ns aw350
ns aw350
ԅ घӯऄޖגЈфսԕ֘גۿܬ澝ԅࣤ֘םݹ 澝ைѫઑ澝ѫઑ௮ұঈঈ澞ҁО҈ ۩ځћО՟य़ٗג۽३֑؏҈ݕङઆӐࠄސՃյӱङ ։ե߆ԇͫۯؚثङࡌ۸ଭ՟ঝրфս澞 ۩ћङП۸ս࣎0/4-2+ѽ࣫ӟԆघӯыङԤӫޏչ ▲ࡶսૅ澞١֫ПԃԕܬѫઑԶ澝ݾչ՟ঝҸһ֫ ۱ג۽ݮٺગઋֿङભךҸ՛ͫ۩ћثйґऱૅչӟךѽۅਈङ һգଝࡌ৲৻֨▲澞 ۀՈԅࣨӮъ ֨ȔЋЏত॔澝ЋڶӲҁȕੈঌऋׂॅЇͫ۩ћ࠳૧ӟޏङ࠵҂ՕљरӱԆ घӯङфսީر՟य़ٗג۽३ङЇ҄Фଣ澞ପଋԇୂОЋЏ١֫澝ৄঀࢃો ৱ҈ݕѩज़фսչ؏֑߆ԇͫљࡍதۯؚՆङҒێӣߤٷԗО߄۞Уङߐ܉ Њऀځ澞۩҅رћङфսুՠҭӣيॐӟԆघӯыङӫۃޏ澞 ۩ћӣߤ١֫ЇљѫઑՃݾ؆ОПحङધג۽фսͫٷљ߂ৄऀۯОحէߛӲ ઌՇސيէͫએ١֫ߛચԆघӯыङӫଭਈԃͫ۟Չҿ䊘䅢ङࡴԃ澞 ਗज़ࣛ ۩ћէїࣲ҈ݕԚֿґݺܔঌͫ҅գ▲١֪֫Ԛતџ澝фսջત֮ଇԽїࣲ फݎ૦ͫোеїࣲ߂םЏԇੈߐ܉Ճ߆ԇܴݵ澞5+3ؚࣿфމ澝їٗ фսߐ܉މঈ֮چґͫإোеؚҒઉґஞ澞 Џԇੈߐ܉Ճ߆ԇܴݵԆघӯऄׂגйۯؚثࡌچՠљՃфսۅџ ࡁङս࣎܈મͫোеؚੈ߂҈ݕҎӯ澝݈ڽ澝߂ڶݹङ߆ԇ澞Е崤ङࣿфӲ ҁͫએфսङՠࠀࣤЊғࣤଇ ङҒڶङ܈મ澞 Gabriel's products include speakers, amplifiers, audio conferencing systems, conference microphones and so on. As a supplier we provide complete solutions and attentive service for a variety of sound engineering, to create all kinds of audio products for the customer's needs. Our flagship brand JINGLE reflect Gabriel human excellence and innovation and first-class quality. The main market include conference rooms, classrooms and other public places broadcasting sound design many top companies, our common pursuit of high-fidelity sound and excellent multimedia performance are linked. In the "professionalism, concentrate on making" on the basis of operating strategy, we are taken new steps, you can see Gabriel's products will be a good choice for a variety of sound engineering. By business sector for the professional market, end consumers with quality products and perfect service to customer feedback collection and analysis of information into meaningful technology and applications. The product portfolio will enable us to fully demonstrate innovative thinking man Gabriel. We analyze the market at conferences and teaching as the leading voice sound reinforcement products, and to develop end-user-oriented development, allow the market to verify the person's ability to create Gabriel, feeling his surging vitality. Gabriel offers regional protection policies to the agents, so that the same market area inquiries, product advice are conveyed directly to follow up on the original agent, give agents the largest technical and service support operations. OEM merchants production, foundry products etc highly confidential technical information, giving merchants credit protection. Technical and service support operations: Gabriel electric sound based on customer demand and highly cost-effective products with the brand promise, giving merchants operators to provide the most convenient, efficient and most reliable service. Strict production processes, so that the product qualified rate and repair rate of 99: 1 faith commitment. It is so Simple to Choose JINGLE ଣؼۦܫТএԥ If you require more information, please send an email to JINGLECHINA@hotmail.com or visit our website www.gabrielsound.cn to browse for technical information that is being continuously updated and increased. LACOS600-16x r COS600 Line Array Series is a revolutionary product, the COS Series stands as a milestone in the practical application of conference engineering. The new generation of line arrays, COS heralds a new era in performance, sound and simple assembly. LA COS600 r Good sound system, user-friendly design and proven technology is the key. COS is backed by JINGLE’s high performance engineering suppor, will undoubtedly have demonstrated this. HIGH PERFORMANCE AND EASE OF USE LINEAR ARRAY SPEAKERS )59িஈӧީ▲ஶոۅङфսͫ)59ӧީऺॹ֨ѫઑٗ३ङؘஎځ ऀИङ▲Зୌ३䫻澞 ▲ޏїিஈӧॐव֨ۅਈͫג۽չএ݈ङޞޏї澞தՠыۅԗङગઋ֜ পչۨࣅױީߐ܉ङրङҼ୰ͫ)59ڱӱ0/4-2+ٗ३ߐ܉ङޗܴݵ ए࠳㑾ުд▲ࢵ澞થ)59ӧީ0/4-2+▲ૈਚԃйԅਈͫםڠবӘͫૹ ٙࢲࡴङגג۽ङї੮ҁ澞 r Designed for all kinds of conferences, auditoriums, banquets and other places system operators alike, COS features JINGLE’s excellent sound quality coupled with the best advanced sound reinforcement technology and support available. ߗੇକSTANDARD͵ x 26MAX AUDIO PROCESSOR r 2 x MF4 AUDIO AMPLIFIER r 1 x M5 AUDIO AMPLIFIER r1 )59ӧЋО՟ঝֺםѫઑ澝䮠׃澝ㅊ ѫঈ֫۱ગઋͫੈङ▲ਚױછ )59߄ܨ0/4-2+ङӟૅՃүङ۽ ߐ܉גչ߆ܴݵԇ澞 GEN4 Subwoofer system 07 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 500-800M 2 GRAND BALLROOM PA SYSTEM ٻֹלӀㄚѪԵஉ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aޗি௮ұC AԈ֥߄ڔি௮ұC AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ';*/5ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠͫݐ ਼ֺ՚3,^Пג۽ऀͫ3^Ѻை֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC Пג۽2')59^ Ѻை֘גۿ-+4^Ց յଆ੭ҭ 68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚68' +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] Wirelsss Microphone Dynamic Wired Microphone [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Audio Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: MF4 x 1 match House Monitor, M5 x 1 match Subwoofer) [Speakers] House Monitor: 2')59^ YKZSubwoofer: GEN4 x 4Pcs Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-26A) 09 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 JINGLE ENGINEERING PROJECTS 1000M 2 AUDITORIUM CONFERENCE PA SYSTEM ל䮟ׂѪஉ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ Aޗি௮ұC AԈ֥߄ڔি௮ұC AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ';*/5ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠͫݐ ਼ֺ՚3,^Пג۽ऀͫ3^Ѻை֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC Пג۽2')59^ Ѻை֘גۿ-+4^Ց յଆ੭ҭ 68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚68' +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) Wirelsss Microphone Dynamic Wired Microphone [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD12 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Audio Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: MF4 x 2 match House Monitor, M5 x 2 match Subwoofer) [Speakers] House Monitor: 2')59^ YKZSubwoofer: GEN4 x 8Pcs Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-26A) JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 10 LACOS400-12x r LA COS400 line array loudspeaker sound source using the latest design concept, with perfect consistency directional characteristics and frequency response. LA COS400 r COS400 gap between the box and the box has been reduced to a minimum, thereby reducing the entire set of array sound invalid region, the vertical array sidelobes minimized. HIGH PERFORMANCE AND EASE OF USE LINEAR ARRAY SPEAKERS 2')59িஈӧ֘גۿऀ߂ޏङ࢛גગઋࣲͫھӀ߄؏২ङܶէࣔۅչை ࣤր▲ځਚۅ澞)59ङঔѽЊঔѽФङٝঢ়ӱ߂شђ৲ӗصдޅ ুஈӧङݼޗՇגԚ߂شԗஈӧङָफ ࣺޒ澞 এԥՕழङբৈߣͫՕڽବբָܵۨ फিஈӧͺЭՕر-+4Ѻைݹ֘גۿ ֪֨வͫऀٷЋऀݵ߫ݵ㣜)59ӧি ۅஈӧ֘גۿͺଐՕमԾբࠃ߫ͫପ ଋЋЏբܵ߫फ֨؍ݎவЇ҅ऀͫ ऀନՕڱӱ▲࠵يܢ澞 Optional: GEN4 Subwoofer system r Simple and reliable lifting structure, can quickly hanging in a vertical line array; also be GEN4 subwoofer on the floor, and support COS Series line array loudspeakers with special brackets; also eliminates lifting frame, hanging rack mounted directly through professional on the wall to use, use can be further expanded. ߗੇକSTANDARD͵ x 26MAX AUDIO PROCESSOR r 2 x MF4 AUDIO AMPLIFIER r1 LARGE DISCUSSIONS CONFERENCE SYSTEM ֹלړѪॸঞ Ѩ۱յऽͫਘࣀࢦײ࢛ͧגઔ澝Щ֘ࢦתչࢦঈͨՇӟङג ਈԝӣ߄ஒͫҿגԹசѮݮख़ङם৲ଊବੰӗ澞֜࠴ச वऄߐ܉澝ऄߐ܉גङڽବՇג۽ͫيङૅ߄дߢםङݕ ͫࢠૡыћثૅߛङࡌ澞 சव֢ӄ澝֢எсࡶङͫךރߛٶѫઑͧ*)4ͨ澝 ऄઢѫઑչऄંऄઢѫઑՇڽڮي澞ѫઑऀࡤٺйѫઑИڶ澝 آௗ澝த֝չߑڄݺҼ澞ѫઑԕܬѫઑખ澝੮Ӑ 澝գגѮઠչऄંऄઢѫઑ澞ࡌ澝ંை֣ͧҦͨ գ࠵ͫҶୂऀऄݏӲչҥѫઑމ澞 With the increase in domestic and international exchanges in recent years, conference calls, videoconferencing and digital conference system (DCN) has developed rapidly. Conferencing systems are widely used in conference centers, hotels, groups and government agencies. Conferencing systems including conference discussion system, voting system, simultaneous interpretation system and video teleconferencing systems. Requirements for audio and video (image) system synchronization, all computer controlled and storage conference materials. 200M2 LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM PA SYSTEM ֹלѪॸב۞؛ঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AޥѪҰC -4ӧֱܷރ٭ଠ AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ';*/5ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠͫݐ ਼ֺ՚3^Пג۽ऀͫ3^Ѻை֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽2')59^ յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 683Ȼ^ثͺѺை֘גۿ-+4^Ց +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] Conference Microphone : GN series (Depend of the number of seats) [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Audio Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, M5 x1 mactch Subwoofer ) [Speakers] House Monitor: 2')59^ YKZ Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-310MȻ x2 Pair); Subwoofer: GEN4 x 2 Pcs 300M2 LARGE AUDITORIUM PA SYSTEM ֹל۶ղԵ੶உ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AޥѪҰC -4ӧֱܷރ٭ଠ AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ';*/5ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠͫݐ ਼ֺ՚3^Пג۽ऀͫ3^Ѻை֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽2')59^ յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 68'^ثͺѺை֘גۿ-+4^Ց +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] Conference Microphone : GN series (Depend of the number of seats) [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Audio Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, M5 x1 mactch Subwoofer ) [Speakers] House Monitor: 2')59^ YKZ Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-18A x4 Pair); Subwoofer: GEN4 x 2 Pcs 15 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 500M2 SPORTS VENUES BACKGROUND MUSIC AND PA SYSTEM ݧֹלѼࡕԇ֪ےޑஉШ Ղ੶உ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AޥѪҰC -4ӧֱܷރ٭ଠ AݸҰC AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AAԄࢴ֗לݚC ';*/5ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠͫݐ ਼ֺ՚3^Пג۽ऀͫ3^Ѻை֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽2')59^ Ѻை֘גۿ-+4^Ց յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 68'^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] Conference Microphone : GN series (Depend of the number of seats) [Wireless Microphone] [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Audio Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, M5 x1 mactch Subwoofer ) [Speakers] House Monitor: 2')59^ YKZ Subwoofer: GEN4 x 2 Pcs Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-26A x3 Pair) BOWLING ALLEY 500M2 LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM PA SYSTEM ֹלѪ੶؛உ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ AޥѪҰC -4ӧֱܷރ٭ଠ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AAԄࢴ֗לݚC ';*/5ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠͫݐ ਼ֺ՚3^Пג۽ऀͫ3^Ѻை֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽2')59^ Ѻை֘גۿ-+4^Ց յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 683Ȼ^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) Conference Microphone : GN series (Depend of the number of seats) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [[Power Amplifier] Audio Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, M5 x1 mactch Subwoofer ) [Speakers] House Monitor: 2')59^ YKZ Subwoofer: GEN4 x 1 Pcs Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-310MȻx3 Pair) Mini LA-S8Q400 CONFERENCE PROCEEDING LINEAR ARRAY r Voice clear and full, bright high-frequency and low-frequency thick let the music get rich performance. r Rationalization of the structure, easy installation, stable, single construction can be easily done about 10 minutes lifting. 3OTO2'97িஈӧધࢎޱࢠͫޢщङைՃԼؘङѺைએЩڱӱ Йئङ੮࣫澞ՠࣲԗङৈߣͫ؍এҎ澝६֡ͫԥыٗޑӣ୕Օૹߠ؏ۨ բ澞 r Personalized design, simple, tough, capable indeed reflect the style, fit and realistic idea of government business. Зۅԗङיગઋͫএ澝ॆ߇ͫѽ࣫ӟٴীؘ֨ङࠀͫӤՠݺԇԇङࡌ ھ۞ؘ澞 ߗੇକSTANDARD͵ x 26MAX AUDIO PROCESSOR r 2 x M3 AUDIO AMPLIFIER r1 Optional: GEN4 Subwoofer system 100-200M2 BUSINESS CONFERENCE PA SYSTEM ԆѪ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ Aޗি௮ұC AԈ֥߄ڔি௮ұC AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧͺ952*/+8ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠ ਼ֺͫݐ՚3^Пג۽ऀͫ952*/+8=^յଆ֘גۿ ऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽Mini LA-S8Q400^ յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 68'^ثͺܷଠѺை֘גۿ-+4^Ց +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) Wirelsss Microphone Dynamic Wired Microphone [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD12 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Amplifier: M series ;952*/+8 series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, 952*/+8= x1 mactch Auxiliary Speaker) [Speakers] House Monitor: Mini LA-S8Q400^YKZ Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-16A x 1 Pair) ; Demand adaptation subwoofer: GEN4 x 1 Pcs 300M2 AUDITORIUM CONFERENCE PA SYSTEM ל䮟ׂѪஉ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ Aޗি௮ұC AԈ֥߄ڔি௮ұC A)*䬈ߑC AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 3^Пג۽ऀͫ3^յଆ֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽Mini LA-S8Q400^ յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 683Ȼ^ثͺܷଠѺை֘גۿ-+4^Ց +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) Wirelsss Microphone Dynamic Wired Microphone CD Player [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD12 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, 3 x1 mactch Auxiliary Speaker) [Speakers] House Monitor: Mini LA-S8Q400^YKZ Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-310MȻ x 2 Pair) ; Demand adaptation subwoofer: GEN4 x 1 Pcs 150-250M2 BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS LOUNGE PA SYSTEM Ў֪ےѦ㔴לԵޑஉШ ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC AەۿەѪॸঞC Иࣲ֘הס*3^Ֆ ѫઑઢঊԥҫ П٭ԥҫ-1ܷПރ٭ֱ٭ଠ ї੮ԥҫ-1ܷї੮ֱރ٭ଠ Aޗি௮ұC AԈ֥߄ڔি௮ұC A)*䬈ߑC AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC ԅࣤ ֘םݹ3ӧܷ֪֫ރ֘גۿଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 3^Пג۽ऀͫ3^յଆ֘גۿऀ A۠֗בC П ג۽Mini LA-S8Q400^ յଆ੭ҭ68ӧ֪ܷ֫֘גۿރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚ 68'^ثͺܷଠѺை֘גۿ-+4^Ց +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference System] Central Processor: DM3/50 x1 Conference microphone unit Chairman unit: GK10 (Depend of the number of seats) Delegate Unit: GK8 (Depend of the number of seats) Wirelsss Microphone Dynamic Wired Microphone CD Player [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD12 x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] Amplifier: M series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: M3 x2 match House Monitor, 3 x1 mactch Auxiliary Speaker) [Speakers] House Monitor: Mini LA-S8Q400^YKZ Auxiliary Speaker: 68YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-25A x 2 Pair) ; Demand adaptation subwoofer: GEN4 x 1 Pcs GEN4 HIGH PERFORMANCE SUBWOOFER SYSTEM ࣩלڟબѹ۠ॸ֗בঞ ㊎ޏङ0/4-2+Ѻை֘גۿ-+4ӧЋОֺםչֺםѫઑԶㅊѫԶङ 呝Ӷࡌ৲ગઋङ澞-+4ӧङଐՕљђૻشङ֪֫ͫѧي۽ێӱֺםㅊѫ Զ✑Щୂ澞 -+4Ѻை֘גۿৈՠд0/4-2+ङளӚݼ澝СৰङՕழۅչүङ܉ ߐ澝ѩज़ङગઋչךԅਈङՕۅ澞-+4ं֚Зਸ਼⩎⮪تԥҫুۨީ ۅਈবӘֺङѺ䎯ͫي۽֨ޜѠѾג۽ङѺை੮࣫澞 r The new JINGLE subwoofer system GEN Series - specifically designed for the extreme requirements of large and mega-size conference hall ballroom. GEN series subwoofer system design, can be extended to the praise of the smaller venues, ultra lounge and a large club. r The GEN4 is combine JINGLE’s extraordinary sound, proven reliability and Advanced technology with excellent design and versatile configurability. r GEN4 6.5" subwoofer system The GEN4 is four 6.5-inch high performance compact subwoofer system designed to extend low frequency performance of any PA system. Subwoofer grille: Available in black or white. JINGLE PRODUCT GUIDANCE 8” THIN FLEXIBLE SPEAKER PR-310MȻ HONESTY QUALITY, r Wide frequency response characteristics of 60Hz-18KHz (± 3dB) HIGH-RESOLUTION HIGH-FREQUENCY SOUND r Honesty quality, high-resolution high-frequency sound ૅ䄜ԼͫઆߤچङИைૅ 68ӧ▲ީ֘גۿЗД૨ӣை澞҈ݕ.`1.`ङைࣤਸ֠ͫӀ࢝ٵו ङைࣤրځ澞ҿИ683Ȼࢎޱङૅ澝ԅࣤچإչতेङतͫچՕљ О՟ঝםИֺشѫઑ֫࣫րג۽ࡴࢲ҈ݕङࠄސ澞 683Ȼ ࢲࡴङঔѽͫءைրࣔۅ ૅ䄜ԼͫઆߤچङИைૅ এԥՕழङܵאৈߣͫଠֺޏ-;Ȼ߫ܵאՕڽବܵ؏ۨͫЋЏङԪӌݖڔ িڔސ६࣑ؔ֡澞 PR-310MȻ XLR type plug-line r The PR-310MȻ with clear sound quality, high power density and precise coverage, may provide a more flexible solution for all types of large and small conference rooms live sound reinforcement system. Available in black or white. SUSPENSION-GU8ɉ WALL MOUNT STENTS GU8Ȼ is currently available to install the most flexible wall mount speakers. Less than relying solely on five kinds of components, high loading capacity of 15 kg. Undoubtedly covers most small speakers mounted range. 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT -;Ȼ JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 26 PR-26A PR-25A PR-25A PR-18A PR-16A PR-15A PR-18A PR-16A PR-15A PR SERIES MDF FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER Using a special medium-density fiberboard with internal support and enhance the effect of enhancing the overall stability of the speaker aesthetics and sound effects; suitable for vertical or horizontal hanging. PR series speakers matte paint surface treatment, tough and smooth appearance, perfectly matched to a variety of meeting rooms. PR Series speakers for a variety of wall mounting applications projects, including large-scale business conference facilities, roundtables sound design, conference rooms, classrooms, concourse, department stores, sports facilities and other public places. Available in black or white. r 68ӧ֘גۿଠऀй՟य़ٗऀځ؍ܵא३ͫԕ ֺםܬԇѫઑગࠅ֤ͫޑѫઑրગઋͫѫઑ Զͫͫݾ૱ॻͫ׃םघૄҸ՛ͫѽਃગޑչ՟ ঝҸһ֫۱澞 r 68ӧ֘גۿ䭎䩵䈖੮வࡶ߇ॆࣲͫהईङֺי PR series plug-line ͫ؏Ҷԙй՟य़ѫઑͺ r ऀࣔӲङ٫ӄୂݵ㣜չԆߧݼڠङИچإল ߡ3*,ͫݕԟঔ২چչޅѽגߧݼङ६ ؔۅͺଠՠָफ۪ࡊٵբܵ澞 աॸܖঞ-;ࢺҐଷ՟ଟߌܖ -;ީ߫ܵא0/4-2+ङৈߣЋӯ ї੮ҁФ▲ͫ֘גۿङڔސܵא ђڐএԗ澞ЉѸיএҰ࢝ ͫ࣪ґ୨ՠङߕૅͫ৲ЌՕલઅڐچ晅ͫ1ङ୍܈ଠй68Ҷӧ֘גۿ澞 27 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 JINGLE PRODUCT GUIDANCE 68ӧ Иچإলߡדיધडծ֘גۿ PR-18A 8” MDF FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT -; PR-15A 5” MDF FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT -; PR-25A 2X5” MDF FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ^ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT -; PR-16A 6” MDF FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT -; PR-26A 2X6” MDF FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ^ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT -; JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 28 40-60M 2 SMALL NEGOTIATION ROOM PA SYSTEM ֹس䁫ંॸב۞؛ঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC 68ӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚68'^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference Microphone ] (Depend of the number of seats, Recommended: GN50) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] VOCIE Amplifier: 952*/+8YKXOKYB)'6:'/4series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: 952*/+8=^) [Speakers] PR YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-16A x 2 Pair) BUSINESS ROOM 50-80M 2 MEDIUM ROUNDTABLE PA SYSTEM Зֹ֣ߦѪ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC 68ӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚683Ȼ^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference Microphone ] (Depend of the number of seats, Recommended: GN50) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] VOCIE Amplifier: 952*/+8YKXOKYB)'6:'/4series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: 952*/+8=^) [Speakers] PR YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: PR-310MȻ x 2 Pair) 70-120M 2 MEDIUM BUSINESS CONFERENCE PA SYSTEM ЗֹԆѪ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆͫ 952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC 68ӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚Пג۽68'^ͫث੭ 68'^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference Microphone ] (Depend of the number of seats, Recommended: GN50) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] VOCIE Amplifier: 952*/+8YKXOKYB)'6:'/4series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: 952*/+8=^952*/+8=^) [Speakers] PR YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: House Monito PR-26A x 1 Pair , Auxiliary PR-15A x 1 Pair) 100-150M 2 LARGE BUSINESS CONFERENCE PA SYSTEM ֹלԆѪ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC 68ӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚Пג۽68'^ͫث੭ 683Ȼ^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference Microphone ] (Depend of the number of seats, Recommended: GN50) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: MD8x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] VOCIE Amplifier: 952*/+8YKXOKYB)'6:'/4series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: 952*/+8=^) [Speakers] PR YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: House Monito PR-26A x 1 Pair , Auxiliary PR-310MȻ x 2 Pair) ARGE BUSINESS CONFERENCE ROOM EXCELLENT PROTECTION, POLYESTER SHELL SPEAKER NS-AW350 ߢ҄ङґৼܔ懜֘גۿדי Available in black or white. FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER થ0/4-2+ৼ懜דיӧީԅࣤͫૹٙͫ૨֘גۿ澞ৼ懜יܐܙݼ߄די ԃङ݃ѯͫܺܙӄچיՊԗՃ࢘םچঈঈ࣪⥐ېҍ埗澞 ٱםவङଋࡦ҈ݕحѩڑङतͫએ䂊ԼעޗऱङѺߧݼ٫ߛ㤁ङ ۟Չ澞ঔͫ߫ݵו੧ܵאЊ߫ગङٗҁߠૹיࠀޞ澞 થৼ懜ӧީધג۽չ՟य़ਅްЩङࣲͫ֘גۿऀځԕܬѽਃગͫޑ ֫ͫѽਃ֫ͫيઃИ࣐ͫڶєॼ܉੮ࢦͫ䆵ӎ֫ͫПொЩ֫۱ͫਥͫࡊЇЩ ⴃͫיਅްЩجշͫ䀽ࡐͫљՃ՟य़՟߽ङӄ֪֫ঝֺ澞 The JINGLE polyester shell Series is a high-power, lightweight, two-way speaker system. Polyester shell effective against external damage, but also to resist change and large indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity and so harsh elements. Large format progressive transition waveguide provides excellent coverage, so deep and distortion-free bass to bring more shocking experience. Speakers with brackets, were particularly easy when the wall and erection work. 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT ?KY ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 33 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 JINGLE PRODUCT GUIDANCE RM-101 10“ FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER The Polyester series is ideal for speech and music in a wide variety of applications, including sports facilities, racetracks, stadiums, fairgrounds, rodeos, skating rinks, themed entertainment venues, cruise ships, water parks, outdoor background music/paging systems, swimming pools, and a wide variety of other indoor venue types. ȕધडծ֘גۿ .ȕ^2ȕ^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲ 9_YZKSZ_VK.ȕ^2ȕ^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQ D-603 6.5“ FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT ?KY D-601 6.5“ FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ધडծ֘גۿ .^2^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK.^2^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT ?KY BS-151 3 X 2.5“ FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER Ҷைધडծ֘גۿ ,^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 י௲۪ग 9_YZKSZ_VK,^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN (RGIQUX=NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT ?KY BS-251 5“ FULL-RANGE MONITOR SPEAKER ȕધडծ֘גۿ ,ȕ^2ȕ^ ܈Չԅࣤ=839 יग 9_YZKSZ_VK,ȕ^2ȕ^ .GTJROTMVU]KX=839 ,OTOYN =NOZK 9[YVKTYOUT ?KY JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 34 OPEN SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS PA SYSTEM ާړݚڏԆ֪ےޑஉШՂ ੶உ۞ॸבঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC ৼ懜דיӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚49'=^ث +TMOTKKXOTMVXUPKIZY [Pickup] [Conference Microphone ] (Depend of the number of seats, Recommended: GN30) [Feedback Suppression Processor] IN10 x1 [Auxiliary Audio Device] Audio Mixing Console: M68x1 Audio Processor: 26MAX x1 [Power Amplifier] VOCIE Amplifier: 952*/+8YKXOKYB)'6:'/4series (Depend on the speakers, Recommended: 952*/+8=^) [Speakers] POLYESTER YKXOKY (Depend on the place, Recommended: NS-AW350 x 3 Pair) 35 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 JINGLE ENGINEERING PROJECTS SUBREGIONAL OFFICE PA SYSTEM Ӣԙ־ԃҷ֪ॸב۞ےঞ ٖसܗߥݱԦ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC ৼ懜דיӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚*^ث PUBLIC PLACES PA SYSTEM ҷҺ֪ےޑஉШՂ੶உ۞ॸבঞ AܓஉC Aѫઑ௮ұC -4ӧֱܷͧރ٭ଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚-4ͨ AՅۭӱ֗C /4^Ֆ Aבஉৼઁ߈ݝՂҒணC લՖ 3*^Ֆܷ֪֫ଣ3*B3*B3*ͨ ை ࣲ֘ה3'>^Ֆ AԄࢴ֗לݚC <5/)+ӧԅࣤ ֘םݹ952*/+8ӧB)'6:'/4ӧܷ֪֫ ঔރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚952*/+8=^Ֆ A۠֗בC ৼ懜דיӧঔ ܷ֪֫ރଠ਼ֺͫݐ՚*^ث JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 36 JINGLE PRODUCT GUIDANCE 26MAX AUDIO PROCESSOR ENTER 2 EXPORT 6 உ֗ࣂד 0/4-2+ஶոۅङ3'>ͫতچङ*96ࣲͫ֘הHOZङӄୂࣲה݇ރӀ ߄ߢङԈہਸ֠ͫީЋљ҈ݕԤङைૅչڽବչএҎङݱҁ澞 ךЗऀۯҥֲࠥ澞ՕପଋђؒৠЈૺङܴݵ३ߛپଠ0/4-2+Ҷӧۿ ֘גфս澞 ;9(ݎՍܴͫݵԯݖԯऀङऄݏӲўݱҁ澞ݏޗӲவߡͫेґ҅ ऀङ६ؔۅչӕेۅ澞 JINGLE revolutionary 26MAX. Precision DSP processor, internal data processing 48bit has a very high dynamic range. Is designed to provide excellent audio quality and quick-and-easy operation. Multiple user memory modules. You can download from the official website of the program to support the full range of speaker adaptation JINGLE products. USB interface supports plug and play computer control software operation. No control panel, to ensure the stability and accuracy of the system. JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 38 FEEDBACK DESTROYER Յۭӱ֗ IN10 MIC INPUT 10 CHANNEL /4ީ▲Օݎ૨ઢঊ૿ҵͫ૨ٵ੫૿ӟङବՆ܌Ӳ֘澞૨ઢঊ٫ ࣞॹ<ٹऄ࢛Њञલਭͫପଋܷ୰Ӥ݅澞 N10 is a 10 mic inputs can be connected, a balanced output speed feedback is fiction. Each microphone with a separate 48V phantom power and gain adjustment, through the key switch. AUDIO AMPLIFIER ߢѺעऱͫѺைݏӲԃגͫڠࢎূޱ匞澞ҶיޏગઋͫЋЏߑ߱ଠऀͫ چڠৈߣߑঔՃߑ߫ث०݈ͫڽ澞 আդঃԄࢴ֗לݚ M2 ষեԅࣤ*;'֘םݹ/5'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( M3 ষեԅࣤ*;'֘םݹ/5'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( M5 ষեԅࣤ*;'֘םݹ/5'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( MF4 ষեԅࣤ*;'֘םݹ/5'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< 39 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( JINGLE 952*/+8)'6:'/4ӧԅࣤ֘םݹҿૅͫױ६ؔۅͫѺ֙ঈࣔࢵͫত ࡹࠒڶଋङऄҫўݟүՠࣲङऄ૨ગઋͫ҅ૅԆ؏২澞ީѫઑٗ३ङ 䧼Фଣ澞 আդঃԄࢴ֗לݚ SOLDIER100W PRODUCT GUIDANCE VOICE AMPLIFIER ষեધԅࣤ<֘םݹ5/)+'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( SOLDIER200W ষեધԅࣤ<֘םݹ5/)+'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( CAPTAIN300W ষեધԅࣤ<֘םݹ5/)+'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( CAPTAIN400W ষեધԅࣤ<֘םݹ5/)+'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( CAPTAIN500W ষեધԅࣤ<֘םݹ5/)+'362/,/+8 ŏ ^= ŏ ^= 9KTYOZO\OZ_J(< )XUYYZGRQ ʇJ( 9RK]8GZK ʈ<[Y 948GZOUJ( JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 40 GU8Ȼ WALL MOUNT STENTS REFRESH YOUR SPEAKERS MOUNTED CONCEPT Gold tilt adjustment Able to adjust the best angle to fully demonstrate the advantages of your product. Vertical adjustable angle: 0 °,depression adjust the angle: 63 ° ӳޏ҂ङھࠢܵא֘גۿ GU8Ȼ is currently available to install the most flexible wall mount speakers. Less than relying solely on five kinds of components, high loading capacity of 15 kg. Undoubtedly covers most small speakers mounted range. Diversification of product characteristics Four parts design, precise angle 5 times the normal wall mount Wide-angle horizontal rotation Reach the level of r° wide-angle rotating meet different angle mount, any change to a new vision Fine-tune the system ! # $%&*$&* so that the installation process to obtain a more accurate orientation Wall-supporting design Gold wall ratio maximum distance from the wall 90mm Simple and easy to mount plug wire. Freely adjust easily flip. Perfect design for a variety of mount. Cable hiding system Intimate designed 60mm spacing to avoid trough wall # +7 #< * = # and orderly appearance. Available in black or white. 41 JINGLE · GABRIEL 2015 JINGLE ࢺҐଷ՟ଟߌܖ Patent NO/ગઋЋӯ՚ZL201420417540.5 -;Ȼީऩӹ١வЇࡴࢲ߂؍ङ߫ܵא֘גۿ澞юю҉ழЉӱय़ୂўুۨͫ܈ ୍ଇҸ㧎澞ޗए䃣तୂםӣИ֘גۿֺشङܵਸ֠澞 ௰Ҝފલਭͫر҂ङфսѩࢵҭӣيॐͫ Ҕઅલਭ߂םઅچqͫٺઅࡊޔٵrq ͫࢠૡЉգઅͫܵچѠ۞݅ંޏઅ澞ڳ લָफrqͫࡊٵrqڳલͫ҅؍ ଋ३ИՈڱӕेङސѹ澞 ૉݵ㣜ગઋ௰҆ࡁܵאख़߂ଓख़ SS িߕૉڶગઋSSѽ斘В ହڐিࠤକݎিͫએি૨ͫپ߄௷ޅ ґܴޅل؟২澞௲૦गДय़Օଣோ 澞 ܵএҎૹߠݖি ਘंલਭૹߠ৬ ؏֑ગઋଠऀךय़ܵ ۩ଜ͵ʄ1ࠫ͵ૃݵٴrq ғઁৼ͵qdq -;Ȼ࠵؍ͧͨ (KGXOTMʇ1.UXO`UTZGRR_XUZGZOTMrq <KXZOIGRGJP[YZSKTZqdq GU 8 WALL MOUNT STENTS ࢺҐଷ՟ଟߌܖ Patent NO/ગઋЋӯ՚ZL2012201320066.2 G> ? != @? @#@?# =*#=# rugged calm, achieve fast and secure wall. Not only looks simple and elegant, ?Z7[ # #< \&*Z&*= your installation more convenient and faster for speakers, lighting, hardware, and so the product. ۩ଜ͵ʄ1ࠫ͵ૃݵٴrq ғઁৼ͵qdq -;࠵؍ͧͨ (KGXOTMʇ1.UXO`UTZGRR_XUZGZOTMrq <KXZOIGRGJP[YZSKTZqdq TU 20 CEILING BRACKET ߂םաߌܖ Patent NO/ગઋЋӯ՚ZL201330236525.1 ஶמޏਰߡբܵࠢͫھএݱߠૹޣҁ澞ָफqࡊٵqͫڽָؘܵ࣫६״澞 The experimental result shows: the TU20 is fast, dependable, and easily-operational. ۩ଜ͵ʄ1ࠫ͵ૃݵٴq ַࣻઁৼ͵q :;࠵؍ͧͨ (KGXOTMʇ1.UXO`UTZGRR_XUZGZOTMq <KXZOIGRGJP[YZSKTZq ACCESSORIES GU 8Ȼ WALL MOUNT STENTS SOLDIER100W SOLDIER200W CAPTAIN300W CAPTAIN400W ைࣤրځ -."*-./"* -."*-./"* -."*-./"* 0112345)67 0112345)67 -."*-./"* 0112345)67 ૿ӟԅࣤ 0112345)67 -(8..) 9:œ -(-..) 9:œ -(Q;.) 9<œ 8..4 -(Q..) 9:œ -(Q:.) 9<œ 8..4 -(<..) 9:œ -(;:.) 9<œ 8..4 9 :œ=8"*> Ғ֙ࡁ -(8;.) 9<œ 8..4 9 :œ=8"*> сલעऱ ʇ?.4 ʇ?.4 9 :œ=8"*> ʇ?.4 9 :œ=8"*> ʇ?.4 ݅ବࣤ @ ʈA3B @ ʈA3B @ ʈA3B @ ʈA3B િૺஊܐ <:œ7 <:œ7 <:œ7 <:œ7 .49.CDD;B> 9 :œ > .49.CDD;B> 9 :œ > .49.CDD;B> 9 :œ > .CDD;BE AA1B31"*FG1"* H1215I .CDD;BE AA1B31"*FG1"* H1215I J67œ7KG1"*FL/"*M N JA0K+%O J67œ7KG1"*FL/"*M N ! 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