Accommodations Map
Accommodations Map
2014-15 2014-15 International Falls, Ranier, Rainy Lake & Rainy River Sn ow m ob ile UT 403 UT 403 KEY Letters = Sponsors * = Parks and Playgrounds 105 UT 402 Kuttes Boat Landing (11 miles West of Int’l Falls) = Boat Launch Lodging Options (see back page) R a i l w a y I M 120 W 11 121 116 S UT 227 155 Birch Point H City Beach 94 M D & W Railroad 93 131 11 332 Ranier R a i l w a y * 132 93 125 126 15th St E 109 rai l BALD ROCK POINT 95 129 Recreation Tra Bike Trail il Tilson T Landing il so 53 Lake n Bay Hike Trail 137 144 Frank’s Bay Town Ski Trail 138 Road 488 Q 139 Little American Island Y = Ranier = Rainy Lake = Int’l Falls Is DOVE ISLAND U 11 Eagle Nest Road Rainy Lake Visitor Center Boat Launch America's Best Value Inn and Suites Americinn and Lenard's Restaurant Arnold's Campground and RV Park Backus Community Center Boise Paper Border Bar and Pizza Border Bob's Camp Idlewood Resort County Market Grocery/Liquor Store Days Inn Falls Country Club Falls Lumber Company Hardee's Restaurant 71 International Falls Airport Northernaire Houseboats of Rainy Lake Outdoorsman's Headquarters/Jug Liquors Rainy Lake Houseboats/Casa Loma Rainy Lake Inn at Tara's Wharf Ranier Municipal Liquor Store Ronnings Border Bargains Sha Sha Resort Sportsman’s Service & Wildlife Museum Stewart’s Super One Grocery Store The Sports Shop Thunderbird Lodge Voyageur Motel and Restaurant eed yw Dr tone rinds d GGRINDSTONE ISLAND Islan 10th Ave E 9th 7th 8th Ave E 4th Ave E 2 nd Ave E Pleasant Ave eT 103 M 6th 4th Ave E 5th Ave E 5th Ave W MAPS ARE PRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED BY THE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU. UPDATED APRIL 2014, (283-9400). WWW.RAINYLAKE.ORG bil 332 To Voyageurs National Park Visitor Center and Resort Area A 21st St W C 21st St E B 22nd 22nd St E C D A E 23rd St E F J G H I 7 Memorial Drive J K L M N O P Q 24 Van Lynn Road R S 108 T U Airport N Terminal V W X Y Z FALLS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT mo Rainy y rassISLAND GRASSY G nd Isla ow Jackfish Bay 11 144 Sn 94 109 19th St E 53 UT 224 SEE INSET 16th St E 17th St E 3rd Ave E 1st Ave E Main Ave E 1st Ave W 4 20th St E 127 Bohman Landing MO D & W Railroad D UT 227 133 11 & 14th St E 4 W 13th St E LAN STO 112 d laDn pP IISs Sto 134 Crystal Beach 117 20 s nd nd O Wi slaRecreation ONTARI I 20 Trail TA O S MINNE h kfis Jac Lake Rainy Sand Bay 20 M 144 12th St E 46 & SEE INSET 332 R Historic Ranier Bridge 92 To Rainy Lake 18th St E 3rd Ave W 120 115 Ranier D 2nd Ave W 113 115 2nd Ave W 4th Ave W 3rd Ave W 11 Crescent Drive 15th Ave W Tr ai l/A TV 152 6th Ave W 20th St W Dr e iew d Av e v o e o w v g Fern wood A Rid Glen 2 Public Golf Course (18 holes) 8th Ave W 7th Ave W 114 23rd St W K 9th Ave W 10th Ave W 11th Ave W 13th Ave W 11th Ave W 45 4th Ave W 22 nd St W 13th Ave W 14th Ave W 13th Ave W 107 11 Golf Course Road 8th Ave W 7th Ave W Ke rry 6th Ave W Ind Par 5th Ave W us k A tri re al 4th Ave W Av na en ue 3rd Ave W Post Office 12th Ave W 15th Ave W Rainy Lake Medical Center (Clinic Campus) 71 12th Ave C Ba om c C m ku en u s te nit r y 2nd 3rd th * Keenan Drive 106 4th St W 5th St * Aspen Way 15th Ave W International Mall 11 Ran 130 144 River Fishing Pier Chamber of Customs & Border Voyageurs Pat Roche Commerce Protection National Park Boat Landing and Headquarters Headquarters Convention & Visitors Bureau Recreation Trail 3rd St W Ri v e W Pa ki ng Pine Cir cle W y Vall e I al M ve W 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th C * Spruce St 20th Ave d Blv 22nd Ave e tre rab B 2nd St W 71 r Rainy Rive O RI A OT ES Shorewood Drive Rainy Lake Medical Center (Hospital) 53 6th St lvd Wildlife Museum wB W e 7th St i rv e e v n Beyer Dr A La rk 8th St Pa ay w e i n H 9th St W La e m 10th St W Ho 11th St W 12th St W Falls 13th St W High P School 14th St Z Bronco Arena 16th St W 15th St W Rainy River 17th St W Community College 17th St W F e ra c e Ter Lan r iny Rive L * Ron Hall Boat Landing Boise Paper th 10 V 5th St. W Kooch County Courthouse ide ers v i R X11T 4th St. W D G 3rd St. W ive Dr E Irvin Anderson Amphitheatre TA Bandshell City Hall Library 71 NN 2nd St. W Koochiching & Bronco Nagurski Museum , Fort F ON Smokey Bear Park MI ve International Bridge Black Bay PERRY POINT Thank the following sponsors by visiting their business. Hwy. 53 S, 218-283-8811, 888-800-8801, (Lodging, continential breakfast) 1500 Highway 71 W, 218-283-8000 (Lodging, Conference Center, Pool, Complimentary Breakfast) Hwy. 53 at 21st St., 218-285-9100 (24 hook-ups, showers, dump station) 900 5th St., 218-285-7225 (Community and Performing Arts Center, meeting space, stage, commercial kitchen) 400 2nd St., 218-285-5011 (Large capacity white paper facility operating for over 100 years) Highway 53 at 5th St., 218-283-2222 (Best burgers in town, famous pizza, bar, live entertainment) 200 2nd Ave., 218-283-4414, (Gifts, Apparel, Art, Dry Ice, Ice Cream, Fudge) 3033 Co. Rd. 20, 218-286-5551, (Cabins, Boats, Beach, RV site) 1907 Valley Pine Circle, 218-283-4475 (groceries, liquor, deli/restaurant, 24-hour gas, one-stop convenience) 2231 Highway 53, 218-283-9441 (Lodging, Continental Breakfast, Exercise area, customer computers) County Road 152, right turn off 71 just west of town, 218-283-4491, (Public Course) 201 4th Street, 218-283-2531 (Northern Minnesota’s Premier Design Center, Quality Lumber, Paints and Stains) Highway 11/71 W at Shorewood Drive, 218-283-9945 County Rd. 108, just off of Hwy. 53 at the south end of town. 218-283-4461, flight information 800-221-1212 Highway 11 E, turn left at Cty Rd 94, 218-286-5221, Highway 53 at 11th St., Outdoorsman’s HQ: 218-283-9337, Jug Liquors: 218-283-2883 2031 Cty Rd 102, 218-286-5391, (Houseboat and Vacation Home rentals) Lodging, Gallery & Gifts, Ranier, overlooking Sand Bay, 218-286-5699, (pedal pontoon boats, bicycles, ice cream) Spruce Street in Ranier, open daily Mon-Sat 9am-1am Sundays 12pm-12am. (On and Off Sale) 3rd St.and 3rd Ave., 218-283-8877 (clothing, tees, Carhartt, Columbia, Woolrich, Minnetonka Moccasin, gifts, souvenirs and more) Highway 11 E, 218-286-3241, (Restaurant, Bar, Decks, Cabins, Gift Shop) Highway 11 E, 218-283-2411, (Outdoor Gear and Clothing, Gifts, Fresh Walley Fillets, Minnkota Repair) Highway 11/71 W, 218-283-8440, (Grocery, bakery, fresh meats, deli, Espresso Lane Coffee Bar) 345 3rd Street, 218-283-6121 (Bikes, Bike Repair, Hockey Equipment, Skate Sharpening) Highway 11 E at County Road 139, 218-286-3151 (Fine Dining, Lodging and Cabins, Guide Service) Hwy. 53 at 12th St., Adjacent to Snowmobile/ATV trail, Next to Holiday Gas, 218-283-9424 (Wi-Fi, close to gas station) THIS PAPER PRODUCED LOCALLY BY BOISE PAPER. (800) 880-2577 (218) 283-2577 NORTHERN LIGHTS Fax 285-6125 (218) 283-2508 Fax 283-2516 22 Rooms (800) 889-6009 TEE PEE MOTEL (800) 850-1518 (218) 283-8494 Fax 283-8494 40 Rooms VOYAGEUR MOTEL (877) 283-9424 (218) 283-9424 Fax 285-7690 20 Rooms H O U S E B OAT S NORTHERNAIRE HOUSEBOATS OF RAINY LAKE (800) 854-7958 (218) 286-5221 Fax 286-5222 RAINY LAKE HOUSEBOATS (800) 554-9188 (218) 286-5391 Fax 286-4010 R E S O RTS • B E D & B R EAK FASTS BEAR RIDGE GUEST HOUSE (218) 286-5710 (218) 340-4274 BIRCH POINT CAMP 3 Cabins, 15 Campsites CAMP IDLEWOOD 9 Cabins RAINY LAKE INN & SUITES Bicycles, Canoes, Gifts, Gallery, Ice Cream SHA•SHA RESORT 9 Cabins O N TA R I O 877-RAINY-LK Bicy c RANIER 12mi 19km le T ra i l (800) 351-5133 WOODSPORT COTTAGES (218) 286-3151 96 INTERNATIONAL FALLS KOOCHICHING WOODY’S RAINY LAKE RESORT Tilson Creek Ski Trails Fax 286-3004 (218) 286-5391 (309) 945-8388 or (309) 945-8387 1 Black Bay Beaver Pond Trail Cra BLACK (612) 735-9363 (773) 636-2022 nb 53 A B E T O Point SAGINAW B AY G ee Gold Portage Trail Rapids e ak A M THIS MAP IS NOT SUITABLE FOR NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. P ail Tr Quill Lake War Club Lake E CA ITE NAD D A ST AT Blueberry Island UN Ke m N I N S Loiten Lake V O YA G E U R S Chief Wooden Frog Islands U L Big Island pt o n Ch an ne l Ellsworth Rock Gardens Woodenfrog State Forest Campground Tom Cod Bay 1 0 2 1 Unpaved road PARK Cruiser Lake Jorgens Lake 3 mi 5 km Public campground Hiking trail/portage trail Cross-country ski trail Snowshoe trail Food service Lodging Boat fuel Ek Lake 123 Kab-A sh Sk I.W. Stevens Resort Old Dutch Bay Hoist Bay Your Island Namakan Narrows y er 1mi 2km ASH RIVER Ash River State Forest Campground el Pike Island Ba Kab-Ash Hiking Trail Fox Island n Hoist Bay M LAKE B l i nd P i g C h a nn Riv 3mi Sullivan Bay Snowshoe Trail 3mi 5km Voyageurs Forest Overlook 53 Blind Indian Narrows se 122 RAY NAMAKAN oo 217 Kubel Island t io 672 WWW.BOISE.COM Voyageurs Narrows Blind Ash Bay Hiking Trail/ Snowshoe Trail Kabetogama Lake Overlook Beaver Pond Overlook C Kettle Falls Dam Portage via vehicle Squirrel Falls Dam Ta r Ash River Visitor Center Kab-Ash Hiking Trail/ Ski Trail Hotel B AY il ST il ra iT Kab-Ash Hiking Trail/ Ski Trail Salmi Rd 7mi 11km Kettle Falls Historic District MICA e Trail nc 2mi 3km LO Pine Island Sphunge Islands KABETOGAMA Food, lodging, boat fuel, and other services are available in gateway communities outside Voyageurs National Park. Lak Agnes Lake B AY Cuculus Island LAKE 122 ast Ju Boat ramp 3mi 5km Beast Lake t in Po Distance indicator Pullout/trailhead Quarter Line Lake Sugarbush Island Canoe and kayak access Boat tour Ryan Lake Brown Lake Mica I Little Shoepack Lake Kabetogama Lake Visitor Center Echo Bay Hiking Trail/ Ski Trail Anderson Bay Shoepack Lake KABETOGAMA 3 Miles Ranger station Picnic area Peary Lake A NATIONAL Cutover Island 3 Kilometers 2 Overlook Trail Camp Marston 673 122 THIS PAPER PRODUCED LOCALLY BY ES Finger Anderson Bay Bay Browns Bay Be 18mi 24km 0 For more maps, call the Convention and Visitors Bureau at 283-9400, 1-800-FALLS-MN LA K E Bay A Locator Lake k R A I N Y er Finland y K y Ba e-mail: err ley 1-800-FALLS-MN r Soldie Da 301 Second Avenue International Falls, MN L os t Ba y B AY RY B AY North Convention & Visitors Bureau BER access via Rainy Lake Ice Road HOUSKA POINT BUSHMAN FAMILY CABIN AN Cr sleeps 8-9, Beach, Dock CR Black Bay Ski Trails Voyageurs National Park fax: (218) 286-4010 RIVER MIST RETREAT i Trail Rainy Lake Visitor Center M I N N E S O TA VAC AT I O N H O M E S CASA LOMA Boat Tours Voyageurs offers a variety of tours Br ul eduring summer months and Na rro Harry Oveson Fish Camp w into September. s Cranberry Island Bushyhead Island 1A Oberholtzer Hiking Trail/ Snowshoe Trail S TAT E F O R E S T (218) 286-5001 Fax 286-5001 (866) 410-5001 sleeps 6 Tilson C o nnector Sk (218) 286-4034 (800) 554-9188 Little American Island Tilson Bay Trail 11 THUNDERBIRD LODGE 15 Rms, 10 Cabins Souvenir and Gift Shops, Specialty Shops and Malls A vacation is rarely complete without taking time to shop. Voyageur Country is sprinkled with unique shops. Concentrated shopping areas include: Main Street area, Highway 53, Highway 11 West, and in the historic village of Ranier (two miles East of International Falls). Many of the resorts, houseboats, B&B’s, inns and cottages offer Moose Bay unique gifts and souvenirs as well. Fox Island Dryweed Island Canada Dam Customs i v er ainy R U.S.R Customs Voyageurs National Park Headquarters (218) 286-5699 Water Access River and lake access areas are denoted on map by the launch symbol. Basketball Court Basketball court available within Smokey Bear Park. PROVINCIAL PARK FORT FRANCES (218) 286-3241 Fax 286-3588 (800) 685-2776 Playgrounds/Skate Park The area hosts eight playgrounds. Locations: 8th Street, Kerry Park (with skate park) on 11th Street, City Beach, Ranier (2 miles east of International Falls on Highway 11), Third Avenue East, Riverview Boulevard, Shorewood Drive and Carson-Lupie (Carson-Lupie is handicap accessible). SANDPOINT ISLAND LA KE Hunting A variety of hunting opportunities can be found in Koochiching County. Obtain a recreation map at the Chamber and CVB offices. * Wildlife Museum The Sportsmen’s Service Wildlife Museum, located on Highway 53, has exhibits including over 100 birds and 50 animals. $1.00 adults, 50¢ children. Info: 283-2411. RA IN Y (218) 286-3511 (800) 777-7856 Bicycles, Kayaks, Canoe Rental Tara’s Wharf, Rainy Lake Inn, Falls Motel, Rainy Lake Houseboats, Northernaire Houseboats, Sha Sha, Woody’s. The Bronko Nagurski Annex Commemorates this NFL legend and native son. Admission is included in Koochiching Museum’s fee. (218) 286-3541 (888) 741-1228 (218) 286-5551 ISLAND VIEW LODGE & CABINS 9 Rms, 14 Cabins Koochiching Museums Learn about the area’s heritage...Native Americans, logging, farming, gold rush, fur trade and more, at one of the finest county museums in Minnesota. Open daily, admission varies. Located in Smokey Bear Park, 3rd Street at 6th Avenue. Info: 283-4316. l 28 Rooms World-Class Fishing – ALL YEAR! Rainy Lake’s fishery is healthy and regarded as one of the greatest fishing lakes in the Midwest. A variety of species call Rainy Lake home: walleye, smallmouth bass, crappie and northern pike. Rainy River, another outstanding fishery, contains walleye, sturgeon, northern pike and smallmouth bass. Guide services, and/or boat rental information can be obtained at the CVB and Chamber offices, located at the east end of 3rd Street. Info: 1-800-FALLS-MN or 283-9400. Beaches City Beach is located near Ranier, (2 miles east of International Falls). Lifeguard, picnic tables, grills, pavillion, restrooms, swings, basketball and volleyball courts, limited tent camping. A smaller beach, without a lifeguard, is located in Ranier. Both are accessible by taking the turn to Ranier off of Highway 11 East. ne KNIGHT’S INN an (218) 283-2505 Fax 285-2957 (800) 322-6671 Ch 16 Rooms Cinema Theater Cine 5 offers a variety of movie showings daily. Admission fees vary. Located on Highway 11 West. Info: 283-3063. el HILLTOP MOTEL & CABINS Trails A variety of trails are available: hiking, bicycling, hunting, horseback riding. Some trail maps are available at the Chamber and CVB offices, 301 2nd Avenue. ia n (218) 283-8434 ca to r 24 Rooms Falls County Club Falls County Club is an 18-hole championship public golf course. Carved out of picturesque aspen and pines, water comes into play on 11 holes and the finishing holes promise to be some of the best you’ve ever played! PGA Professional, pro shop, lessons, practice range, bar and grill are available for your enjoyment. For tee times or further information please call 283-4491. ad (800) 328-8435 FALLS MOTEL Fax 283-9403 Am (218) 283-9441 Lo 57 Rooms Tr a (800) DAYSINN DAYS INN Smokey Bear Park Located on 3rd Street, the park offers picnic tables, band shell, and Smokey and cubs statue. No admission fee. Concerts every Wednesday night June and July at 7 p.m. e (218) 283-8811 Fax 283-8880 an C hann the spectacular scenery. (888) 800-8801 Art Galleries There are a couple businesses in the area that have an extensive amount of artwork for display and for sale. They include: Border Bob’s at 200 2nd Avenue and Tara’s Wharf in Ranier. e r ic 50 Rooms Fax 283-3774 an AMERICA’S BEST VALUE INN & SUITES (800) 634-3444 Bowling International House of Bowling is located on Shorewood Drive (off Highway 11 West), 373-2695. Little American Gold Mine Historic Site and Hiking Trail 1A The biggest and richest mine in the district, now the real gold is 126 Rooms Visit Historic Ranier Big Vic greets visitors to the home of the oldest operating cantilever railroad bridge in the US. View the bridge from one of many city parks. The bridge spans Ranier Rapids, where Rainy Lake pours into Rainy River. La k (218) 283-8000 Voyageurs National Park, Activities, Boat Tours International Falls, Ranier and Rainy Lake serve as a main gateway to Voyageurs National Park. Visit the Rainy Lake Visitor Center located 11 miles East of town on Highway 11. The Park Service offers hiking trails, naturalist-guided programs, ethno-botanical gardens, historic Kettle Falls Hotel, tours and camping. Call for schedules. Info: 218-286-5258 or 1-888-381-2873. 1 L AMERICINN HOTEL & SUITES See other side for location Tennis Public use courts are at Kerry Park (11th Street), Rainy River Community College (Highway 11 West), and in Ranier (2 miles east of International Falls on Highway 11). No fees. ser HOTELS & MOTELS Backus Community Center Backus Community Center was constructed in 1937 in the Art Deco style and has served as a central gathering space for almost 80 years. The heart of the building is its 1,000-seat auditorium, featureing original fixtures and décor. Saved from demolition by concerned citizens, the center provides entertainment, education, services and a summer farmer’s market for thousands of community members of all ages. or 218-285-7225. Cru i Stay and Play in the International Falls, Rainy Lake & Ranier Area! Area Attractions, Things to See and Do Grassy Bay Cliffs Little Trout Lake Burn Islan SA