arlington local school district - Arlington Local Schools, Arlington, OH


arlington local school district - Arlington Local Schools, Arlington, OH
MAY, 2015
This publication is published ten times a year by Arlington Local School, P.O. Box 260, Arlington, OH 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Direct Lines - High School 419-365-5122 or Elementary School 419-365-5123
Web page address: or
If you did not get the text message from WKXA/WFIN on weather delays, you may also sign up on:
Next Board of Education Meeting - Tuesday, May 19th at 6:30 P.M.
“We will learn, educate and build character through dedicated partnerships.”
The last student day for the 2014-2015 school year is scheduled for Friday, May 29.
Students will be dismissed two hours early on May 29, at 1:00 P.M. The buses will run on the early dismissal schedule.
Buses will leave the front parking lot at 1:10 P.M. (two hours earlier than normal).
Please contact the school if you have questions.
The 2015 – 2016 school calendar is included in this newsletter. The calendar is a county wide calendar that is created in
conjunction with all eight schools located in Hancock County. Each district was represented on the committee by the
district superintendent, one school board member, and one teacher representative.
The Board Meeting began at 7:30 P.M. The agenda was approved as printed.
The minutes of the March 17, 2015 Board meeting and the financial report for March were approved as printed.
The following items were approved by board resolution: approve an agreement with Griffin Insurance Agency of Mount
Vernon, Ohio to provide a student accident insurance program for the 2015-16 school year; approve the resolution to
participate in the Hancock County Alternative Opportunity Center for the 2015-16 school year; approve a contract for
special education services with the Hancock County E.S.C. for the 2015-16 school year; approve a contract for regular
and special education preschoool services with the Hancock County ESC for the 2015-16 school year; approve the nonrenewal of the following non-teaching contracts effective at the end of the 2014-15 school year: Lou Ann Hartman,
elementary aide – 1.00 F.T.E., Lisa Morehart, elementary aide – 1.00 F.T.E., Pam Pepple, elementary aide – 0.50 F.T.E,
Stacie Pore, elementary aide - 0.50 F.T.E.; Jan Grieser, elementary aide - 1.00 F.T.E.. These contracts will be
considered again in June based on local need.; approve the following supplemental contracts for 2015-16 school year:
Josh McGrain, Head Football Coach, 1/2 Weight Room; Jason Vermillion, Head Boys’ Basketball Coach, 1/4 Weight
Room; Shane Cavinee, 1/4 Weight Room; Clint Dillon, Yearbook Advisor; Laurie Butler, H.A.P.P.Y. Advisor; Lisa Beall,
High School Quiz Bowl Advisor; Bernice Welly, National Junior Honor Society Advisor; Andrea Barger, Student Council
Advisor; Gregg Feller, Red Devil Printing Press Printer; Dottie Wehrle, Athletic Supervision; Jake Leonard, Jr. High Boys'
Track Coach; Matt Dodds, additional 1/2 Assistant Baseball; Zane Leonard, additional 1/2 Assistant Baseball; approve a
one-year limited contract to Gary Kisseberth, Bus Driver (1.00 F.T.E.); approve Gregg Feller as a substitute bus driver for
the 2014-15 school year; approve participation in the 2016 Ohio SchoolComp Group Retrospective Rating Program
administered by CompManagement; approve a contract for Leigh Flick for the 2014-15 school year to provide Home Tutor
The Board met in executive session to discuss the employment of certified, non-teaching, and supplemental personnel
and to discuss negotiations.
The Board returned to regular session at 11:48 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:49 P.M.
Arlington Local School open enrollment applications for the 2015-16 school year are available in the Elementary Office
(please see Mrs. Hindall) during office hours Monday through Friday.
Completed applications may be returned to the Elementary Office (Mrs. Hindall) beginning May 1 through May 31 .
No applications will be accepted by mail. Applications are date and time stamped.
Parents whose children already attend Arlington School through open enrollment must also apply each year.
All parents/guardians of open enrollment children will be responsible for their child’s transportation to and from school.
Nate Sorg
Principal, Arlington High School
Twitter: @NateSorg10
Wow! I can hardly believe that this school year is coming to an end so quickly! I can’t help but think about the seniors,
how they have spent so many years walking the halls of the school they love and sitting in those classrooms – only to
realize they have such a small number of days left. While this phase of their lives is coming to a close, they have so many
exciting opportunities that await them. I find it rather appropriate to share with you their Class Motto at this time:
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
~Winston Churchill
Baccalaureate and Commencement
The Arlington Class of 2015 invites you to their graduation festivities on Sunday, May 24. Baccalaureate will be held in
the Ronald C. Cable Auditorium at 1:00 P.M., with refreshments being served in the cafeteria immediately following the
service. The Commencement ceremony will then be held in the gymnasium beginning at 3:00 P.M. The seats on the
floor are reserved for the family and guests of the graduating seniors, but there will be plenty of seating available for other
friends and members of the community in the bleachers. Weather permitting, the graduates will form a receiving line in
front of the school at the conclusion of the ceremony, followed by the traditional “cap toss” on the front lawn of the school.
We hope you can join us for this time of celebration!
Prom 2015
Our students thoroughly enjoyed a return to the “Roaring Twenties” during the 2015 Junior-Senior Prom. The night
started in the auditorium with Promenade, giving all our students a chance to display this year’s fashions to their family,
friends, and the community. Immediately following Promenade, they convened in the gymnasium for the evening’s main
festivities – the Prom Dance. Students had many opportunities for fun, from the dance floor to a photo booth to poker
tables to delicious refreshments! A great, big THANK YOU goes to English teacher Mrs. Tyna Harvey and her amazing
crew of juniors and their parents. This team spent countless hours throughout the school year, especially during the week
leading up to prom, to make sure the decorations were unforgettable and everything went off without a hitch.
Class of 2019 Trip to Washington, D.C.
The 8 Grade class will soon be heading to our nation’s capital for a fun-filled, educational experience. We will leave late
at night on Thursday, May 14, and after riding in a charter bus all night long we will hit the ground running to experience a
full weekend of our nation’s history. Sites we will be visiting include Arlington National Cemetery, the Smithsonian
Institution, many war memorials and museums, the U.S. Capitol, and the National Cathedral.
Final Exams
Final Exams for students in Grades 9-11 will be held on Wednesday, May 27, through Friday, May 29. The schedule is as
Wednesday, May 27th
1 Period Study Hall
1 Period Exam
2 Period Study Hall
2 Period Exam
6 Period Lunch/Class
7 Period Lunch/Class
3 Period Study Hall
3 Period Exam
Thursday, May 28th
4 Period Study Hall
4 Period Exam
5 Period Study Hall
5 Period Exam
6 Period Lunch/Class
7 Period Lunch/Class
6 or 7 Period Study Hall
6 or 7 Period Exam
Friday, May 29th
8 Period Study Hall
8 Period Exam
9 Period Study Hall
9 Period Exam
6 Period Lunch or Class
7 Period Lunch or Class
Early release with buses available for transportation.
All students are expected to be in attendance for every exam period, every day. Students will not be allowed to sign-in
late or sign-out early. However, there will be an early release for all students on Friday, May 29, at 1:05 P.M.
Grade Cards
Final grade cards for the 2014-2015 school year will be available for students to pick-up beginning Friday, June 5, at 9:00
A.M. All financial obligations must be met before grade cards will be issued.
Save the Date
Fee/Picture/Schedule Day will be held on Tuesday, August 11, 2015, from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. in the high school
cafeteria. All students in grades 7-12 should plan to attend that day to pick up schedules, pay school fees, pay money
toward lunch accounts, and take pictures for the 2015-2016 school year.
7 Grade Vaccinations
Any child entering 7 grade will need vaccine updates before the start of the 2015-2016 school year to be in compliance
with the Ohio Revised Code guidelines. Tdap is required for all students entering the 7 grade. We continue to be
concerned about the resurgence of pertussis (whooping cough) which is the reason for the Tdap requirement. Along with
the Tdap vaccine, we would encourage you to consider the meningitis and chickenpox vaccines for any child age 11
through 18. These vaccines are available at most physicians’ offices or at the Hancock County Health Department. The
Health Department is now a vaccine provider for most local insurance companies and bill insurance for services provided.
If you are interested in scheduling vaccinations please call 419-424-7869. I would strongly encourage you to call and get
these scheduled now. Please don’t wait until August as clinics are usually filled to capacity. Once your 7 grader has
received their immunizations, please provide proof to the High School office.
Counselor Corner – Mrs. MaryBeth Hutcheson
Wow, how can it possibly be the last month of the school year? Time has flown and I have learned so much. I want to
take this time to thank the Arlington Community for making my first year a positive one. There have been many
challenges with the new state testing, the changes to College Credit Plus, as well as getting to know staff, students and
families. Unfortunately there was never enough time to accomplish all that I would have liked, but lessons have been
learned and a plan to adapt, adjust and improve will be made for next year. Thanks for your welcome and your patience!
It's a big time of the year for our seniors. It is bittersweet with the ending of high school and the beginning of the next
phase of their lives. We will be doing lots of celebrating and recognizing of accomplishments, not to mention
remembering to have some fun along the way. Please remember that attendance and grades matter right up to that final
day! I am grateful and honored for the opportunity to have shared in a small part of their journey. I wish our seniors
nothing but the best as they move forward to college and careers!
For our underclassmen, scheduling requests have been completed. Their final schedules for next year should be in hand
before they leave for the summer. Please remember these schedules are flexible right up until the start of the next school
year. I can be contacted at the school, or over the summer via email (, to make any
changes that are felt to be necessary. Once school starts next year, there will be no more changes so make sure if
anything different is desired it is taken care of prior to the first day of school.
Additionally, for all students I encourage them to pay attention to their class performance and attendance. With the
warmer days and the close of school approaching it is easy to be distracted and do less than their best. Please
remember that we are preparing for the future with each and every moment of the day so strive to do the best. Also once
school is complete, summers are a wonderful time to do those college visits, take advantage of camps and learning
opportunities, job shadow, and work on doing all those things that better prepare for the future of life after high school. It
is never too early to start! Class members of 2016, know that when you return you should have attempted at least one
ACT or SAT if you are college-bound, as well as have narrowed your choices to 3-5 colleges you plan on attending. Also
if you wish to take a September ACT, that deadline will be August 8 so don't wait until you return to school to register!
Thanks again for all your kindness and support this year. I appreciate this opportunity to work with all of you. Have a safe
and happy May and enjoy your summer!
Upcoming Events
Friday, May 8
Arts Fest/Senior Citizen Luncheon, 11:00 A.M.; Choir performs at 12:00P.M./7:00P.M.
Saturday, May 9
Arts Fest/Bands in the Round; Bands perform at 7 P.M.
Thursday, May 14
thru Sunday, May 17
8 Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.
Monday, May 18
thru Tuesday, May 19
Senior Exams
Thursday, May 21
Senior Scholarship Awards Ceremony, Cable Auditorium, 6:30 P.M.
Sunday, May 24
Baccalaureate Service, Cable Auditorium, 1:00 P.M.
Commencement, Gymnasium, 3:00 P.M.
Monday, May 25
Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, May 27
thru Friday, May 29
Exams for Grades 9-11
Friday, May 29
Last Day of School for Students; Early Release at 1:05 P.M.
Monday, June 1
Teacher Clerical Day
Friday, June 26
Thru Sunday, July 5
It is once again time to start thinking about vaccinating your children for the upcoming school year. Any child entering
kindergarten or 7 grade will need vaccine updates before the start of the 2015-2016 school year to be in compliance with
the Ohio Revised Code guidelines. Tdap is required for the students entering the 7 . We continue to be concerned about
the resurgence of pertussis (whooping cough) which is the reason for the Tdap requirement. Along with the Tdap vaccine,
we would encourage you to consider the meningitis and chickenpox vaccines for any child age 11 through 18. These
vaccines are available at most physician’s offices or here at the Hancock County Health Department. The Hancock
County Health Department is now a vaccine provider from most local insurance companies and bill insurance for services
provided. If you are interested in scheduling for vaccinations at our office please call 419-424-7869. I would strongly
encourage you to call and get these scheduled now. Please don’t wait until August as our clinics are usually filled to
Prom 2015
The Roaring Twenties
The junior class of 2016 hosted a prom filled with fabulous decorations. They did a wonderful job making sure that the guy
was filled with the glitz and glamour of the Roaring Twenties as well as a Prohibition side to rest and enjoy treats at the
candy bar and juice joint. Fun was had by all.
The following are the 2015 Prom
Prince: Cody Essinger
Princess: Shayna Helms
Nick Seifert
Queen: Chloe Rieder
Congratulations to these four
deserving juniors and seniors.
Class of 2016
Class of 2015
A special thank you goes out to the following businesses for their generous donations to the door prizes that were given
out at the end of the night. We were able to give away over $450 in various prizes as well as two Ohio State University
football tickets!
Arlinton Academic Alliance
Arlington Pharmacy
Arlington Veterary Clinic
Crates Funeral Home
Commercial Savings Bank
Legacy Farmers Co-Op
Nichole Renae Portraits
Randall Drywall
R. B. Hauling
RooBarb Studios
Rustic Razor
Parents of juniors that donated their time, money or needed items that made the night special!
MAY 22nd
(High School)
We are holding the yearbook orders open until May 22nd. Please fill out the order form on page ____ and include your
payment and send in to the high school office or to Mr. Dillon ASAP!
Arlington High School Physics Students Sling
Themselves to a victory Wright State University
Trebuchet Competitions
Arlington High School's Physics teacher, Kim Cortez, requires her students to build a trebuchet as part of a project that
reinforces topics from class dealing with projectiles and rotational motion. A trebuchet is a siege engine that was
employed in the Middle Ages either to smash masonry walls or to throw projectiles over them. At the completion of the
project she places the students on teams and registers them in the annual Wright State University Trebuchet Competition
and holds a competition at Arlington High School for interested area teams. This year 45 teams competed at Wright State
and all 3 of Arlington’s registered teams made it to the top 4. Arlington’s team Black Pearl got 1 place and team Queen
Anne’s Revenge got 2 place. The Champions, “Black Pearl” consisted of Captain: Zach Romick, Assistants: Taylor
Oates, Allie Ferrell, and Clarissa Courtney, Trebuchet Operators: Hannah Johnson, John Solt, Aaron Starr, and Emma
Willeke. The 2 place team, “Queen Anne’s Revenge”, consisted of Captain: Nick Seifert, Assistant: Alexis Risner,
Trebuchet Operators: Justin Rice, Bryce Hartman, Noah Thomas, and Autumn Erb.
Mrs. Cortez has a history of victory at the Wright State University Trebuchet Competition: 1 place: 2006, 2010, 2014,
2015; 2 place 2012, 2014, 2015; 4 place 2012, 2014 and 2015.
For more information on the contest visit:
Arlington Physics students receiving their 1 and 2 place certificates from
Craig Baudendistel, PhD, director for Wright State University Trebuchet Competition.
Arlington Trebuchet/K-8 STEM Day 2015
The Physics Department, with the help of Science National Honor Society and several area sponsors, held a successful
Trebuchet/STEM Day on April 9th. STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) Projects were assigned
throughout the Elementary, Jr. High and High School this year at Arlington Local Schools.
Elementary Project Summaries
Mrs. Haught and Mrs. Goldsmith had their 1st graders design boats to hold the most pennies without sinking. Mrs. Begg
and Mrs. Renn created a Dog-Bone Slinging Competition for the 2nd graders, where they designed catapult hybrid
machines that flung dog biscuits across the gymnasium. The 3rd graders had fun with the aid of Mrs. Fritsch designing
helicopters that took the longest time to land. Mrs. Crawford and the 4th graders created kites that spent the longest time
in the air. Mr. Maurer and the 5th graders designed parachutes and landing gear to prevent an egg from cracking.
Jr. High STEM Project Summaries
Mrs. Niese and her 7th graders experimented with creating the tallest towers to hold a golf ball. Her 8th grade designed
buildings from a list of provided materials that could withstand an earthquake (shake table).
High School STEM Project Summaries
The physics students from Arlington, McComb, Upper Sciota Valley, and Liberty-Benton built their trebuchets according to
the Wright State University Trebuchet specs for 2015. The four schools were then mixed into teams and required to
strategize how to win a trebuchet war by aiming their machine to hit targets 35-50 feet away.
Mrs. Crawford is prepping her 4th grades for their "Great Kite Flight"
with the aid of SNHS members Shiley Roether, Alyssa Wallwey and
Taylor Vogelsong.
Mrs. Niese and SNHS member Patrick Kessler are discussing the
importance of structural design when it comes to building design with
Jr. High students.
High School students from around the area mix into groups to
collaborate their projects into a team effort to win a medieval
match that requires accuracy and strategy.
Zach Durliat, SNHS member is helping the 1st graders with their boat
floating contest.
Mrs. Renn is taking measurements after a 2nd grader flung his dog
biscuit with his Bone-Slinger project.
Active Biology-Mrs. Miller
The Active Biology class competed in the
Blanchard Valley Watershed Partnership Rain
Barrel Competition at the Findlay Mall on February
28th. They painted two rain barrels with different
themes. The first barrel entitled "Under the Sea,"
depicted various aquatic creatures. The second
barrel entitled "Keep Calm and Fight On" was their
breast cancer awareness barrel. Four ribbons
were painted on the barrel with the names of staff
members who have fought the breast cancer battle:
Teri Kubbs, Beth Wallwey, Grethe Sparks, and
Denise Tebbe. The breast cancer barrel placed
second in the People's Choice category. As a
result, the students received a Jac N Do's Pizza gift
certificate. The Findlay Elks were kind enough to
sponsor our breast cancer barrel so we could use it
here at school.
Biology II-Mrs. Miller
The students of Biology II have been busy learning about the various human systems. They have had the opportunity to
carry out several experiments using their own bodies. Some of these labs have included examining their fingerprints,
testing their muscle endurance, analyzing their reaction times, and the sensitivity of their skin receptors.
We are now venturing into our extensive cat dissections as we compare the anatomy of humans and cats. Most college
anatomy labs require an intensive study of the various feline systems. The cat dissections will provide students with a
better understanding of the muscles and internal organs. As a result, they will have a solid foundation for future college
anatomy courses.
The Biology II students recently visited the University of
Findlay for their annual cadaver trip. Dr. Davies had various
human organs on display for the students to view and hold.
These organs included a brain, lung, kidney, heart, and
gastrointestinal organs. The students also viewed a dissected
male and female cadaver in which they were able to see
internal organs, muscles, and learn about the ailments those
two individuals experienced. The trip was a great opportunity
for students to actually see what they have been learning
about in class!
Active Biology-Mrs. Miller
The Active Biology class competed in the Blanchard Valley Watershed Partnership Rain Barrel Competition at the Findlay
Mall on February 28th. They painted two rain barrels with different themes. The first barrel entitled "Under the Sea,"
depicted various aquatic creatures. The second barrel entitled "Keep Calm and Fight On" was their breast cancer
awareness barrel. Four ribbons were painted on the barrel with the names of staff members who have fought the breast
cancer battle: Teri Kubbs, Beth Wallwey, Grethe Sparks, and Denise Tebbe. The breast cancer barrel placed second in
the People's Choice category. As a result, the students received a Jac N Do's Pizza gift certificate. The Findlay Elks were
kind enough to sponsor our breast cancer barrel so we could use it here at school.
Biology II-Mrs. Miller
The students of Biology II have been busy learning about the various human systems. They have had the opportunity to
carry out several experiments using their own bodies. Some of these labs have included examining their fingerprints,
testing their muscle endurance, analyzing their reaction times, and the sensitivity of their skin receptors.
We are now venturing into our extensive cat dissections as we compare the anatomy of humans and cats. Most college
anatomy labs require an intensive study of the various feline systems. The cat dissections will provide students with a
better understanding of the muscles and internal organs. As a result, they will have a solid foundation for future college
anatomy courses.
The Biology II students recently visited the University of Findlay for their annual cadaver trip. Dr. Davies had various
human organs on display for the students to view and hold. These organs included a brain, lung, kidney, heart, and
gastrointestinal organs. The students also viewed a dissected male and female cadaver in which they were able to see
internal organs, muscles, and learn about the ailments those two individuals experienced. The trip was a great opportunity
for students to actually see what they have been learning about in class!
JR High Science
The 7 and 8 grade participated in the STEM Day on April 9 . The
students enjoyed watching the Physics Trebuchet contest while being
challenged with STEM activities.
The 7 grade STEM challenge was to build the tallest tower possible to
hold a golf ball in the top 20% of the tower. Only using limited materials;
straws, paper, newspaper, limited amounts of tape and a few paper clips.
This challenge is similar to the challenge architects, and engineers have
when building very tall buildings with observation areas at the top similar to
the Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower) in Chicago, Illinois.
The students enjoyed the challenge and practiced great problem solving
skills that used their math and science skills!
Heidi Beach, Tyson Speyer, and Chasen Babb
had the tallest tower in the 7th grade that could
hold the weight of the golf ball!
7 graders Abbie Sheets, Izzy Riegle, Karmen
Kain and Ashley Glick building their STEM
Earthquake Shaker Table
Built by Mr. Feller
Thank you Mr. Feller!!!
The 8 graders constructed “earthquake proof” structures to learn and test the engineering of preparing for an
earthquake. Students needed to consider cost of materials, types of materials, and how to make those materials work
together to build a structure that could withstand a minor and major earthquake.
Peyton Kain, Clair Bateson, and
Kindal Inbody had one of the
structures that was the “strongest!”
Their structure remained standing
and unbroken after major and minor
Carter Russell and Zeke Zeiter and
had one of the structures that was
the “strongest!” Their structure
remained standing and unbroken
after major and minor earthquake.
Cam Brenneman, Ivan Berry, and
Devin Plunkett had the tallest
structure of the 8th grade.
This spring, the 8 grade has been focused on life science. They are learning about cells and how cells reproduce. To
parallel with what is being learned in the classroom, students were assigned to build a 3D model of the cell using
anything! Overall the 8 graders did a wonderful job. Please come to Arts Fest to see more of their great models.
Food Based Animal Cell by Ryan Metzer
Craft Based Animal Cell by Madison Hartman
Food Based Plant Cell by Maria Crawford
Craft Based Plant Cell by Kelsey Dempster
To see more great projects come to Arts Fest!!
Greenhouse Update!
There is a lot going on in the greenhouse this spring!
The kindergarten is growing Mother’s Day projects where they are growing grass with
a teddy bear sunflower. The kindergarten students have enjoyed learning about what
makes plants grown and spending time watering their plants in the greenhouse!
We have new tables to put projects
on! Mr. Feller’s class put them
together for the school!
The Active Chemistry Class has learned how the pH is important to growth and
development of plants. They helped to build the new hydroponics system in the
greenhouse and are now maintaining a small crop of lettuce that is growing in
the hydroponic system.
The Biology students are seeing genetics in
action by planting Wisconsin Fast Grow
plants and exploring cross pollination and
As I reflect on the past year, I couldn’t help but thinking of all of the new standards, student growth measures, and testing
the state has placed on the plates of both the teachers and the students. Even though there may be merit in the testing, in
student growth, and in high student scores, there is also a lot of merit in being good citizens. Luckily for Arlington, we are
growing, promoting, encouraging, and producing excellent citizens, better known as our students.
Student Council has had the privilege of offering three Red Cross Blood Drives and the Pantene Challenge. Throughout
the blood drives, we had 78 students, ages 16-18, take their time to help save the lives of others. Through their courage,
they will be able to potentially save 234 lives. The 26 Pantene Challenge donors (including two Arlington alumni males!)
were brave enough to grow their hair out to at least an eight inch ponytail and then have it cut off to be made into wigs for
women battling cancer. The wigs are given out through the American Cancer Society and are free of charge. The donors
ranged in age from 3 grade to adults. So, next time you need a reason to smile or want to give a compliment, find an
Arlington student and tell them what good people they are!
Wow, someone just told me that there is less than twenty days of school left! It really is hard to believe that the school year
is already coming to an end. I sure hope your child has had a great school experience this year. Our teachers and staff
work exceptionally hard to make all of our students feel safe, valued, and successful. I will be here at the school for at least
three weeks after the students dismiss for the summer. If there is anything I can help you with, please don't hesitate to call
or stop by to talk. Have a safe and enjoyable summer!
This is your school, make it great!
Students will be dismissed at 1:00 P.M. on the last day of school, May 29. Parents are welcome to come and enjoy "lunch
on the lawn" with their children. Parents can buy a delicious lunch in our school cafeteria or bring a lunch from home.
Please mark your calendars for kindergarten graduation. This year, kindergarten graduation will be at 7:00 P.M. in Cable
Auditorium, students need to arrive in the classroom by 6:30 P.M.
Arlington Elementary School will accept requests for a specific classroom section only under the following guidelines
as stated in the Arlington Elementary Parent/Student Handbook:
The school staff will attempt to honor requests concerning the separation of siblings, cousins, or close friends, if this
would be of benefit to either of the children in question.
Students entering grades 1, 2, or 3 - Parents will be permitted to make a request for a specific section of a 1st, 2nd, or
3rd grade class only if an older sibling of the child in question has had a specific problem with a teacher at that grade
level. A personal interview with the elementary principal will be required to make such a request.
Students entering grades 4, 5, or 6 - No requests will be accepted.
 All requests should be made as early as possible. No requests will be accepted after May 1st.
All requests that adhere to the above guidelines will be considered individually by the elementary staff. A request may or
may not be granted. The elementary principal is responsible for final decisions concerning classroom assignments.
Elementary class lists (grades 1 – 6) will be posted Friday, August 7, 2015. The kindergarten class lists will be made
available earlier to allow for transportation arrangements.
Do you want to help your child have a great 2015-16 school year? Do you want your to child enjoy school more? Do you
want to have less homework hassles next year? If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is something you
can do. Keep your children learning through the summer. Here are some suggestions:
 Read with your child every day
 Visit the library each week
Have them keep a summer journal
Visit or and have them get a jump start on next year's math standards. These
websites are free and fun for students. Some students are able to make a full year of math growth in one summer.
Thank you to PTO for funding COSI on Wheels and thank you to all the adult volunteers that made this a fun day of
learning for our students!
K to zoo 8:30-1:30
5 SC Tests 8-10am
4 SS Test 12:15-2
3rd grade to Litzenburg
6th SS Test 8-10am
5th Gifted United Retreat
5th/6th to Mudhens 9-2:30pm
PTO 7pm
3rd grade to Fort Meigs
No School – Memorial Day
1st grade to Little Red School House
4th grade to Ohio Caverns
Kindergarten Graduation 7:00
Last Day for Students Dismiss at 1:00
Teacher Work Day lunch provided by PTO
I cannot believe that in a few short weeks the hallways will be empty of students and I will be walking these hallways for
the last time as an elementary guidance counselor. It has been quite a journey and I feel very lucky to have been able to
work at Arlington, so close to home and family. The time here has taken me from teaching the seniors to the preschool,
not many can say they have had such diverse experiences. It is still amazing to watch young four to five year olds
become the (still young in my eyes) mature men and women that walk down the aisle on graduation day.
When the first day of school comes this August, I know I will miss the greetings and hugs from the excited children as they
walk into our building. As many know, my family is increasing rapidly with three grandsons being born in February,
March and another yet to come in June. It is time for me to be there for them. I will volunteer when I can and visit with
the many friends I have made in this school, young and old. I am wishing everyone a wonderful summer as I start my
endless summer.
Thank you to all who attended the Princess Ball and Mother/Son Outing!
It is your continued support that allows PTO to continue to fund needs in the school.
Mark your calendars!
Meet the Teacher will be August 17
The Mumkins are coming!
We will be selling Mumkins as our Fall Fund-raiser again next year. Look for order forms at the beginning of next school
Check Your Kroger Receipt!
It’s time to reregister your Kroger Plus cards…or register them for the first time!
Visit<> and click to enroll or apply.
Choose Arlington School Support Organization (PTO) to support our school!
No computer or Internet service? Contact Treasurer Julie Taft-Rider at or 419.365.7103 for
Our next meeting is May 20 at 7:00 P.M. in the Elementary Library
Want to know more about what is going on in the school? Want to get more involved? Meetings last until 8:30 P.M. and
kids are welcome!
The Arlington Academic Alliance would like to thank all who participated in the first Arlington Human Foosball
Tournament! Thank you to every team member, the Kohl's volunteers, those who gave donations for the concession
stand, the awesome play-by-play announcers, and our fearless referees. Congratulations to the "Chocolate Thunder"
team for winning the championship. With the Foosball games and the Hamster Ball races, it was a fun night! Watch for
information in the fall about next year's event.
We would also like to give a huge thank-you to those who sponsored or donated items for the Basket Raffle that was held
at the Outback Dinner. These include: Appleseed IGA, Arlington Pharmacy, Arlington Veterinary Clinic, Commercial
Savings Bank, Denise & Craig Durliat, Elmer’s, Findlay-Hancock County Public Library, Adam & Leigh Flick, Huntington
Bank, Jac & Do’s of Arlington, Markey Mo’s, Jenn & Don Rossman, Lori & Mark Russell, Kendra & Dale Sleppy, Melissa &
Ed Solt, Walmart of Findlay and Betty Windle.
These two events raised over $1000, which will be used to help fund teacher mini-grants this spring. Thank you to all who
support our mission of enhancing the classroom experience for the Arlington students!
2015 ARLINGTON “ Little Devils” Midget Football News
Dave Rossman and Mark Jolliff will be heading up the coaching staff this fall for the Little Devils. We will have a meeting
at school in the auditorium at 2:45 P.M. on Wednesday, May 27 for any player that is considering going out for the team.
Interested parents should be watching for a hand out with additional information being sent home with the kids that
We will have a parent meeting / registration on Wednesday, June 10 at 7:30 P.M. at the school football field. Hopefully we
can move indoors if the weather is bad. It is not necessary for the kids to attend this meeting. **** If your child did not play
last year we will need a copy of their birth certificate.
Registration fee is $40 per family payable to Denver Weihrauch on that night. Registration fees will help cover the use of a
helmet, one mouth guard and all other uniform pads as well as practice and game pants and jerseys. A team t-shirt /
sweatshirt will be additional but is not mandatory to purchase.
The team will be open to kids 12 and under in grades 4-6. Players may not turn 13 years of age before August 31, 2015.
We hope to have some football activities for the 3 grade students later in the summer / fall.
Team workouts will not start until July 20. The first day of school is Wednesday, August 19 and the first game is set for
Sunday afternoon August 23
The 2015-2016 athletic year is fast approaching and athletes in football, volleyball, cheerleading, and golf are spending
many hours in preparation for the up coming sports season. Your support and enthusiasm will help make this a successful
fall campaign.
TICKET SALES- Tickets for the 2014-2015 athletic events will go on sale on August 11 & 12 from 6:00pm-8:00pm in
the school cafeteria. Fans will be able to purchase reserved football season tickets, reserved basketball season tickets
or all-sports passes at this time. Please bring last year’s passes with you so that we may move as efficiently as possible. If
you wish to purchase tickets by mail, and want the same seats, you may do so by sending your request attention to the
Athletic Department. Please make checks payable to the Arlington Athletic Department. If you had reserved seats
last year and don’t wish to keep them, please call and leave a message with the A.D.’s office by August 1st so
that we may make those seats available to others.
A reminder to fans to carry your passes and present them at all sporting events.
Reserved seat football ticket
General Admission football ticket
$32 - Adult, $22 – Student – does not include J.V. or
Reserve games.
$30 – Adults, $20 – Students - does not include J.V. and
Reserve games.
$56 – Adults, $38 – Students – J.V. and Varsity only.
Reserved seat basketball ticket (Boys)
All Sports Pass (includes admission to all
athletic events) – two reserved football
seats, two reserved basketball seats,
single- $130.00
general admission for all other school age
(grades K-12 members living in the home)
Varsity volleyball, football, and basketball
$6.00 Adults
$4.00 Students
J.V. and Reserve football, Reserve
$3.00 Adults
volleyball, and Freshmen basketball
$2.00 Students
Junior High Contests
$3.00 Adults
$2.00 Students
$27 – Varsity only
Reserved seat football ticket
$25 – Varsity only
General admission football ticket
$38 – Varsity and J.V. only
Reserved seat basketball ticket (boys)
All sports pass
$200.00 (single- $100.00)
Football game parking inside the fenced area will be for individuals who have a handicap parking pass.
You must display the parking pass if you park inside the fence.
Vehicles are to be parked against the North fence only and must remain parked for 15 minutes after the
completion of the contest. This will allow fans to exit the stadium safely.
Thank you for your