Register online through the BSCNC at
Register online through the BSCNC at
Volume 51, Issue 7 JULY/AUG 2009 The Yates Baptist Association is a partnership of diverse congregations working together to encourage and enable congregations to be effective and innovative in their missions for Christ. Register online through the BSCNC at For questions, contact Rebecca Harbinson at 1-800-395-5102 ext. 5563,; Johnny Hewett, YBA Evangelism Team Leader at 471-2664,; or John Saunders, Director of Missions, 489-3396, ’s dr en l i h C s ions Mi s th You tr y s i Mi n hip der s a e L ls Skil CHURCHES OF THE WEEK Please pray for these churches and their pastors: July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 Aug 2 Aug 9 Aug 16 Aug 23 Aug 30 Cedar Fork............................ Rev. Ron Zedick Chapel Hill Chinese ............Rev. Benguang Du Cheek Heights.................. Rev. Steve Williams Cresset ................................... Rev. Jon Glass Dayspring................................ Rev. Mac Bare Durham Memorial .................. Rev. Ed. Denton Ebenezer .............................. Rev. Earl Echols Edgewood.......................... Rev. Ernest Ferrell Ephesus.................................. Dr. Harry Byrd* *Interim Pastor W E LC OME Mr. Sam Bullington, Youth Minister Leesville Road Baptist Church Dr. Harry Byrd, Pastor in the Interim Ephesus Baptist Church Mr. Christopher Clark, Minister of Music Guess Road Baptist Church Connie McGee, Church Secretary Calvary Baptist Church Rev. Ron Zedick, Pastor Cedar Fork Baptist Church FAREWELL John Wooten, Interim Minister of Music Grace Baptist Church Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Deaco n Minis tr y Han Cons ds-o n tr uct i on Pow e Sun. r Up Sc ho ol Women’s Retreat Deeper Still With Featured Guests: Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer & Kay Arthur C O S T : $ 5 5 (Includes golf and lunch) FORMAT: Superball-Shotgun Start REGISTRATION & PAYMENT DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 NO REGISTRATION AT GOLF COURSE – CHECK-IN ONLY! Call the YBA Resource Center for more information [489-3396] or visit our website: SPONSORED BY BAPTIST MEN OF YATES BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Friday, July 31 - 7:00 - 9:45 PM and Saturday August 1, 2009 - 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, NC SIGN UP NOW! Register online: Register by phone: 1-800-254-2022 Register by mail: P.O. Box 24001, Nashville, TN 37202 Grey Stone Baptist Church is Ministry Partner with LifeWay in promoting the “Deeper Still” event. For more information contact Randall Floyd at 919-286-2281. Periodicals Postage Paid Durham, NC THE YATES BAPTIST ASSOCIATION NEWS (USPS 695-500) is published Bi-monthly by the Yates Baptist Association, 4800 Garrett Road, Durham, NC 27707. 919-489-3396 Periodical Postage Paid at Durham North Carolina Postmaster: Send address changes to The Yates Baptist Association News, PO Box 52381, Durham, NC 27717-2381 John E. Saunders, Jr., Editor JULY CALENDAR 3 .................YBA Resource Center Closed 4 ................................. Independence Day 7 ..................... WMU Leadership Meeting 16 ....................Public Relations Committee 17 ..............International Pastors Fellowship 21 ...... Annual Meeting Planning Committee ................. Associational Board Meeting 22 ................................ Finance Committee ................... Guess Road Prison Ministry FOR JULY AND AUGUST BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARI ES, PLEASE SEE THE NEWSLETTER PAGE ON OUR WEBSI TE AT: WWW. YATESBA. COM BULLETIN BOARD Angier Avenue - Needs refrigerators and freezers for their Food Distribution Ministry Call the church office.………......596-6430 Bells - Part-time Youth Leader Contact Laura Horton………......362-7018 Calvary - Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Needs someone to assume the lease. Call the church office…………...596-2592 Edgewood - Paid Pianist/Organist Call Jackie Williams (daytime)... 806-0807 (evening)..…...………...………. 383-9865 or email: Great Faith - Looking for a Church Building to lease or buy Call Rev. Gail Whitfield……...... 806-0807 Immanuel - Needed: Children’s clothing for Apt. Ministry (sizes Toddler-Age 12). Call the church office……….…..383-1422 Mt. Gilead - Paid Pianist Contact Jean Tripp….…………...542-3808 Park View - PT Music Dir..…..... 220-8006 Red Mountain - Paid Pianist Call the church office….………...477-3657 If you would like to receive the Yates Baptist Association News by email rather than my regular mail, please send your email address to Teresa Dotson at: Thank you. AUGUST CALENDAR 5......................... Nominations Committee 11....... Annual Meeting Planning Committee 12...........................Endowment Committee 15..............Training Extravaganza (Raleigh) 17............................. Associational Council 20.................... Public Relations Committee 26.................................Finance Committee .................... Guess Road Prison Ministry 3RD QUARTER (JULY-SEPTEMBER) FOOD PANTRY PROVIDERS Calvary, Cheek Heights, Durham Memorial, Faith, First-Durham, Glenn School Road, Gorman, Grace, Great Faith, Iglesia Cristiana Emanuel, Leesville Road, North Durham, Plainview, Red Mountain, Ridgecrest Congratulations to… Vic and Marie Carpenter on the birth of their son, Luke Edward Carpenter. He was born on April 28, 2009 and weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces. Derek & Rebecca Shepherd on the birth of their son, Parker Smith Shepherd. He was born on May 19, 2009 and weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces. Visit the Yates Baptist Association website at : JULY BIRTHDAYS 2 Mrs. Gail Harrison.................................University Mrs. Linda Reyner.................................Ridgecrest 3 Mr. Jerry Fowler...................................Grey Stone 4 Rev. Kelly Bullard................................Grey Stone 5 Mr. Michael McCrae ............................. Dayspring Mrs. Rebecca Shepherd...........................Ebenezer 6 Mr. Nathan Snell ............................................Faith 7 Rev. Jeremiah Hambrick ......................Grey Stone 10 Rev. David Thompson........................The Summit 11 Mrs. Beulah Daniel.............................. Greater Joy 12 Ms. Saundra Thomas .............................University 14 Rev. Ken Childers ....................................Gateway 15 Mr. Edward Sykes ..................................... Journey 16 Rev. Virginia Taylor.................................... Lystra 18 Mrs. Frances Fowler.............................Grey Stone 20 Mrs. Dawn Sykes ...................................... Journey Mr. Tim Smith.................................... Watts Street 23 Ms. Lori Perdue ..................................The Summit 25 Mrs. Sheila Echols...................................Ebenezer 26 Dr. Lloyd Braswell............................ Hope Valley 29 Rev. Eric Campbell .......................... First Durham 31 Mr. Charles James .................................University AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 1 Mrs. Gloria Watkins .............................Braggtown 4 Mr. Chris Kah .......................................Mt. Gilead Mr. Packy Millikin................................ Ridgecrest 5 Rev. Earl P. Echols ................................. Ebenezer 6 Mr. Brad Caldwell .............................. Guess Road 8 Rev. Ralph Harrell ................................ Lakewood Rev. Jack Moody ...........................Leesville Road 13 Rev. Jae Y. Cho ........................Hanmaum Church 14 Mrs. Merriem Franks ..........................The Summit Mrs. Virginia Wilson.............................Plainview 16 Mrs. Connie McGee...................................Calvary 17 Mrs. Bethany Deamer .......................... Cedar Fork 18 Mrs. Mary Hermanson........................Watts Street 19 Mrs. Sheree Wheeler.........................Olive Branch 20 Mrs. Grace Cho.........................Hanmaum Church Mrs. Jackie Williams ............................ Edgewood 21 Ms. Bethany Cox ................................The Summit 23 Mrs. Ashley Herron ..........................First Durham Mr. O.T. Lunsford.....................................Ephesus Rev. Garry Mitchell .........................New Freedom 27 Mrs. Ebony Northam .................Faith Community 30 John Frederick............................................... Yates 31 Rev. Allen Winters ...................First Hillsborough JULY ANNIVERSARIES 1 Mrs. Beverly Crowder--Grey Stone ............7 years Mr. Chad Ferrell--Ridgecrest ......................2 years Mrs. Donna Hess--Guess Road .................11 years Mr. Wiley Oakley--Ridgecrest ..................37 years 4 Mrs. Lucille Strum--Lawrence Road.........10 years 5 Rev. T. Melvin Williams--Watts St...........21 years 6 Mrs. Pat Aiken--Ebenezer .........................10 years Mrs. Carole Sue Ogan--First Hillsborough10 years Rev. Daniel Tilley--Guess Road .................. 1 year 9 Mr. Marshall Harper--Ridgecrest................2 years 15 Mrs. Carol Addison--Rose of Sharon........15 years 16 Mrs. Sharon Harris--Guess Road ................2 years 20 Mr. Jonathan Elwing--HillSong ................... 1 year 28 Mrs. Ella Colborn--Mt. Hermon.................... 1year AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 1 Rev. Randy Carter--First Hillsb.................6 years Mrs. Rhonda Clark--Faith .........................6 years Rev. Benguang Du--Hope Valley Chinese 8 years Rev. John Frederick--Yates .....................23 years Rev. Ralph Harrell--Lakewood..................2 years Rev. Charles Wilson--Glenn School Rd. ...5 years 3 Rev. Earl Echols--Ebenezer .....................12 years 4 Rev. Shay Reyner--Ridgecrest.................16 years 10 Rev. Andy Johnson--Grey Stone ...............4 years 12 Rev. Don Chasteen--Ridgecrest ..............22 years 16 Rev. Rick Washington--Bells ..................11 years 18 Mrs. Becky Fowler--Grey Stone................. 1 year Rev. Enrique Gil--Iglesia Bautista Mt Carmelo..8 years 19 Dr. Mitchell Simpson--University...........19 years 25 Mrs. Dina Sit--HillSong............................3 years 28 Rev. Jack Moody--Leesville Rd ................4 years 29 Rev. David Pryor--Red Mountain..............5 years 31 Mrs. Dawn Sykes--Journey......................12 years ASSOCIATIONAL MISSIONS 2009 CHURCHES Angier Avenue Antioch Bahama Bells Berea Bethesda Braggtown Calvandar Crossing Calvary Cedar Fork Chapel Hill Chinese Christian Cheek Heights Cresset Dayspring Durham Memorial DM Spanish Mission Ebenezer Edgewood Ephesus Faith Faith Community Farrington Road First Durham First Hillsborough Gateway Glenn School Road Gorman Grace Great Faith Greater Joy Grey Stone Guess Road Hanmaum Church Harvest Mission HillSong Hope Valley MAY $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 500.00 434.50 420.25 268.28 673.06 1,775.15 32.50 809.12 50.00 562.50 802.66 166.67 500.00 448.02 250.00 2,966.29 530.90 84.00 1,173.31 102.00 958.34 ASSOCIATIONAL MISSIONS 2009 ~ Continued TO DATE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 730.00 500.00 1,848.59 1,845.24 983.86 2,725.30 1,775.15 97.45 4,809.48 250.00 3,437.49 3,282.07 833.34 2,500.00 1,858.73 1,250.00 5,079.33 1,886.24 2,600.04 552.54 420.00 626.24 4,864.38 2,797.43 349.00 630.00 4,791.70 CHURCHES Immanuel Immanuel Hispanic Japanese Ministry Journey Lakewood Lawrence Road Leesville Road Lowe's Grove Lystra Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel Hispanic Mt. Gilead Mt. Hermon Mt. Moriah Mt. Pisgah New Freedom New Jerusalem North Durham Olive Branch Page Road Park View Parkwood Plainview Red Mountain Ridgecrest Rose of Sharon Sunrise Temple The Summit Triangle Pointe University Watts Street Yates TOTALS MAY $ 295.82 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 140.10 $ $ 335.03 $ $ $ $ 412.95 $ 145.83 $ 156.25 $ 166.42 $ 704.91 $ $ 1,000.00 $ 549.58 $ 170.00 $ $ 550.00 $ $ $ $ 1,560.85 $ 19,695.29 FINANCIAL UPDATE Monthly Budget Needs From Churches: Receipts This Month From Churches: Receipts From Churches To Date: Budget Needs From Churches To Date: Difference: TO DATE $ 1,543.02 $ $ 200.00 $ $ 248.45 $ 2,935.05 $ 3,158.24 $ 603.42 $ 125.00 $ 60.00 $ $ $ 922.53 $ 400.00 $ 4,812.96 $ $ 1,125.00 $ $ 1,808.76 $ 583.32 $ 781.25 $ 544.83 $ 1,763.60 $ $ 3,000.00 $ 2,747.90 $ 680.00 $ 250.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 30.00 $ 250.00 $ $ 7,973.12 $ 91,520.05 $ 21,789.67 $ 19,695.29 $ 91,520.05 $108,948.33 $ (17,428.28)
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