N.R.H.E.G. - Minnesota Geospatial Information Office
2 !6 " ) 340th St. Mary Township 1 !8 ) " " ) 330th 7 ! " ) 1 !7 " ) 38th 3 !3 " ) 161s 48th 85th 72nd a cas a 2 4th 4th 14th 3 ! ) " il R iv 6 !3 " ) er 7 ! ) " 260th 108th " ) 108th INSET - SEE MAP 2 OF 2 (if applicable) 2 !7 " ) 118th 42nd 245th " ) Berlin Township Reese Lake Beaver Lake 141st NHREG 2 !8 ) " Th 4th h Unknown or No Streetnam e 7 !7 " ) 29th Public Land Survey Township / Range 340th 2 !0 ) " 34th 2. Metropolitan Council, 2010, Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2004 158th 14th 24th 3. Minnesota Geographic Information Office 4. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Minnesota Legislative GIS Office (modified to include annexations files with Municipal Board through May 2003) 168th " ) 335th 2 !4 ) " 3 !5 " ) 6 !7 ) " 320th Hartland 3 !3 " ) 4 !4 " ) 590th Barker 820th 780th 310th Bath Township 310th 310th 685th 770th 717th ! " ) O tte r Ta il 103 ! " ) " ) 2 !6 " ) La c Q u i Pa rle 285th Manchester 24 5 th M artin Fa rib a ult Fre eb o rn M ow er School District County Boundary Fillm ore H ou sto n 870th µ 0 263rd Hickory Lake 1 2 Miles For further assistance with this m ap, contact: 255th 867th 735th Legend C hisa go W a sh in g ton 1 : 45,700 258th 250th 247th N ob le s Ja cks on 275th Jake Stark 2 !5 " ) 2 !2 " ) An o ka 865th 840th 834th 104 ! " ) Unknown or No Streetnam e e Zuyder Zee Riceland Township Moscow Township 2 !5 " ) 8 !8 " ) 240th 265th 3 !0 " ) 2 !5 ) " 725th 700th 692nd 670th 660th 245th 118 ! " ) 2 !6 " ) 2 !5 " ) 865th 705th Bancroft Township th 263rd 820th 260th 250th 1 !2 ) " am t re 760th 260th 2 !5 " ) AldenConger 263rd 785th Carlston Township Manchester Township 265th Unkn ow n or No S 675th 26 0 th th 263rd 267 Is an ti Sh e rbu rne Ka n diyo h i W righ t C hipp e w a M ee k er 270th 9 !2 " ) e tn 265th 720th 8 ! ) " 690th 6 !6 " ) 4 !5 " ) 277th 855th 2 !0 ) " Amsterdam Verhey Jefferson 800th 695th 270th Hollandale 836th 750th 730th Albert Lea 7 !3 " ) R oc k Netherland Washington 275th Be n to n Ste arn s M ille Pin e La cs Ka n ab ec Ste ele W a ton w a n Blu e W a se ca Pip es ton e M urra y W ino n a D od ge Ea rth C otton w o od O lm ste d 5 251 " ) 3rd M orriso n C arlton R am se y H en ne p in M cL e od C arv er Ye llo w M e dicin e R en ville Sc ott D ak ota Sib le y Linc oln G oo d hu e Le Ly on R ed w oo d N ic ollet Su e ur R ic e W a ba sh a Bro w n y4 Hw Co 1s t un ty 3 !1 " ) Aitkin C row W ing Sw ift e Unknown or No Str 2nd 275th 630th 3 !0 To dd La ke C as s W a de n a Tra ve rse Big Ste ve ns Po p e Sto ne St. Lo uis Ita sc a H ub ba rd Be ck e r W ilk in 860th 2 !4 ) " 680th 610th 8 35th 290th 4th 2 !9 " ) 250th 3 !4 " ) C oo k C le arw a ter M ah n om en 29 5th Ko o ch ic hin g Be ltra m i R ed La ke N orm an 295th 665th 3rd 10th Freeborn 708 109 Pe n ning to n Po lk eetna m 267th " ) 297th La ke of th e W o od s M ars ha ll 2 !8 ) " 30 0 th R os ea u C la y Turtle Creek 3 !3 ) " 160th Unknown or No Streetnam e 295th 116 290th 4th 640 th 720th 632nd 622nd 620th 300th 9 !5 " ) 2 !9 " ) 6 ! ) " ! " ) 1 !0 ) " 2 !7 " ) 6 !1 " ) School District Location in Minnesota 310th G ran t D ou gla s 3 !2 " ) 3 !1 ) " Newry Township y 28 9 !7 " ) " ) 280th Clark Township Hw 105 3 !1 295th 190th 170th n ty 4 !5 ) " 300th United South Central Cou 305th 13 " ) 297th Geneva Township The Minnesota Department of Education does not warranty the results you may obtain by using this map. This map is provided without express or implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event will MDE be liable for any consequential, incidental or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if an MDE representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages or any other claim by any third party. Kittso n 305th 6 ! ) " Blooming Prairie 7 75t h Hartland Township Main 325th Liability Statement: 3 !5 ) " 3 !5 " ) 825th W illiam s Railro ad Freeborn Township 2nd 3rd 4th 3 !5 ) " 315th 710th 670th 630th 315th Geneva 1st 318th 655th 610th 320th 290 th 3 !4 " ) 3 !0 ) " 860th 325th 322nd 6 !8 ) " 33 0 th 9 !6 " ) 5th 325th 3 !3 " ) 790th 620th 330th 6 ! " ) Dunbar Township 795th 715th 333rd 3 !5 ) " The school district boundary appearing on this map do not necessarily represent the legal boundary of the district. It is a generalization of boundaries drawn on maps in the late 1980's by county official's and modified by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, most recently for Census 2000. Since 2005, district boundary's have been modified by the Dept. of Education based on completed County Parcel information. Please contact your county auditor or assessor to obtain an accurate legal description of the boundary. 770th 335th 7 !0 " ) Special Note: 1 !5 ) " 3 !7 ) " 4 !7 330th Penny Lake 3 1. Minnesota Department of Education, IT Division, 2010 340th 1 !4 " ) 730th 335th 6 !5 ) " 200th 3 Data Sources: NRHEG Elem 158th 72nd 82nd 4 Minor Civil Division (Cities, Townships and Unorganized areas) n 16 1st 700th 335th 210th 5 4 !5 " ) 1 !0 ) " 3 !4 " ) 5 5. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources 0t " ) 3 Lake/Pond 20 6 !7 2 Road/Street Public Land Survey Section 35th 90th 102nd 150th N.R.H.E.G. 2 2 !4 " ) Ellendale " ) Main Street Stream 2nd Radel 6th 8th 3 !8 County Highway Railroad 92nd 55th 205th 210th 130th 6 !6 ) " 95th 70th 2 !8 ) " 35 § ¦ ¨ Center 105th 215th 148th 62nd NHREG 30 " ) 2 17th om pson 5 !9 ) " 1 ! " ) 141st 2 State Highway 138th 138th 143rd 160th 5 !8 " ) 136th Summit Township 2 !8 " ) New Richland Township 22 0 th 65th 138th L a ke 22nd Broadw ay Ba lsa m Cyp re ss 6 !3 " ) B e a ve r U.S. Highway 44th 155th Cedar 6 !5 ) " Lonergan Lake 136th 4 !5 a n NRHEG High 1 !1 " ) 3 ! ) " 133rd New Richland 1st 30 " ) 22 0 th 235th 4th 5th 128th Blooming Prairie Township 5 !5 " ) 57th 136th Byron Township 128th 2 !1 " ) Saint Olaf Lake § ¦ ¨ 61 ( / ÿ Æ 18 · Æ 200 19th 8 ! " ) 67th 110th 80th 240th Elm 45th 55th 9th 2 Interstate Highway 94 2 !6 " ) 47th 5 ! ) " Other Features 14th 32nd 90th 6 ! ) " th " ) 8 11 250th 1 !2 38th 145th 115th d 6 !4 " ) 255th 121st Vivian Township Adjacent School District 180th 2n 254th 1 School District 120th 40th 108th 1 !4 " ) 5 !1 6 !4 ) " Public School Districts 8 !2 ) " 260th 7 !4 " ) 4 ! " ) Unk now n or N o Streetna m e 5 !6 ) " School 34th 98th 54th W n HIGH High School Attendance Area 82nd to MIDD Middle School Attendance Area 93rd 6 !7 " ) 1 !1 ) " 1 Elementary School Attendance Area ELEM 83rd 88th 4 ! " ) 50th Public School Attendance Areas 4 !5 " ) 62nd 4 ! ) " 235th Other School Program (examples) Area Learning Center (ALC) Area Learning Program (ALP) Targeted Services Correctional Post-Secondary Education Aurora Township 88th 2 !9 " ) Public C harter school 73rd 23rd 95th " ) 2 !0 " ) Non-Public school 3 ! " ) 81st 4 ! 42nd 280th School District O ffice # Somerset Township 78th 148th 285th High / Secondary school " 41st h 78th th Middle / Junior high school c 73rd 75th 74 102nd 13 " ) 160th Otisco Township 4 ! ) " 3 !0 " ) Lemond Township 71st 89 t 155th 132nd 133 rd Unknown or No Streetnam e 90th Unknown or No Streetnam e 7 !3 " ) 1 Elementary school n n n $ 32nd 92nd 80th 295th 1 !5 " ) 68th 2 !0 " ) 40th " ) 5 !7 " ) 68th 2 !1 " ) 3rd Public Educational Facilities or Programs 6 ! 24th 73rd 180th 300th 100th 70 Owatonna U nkn o w n or N o S tre etna m e 590th 58th 37th 2 !3 ) " 1 !5 " ) 7 !9 ) " 7 !8 ) " 22nd 2 5 th 90th 168th 120th 305th 300th th 218 £ ¤ 3 !1 ) " 4 ! " ) Wilton Township 48th 4 !5 " ) 51st 7 ! " ) 310th 7 !1 " ) JanesvilleWaldorfPemberton Map 1 of 1 a tt Waseca 48th 102nd 83rd 145th 320th 5 !1 ) " 150th 6 !0 ) " N.R.H.E.G. 2168 38th 54th 56th 7 !5 ) " 2 !9 ) " ! " ) 5 !9 ) " " ) 6 !8 " ) 122 Hartle 38th Pr 310th 240 th Havana Township 3 !2 ) " 31 5th 4th Owatonna Township Public School District Attendance Areas and Educational Facility Locations 1 !6 2 !1 ) " 2 90th 28th 6 ! " ) 34th Meriden Township Go to List of Educational Facilities 8 !0 " ) t 9 ! " ) 7 !2 " ) 4 !8 " ) L 14 £ ¤ 43rd 4 ! ) " 5 ! ) " 328th Freedom Township 22nd 1 !8 " ) 72nd Woodville Township 170th 6 !1 330th 70th 3 !3 ) " 110th Alton Township Chu rchi ll 100th 40th 60th 9 ! ) " n n 345th 338th 340th O a kd a le C e dardale 165th U nkn o w n or N o S tree tna m e Li 18th 24th 160th 178th 175 d H igh l a n 348th 62nd Su it mm th 82nd 345th 2 !7 " ) Woo dville er 9t h Tim b 16th 13 5th 2nd 90th 1 !7 " ) 15th Austin jake.stark@ state.m n.us M N Departm ent of Education Division of Inform ation Technology 1500 H ighway 36 W est Roseville, M N 55113 3 N.R.H.E.G. Public Schools NRHEG Elem NRHEG High
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