Pkg 1369948 BIC Pencil, Ecolutions Xtra Life, 0.7 mm, Assorted Colors ‐ 12/Pkg 087122 Bic Velocity #2 Mechanical Pencil ‐ .7mm Lead ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Aqua 1372625 038109 069839 1370427 017646 Disposable Mechanical Pencil, 0.7 mm. Paper Mate Sharpwriter, Yellow, 12/Pkg Dixon Oriole #2 Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg Dixon Oriole #2 Pre‐sharpened Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg Dixon Pencil ‐ Break‐Resistant ‐Pack of 144 Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2 Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 65 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 017652 017649 084452 1334644 042941 Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2.5 Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg Dixon Ticonderoga No. 3 Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg Grading Pencils, Red With Eraser ‐ 12/Pkg Lakeshore No 2. Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, EnviroStiks Non‐Toxic, 12/Pkg My First Ticonderoga Beginner Pencils With Eraser ‐ #2 ‐ 12/Box PKG PKG PKG PKG BOX $1.61 $1.70 $0.63 $1.84 $3.61 RA14121 017649 084452 SU28 042941 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty 078662 085002 084808 1400817 083275 049251 My First Ticonderoga Standard Tri‐Write Pencil, Without Erasers, Yellow, 36/Pkg Non‐Toxic Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, No 2 Tip, Assorted Color, 144/Pkg Non‐Toxic Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, No 2 Tip, Yellow, 144/Pkg Pencil No 2, Paper Mate Non‐Toxic, 2HB Medium Tip, Black, 12/Pkg Pencils ‐ 96/Pkg Pentel Pencil Leads, .5 mm Med. ‐ 12/Tube Pentel Pencil Quicker Clicker Automatic ‐ .7mm ‐ Jumbo Eraser ‐ 12 Lead Capacity ‐ Blue Barrel Pentel Pencil, Quicker Clicker Automatic, .5 mm, Black Barrel, Jumbo Eraser Red/Blue Grading Pencil ‐ 12/Pkg Ticonderoga Beginner's Pencil With Eraser ‐ 12/Pkg Ticonderoga Beginner's Pencil Without Eraser ‐ 12/Pkg Ticonderoga Laddie Pencil With Eraser ‐ 12/Pkg Ticonderoga Laddie Pencil With No Eraser ‐ 12/Pkg PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG TUBE $9.68 $6.19 $6.01 $1.26 $4.17 $0.46 078662 085002 084808 1400817 083275 RA04628 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $2.11 $2.15 $0.64 $3.32 $3.00 $2.91 $2.36 049227 RA04627 084451 730465 730460 017670 017664 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG $2.22 $1.70 $3.93 RA13890 076464 081985 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.39 $1.40 $1.40 $1.42 $1.42 $1.38 $1.39 $17.73 $1.40 $1.38 $1.39 $1.40 $1.53 $1.38 $1.53 237500 1370904 1370902 224721 224820 227043 237638 357774 081035 227040 081004 1370897 227058 227067 227049 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 049227 049224 084451 017673 1004651 017670 017664 DESCRIPTION 089890 Ticonderoga Noir Non‐Toxic Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, No 2 Tip, Black, Silver, 12/Pkg 076464 Ticonderoga Standard Tri‐Write Pencil ‐ Yellow ‐ 12/pkg 081985 Ticonderoga Standard Tri‐Write Pencils, Black Soft Finish ‐ 12/Pkg PENCILS ‐ SPECIALTY 237500 Candy Cane Award Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 1370904 Easter Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 1370902 Halloween Glitz Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 224721 Happy Birthday Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 224820 Happy Thanksgiving Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 227043 Merry Christmas Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 237638 Moon Products Pencil, Second Graders Are #1 ‐ 12/Pkg 357774 Motivation Themed 4 Design Award Pencils ‐ 144/Pkg 081035 Motivational Pencil, Excellent Work ‐ 12/Pkg 227040 Season Greetings From Your Teacher Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 081004 Shamrock Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 1370897 Snowman Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 227058 Student Of the Week Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 227067 Valentines Day Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 227049 Welcome To Our Class Pencils ‐ 12/Pkg 66 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 076356 081775 079473 027226 027470 027343 027468 027465 027469 027466 038403 038405 081776 038404 087115 038158 038159 1406060 079447 079446 079448 079452 079450 079451 1400824 1438014 079455 027328 027340 027349 079456 079458 087176 1312526 079453 079454 1296224 081489 DESCRIPTION PENS Antimicrobial Counter Pen, Medium Point, 24 Steel Chain, Self Stick Pad BIC Atlantis Pen, Easy Glide Ballpoint, Medium Tip, Clear Barrel, 12/Pkg ‐ Blue BIC Atlantis Pen, Retractable Ballpoint, Medium Tip, 12/Pkg ‐ Black Bic Cristal Ballpoint Stick Pens, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Bic Round Stic Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Bic Round Stic Pen, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Green Bic Round Stic Pen, Fine Point ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Round Stic Pen, Medium Point ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Round Stic Pen, Medium Point ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Round Stic Pen, Medium Point ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip Pen, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip Pen, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip Pen, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Purple Bic Ultra Round Stic Grip Pen, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red BIC Velocity Roller Gel Pen, Retractable, Medium Tip, 12/Pkg ‐ Red Classroom Select ‐ Ball Point Pen ‐ Medium Point ‐ 12/pkg Classroom Select Ball Point Pen ‐ Medium Point ‐ Red ‐ 12/pkg Inkjoy Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 550RT Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Pkg Paper Mate Ballpoint Pen Flexgrip Ultra Stick, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red Paper Mate Ballpoint Pen Flexgrip Ultra Stick, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Ballpoint Pen Flexgrip Ultra Stick, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Ballpoint Pens Flexgrip Ultra Stick, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Ballpoint Pens Flexgrip Ultra Stick, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Ballpoint Pens Flexgrip Ultra Stick, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red Paper Mate InkJoy Pen, 300 RT Retractable, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate InkJoy Pen, 500 RT Retractable with Metal Clip, 1 mm Medium Tip, Blue Ink/Barrel, 12/Pkg Paper Mate Pen Flexgrip Ultra Retractable, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Pen Stick, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Pen Stick, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Pen Stick, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red Paper Mate Pen, Flexgrip Elite, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Pen, Flexgrip Elite, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Pen, Flexgrip Elite, Retractable, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Pen, Flexgrip Ultra Retractable, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Pen, Flexgrip Ultra Retractable, Med Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Pen, Flexgrip Ultra Retractable, Med Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Paper Mate Pen, Profile Ballpoint, 1.4 mm, Red ‐ 12/Pkg Paper Mate Pen, Profile Retractable, Big 1.4 mm Tip ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG DOZ PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG DOZ DOZ PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.52 $6.81 $7.12 $1.99 $0.97 $1.04 $0.96 $0.97 $0.97 $0.97 $1.69 $1.71 $1.71 $1.71 $5.74 $0.50 $0.50 $8.53 $8.36 $8.36 $8.36 $8.36 $8.36 $8.36 $3.29 076356 081775 079473 027226 027470 027343 027468 027465 027469 027466 038403 038405 081776 038404 087115 038158 038159 1406060 079447 079446 079448 079452 079450 079451 1400824 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $6.55 $10.14 $1.04 $1.04 $1.04 $6.02 $5.74 $7.12 $15.45 $10.14 $10.14 $6.30 $7.12 1438014 079455 027328 027340 027349 079456 079458 087176 1312526 079453 079454 1296224 081489 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 67 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG SET PKG $7.40 $1.11 $3.06 081491 1469130 1453401 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $6.94 $5.16 $5.27 $5.16 $5.27 $5.12 RA20591 RA05499 077368 RA05498 077365 077366 Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG $4.04 $7.66 1465719 087182 School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG PKG PKG SET SET PKG EACH $0.91 $0.61 $0.61 $0.61 $8.88 $7.44 $0.50 $1.59 076357 038162 038164 038163 1437869 398702 086331 089404 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG $7.74 $13.48 $5.57 $15.22 $15.24 1390860 1496243 1496239 1084203 1315421 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG $15.64 $2.25 1073136 1400768 School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG $15.64 $8.08 $8.08 $12.81 1073135 1296246 1296247 1437424 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1117189 Pentel Gel Pen EnerGel Refillable Retractable, 0.7 mm Metal Tip, Black Ink/Barrel EACH $1.85 1117189 School Specialty 1117193 Pentel Gel Pen EnerGel Refillable Retractable, 0.7 mm Needle Tip, Black Ink/Barrel EACH $1.85 1117193 School Specialty 081491 Paper Mate Pen, Profile Retractable, Big 1.4 mm Tip ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 1469130 Papermate InkJoy Pen Set, Medium Tip, Assorted Fashion Color, 8/Set 1453401 Pencil Grip Ballpoint Pen With Stylus, Black Ink ‐ 3/Pkg 711768 077367 077368 077363 077365 077366 Pentel Gel Pens EnerGel Liquid Steel Tip, Retractable, .7mm, Assorted Colors ‐ 6/Pkg Pentel Pen R.S.V.P., Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Pentel Pen R.S.V.P., Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red Pentel Pen R.S.V.P., Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Pentel Pen R.S.V.P., Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Pentel Pen RSVP Medium Point, 12/Pkg ‐ Violet 1465719 Pilot Dr. Grip Center of Gravity Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink 087182 Pilot Precise V5 Roller Ball Pen, Extra Fine Tip, Assorted Color, 7/Pkg Preventa Anti‐Microbial Counter Replacement Pen with 24 in Chain, Medium Tip, Black 076357 Ink/Barrel 038162 Round Stick Pens, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black 038164 Round Stick Pens, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 038163 Round Stick Pens, Fine Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red 1437869 Sakura Micron Color, No 5 Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 8/Set 398702 Sakura Micron Pens, Assorted Sizes ‐ Black ‐ 6/Set 086331 Stick Pen Round, Medium Tip, Purple, 12/Pkg 089404 Uni‐ball Jetstream Retractable Rollerball Pens, Blue, 0.7 mm Tip PENS ‐ GEL 1390860 Gel Pen, Rollerball Retractable, Zebra ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Assorted Colors 1496243 Gel Pen, Zebra Sarasa Retractable ‐ Red ‐ 12/Pkg 1496239 Gel Pen, Zebra Sarasa Rollerball Retractable ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 1084203 Gel Pen, Zebra Sarasa, Rollerball Retractable ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black 1315421 Gel Pen, Zebra Sarasa, Rollerball Retractable, ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Forest Green 1073136 Gel Pens Zebra J‐Roller RX ‐ Non‐Refillable, Medium Point, 0.7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 1400768 Gel Pens, Med. Retractable, 12/Pkg, Black 1073135 1296246 1296247 1437424 Gel Pens, Zebra J‐Roller RX ‐ Non‐Refillable, Medium Point, 0.7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Paper Mate Gel Pen, Retractable, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black Papermate Gel Pens, Medium Point, Retractable, 12/ Pkg ‐ Blue Pen Pilot Frixion Ball Erasable Gel Fine Black 12/Pkg 68 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 1312572 Pentel Gel Pen, EnerGel Refillable ‐ 0.7 mm Tip, Red Ink 1117191 1398702 1398696 1437589 1492180 1398695 089207 027631 027632 1077746 1334281 079474 079475 1492308 027232 000645 027346 1400762 038136 038138 038137 072321 072326 Pentel Gel Pen, EnerGel Refillable Retractable, 0.7 mm Metal Tip, Blue Ink/Barrel Pilot G‐2 Retractable Gel Ink Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Extra‐Fine Tip, Red, 12/Pkg Pilot G‐2 Retractable Gel Rollerball, Fine Point ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg Pilot G‐2 Retractable Gel Rollerball, Fine Point ‐ Blue ‐ 12/Pkg Pilot G2 Retractable Rollerball Gel Pen Set, Assorted Colors ‐ 20/Set Pilot G‐Tec‐C4 Ultra Fine Point Gel Ink Pens, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Pkg Pilot Precise V5 RT Retractable Rollerball Pen, Extra Fine Point, Black Uni‐Ball Gel Grip Pen, Med Point ‐ Black Uni‐Ball Gel Grip Pen, Med Point ‐ Red Uni‐Ball Gel Pen, Impact Retractable ‐ Gel Impact ‐ Red PENS ‐ STICK / RETRACTABLE Ballpoint Pens, Zebra Z‐Grip Retractable, Med. Point, ‐ Red Bic Atlantis Pen, Retractable Pen, Medium Point, 12/Pkg ‐ Blue Bic Atlantis Pen, Retractable, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red BIC BU3 Ballpoint Pen, Medium Tip ‐ 18/Pkg ‐ Black Bic Stick Ball Point Pen ‐ Medium Point ‐ Blue ‐ 12/pkg Bic Teacher's Pen, 4 Color Retractable, Medium Point Paper Mate Ballpoint Pen, 0.8 mm Fine Tip, Black Ink ‐ 12/Pkg Retractable Grip Ball Pen, Medium ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue PENS, EXPRESSO Paper Mate Pen, Liquid Expresso, Extra Fine Point ‐ Black Paper Mate Pen, Liquid Expresso, Extra Fine Point ‐ Blue Paper Mate Pen, Liquid Expresso, Extra Fine Point ‐ Red Pilot Precise V5 Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Extra‐Fine Tip, Black Pilot Precise V7 Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Black Ink/Barrel RECYCLED / GREEN PENS 1335064 Pentel Pen Recycology RSVP Retractable Ball Point, Med. Point, RT BK93, Black ‐ 12/Pkg 1077192 Pentel Recycology Rolling Writer R100 Pen, .8 mm Tip ‐ Black ‐ 12/Pkg 1077195 Pentel Recycology Rolling Writer R100 Pen, .8 mm Tip ‐ Green ‐ 12/Pkg PENS, SWIRL 037230 Swirl Double Ended Pen, Fine Point ‐ Red/Black 037227 Swirl Double Ended Pen, Fine Point ‐ Red/Blue PENS, UNIBALL 077372 Bic Grip Roller Ball Pen, Micro Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black 077374 Bic Grip Roller Ball Pen, Micro Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 077376 Bic Grip Roller Ball Pen, Micro Point, .07‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red 081490 Paper Mate Pen, Profile Retractable, Big 1.4 mm Tip, 12/Pkg, Red U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $1.80 1312572 School Specialty EACH PKG PKG PKG SET PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.85 $11.92 $12.04 $10.54 $17.40 $6.06 $1.28 $0.90 $0.90 $2.95 1117191 1398702 1398696 1437589 1492180 1398695 089207 027631 027632 1077746 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG PKG PKG DOZ EACH PKG PKG $7.28 $7.19 $7.15 $3.59 $1.83 $1.45 $1.04 $1.43 1122243 079474 079475 1492308 027232 000645 027346 1400762 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.36 $1.36 $1.36 $1.07 $1.07 038136 038138 038137 072321 072326 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG $6.25 $12.77 $11.67 1335064 1077192 1077195 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $0.56 $0.56 037230 037227 School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG $6.56 $6.56 $6.99 $7.12 077372 077374 077376 081490 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 69 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 084454 Roller Ball, Fine Point .3 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black 084456 Roller Ball, Fine Point .3 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 084455 Roller Ball, Fine Point .3 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red Uni‐Ball 207 Comfort Grip Refillable Retractable Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Assorted 389841 Color, 8/Pkg 087119 Uni‐Ball 207 Gel Pen. Retractable, Micro Tip ‐ Black 087121 Uni‐Ball 207 Gel Pen. Retractable, Micro Tip ‐ Blue 087120 Uni‐Ball 207 Gel Pen. Retractable, Micro Tip ‐ Red 1400828 Uni‐Ball 207 Retractable Textured Grip Rollerball Gel Pen, 1 mm Bold Tip, Black 087117 Uni‐Ball 207 Textured Grip Gel Pen. Retractable, Med Tip, Purple Uni‐Ball Deluxe Fade and Water Resistant Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Black Ink, 023124 Champagne Barrel 246141 Uni‐Ball Gel 207 Impact Gel Pen, 1 mm Bold Tip, Black 246138 Uni‐ball Gel Impact Silver Metallic 079127 Uni‐ball Roller Pen, Fine Point .7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black 079129 Uni‐ball Roller Pen, Fine Point .7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 079130 Uni‐ball Roller Pen, Fine Point .7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Green 079128 Uni‐ball Roller Pen, Fine Point .7 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red 079125 Uni‐ball Stick Micro Point Roller Ball Pen ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red 069545 Uni‐ball Vision Elite Roller Ball Pen, Bold Point .8 mm, White Barrel ‐ Blue/Black Uni‐Ball Vision Non‐Refillable Waterproof Rollerball Pen Set, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Assorted 081646 Color Ink, Silver Barrel, 12/Set 002827 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Fine Point ‐ Black 002829 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Fine Point ‐ Blue 002905 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Fine Point ‐ Evergreen 002828 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Fine Point ‐ Red 023123 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Fine Point, Assorted Colors ‐ 5/Set 002824 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Micro Point ‐ Black 002826 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Micro Point ‐ Blue 002825 Uni‐ball Vision Roller Ball Pen, Micro Point ‐ Red PENS, W/ ERASERS 077369 Paper Mate Pen Erasermate, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Black 077371 Paper Mate Pen Erasermate, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Blue 077370 Paper Mate Pen Erasermate, Medium Point ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Red PHYSICAL FITNESS PLAYGOUND 1293616 10 Inch Playground Ball ‐ Red 1508415 Baseline Sit‐and‐Reach Flexibility Box 709870 Bean Bags, Numbers ‐ 10/Set 1384855 Scientific Stopwatch, 100 Min, 1/100 Sec ‐ 12/Set U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG $2.85 $2.65 $2.65 084454 084456 084455 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $6.96 $0.88 $0.88 $0.92 $0.87 $0.88 389841 087119 087121 087120 1400828 087117 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.23 $1.52 $1.55 $7.81 $7.81 $7.81 $7.81 $7.81 023124 246141 246138 079127 079129 079130 079128 079125 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $1.53 069545 School Specialty SET EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH $13.70 $1.14 $1.14 $1.14 $1.14 $5.78 $1.14 $1.14 $1.14 081646 002827 002829 002905 002828 023123 002824 002826 002825 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG $5.21 $5.21 $5.21 077369 077371 077370 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH SET EACH $2.31 $61.54 $11.27 $7.39 1293616 1508415 709870 XK556 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 70 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION Space Sand, Multi Color, 5 Lb Bucket Sportime Braided Nylon Lanyards ‐ Assorted Colors, 12/Pkg Sportime Max Kickball/Utility Ball 8‐1/2 In., Nylon Wound, Butyl Bladder StayN' Place Ball 60 cm ‐ Assorted Colors Transparent Plastic Color Paddles ‐ 18/Set Water Resistant Digital Stopwatch, Split Timing POCKET CHARTS 200262 28 X 28 Inch Mini Pocket Chart‐18 Pockets 085122 Adjustable Pocket Chart 34 X 60, 3 Sections 1370376 004774 016227 1318000 1006442 086889 388605 1283216 336706 200265 1397829 334696 081536 090651 336652 085123 286912 088149 1283229 336692 334646 088508 Building Words Tabletop Pocket Chart 18 X 13, Set Includes Chart, Stand, 100 Tiles Calendar and Weather Pocket Chart, 26 X 37‐1/4 In. Carson‐Dellosa Publishing Storage Pocket Chart 14 X 46‐1/2 Extra‐Wide Pocket Chart 57 X 40 Inch Learning Resources 2 and 4 Column Double Sided Pocket Chart Learning Resources Pocket Organization Station 28 X 45 Learning Resources Word Families Rhyming Pocket Chart, 28L X 37 1/2W, Three Clear Pocket Rows, 214 Coated Cards Place Value Table Top Pocket Chart 24 X 9 X 7 Grades 1‐3 Pocket Chart ‐ Junior Organization Station, 32 Pockets, Holds 3 X 5 Index Cards Pocket Chart 26 X 26 , Hundreds Counting Chart, 2 Inch Wide Pockets ‐ Page 36 of Math Catalog Pocket Chart 34 X 52, 10 Rows of Pockets Pocket Chart Stand, Adjusts From 42 to 68 Inches Stoplight Pocket Chart 14‐1/2 X 11‐1/2 Tabletop Pocket Chart, 18 X 13, 10 Clear Pockets on Front, Storage Pouch on Back, 25 Beginning Blends Starter Tiles, 77 Matching Tiles, Activity Guide Tabletop Pocket Chart, 18 X 13, 26 Different Word Families, 26 Word Family Starter Tiles, 78 Matching Tiles, Activity Guide Write On/Wipe Off Magnetic Tabletop Pocket Chart 22 X 12‐1/2 PORTFOLIOS / REPORT COVERS 081953 11 x 8‐1/2, Polypropylene Pocket Page with 16 Pockets, Tabs, Assorted Colors, 8/Pkg 2 Pocket Folders Has Business Card Holder On Inside Pocket, Leatherette ‐ Assorted 023254 Colors ‐ 25/Box 2 Pocket Folders, 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And 084900 Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Assorted Colors 084882 2 Pocket Folders, 9 X 12 ‐ Leatherette ‐ 25/Box ‐ Green 084886 2 Pocket Folders, 9 X 12 ‐ Leatherette ‐ 25/Box ‐ Assorted Colors 084885 2 Pocket Folders, 9 X 12 ‐ Leatherette ‐ 25/Box ‐ Yellow U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH PKG EACH EACH SET EACH $15.65 $2.29 $4.72 $18.85 $6.21 $1.10 1370376 004774 016227 1318000 1006442 086889 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $6.04 $12.91 200262 085122 School Specialty School Specialty SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $11.51 $18.52 $7.50 $8.65 $17.74 $16.78 388605 1283216 336706 200265 1397829 334696 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $18.01 $17.68 $12.40 081536 090651 336652 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $7.89 $10.27 $43.43 $14.00 530263 286912 088149 1283229 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $11.59 336692 School Specialty EACH EACH $11.59 $23.97 334646 088508 School Specialty School Specialty PKG $0.83 081953 School Specialty BOX $6.87 023254 School Specialty BOX BOX BOX BOX $3.36 $3.24 $3.24 $3.24 084900 084882 084886 084885 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 71 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 077665 2 Pocket Poly Portfolio, 3 Hole Fasteners ‐ Assorted Colors‐ 25/Pkg PKG $4.51 077665 School Specialty 090529 2 Pocket Poly Portfolio, Laminated 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Business Card Slot ‐ 25/Box ‐ Black BOX $19.77 090529 School Specialty BOX EACH EACH PKG $18.14 $0.86 $0.86 $3.85 087467 1436179 1436177 077666 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH BOX BOX EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $23.96 $4.02 $3.37 $1.21 $1.74 $1.57 $4.58 $4.93 023255 067505 081911 1370558 021630 081928 310310 RA03872 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH $3.84 1436568 School Specialty PKG $4.53 075560 School Specialty EACH EACH PKG $2.21 $2.68 $1.25 1436797 1516531 1308186 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $12.39 015780 School Specialty PKG $10.89 002037 School Specialty BOX $3.36 084899 School Specialty BOX $3.36 085142 School Specialty BOX $3.36 084894 School Specialty BOX $3.36 084893 School Specialty BOX $3.36 084895 School Specialty 087467 1436179 1436177 077666 023255 067505 081911 1370558 021630 081928 020844 020847 1436568 075560 1436797 1516531 1308186 015780 002037 084899 085142 084894 084893 084895 DESCRIPTION 2 Pocket Poly Portfolio, Laminated, Letter Folders, Business Card Slot ‐ 25/Box ‐ Red 2 Pocket Poly Portfolio, With Out Fasteners ‐ Black 2 Pocket Poly Portfolio, With Out Fasteners ‐ Blue 2 Pocket Poly Portfolio, Without Fasteners, Assorted Colors ‐ 25/Pkg 2 Pocket Portfolios Has Business Card Holder On Inside Pocket, Leatherette, 3 Hole Fastener ‐ 25/Box ‐ Assorted Color 2 Pocket Portfolios, With Fasteners ‐ 25/Box ‐ Assorted Colors 3 Fastener Report Covers, Assorted ‐ 25/Box 3‐1/2 In. Expanding File Pocket, Heavy Duty Premium ‐ Letter 8 Pocket Portfolio With Pockets 8 Pocket Project Organizer Artists' Red Fiber Portfolio ‐ 26 X 20 Artists' Red Fiber Portfolio ‐ 31 X 23 Avery Big Tab Plastic, 3‐Pocket Corner Lock Insertable Divider, 11 X 8‐1/2 In., Multiple Colors, 5/Pkg Avery Polypropylene Multi‐Page Capacity, 11 X 8‐1/2 Inch, Sheet Protector, Diamond Clear, Top Loading, 25/Pkg C‐Line Polypropylene 8 Pockets Spiral Bound Portfolio with Clear‐View Cover, Multiple Color C‐Line XL Document Case, Letter Size, Holds 500 Pages, No Color Choice Dividers with 8‐Tab, Insertable,Reinforced, Letter Size ‐ Buff/Multiple Color Esselte Pendaflex 1/3 Cut Double Top Reinforced Manila File Folder, Letter, 3/4 in Expansion, Medium Weight, 100/Pkg Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Extra Large Heavy Duty Jumbo Pocket Folder, 2 Pockets, 12 X 9 ‐ Red, 25/Pkg Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Dark Blue Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Black Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Green Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Light Blue Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Red 72 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 084896 084897 081925 081923 084889 084888 084891 084887 084892 084901 084902 084890 084904 333800 081931 1283095 1308293 084903 067506 532371 365433 038286 1437791 015348 015351 081893 081897 081903 1440831 1310256 DESCRIPTION Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ White Heavy Duty 2 Pocket 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders, Embossed Leatherine Portfolios, Closed On All 3 Sides And Edges Are Double Reinforced ‐ 25/Box ‐ Yellow Heavy Duty 2 Pocket Portfolios ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ Burgundy Heavy Duty 2 Pocket Portfolios ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ Dark Blue Heavy Duty 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11 Folder With Fasteners, Light Green ‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11, Folder With Fasteners, Black ‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11, Folder With Fasteners, White ‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11, Portfolio With Fasteners, Light Blue ‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty, 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11 Folders With Fasteners, Yellow ‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty, 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11, Assorted Colors‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty, 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11, Folder With Fasteners, Dark Blue ‐ 25/Pkg Heavy Duty, 2 Pocket, 8‐1/2 X 11, Portfolio with Fastener, Red ‐ 25/Pkg Heavyweight Sheet Protectors, 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ Non Glare Vinyl Top Load ‐ 50/Box Poly File Jackets, Holds 8‐1/2 X 11 Documents, Expands Up To 1 Inch, 2 Each: Blue, Green, Yellow, Red and Purple ‐ 10/Pkg Poly, 4 Pocket Portfolio, Expandable Wrap Around Flap With Closure Report Cover with 3 Hole Fastener Insert, 8‐1/2 X 11 Inch,Clear Front ‐ Red, 25/Pkg Sheet Protectors, 8‐1/2 X 11 ‐ Top‐Loading, Medium Weight ‐ 50/box Sheet Protectors, Side Load ‐ 50/Box Sheet Protectors, Top Load ‐ 100/Box Smart PAL Sleeve Covers Fluorescent ‐ 10/Set ‐ Page 10 of Math Catalog RULERS / COMPASS 12 In. Clear Plastic Ruler Class Pack, Inches & Metric ‐ 10/Set 12 In. C‐Thru Beveled Ruler, 1/16ths, W‐25 12 In. Flexible Stainless Steel Ruler with Cork Backing 12 In. Metal Edge Bevel Ruler, Double Bevel, Metric & Inch 12 In. Metal Edge Wood Bevel Ruler, Single Bevel 12 In. Non Metal Edge Wood Ruler, Single Bevel In 1/16 Scale 12 In. Non Metal Edge Wood Ruler, Single Bevel In 1/4 Scale 12 In. Non Metal Edge Wood Ruler, Single Bevel In 1/8 Scale 12 In. Plastic T‐Square 12 In. Ruler, Imperial and Metric, 1/16 In. Increments, Plastic ‐ Page 94 Math Catalog (Single Ruler From Item 531475) 1809697 12 In. Safe T Clear Plastic Rulers With Rounded Corners and Beveled Edges ‐ 12/Pkg 081891 12 In. Single Metal Edge Wood Ruler, Single Bevel In 1/16 Scale U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR BOX $3.36 084896 School Specialty BOX PKG PKG BOX PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG BOX $3.36 $1.06 $1.06 $4.46 $4.46 $4.46 $4.46 $4.46 $4.46 $4.46 $4.46 $1.99 084897 081925 081923 084889 084888 084891 084887 084892 084901 084902 084890 084904 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG EACH $7.86 $1.64 333800 081931 School Specialty School Specialty PKG BOX BOX BOX SET $16.79 $10.63 $7.89 $3.29 $13.60 1283095 1308293 077199 067506 534940 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.26 $0.70 $1.15 $0.16 $0.16 $0.12 $0.11 $0.15 $0.96 365433 038286 1437791 015348 015351 081893 081897 081903 1440831 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $0.13 560402 EAI Education PKG EACH $4.24 $0.20 180‐9697 081891 School Specialty School Specialty 73 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 1071739 006000 1069540 248853 1437792 248854 037487 077392 1440834 084410 336910 1369958 317835 089837 089838 084471 081887 404608 1392589 1473613 084409 061350 037989 089840 086072 081900 081902 081899 081901 29829 21223 372698 372701 1383321 DESCRIPTION 12 In. Standard Acrylic/Plastic Ruler ‐ Imperial and Metric with Holes for Binders, Clear ‐ Page 94 Math Catalog (Single Ruler from Item 531475) 12 In. Westcott Stainless Steel Inch‐Metric Ruler 12 Inch Triangular Architect Scale Ruler with Groove, 3/32, 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1‐ 1/2, 3 Inch Scales 18 In. Aluminum Ruler 18 In. Stainless Steel Ruler 24 In. Aluminum Ruler 24 In. Cork Back Inking Ruler 4 In. Protractor, Enamel Coated Metal ‐ White ‐ 36/Pkg 5‐3/4" x 8‐1/4" C‐Thru General Purpose Geometric Template 6 In. Clear 180 Degree Plastic Protractor, Ruler Base ‐ 12/Pkg 6 In. Protractor, 180 Degree, Assorted Colors, Plastic ‐ Page 104 Math Catalog (Single Protractor from Item 534433) 6 In. Ruler ‐ Metric and Standard, Double Beveled Edge See‐Through Acrylic ‐ Page 94 Math Catalog (Single Ruler From Item 531471) 6 in. Safe‐T Bulls Eye 3‐in‐1 Compass ‐ Pack of 10 Clear Flexible Ruler, 12 In., 1/16 Scale On One Side And Metric On The Other Clear Flexible Ruler, 6 In. Compass Replacement Pencils ‐ 144/Pkg Compass, 3/16 Short Point, Ball Bearing ‐ 12/Pkg C‐Thru 60/30 12 in., Transparent Triangle Graduate Compass Plastic Ruler, 6 in., Light‐Weight Strong, Pack of 6 Protractor with 4 Inch Ruler, 0 ‐ 180 Degree, Plastic, Clear ‐ 12/Pkg Safe‐T Compass 1/16 Graduation, 1/4 ‐ 10 In. Safe‐T Single Unit Retractable Tape Measure ‐ 60 In. Safety Compass With Plastic Body, Adjustable Round Tip Westcott Finger Grip Ruler, 12 Inches, Assorted Colors Wood Yardstick, Metal Ends In 1/8 Scale Wood Yardstick, Metal Ends In 1/8 Scale On One Side, Mm; Cm On Other Wood Yardstick, Plain Ends In 1/8 Scale Wood Yardstick, Plain Ends In 1/8 Scale On One Side, Mm; Cm On Other SCISSORS & TRIMMERS 24 Inch Cut Paper Trimmer ‐ Premier Martin Yale Heavy‐Duty ‐ A57102‐1024 4‐7/8 Inch, X‐ACTO Z Series Light‐Weight Replacement Blade, No 11, Stainless Steel Blade, Gold Hue, 5/Pkg 5 In. Fiskars Scissors For Kids ‐ Blunt 5 In. Fiskars Scissors For Kids ‐ Pointed 5 In. Fiskars Scissors For Kids, Blunt Tip, Black and Red U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $0.13 $1.88 560402 006000 EAI Education School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH PKG $7.89 $1.24 $1.94 $1.53 $3.51 $8.71 $0.69 $1.22 1069540 850053 1437792 850055 037487 077392 532794 084410 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty EACH $0.20 535018 EAI Education EACH PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $0.13 $8.95 $0.20 $0.10 $3.99 $3.17 $1.36 $1.05 $0.27 $0.73 $0.61 $0.49 $0.26 $0.49 $0.99 $0.98 $0.74 $0.78 560753 317835 089837 089838 084471 081887 404608 1392589 1473613 084409 061350 RA17510 089840 086072 081900 081902 081899 081901 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $199.00 PREMIER W24 Pyramid School Prod. PKG EACH EACH EACH $1.85 $1.35 $1.35 $1.31 RA17933 372698 372701 1383321 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 74 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 086334 086337 086333 054839 1436412 5 In. Kid's Scissors ‐ Blunt, Lefty 5 In. Kid's Scissors ‐ With Rack, Pointed ‐ 12/Pkg 5 In. Kleen‐Cut Kids Pointed Scissors 5 In. Pointed Fiskars For Kids Soft Grip Scissors ‐ Left Hand 5 in. Safety Scissor for Kids, Multiple 6 in. Fiskars Bulk Pointed Tip Big Kids Scissor, Stainless Steel Blade, Ergonomic, Assorted Colors 6 In. Scissors For Kids, Blunt 6‐1/4 in, Pointed Tip Student Scissor for Middle School ‐12/Pkg 7 In. Fiskars Scissors/Shears ‐ Pointed Tip, Straight 7 In. Value Scissors, Stainless Steel ‐ Straight 8 in. Fiskars Pointed Tip Graduate Scissor, Straight Handle, Red/Blue/Black 8 In. Fiskars Scissors/Shears ‐ Left Hand Bent 8 In. Fiskars Scissors/Shears ‐ Right Hand Bent 8 In. Fiskars Soft Grip Scissors ‐ Straight 8 In. Fiskars Straight Scissor, Soft Grip Contoured Handle, Assorted Color, Titanium Coated ‐ 2/Pkg 8 In. Professional Scissor, Stainless Steel Blade, Comfort Grip Handle 8 In. Snip Loop Scissors 8 In. Straight Scissor 8 In. Value Scissors, Bent 8 In. Value Scissors, Bent, Stainless Steel Fiskars 7 In. Student Scissor, Stainless Steel Blade, Blue/Green or Purple Fiskars Class Pack Caddy With 24 Blunt Tip Kids Scissors ‐ Multiple Colors Fiskars For Kids Scissors With Rack, Universal Plastic Handles, Blunt ‐ 12/Set Paper Edger Scissors ‐ 6/Set EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $0.67 $6.56 $0.67 $2.21 $1.71 086334 086337 086333 054839 1436412 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.75 $0.79 $7.48 $2.37 $1.30 $2.58 $7.03 $6.53 $3.46 1435667 086340 086343 036080 084850 1326614 RA08613 371747 RA12991 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET $6.91 $2.73 $0.67 $0.71 $0.71 $1.53 $0.87 $33.11 $17.02 $2.73 1435084 1401997 084838 085007 085008 084851 RA13438 089631 800846 085067 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Paper Trimmer Cutter With Wood Base, Steel Blade, Up To 15 Sheets, 15 Inches Pointed Kids Fiskars Scissors,12/Set Scissor Classroom Pack with Rack, Assorted Colors, 24 Safety Scissors Self‐Healing Cutting Mat ‐ 18 X 24 In. Wood Scissor Rack, Holds Up To 50 Pair Of 4 To 6 Inch Scissors X‐Acto Adjustable Heavy Duty Paper Trimmer, 12 X 12 X‐ACTO X‐Life Bulk Shart Point Replacement Blade, No 11, Carbon Steel Blade, Silver, 447227 Blud Oxidized ‐ 100/Pkg EACH SET PKG EACH EACH EACH $32.72 $16.32 $27.85 $9.98 $10.89 $38.79 1485663 024895 259224 409206 085048 316437 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $18.31 447227 School Specialty 082205 X‐Actor Commercial Grade Paper Cutter, High Use, 18 X 18 X 3/4 In. ‐ Wood Base SEATING CHARTS / NAME PLATES EACH $75.00 XACTO 26358 Pyramid School Prod. 080865 20 X 5 Intermediate Desk Plate for Comtemporary Cursive And Nameplate ‐ 36/Pkg PKG $4.10 080865 School Specialty 1435667 086340 086343 000894 084850 1326614 371750 371747 1368403 1435084 1401997 084838 085007 085008 084851 1401996 089631 800846 085067 1485663 024895 259224 409206 085047 316437 75 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 080864 090247 1471400 1329507 1334978 1334980 1334979 29560 1375968 20 X 5 Intermediate Desk Plate for Traditional Cursive And Nameplate ‐ 36/Pkg 5 Seasonal Designs Personal Chart and Sticker Set, 2‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 in, Set of 120 Color Name Plates, 11 X 3‐1/2 In.‐ 30/Pkg Desk Nameplates ‐ Alphabet Traditional ‐ 36/Pkg Kids Name Plates, Smiling Stick ‐ 36/Pkg Name Plates, Dots on Black ‐ 36/Pkg Name Plates, Monkey Business ‐ 36/Pkg School Smart Student Group Chart ‐ 26 x 27 ‐ 35 pockets ‐ 085126 Traditional Manuscript Name Plates, Gr. 1‐2 SENTENCE SLIPS 1‐1/2 X 22 Carson Dellosa Student Number Lines ‐ 30/Pkg 3 X 24 Inch, 1‐1/2 Inch Blue Ruling, Sentence Strip, 3/4 in Dotted Midline, 1 in Descender Space, Kaleidoscope, 100/Pkg 3 X 24 Sentence Strips, Tag With 1‐1/2 Blue Ruling, 3/4 Dotted Midline And 1 Descender Space ‐ Manila‐ 100 Pkg 3 X 24 Sentence Strips, Tag With 1‐1/2 Blue Ruling, 3/4 Dotted Midline And 1 Descender Space ‐ White ‐ 100 Pkg Desk Nameplate, Colorful Stripes, 36/Pkg Desk Nameplates, Apples, 36/Pkg Desk Nameplates, Frogs, 36/Pkg Desk Tape, Manuscript Alphabet, 36 Self‐Adhesive File 'N Save System, Sentence Strips Storage Box Nameplate Variety Pack, 2‐7/8 X 9‐1/2 In., 32/Pkg Owl Notepad ‐ 50 Sheet Pad School Themed Notepad Set, 50 Sheets Each ‐ 3/Set Sentence Strips ‐ Rainbow Assorted ‐ 100/Pkg SPECIALTY PAPER 8‐1/2 X 11 Pacon Copy Paper, Assorted Colors ‐ 500/Ream 1369549 8‐1/2 X 11 Parchment Paper, 24 lb, Ivory ‐ 500/Box 8‐1/2 X 11 Plain Newsprint‐Arithmetic Paper ‐ Canary ‐ 500/Ream 8‐1/2 X 11 Sax Plain Newsprint Arithmetic Paper ‐ White ‐ 500/Ream Astrobrights Premium Color Paper, Mixed Carton, 5‐Colors, 8 1/2 X 11, 24/60Lb, Smooth Finish, 500/Pack ‐ 5/Pkg Chart Paper, 27 X 34 ‐ 4/Case Parchment, 8‐1/2 X 11, 24 lb, Gray ‐ 500/Box Post‐It, Presentation Easel Pad, 25 x 30, 25 Sheets/Pad PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG $4.04 $14.25 $8.40 $2.02 $2.62 $2.62 $2.62 $5.43 $4.98 080864 090247 1471400 1329507 1334978 1334980 1334979 085126 1375968 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $4.56 076764 School Specialty PKG $1.71 000267 School Specialty PKG $1.26 006468 School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH SET PKG $1.25 $1.99 $1.99 $1.99 $3.62 $3.50 $2.13 $1.74 $3.54 $1.38 006471 1329506 1329508 1329504 1319454 067425 1361842 1329551 384614 006465 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty REAM BOX REAM REAM $10.07 $31.58 $2.32 $1.81 1369549 1077954 085253 085250 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH CASE BOX EACH $41.75 $34.62 $28.40 $16.64 1397889 1495762 1111612 TA3385 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning PKG $21.41 408983 School Specialty PKG $4.03 085470 School Specialty 076764 000267 006468 006471 1329506 1329508 1329504 1319454 067425 1361842 1329551 384614 006465 28468 1077954 085253 085250 1397889 1495762 1111612 1369505 408983 Roylco Patterned Craft Paper Classroom Pack, 8 1/2 X 11, Assorted Colors ‐ 248/Pkg SPELLING BLANKS / SLIPS 085470 Spelling Blank Books, 4 X 7 ‐ 24 Pgs‐12/Pkg 76 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 085472 Spelling Blank Books, 5‐1/2 X 8‐1/2 ‐ 48 Pgs ‐ 24/Pkg 085473 Spelling Blank Slips, 4 X 10‐1/2 ‐ Ruled 3/8 SW, 16# ‐ 500/Ream 1486644 Spelling Tablet, Ruled, Up To 25 Words/Page, 4 X 9, 40 Sheets/Pad STAMPS ‐ STAMP PADS 080799 1 Inch Jumbo See & Stamp Plastic Transparent Stamp, Lowercase Alphabet 1054330 Dap‐on Ink For Stamp Pads ‐ 2 0z.‐ Black 1313506 Dater Stamp 'Received', Self Inking Line ‐ Red/Blue 080873 Educational Insights Washable Stamp Pad, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 ‐ Black 408848 Jumbo Circular Washable Ink Pad, 6 In. ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 10/Set 408849 Jumbo Circular Washable Paint/Ink Pads 084906 Pre Inked Stamp Pad ‐ Size 1, Med ‐ Black 084907 Pre Inked Stamp Pad ‐ Size 1, Med ‐ Blue 084909 Pre Inked Stamp Pad ‐ Size 1, Med ‐ Red 361704 Red Scented Stamp Pad ‐ Apple Rubber Alphabet Stamps ‐ Uppercase ‐ ED1470 & Lowercase ‐ ED1471 ‐ 34 Stamps Each 041103 Set ‐ Page 199 of Elementary Catalog 255129 Rubber Stamps Alphabets‐Lowercase ‐ 3/4 In. 373661 Rubber Stamps For Teacher ‐ Notes From The Teacher ‐ 9/Set 1314480 Stamp Refill Inks ‐ Black 1314481 Stamp Refill Inks ‐ Blue 1314482 Stamp Refill Inks ‐ Red 084908 Washable Stamp Pad ‐ 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 ‐ Green 080870 Washable Stamp Pad ‐ 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 ‐ Orange 080871 Washable Stamp Pad ‐ 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 ‐ Red 373641 Washable Stamp Pad, Blue/Blueberry Scent 280691 Washable Stamp Pad, Non Toxic ‐ Blue 205937 Washable Stamp Pad, Non Toxic ‐ Green 1371225 Washable Stamp Pad, Non Toxic, 2‐7/8 X 2 ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 18/Set 373642 Washable Stamp Pad, Purple/Grape Scent STICKERS 1 In. Stinky Sticker Seasonal and Holiday Large Round Variety Jumbo Pack Sticker, 322236 432/Pkg PKG REAM EACH $11.85 $1.59 $0.84 085472 085473 1486644 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $11.55 $2.40 $43.09 $2.90 $32.46 $13.31 $0.42 $0.42 $0.42 $2.90 080799 1054330 1313506 080873 408848 408849 084906 084907 084909 361704 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH $19.95 $8.97 $8.91 $5.38 $5.38 $5.38 $0.33 $2.98 $2.98 $2.90 $3.30 $3.30 $20.66 $2.91 104848+104849 255129 373661 1314480 1314481 1314482 084908 080870 080871 373641 280691 205937 1371225 1536853 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG $6.27 322236 School Specialty 1005007 1 X 1‐1/8 Inch Instructional Fair 720 Reward Stickers Positive Power Sticker Book EACH $8.27 1005007 School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG $6.27 $6.27 $4.34 $3.61 372213 387223 387224 387218 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 372213 387223 387224 387218 DESCRIPTION 1‐1/4 In. Sparkle Sticker Holiday Celebrations Themed Jumbo Pack Sticker ‐ 648/Pkg 3/4 In. Stinky Sticker Smiles and Stars Variety Pack Sticker, 648/Pkg 3/4 In. Stinky Sticker Smiles Variety Pack Sticker, 432/Pkg 3/8 In. Super Spots Colorful Sparkle Smiles Variety Pack Sticker, 1300/Pkg 77 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 068253 1005004 1496276 1442094 372216 1439769 214932 070385 070386 070384 079981 1006297 251097 351902 351905 1401763 079982 241985 1330091 1330087 1330092 079979 1330089 1330090 1330088 436916 214947 013083 006183 006219 006969 006216 006237 006222 006204 006186 006192 DESCRIPTION 3/8 Inch, Teacher Created Resources Assorted Colors Smiles Self‐Stick Sticker, Assorted Colors, 6864/Pkg All Seasons Reward Stickers ‐ 1020 Stickers Everyday Assortment Sticker Set ‐ 1700/Set Foil Stars Labels 1/2 ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 440/Pkg Jumbo Pack Stickers, Sparkle Sticker School Fun Themed, 648/Pkg Positive Power Sticker Book, 7 Pages, 11 X 8‐1/2 In. Reward Stickers Holidays and Seasons Sticker Book, 1 X 1‐1/8 In. ‐ 360/Pkg Sparkle Smiles Self‐Stick Sticker, 1 Inch, Assorted Colors ‐ 600/Pkg Sparkle Smiles Self‐Stick Sticker, 3/8 Inches, Assorted Colors ‐ 2640/Pkg Sparkle Star Self‐Stick Sticker, 1/2 Inch, Assorted Colors ‐ 2940/Pkg Sparkle Variety Pack Sticker, 1‐1/4 X 13/32 ‐ 800/Pkg Sticker Set, Super Shapes Colorful Sparkle Stars, 1300/Pkg Stinky Sticker Kid's Choice, Super Sniff Sticker, 480/Pkg Stinky Sticker Positive Words Value Pack, 300/Pkg Stinky Sticker Praise Words Jumbo Pack, 432/Pkg Stinky Sticker Sweet Scent Scratch n Sniff Sticker Set, 480/Set Variety Pack Incentive Sticker, Positive Messages, 9000/Pkg Variety Pack Incentive Stickers, Shapes Colossal ‐ 5100/Pkg Variety Pack Sticker Set, Sparkle Sticker School Days Fun, Assorted Color, 648/Set Variety Pack Sticker Set, Super Spots Animal Friends, Assorted Color, 2500/Set Variety Pack Sticker, Sparkle Sticker Animal Fun, 648/Pkg Variety Pack Sticker, Stinky Classic , 720/Pkg Variety Pack Sticker, Super Spots Positive Praisers, 2500/Pkg Variety Pack Stickers, Neon Smiles, 2500/Pkg Variety Pack Stickers, Seasons , 2500/Pkg TISSUE PAPER Color Art Tissue Paper 20 x 30 ‐ Scarlet ‐ 24/Pkg KolorFast Craft Tissue 20 X 30 ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ Assortment Spectra Art Tissue Paper 12 X 18 ‐ 25 Colors ‐ 100/Pkg Spectra Art Tissue Paper 12 X 18, 10 Color Assortment ‐ 50 Sheet/Pkg Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Black Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Chinese Red Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Emerald Green Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ National Blue Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Orange Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Purple Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ White Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 ‐ 24 Sheets/Pkg ‐ Yellow U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG EACH SET PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG SET PKG PKG $9.91 $9.01 $9.08 $0.72 $6.27 $5.74 $5.00 $9.91 $9.91 $9.91 $7.39 $3.61 $6.27 $4.34 $6.27 $6.27 $12.07 $7.24 068253 1005004 1496276 1442094 372216 1439769 214932 070385 070386 070384 FG721 1006297 251097 351902 351905 1401763 079982 241985 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $6.27 $3.61 $6.27 $12.07 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 1330091 1330087 1330092 079979 1330089 1330090 1330088 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $1.46 $10.20 $3.06 $1.98 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $1.64 $0.77 $1.63 RA15807 214947 013083 006183 006219 006969 006216 006237 006222 006204 006186 006192 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 78 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 006177 Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30 , 20 Color Assortment ‐ 20 Sht/Pkg 006180 Spectra Art Tissue Paper 20 X 30, 20 Color Assortment ‐ 100 Sheet/Pkg WRITING AND WHITE BOARDS 1402898 8"x7‐1/8" Double Sided Magnetic Boards‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Page 129 of Math Catalog 1325120 9 X 12 Dry Erase Pupil Boards, Unruled ‐ 10/Set Dooley Boards, Double‐Sided Dry‐Erase Marker Board with Easel Stand, 10 X 10, 1468358 Aluminum Frame 088347 Double Sided Learning Dry Erase Board, Expo ‐ 8.9 X 11.8 1401879 Double Sided X‐Y Coordinate Boards ‐ 10/Set‐ Page 129 of Math Catalog 087786 Dry Erase Paddle w/ Marker ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set 087786 1369551 Dry Erase Paper Roll, Adhesive Back ‐ 18 In. X 20' 1325094 Dry Erase Pupil Boards, Unruled ‐ 12 X 18 ‐ 10/Set 1404238 Dry Erase Writing Surface Self‐Adhesive, White ‐ 24 X 36 In. 1466771 Dry‐Erase Board, 20 X 30, Foam, Glossy ‐ 10/Pkg 1396285 Evan Moor Daily Reading Comprehension, Grade 3 1439090 Flipside Dry Erase Board ‐ 18 X 24 ‐ Black 1461984 Flipside Dry Erase Board w/ Eraser and Marker, 9‐1/2 X 12, White ‐ 36/Set Flipside Dry‐Erase Answer Paddle Set, 7 X 12, Single Sided, 12 Answer Paddles, Pens, and 1461985 Erasers ‐ 36/Set 29280 Helix Assorted Font Lettering Guide ‐ 4/Set ‐ Nasco 1439074 Learning Board 11 X 8‐1/4 In. GoWrite Non‐Adhesive Recyclable, 3/4 In. Ruling ‐ 30/Pkg Learning Boards 8.9 X 11.8 ‐ Dry Erase, Double Sided, Blank On One Side And Skip‐A‐Line 088348 Ruled On The Other 200745 Magnetic Dry Erase Board, 24 X 36 1066334 Magnetic Marker Board W/ Alum Trim ‐ 5' X 3' 1435424 Magnetic Ten Frame & Part‐Part‐Whole Dry‐Erase Boards 070628 Magnetic Wipe Off Boards ‐ 30 X 23 1402221 Marker Board W/ Wood Trim ‐ 4' X 4' 608548 Porcelain Steel Marker Boards, 4' X 12' ‐ Dry Erase 1389156 Portable Magnetic Marker Board Easel 1437850 Reusable Dry Erase Pockets ‐ 9 X 12 ‐ 10/Pkg 1437851 Reusable Dry Erase Pockets ‐ 6 X 9 ‐ 10/Set 1470892 Scholastic Comprehension Lessons for RTI 088582 Scholastic Hi‐Lo Passages to Build Comprehension, Grades 5 to 6 1490812 Table Top Easel Magnetic/Dry Erase Board 679458 Table Top Easel, 19 W x 17 D x 19 H in, Two Magnetic Dry Erase Boards, Blue 1334760 Whiteboard Cleaner, Expo Non‐Toxic, 22 oz 075479 Whiteboard Eraser, Expo Precision Point, Blue U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG $1.73 $6.19 006177 006180 School Specialty School Specialty PKG SET $16.90 $6.59 520641 1325120 EAI Education School Specialty EACH EACH SET SET EACH SET EACH PKG EACH EACH SET $6.18 $2.94 $13.90 $69.18 $12.58 $10.40 $20.01 $24.95 $15.72 $5.05 $28.66 1467422 088347 534054 087786 1369551 1325094 1404238 1466771 1396285 1439090 1461984 School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty SET SET $37.05 $4.19 1461985 RA15035 School Specialty Triarco Art PKG $17.68 1439074 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $3.31 $15.97 $151.36 $8.49 $7.89 $91.76 $390.92 $82.84 $9.60 $7.11 $9.28 $5.95 $24.23 $52.83 $5.76 $3.89 088348 200745 1066334 1435424 070628 1402221 608548 1389156 1437850 1437851 1470892 088582 1490812 679458 1334760 075479 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 79 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 315243 1451284 1436240 1436244 1436243 1436242 1436239 362450 362459 362462 1330062 1451279 1451280 1451282 1451283 1451276 1451277 1451292 1451293 1451294 253929 1451295 252876 1451289 1451290 253932 1451296 1451285 1439241 436553 413621 28548 28513 28547 28522 28514 DESCRIPTION YARN / FELT / GLITTER Acrylic Yarn Pack, 5 ft, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 10 Craft Glitter with Shaker Tops ‐ 3/4 Ounce, Assorted Colors, 6/Set Craft Yarn ‐ 3 oz ‐ Black Craft Yarn ‐ 3 oz ‐ Brown Craft Yarn ‐ 3 oz ‐ Green Craft Yarn ‐ 3 oz ‐ Matador Red Craft Yarn ‐ 3 oz ‐ White Decorator Felt ‐ 36 X 36‐ Black Decorator Felt 36 X 36 ‐ Fire Red Decorator Felt 36 X 36 ‐ White Decorator Felt Sheets 9 X 12 ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ Assorted Glitter ‐ 4 Ounce ‐ Blue Glitter ‐ 4 Ounce ‐ Gold Glitter ‐ 4 Ounce ‐ Green Glitter ‐ 4 Ounce ‐ Multiple Colors Glitter ‐ 4 Ounce ‐ Red Glitter ‐ 4 Ounce ‐ Silver Glitter ‐ Blue ‐ 1 Lb Glitter ‐ Gold ‐ 1 Lb Glitter ‐ Green ‐ 1 Lb Glitter ‐ Magenta ‐ 1 Lb Glitter ‐ Multiple Colors ‐ 1 Lb Glitter ‐ Orange ‐ 1 Lb Glitter ‐ Red ‐ 1 lb Glitter ‐ Silver ‐ 1 lb Glitter ‐ Sky Blue ‐ 1 Lb Glitter, Black, 16 Oz Snow Glitter, Silver ‐ 7 Oz. Jar Tempera Paint ‐ Pints ‐ Glitter Colors ‐ 6/Set Trait Tex, Natural Synthetic Fiber Yarn Assortment, Assorted Earthtone Colors, 5 Lb., Pack of 20 Yarn In Dispenser Box, Assorted Colors ‐ 16 Cones/Set MISCELLANEOUS ADD‐ON ITEMS 25 Common Core Math Lessons for the interactive whiteboard Gr. 1 TB26307B ‐ on EAI Website brightconstruction paper‐12x18 9717655 COORDINATE GRAPHING TB24384T ‐ Page 131 of Math Catalog cork adhesive sheet 9722765 Cotton Jersey Loopers ‐ Assorted Bright Colors ‐ 0500267 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR PKG SET SKN SKN EACH SKN SKN EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET $3.22 $1.16 $1.31 $1.31 $1.39 $1.31 $1.31 $2.14 $2.14 $2.14 $1.52 $0.63 $0.63 $0.63 $0.63 $0.66 $0.63 $2.21 $2.21 $2.21 $4.96 $2.21 $4.58 $2.21 $2.21 $4.96 $2.21 $1.52 $8.78 315243 1451284 1436240 1436244 1436243 1436242 1436239 362450 362459 362462 RA18696 1451279 1451280 1451282 1451283 1451276 1451277 1451292 1451293 1451294 253929 1451295 RA20119 1451289 1451290 253932 1451296 1451285 1439241 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET $42.41 $52.46 436553 RA01391 School Specialty Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $18.27 $2.18 $10.92 $14.55 $5.33 503987 495095 533953 RA21459 2800020 EAI Education Triarco Art EAI Education Triarco Art Triarco Art 80 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 28521 28538 28544 28541 28530 28529 28543 28542 28515 28524 28643 28448 28612 28607 28591 28632 28648 28647 28560 28559 28605 28567 28618 28593 28592 28582 28583 28611 28572 28576 28614 28575 28554 28616 craft box classroom pack 9722054 foam head wtih faces 9708424x foam ones cubes tb18470t ‐ Page 40 of Math Catalog Lacing Shoe with sole SN31431CQ neatness mat 9734880 paper fans 9734012 Patty Paper TB17067T ‐ Page 127 of Math Catalog plastic color tiles TB151571 ‐ Page 24 of Math Catalog plastic looms 0500269 rectangle plaques 9724076 10 on the Spot Ten Frame Game 702265AKN ‐ Page 33 of Math Catalog 100 DAYS SMARTER STAR STICKER 704651 100 th day counting puzzle 161845AKA 100th Day Pencil Topper Erasers 161464ALL 100th Day Pencils, Pack of 12 114536ALL 1st 100 Fry Words 305611CFS 2" plastic lowercase letter templates 901070JAB 2" plastic lowercase letter templates 901068JAB 4 Pocket Math Resource Folder Intermediate 156518 8 inch audible timer 155568 ‐ Page 63 of Math Catalog Addition Splat! Card Game 161383AKN ‐ on EAI Website Author at Work 4 Pocket Folders 160022 book baskets 162721AKA Book Baskets, large rectangle 128968CEZ Book Baskets, square 128957CEZ bulletin board border 701374 bulletin board border 701563 Call and respond poster 161725ALL Call and Response Poster 161725 CHALKBOARD MOTIF HOMEWORK FOLDERS 162932 Champs poster 161907ALL Classroom Behavior EZ‐Tuck Clip Track Pocket Chart 162903 Classroom Management Chart 153058 color‐coded organizers 162526AKA DESCRIPTION EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH BOX SET EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH SET SET EACH SET SET PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH SET SET SET PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH SET $28.13 $40.66 $1.44 $14.54 $11.59 $15.08 $6.76 $10.87 $1.88 $11.93 $10.96 $5.54 $14.42 $4.43 $2.77 $33.29 $32.18 $22.19 $27.84 $28.81 $10.16 $27.84 $15.53 $15.53 $15.53 $4.43 $4.43 $6.32 $6.32 $21.18 $6.32 $32.18 $23.85 $16.64 RA02194 RA02702 530285 088535 RA23765 RA22545 532220 531024 2800090 RA05881 504036 704651 161845AKA 161464ALL 076480 305611CFS 901070JAB 901068JAB 156518 532174 502908 160022 162721AKA 128968CEZ 128957CEZ 701374 701563 161725ALL 161725 162932 161907ALL 162903 153058 162526AKA Triarco Art Triarco Art EAI Education School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art EAI Education EAI Education Triarco Art Triarco Art EAI Education Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff School Specialty Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff EAI Education EAI Education Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff 28617 28621 28620 28604 28551 Computation Trails ‐ Addition and Subtraction Through 20 and 100 Set 162705ALL crayon welcome kit 162833AKA Daisy Puzzles Set ‐ Number Sense 0 ‐ 10 162831ALL desk tags 161005AGK desktop Helper Zaner self Adhesive 117687 SET EACH SET PKG PKG $21.96 $14.42 $22.19 $26.31 $26.31 162705ALL 162833AKA 162831ALL 161005AGK 117687 Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff 81 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 28598 28613 28556 28447 28594 28557 28600 28595 28637 28641 28553 desktop helpers 154710AKA Desktop helpers Self‐Adhesive Deluxe Plastic 161858AKC D'Nealian Interm two sided desktop sleeves 155223 DR. SEUSS "HATS OFF TO YOU!" CERTIFICATES 158771 E.Z.C. Reader Strips in blue 143538ALM E.Z.C. Strips ‐ Return Sweep 155432 E.Z.C. Strips ‐ Return Sweep 155432ALM yellow EZ Reader Strips 7 x 1 1/4" ‐ Yellow 143538HAX ezread foam letters 306896alj finger eye puppets 701703DDC folder labels 148322 DESCRIPTION SET SET EACH PKG PKG SET SET PKG SET SET SET $6.47 $42.96 $19.85 $4.43 $15.72 $16.64 $16.64 $15.72 $51.05 $3.87 $11.09 JJ273 161858AKC 155223 158771 DD852 155432 155432ALM DD852 306896 701703DDC 148322 Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff 28640 28633 28638 28634 28636 28635 FRACTIONS, PERCENTAGES, AND EQUIV. MAGNETS FOR WHITEBOARD 701274AKW Grade 2 Fluency Progress 306361HAX Grade 2 Teach Close Reading 306897HAX Grade 3 Fluency Progress 306374HAX Grade 3 Teach Close REading 306883HAX Grade 4 Teach Close REading 306879HAX SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH $27.74 $39.95 $38.84 $39.95 $38.84 $38.84 HH675 306361HAX 306897HAX 306374HAX 306883HAX 306979 Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff 28623 28566 28562 28599 28644 28574 28619 28645 28615 28584 28578 28585 28646 28626 28577 28627 28581 28564 28625 28569 28568 Greater Than or Less Than Magnetic Teacher Demonstration Manipulative 162884ALL Happy birthday from all of us birthday cards 159316 Homework envelope with hook and loop, 10 In x 15 In, 100/pack ‐ 157596 Homework Folders 155419AJT I Sea 10! Game 702268AKN ‐ Page 52 of Math Catalog Kites and Tails Puzzles Numbers to 10 162814 Kites and Tails Puzzles Set ‐ Decomposing Numbers to 10 162814ALL learning to read CVC puzzles 900058JAB Let's write about text poster 162469ALL Magnetic Dry Erase Name Plates ‐ 701582 ‐ Page 186 of Math Catalog Magnetic Dry Erase Write Again┐ Boards 301800 Magnetic Hall Pass Set 701652 magnetic marbles 900906JAD Math Mats Dice Games 163233ALL medium book pouches 301472DDC Multi‐use plastic bags 163300bhk Numbers 0‐20 Bulletin Board Set 701306 OH! THE PLACES YOU'LL GO! BOOKMARKS 158587 Other ways to say posters 163184ALL Pencil Cupcake Toppers 160867 Pencil Pals Holder ‐ 12/Pkg ‐160172 EACH SET DOZ PKG EACH EACH SET PKG EACH PKG SET PKG SET SET SET EACH SET PKG SET PKG PKG $5.54 $11.09 $89.99 $21.18 $7.47 $22.19 $22.19 $9.98 $6.32 $10.62 $21.25 $13.26 $5.54 $17.05 $19.94 $5.54 $13.31 $4.43 $18.86 $4.43 $15.85 162884ALL 159316 082124 155419AJT 504037 162814 162814ALL 900058JAB 162469ALL 504336 301800 701652 900906JAD 163233ALL 301472DDC 163300bhk 701306 158587 163184ALL 160867 160172 Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff School Specialty Really Good Stuff EAI Education Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff EAI Education Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff 82 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 28629 28639 28630 28558 28587 28631 28601 28579 28597 28603 28609 28608 28596 28606 28610 Pre Primer Sight Words 304635CFS Primary writing text types 4 poster set 307035ALL Primer Sight Words 304637CFS Resource folder‐Zaner Bloser 155454 Scratch Art Bookmarks 12 Pack Item #: 702252 Short vowel families with storage case 305552CCN slide and learn number lines 157261AKA SmartPal Sleeves, Set of 10, Colors, ‐ 304568 ‐ Page 10 of Math Catalog ‐ Spaceman Deluxe Student Set 151977DDE Spin‐A‐Fact Addition and Subtraction Set 160538AKN Stackable Trays Neon 161512HAX Steps To Long Division Poster 161497HAX Store More Alphabet Storage Case 147768ALM Subtraction Splat! Card Game 161385AKN ‐ on EAI Website Teach Story Retelling in A simple Way 161514HAX DESCRIPTION EACH SET EACH EACH PKG EACH SET SET PKG SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH $7.39 $22.73 $7.39 $21.18 $5.54 $44.39 $13.19 $15.26 $13.31 $8.87 $27.74 $6.32 $17.75 $10.16 $6.32 DV481 307035ALL DV481 155454 702252 305552CCN 157261AKA 534940 151977DDE 160538AKN 161512HAX 161497HAX 147768ALM 502909 161514HAX Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff EAI Education Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff EAI Education Really Good Stuff 28624 28561 28586 28565 28622 28552 28642 28588 28589 28590 28602 28446 28563 ten frame and double ten frame stamp 162956alj ‐ set of 2 ‐ Page 32 of Math Catalog third grade desktop helpers with sleeves‐ d'nealian 157569 Topsy Turquoise Borders 3‐Pack 702173 Tug of War Fractions 159306 Unlock the Answers Poke Card Kit ‐ Basic Math 162883DDC Valentine Activity Cards Primary 141677 Vowel Owl Games 702260CEU Welcome Stickers ‐ Grade 1 ‐ 158173 Welcome Stickers ‐ Grade 2 ‐ 158173 Welcome Stickers ‐ Grade 3 ‐ 158173 Welcome Stickers ‐ Kindergarten ‐ 158173 WELCOME TO SCHOOL BAGS 118253 Welcome to Third Grade Bookmark 157971 SET DOZ EACH EACH SET PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG $7.61 $19.85 $11.09 $11.09 $35.91 $7.76 $27.74 $4.43 $4.43 $4.43 $4.43 $7.22 $5.00 520566 157569 702173 159306 162883DDC 141677 RR708 158173 158173 158173 158173 118253 157971 EAI Education Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff Really Good Stuff 28580 28570 EACH SET $9.31 $42.96 106234 160962 EAI Education Really Good Stuff 28571 Writing lessons to meet the common core 305703 ‐ Page 217 Elementary Catalog Zaner Bloser Self Adhesive Name Tags 160962 Zaner Blosser 100 Grid With Number Line Self‐Adhesive Deluxe Plastic Desktop Helpers 160968 PKG $42.96 160968 Really Good Stuff 28555 28573 28702 28737 Zaner‐Bloser 100 Grid Self‐Adhesive Deluxe Plastic Desktop Helpers ‐ Set Of 30 154710 Zingo Word Builder Game K‐2, 162542 atlas of U.S.history 1398263 12 X 18 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Assorted Hot Colors ‐ 1537808 PKG EACH EACH EACH $42.96 $20.02 $16.49 $3.60 154710 1482067 1398263 TA71AC Really Good Stuff School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 83 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 28690 28722 28723 28652 32040 29256 32323 32137 32302 32339 32268 32231 32154 29231 31563 DESCRIPTION 19 X 26 Inch Multi‐Purpose Smooth Surfaced Chipboard, 10‐Ply Thickness ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 456857 25 Complex Text Passages Gr. 2 1502891 25 Complex Text Passages to meet the common core ‐ 6th Grade 9‐1502894‐030 3" auditory time timer 9‐031549‐030 3M Blunt Tip Kid Scissor with Soft Grip Handle, 5 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Soft, Pack of 12 ‐ 1464567 3M Performance Masking Tape, 1 in x 60 yd, Yellow ‐ 1462001 3M Performance Masking Tape, 1/2 in x 60 yd, Yellow ‐ 1461999 3M Post‐it Pop‐Up Note Dispenser, 3 x 3 in, White ‐ 1494662 3M Rubber General Use Masking Tape, 1 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 1461995 3M Rubber General Use Masking Tape, 1/2 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 1461993 3M Rubber General Use Masking Tape, 1‐1/2 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 1461996 3M Rubber General Use Masking Tape, 2 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 1461997 3M Rubber General Use Masking Tape, 3 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 1461998 3M Scotch Easy Grip Lightweight Shipping Tape, 1‐9/10 x 900 in, Clear, Pack of 6 ‐ 1327784 3M Scotch Heavy‐duty Packaging Tape Dispenser and Value Pack, 1‐7/8 in x 164 ft, Pack of 6, Clear ‐ 076374 31504 3M Scotch Magic Tape Refills Value Pack, 3/4 in x 1000 in, Pack of 12, Clear ‐ 1437698 3M Scotch Packaging Tape, 54.6 yd, 3.1 mil, Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 1507625 9 x 12 Burlap ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 413144 9 X 12 Tru‐Ray Construction Paper ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ Hot Assorted Colors ‐ 1537807 Abilitations Gel E Fidget ‐ 1407922 Abilitations Integrations Hi‐Write Beginner 2 Journal Paper, 8‐1/2" x 11", White, Pack of 100 ‐ 089665 Accentra PaperPro Premium Stapler, Standard Staples, 30 Sheets, 210 Staple, Silver, Pack of 5000 ‐ 1307898 Accentra Spring Powered Prodigy Stapler, ACI 1901 Standard Staples, 25 Sheets, 210 Staple, Red/Silver ‐ 1307893 ACCO Mini Binder Clip, 2 in W, Large, 12 Per Box ‐ 1053516 ACCO Quartet Scofoam Durable Chalkboard Eraser, 5 in, Wood, Urethane Foam ‐ 1411471 ACCO Small Binder Clip, 3/4 in W, Small, 12 Per Box ‐ 1053514 ACCO Swingline 407 Full Strip Light Duty Desk Stapler, 35450 Staples, 20 Sheets, 210 Staple, Black ‐ 000003 32061 ACCO Swingline 747 Full Strip Stapler, Standard Staples, Polished Chrome ‐ 087462 32030 32242 28688 28736 29370 32591 32303 32008 32232 29371 32358 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $8.24 $15.59 456857 1502891 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $15.59 $27.74 1502894 EA166 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $15.72 $4.62 $2.84 $12.74 $3.74 $2.24 $5.62 $7.57 $11.24 TS547Z 139YE 1461999 1494662 1461995 1461993 1461996 1461997 1461998 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $21.37 1327784 School Specialty EACH $50.09 076374 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $29.62 $6.74 $4.72 $1.84 $8.87 1437698 1507625 413144 TA70AC 1407922 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $10.49 089665 School Specialty EACH $3.59 1307898 School Specialty EACH EACH $41.47 $7.34 1307893 1053516 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $2.30 $1.27 KC232 1053514 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $9.22 000003 School Specialty EACH $21.52 087462 School Specialty 84 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 31660 32409 32410 32946 32428 32552 29214 1496269 32305 29269 29268 29267 28716 32882 29415 32307 31603 32828 32261 32342 32168 32317 28687 32462 32461 32479 DESCRIPTION ACCO Swingline LightTouch Adjustable High Capacity Medium Duty Desktop Paper Punch, 9/32 in, 20 Sheets ‐ 038175 Acme Junior Scissor, 5 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12, Blunt Tip ‐ 1508235 Acme Junior Scissor, 5 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12, Pointed Tip ‐ 1508236 Acme Ruler, 12 in, Grooved Plastic, Assorted Colors ‐ 1508197 Acme Westcott ExtremeEdge Heavy Duty Light‐Weight Scissor, 8 in, Titanium Blade, Nylon Bent Handle, Gray/Yellow ‐ 1404601 Acme Westcott Multi‐Purpose Corrosion‐Resistant Light‐Weight Straight Scissor, 8 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Straight Plastic Handle, Assorted Color, Pack of 3 ‐ 1330250 Adam People Shaped Magnet Clip, Assorted Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 292675 Adams Hooks for Suspended Ceilings, Clear, Pack of 10 ‐ 1496269 Advantus Plastic File Index Card Holder, 3 X 5 in, Clear ‐ 1464305 Advantus Plastic Weave Bins, Large, Black, Pack of 2 ‐ 1494675 Advantus Plastic Weave Bins, Medium, Black, Pack of 2 ‐ 1494674 Advantus Plastic Weave Bins, Small, Black, Pack of 3 ‐ 1494673 Advantus Super Stacker Bitty Box, 5/ pk 91494885 Advantus Super Stacker Quick Access Pencil Box, Plastic, Clear ‐ 1464303 Advantus Work Globe with Silver Base, 12 in Dia ‐ 1516334 Aleene's Double Sided Tacky Tacky Tape, 1/4 in x 6 yd, Red ‐ 1499638 Aleenes Original Multi‐Purpose Flexible Non‐Toxic Non‐Washable Tacky Glue, 4 oz Bottle, Dries Clear ‐ 001665 Aleenes Original Multi‐Purpose Flexible Non‐Toxic Non‐Washable Tacky Glue, 8 oz Bottle, Dries Clear ‐ 443021 Alliance Biodegradable Rubber Band Ball, 2.5 in, Assorted Color, Box of 250 ‐ 1308020 Alliance Rubber Company Big Bands Pak Biodegradable Rubber Band, 7 X 1/8 in, Red, Box of 12 ‐ 1308021 Alliance Rubber Company Biodegradable Sustainable Rubber Band, No 64, 3‐1/2 in L X 1/4 in W X 1/32 in Thickness, 1 lb Box, Pale Crepe Gold, Box of 490 ‐ 1308028 Alliance Rubber Company Brites Pic‐Pac Biodegradable Hot Color Sustainable Rubber Band ‐ Configurable Item, Assorted Size, Assorted Color ‐ 1308022 assorted charms, 100/Pack 9‐410738‐705 Astrobrights Acid‐Free Colored Paper, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 24 lb, Cool Assortment, Pack of 500 ‐ 1441336 Astrobrights Acid‐Free Premium Colored Paper, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 24 lb, Eco Assortment, Pack of 500 ‐ 1438738 Astrobrights Color Cardstock, 8‐1/2 L x 11 in W, Cosmic Orange, 65 lb., Smooth finish, Pack of 250 ‐ 1301583 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH $27.14 $15.72 $15.72 $0.52 038175 TS547Z TS548Z 1508197 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $22.04 1404601 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $11.69 $11.32 $5.92 $3.33 $33.52 $24.59 $30.22 $6.67 $2.62 $46.24 $2.63 1330250 292675 1496269 1464305 1494675 1494674 1494673 1494885 1464303 AW447 RA24399 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Triarco Art EACH $1.46 820611 Triarco Art EACH $2.44 820612 Triarco Art EACH $5.99 1308020 School Specialty EACH $2.02 1308021 School Specialty EACH $10.49 1308028 School Specialty EACH EACH $3.07 $20.54 1308022 410738 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $17.99 1441336 School Specialty EACH $17.99 1438738 School Specialty EACH $15.59 1301583 School Specialty 85 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION Astrobrights Filler Paper, 8" x 10‐1/2", 20 lb, Wide Ruling, Assorted Colors, Pack of 100 ‐ 32761 1369009 Astrobrights Paper Acid‐Free Card Stock, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 65 lb, Vulcan Green, Pack of 250 ‐ 29381 1438742 Astrobrights Paper Acid‐Free Premium Card Stock, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 65 lb, Black, Pack of 100 32614 ‐ 1438731 Astrobrights Paper Card Stock, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 65 lb, Outrageous Orchid, Pack of 250 ‐ 29390 1453186 Astroparche Paper Premium Card Stock, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, 65 lb, Natural, Pack of 250 ‐ 32458 1438732 At‐A‐Glance Breast Cancer Awareness Special Edition Desk/Wall Calendar ‐ Two Page Per 32194 Month, 11 X 8 in, Monthly, 12 Months, Jan ‐ Dec, Pink ‐ 1282149 At‐A‐Glance DayMinder Appointment Book ‐ Two Page Per Week, 4‐7/8 X 8 in, Weekly, 1053129 Jan ‐ Dec, 8:00 a.m. ‐ 5:00 p.m., Black ‐ 1053129 32046 32079 32116 32058 32491 28705 29262 32322 32277 32329 31558 31545 31986 31556 At‐A‐Glance Desk Style Large Recycled Monthly Planner with Tabbed Monthly Calendar Appointment Section, 9 X 11 in, Monthly, 13 Month, Jan ‐ Jan, Green ‐ 1330152 At‐A‐Glance Medium "Today Is" Wall Calendar Refill ‐ One Page Per Day for K1, 6 X 6 in Pad, Jan ‐ Dec ‐ 1074274 At‐A‐Glance Non‐Refillable Desk Pad ‐ One Page Per Month, 22 X 17 in, Academic, 16 Month, Sep ‐ Dec, Black ‐ 1053214 At‐A‐Glance Professional Notetaker Planner, 9 X 11 in, Monthly, 13 Month, Jan ‐ Jan, Black ‐ 1307849 Attitude Matters Posters ‐ 1385661 Avery 3/4 in. Removable‐Adhesive Translucent Dots Assorted Colors ‐1015/Pkg 1442095 Avery Big Tab 8‐Tab Plastic Insertable Dividers For Laser and Inkjet Printers, Multicolor, Pack of 8 ‐ 1482904 Avery Big Tab Write‐On Dividers, 8 Tab, Multicolor ‐ 1482905 Avery Carter's Micropore Stamp Pad, 2‐3/4 X 4‐1/4 in, Blue ‐ 1074396 Avery Carter's Neat‐Flo Felt and Foam Non‐Toxic Stamp Pad Ink, 2 oz, Red ‐ 1054329 Avery Easy Peel Permanent‐Adhesive Address Labels For Inkjet Printers, 1 x 2‐5/8 in, Clear, Pack of 750 ‐ 075644 Avery Easy Peel Permanent‐Adhesive Address Labels For Inkjet Printers, 1 x 2‐5/8 in, White, Pack of 750 ‐ 067678 Avery Easy Peel Permanent‐Adhesive Address Labels For Laser Printers, 1 x 2‐5/8 in, White, Box of 7500 ‐ 1482906 Avery Easy Peel Permanent‐Adhesive Address Labels For Laser Printers, 1 x 2‐5/8 in, White, Pack of 750 ‐ 075635 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.49 1369009 School Specialty EACH $15.59 1438742 School Specialty EACH $9.29 1438731 School Specialty EACH $15.59 1453186 School Specialty EACH $18.74 1438732 School Specialty EACH $9.05 1282149 School Specialty EACH $13.71 1053129 School Specialty EACH $21.47 1330152 School Specialty EACH $19.42 1074274 School Specialty EACH $14.24 1053214 School Specialty EACH EACH $22.79 $16.49 1307849 1385661 School Specialty School Specialty PKG $9.52 1442095 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $5.62 $2.77 $3.69 1482904 1482905 LL172BU School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.47 1054329 School Specialty EACH $26.02 075644 School Specialty EACH $13.27 067678 School Specialty EACH $92.99 1482906 School Specialty EACH $13.27 075635 School Specialty 86 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 31555 32111 32228 31550 32300 32153 32152 DESCRIPTION Avery Easy Peel Permanent‐Adhesive Return Address Labels For Laser Printers, 1/2 x 1‐ 3/4 in, White, Pack of 2000 ‐ 075633 Avery EcoFriendly Permanent‐Adhesive Shipping Labels For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 2 x 4 in, White, Pack of 250 ‐ 1370153 Avery Flip Back 360‐View Binder, 1 in, Holds 175 sheets, White ‐ 091646 Avery Heavyweight Top Loading Sheet Protectors, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, Diamond Clear, Box of 100 ‐ 072617 Avery Hi‐Liter Desk Style Non‐Toxic Highlighter Set, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 4 ‐ 1054282 Avery Hi‐Liter Desk Style Non‐Toxic Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Green, Pack of 12 ‐ 1054363 Avery Hi‐Liter Desk Style Non‐Toxic Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Pink, Pack of 12 ‐ 1054361 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $13.27 075633 School Specialty EACH EACH $14.92 $7.49 1370153 091646 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $17.17 072617 School Specialty EACH $3.67 1054282 School Specialty EACH $11.17 1054363 School Specialty EACH $11.17 1054361 School Specialty EACH $11.17 1054136 School Specialty EACH $12.82 1494017 School Specialty EACH $26.47 1272639 School Specialty EACH $11.60 1445815 School Specialty EACH $17.17 072620 School Specialty EACH $2.92 1054118 School Specialty EACH $41.47 1054607 School Specialty EACH $48.52 1054609 School Specialty EACH $26.99 1054703 School Specialty 32034 Avery Hi‐Liter Desk Style Non‐Toxic Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Yellow, Pack of 12 ‐ 1054136 Avery Hi‐Liter Non‐Toxic Pen Style Highlighter Value Pack, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 1330373 Avery Marks‐A‐Lot Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, 3/16 in Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 1272639 Avery Microperforated Printable Ticket with Tear‐Away Stubs, 1‐3/4 X 5‐1/2 in, White, Pack of 200 ‐ 1445815 Avery Non‐Glare Heavyweight Top Loading Sheet Protectors, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, Box of 100 ‐ 072620 Avery Paper Double Pocket Untabbed Divider, 11‐1/8 X 9‐1/2 in, Buff, Pack of 5 ‐ 1054118 Avery Paper Rectangle Address Copier Permanent Adhesive Mailing Label with Copy Machines, 1 X 2‐3/16 in, White, Pack of 3300 ‐ 1054607 Avery Paper Rectangle Copier Full Sheet Permanent Adhesive Mailing Label with Copy Machines, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1054609 Avery Paper Rectangle Removable Self‐Adhesive ID Label for Laser and Inkjet Printers, 1 X 2‐5/8 in, White, Pack of 750 ‐ 1054703 32318 Avery Paper Round Gummed Index Tab, 1/2 in Extension, White, Pack of 50 ‐ 1054656 EACH $2.99 1054656 School Specialty 32110 Avery Permanent Marker Value Pack Bullet Point Tip, Assorted Colors ‐ 24/Set, 1493785 Avery Permanent Self‐Adhesive Super Thin Reinforcement Label Ring, 1/4 in, Clear, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1118034 Avery Permanent‐Adhesive Full Sheet Labels with TrueBlock Technology For Laser Printers, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, White, Box of 100 ‐ 075641 EACH $15.52 1493785 School Specialty EACH $8.99 1118034 School Specialty EACH $38.84 075641 School Specialty 32151 32107 32038 32146 31551 32319 29218 32002 32196 31557 87 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32275 31998 31999 32226 32195 29257 32290 31546 32207 32031 32345 28651 32018 32117 32009 29213 29246 32192 29251 32191 32230 29272 29252 29254 DESCRIPTION Avery Plastic Insertable Printable Index Divider with 5‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Multiple Color ‐ 1308197 Avery Plastic Non‐Laminated Reinforced Write‐On Tab Divider with 8‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Buff, Set of 192 ‐ 1308213 Avery Plastic Non‐Laminated Reinforced Write‐On Tab Divider with 8‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Multiple Color, Set of 192 ‐ 1308214 Avery Plastic Pre‐printed A‐Z Tab Dividers, Multicolor, Set of 12 Tabs ‐ 1396584 Avery Polypropylene Heavy Duty Locking Non‐Stick Single‐Touch Reference EZD‐Ring View Binder, 1 in, 275 Sheet, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Black ‐ 1054791 Avery Printable Self‐Adhesive Tabs For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 1‐3/4 in, White, Pack of 80 ‐ 1463054 Avery Removable Self‐Adhesive Name Badge Labels For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 2‐11/32 x 3‐3/8 in, Red Border, Pack of 100 ‐ 1380621 Avery Removable‐Adhesive Rectangular Identification Labels For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 1 x 3 in, White, Pack of 250 ‐ 067681 Avery Round Key Tag with Metal Rim, 1‐1/4 in, White, Pack of 50 ‐ 1054146 Avery Self‐Adhesive Laminating Sheet, 9 X 12 in, Clear, Pack of 50 ‐ 1308290 Avery Worksaver Big Tab Paper Gold Reinforced Insertable Index Divider with 5‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, White Paper ‐ 1308188 Ball Stick‐A‐Ball yellow 60mm set of 6 025463 Bankers Box Letter Size File Storage Box with Lid, 12 x 10 x 24 in, Holds 650 lb, White and Blue, Pack of 4 ‐ 1327532 Bankers Box Magazine File, 4 in, Assorted Primary and Secondary Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 1402198 Bankers Box Presto Heavy Duty Letter/Legal Size File Storage Box, 24 in, 850 lb, White/Blue, Pack of 4 ‐ 1327531 Bardeen Style A Bulletin Class Register Book, 6‐3/8 X 7‐7/8 in, 35 Students, 20 Week ‐ 175165 Barker Creek 1/3 Cut Black and White Dot File Folder and Library Pocket Set, Letter, 12 in, Set of 42 ‐ 1396637 Barker Creek 4 H in Letter Pop‐Outs, Africa, Set of 255 ‐ 1430598 Barker Creek 4 H in Letter Pop‐Outs, Black Tie Affair, Set of 255 ‐ 1430602 Barker Creek 4 H in Letter Pop‐Outs, Neon, Set of 255 ‐ 1430597 Barker Creek Beautiful Chevron Library Pocket Set, Set of 30 ‐ 1497765 Barker Creek Beautiful Chevron Self‐Adhesive Name Badge Set, 3‐1/2 L x 2‐3/4 W in, Set of 45 ‐ 1497766 Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Fiori Bellissimi Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430605 Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Inspire Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430610 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $5.24 1308197 School Specialty EACH $53.02 1308213 School Specialty EACH EACH $53.02 $7.72 1308214 1396584 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $8.99 1054791 School Specialty EACH $9.89 1463054 School Specialty EACH $4.57 1380621 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $3.74 $8.39 $28.49 067681 1054146 1308290 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $1.79 $12.52 1308188 025463 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $33.59 1327532 School Specialty EACH $14.17 1402198 School Specialty EACH $41.09 1327531 School Specialty EACH $5.24 175165 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $12.37 $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $7.49 1396637 1430598 1430602 1430597 1497765 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $6.74 1497766 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1430605 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1430610 School Specialty 88 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 29253 32214 32216 32217 32215 32596 29225 32102 32101 28745 28679 29332 32202 32093 32372 32296 32810 32493 32080 31566 32130 31567 32934 32767 28456 32012 DESCRIPTION Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Learn Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430609 Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Punti Felici Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430606 Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Read Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430614 Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Ribbon by the Yard Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430615 Barker Creek Elementary ‐ Middle School Spanish Double Sided Trimmer, 3 in W X 35 in L ‐ 1430611 Barker Creek Nautical Chevron Letter Pop‐Outs, 4 in. ‐ 1497774 Barker Creek Neon Stripe File Folders and Library Pocket Set of 42‐ 1300446 Barker Creek Retro File Folders and Library Pocket Set of 42‐ 1300447 Barker Creek Tie‐Dye File Folders and Library Pocket Set of 42‐ 1300445 Barker Double Sided Name Plates 36/Pack 1539682 Battleship Game 224154 Baumgartens Bungee Arts and Crafts Drying Line with Spring Clips, 18 X 30 ft, Multiple Color ‐ 1005538 Baumgartens Flexible Adhesive Magnetic Tape, 1/2 in X 10 ft, Black ‐ 1308366 Baumgartens Horizontal Pre‐Punched ID Badge Holder with Elastic Cord, 4 X 3 in, Vinyl, Clear, Pack of 25 ‐ 1402413 Baumgartens Latex‐Free Lead‐Free Pencil Eraser, Assorted Neon Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 1298570 Baumgartens Magnetic Clamp, 40 Sheets Paper Capacity, Blue, Pack of 2 ‐ 1436482 Baumgartens Magnetic Hook, 9 lb Capacity, White, Pack of 2 ‐ 1370548 Baumgartens Roll‐N Cut Magnetic Tape Dispenser, 1/2 in W X 15 ft L Tape, Black Tape, Green Dispenser ‐ 1330418 Baumgartens Sicurix Horizontal Government/Military Badge Holder, 3‐7/8 X 2‐5/8 in, Vinyl, Pack of 50 ‐ 1403328 Baumgartens Sicurix Horizontal ID Badge Holder, 3.375 X 2.375 in, Vinyl, Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 077811 Baumgartens Sicurix Horizontal Proximity Badge Holder, 3‐1/2 X 2‐3/8 in, Vinyl, Pack of 50 ‐ 1403332 Baumgartens Sicurix ID Strap Clip Adapter, Vinyl, Clear, Pack of 25 ‐ 077813 Baumgartens Smiley Face Magnet, Assorted Color, Pack of 2 ‐ 1436481 Beadery Kraft Plastic Pony Bead, Assorted Jelly Color, Pack of 1660 ‐ 085764 Bell Chair Glides Set of 5 7‐1444535‐030 Best‐Rite Valu‐Tak Tackboard, 2 ft H X 3 ft W, Wood Frame, Natural ‐ 679338 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $7.49 1430609 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1430606 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1430614 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1430615 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH $7.49 $10.27 $12.37 $12.37 $12.37 $5.24 $16.79 1430611 1497774 1300446 1300447 1300445 1539682 224154 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $13.46 $8.69 1005538 1308366 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $16.49 1402413 School Specialty EACH $51.89 1298570 School Specialty EACH EACH $4.04 $3.74 1436482 1370548 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $14.92 1330418 School Specialty EACH $19.42 1403328 School Specialty EACH $4.87 077811 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $12.74 $4.87 $1.42 $5.14 $8.98 $43.42 1403332 077813 1436481 RA08658 1444535 679338 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty 89 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32035 32884 32883 32816 28473 29402 32800 32565 32520 32566 31707 32603 32482 32713 32714 32811 32812 31648 32685 32686 32758 32504 32765 DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR Best‐Rite Valu‐Tak Tackboard 2 ft H x 3 ft W, Aluminum Frame, Natural ‐ 1454593 BIC 4‐Color Mini Pen, Assorted Business Colors ‐ 1492306 BIC 4‐Color Mini Pen, Assorted Fashion Colors ‐ 1492305 BIC 4‐Color Refillable Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Color Ink, Black Barrel ‐ 1398114 BIC Atlantic Ultra Comfort Ball 1.2mm Blue, 6 pk 1533350 EACH EACH EACH $32.76 $2.54 $2.54 1454593 1492306 1492305 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH PKG $3.59 $5.24 1398114 1533350 School Specialty School Specialty BIC Atlantis Retractable Ball Point Pen, Medium Tip, Black/Blue, Pack of 24 ‐ 1481994 BIC BicMatic Clip/Grip Retractable Mechanical Pencil, 0.7 mm, Assorted Colors, Pack of 6 ‐ 1472901 EACH $24.97 1481994 School Specialty EACH $3.82 1472901 School Specialty BIC Brite Liner Chisel Tip Pen‐Style Highlighter, Pack of 24, Assorted Colors ‐ 1335059 BIC Brite Liner Grip XL Non‐Toxic Tank Style Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 1335060 Bic Brite Liner Highlighter Chisel Tip, Yellow, Pack of 24 ‐ 1514321 BIC Brite Liner Non‐Toxic Pen Style Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Fluorescent Pink, Pack of 12 ‐ 077280 BIC BU3 Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 18 ‐ 1492309 BIC Clic Stic Break‐Resistant Retractable Ball Point Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink/White Barrel, Pack of 24 ‐ 1481990 BIC Cristal Bold Non‐Refillable Ball Point Pen, 1.6 mm Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 24 ‐ 1481992 BIC Cristal Bold Non‐Refillable Ball Point Pen, 1.6 mm Medium Tip, Blue, Pack of 24 ‐ 1481993 BIC Cristal Hexagonal Translucent Ballpoint Pen, 1.6 mm Bold Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1369956 BIC Cristal Hexagonal Translucent Ballpoint Pen, 1.6 mm Bold Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1369957 BIC Cristal Stic Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 027229 Bic Ecolutions Stick Pen, 1.0 mm Medium Tip, Translucent Barrel and Black Ink, Pack of 50 ‐ 1514315 Bic Ecolutions Stick Pen, 1.0 mm Medium Tip, Translucent Barrel and Blue Ink, Pack of 50 ‐ 1514316 BIC Great Erase Bold Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 089391 EACH $11.24 1335059 School Specialty EACH EACH $13.12 $11.24 1335060 1514321 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $6.52 $10.04 077280 1492309 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $15.52 1481990 School Specialty EACH $5.77 1481992 School Specialty EACH $5.77 1481993 School Specialty EACH $3.67 1369956 School Specialty EACH EACH $3.67 $3.37 1369957 027229 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $6.67 1514315 School Specialty EACH $6.67 1514316 School Specialty EACH $4.72 089391 School Specialty EACH $14.09 089392 School Specialty EACH $4.64 089398 School Specialty BIC Great Erase Bold Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 089392 BIC Great Erase Bold Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 089398 90 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 31782 BIC Great Erase Bold Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 089399 EACH $12.44 089399 School Specialty 32537 BIC Great Erase Bold Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1329766 BIC Great Erase Grip Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Green, Pack of 12 ‐ 1329775 BIC Great Erase Grip Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 1329776 BIC Great Erase Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, XL Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 30 ‐ 1301091 BIC Grip Roller Ballpoint Pen, 0.5 mm Micro Tip, Red Ink, Charcoal Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 077373 BIC Latex‐Free Non‐Refillable Mechanical Pencil with Clips, 0.5 mm Tip, Assorted Metallic Barrel, Pack of 24 ‐ 1334590 BIC Magic Dry‐Erase Low Odor Marker, Chisel Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1465016 BIC Marking Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 079356 BIC Marking Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 36 ‐ 410639 EACH $12.44 1329766 School Specialty EACH $11.69 1329775 School Specialty EACH $11.69 1329776 School Specialty EACH $29.54 1301091 School Specialty EACH $11.47 077373 School Specialty EACH EACH $7.19 $19.49 1334590 1465016 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $7.72 079356 School Specialty EACH $21.22 410639 School Specialty EACH $7.72 077232 School Specialty EACH $15.29 1481996 School Specialty EACH $3.82 389475 School Specialty EACH $7.79 1329751 School Specialty EACH $11.02 1484289 School Specialty EACH $7.79 077243 School Specialty EACH $ 2.69 031695 School Specialty EACH $3.59 1465021 School Specialty PKG EACH EACH $7.42 $7.72 $4.72 079026 1369949 1481734 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32550 32551 32401 31708 32672 32445 31718 29322 31705 32487 32799 32651 32572 31706 31695 32818 31716 32652 32759 BIC Marking Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 077232 BIC Marking Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 24 ‐ 1481996 BIC Marking Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Vivid Ink Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 4 ‐ 389475 BIC Marking Fade Resistant Vivid Ink Permanent Marker Set, Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Fashion Colors, Set of 12 ‐ 1329751 BIC Marking Metallic Permanent Marker Set Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 8 ‐ 1484289 BIC Marking Pen Style Barrel Fade Resistant Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 077243 BIC Marking Pen Style Barrel Permanent Marker Set, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 5 ‐ 069811 BIC Marking Permanent Metallic Marker Set, Fine Tip, Gold and Sliver, Pack of 2 ‐ 1465021 BIC Matic Grip Latex‐Free Mechanical Pencil, No 2, 0.5 mm HB Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 079026 BIC Pencil ‐ Xtra Life, 0.7 mm, Pack of 24, Assorted Colors ‐ 1369949 BIC Retractable Mechanical Pencil, NO 2, 0.9 mm, Yellow, Pack of 12 ‐ 1481734 91 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $6.67 1272201 School Specialty EACH $6.67 1272202 School Specialty EACH $3.97 1465011 School Specialty EACH EACH $7.72 $2.62 1481991 038406 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $15.29 079021 School Specialty 31715 BIC Round Stic Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink, Frost Barrel, Pack of 60 ‐ 1272201 BIC Round Stic Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Blue Ink, Frost Barrel, Pack of 60 ‐ 1272202 BIC Round Stic Fashion Ball Point Pen ‐ Pink, Purple, Lime Green and Turquoise Ink, 1 mm Medium Tip, Silver Barrel, Pack of 8 ‐ 1465011 BIC Round Stic Flexible Light‐Weight Ball Point Pen, 1.2 mm Medium Tip, Black/Blue, Pack of 36 ‐ 1481991 BIC Ultra Round Stic Grip Ballpoint Pen, Medium Tip, Green, Pack of 12 ‐ 038406 BIC Velocity Latex‐Free Mechanical Pencil with Cushioned Grip and Eraser, 0.9 mm Tip, Aqua, Pack of 12 ‐ 079021 32786 32568 32569 BIC Velocity Retractable Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 087470 BIC Velocity Retractable Roller Gel Pen, Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 087114 BIC Velocity Retractable Roller Gel Pen, Medium Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 087116 EACH EACH EACH $4.27 $11.69 $11.69 087470 087114 087116 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32727 BIC White‐Out Brand Ecolutions Mini Correction Tape, 1/5 x 237 in, Pack of 2 ‐ 1496478 EACH $5.32 1496478 School Specialty 32602 EACH $9.82 1466991 School Specialty 31664 32728 32729 32524 BIC White‐Out EZ Correct Correction Tape, 1/6 in X 39.3 ft, White, Pack of 4 ‐ 1466991 BIC Wite‐Out Brand Ecolutions Non‐Toxic Non‐Flammable Water Based Correction Fluid 20ML, White ‐ 038843 BIC Wite‐Out Correction Fluid, Pack of 3 ‐ 1495148 BIC Wite‐Out Correction Fluid, Pack of 3 ‐ 1495149 BIC Wite‐Out Exact Liner Correction Tape, Pack of 4 ‐ 1495150 EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.02 $5.24 $5.24 $12.89 038843 1495148 1495149 1495150 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32656 Bic Xtra Comfort Round Stick Pen, 1.2 mm Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 36 ‐ 1514317 EACH $7.72 1514317 School Specialty 32657 Bic Xtra Comfort Round Stick Pen, 1.2 mm Medium Tip, Blue, Pack of 36 ‐ 1514388 EACH $7.72 1514388 School Specialty 32474 28710 28719 32696 32667 BIC Z4 Plus Textured Grip Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 087186 Book Daily 5‐Trait Writing Grade 5 1463235 Book W/CD Targeting Comprehension Strategies for CC Gr 3 1498809 Bordette Bemiss Jason Corrugated Roll, 2‐1/4 in X 25 ft, Metallic Black ‐ 216698 Bordette Icicles Border, 2‐1/4 in X 25 ft, Metallic Silver ‐ 222264 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $15.67 $27.74 $15.59 $6.37 $2.36 087186 DW605 1498809 216698 RA18436 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art 32831 Bordette Pacon Scalloped Bee Dazzle Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 in X 25 ft ‐ 1398322 EACH $3.22 1398322 School Specialty 32830 Bordette Pacon Scalloped Dots Delight Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 in X 25 ft ‐ 1398321 EACH $3.22 1398321 School Specialty 32829 Bordette Pacon Scalloped Perfectly Plaid Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 in X 25 ft ‐ 1398319 EACH $3.22 1398319 School Specialty 32682 32683 32793 32655 31661 92 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 31740 32675 31577 32180 32144 31576 32073 32074 32075 1396388 32126 Bordette Pacon Scalloped Star Pattern Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 in X 25 ft ‐ 082128 Bordette Picket Fence Border, 6 in X 16 ft, White ‐ 222261 Bostitch Antimicrobial Manual Pencil Sharpener, Black ‐ 081859 Bostitch Ascend Stapler, Blue ‐ 1436351 Bostitch Dynamo Stapler, Black ‐ 1397690 Bostitch Electric Stapler, Black ‐ 081571 Bostitch Epic Stapler, Black ‐ 1396389 Bostitch Epic Stapler, Blue ‐ 1396390 Bostitch Epic Stapler, Magenta ‐ 1436357 Bostitch PowerCrown Classic Flat Clinch Stapler, Black ‐ 1396388 Bostitch Premium Antimicrobial Stand‐Up Stapler, Classic Black ‐ 1481921 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $3.22 $7.04 $15.33 $9.97 $11.99 $80.99 $20.02 $20.02 $20.02 $19.94 $13.19 082128 222261 081859 1436351 1397690 081571 1396389 1396390 1436357 1396388 1481921 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31989 32185 Bostitch QuietSharp Glow Brushed Metal Pencil Sharpener, Silver/Black ‐ 1370732 Bostitch QuietSharp Glow Replacement Cutter ‐ 1370733 EACH EACH $80.02 $9.59 1370732 1370733 School Specialty School Specialty 31987 EACH $67.88 RA08595 Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH SET $79.31 $20.54 $28.46 $18.49 RA25386 1495936 1397117 FF953 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH $3.14 1498797 School Specialty EACH $5.02 1498544 School Specialty 32198 32091 Bostitch SuperPro 6‐Hole Commercial Electric Steel Pencil Sharpener, Gray ‐ 382803 Bostitch SuperPro Glow Commercial Hardened Brushed Metal Pencil Sharpener, Black and Silver ‐ 1396392 Brain Powered Lessons 1495936 Build a Road 9‐1397117‐030 Building Shapes 9‐367818‐030 Cardinal EconomyValue 100% Recycled Fiber Non‐Locking Round Ring Binder with Triggers, 1 in, White ‐ 1498797 Cardinal EconomyValue 100% Recycled Fiber Non‐Locking Round Ring Binder with Triggers, 1.5 in, Blue ‐ 1498544 Cardinal EconomyValue Fiber Cover Board Non‐Locking D‐ring View Binder, 2 in, White ‐ 1498612 Cardinal ExpressLoad ClearVue Locking D‐ring Binder, 2 in, Black ‐ 1498599 EACH EACH $8.77 $17.24 1498612 1498599 School Specialty School Specialty 32352 Cardinal Mylar Write‐N Erase Tab Divider with 5‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, White ‐ 1057124 EACH $1.57 1057124 School Specialty 32343 32295 28748 32821 32820 32236 32170 32309 Cardinal Mylar Write‐N Erase Tab Divider with 8‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, White ‐ 1057129 Cardinal Performer Metal Non‐Locking Round Ring Binder, 1 in, Black ‐ 1498556 CARDS GR 4 READING COMPREHENSION SET 7780002719 Carson‐Dellosa Apple Notepad, 50 Sheets ‐ 1329565 Carson‐Dellosa Bee Notepad, 50 Sheet Pad ‐ 1329546 Carson‐Dellosa Birthday Cakes Bulletin Board Set, 47 Pieces ‐ 1329487 Carson‐Dellosa Boho Birds Bulletin Board Set, 81 Pieces ‐ 1497388 Carson‐Dellosa Boho Birds Name Tag, Pack of 40 ‐ 1497385 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.94 $4.49 $46.24 $3.52 $3.52 $7.19 $10.49 $2.77 1057129 1498556 PP468 1329565 1329546 1329487 1497388 LA696 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 29245 28717 28701 28683 32316 32282 93 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32184 32306 32430 29411 29233 32237 32171 32447 32446 Carson‐Dellosa Boho Birds Welcome Bulletin Board Set, For Use With Grades P ‐ 8 (ages 4 ‐ 13), Set of 17 ‐ 1497389 Carson‐Dellosa Colorful Owl Notepad, 50 Sheets, Pack of 50 ‐ 1497393 Carson‐Dellosa Deluxe Scheduling Pocket Chart ‐ 1329574 Carson‐Dellosa Desk Nameplate, Pack of 30 ‐ 1497380 Carson‐Dellosa Dive into Learning Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1329674 Carson‐Dellosa Good Manners Design Mini Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1329497 Carson‐Dellosa Judy Clock Design Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1399130 Carson‐Dellosa Pop it Decorative Border, Grade PreK ‐ 8, 3 in X 3 ft ‐ 1329468 Carson‐Dellosa Pop it Seasonal Border, Grade PreK ‐ 8, 3 in X 3 ft ‐ 1329465 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $9.74 $3.52 $22.49 $4.15 $13.42 $7.19 $10.34 $19.34 $19.34 1497389 1497393 1329574 FF680 1329674 1329497 1399130 1329468 1329465 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32585 Carson‐Dellosa Publishing Common Core Daily Standards Pocket Chart ‐ 1459345 EACH $10.17 FG364 Lakeshore Learning 31720 Carson‐Dellosa Scalloped Borders Variety Set ‐ I, 2‐1/4 in X 3 ft, Set of 4 ‐ 080420 EACH $14.24 080420 School Specialty 31721 32749 32748 29347 Carson‐Dellosa Scalloped Borders Variety Set ‐ III, 2‐1/4 in X 3 ft, Set of 4 ‐ 080422 Carson‐Dellosa School Bus Design Single Cutout, Pack of 36 ‐ 1401780 Carson‐Dellosa Star Design Single Cutout, Pack of 36 ‐ 1401778 Carson‐Dellosa Stars Desk Nameplate 9‐1/2 X 2‐7/8 in, Pack of 36 ‐ 1329510 EACH EACH EACH EACH $14.24 $4.94 $4.94 $3.74 080422 1401780 1401778 1329510 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31722 28450 EACH SET $14.99 $6.37 080427 080041 School Specialty School Specialty 29217 Carson‐Dellosa Winter Spring Set Straight Border, 3 in X 39 ft, Pack of 4 ‐ 080427 Casual Letters set of 181 080041 Center Enterprises Giant Imaginative Play 2 Stamper Set with Storage Case, 3 in, Set of 10 ‐ 408845 EACH $18.74 408845 School Specialty 32222 32016 28708 28709 28715 28655 Center Enterprises Non‐Toxic Washable Stamp Pad, 2‐1/4 X 3‐3/4 in, Yellow ‐ 205932 Center Enterprises Plastic Jumbo‐Grip Stamp Set, Uppercase Alphabet ‐ 202813 Center Solutions for Common Core Task Cards ‐ Gr. 1, 1459328 CenterSOLUTIONS for Common Core: Thinking Mats Gr 1 1‐1459334‐030 Chalkboard Tape 1.88 In x 5 Yards 1494670 Change‐of‐Art Mouse Pad 070230 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $7.49 $13.87 $14.92 $24.97 $6.82 $3.22 205932 PP421 1459328 1459334 1494670 070230 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32326 32501 Charles Leonard Ventilated Finger Tip Grip, No 12, 11/16 in, Amber, Pack of 12 ‐ 1514693 Chenille Kraft 2‐3/4 in Colored FluffBalls , Pack of 36 ‐ 1390151 Chenille Kraft Acrylic Non‐Toxic Pom Pom Classroom Pack, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, Pack of 300 ‐ 085928 Chenille Kraft Acrylic Soft N Lively Mini Non‐Toxic Pom Pom, 1 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 085920 Chenille Kraft Acrylic Soft N Lively Mini Non‐Toxic Pom Pom, 1 in, Assorted Hot Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 085922 EACH EACH $1.24 $13.48 1514693 1390151 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.79 085928 School Specialty EACH $2.62 085920 School Specialty EACH $2.62 085922 School Specialty 32756 32878 32879 94 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $2.62 085923 School Specialty Chenille Kraft Assorted Shape Acrylic Gemstone, Assorted Color, 1/2 lb Bag ‐ 085730 Chenille Kraft Assorted Shape Dial a Bead, 3‐3/4 X 3‐3/4 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 900 ‐ 085792 Chenille Kraft Colossal Non‐Toxic Pom Pon, Assorted Size, Assorted Bright Color, 1 lb ‐ 085935 EACH $12.98 1961990 Triarco Art EACH $4.62 YE1621 Lakeshore Learning EACH $7.39 BA8150 Lakeshore Learning Chenille Kraft Cotton‐Like Polyester Decorated Craft Fluff Ball, Blue, Pack of 100 ‐ 085915 Chenille Kraft Creativity Street Polyester Standard Stem Multi‐Purpose Wire Pipe Cleaner, 1/8 X 12 in, Assorted Hot Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 085863 Chenille Kraft Creativity Street Polyester Standard Stem Multi‐Purpose Wire Pipe Cleaner, 1/8 X 12 in, Black, Pack of 100 ‐ 085820 Chenille Kraft Creativity Street Polyester Standard Stem Multi‐Purpose Wire Pipe Cleaner, 1/8 X 12 in, Multi‐Cultural Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 085825 Chenille Kraft Flat Back Wiggle Eye with Painted Lids and Lashes, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 085866 Chenille Kraft Flat Wiggle Eye Sticker, 10 mm, Black, Pack of 1000 ‐ 401643 EACH $3.14 085915 School Specialty EACH $1.46 2290940 Triarco Art EACH $1.46 2290900 Triarco Art EACH $2.09 085825 School Specialty EACH EACH $4.18 $7.79 085866 401643 School Specialty School Specialty Chenille Kraft Flat Wiggle Eye Sticker, 10 mm, Multi‐Color, Pack of 1000 ‐ 401644 Chenille Kraft Flat Wood Toothpick, Pack of 2500 ‐ 085950 Chenille Kraft Glitter Pom Pom, 1 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 40 ‐ 085926 Chenille Kraft Jingle Bell, 15 mm, Silver, Pack of 72 ‐ 085747 Chenille Kraft Jumbo Wiggle Eye, Assorted Size, Black, Pack of 100 ‐ 085849 Chenille Kraft Non‐Toxic Glue Stick Set, 10 cc Tube, Assorted Glitter Color, Set of 72 ‐ 085888 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $8.32 $2.17 $3.81 $3.98 $5.54 401644 085950 085926 RA27479 BJ2580 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning EACH $25.88 RA00384 Triarco Art Chenille Kraft Non‐Toxic Pom Pon, 1 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 085930 Chenille Kraft Non‐Toxic Pom Pon, 1 in, Rainbow Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 086645 Chenille Kraft Non‐Toxic Short Colored Duck Quill, 3 ‐ 5 in, Assorted Color, 3 oz, Pack of 600 ‐ 085834 EACH EACH $2.77 $2.77 BA8112 BA8112 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH $9.24 VR204 Lakeshore Learning EACH $3.14 086309 School Specialty 32890 Chenille Kraft Non‐Toxic Short Colored Quill, 3 ‐ 5 in, Assorted Color, 1/2 oz, ‐ 086309 Chenille Kraft Non‐Toxic Spotted Feather, 3 ‐ 4 in, Assorted Color, 1/4 oz Bag, 7 grams ‐ 085830 EACH $2.39 085830 School Specialty 31687 32901 32891 Chenille Kraft Plastic Cube Uppercase Letter Bead, Assorted Color, Pack of 288 ‐ 066996 Chenille Kraft Round Wiggle Eye, 12 mm, Black on White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085847 Chenille Kraft Round Wiggle Eye, 15 mm, Black on White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085848 EACH EACH EACH $15.74 $1.46 $1.73 066996 RA01059 RA01060 School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art 32880 32522 32619 32471 32839 32902 32899 32900 30280 29312 32634 32896 32797 32760 32490 29281 32718 32784 32517 29283 DESCRIPTION Chenille Kraft Acrylic Soft N Lively Mini Non‐Toxic Pom Pom, 1/2 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 085923 95 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32931 32917 Chenille Kraft Round Wiggle Eye, 7 mm, Black on White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085844 Chenille Kraft Spring Clothespin, 2‐3/4 in, Pack of 24 ‐ 394784 Chenille Kraft Wiggle Eye with Stacking Storage Container, Assorted Size, Assorted on White, Pack of 560 ‐ 1293522 Chenille Kraft Wood Craft Spool Assortment, 1 ‐ 3 in, Pack of 144 ‐ 247897 Chenille Kraft Wood Premium Non‐Toxic Craft Stick, 4‐1/2 X 3/8 X 1/2 in, Natural, Pack of 1000 ‐ 085957 Chevron Nautical Name Badge Set, 3‐1/2 L x 2‐3/4 W in, Set of 45 ‐ 1497777 Chevron Print Incentive chart ‐ 1499043 Childcraft Light‐Weight Construction Paper, 9" X 12" , Assorted Color, Pack of 500 ‐ 1465886 Children's Thesaurus ‐ 1542023 Chroma Acrylic Essential, 1 pt Bottle, Cool Yellow ‐ 424787 Chroma Acrylic Essential, 1 pt Bottle, Purple ‐ 1401069 Chunk Stacker Game 9391633030 Classic Accents 1361816 Classroom Keepers Literature Center, 12 X 10‐1/2 X 1‐3/4 in, Green ‐ 090114 Classroom Keepers Management Center with Vertical Cubby, Three Shelves and Two Drawers, 12‐3/8 X 13‐1/2 X 12‐3/8 in ‐ 1398164 Cleanwipe Cloths, 20/Pack ‐ 1482507 ‐ Page 130 of Math Catalog CLI Acid‐Free Twist‐Up Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Washable Glue Stick, 0.28 oz, Purple and Dries Clear, Pack of 30 ‐ 1354156 CLI Acid‐Free Twist‐Up Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Washable Glue Stick, 0.28 oz, White and Dries Clear, Pack of 30 ‐ 1354157 EACH EACH $1.12 $1.87 085844 394784 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $6.45 $14.99 RA08931 247897 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $7.09 $6.74 $2.24 085957 1497777 1499043 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $6.60 $17.53 $4.43 $4.43 $34.49 $7.19 $26.02 TA50‐300 GT751 RA07734 RA07739 391633 1361816 090114 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $24.44 $6.76 1398164 531810 School Specialty EAI Education EACH $5.40 RA28259 Triarco Art EACH $5.40 RA28248 Triarco Art EACH $1.34 1437852 School Specialty EACH $18.67 078532 School Specialty EACH $6.14 1370415 School Specialty EACH $13.64 078533 School Specialty EACH $8.32 1056686 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH SET SET $7.79 $22.49 $11.17 $8.99 $13.64 1492028 1518543 224003 1498871 1449379 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32650 32498 30282 32240 32893 32535 28747 32692 32694 28685 28696 32043 32051 29403 32554 32555 32357 31568 32257 31569 32209 32649 28726 28677 28720 28707 C‐Line Durable Polypropylene Pencil Case with Slider Closure, Assorted Color ‐ 1437852 C‐Line Polypropylene Anti‐Microbial Heavy Weight Sheet Protector, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Clear, Top Loading, Pack of 100 ‐ 078532 C‐Line Polypropylene Biodegradable Expanding File, Letter, 13 Pockets, Blue ‐ 1370415 C‐Line Polypropylene Recycled Reduced Glare Standard‐Weight Sheet Protector, 11 X 8‐ 1/2 in, Clear, Top Loading, Pack of 100 ‐ 078533 C‐Line Polypropylene Reinforced Standard‐Weight Sheet Protector, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Letter, Clear, Top Loading, Pack of 50 ‐ 1056686 C‐Line Reusable Dry Erase Pocket Study Aid Kit ‐ 9 L x 12 W in ‐ Red and Blue ‐ Pack of 16 ‐ 1492028 Close Reading with Paired Texts 1518543 Clue Game 224003 Colored Pencils Magnetic Border 1498871 Colorful Name Tag Set of 108 ‐ 1449379 96 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 29239 Colorful Paw Prints Calendar Bulletin Board Display Set, Set of 68 ‐ 1356820 EACH $13.94 1356820 School Specialty 32258 Command Decorating Clip with 24 Adhesive Mini Strips, Clear, Pack of 20 ‐ 1434802 EACH $5.91 1434802 School Specialty 32292 Command Hook with 4 Adhesive Strips, Medium, 2 lb, Clear, Pack of 2 ‐ 1434804 EACH $4.49 1434804 School Specialty 32213 31554 EACH EACH $8.09 $4.42 1396396 075554 School Specialty School Specialty 32156 28724 28673 30275 31665 28721 Command Removable Picture Hanging Strip, Medium, 3 lb, White, Pack of 6 ‐ 1396396 Command Removable Picture Hanging Strip, Small, 1 lb, Pack of 4 ‐ 075554 Command Reusable Adhesive Wire Hook Value Pack with Removable Adhesive Strip, Small, White, 0.5 lb, Pack of 21 ‐ 1396397 Complex Text Passages ‐ Common Core ‐ Grades 7‐8 9‐1502895‐030 Compoz‐A‐Puzzle Craft Project, 5‐1/2 X 8 ‐ 215196 Con‐Tact Lamination Paper, 18" x 20', Clear ‐ 1503272 Con‐Tact Self‐Adhesive Chalkboard Contact Paper, 18 in X 6 ft, Black ‐ 038889 Counters ‐ Two‐Color ‐ 200/Set ‐ 1499101 EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET $10.87 $15.59 $10.54 $9.24 $7.49 $8.99 1396397 1502895 RA07916 CA454 038889 1499101 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty 32632 29353 28674 CPE Acrylic Washable Decorator Felt Assortment, 9 x 12 in, Black, Pack of 25 ‐ 1330074 CPE EZ Solid Stiffened Felt, 9 X 12 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 25 ‐ 1368378 Craft Project ‐ Color Snap‐in key Chain 12/Pack‐ 215841 EACH EACH PKG $7.49 $10.04 $14.79 1330074 1368378 215841 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31574 Crafty Dab Envelope Moistener with Adhesive, 1‐3/4 oz Soft Bottle, Pack of 6 ‐ 078607 Crayola 978 Flat Chiseled Nylon Bristle Long Varnished Wood Handle Easel Brush, 1 in, Clear ‐ 007500 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Semi‐Moist Watercolor Paint Set, Plastic Oval Pan, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 391085 EACH $10.64 078607 School Specialty EACH $3.19 370485 Triarco Art EACH $1.99 160900 Triarco Art EACH $2.70 11002 Triarco Art EACH $2.70 11004 Triarco Art EACH $2.70 11006 Triarco Art EACH $2.70 11008 Triarco Art 31611 32888 31627 31613 31614 DESCRIPTION Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Black ‐ 008151 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Green ‐ 007683 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Orange ‐ 007689 EACH $2.70 11011 Triarco Art 31617 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Red ‐ 007692 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, White ‐ 007698 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Yellow ‐ 007701 EACH $2.70 11012 Triarco Art 31618 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Squeeze Bottle, Black ‐ 007704 EACH $4.69 11101 Triarco Art 31615 31616 97 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 31619 31620 32375 31612 31629 29378 32827 32662 32731 32431 29341 32367 32712 32791 DESCRIPTION Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Squeeze Bottle, Orange ‐ 007722 Crayola Artista II Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Squeeze Bottle, Red ‐ 007725 Crayola Hexagonal Non‐Toxic Jumbo Oil Pastel Stick Classroom Pack, 7/16 X 3 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 336 ‐ 405788 Crayola Large Non‐Toxic Single‐Color Crayon Refill, 7/16 X 4 in, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 007593 Crayola Large Non‐Toxic Washable Crayon Set, 7/16 X 4 in, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 008757 Crayola Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Pencil Set, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 1437664 Crayola Non‐Toxic Colored Pencil Set in Tuck Box, 3.3 mm Thick Tip, Assorted Metallic Color, Set of 8 ‐ 245791 Crayola Non‐Toxic Glitter Marker Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 6 ‐ 1465253 Crayola Non‐Toxic Line Marker Set for Fabric, Fine Tip, Set of 10 ‐ 1466264 Crayola Non‐Toxic Multi‐Cultural Washable Tempera Paint Set, 8 oz Squeeze Bottle, Assorted Skin Tone Color, Set of 8 ‐ 391121 Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable Marker and Large Crayon Drawing Classroom Pack, Assorted Colors, 256 Pieces, Pack of 256 ‐ 1293658 Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable Marker Classroom Assortment, Conical Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 200 ‐ 1334628 Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable Marker Set with 5 Scented Markers, Super Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 20 ‐ 410492 Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable Marker Set, Conical Tip, Assorted Bright Colors, Set of 8 ‐ 1371174 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.69 11106 Triarco Art EACH $4.69 11108 Triarco Art EACH $32.63 RA03959 Triarco Art EACH $3.19 40401 Triarco Art EACH $1.56 VX273 Lakeshore Learning EACH $4.57 1437664 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.31 $5.14 $3.94 RA13532 RA23912 RA02215 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH $16.13 10385 Triarco Art EACH $61.46 RA11780 Triarco Art EACH $61.88 RA13010 Triarco Art EACH $3.38 RA06609 Triarco Art EACH $2.89 RA06606 Triarco Art EACH $3.22 1371175 School Specialty EACH $3.08 401650 Triarco Art EACH $5.44 40280 Triarco Art EACH $2.78 RA13869 Triarco Art 32785 Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable Marker Set, Super Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 1371175 Crayola Non‐Toxic Washable Marker Set, Wedge Tip, Assorted Classic Colors, Set of 8 ‐ 008742 Crayola Non‐Toxic Wax Crayon in Hinged Top Box with Sharpener, 5/16 X 3‐5/8 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 96 ‐ 200600 Crayola Original Non‐Toxic Marker Set, Conical Tip, Assorted Classic Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 1371173 32610 Crayola Portfolio Non‐Toxic Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Ivory Black ‐ 216643 EACH $7.13 300145 Triarco Art 32611 Crayola Portfolio Non‐Toxic Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Light Red ‐ 216645 EACH $7.13 300125 Triarco Art 32612 Crayola Portfolio Non‐Toxic Acrylic Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Titanium White ‐ 216655 EACH $7.13 300180 Triarco Art 32834 31628 32666 98 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32609 32918 32914 32476 Crayola Short Non‐Toxic Colored Pencil, Assorted Color, Pack of 64 ‐ 1293659 Crayola Silly Putty Changeable, No Color Choice ‐ 1457828 Crayola Twist Lock Paint Dispensing Pump for Tempera, 1 gal, White ‐ 405101 Crayola Visi‐Max Dry Erase Marker Chisel Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1494489 EACH EACH EACH EACH $9.44 $1.72 $1.79 $10.46 1293659 1457828 405101 RA26992 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art 32725 Crayola Visi‐Max Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 4 ‐ 1494488 Creative Arts Assorted Shape Decorating Foam, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, Pack of 720 ‐ 214806 Creative Arts Non‐Toxic Glitter, 4 oz Jar, Purple ‐ 1451278 Creative Collection Acid‐Free Heavy Weight Card Stock, 65 lb, 8‐1/2" x 11", Assorted Glisten Colors, Pack of 48 ‐ 1369011 EACH $5.39 1494488 School Specialty EACH EACH $2.33 $2.29 RA28246 RA20129 Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH $11.84 1369011 School Specialty EACH EACH $19.49 $9.29 068246 1283391 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.29 1283393 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $10.12 $12.22 $5.24 $11.99 1334977 1283399 1334983 1432557 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $4.87 $5.24 $4.49 1408353 1334984 1432567 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $12.74 $10.87 $5.24 $4.49 $5.24 $5.24 1334969 089626 1334986 1432569 1334985 1334982 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32717 32848 32544 31690 32190 29224 DESCRIPTION Creative Shapes Etc.t Mini Seasonal Notepad Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 13 ‐ 068246 Creative Teaching Press 2 in Mini Letters Poppin Patterns, Set of 676 ‐ 1283392 Creative Teaching Press 4 in Multicolored Designer Letters, Dots on Black, Set of 216 ‐ 1283393 EACH $8.99 085809 School Specialty 32618 Creative Teaching Press 7 H in Designer Letters, Dots on Black, Set of 120 ‐ 1334977 Creative Teaching Press Back‐To‐School Stars Bulletin Board Set of 24 ‐ 1283399 Creative Teaching Press Dots on Black Labels ‐ 1334983 Creative Teaching Press Dots on Turquoise Calendar Set, 67 Pieces ‐ 1432557 Creative Teaching Press Dots on Turquoise Labels/Nametags, 3‐1/2 x 2‐1/2 in, Pack of 36 ‐ 1408353 Creative Teaching Press Monkey Business Labels ‐ 1334984 Creative Teaching Press Polka Dot Party Name Plates 36/Pack‐ 1432567 Creative Teaching Press Poppin' Patterns Back‐to‐School Apples Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1334969 Creative Teaching Press Poppin' Patterns Calendar Set, Set of 65 ‐ 089626 Creative Teaching Press Poppin' Patterns Stars Labels ‐ 1334986 Creative Teaching Press Poppin' Patterns Stars Name Plate 36/Pack‐ 1432569 Creative Teaching Press Rainbow Stripes Labels ‐ 1334985 Creative Teaching Press Smiling Stick Kids Labels ‐ 1334982 Creativity Street Assorted Designs Dough Extruder Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 12 ‐ 085809 Creativity Street Jumbo Animal and Objects Designs Clay Cutter Set with Rolling Pin, 4 in, Assorted Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 085802 EACH $9.14 085802 School Specialty 32505 Creativity Street Multi‐Purpose Foam Paint Brush Set, Assorted Size, Set of 40 ‐ 085642 EACH $13.99 085642 School Specialty 32510 Creativity Street Natural Mixed Bone Beads, Assorted Shapes and Sizes, 12 oz ‐ 401550 EACH $11.96 RA09131 Triarco Art 29236 32138 32734 32142 32754 29237 32787 32139 32128 32736 29373 32735 32733 32624 99 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION 29374 28729 Creativity Street No‐Spill Round Cup Plastic Paint Pot Set with Assorted Colored Lids, 3‐ 1/2 W in, Translucent, Set of 10 ‐ 430001 Creativity Street Round Wiggle Eye, 5 mm, Black on White, Pack of 100 ‐ 409848 C‐Thru 30/60 deg Transparent Triangular Polystyrene Ruler, 8 in ‐ 030756 C‐Thru 45/90 deg Transparent Triangular Polystyrene Ruler, 8 in ‐ 030747 CUT & PASTE, SIGHT WORD SENTENCES 1430011 Cypress Medical Product Jet Stream Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine, Conical Tip, Black Ink/Barrel ‐ 1481116 Dahle 155 Portable Soft Lead Pencil Sharpener, Gray ‐ 442037 Daily math Practice 5th grade 9‐302281‐030 Darice Kraft Plastic Pony Bead, Black, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1368015 Darice Kraft Plastic Pony Bead, Blue, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1368016 Darice Kraft Plastic Pony Bead, Green, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1368017 Darice Kraft Plastic Pony Bead, Yellow, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1368020 Decorate Me Art Activity Box Class Pack 8‐9/16 L x 2‐3/4 W x 5 H in, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 088017 Deflect‐O Desk Drawer Organizer, 14 X 9 X 1 in, Plastic, Black, ‐ 1449292 Deflect‐O File Sorter, Small, 5 Compartments, Black ‐ 1501207 Deflect‐O Magazine Sorter, 11.8 x 10 x 6‐1/4 in, Black ‐ 1501215 Dixie Foods ‐ durable heavyweight forks white 100 pk 1124440 Dixie Foods ‐ heavy‐weight white teaspoon plastic ‐ 100 pk 1124447 D'Nealian 24 X 32 Chart Tablet, Ruled 2 In., 25 Sheets ‐ 006408 Do a Dot Non‐Toxic Art Marker, Sponge Tip, 7 x 3/8 in, Fluorescent Colors, Set of 5 ‐ 419458 Dooley Boards One Week Dry‐Erase Magnetic Calendar Board with Cork Strip, 8 X 20 in, Aluminum Frame ‐ 1467425 Duck Brand Hot Melt Rubber Colored Commercial Grade Packaging Tape with 3 in Core, 1‐ 7/8 in x 109 yd x 1.9 mil, Yellow, 36 Rolls ‐ 1409500 Duck Brand Original Extra Sticky Rubber Premium Waterproof Self‐Adhesive Duct Tape, 1‐ 7/8 in x 45 yd, Silver, Cloth Backing ‐ 1096108 Duck Tape Colored Duct Tape, 1‐7/8 in x 20 yd, Black ‐ 404004 Duck Tape Colored Duct Tape, 1‐7/8 in x 20 yd, Purple ‐ 1397095 Duck Tape Duct Tape, 1.88 in x 15 yd, Fuschia ‐ 1493157 Duck Tape General Purpose Waterproof Self‐Adhesive Colored Duct Tape, 1‐7/8 in x 10 yd, Spotted Leopard ‐ 1397104 Duck Tape General Purpose Waterproof Self‐Adhesive Colored Duct Tape, 1‐7/8 in x 20 yd, Aqua ‐ 1436310 Duck Tape‐ Marble Peacock 1533777 31990 Durable Sherpa 10‐Panel Wall Reference System, Assorted Color Panels ‐ 1484040 32644 32943 31652 31651 28704 32852 32408 28681 32772 32773 32774 32775 29286 32263 32167 32285 28692 28693 28650 32508 32492 32206 32127 32707 32708 29407 32716 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG $6.30 $1.04 $1.46 $1.96 $10.49 190810 409848 RA15780 030747 1430011 Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.77 $25.79 $20.34 $2.93 $2.93 $2.93 $2.93 1481116 442037 CC138 RA11490 RA11491 RA11493 RA11492 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH EACH BOX BOX EACH $27.74 $6.14 $11.17 $5.02 $6.09 $6.09 $13.64 088017 1449292 1501207 1501215 1124440 1124447 006408 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $13.87 EV214 Lakeshore Learning EACH $14.19 1467425 School Specialty EACH $8.39 1409500 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $13.12 $4.05 $5.92 $5.92 1096108 RA16080 1397095 1493157 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH $3.90 RA17394 Triarco Art EACH EACH $4.05 $5.69 RA16077 1533777 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $68.02 1484040 School Specialty 100 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 31985 Durable Vario Polypropylene Anti‐Microbial Desk Reference System Surface with Display Sleeves, Gray ‐ 1446010 EACH $101.77 1446010 School Specialty EACH $15.59 038587 School Specialty EACH $25.87 038590 School Specialty EACH $13.79 038588 School Specialty EACH $50.99 1405065 School Specialty EACH $21.52 1093458 School Specialty EACH $25.49 1480381 School Specialty EACH $10.46 RA06525 Triarco Art EACH $10.46 RA06526 Triarco Art EACH EACH PKG $13.64 $17.17 $6.67 1119255 1494331 1533757 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $1.73 RA21467 Triarco Art EACH $3.52 407503 School Specialty EACH EACH $1.57 $11.24 008973 1465833 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $8.85 $2.84 RA19968 1053872 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $24.89 1308036 School Specialty EACH $11.92 038044 School Specialty EACH $15.52 1398528 School Specialty 31525 31527 31526 32000 32062 32045 32416 32417 32511 32466 28728 31662 29319 31630 32567 29397 32320 32047 31521 32104 Dymo LabelWriter 400 Turbo Paper Rectangle Permanent Self‐Adhesive Address Label for Dymo LabelWriter 400 Turbo, 1‐1/8 X 3‐1/2 in, White, Pack of 2 ‐ 038587 Dymo LabelWriter 400 Turbo Paper Rectangle Permanent Self‐Adhesive Shipping Label, 2‐ 1/8 X 4 in, White, 1 roll of 220 ‐ 038590 Dymo LabelWriter 400 Turbo Paper Rectangle Self‐Adhesive File Folder Label, 9/16 X 3‐ 7/16 in, White, Pack of 130 ‐ 038588 Dymo LabelWriter High Capacity Self‐Adhesive Address Label, 3‐1/2 X 1‐1/8 in, White, Pack of 1050 ‐ 1405065 Dymo LabelWriter Paper Rectangle High Capacity Permanent Self‐Adhesive Address Label, 3‐1/2 X 1‐1/8 in, White, Roll of 260 ‐ 1093458 Dymo LabelWriters Paper Rectangle Continuous Roll High Capacity Address Label, 1.12 X 3‐1/2 in, White, Pack of 520 ‐ 1480381 Elmer's Acid‐Free Multi‐Purpose Disappearing Non‐Toxic Handy Twist‐Up Washable School Glue Stick, 0.24 oz Tube, Clear, Pack of 60 ‐ 1426323 Elmer's Acid‐Free Multi‐Purpose Disappearing Non‐Toxic Handy Twist‐Up Washable School Glue Stick, 0.24 oz Tube, Purple and Dries Clear, Pack of 60 ‐ 1426324 Elmer's Acid‐Free Multi‐Purpose Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Permanent Washable Glue Stick, 0.21 oz, White, Pack of 24 ‐ 1119255 Elmer's All New Improved Glue, 1.25 oz, Pack of 12 ‐ 1494331 Elmers Board Mate Chalk Markers 4/pack 91533757030 Elmer's Craft Bond Acid‐Free Fast Dry Non‐Toxic Non‐Wrinkle Waterproof Rubber Cement with Brush in Cap, 4 oz Jar, Clear ‐ 038443 Elmer's Krazy Glue Multi‐Purpose Instant Glue, .5 Grams Single Use Tube, Clear, Pack of 4 ‐ 407503 Elmer's Non‐Toxic Washable No Run School Glue, 8 oz Squeeze Bottle, White and Dries Clear ‐ 008973 Elmer's Non‐Toxic Washable School Glue, 1.25 oz, Pack of 12 ‐ 1465833 Elmer's Painters Eastern Empire Paint Marker Set, Medium Tip, Opaque, Set of 5 ‐ 1467589 Esselte Ampad Steno Notebook, 6 x 9 in, 70 Sheets, White ‐ 1053872 Esselte Pastel Perforated Pad, Legal, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 6 ‐ 1308036 Esselte Pendaflex 1/3 Cut File Folder with Erasable Tabs, Letter, 3‐Ply, Assorted Colors, Set of 30 ‐ 038044 Esselte Pendaflex Divide‐It‐Up 3‐Section File Folder, Letter, Multiple, Pack of 24 ‐ 1398528 101 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $14.69 021855 School Specialty EACH EACH $13.04 $42.44 038479 1109684 School Specialty School Specialty Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Blank Index Card, 3 X 5 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1380617 EACH $1.79 1380617 School Specialty 32341 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Blank Index Card, 4 X 6 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1443129 EACH $2.09 1443129 School Specialty 32314 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Blank Index Card, 5 X 8 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1437858 EACH $3.22 1437858 School Specialty EACH $29.54 023501 School Specialty EACH $2.54 1437857 School Specialty EACH $2.39 091562 School Specialty EACH $3.22 1437859 School Specialty EACH $3.14 024715 School Specialty EACH $30.37 1372189 School Specialty EACH $20.39 1367484 School Specialty 31524 32005 Esselte Pendaflex Earth in Mind 2 Pockets Recycled Portfolio, 100 Sheets, Assorted Color, Pack of 25 ‐ 021855 Esselte Pendaflex InfoPocket 1/3 Cut File Folder, Letter, Assorted Colors, Pack of 30 ‐ 038479 Esselte Pendaflex Loc Archival File Folder, Letter, Manila, Box of 100 ‐ 1109684 32346 31510 31514 32328 32335 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Embossed Leatherine 2 Pockets Heavy Duty Pocket Portfolio with Fastener Insert, 1/2 in, 11‐3/4 L x 9‐1/2 W in, Dark Blue, Pack of 25 ‐ 023501 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Rainbow Ruled Index Card, 3 X 5 in, Multiple Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 1437857 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Ruled Index Card, 3 X 5 in, Assorted Extreme Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 091562 EACH $20.39 1367487 School Specialty 32077 32096 29243 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Ruled Index Card, 5 X 8 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1437859 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford School Smart Elegant Stripe Portfolio with 8 Colored Pockets, 200, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Assorted Color ‐ 024715 Esselte Pendaflex Oxford Twisted Pocket Folder Without Fasteners, 11 L x 8‐1/2 W in, 2 Pockets, Assorted Colors, Pack of 50 ‐ 1372189 Esselte Pendaflex SureHook Polylaminate 1/5 Cut Hanging File Folder, Letter, Blue, Pack of 20 ‐ 1367484 Esselte Pendaflex SureHook Polylaminate 1/5 Cut Hanging File Folder, Letter, Bright Green, Pack of 20 ‐ 1367487 Esselte Pendaflex SureHook Polylaminate 1/5 Cut Hanging File Folder, Letter, Red, Pack of 20 ‐ 1367485 Esselte Pendaflex Tab Folder, Letter, Manila, Box of 50 ‐ 1472700 Esselte Sure Hook Hanging File Folder, Letter, Blue, Set of 20 ‐ 1383301 EACH EACH EACH $20.39 $16.04 $22.19 1367485 1472700 1383301 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 29250 Eureka Giant Cat in the Hat Bulletin Board Set, 4 Die Cut Panels, 5 W ft ‐ 1414846 EACH $12.14 1414846 School Specialty 29270 Exact Acid‐Free Index Cardstock, 8‐1/2" x 11", 90 lb, White, Pack of 250 ‐ 1495103 Exact Acid‐Free Multi‐Purpose Colored Index Stock Paper, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 110 lb, Assorted Pastel Color, Pack of 250 ‐ 1301581 Expo Dry Erase Assorted,Intense Colors 16/Pkg ‐1534837 EACH $12.97 1495103 School Specialty EACH SET $14.92 $25.79 1301581 1534837 School Specialty School Specialty 32313 31516 32026 31598 31599 32494 28732 102 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $19.79 336544 School Specialty EACH $12.37 1437809 School Specialty 29379 Expo Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker Set, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 336544 Expo Magnetic Clip Eraser with Marker, Red/Blue/Black Marker, for Use with Dry Erase Board ‐ 1437809 32449 32467 32469 Expo Non‐Toxic Original Dry Erase Marker, Bullet Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1333719 Expo Non‐Toxic Original Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1333752 Expo Non‐Toxic Original Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 1333754 EACH EACH EACH $10.81 $17.39 $9.73 1333719 1333752 1333749 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31739 32468 Expo Original Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 081989 Expo Original Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1333753 EACH EACH $19.79 $9.73 081989 1333753 School Specialty School Specialty 29327 31686 Expo Original Portable Marker Formula Dry Erase Kit, 14 Pieces, Assorted Color ‐ 418795 Expo Scents Dry Erase Marker Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 066930 EACH EACH $26.47 $18.89 418795 066930 School Specialty School Specialty 32663 Faber‐Castell Broadline Marker Set, Jumbo, Assorted Colors, Set of 12 ‐ 1494498 Faber‐Castell Non‐Toxic Triangular Colored Ecopencil Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 24 ‐ 1494880 EACH $6.53 RA22268 Triarco Art EACH $5.32 1438846 School Specialty EACH $5.32 1438846 School Specialty EACH EACH $9.19 $3.89 RA16991 026187 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $17.39 1080539 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $32.54 $50.39 $95.99 1310214 1087253 1535953 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32465 32709 32020 32001 29278 Faber‐Castell Triangular Colored EcoPencil, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 1438846 Factis Non‐Abrasive Self‐Cleaning Graphite Plastic Vinyl Eraser, White, Pack of 24 ‐ 446129 Fellowes Bankers Box Folder Holder, 12 X 5.5 X 9.62 in, Fiberboard ‐ 026187 Fellowes CombBind Plastic Letter Size Versatile Binding Comb, 1/2 in, 56 ‐ 90 Sheet, Black, 19 Ring, Pack of 100 ‐ 1080539 Fellowes Designer Suites Step File Organizer, 11‐1/2 in W X 10‐1/2 in H X 7‐1/8 in D, Black ‐ 1310214 Fellowes Desktop Reference Rack, 21‐1/8 X 7‐1/8 X 18‐5/8 in, Plastic ‐ 1087253 Fellowes Powershred 11C Light‐Duty Cross‐Cut Shredder, Black ‐ 1535953 32235 28730 Fellowes Steel Letter Size Wire Stacking Desk Tray, 10 X 14 X 3 in, Black ‐ 1059959 Fiskars Folding Scissors 1534777 EACH EACH $13.49 $4.49 1059959 1534777 School Specialty School Specialty 32437 Fiskars Office Portable Paper Trimmer with Recycled Cutline, 12 in, Black ‐ 1371043 Fiskars Performance Home Office Scissor, 8 in, Titanium Blade, Straight Plastic Handle, Light Blue ‐ 1473163 Fiskars Performance Softgrip Straight Scissors, 8 in, Silver ‐ 1326607 Fiskars Pointed Tip Performance Scissor, 8 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Straight Plastic Handle, Blue ‐ 1468068 Fiskars Premier No.8 Pinking Shears, 9 in ‐ 000243 EACH $20.54 1371043 School Specialty EACH EACH $6.74 $5.36 1473163 RA12991 School Specialty Triarco Art EACH EACH $10.04 $27.74 1468068 000243 School Specialty School Specialty 32726 29329 31517 32090 32684 32639 32601 31602 103 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32641 29354 32584 32822 32539 32528 28712 32557 32668 32481 28471 31633 29307 32825 32688 28689 28706 28682 29321 28453 32798 28660 32453 32541 32542 29398 32813 32604 DESCRIPTION Fiskars Round 'n Round Squeeze Punch, Medium, 1 in ‐ 090341 Fiskars Schoolworks Corrosion‐Resistant Class Pack Pointed Tip Scissor with Rack, 5 L in, Stainless Steel Blade, Squish Grip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 1368407 Fiskars Shear/Scissor, 8 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Straight Handle ‐ 245996 Fiskars Spring Action Preschool Scissors, Assorted Colors ‐ 1494025 Fiskars SureCut Portable Paper Trimmer ‐ 9 W in ‐ 1494028 Five Star Poly Front Cover Perforated Wirebound Notebook ‐ 5 Subject, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, College Ruling, 200 Sheets, Multiple Colors ‐ 1438386 Flexible Craft Spatula ‐ 1467382 Flipside Reusable Project Cork Board, 36 X 48 in, Natural ‐ 1436769 FM Brush Beginner Stubby White Bristle Paint Brush Set, 1/2 X 7‐1/4 in, Assorted Color, Set of 10 ‐ 085683 FM Brush Nylon Fiber Lacquered Wood Handle Utility Brush Set, Assorted Size, Set of 4 ‐ 404556 Foam Dice 2 Inch ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 022968 Foam Pencil Grips ‐ Pack of 12 ‐ Colors May Vary ‐ 018220 Franklin Learning Systems Feelings Fair Game ‐ 362915 Frog Street Press Teacher Created Resources Signature Line Smart Start Writing Paper, 8‐ 1/2" x 11", 1 in Line Spacing, Pack of 40 ‐ 1301916 Frog Tape Multi‐Surface Self‐Adhesive Painters Tape with Paint Block Technology, 0.94 in x 45 yd, Green ‐ 1397107 funky film scrap bag 6 oz 453206 GAME AUTHORS PURPOSE ANIMAL ADVENTURE BLUE LEVEL 3.5‐5.0 1442964 GAME FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS TAXI DRIVER BLUE LEVEL 3.5‐5.0 367314 General's Little Red All‐Art 1‐Hole Pencil Sharpener, Red, Pack of 18 ‐ 410415 Genuine Joe Metal Trash Can 1405274 Glue Dots 200 Non‐Toxic Craft Glue Dot Roll, 1/2 in, Clear, Pack of 200 ‐ 402536 Good Times Stinky Stickers Pack of 535 ‐ 079978 GoWrite Self‐Adhesive Dry Erase Roll, 24 in X 10 ft ‐ 1369502 Hammermill Fore Great White Multi‐Purpose Premium Colored Paper, 8‐1/2 X 14 in, 20 lb, Green, Pack of 500 ‐ 1333085 Hammermill Fore Great White Multi‐Purpose Premium Colored Paper, 8‐1/2 X 14 in, 20 lb, Pink, Pack of 500 ‐ 1333086 Hammond & Stephens 0400 P Wire‐O Bound Lesson Plan Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 7 Subjects, 40 Week, White/Black ‐ 1473693 Hammond & Stephens 0403‐8 P Lesson Plan Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 8 Subjects, 40 Week, White/Black ‐ 1473699 Hammond & Stephens 0479‐6 P 2‐Part Carbonless Lesson Plan Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, 8‐ 1/2 X 11 in, 6 Subjects, White/Yellow ‐ 1473695 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $8.02 090341 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $18.89 $7.46 $3.74 $12.22 1368407 RA09173 1494025 1494028 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $12.74 $1.94 $11.62 1438386 1467382 1436769 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $5.93 373800 Triarco Art EACH SET EACH EACH $16.49 $35.07 $4.19 $50.02 404556 022968 018220 362915 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $3.74 1301916 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH $6.59 $6.52 $22.94 $22.94 $12.89 $21.67 $3.89 $13.49 $19.12 1397107 453206 1442964 367314 410415 1405274 402536 079978 1369502 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $11.92 1333085 School Specialty EACH $11.92 1333086 School Specialty EACH $3.19 1473693 School Specialty EACH $3.19 1473699 School Specialty EACH $12.74 1473695 School Specialty 104 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.49 1473662 School Specialty EACH $3.10 1473706 School Specialty EACH $7.80 1337944 School Specialty EACH $4.62 LL362 Lakeshore Learning Hammond & Stephens Elementary Writing Journal, 8‐1/2" x 11", ‐ 1483030 Hammond & Stephens Multi‐Level Dovetail/Paw Print Value Medal, 2 in, Solid Die Cast, Gold ‐ 1358634 EACH $2.39 1483030 School Specialty EACH $1.57 1358634 School Specialty Hammond & Stephens Primary Writing Journal, 8‐1/2" x 11", ‐ 1483031 Hammond & Stephens Wall Calendar 24 x 36, 5 Pack 1536891 Hammond & Stephens Weekly Planner, 5 x 8 in, Black ‐ 2016‐2017 Academic Hammond & Stephens Wire‐O Bound Class Record Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, for 16 Classes, 8‐ 1/2 X 11 in, 38 Students, 9/10 Week, White/Green ‐ 1481899 EACH SET EACH $2.39 $9.74 $10.49 1483031 1536891 1497618 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.49 1481899 School Specialty EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH $18.29 $5.24 $11.24 $4.12 $4.12 $5.99 1397087 1537120 017877 1464561 1464562 078293 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $8.42 1377852 School Specialty EACH $6.42 1375470 School Specialty EACH EACH $13.29 $10.62 1375460 1063488 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $18.49 GG975 Lakeshore Learning EACH $1.09 RA18049 Triarco Art 31532 Highland 2600 Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1/2 in x 60 yd, Cream ‐ 040584 Highland 2600 Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1‐1/2 in x 60 yd, Cream ‐ 040593 EACH $2.99 040593 School Specialty 31531 Highland 2600 Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 3/4 in x 60 yd, Cream ‐ 040587 EACH $1.43 700150 Triarco Art 32294 29399 29348 32273 32897 32932 32898 28459 32600 32298 32459 28734 31632 29391 29392 31713 32630 29242 32124 28691 29309 31530 DESCRIPTION Hammond & Stephens 0626 P Class Record Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 40 Students, 8 Subjects, 6/7 Week, Green ‐ 1473662 Hammond & Stephens 6‐Subject Lesson Plan Book, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 40 Week ‐ 1473706 Hammond & Stephens Certificate of Promotion Gold Foil Embossed Seal, 1‐13/16 in, Pack of 54 ‐ 1337944 Hammond & Stephens Class Record Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, 6‐3/4 X 11 in, 40 Students, 9 Week, 16 ‐ 18 Week Period, Green ‐ 1481880 Handy Art Non‐Toxic Fabric Paint Bucket Kit, Multiple Color, Pack of 9 ‐ 1397087 Happy Peel & Stick Pockets 30 /Pack 1537120 Hart Toys Squiggle Wiggle Writer Pen Set ‐ 017877 Hayes Blank Gold Foil Pressure Sensitive Sticker, 2 in, Pack of 50 ‐ 1464561 Hayes Excellence Gold Foil Pressure Sensitive Sticker, 2 in, Pack of 50 ‐ 1464562 Hayes Recognition Certificates, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Paper, Pack of 30 ‐ 078293 Headline U.S. Stamp & Sign Plastic Case Replacement Ink Pad for T5117 Date Stamps, Black ‐ 1377852 Headline U.S. Stamp & Sign Qwikmark Rubber Steel Frame Heavy Duty Date Stamp, Type 1‐1/2, Gray Ink ‐ 1375470 Headline U.S. Stamp & Sign Stamp‐Ever Pre‐Inked Round Stamp, 3/4 in Impression, Smiley Face, 50, 000 Impression, Red Ink ‐ 1375460 Heavy Duty Felt Pads Assorted Sizes 25/Pack 1063488 Hero Arts Rubber Woodblock Stamp Set for Teachers Messages from Your Teacher, Set of 11 ‐ 387217 105 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 31533 32098 32114 32089 Highland 5910 Self‐Adhesive General Purpose Invisible Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1296 in, Transparent ‐ 040602 Highland 5910 Transparent Tape, 3/4 in x 36 yd, Pack of 12 ‐ 1482510 Highland 6200 Invisible Tape, 1/2 in x 36 yd, Pack of 12 ‐ 1482512 Highland 6200 Invisible Tape, 3/4 in x 36 yd, Pack of 12 ‐ 1482511 EACH EACH EACH EACH $1.20 $16.12 $14.99 $18.22 700010 1482510 1482512 1482511 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31541 Highland Self‐Stick Notes, 1‐1/2 x 2 in, Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 042195 EACH $2.62 042195 School Specialty 32211 Highland Self‐Stick Notes, 3 x 3 in, Bright Colors, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 087788 EACH $8.17 087788 School Specialty 32256 Highland Self‐Stick Notes, 3 x 3 in, Pastel Colors, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 1302002 EACH $6.22 1302002 School Specialty 31565 Highland Self‐Stick Notes, 3 x 3 in, Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 077320 EACH $5.92 077320 School Specialty 32210 House of Doolittle 3 Month View Wall Calendar, 8 x 17 in, Blue/White ‐ 1528198 House of Doolittle Academic Monthly/Weekly Planner, 7 x 9 in, Gray/White Dots ‐ 1528199 House of Doolittle Vinyl Heavy Gauge Desk Protector with Reference Calendars and Note Strip, 20 X 36 in, Clear ‐ 087712 House of Doolittle Wall Calendar, 12 x 17 in, Blue and Gray ‐ 1497624 Hygloss Cork Sheet, 8‐1/2 x 11 x 1/16 in, Pack of 12 409411 Hygloss Happy Border, 48 L yd, Pack of 48 ‐ 1494258 Hygloss Holiday Border, 48 L yd, Pack of 48 ‐ 1494259 Hygloss Library Card, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1466249 Hygloss Plastic Pony Bead, Assorted Glitter Color, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1393872 EACH $7.49 1528198 School Specialty EACH $14.99 1528199 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $34.72 $10.87 $16.49 $14.99 $14.99 $3.19 $7.49 087712 1536865 409411 1494258 1494259 1466249 1393872 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $15.37 1114148 School Specialty EACH $32.49 1124840 School Specialty 29277 32017 32155 28686 32502 32503 29396 32661 EACH $80.02 1329876 School Specialty 32480 32351 32678 Ideastream Snap‐N‐Store Fiberboard Panel Chrome Steel Handle Collapsible Heavy Duty File Box, Letter/Legal, 15 in W X 12‐3/8 in D X 9‐3/4 in H, Black ‐ 1114148 Ideastream Vaultz Locking Cash Box for Bills and Coins, 10 X 8‐3/4 X 5 in, Black/Chrome ‐ 1124840 Innovative Storage Designs Advantus Hanging File Cart with Clear Lid, 25‐5/8 in H X 15‐ 5/8 in W X 18 in D, 100 lb, Steel, Black ‐ 1329876 Instructional Fair 1080 Reward Stickers for All Reasons Sticker Book, 1 X 1‐1/8 in ‐ 1004873 Integra Correction Tape Pack, Blue, Pack of 2 ‐ 1508271 Integra Gel Ink Pen, 0.7 mm, Black Barrel and Ink, Box of 12 ‐ 1497467 EACH EACH EACH $13.12 $1.64 $6.82 1004873 1508271 1497467 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32738 Integra Latex‐Free Pencil Cap Eraser for Standard Pencils, Pink, Pack of 144 ‐ 1311119 EACH $5.02 1311119 School Specialty 32590 Integra Liquid Ink Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Black Ink/Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1472951 EACH $10.34 1472951 School Specialty 32100 32022 31988 106 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32938 32224 32353 Integra Security Pen, 24 in, Black Ink ‐ 1497968 Integra Soft Lead Wood‐Case Pencil, NO 2, Yellow, Box of 72 ‐ 1311054 Integra Soft Lead Wood‐Case Pencil, NO 2, Yellow, Pack of 12 ‐ 1311137 EACH EACH EACH $1.34 $7.79 $1.57 1497968 1311054 1311137 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32140 IRiS Letter/Legal Size File Box, 14‐6/23 X 18‐3/38 X 10‐9/11 in, 35 qt, Clear ‐ 1370510 IRiS MCC‐130 Acid‐Free Small Stackable Modular Supply Case with Snap Top Lid, 5.2 in L X 5.1 in W X 2 in H, Clear ‐ 1461064 IRiS Stacking Modular Box, 6 qt, Clear, Pack of 4 ‐ 1397150 Jacquard Non‐Toxic Marbling Kit ‐ 406971 Jersey Cotton Washable Weaving Loop, Assorted Color, 1 lb Bag ‐ 433511 Jurassic Sand Play Sand, Natural Red, 25 lb Bag ‐ 262842 Just Dotty‐‐Barker Creek Double‐Sided Border Trim Educational Essentials /9‐1537137‐ 030 Kantek Aluminum Letter/Message Organizer ‐ 1377469 Kleer‐Fax Writable Index Tabs ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ Set of 5 ‐ 1490349 Kwik Chek Dry Erase Marker with Eraser Cap, Black, Pack of 32 ‐ 1438930 Kwik Chek Rectangular Graph Dry Erase Paddle with (10) Markers, 12 1/2 X 10 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 10 ‐ 1438926 Kwik Chek Rectangular Lined Dry Erase Paddle Replacement Sheet, 8 X 10 in, Pack of 25 ‐ 1438933 Lakeshore Acid‐Free Multi‐Purpose Disappearing Non‐Toxic Handy Twist‐Up Washable School Glue Stick, 0.21 oz Tube, Purple and Dries Clear ‐ 023135 Lakeshore Acid‐Free Multi‐Purpose Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Permanent Washable Glue Stick, 0.77 oz, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 1119251 Lakeshore Acid‐Free Twist‐Up Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Washable Glue Stick, 0.28 oz, White and Dries Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 1353959 Lakeshore Advanced Magnet Kit ‐ 274435 Lakeshore Art‐Time Non‐Toxic Washable Odorless Finger Paint Set, 1 pt Jar, Assorted Glitter Color, Set of 6 ‐ 1329926 Lakeshore Click Bold Low Odor Retractable Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 3 ‐ 1296241 Lakeshore Dry Erase Marker Set, Bullet Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 8 ‐ 026251 EACH $12.14 1370510 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.02 $11.32 $17.02 $5.33 $39.74 1461064 1397150 406971 2800020 262842 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $5.24 $23.62 $1.87 $42.97 1537137 1377469 1490349 1438930 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $55.94 1438926 School Specialty EACH $25.04 1438933 School Specialty EACH $0.45 TT505 Lakeshore Learning EACH $10.17 TT506Z Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH $4.62 $46.24 TT505Z PP512 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH $22.14 D, LA318BU, LA318SV, L Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH $4.62 $8.32 DD106 DD108 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH $8.32 $10.17 $10.17 DD101 JJ118 JJ118 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH PKG $3.69 $29.59 AF351 AA888 + AA887 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning 29255 32148 29317 29328 32385 28735 32053 29263 32379 32371 32412 31635 32500 31785 29305 32425 32680 31642 32475 29359 32561 31657 28680 DESCRIPTION Lakeshore Dry Erase Marker with Eraser Cap, Assorted Colors, Pack of 10 ‐ 1438929 Lakeshore Durable Medium Storage Pocket, 15 in, Grade 2 ‐ 3, Blue ‐ 1372896 Lakeshore Durable Standard Storage Pocket, 14 in, Grade K ‐ 2, Blue ‐ 1372890 Lakeshore Expressions Non‐Toxic Mini Stamper Marker, Assorted Shapes, Pack of 10 ‐ 037979 Lakeshore Jumbo Rainbow Face Paint Set 247808 107 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 29285 EACH $6.47 BY453 Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.03 DW2990 Lakeshore Learning EACH $4.62 DD106 Lakeshore Learning EACH $4.62 DD106 Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH $8.32 $7.39 DD108 LC5402 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH $18.04 PX80 Lakeshore Learning EACH $11.09 PX128BK Lakeshore Learning EACH $11.09 PX128WT Lakeshore Learning EACH $1.84 PX8BU Lakeshore Learning EACH $1.84 PX8WT Lakeshore Learning EACH $1.84 PX8YE Lakeshore Learning 32470 Lakeshore Kraft Round Wiggle Eye, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, Pack of 500 ‐ 086646 Lakeshore Kraft Wood Non‐Toxic Jumbo Sized Craft Stick, 6 X 3/4 X 1/12 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 500 ‐ 085962 Lakeshore Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker Set, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 5 ‐ 1400842 Lakeshore Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 4 ‐ 079554 Lakeshore Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 8 ‐ 1400751 Lakeshore Lowercase Magnetic Letters, Regular Size, Set of 42 ‐ 070609 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Ready‐to‐Use Liquid Tempera Paint Set, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Assorted Bright Bold Color, Set of 12 ‐ 424936 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Ready‐to‐Use Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 gal Squeeze Bottle, Black ‐ 215247 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Ready‐to‐Use Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 gal Squeeze Bottle, White ‐ 210251 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Ready‐to‐Use Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Blue ‐ 424926 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Ready‐to‐Use Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, White ‐ 424935 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Ready‐to‐Use Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Yellow ‐ 424937 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic School Glue Naturals Stick, 0.21 oz, Dries Clear, Pack of 30 ‐ 1437045 EACH $4.62 TT505Z Lakeshore Learning 31621 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Green ‐ 007983 EACH $2.77 AA340GR Lakeshore Learning 31622 31623 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Orange ‐ 007986 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Red ‐ 007989 EACH EACH $2.77 $2.77 AA340RG AA340RD Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning 31624 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Violet ‐ 007992 EACH $2.77 AA340VT Lakeshore Learning 31626 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, White ‐ 007998 EACH $2.77 AA340WT Lakeshore Learning 31625 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint, 1 pt Squeeze Bottle, Yellow ‐ 007995 EACH $2.77 AA340YE Lakeshore Learning 32463 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Glitter Glue Set, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 1463101 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable Marker Classroom Assortment, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 200 ‐ 332675 EACH $9.24 PP518 Lakeshore Learning EACH $55.49 LL132 Lakeshore Learning 32659 32558 31719 31787 31697 32378 32407 32406 32788 32789 32790 32363 108 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32881 Lakeshore Non‐Toxic Washable School Glue, 5 oz Squeeze Bottle, Clear ‐ 1289194 Lakeshore Original Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Bullet Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 026248 Lakeshore Original Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 031773 Lakeshore Original Non‐Toxic Marker Set, Conical Tip, Assorted Bright and Bold Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 1382241 Lakeshore Plastic Links 500 PC/Tub ‐ 204714 Lakeshore Stamper Marker Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 1494478 Lakeshore Wire‐O Bound Class Record Book ‐ PolyIce Cover, 6‐3/4 X 11 in, 35 Students, 40 Week, White/Blue ‐ 1481875 Lakeshore Woodsies Jumbo Craft Stick, 6 X 3/4 X 1/16 in, Pack of 100 ‐ 411174 Large Geometric Shapes 9‐076831‐325 Lauri Midsize Pocket Chart, 28 x 28 in ‐ 091830 Learning Wrap‐Ups Division 9‐218009‐030 ‐ Page 57 of Math Catalog Learning Wrap‐Ups Multiplication 9‐218006‐030 ‐ Page 57 of Math Catalog Lee 3‐Line Removable Wide Highlighter Note Tape, 1/2x393in, Blue 079441 Lee 3‐Line Removable Wide Highlighter Note Tape, 1/2x393in, Green 079442 Lee 3‐Line Removable Wide Highlighter Note Tape, 1/2x393in, Pink 079440 Lee Removable Highlighter Tape Dispenser ‐ 336554 Lee Removable Highlighter Tape Refill, 1/2 X 393 in, Orange ‐ 336561 Lee Removable Highlighter Tape Refill, 1/2 X 393 in, Purple ‐ 336564 Library Book Pocket, 5 X 3‐1/2, Assorted Colors 30/Pkt‐ 1466248 Lime Green Incentive chart ‐ 1499045 Little Masters Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Black ‐ 1439198 Little Masters Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Green ‐ 1439196 Little Masters Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, White ‐ 1439197 Looper Plastic Square Loop Weaving Loom with Hook and Instructions, 7‐1/4 X 7‐1/4 in ‐ 224466 Lorell Round Cap Rare Earth Magnets, Pack of 24, Clear 1531451 Lorenz Timeline History of the World, set of 16‐ 1396204 Lorrell 5‐Vertical/3 Horizontal Mesh Desktop Organizer 1405650 Magnetic Chevron Decoratives ‐ black and white border 12/pk 1539684 Maped Compact Pro Weighted Tape Dispenser ‐ 1493795 Maped Ergologic Desk Organizer, Black ‐ 1493796 EACH $0.92 RS4 Lakeshore Learning EACH $4.62 DD106 Lakeshore Learning EACH $3.69 DD103 Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH $3.69 $15.72 $3.69 JJ438 RA683 AF351 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH $4.62 $2.77 $23.12 $15.72 $6.62 $6.62 $3.37 $3.37 $3.37 $2.32 $3.37 $3.37 $8.14 $2.24 LL362 HL125 PP447 LK522BU 520083 520082 079441 079442 079440 336554 336561 336564 1466248 1499045 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $8.89 RA28854 Triarco Art EACH $8.89 RA28852 Triarco Art EACH $8.89 RA28844 Triarco Art EACH PKG EACH EACH DOZ EACH EACH $1.88 $13.90 $25.49 $34.49 $8.99 $13.34 $19.34 2800090 1531451 1396204 1405650 1539684 1493795 1493796 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31641 31653 32781 32398 32755 32229 32750 28477 32473 28676 28675 28658 28659 28657 32331 32838 29306 28711 32894 32548 32546 32547 29291 28727 32411 28455 28746 32540 32084 109 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32523 DESCRIPTION Maped Graph'Pens Fineliner Pen Set, 0.4 mm Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 20 ‐ 1495156 Maped Graph'Pens Fineliner Pen Set, 0.4 mm, Assorted Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 1495155 Maped Tonic Metal Pencil Sharpener, Pack of 18 ‐ 1497865 Maped Twist 'n Flex Double Graduated Unbreakable Ruler, 12 in L, Assorted Color ‐ 1401980 1401980 32239 Mark Twain Character At Our School Design Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1329363 29318 McGill Craft Punch Starter Set, 3/8 ‐ 9/16 in, Set of 4 ‐ 407070 Mead Spiral Wirebound Notebook ‐ 3 Subject, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, College Ruling, 120 Sheets, 32769 Multiple Colors ‐ 1438380 Mead Spiral Wirebound Notebook ‐ 5 Subject, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, College Ruling, 200 Sheets, 32677 Multiple Colors ‐ 1438381 MMF Industries Steelmaster All‐Steel Vertical Organizer, 8 Compartments, 15 X 11 X 8‐ 31992 1/8 in, Black ‐ 1311836 Mod Podge Fast Dry Non‐Toxic Non‐Flammable Tissue Glue and Glaze, 1 pt Jar, Gloss ‐ 32700 399806 31693 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 069638 31703 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 076492 31726 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 081024 31727 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 081032 32855 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 224811 29293 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 224814 29294 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 224817 32861 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 386021 29308 Moon Products Award Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 386022 31725 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 081002 32856 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 237554 32857 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 237632 29298 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 237635 32858 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 237641 29299 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 237644 32863 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 388803 31728 Moon Products Award Pencil, Pack of 144 ‐ 081038 32689 29412 32869 31692 31723 32868 29292 Moon Products Believe and Achieve Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 1370906 Moon Products Christmas Seasonal Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 069635 Moon Products Halloween Treats Seasonal Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 081000 Moon Products Happy Birthday From Your Principal Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 1370900 Moon Products Happy Halloween Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 224718 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $11.74 RA25456 Triarco Art EACH EACH $5.89 $29.99 RA25455 1497865 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.49 $6.74 $14.24 1401980 1329363 407070 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.49 1438380 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1438381 School Specialty EACH $62.54 1311836 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $5.29 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $34.04 3010065 069638 076492 081024 081032 224811 224814 224817 386021 386022 081002 237554 237632 237635 237641 237644 388803 081038 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 1370906 069635 081000 1370900 224718 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 110 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH GAL PKG SET SET SET SET EACH PKG EACH $2.77 $2.77 $34.04 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $2.77 $23.47 $2.77 $2.77 $3.56 $3.56 $6.74 $6.74 $6.74 $3.75 $14.83 $51.74 $6.74 224715 281615 069642 1370901 1370903 081001 1370896 281603 1493329 387607 224736 RA26960 RA26959 1539492 1539493 1539494 RA25051 1405632 082514 245905 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $29.09 $9.86 233013 RA13556 School Specialty Triarco Art EACH $2.12 TA51AC Lakeshore Learning EACH $25.94 1312114 School Specialty 32057 Moon Products Happy Valentine's Day From Your Teacher Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 224715 Moon Products Hearts Seasonal Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 281615 Moon Products Holiday Themed Award Pencil, Pack of 144 ‐ 069642 Moon Products Matallic Glow Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 1370901 Moon Products Merry Christmas Glitz Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 1370903 Moon Products Pumpkin Patch Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 081001 Moon Products Smiley Bunch Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 1370896 Moon Products Snowflake Seasonal Pencil, Pack of 12 ‐ 281603 Moon Products Sports Pencil Set, Set of 36 ‐ 1493329 Moon Products Tie Dye Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 387607 Moon Products Welcome to School Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 224736 Mr. Sketch Hoiday Scents 1539496 Mr. Sketch holiday scents 9‐1539495‐030 Mr. Sketch Ice Cream Scent Markers 6/set 1539492 Mr. Sketch Ice Cream Scents, Fine Tip 6/set 1539493 Mr. Sketch Movie Night Scent Markers, Fine Tip 6/set 1539494 Mr. Sketch Movie Night Scents 1539534 multi‐purpose desk organizer 1405632 My Spelling Dictionary ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 082514 Nature Art Rubbing Plate, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Set of 6 ‐ 1289185 Nature Print Paper Non‐Toxic 100% Cotton Design and Print Fabric Square, 8 in, Pack of 20 ‐ 233013 Nature Print Printing Paper ‐ the Sun Prints it, 5 X 7 in, Pack of 40 ‐ 1006385 Nature Saver Multi‐Purpose Acid‐Free Heavyweight Smooth Textured Construction Paper, 12" X 18" Assorted Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1312163 Nature Saver Open End Recycled Rounded Edge Clasp Envelope with Large Gummed Flap, 28 lb, 10 X 13 in, Kraft, Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 1312114 Nature Saver Open End Recycled Rounded Edge Clasp Envelope with Large Gummed Flap, 28 lb, 9 X 12 in, Kraft, Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 1312113 EACH $23.09 1312113 School Specialty 29228 Nature Saver Unbreakable Clipboard, 9 X 12‐1/2 in, Recycled Plastic, Black ‐ 1312146 EACH $3.14 1312146 School Specialty 29229 EACH $3.14 1312147 School Specialty EACH $14.99 1367598 School Specialty 32109 Nature Saver Unbreakable Clipboard, 9 X 12‐1/2 in, Recycled Plastic, Red ‐ 1312147 NECI 1/3 Cut Recycled File Folder, Letter, 3/4 in Expansion, Mediumweight, Manila, Pack of 100 ‐ 1367598 NECI 1/5 Cut Recycled File Folder, Letter, 3/4 in Expansion, Mediumweight, Manila, Pack of 100 ‐ 1367599 EACH $14.99 1367599 School Specialty 29244 NECI 3‐Hole Punched Slash Cut Pocket, Letter, Mediumweight, Red, Pack of 10 ‐ 1395760 EACH $8.99 1395760 School Specialty 32853 32860 31694 32866 29357 31724 32867 32859 32426 32862 32854 28743 28742 28739 28740 28741 28744 28454 28663 32608 29295 29333 29343 32042 32108 DESCRIPTION 111 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $25.49 $10.72 $10.72 $10.72 $10.72 $10.72 $10.72 $11.69 1436451 1367606 1367608 1367601 1367600 1367605 1367603 1301549 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $36.59 $36.59 $36.59 1465030 1399625 1399628 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $36.59 1302662 School Specialty EACH EACH $11.69 $4.27 076103 012825 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $7.19 $3.37 1465539 1446290 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $6.52 1465538 School Specialty EACH EACH $31.04 $7.27 1394597 1494035 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $6.74 1406019 School Specialty EACH $8.92 1368946 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $8.62 $10.57 $20.24 1368944 1441333 1465542 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32208 32172 32078 NECI Mediumweight Stock 1/3 Cut Reinforced File Folder, Letter, Assorted Colors, Pack of 100 ‐ 1436451 NECI Pocket Portfolio, Letter, 2 Pockets, Black, Pack of 25 ‐ 1367606 NECI Pocket Portfolio, Letter, 2 Pockets, Green, Pack of 25 ‐ 1367608 NECI Pocket Portfolio, Letter, 2 Pockets, Light Blue, Pack of 25 ‐ 1367601 NECI Pocket Portfolio, Letter, 2 Pockets, Red, Pack of 25 ‐ 1367600 NECI Pocket Portfolio, Letter, 2 Pockets, White, Pack of 25 ‐ 1367605 NECI Pocket Portfolio, Letter, 2 Pockets, Yellow, Pack of 25 ‐ 1367603 Neenah Exact Vellum Bristol Paper, 8‐1/2 x 11 in, White, Pack of 250 ‐ 1301549 NewPath Curriculum Mastery ELA Common Core Strategies Flip Chart Set, Grade 1, set of 10 ‐ 1465030 NewPath Learning Exploring Shapes Flip Charts ‐ 1399625 NewPath Learning Positions Opposites Flipchart , 12 L x 18 W in ‐ 1399628 NewPath Math Curriculum Mastery Double‐Sided Flipchart , Grade 4, 12 L x 18 W in ‐ 1302662 North Star Teacher Resources Welcome to Our Pack Design Bulletin Board Set, 16‐1/2 X 21‐1/2 in, Set of 34 ‐ 076103 Officemate 6 Year Band Line Dater, 1‐1/2 in, 5/32 in Impression ‐ 012825 Officemate Big Pencil Cup with 3 Stepped Compartments, 4‐1/4X 4‐1/2 X 5‐3/4 in, Blue Glacier‐ 1465539 Officemate Binder Clip Assortment, Assorted Size, Silver, Pack of 30 ‐ 1446290 Officemate Drawer Tray, 14 in L X 9 in W X 1.125 in D, 9 Compartment, Blue Glacier ‐ 1465538 Officemate Eco Plastic 2 ‐ 3 Hole Heavy Duty Punch with Paper Guide and Easy Access Chip Tray, 30 Sheets ‐ 1394597 Officemate MagnetPlus Dry‐Erase, Magnetic Memo Clipboard, White ‐ 1494035 Officemate OIC Economy Plastic Color Coated PVC Free Paper Clip, Assorted Color, Pack of 450 ‐ 1406019 Officemate OIC, Achieva 30% Post Consumer Plastic Recycled Deep Drawer Tray, 15‐1/8 X 11‐1/2 X 2‐1/4 in, Black ‐ 1368946 Officemate Plastic Large Recycled Magazine File, 6‐1/8 in W X 11‐3/4 in H X 9‐1/2 in D, Black ‐ 1368944 Officemate Vertical Upright Sign Holder, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Clear ‐ 1441333 Officemate Wall File Box, Letter Blue Glacier, Pack of 3‐ 1465542 32293 32004 Oxford 8 Pocket Poly Pocket Folder, Letter, 11 x 8‐1/2 in, Assorted Colors ‐ 335414 Oxford Translucent Clear Front Poly Report Covers, Pack of 25 ‐ 1497493 EACH EACH $4.49 $46.72 335414 1497493 School Specialty School Specialty 29367 32872 Pacon Bordette Scalloped Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 in X 50 ft, Deep Purple ‐ 1398316 Pacon Bordette Scalloped Decorative Border, 2‐1/4 in X 50 ft, Lime ‐ 1398317 EACH EACH $2.25 $2.25 RA17179 RA17184 Triarco Art Triarco Art 32044 32164 32165 32161 32160 32163 32162 29342 29393 32392 32393 32389 31561 31508 32238 32310 32252 32027 32241 32244 29241 112 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32484 29361 32833 32693 32719 32617 31688 32629 29368 31606 31610 32439 32628 31741 32627 31742 32626 32438 31783 32531 31691 32533 32532 29303 32545 DESCRIPTION Pacon Corrugated Lightweight Portable Study Carrel with Woodgrain Print, 17 in H X 25 in W X 18 in D ‐ 700435 Pacon Dry Erase Sentence Strip, 3 X 12 in, 1‐1/2 in Ruling, 3/4 in Dotted Midline, Multiple Colors, Pack of 30 ‐ 1387349 Pacon Dry Erase Sentence Strip, 3 X 12 in, 1‐1/2 in Ruling, 3/4 in Dotted Midline, White, Pack of 30 ‐ 1387348 Pacon Dry Erase Sentence Strip, 3" x 24", 1‐1/2 in Ruling, 3/4 in Dotted Midline, Assorted Colors, Pack of 30 ‐ 1369509 Pacon Dry Erase Sentence Strip, 3" x 24", 1‐1/2 in Ruling, 3/4 in Dotted Midline, White, Pack of 30 ‐ 1369508 Pacon Fadeless Acid‐Free Metallic Paper, 50 lb, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 221979 Pacon Fadeless Assorted Animal Pattern Safari Prints Paper, 12 x 15 in, Pack of 24 ‐ 067123 Pacon Fadeless Night Sky Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 12 ft ‐ 1398326 Pacon Fadeless Night Sky Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 50 ft ‐ 1398325 Pacon Fadeless Sulphite Acid‐Free Art Paper Roll, 50 lb, 48 in X 50 ft, Apple Green ‐ 006159 Pacon Fadeless Sulphite Acid‐Free Art Paper Roll, 50 lb, 48 in X 50 ft, Brite Blue ‐ 006828 Pacon Fadeless Summer Horizon Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 50 ft ‐ 1435260 Pacon Fadeless Under the Sea Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 12 ft ‐ 1369543 Pacon Fadeless Under the Sea Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 50 ft ‐ 082280 Pacon Fadeless Weathered Wood Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 12 ft ‐ 1369542 Pacon Fadeless Weathered Wood Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in x 50 ft ‐ 082281 Pacon Fadeless Winter time Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 12 ft ‐ 1369535 Pacon Fadeless Winter time Pattern Art Paper Roll, 48 in X 50 ft ‐ 085945 Pacon Heavy Weight Card Stock, 8‐1/2" x 11", Classic Assortment, Pack of 100 ‐ 318175 Pacon Heavy Weight Card Stock, 8‐1/2" x 11", Hyper Assortment, Pack of 100 ‐ 247978 Pacon Heavy Weight Card Stock, 8‐1/2" x 11", Ivory, Pack of 100 ‐ 069006 Pacon Heavy Weight Card Stock, 8‐1/2" x 11", Marble Assortment, Pack of 100 ‐ 248960 Pacon Heavy Weight Card Stock, 8‐1/2" x 11", Parchment Assortment, Pack of 100 ‐ 247979 Pacon Heavy Weight Card Stock, 8‐1/2" x 11", Pastel Assortment, Pack of 100 ‐ 248959 Pacon Kraft Paper Recycled Privacy Board, 48 X 16 in, Black, Pack of 4 ‐ 1466769 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $15.74 700435 School Specialty EACH $3.67 1387349 School Specialty EACH $3.29 1387348 School Specialty EACH $6.47 WS157 Lakeshore Learning EACH $5.54 WS158 Lakeshore Learning EACH $6.85 550187 Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH $7.46 $6.34 $16.68 550175 RA22299 1398325 Triarco Art Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $13.09 499016 Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $13.09 $17.62 $8.47 $16.68 $6.34 $16.68 $6.34 $16.68 499022 1435260 1369543 082280 RA22307 082281 RA22301 085945 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $9.11 RA09859 Triarco Art EACH $9.11 RA19049 Triarco Art EACH $12.74 069006 School Specialty EACH $9.11 RA10004 Triarco Art EACH $9.11 RA19228 Triarco Art EACH EACH $9.11 $11.99 RA26404 1466769 Triarco Art School Specialty 113 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32768 31666 32892 29310 29355 DESCRIPTION Pacon Multi‐Purpose Multi‐Cultural Construction Paper, 12" X 18" Assorted Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 409341 Pacon Multi‐Purpose Parchment Bond Paper, 8‐1/2" x 11", 24 lb, Assorted Colors, Pack of 100 ‐ 038924 Pacon Neapolitan Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9" X 12" Assorted Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1369510 Pacon Plastrcraft High Quality Non‐Toxic Modeling Plaster, 5 lb ‐ 399395 Pacon Privacy Board, 48 x 16 in, White, Pack of 4 ‐ 1369550 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $3.98 499551 Triarco Art EACH $10.42 038924 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $2.24 $20.81 $11.99 1369510 1120027 1369550 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $11.24 $9.86 $8.02 $11.24 $11.24 $11.24 $3.69 1485739 RA17899 200588 1373408 089683 1373412 NF9763 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH SET $2.49 $33.44 FG360 085009 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $2.62 1369742 School Specialty EACH $5.09 1400831 School Specialty EACH $16.69 RA07395 Triarco Art EACH $13.12 407901 School Specialty EACH $8.62 1480533 School Specialty EACH $10.87 1496293 School Specialty EACH $6.89 1400823 School Specialty EACH $11.99 1400827 School Specialty 29380 32752 Pacon Railroad Board, 22 X 28 in, 4‐Ply Thickness, Assorted Color, Pack of 25 ‐ 085545 Pacon Railroad Board, 22 X 28 in, 4‐Ply Thickness, White, Pack of 25 ‐ 085389 Pacon Remnant Tissue Paper, 1 lbs, Assorted, Assorted Colors ‐ 200588 Pacon Self‐Adhesive Reusable Letter, 2 W in, White, Set of 159 ‐ 1373408 Pacon Self‐Adhesive Reusable Letter, 4 in, Blue, Pack of 78 ‐ 089683 Pacon Self‐Adhesive Reusable Letter, 4 in, White, Pack of 78 ‐ 1373412 Pacon Sentence Pre‐Lined Strip, 3 X 24 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 316276 Pacon Zaner‐Bloser Picture Story Composition Book, 9‐3/4" x 7‐1/2", 5/8 in Ruling, Hard Cover, 100 Sheets ‐ 1398070 paper edgers with stand, set of 24, 085009 Paper Mate DryLine Liquid Paper Single Line Tear‐Proof Transparent Correction Film, 1/5 in X 39.4 ft ‐ 1369742 Paper Mate DryLine Liquid Paper Ultra Pen Style Tear‐Proof Refillable Correction Tape with Dispenser, 0.20 in X 19.69 ft ‐ 1400831 Paper Mate Flair Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, 1.4 mm Medium Felt Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 16 ‐ 409251 Paper Mate Flair Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, 1.4 mm Medium Felt Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 8 ‐ 407901 Paper Mate Flair Point Water‐Based Guard Marker Pen, Felt Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 1480533 Paper Mate InkJoy 300 RT Ballpoint Pen, 1.0 mm Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 24 ‐ 1496293 Paper Mate InkJoy 300 RT Retractable Ballpoint Pen with Metal Clip, 1 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink/Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400823 Paper Mate InkJoy 300 RT Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Fashion Color Ink/Barrel, Pack of 24 ‐ 1400827 Paper Mate InkJoy 500 RT Retractable Ballpoint Pen with Metal Clip, 1 mm Medium Tip, Multiple Color Ink/Barrel, Pack of 8 ‐ 1438016 Paper Mate Lead Refill, 0.5 mm, 2HB, 60 mm, Black, each 1508184 EACH EACH $11.17 $4.87 1438016 1508184 School Specialty School Specialty 29273 Paper Mate Liquid Paper DryLine Correction Tape, 1/5 x 334 in, Pack of 2 ‐ 1498785 EACH $7.34 1498785 School Specialty 32519 32518 32648 29360 32570 32571 32771 32850 28665 32324 32283 32424 32526 32633 32598 32681 32553 114 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32266 Paper Mate Liquid Paper Fast Dry Correction Fluid, Pack of 3 ‐ 1498788 EACH $5.99 1498788 School Specialty 32849 Paper Mate Mechanical Pencil, NO 2, 1.3 mm, HB, Assorted Colors, Pack of 5 ‐ 1508183 Paper Mate Mirado Classic Hexagonal Non‐Toxic Pencil, 2 HB Medium Tip, Yellow Barrel, Pink Pearl Eraser, Pack of 12 ‐ 086197 Paper Mate Pencil Cap Eraser, Pink, Pack of 144 ‐ 1452929 Paper Mate Pink Pearl Premium Medium Eraser, Pink, Pack of 24 ‐ 206723 EACH $2.92 1508183 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $2.54 $10.79 $9.56 086197 1452929 760008 School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH $14.09 $8.47 $12.22 020748 1496295 1296222 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $12.67 1452932 School Specialty EACH $1.12 1462439 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $10.34 $6.67 $1.72 1312424 1496278 797138 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $1.87 $9.67 027337 030345 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $4.79 $29.99 $29.99 $29.99 $19.19 $35.39 1462437 088446 1493163 088448 086265 1493160 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 29261 32421 32203 Paper Mate Pink Pearl Premium Small Eraser, 2 X 5/8 in, Pink, Pack of 36 ‐ 020748 Paper Mate Profile Ballpoint Pen Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 8 ‐ 1496295 Paper Mate Profile Ballpoint Pen, 1.4 mm Bold Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1296222 Paper Mate Profile Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 1.4 mm Bold Tip, Purple, Pack of 12 ‐ 1452932 Paper Mate Replacement Mechanical Pencil Lead for Papermate Mechanical Pencils, 1.3 mm Lead, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 1462439 Paper Mate Retractable Roller Ball Writing Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Bold Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 8 ‐ 1312424 Paper Mate Sharpwriter Pencil Set, 0.7 mm, Assorted, Set of 12 ‐ 1496278 Paper Mate Tuff Stuff Vinyl Eraser Stick Refill, White, Pack of 2 ‐ 797138 Paper Mate Write Brothers Ballpoint Stick Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Red Ink/Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 027337 Paper Punch With Soft Grips ‐ 030345 Papermate Mates Mechanical Pencil ‐ 4+ Years, 1.3 mm Lead, Assorted Fashion Barrel, Gray Lead, Pack of 8 ‐ 1462437 PaperPro Desktop Stapler, Blue ‐ 088446 PaperPro Desktop Stapler, Pink Ribbon ‐ 1493163 PaperPro Desktop Stapler, Red ‐ 088448 PaperPro ProPunch 3‐Hole Punch, 12 Sheets, Silver/Black ‐ 086265 PaperPro ProPunch 3‐Hole Punch, 20 Sheets, Silver/Black ‐ 1493160 PCI Educational Publishing Level 1 Reading Program Supplement Binder, Reproducible Book Set of 28‐ 1480665 Pencil Grip Pinch Grip Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 12 ‐ 1492722 Pendaflex Glow File Folders, 3 Tab, Assorted Colors, Pack of 24 ‐ 1496270 EACH EACH EACH $63.74 $18.49 $9.22 1480665 GR117 1496270 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty 32188 32913 Pendaflex Glow Twisted File Folders, 3 Tab, Assorted Colors, Pack of 24 ‐ 1496271 Pentel BK90 RSVP Ballpoint Pen Refill, Fine Tip, Black, ‐ 1065259 EACH EACH $9.97 $1.79 1496271 1065259 School Specialty School Specialty 32757 Pentel Clic Latex‐Free Non‐Abrasive Eraser Grip, Assorted Color, Pack of 3 ‐ 089056 Pentel Clic Pen Style Refillable Retractable Eraser with Rubber Grip and Pocket Clip, Black, Black Barrel ‐ 1110926 EACH $4.79 089056 School Specialty EACH $2.92 1110926 School Specialty 32887 29389 32527 31634 32645 32543 32538 32942 32592 32698 32916 31649 31650 32764 32028 29264 32029 32451 32015 32845 DESCRIPTION 115 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32841 Pentel EnerGel Deluxe RTS Refillable Retractable Gel Pen, 0.5 mm Needle Tip, Black Ink, Pearl/Black Barrel ‐ 1472933 EACH $3.07 1472933 School Specialty 32871 32842 32939 32940 Pentel EnerGel NV Non‐Refillable Gel Pen, 0.5 mm Fine Tip, Blue Ink/Barrel ‐ 1375181 Pentel EnerGel Refillable Gel Pen, 1 mm Tip, Red Ink/Barrel ‐ 1312573 Pentel EnerGel Retractable Gel Pen Refill, 0.5 mm Needle Tip, Black ‐ 1094829 Pentel EnerGel Retractable Gel Pen Refill, 0.5 mm Needle Tip, Blue ‐ 1094831 EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.69 $2.99 $1.19 $1.19 1375181 1312573 1094829 1094831 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32399 Pentel EnerGel‐X Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Point Tip, Black, Pack of 24 ‐ 1497969 EACH $30.74 1497969 School Specialty 32751 Pentel EnerGel‐X Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Point Tip, Violet, Pack of 3 ‐ 1502075 EACH $4.87 1502075 School Specialty 32441 Pentel ENERGEL‐X Retractable Liquid Gel Pen, 0.5 mm, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 1490893 EACH $20.02 1490893 School Specialty 32440 Pentel ENERGEL‐X Retractable Liquid Gel Pen, 0.5 mm, Violet, Pack of 12 ‐ 1490857 EACH $20.02 1490857 School Specialty 32737 EACH $3.86 100112 Triarco Art EACH $11.39 399581 School Specialty EACH $15.59 1497458 School Specialty EACH EACH $6.07 $8.09 1437936 1077170 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $2.69 1113058 School Specialty 29334 Pentel Non‐Toxic Oil Pastel Set, 5/16 X 2‐7/16 in, Assorted Color, Set of 36 ‐ 383714 Pentel Non‐Toxic Water Based Color Pen Set, Acrylic Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 18 ‐ 399581 Pentel R.S.V.P. Ballpoint Pen Medium Tip, Black Ink and Clear Barrel, Pack of 24 ‐ 1497458 Pentel RSVP Refillable Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Color Ink, Clear Barrel, Pack of 8 ‐ 1437936 Pentel RSVP Refillable Ballpoint Pen, Fine Tip, Blue Ink, Clear Barrel ‐ 1077170 Pentel Side FX Automatic Mechanical Pencil with Retractable Eraser, 0.5 mm Tip, Gray ‐ 1113058 Pentel Super Hi‐Polymer Extra Strong Mechanical Pencil Lead Refill, 0.9 mm, HB Bold Tip, 60 mm L, Black, Pack of 15 ‐ 1065192 EACH $0.97 1065192 School Specialty 32695 32697 32782 32783 Pentel Twist‐Erase GT Mechanical Pencil, 0.7 mm, Assorted Barrel Colors ‐ 1492164 Pentel Wow! Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1492165 Pepperell Braiding Hemp Cord, 1 mm X 300 ft, Black, 100 g ‐ 248229 Pepperell Braiding Hemp Cord, 1 mm X 300 ft, Natural, 100 g ‐ 248236 EACH EACH EACH EACH $0.79 $6.37 $4.19 $4.14 RA24575 1492165 248229 248236 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32620 Pepperell Braiding Tipped Yarn Lace, 36 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 144 ‐ 247558 EACH $5.25 1903035 Triarco Art 32691 32588 Pilot Acroball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Pure White Barrel, Black Ink, Pack of 3 ‐ 1465720 Pilot Acroball Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 5 ‐ 1465722 Pilot BeGreen Precise Retractable Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Blue Ink, Clear Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1091196 EACH EACH $6.37 $10.42 1465720 1465722 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $24.29 1091196 School Specialty 32563 32478 32702 29338 32870 32418 116 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $7.87 1428902 School Specialty EACH $1.49 1065590 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.49 $8.32 $8.32 1065589 081642 072314 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Pilot Dr. Grip Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 1 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink/Barrel ‐ 038644 EACH $8.39 038644 School Specialty 29405 Pilot Easy Touch Ballpoint Pen Set, Medium Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 5 ‐ 1492170 EACH $5.62 1492170 School Specialty 29375 Pilot Easy Touch Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1437568 EACH $12.67 1437568 School Specialty 29376 Pilot Easy Touch Retractable Ballpoint Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1437569 Pilot FriXion Clicker Retractable Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 7 ‐ 1440044 Pilot G‐2 Retractable Gel Ink Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Extra‐Fine Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1398701 EACH $12.67 1437569 School Specialty EACH $16.87 1440044 School Specialty EACH $18.44 1398701 School Specialty EACH $18.44 1437587 School Specialty EACH EACH $18.44 $18.44 1398699 1492178 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $18.44 1492179 School Specialty EACH $13.49 087181 School Specialty EACH $27.82 1065538 School Specialty EACH EACH $27.82 $2.17 1065539 072327 School Specialty School Specialty EACH SET $27.07 $13.34 1065532 091703 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.29 1100385 School Specialty 29337 31729 31699 Pilot BeGreen V Board Master Long Lasting Dry Erase Marker for Whiteboard Chisel Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 5 ‐ 1428902 Pilot BPS Dr. Grip Retractable Ballpoint Pen Refill, 1 mm Medium Tip, Blue, Pack of 2 ‐ 1065590 Pilot Dr Grip BPS Retractable Ballpoint Pen Refill, 1 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink, Pack of 2 ‐ 1065589 Pilot Dr. Grip Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Charcoal Barrel, Black Ink ‐ 081642 Pilot Dr. Grip Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Electric Blue Barrel, Black Ink ‐ 072314 31663 32646 32930 29388 32456 29377 32455 29406 32457 32515 29335 29336 31700 32403 28668 32189 Pilot G‐2 Retractable Gel Ink Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Green, Pack of 12 ‐ 1437587 Pilot G‐2 Retractable Gel Ink Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Purple, Pack of 12 ‐ 1398699 Pilot G‐2 Retractable Rollerball Gel Pen, Extra Fine, Green, Pack of 12 ‐ 1492178 Pilot G‐2 Retractable Rollerball Gel Pen, Extra Fine, Purple, Pack of 12 ‐ 1492179 Pilot G‐2 Retractable Water Resistant Gel Roller Ball Pen, Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 8 ‐ 087181 Pilot Precise V7 Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Needle Tip, Blue Ink/Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1065538 Pilot Precise V7 Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Needle Tip, Red Ink/Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1065539 Pilot Precise V7 Rollerball Pen, 0.7 mm Fine Tip, Red Ink/Barrel ‐ 072327 Pilot V‐Ball Grip Liquid Ink Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Extra‐Fine Tip, Green Ink/Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1065532 Poly Big Mouth Vertical Filer Pockets ‐ 20/Set ‐ 091703 Post‐it Electric Glow Super Sticky Notepad, 3 x 3 in, Marrakesh Color, 90 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 5 ‐ 1100385 117 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 31594 Post‐it Flag Value Pack, 1 in Flag, 1/2 in Arrow, Assorted Colors, Pack of 196 ‐ 1110712 Post‐it Flag Value Pack, 1 x 1‐7/10 in, Bright Colors, 50 Flags per Color, Pack of 200, Plus Highlighter with .5 in Flags ‐ 1329899 Post‐it Flag Value Pack, 1 x 1‐7/10 in, Primary Colors, 50 Flags per Color, Pack of 200, Plus Pen/Highlighter with .5"" Flags ‐ 1329901 Post‐it Fusion Lined Original Notepad, 3 x 5 in, Assorted Capetown Color, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 5 ‐ 1064125 Post‐it Lined Super Sticky Notepad, 4 x 6 in, Assorted Bora Bora Color, 90 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 3 ‐ 1116976 EACH $11.47 1110712 School Specialty EACH $10.72 1329899 School Specialty EACH $10.72 1329901 School Specialty EACH $15.14 1064125 School Specialty EACH $13.42 1327802 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $6.59 $8.69 $8.69 1466601 384841 384843 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $18.29 1333214 School Specialty EACH $13.04 1327788 School Specialty 32158 32159 32105 32136 32129 Post‐it Lined Tabs, 1 x 1.5 in, Assorted Colors 22 Tabs per Color, Pack of 66 ‐ 1466601 Post‐it Note Cube, 3 x 3 in, Blue Wave Colors, Pad of 470 Sheets ‐ 384841 Post‐it Note Cube, 3 x 3 in, Seafoam Wave Colors, Pad of 490 Sheets ‐ 384843 Post‐it Original Notepad Value Pack, 3" x 3", Capetown Colors, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 14 ‐ 1333214 Post‐it Original Notes Value Pack, 1‐1/2 x 2 in, Canary Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 24 ‐ 1327788 31519 Post‐it Original Notes, 3 x 3 in, Canary Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 028622 EACH $17.99 028622 School Specialty 32082 Post‐it Original Notes, 3 x 3 in, Capetown Colors, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 14 ‐ 336769 EACH $19.12 336769 School Specialty 31513 Post‐it Original Notes, 3 x 5 in, Jaipur Colors, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 5 ‐ 023178 Post‐it Original Notes, A World of Neon Color, 1.375 x 1.875 Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 785415 Post‐it Original Pop‐Up Note Refill, 3" x 3", Assorted Ultra Colors, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 6 ‐ 1064325 Post‐it Page Markers, 1/2 x 1‐3/4 in, Assorted Bright Colors, Pad of 50 Sheets, Pack of 10 ‐ 1466602 Post‐it Pop‐Up Original Notes Value Pack, 3 x 3 in, Canary Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 18 ‐ 1327810 Post‐it Pop‐Up Original Notes, 3 x 3 in, Assorted Pastel Colors, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 076151 Post‐it Pop‐Up Original Notes, 3 x 3 in, Canary Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 24 ‐ 1301248 Post‐it Pop‐Up Super Sticky Note Refill, 3 x 3 in, Assorted Marrakesh Color, 90 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 6 ‐ 1120701 Post‐it Pop‐Up Super Sticky Note Refill, 3 x 3 in, Canary Yellow, 90 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 12 ‐ 1120700 EACH $11.24 023178 School Specialty EACH $8.47 785415 School Specialty EACH $13.34 1064325 School Specialty EACH $5.54 1466602 School Specialty EACH $24.44 1327810 School Specialty EACH $19.94 076151 School Specialty EACH $31.72 1301248 School Specialty EACH $13.79 1120701 School Specialty EACH $22.34 1120700 School Specialty 29259 32201 29216 32087 32205 32123 32267 32050 31562 32024 32119 32060 118 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 29232 32070 32019 32200 31983 31991 DESCRIPTION Post‐it Pop‐Up Super Sticky Notes, 3 x 3 in, Bora Bora Colors, Pad of 90 Sheets, Pack of 10 ‐ 1327809 Post‐it Pop‐Up Super Sticky Notes, 3 x 3 in, Rio De Janeiro Colors, Pad of 90 Sheets, Pack of 10 ‐ 1327808 Post‐it Recycled Paper Greener Notes Cabinet Pack, 3 x 3 in, Helsinki Colors, Pad of 75 Sheets, Pack of 24 ‐ 1272313 Post‐it Recycled Paper Original Notes, 1‐1/2 x 2 in, Canary Yellow, Pad of 100 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 1327789 Post‐it Self‐Stick Lined Easel Pad Value Added Pack, 25 x 30 in, Yellow, Pad of 30 Sheets, Pack of 4 ‐ 1330034 Post‐it Self‐Stick Unruled Recycled Easel Pad, 25 x 30 in, White, Pad of 30 Sheets, Pack of 2 ‐ 1466600 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $20.62 1327809 School Specialty EACH $20.47 1327808 School Specialty EACH $32.92 1272313 School Specialty EACH $8.69 1327789 School Specialty EACH $119.99 1330034 School Specialty EACH $62.99 1466600 School Specialty EACH $12.67 1106219 School Specialty EACH $5.32 038708 School Specialty EACH $13.72 1434826 School Specialty EACH $15.22 081875 School Specialty EACH $20.84 086843 School Specialty EACH $8.77 086844 School Specialty EACH $9.97 1394474 School Specialty EACH $5.39 1477630 School Specialty EACH $5.39 1463186 School Specialty EACH $29.96 RA01789 Triarco Art 31656 Post‐it Small Flag Value Pack, 1/2 x 1‐3/4 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 328 ‐ 1106219 Post‐it Smaller size Flags, 1/2 x 1‐7/10 in, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, 35 Flags per Color, Pack of 140 ‐ 038708 Post‐it Solid Color Tabs Value Pack, 48 Flags, 2 x 1‐7/10 in, 66 Flags, 1 x 1‐7/10 in, Assorted Primary Colors, 2 Pack of 66 Total Flags ‐ 1434826 Post‐it Super Sticky Lined Notes, 4 x 4 in, Marrakesh Colors, Pad of 90 Sheets, Pack of 6 ‐ 081875 Post‐it Super Sticky Notes, 3 x 3 in, Rio De Janeiro Colors, Pad of 90 Sheets, Pack of 12 ‐ 086843 Post‐it Super Sticky Notes, 3 x 3 in, Rio De Janeiro Colors, Pad of 90 Sheets, Pack of 5 ‐ 086844 Post‐it Super Sticky Notes, 4 x 6 in, White with Light Blue Grid, Pad of 50 Sheets, Pack of 6 ‐ 1394474 Post‐it Tabs in Dispenser, 5/8 x 1‐1/2 in, Aqua, Yellow, Pink, Violet, 10 Tabs per Color, Pack of 40 ‐ 1477630 Post‐it Tabs in Dispenser, 5/8 x 1‐1/2 in, Aqua, Lime, Yellow, Red, 10 Tabs per Color, Pack of 40 ‐ 1463186 Prang Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Washable Art Marker, Bullet Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 96 ‐ 1441422 Prang Non‐Toxic Watercolor Paint Refill, Plastic Oval Pan, Blue Violet, Pack of 12 ‐ 037907 EACH $4.61 RA16144 Triarco Art 32364 Prang Semi‐Moist Washable Watercolor Masterpack, Assorted Colors, Set of 36 ‐ 405960 EACH $83.02 405960 School Specialty 32187 29296 PRES‐a‐ply Permanent‐Adhesive File Folder Labels For Laser and Inkjet Printers, 2/3 x 3‐ 7/16 in, 1/3 cut, Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow, Pack of 750 ‐ 1502920 Prismacolor Verithin Non‐Toxic Waterproof Colored Pencil, Black 747 ‐ 233670 EACH EACH $9.82 $1.12 1502920 233670 School Specialty School Specialty 32133 31528 32121 31578 32067 32197 32179 32271 29258 32374 119 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32355 Push Pin, 3/8 in Point X 1/2 in Head, Plastic, Assorted Color, Pack of 100 ‐ 1071447 Quality Park Heavy Duty Open End Rugged Clasp Envelope with Gummed Flap Closure, 28 lb, 9 X 12 in, Kraft, Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 1077347 Quality Park Products Cotton 10‐Ply All Purpose Twine, 475 ft, White ‐ 1466770 Quality Park Redi‐Strip Open Side Specialty Envelope ‐ Holds 4 X 6 in Photograph, 24 lb, 4‐ 1/2 X 6‐1/4 in, Paper, Wove, White, Pack of 50 ‐ 1406343 EACH $1.49 1071447 School Specialty EACH EACH $20.09 $5.24 1077347 1466770 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.52 1406343 School Specialty EACH $26.62 1398016 School Specialty EACH PKG $6.60 $8.47 TA50‐300 1373123 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $8.54 336787 School Specialty EACH $2.33 RA03082 Triarco Art EACH $2.33 RA03079 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02942 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02953 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02946 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02930 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02952 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02931 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02948 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02953 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02944 Triarco Art EACH $1.20 RA02949 Triarco Art 32071 32272 29248 32037 32521 28699 32625 32835 32837 32925 32922 32919 32923 32920 32926 32836 31709 31682 32928 Quality Park Redi‐Tac Durable Open End Postage Saving Resealable Clasp Envelope with Gummed Flap Closure, 28 lb, 10 X 13 in, Kraft, Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 1398016 Rainbow Super Value Groundwood Light‐Weight Construction Paper, 50 lb, 9 X 12 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 500 ‐ 216692 Reading Achievement Awards 1373123 Reminiscence Acid‐Free Card Stock, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Pearl Bright Assorted Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 336787 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 248654 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 in, White, Pack of 50 ‐ 248659 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Blue, Pack of 50 ‐ 248632 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Holiday Red, Pack of 50 ‐ 248609 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Orange, Pack of 50 ‐ 248604 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Pink, Pack of 50 ‐ 248629 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Red, Pack of 50 ‐ 248606 Riverside 100% Vat Dyed Groundwood Pulp Heavy Weight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Yellow, Pack of 50 ‐ 248638 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12" X 18" Dark Brown, Pack of 50 ‐ 248656 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 Holiday Green, Pack of 50 ‐ 077385 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 Slate Gray, Pack of 50 ‐ 054750 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" Black, Pack of 50 ‐ 248642 120 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $1.47 248639 School Specialty EACH $1.20 RA02934 Triarco Art EACH EACH $1.20 $44.99 RA02951 1100940 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $2.17 039531 School Specialty EACH $7.27 1465582 School Specialty EACH $7.27 1465584 School Specialty EACH $9.37 1465250 School Specialty EACH $26.77 1397835 School Specialty EACH $9.44 1465249 School Specialty 32606 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" Salmon, Pack of 50 ‐ 248639 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" Violet, Pack of 50 ‐ 248631 Riverside Groundwood Pulp Heavyweight Recycled Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" White, Pack of 50 ‐ 248608 Riverside Poster Board, 22 x 28 in, White, Carton of 100 ‐ 1100940 Roaring Spring Brown Kraft Wirebound Notebook, 10‐1/2 X 8 in, Wide Ruling, 70 Sheets, Assorted Color ‐ 039531 Roaring Spring Enviroshades Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 in, 50 Sheets, Paper, Ivory, Pack of 3 ‐ 1465582 Roaring Spring Enviroshades Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 in, 50 Sheets, Paper, Orchid, Pack of 3 ‐ 1465584 Roaring Spring Enviroshades Paper Roaring Spring Steno Book, 6 X 9 in, 80 Sheets, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 1465250 Roaring Spring Enviroshades Perforated Recycled Stapled/Bound Legal Pad, Letter, 50 Sheets, 50 pt Chipboard Backing, Paper, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1397835 Roaring Spring Enviroshades Recycled Legal Pad, 5 X 8 in, 50 Sheets, Paper, Assorted Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 1465249 31702 Roaring Spring Ruled Wirebound Index Card, 3 X 5 in, White, Pack of 50 ‐ 076041 EACH $2.09 076041 School Specialty 32006 32041 32780 Rolodex Classic Metal Frame Rotary File, 2‐1/4 X 4 in, 500 Cards, Black ‐ 1066865 Rolodex Wood Tones Desktop Organizer, Mahogany ‐ 1125329 Roselle Picture Story Chart Tablet, 24" x 16", 25 Sheets ‐ 1400416 Roselle Sulfite Construction Paper, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 250 ‐ 1432720 Roselle Sulfite Construction Paper, 9 X 12 in, Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 500 ‐ 1432721 Royal Brush Big Kids Choice Combo Synthetic Hair Non‐Slip Rubber Grip Handle Classroom Caddies Brush Set, Assorted Size, Set of 72 ‐ 1440157 Royal Brush Big Kids Choice Deluxe Beginner Synthetic Paint Brush Set, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, Set of 6 ‐ 401168 Royal Brush Economy Flat White Taklon Hardwood Handle Paint Brush Assortment, Assorted Round Size, Brown, Pack of 72 ‐ 410817 Royal Brush Economy Round White Taklon Hardwood Handle Paint Brush Assortment, Assorted Flat Size, Brown, Pack of 72 ‐ 410819 Royal Brush Waterproof Standard Golden Taklon Hardwood Handle Paint Brush Combo Pack, Assorted Size, Blue, Pack of 144 ‐ 401155 EACH EACH EACH $29.54 $26.02 $4.49 1066865 1125329 1400416 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $20.99 1432720 School Specialty EACH $20.99 1432721 School Specialty EACH $64.31 RA03684 Triarco Art EACH $5.63 375430 Triarco Art EACH $61.50 RA06215 Triarco Art EACH $61.50 RA06214 Triarco Art EACH $66.00 RA02416 Triarco Art 32927 32924 32921 32377 31668 32670 32671 29394 32404 32434 32435 32362 32636 32365 32366 29311 121 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $15.22 407424 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH $14.99 $9.74 $44.24 $6.56 $15.74 $16.46 $4.49 $10.49 $5.63 $44.99 $9.44 234068 408854 205594 RA01874 200868 RA17287 201062 085790 R2172 1300944 410525 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH $10.49 1468109 School Specialty EACH $11.09 1330814 School Specialty EACH $114.76 677044 School Specialty 29331 Roylco Big Huge Finger Paint Shape Kids Finished Artwork Paper, 18 X 35 in, Pack of 24 ‐ 407424 Roylco Flexible Straws and Connectors Building Kit, 8 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 230 ‐ 234068 Roylco Japanese Carp Wind Sock Activity Kit, 6 X 10 in, Pack of 24 ‐ 408854 Roylco Laminated Letter Vest Set ‐ 205594 Roylco Leaf Rubbing Plate with Idea Guide, 4 X 5 in, Set of 16 ‐ 076928 Roylco Lowercase Letter Bead, Pack of 288 ‐ 200868 Roylco Non‐Toxic Washable Finger Paint Sensations Kit, 30 oz ‐ 1400778 Roylco Paste and Glue Spreader, Assorted Color, Pack of 10 ‐ 201062 Roylco Plastic Bug Bodies Assorted Colors, 75/pk Roylco Pre‐Cut Tissue Paper Circle, 4 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 480 ‐ 403992 Roylco Straws and Connector Jumbo Set of 705‐ 1300944 Roylco True Insects Rubbing Plate, 4‐1/2 X 6‐1/2 in, Set of 16 ‐ 410525 Rubbermaid Executive Lobby Broom, 7‐1/2 L x 2 W x 35 H in, Polypropylene Trim, Black ‐ 1468109 Rubbermaid Regeneration Drawer Organizer, 2‐1/2 in H X 14‐7/8 in W X 11‐7/8 in D, 9 Compartments, Plastic, Black ‐ 1330814 Safco Write Way Magnetic Arrow Directional Sign, 25‐1/2 W x 17‐3/4 D x 64‐1/4 H in, Black ‐ 677044 32325 Samsill Fashion Color Value Storage Binder, 1 in, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Assorted ‐ 087151 EACH $2.69 087151 School Specialty 32264 31564 Samsill Fashion Color Value Storage Binder, 2 in, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Assorted ‐ 1394648 Samsill Value Plus Heavy Weight Angle D‐Ring Binder, 4 in, Dark Blue ‐ 077046 EACH EACH $5.84 $15.52 1394648 077046 School Specialty School Specialty 32586 32391 EACH EACH $6.93 $32.21 DD104 RA09552 Lakeshore Learning Triarco Art EACH $6.90 RA18590 Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH $9.07 $9.45 $13.49 1089628 RA16097 459260 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty 32945 31753 Sanford Expo Dry Erase Marker Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 8 ‐ 1496286 Sanford Sharpie Permanent Marker Fine Tip, Black, Carton of 36 ‐ 1508194 Sanford Sharpie Yellow Accent Gel Highlighters ‐‐ Gel Highlighter, 5/PK, Assorted ‐ 1400839 Sanford Uni‐Ball Onyx Non‐Refillable Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Tip, Black Ink/Barrel 12/Pack‐ 1089628 Saral Wax‐Free Transfer Paper, 12‐1/2 in X 1 ft, White ‐ 358487 Saral Wax‐Free Transfer Paper, 12‐1/2 in X 12 ft, Non‐Photo Blue ‐ 459260 Sargent Art Art‐Time Non‐Toxic Semi‐Moist Standard Watercolor Paint Refill Strip Set with Brush, Plastic Oval Pan, Assorted Bright Color, Set of 8 ‐ 1329838 Sargent Art Blunt Tip Scissor, 5 in, Plastic Blade, Plastic Handle, Yellow ‐ 084843 EACH EACH $0.52 $0.90 RA17353 RA29590 Triarco Art Triarco Art 32944 29408 Sargent Art Crayons in Tuck Box, 5/16 x 3‐1/2 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 8 ‐ 245948 Sargent Art Glitter Gel Pen Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 10 ‐ 1494261 EACH EACH $0.46 $4.87 RA18670 1494261 Triarco Art School Specialty 32489 29297 29320 32382 31704 32486 29369 29289 28667 29315 32376 32607 32169 29234 32587 29340 32513 32514 122 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32496 31600 Sargent Art Non‐Toxic Poster Marker Tempera Paint Set with 3/8 in Dauber Tip, 2 oz Plastic Squeeze Bottle, Assorted Color, Set of 6 ‐ 227979 Saunders Slimmate Clipboard, Polypropylene, Black ‐ 1368979 EACH EACH $6.64 $9.82 RA18666 1368979 Triarco Art School Specialty 32182 32429 Saunders Slimmate Letter Size Storage Clipboard, Polypropylene, Blue ‐ 1437631 Savage TruBlack Presentation Board, 16 X 20 in, Black, Pack of 10 ‐ 408128 EACH EACH $9.82 $22.49 1437631 408128 School Specialty School Specialty 32414 Sax 2‐Hole Punch Chart Paper, 16 lb, 24 in W X 32 in H, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1285050 EACH $24.74 1285050 School Specialty 32415 32443 Sax 2‐Hole Punch Chart Paper, 16 lb, 24 in W X 32 in H, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1285051 Sax Top Grade Decorator Burlap, 5 yd X 46 in, Natural, 10 oz ‐ 1325467 Sax True Flow Non‐Toxic Waterproof Medium Body Acrylic Paint, 0.5 gal Plastic Bottle, Blockout White ‐ 402600 Sax Watercolor Paper School Pack for Beginning Artists, 90 lb, 12 X 18 in, Natural White, Pack of 100 ‐ 408402 Scholastic Giant Apple Basket Design Bulletin Board Set, 36 Pieces ‐ 082945 Scholastic Monthly Calendar Pocket Chart ‐ 1462461 Scholastic Nursery Rhyme Flip Chart, Grades PreK to 1 ‐ 085380 Scholastic Seasonal Themed Designer Paper ‐ 8 1/2 x 11 inches ‐ 300 sheets ‐ Set of 6 ‐ 087745 School Smart 0 ‐ 180 deg Multi‐Use Protractor, 3‐7/8 in Graduation, Plastic, Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 084408 School Smart 1/5 Cut Manila File Folder, Legal, 11‐3/4 L x 9‐1/2 W in, 3/4 in Expansion, Mediumweight, Pack of 100 ‐ 015768 School Smart 2‐Hole Hand Held Pencil Sharpener, Silver, Pack of 12 ‐ 078467 School Smart 3 Hole Fastener Insert Rounded Corners Report Cover, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Red, Pack of 25 ‐ 081917 School Smart 3‐Hole Punched Colored Filler Paper, 8‐1/2" x 11", 15 lb, 3/8 in Ruling, Blue, Pack of 100 ‐ 087154 School Smart 3‐Hole Punched Graph Paper, 1 in Ruling, Double‐Sided, 10" x 10", 15 lb, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085282 School Smart 3‐Hole Punched Wireless Notebook, 8 X 10‐1/2, Wide Ruling, 50 Sheets, Assorted Colors ‐ 085316 School Smart 5000‐BX Full Strip Stapler Start‐Up Kit ‐ (6) Each Full Strip Staplers Staples and Staple Removers, Standard Staples, 210 Staple ‐ 1274192 School Smart 6‐Hole Heavy Duty Non‐Skid Steel Pencil Sharpener, 7 in W X 4‐1/2 in D X 7‐ 3/8 in H ‐ 091432 School Smart 9 x 12 in 2‐Pocket Folder, Red, Pack of 25 ‐ 084883 School Smart Acid‐Free Twist‐Up Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Washable Glue Stick, 0.74 oz, Purple and Dries Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 1353958 EACH EACH $24.74 $19.79 1285051 1325467 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $14.99 402600 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $37.49 $11.24 $20.99 $20.99 408402 082945 1462461 085380 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $25.04 087745 School Specialty EACH $2.99 084408 School Specialty EACH EACH $13.27 $7.49 015768 078467 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.82 081917 School Specialty EACH $5.09 087154 School Specialty EACH $11.09 085282 School Specialty EACH $2.09 085316 School Specialty EACH $7.49 1274192 School Specialty EACH EACH $35.77 $9.74 091432 084883 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $8.99 1353958 School Specialty 32488 32388 31584 32442 29279 32413 31747 31509 31714 31735 32744 31771 31776 32013 32394 31585 32616 DESCRIPTION 123 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32615 31762 32935 32832 32433 29284 31589 31779 31767 31579 32243 32778 32701 29330 29416 32390 31746 32454 32722 32721 32720 32706 32724 32817 DESCRIPTION School Smart Acid‐Free Twist‐Up Non‐Toxic Photo‐Safe Washable Glue Stick, 0.74 oz, White and Dries Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 1353957 School Smart Basic Heavy Gauge Blunt Tip Scissor, 4‐1/2 in, Forged Steel Blade, Silver, Nickel Plated, Pack of 12 ‐ 085049 School Smart Blank Heavyweight Plain Index Card, 3 L x 5 W in, Canary, Pack of 100 ‐ 088725 School Smart Blank Heavyweight Plain Index Card, 5 L x 8 W in, Canary, Pack of 100 ‐ 088709 School Smart Blunt Tip Student Scissor for Middle Grades, 6‐1/4 in, Pack of 12 ‐ 086342 School Smart Canvas Large Heavy Duty Washable Tote Bag, 16.75 X 17.5 X 5 in, Natural ‐ 086505 School Smart Catalog Envelope, No 10, 4‐1/8 x 9 1/2 in, White, Pack of 30 ‐ 085019 School Smart Chart Table, 24 x 32 in, 25 Sheets, 1 in Grid ‐ 085329 School Smart Cursive Ruled Notebook Paper with Red Margin, 10‐1/2" x 8", 15 lb, Short Way Ruling, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085243 School Smart Deluxe Heavy Duty Interchangeable Tape Dispenser with 1 in Core, 1/2 ‐ 3/4 in Tape, Black ‐ 081904 School Smart Desk Pad Refill, 22 x 17 in ‐ 1497792 School Smart Dough Tool Set, Plastic, Assorted Colors, Set of 5 ‐ 085812 School Smart Dry Erase Board, 11 L X 17 W in, Black Frame, Horizontal/Vertical Mount ‐ 633746 School Smart Dry Erase Board, 16 L x 22 W in, Black Frame, Horizontal/Vertical Mount ‐ 633748 School Smart Dry Erase Unruled Pupil Board, 9 x 12 in ‐ 1528372 School Smart Dry‐Erase Ruled Pupil Board ‐ Rounded Corners, 9 W x 12 H in, White, Pack of 30 ‐ 1500336 School Smart Electric Heavy Duty Steel Pencil Sharpener, 5‐1/2 in H X 3‐3/4 in W X 7‐3/4 in D ‐ 084328 School Smart Extra Heavy Weight Kraft Paper Sheet, 60 lb, 18 X 24 in, Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 086643 School Smart Fade Resistant Art Roll, 18 in x 50 ft, Bright Blue ‐ 1513670 School Smart Fade Resistant Art Roll, 18 in x 50 ft, Bright Green ‐ 1513667 School Smart Fade Resistant Art Roll, 18 in x 50 ft, Canary Yellow ‐ 1513665 School Smart Fade Resistant Art Roll, 36 in x 30 ft, Bright Blue ‐ 1513676 School Smart Fade Resistant Art Roll, 48 in x 12 ft, Bright Red ‐ 1513678 School Smart Fade Resistant Non‐Retractable Ballpoint Pen, Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400756 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $8.99 1353957 School Specialty EACH $12.82 085049 School Specialty EACH $1.42 088725 School Specialty EACH $3.29 088709 School Specialty EACH $20.84 086342 School Specialty EACH $4.64 086505 School Specialty EACH EACH $3.74 $7.49 085019 085329 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $5.54 TA2633 Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH $5.84 $6.74 $4.49 081904 1497792 085812 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $6.22 633746 School Specialty EACH EACH $8.69 $2.24 633748 1528372 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $26.82 KC70 Lakeshore Learning EACH $25.57 084328 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $18.52 $5.62 $5.62 $5.62 $5.99 $5.54 086643 1513670 1513667 1513665 1513676 1513678 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $3.50 1400756 School Specialty 124 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32703 32704 31604 29409 31586 31522 31734 31588 31647 31677 31645 31643 31638 31680 31679 31770 31559 31744 31750 31749 31751 32665 DESCRIPTION School Smart Fade Resistant Retractable Ballpoint Pen, Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400761 School Smart Fade Resistant Retractable Ballpoint Pen, Medium Tip, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400763 School Smart Flexible Composition Book ‐ 20 Leaves, 8‐1/2 X 7 in, 15 lb, 3/8 in Ruling, 40 Sheets, White Paper, Black Marble Cover ‐ 002043 School Smart Foam Board, 5 x 5 in, White, Pack of 48 ‐ 1494875 School Smart Foam Rubber Pre‐Inked Stamp Pad, 3‐3/4 L x 5 W in, Black ‐ 084912 School Smart Full Strip Stapler ‐ 038178 School Smart Fully Ruled Pupil Board, 9 L x 12 W in, Melamine, White, Pack of 10 ‐ 081895 School Smart Grip Seal Catalog Envelopes, 10 L x 13 W in, Kraft, Pack of 100 ‐ 085016 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12 X 18 Bright Green, Pack of 100 ‐ 026918 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12 X 18 Bright Green, Pack of 50 ‐ 054267 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12 X 18 Yellow Orange, Pack of 100 ‐ 026790 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9 X 12 Dark Green, Pack of 100 ‐ 026421 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9 X 12 Yellow Orange, Pack of 100 ‐ 025522 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Extra Large Construction Paper, 24 X 36 Black, Pack of 50 ‐ 054390 School Smart Groundwood Heavyweight Extra Large Construction Paper, 24 X 36 Bright White, Pack of 50 ‐ 054372 School Smart Gummed Ruled Writing Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 15 lb, 50 Sheets, Sulphite Bond Paper, White, Pack of 12 ‐ 085271 School Smart Half Strip Stapler ‐ 075869 School Smart Hexagonal No. 2 Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, Pack of 12 ‐ 083276 School Smart Hexagonal No. 2 Pre‐Sharpened Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, Pack of 12 ‐ 084453 School Smart Hexagonal Non‐Toxic Lead‐Free Starter Pencil with Latex‐Free Eraser, 13/32 in, No 2 Tip, Pack of 12 ‐ 084449 School Smart Hexagonal Splinter‐Resistant Mechanical Pencil, 0.5 mm Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 084809 School Smart Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 20 ‐ 1298144 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $5.99 1400761 School Specialty EACH $5.99 1400763 School Specialty EACH EACH $1.04 $11.99 002043 1494875 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $3.69 $6.82 LL172BK 038178 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $21.97 081895 School Specialty EACH $19.49 085016 School Specialty EACH $2.12 TA51GB Lakeshore Learning EACH $1.16 1506485 School Specialty EACH $5.02 026790 School Specialty EACH $1.38 1506503 School Specialty EACH $2.69 025522 School Specialty EACH $11.47 054390 School Specialty EACH $11.47 054372 School Specialty EACH EACH $11.62 $5.32 085271 075869 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $1.64 083276 School Specialty EACH $1.72 084453 School Specialty EACH $4.04 084449 School Specialty EACH EACH $3.22 $7.42 084809 1298144 School Specialty School Specialty 125 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32664 School Smart Highlighter, Yellow, Pack of 20 ‐ 1298143 School Smart Interlocked Black Bristle Short Handle Paint Brush Set, Assorted Size, Clear, Set of 24 ‐ 1332344 EACH $7.42 1298143 School Specialty EACH $17.69 1332344 School Specialty School Smart Jumbo Manila Tag Unruled Chart Paper, 36 x 24, Pack of 100 ‐ 006438 School Smart Light Duty Sturdy Paper Punch with Grip, 1/4 in, 5 Sheets ‐ 086332 School Smart Lined Self‐Stick Adhesive Note, 4 X 6 in, Yellow, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 5 ‐ 1396803 School Smart Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Bullet Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 4 ‐ 1402628 School Smart Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 4 ‐ 1400750 School Smart Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1354271 School Smart Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Green, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400752 School Smart Low Odor Non‐Toxic Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400753 School Smart Low‐Profile Acrylic Clipboard, Plastic, Assorted Color ‐ 038075 School Smart Magnetic Wipe‐Off Dry Erase Board, 22 L x 17‐1/2 W in, Aluminum Frame, Metal Coated ‐ 070627 School Smart Mesh Letter Holder, 5‐3/10 X 3‐1/5 X 7 in, Steel, Black ‐ 1443300 School Smart Mesh Organizer ‐ 1356389 EACH EACH $35.99 $2.77 006438 086332 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.87 1396803 School Specialty EACH $4.34 1402628 School Specialty EACH $4.34 1400750 School Specialty EACH $10.27 1354271 School Specialty EACH $10.27 1400752 School Specialty EACH EACH $10.27 $3.59 1400753 038075 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $16.42 $8.09 $116.77 070627 1443300 1356389 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $1.57 $32.24 $12.44 1465888 1464948 084835 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $11.23 $68.39 1353893 085474 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $5.24 085240 School Specialty EACH EACH $0.52 $8.92 059967 1500603 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $8.17 $7.72 1500602 1451286 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $35.99 088684 School Specialty 32464 31608 29211 29247 32777 32776 32593 32594 32595 31658 31698 32225 31984 32929 32397 31752 32559 32368 31766 31542 29274 32221 32654 32386 School Smart Mini Composition Book, 3‐1/4 X 4‐1/2 in, 50 Sheets, Pack of 3 ‐ 1465888 School Smart Mini Project Display Board, 20 x 15 in, White, Pack of 10 ‐ 1464948 School Smart Multi‐Hole Metal Pencil Sharpener, Black ‐ 084835 School Smart Multi‐Purpose Non‐Toxic Washable School Glue, 8 oz Squeeze Bottle, Pack of 12 ‐ 1353893 School Smart Newsprint Roll, 36 in X 1470 ft, White ‐ 085474 School Smart Newsprint Theme Paper ‐ California Approved, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 3/8 in Ruling, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085240 School Smart Nickel Plated High Grade Steel Thumb Tack, No 3, 7/16 in Head Dia, Pack of 100 ‐ 059967 School Smart Non‐Skid Paper Clip, Jumbo, 2 L in, Steel, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1500603 School Smart Non‐Skid Paper Clip, Standard, 1‐1/4 L in, Steel, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1500602 School Smart Non‐Toxic Glitter, 2 oz Jar, Assorted Color, Set of 5 ‐ 1451286 School Smart Non‐Toxic Modeling Dough Classroom Pack, 3.3 lb Tub, Assorted Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 088684 126 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32794 32796 32795 DESCRIPTION School Smart Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Blue ‐ 1439175 School Smart Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Red ‐ 1439186 School Smart Non‐Toxic Multi‐Purpose Liquid Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, White ‐ 1439184 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.12 1439175 School Specialty EACH $4.12 1439186 School Specialty EACH $4.12 1439184 School Specialty EACH $6.44 085679 School Specialty EACH $14.69 1400754 School Specialty EACH $24.29 463565 School Specialty EACH $5.77 086412 School Specialty EACH $2.99 086411 School Specialty EACH $4.27 086513 School Specialty EACH $5.39 085026 School Specialty EACH $5.39 085028 School Specialty EACH $41.24 245952 School Specialty EACH $1.19 245949 School Specialty EACH $1.79 245950 School Specialty EACH $3.52 1354258 School Specialty 32819 School Smart Non‐Toxic Natural Stubby Paint Brush Set, 7‐1/2 in, Set of 6 ‐ 085679 School Smart Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker Set, Broad Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 20 ‐ 1400754 School Smart Non‐Toxic Poster Marker Tempera Paint Set with 3/8 in Dauber Tip, 2 oz Plastic Squeeze Bottle, Assorted Color, Set of 12 ‐ 463565 School Smart Non‐Toxic Quick Dry Washable Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 16 ‐ 086412 School Smart Non‐Toxic Quick Dry Washable Marker, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 8 ‐ 086411 School Smart Non‐Toxic Quick Dry Washable Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 30 ‐ 086513 School Smart Non‐Toxic Quick‐Drying Water Resistant Permanent Marker, 1 mm Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 085026 School Smart Non‐Toxic Quick‐Drying Water Resistant Permanent Marker, 1 mm Fine Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 085028 School Smart Non‐Toxic Regular Crayon Classroom Pack in Storage Box, 5/16 X 3‐1/2 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 800 ‐ 245952 School Smart Non‐Toxic Regular Crayon in Tuck Box, 5/16 X 3‐1/2 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 16 ‐ 245949 School Smart Non‐Toxic Regular Crayon in Tuck Box, 5/16 X 3‐1/2 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 245950 School Smart Non‐Toxic Tank Style Highlighter Set, Chisel Tip, Assorted Colors, Set of 6 ‐ 1354258 31786 School Smart Non‐Toxic Tank Style Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Yellow, Pack of 12 ‐ 1354259 EACH $6.42 1354259 School Specialty 32574 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Black ‐ 1439228 EACH $11.24 1439228 School Specialty 32582 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Blue ‐ 1439237 EACH $11.24 1439237 School Specialty 32580 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Brown ‐ 1439235 EACH $11.24 1439235 School Specialty 32583 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Green ‐ 1439238 EACH $11.24 1439238 School Specialty 32690 32497 32419 32715 32844 32779 31759 31760 32383 32941 32915 127 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32577 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Magenta ‐ 1439231 DESCRIPTION EACH $11.24 1439231 School Specialty 32576 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Pink ‐ 1439230 EACH $11.24 1439230 School Specialty 32581 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Purple ‐ 1439236 EACH $11.24 1439236 School Specialty 32573 EACH $11.24 1439227 School Specialty 32578 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Red ‐ 1439227 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Turquoise ‐ 1439233 EACH $11.24 1439233 School Specialty 32575 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, White ‐ 1439229 EACH $11.24 1439229 School Specialty 32579 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 gal Plastic Bottle, Yellow ‐ 1439234 EACH $11.24 1439234 School Specialty 32904 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Black ‐ 1439202 EACH $2.17 1439202 School Specialty 32910 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Blue ‐ 1439211 EACH $2.17 1439211 School Specialty 32909 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Brown ‐ 1439209 EACH $2.17 1439209 School Specialty 32911 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Green ‐ 1439212 EACH $2.17 1439212 School Specialty 32906 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Magenta ‐ 1439205 EACH $2.17 1439205 School Specialty 32907 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Orange ‐ 1439206 EACH $2.17 1439206 School Specialty 29383 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Purple ‐ 1439210 EACH $2.17 1439210 School Specialty 32903 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Red ‐ 1439201 EACH $2.17 1439201 School Specialty 32905 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, White ‐ 1439203 EACH $2.17 1439203 School Specialty 32908 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 pt Plastic Bottle, Yellow ‐ 1439208 EACH $2.17 1439208 School Specialty 32808 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Blue ‐ 1439224 EACH $3.54 1439224 School Specialty 32806 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Brown ‐ 1439222 EACH $3.54 1439222 School Specialty 32809 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Green ‐ 1439225 EACH $3.54 1439225 School Specialty 128 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32803 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Magenta ‐ 1439218 EACH $3.54 1439218 School Specialty 32804 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Orange ‐ 1439219 EACH $3.54 1439219 School Specialty 32807 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Purple ‐ 1439223 EACH $3.54 1439223 School Specialty 32801 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Red ‐ 1439214 EACH $3.54 1439214 School Specialty 32802 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, White ‐ 1439216 EACH $3.54 1439216 School Specialty 32805 School Smart Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Yellow ‐ 1439221 School Smart Non‐Toxic Watercolor Marker, Conical Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 200 ‐ 086414 School Smart Paper Edger Scissor Set, Assorted Colors, Set of 12 ‐ 085069 EACH $3.54 1439221 School Specialty EACH EACH $38.21 $18.49 RA11415 GG174 Triarco Art Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH $3.37 $32.99 081939 1512098 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $13.27 027427 School Specialty EACH $10.72 1396804 School Specialty EACH $3.37 1459417 School Specialty EACH $10.79 082261 School Specialty EACH EACH $10.79 $7.91 082260 461096 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $5.17 1396808 School Specialty 32380 31763 32280 School Smart Paper Plastic Heavy Duty Insertable Reinforced Index Tab Divider with 3‐ Hole Punched and 26‐Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Assorted Color, Alphabetical A ‐ Z ‐ 081939 School Smart Pencil Sharpener ‐ 1512098 School Smart Perforated Stapled Standard Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 14 in, 15 lb, 50 Sheets, 3/8 in Ruling, Sulphite Bond Paper, Canary, Pack of 12 ‐ 027427 School Smart Plain Self‐Stick Adhesive Note, 3 X 3 in, Yellow, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 24 ‐ 1396804 School Smart Polypropylene 2 Pockets Heavy Duty Pocket Portfolio with Fastener, Dark Blue, Pack of 2 ‐ 1459417 School Smart Polypropylene Reusable Side Loading String Envelope, Letter, 1‐1/4 in Expansion, Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 082261 School Smart Polypropylene Top Loading Reusable String Envelope, Letter, 1‐1/4 in Expansion, Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 082260 School Smart Pony Bead, Gold/Silver/Copper, Pack of 500 ‐ 461096 School Smart Pop‐Up Self‐Stick Adhesive Note, 3 X 3 in, Yellow, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 12 ‐ 1396808 32643 32814 School Smart Poster Board, 11 X 14 in, Assorted Neon Color, Pack of 25 ‐ 1371699 School Smart Poster Board, 11 X 14 in, White, Pack of 25 ‐ 1371698 EACH EACH $7.94 $3.67 1371699 1371698 School Specialty School Specialty 32589 School Smart Poster Board, 11 X 14 in, White/Assorted Neon Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1371700 EACH $10.49 1371700 School Specialty 32402 School Smart Poster Board, 22 X 28 in, 8‐Ply Thickness, White, Pack of 25 ‐ 085558 EACH $27.74 085558 School Specialty 31580 32396 31518 32166 32826 31582 31581 32637 129 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $1.38 TS547 Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.77 075210 School Specialty EACH EACH $5.54 $17.54 TA2611 084880 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Smart Retractable Roller Gel Pen, Medium Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 1400770 School Smart Rollerball Pen, 0.3 mm Fine Tip, Purple, Pack of 12 ‐ 089792 School Smart Round Refillable Stick Pen, Medium Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 038160 School Smart Ruled Spelling Slip, 3‐1/2" x 8‐1/2", White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085322 School Smart Seasonal Assortment Sticker Set, Set of 1440 ‐ 1496275 School Smart Self‐Adhesive Tape with 1 in Core, 1/2 in x 36 yd, Transparent, Pack of 12 ‐ 1354239 School Smart Self‐Stick Adhesive Note, 3 X 3 in, Assorted Neon Colors, 100 Sheets/Pad, Pack of 12 ‐ 1396807 School Smart Semi‐Stiff Cover Marbleback Composition Book, 9‐3/4 X 7‐1/2 in, 200 Pages ‐ 026026 School Smart Sentence Strip Pocket Chart with Card Storage ‐ 387522 School Smart Side Load Envelope, Letter, 1 in Expansion, Polypropylene, Assorted Color, Pack of 24 ‐ 333805 School Smart Skip‐A‐Line Long Way Picture Story Paper, 18" x 12", 1 in Ruling, 1/2 in Broken Line, 1/2 in Skip Line, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085234 School Smart Small Timer with Bell, 60 min, 2‐1/2 in W X 2‐1/2 in H X 1‐3/8 in D, White ‐ 084082 School Smart Smooth 2 Pocket Folder, Without Fasteners, Assorted Colors, Pack of 25 ‐ 067504 School Smart Smooth Paper Clip, Jumbo, 2 L in, Steel, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1500601 EACH EACH EACH $10.19 $2.62 $1.27 1400770 002901 038160 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $3.14 $22.49 085322 1496275 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $10.34 1354239 School Specialty EACH $6.22 1396807 School Specialty EACH EACH $2.48 $23.24 026026 387522 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $8.32 TA2694 Lakeshore Learning EACH $10.49 085234 School Specialty EACH $9.74 084082 School Specialty EACH EACH $10.12 $8.92 067504 1500601 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $8.17 1500600 School Specialty 32115 School Smart Smooth Paper Clip, Standard, 1‐1/4 L in, Steel, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1500600 School Smart Steel Letter Size Stackable Mesh Desk Tray, 2‐1/2 X 13‐1/2 X 9‐1/2 in, Black ‐ 1443302 EACH $14.69 1443302 School Specialty 31774 School Smart Sulphite 3‐Hole Punched Perforated Spiralbound Notebook ‐ 1 Subject with Margin, 11 X 9 in, 15 lb, 9/32 in, College Ruling, 100 Sheets, White ‐ 085314 EACH $4.49 085314 School Specialty 31552 School Smart Precision Scissor, 5 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Soft Grip Plastic Handle ‐ 084844 School Smart Presentation Binder Clip ‐ Configurable Item, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, Pack of 30 ‐ 075210 31777 31756 School Smart Red & Blue Storybook Paper for Grade K ‐1, Long Way, 11" x 8‐ 1/2", 3/4 in, 3/8 in Broken Line, 3/8 in Skip Line, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085320 School Smart Report Cover, 25 Sheets, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Clear, Pack of 50 ‐ 084880 31754 32597 32669 31659 31778 31788 29238 32255 31639 32423 29215 31765 31745 31543 32204 32220 130 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 31775 31768 31769 31780 31772 32710 31748 31738 31737 31736 31758 31757 29235 32851 DESCRIPTION School Smart Sulphite 3‐Hole Punched Perforated Spiralbound Notebook ‐ 2 Subject with Margin, 11 X 9 in, 15 lb, 9/32 in, College Ruling, 100 Sheets, White ‐ 085315 School Smart Sulphite Bond Paper Spiralbound Composition Book ‐ 160 Page 1 Subject, 9‐ 1/2 x 6, 15 lb, 9/32 in Ruling, 80 Sheets, White ‐ 085260 School Smart Sulphite Bond Paper Spiralbound Composition Book ‐ 40 Leaves, 1 Subject, 10‐1/2 x 8, 16 lb, 11/32 in Ruling, 80 Sheets, White ‐ 085264 School Smart Sulphite Finger Paint Paper, 60 lb, 11 X 16 in, Glazed White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085375 School Smart Sulphite Paper 3‐Hole Punched Filler Paper with Margin, 8 X 10‐1/2 in, 15 lb, 3/8 in Ruling, Bright White, Pack of 200 ‐ 085285 School Smart Sulphite Theme Paper with Red Margin and Headline, 8 X 10‐1/2 in, 15 lb, 3/8 in Ruling, 500 Sheets, White, Pack of 500 ‐ 085441 School Smart Timer, 2 x 3 in ‐ 084433 School Smart Tote Lid, 12 L x 8 W in, Translucent ‐ 081970 School Smart Tote Tray, 12 x 8 x 5 in, Green ‐ 081965 School Smart Tote Tray, 12 x 8 x 5 in, Yellow ‐ 081943 School Smart Value Light‐Weight Scissor, 7 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Bent Handle, Red ‐ 085006 School Smart Value Light‐Weight Scissor, 7 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Straight Handle, Red ‐ 085004 School Smart Wall Clock, 13 X 13 X 1 in, Glass Lens, White Dial/Black Frame, Clear Lens, AA ‐ 1334574 School Smart Washable Dry‐Erase Cloth, 12 X 14 in, Microfiber, for Use with Cleaning Dry‐ Erase Boards and Chalk Boards ‐ 1466081 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.94 085315 School Specialty EACH $2.54 085260 School Specialty EACH $1.49 085264 School Specialty EACH $19.49 085375 School Specialty EACH $3.14 085285 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $5.54 $5.54 $2.62 $4.62 $4.62 TA2612 HH829 081970 YB10GR YB10YE Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.24 085006 School Specialty EACH $2.21 085004 School Specialty EACH $13.49 1543107 School Specialty EACH $2.84 1466081 School Specialty EACH $19.72 085676 School Specialty EACH EACH $7.49 $18.49 085794 CF616 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 31689 31631 School Smart Wedge Shaped Foam Paint Brush Set, Assorted Size, Set of 48 ‐ 085676 School Smart Wood Assorted Shape Bead, 1/2 ‐ 1 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 460 ‐ 085794 School Specialty 120 Pocket Chart, 26‐3/4 L x 32 W in, Ages 5+ ‐ 1498141 School Specialty Acid‐Free Grade School Design Desktop Publishing Paper, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 100 Sheets, Pack of 100 ‐ 067572 School Specialty All‐in‐One Steel Paper Cutter, 36 in L Cut ‐ 009129 EACH EACH $7.42 $49.49 067572 009129 School Specialty School Specialty 32605 School Specialty Blank Journaling Books, 7 x 8‐1/2 in, 32 Pages, Blue, Pack of 6 ‐ 090354 EACH $9.44 090354 School Specialty 29401 School Specialty Congratulations Award Cover, Linen, Black, Pack of 25 ‐ 1475918 EACH $14.99 1475918 School Specialty 32895 School Specialty Decorative Papier‐Mache Art Mask, 8 X 6 X 3 in, White ‐ 464381 EACH $2.17 464381 School Specialty 32444 32635 29413 131 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32177 32647 31669 32384 32638 29302 32864 32276 31609 32495 29316 29304 32370 32642 29400 32865 31773 29414 29349 32405 32885 28656 31506 31507 31538 DESCRIPTION School Specialty Desk Buddy Multi‐Textured Tactile Chewable Ruler, Assorted Colors ‐ 1410033 School Specialty Double Roll Ticket, 2 x 2 in, Blue, Pack of 2000 ‐ 1514770 School Specialty Double Stock Roll Ticket, 1 X 2 in, Drop This Ticket in Proper Place, Keep This Coupon, 0000001‐0002000, Green, Pack of 2000 ‐ 042474 School Specialty Elements of Art Posters ‐ 18 x 24 inches ‐ Set of 8 ‐ 404612 School Specialty Foam Sheet, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Primary Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 408802 School Specialty Hard Aluminum Ruler, 12 X 1‐1/4 in ‐ 248852 School Specialty Math Motivation Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 388804 School Specialty Mavalus Removable Poster Tape with 1 in Core, 1 in x 10 yd, Blue ‐ 269408 School Specialty Non‐Glare Protecto Film, 24 in X 33 ft, Plastic, Clear, for Use with Posters, Graphs, Maps ‐ 006591 School Specialty Non‐Toxic Jumbo Glitter with Shaker Tops, 2 oz Jar, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 446222 School Specialty Plastic Novelty Embellishment, White, Set of 156 ‐ 405947 School Specialty Polyhedra Dice ‐ Set of 10 ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 264325 School Specialty Printmaking & Collage Tray, 11 X 9 X 1 in, White, Pack of 250 ‐ 467732 School Specialty Raised Print Achievement Recognition Nuline Award, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Pack of 25 ‐ 1475500 School Specialty Raised Print Student of the Month Recognition Nuline Award, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Pack of 25 ‐ 1475495 School Specialty Reading Motivation Pencil, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12 ‐ 388806 School Specialty Sentence Strips Conforming to Zaner‐Bloser Style, 3" x 24", White, Pack of 100 ‐ 085288 School Specialty Single Roll Ticket, 1 x 2 in, Red, Pack of 2000 ‐ 1514759 School Specialty Steamroller Replacement Theraband for Steamroller and Advantage Steamroller‐ 1359927 School Specialty Trait Tex Yarn Pack, Bargain Bag, Assorted Color ‐ 413726 School Works Squishgrip Student Scissors, 7 in ‐ 1326613 School Year 2 Post Cards, 180/Pack ‐ 9070655030 Scotch 232 High Performance Pressure Sensitive Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 005295 Scotch 232 High Performance Pressure Sensitive Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 3/4 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 005304 Scotch 234 General Purpose Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 042108 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $8.99 $7.49 1410033 1514770 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $7.49 $41.24 042474 404612 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $7.49 $2.62 $2.77 408802 248852 388804 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $5.32 269408 School Specialty EACH $32.24 006591 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $14.99 $27.52 $2.99 446222 405947 264325 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $58.34 467732 School Specialty EACH $7.87 1475500 School Specialty EACH $7.87 1475495 School Specialty EACH $2.77 388806 School Specialty EACH EACH $3.69 $3.89 NF9763 1514759 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH EACH EACH SET $5.99 $26.24 $2.54 $23.39 1359927 413726 1326613 070655 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $7.95 700003 Triarco Art EACH $6.38 700002 Triarco Art EACH $7.01 RA12759 Triarco Art 132 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 31537 31539 31540 32054 32014 31523 32308 32032 32086 29226 31572 32178 32092 32134 32083 31553 31571 31997 32131 32260 DESCRIPTION Scotch 234 General Purpose Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1/2 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 042102 Scotch 234 General Purpose Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1‐1/2 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 042111 Scotch 234 General Purpose Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 2 in x 60 yd, Tan ‐ 042114 Scotch 3650 Moving and Storage Tape with Hand Held Dispenser, 1.88 in x 38.2 yd, Pack of 4 ‐ 086380 Scotch 3650 Shipping and Storage Tape with 3 in Core, with Hand Held Dispenser, 1.88 in x 54.6 yd, Clear, Polypropylene Backing, Pack of 6 ‐ 086377 Scotch 3750 Commercial Grade Shipping Tape with Dispenser, 1.88 in x 54.6 yd, Clear ‐ 038212 Scotch 3850 Heavy Duty Shipping Tape with Dispenser, 2 in x 800 in x 3.1 mm, Clear ‐ 1327785 Scotch 600 Multi‐Purpose Photo‐Safe Self‐Adhesive Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1000 in, Glossy Transparent, Pack of 12 ‐ 1369927 Scotch 600 Multi‐Purpose Photo‐Safe Self‐Adhesive Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1296 in, Glossy Transparent, Pack of 6 ‐ 090022 Scotch 600 Multi‐Purpose Photo‐Safe Self‐Adhesive Tape with 3 in Core, 3/4 x 2592 in, Transparent, Pack of 2 ‐ 1301246 Scotch 600 Multi‐Purpose Photo‐Safe Self‐Adhesive Tape with C‐60 Dispenser, 3/4 x 1000 in, Transparent, Pack of 12 ‐ 078586 Scotch 600 Multi‐Purpose Photo‐Safe Self‐Adhesive Tape with Dispenser, 3/4 x 850 in, Glossy Transparent, Pack of 4 ‐ 086369 Scotch 612 Self‐Adhesive Greener Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 900 in, Glossy Transparent, Pack of 6 ‐ 1390568 Scotch 665 Photo‐Safe Permanent Self‐Adhesive Double Sided Tape with 1 in Core, 1/2 x 900 in, Clear, Pack of 2 ‐ 1369040 Scotch 665 Photo‐Safe Permanent Self‐Adhesive Double Sided Tape with 3 in Core, 1/2 x 1296 in, Clear, Pack of 2 ‐ 1369039 Scotch 810 Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 X 1000 in, Matte Clear, Pack of 10 ‐ 075483 Scotch 810 Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 X 1000 in, Matte Clear, Pack of 16 ‐ 078585 Scotch 810 Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1000 in, Matte Clear, Pack of 24 ‐ 1369044 Scotch 810 Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with 3 in Core, 3/4 x 2592 in, Matte Clear, Pack of 2 ‐ 1301247 Scotch 810 Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with Dispenser, 3/4 x 300 in, Matte Clear, Pack of 3 ‐ 1369035 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $4.43 RA12757 Triarco Art EACH $9.90 RA12760 Triarco Art EACH $14.69 042114 School Specialty EACH $23.92 086380 School Specialty EACH $36.67 086377 School Specialty EACH $10.04 038212 School Specialty EACH $3.44 1327785 School Specialty EACH $28.42 1369927 School Specialty EACH $18.67 090022 School Specialty EACH $12.29 1301246 School Specialty EACH $33.14 078586 School Specialty EACH $10.19 086369 School Specialty EACH $17.24 1390568 School Specialty EACH $12.74 1369040 School Specialty EACH $19.49 1369039 School Specialty EACH $28.72 075483 School Specialty EACH $37.13 078585 School Specialty EACH $54.44 1369044 School Specialty EACH $12.97 1301247 School Specialty EACH $6.14 1369035 School Specialty 133 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32085 31529 31996 32301 32299 31534 31512 32279 32278 32176 31511 31535 31520 32025 31995 31573 32193 32291 32036 31597 32270 32143 DESCRIPTION Scotch 810 Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with Dispenser, 3/4 x 650 in, Matte Clear, Pack of 6 ‐ 1098013 Scotch 810 Magic Tape, 3/4 in x 36 yds, 1 in Core ‐ 040560 Scotch Acrylic High Performance Super Strength Sure Start Packaging Tape, 1‐7/8 in x 54.6 yd x 2.6 mm, Clear, Pack of 8 ‐ 1375278 Scotch Acrylic High Performance Sure Start Shipping Packaging Tape with Reusable Dispenser, 2 in x 800 in x 2.6 mm, Clear ‐ 1375273 Scotch Assorted Shape Restickable Mounting Tab, 7/8 W X 7/8 L in, 1/2 ‐ 1 lb, Pink, Pack of 18 ‐ 1396399 Scotch C‐40 High Impact Resistant Tape Dispenser with 1 in Core, 3/4 in Tape, Black ‐ 040632 Scotch Classic High Impact Resistant Desktop Tape Dispenser with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1500 in Tape, Black ‐ 023127 Scotch Classic High Impact Resistant Desktop Tape Dispenser with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1500 in Tape, Blue ‐ 1437338 Scotch Classic High Impact Resistant Desktop Tape Dispenser with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1500 in Tape, Pink ‐ 1437337 Scotch Designer Refillable Shoe‐Shaped Desktop Tape Dispenser with Magic Tape, 3/4 x 350 in Tape, Black ‐ 1394479 Scotch Double Coated Permanent Mounting Tape, 1 in x 6 yd, 2 lb, White, High Density Foam ‐ 022577 Scotch Double Coated Permanent Mounting Tape, 1/2 W X 75 L in, 2 lb, White, High Density Foam ‐ 042018 Scotch Double Sided Permanent Adhesive Mounting Square, 1 x 1 in, 1 lb, Pack of 16 ‐ 038023 Scotch Double Sided, Permanent Tape Applicator with Tape Rolls, 1/2 x 900 in, Pack of 6 ‐ 1494630 Scotch Greener Packing Tape, 2 in x 49 yd, Clear, Pack of 6 ‐ 1466606 Scotch Heavy Weight Two‐Tone Tape Dispenser with 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1500 in Tape, Black ‐ 078588 Scotch High Performance Masking Tape, 1 in x 60 yd, Green ‐ 1481917 Scotch High Performance Masking Tape, 1/2 in x 60 yd, Green ‐ 1481805 Scotch Highland Economy Masking Tape, 1 in x 60 yd, 3 in Core, Cream, Pack of 9 ‐ 1311877 Scotch Highland Economy Masking Tape, 3/4 in x 60 yd, 3 in Core, Cream, Pack of 12 ‐ 1311876 Scotch Hook and Loop Multi‐Purpose Fastener for Indoor/Outdoor, 7/8 W X 7/8 L in, 1 lb, White, Pack of 24 ‐ 1396403 Scotch Legal Size Laminating Pouch, 8.9 X 14.4 in, 3 mil Thickness, Clear, Pack of 20 ‐ 1462979 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $18.59 $3.37 1098013 040560 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $53.99 1375278 School Specialty EACH $3.67 1375273 School Specialty EACH $3.82 1396399 School Specialty EACH $13.94 040632 School Specialty EACH $5.24 023127 School Specialty EACH $5.24 1437338 School Specialty EACH $5.24 1437337 School Specialty EACH $10.27 1394479 School Specialty EACH $19.64 022577 School Specialty EACH $3.67 042018 School Specialty EACH $1.94 038023 School Specialty EACH EACH $33.44 $57.59 1494630 1466606 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $3.74 $9.37 $4.72 078588 1481917 1481805 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $26.77 1311877 School Specialty EACH $23.99 1311876 School Specialty EACH $5.39 1396403 School Specialty EACH $11.99 1462979 School Specialty 134 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32186 29265 32304 31596 32218 32330 31575 32327 32311 32297 32284 31755 31601 32889 29266 32621 29290 29300 32564 32562 28718 28698 29344 28666 DESCRIPTION Scotch Letter Size Thermal Laminator Pouch, 8.9 X 11.4 in, 3 mil Thickness, Polyester, Clear, for Use with Thermal Laminator, Childrens Artwork, Pack of 20 ‐ 1465296 Scotch Lightweight Mounting Putty, 2 oz, Blue ‐ 1494645 Scotch Magic Invisible Tape ‐ Boxed Refill Roll, 1 in Core, 3/4 x 1296 in, Transparent ‐ 1120669 Scotch Magic Photo‐Safe Writable Self‐Adhesive Invisible Tape with Dispenser, 3/4 x 650 in, Matte Transparent ‐ 1311868 Scotch Multi‐Purpose High Performance Self‐Adhesive Duct Tape, 1‐7/8 in x 20 yd, Transparent ‐ 1100353 Scotch Precision Tip Kids Scissor, 5 in, Stainless Steel Pointed Tip Blade, Assorted Colors ‐ 1401995 Scotch Removable Adhesive Putty, 2 oz, White ‐ 079043 Scotch Removable Mounting Square, 1 L x 1 W in, Clear, Pack of 16 ‐ 1495144 Scotch Removable Mounting Square, 11/16 L x 11/16 W in, 1/4 lb Capacity, Clear, Pack of 35 ‐ 1494642 Scotch Restickable Dot, 7/8 L x 7/8 W in, Clear, Pack of 18 ‐ 1494643 Scotch Restickable Mounting Tab Value Pack, 1 W X 1 L in, 1/2 ‐ 1 lb, Clear, Pack of 27 ‐ 1396398 Scotch Scissor, 8 in, Stainless Steel Blade, Soft Grip Straight Plastic Handle ‐ 084849 Scotch Shipping Packaging Tape, 3 in x 54.6 yd, Clear, Pack of 6 ‐ 1494631 Scotch Tac N Stik Non‐Toxic Reusable Adhesive for Hanging Posters and Notes, 2 oz, White ‐ 1006836 Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouch, Letter, 8‐9/10 L x 11‐2/5 W in, Clear, Pack of 100 ‐ 1494667 Scratch‐Art Geometric Scratchin Shapes Group Pack, 3‐1/2 X 3‐1/2 in, 10 Point Thickness, Pack of 25 ‐ 1295205 Scratch‐Art Non‐Toxic Scratch Lite Paper, 8 X 9‐3/4 in, Multiple Color, Pack of 30 ‐ 223365 Scratch‐Art Non‐Toxic Soft Scratch Paper with Instruction, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Multiple Color, Pack of 30 ‐ 245462 Scratch‐Art Pointed Scratch Knife, Pack of 12 ‐ 459227 Scratch‐Art Scratch Board, 11 x 14 in, 12 Point Thickness, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 216573 Sea Buddies Bolder Border 1497828 sentences to paragraphs 1370824 Shachihata Xstamper 10‐in‐1 Pre‐Inked Phrase Stamp, 10 in, 3/16 X 1‐1/2 in Impression, Red Ink ‐ 1313589 shape buttons 1lb 085739 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH $9.74 $2.47 1465296 1494645 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $3.59 1120669 School Specialty EACH $3.37 1311868 School Specialty EACH $5.03 RA10273 Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH $2.47 $2.30 $2.62 1401995 YD812 1495144 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH EACH $3.52 $4.19 1494642 1494643 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.87 1396398 School Specialty EACH EACH $2.33 $35.62 RA10361 1494631 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $2.30 YD812 Lakeshore Learning EACH $20.34 XC343 Lakeshore Learning EACH $6.38 RA11789 Triarco Art EACH $9.24 TS108 Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH $9.24 $7.31 TS108 880495 Lakeshore Learning Triarco Art EACH PKG EACH $7.69 $3.74 $9.22 520010 1497828 1370824 Triarco Art School Specialty School Specialty EACH LBS $39.97 $7.49 1313589 085739 School Specialty School Specialty 135 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32432 31696 32135 32676 32549 29356 31684 32763 32687 32631 32699 31711 31710 32723 32873 31685 32072 32262 29382 32055 29223 31994 32157 DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $20.99 1301077 School Specialty EACH $12.94 DD222 Lakeshore Learning EACH $12.37 201000 School Specialty EACH $6.74 1426928 School Specialty EACH $12.14 087211 School Specialty EACH EACH $12.37 $0.74 1369998 059391 School Specialty School Specialty Sharpie Flip Chart Bold Odorless Marker, Bullet Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 418798 Sharpie Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker Set, Fine Tip, Assorted Neon Color, Set of 4 ‐ 1461913 Sharpie Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker Set, Fine Tip, Assorted Neon Color, Set of 5 ‐ 1461912 Sharpie Non‐Toxic Waterproof Permanent Marker, Ultra Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 8 ‐ 405000 Sharpie Non‐Washable Quick‐Drying Waterproof Permanent Marker, Extra‐Fine Tip, Blue, Pack of 12 ‐ 077413 Sharpie Non‐Washable Quick‐Drying Waterproof Permanent Marker, Extra‐Fine Tip, Red, Pack of 12 ‐ 077412 EACH $3.38 RA22955 Triarco Art EACH $6.82 1461913 School Specialty EACH $6.26 RA20688 Triarco Art EACH $6.04 RA13525 Triarco Art EACH $8.99 077413 School Specialty EACH $8.99 077412 School Specialty Sharpie Oil Based Permanent Paint Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Colors, Pack of 2 ‐ 405864 Sharpie Sanford Non‐Toxic Non‐Washable Retractable Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Black ‐ 1412459 Sharpie Ultra Fine Point Permanent Marker, Black ‐ 059661 SI Sound Buddies Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1497292 SI Sound Buddies Desk Strip Set, 16 L x 4 W in, Set of 10 ‐ 1497291 Single Sided Dry Erase Board, 9 X 12 in, Black ‐ 1439089 EACH $3.94 RA09549 Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH $2.84 $0.74 $20.02 $5.99 $5.18 1412459 059661 1497292 1497291 1439089 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $23.54 1398874 School Specialty EACH $10.04 1121693 School Specialty EACH EACH $58.79 $10.79 1069127 1101257 School Specialty School Specialty Shapes Etc Assorted Design Journal and Bookmaking Notepad Set, 5‐1/2 X 7 in, 50 Sheets, Set of 6 ‐ 1301077 Shapes Etc Assorted Incentive Stickers Bargain Bag, 3/8 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 3456 ‐ 070409 Shapes Etc Horizontal Super Calendar Set, 28 X 22 in, Assorted Color, Set of 7 ‐ 201000 Sharp 8‐Digit Extra Large LCD Dual Power Calculator, 1 LR1130 Battery, 3‐Key Memory, Percent and Square Root Keys ‐ 1426928 Sharpie Accent Smear Guard Non‐Toxic Retractable Highlighter Set, Chisel‐Narrow Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 087211 Sharpie Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Permanent Marker, Fine Tip, Assorted Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 1369998 Sharpie Fine Point Permanent Marker, Black ‐ 059391 Smead 1/3 Cut Assorted Position Stadium Expanding File, Letter, Navy Blue ‐ 1398874 Smead Acid‐Free Heavy Duty Side Opening Envelope with Hook and Loop Closure, 11‐5/8 X 9‐3/4 in, Polypropylene, Assorted Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 1121693 Smead Easy Access Straight Cut Top Tab File Pocket, Letter, 3‐1/2 in Expansion, Mediumweight, Red, Pack of 25 ‐ 1069127 Smead Expanding File, 13 in x 9‐1/2 in, Blue and Black ‐ 1101257 136 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32095 32069 29219 31592 29220 32269 32106 32068 32064 32065 32039 29358 28678 28452 32147 32344 32660 29346 31784 29345 32658 DESCRIPTION Smead Expanding Wallet with Antimicrobial Protection, Letter, 11‐3/4 X 9‐1/2 in, 2 in Expansion, Assorted Color, Pack of 4 ‐ 1398929 Smead FasTab Mediumweight Stock 1/3 Cut Heavy Duty Standard Hanging Folder, Letter, 11‐3/4 L x 10 W in, Green, Pack of 20 ‐ 1472690 Smead Mediumweight Stock 1/3 Cut Recycled Top Tab File Folder, Letter, 1/2 in High Tab, 1‐Ply, 3/4 in Expansion, Gray, Pack of 100 ‐ 1068589 Smead Mediumweight Stock Box Bottom Reinforced Hanging File Folder, Letter, 1 in Expansion, Standard Green, Pack of 25 ‐ 1068935 Smead Mediumweight Stock Straight Cut Top Tab File Folder, Letter, 2‐Ply, 3/4 in Expansion, Red, Pack of 25 ‐ Smead PressGuard Punchless Recycled Report Cover with Punchless Style Fastener, 1/2 in, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, Blue ‐ 1313769 Smead Self‐Adhesive Two Prong Fastener, 2‐3/4 in Center to Center of Prong, 2 in, 480 Pages Capacity, Metal, Brown Enamel, Pack of 100 ‐ 1069068 Smead Tuff Mediumweight Stock 1/3 Cut Heavy Duty Hanging File Folder with Easy Slide Tab, Letter, Assorted Colors, Pack of 15 ‐ 1332874 Smead Vinyl Tab 1/5 Cut Colored Hanging File Folder, Letter, 2 in Expansion, Assorted Colors, Pack of 25 ‐ 1089775 Smead Vinyl Tab/Mediumweight Stock 1/5 Cut Hanging Folder, Letter, 2 in Expansion, Assorted Colors, Pack of 25 ‐ 1398902 Smead Watershed Cutless 1/3 Assorted Cut Top Tab Manila File Folder, Letter, 1‐Ply, Pack of 100 ‐ 1101223 Snazaroo Face Painting Stick Set, Assorted Color, Set of 96 ‐ 1371064 Sorry 224012 Southworth 24 lb business paper med weight white 8 1/2 x 11 1313874 500/pack Sparco 1/3 Assorted Cut Recycled Top Tab Manila File Folder, Letter, 2 in High Tab, 1‐Ply, 3/4 in Expansion, Mediumweight, Pack of 100 ‐ 1078272 Sparco 38506 Tape Roll, 1/2 in x 10 ft, Black ‐ 1502063 Sparco 3‐Hole Punched Mylar‐Reinforced Filler Paper with Margin, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, 20 lb, Wide Ruling, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1314697 Sparco 3‐Hole Punched Notebook Filler Paper with Margin, 10‐1/2 X 8 in, 16 lb, Wide Ruling, White, Pack of 150 ‐ 1314569 Sparco 3‐Hole Punched Notebook Filler Paper with Margin, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, 16 lb, College Ruling, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1071374 Sparco 3‐Hole Punched Premium Grade Perforated Legal Pad, 8‐1/2 X 11‐3/4 in, 16 lb, 50 Sheets, 11/32 in Ruling, 40 pt Chipboard Backing, Paper, Canary ‐ 1314193 Sparco 5‐Hole Punched Notebook Filler Paper with Margin, 10‐1/2 X 8 in, 16 lb, Wide Ruling, White, Pack of 200 ‐ 1071376 U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $16.42 1398929 School Specialty EACH $20.47 1472690 School Specialty EACH $29.54 1068589 School Specialty EACH $29.24 1068935 School Specialty EACH $58.79 1069127 School Specialty EACH $5.47 1313769 School Specialty EACH $14.99 1069068 School Specialty EACH $20.62 1332874 School Specialty EACH $21.14 1089775 School Specialty EACH $21.14 1398902 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $26.17 $45.71 $10.57 1101223 RA12117 224012 School Specialty Triarco Art School Specialty REAM $50.99 1313874 School Specialty EACH EACH $11.39 $1.79 1078272 1502063 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $7.72 1314697 School Specialty EACH $2.99 1314569 School Specialty EACH $5.39 1071374 School Specialty EACH $3.07 1314193 School Specialty EACH $7.64 1071376 School Specialty 137 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $2.39 1071028 School Specialty EACH $6.74 1070990 School Specialty EACH $2.39 1071011 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $10.42 $1.72 $2.30 1314464 1071188 KC232 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH $8.09 $59.54 $6.52 1384657 1314383 1117617 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $11.69 1071477 School Specialty EACH $6.67 1314560 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $11.17 $7.34 $1.42 1314467 1508246 1508248 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $32.47 $1.72 1071807 1071637 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.72 1314117 School Specialty EACH $1.72 1115979 School Specialty EACH EACH $2.09 $0.67 1071668 1502046 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $6.07 $5.09 1314071 1314068 School Specialty School Specialty 32259 32281 Sparco Biodegradable High Quality Open‐Ring Style Pure Sustainable Rubber Band, No 117B, 7 in L X 1/8 in W X 1/16 in Thickness, 1/4 lb Box, Natural, Box of 62 ‐ 1071028 Sparco Biodegradable High Quality Open‐Ring Style Pure Sustainable Rubber Band, No 54, Assorted Size, 1 lb Box, Natural ‐ 1070990 Sparco Biodegradable High Quality Open‐Ring Style Pure Sustainable Rubber Band, No 54, Assorted Size, 1/4 lb Box, Natural, Box of 275 ‐ 1071011 Sparco Boston Bulldog Clip, 1" Cap Size 4, 3 in W, 1 in Capacity, Steel, Silver, Box of 12 ‐ 1314464 Sparco Desktop Standard Tape Dispenser, 3/4 X 36 yd Tape, Black ‐ 1071188 Sparco Dustless Noiseless Chalkboard Eraser, Black ‐ 1314191 Sparco Economical Full Strip Desktop Stapler, BSN 65649 Staples, 20 Sheets, 210 Staple, Black ‐ 1384657 Sparco Flat Reinforced Tab File Jacket, Letter, Red, Pack of 100 ‐ 1314383 Sparco Full Strip Desktop Stapler, Black ‐ 1117617 Sparco Heavy Duty Open End Clasp Envelope with Large Gummed Flap, 28 lb, 9 X 12 in, Kraft, Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 1071477 Sparco High Capacity Sheet Protector, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Clear, Top Loading, Pack of 25 ‐ 1314560 Sparco Hunt Heavy Duty Magnetic Grip Bulldog Clip, No 1, 1‐1/4 in W, 3/8 in Capacity, Nickel Plated Steel, Silver, Pack of 18 ‐ 1314467 Sparco Kids Scissor, 5 in, Assorted Colors, Pack of 12, Pointed Tip ‐ 1508246 Sparco Kids Scissor, 7 in, Straight Edge, Blue ‐ 1508248 Sparco Manila Heavy Weight Vertical File Jacket, Letter, , 1‐1/2 in Expansion, Pack of 50 ‐ 1071807 Sparco Polywrapped Ruled Index Card, 4 X 6 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1071637 Sparco Powerful Grip Rust Resistant Binder Clip, 3/4 in W, Small, 3/8 in Capacity, Tempered Steel, Assorted Color, Pack of 36 ‐ 1314117 Sparco Premium Double Reinforced Insertable Index Tab, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Buff/Multiple Color, Pack of 8 ‐ 1115979 Sparco Pressure Sensitive Self‐Adhesive Masking Tape with 3 in Core, 1 in x 60 yd, Buff, Crepe Paper Backing ‐ 1071668 Sparco Scissor, 5 in, Bent Point, Blue ‐ 1502046 Sparco Transparent Clipboard with Flat Clip, 9 X 12 in, Molded Plastic, Neon Orange ‐ 1314071 Sparco Transparent Clipboard, 9 X 12‐1/2 in, Molded Plastic, Violet ‐ 1314068 32333 Sparco Vinyl Basic Round Ring Binder, 1/2 in, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Dark Blue, 3‐Ring ‐ 1314135 EACH $2.39 1314135 School Specialty 32334 Sparco Vinyl Basic Round Ring Binder, 1/2 in, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Red, 3‐Ring ‐ 1314136 EACH $2.39 1314136 School Specialty 32337 32245 32336 29230 32349 32312 32212 31993 32250 32145 32246 32150 32233 32356 32021 32347 32289 32350 32340 32360 138 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32332 EACH $2.39 1071437 School Specialty 32287 28731 Sparco Vinyl Basic Round Ring Binder, 5 in, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, Black, 3‐Ring ‐ 1071437 Sparco Wirebound Notebook ‐ 3 Subject, 10‐1/2 X 8 in, 16 lb, College Ruling, 120 Sheets, Assorted Colors ‐ 1314577 Spectrum Pack Paper Assortment 125/Pack1534825 EACH PKG $4.79 $11.24 1314577 1534825 School Specialty School Specialty 32529 29417 Stack Stamp Great Job, Needs Improvement, Parent Signature ‐ Set of 3, 1535957 Stack Stamp Great Job, Please Sign and Return, Terrific, Set of 3, ‐ 1536174 EACH EACH $12.74 $12.74 1535957 1536174 School Specialty School Specialty 32436 Stamp‐ever 10‐in‐1 Teacher's Stamp Kit and Refill, 3+ Years, Pack of 10 ‐ 1432552 EACH $20.24 1432552 School Specialty 32530 32354 Stamp‐ever 2‐Color Flip Stamp Pad and Refill Ink, 2‐3/8 X 4 in, Red/Black ‐ 1432553 Standard Staples, Pack of 5000 ‐ 321841 EACH EACH $11.99 $1.42 1432553 321841 School Specialty School Specialty 32792 Stanislaus Kraft Round Wiggle Eye, 20 mm, Black on White, Pack of 100 ‐ 409849 Stanislaus Multi‐Purpose Assorted Shape Sequin and Spangle, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, 1 lb ‐ 085743 Stanley Bostitch B8 PowerCrown Staples, Silver, Pack of 5000 ‐ 001572 Stanley Bostitch Chisel Point Heavy Duty Staple for PHD‐60, 60 Sheets, High Carbon Steel, Pack of 1000 ‐ 1308703 Stanley Bostitch Compact Electric Hardened Steel Pencil Sharpener, 4‐1/4 in W X 8.38 in D X 4 in H, Black ‐ 1296306 Stanley Bostitch QuietSharp Executive Electric Pencil Sharpener, 4.25 in W X 7.5 in D X 3.5 in H, Black ‐ 087036 Stanley Dual Temperature Glue Stick, 0.45 X 4 in, Clear, Pack of 24 ‐ 1397687 Stanley Maxsteel Heavy Duty Polyester Coated Tape Rule, 3/4 in W X 16 ft L, Yellow Case ‐ 1051322 Star Products Prism Full Top Expanding File, 3‐1/2 in Expansion, Letter Sized, Assorted Colors, Pack of 24 ‐ 1496052 Star Products Red Fiber Envelope with Hook and Loop Closure, 26 x 20 x 2 in, Red ‐ 239625 Stikkiworks Reusable Smiley Face Stikki Clip, Assorted Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 038926 EACH $3.26 RA01061 Triarco Art EACH EACH $8.44 $3.89 RA01038 001572 Triarco Art School Specialty EACH $5.69 1308703 School Specialty EACH $21.52 1296306 School Specialty EACH EACH $26.99 $7.12 087036 1397687 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $33.71 1051322 School Specialty EACH $40.19 1496052 School Specialty EACH EACH $8.77 $4.42 239625 038926 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $4.72 090161 School Specialty EACH $14.54 1397146 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH $6.52 $13.49 $24.74 $6.29 1466430 1512793 1512794 1436193 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32525 31505 29227 32063 32033 32674 31590 32010 32199 31667 29288 32499 32249 29276 28725 32253 Stikkiworks StikkiWAX Colorless Non‐Toxic Reusable Adhesive, 2 oz, Pack of 12 ‐ 090161 Store N' Slide File Storage Box with Green Discs and Buckles, 34 qt, Clear/Green ‐ 1397146 Storex Flex‐Color Plastic Poly Heavy Duty O‐Ring Binder with Stripe, 1‐1/2 in, 350 Sheets, Red ‐ 1466430 Storex Interlocking Book Bins, Assorted Colors, Set of 5 ‐ 1512793 Storex Magnetic Wall Pockets, Assorted Colors 1512794 Storex Plastic Legal Size Stackable Recycled Tray, Black ‐ 1436193 139 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH $6.29 $4.72 $18.49 1436194 1436189 PP677 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH $30.59 091014 School Specialty EACH $3.86 498513 Triarco Art EACH $4.49 1506577 School Specialty EACH $5.09 1506519 School Specialty EACH $4.82 1506537 School Specialty EACH $3.60 TA71BU Lakeshore Learning EACH $3.60 TA71YE Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.74 1506510 School Specialty EACH $1.10 TA50SC Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.59 1506511 School Specialty EACH PKG $50.84 $5.24 TA51‐ALL 1535835 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $3.29 403952 School Specialty EACH $22.49 1069662 School Specialty EACH $45.37 1069668 School Specialty EACH $336.07 1078069 School Specialty 32387 32315 Swingline 767 Commercial Stapler, 35450 Staples, 20 Sheets, 210 Staple, Black ‐ 1069668 Swingline Automatic Full Strip Electric Stapler, 1/4 ‐ 1 in Throat, SWI 35450, S.F. 4 Premium Staples, 2 ‐ 20 Sheets of 20 lb, 210 Staple, Black ‐ 1078069 Swingline Breeze Clear View Half Strip Electric Stapler, 5/16 in Throat, SWI 35440, S.F. 3 Premium Staples, 20 Sheets, 105 Staple, Black ‐ 1330208 Swingline Chisel High Quality Standard Staple, 5M, Box of 5000 ‐ 1069583 EACH EACH $38.92 $3.14 1330208 1069583 School Specialty School Specialty 29221 Swingline Deluxe Grade Rubber Fingertip Grip, Size 11‐1/2, Amber, Pack of 12 ‐ 1069625 EACH $3.07 1069625 School Specialty 32254 32288 28669 29212 32741 32770 32739 32740 32742 32743 32874 32937 32875 32369 28733 29314 32059 32003 29339 DESCRIPTION Storex Plastic Letter Size Stackable Recycled Tray, Black ‐ 1436194 Storex Recycled Desk Organizer, Black ‐ 1436189 story sparkers! library 9‐1303379‐030 Stride QuickFit Polypropylene Angle D‐Ring View Binder, 5 in, 8‐1/2 x 11 in White ‐ 091014 SunWorks Construction Paper, 18" x 24", Assorted Colors, Pack of 50 ‐ 1506541 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12 x 18, Marble, Pack of 50 ‐ 1506577 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12" x 18", Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 1506519 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12" x 18", White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1506537 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 18" x 24", Blue, Pack of 50 ‐ 1506543 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 18" x 24", Yellow, Pack of 50 ‐ 1506557 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9" x 12", Hot Pink, Pack of 100 ‐ 1506510 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9" x 12", Scarlet, Pack of 50 ‐ 1506432 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9" x 12", White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1506511 SunWorks Heavyweight Construction Paper, Assorted, Assorted, Pack of 2000 ‐ 1506575 SUPER HERO STICKERS 1144/set 1535835 Surebonder High Temperature Regular Size Round Glue Stick, 7/16 X 4 in, Clear, Pack of 12 ‐ 403952 Swingline 747 Classic Full Strip Desk Stapler, 4 in Throat, 35450 Staples, 20 Sheets, 210 Staple, Burgundy ‐ 1069662 140 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $23.24 1101349 School Specialty EACH $14.09 1314726 School Specialty EACH $24.52 1101346 School Specialty EACH $6.59 1330207 School Specialty EACH $15.97 1378508 School Specialty EACH $17.92 1473146 School Specialty EACH $24.67 1473145 School Specialty EACH EACH $16.49 $35.24 1330212 1498866 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $32.99 $29.99 081854 1498864 School Specialty School Specialty 31733 32400 Swingline Ergonomic Full Strip Optima Grip Stapler, S.F.4 Premium, 35556 Staples, 25 Sheets, 210 Staple, Silver ‐ 1101349 Swingline Full Strip Standard Stapler, 35450 Staples, 20 Sheets, 210 Staple, Black/Gray ‐ 1314726 Swingline Optima Desktop Stapler, S.F.4 Premium, 35556 Staples, 25 Sheets, 210 Staple, Silver ‐ 1101346 Swingline Optima Premium Standard Staple, 1/2 in Crown, 1/4 in Leg, 45 Sheets, Silver, Pack of 3750 ‐ 1330207 Swingline SmartTouch Compact Half Strip Stapler, SWI 35440 Staples, 25 Sheets, Black/Gray ‐ 1378508 Swingline SmartTouch Metal 3‐Hole Low Force Punch, 9/32 in, 12 Sheets, Black ‐ 1473146 Swingline SmartTouch Metal 3‐Hole Low Force Punch, 9/32 in, 20 Sheets, Black ‐ 1473145 Swingline Smooth Desktop Manual Grip Stapler, S.F.4 Premium, 35450 Staples, 20 Sheets, 210 Staple, Black ‐ 1330212 Teacher Created Resources Decorative Pack ‐ 1498866 Teacher Created Resources Engelbreit and Winget Designer Award, 8‐1/2 X 5‐1/2 in, Pack of 250 ‐ 081854 Teacher Created Resources Fancy Stars Decorative Pack ‐ 1498864 32746 Teacher Created Resources Paw Print Award Wristband Silicone, Pack of 10 ‐ 1402718 EACH $4.99 1402718 School Specialty 32747 Teacher Created Resources Stars Award Wristband Silicone, Pack of 10 ‐ 1402721 The Pencil Grip Crossover Latex and Phthalate Free Pencil Grip, Assorted Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 1401765 EACH $4.99 1402721 School Specialty EACH $18.49 GR117 Lakeshore Learning The Pencil Grip Eisen 2‐Hole Steel Pencil Sharpener with Cover, Multiple ‐ 1442988 The Pencil Grip Eisen 2‐Hole Swivel Sharpener, Assorted Color ‐ 1469220 The Pencil Grip Eisen Hand Held Plastic Pencil Sharpener, 1 in W X 5/8 in D X 1/2 in H, Assorted Color, Pack of 25 ‐ 1439410 The Pencil Grip Original Crossover Latex and Phthalate Free Pencil Grip, Multiple Color, Pack of 25 ‐ 1439409 The Pencil Grip Paperclip with Coffee Cup Supply Storage, Assorted Color, Pack of 80 ‐ 1463993 TI‐503 SV Basic Battery Calculator 1471189 Ticonderoga Microban Non‐Toxic Pencil with Eraser, No 2 Tip, Black, Pack of 12 ‐ 1334653 Ticonderoga Microban Non‐Toxic Pencil, No 2 Tip, Yellow, Pack of 30 ‐ 1396854 Ticonderoga Non‐Toxic Pencil Set, Neon, Set of 10 ‐ 1494023 EACH EACH $1.84 $1.49 TW506 1469220 Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH $5.24 1439410 School Specialty EACH $44.69 1439409 School Specialty EACH EACH $5.99 $5.24 1463993 1471189 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $3.67 $8.24 $4.49 1334653 1396854 1494023 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 32056 32118 32049 32248 32097 32088 32048 32094 32395 32420 32843 32933 32730 32373 32705 28714 32815 29362 32766 141 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32023 32348 29271 Tops Gregg Ruled Wirebound Steno Notebook, 6 X 9 in, Green Tint, Pack of 12 ‐ 1102671 TOPS Poly Snap Envelope, Letter Size, Blueberry ‐ 1496471 TOPS Poly Zip Envelope, Letter Size, Assorted Colors, Pack of 5 ‐ 1496465 Tops Primary Journal for Handwriting and Sketching, 7‐1/2" x 9‐3/4", 80 Sheets ‐ 1494942 EACH EACH EACH $32.17 $1.79 $10.49 1102671 1496471 1496465 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $2.24 1494942 School Specialty EACH $10.87 1078207 School Specialty EACH $56.24 402454 School Specialty EACH $10.99 RA15729 Triarco Art EACH $10.99 RA15727 Triarco Art EACH $10.99 RA15724 Triarco Art EACH $10.99 RA15726 Triarco Art EACH EACH $5.84 $11.99 402085 082876 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $11.99 076097 School Specialty EACH $15.22 250368 School Specialty EACH $2.99 1361761 School Specialty EACH $2.92 1361798 School Specialty EACH $7.34 1361852 School Specialty EACH $12.67 1361846 School Specialty EACH $13.72 1361849 School Specialty EACH $13.49 1361839 School Specialty EACH $15.74 1361847 School Specialty 32338 29222 29313 29323 29324 29325 29326 32711 31583 31560 32103 32846 32847 32234 32132 32122 29352 29240 Tops Prism Plus Colored Junior Legal Pad, 5 X 8 in, 16 lb, 50 Sheets, 9/32 in Ruling, 60 pt Chipboard Backing, Paper, Assorted Pastel Color, Pack of 6 ‐ 1078207 Trait Tex Acrylic 4‐Ply Double‐Weight Yarn Cone, 1/8 in X 80 yd Box, Assorted Color, 2 oz, Pack of 12 ‐ 402454 Trait Tex Acrylic 4‐Ply Double‐Weight Yarn Refill Cone, 315 yd Dispenser Box, Blue, 8 oz Cone ‐ 413669 Trait Tex Acrylic 4‐Ply Double‐Weight Yarn Refill Cone, 315 yd Dispenser Box, Orange, 8 oz Cone ‐ 413678 Trait Tex Acrylic 4‐Ply Double‐Weight Yarn Refill Cone, 315 yd Dispenser Box, Red, 8 oz Cone ‐ 413681 Trait Tex Acrylic 4‐Ply Double‐Weight Yarn Refill Cone, 315 yd Dispenser Box, Yellow, 8 oz Cone ‐ 413690 Trait Tex Acrylic Jumbo‐Weight Yarn, 5 ft Plastic Storage Bag, Assorted Color, Pack of 12 ‐ 402085 Trend Enterprises Busy Bees Bulletin Board Set, 35 in H, Set of 37 ‐ 082876 Trend Enterprises Colorful Crayons Bulletin Board Set, 30 in H, Set of 21 ‐ 076097 Trend Enterprises File N Save System Bulletin Board Storage Box, 27‐3/4 X 19 X 7‐1/4 in, 50 lb ‐ 250368 Trend Enterprises Frog‐Tastic Happy Birthday Learning Chart, 17 X 22 in, Grade Pre K ‐ 9 ‐ 1361761 Trend Enterprises Frog‐Tastic Large Incentive Chart, 17 X 22 in, Grade Pre K ‐ 5 ‐ 1361798 Trend Enterprises Frog‐tastic Mini Bulletin Board Set, 11 in, for Use with 3 ‐ 12 Years, Set of 24 ‐ 1361852 Trend Enterprises Frog‐tastic! Alphabet Line Bulletin Board Set, 6‐1/2 L x 17 W in, 3 ‐ 10 Years, Set of 10 ‐ 1361846 Trend Enterprises Frog‐tastic! Jumpstarters Bulletin Board Set, 17‐1/2 W in, 3 ‐ 12 Years, Set of 39 ‐ 1361849 Trend Enterprises Frog‐tastic! Learning Charts Combo Pack Classroom Basics, Grade Pre K ‐ 3, 17 L x 22 W in, Set of 5 ‐ 1361839 Trend Enterprises Furry Friends Calendar Bulletin Board Set, for Use with 3 ‐ 12 Years, Set of 108 ‐ 1361847 142 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32113 Trend Enterprises Furry Friends Clubhouse Design Bulletin Board Set, 45 in H ‐ 1400583 Trend Enterprises Furry Friends Happy Birthday Learning Chart, 17 X 22 in, Grade Pre K ‐ 3 ‐ 1361767 Trend Enterprises Furry Friends Welcome Learning Chart, 17 X 22 in, Grade Pre K ‐ 3 ‐ 1361827 Trend Enterprises Horizontal Incentive Charts Variety Pack of 8‐ 1385182 Trend Enterprises Monkey Mischief Welcome Design Bulletin Board Set, 81 in W, Set of 40 ‐ 1400582 EACH $14.69 1400583 School Specialty EACH $2.89 1361767 School Specialty EACH EACH $2.89 $20.24 1361827 1385182 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $11.99 1400582 School Specialty EACH EACH PKG $3.37 $2.54 $6.14 1497850 1497848 1385641 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $15.74 $10.64 327289 1497813 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $3.56 $11.99 1498080 1374698 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $3.38 RA21518 Triarco Art EACH $1.88 RA21501 Triarco Art EACH EACH $24.49 $7.46 19230 RA05711 Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH $5.24 1439762 School Specialty EACH $3.60 TA71AC Lakeshore Learning EACH $2.62 1439761 School Specialty EACH $1.84 TA70AC Lakeshore Learning EACH $9.56 RA25014 Triarco Art EACH $3.15 498721 Triarco Art EACH $3.15 498726 Triarco Art 29350 29351 32452 32141 32823 32886 28700 32099 32149 32824 32560 31646 31644 32381 32516 29385 29387 29384 29386 32507 31681 31671 Trend Enterprises Owl‐Stars Happy Birthday Recognition Awards, Pack of 30 ‐ 1497850 Trend Enterprises Owl‐Stars Large Incentive Charts, 17 L x 22 W in ‐ 1497848 Trend Enterprises Pre‐Cut Hot Air Balloon Classic Accent Pack of 36 1385641 Trend Enterprises Presidents of the United State Design Bulletin Board Set, 8‐5/8 X 6 in ‐ 327289 Trend Enterprises Sea Buddies Bulletin Board Set ‐ 1497813 Trend Enterprises Sea Buddies Happy Birthday Recognition Awards, Pack of 30 ‐ 1498080 Trend US Documents Learning Chart Combo Pack ‐ Set of 5 ‐ 1374698 Triarco Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 12 X 18 Hot Pink, Pack of 100 ‐ 026911 Triarco Groundwood Heavyweight Construction Paper, 9 X 12 Dark Brown, Pack of 100 ‐ 026430 Triarco Non‐Toxic Washable Tempera Paint Set, 1 qt Plastic Bottle, Assorted Color, Set of 12 ‐ 1439226 Triarco Washable School Glue, 1 gal Bottle, White and Dries Clear ‐ 1353894 Tru‐Ray Pacon 100% Vat Dyed Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Pastel Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1439762 Tru‐Ray Pacon 100% Vat Dyed Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 in, Assorted Primary Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1439764 Tru‐Ray Pacon 100% Vat Dyed Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Assorted Pastel Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1439761 Tru‐Ray Pacon 100% Vat Dyed Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9 X 12 in, Assorted Primary Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1439763 Tru‐Ray Pacon Smart‐Stack Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" Assorted Color, Pack of 240 ‐ 1439765 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 Festive Red, Pack of 50 ‐ 054651 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 Shocking Pink, Pack of 50 ‐ 054099 143 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH $3.15 498639 Triarco Art EACH $3.60 TA71AC Lakeshore Learning EACH $3.94 RA18432 Triarco Art EACH $3.94 RA18433 Triarco Art EACH $5.85 RA07700 Triarco Art EACH $2.18 RA17949 Triarco Art EACH $1.36 1398064 School Specialty EACH $2.17 081645 School Specialty EACH $2.77 026058 School Specialty EACH $2.69 246142 School Specialty EACH $2.69 246143 School Specialty EACH $3.59 089401 School Specialty EACH $21.07 081649 School Specialty EACH PKG EACH EACH $11.71 $15.74 $19.42 $19.42 079126 1538616 1467943 1467942 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $7.04 1396656 School Specialty EACH $3.69 VR126 Lakeshore Learning Velcro Sticky‐Back Poster Hanger Coin with Hook, 5/8 in, White, Pack of 100 ‐ 1396659 EACH $10.42 1396659 School Specialty Velcro Sticky‐Back Roll Tape with Hook and Loop Strip, 30 ft L X 3/4 in W, White ‐ 086473 Velcro Tape, 5/8 Dia in, White, Pack of 75 ‐ 1449070 EACH EACH $42.14 $8.02 086473 1449070 School Specialty School Specialty 32223 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12 X 18 Slate, Pack of 50 ‐ 054147 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12" X 18" Assorted Bright Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 247969 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12" X 18" Assorted Cool Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1398063 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 12" X 18" Assorted Warm Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1398065 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 18 X 24 Warm Brown, Pack of 50 ‐ 054930 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" Assorted Cool Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1398098 Tru‐Ray Sulphite Acid‐Free Non‐Toxic Construction Paper, 76 lb, 9" X 12" Assorted Warm Color, Pack of 50 ‐ 1398064 Uni‐Ball 207 Comfort Grip Refillable Retractable Rollerball Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Blue ‐ 081645 Uni‐Ball Deluxe Fade and Water Resistant Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Micro Tip, Black Ink, Gray Barrel ‐ 026058 Uni‐Ball Gel 207 Impact Rollerball Gel Pen, 1 mm Bold Conical Tip, Blue Ink, Black Barrel ‐ 246142 Uni‐Ball Gel 207 Impact Rollerball Gel Pen, 1 mm Bold Conical Tip, Red Ink, Black Barrel ‐ 246143 Uni‐Ball Jetstream RT Retractable Water Resistant Rollerball Gel Pen, 1 mm Bold Tip, Blue ‐ 089401 Uni‐Ball Vision Elite Acid‐Free Refillable Water Resistant Roller Ball Pen Set, 0.8 mm Bold Tip, Assorted Color, Set of 8 ‐ 081649 Uni‐Ball Water Resistant Rollerball Pen, 0.5 mm Micro Tip, Blue Ink, Black Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 079126 Velcro Fastener 10L x 1W 1538616 Velcro Hook and Loop Fastener Coin, 3/4 in, Clear, Pack of 200 ‐ 1467943 Velcro Hook and Loop Fastener Coin, 3/4 in, White, Pack of 200 ‐ 1467942 Velcro Premated Wafer Thin Peel and Stick Oval Fastener, 1‐1/4 X 1/2 in, Black, Pack of 40 ‐ 1396656 Velcro Sticky Back Adhesive Poster Hanger Spot with Hook and Loop Fastener, 3/4 in, Pack of 40 ‐ 1004711 32173 32007 32219 31672 29301 29363 29365 31683 29366 29364 31730 31640 32876 32877 29287 31732 31717 28738 32081 29260 32247 144 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # DESCRIPTION U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR 32732 Vtech 8‐Digit Pocket Calculator, LCD, AG10, Assorted Color ‐ 1471191 Waverly 6‐Subject Lesson Plan Refill, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 40 Week, 6 Period, Daily, Brown ‐ 072579 Waverly 6‐Subject Loose‐Leaf Design Class Record Book Refill, 8‐1/2 X 11 in, 9/10 Week, White Tan ‐ 072585 Westcott Non‐Stick Scissor, 8 in, Titanium Blade, Straight Handle, Assorted Color ‐ 1403096 Wilson Jones Polypropylene Ultra Duty D‐Ring View Binder, 1 in, Red ‐ 1475420 Wilson Jones Vinyl Basic Heavy Duty D‐Ring View Binder with 2 Pockets, 2 in, 480 Sheet, 11 X 8‐1/2 in, White ‐ 1078461 Wonderfoam Lacing Letters and Numbers Set of 40‐ 1429667 EACH $5.24 1471191 School Specialty EACH $4.12 072579 School Specialty EACH $3.94 072585 School Specialty EACH EACH $15.67 $8.17 1403096 1475420 School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH $10.12 $14.24 1078461 1429667 School Specialty School Specialty EACH $9.29 402827 School Specialty EACH $13.49 082294 School Specialty EACH $21.97 033917 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $15.97 $21.97 $5.02 380147 023300 573149 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH $35.02 1425802 School Specialty EACH EACH EACH $10.35 $2.89 $10.39 RA28913 RA17493 RA01594 Triarco Art Triarco Art Triarco Art EACH EACH EACH $13.64 $3.22 $7.27 006399 1095995 1282495 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 31701 31549 32477 32227 32175 32506 32613 31743 31654 32472 31636 32745 29372 32599 29395 32509 31607 32840 32673 Wonderfoam Letters and Numbers Set, 1‐1/2 in, Assorted Color, 1/2 lb ‐ 402827 Wonderfoam Self‐Adhesive Nature Assorted Shape Foam Sticker, Assorted Size, Assorted Color, 4.5 oz ‐ 082294 X‐ACTO Boston 1818 XLR 1800 Auto‐Reset Electric Steel Pencil Sharpener, 3 in W X 5‐1/2 in D X 4 in H, Black ‐ 033917 X‐ACTO Boston L Steel Pencil Sharpener with Heavy Enameled Base, 2‐3/4 in W X 4‐3/4 in D X 4‐1/4 in H, Chrome/Black ‐ 380147 X‐ACTO by Boston1800 Electric Pencil Sharpener, 4 X 3 X 5 in, Putty ‐ 023300 X‐ACTO Knife with Cap, No 2, 0.5 in, Aluminum Handle ‐ 573149 X‐ACTO Powerhouse Electric Heavy Duty Steel Pencil Sharpener, 3 in W X 6‐1/4 in D X 4‐ 1/2 in H, Blue ‐ 1425802 Yasutomo Economy Square Origami Paper School Pack, 6 X 6 in, Assorted Color, Pack of 500 ‐ 411864 Yasutomo Niji Non‐Toxic Oil Pastel Set, Fluorescent Color, Set of 6 ‐ 1466217 Yasutomo Permanent Liquid Sumi Ink, 12 oz, Black ‐ 411019 Zaner‐Bloser 2‐Hole Punched Manuscript Cover Spiralbound Chart Tablet, 24" x 32", 30 Sheets, 2 in Ruling, Blue/Red Base ‐ 006399 Zebra F Ballpoint Pen Refill, Fine Tip, Black, Pack of 2 ‐ 1095995 Zebra F‐701 Retractable Refillable Ballpoint Pen, 0.7 mm, Black ‐ 1282495 EACH $2.02 1096002 School Specialty 32512 Zebra JF Retractable Gel Pen Refill, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Black, Pack of 2 ‐ 1096002 Zebra Orbitz Refillable Retractable Smear‐Free Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Red Ink, Red/Silver Barrel, Pack of 12 ‐ 1315411 EACH $13.94 1315411 School Specialty 32448 Zebra Sarasa Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Assorted Barrel and Ink, Pack of 14 ‐ 1502078 EACH $20.39 1502078 School Specialty 32485 Zebra Sarasa Retractable Gel Pen, 0.7 mm Medium Tip, Black Ink ‐ 12/ pack ‐ 1496241 EACH $16.34 1496241 School Specialty 32912 145 School / Office Supply Bid ‐ 2016‐100 BOCES # 32653 28749 28757 28463 28465 28756 DESCRIPTION Zebra Z‐Grip Flight Ball Point Stick Pen, 1.2 mm Bold Point Tip, Black Ink 12/pack ‐ 1496234 Dixon 3‐1/2 Pre‐sharpened Golf Pencils, #2 Soft, 144/Box 116012 EAI Primary Math Journal, 10/pk MG833 ‐ Page 131 of Math Catalog Post‐It Self Stick Grid Ruled pads (two per set) 506808 Sensematic Dixon Ticonderoga Pencils ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ 708620 SmartPals Sleeves, Black, Set of 10, 306756CFL ‐ Page 10 of Math Catalog U/M BID PRICE VENDOR ITEM # AWARDED VENDOR EACH BOX PKG SET EACH EACH $8.24 $13.34 $16.96 $37.11 $4.12 $15.26 1496234 020898 533809 1438936 1464311 534943 School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education 146 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING VARIANCE REPORTING PROCEDURE Definition of Procedure To define the method and criteria used when reporting a significant variance in a product or problem with a vendor. Possible variances and problems include, but may not be limited to the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. Poor product quality Unauthorized or unacceptable substituted brand delivered Dented cans and or date expired products Broken cartons resulting in possible contamination of product Excessively late deliveries and or unresolved pricing errors or issues Temperature sensitive products delivered out of temperature tolerance A variance is considered any deviation from the specifications or bid instructions. A variance can affect the physical non-compliance of a product to the delivery and condition of a product. Districts in some cases, may be able to better handle some variances themselves. For this reason it should be up to the judgment of the district to report a variance to the Service. Instructions: A. As soon as a variance has been identified, it will be the district’s responsibility to determine whether the variance is of a significant nature to warrant the generation of a variance form. Variances of a tolerable nature should not be reported. B. It is important that all variance forms be written in a clear and concise manner, so that it can be determined what the problem is and what action should be taken to resolve the problem. C. After a variance form has been written, a copy should be sent to the Cooperative Purchasing Service. The original copy should be filed at the districts’ reporting site. D. The Cooperative Purchasing Service will notify the vendor of significant variances and act as a mediator / problem solver between the district and the vendor. When immediate response is required, the district should contact the vendor directly to address the variance. Results should be sent to the Cooperative Purchasing Service. E. Significant variances effecting product quality or vendor reliability will be addressed by the appropriate commodity Bid Committee to determine the course of action; which may included moving the product brand to the unacceptable list; determining the vendor to be an unreliable vendor; or determining the variance to be tolerable, in which case no action will be taken. F. A product deemed “unacceptable” by the Bid Committee, shall be placed on the unacceptable list for that specific specification. The Cooperative Purchasing Agent/Clerk will notify the awarded vendor in writing that the product in question has been placed on the unacceptable list. The vendor will be given an opportunity to defend the product in question, by requesting that the Bid Committee review the product at a future meeting. It will be the vendor’s responsibility to provide samples for any product review meeting. G. A summary of the significant variances and actions taken will be issued to all districts within 5 days of the Bid Committee Meeting. H. A vendor having three (3) significant variances written may be asked to appear before the Bid Committee to explain the problem(s) and resolve the issue(s). It will be explained to the vendor that three (3) or more significant variances will affect the vendor’s status with the Cooperative Purchasing Service, which may impact future business relations. I. In order for a vendor to be deemed unreliable, the Bid Committee must have at least three (3) significant variances on file with the Service within a one (1) month period. The variances must be from at least three (3) different Committee Members and be of the same nature. Before such action is taken, the vendor must be notified in writing and given an acceptable amount of time to rectify the problem(s). J. One Committee Member will not have the power to deem a product or vendor to be unacceptable. The action to move an item or vendor to an unacceptable status must be voted on by the Bid Committee. K. The Bid Committee will annually review the unacceptable product and unreliable vendor lists. The Bid Committee may vote to reinstate a product or vendor after review. Revised 9/24/04 VARIANCE FORM District: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ Vendor: _______________________________________ Bid #: _________________ Bid Type or Services: _____________________________________________________ BOCES Item ID Number: _________________________________________________ (if applicable, please include category and sub-category numbers) Invoice #:________________________ Problem: If applicable provide: Brand: __________________________________________________________ Vendor’s Product No: _____________________________________________ No. of Units Involved: _____________________________________________ No. of Units Ordered: _____________________________________________ Impact on Operations: Action Taken: Supplier’s Comments/Action: Recommended Action by Bid Committee: Signed: ______________________________________________________________ Make a copy for your files and send the original to: Deb Bestwick, CPPB DCMO BOCES 6678 County Road 32 Norwich, NY 13815-9574 Fax # 607-334-9848 Email: bestwicd@dcmoboces.com DCMO BOCES COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICE BID AWARD RESULTS FOR SCIENCE SUPPLY BID #2016-102 Prices expire March 30, 2017. Created by The Cooperative Purchasing Service COOPERATIVE PURCHASING S E R V I CE BID AWARD INFORMATION To: Participating Districts From: Deb Bestwick, Cooperative Purchasing Agent Date: April 18, 2016 Re: Cooperative Purchasing award results for: Science Equipment and Supply Bid #2016-102 On April 7, 2016, the BOCES Board of Education reviewed the bid award recommendations, and approved and awarded the bids. The attached “Successful Bids” sheets are the results of the award of the bids. These sheets list each item that was on the bid and references the awarded bidder, bid price, vendor product number. Any alternate information is found within the actual item description. This means that if an alternate brand was accepted and awarded, the alternate brand has become the item’s description for this bid cycle. If you need additional information on an item, in most cases, the item can be found on the awarded vendor’s website by using the vendor product number to conduct a search for that item number within the vendor’s online catalog. The bidder MUST provide the item to the brand and model listed within the item’s specifications. Please let me know if any item is received that does not match the brands listed on the award sheets. Also attached is the “Awarded Vendor Detail” sheet. This sheet will provide you with pertinent information regarding the address, phone number, website and contact person for each awarded vendor, along with a discount being offered for additional items which were not listed on the bid. Please make sure that the appropriate bid number appears on each purchase order sent to the awarded, corresponding vendor. Districts that participated in the Bids will be sent the “Purchase Order Attachments” for the items requisitioned. These sheets will be sent as a PDF file. The PO Attachments show the items that are to be purchased from each awarded bidder, by Requisitioner. These sheets may become an attachment to a purchase order, making separate typing unnecessary. District’s that utilize the WinCap or Finance Manager imports will be sent the import files after the requisitions have been approved for export. The import files will be available after May 5th, 2016, when the online requisition is closed down. If you need the imports sooner, please let me know. The May 6th date is only for requisitions being amended online at our website. Otherwise, these imports are available immediately. Please note that if you are using FM NVision we can import to this program, however, we will need to send the file to Finance Manager first, in order to have them configure the file into a format that can be imported into the program. This function will take approximately 2 weeks, so please factor this time requirement into your schedule. Please note: Purchase Order Attachments with No Vendor Name Listed at the top are a notification that those items that did not receive a bid and therefore must be purchased outside bid award. Since these items were not available from the bidders; it is possible that the item is obsolete and no longer available. It is suggested that your teachers/nurses review the available items that were awarded for a suitable substitution, or utilize the discounts provided on the Awarded Vendor Detail sheet to obtain a price from one of the vendors. Since we included all the “Add-On Items” to the bid that we collected during the requisitioning process, the amount of “No Bid Items” should be minimal. Vendor Product Number Each awarded item should show the vendor’s product number in the “Vendor Item #” area on the bid award PDF or excel sheet. To view the awarded item, go to the vendor’s website and place the vendor’s product number in their website’s search engine. Alternate Items Any item awarded with an alternate pack size has had the original pack size in the specification changed to reflect the awarded pack size. Please also note, that these changes in pack size are reflected on your PO Attachments. For example, if you ordered 12 of an item and the awarded unit of measure is by the dozen, then your PO Attachment will reflect an order for 1, since 1 now equals a dozen or 12. Remember, any product brand listed within the specification must be provided by the awarded vendor; any deviation of brands is not allowed. Please call us if any vendor provides a substitution without your prior approval. The variance form and procedure is available on the website for your review and use should you have a problem with the quality or delivery of any item awarded on this bid. Please review the variance procedure before filling out the variance form. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 607- 335-1262 or email me at bestwicd@dcmoboces.com. Thank you, Award and Discount Summary SCIENCE SUPPY BID VENDOR Fisher Science Education 4500 Turnberry Drive Hanover Park, IL 60133 Sargent Welch / VWR International P.O. Box 92912 Rochester, NY 14692-9012 PLEASE REFERENCE BID # 2016-102 WHEN ORDERING Contact Person Lydia Mateling Flinn Scientific E-Mail / WebSite fse.bids@thermofisher.com www.fisheredu.com 800-727-4368 Fax: 800-676-2540 Ordering: Customer Service Ward’s Natural Science P.O. Box 92912 Rochester, NY 14692-9012 Dash Medical Gloves 9635 S. Franklin Dr. Franklin. WI 53132 Arbor Scientific P.O. Box 2750 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-2750 Parco Scientific Co. P.O. Box 851559 Westland, MI 48185 Phone Number 800-955-1177 Fax: 800-955-0740 sargentwelchcs@vwr.com bids@sargentwelch@vwr.com www.sargentwelch.com 800-727-4368 Fax: 800-676-2540 sargentwelchcs@vwr.com www.wardsci.com Abbey Myhre 800-523-2055 Fax:800-523-7795 amyhre@dashmedical.com www.dashmedical.com Charles Roe 800-367-6695 Fax: 866-477-9370 mail@arborsci.com Issaac Yeung 877-592-5837 Fax:877-592-5838 www.arborsci.com www.Parcoscientific.com info@parcoscientific.com Jim Nesbit 800-452-1261 Fax: 866-45421436 www.flinnsci.com flinn@flynnsci.com Notes / Discounts Reference #5076-8376-27 30% discount except items ending in “ND”, Live, Sale & Non-Catalog Free shipping on orders over $25 33% discount off catalog except prices ending in “9” cents Reference 8030034691 – free shipping on orders over $25.00 *Reference: 8030034691 15% discount on Catalog except for prices ending in “9” cents Free Shipping on orders over $25. 0% discount 0% discount 20% discount off catalog except furniture, fume hoods, promotional/clearance items $50 min for Free Shipping 5% except Live Material, Lab Furniture, Flinn Spectrophotometer & Accessories, Computer Software, Technology Products, ELearning.(Min. $25 order for discount) $25 min for free shipping. No free shipping for Live Material, Lab Furniture, Haz Mat Surcharges, Technology Products & Items Requiring Truck Freight. VENDOR Frey Scientific 80 Northwest Blvd Nashua, NH 03063 Contact Person Order Entry Department Phone Number 800-225-3739 Fax: 877-295-7579 Bio Corporation 3910 Minnesota Street Alexandria, MN 56308 Megan Chavez 320-763-9094 Fax: 320-763-3858 E-Mail / WebSite www.freyscientific.com Notes / Discounts Bid Reference: #7780334558 30% discount on General Cat. customercare.frey@schoolspec Except items ssi, delta, cpo, frey ialty.com Free Shipping except live items, haz mat items, or prefix w/T,H,L biocorp@rea-alp.com 5% discount except Pail Packing www.biologyproducts.com and Live Free delivery There is a $25 min. order for free shipping on items within the bid. Items not found in the bid can be secured using the discounts above. Please note the amounts required for min. orders for free shipping on these orders. SCIENCE BID #2016-102 - INDEX Sub-Category Name Page # Aquarium Supplies 1 Beads / Balls / Marbles 1 Beakers / Test Tubes / Flasks 2 Dissecting Supplies 3 Dropping Bottles / Pipettes 4 Electrical Items / Batteries 5 Equipment 5 General Supplies 8 Guides / Posters / Videos / Books 9 Kits / Classroom Activities 10 Lab Activities 12 Lab Coats / Goggles / Gloves 14 Lab Cylinders 15 Live and Preserved Specimens 16 Magnets 17 Microscopes 18 Microscope Slides 18 Mineral / Rocks 19 Miscellaneous 20 Rubber Stoppers / Tubing / Supports 21 Solutions / Crystals 21 Test Strips 24 Thermometers / Hydrometers 25 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 0103 00981 00989 00987 00985 212328 00988 00982 00983 0086 00986 22975 23039 22981 23038 23040 0360 0089 0412 364196 6292 01332 153947 01331 153942 01330 DESCRIPTIONS AQUARIUM SUPPLIES PH Aquarium Test Strips, Fresh Water ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ WLS1053‐61A Hand‐Operated Aquarium Vacuum Aquarium Kit, 10 Gallon Basic Marine Life W/ Animals Air Stone, Porous Efficient Releaser ‐ WLS1055‐85 Clear Vinyl Air Line Tubing 3/16 Inch Dia. ‐ 10 Ft/Pkg ‐ WLS1055‐ 67C Airstone Bars 4 Inch , for 10 Gallon Tanks ‐ WLS1056‐86A Aquarium Gravel ‐ 5 Lb/Pkg ‐ WLS1053‐B Whisper Air Pump For 30 Gallon Aquarium ‐ WLS1055‐42 Tetra Min Staple Fish Food Standard Flack ‐ 100 G/Pkg ‐ WLS1052‐ 40KA Vacation Feeders For Fish ‐ Month ‐ WLS1055‐92A Whisper Filter, Second Nature Power, 250 Gal/Hr. ‐ 470145‐758 BEADS / BALLS / MARBLES Newtonian Demonstrator ‐ WL0706B Plastic Beads 8mm, 100/Pkg ‐ 364196 UV‐Beads, 250/Pkg ‐ 470150‐464 Plastic Beads 4mm , 100/Pkg ‐ WL6823‐03 Plastic Beads 12mm , 100/Pkg ‐ 364197 5/8 Inch Dia. Marbles ‐ 16/Pkg. WLS1610‐20 Happy And Unhappy Balls ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ WL0709 Steel Marbles ‐ 5/Pkg 8 mm Plastic Beads Refill, 500 mL ‐ 36‐4196 3 Inch Dia. Styrofoam Balls ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 470019‐402 12 mm Plastic Beads Column Kit, 500 mL ‐ WL6823‐13 12 mm Plastic Beads Refill, 500 mL ‐ 470001‐978 7 mm Plastic Beads Column Kit, 500 mL ‐ WL6823‐07 7 mm Plastic Beads Refill, 500 mL ‐ WL6823‐07 4 mm Plastic Beads Column Kit, 500 mL ‐ WL6823‐03 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR PKG EACH KIT EACH S66231 S12932 S06532 WLS1055‐85 $8.05 $26.20 $92.46 $0.76 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG EACH PKG EACH WLS1055‐67C WLS1056‐86A WLS1053‐B WLS1055‐42 $1.44 $1.66 $6.00 $10.09 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG EACH WLS1052‐40KA WLS1055‐92A $11.22 $16.50 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH PETW25‐774 $30.66 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG KIT PKG KIT PKG KIT 1493984 470023‐956 470150‐464 WL6823‐03 470023‐958 S04581 S68347 S96594 470023‐956 470211‐258 WL6823‐13 470001‐978 WL6823‐07 WL6823‐07 WL6823‐03 $10.82 $2.67 $4.62 $7.66 $9.55 $3.72 $4.78 $7.68 $2.67 $4.78 $5.78 $5.78 $6.48 $6.48 $7.66 Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 1 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # 24 Inch Chemistry Element Ball ‐ 470007‐722 5077 Energy Transformation Balls ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ WL1695 001695 BEAKERS / TEST TUBES / FLASKS Flask Brush 250 mL ‐ WLS9965‐A 150810 Test Tube Brushes, Nylon, For Test Tube Dia. 16 to 19 mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS9990 159010 U/M EACH PKG VENDOR ID # 470007‐722 WL1695 EACH S30410A $2.60 Fisher Scientific PKG S95354 $6.10 Fisher Scientific PKG S95353 $7.05 Fisher Scientific EACH PKG S15482 S00010 $11.90 $13.45 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG EACH PKG PKG CASE EACH S00145 S00007 S00008 S00009 S14274 S00012 $14.93 $18.35 $18.98 $23.49 $24.37 $25.90 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG PKG PKG S00016 574040 581469 $36.32 $1.99 $18.16 Fisher Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific 00932 0048 0071 0400 7911030 Standard‐Grade Erlenmeyer Flasks, 500 mL ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS1736‐13 150 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 13912‐182 250 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ 12/PK ‐ WLS4675‐K 400 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐K Beakers, 600 mL ‐ 6/Case ‐ WLS4675‐M 1000 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐P Pyrex Heavy Duty Beakers, 150 mL, Grad. Range, 0 To 140 mL ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS4681‐10J Petri Dishes 60 X 15 mm ‐ 20/Pkg ‐ WLS26028‐60 Polypropylene Beakers, 400 mL‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS4688‐J Pyrex Standard Griffin, Low Form Beakers, 100 mL ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐H Pyrex Test Tubes 16 X 150 ‐ 72/Pkg ‐ WLS79515‐G Pyrex Heavy Duty Beakers, 250 mL‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS4681‐10K Beaker Brush ‐ WLS9815 Test Tube Rack ‐ WLS79110‐30 PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH 593970 593478 593991 UNBBR013 WLS79110‐30 $27.66 $30.59 $38.38 $2.25 $1.52 Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Parco Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 29547 6276 150810 Beaker Tongs, w/ Rubber Covered Jaws, 23 cm long ‐ 6341000 50 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ WCAP470175‐954 Flask Brush 250 mL ‐ WLS9965‐A EACH EACH EACH WLS82105 WACP470175‐954 WLS9965‐A $2.10 $2.52 $2.60 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 01323 25410 6276E 6286A 6276B 6276C 6276D 3788 6276G 4336 03770 0072 Test Tube Brush 10 X 3.5 cm, Radial Tufted End ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS9980 Glass Burets with Plastic Stopcock, Capacity x Subdivisions (mL): 25 x 0.1 ‐ WLS10609‐B 600 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐M BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $8.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $25.10 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 2 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 6276A 150811 22965 25796 DESCRIPTIONS 100 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ WLS470175‐956 Flask Brush 500 mL ‐ WLS9965‐B Aluminum Weighing Dishes ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ WLS25725‐B Test Tube Brushes ‐ 159100 U/M EACH EACH PKG PKG VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR WACP470175‐956 $2.67 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLS9965‐B $2.70 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLS25725‐B $4.22 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLB17027‐023 $5.44 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 0402 154080 180002 6328 6329 Wood Test Tube Support Rack, Holds 12/20 Mm Tubes ‐ WLS79025 Rubber Policeman ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS73252 Conical Tubes, 15 mL ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ WLS1776‐38 Pyrex Erlenmeyer Flasks, 2000mL ‐ WLS1736‐15 Pyrex Standard‐Grade Beaker, 2000mL ‐ WLS4675‐R Glass Beaker Set Includes One of Each: 50 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 600 mL, And 1000 mL ‐ 5/Set WLS4675‐ZZ Pyrex Standard Griffin, Low Form Beakers, Graduated ‐ 600 mL ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐M EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH WLS79025 WLS73252 WLS1776‐38 WLS1736‐15 CORN1000‐2L_VE $5.54 $5.65 $6.84 $8.44 $14.21 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International SET WLS4675‐ZZ $16.51 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG WLS4675‐M $22.86 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Standard‐Grade Erlenmeyer Flasks, 1000 mL ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS1736‐14 Pyrex Standard Griffin, Low Form Beakers, 150 mL ‐ 12/pkg ‐ WLS4675G Graduated Cylinders 100 mL ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 470191‐194 800 mL Pyrex Student Beaker ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐N Pyrex Student Beaker 1000 mL ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS4675‐P Pyrex Test Tubes 18 X 150, Borosilicate ‐ 72/Pkg ‐ 593481 Test Cube Cuvettes ‐ 145042 Heavy Duty Beakers ‐ 2000 mL ‐ 4/Pkg ‐ WLS1735‐25 Disposable Petri Dishes 100 X 15 mm, Sterile Plastic ‐ 50/Case ‐ WLS26028 DISSECTING SUPPLIES Dissecting Scalpel ‐ WLS26797‐01 Scalpel Blades 5‐3/8 Inch, No 4‐Lock‐On ‐140707 Surgical Dissecting Scissors 5‐1/2 Inch ‐ WLS26975‐B Straight Sharp Point Forceps 4‐3/8 Inch With Fine Tips Nickel Plated Steel ‐ Each ‐ WLS26475 PKG WLS1736‐14 $25.64 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG EACH 13912‐182 470191‐194 WLS4675‐N WLS4675‐P WLS79515‐G WLS75412‐B WLS1735‐25 $27.83 $28.44 $30.11 $42.96 $43.36 $46.88 $53.74 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International CASE 470210‐568 $61.19 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH EACH S07898 S95938 S08094 $1.03 $1.08 $1.40 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG WLS26475 $0.83 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 45964 00933 6286 00931 22502 6276F 03837 29779 25792 0109 03855 0355 23004 01338 01324 3 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 00976 01337 140711 6298 6298B 0050 158844 24170 00975 00942 152091 01327 00940 6306 182977 008750 5486 DESCRIPTIONS Dissecting Straight Sharp Point Forceps 4‐1/4 Inch Nickel Plate Finish ‐ WLS26455 Surgical Scissors 4‐1/2 Inch ‐ WLS26930 #4 Scalpel Blades ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470092‐530 Blades For No. 4 Scalpel No. 20 ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470094‐608 Scalpel Blades For No. 4 ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470092‐520 Micro Spatula ‐ Each ‐ WLS75287 Scalpel Blade Remover for Lock‐On Handles ‐ WLS1588‐44 Constant Motion Car Activity ‐ 470105‐476 Dissecting Set In Hinged Lid Styrene Case W/ Scissors, Metal Scalpel, Pipette, Teasing Needles, Ruler; Forceps ‐ WLS1407‐76 DROPPING BOTTLES/PIPETTES Dropping Bottle Polyethylene W/ Snap‐Fit Tip Screw Caps, 125 mL With 0.8 mm Opening ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS8840‐E Pipettes, Thin Stem ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 470019‐808 Volumetric Transfer Pipettes, Micro Tip, Overall Length, cm: 14.4, Stem Dia., mm: 5.0, Bulb Draw, ML: 3.3, Capacity: 5 Mol With 0.5 Mol Graduations. Drops Per mL: 50 ‐ 500/Pkg ‐ WLS69684‐35 Barnes Dropping Bottle W/ Glass Pipette And Rubber Bulb & Stopper, Clear Glass, 30 mL Capacity ‐ 36/Pkg ‐ WLS8725 Glass Dropping Pipette, Autoclavable Rubber Bulb With Glass Dropper. Capacity: 2 mL. Size: 3 1/2 Inch L ‐ Pkg/12 ‐ 17V0230 Graduated Polyethylene Pipettes ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 470020‐860 Pipette Form Dropping Bottles 15 mL ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 470178‐122 Volumetric Transfer Pipettes, General Purpose, Overall Length, Cm: 15.0, Stem Dia., Mm: 7.8, Bulb Draw, mL: 3.2, Cap., mL: 7.0, Drops Per mL: 22 ‐ 500/Pkg ‐ WLS69684‐30B U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH WLS26455 WLS26930 470092‐530 470094‐608 470092‐520 WLS75287 WLS1588‐44 470105‐476 $1.04 $1.04 $1.06 $1.06 $1.06 $1.68 $4.39 $4.67 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WLS1407‐76 $8.01 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG PKG S31703 S06754 $6.39 $14.79 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG S304674 $14.80 Fisher Scientific PKG S31075 $28.85 Fisher Scientific PKG PKG PKG WACP470157‐066 470020‐860 470178‐122 $1.87 $3.47 $12.95 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG WLS69684‐30B $13.07 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 4 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 5806 23024 25786 23015 24717 03761 03762 19023 03760 1192 6337 6527 155046 03747 22969 25449 22992 22968 22993 23021 29657 7380050 1391164 22507 0323 DESCRIPTIONS Disposable Plastic Dropper, One piece Low‐Density Polyethylene With Tapered Tip. Capacity: 1.6 mL, 4L. ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ WACP470157‐ 354 U/M VENDOR ID # PKG WACP470157‐354 $29.79 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Dispensing Bottles with Spout Cap, 30 mL ‐ WACP470178‐164 Disposable Pipettes ‐ 20/Pkg ‐ 2988402 Flip Safety Pipette Ball ‐ 150510 Polyethylene controlled dropping bottles (12 pack) 6859302 ELECTRICAL ITEMS ‐ BATTERIES AA Batteries ‐ 8/Pkg ‐ WLS30841‐05 9 Volt Batteries ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ WLS30853‐25 Battery Holder, Double D‐Cell ‐ 16 V WLS2441‐01 C Batteries ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ WLS30833‐50 D Batteries ‐ 2/Pkg ‐ WLS30834 6 Volt Battery ‐ WLS30848 150 Watt Light Bulbs ‐ 470118‐160 Gooseneck Desk Lamp ‐ WLS44298‐50 Power Supply, Low Voltage ‐ WLS1799‐21 Banana Plug Cords ‐ 574245 3.2V Miniature Bulbs ‐ 10/Pkg P6‐1407 Small Van de Graaff Generator ‐ WLS1755‐84 Frey Scientific Miniature Light Bulbs ‐ #123 1.5 V ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470176‐ 080 Van de Graaff Replacement Belt ‐ WLS1764‐24 Radiometer 7 X 3.4 X 5 In. ‐ 160507 EQUIPMENT Model Rocket Engine Bulk Pack, 24 Engines, 30 Ignitors, 24 Plugs, 75 Wads ‐ A8‐3 ‐ SB22587M Spring Scale with Newton Calibrations ‐ CP7380050 Math Balance, 20‐ 10g Weights, Grades 3 ‐ 6 Calorimeter Set, Foam ‐ 470012‐650 Tube 12 Inch Sampler Soil Probe EACH PKG EACH PKG WACP470178‐164 470152‐946 53497‐009 WACP470174‐316 $0.91 $2.34 $6.58 $16.03 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH SET PKG EACH S43921H S43914 WL2441‐01 WLS30833‐50 WLS30834 WLS30848 470118‐160 470136‐674 WLS1799‐21 S95888 S13052 S68854 $2.47 $3.47 $0.64 $2.81 $3.09 $3.40 $6.20 $9.29 $62.36 $1.63 $2.10 $118.53 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG EACH EACH 563591 532112 WL1734 $1.74 $6.36 $4.95 Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH S41843 S40137 S79034 S96316 S45110 $11.83 $12.11 $13.46 $17.24 $25.38 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 5 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Sling Psychrometers ‐ 15/Set ‐ 470023‐946 364185 Taylor Sling Psychrometer ‐5 C To 50 C ‐ WLS42741‐20 0325 Electronic Balances Ohaus CS, 200g Capacity, Readability 0.1g ‐ #15 V 6240 ‐ WLS2646‐54A 5836 Discharge Sphere 532010‐635 29776 Digital Hotplate‐Stirrers ‐ WLS1765‐51 22994 Friction Box ‐ 580836 29777 Calculator, Solar Hand Held ‐ TI‐1706SV 03824 3249100 Halls Carriage, 100g ‐ CP3249100 Scale Compact Digital with Bowel 2K ‐ 1467715 22526 Burner Hose 3' Connector ‐ WLS13121‐B 5509 Electric Plume 591003‐635 29778 Conductivity Tester ‐ WLS29761‐50A 5511 MyChron Stopwatches ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLS77448 77448 U/M SET EACH VENDOR ID # S02006 S02006 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $26.22 Fisher Scientific $26.22 Fisher Scientific EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG S63462BID S65147 S50467CNSH 580836 026776 99‐6160 1467715 562396 591003 530794 193‐6112 $64.80 $74.23 $269.86 $3.60 $5.77 $6.25 $10.18 $13.99 $20.27 $22.22 $30.07 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific PKG EACH 1385198 1471389 $32.18 $97.77 Frey Scientific Frey Scientific 158070 25409 0074 22496 Dialysis Tubing, 16mm Dia. x 25mm W, 100' Roll ‐ WLS25275‐AF Electric Ring Thrower 1471389‐635 Hot Plate, 77 ‐ 672 Degrees, 120 V AC 6' Cord, 5 X 5 Plate ‐ WLS41002 Beginner Stethoscope ‐ WL6706A‐05 Ohaus Triple Beam Balances ‐ WLS3455 Distillation apparatus ‐ WLS1827‐84 EACH EACH EACH EACH 571583 AM6147 B‐200‐O UNDSA001 $111.20 $3.90 $62.00 $68.00 Frey Scientific Parco Scientific Parco Scientific Parco Scientific 29534 Boreal2 Stereomicroscope ‐ HM, 2X, 4X, LED Cordless 242648 EACH PST‐24‐10LRC 0348 29656 Pro Balance Ohaus Scout (SPE202), 200g X 0.01g ‐ WLS2647‐10B Laboratory Scoop Handle SB08212M Crucible With Cover Student Grade, Low Form, 30 mL ‐ WLS23667‐ G Spherical Mirrors, Concave Mirror ‐ WL3520‐02 Spherical Mirrors, Convex Mirror ‐ WL3520‐22 EACH EACH SPE202 WLS75291 EACH EACH EACH WLS23667‐G WL3520‐02 WL3520‐22 22493 29784 153121 007573 007574 $125.00 Parco Scientific $220.00 Parco Scientific $0.88 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $0.98 $1.18 $1.36 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 6 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 U/M VENDOR ID # 25411 254996 29775 158202 DESCRIPTIONS Economy Porcelain Mortar and Pestle Sets, Cap., mL: 60, OD, mm: 80 ‐ WLS62250‐B QA Spectroscope ‐ CP3010500 Digital Multimeter 526108‐635 Inertia Apparatus ‐ WL0543A EACH EACH EACH EACH WLS62250‐B CP30105‐00 WLS30712‐53 WL0543A $1.93 $2.25 $6.27 $6.68 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 6353 160511 Sphygmomanometer Standard Aneroid , Measures Blood Pressure With A Standard Size Velcro Arm Cuff And Easy‐To‐Read Dial, Accurate To ▒3 mm Hg, With Instructions ‐ 470017‐351 Standing Wave Generator ‐ CP33596‐00 EACH EACH 470017‐351 CP33596‐00 $8.68 $8.74 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 03827 25412 03656 29783 160860 29781 231900 0101 151570 000809 0038 Stopwatch, Count up to 9:59:59 with 1/100 sec. ‐ WLS77515‐27 Tripod, Burner, 23 cm x 13 cm x 9 cm ‐ WLS82505‐A Plastic Utility Funnel, 108mm ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS35431‐C Electromagnet ‐ 1399037 Fire Piston Demonstration Apparatus ‐ 470006‐372 Constant Speed Vehicle 1296208‐635 Weatherball Liquid Barometer ‐ WLS4520 Heavy Duty Collecting Net ‐ WL8338B Checker 1 PH Meter ‐ WLS30017‐85 HallÆs Carriage and Cord Inclined Plane, ‐ WL0809A Portable Burner ‐ WLS13255 EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH WLS77515‐32 WLS82505‐A WLS35431‐C WL1855A 470006‐372 WL0849J WLS4520 WL8338B WLS30017‐85 CP33863‐10 WLS13255 $10.01 $10.40 $11.20 $13.16 $13.88 $14.22 $18.62 $19.27 $28.17 $29.28 $39.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH EACH EACH WLS4637 470162‐860 WL1765‐31 470024‐024 $40.90 $61.42 $89.59 $100.38 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WLS1760‐24 $193.43 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BOCES # 03684 24171 254546 365190 22505 Portable Aneroid Altimeter/Barometer, Dual‐Scale, Measuring Range: 940‐1070 Millibars Or 715‐805 Millimeters. Accuracy: 3.5 Millibars. Divisions: 0.1░ ‐ WLS4637 Dual Red Green Laser Pen ‐ WLS1805‐49 Salinity Refractometer ‐ WL1765‐31 Electrophoresis Chamber ‐ 36V5190 Microscopes VWR Coaxial: 4X, 10X, 40XR, 100XR oil, Mechanical Stage, NA 1.25 Abbe Condenser, 20W Tungsten Illumination ‐ WLS1760‐24 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 7 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Hot Plate ‐ Model PC‐400 ‐ WLS1757‐11 5508 Pro Balance Ohaus Scout , 2000g X 0.1g ‐ 525776‐635 29774 9400267 Goggle Sanitizing Cabinet ‐ WLC94002‐67 GENERAL SUPPLIES 6 Inch Rulers Transparent Plastic Metric & English 10/Pkg ‐ WLS44675 01312 Safety Matches, 32 Strike‐On‐Box Wooden Matches ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WLS44605‐A 03823 3/4 X 1.5 Rectangular Lab Labels ‐ 4 Rolls/ 500‐Pkg 0083 Foil For Electroscopes ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WL1963F 03633 Streak Plate, Black ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470097‐470 0394 #12 Streak Plates, White ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470097‐452 5835 Fuel Can For Butane Laboratory Burner 17201 U/M EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ID # WLS1757‐11 470217‐946 WLC94002‐67 BID PRICE $218.97 $228.55 $306.53 PKG S94357 $0.30 Fisher Scientific PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH S41893D S41760 S43265 S45052B S45052A S64968 $1.04 $2.45 $2.48 $4.38 $4.51 $4.83 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 151261 150219 23010 1/4 ID Heavy Wall Rubber Tubing ‐ 10'/Roll ‐ WARD470019‐618 Perfect Print Fingerprint Pad ‐ WLS1752‐61 Buret Brushes, 12/Pkg ‐ 159146 ROLL EACH EACH S09607 S69000 S30421 $5.13 $8.85 $13.90 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 29533 160322 263025 22972 01316 23026 0057 22967 01379 22996 1322699 22971 03834 154330 Polystyrene Weighing Dishes, 3 1/16" x 1" , Pack of 500 181454 10cc Syringes ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 470132‐468 Plastic Pan Balance Weight Measurement Device ‐ 263025 Holographic Diffraction Grating ‐ 33‐0980 Flat Toothpicks ‐ 2500/Pkg ‐ WL9088‐31 Straws, Plastic, 250/Box ‐ 470089‐618 Wood Splints ‐ 500/Pkg ‐ WLS75943 Glass Stirring Rods 8 Inch X 5 mm Dia ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 470020‐788 Potting Soil ‐ 8# Bag ‐ WLS24231 Lab Towels/Wipes ‐ 280/pkg ‐ WLS19812‐A Cups 6 Oz Styrofoam, 1000/Pkg 16 Inch H Giant Water Prism ‐ WLS1828‐22 Cellulose Sponge ‐ 470104‐506 9 Inch Micro‐Spoon, Stainless Steel ‐ 470014‐714 PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG BOX PKG PKG BAG BOX PKG PKG EACH EACH S67090A 1482919C S52021 Arbor 33‐0990 085950 191‐7519 568862 525527 373984 565444 1322699 1428537 IBSA100003005 470014‐714 $14.05 $20.04 $33.18 $0.27 $1.09 $1.38 $2.31 $2.44 $2.48 $2.49 $15.09 $29.29 $0.50 $1.12 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific ARBOR SCIENTIFIC Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International AWARDED VENDOR Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 8 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 6311 01315 150071 23016 182010 01318 03780 01313 DESCRIPTIONS Cotton String ‐ 1/2 lb. Roll ‐ 470003‐392 Drinking Straws ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 470012‐740 Food Coloring ‐ 1/4 Oz ‐ 4/Set ‐ WACP470150‐490 Single Roll Lab Tape Dispenser ‐ WLS1753‐68 9‐1/2 Inch Plastic Stirring Rod ‐ QLSE470174‐310 11 Inch Round Balloons ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ WLS71824‐05 Jiffy Pots ‐ 24/Case ‐ WL9349‐01 1 Meter Stick, Maple W/ White Enamel ‐ WLS44685 U/M ROLL PKG SET EACH EACH PKG CASE EACH VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 470003‐392 $1.22 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 470012‐740 $1.22 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLC3799Y $1.22 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLS1753‐68 $1.28 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International QLSE470174‐310 $1.47 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLS71824‐05 $1.49 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WL9349‐01 $1.86 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International WLS44685 $1.95 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 23018 0057 23023 01311 44695 5080 23009 1006373 03657 0078 Round Aluminum Foil‐Standard Gauge ‐ 25 Ft X 12 In. 159890 Wood Splints ‐ 500/Pkg ‐ WLS75943 Labeled Wash Bottles, Distilled Water 182442 Cheesecloth ‐ 5 Yards/Pkg ‐ WLS19795 Meter Stick with Metal Ends, Hardwood 12 Inch Alligator Clip Cords ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ 470020‐578 1/4 lb Sticks Modeling Clay, Green ‐ 470156‐846 Floating Levitating Magnets Set ‐ WLS44383 3/4 Inch X 41‐1/2' Labeling Tape, White ‐ WLS44171‐C Braided Pulley Cord ‐ CP24493‐5 Sterile Cotton Swab Tip Applicators, IW, 15 cm ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ WLS79337‐75 Glass Hardness Plates, 3 X 2 X 1/4 Inch ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL6892H Black Planaria ‐ WL50506 Constant Speed Vehicle ‐ WL0849J 4 Inch X 125' Parafilm M Self‐Sealing Film ‐ WLS65710‐A Sodaria Cross Plate 859103 Density Blocks ‐ 9/Set ‐ 470190‐698 Protist, 3/Set ‐ 470180‐202 Tryptic Soy Easy Gel ‐ 40/Pkg ‐ WL54495‐16H GUIDES / POSTERS / VIDEOS / BOOKS Weather Golden Guide ‐ WL63345‐B19 PKG PKG EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH 470206‐492 WLS75943 BELA11646‐2620 470150‐438 WLS44695 470020‐578 470156‐846 WLS44383 WLS44171‐C CP24493‐50 $2.17 $2.31 $3.01 $3.21 $3.23 $3.44 $3.79 $4.74 $4.89 $5.12 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH PKG WLS79337‐75 WL6892H WL50506 WL0849J WLS65710‐A 470179‐718 470190‐698 470180‐202 WL54495‐16H $6.18 $7.28 $11.99 $14.22 $17.14 $23.57 $25.41 $25.49 $48.84 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH S51318 $4.46 Fisher Scientific 145502 10976 23091 22964 5811 29546 160612 23074 880968 03792 9 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 23030 03793 03783 1950028 0054 0397 082344 1352294 03666 867501 0059 805678 23029 332168 5056 332109 5081 366226 03759 331231 360023 120300 325111 03632 077013 364000 1321416 360054 DESCRIPTIONS Middle School Earth Science Bulletin Board Set‐Phases of the Moon ‐ WL1773‐36 Sky Observers Guide ‐ WL6878‐10 Cloud Chart ‐ WL6702Z‐01 Earth Science In Action: Earthquakes DVD ‐ 470030‐828 Peterson Field Guide Of Eastern Trees ‐ WL60583‐13 Our Solar System / Hands On Science Force Field Finder Standards‐Based Science Investigations, TCR8965 ‐ Grade 5 ‐ 1352294 A Demo a Day, Chemical Demo Book ‐ WL60034 Elodia Tips, Living ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 470180‐034 The Solar System ‐ WL1316X Inflatable / Writable Globe ‐ 470012‐270 While You Were Out Series‐Biology ‐ 470002‐368 Milestones of Vertebrate Evolution Chart ‐ 470023‐440 Periodic Table In Earth And Sky ‐ Wards ‐ 470023‐206 U.S. Tapestry of Time and Terrain Map ‐ 33V2109 Microbiology Coloring Book ‐ 470022‐694 Genetic Code Wheel ‐ 470024‐218 46 X 60 Periodic Tables ‐ 470165‐526 The Scaled Earth Poster ‐ WL1758‐79 Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome Lab Activity ‐ 12 Set ups ‐ 470023‐664 KITS AND CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Rock And Mineral Test Kit ‐ WL1820‐26 Chemistry Literacy Series ‐ 470022‐974 Light And Color Kit ‐ WLS1800‐04 Learning Resources Earth Cross‐Section Foam Model Charles' Law Tube ‐ 470005‐362 Heat Transfer Kit ‐ WL6819R Luminol Detection of Simulated Blood Kit ‐ 470213‐398 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH S02418 S45173 S65947 S88041DVD S32076 S65933 S99620 $4.49 $4.81 $7.41 $14.74 $15.31 $16.35 $19.74 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1352294 596569 470180‐034 WL1316X 470012‐270 470101‐634 470023‐440 470023‐206 470023‐418 470022‐694 470024‐218 470165‐526 WL1758‐79 $10.50 $22.27 $9.34 $9.42 $9.91 $10.29 $10.78 $13.84 $17.30 $18.58 $33.58 $123.48 $149.17 Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH 470023‐664 $151.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International KIT KIT KIT EACH EACH KIT KIT S44872 S66840 S12963 S78951 S68351 S53012 S96645 $3.84 $8.11 $8.96 $13.46 $13.69 $17.83 $19.35 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 10 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Human Genetics Kit ‐ WL4539D 0384 Insect Butterfly Pavilion 24 Inch, Includes Mail In Certificate For Butterfly Larvae, Food And Instructions ‐ Kit ‐ WL50816 314222 Human Genetic Traits Kit ‐ WL5273 90003 Fruit DNA Extraction ‐ 36V6096 366096 Kit Student Bacteria Experiment 1321179 29782 Blast Off Flight Pack WL1780A‐15 22989 Simulated Blood Typing Kit Blood, ABO ‐ WL54859 0012A Diffusion Osmosis Kit ‐ Wards 36W5405 0383 Introduction To Chromatography, 40 Students ‐ 470014‐610 31297 Owl Pellet Study Kit ‐ Classroom Kit ‐ WL8480 0049 Paternity Test Bio Kit 0013A Human Senses Kit ‐ WL4539A 0016A Learning to Measure‐Building STEM Skills Kit SB51328M 29658 AP Lab 8 Transformation Genetics & Information 367408 29544 Balloon Helicopters Kit p4‐2350 22983 Astro Blaster P1‐5000 22974 Hookes Law Spring Set/5 ‐ WL0569R 00569 Simple Machine Set Activity Cards Set , 20 Cards 1370882 22956 Sprout & Grow Window 10125 Radiation Kits ‐ WL6818A 01328 Energy Conversion Kit 1300553 DNA Paternity Testing Simulation Kit ‐ WLS18934‐10 0376 Atom Building Game 0087 Gas Law Demonstrator ‐ 470020‐672 168040 Vsepr1 Molecular Model Kit ‐ WLS61912‐G 23072 Second Law of Motion Demonstrator ‐ WL0880B 160704 Chemistry of Life Kit ‐ 817115 25656 1952181 Cracking the Code of Life ‐ 470031‐024 Blood Pressure Kit Complete W/ Stethoscope And Sphygmomanometer ‐ WLS5596‐15 0015A Drosophila Life Cycle ‐ 470023‐246 330284 U/M KIT VENDOR ID # S19341 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $19.55 Fisher Scientific KIT KIT KIT EACH PKG KIT KIT EACH KIT KIT KIT EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH KIT KIT KIT KIT EACH KIT EACH KIT EACH KIT S17575 S32641 S98659 S68775 S41986 S19660 S32610 S67396 S19366B S67022 S19342 S13122 S07058 Arbor P4‐2350 Arbor P1‐5000 1017014 1370882 070141 1526236 1300553 562117 792‐1251 WL1077 WLS61912‐G WL0880B 470029‐874 470031‐024 $19.87 $20.61 $27.39 $30.08 $40.51 $44.62 $44.81 $46.94 $55.77 $76.82 $83.78 $85.08 $140.72 $3.19 $12.42 $5.53 $9.29 $16.09 $25.95 $47.60 $69.43 $149.95 $5.63 $7.04 $10.59 $11.35 $12.16 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific ARBOR SCIENTIFIC ARBOR SCIENTIFIC Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International KIT KIT WLS5596‐15 470023‐246 $12.17 $13.37 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 11 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 23034 323383 23003 22988 29542 10991 800212 800209 800208 853908 148345 29540 25777 0027A 863016 23077 1893416 DESCRIPTIONS Ward's Genetic Test Paper Kit ‐ 361540 The Periodic Adventure ‐ 470015‐116 Ward's Blood Typing Demonstration Activity‐ 148326 Bell Jar and Vacuum Activity Set ‐ WL1510 Urinalysis kit refill 366807 Sordaria Cross Demonstration Plate ‐ 470179‐718 Geoblox Groundwater Models ‐ 470006‐158 Geoblox Oceanography Models Geoblox Plate Tectonics Models ‐ WL1758‐73 Luminescent Bacteria Kit ‐ 470179‐614 DNA Fingerprinting Simu‐Gel ‐ WL148345 Diffusion cell size demo 366022 Diffusion Through Membrane Lab ‐ 366300 Antibiotic Sensitivity Kit ‐ WL54496‐14 Algae Classification Kit ‐ 470179‐938 Planaria Regeneration Lab Activity ‐ 872502 Principals of DNA Sequencing Kit ‐ WLS18934‐16 U/M EACH KIT EACH EACH EACH KIT EACH EACH EACH KIT EACH EACH EACH KIT KIT PKG KIT VENDOR ID # 470023‐856 470015‐116 470001‐896 WL1510 470190‐612 470179‐718 470006‐158 WL1756‐31 WL1758‐73 470179‐614 WL148345 470178‐380 WLS1828‐96 WL54496‐14 470179‐938 WL50532 WLS18934‐16 BID PRICE $13.56 $15.26 $19.22 $20.70 $23.38 $23.57 $23.64 $23.64 $23.64 $23.99 $25.03 $30.19 $37.04 $49.76 $50.57 $56.52 $63.20 AWARDED VENDOR Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 29541 DNA Fingerprinting Electrophoresis Lab System, Refill Kit ‐ 366054 EACH 470007‐120 $80.27 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 10977 0098 29543 25322 29548 22501 Bio‐Rad PGLO Bacterial Transformation Kit ‐ BRAD166‐003ED Amusement Park Physics ‐ SW ‐ CP32513‐00 Paternity Test kit 366819 NYS Living Envrionment Lab Kits ‐ 2587000 From DNA to Protein Manipulatives 6731058 Build a Bug Kit 50/Pkg ‐ PLTW ‐ 470132‐350 LAB ACTIVITIES The Heat Solution Instant Hand Warmer ‐ CP32978‐00 Refill Kit For Boces # 6350, Simulated Blood Typing ‐ Whodunit ‐ Lab Activity ‐ WL54837‐R Enzyme Activity Kit 366078 DNA On A Stick Activity ‐ WLS1753‐00 KIT KIT EACH EACH EACH PKG 470160‐726 CP32513‐00 470190‐634 470084‐174 470105‐974 470132‐350 $103.89 $105.57 $114.91 $118.03 $128.39 $359.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH S13163 $3.88 Fisher Scientific KIT EACH SET S96793R S07044 S94902 $15.62 $28.43 $36.35 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 03703 6351 23036 22510 12 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 6350 366030 6348 DESCRIPTIONS Simulated Blood Typing ‐ Whodunit ‐ Lab Activity ‐ 470190‐608 Kidney Dialysis Simulation Lab Activity ‐ 36V6030 Antibiotic Resistance Kit, Compare Bacteria With And Without Natural Resistance. Includes: Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Epidermis Tube Cultures, Materials For Five Lab Groups And Instructions. Note: Perishable Materials. Please Specify Delivery Date ‐ 470179‐628 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR KIT KIT S96794 S32004 $38.80 $41.96 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific KIT S70120 $52.97 Fisher Scientific KIT KIT SET EACH KIT EACH SET SET S02447 S05654 S53005B Arbor P3‐3500 589318 586104 470001‐424 WL3307L $59.17 $92.68 $157.87 $11.88 $29.37 $55.30 $4.15 $5.86 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific ARBOR SCIENTIFIC Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International SET SET 470024‐272 CP72703‐20 $7.69 $9.74 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 29539 Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration Lab Activity ‐ 470101‐706 HIV Elisa Lab Activity ‐ 470179‐604 Contour Model Lab ‐ 15/Set ‐ 36V4110 Extreme Gyroscope P3‐3500 Dichotomous Keys Kit ‐ WL8132G‐05 Black box Scientific Method ‐ WL8159 Animal Hair Set ‐ 470001‐424 Open‐end Resonance Tube Set ‐ WL3307L Animal Track Rubbing Plates, Flexible, Washable Plastic Plates, Wards, 16/Set 36V6290 Ocean Wave Demonstrator ‐ CP72703‐20 Porosity and Permeability Replacement Plastic Column, Each 364191 EACH WL6822R $10.29 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 360035 03665 5071 Simulated ABO Blood Typing Lab Activity, Refill Kit ‐ 470015‐186 Super Slinky ‐ WL3339B Topographic Map And Profiling Lab Activity ‐ 470015‐218 KIT EACH KIT 470015‐186 WL3339B 470015‐218 $10.81 $14.69 $23.81 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 29537 EACH WL54837‐R $23.95 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 5074 Simulated Blood Typing "whodunit" lab activity refill kit 360038 Bedrock Topography And Groundwater Resources Lab Activity ‐ 470023‐774 KIT 470023‐774 $28.47 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 366066 Exploring Growth Movements in Plants Lab Activity ‐ 36V6066 KIT 470190‐628 $29.32 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 366070 853518 364110 22979 367311 22511 695329 009495 5059 6529 13 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Scholar Density Column Demonstration ‐ WLC95980‐00 6530 Half‐Life Property of a Radioactive Element Lab Activity ‐ 470023‐ 826 361234 ABO‐Rh Set, Pooled Human Antisera ‐ 38w6901 29549 366296 366295 361221 6349 364510 29538 148322 0051 The Cell Theory: A Microscopic Journey Lab Activity ‐ 470012‐252 Dragon Genetics Lab Activity ‐ For 15 Set Ups ‐ 470015‐364 Detergents and Fertilizers as Pollutants, Algal Blooms Lab Activity ‐ 470190‐664 Glowing Bacteria: Transformation With a Firefly Gene Lab Activity, Materials For Six Setups, Teacher's Guide And Student Copy Master ‐ 470007‐118 Dew Point and Relative Humidity Lab Activity, 10 Set Ups ‐ WL1759‐ 04 Porosity and Permeability Plastic Column ‐ 15/Set ‐ 364190 Enzyme Model ‐ 14V8322 LAB COATS / GOGGLES / DISPOSABLE GLOVES Chemical Splash Goggles, Regular Lens, 160░ Unobstructed Range Of Vision; Side Ventilation Ports; Chemical Splash Protection And An Adjustable Neoprene Headband. Meets ANSI Z87 ‐ WLS40380‐04 U/M SET VENDOR ID # WLC95980‐00 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $32.27 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International KIT SET 470023‐826 470024‐794 $39.96 $40.70 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH 470012‐252 470015‐364 $44.20 $54.61 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International KIT 470190‐664 $69.90 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International SET 470007‐118 $110.78 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International SET SET KIT WL1759‐04 470023‐948 470019‐322 $139.41 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $260.08 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $313.50 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH S47616 $1.10 Fisher Scientific BOX S04799B $3.85 Fisher Scientific BOX EACH S04799A 19048309E $3.85 $12.12 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific EACH S01819 $14.61 Fisher Scientific 10770 Vinyl Disposable Gloves, Powered ‐ Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ WLS40291‐D Vinyl Disposable Gloves, Powered ‐ Medium ‐ 100/Box ‐ WLS40291‐ C Lab Coat, Knee Length White Snap Front ‐ WLS991‐D Dakota Safety Glasses, Clear Frame, Clear Hard Coat Anti‐Fog Lens, Small ‐ Conney Part ‐ 12/Pkg ‐ 59198 Dakota Safety Glasses, Clear Frame, Clear Hard Coat Anti‐Fog Lens ‐ Conney Part# 59143 ‐ 12/Pkg EACH 191302092 $44.62 Fisher Scientific 0408B Vinyl Disposable Gloves, Powered ‐ Small ‐ 100/Box ‐ WLS40291‐B BOX 1334171 $3.75 Frey Scientific 0408D 0408C 01013 10774 14 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 01304 0385 0414 153069 01012 151191 20031 03862 03861 03860 00928 181705 181710 181720 17265 181730 00927 008416 00926 DESCRIPTIONS Goggles, Sellstrom Meets ANSI Z87 1‐1968 Standards For Chemistry ‐ WLS40380‐03B U/M VENDOR ID # EACH WLS40380‐03B $0.86 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Plastic Disposable Gloves, Powderless ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ WLS1752‐44 Safety Glasses ‐ Blue ‐ WLS40380‐01A Over‐the‐Glasses Goggles ‐ 470005‐688 Lab Aprons 27 X 42 Black Rubberized Protects Clothes From Acids ‐ WLS1752‐36 Tyvek Lab Apron ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470175‐058 PKG EACH EACH WLS1752‐44 WLS40380‐01A WLS40380‐03E $0.94 $1.00 $1.14 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH PKG WLS1752‐36 470175‐058 $3.13 $9.92 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Latex‐Free Econo‐Blue Nitrile Glove ‐ 100/Box ‐ Large ‐ WLS40289‐D Latex Gloves, Large ‐ 100/Box ‐ WLS40290‐DD Latex Gloves, Medium ‐ 100/Box ‐ WLS40290‐CC Latex Gloves, Small ‐ 100/Box ‐ WLS40290‐BB LAB CYLINDERS 100 mL Graduated Cylinder ‐ 173560 10 ml Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder, 0.2mL Graduated ‐ WL5260B 25 ml Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder, 0.5mL Gradudated ‐ WL5260C 50 mL Cylinder, Polypropylene ‐ WL5260D BOX BOX BOX BOX VNPF100L VPF100L VPF100M VPF100S $3.84 $3.94 $3.94 $3.94 Dash Medical Gloves, Inc. Dash Medical Gloves, Inc. Dash Medical Gloves, Inc. Dash Medical Gloves, Inc. EACH 594198 $2.73 Frey Scientific EACH WL5260B $0.60 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH WL5260C WL5260D $0.72 $0.92 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WL5260D $0.92 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WL5260E $1.44 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WLS24655‐B $2.06 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG WLS8416‐E $9.36 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WLS24655‐J $11.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 50 ml Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder, 1.0mL Grad. ‐ WL5260D 100 ml Polypropylene Graduated Cylinder, 1.0ml Graduated ‐ WL5260E Graduated Flint Glass Cylinder, 10 mL In .2 mL Divisions ‐ WLS24655‐ B Round HDPE Wide Mouth Bottles, Capacity: 500 mL, 12/Pkg ‐ WLS‐ 8416‐E Graduated Flint Glass Cylinder, Pour Out & Heavy Molded Base, 1000 mL In 10 mL Divisions ‐ WLS24655‐J BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 15 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 870390 0052 0044 24528 23073 868900 00979 368196 6313 0368 0042 03775 0367 DESCRIPTIONS LIVE AND PRESERVED SPECIMENS Amoeba Proteus Culture ‐ 35/Pkg ‐ WL50056 Living Brown Budding Hydra For 35 Students ‐ WL50406 Sheep Eyes, Vacuum Pack ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL428‐24 Choice Plain Injected Preserved Perch, 5 ‐ 7 in Wet, Mexican Gray, Pkg/10 ‐ 598089 Elodea Densa 25/Pkg ‐ 470180‐090 Genetic Corn Ears 1:1 Ratio, Purple: White ‐ WL22026 Preserved Grass Frogs, 4‐5 Inch ‐ Formaldehyde‐Free, Single Injected ‐ 10/Pail ‐ WL475‐43 Grow‐A‐Frog Kit, Live Specimen Coupon Preserved Grass Frogs 4‐5 Inch, Formaldehyde‐Free, Single Injected ‐ 50/Pail ‐ Wards 470000‐524 Sheep Heart ‐ Vac Pack, WL428‐16 White Rat, Preserved, Vac Pack ‐ 470001‐606 Large Earthworm ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Vac Pack ‐ WL409‐10 Full Sheep Brain ‐ Vac Pack, WL428‐12 00968 Preserved Bullfrogs 6 to 7 Inch, Vacuum Pack ‐ Each ‐ WL421‐21 Calf Heart, Vacuum Pack ‐ Each Fetal Pigs, 11 ‐ 13 In. Extra Jumbo, Caro Safe, Plain ‐ Vac Pack, Each ‐ WL425‐52 17198 Sheep Organ Set, Eye, Brain, Kidney, Heart, Vac Pack ‐ WL428‐26 00978 6339 6295 697581 03848 6285 03856 Pig Stomach Preserved Specimen W/ Digestive System, Includes Portions Of The Spleen And Pancreas ‐ Vac Pack, Each ‐ 470000‐722 Sheep Uterus, Pregnant, Preserved, Vac Pack ‐ 69V7581 Owl Pellets ‐ 10/Pkg, Vac Pack ‐ WL424‐20 Earthworms, Plain Injection ‐ 100/pkg ‐ Vac Pack ‐ WL409‐11 Preserved Fetal Pigs 9 ‐ 11 Inch , Plain No Injections ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ Vac Pack ‐ WL425‐53P U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR PKG SET PKG S98977PS S98990PS S9224S $4.21 $4.86 $5.02 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PAIL PKG EACH S9001 S07498ND S98798 $5.24 $16.00 $30.38 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PAIL EACH S0902S 282169 $46.97 $17.53 Fisher Scientific Frey Scientific PAIL EACH EACH PKG EACH 597786 S045P RT0709P EW1215J S020P $100.33 $5.04 $5.32 $5.80 $7.32 Frey Scientific Bio Corporation Bio Corporation Bio Corporation Bio Corporation EACH EACH BF0607P B015P $8.60 $10.74 Bio Corporation Bio Corporation EACH FP1113P $11.26 Bio Corporation SET S100P $11.60 Bio Corporation EACH EACH PKG PAIL P065P S080P OWLPELLET EW1215F $12.45 $12.59 $20.90 $27.55 Bio Corporation Bio Corporation Bio Corporation Bio Corporation PAIL FP0911P $94.10 Bio Corporation 16 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 22517 876550 862650 871310 40112 6343 0053 876581 876553 0364 850400 851035 867502 868922 868924 03697 01375 6294 0369 5803 0365 691548 875525 22215 DESCRIPTIONS Fetal Pigs, Extra‐Large, 11 inch to 13 inch, Double Injected, 10/Pkg ‐ Vac Pack, WL425‐51P Drosophila Melanogaster, Wild‐Type (Live Materials ‐ Will Call for A Shipping Date) ‐ WL51601 Euglena Gracilis, Tube Culture ‐ 35/Pkg‐ 470175‐818 Paramecium Caudatum Culture ‐ 35/Pkg ‐ WL50206 Budding Hydra ‐ WL56375 Freshwater Rotifers For 35 Students ‐ WL50556 Live Brown Planaria For 35 Students ‐ WL50521 Drosophila Melanogaster, Sepia (Live Materials ‐ Will Call for A Shipping Date) ‐ 87V6581 Drosophila Melanogaster, White eyes (Live Materials ‐ Will Call for A Shipping Date) ‐ WL51741 Star Fish 5 ‐ 6 Inch ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL414‐14 Escherichia Coli Tube Culture ‐ 85V0400 Staphylococcus Epidermidis Culture ‐ 85V1035 Elodea Densa ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ 470180‐036 Genetic Corn Ears 3:1 Ratio, Red: White ‐ WL22027 Genetic Corn Ears 9:3:3:1 Ratio, Purple Starchy: Purple Sweet: Yellow Starchy: Yellow Sweet ‐ WL22028 Mixed Protozoan's, For 35 Students ‐ 470180‐184 Protozoa Pond Mix, Instant Dry ‐ 470180‐184 Cow Or Calf Eyes Preserved Specimen ‐ 10/Pail ‐ WL428‐52 Sheep Kidney ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL428‐22 Amoeba Proteus Living Specimen (Chaos Or Pelomyxa Culture) ‐ For 100 Students ‐ Wards ‐ 470176‐576 Perch 9 ‐ 12 Inch ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL419‐52 Fish Scale Set, Placoid, Ganoid, Ctenoid, Cycloid Scales ‐ 4/Pkg Pill Bugs, Living ‐ 45/Pkg ‐ 470176‐302 MAGNETS 7 X 3/4 X 1/4 Inch Dowling Magnetic Bars ‐ CP32950‐10 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR PAIL FP1113D EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG SET WL51601 470175‐818 WL50206 WL56375 WL50556 WL50521 $6.79 $6.79 $6.79 $7.23 $7.90 $7.90 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH WL51751 $7.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH WL51741 470001‐436 WL23601 470176‐542 470180‐036 WL22027 $7.99 $9.29 $10.07 $11.19 $11.87 $12.83 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH SET EACH PAIL PKG WL22028 470180‐184 470180‐184 470158‐798 470158‐824 $12.97 $13.49 $13.49 $13.84 $17.63 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG PKG 470176‐576 470000‐666 $23.19 $23.66 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG PKG 470000‐984 470176‐302 $23.99 $28.04 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International SET CP32950‐10 $5.08 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $136.30 Bio Corporation 17 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # Remagnetizer P8‐1100 22987 918272 23092 931918 914865 01310 880905 932242 03853 03836 949112 01370 22492 25798 5881051 6284 23081 940110 6528 938102 938101 932271 950016 0334 03851 DESCRIPTIONS U/M EACH VENDOR ID # WLS44385‐A EACH EACH EACH S98964PS S06325PS S99272PS $1.69 $2.85 $3.67 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fern, Antheridia and Archegonia Prothallia (wm) Slide ‐ 91V4865 Microscope Slides 1 X 3 In. Glass Round And Beveled Edges, 1.0mm Thick ‐ 144/Pkg ‐ WLS58775 Nutrient Agar Plates ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 90008‐680 Fish Mitosis Microscope Slides ‐ 470182‐554 EACH S99265PS $3.71 Fisher Scientific PKG PKG EACH S17466 S716931A S11468 $5.29 $12.99 $15.38 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Optical Lens Paper Wipe 4 X 6 Inch ‐ 50 Sheets/Pkg ‐ WLS44325 Glass Microscope Slides 1 X 3 Inch ‐ 72/Pkg ‐ WL8117A Cross Colored Threads (wm) Microscope Slides ‐ 470176‐898 Square Plastic Cover Slips 22 mm , Clear Vinyl, 0.2 Inch Thick ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ WLS58771 PKG PKG EACH 569909 190‐2977 BSLI1003 $0.50 $1.75 $1.30 Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Parco Scientific PKG WLS58771 $1.29 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Boreal Square Cover Glass, # 2 Thickness, 18 mm ‐ 470145‐878 Chromatography Strips ‐ 153708 Microscope Slides 1 X 3 Inch , 144/pkg Plastic ‐ WLS5881051 Slides ‐ 144/Box ‐ WLS58810‐51 Spirillum (sm) g(‐) Slide 900133 Roe (wm) Slides ‐ 470183‐312 Microscope Slide ‐ Drosophila ‐ 470177‐528 Chromosomes, Human Female 46 XX (SM) GS ‐ WL59962 Chromosomes, Human Male 46 XY (Sm) GS ‐ 470177‐652 DNA in Animal Cells Slides ‐ 470182‐572 Cell Organelle Slide Set ‐ 470177‐694 MICROSCOPES Pocket Gem Field Magnifier ‐ WLS44410 Single Lens Magnifiers 3 Inch, 2X ‐ 6281025 EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET 470145‐878 470004‐492 WLS58810‐51 WLS58810‐51 470176‐830 470183‐312 470177‐528 WL59962 470177‐652 470182‐572 470177‐694 $2.58 $3.51 $3.84 $3.84 $4.51 $4.76 $5.79 $5.84 $6.90 $7.23 $125.12 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH S19008 S95955 $1.12 $2.70 MICROSCOPE SLIDES Syringa, Leaf (CS) QS Slide ‐ 470176‐892 Bacillus (sm) g(+) ‐ 900132 Onion Mitosis ‐ 470182‐532 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $43.39 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 18 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Dual Magnifier ‐ 470021‐730 241112 MINERALS / ROCKS Siltstone ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐52 5039 Bituminous Coal Testing Chips ‐ Wards 47V2111 5045 Coal (Anthracite) Student Specimens, 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐938 472102 Coal Bituminus, 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐944 23053 MICA SCHIST (10) ‐ 477222 25785 Phyllite Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐55 6333 Pumice ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐21 03745 Sandstone .5kg ‐ 470444 23050 Schist, 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐28 23062 Shale ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐32 03740 White Sandstone ‐ 10/Pkg 5038 Flint Mineral .5kg ‐ 466529 23047 Breccia ‐ Student Samples ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐04 471332 Flood Basalt ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐45 03742 Gray Limestone ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐17 03738 U/M EACH VENDOR ID # 470021‐730 PKG EACH PKG SET PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG S98547 S98809 S98807 S98809 S98843 S98529 S98833 S98538 S91511 S98845 S98537 S98590 S98803 S98801 S91505 $3.53 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.61 $3.69 $3.77 $3.77 $3.77 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG PKG EACH S91505 S98571 S98822 $3.77 $4.17 $4.25 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 0329 Limestone (Oolitic) Student Specimens ‐ 470026‐098 ‐ 10/Pkg Gypsum (Selenite) ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐614 Gneiss .5kg ‐ 470103‐800 Sandstone (Fossiliferous) Sedimentary Rocks, Banded; Red, Medium‐ Grained With Iron Oxide Bands, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐25 PKG S98539 $4.33 Fisher Scientific 464847 467962 465832 465122 6332 461192 466447 Magnetite, Crystalline, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐40 Sulfur Student Specimens, 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐61 Olivine ‐ Student Specimens, 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐48 Microcline, Pink, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐686 Obsidian Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074C‐20 Biotite Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐11 Pyrite, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐50 PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG PKG BOX S91564 S91588 S91570 S98879 S98513 S98852 S98883A $4.41 $4.41 $4.49 $4.57 $5.21 $5.45 $6.25 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 5044 0327 23058 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $0.30 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 19 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 466472 03730 9448000 03755 6334 460716 DESCRIPTIONS Augite, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐64 Graphite ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WLS7074B‐25 Catalase, Oxidizing Enzyme ‐ 9448000 Basic Mineral and Rock Collection ‐ WL7172W‐01 Slate (Dark Gray) Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470026‐282 Talc (Soapstone), Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470005‐174 U/M PKG PKG EACH EACH PKG PKG VENDOR ID # S98557 S25345 S25239A S45010A AM5245B AM5801‐02B BID PRICE $7.61 $9.78 $18.18 $30.77 $5.90 $5.90 461436 Calcite (Iceland Spar) Student Specimens, 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐518 PKG AM5647‐01B $6.75 Parco Scientific 463112 526770 23067 Fluorite, Cleavage, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐576 Mucrospirifer Thedfordensis Fossil 52‐6770 Corundum (Saphire), 10/Pkg ‐ 470026‐364 PKG EACH EACH AM5694‐02B 470027‐044 470026‐364 $8.60 $1.78 $1.94 Parco Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 465472 5051 25784 23069 25783 23043 Muscovite Cleavage, Student Specimen ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐46 Quartzite (Pink) Testing Chips ‐ 30/Pkg ‐ 470026‐170 QUARTZITE PINK (10) ‐ 476602 Magnetite .5kg , 10/Pkg ‐ 495847 MARBLE PINK (10) ‐ 474812 Halite Cleavable, 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐624 PKG EACH PKG EACH PKG PKG WL7074B‐46 470026‐170 470026‐172 470026‐556 470026‐122 470025‐624 $2.96 $4.84 $6.11 $6.98 $8.34 $9.01 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 460402 469874 465802 5043 Hornblede, Crystalline, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg ‐ 470025‐420 Copper Mineral, Hand Specimen ‐ WL7074E‐08 Oligoclase, Student Specimens ‐ 10/Pkg Buff Dolostone ‐ 10/Pkg Galena, Bright Metallic, Cleavable, Student Specimens, 10/Pkg ‐ WL7074B‐24 PKG PKG PKG PKG 470025‐420 WL7074E‐08 470014‐632 470015‐478 $10.64 $11.16 $11.17 $11.48 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG WL7074B‐24 $20.45 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH 470178‐522 $40.38 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH PKG S90326 S41264 $2.69 $14.45 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 463332 6336 1193 9400217 Ripple Marks, Clearly Preserved Ripple Marks In Bedded Sedimentary Rock. Average Slab Size: 8 X 12 Inch ‐ Wards 47V0790 MISCELLANEOUS Liquid Prism ‐ CP32508‐10 Broken Glass Disposal Boxes ‐ 6/Pkg ‐ WLC94002‐17 AWARDED VENDOR Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Parco Scientific Parco Scientific 20 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 11003 25323 0388 25812 5079 29535 29536 DESCRIPTIONS Deluxe Green Laser Pointer, Class IIIA 5MW ‐ WL3677P‐20 Large Clamp Capacity ‐ WLS1767‐56 Hand Protector ‐ WLS1774‐22 Elodea ‐ 867500 Newton's Color Disc Ward's Four‐Step Tumbling Abrasives 281692 Ward's Tumbling Rough 282565 U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ID # S68611 WLS1767‐56 WLS1774‐22 WL23224 WLS1805‐13 WL1760‐95 WL1760‐96 00922 Lab Gas Cylinder ‐ Disposable 17 Liters Of Hydrogen ‐ WLS37315 RUBBER STOPPERS / TUBING / SUPPORTS Rubber Size 0 Stoppers ‐ 76/Pkg ‐ WLS73305‐L Dialysis Tubing 16 mm Dia. X 25mm ‐ 10' Roll ‐ WLS25275‐BF Dialysis Tubing 1‐3/4 Inch Flat ‐ 100'/Roll Dialysis Tubing Closure, 50mm ‐ Each ‐ WLS1818‐98 Dialysis Tubing, 22 mm Dia. X 25mm W, 10' Roll ‐ 144517 16 mm 25mm 100' dialysis tubing ‐ 144511 SOLUTIONS / CRYSTALS Bromothymol Blue, Laboratory, Solution, Indicator, 0.01% (Aqueous), 500 mL ‐ 470300‐442 Phenolphthalein Solution 1%, 100ML ‐ 470301‐986 Sodium Chloride, Reagent Crystals ‐ 2.5 g ‐ WLC94297‐08 Biuret Reagent Solution, Laboratory, Solution ‐ 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470300‐398 Calcium Chloride Anhydrous, Laboratory, Granular (4û8 Mesh), 500 g ‐ 470300‐556 Phenolphthalein, Solution, 0.5% (Alcoholic), 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470301‐982 Sodium Thiosulfa Crystal LG ‐ 500G ‐ 470302‐720 Sodium Thisulfate Pentahydrate Reagent ‐ 500 G/Pkg ‐ WLC94356‐ 06 Benedict's Quantitative Laboratory Solution ‐ 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470300‐368 EACH WLS37315 PKG ROLL ROLL EACH EACH EACH S50080K 1385196 1385204 WLS1818‐98 470019‐058 470193‐830 $4.01 $4.36 $40.78 $0.50 $5.34 $32.22 Fisher Scientific Frey Scientific Frey Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH BTL BTL S25207 S25467 S25542A $2.58 $3.13 $3.49 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific BTL S25200A $4.03 Fisher Scientific EACH S25223 $4.10 Fisher Scientific EACH BTL S25468 S25574A $4.12 $4.12 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific PKG S25574A $4.12 Fisher Scientific BTL S25193 $4.28 Fisher Scientific 0415 01344 17200 154520 144517 25646 9446906 5472 0069 6316 9407506 29616 5502 00913 6320 BID PRICE $27.67 $3.86 $5.76 $8.27 $10.72 $26.99 $29.71 AWARDED VENDOR Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $154.79 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 21 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS Hydrochloric Acid, Laboratory Solution, 0.5 M ‐ 1 Litter ‐ 470301‐ 228 Bromothymol Blue, Laboratory Indicator Solution (0.04%), 1 L Bottle ‐ 9447007 U/M VENDOR ID # BTL S25357 $4.38 Fisher Scientific BTL S25207B $4.52 Fisher Scientific BTL EACH S25356A S25342A $5.29 $5.40 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific BTL EACH BTL EACH BTL BTL S25295A S25363B S25857 S25372 S25279 S25224 $5.67 $5.95 $6.06 $6.08 $6.17 $6.30 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific BTL BTL EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH S25573A S96854 S70158A S70159A S25548A S25253 S25129 $6.38 $6.86 $8.12 $8.12 $8.24 $9.08 $9.09 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific BTL BTL BTL EACH S25360 S25377A S25358 S25152C $10.25 $10.54 $11.20 $15.02 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 9465806 5474 Hydrochloric Acid Solution Certified 1N ‐ 1 Liter Bottle ‐ 470301‐232 Glycerin, 500 mL ‐ 470301‐170 D‐Glucose Anhydrous, Laboratory, Granular ‐ 500 G Bottle ‐ 470301‐ 140 Universal Indicator Solution, 100 mL ‐ 470302‐984 Hydrochloric Acid 6.000N, HH0170 ‐ 500ML ‐ 470301‐248 Isopropyl Alcohol 500 mL ‐ 470301‐460 Cupric Chloride, ANHY RG ‐ 100G ‐ WLC97019‐06 Calcium Hydroxide RG ‐ 500G ‐ WLC94819‐02 Sodium Thiosulfate Anhydrous, Reagent, Granular, 500g Bottle ‐ 9435806 Iodine Solution, Reagent ‐ 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470301‐330 Penicillin G Antibiotic Disks, 50 Units ‐ WL55128 Streptomycin Antibiotic Disks, 10 mcg ‐ WL55129 Sodium Hydroxide Pellets, RG ‐ 500G ‐ 470302‐558 Chromatography Solvent, 500 mL ‐ 470300‐712 Prepared Agarose, 0.8% ‐ 470191‐730 Hydrogen Peroxide, Reagent ACS, Solution, 30%, 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470301‐282 Lauric Acid, Laboratory, Powder, 500 g Bottle ‐ WLC9459206 Hydrochloric Acid, 12M ASC ‐ 500 mL ‐ 470301‐264 Aluminum Potassium Sulfate 2.5 KG ‐ 9401106 Polyvinyl Alcohol, Laboratory, 95% Hydrolyzed, 500 g Bottle ‐ WLC94658‐06 Zine Metal, Powder, LG ‐500G, 0 ‐ WLC94832‐08 EACH EACH S25473B S25637 $17.37 $18.89 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 03638 Ethyl Alcohol Denatured ‐ 95% Lab Solution ‐ Gallon ‐ 470301‐054 GAL S25309B $18.90 Fisher Scientific BOCES # 00902 9447007 00901 9457304 6305 9513104 5465 23087 5499 5491 9435806 6317 384914 384916 5477 9505206 881207 9804806 9459206 0343 22521 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR 22 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 00903 361256 9496505 5468 0342 9456405 9461904 0344 5469 00914 03818 9414606 6308 23083 00909 22991 DESCRIPTIONS Hydrochloric Acid PVC Coated Bottles, 12 M Reagent ‐ 2.5L (#6) ‐ 470301‐256 Chromatography of Simulated Plant Pigments Refill For BOCES #‐ 36V1256 Vinegar, White, 473 mL ‐ 470174‐478 Bromothymol Blue 0.04%, BB0220 ‐ 100 mL ‐ 470300‐446 Bromothymol Blue Indicator ‐ 100 mL ‐ WLC94470‐04 D‐Glucose Monohydrate, Laboratory, Solution, 15% (Aqueous), 250 mL ‐ WLC9456405 Methylene Blue ‐ 100 mL ‐ 470301‐808 Phenol Red Indicator ‐ 100 mL ‐ WLC97159‐04 Methyl Orange Solution 0.1%, MM0480 ‐ 100 ML ‐ 470301‐782 Sodium Acetate Anhydrous, Laboratory, Powder, 100 g Bottle ‐ 470045‐542 Distilled Water ‐ Gallon ‐ WLC493OH Hydrogen Peroxide, Reagent, Solution, 3%, 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470301‐ 276 Limewater Laboratory Solution ‐ 1 L Bottle ‐ 470301‐373 Glucose Solution 500 mL ‐ 470301‐154 Phenol Red 0.02% Solution ‐ 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470301‐966 Alka Seltzer Tablets 24/Pkg ‐ WLC‐3068Y U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR BTL S25838 $24.98 Fisher Scientific EACH EACH BTL BTL S66064 470174‐478 470300‐446 470300‐446 $29.31 $1.12 $2.51 $2.51 Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH BTL 470301‐150 470301‐808 470301‐964 $2.64 $2.69 $2.70 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BTL 470301‐782 $3.13 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BTL EACH 470045‐542 WLC4930H $3.21 $3.22 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BTL BTL EACH BTL PKG 470301‐276 470301‐373 470301‐154 470301‐966 470173‐680 $3.24 $3.33 $3.87 $4.31 $4.38 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH BTL 470302‐768 470045‐534 $4.66 $5.27 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 6321 9700806 5466 Starch, Laboratory Solution, 5% (Aqueous), 500 mL ‐ 470302‐768 Potassium Chloride, GR LG ‐ 500G ‐ WLC94219‐06 Luminol Powder Concentrate, Makes 120 mL Solution ‐ Wards 470146‐942 Ammonium Hydroxide, 6M, 500 mL ‐ 470302‐590 Hydrochloric Solution 3M, HH0094 ‐500 mL ‐ Wards 97038‐06 PKG EACH BTL 470146‐942 470302‐590 470301‐242 $5.45 $5.56 $5.82 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 00910 25781 Potassium Chloride, Reagent Crystals ‐ 500 G/Pkg ‐ 470302‐092 FULGURITE ‐ 470810 PKG EACH 470302‐092 470025‐900 $5.90 $5.97 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 9468806 5484 23 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 DESCRIPTIONS BOCES # Acetone 500 ML ‐ 470300‐070 25788 9503205 Acetone, Reagent ACS, Solution, 500 mL Bottle ‐ 470300‐070 Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous, Laboratory, Granular, 500g Bottle ‐ 9429106 470302‐476 Volvox Aureus ‐ 35/Pkg ‐ WL20116 860800 Hydrogen Peroxide, 3% Laboratory Solution ‐ 3.8 L Bottle ‐ 470301‐ 2701 6325 Spirogyra Culture ‐ 35/Pkg ‐ WL20116 860650 Copper (II) Sulfate 5‐Hydrate, Laboratory, Powder, 500 g Bottle ‐ 470300‐862 29615 U/M EACH EACH VENDOR ID # 470300‐070 470300‐070 BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR $6.15 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International $6.15 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BTL PKG 470302‐476 WL20116 $6.43 $7.37 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BTL PKG 470301‐270 WL20086 $7.73 $8.19 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH 470300‐862 $9.57 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 6307 5500 9513107 9469106 0070 Silver Nitrate Laboratory Solution, 0.1 M ‐ 100 mL ‐ 470302‐386 Strontium Chloride 6‐Hydrate ‐ 500G ‐ WLC94366‐06 Universal Indicator (1L Bottle) ‐ WLC9513107 Starch, Laboratory, Soluble, 500g Bottle ‐ 470302‐754 Sucrose, Lab Grade ‐ 2.5 KG ‐ WLC94695‐08 BTL BTL EACH BTL BTL 470302‐386 470302‐782 470302‐982 470302‐754 470302‐804 $11.17 $12.14 $13.63 $14.90 $15.66 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 00912 0096 22523 8956592 00907 BTL BTL EACH EACH PKG 470302‐574 470301‐726 470300‐846 470045‐544 WLDF1‐02 $16.63 $17.02 $18.58 $22.19 $25.06 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International BTL BTL BTL 470301‐138 470301‐340 470302‐288 $26.59 $34.74 $71.99 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 152837 153703 153702 Sodium Hydroxide Solution Certified 1N ‐ 4 Liter ‐ WLC97080‐08 Manganese Dioxide Crystals, 500G ‐ WLC98063‐06 Copper (ii) Oxide, 500g ‐0470300‐846 Zinc Metal, Granular, 20‐30 Mesh ‐ 500g ‐ 470045‐544 Nutrient Agar Dehydrated ‐ 113G ‐ WLDF1‐02 D‐Glucose Anhydrous, Laboratory Granular ‐ 2.5 kg Bottle ‐ 470301‐ 138 Iodine ‐ 100 G ‐ 470301‐340 Potassium ‐ 5 Pieces/Bottle ‐ 470302‐288 TEST & FILTER PAPERS 125 mm Filter Paper, Whatman ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ WLS33215‐F 125 mm Filter Paper, Grade 410 ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 470204‐488 110 mm Filter Paper, Grade No 410 ‐ 15V3702 BOX PKG BOX S47574D S47573D S60172A $2.74 $3.13 $4.90 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific 5804 6 X 3/4 Inch Chromatography Paper Strips ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ 470004‐492 PKG 1278522 $3.22 Frey Scientific 6324 03644 0345 24 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 6352 0359 DESCRIPTIONS PTC Taste Papers ‐ 100 Strips/Vial ‐ WL4539Q PH Test Paper, Laboratory, PH 1û14 ‐ 100/Vial ‐ 470019‐860 11cm Filter Paper, Student Grade ‐ WLS32936E Precision PH Test Strips, PH 1.0 ‐14.0 ‐ 50/Pkg ‐ WLS6521 Urinary Glucose Test Strip ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 470004‐550 THERMOMETERS / HYDROMETERS Celsius Red Alcohol Thermometers ‐ Total Immersion ‐ Yellow ‐ WACP470004‐568 Thermometer ‐ WACP470019‐652 Thermometer, ‐18C to 110C, Partial Immersion, Red Alcohol Filled, White, Grad.: 2, Length: 30 cm, Ever Ready Thermometer ‐ THCOS230FW‐3S Long‐Stem Digital Thermometer ‐8 Inch ‐ 151502 Metal Back Thermometers ‐ WLS5681 Classroom Thermometer 30 Inch , ‐40 ‐ 120 F Celsius Red Alcohol Thermometers, ‐20 to +110C, Partial Immersion, White ‐ WLS80035‐BC Partial Immersion Thermometers ‐ Mercury Free ‐20 / +110 c ‐ WLS80035‐10D High Temperature Thermometers in ░C/░F or ░C, Scale: Dual, Range: ‐30 to 110░C, ‐20 to 230░F Urinometer, Hydrometer Only, Squibb 50 mL Urinometer, Includes Instructions. Range: 1.000û1.060 Sp. Gr In 0.002 Graduations ‐ 470200‐952 Electronic Pocket Thermometer ‐ WLS1773‐38 03849 High Temperature Student Thermometers In ░C/░F Or ░C, Scale: Dual, Range: ‐30 to 110░C, ‐20 to 230░F ‐ 15/Pkg ‐ WL5681 BOCES # 0409 10989 32936 153157 01348 22498 22499 22495 23008 01329 17235 151460 0084 0336 U/M VIAL VIAL EACH PKG PKG VENDOR ID # WL4539Q 470019‐860 WLS32936‐E WLS6521 470004‐550 BID PRICE $1.00 $1.42 $2.91 $3.87 $7.05 AWARDED VENDOR Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH WLS80035‐10B WLS80035‐10D $1.46 $1.46 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH EACH EACH THCOS230FW‐3S WLS1773‐38 S65303 S79244 $2.80 $7.08 $1.41 $25.00 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific EACH C12101 $1.30 Parco Scientific EACH C12101 $1.30 Parco Scientific EACH WLS80036 $1.87 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH 470200‐952 WLS1773‐38 $4.32 $7.08 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International PKG WL5681 $25.95 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 25 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 28801 28800 28807 28811 28809 29418 28806 28805 28808 28814 28817 28815 28816 28824 28823 28822 28820 28821 28819 28821 32953 DESCRIPTIONS ADD‐ON ITEMS BY AWARDED VENDOR ARBOR SCIENTIFIC Replacement washers for the Air Powered Projectile Rocket. Set of 4: low, medium, high and super pressure. P4‐2225 Air‐powered projectile replacement P4‐2200 FREY SCIENTIFIC Alligator / Banana Combo Leads, 36 In. 598707‐635 Fur Exciting Pad 1429090‐635 Carolina Biological Supply Co. Polypropylene Beakers with Handles ‐ 500 mL 721443 K NEX Kid Transportation Set with Full‐Color Building Cards and Storage Tub ‐ Set of 183 ‐ 200003 Friction Rods 590055‐635 Surface Board 589827‐635 Calorimeter 599082‐635 NASCO Plastic Burettes SB37389M Trundle Wheel TA05347M Conductivity Meter SB48330M Simu‐Gel Gel Electrophoresis Model SB49796M SARGENT WELCH wire gauze squares 10 per case WLS85325A cork borer set wls23175B Double buret clamp with vinylized jaws WLS19125 Amoeba proteus, Routine, whole mount slides WL56011 Paramecium caudatum, whole mount slides WL56081 magnesium laboratory ribbon 25 gram bottle 470301‐415 Paramecium caudatum, whole mount slides WL56081 SCHOOL SPECIALTY School Specialty Multi‐Purpose 3x Magnifier, 3 in Lens ‐ 086239 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR SET EACH Arbor P4‐2225 Arbor P4‐2200 $4.32 $34.56 ARBOR SCIENTIFIC ARBOR SCIENTIFIC SET EACH S44323 S43234 $3.43 $3.99 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific EACH S30724 $6.86 Fisher Scientific EACH EACH EACH EACH S87402 WL1930A 470219‐584 470219‐436 $69.63 $3.22 $10.39 $14.41 Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH EACH EACH S95180A S94313 S99639 WL148345 $12.78 $15.93 $26.08 $29.15 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International CASE EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH S50150 S50166B UNCLBUR2N WL56011 WL56081 470301‐415 920411 $8.05 $22.40 $5.20 $4.39 $4.39 $8.54 $4.39 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Parco Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Ward's Science EACH S04173 $2.35 Fisher Scientific 26 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 28838 28837 28828 28843 28842 28846 28836 28847 28844 28866 28848 28853 28841 28872 28835 DESCRIPTIONS Delta Education Plastic Dual Scale Thermometers ‐ Set of 12 ‐ 2001394 Delta Education Grow‐a Frog Kit for Tadpoles, 3 in L X 3 in D X 4 in H ‐ 282169 Replogle Treasury Blue Ocean Raised Relief Floor World Globe ‐ 1452925 Hubbard Scientific Student Aquarium/Terrarium ‐ 1 1/2 Gallon ‐ Plastic ‐ 1006700 Frey Scientific Four Sided Meter Stick ‐ 560926 WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE 15% glucose 1% starch 372162 DPIP 372161 microtubes 181380 Conglomerate (Quartz), Student Specimens 472222 Basalt 471037 Granite (Pink), Student Specimens 473627 Catalase enzyme concentrate 372160 Granite (Hornblende), Student Specimen 473647 Gabbro, Student Specimens 473307 Rock, Igneous, Scoria, (Brown‐gray) 6027503 Rhyolite (Pink), Student Specimens 476902 Euglena ascus 5 ready slides 862606 Hematite (Specular), Student Specimens 463877 pipets 18w2975 Digestive Process Lab ‐ 366068 28833 28845 28876 28854 28864 28858 Introduction to Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Lab Activity ‐ 365130 Gneiss (Gray Banded), Student Specimens 473512 Sterile Micro‐pipettor replacement tips 5‐200 470217‐444 mimosa 867100 Drosophila Culture sepia eye vestigial wing 876596 ameba proteus vital stain 870380 BOCES # 32951 32949 32948 32950 32952 U/M VENDOR ID # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH S8819 $11.20 Fisher Scientific EACH S19118A $22.74 Fisher Scientific EACH S04401 $31.85 Fisher Scientific EACH EACH WL8329‐11 WLS44700 $8.89 $10.18 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International EACH EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH PKG PKG PKG PKG EACH BOX PKG PKG S25338 S25300B S12873 S98811 S98801 S91499 S25239 S98799 S98819 S91514 S98837 S07472ND S98876 S304672 S05800 $3.50 $5.18 $5.85 $5.95 $5.99 $6.02 $6.20 $6.23 $6.37 $6.48 $6.62 $9.75 $10.50 $16.80 $43.05 Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific Fisher Scientific EACH PKG PKG EACH EACH EACH S11101 AM5216‐01B 470217‐444 WL20736 WL51991 WL50380 $48.30 $5.60 $7.18 $7.87 $7.99 $8.49 Fisher Scientific Parco Scientific Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 27 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 U/M PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH VENDOR ID # WL23224 WL7074B‐31 WL52464 WL23761 470163‐920 BID PRICE $9.19 $9.21 $9.99 $11.19 $15.34 AWARDED VENDOR Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International 28827 28870 28869 28825 DESCRIPTIONS Elodea Densa 12/Pkg ‐ 867500 Hematite (Red Ochre), Student Specimens 460947 Drosophila Vial Set 184956 Kocuria rhizophila, tube culture 850966 Vacuum Lifter 470163‐920 Meters, DC Ammeters, Range(s): 0 to 5A; 0 to 50 mA; 0 to 500 mA 160596 MOLECULAR MODEL SET ‐ SMALL 9402500 Alconox┐ Detergent Powder ‐ Each (4lbs) 8176101 Duco Cement 151100 EACH EACH EACH EACH WLS30663‐12A WLC94025‐00 WLS19650‐A 151100 $16.75 $18.09 $26.10 $1.75 Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Sargent Welch ‐ VWR International Ward's Science 28831 28839 28830 28856 28864 28861 28862 28874 28860 28858 28855 28829 28857 28877 28850 28851 28852 28832 28865 28868 28859 Replacement Cartridges, For Undergravel Filters ‐ 2/Pkg 217521 Sucrose solution 0.5M ‐ 372165 Ammonia/Chlorine Detoxifier Clarifier ‐ 8 oz 212337 Pea, Round Seed, 1lb 868247 Drosophila Culture sepia eye vestigial wing 876596 Live Paramecium Aurelia ‐ 871300 paramecium multimicronucleatum 871315 Sucrose Solution Packets 470045‐666 ameba chaos or pelomyxa vital stain 870710 ameba proteus vital stain 870380 Elodea Densa 12/Pkg ‐ 867500 Drosophila Vial Set 184956 seed set 869200 immature daphnia 87W5200 Bacillus licheniformis, tube culture 850204 Kocuria rhizophila, tube culture 850966 Providencia stuartii, tube culture 851020 Clamp Lamp (w/ Reflector) 364168 Prepared Agar Cubes 3262241 Paramecium 5 Ready slides 6712502 Amoeba 5 Ready slides 870386 SET EACH EACH LBS EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG PKG SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH 217521 372165 212337 868247 876596 871300 470199‐682 470045‐666 870710 870380 867500 184956 869200 875200 850204 850966 851020 364168 3262241 6712502 870386 $4.68 $4.85 $5.78 $6.29 $7.99 $8.19 $8.19 $8.46 $8.49 $8.49 $9.19 $9.99 $9.99 $10.19 $11.19 $11.19 $11.19 $11.73 $14.03 $14.49 $15.19 Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science BOCES # 28855 28840 28829 28851 28875 28 DCMO BOCES ‐ SCIENCE SUPPLY BID ‐ 2016‐102 BOCES # 28863 28871 28849 28826 28867 28873 28834 DESCRIPTIONS Ready Slides, set of 5 871556 16 x 150 mm test tubes 17w1483 Animal survey set 620010 microtips 152210 Replacement Case for Contour Kit 6601302 Buffers in Biology ‐ 36w6297 ATP Muscle Kit ‐ 365417 U/M SET BOX EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ID # 871556 171483 620010 152210 6601302 366297 365417 BID PRICE $15.49 $18.29 $18.99 $22.74 $24.61 $72.89 $75.19 AWARDED VENDOR Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science Ward's Science 29 DCMO BOCES COOPERATIVE PURCHASING SERVICE BID AWARD FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION & LEARNING RESOURCES EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY BID #2016-107 Bid Prices Expire on March 30, 2017 Created by The Cooperative Purchasing Service COOPERATIVE PURCHASING S E R V I CE BID AWARD INFORMATION To: Participating Districts From: Deb Bestwick, Cooperative Purchasing Agent Date: April 18, 2016 Re: Cooperative Purchasing award results for: Special Education Equipment and Supply Bid #2016-107 On April 7, 2016, the BOCES Board of Education reviewed the bid award recommendations, and approved and awarded the bids. The attached “Successful Bids” sheets are the results of the award of the bids. These sheets list each item that was on the bid and references the awarded bidder, bid price, vendor product number. Any alternate information is found within the actual item description. This means that if an alternate brand was accepted and awarded, the alternate brand has become the item’s description for this bid cycle. If you need additional information on an item, in most cases, the item can be found on the awarded vendor’s website by using the vendor product number to conduct a search for that item number within the vendor’s online catalog. The bidder MUST provide the item to the brand and model listed within the item’s specifications. Please let me know if any item is received that does not match the brands listed on the award sheets. Also attached is the “Awarded Vendor Detail” sheet. This sheet will provide you with pertinent information regarding the address, phone number, website and contact person for each awarded vendor, along with a discount being offered for additional items which were not listed on the bid. Please make sure that the appropriate bid number appears on each purchase order sent to the awarded, corresponding vendor. Districts that participated in the Bids will be sent the “Purchase Order Attachments” for the items requisitioned. These sheets will be sent as a PDF file. The PO Attachments show the items that are to be purchased from each awarded bidder, by Requisitioner. These sheets may become an attachment to a purchase order, making separate typing unnecessary. District’s that utilize the WinCap or Finance Manager imports will be sent the import files after the requisitions have been approved for export. The import files will be available after May 5th, 2016, when the online requisition is closed down. If you need the imports sooner, please let me know. The May 6th date is only for requisitions being amended online at our website. Otherwise, these imports are available immediately. Please note that if you are using FM NVision we can import to this program, however, we will need to send the file to Finance Manager first, in order to have them configure the file into a format that can be imported into the program. This function will take approximately 2 weeks, so please factor this time requirement into your schedule. Please note: Purchase Order Attachments with No Vendor Name Listed at the top are a notification that those items that did not receive a bid and therefore must be purchased outside bid award. Since these items were not available from the bidders; it is possible that the item is obsolete and no longer available. It is suggested that your teachers/nurses review the available items that were awarded for a suitable substitution, or utilize the discounts provided on the Awarded Vendor Detail sheet to obtain a price from one of the vendors. Since we included all the “Add-On Items” to the bid that we collected during the requisitioning process, the amount of “No Bid Items” should be minimal. Vendor Product Number Each awarded item should show the vendor’s product number in the “Vendor Item #” area on the bid award PDF or excel sheet. To view the awarded item, go to the vendor’s website and place the vendor’s product number in their website’s search engine. Alternate Items Any item awarded with an alternate pack size has had the original pack size in the specification changed to reflect the awarded pack size. Please also note, that these changes in pack size are reflected on your PO Attachments. For example, if you ordered 12 of an item and the awarded unit of measure is by the dozen, then your PO Attachment will reflect an order for 1, since 1 now equals a dozen or 12. Remember, any product brand listed within the specification must be provided by the awarded vendor; any deviation of brands is not allowed. Please call us if any vendor provides a substitution without your prior approval. The variance form and procedure is available on the website for your review and use should you have a problem with the quality or delivery of any item awarded on this bid. Please review the variance procedure before filling out the variance form. If you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 607- 335-1262 or email me at bestwicd@dcmoboces.com. Thank you, Award and Discount Summary Special Education Supply Bid # 2016-107 There is a $25 min. order for free shipping on items within the bid. Items not found in the bid can be secured using the discounts below. Please note the amounts required for min. orders for free shipping on these orders. VENDOR Lakeshore Learning Materials 2695 E. Dominguez St. Carson, CA 90895 Super Duper Publications P.O. Box 24997 5201 Pelham Road Greenville, SC 29616 EAI Education 118 Bauer Dr. Oakland, NJ 07436 Really Good Stuff P.O. Box 386 Butsford, CT 06404-0386 Nasco 901 Janesville Ave. Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0901 Contact Person Ordering Dept. Penny Stone Marisa Chopp Phone Number 800-778-4456 Fax: 800-537-5403 800-277-8737 Fax: 800-978-7379 E-Mail / WebSite www.lakeshorelearning.com orderdept@lakeshorelearning.com e-purchaseorders@superduperinc.com www.superduperinc.com Barbara Tuzzeo Inside Sales Order Entry Department 800-770-8010 Fax: 201-891-5689 800-466-1935 Fax #203-268-8120 800-558-9595 Fax# 800-372-1236 Notes 7.5% discount off catalog Free shipping on all orders www.eaieducation.com bidsquotes@eaieducation.com btuzzeo@eaieducation.com www.reallygoodstuff.com sales@reallygoodstuff.com www.enasco.com quotes@enasco.com 2% Discount $75 min for Free Shipping Reference BID # 2016-107 15% discount off catalog except calculators & peripherals, CBLs, CBRs, probes, Navigator Systems, software, storage products, stopwatches, timers & batteries Free shipping on orders over $100. Under $100 add $7 for shipping 3% discount Reference #19346 15% discount Free shipping over $25. No Discount on Live Material. VENDOR Childswork / Childsplay 1 Huntington Quadrangle Suite 1N03 Melville, NY 11747 Contact Person Michael Survey School Specialty Attn: Order Dept. P.O. Box 1579 Appleton, WI 54912-1579 Bill Casbolt Phone Number 516-496-4863 – X111 Fax# 800-262-1886 888-388-3224 Fax: 800-388-6344 Bill’s # 607-739-1298 E-Mail / WebSite mike@quidance-group.com Notes 10% Discount www.childsworkchildsplay.com No min amount for Free shipping www.schoolspecialty.com 25% off 9 Prefix items 10% off 6, 7, & 8 Prefix Items Ref.# 7780299382 Please make sure this number appears on all orders Free shipping on orders over $25 Furniture & equipment items ship free orders@schoolspecialty.com Bill.Casbolt@schoolspecialty.com * Purchase orders must have the vendor reference number written on the PO – Please check all discounts before ordering. SPECIAL ED BID #2016-107 - INDEX Sub-Category Name Assessments & Tests Auditory Aids Books / CD’s Childworks Products Common Core Communication Equipment Games & Activities Language & Grammar Math Aids Miscellaneous Items Motor Skill Aids Reading Aids Socialization Aids Speech Aids Supplies Toys / Puzzles Visual Aids Vocabulary Writing Aids Page # 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 6 6 9 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 BOCES # 085461 1389029 10114 29555 29839 008515 22820 22824 22850 29554 22785 22576 29673 29678 087621 22941 28879 28443 28444 28882 28883 28884 28885 28886 22709 1436855 1436856 1436858 22903 22755 22914 22907 22908 33015 33016 29025 29062 29058 29054 29055 29056 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION ASSESMENTS & TESTS Examination Blue Books 7 X 8‐1/2, 16 Pages ‐ 50/Pkg 4th Edition Record Forms ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ EOWPVT, Forms, Examiner Record ‐ TOLD‐P:4 ‐ 25/Pkg Gilliam Autism Rating Scale‐3 Complete kit TM‐838 Sensory Sand & Water Table and Lid Set, Small ‐ LA309 & LA315 AUDITORY Rainsticks 2 Inch ‐ 2/Set Auditory Memory for Details in Sentences Fun Deck sold as each Look, Listen and Infer Fun Deck, 56 Cards Comprehending More Complex Auditory Information, Grades 3‐7 Language Processing Test‐3 Complete Kit LST‐4050 Vowel Sounds Match Ups ‐ 20/Set ‐ EE694 Hear Builder Following Directions ‐ HBPE133 Listening Center ‐ FF280X Hear the sounds alphabet buttons LL629 BOOKS, CD'S, DVD'S Math Logic & Word Problems, Grade 3‐4 Blank Hardcover Book ‐ AA774 CHILDWORKS 11 lbs of kinetic sand 100794000 Capable kid cards 2254 Junior principles/values/beliefs cards 387807 Boundaries baseball game 1508 Activities for building character & social learning 1944 Social skills lessons 3‐6 368525 Social skill lesson 1‐3 368666 Social skills lessons 7‐12 429671 COMMON CORE Scholastic Writing Lessons to Meet the Common Core, Grade 5 Newmark Learning Common Core Comprehension Reproducible Book, Grade 3 ‐ CC300 Newmark Learning Common Core Comprehension Reproducible Book, Grade 4 ‐ CC301 Newmark Learning Common Core Comprehension Reproducible Book, Grade 6 Daily Comprehension Common Core Practice Journal, Grades 4‐5 ‐ PP455 Common Core Reproducible Math Activities‐Grade 1 ‐ CC134 Common Core Math Practice Cards, Grade 1 ‐ PP801 Daily Comprehension Common Core Practice Journal, Grades 1‐2 ‐ 10/Set ‐ PP457 Daily Comprehension Common Core Practice Journal, Grades 3‐4 ‐ 10/Set ‐ PP‐458 Carson‐Dellosa Kelley Wingate Series Common Core Edition Grammar Workbook, Grades 3 ‐ 4 (Ages 8 ‐ 10) ‐ 1497341 Carson‐Dellosa Kelley Wingate Series Common Core Edition Grammar Workbook, Grades 5 ‐ 6 (Ages 10 ‐ 12) ‐ 1497342 Common Core Study Inference Stickies Set 306777 Gr. 8, Common Core Reading Warm Ups ‐ 1498488 Common core connection: language arts grade 1 ‐ 91497308030 Common Core Language Arts Cards ‐ Grade 6 ‐ 1497304 Common Core Language Arts Cards ‐ Grade 7 ‐ 1497305 Common Core Language Arts Cards ‐ Grade 8 ‐ 1497306 U/M VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR PKG PKG PKG EACH EACH 085461 1389029 TMF761 TM838 LA309 + LA315 $5.27 $30.32 $90.11 $176.35 $98.96 School Specialty School Specialty Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET 008515 FD121 FD169 G859 LST4050 HH432 PP177CP FF280X LC856 $7.78 $12.69 $12.69 $33.27 $172.43 $12.02 $36.99 $92.04 $137.83 School Specialty Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH BOX 087621 AA774 $7.99 $30.52 School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SE202 2254 387807 1508 1944 368525 168666 429671 $41.62 $8.99 $10.76 $44.96 $26.99 $28.76 $28.76 $28.76 Lakeshore Learning Childswork / Childsplay Childswork / Childsplay Childswork / Childsplay Childswork / Childsplay Childswork / Childsplay Childswork / Childsplay Childswork / Childsplay EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET 1470918 1436855 1436856 1436858 PP455 CC134 PP801 PP457 PP458 $6.00 $12.50 $12.50 $12.50 $3.69 $20.34 $27.74 $35.14 $35.14 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH CC523 $9.24 Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH CC525 306777 1498488 1497308 1497304 1497305 1497306 $9.24 $31.06 $22.49 $10.42 $20.84 $20.84 $20.84 Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 1 BOCES # 11740 11800 086452 081910 1363021 12161 22946 0687 11120 11859 263160 29665 0409018 1303371 0252605 10100 1275418 1295206 22692 22693 086269 086274 092016 1325055 1389668 22711 335518 22935 17494 29552 29551 29553 29556 11739 1322102 17517 1398614 1398615 17516 17524 22897 10086 22948 22782 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION COMMUNICATION Nursery Rhymes Sequencing Center ‐ HH342 Write & Wipe Hold Up Answer Boards With Handles, 5 Red, 5 Blue ‐ 10/Set ‐ TR718, Page 129 Math Catalog EQUIPMENT Count Up / Count Down Big DigitalTimer, 2‐1/2 X 3 Inch ‐ PP183 9 X 12 Double Sided Chalkboard and Whiteboard ‐ 10/Pkg Floor Number Line, 0‐30 Adjustable Fit Ball Chair, Stability Ball In A Chair Base ‐ 1427031 Magnetic Storage Boxes, 4/Set ‐ PP281 Privacy Partition, 14 X 42 Sturdy Cardboard ‐ 10/Set ‐ JJ689 Magnetic Display Shelves, 19 X 2‐1/2 X 5 Inch ‐ 2/Set ‐ JJ242 Side To Side Balance Board ‐ LL182 Bean Bag Chair, Regular Size (28‐30 Inch) Science Instant Learning Centers DD970X Magnetic Write‐On Wipe‐Off Dice Set ‐ Assorted Colors ‐ 4/Set, Page 71 Math Catalog I Know The Answer Buzzers ‐ 4/Set‐ PP374, Page 183 Math Catalog Pan Balance, Primary Weight Measurement Device, Plastic ‐ BA109 & 407WH Inflatable Fit Ball / Balance Disc W/ Sensory Points On One Side ‐ 14 Inch ‐ PFOT C6459 GAMES & ACTIVITIES React 2 Ball Scratch Shapes ‐ 25/Pkg ‐ FF291 Learning to Sequence, Carson‐Dellosa, 4 Scent Sets ‐ 1370945 Learning to Sequence, Carson‐Dellosa ‐ 6 Scent Sets ‐ 1370946 Ladybug Letters Game ‐ FG532 Sight‐Word Seashell Game ‐ PP844 Can Do! Word Families Game ‐ HH133 Fidget Feed Me Fred Parrot ‐ 14/Set Patch Game ‐ Buzzword Jr. ‐ 1389668 Scholastic Follow‐The‐Directions: Easy Art Projects Flip Chart ‐ Grade PreK ‐ 1 ‐ 1475263 Look What I Can Do! Word Building Center ‐ RR738 Webber Articulation Cards (S, R, L, Z, S Blends, R Blends, L Blends) ‐ WA‐01 Merry Go Round Board Game ‐ GB‐747 Go for the Dough Board Game GB339 Turtle Talk Fluency and Language Game GB137 Pirate Talk Board Game ‐ GB39 Webber Vocalic R Cards ‐ VOR53 Context Clues Bingo ‐ FF323 Synonym And Antonym Bingo Game ‐ 2/Set Ending Sounds Match‐Ups ‐ EE692 Match It Up Puzzles Antonyms ‐ FF476 Match It Up Puzzles Synonyms ‐ FF477 Rhyming Game ‐ HH433 Guess Who? Game ‐ FG651 Let's Learn Phonics Interactive Game Show With CD PP146 Don't Let The Bugs Fall Game, 2‐4 Players ‐ TR798 Number Concepts Plinko Interactive With CD‐Rom ‐ PP832 Feed The Monkey Fine Motor Game ‐ EE602 U/M VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE AWARDED VENDOR EACH FF957 $13.87 Lakeshore Learning SET 520639X2 $17.72 EAI Education EACH SET EACH EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH EACH 086452 081910 1363021 1427031 PP281 JJ689 JJ244 LL182 CK30BU DD970X 532169 502079 TB25455T PE06523E $1.71 $10.41 $18.99 $88.35 $13.87 $27.74 $27.74 $27.74 $64.74 $184.08 $7.99 $10.97 $6.53 $10.91 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EACH PKG SET SET EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH KIT SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1275418 1295206 1370945 1370946 086269 086274 092016 1325055 1389668 1475263 335518 WA01 GB747 GB339 GB137 GB39 VOR53 FF323 GS531 EE692 FF476 FF477 HH433 FG651 PP146 TR798 PP832 EE602 $1.24 $5.02 $5.22 $5.22 $8.48 $8.48 $8.48 $9.54 $12.31 $12.58 $20.27 $14.65 $34.25 $53.85 $58.75 $58.75 $78.35 $9.24 $9.24 $9.24 $12.02 $12.02 $12.02 $12.94 $13.87 $15.72 $18.49 $20.34 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning 2 BOCES # 17713 22912 17483 00849 0350 11097 11736 29667 29670 29677 11802 22816 22817 17515 10103 0342079 11862 11803 01411 091592 10098 10105 28994 29451 32960 32958 33001 29431 29462 28924 28499 28983 28974 29434 29467 29014 29468 29439 32997 32974 29461 31792 28912 28981 33049 28926 29049 28918 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Pop And Add To 12 Game ‐ HH966 Blends and Digraphs Learning Center ‐ PP623 Problem Solving Journals Grade 4‐5 ‐ 10/Set ‐ PP586 Learning Letters Activity Folders ‐ FF197 Magnetic Counting Maze ‐ GG454 CVC Word Work Center ‐ DD691 Sequencing Cards ‐ 48/Set ‐ CG190X Alphabet Learning Locks AA240 Best Buy Building bricks Legos class set RA401 Pop & Match Beginning Phonics Games ‐ Complete Set ‐ HH745x Geometry Bingo ‐ JJ658, Page 172 Math Catalog Division Bingo ‐ JJ695, Page 172 Math Catalog Multiplication and Division Bingo ‐ JJ393, Page 172 Math Catalog Lowercase Magnetic Letters 1 Inch ‐ 52/Pkg ‐ JJ603, Page 198 Elementary Catalog Tornado Tube ‐ Each Learning Resources Probability Counters ‐ Two‐Color ‐ PK/200 ‐ RA522 Translucent Color Bingo Chips ‐ 1000/Pkg ‐ RA806 Dominoes, Wooden, Assorted Colors ‐ 168/Set ‐ RA802 Bugs Floor Puzzle ‐ FK109 I have Who has? Grades 5‐6 Monkeying Around Game, Up To 4 Players ‐ TR673 Magna Tiles Translucent Colors Activity ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ DG547 Alphabet Interactive Games PP312 Childcraft Bingo Game Set, Set of 4 ‐ 1389140 Childcraft Express Train Set ‐ 200856 Childcraft Family Doll Set of 32‐ 1387273 Childcraft Letter Dogs Literacy Board Game ‐ 1296548 Childcraft Magnetic Color Coded Words and Boards Set ‐ 283831 Childcraft Sand and Water Ocean Adventure ‐ 1437071 Classic Farm Animal Collection RR402 Classic Forest Animal Collection GG601 Dinosaurs Floor Puzzle FK276 Dot Blotters Regular EV212 Dowling Miner Magnetics Hold Its Disk Magnets, 1 in, Set of 8 ‐ 583086 Dowling Miner Magnetics Magnetic Hall, Office, and Bathroom Pass Set, 5 X 1 X 12 in, Set of 3 ‐ 1465813 Dr. Jean and Friends WR202D Creativity Street Canvas Heavy‐Weight Hand Puppet, Pack of 6 ‐ 1472140 Educational Insights Blurt! The Uproarious Word Race Game ‐ 1303376 Educational Insights Frida's Fruit Fiesta Game, Ages 4+, 2 ‐ 4 Player ‐ 1499151 Educational Insights Word Ladder Phonics Activity Center ‐ 1391128 Edupress Beginning Blends Phonics Train Game Set ‐ 1435938, Page 200 Elementary Catalog Emotional Bingo Special Needs Feeling Recognition and Empathy Bingo Game, Ages 6 to 12 ‐ 032442 Ending sound magnetic sorting LL438 Farm sorting center FF933 Eureka Number Tiles Learning Set, 1 L x 1 W in, Set of 175 ‐ 1498311 Gear Builders TT127 Gel E Fidget ‐ 1407922 Goldilocks and the 3 Bears Kit PP443 U/M EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH SET PKG SET SET EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE HH966 $23.12 PP623 $27.74 PP586 $30.52 FF197 $32.37 GG454 $36.99 DD691 $36.99 FF955X $36.99 AA240 $36.99 RA401 $46.24 HH745X $92.04 534089 $5.82 534088 $5.82 534088 $5.82 106328 $6.35 SB20424J $1.46 TB18479B $2.78 TB14807B $8.16 TB15808T $8.40 SN01868C $9.01 1507261B $10.64 EL12742J $11.33 EL10664J $72.29 PP312 $13.87 1 + JJ313 + JJ314 + JJ $36.96 200853 $55.49 1387273 $79.49 1296548 $20.24 283831 $86.61 1437071 $51.74 RR402 $36.99 GG601 $36.99 FK276 $12.02 SB27930J $13.59 583086 $3.59 1465813 $11.47 WR202D $15.72 1472140 $14.19 1303376 $20.62 EL11788J $16.96 1391128 $31.04 102704 $8.92 032442 $39.97 LL438 $27.74 LA1755 $23.12 1498311 $11.47 TT127 $36.99 1407922 $8.87 PP443 $46.24 AWARDED VENDOR Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 3 BOCES # 29032 32959 28919 28915 29079 33033 33069 29469 32998 33012 28920 28494 33008 29076 30083 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Gr. 7‐8 Hi Lo Passages 088583 Guidecraft Roadway System Block Set ‐ 1436985 Hands‐on number grid pp514 Hardwood Community Vehicles Set LM826 Has & Have FD‐49 Hasbro Classic Jenga Game ‐ 281681 Hasbro HiHo! Cherry‐O Game, Ages 3 and Above ‐ 332481 Hasbro Rubik's Cube Game ‐ 1491149 Hasbro The Game of Life ‐ 304662 Hasbro Twister Game ‐ 281684 House building engineering center PP753 Huggable and Washable Big Doll DS803 I SPY Eagle Eye Game for 1 to 4 Players ‐ 086502 Is & Are FD‐24 Jeepers Peepers JP‐350 U/M EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 088583 $10.72 FF764 $64.74 PP514 $36.99 LM826 $27.74 FD49 $12.69 281681 $14.24 332481 $9.74 1491149 $11.99 SB24729J $19.76 281684 $18.44 PP753 $46.24 DS803 $32.37 086502 $20.24 FD24 $12.69 JP350 $34.25 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications 29433 28927 28922 28980 28934 29425 32983 32982 32984 32981 32972 32971 32990 29024 28496 29074 33043 29018 32955 32961 31796 31819 31818 31798 28963 28500 28933 32962 32956 32986 28490 29430 Jonti‐Craft Toddler Sand and Water Sensory Table with Shelf and Cover, 42 in L X 22 in W X 20 in H ‐ 502587 Lakeshore rhyming books TT137 Lakeshore word building blocks RA417 Land forms and mapping play game FF773 Lauri Number Puzzle Boards and pegs SB27794CQ Learning Advantage Pattern Block Tray Set, Set of 2 ‐ 202779, on EAI Website Learning Resources New Sprouts Breakfast Basket Play Food Set ‐ 1442705 Learning Resources New Sprouts Dinner Basket Play Food Set ‐ 1442703 Learning Resources New Sprouts Fresh Fruit Salad Set, Ages 2+ ‐ 1499066 Learning Resources New Sprouts Lunch Basket Play Food Set ‐ 1442702 Learning Resources Splish N Splash Floor Game Set ‐ 1465312 Learning Resources Under the Sea Shells Word Problem Activity Set ‐ 1465310 Learning Well Text Structure What's The Scoop Game, Red Level ‐ 1442969 Let's Go Fishing CVC words 306079 Main Idea Bingo FF324 Main Idea cards EP‐3436 Mattel Skip‐Bo Game ‐ 366219 Measuring Area and Perimeter Poster 154515 Melissa & Doug Community Careers Puzzle Set ‐ 1301198 Melissa & Doug Flexible Fold and Go Dollhouse ‐ 1385566 Melissa & Doug Giant Fire Truck Floor Puzzle ‐ 070816 Melissa & Doug Going Places Floor Puzzle Set ‐ 082484 Melissa & Doug See and Spell Puzzle Board ‐ 082006 Melissa and Doug Pattern Block and Board Set ‐ 076398 Mini Dot Art Painters DB476 Mini Hardwood Vehicles GG932 Mobilo system SB13115J Pacific Play Tents Me Too Play Tent, 48 x 48 x 42 in, Nylon, Assorted Colors ‐ 1327346 Pacific Play Tents My Little Farm House Tent, 50 L x 40 W x 50 H in, Polyester ‐ 1502627 Playhut School Bus Tent, Bright Yellow, Ages 3+ ‐ 1500814 Playstix DB251 Pop O Matic Trouble Board Game ‐ 281687 EACH EACH EACH BOX EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH JJ511 TT137 RA417 FF773 SB27794CQ 530199+530409 LM371 LM373 1499066 LM372 1465312 1465310 1506645B TT507 FF324 EP2995 366219 154515 PP216 1385566 SB25510J SB40288J SN02853J 076398 DB476 GG932 BR918 1327346 1502627 1500814 EL11055J 281687 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications School Specialty Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. School Specialty $267.33 $36.99 $27.74 $18.49 $27.16 $7.46 $20.34 $20.34 $22.49 $20.34 $32.77 $32.77 $15.26 $18.49 $9.24 $12.69 $12.29 $6.32 $110.99 $59.99 $9.78 $9.78 $16.11 $17.99 $13.87 $27.74 $27.74 $51.74 $107.99 $26.24 $16.96 $11.17 4 BOCES # 29082 29432 33048 33011 33088 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Positive pragmatic game boards GB93 Pressman Double Nine Dominoes ‐ 374627, Page 29 Math Catalog Pressman Mancala African Stone Game ‐ 1282713 Pressman SMATH Board Game, Ages 6+ ‐ 1502591 Pressman Toy Double Six Wooden Dominoes, Ages 7 and Above ‐ 561977, Page 29 Math Catalog U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 29031 32969 28968 28878 31794 28972 33007 33039 33036 32964 33037 29033 31793 31822 33017 33084 29423 33020 33014 29028 29066 28479 28995 29007 29019 28987 28967 28900 29452 28489 29036 33083 28985 33089 33091 33081 33062 33059 33076 33056 29420 33077 Preventive Dental Specialties Special Needs Tuffy Chewy Sensory Aid ‐ Set of 2 ‐ Assorted Colors 030405 Primary Concepts Size Sort Game ‐ 251610 Puzzles DT925 Rapper Snappers, Corrugated Tube ‐ 3/Set ‐ 008389 Reading Rods Word Building Classroom Kit ‐ 068173 Roll & Read Blends & Digraphs Game EE591 Rush Hour Game ‐ 356988 Scholastic Beginning Sounds Hands‐On Learning Puzzle Set ‐ 1387734 Scholastic Hands‐On Learning Vowels Puzzles ‐ 086278 Scholastic Little Red Toolbox Magnetic Daily Word Building Center ‐ 091270 Scholastic Simple Addition and Subtraction Hands‐On Learning Puzzle Set ‐ 091550 School Smart Cubes Activity Set 089887 School Smart Durable Play Kitchen Dishes Pack, Pack of 55 ‐ 067739 School Smart Money Kit ‐ 085153 School Smart Plastic Coins Set ‐ 264699 School Smart Positive and Negative Number Dice, Set of 12 ‐ 091464 School Smart Tangrams, Assorted Colors, 210 Pieces ‐ 091453 School Specialty Caucasian Lots to Love Doll Baby, 10 Inch ‐ 1301680 School Specialty Foam Fun Magnetic Lowercase Letters and Numbers, Set of 70 ‐ 361317 School Specialty Sensory Corn Brush ‐ Firm ‐ Set of 12 ‐ White 017267 Sequence for kids 1534159 Sequence letters 101117, Page 199 Elementary Catalog Shape Adventures PP462 Shapes match ups TT425 Sight word bracelets 160789 Sight word puzles level 2 JJ133 Sight word tactile cards level 1 DD481 Sight words learning center ee187 Smartmouth Game ‐ 1389567 Snap and Pop Beads BR863 Snap in magnet project 12 /pack 217821 Soft Foam Dot Dice, Set of 2 ‐ 1285393, Page 71 Math Catalog Space‐Saver Pocket Chart, Blue GG551 Tangle Jr. Fuzzies ‐ 1531872 Tangle Jr. Textured ‐ 1531871 Tangle Relax Therapy ‐ 1531874 Tangle Therapy ‐ 1531873 Trend Enterprises Telling Time Bingo Game ‐ 241520 Trend Enterprises Telling Time Flash Cards ‐ Pack of 96 ‐ 241658 Trend Enterprises Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabet Puzzle Set ‐ 090542 Trend Enterprises What Goes Together Puzzle Set ‐ 090547 Trend Vowels and Vowel Teams Flash Cards ‐ Set of 72 ‐ 1322083 SET EACH PKG SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH SET PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE GB93 $39.15 531508 $2.54 TB16317T $11.19 GF706 $15.72 530514 $1.27 030405 SB20465J DT925 008389 SB34409B EE591 TB118079T 1503721B 1503724B AA344 091550 089887 LA427 TB18723T LC1308 534453 TB15191T 1301680 1506986B 017267 1534159 101117 PP462 TT425 160789 JJ133 TT813 EE187 1389567 BR863 217821 530264 GG551BU 1531872 1531871 1531874 1531873 JJ391 TE434 090542 090547 1322083 $11.24 $29.71 $15.72 $5.99 $49.73 $18.49 $14.96 $10.84 $10.84 $18.49 $14.24 $25.49 $36.99 $26.99 $13.87 $7.35 $14.92 $13.49 $14.03 $16.32 $14.99 $12.32 $18.49 $9.24 $31.92 $18.49 $27.74 $27.74 $18.95 $27.74 $14.79 $1.66 $15.72 $3.19 $2.99 $5.01 $10.49 $9.24 $7.39 $10.49 $5.15 $7.49 AWARDED VENDOR Super Duper Publications EAI Education Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning EAI Education School Specialty Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Nasco Intl. School Specialty Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EAI Education Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 5 BOCES # 28393 28982 30081 31801 28896 29077 28965 28966 28916 28908 28508 29442 29030 28507 28979 28970 28504 33070 28950 29078 28986 28935 28996 28999 28497 1497340 1401569 1401570 1263398 22579 084243 22825 22826 22821 090136 17690 28957 28958 28956 28988 1495946 1495947 17523 387400 1399829 1289767 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Triple Play: Primary Math‐Money FMF‐502398, Page 68 Math Catalog Trouble game FG654 Twisto Tommy GB‐410 Unifix Letter Cube Kit ‐ 078891 Unlock It Number Match AA234 Was & were FD‐28 Washable baby doll black DD471 Washable baby doll white DD472 Washable Sensory beads PP269 What's inside me Apron LA139 WHAT'S THE BEST STRATEGY? ADDITION CENTER PP726 WhisperPhone Duet ClassPak, Pack of 4 ‐ 1334594 Whisperphone XL 028735 Word Family Dice PP387 World play game FF772 Write and Wipe Sight‐Words Practice Cards EE391 Write wipe student# lines JJ388 Yahtzee Dice Game ‐ 224103 Webber Phone WF‐44 Synonyms Fun Deck FD31 Tactile Alphabet Match Ups HH397 Tall stacker building set SN02409CQ Earth Science Folder Game PP572 Easy Stick Glitter Shapes RA392 Easy‐Punch Design Shapes GA355 LANGUAGE & GRAMMER Kelley Wingate Grammar, Common Core Edition Workbook, Grade 1‐2 ‐ Each Daily Warm‐Ups Word Problems Grade 3 Daily Warm‐Ups Word Problems Grade 2 Idioms and Other English Expressions Vowel Sounds Sorting Owls ‐ RR708 Stack & Build Phonics Flipbooks, 12 Flipbooks, 125 Tiles ‐ TT331 Pronoun Parade Fun Deck, 54 Cards Irregular Verbs Fun Deck, Grades K‐3 120 Pronoun Fill‐in Sentence Cards Super Fun Deck Build A Word! 3‐Letter Words ‐ FF429 Grab and Match Prefixes and Suffixes ‐ FF501 MATH Addition Fluency Puzzles ‐ AA622 Addition Fluency Puzzles ‐ AA623 Addition Fluency Puzzles, Adding 3 numbers ‐ AA621 addition machine games lc1166 Shell Education Math Games Skill‐Based Practice, Grade 3 ‐ Each Shell Education Math Games Skill‐Based Practice, Grade 4 ‐ Each Guinness World Record Math‐Grade 5 ‐ 1370919 Creative Teaching Press, Instant Math Centers, Grades 2 ‐ 3 ‐ Each Everyday Math Common Core Math Grade 3 ‐ CC136 Positive and Negative Number Line Activity Set ‐ 48 X 8 U/M SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH SET BOX PKG EACH EACH PKG EACH SET SET EACH PKG SET VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 502398 $4.67 SB15517J $12.71 GB410 $39.15 078891 $47.91 AA234 $27.74 FD28 $12.69 DD471 $18.49 DD472 $18.49 PP269 $46.24 LA139 $36.99 PP726 $36.99 1505843B $47.44 $8.08 1502624CQ PP387 $9.24 FF772 $18.49 EE391 $15.72 TB23754B $7.44 224103 $8.27 WF44 $31.16 FF477 $12.02 HH397 $13.87 SN02409CQ $33.58 PP572 $18.49 RA392 $15.72 GA355 $23.12 AWARDED VENDOR EAI Education Nasco Intl. Super Duper Publications School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. School Specialty Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1497340 1401569 1401570 1363397 1465344 084243 FD21 FD30 FD149 FF429 FF501 $7.86 $10.05 $10.50 $13.17 $13.26 $30.35 $12.69 $12.69 $24.45 $27.74 $27.74 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET AA622 AA623 AA621 LC1166 1495946 1495947 1370919 387400 1436862 1289767 $18.49 $18.49 $18.49 $18.49 $7.23 $7.23 $8.88 $9.30 $11.58 $14.77 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 6 BOCES # 1293464 22578 078891 22831 1470912 359985 22867 22765 082403 17679 22763 22888 22932 29668 29674 1322515 22722 22819 086541 22789 26079 22787 22770 22723 531080 1397843 1398101 22797 29680 502423 22760 080801 533071 1398608 533219 22584 22791 530318 25504 204108 29038 28404 29459 32977 32976 28998 28997 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Write and Wipe Math Graph Double‐Sided Mats ‐ 30/Pkg Learning Resources 1 to 10 Counting Cans ‐ 75 Pieces ‐ 1328562 Unifix Letter Cube and Books Kit Social Inferences Fun Deck, Grades 2‐8 ‐ FD‐92 Scholastic Morning Jumpstarts, Math, Grade 5 ‐ Each Center Enterprises Rubber Band for Geoboards ‐ Assorted Color ‐ 300/Box Number & Counting Rubbing Plates ‐ JJ126 Count And Link, 250 Links ‐ DD764 Fraction/Percent Circles, Magnetic ‐ 102/Set Slide And Count Simple Addition Center ‐ FF179 Hands‐On Ten‐Frames ‐ 4/Set ‐ DD727 Number Line Slider Boards ‐ 10/Set ‐ LL696 Measurement Instant Learning Center ‐ TT957 Magnetic Tens Frame Builders DD696 Hands on Regrouping Subtraction Kit ‐ FF298 Geometry Template ‐ K‐8, Page 118 Math Catalog Base Ten Place Value Chart ‐ 25/Set, Page 42 Math Catalog Student Number Lines Non‐Adhesive, (‐20 to 20) ‐ 12/Set, Page 38 Math Catalog Fraction Tiles ‐ 51/Pkg, Page 74 Math Catalog Two Sided Magnetic Counters 1 Inch ‐ 40/Set, on EAI website Multiplication Vertical Fact Cards TE438, Page 50 Math Catalog Tens Place Value Disks, EMS ‐ 100/Set, Page 47 Math Catalog Student Number Lines (0‐20), Adhesive ‐12/Set , Page 38 Math Catalog Wooden Base Ten Stamps ‐ 4/Set ‐ BT865, Page 42 Math Catalog Fraction Tiles Set With Tray, 51/Set ‐ BF191; Page 74 Math Catalog Teacher Created Resources Math Card Game ‐ I Have Who Has ‐ Grades 1 to 2, Page 170 Math Catalog Teacher Created Resources Math Card Game ‐ I Have Who Has ‐ Grades 3 to 4, Page 170 Math Catalog Student Write & Wipe Number Lines, 12 X 3‐1/4 In., Fractions on Front, Blank on Back ‐ 40/Set ‐ RR669, Page 85 Math Catalog Magnetic Ten Frame, Jumbo 2 sets (= 4 Frames and 40 Counters)‐ PP939, Page 30 Math Catalog Simple Fractions Whiteboard Chart CD‐ROM Grades 4‐8, on EAI Website Geoboards 9 Inch Best‐Buy ‐ 6/Set ‐ DA363, Page 109 Math Catalog Learning Resources Make a Story Writing Journal, 10/Set, Page 218 Elementary Catalog Jumbo Fraction Tiles, Magnetic Foam ‐ 67/Set, Page 75 Math Catalog Free Range Fraction Game ‐ 1398608, Page 89 Math Catalog Math and Nonfiction Series, Grades 6‐8 DMS‐533219, Page 165 Math Catalog Ten Frame Class Set, 24 Boards, 240 Counters ‐ GA920, Page 31 Math Catalog Hands‐On Math Centers: Fraction Tiles, Grade 4 ‐ EMS 502873, Page 77 Math Catalog Decimal Squares Starter Set, Grades 3‐9, 530318, Page 83 Math Catalog Core Standards For Math Grade 3 ‐ Nasco TB25504B Didax Unifix Cubes, 300 Pieces, 10 Assorted Colors 1 Minute Large Sand Timer ‐ 701689, Page 62 Math Catalog 10 Minutes A Day Math Gr. 1 FMS‐504176, Page 152 Math Catalog Carson‐Dellosa File Folder Math Games, Grade 1 ‐ 1432524 Carson‐Dellosa Math Learning Game, Grade 1 ‐ 1326108 Carson‐Dellosa Math Learning Game, Grade K ‐ 1326107 Catch to learn number recognition PP953 Catch to learn number sequencing PP951 U/M PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH BOX EACH EACH SET EACH SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH SET SET PKG SET SET SET SET SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH SET EACH PKG EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 1293464 $18.61 1328562 $25.52 078891 $47.91 FD92 $34.25 PP301 $3.69 DA365 $3.69 JJ126 $15.72 DD764 $18.49 HH675 $27.74 TT958 $27.74 DD727 $27.74 LL696 $27.74 TT284 $27.74 DD696 $27.74 FF298 $27.74 532788 $1.08 531701 $1.99 534909 $2.84 531081 $3.00 502490 $3.49 533229 $4.20 504436 $4.25 534908 $4.28 531816 $4.29 531080 $4.43 534626 $4.50 534633 $4.50 520597 520672X2 502423 534211 533807 533071 503843 533219 520534 502873 530318 TB25504T TB17926T 531441 504176 PP712 EL10017B EL10016B PP953 PP951 $6.69 $8.00 $8.39 $9.39 $9.80 $10.53 $17.73 $22.99 $25.49 $33.70 $38.50 $15.00 $20.58 $11.72 $7.61 $32.37 $15.26 $15.26 $18.49 $18.49 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning 7 BOCES # 29059 29060 29061 29148 28992 29008 28395 29043 29065 33094 33009 33082 29477 32970 32985 33053 33054 33010 29465 29466 33000 29003 28483 28891 28892 28482 28971 28901 28493 29041 28394 28509 29084 28899 33034 29435 29429 33050 31800 31803 31821 32973 29436 32993 32975 33021 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Common Core Math Cards ‐ Grade 6 ‐ 1497368 Common Core Math Cards ‐ Grade 7 ‐ 1497369 Common Core Math Cards ‐ Grade 8 ‐ 1497370 Connect Dots Simple Addition PP142 Counting is a snap PP259 Counting match ups TT427 Decimal Base Ten Frame FMF‐504317, Page 43 Math Catalog Dice activities ‐ multiplication 9‐1367824‐030, Page 71 Math Catalog Dice Activities ‐ Time and Money 9‐1502089, Page 67 Math Catalog Didax Easyshapes Number Dice Set ‐ 205772, page 71 Math Catalog Didax Softcover Ten‐Frame ‐ 1502094 Didax Ten‐Frame Card Set, 3‐1/2 L x 6 W in, Grades K ‐ 2, Set of 50 ‐ 1502093, Page 32 Math Catalog Didax Ten‐Frame Mat, 9 L x 12 W in, Grades K ‐ 2, Pack of 10 ‐ 1502100 Didax Two‐Way Word Builder Game ‐ 386743 Didax Unifix 1 ‐ 120 Number Line, 7‐1/4 L x 2‐1/4 W in, Grades K ‐ 2 ‐ 1502376, Page 28 Math Catalog Educational Insights Hot Dots Flash Cards, More Addition ‐ 386711 Educational Insights Hot Dots Flash Cards, More Subtraction ‐ 386713 Essential Learning Products Place Value Disks, 4 Values ‐ 1440092 Essential Learning Products Place Value Disks, Ones ‐ 1440094; Page 47 Math Catalog Essential Learning Products Place Value Disks, Tens ‐ 1440095, Page 47 Math Catalog Essential Learning Products Place Value Strips, Millions ‐ 1440097, Page 27 Math Catalog Fish Tank Counting Box RR917 Fraction Line‐Up Cards‐Fractions FMF‐534861, Page 90 Math Catalog Fraction Match Games ‐ Grade 3 FMF‐503873, Page 83 Math Catalog Fraction Match Games ‐ Grade 4 FMF‐503874, Page 83 Math Catalog Fractions, Decimals, & Percents Bingo grades 4‐8 FMF‐53085 Geometric Shapes Tub EE498 Giant Number and counting beads EE248 Gram weight set DS694 Head full of numbers 9‐1307354‐030, Page 176 Math Catalog Interlocking Fraction Circles FMF‐502713, Page 79 Math Catalog Jumbo Double Dice RA639 Jumbo Mighty Mouth Puppet MOUTH32 Lakeshore Counting Cars DD492 Learning Resources Dice Domes Deluxe ‐ 1370864 Learning Resources Dice in Dice ‐ 1014295 Learning Resources Double Sided Fiberglass Measuring Tape, 150 cm/60 in, Black/White, Pack of 10 ‐ 264492, Page 93 Math Catalog Learning Resources Dry Erase Mat X‐Y Axis Whiteboard Eraser, 11 X 9 in, Pack of 10 ‐ 387979 Learning Resources Dual Power Primary Calculator Set, 1 AA Battery, Basic Math, 2‐1/2 in W X 4‐1/2 in H, Blue, Set of 10 ‐ 078667 Learning Resources Factor Frenzy Electronic Math Race Game, 2 to 4 Players ‐ 079158 Learning Resources Handheld Primary Timer Set, Battery, 1‐1/8 X 1/2 X 2‐1/8 in, Set of 6 ‐ 083153 Learning Resources Hip Hoppin' Hundred Mat ‐ 1414077 Learning Resources Jumbo Dice Set ‐ 1014296 Learning Resources Number Lions Activity Set ‐ 1370866 Learning Resources Magnetic Time Tracker, 7 in L X 5 in H X 1‐1/2 in W ‐ 1435442, Page 63 Math Catalog Learning Resources Minute Math Electronic Flash Card Game with Timer ‐ 1363023 U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH SET SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 1497368 $20.84 1497369 $20.84 1497370 $20.84 PP142 $13.87 TT427 $9.24 TT427 $9.24 504317 $6.37 533884 $12.15 503920 $12.32 530289 $0.98 1502094 $20.77 504080 $4.50 TB26157T $8.93 386743 $32.99 503928 $20.22 TB21361B $7.82 TB21360B $7.82 RR491 $15.72 504435 $6.20 504436 $6.20 504450 $11.01 RR917 $18.49 534861 $11.86 503873 $25.46 503874 $25.46 JJ654 $9.24 EE498 $18.49 EE248 $27.74 DS694 $5.54 532626 $14.03 502713 $3.99 RA639 $12.02 MOUTH32 $39.15 DD492 $36.99 TB24953T $11.60 TB20296B $13.56 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education School Specialty EAI Education Nasco Intl. School Specialty EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EACH EACH 531485 TB24806T $3.10 $9.61 EAI Education Nasco Intl. EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 078667 079158 TB22010T TB24304J TB23233B 1370866 502784 1363023 $49.04 $42.52 $23.25 $20.83 $13.94 $21.59 $19.97 $16.34 School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. School Specialty EAI Education School Specialty 8 BOCES # 33002 33003 32963 32954 29051 29044 28893 28938 29659 33079 29471 28929 33022 28907 28906 28905 28989 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION NewPath All About Decimals Laminated Poster ‐ 1465038 NewPath Customary and Metric Units of Measure Laminated Poster ‐ 1465040 PCI Educational Publishing Momentum Math Level H Resource Book Set ‐ set of 6 ‐ 1480691 PCI Educational Publishing Momentum Math Level H Teacher Kit ‐ 1480693 Picture math level 1 Digital Version‐ 1466822 Pizza Mania math game 9‐1391274‐030 Place Value Match Games Grade 3 FMF‐503877, Page 45 Math Catalog Safe Drawing Compass Pack TB18478T Safe Drawing Compass TB18886T SI Manufacturing Ten‐Frame Set ‐ 1368377 SI Stick‐EZY Number Set, Multi‐Color, Set of 17 ‐ 1497289 Simple Addition Peg Boards TT655 Spectrum Math Flash Card Box Set, Ages 4 and Above ‐ 1399128 Spin &Count to 20 Seahorses GG394 Spin and count to 20 dragonflies GG391 SQUIGZ Manipulatives EG188 Subtracton machine games LL1167 U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET CASE EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 1465038 $20.24 1465040 $20.24 1480691 $52.49 1480693 $197.99 1466822 $58.49 TT433 $23.12 503877 $25.46 CV596 $18.49 533923 $0.94 TB24793B $6.25 1497289 $8.99 TT655 $36.99 1399128 $15.67 GG394 $27.74 GG391 $27.74 EL11679J $19.51 LC1167 $18.49 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Nasco Intl. School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET PKG EACH 263453 TB16886B SN30322B 1453943 534622 534621 530077 JJ388 EL10989B 1399629 TB23659T TB14368B TB14369B 534878 534876 RR632 520561 $9.22 $5.91 $25.46 $24.97 $5.91 $5.91 $2.12 $8.32 $27.16 $36.59 $15.73 $5.91 $5.91 $7.61 $7.61 $18.49 $7.61 School Specialty Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. School Specialty EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. School Specialty Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning EAI Education 29838 1494314 29676 29679 24471 29029 33052 29446 Trend Enterprises Three Corner Addition and Subtraction Double Sided Triangle Flash Card Set, Set of 46 ‐ 263453 Trend Enterprises Three‐Corner Multiplication and Division Flash Cards ‐ Set of 46 ‐ 263450 12 inch visual timer 9‐1307087‐030 21st Century Skills: Budgeting & Banking 1453943 I have, who has ‐ subtraction to 100 FMF‐534622, Page 170 Math Catalog I have, who has addition to 100 FMF‐534621, Page 170 Math Catalog Learning Resources Mixed Plastic Coin Set of 98, page 64 Math Catalog ‐ 330415 Number lines 163020DDC Number sense flip chart 9‐1399627‐030 Numbers 1‐10 Flip chart ‐ 1399629 Numeracy 9‐087314‐030 Wrap‐ups FMF‐520080 Wrap‐ups subtraction FMF‐520081 Math Match: Mixed Numbers FMF‐534878, Page 167 Math Catalog Math Match: Place Value FMF‐534876, Page 49 Math Catalog Ten frame activity dice rr632 The Master Fraction Ruler FMF‐520561, Page 96 Math Catalog MISC. 8 In Bitty Bottom Seat Cusion ‐1290868‐325 Cart with 12 Donut Cushions Blocks & Blueprints Learning Center FF579 Create‐A‐Chain Reaction STEM Kit ‐ K‐Gr. 2 ‐ Master Set PP566 Smart Pal Sleeves Set of 10 ‐ DE190 Abilitations ChewEase Pencil Topper Set, Clear, Set of 3 018676 Abilitations Hi‐Write Beginner 1 Paper, Pack of 100, Grade 1 ‐ 089661 Abilitations Integrations Eraseable Traceables ‐ Numbers and Shapes ‐ 5‐7/8" x 8‐7/8" ‐ 1362772 EACH SET EACH SET PKG SET EACH EACH 1290868 1494314 FF579 PP566 TB24092M 018676 089661 1362772 $6.81 $211.73 $46.24 $73.99 $6.70 $8.99 $10.49 $35.99 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 29445 29440 32965 Abilitations Integrations Eraseable Traceables ‐ Upper/Lower Case Block Letters ‐ 5‐7/8" x 8‐7/8" ‐ 1362770 Abilitations Integrations Fun Fidget Set, Set of 5 ‐ 1323694 Abilitations Integrations Textured Sensory MudBall, Pack of 3 ‐ 1284235 EACH EACH EACH 1362770 1323694 1284235 $35.99 $29.24 $31.49 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 33067 33066 29040 29050 28401 28400 33087 29027 29048 29047 28942 28396 28397 28403 28402 29002 28398 9 BOCES # 29454 31790 31791 29450 28930 29089 29090 31789 29006 28969 28913 33025 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Abilitations Mini PushPathz Fidget ‐ Set of 5 ‐ 1407947 Abilitations School Specialty Pencil Set with Fidgets, Set of 4 ‐ 027233 Abilitations SeasonSqueeze Fidget Kit ‐ 9 x 8 inches ‐ Set of 4 ‐ 027351 Abilitations Weight Pack for Weighted Vests, Pack of 8 ‐ 1387609 Weather and Seasons TT697 Webber Articulation Cards ‐ R blends WA05 Webber Articulation Cards ‐ Z WA‐07 Triangle Pencil Grips ‐ Pack of 12 ‐ Colors May Vary ‐ 017676 Theraputty ‐ Extra Soft TS821 Timer EA163 Trace & Write Alphabet Center LL697 Trend Argus Life Signs Poster ‐ 13 3/8 x 19 inches ‐ Set of 6 ‐ 089448 U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 33024 33023 33092 29448 33026 33093 29422 29443 29449 33086 Trend Enterprises Applause Applause Sticker Great Rewards Jumbo Variety Pack Sticker, Pack of 700 ‐ 387228 Trend Enterprises Applause Sticker Primary Favorites Jumbo Variety Pack Sticker, Pack of 700 ‐ 387227 Trend Enterprises BlockStars Incentive Pad, 5‐1/4 x 6 in ‐ 1532182 Trend Enterprises Bright Books Trimmer, 3 ‐ 18 Years, 2‐1/4 X 39 in ‐ 1385654 Trend Enterprises Character Education Poster Set of 6 ‐ 1330093 Trend Enterprises Color Palette Terrific Trimmer, 2‐1/4 in X 39 ft, Assorted ‐ 089457 Trend Enterprises Community Helpers Puzzle Set ‐ 090552 Trend Enterprises Frog‐Tastic Notepad 5 X 5 in, 50 Pages ‐ 1361844 Trend Enterprises Frog‐tastic! Frolic Trimmer, 3 ‐ 10 Years, 39 L x 2‐1/4 W in, Pack of 12 ‐ 1385660 Trend Enterprises Frog‐tastic! Self‐Adhesive Nametags, 3‐1/2 x 2‐1/2 in, Pack of 36 ‐ 1361840 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SB21792J SB21795J 1532182 1385654 1330093 089457 090552 1361844 1385660 LA696 $9.56 $9.56 $2.92 $2.92 $16.49 $2.47 $10.49 $4.12 $2.92 $2.77 Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning 29444 33058 33090 29421 33047 33060 33057 33051 29472 33061 Trend Enterprises Furry Friends Fun Terrific Trimmers, Grade PreK ‐ 9, Durable, 39 L x 2‐1/4 W in ‐ 1361853 Trend Enterprises Numbers 1 to 20 Puzzle Set ‐ 090549 Trend Enterprises Oh Joy! its Your Birthday! Recognition Award, 5‐1/2 X 8‐1/2 in, Pack of 30 ‐ 251067 Trend Enterprises Opposites Puzzle Set ‐ 090548 Trend Enterprises Owl‐Stars Number Line Bulletin Board Set, ‐20 to 120 ‐ 1532168 Trend Enterprises Rhyming Bingo Game ‐ Set of 28 Word Pairs and 36 Playing Cards ‐ 280121 Trend Enterprises Rhyming Puzzle Set ‐ 090543 Trend Enterprises School time Assortment Notepad Pack, 6‐1/2 X 7‐3/4 in, 200 Pages, Pack of 4 ‐ 390055 Trend Enterprises Sea Buddies Welcome Recognition Awards, Pack of 30 ‐ 1497819 Trend Enterprises Sight Words Bingo ‐ Set of 46 Words and 36 Playing Cards ‐ 280133 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1361853 090549 241548 090548 1532168 SB02413B 090543 390055 1497819 SB21933B $3.44 $10.49 $2.99 $10.49 $11.99 $7.61 $4.88 $10.64 $3.56 $7.61 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. 33027 31805 31806 Trend Enterprises Smiles and Laughter Poster Combo Pack ‐ 13 3/8 x 19 in ‐ Set of 6 ‐ Assorted Designs ‐ 1330098 Trend Enterprises Sparkles Decorative Letter Set, Blue, Set of 70 ‐ 080044 Trend Enterprises Sparkles Decorative Letter Set, Red, Set of 70 ‐ 080045 EACH EACH EACH 1330098 080044 080045 $16.49 $7.12 $7.12 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty 33065 Trend Enterprises Stinky Sticker Colorful Favorites, Fun and Fancy Value Pack Sticker, 1 in, Pack of 300 ‐ 358046 EACH 358046 $9.37 School Specialty 33038 33040 Trend Enterprises Stinky Sticker Fun Favorites and Fancy Jumbo Pack Stinky Sticker, 1 in, Pack of 432 ‐ 358047 Trend Enterprises Stinky Sticker Fun Fest Scratch n Sniff Sticker Set, Set of 350 ‐ 1401761 EACH EACH 358047 1401761 $13.49 $9.37 School Specialty School Specialty 31804 33078 Trend Enterprises Stinky Sticker Mixed Shaped Good Times Jumbo Variety Pack Sticker, 3/4 in, Pack of 535 ‐ 079978 Trend Enterprises Super Shapes Star Smiles Sticker Pack, Pack of 2500 ‐ 1334622 Trend Enterprises Super Spots & Super Shapes Everyday Favorites Variety Pack Sticker Set, Assorted Color, Set of 2500 ‐ 1330086 EACH EACH 079978 1334622 $13.49 $7.49 School Specialty School Specialty EACH 1330086 $7.49 School Specialty 29441 VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 1407947 $15.74 027233 $7.49 027351 $35.99 1387609 $29.24 TT697 $27.74 WA05 $14.65 WA07 $14.65 017676 $4.19 TS821 $24.97 SN02546T $21.46 LL697 $32.37 089448 $16.49 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning School Specialty 10 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION BOCES # Teacher Created Paw Print Mini Stickers Value Pack, Assorted Colors, Pack of 1144 ‐ 1356823 33080 Teacher Created Resources All through the School Year Sticker Book, Grade PreK ‐ 8, 11 in L X 8‐1/2 in W, 9 Pages ‐ 1439771 33042 Teacher Created Resources Black Polka Dots Reusable Magnetic Border ‐ 1498868 33072 Teacher Created Resources Chevron Reusable Magnetic Border, Hot Pink ‐ 1498870 33073 Teacher Created Resources Circle Frenzy Reusable Magnetic Border ‐ 1498873 29473 Teacher Created Resources Colored Pencils Reusable Magnetic Border ‐ 1498871 33074 Teacher Created Resources Colorful Nametag Set, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 in, Set of 108 ‐ 1449379 33032 Teacher Created Resources Lime Polka Dots Reusable Magnetic Border ‐ 1498867 33071 Teacher Created Resources Neon Star Reusable Magnetic Border ‐ 1498872 33075 29464 29474 28492 28939 30067 28484 28975 29470 28512 29080 31797 28910 29424 31802 28978 28391 28392 28894 28964 28510 28993 28903 28904 28991 29092 29005 28503 28502 29009 28399 28976 28511 29037 32992 32991 29427 32995 Teacher Created Resources Seasonal Fun Sticker Book, Grade PreK ‐ 8, 11 in L X 8‐1/2 in W, 14 Pages ‐ 1439772 Teacher Created Resources Zany Stripes Reusable Magnetic Border ‐ 1498874 Star Bulletin Board Accents DD373‐‐36 accents STORAGE CHEST TB18514T Strategies for Close Reading and Writing ‐ 1534569 STUDENT TIMERS‐SET OF 6 25764 Single line wipe off boards ff448x SI Lowercase Stick‐EZY Letter Set, Multi‐Color, Set of 50 ‐ 1497286 Refill Pack for Safety Name Tags TT992 Regular Past Tense Verbs Fun Deck FD54 Remedia Publications Phonics for Older Students ‐ 070827 Rhyming Learning Pack LL274 Scholastic Manage Your Class Signs Sign, 8 X 12 in, Pack of 6 ‐ 091879 Scholastic Ticket Awards Class Pack, 8‐1/2 X 2‐3/4 in, Pack of 5 ‐ 078981 Self‐Adhesive Nameplate Sleeves‐small FF685 Odd Word Out: Long vowels FMF‐105961, Page 201 Elementary Catalog Odd Word Out: Short Vowels FMF‐105962, Page 201 Elementary Catalog Part‐Whole Thinking Pack FMF504192, on EAI Website Pastel Mini Dot Painters DB477 Peel & Stick Collage Frames ‐ Set of 30 ‐ RR426 Phonemic awareness interactive games cd rom single license PP311 Phonemic awareness match up Beginning Sounds EE691 Phonemic awareness match up Ending Sounds EE692 Pick‐a‐Trick Matching Letters and Sounds Interactive Game PP151 PIRATE AND PALS PREPOSITION WFC‐88 Magic Water Marbles SE998 Magnetic display shelves JJ244 Magnetic Pocket Chart JJ227 Magnetic Pockets TT448 Magnetic QuietShape Base Ten FMF‐534585, Page 42 Math Catalog Magnetic Sight‐Word Sentence Board FF468 Magnetic Wipe and Wipe Lapboard rr621 Maps, Charts, Graphs & Diagrams Grades 3‐6 9‐243753‐030 Marvel Education African American Family ‐ 385532 Marvel Education Caucasian Family ‐ 245739 Marvel Education Wild Animal Set of 108 ‐ 249078 Learning Resources Plastic Jumbo Teacher Stamp Set, 1‐1/2 in, Set of 30 ‐ 1374897 U/M EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 1356823 $5.24 AWARDED VENDOR School Specialty EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1439771 1498868 1498870 1498873 1498871 1449379 1498867 1498872 $12.74 $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $8.99 $13.64 $8.99 $8.99 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH SET BOX EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH DOZ EACH EACH PKG SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1439772 1498874 DD373 TB18514T 1534569 HH828 FF448X 1497286 TT992 FD54 070827 LL274 091879 078981 FF685 105961 105962 520679 DB477 RR426 PP311 EE691 EE692 PP151 WFC88 SE998 JJ244 JJ227 TT448 534585 FF468 RR621 243753 SB31680J SB31676J 249078 1374897 $14.99 $8.99 $4.62 $45.28 $34.49 $27.74 $17.57 $9.97 $1.84 $12.69 $14.62 $23.12 $10.69 $20.99 $15.72 $5.91 $5.91 $15.72 $13.87 $15.72 $13.87 $9.24 $9.24 $13.87 $14.65 $13.87 $27.74 $27.74 $15.72 $4.58 $27.74 $6.47 $11.99 $16.96 $16.96 $27.74 $22.49 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty 11 BOCES # 33055 32987 32996 33035 31816 32999 32968 32994 29438 33028 33029 29013 28911 28897 31799 32966 29453 33031 29447 29458 32967 29460 29456 33030 29150 28506 28921 33095 29455 29072 33013 33085 29476 33064 33063 31814 31815 31795 29475 31807 31808 31820 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Learning Resources Pop for Sight Words 2 Game ‐ 1435415 Learning Resources Rainbow Pocket Chart ‐ 087787 Learning Resources Standard Pocket Chart ‐ 1391741 Learning Resources Super Strong Magnetic Hook, 1 in Dia, 20 lb Capacity ‐ 1426436 Learning Resources Tabletop Pocket Chart ‐ 081537, on EAI Website Learning Resources time Tracker Mini Timer, (3) AAA Batteries, 3‐1/4 in W X 3‐1/4 in L X 4‐3/4 in H, Blue ‐ 1414089 Learning Resources Write & Wipe Clock Classroom Set ‐ 1391179, Page 58 Math Catalog Learning Resources Write and Wipe Center Signs set of 5 ‐ 1370885 Learning Resources Writer's Block ‐ 1301798, Page 217 Elementary Catalog Learning ZoneXpress Laminated Portion Distortion Poster, 18 L x 24 W in, Grades 9 ‐ Adult ‐ 1492314 Learning ZoneXpress Look To The Label Poster, 18 L x 24 W in, Grades 6 ‐ Adult ‐ 1492315 letter beanbag set WF26 Lapboard Supply Center LL437 Launch and learn beginning sounds AA527 Learning Resources Alphabet Center Pocket Chart ‐ 077450 Learning Resources Alphabet Marks the Spot Floor Mat ‐ 1298848 Learning Resources Butterfly Life Cycle Foam Magnets ‐ Assorted Sizes ‐ Set of 9 ‐ 1397806, Page 174 Elementary Catalog Learning Resources Foam Flower Cross‐Section Model ‐ 1015079 Learning Resources Giant Magnetic Frog Life Cycle ‐ 1370874, Page 174 Elementary Catalog Learning Resources Giant Magnetic Plant Lifecycle 7 in L X 9 in H, Pack of 12 ‐ 1426105 Learning Resources Hand Pointer Set, Assorted Color, Set of 10 ‐ 091587 Learning Resources Lights and Sounds Buzzers ‐ 1435439 Learning Resources MagnaBorders Pencils Design Bulletin Board Border, 24 X 1‐1/2 in ‐ Set of 12 ‐ 1426099 Learning Resources Magnetic Hall Pass Set, 9‐1/2 in L X 2‐1/4 in H, Set of 10 ‐ 1283196 Keep Trying Poster Duet Set Educational Essentials ‐ 1537116 Heavy duty paper trays RED LL112 Fully Washable Liquid Tempera Assortment PX2020 EUREKA Early Childhood/Elementary Cat in the Hat Giant Sticker, 1‐5/16 X 1‐3/4 in, Pack of 36 ‐ 1414849 EUREKA Early Childhood/Elementary Dr.Seuss Welcome Go Around Room Decorative Cutout ‐ 1414848 Fantastic Card Holder CH03 Essential Learning Products Creative Plastic Stencil Set from Highlights, with Storage Box, 4‐1/4 X 6 in, Assorted Color, Set of 24 ‐ 1471445 Edupress International Flags Spotlight Border, 3 X 39 ft ‐ 088974 Edupress Nonfiction Text Features Bulletin Board Set, Set of 15 ‐ 1499227 Edupress Pete The Cat 100 Days of School Bulletin Board Set, Set of 108 ‐ 1499235 Edupress Pete The Cat Bulletin Board Set, Set of 46 ‐ 1499233 Educational Insights Jumbo Non‐Toxic Washable Stamp Pad, 5‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 in, Black ‐ 080878 Educational Insights Jumbo Non‐Toxic Washable Stamp Pad, 5‐1/2 X 3‐1/4 in, Blue ‐ 080879 Educational Insights Plastic Rubber Jumbo Stamp, 1‐1/4 in, Uppercase Alphabet ‐ 070672 Educational Insights Read My List Game Game ‐ 1499162 Educational Insights See and Transparent Stamp, 5/8 in Lowercase Grade PreK+ ‐ 080797, Page 199 Elementary Catalog Educational Insights See and Transparent Stamp, 5/8 in Uppercase Grade PreK+ ‐ 080798, Page 199 Elementary Catalog Educational Insights Self‐Inking Teacher Stamp Set, Set of 12 ‐ 083005 U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 1507099B $7.23 TB20739B $16.58 LK297BU $21.27 1426436 $14.24 530995 $15.73 AWARDED VENDOR Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EAI Education EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH 1506314B 533140 1370885 105303 WA23943G 1492315 WF26 LL437 AA527 LL271 1505049J $18.06 $23.76 $23.02 $14.03 $13.46 $14.99 $39.77 $32.37 $27.74 $23.12 $28.86 Nasco Intl. EAI Education School Specialty EAI Education Nasco Intl. School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 350454 1015079 350517 SB48212J PP808 X3 1506318B $15.12 $14.24 $15.12 $14.88 $10.17 $12.28 EAI Education School Specialty EAI Education Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. EACH EACH SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH 1426099 1283196 1537116 LL112RD 9728017 1414849 1414848 CH03 $9.74 $14.99 $5.99 $6.47 $17.44 $2.24 $8.17 $19.55 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. School Specialty School Specialty Super Duper Publications EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 1471445 088974 1499227 1499235 1499233 LA866BK LA866BU PP491 1499162 $17.99 $4.12 $11.24 $9.74 $9.74 $5.08 $5.08 $18.49 $15.29 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty EACH 104849 $11.86 EAI Education EACH EACH 104848 083005 $11.86 $15.74 EAI Education School Specialty 12 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION BOCES # Educational Insights Skill‐Based Squeezer Game Set, Ages 4+, Set of 4 ‐ 1502576 29478 Educational Insights Teachable Touchables Texture Squares ‐ 090567 32980 Educational Insights Washable Stamp Pad, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 in, Blue ‐ 080869, page 199 Elementary Catatlog 31812 U/M EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE PP374 $18.49 $21.21 SN02347CQ 530418 $3.65 AWARDED VENDOR Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. EAI Education 31813 Educational Insights Washable Stamp Pad, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 in, Green ‐ 080872, page 199 Elementary Catalog EACH 530417 $3.65 EAI Education 31811 31810 31809 33041 32989 28505 28937 29022 28488 28485 29042 28936 29026 28487 29035 29071 28914 29001 28923 28498 28495 29000 28984 28932 29046 29004 29011 29012 29010 29023 28917 28898 Educational Insights Washable Stamp Pad, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/2 in, Hot Pink ‐ 080868, Page 199 Elementary Catalog Educational Insights Washable Stamp Pad, 3‐1/2 X 2‐1/4 in, Turquoise ‐ 080867 Educational Insights Wood Positive Reinforcement Stamp Set with Pad Desk Set, Set of 6 ‐ 080866 Creative Teaching Press Happy Birthday Crowns ‐ 1370186 Creative Teaching Press Highway, Letters, Numbers, and Shapes ‐ 1430010 Crystal Climbers LK467 Construction set SN32003CQ COPS Editing and Revising Poster 162933 Community and Careers AA875 Collage Pots AA765 Color overlay sheets 10/pack 1326648 Chewy Tubes SN31978CQ Draw and write journals 159347DDC Draw and Write Jumbo Journal AA797 Attribute beads and activity cards 9‐202570‐030 Auditory processing chipper chat cc44 Best Buy Play Food Assortment LM365 Big Green Monster Puppet rr534 Block Play Traffic Signs RJ10 Book display stand GG421 Brilliant Dot Art Painters EV214 Brush Top Bottles RR145 Build a Word Tiles GG252 Building brick people RA926 Cando Green Apple Scented Theraputty ‐ 1 Pound ‐ Medium ‐ Green 1397199 Candy Jar Counting RR938 A view from around the world TT781 A view from around the world TT782 Activity scarves TT681 After the Lesson Self‐Assessment Bulletin 163108 All about life science interactive activities cd rom single license PP357 10 My First Journal AA787 MOTOR SKILLS 2 Ounces, Theraputty Firm Resistance Putty ‐ Green 2 Ounces, Theraputty Firm Resistance Putty ‐ Blue Fine Motor Scissor Scoops ‐ 4/Set ‐ HH759 Rolling Pins ‐ 3/Set ‐ 739RP Easy‐Grip Safety Tweezers ‐ 12/Set ‐ EE607 Hook & Loop Sticky Blocks, Hardwood, Velcro ‐ 56/Set ‐ LL758 Scoop & Play Fishing Set, 32 Fish & Turtles, 4 Nets ‐ RE116 Peg Number Boards, 10 Boards With 60 Pegs ‐ TT625 Build and Learn Geometry Kit ‐ GG458 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET PKG SET SET SET SET EACH SET EACH SET EACH EACH PKG EACH SET EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH SET 530422 080867 080866 1370186 1430010 LK467 EL12423J 162933 AA875 AA765 1326648 SN31978CQ 159347DDC AA797 TB12296T CC44 LM365 RR534 SB07349J GG421 SB30340J RR145 GG252 RA926 1397199 RR938 TT781 TT782 SN32202J 163108 PP357 AA787 $3.65 $4.87 $12.74 $13.12 $23.02 $23.12 $15.73 $6.32 $18.49 $18.49 $50.24 $25.08 $28.57 $18.49 $21.89 $68.55 $46.24 $15.72 $15.68 $23.12 $13.59 $12.02 $18.49 $27.74 $39.74 $18.49 $17.57 $17.57 $13.39 $14.42 $27.74 $30.52 EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Nasco Intl. Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Nasco Intl. Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH SET SET SET SET SET BOX SET 008006 008009 1435398 739RP EE607 RR750 LL442 TT625 GG458 $2.54 $2.54 $6.20 $7.39 $11.09 $18.49 $27.74 $34.22 $36.99 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning 008006 008009 22864 22726 11763 11759 11754 11746 17487 13 BOCES # 11761 204033 1322494 11755 22676 1470896 1498853 1498854 1497321 1329832 071070 22586 22745 22844 17698 22771 29669 15864 22572 22587 22779 22928 22929 29671 22843 22746 22686 28491 28890 28925 29069 29070 29085 30086 29088 29087 29021 29075 29045 28990 33018 32957 33019 28947 28945 28946 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION 3‐D Magnet Builders Class Set ‐ 80/Set ‐ RA469 Unifix Cubes, Assorted Colors ‐ 100/Pkg ‐ 204033, Page 28 Math Catalog Attribute Blocks ‐ Desk Set ‐ 60 Pieces ‐ Grades PreK‐6 ‐ 1322494 Magnetic Alphabet Fishing Set ‐ 4 Poles, 26 Letters ‐ AA322 READING / COMPREHENSION Instructional Fair Building Reading Comprehension Reproducible Activity Book, Grades 1 to 2 Scholastic Morning Jumpstarts, Reading, Grade 5 ‐ Each Teacher Created Resources Paired Passages: Linking Fact to Fiction Book, Grade 3 ‐ Each Teacher Created Resources Paired Passages: Linking Fact to Fiction Book, Grade 4 ‐ Each Reading Comprehension and Skills, Common Core Edition, Grade 6 ‐ Each Evan‐Moor Read and Understand with Leveled Texts, Grade 6 The 5 W's Reading comprehension Sequencing Events in Stories Fun Deck Reading Comprehension Activities, Gr 1‐2 ‐ BA696 Making Inferences High‐Interest Intervention Reading Folders ‐ FF743 Reading Informational Text Common Core Standards Learning Center ‐ FF614 Daily Reading Comprehension Activities ‐ Grade 1 ‐ DR341 What's the Rhyme? JJ157 Reading Comprehension & Writing Response ‐ Gr 2‐3 ‐ PP568 Boost Comprehension! Small‐Group Teaching Center ‐ Grade 3 ‐ HH799 Flip & Read Sight‐Word Sentences ‐ GRADE 1 ‐ Lakeshore ‐ hh‐706 Building Fluency Card Bank, Grades 4‐6 ‐ EE503 Non‐Fiction Sight‐Word Readers, Level 1 ‐ TT557 Non‐Fiction Sight‐Word Readers, Level 2 ‐ TT559 Lakeshore word family readers EE667 High Interest Intervention Reading Folders, Complete Set ‐ FF740X Best‐Buy Book Bags ‐ 6/Set ‐ BG507, on EAI Website Document‐Based Questions for Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking: Gr 5, on EAI Website 3 letter word builder DD316 Alphabet phonics 104401, on EAI Website Alphbet Sounds Photo Library RR993 Analogies fun deck ANC42 Artic Photos Fun Deck ‐ V AP14 Ask and Answer WHEN cards QC033 Ask and Answer Where Cards QC044 Ask and Answer WHO cards QC11 Ask and Answer WHY Cards QC055 Astute Hoot Decoding Banner 162647 Comprehending Negation in Sentences FD157 Daily reading comprehension 91396283030 Early Reading Skills CD PP147 Educational Insights Hot Dots Getting the Main Idea Reading Comprehension Boxes ‐ 382825 Educational Insights Hot Dots Math Question Standards Based Review Card, Grade 3 ‐ 1297764 Educational Insights Hot Dots Using Context Clues Reading Comprehension Box ‐ 382830 ETA HAND2MIND HOT DOTS READING COMPREHENSION USING CONTEXT CLUES IN87138, Page 212 Elementary Catalog ETA HAND2MIND HOT DOTS READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT (1‐3) IN87105 ETA HAND2MIND HOT DOTS READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT (4‐6) IN87106 U/M SET PKG SET SET VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE VR469 $110.99 530165 $6.97 TB09379T $6.08 SB41680J $18.13 AWARDED VENDOR Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH SET EACH BOX EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 080698 1470896 1498853 1498854 1497321 1329832 071070 FD107 BA696 FF743 FF614 DR341 JJ157 PP568 PP793 HH706 EE503 TT557 TT559 EE667 FF740X 102815 105290 DD316 104401 RR993 ANC42 AP14 QC033 QC044 QC011 QC055 162647 FD157 DR341 PP147 382825 TB24884J 1503168B $7.01 $7.66 $7.66 $7.66 $7.77 $12.16 $27.41 $39.15 $23.12 $23.12 $27.74 $27.74 $27.74 $46.24 $46.24 $46.24 $46.24 $46.24 $46.24 $46.24 $106.38 $6.53 $9.98 $23.12 $22.06 $46.24 $12.69 $14.69 $13.67 $13.67 $13.67 $13.67 $6.32 $14.65 $27.74 $13.87 $16.42 $69.66 $11.86 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Really Good Stuff Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EACH EACH EACH 103597 BD582 BD585 $11.86 $14.79 $14.79 EAI Education Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning 14 BOCES # 28944 29109 28928 28909 28486 28895 28977 28501 29073 29068 29149 29437 28889 29020 28959 28960 28961 28962 29052 33005 33004 33006 29110 29111 29112 29063 29064 33044 29426 29091 28931 28973 32978 28902 32979 090157 11858 22823 22750 22753 22752 11794 1487039 11798 1435936 015788 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION ETA HAND2MIND TALKING HOT DOTS PEN (SET OF 6) IN65879 FICTION AND NONFICTION PAIRED PASSAGES‐GR 2 HH151 Fiction sight word readers level 2 TT536 Fill in the blank activity tin phonemic awareness LL238 FIND THE EVIDENCE! CLIPS AA768 Flip and read sight word sentences 22587 Fluency & Comprehension Partner Scripts ‐ Gr. 3‐4 FF479 Following Directions Building Set Level 3 HH356 Inferencing Cards EP‐2990 Informational Passage for Text Grade 2 ‐ 1538279 Informational Passages for Text Marking ‐ Grade 3 ‐ 1538280 Learning Resources Reading Comprehension Card Set, Grade 4 ‐ 1300203 Letter Construction Activity 103726 Letters poster 161603 Leveled Library set one, Level A AA833 Leveled Library set one, Level B AA834 Leveled Library set one, Level C AA835 Leveled Library set one, Level D AA836 life skills for nonreaders ‐ community ‐ 1466867 NewPath Finding Volume Laminated Poster ‐ 1465042 NewPath Ratio, Proportion and Percent Laminated Poster ‐ 1465041 NewPath the Pythagorean Theorem Laminated Poster ‐ 1465043 Nonfiction Leveled Books‐‐set of 5 LL711‐‐A (K) Nonfiction Leveled Books‐‐set of 5 LL712‐‐B (K) Nonfiction Leveled Books‐‐set of 5 LL713‐‐C (K) Paired Reading Passages ‐ Grade 6 1498856 Paired Reading Passages ‐ Grade 7‐ 1498857 Spectrum Paperback Word Study and Phonics Book, Grade 3, Ages 8 ‐ 9 ‐ 1497300 Super Sentence Game ‐ 203538 Super Sentence Game WCA‐6006 Word building tt827 Word building stackers EE598 Carson‐Dellosa CenterSOLUTIONS Language Arts Learning Game, Grade K ‐ 1326104 Creating sight word sentences ee567 Educational Insights Blends and Short Vowels Dominoes ‐ 088540 SOCIALIZATION Scholastic Read All About Me Instant Personal Poster Sets Photo Feelings 2 Posters 18" x 24" Difficult Situations Fun Deck, 56 Cards 204 Fold & Say Social Skills, Grade PreK‐4 Simply Social 7 At School, Grades 2‐12 Say And Do Social Scenes for Daily Living Skills and Feelings, Grades K‐6 Social Emotional Skill Building Box ‐ HH512 Community based social skills Moods & Emotions Poster Pack And Book Set ‐ LC1184 SPEECH Sound It Out Blends Puzzles ‐ 12/Set ‐ GG187 Speech Pathology LLC Chewy Tubes, 3/8 in Dia, Red ‐ 12/Pkg U/M SET SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE BD530X $36.99 HH151 $36.99 TT536 $46.24 LL238 $24.97 AA768 $18.49 HH706 $46.24 FF479 $36.99 HH356 $27.74 EP2990 $12.69 1538279 $10.49 1538280 $10.49 1300203 $19.34 FF953 $18.49 161603 $6.32 AA833 $26.83 AA834 $24.98 AA835 $24.98 AA836 $24.05 1466867 $95.24 1465042 $20.24 1465041 $20.24 1465043 $20.24 LL711 $31.45 LL712 $26.83 LL713 $22.20 1498856 $16.64 1498857 $16.64 1497300 $12.44 203538 $25.49 1505279B $18.66 TT827 $27.74 EE598 $18.49 1326104 $25.94 EE567 $36.99 088540 $26.39 AWARDED VENDOR Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Super Duper Publications School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Really Good Stuff Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Nasco Intl. Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning School Specialty Lakeshore Learning School Specialty SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH BOX EACH SET 090157 SP21 FD156 BK293 BK371 AA377 AA874 AA875 PP184 + FF465 $7.03 $9.75 $12.69 $24.45 $34.25 $13.87 $18.49 $18.49 $73.53 School Specialty Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning SET PKG 1435936 015788 $6.29 $58.32 School Specialty School Specialty 15 BOCES # 00342 11773 22822 22740 22741 11769 11771 11743 11799 00178 11745 11752 17535 17489 29675 25137 25138 22940 29672 10117 10090 11749 22878 22847 22904 29681 29666 1391237 10093 22781 069832 1330099 1435395 1428993 1428998 22921 22922 22938 22834 22870 22799 22943 22802 22790 17685 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION 3‐Scene Sequencing Cards ‐ FF957 19 sets per deck Irregular Plurals Fun Deck Sentence Shuffle Fun Deck, Grades 1‐6 Artic Photos Fun Deck ‐ SH AP‐08 Artic Photos Fun Deck ‐ CH AP‐09 Webber Articulation Cards Set II (SH, CH, TH, F, V, K, G) Say and Do Action Word Articulation Cards ‐ 56 cards/Set Quick‐Pick Grammar & Usage Activity Cards ‐ DD295 Can Do! Phonemic Awareness Game ‐ HH131 Positional Words Resource Box, Includes 4 Pairs of Manipulatives, 24 Cards ‐ HH770 Teaching Reading First Phonics Activity Center ‐ LL929 I Can Build Simple Words!, 50 Word Cards With Letters ‐ TT194 Making Phonics Fun! Interactive Games ‐ Complete Set HH895X Sort the Sounds Phonics Boxes Blends And Digraphs ‐ FF‐622 Learn to Count! Picture puzzles FF520 SUPPLIES Reading Blue Highliter Strips ‐ 30/Set ‐ DD851 Reading Yellow Highlighter Strips ‐ 30/Set DD852 Connect & Store Book Bins, 6/Set ‐ AA758 Comfy Couch Extra Wide FF205 TOYS Chewy Tubes, Orange Color ‐ 2/Pkg Stretch Animal ‐ Dog and Monkey Set Dough Scissors ‐ 10/Set ‐ DS344 Storytelling Glove ‐ LA835 2 X 3 Fairy Tale Castle Floor Puzzle, 48 Piece ‐ FK213 Color Pillar Magnetic Maze ‐ PP452 Play Barn ‐ RR212 Lakeshore Hardwood Super Garage AA824 Learning Resources Buzzers, 3‐1/2 In Dia, 4 Different Colors and Sounds ‐ 4/Set, Page 183 Math Catalog Koosh Ball, Original Size ‐ Each Hear Myself Sound Phone ‐ EE538 VISUAL AIDS Building Character Poster 13‐3/8 X 19 ‐ 6/Set Get Motivated Poster Set ‐ 6/Set Moods & Emotions Mirrors 8‐1/4 ‐ 6/Set ‐ AA708 All About Animals Flip Chart All About Me Flip Chart ‐ 1428998 Lakeshore Lapboard Stand ‐ RR657 Jumbo Magnetic Numbers And Counters, 30/Set ‐ RR661 Write And Wipe USA Wall Map ‐ WT109 Slide and Count Simple Addition Center ‐ FF179 Classroom Magnetic Letters Kit ‐ 240/Set ‐ JJ518 12‐Sided Dice ‐ 5/Set pg 70 Math Catalog Magnetic Quiet Shape Two‐Color Counters ‐ 50/Set, Page 17 Math Catalog Geomodel Folding Nets 10 cm ‐ 11/Set ‐ FG349, Page 114 Math Catalog Cuisenaire Jr. Ants On A Log ‐ 20/Set ‐ EMS‐502778, Page 44 Math Catalog Unifix Cubes, 2/Sets of 100‐ RA313, Page 28 Math Catalog U/M EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH BOX SET EACH SET SET EACH SET VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE FDS07 $12.69 FD34 $12.69 FD153 $12.69 AP08 $14.69 AP09 $14.69 WAC222 $102.46 AAC10 $114.17 DD295 $13.87 HH131 $18.49 HH770 $27.74 LL929 $27.74 TT194 $27.74 HH895X $46.24 PP923 $64.74 FF520 $64.74 AWARDED VENDOR Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Super Duper Publications Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH SET EACH DD851 DD852 AA758X FF205BU $15.72 $15.72 $26.82 $221.08 Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning PKG EACH SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH SET EACH EACH 020541 1317838 DS344 LA835 FK213 GG459 RR212 AA824 502079 SB18426CQ SB38172CQ $6.14 $28.31 $7.39 $8.32 $12.02 $23.12 $92.04 $137.83 $10.97 $2.98 $3.59 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. SET SET SET EACH EACH EACH SET EACH SET SET SET SET SET SET SET 069832 1330099 1435395 1428993 1428998 RR657 FF608 WT109 TT958 JJ518 530429 532072 531833 502778 530165X2 $9.56 $9.56 $15.07 $22.31 $22.31 $4.62 $23.12 $25.44 $27.74 $39.77 $0.78 $0.99 $8.10 $12.10 $14.89 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education EAI Education 16 BOCES # 17497 22777 10106 11729 11092 22773 22936 22937 089004 356933 22866 22784 17683 22854 22890 11741 11742 29428 33045 33046 17705 1334570 1283475 077150 087250 1300206 1438176 22841 22767 22838 22683 17697 22871 22840 1300201 22768 DCMO BOCES Special Education Supply and Equipment Bid 2016‐107 DESCRIPTION Place Value Cards ‐ 3 Sets of 70 ‐ LL‐982, Page 46 Math Catalog Rubber Stamps Alphabets‐Uppercase ‐ PP471 Giant 3‐Minute Sand Timer ‐ EA293 Giant 5‐Minute Sand Timer ‐ EA294 Geometric Solids Shapes, Plastic ‐ 10/Set ‐ WA704 Layers of the Earth Model, 5 Inch ‐ DSS‐350048 Giant Geometric Shapes ‐ 10/Set ‐ WA704 World Wall Map 33 X 49 Write And Wipe ‐ WT108 VOCABULARY Walch Daily Warm Ups‐Test Prep Words Hot Dots Jr. Phonics Fun Set ‐ Set ‐ 356933 Word Building Tiles ‐ 48/Set ‐ JJ111 Learn The Alphabet Rubbing Plates ‐ 26/Set ‐ EE626 Sort & Slide Word Building Activity Center ‐ LL239 Fill in the Blank Phonics Stamps ‐ 2/Set ‐ GG294 5‐Minute Vocabulary Practice Cards, 125/Set ‐ LL863 Synonym & Antonym Gold Rush Vocabulary Game ‐ DD451 Context Clues Mystery Mansion Vocabulary Game ‐ DD454 Learning Wrap‐Ups Vocabulary Intro Kit ‐ 253052, on EAI Website Spectrum Paperback Vocabulary Book, Grade 4, Ages 9 ‐10 ‐ 1497331 Spectrum Paperback Vocabulary Book, Grade 5, Ages 10 ‐ 11 ‐ 1497332 Wrap Around Vocabulary Games Grades 5‐6 ‐ LL433 WRITING Drawing And Story Book, 7‐1/2 X 9‐3/4 Stapled Booklet, Portrait ‐ 200 Pages/Book ‐ FG360 Nonfiction Reading Comprehension In The Content Areas Informational Reading Gr. 2‐3 Integrating Science With Reading Instruction, Grades 5‐6 ‐ 077150 Teacher Created Resources Writing Prompts, Level 6, 120 Cards ‐ Each Ticket to Exit Formative Assessment Cards, Grade 4 ‐ TT865 Interactive Reading Skills Series, Grades 3‐8 Alphabet Name Plates ‐ FF680 Word Spacers ‐ 30/Set ‐ DD854 The Writing Process Student Folder ‐ 10/Set ‐ FF359 Teaching Charts for 8 Writing Styles ‐ DD728 Writing Common Core Standards Learning Center ‐ FF611 My First Writing Prompts Journal ‐ 10/Set ‐ JJ538 Writing Activity Pockets, Grades K‐1 ‐ FF521 Common Core Language Task Cards ‐ Grade 2 ‐ TC332, Page 210 Elementary Catalog Re‐Usable Write & Wipe Pocket ‐ 10/Set ‐ DE190, Page 10 Math Catalog U/M SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH SET EACH VENDOR ITEM # BID PRICE 504440X3 $18.00 SB26966J $7.31 $8.58 TB21445CQ $8.58 TB21446CQ TB18604J $9.53 SB40887B $12.00 TB18004J $14.63 SB49729M $17.36 AWARDED VENDOR EAI Education Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. Nasco Intl. EACH SET SET SET EACH SET SET EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH 089004 356933 GG954 EE626 LL239 GG294 LL863 DD451 DD454 101718 1497331 1497332 PP957 $11.79 $23.91 $4.62 $18.49 $24.97 $27.74 $27.74 $23.12 $23.12 $25.46 $12.44 $12.44 $23.12 School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH PKG SET SET EACH EACH SET EACH EACH SET 1334570 1283475 077150 087250 1300206 1438176 FF680 DD854 FF359 DD728 FF611 JJ538 PP567 106192 534940 $2.37 $9.40 $10.54 $10.54 $12.89 $17.37 $4.15 $13.87 $18.49 $23.12 $27.74 $27.74 $46.24 $6.00 $13.60 School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty School Specialty Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning Lakeshore Learning EAI Education EAI Education 17
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