Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs


Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Copyright © 2015 by BarreFan Inc.
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purchaser for their own personal use. This guide may not be reproduced in
any form without the express written permission of Tawny Bailey, except in
the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a
review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or journal, and all of
these situations require the written approval of Tawny Bailey prior to
The information in this guide is for educational purposes only. The
information in this guide is based on my own personal experiences and my
own interpretation of available research. It is not medical advice and I am
not a medical doctor.
The information within this guide is meant for healthy adult
individuals. You should consult with your physician to make sure it is
appropriate for your individual circumstances. Keep in mind that nutritional
needs vary from person to person, depending on age, sex, health status and
total diet.
If you have any health issues or concerns please consult with your
physician. Always consult your physician before beginning or making any
changes in your diet or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of
illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications.
This product is for informational purposes only. The author does
not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or
perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Thank you for downloading my guide!
My name is Tawny, the girl who runs Pilates Barre Fan
I decided to put together this free guide exclusively for
my subscribers since I get lots of questions about which
barre DVDs to choose, how to rotate them, and how
often to do them.
In general, ANY barre DVD done at least three times a week is going to be
great for weight loss (along with a sensible diet, of course). You really can’t
go wrong.
But there are a few things to keep in mind that can enhance the results you
get from your DVDs, and I’ve included these tips in this guide.
I sincerely hope this guide is helpful to you, and it is my hope that you can
use it as a resource to help you look and feel your best using barre
workouts! 
Feel free to contact me via Facebook with your feedback or questions about
this guide. You may also email me at
Thanks for reading!
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
First…A Word about Barre Workouts
The first thing you should know is that
barre workout DVDs can be divided
into two basic categories:
1) Lotte Berk based barre - These
workouts more true to Lotte Berk in
that the movements are very precise
– and really emphasize very small
isometric movements, pulses, and
tucks. Your heart rate will rise because
you will be working very hard to
control your muscles. Lots of leg
shaking in these workouts.
Examples: The Bar Method, Core
Fusion, Physigue 57
2) Fusion barre workouts – These integrate principles of Lotte Berk, as
well as Pilates, Yoga, and Ballet. These are more “dancey” and often
use movements with a larger range of motion, not as much precision
and control required. This makes them have more of a cardio
component to them. Sometimes not as much leg shaking in these
workouts, but not always. Examples: Xtend Barre, Booty Barre,
Rockin’ Models
One is not necessarily better than another, it’s really a matter of preference.
Workouts with larger movements are generally going to be a bit more
intense, from a cardio standpoint only - (with the exception of Physique 57,
which has a very intense cardio component to it)
These two types of workouts (numbers 1 and 2 above) often complement
each other nicely since there is a nice range of movements, which is great
for overall conditioning.
*I have also included in this guide ballet-based and
lengthening/strengthening DVDs (Essentrics, Classical
Stretch, Ballet Beautiful). These are NOT barre workouts,
but I feel they are highly effective for weight loss and
useful for many women, especially those with knee, back, or
other issues. If you like Pilates, barre, and yoga, you may
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
learn to love these lengthening workouts just as much as I
do! For the sake of clarity, I have indicated these
workouts by placing “not barre” in parenthesis - so that
you don’t confuse them with barre workouts.
How to Choose the RIGHT Barre DVD
As I mentioned above, you really cannot go
wrong when choosing a barre DVD to start
However, the real secret to choosing the
RIGHT barre workout, one that will ultimately
get you the results you want, is to learn to
listen to your body.
Higher intensity is NOT suitable for
Some of us need workouts that are less
intense for a number of reasons.
Don't let the fact that some of these
workouts are lower intensity fool you into
thinking they are any less effective.
In fact, lower intensity workouts can be even better for long term success
largely because #1-there is no dread factor (which means they are easy to
stick with) and #2-they do not stress the body as much, so weight loss
comes much easier.
RAPID FAT LOSS TIP: You have to remember that exercise is a
stress on your body. The more intense that stress is, the
more damaging it can be. General stress from life causes
your body to release cortisol - and so does intense
exercise. The result can be chronically elevated cortisol
levels - which will prevent fat loss.
I like what Jillian Michaels has to say about cortisol and fat loss:
“When your stress and cortisol levels are high, the body actually
resists weight loss. Your body thinks times are hard and you might
starve, so it hoards the fat you eat or have present on your body…”
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Not Good!
Below I’ve put together a few questions you can ask yourself that can help
you determine which DVDs are right for you, so that you can get the BEST
results possible in the shortest amount of time. (*See the list at the end
of this guide for clickable links to the DVDs mentioned below)
Be honest with yourself here, and go with your gut. It will only benefit you in
the long run.
 Are you tired most of the time? Is your job physical or does it
require you to be on your feet for many hours? Is your job
If so, go for lower intensity, stress-busting workouts such as any of the
Essentrics DVDs, Classical Stretch Volume 8, or Ballet Beautiful Total Body
Workout. These workouts are very challenging without the high intensity.
You can always add a brisk walk if you feel you can handle a little more
activity. Walking is EXCELLENT for fat loss.
 Are you sedentary most of the day, with low activity? Is your
energy level pretty stable? Do you feel energetic?
Go for medium to higher intensity workouts such as The Bar Method or The
Ballet Physique, while choosing lower intensity workouts, like Essentrics on
days you feel tired or stressed.
 Are you a mixture of the above, with some good days and bad
days mixed in?
You will need to really listen to your body and not push yourself on days you
feel tired or like you need rest.
On days you feel tired or stressed choose a workout like Essentrics or Ballet
Beautiful. On days you feel more energetic, choose The Bar Method or Xtend
 Do you have past injuries, bad knees, a bad back, or
Go for the lower intensity workouts suggested above, as these will be
therapeutic for you, but also challenging enough to facilitate weight loss at
the same time.
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Essentrics and Classical Stretch are phenomenal for the knees and back,
while at the same time VERY effective at thinning you out.
Suggested Barre DVDs and Combinations
Here is a list of suggested combinations to help you get started. Feel free to
tweak these as you see fit, they are merely ideas to get you going. (*See
the list at the end of this guide for clickable links to the DVDs
mentioned below)
Based on the criteria above:
 For over all fat loss with higher intensity/challenge, that is
more cardio based:
Physique 57
Xtend Barre
 For over all fat loss with medium intensity and a lighter cardio
The Bar Method
The Ballet Physique
 For lower intensity, but very high muscle engagement and
Classical Stretch Volume 8 (not barre)
Essentrics Class of 2012 (not barre)
 For over all fat loss, PLUS more focus on lifting and toning the
Xtend Barre and/or
Ballet Beautiful Total Body Workout (not barre)
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Ballet Beautiful: Sculpt and Burn Cardio Blast (not barre)
 For lower intensity over all fat loss, PLUS more focus on
thinning out hips and thighs:
Classical Stretch Volume 8 ALONE (not barre)
Essentrics + Ballet Beautiful (not barre)
*Classical Stretch/Essentrics are SUPERIOR in their ability to lengthen
and tone. These are awesome to alternate with any barre workout
 For lower intensity over all fat loss, PLUS more focus on flat
lean waist & abs:
Classical Stretch Volume 8 (not barre)
Essentrics Class of 2012 (not barre)
 For a targeted arm focus, with the goal of thinning out arms:
P57 Arms and Abs Booster DVD
Booty Barre with Arms
Essentrics/Classical Stretch (not barre)
RAPID FAT LOSS TIP: many women mistakenly believe that
in order to get thin arms they've got to work them.
However, working your arms only firms up the muscle.
If there is a layer of fat on top, your arms will not
thin out. You've got to burn that top layer of fat to
thin them out.
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
The best way to do this is to focus mainly on all-over
fat loss by working your legs, while also
strengthening your arms. Your legs are your mega fat
burners - the stronger they get, the more fat you will
Your carbohydrate intake can also be a factor. See my
article for helpful diet tips.
How to Rotate Your DVDs for Maximum Results
Rotating your barre DVDs is not difficult. The only thing you need to be
mindful of is switching them up to much, or not allowing your body enough
recovery time between workouts or from week to week.
RAPID FAT LOSS TIP: You need to give your body adequate
time to recover. If you don't allow these necessary
recovery time, it will be difficult to lose fat.
Personally as a general rule, I always like to have one medium/high intensity
workout that I alternate with a lower intensity workout. This allows me to
recover from intense workouts while still staying active.
There are a few barre workout DVD sets that are already designed to be
rotated throughout the week (Option 2 below). This is the easiest place to
start since it is a no-brainer, but feel free to choose whatever DVDs you
think you would like.
OPTION 1: Choose ONE Barre DVD Only
Great for Overall Fat Loss, Variety Not Necessary, with Emphasis on
Building Up Strength. Ideal for Beginners.
*Choose ONE barre DVD and stick with it for 4-6 weeks before
changing or adding another workout.
This is hard to do, simply because it lacks variety, and variety is the spice of
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
But the most important advantage to sticking with one workout is that you
will build a very strong muscular foundation for future barre workouts.
A strong muscular foundation means that you become very good at
activating your muscles. This in turn leads to bigger strength gains.
Bigger strength gains means you are packing more and more muscle onto
your frame, which results in more fat being burned around the clock - even
when you are doing nothing.
It takes time to build up these neuromuscular pathways, especially if you are
new to barre - which is why I recommend sticking with only ONE workout if
you are a beginner.
It will only serve to benefit you in the long run.
For a list of beginner workouts you can choose from visit
OPTION 2: Choose a 2-3 Disc Barre DVD Set
Great for Overall Fat Loss with Variety and Focus on Varying Intensity
DVD sets are nice because all of the thinking has been done for you. These
sets often consist of two or three workouts that are designed to complement
one another when used on alternating days.
*Choose ONE of the following DVD sets. You can alternate these
DVDs starting with three days a week - moving up to 4 days a week
(Example: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday).
*These are pretty intense, so I generally don't recommend doing them more
than 4 days a week, although some women do. Just use caution, as more is
not always better.
 Physique 57 Volume 1 or 2 - The main difference between Volume 1
and 2 is that Volume 1 has the arm and ab booster DVD, and Volume
2 has the thigh and seat booster.
I have also heard that Volume 2 seems to focus more on the glutes,
whereas Volume 1 seems to just be more leg and thigh focused
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
overall. You can read my full Physique 57 Volume 2 review here:
 The Ballet Physique – In this set there are large moves that get your
heart pumping, but also VERY precise and targeted movements that
get DEEP in the muscles and fatigue them. Your muscles will be
burning and shaking.
There are two workouts included in the set – Amped Up and Signature
Sculpt. Amped Up is faster paced, with a focus on cardio and fat
burning. Signature Sculpt is a little slower (no easier) but with more
emphasis on sculpting. So the videos are a nice compliment to one
another when you use them on alternating days.
 Classical Stretch Volume 8 (Not Barre) – This one is much pricier,
but is worth its weight in gold. This is not barre or Pilates. These
workouts work your muscles eccentrically, or in their elongated state.
They are an excellent complement to any barre workout or they can be
used alone for great results.
There are a whopping 30 episodes in this DVD set…awesome if you get
bored like me. These are ideal if you suffer from chronic pain, have
bad knees, or you have a lot of stress in your life. They’re relaxing, yet
challenging – something I’ve never experienced with any other
workout. You can read more about this here:
NOTE: The following two suggested “sets” do not come together in one
package like the ones listed above. However, they are made
specifically to complement one another. You just have to purchase
them separately.
 Alternate The Bar Method Super Sculpting 1 & 2 DVDs OR
Change Your Body with Accelerated Sculpting – Anything put out
by The Bar Method will be highly effective. The Bar Method combines
small, very precise movements and barre work with some Pilates
moves and yoga stretches. It is extremely powerful, and gives quick
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Before I started taking live Bar Method classes, I decided to try the
DVDs first. I was alternating The Bar Method Change Your Body
and Accelerated Workout DVDs when I started getting asked if I was a
 Suzanne Bowen BarreAmped/Bootcamp - These workouts use
both large and small movements and complement each other nicely. I
also hear they have the intensity of a live barre class – which, if you’ve
ever been to one, then you know why this is a highly sought after
trait. Live barre classes slay you and melt fat off of your body in record
OPTION 3: Alternating Barre with Elongating Workouts
Great for Overall Fat Loss with Intense Emphasis on Strengthening While
I personally like this option the best because it includes Essentrics, since my
main goal is to really stretch and elongate my muscles as much as possible
for a thin, lengthened look.
If this is also your goal, I highly recommend alternating any barre workout
with an Essentrics or Classical Stretch workout.
Pick one DVD from the general barre list and one from the lower intensity,
lengthening list.
*You would then do the barre workout 3 times a week, and the
Essentrics/Classical Stretch workout 2 times a week (or vice
versa)…for a total of 4-5 days a week.
RAPID FAT LOSS TIP: To really accelerate your results and
lean out, change the way you cook your food. Fat loss
begins in the kitchen, and is 75-80% responsible your total
fat loss. Preparing your food correctly (without all of the
fat loss-hindering ingredients) will skyrocket your fat
loss and help you achieve lifelong results. You’ll never
have to go on a diet again!
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
For a list of common diet mistakes and fat loss hindering ingredients, please
see this article
RAPID FAT LOSS TIP: You do not need to do extra cardio,
even if you are doing lower intensity workouts. However, if
you must, add a brisk 20-30 minute walk a couple times a
week...but nothing more. Listen to your body here, and keep
it simple!
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
Barre DVD Quick Reference List
Here is a complete, categorized list of all the DVDs mentioned in this guide
(plus a few others you can choose from). I’ve tried to categorize in a way
that will help you choose the best video for your particular situation.
If you have trouble clicking the links here, you can access the same list here
on the blog:
General Barre DVD List
The Bar Method
Barre Amped & BarreAmped Bootcamp
Core Fusion
Pure Barre
Xtend Barre
The Ballet Physique
Burn at the Barre
Ballet Body
Essentrics Barre Workout (this does not follow the same format as typical
barre workouts. NO leg shaking, and none of the same moves. But I really
like it)
Lower Intensity Stress Busting Workouts
Any Essentrics (superb)
Classical Stretch Season 8 (superb)
Ballet Beautiful Total Body Workout
Medium Intensity Workouts
The Bar Method Change Your Body
The Bar Method Accelerated Workout
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
The Bar Method Super Sculpting
The Bar Method Super Sculpting II
Higher Intensity Workouts
Physique 57 Volume 1
Physique 57 Volume 2
Xtend Barre
Booty Barre
The Ballet Physique
Ballet Body
Pop Physique (*warning: the girls in this DVD wear lingerie-type clothing, so
may not be suitable if you have little boys running around while you are
working out-that is my only gripe with this DVD)
The Bar Method Dancer’s Body (this is an advanced workout, which makes it
“higher intensity”- not suitable for beginners)
Safe for Injury Workouts/Knee and Back Strengthening
Any Essentrics
Classical Stretch Volume 8
DVD Sets
Barre3 28 to Great 5 DVD & Ball Set
Physique 57
The Ballet Physique
DVDs that Complement One Another (But Must Be Purchased
BarreAmped & BarreAmped Bootcamp
The Bar Method Change Your Body & Accelerated Workout
The Bar Method Super Sculpting & Super Sculpting II
Ballet Body Workouts
The Official 2015 Guide to Weight Loss with Barre DVDs –
“Dancey”/Fusion Barre Workouts
Xtend Barre
Booty Barre
Rockin’ Models
Elongating Workouts - Lower Intensity, Lengthening
Ballet Beautiful
Classical Stretch Volume 8
For Rapid Fat Loss:
Skinnylicious Cooking
Thanks for reading!
Visit my blog at for more
tips and suggestions on how to lose weight with barre.
If you liked this guide and found it helpful to you, please share
it and help me spread the word about barre workouts!
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