Sample #1 - Property Management Association of West Michigan


Sample #1 - Property Management Association of West Michigan
208 North Capitol Avenue | 3rd Floor
Lansing, Michigan 48933-1356
517-371-1400 TEL | 517-371-3207 FAX
July/August 2015
Frank J. Kelley, J.D.
Dennis O. Cawthorne, J.D.
David Gregory, J.D.
Rob Elhenicky
Dave Ladd
Melissa Yutzey
Mia D. McNeil, J.D.
Brett H. Henderson
Carrie A. Linderoth, J.D.
Marc Corriveau, J.D.
Of Counsel
Dr. Oscar King, III
Jean Kordenbrock, J.D.
A. LICENSING. We are waiting to hear back from our potential sponsors. Summary: This bill would
remove the required licensing of leasing agents and remove the 50-mi radius requirement for real estate
B. SERVICE OF PROCESS. There have been no changes to this status. Summary: This bill would
provide that service of process to recover money could be done by tacking to the property. Additionally,
it provides that rent should not be prorated and that all summary proceedings from the same property
should be heard on the same day at the same time in the same court.
C. BEDBUGS. SB 294, HB 4520. We were scheduled to meet with the House sponsor and the Judiciary
Vice Chair; however the meeting was cancelled. We have been told that the meeting would be
rescheduled sometime in September. Summary: This bill provides the responsibilities of the landlord and
the tenant in a bedbug situation.
D. MEDICAL MARIHUANA. Senate Bill 72 This bill remains on the House Floor and will likely remain
on the same timetable as medibles and ingestibles. We have learned that marihuana bills in judiciary
committee would likely be voted out in September. Additionally, with the recent ruling about marijuana
being used for autism, there is now a movement by Sen. Mike Shirkey to push for passage of medibles.
A. WAIVE JURY TRIAL IN RESIDENTIAL LEASES. HB 4035 Property; commercial leases;
provision in lease to waive right to a jury trial; allow. Amends sec. 3 of 1978 PA 454 (MCL
554.633). PMAM supports.
2502a, 2503, 2504, 2504a, 2505, 2506, 2509, 2510, 2512 & 2512d of 1980 PA 299 (MCL 339.105 et
seq.) & adds secs. 2502b, 2512e, 2512f, 2516 & 2516a. I was told by Kowall's office that they are
apparently waiting on an opinion from the Attorney General before they can move forward with any
work on the bill.
C. LLC ACTING AS OWN REPRESENTATION. We were approached to weigh in on this bill. This
would allow LLCs to represent themselves in small claims court and not require a lawyer. (Please see
attached) PMAM supports.
D. LEAD PAINT LEGISLATION. (HB 4062 and 4063) We’ve been approached to offer our opinion
on a package of bills dealing with lead paint.). PMAM opposed. We had a brief conversation with
the chair of the judiciary committee and expressed that we would like to see this bill remain in
committee and not have a hearing anytime soon.
E. MODIFICATION OF DRUG FORFEITURE. (HB 4361) This bill was introduced by Rep. Jeff
Irwin from the Washtenaw Area. This bill would allow for seizure of property for a drug offense, but
would prohibit forfeiture of the property unless a person is convicted of the alleged drug crime or if the
person does not claim any interest in the property. This bill is a part of a larger package of bills dealing
with police practices with drug forfeiture items.
F. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. (SB 255/HB 4411) Senate Judiciary held a committee on SB 255. The bill
would add domestic violence victims as a protected class. This would provide that they could not be
discriminated against in housing situations. Numerous groups were opposed to the bill. The sponsor
agreed to listen to the concerns and work with the groups.
G. SHUTOFFS. (HB 4393) This bill was introduced due to a resident in the legislator’s district receiving
numerous shut-off notices, but no alerting the landlord. This caused massive amounts of damage
throughout the winter.
H. RENT CONTROL. This bill has not been introduced at this point, but we were approached by Rep.
Banks about this proposed idea. The information was sent to legislative members last month, but is also
attached. Currently, there is no action on this bill.
Miscellaneous Items
A. Legislature – As you’ll notice, not much action has occurred on these bills because the legislature is away
for the summer. We expect that things should pick back up mid-August.
B. Upcoming Fundraisers – Please see the attached list of upcoming legislative fundraisers. If some are
happening in your region and they were endorsed PMAM candidates, it may be wise to contribute and
C. Congressional Black Caucus Michigan Event- This event is held annually during the Congressional
Black Caucus Conference and is specifically for the Michigan Delegation. Both Congressman John Conyers
and Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence are going to be honored this year. It is my recommendation that
both PMAM and NAA join forces to be a sponsor for the event. Please see the attached information.
D. PMAM Lobby Day 2016
Rent Control Legislation
 Proposed Version
Applies only to cities with a population of over 500,000 people
Limits to rent increases
 Limit increases in rent to once per calendar year
 Increase is limited to the percentage change from year to year in the Consumer
Price Index for the Midwest region for prices of goods and services as reported by
The United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, averaged over
the 12-month period that ends at the end of May of the previous calendar year,
rounded to the first decimal point
 The rent is capped from increasing more than 2.5% percent per calendar year,
regardless of increase to CPI
 This applies to properties currently rented, leased etc., vacant properties and
commercial properties
Exceptions to the rent increases
 A landlord can increase the rent above the CPI guidelines listed above when the
following apply. These increases are not automatic they must petition the
Michigan State Housing Development Authority for approval.
 Capital improvements
 A landlord can petition to raise rents by an amount enough to cover the
cost of capital improvements
 A capital improvement is an improvement or renovation other than
ordinary repair, repair or maintenance if the improvement or renovation is
deemed depreciable under the Internal Revenue Code.
 Services and facilities
 The Act allows an adjustment in rents when related services or facilities
supplied by a landlord or for any rental unit in the rental property are
increased or decreased.
 based on:
o The cost to the tenant of buying alternate related services or
facilities comparable;
o The operating cost to the landlord of the related services or
facilities; or
o The fair market value of comparable related services or facilities.
 Substantial rehabilitation
 The landlord may submit a petition to raise rents for a substantial
rehabilitation of the rental property. A substantial rehabilitation petition
is filed only when proposed rehabilitation cost equals or is more than 50%
of the real property tax assessment of the rental property.
 Michigan
Rent control is currently prohibited by MCL Sec. 123.411
123.411 “Local governmental unit” defined; rent control prohibited; management and
control of residential property.
 As used in this section, “local governmental unit” means a political subdivision of
this state including, but not limited to, a county, city, village, or township, if the
political subdivision provides local government services for residents in a
geographically limited area of this state as its primary purpose and has the power to
act primarily on behalf of that area.
 A local governmental unit shall not enact, maintain, or enforce an ordinance or
resolution that would have the effect of controlling the amount of rent charged for
leasing private residential property. This section does not impair the right of any
local governmental unit to manage and control residential property in which the
local governmental unit has a property interest.
 New York
Rent Act 0f 2011
 Enacted by State Legislature
 Deal reached to extend for another four years on June 23rd
 Limits vacancy increases to once a year
 Reduced the permanent rent increase in buildings of 35 units or more for individual
apartment improvements to 1/60th instead of 1/40th of the cost
 Increased the minimum rent for deregulation of an apartment to $2,700
 That threshold would rise in the future based on increases in regulated
rents approved by the Rent Guidelines Board.
 Increased the household income to $200,000 for deregulating an occupied
apartment whose rent is at least $2,700
In New York City, rent control operates under the Maximum Base Rent (MBR) system. A
maximum base rent is established for each apartment and adjusted every two years to
reflect changes in operating costs. Owners who certify that they are providing essential
services and have removed violations, are entitled to raise rents up to 7.5 percent each year
until they reach the MBR. Tenants may challenge the proposed increase on the grounds that
the building has violations or that the owner's expenses do not warrant an increase.
For New York City rent controlled apartments, rents can also be increased because of
increases in fuel costs (passalongs) and in some cases, to cover higher labor costs.
 Ontario, Canada
Residential Tenancies Act of 2006
 Among other provisions containing duties of landlords/tenants, etc. it contains
provisions regulating rent
 A landlord may not increase the rent charged to a tenant, or to an assignee, during
the term of their tenancy by more than the guideline. The guideline is determined
 “The guideline for a calendar year is the percentage change from year to
year in the Consumer Price Index for Ontario for prices of goods and
services as reported monthly by Statistics Canada, averaged over the 12month period that ends at the end of May of the previous calendar year,
rounded to the first decimal point.”
The guideline is capped from increasing more than 2.5% per calendar year.
 Los Angeles
California law requires that tenants be provided with written advance notice of a rent
increase either 30 days (for increases 10% or less) or 60 days (for increases greater than
10%) before the effective date of the increase.
The Los Angeles Housing & Community Investment Department decides annual allowable
rent adjustment
 For the fiscal year from July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 is 3%
Rent Stabilization Ordinance
 The purpose of the ordinance is to protect tenants from excessive rent increases,
while at the same time allowing landlords a reasonable return on their investments.
 Residential units covered: apartments, condominiums, town homes, duplexes, two
more dwelling units on the same lot, mobile homes, mobile home pads, rooms in a
hotel, motel, rooming house or boarding house occupied by the same tenant for 30
or more consecutive days.
 The Rent Stabilization Ordinance covers four broad categories:
 Allowable rent increases
 Registration of rental units
 Legal reasons for eviction
 Causes for eviction requiring relocation assistance payments to the tenant
 Oakland
Oakland City Council adopted the Residential Rent Adjustment Program
The Rent Adjustment Program requires that property owners give a form notice to tenants
at the beginning of the tenancy of their rights under the program.
California law requires that tenants be provided with written advance notice of a rent
increase either 30 days (for increases 10% or less) or 60 days (for increases greater than
10%) before the effective date of the increase.
An owner may increase a tenant's rent once in a 12-month period. The basic rate for rent
increases is set by a formula tied to consumer price index.
 Maximum of 10% annual limit on all rent increases, unless CPI is above 10%.
 Maximum of 30% on rent increases within a 5-year period. Rent increases above
30% within a 5-year period allowed if only CPI increases were given during the 5year period.
 Maximum 70% of capital improvements costs can be passed through to tenants.
Property owners may give tenants notice of a rent increase higher than the CPI Rent
Adjustment. If tenants do not file a petition challenging the rent increase within 60 days of
receiving the notice of increase (or within 60 days of first receiving written notice of the
existence of the Rent Adjustment Program, whichever is later) they waive their right to
challenge the increase.
 Washington, D.C.
The rent control law is the Rental Housing Act of 1985
 Under the Act, an apartment building or apartment complex is called a housing
accommodation, and a single apartment or house is called a rental unit.
A renter is simply called the tenant, but the landlord is called the housing provider.
Act is administered by The Rental Accommodations Division
Owners of housing units covered by rent control are restricted in the frequency and
amount by which they can adjust monthly rents.
The law also requires landlords to give tenants adequate notification of rent
increases and provides for an appeals process for tenants who believe that rents
have been raised improperly.
Title II of the Act is rent stabilization, which applies to any non-exempt rental unit.
 All rental units must be registered with the RAD either as subject to rent
control or exempt from rent control
 For any unit that is not registered with RAD, rent control automatically
 common exemptions from rent control are for rental units that are:
o Federally or District-subsidized
o Built after 1975
o Owned by a natural person (i.e., not a corporation) who owns no
more than four rental units in the District
o Vacant when the Act took effect
Under the Act, any increase in rent must meet these conditions:
 The new rent charged may not be more than the prior rent plus an
allowable increase,
o The most common allowable increase in rent is an annual
adjustment, based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index
o For most tenants, the most that their rent can increase is the CPI
percentage plus 2%, but not more than 10%.
o For tenants who are elderly or disabled, the maximum increase in
rent charged is the CPI percentage only, but not more than 5%.
 The increase in rent charged cannot be more than the increase allowed
under any single section of the Act.
 The last increase in rent must have been at least 12 months ago (unless the
unit is vacant).
 The increase must not violate the terms of the lease.
 The housing accommodation must be properly registered with the RAD.
 The rental unit and the housing accommodation’s common elements must
be in substantial compliance with housing regulations.
 The housing provider must give a 30-day notice of any increase in rent.
Increases in a vacant property
 The only exception to the limit of one rent increase per year is when a rental
unit becomes vacant.
 The housing provider can raise the rent charged upon a vacancy to:
o 10% more than was charged to the former tenant, or
o Rent for a comparable rental unit, but not more than 30%.
Comparable rental units have essentially the same square
footage and floor plan;
 comparable amenities and equipment;
 comparable locations with respect to exposure and height
(if exposure and height have previously been factors in the
amount of rent charged); and
 Comparable physical condition.
o Once there has been a vacancy increase in rent, the housing
provider cannot make another increase in rent for 12 months, even
if another vacancy occurs.
Other Allowable Rent Increases. The other allowable increases are not automatic.
The housing provider must petition or otherwise seek the consent of the Rent
 Hardship
o Housing providers are allowed to raise rents enough to earn a 12%
rate of return on the housing provider’s rental property investment.
o To apply for this increase, the housing provider must document
operating expenses for 12 of the last 15 months preceding the filing
of the hardship petition.
 Capital improvements
o A housing provider can petition to raise rents by an amount enough
to cover the cost of capital improvements
o A capital improvement is an improvement or renovation other than
ordinary repair, repair or maintenance if the improvement or
renovation is deemed depreciable under the Internal Revenue
 Services and facilities
o The Act allows an adjustment in rents when related services or
facilities supplied by a housing provider or a housing
accommodation or for any rental unit in the housing
accommodation are increased or decreased.
o based on:
 The cost to the tenant of buying alternate related services
or facilities comparable;
 The operating cost to the housing provider of the related
services or facilities; or
 The fair market value of comparable related services or
 Substantial rehabilitation, or
o The housing provider may submit a petition to raise rents for a
substantial rehabilitation of the housing accommodation. A
substantial rehabilitation petition is filed only when proposed
rehabilitation cost equals or is more than 50% of the real property
tax assessment of the rental unit or housing accommodation.
Agreement with 70% of the tenants
o The Act allows tenants of a housing accommodation to enter into a
Voluntary Agreement with the housing provider to establish the
rent, capital improvements, services and facilities, or repairs and
o If the housing provider initiates the Voluntary Agreement, the
tenants must be given at least 14 days to review it following the
filing of the Voluntary Agreement with RAD and service on the
For Additional Details Please Email
Rep. Tom Leonard Reception
Tuesday, August 11 5:00-7:00 PM
Where: The Pattwell Home 608 E. Geneva Dr.
DeWitt, MI 48820
Cost: $30/Person $50/Couple $100/Silver
$250/Gold $500/Platinum
Please Make Checks Payable To:
Tom Leonard for State Representative
14840 Robinwood Dr. Lansing, MI 48906
Please RSVP to: Phil Goodrich
Rep. Charles Brunner 7th Annual Pig Roast
Sunday, August 16th 3:00-5:00 PM
Where: Castaways 3940 Boy Scout RD. Bay City MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Charles Brunner for State Representative
208 Murphy Street Bay City, MI 48706
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Tim Greimel Evening Reception
Monday, August 17th 5:30-7:00 PM
Where: Yardbird Smoked Meats
1978 Cass Lake Road, Keego Harbor, MI
Cost: $250/Ticket $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Committee to Elect Tim Greimel
PO Box 14105 Lansing, MI 48901
Please RSVP to:
Senator Jim Marleau Summer Social
Thursday, August 20 5:30 PM- 8:00 PM
Where: Oakland Hills Country Club
3951 W. Maple Road Bloomfield Hills MI 48301
Please Make Checks Payable To:
Marleau for Michigan
3232 Pickwick Pl Lansing MI 48917
Please RSVP to: TBD Formal Invite to Come
Rep. Chris Afendoulis Golf Outing
Monday, August 24 9:00 AM
Where: Scott Lake Country Club
913 Haynes Road NE, Comstock Park, MI
Cost: $100/Sponsor $150/Golfer $500/Foursome
Please Make Checks Payable To:
Chris Afendoulis for State House
240 Edgehill Ave SE, GR, MI 49546
Please RSVP to: Ben Greene
Rep. Henry Yanez Birthday Reception
Thursday, August 27th 6:00 PM Reception
7:00 Dinner
Where: Century Banquet Club
33204 Maple Lane, Sterling Heights, MI
Cost: $250/Silver $500/Gold $1,000/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Friends of Henry Yanez
PO Box 7213 Sterling Heights, MI 48311
Please RSVP to:
Sen. Meekhof Golf & Lunch
Monday, August 31 9:00 AM Shotgun
Where: Grand Haven Golf Club
17000 Lincoln St. Grand Haven, MI 49417
Cost: $250/Sponsor $300/Golfer $1,200/Foursome
Please Make Checks Payable To:
Moving Michigan Forward 2
106 W. Allegan St. Lansing MI 48933
Please RSVP to: Holly Tatman
Rep. Adam Zemke Lunch Reception
Wednesday, September 9 11:30 – 1:00 PM
Where: Governors Room 121 W. Allegan Street
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Adam Zemke for State Representative
2860 Gladstone Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Paul Clemente - Lunch Reception
Wednesday, September 9th 11:30–1:00 PM
Where: Michigan Beer and Wine Wholesalers
332 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Friends of Paul Clemente
2235 Fort Park Blvd Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Jeff Irwin Brunch Reception
Thursday, September 10 10:00-10:30 AM
Where: Michigan Municipal League
208 N. Capitol 1st Floor Lansing MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable:
Jeff Irwin for State Representative
2542 Bellwood Ann Arbor MI 48104
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Daniela Garcia Breakfast Reception Special
Guest: John Walsh
Monday, September 14 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Where: AL Penrose Restaurant Holland, MI 49423
Cost: $100/Breakfast $250/Series
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Friends of Daniela Garcia
22 E 29th Street Holland, MI 49423
Please RSVP to: Adam Wright
Sen. Wayne Schmidt Golf Outing
Monday, September 14 8:00 AM
Where: The Wolverine Grand Traverse Resort
More Details Forth Coming
Rep. Winnie Brinks Lunch Reception
Tuesday, September 15th 11:30 – 1:00 PM
Where: Michigan Beer & Wine Wholesalerrs
332 Townsend Street, Lansing MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable: CTE Winnie Brinks
2060 Osceola Drive SE Grand Rapids MI 49506
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Dan Lauwers Chairman’s Dinner
Wednesday, September 16 TBD
Rep. Alberta Tinsley-Talabi Country Breakfast
Thursday, September 17th 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Where: Kelley Cawthorne
208 N. Capitol Lansing MI 48933
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
CTE Alberta Tinsley-Talabi
2229 Pennsylvania Detroit MI 48214
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Leslie Love Brunch Reception
Thursday, September 17 10:30 – 12:00 PM
Where: Michigan Health and Hospital
110 W. Michigan Ave. Suite 1200 Lansing
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Supporters of Leslie Love PO Box 35986 Detroit MI
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Larry Inman Evening Reception
Tuesday, September 22
Rep. Kristy Pagan Lunch Reception
Tuesday, September 22nd 11:30 –1:00 PM
Where: Michigan Municipal League
208 N. Capitol, 1st floor, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Kristy Pagan Leadership Fund
PO Box 871881 Canton, MI 48187
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Henry Yanez Lunch Reception
Tuesday, September 22nd 11:30–1:00 PM
Sen. Meekhof Fundraiser
Monday, September 28th 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Where: Michigan Beer and Wine Wholesalers
Where: Suburban Collection Showplace
332 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Friends of Henry Yanez
PO Box 7213 Sterling Heights, MI 48311
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Vanessa Guerra – Breakfast Reception
Wednesday, September 23rd 8:00–9:30 AM
46100 Grand River Ave. Novi MI 48374
Cost: $300/Person $3,000/Table
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Moving Michigan Forward 2
106 W. Allegan St. Lansing 48933
Please RSVP by September 21 to: Holly Tatman
Where: Governors Room
121 West Allegan Street, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Committee to Elect Vanessa Guerra
4108 Emerald Drive Bridgeport, MI 48722
Please RSVP to:
Rep. Erika Geiss Celebrate Autumn Reception
Friday, September 25th 7:00–11:00 PM
Where: J.P. McGuire’s
21138 Goddard Road, Taylor, MI
Cost: $30/Ticket $150/Host $300/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Erika Geiss for State Representative
24645 Muirfield Drive Taylor, MI 48180
Please RSVP to
Rep. George Darany – Lunch Reception
Tuesday, September 29th 11:30–1:00 PM
Where: Michigan Beer and Wine Wholesalers
332 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket
$250/Co-Host $500/Host $1,000/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
George T. Darany for State Representative
17835 Oakwood Blvd. Dearborn, MI 48124
Please RSVP to:
Rep Tom Cochran Breakfast Reception
Wednesday, September 30th 9:00–10:30 AM
Where: Governors Room
121 West Allegan Street, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
CTE Tom Cochran to the 6th
418 Coppersmith Drive Mason, MI 48854
Please RSVP to
Rep. Sheldon Neeley Lunch Reception
Wednesday, September 30th 11:30–1:00 PM
Where: Michigan Municipal League
208 N. Capitol, 1st floor, Lansing, MI
Cost: $150/Ticket $250/Host $500/Sponsor
Please Make Checks Payable to:
Committee to Elect Sheldon Neeley
2305 Begole Street Flint, MI 48504
Please RSVP to:
Friday, September 18, 2015
Carnegie Library at Mt. Vernon Square
Washington, D.C.
Business Card Size Ad
¼ Page Ad or Tribute
½ Page Ad or Tribute
Full Page Ad or Tribute
Sponsor Ad. Full, 1/2 or 1/4 page Ads, included
with all sponsorships.
Back Cover Full Page Ad (only 1 ad space available)
Back Inside Cover Full Page Ad (only 1 ad space
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Artwork & payments must be received on before September 6, 2013. All
program book advertisement materials must be in JPEG format for all ads
less than full page and in PDF for all ads that are full page. Please supply a
.jpeg file with 300 dpi resolution or better; grayscale for black/white ads.
Finished book size is 8 x 11 with ¼ inch margin. All printed pages are 20lb
paper weight. Inside & outside covers are 60 lbs. paper weight.
All ad requests must be electronically e-mailed to Tyrone D. Sanders Jr., Esq.
at In your email, you must specify the size of the
ad and amount of ad and state that your ad does not infringe on any copyright or intellectual property rights of any other entity, organization or
Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Please make your tax-deductible ad book donation payable to “Black Caucus
Foundation of Michigan”. Checks can be mailed to 1001 Woodward Ave.,
Suite 1110, Detroit, MI 48226, Attn: Nicole Stallworth. For more
information, call (248) 790-5620.
Michigan CBC
Host Committee
Tyrone D. Sanders Jr., Esq.
Tonya Allen
Elijah Bernard
George L. Davis, II
Dierk Hall
Ron Hicks
Hon. Rudy Hobbs
Harvey Hollins
Hon. Lisa Howze
Bridget Hurd
Dr. Tiffany Mapp, M.D.
V. Terrence McRae, Esq.
Hon. Nancy Quarles
Tanisha A. Sanders
Hon. Dr. KB Stallworth, Ph.D.
Nicole Stallworth
Hon. Samuel Buzz Thomas
Terence A. Thomas Sr., Esq.
Lucius A.Vassar, Esq.
Felicia Wasson
Donnell White
Yvonne White
Strategic Partners
Michigan Minority Supplier Development
Council (MMSDC)
Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan
Detroit Branch NAACP
Michigan Black Caucus of
Local Elected Officials
Michigan Legislative Black Caucus
Michigan State Conference NAACP
Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan
at Mt.Vernon Square
801 K St NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Michigan CBC Host Committee c/o
Elite Socialite Events, LLC
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173
Detroit, MI 48226
Hon. U.S. Congressman
John Conyers
Honored Guest
Hon. U.S. Congresswoman
Brenda Lawrence
Honored Guest
Staff Sgt. James W. Butler, III (ret.)
Courage & Valor Award for Distinguished
Military Service
Reginald M. Turner, Jr., Esq.
Trailblazer Award
Distinguished Corporate Citizen
Small/Medium Category
Hon. U.S. Congresswoman
Brenda Lawrence
John Conyers Jr. Public Service Award
Shirley Stancato
Champion of Justice Award
DTE Energy
Distinguished Corporate Citizen
Large Category
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173 | Detroit, MI 48226 | 248-790-5620 |
at Mt.Vernon Square
801 K Street NW | Washington, D.C. 20001
Friday, September 18, 2015
7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Michigan CBC Delegation Reception, featuring Live Band | 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Awards Ceremony & Featured Performance by TBD| 8:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Motown Live Afterglow, featuring Celebrity Deejay | 10:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) will host its 45th Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) on
September 16-20, 2015 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. ALC is the leading policy
conference on issues impacting African Americans. The conference provides an important platform for thought leaders,
legislators and concerned citizens to engage on issues critical to the global black community. Historically, over 9,000
conference attendees attend ALC and other related events. We encourage you to join with other subject-matter experts,
industry leaders, elected officials and citizen activists to explore relevant issues from an African-American perspective.
Online registrations will be accepted through Sept. 12 at
Annually, ALC draws a large contingent of attendees from the State of Michigan. In an effort to enhance the experience
of Michiganders attending the conference, a group of businesses (then led by DTE Energy, Consumers Energy & the Big
Three Automakers) joined with members of Michigan’s Congressional Delegation to host the first Michigan Motown
Celebration in 1999. This social and networking event has evolved into one of the most highly anticipated and attended
events during Congressional Black Caucus weekend. The 2015 Michigan CBC Delegation Reception & Motown Live
Afterglow continues this great tradition. The event will be held on Friday, September 18, 2015 at the Carnegie Library @
Mt.Vernon Square.
The esteemed Honored Guests for the evening will include: U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow , U.S. Senator Gary Peters,
U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr., and U.S. Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, along with, other members of Michigan’s
Congressional Delegation and the Congressional Black Caucus. Also in attendance will be state and local elected
leaders from Michigan, as well as, other luminaries of politics and business from across the nation. The Michigan CBC
Host Committee is pleased to announce that it will honor the following group of distinguished business and political
leaders: U.S. Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence – John Conyers, Jr. Public Service Award; Shirley Stancato – Champion
of Justice Award; DTE Energy – Distinguished Corporate Citizen Award – Large Category; ChemicoMays – Distinguished
Corporate Citizen Award – Small/Medium Category; Reginald M. Turner, Jr., Esq. – Trailblazer Award; and Staff Sgt. James W.
Butler, III (U.S. Army - Ret.) – Courage & Valor Award for Distinguished Military Service.
The Michigan CBC Delegation Reception & Motown Live Afterglow is one of CBC Weekend’s most sought after tickets.
Last year’s event, featuring R&B crooner Johnny Gill, was attended by well over a thousand guests. This year will be no
exception, as we have secured a historic Washington, D.C. venue and will provide the first-class amenities our guests have
come to expect. Please visit our website at for the most up-to-date details regarding the event.
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173 | Detroit, MI 48226 | 248-790-5620 |
1. CO-PRESENTING TITLE SPONSOR (5) - $25,000. Benefits for this level of sponsorship will include a variety of
custom benefits that maximize exposure and multiple branding opportunities. Reception Title Sponsor benefits include the following:
• Shared promotional rights to 2nd floor VIP Lounge, and exclusively reserved for co-presenting sponsors and their guests
• One (1) couch cluster OR table in 2nd Floor VIP Lounge
• Corporate name and logo will appear prominently on all event marketing collateral, website and sponsor video display
• Twenty-five (25) all-access VIP tickets to the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow
• Dedicated food stations and hosted bar on 2nd floor
• Photo op with a member of Congress
• Full page ad in commemorative ad book
• Private Welcome Reception and Photo Op with featured performer
• Reserved seating for awards program and featured artist performance
• On-stage remarks during CBC Reception by corporate representative OR corporate promotional video (remarks/video
limited to 2 minutes)
• Promotional banner & signage at event
• Product placement & co-branding opportunities throughout the venue
1. For auto manufacturers, the Co-Presenting Sponsorship includes placement of up to one (1) car or SUV
2. Host Committee reserves the exclusive right to approve all branding and product placement decisions
2. AFTERGLOW TITLE SPONSOR (1) - $20,000. This sponsorship will serve as the title sponsor for the Motown Live
Afterglow. Afterglow Title Sponsor benefits include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear prominently on all event marketing collateral, website and sponsor video display
• One (1) reserved table in VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Naming & promotional rights to 1st Floor VIP lounge, and exclusively reserved for sponsor guests
• Twenty-five (20) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow, incl. 25 drink tickets
• Photo op with a member of Congress
• Reserved seating for awards program and featured artist performance
• Full page cover ad in commemorative ad book
• Private Welcome Reception & Photo Op with featured performer
• On-stage remarks during Afterglow
• Promotional banner & signage at event
• Product placement & branding opportunities (Host Committee reserves the exclusive right to approve the type and
placement of all sponsor products and/or signage)
3. SIGNATURE ENTERTAINMENT SPONSOR (1) - $20,000. Will sponsor the featured entertainment during the
CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow. Signature Entertainer Sponsor benefits include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, sponsor video display, and prominently
around the venue’s staging area during the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow.
• One (1) reserved table in VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Twenty (20) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow, incl. 20 drink tickets
• Photo op with a member of Congress
• Reserved seating for awards program and featured artist performance
• Full page cover ad in commemorative ad book
• Private Welcome Reception and Photo Op with featured performer
• On-stage introduction of featured entertainment by corporate representative
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173 | Detroit, MI 48226 | 248-790-5620 |
4. VIP SPONSOR’S LOUNGE SPONSOR (1) - $20,000. Your company will have the exclusive naming rights to our VIP
Sponsors Lounge. We will create a unique guest experience in this company-branded area, exclusively reserved for our event
sponsors and their respective guests. The lounge will feature signature entertainment, food & specialty libations. PLEASE NOTE
benefits include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, sponsor video display
• Two (2) reserved tables in VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Twenty (20) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow, incl. 20 drink tickets
• Reserved seating for awards program and featured artist performance
• Photo op with a member of Congress
• Full page cover ad in commemorative ad book
• Private Welcome Reception and Photo Op with featured performer
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
• Product placement & branding opportunities (Host Committee reserves the exclusive right to approve the type and
placement of all sponsor products and/or signage).
5. FOOD STATION SPONSOR (3) - $15,000. Your company will be a featured sponsor highlighted at various food
stations and bars, located throughout the venue. Food & Beverage Sponsor benefits include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, sponsor video display
• Fifteen (15) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow, incl. 15 drink tickets
• One (1) reserved table in VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Reserved seating for awards program and featured artist performance
• Photo op with a member of Congress
• Full page ad in commemorative ad book
• Private Welcome Reception and Photo Op with featured entertainment
• Product placement & branding opportunities at food stations and bar areas (Host Committee reserves the exclusive right to
approve the type and placement of all sponsor products and/or signage).
6. DESSERT SPONSOR (1) - $10,000. Your company will be the featured sponsor highlighted on the gourmet dessert bar.
Dessert Sponsor benefits include the following:
• One (1) reserved table in VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Ten (10) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow, incl. 10 drink tickets
• Reserved seating for awards program and featured artist performance
• Photo op with a member of Congress
• Full page ad in commemorative ad book
• Private Welcome Reception and Photo Op with featured entertainment
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
• Product placement & branding opportunity at dessert bar (Host Committee reserves the exclusive right to approve the
type and placement of all sponsor products and/or signage).
7. DIAMOND SPONSOR (unlimited) - $7,500
Benefits for this sponsorship opportunity will include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, and sponsor video display
• Ten (10) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the Michigan CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow, incl. 10 drink tickets
• One (1) reserved table in VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Guest access to VIP Sponsor’s Lounge
• Full page ad in commemorative ad book
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173 | Detroit, MI 48226 | 248-790-5620 |
8. PLATINUM SPONSOR (unlimited) - $5,000
Benefits for this sponsorship opportunity will include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, and sponsor video display
• Ten (10) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets to the Michigan CBC Reception & Motown Live Afterglow
• Access to reserved seating in VIP Sponsors Lounge and for featured artist performance (Please Note: Reserved seating is
limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis.)
• Guest access to VIP Sponsor’s Lounge w/Complimentary Beer & Wine Reception
• Full page ad in commemorative ad book
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
9. GOLD SPONSOR (unlimited) - $2,500
Benefits for this sponsorship opportunity will include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, and sponsor video display
• Five (5) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets OR Ten (10) general admission tickets to the Michigan CBC Reception & Motown Live
Afterglow (Please Note: General Admission ticketholders will NOT have access to VIP Sponsor’s Lounge)
• Half page ad in commemorative ad book
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
10.SILVER SPONSOR (unlimited) - $1,000
Benefits for this sponsorship opportunity will include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, and sponsor video display
• Two (2) VIP Sponsor’s Lounge tickets OR Four (4) general admission tickets to the Michigan CBC Reception & Motown Live
Afterglow (Please Note: General Admission ticketholders will NOT have access to VIP Sponsor’s Lounge)
• Quarter page ad in commemorative ad book
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
11.IN-KIND (unlimited) – market value
Will provide in-kind products or services for inclusion in specialty gift bag, or to be used as door or raffle prizes. In-kind
Sponsor benefits include the following:
• Corporate name and logo will appear on all event marketing collateral, website, sponsor video display
• ½ or full page ad in commemorative ad book
• On-stage recognition by master of ceremony
• Other negotiated amenities, including guest tickets, will be based on the market value of the contribution
Individual VIP Guest Tickets affords the holder access to the VIP Sponsor’s Lounge ONLY when purchased in conjunction with a
sponsorship package.
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173 | Detroit, MI 48226 | 248-790-5620 |
at Mt.Vernon Square
801 K Street NW | Washington, D.C. 20001
Friday, September 18, 2015
7:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
COMPANY/ORGANIZATION ___________________________________________________________
CONTACT PERSON ____________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________
CITY ________________________________________________ ZIP _____________________________
EMAIL _________________________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE __________________________________________ FAX ___________________________
Thank you for your commitment to being a sponsor for the Michigan CBC Delegation Reception & Motown Live
Afterglow 2015. Please select desired sponsorship level:
❑ Co-Presenting Title Sponsorship $25,000
❑ Diamond Sponsor - $7500
❑ Afterglow Title Sponsorship $20,000
❑ Platinum Sponsor $5000
❑ VIP Sponsors Lounge Sponsorship $20,000
❑ Gold Sponsor $2500
❑ Signature Entertainment Sponsor $20,000
❑ Silver Sponsor $1000
❑ Food Station Sponsor (3) $15,000
❑ In-Kind – market value
❑ Dessert Sponsor $10,000
❑ Individual VIP Ticket(s) $250
Ad Book Specifications:
All artwork must be received via e-mail to on or before September 11, 2015 in order
to ensure guaranteed placement in Ad Book. In your email, you must specify the size of the ad and state that your
ad does not infringe on any copyright or intellectual property rights of any other entity, organization or company.
All advertisement materials must be in JPEG format for all ads less than full page and in PDF for all ads that are full
page. Please supply a .jpeg file with 300 dpi resolution or better. Finished book is full color, 8 x 11 in size with ¼
inch margins. All printed pages are 20lb paperweight. Inside & outside covers are 60 lbs. paperweight.
Payment Method:
Please make check payable to Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan, our 501(c)(3) non-profit fiduciary
Tax Exempt # 38-2739884 (W-9 and IRS Non-Profit Declaration available upon request)
Mail to:
Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan
1001 Woodward Avenue, Suite 1110
Detroit, MI 48226 | Attn: Nicole Stallworth
❑ Invoice my corporation at the above address Charge $__________________ to: ❑ Amex ❑ Check Enclosed
❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard
Card No. ___________________________________________________ Exp. _____________________
Billing Address ________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number ________________________________ 3 Digit SIC Code __________________________
The Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan is pleased to again serve as a strategic partner and nonprofit fiduciary for the 2015 Michigan CBC Delegation Reception & Motown Live Afterglow. The Foundation is
a Michigan-based tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. A portion of the proceeds from the event will go to the
support the Foundation’s youth initiatives. For more info, visit
Tyrone D. Sanders, Jr., Esq., Chairperson, Michigan CBC Host Committee
c/o Elite Socialite Events, LLC
535 Griswold Street, Suite 111-173, Detroit, MI 48226
248-790-5620 or
Be a part of the 45th Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) on Sept. 16-20, 2015 held at the Walter E. Washington
Convention Center. Join subject experts, industry leaders, elected officials, and concerned citizens like you to explore
critical issues from an African-American perspective. For more information about the conference or to secure your
registration, please visit or call (202)-263-5711.
1/2 AD
7.5in w x 4.8in h
7.5in w x 10in h
1/4 AD
3.7in w x 5in h