Havenview Road, Terrigal 2260 Phone: 43844599 Fax: Email: 43852470 terrigal-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au 7th November, 2013 “Terrigal Public School’s newsletter contains paid advertisements, which assist with the cost of publication. The publication of such advertisements does not imply endorsement of any product or service by the NSW Department of Education and Communities or Terrigal Public School.” WELCOME TO OUR NEW PRINCIPAL - MR MICHAEL BURGESS AND OUR NEW DEPUTY PRINCIPAL – MRS TONI FORMBY MONTH MONDAY 14 TUESDAY 15 WEDNESDAY 16 THURSDAY 17 FRIDAY 18 Reptile Park Kindergarten Cyberbully Talks Bandana Day OCT Interrelate 2 OCT 3 OCT/NOV 4 NOV 5 21 Interrelate P & C Meeting 7pm Swim Scheme 22 23 24 Grandparents Morning Tea 25 28 Interrelate School Spec Rehersal Swim Scheme 4 Interrelate Weetbix Assembly 1.30 School Spec 11 29 30 Kindergarten Orientation 31 1 5 6 Kindergarten Orientation 7 8 Music Count us In Assembly Singalong 12 13 Kindergarten Orientation 14 15 B/Ball Comp Niagara Pk NOV 6 School Spec NOV 18 B/Ball Comp Niagara Pk 19 20 Kindergarten Orientation 21 25 26 22 27 28 29 School Spec School Spec School Spec 4 5 6 Yr 6 Orientation to High School Presentation Day 10 Scripture Assembly & Helpers Morning Tea 11 12 13 Movie Night Seasons for Growth Reconnect 17 18 19 20 Year 6 Farewell Dinner Last Day of Term for Students Staff Development Day Staff Development Day MINI FAIR 7 NOV P&C Meeting 8 2 3 DEC 9 9 DEC 10 16 DEC 11 PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear Terrigal Primary School Community, My name is Michael Burgess and I have been appointed to Terrigal Public School as Principal. It is obvious from my first few days that there are many great things happening at TPS. I have visited many classrooms and have found students engaged and producing quality work across the school. Teachers are obviously dedicated and have a strong sense of care from the students. I have met many parents this week and they have confirmed my observations of the strengths of the school. A common theme from parents has been that their child loves coming to school and has a great teacher. They have also spoken to me about some of the ways they think we can build on these strengths to make Terrigal even better. I’m looking forward to working with the school community further to plan the direction of the school over the next few years. I acknowledge the great job that Mr Hogan and Mrs Formby have done in leading the school prior to my arrival. Their management and leadership has allowed me to walk in a school that is buzzing and obviously operating effectively. My move to Terrigal comes after seven years as Principal at Brisbania Public School and many more as a Deputy Principal in large schools and as a consultant with the Department of Education and Communities. My partner and I have 5 children between us ranging in age from 7 to 19 so I have a fair understanding of the issues and joys parents face. Today I have included a brief feedback sheet in the newsletter for parents to complete. I know we have asked parents to complete a couple of other surveys recently but I’d appreciate you giving me a few more minutes to complete a simple response to just two questions: 1. What are the three best things about Terrigal Primary School? 2. What are three things we could improve at Terrigal Primary School? I would appreciate those responses back by Friday 22nd November. SOCIAL MEDIA Social media (Facebook, Twitter etc) are exciting parts of the developing fabric of our society. They provide great opportunities for people to connect and share ideas, opinions and events. They can help solve problems and give a better understanding of events. In giving people freedom to express themselves through social media there is also the danger that negative comments, that may have been understandable in a private context, become public and that changes the nature of the comments. At times people believe that comments made on social media within ‘closed’ groups are private. The reality is that once posted you have no control over those comments and those comments can be shared to a much wider audience. This can then open the person, who made those comments, to legal action if the comments damage a person’s reputation. Our values at Terrigal include integrity and respect. I ask that parents ensure these values carry through to their postings on social media. If you have a complaint, suggestion or compliment for our school then please contact your child’s teacher or the person organising the event first and discuss the situation. If you wish to discuss it further please contact Mr Hogan, Mrs Formby or myself. Mr Burgess Principal 1. What are the three best things about Terrigal Primary School? 2. What are three things we could improve at Terrigal Primary School? DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear Parents and Caregivers, Did you know that if a student misses as little as eight days in a school term, by the end of primary school they will have missed over a year in education? In NSW all children from six years of age are legally required to attend school. Children are expected to attend all school activities, on time. Regular attendance helps your child: • Develop the skills needed to access the world of work and other opportunities • To learn the importance of routine and punctuality • Make and keep friendships If your child has to be absent from school, you must tell the school and provide a reason for your child’s absence. To explain an absence parents and carers my be required to: • send a note to the school, or contact the school via electronic means such as email or fax • telephone the school, or • visit the school In general many students at our school have far too many days off school without a reason. Please ensure that your child comes to school each and every day and if they are absent the school is notified in writing or by telephone. We are reviewing aspects of the school’s operations as part of the Annual School Reporting process. We are surveying students from Yrs 1, 3 & 5, staff and parents regarding Mathematics, Teaching and school satisfaction. A paper copy of the three surveys for parents was included in last week’s newsletter. Parents also have the option to complete these surveys electronically. To access these surveys please follow the links below: Parent survey teaching: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SXJYTHJ Parent survey school satisfaction: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SXP5KHR Parent survey maths: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BH3Y68S With a change of school leadership it would be timely to have as much feedback as possible before our plans are made for the future direction of the school. Thank you to the four parents who completed the surveys this week. Toni Formby Deputy Principal CITIZEN OF THE WEEK 6H 5K Tamsyn is a caring student who is always willing to help others. She is enthusiastic in all aspects of her schooling, both in and out of the classroom. Tamsyn always shows respect and has lovely manners. Congratulations Tamsyn! CITIZEN OF THE WEEK The Citizen of the Week this week is Jekai Mead from 1H. Jekai is a student with strong moral and ethical values. He always supports his peers in class and on the playground. Jekai is a trustworthy and genuine student who ‘Plays the Game’ at Terrigal Public School. Well Done Jekai! MERIT AWARDS Team 3 6A 6B Joel Gray Sienna Wright Sean Watson Jacob Rawung 5L 5M Libby Gouw Khiara McCormick Eva Anido Evie Gardiner Rory Gallagher-Smith Emillie Griffiths-Smith Lauryn Jackson Jonty Harris Team 2 4K Wayde Mumford Freya Rose 4R Catrin Donnelly Ned Lynes 4S Jake Hansen Charlie Crimmings 3/4W Chloe White Lucas Renteria-Adorno 3D Rubin Butcher Chloe Robinson 3L Maia Thomas Charlotte Fulcher 3M Byron Panopoulos Matilda Hough Team 1 2CR Fox Clarke Tahlya Senz-Brummit 2D Corey Knight Lauren Buttigieg 2J Lexi Mears Emily Jeffree 2P Sienna King Ethan Debono 1A Joshua Jeffree Eva Gibson 1H Sophie Griffin Trey Dennis 1K Sarah Lothian Alexander McLennan 1M Lily Boyd Lucy Williams 1N Ava Gallagher Kale Puata Kindergarten KG Ellah Bilson Charlotte Blow KH KM KS KW Mary Burrage Gabriella Pumpa Isla Praine James Clatworthy Millie Webb-Turner Maddie Bentley Hugh Drennan Scarlett Hogan Special Education 24B 25G 26H Evan Bunce Kane Nicholson Saxon Hardyman Special Merit Award 6H Zainab Parkar YEAR 6 FAREWELL DINNER Just a reminder to those parents that did not get the note that went home last week. The Year 6 Farewell Dinner will be held on Tuesday 17th December commencing at 6:00pm. Information regarding the theme is usually kept a surprise for the students until the night. If you have become aware of the theme and are wondering if your child has to dress accordingly to that theme, this is not the case. Your child should dress appropriate to their age. I have discussed with the students several months ago what is appropriate to wear for the occasion in case some wanted to start preparing and looking for dresses and outfits early. A permission note will go home with all information regarding the night during Week 6 with invites to follow in Week 7. If you do know what the theme is, would you please keep it a surprise so as to not disappoint the students. Thank you for your support and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at school. Mrs Kylie Haines STAFF MEMBER OF THE WEEK Mrs MacDonald is the teacher of KH and has only just begun working at Terrigal this year. She has been a teacher for 25 years, spending 12 of those years at Koala Preschool at Tuggerawong. Mrs MacDonald has also worked at other schools such as Toukley P.S and Kanwal P.S. Mrs MacDonald has always wanted to be a teacher as she grew up with a family of teachers. If she wasn’t a teacher right now she would love to be a social worker because she loves working and interacting with people whether it be children or adults. In her spare time Mrs MacDonald likes to swim in her pool, walk her dog, bike ride and spend time with her family and friends. Her favourite foods are Thai food and baked dinners. Mrs MacDonald’s favourite music to listen to is Fleetwood Mac and anything in the Top 40. She is also into swimming and Netball when it comes to sports. Mrs MacDonald loves working at Terrigal P.S because of the positive and beautiful vibe with a lovely school community. Written by Liberty Bunney and Tayah Donovan CONGRATULATIONS – WILLIAM BARNARD-RICHARDSON To all our students, parents and staff, thankyou for choosing to shop at our school canteen. Thank you everyone. A Star in the Making!! William has been dancing from the age of four, he dances all styles of dance including jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, contemporary and ballet. Deslee Canteen Supervisor CANTEEN CANTEEN ROSTER In July of this year, his dance teacher wanted him to audition for the Australian Ballet School Interstate Program, so along with hundreds of other children from all over the country, William auditioned. At the end of September he received a letter from the Australian Ballet School offering him a place in the 2014 Interstate Program. William is extremely excited and cannot wait to get started. Congratulations William! CANTEEN NEWS CENTRAL COAST HEALTHY SCHOOL CANTEEN AWARD 2013 Term 4 Week 5 Fri 8 Week 6 Mon 11 Tue 12 Wed 13 Thurs 14 Fri 15 Week 7 Mon 18 Tue 19 Wed 20 Thurs 21 Fri 22 Thank you to all our wonderful canteen volunteers. Your commitment has helped achieve a terrific Term 3 profit!! Glenys Drennan, Rachel Nelson, Jo Way Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Belinda Tolman, Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Virginia Hunt, Lisa Jarvis Rachel De Bono, Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Lyndsay Bourne, Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Cindy Wakeman, Rachel Nelson, Cathy Rudd Cassie Bessant, Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Nicole Baker, Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Caroline O’Brien, Melanie Pitcher Betty Lawson, Dolores Bruderlin, Extra Help Needed, Thankyou Rae McCormick, Tracey Franklin, AnnaCarin Ackman, Bec Moran YEAR 5/6 MINI FAIR 2013 On Friday November 22 the Team 3 children in our school will be running a mini fair from 11.30am till 1:30pm for the whole school to participate in. All money raised will go towards the Year 6 Farewell and gift for the school. There will be plenty of stalls such as face painting, hair spray, lolly stall, cake stall, BBQ, haunted house, sumo wrestling, spaghetti dip, duck bobbing, sock wrestling, plaster casts, wet sponges, face painting and many more. Each of the children in Year 5 and 6 will be in charge of a stall and the purchase of prizes etc. If you have any items listed below at home that you would like to donate please send them into the front office as soon as possible: • • • • • • • • • • • • Coloured hair spray Nail polish Ice cream cones Face paint Tins of spaghetti Sponges Old pillows Bags of lollies for icecream decorations Halloween items Lucky dip prizes General prizes Cakes (to be brought in on the day) Anything you have at home that you think we could use would be appreciated. Thank you, Stage 3 Students MAJOR SPONSOR THANK YOU KINDY START With the wrap up of the Terrigal Family Fun Fair almost complete, we are proud to thank another wonderful sponsor. Well Kindy Start is well under way and it has been great to meet new families when they are purchasing their new school uniform for the first time. What an exciting time for all. We will be there for two more Kindy Start’s morning selling uniforms and meeting new families. Thank you to Tiffany, Sola and Emma who have been doing such an amazing job each Wednesday, it has been a pleasure to help you week. ~ Yvette Schweiger TPS P&C President The Surf Shop Lisarow has been one of our major sponsors and supporter of the TFFF ~ donating the skateboard & protective gear (3rd prize for our raffle), 2 pairs of brand new school shoes, clothing, pencil cases ~ Over the Value of $600. P&C minutes can be found http://www.terrigalp.schools.nsw.edu.au/parents-citizens/p-cmeeting-minutes LAST MEETING for 2013 Time: 6.30pm with a 7pm meeting start Where: Teacher’s Staff Room Monday25th November Suggestion Box How can you make a suggestion? • Suggestion Box - in the office now (on the small table, near the trays where you pick up extra copies of notes & opposite the ladies office window/desk) • Email any ideas/suggestions to email – sally@geecarr.net PLEASE NOTE: Please remember to leave your details on the form, so we are able to contact you to let you know the outcome of your suggestion. The Uniform Shop is now online with FLEXISCHOOLS! Uniform Shop - Change of Policy From 1st August 2013 any items of secondhand uniform on consignment with the Uniform Shop will be held for 6 months. After this time the items must be collected, or they will become the property of the P&C. If you currently have items which have been on consignment for longer than 6 months please email tpsuniform@gmail.com to let us know if you would like them returned. PRELOVED UNIFORMS NB. You can give or sell your items of preloved uniform on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/3393329461 70749/ If you are not already registered for Flexischools then please follow these instructions to help you (it will only take a moment). You will be able to place online Uniform Orders from the comfort of your home & have them sent home with your child on Wednesdays. EASY, ONLINE REGISTRATION • Go to www.flexischools.com.au • Click REGISTER NOW • Enter your email • You will be emailed a link to an online form - follow the link • Choose a username and password and complete the form • Add each student and their class • Top-up the account - VISA or Mastercard preferred. If you need to exchange for a different size then simply return the item, with an accompanying note addressed to the Uniform Shop, stating your child’s name, class and the required size. Aussie Farmers We have teamed up with our local Aussie Farmers Direct milko to raise funds. Conveniently you can shop online, from the comfort of your own home and wake up to an esky full of fresh produce. Jump online to: AussieFarmers.com.au/Fundraisingoffer to try it out or pick up a flyer from the office. If you are already a customer you can link your account to Terrigal Public School by visiting : AussieFarmers.com.au/linkmyaccount OR Collect a $15 gift code from the office or email the P&C for the details. IGA If you shop at Ritchies IGA supermarkets register (at no cost) for a Community Benefit card and link your account to Terrigal Public school, each time you shop show them your card and a percentage gets donated to the school 2014 ENROLMENTS Dear Parents and Carers, The school is seeking your assistance in providing any information you can give us regarding enrolments for next year. If you could complete the return slip below as soon as possible and send it to the front office it would be of great help to us as we make our plans for class structures and staffing for 2014. Thank you for your help. Michael Burgess Principal ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. To the School Office 1. Students NOT returning to Terrigal Public School in 2014. ________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 2. Children of relatives, neighbours or friends who WILL be enrolling at Terrigal in 2014. N.B. New students must live IN-ZONE. ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________ Signed ______________________________________ ( Parent / Carer ) Dear Parent(s), MUSIC MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Would • • • • • • • you like your child to have............... better academic skills the ability to express themselves creatively greater reading ability and language skills the ability to work as a team member a greater reasoning capacity and problem solving skills improved self esteem and confidence a better memory and more. The Central Coast Conservatorium of Music, through Terrigal Public School, offers your child the opportunity to have lessons on a small group basis every week, and to be involved in the school concert band music program. Instruments for which tuition is available are; Flute Clarinet / Bass Clarinet Trumpet Trombone Tuba Percussion / Drums Alto Saxophone Baritone COST; approximately $16 per week (to be confirmed), payable by the term and in advance. You will need to provide a suitable instrument for your child which may involve additional costs in purchasing or hiring. This will be discussed at a special student/parent meeting to be held at the school at on Tuesday the 3 rd of December 2013. If you would like your child to participate in the concert band music program please complete the attached agreement and return it to the school office immediately. An account for fees will be forwarded by Terrigal Public School at the beginning of each term. If you would like to discuss this offer further please feel free to call me on 0429 683 104. OSSIE JELLYMAN Band Trainer 5pm The Central Coast Conservatorium of Music and Terrigal Public School Concert Band Music Program 2014 Music Student Agreement NAME OF STUDENT: ………………………………………………………… ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………… HOME PHONE: ………………………………………………………………….. EMAIL; …………………………………………………………………………….. PARENT / GUARDIAN: Mr./Mrs./Ms………………………………… INSTRUMENT First choice; ........................................... Second choice; .......................................... I can provide my own instrument I will need to hire an instrument (Tick the appropriate box) I agree to play the above instrument in the Terrigal Public School Concert Band Music Program. I agree to practice regularly at home, and understand that personal practice is necessary if I am to develop musical skills and enjoy making music. I agree to attend lessons and rehearsals every week, as scheduled, and to attend public performances throughout the year. STUDENT’S SIGNATURE: ………………………………………………………… I understand the fee structure set out on the reverse of this form and agree to pay lesson fees and instrument hire fees (if applicable) at the beginning of each term. I will encourage my child to practice regularly at home, and ensure that my child does attend lessons and rehearsals and public performances undertaken as part of the band program. PARENT / GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE: …………………………………… DATE: …………………………………… The Central Coast’s favourite Christmas event returns to the beautiful waterfront location of Heazlett Park at Avoca. There you can enjoy the coast’s only outdoor Christmas shopping experience while chilling-out near the water in a relaxing environment. Now in its 6th year, the event features over 100 of the best local arts and crafts, international foods, puddings, cakes, Rotary Club Christmas trees, make your own Christmas decorations by Art Tank, fairy storytelling, Santa, live music all day from Fairplay Entertainment on the Lizotte’s stage and throughout the grounds, roving magicians & Christmas characters, Aquafun water rides on Avoca Lake, Ladybug Express puppet show, Little Rugby, face painting, and lots more. Come along and support the Coast’s best Christmas experience with the whole family. All event information at fixxevents.com.au Proudly brought to you by Fixx Events.
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