Swedish biotechnology - scientific publications, patenting
Swedish biotechnology - scientific publications, patenting
Swedish Biotechnology – scientific publications, patenting and industrial development Anna Sandström, IVA & Lennart Norgren, VINNOVA VINNOVA Analysis VA 2003:2 TITLE/TITEL: AUTHOR/FÖRFATTARE: SERIES/SERIE: ISBN: ISSN: PUBLISHED/PUBLICERAD: PUBLISHER/UTGIVARE: RECORD NO/DIARIENR: Swedish Biotechnology – scientific publications, patenting and industrial development Anna Sandström, IVA & Lennart Norgren, VINNOVA VINNOVA Analysis VA 2003:2 91-89588-92-4 1651-355X April 2003 VINNOVA – Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems/ Verket för innovationssystem 2002-02362 Swedish Biotechnology scientific publications, patenting and industrial development av Anna Sandström, IVA & Lennart Norgren, VINNOVA Preface Innovation plays a pivotal role in creating economic growth and a competitive economy. Public measures that are intended to stimulate innovativeness and growth should take into account the specific conditions that apply to different innovation systems. Analysis of different innovation systems makes it possible to understand what conditions underlie, enhance, or impede innovation and growth and how these conditions differ from system to system. This leads to a stronger foundation for policy measures by which the present innovation systems may be stimulated to bring about better competitiveness and increased growth. The present study updates parts of a previous report on the Swedish biotechnology innovation system1. The aim of the previous report was to identify forces that enhance or impede innovation and growth in order to facilitate the identification of public measures that would promote growth in the Swedish biotechnology innovation system. The present report presents an update on the development of Swedish scientific publication patterns, Swedish patenting in the US patent system, number of employees, turnover, equity/assets ratio and net profits/losses of Swedish biotech companies as well as an analysis of the geographic distribution of the biotech industry. This report has been jointly produced by VINNOVA (The Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems) and IVA (The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences). Anna Sandström IVA and Lennart Norgren VINNOVA authored the report. Jonny Ullström VINNOVA compiled the statistical data for the biotech industry. Per Eriksson Director General VINNOVA 1 Lena Torell President IVA Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 Content Summary .................................................................................................. 5 1 Introduction....................................................................................... 9 2 Methodology ................................................................................... 10 2.1 Swedish papers in Science Citation Index ............................................ 10 2.2 Swedish patents in the US patent system.............................................. 14 2.3 Interviews, conferences and seminars................................................... 16 2.4 Biotechnology companies ..................................................................... 16 3 Swedish research in life science fields ........................................ 18 3.1 Sweden as a producer of life science articles........................................ 19 3.2 The impact of the articles...................................................................... 20 3.3 The Swedish science system ................................................................. 25 3.3.1 Public research organisations ..................................................... 25 3.3.2 Firms and industrial research institutes ...................................... 27 3.3.3 Collaboration between research organisations ........................... 29 3.4 Summary and concluding remarks........................................................ 31 4 Patenting in biotechnology, medical and pharmaceutical fields ................................................................................................ 35 4.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 35 4.2 Swedish patenting in the US patent system in international comparison ........................................................................................ 37 4.3 Patent ownership ................................................................................... 39 4.4 Export of Swedish patents..................................................................... 42 4.5 Summary and concluding remarks........................................................ 44 5 The Swedish biotech industry ....................................................... 46 5.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 46 5.2 International comparison....................................................................... 48 5.3 Description of the industry and its sectors ............................................ 50 5.3.1 Agrobiotechnology ..................................................................... 50 5.3.2 Bioproduction ............................................................................. 51 5.3.3 Biotech tools & supplies............................................................. 52 5.3.4 Environmental biotechnology..................................................... 53 5.3.5 Functional food & feed............................................................... 54 5.3.6 Pharmaceuticals & medicine ...................................................... 55 5.4 Development of the Industry................................................................. 60 5.4.1 Industrial structure ...................................................................... 61 5.4.2 Turnover and equity/assets ratio................................................. 65 5.4.3 Industrial dynamic ...................................................................... 68 5.5 Regional dynamic ................................................................................. 73 5.6 Seed financing and venture capital ....................................................... 75 5.6.1 Early stage financing .................................................................. 76 5.6.2 Venture capital............................................................................ 78 5.7 Summary and concluding remarks........................................................ 81 Appendix ................................................................................................ 85 A Small and medium-sized biotech companies (<500 employees) in 2001......................................................................... 85 B Scientific publications.................................................................. 109 C Patenting ....................................................................................... 119 D Interviews, conferences and seminars ....................................... 145 Summary The aim of the present study is to analyse the development of the Swedish science base in fields relevant to the biotech industry, the innovation pipeline in the form of patents as well as the development of the biotech industry. A strong science base is a prerequisite for innovation and growth in research-intensive technology-based enterprises such as biotechnology companies. The present study suggests that Sweden has a strong, but weakening, position with regard to the science base in fields relevant to the biotech industry. The result for the total science base is an increasing share of the world’s total publication volume but decreasing citation levels. The most important measure of performance is perhaps not the publication volume in relation to population, but rather the relative citation levels, which can be regarded as a measure of quality. It seems clear that Sweden is losing ground to other countries if the quality of science is measured in terms of citation levels. It is worrying that many countries, both within Europe and elsewhere, have overtaken Sweden in the statistics for the two largest fields Neuroscience & Behaviour and Biochemistry & Biophysics. A few facts concerning scientific publications: • Sweden has a first, second or third position in the world concerning publication volumes in relation to population in the seven life science fields studied. • Five out of seven fields show increasing volume shares of the world’s total publication volume 1987-2001. • Three fields showed increasing citation levels and three fields showed decreasing citation levels 1981-1997. • In four fields, the analysis indicates that Sweden, in terms of scientific quality, is being passed by a number of countries. In the fields of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, Sweden has increased its share of the world’s patenting volume in recent years. It is also evident from the patenting data that international collaboration is very important for innovation processes in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. A few facts concerning the Swedish shares of patents granted in the US patent system: 5 • The Swedish share in Pharmaceuticals is 1.3 per cent, corresponding to a 40 per cent increase comparing 1999-2001 with 1987-1989. • The Swedish share in Biotechnology is 0.8 per cent, corresponding to a 17 per cent increase comparing 1999-2001 with 1987-1989. For many years now, scientists, industrialists, investors and policy makers in the Western world have emphasised the considerable industrial potential of biotechnology. In the Swedish context, these expectations have, to some extent been fulfilled. In the present study of small and medium-sized biotech companies (<500 employees) the number of companies as well as the number of employees has shown an impressive increase over the five-year period 1997-2001. However, the biotech industry is still a small contributor to the Swedish economy and most of the companies are small, with less than 10 employees. Some facts concerning the industry: • The number of companies increased by 35 per cent between 1997 and 2001 to 183. • The number of employees increased by 48 per cent between 1997 and 2001 to about 4000. • The turnover (fixed prices) increased by more than 30 per cent between 1997 and 2000 and amounted to about 4400 MSEK in 2000. • The equity/assets ratio increased but so did aggregated net losses for 95 companies present during the entire study period. The increasing equity/assets ratio and net losses in companies present during the entire five-year period indicate that their growth to a large extent has been financed by venture capital. Hence, a substantial number of these companies are still dependent on infusion of venture capital. Also, many of the new companies that were established during the period probably still require infusion of venture capital. In addition new companies that will be formed will require venture capital for their project and product development. This indicates that the demand for venture capital will continue to be high. Considerable sums of venture capital are available in various VC funds and both new and follow-up investments are being made. However, biotech entrepreneurs are reporting that it is more difficult today to find financiers and the process takes longer than in the past. The question is whether enough venture capital will be available to support the development of all of the most promising projects and companies. In the short-term perspective, taking into account a high demand for venture capital, a lack of public seed financing and the current situation on the stock 6 market, the growth of the biotech industry may slow down. However, in the long-term perspective, the growth potential is promising. The existing global market for products and services provided by the biotech industry is expected to show a significant growth. The European Commission estimates that by 2005 the European biotechnology market could be worth over € 100 billion. By 2010, global markets including sectors where life sciences and biotechnology constitute a major portion could amount to over € 2,000 billion (excluding agriculture). Also, the biotech industry is potentially of great strategic importance to Sweden. The knowledge that is produced in life science internationally and the fast technical development in electronics, IT, etc., are generating possibilities for growth in the area of industrial life science applications. Despite this, most of the growth may perhaps not be found in the biotech industry itself but in the industries of its clients, collaborative partners, subcontractors and owners of production facilities. In this study the biotech industry has been divided into six industrial sectors. In a regional perspective a large part of the Swedish biotech industry is located in the four cities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg and Malmö/Lund, which all have large universities. Also, concentration of the industry to these cities increased between 1997 and 2001. Activities in pharmaceuticals & medicine and bioproduction are mainly found in Stockholm and Malmö/Lund, biotech tools & supplies in Uppsala, environmental biotechnology in Malmö/Lund and functional food & feed in Stockholm. Agrobiotechnology activities are located outside the four cities mainly in the Skåne region surrounding Malmö/Lund. The development of the biotech industry differs between industrial sectors. The sectors of pharmaceuticals & medicine (where more than fifty percent of the companies and employees in the biotech industry are found), biotech tools & supplies and bioproduction have grown faster than the sectors of agrobiotechnology, environmental biotechnology and functional food & feed. However, surviving companies, i.e. companies existing during the entire period studied, in the first three sectors show increasing net losses and equity/assets ratios especially over the last years. This indicates that in many cases the growth in terms of employees and turnover have been financed by infusion of capital. The sectors of agrobiotechnology, environmental biotechnology and functional food & feed show less impressive development. The number of companies and employees have not changed that much and turnover has not increased. However, surviving companies in these sectors reported net profits each year. In the long-term perspective the economic growth potential is promising. For instance, the sector of pharmaceutical & medicine has growth potential 7 since big pharmaceutical companies are increasingly using intermediary biotech companies to provide them with product ideas and to play an important role in their innovation processes. A growth of this sector will also generate growth in the bioproduction sector, where companies produce the drugs or research materials needed. Also, the market for companies in the sector of biotech tools & supplies is growing significantly, since investment in life science research, both in industry and in academia, is increasing worldwide. There will probably also be an increase in demand for products in the functional food area, partly because of an ageing population and partly because there is an increasing awareness in society regarding the relationship between food and health. 8 1 Introduction Innovation plays a pivotal role in creating economic growth and a competitive economy. Analysis of different innovation systems makes it possible to understand what conditions underlie, enhance, or impede innovation and growth and how these conditions differ from system to system. The aim of the present study is to analyse the development of the Swedish science base in fields relevant to the biotech industry, the innovation pipeline in the form of patents as well as the development of the biotech industry. The present study is focusing on the core of the Swedish biotechnology innovation system. The most important players are research groups at the universities and the biotech industry. The data used for the analyses is statistics concerning Swedish scientific publication patterns, patenting in the US patent system and information concerning the development of the Swedish biotech industry. The statistical findings have been combined with interviews with experts representing different parts of the innovation system. A large number of seminars and conferences dealing with issues relevant to the biotechnology innovation system have also been attended and results from these meetings have been incorporated in the present study. The information that experts provide improves the ability to draw conclusions regarding reasons for the identified development. The study can be seen as updating the previous report “The Swedish biotechnology innovation system” 2. By the biotechnology innovation system we mean: The players that directly or indirectly develop, produce, analyse, or use biological systems on a micro-, cellular, or molecular level and the public and private institutions that affect their behaviour. This is in line with the definition of biotechnology used by OECD: "The application of science and technology to living organisms as well as parts, products and models thereof, to alter living or non-living materials for the production of knowledge, goods and services". 2 Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 9 2 Methodology In this section we describe the reasoning behind our choice of data and also the benefits and drawbacks of using these data. We have chosen to concentrate on three basic features of the innovation system: • The Swedish science base in relevant scientific fields and its performance in international comparison. • The innovation pipeline as measured in the number of new patents granted in the US-patent system. • The development of the biotech industry. 2.1 Swedish papers in Science Citation Index In order to determine knowledge flows and knowledge production in biotechnology-related fields studies have been performed of scientific publication patterns. Since biotechnology is a research-intensive field, it has been considered relevant to use scientific publications in biotechnology-related subject fields for the analysis. It has, however, been necessary to take into account that much knowledge production results from research and development within business enterprises, which is for obvious reasons never published. The aim of these enterprises is to develop new products, processes or services, and therefore the innovation process is not made public until a product is placed on the market or a patent application has been filed. However, when it comes to collaboration between public research organisations and industry, bibliometry is very useful since there are strong incentives in academia for publishing scientific results. If companies collaborate with academic groups, it is accordingly more likely that the results get published. Both academic positions and, to some extent, research grants are assigned on the basis of the volume and content of the scientists’ production. Comparisons of publication volumes between different subject fields also needs to be analysed with some caution, since the amount of work needed for a publication and the difficulty of getting published varies between different scientific subject fields. These differences also apply when comparing citation levels between different scientific subject fields. Concerning comparisons of publication volumes between countries it is also important to note that for some countries there might be an underestimation of their publication volumes since they also publish in national non-english language journals that are not covered by the Science Citation Index. In the fields studied here this is however not deemed important as it is most common in the scientific community to publish the important new scientific results in journals covered by the Science Citation Index. 10 A description of the publication pattern of different organisations gives important information about what organisations are most prominent in different scientific subject fields and also information about relations between those involved. The publication pattern of business enterprises is interesting since it indicates if they develop innovations in collaboration with public research organisations, and many public efforts are directed towards increasing the knowledge exchange between the two types of organisation. The data gives insight into the dynamics of the collaboration, and this might indicate the success of the efforts made. In the present study bibliometry is used to describe the Swedish biotechnology innovation system at three levels: • The publication volume of the science base, including the public research organisations and their internal collaboration; • Business enterprises and their collaboration with public research organisations; • National performance in international comparison; The first level is the largest category in terms of publication volume and includes public research organisations and the inter-relationships between such organisations. At the second level firms and industrial research institutes are identified and their collaboration pattern with public research organisations analysed. The third level includes an analysis of the development of the Swedish science system in international comparison focusing on the quantity, measured as share of the world’s total publication volume, and quality, as measured in relative citation levels. Data collection For the international comparison of Swedish publication volumes and relative citation levels in life science fields relevant to biotechnology, the National Science Indicators on Diskette (NSIOD) from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) was used (1981-2001). The relative citation level is the number of citations received per paper divided by the number of citations received per paper for the whole world. We have chosen to use a citation window of five years meaning that the number of citations up to five years after the publication year is measured. The journal categories selected were: Biochemistry & Biophysics; Biotechnol & Appl Microbiol, Cell & Developmental Biology; Immunology; Microbiology; Molecular Biology & Genetics and Neurosciences & Behavior. The distribution of the Swedish articles in these journal categories is found in Appendix Table B1b. 11 For the national analysis of the Swedish science system, a bibliometric dataset was constructed by downloading all papers with the word ”Sweden” in the address field from the CD-ROM-editions of Science Citation Index (SCI). SCI includes the most important ten to fifteen per cent of all scientific journals in medicine, natural sciences and engineering, but is sometimes claimed to cover life science somewhat better than engineering. All the Swedish addresses were standardised according to the main organisation. The dataset covers the period 1986-2001. The CD-ROM for a certain year does not contain the complete publication volume of that year, since articles published towards the end of the year appear in the next year’s CDROM edition. Therefore, the analysis of the publication volume in 2001 is underestimated by about 10% and corresponding lower figures for 2001 may be found in the tables and diagrams. Articles published in 1985 but found on the 1986 CD-ROM were excluded from the analysis. For identification of articles relevant to biotechnology, the journal subject categories as defined by ISI were used3. The life science journal subject categories listed in the table below were considered to be biotechnologyrelated on the basis of the previously mentioned definition of the biotechnology innovation system that we are using. ISI’s journal categories in SCI selected as biotechnology-related Biochemistry & Molecular biology Biophysics Biotechnology & Applied microbiology Cell biology Medicinal chemistry Biomedical engineering Genetics & Heredity Immunology Microbiology Neurosciences Virology All in all, we identified 35 700 Swedish papers published in journals covered by SCI and classified with the selected codes in 1987-2001. In some tables also the 1649 articles from 1986 were included in the following analyses. Only journals listed in Journal Performance Indicators on Diskette (JPIOD,) produced by ISI, were included, which means that the journals must have received at least 100 citations during 1981-1996. The journal coverage of SCI can be said to encircle basic research quite well. 3 See Journal performance indicators on diskette (JPIOD). 12 The distribution of the 35 700 articles in the selected journal categories, from JPIOD, for the journals are shown in Table B1 in Appendix B. The subject field with the largest publication volume is Biochemistry & Molecular biology with more than 43% of the publications, and then follow Immunology and Neurosciences with 16% and 15%, respectively. Many of the journal categories show a distinct increase in number of publications, especially Biochemistry & Molecular biology during the studied period. None of the selected journal categories show a clear decrease in publication volume. Of the identified journals in which Swedish authors publish, the ten journals with more than 500 Sweden-related articles, 1987-2001, represent 20% of the total Swedish publication volume in biotechnologyrelated science (Table B2). What journals are included in the categories varies since new journals appear, other disappears and some changes their names. This means that it is more relevant to make comparisons of the development of the publication patterns for different organisations/countries/regions etc. in different fields since these variables experiences the same changes in the selections of journals to be included in the different journal categories. To study the development for only one of the variables at a time risks misinterpretation since a change in the development may be due only to change in the selection of journals. All Swedish addresses to the authors of the articles were standardised according to the main organisation in order to produce data on the organisational level. The results for university hospitals and universities are displayed together, since they are in practice inseparable when it comes to research activities. In Table B3, the organisations identified are merged into groups in order to show production distributed by sector. The term “public research organisation”, which often appears in the pages that follow, includes universities, university colleges, university hospitals and public research institutes (e.g. the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, SMI). As expected, the major part of the articles are authored by university researchers, and as many as 96% of all articles include at least one author from a university or a university hospital. Authors in firms have on average contributed six percent of the articles in biotechnology-related life science fields. The proportions of the total publication volumes that the Swedish organisations with more than 500 articles published in 1987-2001 within the selected biotechnology-related sciences are presented in Table B4. As is seen, the first eight organisations are public research organisations, and the two large pharmaceutical companies Pharmacia4 and Astra5 hold the 9th and 12th positions. 4 Presently Pharmacia Corporation 13 2.2 Swedish patents in the US patent system Patents are often used in studies of national innovativeness in different fields. Since a patent is necessary for an invention to be protected, it is a good indicator of innovativeness. We have chosen to study the amount of patenting in the US patent system since the biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceutical market is global and most of these inventions need to be protected on the large US market. The international comparison of Swedish patenting volumes is based on inventor fractions (i.e. if one inventor of four is Swedish, this counts as 0.25 Swedish patents) of issued patents in the US-patent system6. The national patent analysis included, all in all, 18 750 patents issued during 1986-2001 and having a Swedish assignee and/or inventor. The patents in the USPTO server7 were downloaded as screen dumps, i.e. text versions of the front pages of issued patents were retrieved. These front pages were then converted into field-delimited records. A selection of IPC classification codes comprising patents in the following fields was selected: Biotechnology8, Medical Equipment9, Medical Electronics10, and Pharmaceutical 5 Presently AstraZeneca Data from Computer Horizon Research Inc, TP-2, International Technology Indicators using their Tech-Line technology areas categorisation. 7 The www-server of the US Patent and Trademark Office (http://patents.uspto.gov/access/search-adv.html) was used to retrieve Swedish patents. 8 Included in the biotechnology category are six IPC classes. The following areas are included: Instruments and methods for analysis in enzymology and microbiology, microorganisms and enzymes and also parts of these and production of such substances, production processes and separation techniques using fermentation or enzymes, use of gene technology when producing medical products and gene therapy. 9 Included in the medical equipment category are 14 IPC classes. The category for example includes: Endoscopes, apparatus for testing and examining the eyes and for examination by percussion; Pleximeters; dentistry and oral or dental hygiene devices; veterinary instrument, tools or methods; prosthesis; nursing or contraceptive devices, dressings and bandages; First-aid kits; transportation devices; operating tables; chairs for dentistry; funeral devices; physical therapy devices; artificial respiration; dialysis systems; containers, devices or methods for bringing pharmaceutical products into a particular physical or administering form; devices for administering food; or medicine orally; baby comforters; disinfection and sterilisation; surgical articles etc. 10 Included in the medical electronics category are six IPC classes. The following areas are for example included: measuring for diagnostic purposes; apparatus for radiation diagnosis, Instruments for auscultation; diagnosis using ultrasonic, sonic or infrasonic waves; electro-, radiation-, ultrasound and magnetotherapy as well as x-ray techniques. 6 14 fields11. In the table below the number of patents obtained in the different categories are shown. Most patents have more than one IPC classification code associated with it and therefore one patent may be found in more than one of these categories leading to a total of 2621 patents in these categories. Data from the web-site was retrieved in 1998 for data concerning 19861997, in1999 for 1998 and in 2002 for the years 1999-2001 which means that patents for relevant years that were not active at the corresponding extraction year will not be found in the analyses. Only issued patents are analysed. Number of patents issued in the US-patent system with Swedish inventor and/or assignee per patent category during 1987-2001 No. patents Per cent of total Swedish patenting volume MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 470 2,5 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 952 5,1 BIOTECHNOLOGY 390 2,1 PHARMACEUTICALS 915 4,9 2621 14,0 12 TOTAL The two parties that can be identified in the patenting statistics are the assignee and the inventor. The assignee is usually one or more firms (can also be a private person) and the inventor is one or more private persons. There is always at least one inventor for each patent, whereas an assignee is not always entered in the patent application. When a patent is assigned, the assignee becomes the owner of the patent and has the same rights as the original patentee had. Patents may be owned jointly by two or more persons, as in the case of a patent granted to joint inventors or in the case of assignment of a partial interest in a patent. Joint owners of a patent may make, use, sell, and import the invention for their own profit, provided they do not infringe on someone else’s patent rights. They may do all this without regard to the other owners. Owners may sell their interest or any part of it, or grant licenses to others, without regard to the other joint owners, unless all the joint owners have made a contract governing their relation to each other. The patenting statistics are analysed further concerning inventors, assignees, 11 Included in the pharmaceutical category are 43 IPC classes. The following areas are included: All pharmaceutical preparations except when using gene technology. Gene therapy is also excluded. Dental preparations and medicinal preparations characterised by special physical form, containing organic or inorganic active ingredients, obtained by treating materials with wave energy or particle radiation, peptides, antigens and antibodies, radioactive substances, inert additives, and carriers. 12 Most patents have more than one IPC classification code associated with it and therefore one patent may be found in more than one of these categories leading to a total of 2621 patents in these categories. 15 regional and national distribution, collaboration pattern etc in Chapter 4 and tables displaying the patenting statistics from the USPTO database are also found in Appendix C. For the analysis a free software programme was used13. 2.3 Interviews, conferences and seminars To facilitate a more in depth analysis of the development of the innovation system the results from the statistics have been combined with interviews with experts representing different parts of the innovation system. A large number of seminars and conferences dealing with issues relevant to the biotechnology innovation system have also been attended and results from these meetings have been incorporated in the present study. The information that experts provide improves the ability to draw conclusions regarding reasons for the identified development. 2.4 Biotechnology companies Identification and categorisation Biotechnology is a field undergoing continuous and rapid development. The technology is very close to the science base and many of the new small, dedicated biotechnology companies are university spin-offs. Many other Swedish biotechnology companies share the origin of being spin-offs from either of the two large pharmaceutical companies Astra and Pharmacia. The speed at which new enterprises appear, are bought, merge, change names, etc. makes it difficult to identify new enterprises and complicated to follow the development of ”old” ones. The database constructed in the previous study on the Swedish biotechnology innovation system14 was updated. Very different sources were used to identify companies 15. The categorisation was made on the basis of descriptions of their fields of activity found on the Internet, literature (newspapers etc.), and personal contacts with experts or the companies themselves. The companies were divided into the following categories: pharmaceuticals & medicine (drug development, diagnostics etc); agrobiotechnology (genetically modified plants, biological plant protection); environmental biotechnology (soil, waste, and water treatment); biotech tools & supplies (processes, equipment and instruments for biotechnological use); functional food and feed (mainly probiotics) and bioproduction (biomolecular or micro-organism production). 13 Bibexcel, developed by Professor Olle Persson, www/umu.se/inforsk Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 15 SIK, The Swedish institute for Food and Biotechnology; Swedepark (the umbrella organisation for Swedish science and technology parks) and also personal contacts and the Internet. 14 16 The list includes a number of companies that have not had employees any of the years studied. We have excluded these companies from the analysis since the analysis is focused on the impact the industry has on the employment and national economy. However some companies had employees one or more but not all of the years studied. These are included in the studied population of companies. Economic data (turnover, number of employees, etc.) To obtain economic and employment data on the companies a database from the Swedish company Swedish Market Management Partner AB (MMP) was used. The data is based on the annual records that companies every year are obliged to submit to the Swedish Patent and Registration Office. Using the MMP data VINNOVA has created a database of its own that cover the period 1986-2001. The information of each company in the database includes profit and loss account, balance sheet, key ratios, number of employees, industrial sector and location. These data has in this study been used to analyse the economic and regional growth and the industrial dynamic of the Swedish biotech industry. However the period studied is limited to 19972001. The reason for the limitation is that the quality of data in the database before 1997 can be questioned. Around 30 per cent of the studied companies have a split financial year.16 At the time of extracting information from the MMP-database around 40 companies with split financial year had not submitted their 2001 annual accounts to the PRV. Thus, they were not included in the database. Information on their number of employees was gathered by telephone. However economic data is lacking for these companies in 2001. Hence, the analysis of economic growth is limited to the period 1997 – 2000. In the analysis of companies that existed the entire period 1997-2001 and that had submitted annual accounts the analysis of economic growth concerns 1997-2001. In the MMP-database information is lacking on new companies and companies closed down. In the analysis of industrial dynamic we have tried to identify new and disappearing companies. The method used for identifying these companies meant following each company year by year. If a company existed in the database in the year t but not the year t-1 it was classified as a new company. On the other hand, if a company that existed the year t but not the year t+1 it was classified as disappeared. 16 Most of the companies studied had the calendar year as accounting year, i.e. the accounting year started 1/1 and ended in 31/12. Companies with split financial year on the other hand starts its accounting year later in the calendar year and thus ends it twelve moths later in the next calendar year. A few companies changed their accounting year during the period studied. This meant that their accounting year when changing was longer or shorter than 12 months. 17 3 Swedish research in life science fields A strong science base is a prerequisite for innovations in the research and knowledge intensive biotech industry. It can both attract prominent scientists to public research organisations and lead to collaboration with, and establishment of, research-intensive high-tech companies. Collaboration with, for instance, the pharmaceutical industry means external financing of research, access to advanced equipment and increased academic awareness of industrial problems. A broad exchange of knowledge between scientists in different countries is also an important ingredient of the innovation system. The transfer of knowledge between countries in the long run promotes Swedish science as well as Swedish industry. In a previous analysis of the Swedish national innovation system aggregated bibliometric data was used17. Sweden was found to be one of the largest producers of scientific knowledge in the world measured in terms of scientific publications per capita. Only Switzerland produced more scientific knowledge per capita than Sweden both in 1986-1990 and in 1991-1995. The Swedish relative share of the world’s total publication volume increased from 1,54 percent in 1981 to 2,01 per cent in 199818. Universities and colleges completely dominate the Swedish scientific output, expressed in terms of scientific publications. The rest of the publications are evenly distributed on firms, non-academic hospitals, and other sectors. If citations of scientific publications are used as an indicator of the quality of scientific production, the quality of Swedish science used to be very high by international comparison. Only Switzerland, the USA, and the Netherlands showed more citations per paper than Sweden. The citation levels for Swedish articles seems to be declining whereas e.g. articles from Denmark, the Netherlands and especially articles from Finland show an impressing increase in citation levels according to the article by Olle Persson from year 2002. Also, it was shown that despite the increase in volume shares of the world’s total publication volume the Swedish share of the most cited articles is not increasing to the same extent. 17 Source: The Swedish National Innovation System, B 1998:9, NUTEK. Source: Olle Persson, Det nya forskningslandskapet, Ulf Sandström Red. Bokförlaget nya Doxa 2002. 18 18 3.1 Sweden as a producer of life science articles In the diagram below the Swedish percentage of the world’s total publication volume within a selection of life science fields during five periods 1987 – 2001 is shown. There is a global trend of increasing world publication volumes in all the studied journal categories and the Swedish publication volumes follow this trend. There is a clear trend towards an increasing Swedish share of the world’s total publication volume in Biochemistry & Biophysics and Biotechnology & Applied microbiology whereas the share was decreasing in Immunology although from a high level. The data show that the Swedish shares of the world’s total publication volume in this selection of subject fields are increasing in five out of seven fields. The Swedish percentage of the world’s total publication volume within a selection of life science fields during five periods Per cent In the table below the ranking of Swedish publication volumes in relation to population are shown. The Swedish publication volumes had a top ranking in Neuroscience & Behavior in relation to population. In the other categories except Microbiology Swedish publication volumes were second in the world in relation to population. In Microbiology it was in third place. 19 Ranking of Swedish publication volumes in relation to population, 1986-2001 Biochemistry & Biophysics Biotechnol & Appl Microbiology Cell & Developmental Biology Immunology Microbiology Molecular Biology & Genetics Neurosciences & Behavior 3.2 19861989 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 19901993 2 4 3 2 2 2 1 19941997 2 3 2 2 4 3 1 19982001 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 Total 86-01 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 The impact of the articles An indication of the quality of published articles is to what extent later articles are citing them. If other scientists often refer to an article, it is a sign of large impact and the paper is in this particular sense of high quality. In the diagram below the relative citation levels of Swedish publications 19871997 are shown. A citation level of one means that the Swedish papers were cited as often as the world average in that field and a higher number indicates a larger impact. The citation levels can only be presented up to the year 1997 since a five-year citation window was used. Biotechnology & Applied microbiology was the life science field studied that had the highest citation level for Swedish articles during all time periods, even though this citation level has varied quite a bit. The publication volume in this field is however in total quite small (see Appendix Table B1b). The lowest citation levels were found for Cell & Developmental biology and Immunology, where the Swedish articles were cited less than the world average. 20 Relative citation levels for Swedish articles within a selection of life science fields 1987-1997 (Index world=1) 87-91 2 88-92 Relative citation level 89-93 90-94 91-95 1 92-96 93-97 94-98 95-99 96-00 io av & & nc es og y ie ol N eu ro sc Bi ar ul ec M ol 97-01 Be h G en e bi ro ic M D ev r s tic ol og y y ol og l m un el op Im ta lB io m en lM Ap p C el l& no ch Bi ot e Bi oc he m is l& try & Bi op h ys ic ro b ic io l s 0 Other studies have shown that the citation levels for Swedish publications in general are declining when compared with other countries19. Comparing the citation levels in 1987 with the levels in 1997 for the subject fields studied gives the result that four out of seven subject fields show a positive development. Change in relative citation levels for Swedish articles within a selection of life science fields comparing 1987-1991 with 1997-2001 Subject field Biochemistry & Biophysics Biotechnol & Appl Microbiol Cell & Developmental Biol Immunology Microbiology Molecular Biology & Genetics Neurosciences & Behavior Change -0,04 0,10 -0,07 0,10 0,21 0,27 -0,14 A recapitulation of the previous section on publication volumes shows that the publication volume shares in Biochemistry & Biophysics showed a continuous increase during the studied time period at the same time as the citation levels were larger 1987-1989 than 1990-1997. The citation level of Neuroscience & Behavior declined, although the volume share remained at a relatively constant high level with a first ranking in relation to population. 19 Source: Olle Persson, Det nya forskningslandskapet, Ulf Sandström Red. Bokförlaget nya Doxa 2002. 21 The largest share of the world’s publication volume was found in Immunology, whereas Cell & Developmental Biology was the only subject field with both a relatively small volume share and a low citation level. Both the fields Microbiology and Molecular Biology & Genetics show a slight increase in volume shares at the same time as the citation levels are increasing in the nineties compared to the eighties. The changes varied from subject field to subject field and there was no clear general trend regarding the quality or quantity of Swedish articles in the studied life science subject fields during 1987-2001. Now looking at the development over a longer time period 1981-1997 the result is somewhat different. Relative citation levels for Swedish articles within a selection of life science fields 1981-1997 (Index world=1) Biochemistry & Biophysics 1.6 1.4 Biotechnol & Appl Microbiol 1.2 Cell & Developmental Biol 1.0 Immunology 0.8 Microbiology 0.6 Molecular Biology & Genetics 9701 95 -99 9397 91 -95 8993 87 -91 8589 83 -87 8185 0.4 Neurosciences & Behavior Since the beginning of the eighties the trend in citation levels of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Neurosciences & Behavior, and Cell & Developmental Biology have clearly been decreasing. For Biotechnol & Appl Microbiol, Molecular Biology & Genetics and Microbiology the trend however is a clear increase. In Immunology the there is no clear trend. A comparison of Swedish citation levels with those of the European Union and USA is shown in the diagram below. It must be kept in mind that the publication volumes for EU and USA are enormous compared to the Swedish volumes leading to big changes in citation level from year to year for Sweden. Since Sweden has a comparably small publication volumes, a few well cited papers may lead to a large shift in citation level from one year to the other. 22 Relative citation levels for articles from EU, Sweden and USA within a selection of life science fields during 1987-1997 (Index world=1) 2 Relative citation level Biochemistry & Biophysics Biotechnol & Appl Microbiol Cell & Developmental Biol 1 Immunology Microbiology Molecular Biology & Genetics Neurosciences & Behavior 87-91 88-92 89-93 90-94 91-95 92-96 93-97 94-98 95-99 96-00 97-01 87-91 88-92 89-93 90-94 91-95 92-96 93-97 94-98 95-99 96-00 97-01 87-91 88-92 89-93 90-94 91-95 92-96 93-97 94-98 95-99 96-00 97-01 0 EUROPEAN UNION SWEDEN USA What is seen is that the average European paper in all of these subject fields is clearly cited less than corresponding publications authored by US scientists. The Swedish citation levels are lower than the European average in Cell & Developmental Biology and Immunology and above in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology. It is only in Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology that the Swedish citation levels are comparable to the USlevels. In terms of the number of articles by Swedish authors the clearly largest of the above-mentioned fields are Neurosciences & Behavior and Biochemistry & Biophysics (Appendix, Table B1b). What is really worrying is that Sweden in these two fields is loosing ground to other countries as is shown in the two figures below. In Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology and Molecular Biology & Genetics the Swedish position compared to the countries in the figures below is about the same. In Immunology, Sweden has been passed by Finland and Israel and in Cell & Developmental Biology Sweden has been passed by seven of the countries since 1981 and had the lowest relative citation level of the included countries for articles published in 1997. The only exception is Microbiology were Sweden is gaining ground in terms of relative citation levels compared to the other countries. 23 Relative citation levels for articles from a number of countries within the field Neurosciences & Behavior during 1981-1997 (Index world=1) 1.4 CANADA DENMARK 1.2 EUROPEAN UNION FINLAND 1.0 FRANCE GERMANY 0.8 ISRAEL NETHERLANDS 0.6 SWEDEN SWITZERLAND 1 USA 97 -0 -9 9 95 -9 7 93 -9 5 91 -9 3 89 -9 1 87 -8 9 85 -8 7 UK 83 81 -8 5 0.4 Sweden came first in Neurosciences & Behavior in the beginning of the period. From the figure it is clear that countries like Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, Switzerland and USA have passed Sweden when citation levels are concerned. A similar result is found for Biochemistry & Biophysics (see below). Relative citation levels for articles from a number of countries within the field Biochemistry & Biophysics during 1981-1997 (Index world=1) 1.6 CANADA DENMARK 1.4 EUROPEAN UNION FINLAND 1.2 FRANCE GERMANY 1.0 ISRAEL NETHERLANDS 0.8 SWEDEN SWITZERLAND 81 -8 5 83 -8 7 85 -8 9 87 -9 1 89 -9 3 91 -9 5 93 -9 7 95 -9 9 97 -0 1 0.6 UK USA The situation in Biochemistry & Biophysics is that Germany, Netherlands, Israel, Canada, and United Kingdom all have passed Sweden and that Switzerland and USA had higher relative citation levels to start with. 24 3.3 The Swedish science system The use of bibliometry provides us with a dynamic picture of how the publishing of articles by Swedish researchers in biotechnology-related fields has developed. As mentioned in Chapter 2, we found a total number of 35 700 articles in the selected journal categories 1987-2001 and in some tables also the 1649 articles published in 1986 are included. In the following sections, more thorough studies on the sources of the articles and links between organisations through co-authorship are presented. The dataset covering biotechnology-related subject fields (see Chapter 2) analysed in the present study shows the expected result that university researchers authored the major part of the articles, 96% included at least one author from a university or a university hospital. Firm authors contributed to 6% of the Swedish publications (Table B3). 3.3.1 Public research organisations A description of the publication pattern of public research organisations gives important information about their science base and what organisations have the highest prominence in different scientific subject fields. A strong science base is often pointed out as being a prerequisite for innovation processes in research-intensive technologies. The publication pattern also elucidates the extent of collaboration and interdependence between the organisations identified. This forms a basis for the study of which firms and industrial research institutes the organisations collaborate with. The articles published in 1987-2001 by the companies studied were to a large extent co-authored with researchers at Swedish universities, as will be shown further on in this chapter. A few prolific organisations in Sweden accounted for the major part of all articles published in biotechnologyrelated science (Table B4, Appendix B). Karolinska Institutet alone participated in 35 per cent of all articles in biotechnology-related science (12 396 out of 35 700 articles). The universities of Lund, Uppsala and Gothenburg each contributed to 11-19 per cent of the articles. Karolinska Institutet is the only organisation focusing entirely on medicine, whereas the other universities are active in other sciences as well. The 9th and 12th most productive organisations were the two large pharmaceutical companies Astra and Pharmacia20. In the figure below, the development of the volume shares of the Swedish total publication volumes for the nine most productive public research organisation in biotechnology-related science is shown. As is seen, 20 At present known as AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation. 25 Karolinska Institutet, which was already dominating many of the subject fields studied, is increasing its share of the total Swedish publication volume. With the exception of a slight negative development for Stockholm University, the others do not show such clear trends. Shares of articles in biotechnology-related sciences distributed by period of publishing and the organisational affiliation of the Swedish authors from the nine most productive Swedish public research organisations, 1987-2001 * 40 KAROLINSKA INST LUND UNIV 35 Per cent 30 UPPSALA UNIV GOTHENBURG UNIV UMEA UNIV 25 20 STOCKHOLM UNIV SLU 15 10 LINKOPING UNIV SMI 5 0 19871989 19901992 19931995 19961998 19992001 Year * SMI - The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control; SLU - The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Analysis of how the articles of an organisation were distributed on the selected journal categories illustrates its scientific profile in biotechnologyrelated science during a particular period. In Table B5, Appendix B, the research profiles are given of the public research organisations with the largest publication volumes in the eleven fields included in the national analysis 1987-2001. Karolinska Institutet contributed to the largest number of publications in all but the following five journal categories, Biophysics, Biotechnology & Applied microbiology, Medicinal chemistry, Biomedical engineering, and Microbiology. Gothenburg University had a strong position in Medicinal chemistry, and Lund University dominated Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, Biophysics, Biomedical engineering and Microbiology. It is also interesting to note the quality of the articles from different universities. In the table below the citation levels for a selection of universities in a selection of fields are shown. 26 Average number of citations per publication for a selection of research organisations in different fields 1991-2001* 21 Field / Organisation Harvard Karolinska Umeå Univ Institutet Univ Uppsal Gothenburg a Univ Univ Lund Univ Clinical Medicine 21.2 12.4 10.1 11.0 11.2 11.2 Biology & Biochemistry 32.3 17.2 14.9 15.3 12.8 12.3 Chemistry 22.5 8.6 7.9 10.1 7.8 10.9 Molecular Biology & Genetics 52.5 23.6 20.6 18.8 0.0 14.2 Plant & Animal Science 15.0 0.0 11.7 8.4 7.6 8.0 Neuroscience & Behavior 29.8 18.2 12.4 12.6 12.6 18.9 Immunology 33.1 13.4 17.3 11.7 13.0 11.6 Microbiology 28.7 14.8 13.3 13.9 10.8 20.7 * In bold the highest number of citations for a Swedish organisation is found Harvard University is outstanding in all of the included fields. Among the Swedish players the result differ between fields. The relatively small University of Umeå is ranking highest of the Swedish research organisations in Immunology, Microbiology and Plant & Animal Science. Karolinska Institutet holds the top position in Clinical Medicine, Biology & Biochemistry as well as Molecular Biology & Genetics whereas Lund University shows the highest numbers in Chemistry and Neuroscience & Behavior. 3.3.2 Firms and industrial research institutes Most of the ideas leading to new innovations in biotechnology are sprung from academic research22,23,24. These ideas, however, are developed and refined in firms, often in collaboration with university groups, and the end product may in many cases be very different from the original idea. It is therefore interesting to analyse the collaboration pattern between firms and academic groups and also to identify what firms seem to be involved in inhouse basic research without collaborating with university groups. In order to obtain information about the scientific profile of Swedish firms, it is also important to see in what scientific subject fields they have published the 21 ISI:s Essential Indicators, Institutional Indicators 1992-2000. Demo version available during June 2002 Average number of citations 1991-2001 to publications published 19912001 is measured. 22 L. Orsenigo, The Emergence of Biotechnology. Institutions and Markets in Industrial Innovation., Pinter Publishers, London 1989. 23 A. Backlund, S. Modig, C. Sjöberg, Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals - a literature study, NUTEK, Working paper 1998. 24 Workshop on Innovation processes in biotechnology, NUTEK, 1999. 27 largest number of articles. This information can be used in analysing the strengths of Swedish industry in different scientific subject fields. The 188 firms identified in this statistics on average contributed to six per cent of the articles in biotechnology-related life science fields during 19872001. The 9th and 12th most productive organisations were the two large pharmaceutical companies Astra and Pharmacia25 (Table B4, Appendix B). These two companies authored 64 percent of all articles produced by firms, 38 and 26 per cent respectively. Of all the firms, 75 percent collaborate with public research organisations and of the firm articles 63 per cent were coauthored with a public research organisation. The volume of the collaboration between firms resulting in scientific publications was small and therefore difficult to draw any conclusions from (110 articles in total, i.e. 5% of the articles authored by firms). The industrial research institutes that published articles in biotechnologyrelated science only contributed to 84 articles. Only two of these articles were co-authored with a firm and 48% was co-authored with a public research organisation. The reason for the small number of articles published by industrial research institutes is a reflection of the fact that Sweden in general has few industrial research institutes and none specialised in biotechnology26. SIK (the Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology) is mainly active in the area of food and the application of biotechnology in the food sector. It performs very little commissioned research, mainly analytical testing, but can function as a co-ordinator of external research programmes. Table B6, Appendix B, illustrates the different research interests of the firms identified. For instance, Astra dominated Neuroscience, and Pharmacia had a strong position in Immunology. In Table B7 the firms and industrial research institutes that have authored five or more articles are listed. These 45 firms or industrial research institutes have together contributed to 96 percent of the firm articles. A study of the organisational affiliation of the authors of an article can identify the collaborations between organisations. These collaborations give us information about knowledge exchange between different organisations, how central the organisations are, how the pattern of collaboration has changed over the years and how dependent organisations may be on one another. 25 At present known as AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation The industrial research institutes publishing in biotechnology-related science are YKI = Swedish Institute for Surface Chemistry, STFI = Swedish Institute for Pulp and Paper Research (Svenska Träforsknings Institutet), IVL= Swedish Environmental Research Institute, KI= Swedish Corrosion Institute, Trätek= Swedish Institute for Wood Technology Research. 26 28 3.3.3 Collaboration between research organisations All the eleven major public research organisations in the field of biotechnology-related science collaborated with one another in 1987-2001. The collaboration pattern between the organisations with the largest publication volumes in biotechnology-related science, including Astra and Pharmacia, is presented in the figure below. The thickness of the lines is proportional to the number of co-authorships found between two organisations and the sizes of the circles are proportional to the total publication volume of each organisation. Co-authorship pattern between organisations with the largest publication volumes in biotechnology related science 1997-2001 * * SMI - The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control; SLU - The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences The collaboration pattern between the public research organisations has not changed much during 1987-2001. Karolinska Institutet has had the largest collaboration with the universities of Uppsala and Stockholm and SMI during the entire period. Lund University on the other hand has the most intense collaboration with Gothenburg University and Karolinska Institutet. 29 The collaboration between firms, industrial research institutes, and public research organisations The question of to what extent public research organisations collaborate with industrial companies and the dynamics of this collaboration is very interesting, since many public efforts are directed towards increasing the knowledge exchange between these two types of organisation. In particular, the collaboration pattern of AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation (formerly Astra and Pharmacia) is important since these large companies dominate the private sector of the biotechnology innovation system in Sweden. The number of articles that the public organisations with the largest publication volumes co-authored with firms and industrial research institutes in 1987-2001 is displayed in Table B8, Appendix B. Karolinska Institutet had the highest number of co-authorships with firms and industrial research institutes in absolute terms. Relatively speaking, however, all but two of the other public organisations had more collaboration with firms and industrial research institutes than Karolinska Institutet. A striking result is that a very large part of the collaboration with firms for the universities of Uppsala, Gothenburg, Linköping, and especially Umeå, as manifested in co-authorships, was with Pharmacia or Astra. The Royal Institute of Technology had, compared to the other public research organisations, the largest share of coauthorships with firms and industrial research institutes in relation to total publication volume (almost 10 %). For all organisations but the University of Linköping the number of co-authorships with firms and industrial research institutes are decreasing or without large changes. This result is very interesting since in 1996 the so-called third task of public universities was more strongly emphasised by law. This task is an obligation for institutions of higher education to co-operate with the surrounding society and to provide information about their activities. Universities, regional and local governments, and also other government agencies have now initiated a multitude of technology transfer initiatives. An important reason for the decrease is the decrease in the total number of co-authorships between Swedish public research organisations and Astra and Pharmacia in 1997-2001 (Table B9, Appendix B). The two organisations are together authors or co-authors of 64 % of the total number of firm articles, Astra 38 % and Pharmacia 26%. In Table B9 their collaboration pattern is summarised with the exception of a few co-authorships with FOI as well as a few co-authorships with some hospitals. Their large share of the total firm publication volume means that whatever changes there are in the collaboration patterns of these two companies, it will affect the statistics for firm collaboration patterns in general a lot. It is clear that both the total publication volume and the amount of collaboration have decreased 30 drastically for Pharmacia. Astra has slightly decreased its collaboration with public research organisations. At the same time Astras’ total publication volume has remained fairly constant during the three time periods. It is difficult to determine the possible reasons for the small reduction in the collaboration between Astra and public research organisations. It is possible that Astras’ collaboration with small biotech companies has increased at the expense of the university collaboration. This type of collaboration would not be found in the publication statistics to the same extent. For Pharmacia it is clear that the mergers with Upjohn and Monsanto have resulted in decreased R&D activities in Sweden. Much of the R&D previously found within Pharmacia has been spun-off to the new company, Biovitrum AB, which was founded in 2001. Biovitrum has now began to show up in the publication statistics with four publications in 2001. There has been an increase in the number of firms collaborating with the large public research organisations. An explanation for the increase in firms involved in scientific collaboration leading to publications may be the emergence of many new firms in the area of biotechnology. Many of these are university spin-offs and it is natural for them to collaborate with public research organisations. It is also to be expected that newly started business enterprises do not have a large enough publication volume to compensate for the reduction caused by the decrease in the number of co-authorships with Astra and Pharmacia. That could explain why the number of co-authored articles did not grow in proportion to the number of firms involved. Also existing firms increasing their publication volumes do not seem to increase their collaboration with public research organisations during the studied period (se Table B7). For example two of the firms with the largest increase in publication volumes, Gambro AB and Svalöf Weibull AB, have not increased their collaboration with public research organisations in scientific publications. Also the total number of papers with firm authors is not increasing 3.4 Summary and concluding remarks There are advantages and disadvantages with using scientific publication data to evaluate the performance of the Swedish science base. The fact that most journals covered by the science citation index (SCI) and the selections made by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) are in English is an advantage for English-speaking countries. It is also beneficial for small countries like Sweden with a limited domestic publication market resulting in stronger incentives to publish in international English speaking journals. This means that the volume of publications measured for Sweden may seem very high. This is particularly pronounced in comparisons with large non- 31 English speaking countries like Germany, France and Japan that have a domestic publication market or can publish international journals in their own language; journals which may not be covered by SCI. However, in the fields that this study focuses on, we believe that coverage by ISI makes the comparison relevant, since in these fields, acknowledgement by the global scientific community is largely dependent on getting published in well-renowned journals like the ones included in this study. International collaboration and exchange through such things as post doc exchanges are also very common in these fields and result in co-authorship in international English speaking journals. Another reason for the large publication volumes in relation to the population in Sweden in international comparisons is the fact that receiving grants and securing positions are very much dependent on publication in reputable scientific journals in these fields. Furthermore, the fact that PhD students are expected to publish a certain number of articles before receiving their doctor’s degree has a significant impact on the Swedish statistics, since this is less pronounced in other countries27. A significant result of our analysis is that it establishes the continued dominance of Karolinska Institutet in the area of scientific publications in the subject fields studied. Karolinska Institutet contributed to more than a third of all articles and to the largest number of publications in six of the eleven selected journal categories. Also, Karolinska Institutet shows a clear trend of increasing its share of the publication volume in Sweden in these fields. As regards collaboration between companies and industrial research institutes and public research organisations, it was found that, in relation to the total publication volume of an organisation, Karolinska Institutet had not been as active as most of the other universities. An explanation for the relatively limited collaboration with industry may be that Karolinska Institutet has been focusing mainly on basic research and does not have such a long tradition of working with industry as the technical universities have. In recent years changes have occurred at Karolinska Institutet with respect to attitudes to and acceptance of collaboration with industry as well as attracting external funding from industry. In 1996 two per cent of Karolinska Institutet’s research resources came from industry and in 2001 this had increased to seven per cent. The prognosis for 2004 is as high as 20 per cent. This has not, however, as yet had an impact on collaboration as indicated by the number of co-authored articles with industry. On the contrary, for some reason the number of co-authorships with industry is decreasing. In relation 27 Jacobsson, S., Universities and industrial transformation-An interpretive and selective literature study with special emphasis on Sweden, Electronic working paper no. 81, SPRU 2002. 32 to publication volume, the Royal Institute of Technology had the highest proportion of company collaboration in its articles, and the universities of Lund and Uppsala also had a high percentage of company collaboration. Of the six per cent of all articles authored by companies, Astra and Pharmacia clearly dominate. Together they contributed to 64 per cent of these articles and they also dominated the company/university collaboration pattern. However, the number of companies that co-authored articles with public research organisations was increasing at the same time as the total number of co-authorships between these two types of organisations was decreasing. This decline was found to be largely due to a decrease in coauthorships between Pharmacia and public research organisations. The strong link between industry and academia in innovation processes in biotechnology was indicated by the bibliometric data since as much as 65 per cent of the company articles were co-authored with a public research organisation. The publication volume in relation to population of papers published by Swedish authors in life science fields relevant to biotechnology innovation processes is high. In Neuroscience and Immunology in particular the publication volume is high in relation to the world’s total publication volume. In all the subject fields studied in this paper, with the exception of cell & developmental biology, the publication volume in relation to the world total was larger during the period 1999-2001 than the Swedish average. As far as citation levels are concerned, it is also interesting to note that scientists at the relatively small University of Umeå have the highest citations levels in a number of the fields studied. It is often claimed that sufficient critical mass is needed in order to maintain the high quality of the research that is performed. In Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology, articles written by Swedish authors have an exceptionally high relative citation level. This field however covers only a very small part of the total publication volume in the fields studied. There has been a decrease from a high level in Neuroscience, and an increase to a high level in Microbiology. In the Biochemistry & Biophysics journal category, the relative impact factor is decreasing, albeit from a rather high level. The publication volume in this journal category has, however, increased drastically. Both Immunology and Cell & Developmental Biology have citation levels that are clearly below the world average. The reasons for the disparity between the fields are difficult to explain. In the analysis from the early 1980s, the same number of fields showed increasing relative citation levels as decreasing values. Despite this, it is a matter of great concern that so many countries, both in Europe and 33 elsewhere, have passed Sweden in the statistics for the two largest fields. Furthermore, in a total of four of the seven studied fields, the analysis indicates that Sweden is being passed by a number of the countries included. It seems clear that Sweden is losing ground when the quality of science is measured in terms of citation levels. Other studies have also shown that Sweden’s share of the top cited articles is not increasing to the same extent as the Swedish share of the world’s total publication volume in general. There is an increasing demand to shorten the education period for a doctor’s degree. At the same time, the number of publications required for a PhD thesis has not decreased. The fact that more students are taking doctor’s degrees and that education periods are shorter while the requirements for a thesis remain the same, may be an explanation for increased publication volumes and, in some cases, decreased citation levels. PhD students largely carry out the hands-on research performed at Swedish universities. The international comparison of citation levels clearly indicates that the average US publication is cited more often than the average European paper in all of the scientific fields studied. Of course this may in part be explained by the advantage that English speaking countries have over other countries in English speaking journals and by a probability that US scientists may be more likely to cite other US scientists than European scientists may be to cite each other. It may also be that there is a larger spread in quality in the EU compared to in the US. This is also indicated by the study of the performance of the different countries in different fields. 34 4 Patenting in biotechnology, medical and pharmaceutical fields 4.1 Introduction An important part of the innovation system approach is the role of institutions. These institutions, which function as the rules of the game, could be of a formal kind, i.e. laws and regulations, or of an informal kind, e.g. the public opinion of new areas, for instance GMOs. Examples of formal institutions are the regulatory process, the role of patents, and the protection of intellectual property. Intellectual property law is important to the biotechnology industry, but the national systems are seldom adapted to biotechnology, as shown by, for example, the difficulty of patenting biotechnological inventions. The fact that European patent law has not been particularly harmonised has also hampered the development of the European biotechnology industry. The creation of “Europe-wide rules for intellectual property rights is identified by the European Commission as one strategic measure to improve the conditions for the development of the European biotech industry28. Other regulations regarding, for example, food and pharmaceuticals, are also important for innovations. Here national authorities, including the FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) in the USA and EMEA (the European Medicines Evaluation Agency) are of importance. In a study by Greis et al. (1995)29 on innovation barriers for US companies, it was found that the highest rated barrier to commercialisation was the FDA, followed by US patent decisions and management expertise. A study by Senker & Sharp (1997)30 on how European companies have used cooperative alliances in their learning process shows that a clear account of intellectual property rights is important, as in most cases a collaboration of this kind functions as a transfer of technology and not of proprietary knowledge. A number of policy measures have been taken on different levels to tackle dysfunction in the subjects identified above. Key targets are strengthening of the science base, facilitating technology transfer, making it easier for 28 Life sciences and biotechnology – A Strategy for Europe, European Commission, COM(2002) 27 final, Brussels, 23.1.2002 29 Greis, N. P., Dibner, M. D., Bean, A. S. (1995) External partnering as a response to innovation barriers and global competition in biotechnology. Research Policy 24 (4). 30 Senker, J. and Sharp, M. (1997) Organisational Learning in Cooperative Alliances: Some studies in Biotechnology. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 9(1), pp. 35-51. 35 biotech firms to find venture capital, and developing the patent system. For example, the EU Parliament has passed a biotechnology directive, through which the member countries will have a set of common rules for what can be protected by biotechnological patents. In October 2002 the European Commission called upon the member states to implement this Directive 98/44 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions31. “All Member States must fully and swiftly implement the 1998 Directive on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions (Directive 98/44,see MEMO/00/39) or Europe will fall behind its competitors in this crucial sector, damaging its overall efforts to become the most competitive economy in the world… the Directive explicitly excludes from patentability discoveries which extend knowledge without applying it for a new purpose. It is therefore not possible under the Directive to patent, for example, DNA sequences themselves, because they are not inventions but discoveries i.e. they existed already, discovering them extends knowledge but that knowledge has thereafter to be applied to be technically useful. The Directive follows the principle that in the biotechnology field as in others, patents can be obtained only for inventions: hence processes or products using DNA sequences can be patented if they satisfy the criteria of novelty, inventiveness and industrial applicability. The Directive also excludes from patenting on ethical grounds certain applications such as processes for cloning human beings or modifying their genetic identity, the use of human embryos for industrial purposes and processes for modifying the genetic identity of animals which may cause them suffering without substantial medical benefits.” In the following sections the Swedish patenting in the US patenting system in the biotechnology, medical and pharmaceutical fields will be analysed. The analysis covers facts about who owns the patents, international collaboration, the dynamics of the patenting and an international comparison of Swedish patenting. 31 Press release European Commission, Brussels, 10th October 2002 36 4.2 Swedish patenting in the US patent system in international comparison A commonly used measure of innovativeness is patenting statistics in different areas for different nations. It is important to keep in mind that far from all inventions are patented and not all patents results in innovations. Some innovations are registered as trademarks or covered by copyright and for other innovations a strategy of secrecy surrounding the innovation is involved and combined with an effort to be first on the market. In biotechnology the R&D investments are often so high that it is necessary to protect the innovation for a long time in order to retrieve the investment. Since the USA is such a large market in biotechnology and other areas, the US patent system was chosen for the analysis of Swedish innovativeness in biotechnology-related fields. The sections that follow describe the dynamics of Swedish patenting including a comparison between Swedish and international patenting and some information on who patents and who owns Swedish inventions. In 1984-1998 the Swedish share of the world’s total patenting volume (number of issued patents per year) in the US patent system was on average 1 per cent, which corresponds to a fourth position in the world in relation to population32. In 1987-2001 the share is almost the same and no obvious trend can be identified. In Biotechnology33 Swedish inventors contributed to 0.5-1.0 per cent of the patents (see Chapter 2 for information on the patent categorisation). This may seem to be a modest share, considering the publishing volumes in biotechnology-related science fields and compared to the Swedish average share. The patenting shares were larger in Pharmaceuticals, Medical electronics and Medical equipment (see the diagram below). 32 Internationella jämförelser för näringslivets tillväxt – tillväxtindikatorn, NUTEK, R 2000:17 33 The data is based on inventor fractions (i.e. if one inventor of four is Swedish, this counts as 0.25 Swedish patents). 37 Swedish inventor shares of the world’s total patenting volume for five periods in different areas compared to the Swedish average share in all fields 3 Per cent inventor 2 shares 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1 1999-2001 S AL L M EA N BI O TE C H N O LO AR EA G Y TI C AL S M EN PH AR M AC EU U IP EQ AL M ED IC M ED IC AL EL EC TR O N IC S T 0 2 3 48 Ranking in relation to population The Swedish patenting volumes in all four patent categories have been increasing steadily which is part of a global trend. However, there also seem to be a positive development of the Swedish shares of the world’s total patenting volume comparing 1999-2001 to the previous time-periods in Medical equipment and Biotechnology. Also, Pharmaceuticals in 1996-2001 show significantly larger volume shares than in 1987-1995 according to the diagram above. The diagram below illustrates the dominance of the USA in Biotechnology patenting. In Appendix C, Figures C1-C3 the distributions of patents on different nations in the other three categories are found. 38 Inventor origin for biotechnology patents in the US patent system in 1987-2001* Canada 2,6% Other 11,0% France 2,9% Great Britain 3,6% Germany 4,6% Japan 11,4% USA 63,9% * Sweden<1 %, Total No of patents 27 000 The US share of the world’s patenting volume in Biotechnology was found to be slightly increasing whereas the Japanese share was slightly decreasing 1987-2001. For the other top countries the changes showed no clear trends. In Medical electronics the US share has been fairly constant (near 70 %) but also here the Japanese share has been declining. Medical equipment is completely dominated by the US with 73 per cent of the total volume. No significant changes have occurred during the studied time-period. In Pharmaceuticals there was a clear positive trend for the US whereas again the trend was negative for Japan. The trend was also negative in Pharmaceuticals especially for Germany but also for France, Italy and Switzerland. For Canada and Sweden the trend was positive. One must keep in mind that it is likely that the data reflects the situation more than two years before the issue date since it for instance in biotechnology and biotechnology-related fields took on average 2.4 years for a patent application to be approved and the patent to be granted in 1987-1997 34. 4.3 Patent ownership In patenting statistics a distinction is made between two players: the assignee and the inventor. The patenting statistics analysed in this section are based on a database with 18 750 patents with a Swedish inventor and/or assignee issued in the USA in 1987-2001 and still active in 1998, 2000 or 2002 when the data was retrieved from the USPTO database. It must, be taken into consideration that if a patent is not commercialised within a few 34 Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 39 years, it is possible that the owner of the patent does not continue to pay the annual fees. Then the patent is inactivated and excluded from the USPTO database35. Therefore it is necessary to be cautious as regards the interpretation of the dynamics of the number of issued patents. The name of at least one inventor is always entered in a patent application and also often the name of an assignee. The inventor may choose to sign over the patent to an assignee, which will then own all rights to the patent. The assignee is often a company, whereas the inventor is always a private person, whose organisational affiliation is not entered. For that reason only the identity of the assignees will be discussed below. After a patent has been granted, the USPTO database is not updated regarding any changes in the ownership of the patents. Therefore all discussions regarding who owns the patents are based on the ownership at the time the patent was granted. In Tables C1-C4 the Swedish assignees of the 2621 patents in biotechnology, medical electronics, medical equipment and pharmaceuticals are listed and also the development during 1987-2001. In the figure below the development of patenting by Astra and Pharmacia is shown. The address of at least one inventor and/or assignee must be Swedish in order to be found in the figure. Number of issued Swedish patents per year with Astra* and Pharmacia* as owner, 1987-2001 ** 80 NUMBER OF PATENTS 70 60 50 AstraZeneca AB Pharmacia Corporation 40 30 20 10 20 01 19 99 19 97 19 95 19 93 19 91 19 89 19 87 0 YEAR 35 Our database is based on the patents found in the USPTO database in 1998, 2000 or 2002, which might lead to an overestimation of the number of commerciable patents in recent years. 40 The number of Swedish inventor shares in Medical equipment and Medical electronics was also included in the statistics as a comparison since Sweden has a strong position in these fields. Also these fields have similarities with Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals. Biotechnology The Big Pharma companies AstraZeneca AB (including old Astra, Hässle and Draco patents as well as patents held by early acquisitions such as Leo and Symbicom) and Pharmacia Corporation (including subsidiaries such as Pharmacia Biotech and Pharmacia Diagnostics) and the biotech tools and supply company Amersham Biosciences AB are together assignees of more than 20 per cent of the patents in biotechnology. However, they are not completely dominating the patenting in biotechnology since there are many more players owning the biotechnology patents. It is clearly seen that the increase in number of biotechnology companies since the mid nineties is also reflected in the patenting statistics showing an increase in the number of assignees in recent years. Also a rather large share of the biotechnology patents does not have an assignee (15%) indicating that a private person owns the patent. It is likely that university scientists own a large number of these patents. Pharmaceuticals As expected this patent category is completely dominated by AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation with 32 per cent and 16 per cent of the patents respectively. Since 1998 there has been a clear decrease in the patenting by Pharmacia Corporation. It is likely that the patents within Pharmacia Corporation to a much lesser extent than previously are registered as Swedish patents (i.e. with a Swedish address). AstraZeneca on the other hand shows a clearly positive trend in the patenting statistics, especially since 1997 with 72 percent of the patents in 1987-2001 being issued between 1997-2001. There were 68 patents owned by assignees with only one patent. There seems to be a slightly positive trend regarding the number of “small” players active in pharmaceutical patenting. Medical Electronics The players dominating the category medical electronics are Pacesetter AB, Siemens Elema AB and Radi Medical System AB with together 19 per cent of the patents and Pacesetter owning as many as 105 patents. There are quite a few small players as well but the number of these does not seem to increase. 41 Medical equipment SCA Hygiene Products AB/SCA Mölnlycke AB dominates this category with 139 patents in 1987-2001 (15 % of all patents in the category). In this category as many as 121 patents are owned by a Swedish assignee who owns only one patent. However, there does not seem to be an increase in the number of assignees owning few patents whereas the six largest owners of medical equipment patents all show an increasing trend in their patenting in recent years. Also in this patent category a large share of the patents did not have an assignee mentioned when the patent was issued (19 %). 4.4 Export of Swedish patents In this section the role of international collaboration in innovation processes is discussed in the light of patent statistics. Studying who the inventor and the assignee of a patent are gives an indication of whether a country is good at keeping inventions and also of its ability to acquire inventions of foreign origin. The extent to which co-inventors come from different countries indicates the importance of international networks in invention processes. It is also clear that it is quite often the case that an invention is not owned by an assignee from the same country as the inventor. However, it must be kept in mind that the analysis is based on the assignees registered when the patents were issued and the situation may of course have changed after that date. Tables C5 and C6 show constellations of collaboration found between inventor and assignee countries. These tables are summarised in the table below, where the numbers and percentages of Swedish and non-Swedish inventors and assignees are given. The statistical result reveals the international character of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals with as much as 41 and 27 per cent, respectively, of the patents having co-inventors from more than one country. The shares of international collaboration in the innovation processes are much less pronounced in the categories medical equipment and medical electronics. Since the global Big Pharma companies AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation are assignees on many of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology patents this is perhaps not that unexpected. The fact that these corporations have R&D units in more than one country is likely to contribute to the result. The analysis shows that 12 per cent of the pharmaceutical patents only had foreign inventors but Swedish assignees, which can be a sign of a Swedish capability to “bring home” inventions. The data also indicate that Sweden is good at keeping Swedish pharmaceutical inventions since a larger share of the patents were owned by Swedes (69%) than were invented by Swedes (61%). The corresponding data for the other patent categories indicate that the capability of “bringing home” inventions is slightly less in these fields. 42 At the same time Sweden seems to be quite good at keeping biotechnology patents since the same share is being invented by Swedes as is owned by Swedes (52 %). In medical equipment and medical electronics on the other hand, the data indicate that Sweden is giving inventions away since the shares owned by Swedes are less than the shares invented by Swedes. The differences are 16 % and 24 % respectively. Looking at the number of all Swedish inventions that are owned by foreign assignees, which is also a sign of giving away inventions, the lowest number however, is found for medical equipment (10%) and the highest is found for biotechnology (32%). These patents must have at least one Swedish inventor but of course we know nothing about to what extent the Swedes contributed to the innovation process. The term ”Mixed” means that the inventors/assignees come from different countries. The distribution of patents on Swedish and foreign inventors/assignees or on co-inventors/co-assignees from both Sweden and other countries BIOTECHNOLOGY PHARMACEUTICALS Inventor Assignee Inventor Assignee (No. of (No. of (per cent) (per cent) patents) patents) Swedish Foreign Mixed Not found Total 202 29 159 0 390 52 7 41 0 100 201 124 8 57 390 52 32 2 15 100 Inventor Assignee Inventor Assignee (No. of (No. of (per cent) (per cent) patents) patents) Swedish Foreign Mixed Not found Total MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 394 24 52 0 470 84 5 11 0 100 280 146 0 44 470 61 12 27 0 100 629 203 15 68 915 69 22 1 7 100 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Inventor Assignee Inventor Assignee (No. of (No. of (per cent) (per cent) patents) patents) Swedish Foreign Mixed Not found Total 556 109 250 0 915 60 31 0 9 100 Inventor Assignee Inventor Assignee (No. of (No. of (per cent) (per cent) patents) patents) Swedish Foreign Mixed Not found Total 824 45 83 0 952 87 5 9 0 100 674 97 4 177 952 71 10 0 19 100 In the four categories, the average share that Swedes or Swedish companies owned was 63 per cent of the 2621 patents and they were partial owners of another 2 per cent. After being issued the patents may of course have changed owners or been licensed to another company. Therefore it is not clear which firm or country will benefit from the invention in the end. In all patent categories but medical electronics the foreign country that was mostly represented as assignee was USA. For medical electronics it was Germany. Especially in biotechnology, US-assignees owned many of the patents (20 %) and were partial owners of another 3 per cent. For pharmaceuticals the corresponding numbers were 10 per cent and 2 per cent respectively. The numbers were smaller in medical electronics and medical equipment, 6 and 4 per cent respectively. The share that German assignees own in medical electronics was 19 per cent. 43 The foreign assignees that owned the largest number of biotechnology patents with Swedish inventors were organisations such as Danish Novo Nordisk and the US Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Pharmacia Corporation, ZymoGenetics Inc., Biopool International Inc. and Genentech Inc with three or more patents each. For pharmaceuticals the most frequent foreign assignees with more than four patents each were British Nycomed, Danish NeuroSearch and Novo Nordisk, Ferring B.V. from the Netherlands as well as US companies such as ZymoGenetics Inc., the Upjohn Company (now part of Pharmacia Corporation), Maxim Pharmaceuticals Inc., and again Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. In medical electronics German Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, British Nycomed, US Medtronic Inc., Synectics Medical Inc. and AFP Imaging Corporation all were assignees on three or more patents. The foreign companies with more than three patents in medical equipment were German Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Swiss Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA, Danish Coloplast A/S, Finnish Instrumentarium Corp, and US C. R. Bard Inc. An analysis concerning the extent of the Swedish contribution to the patents owned by foreign players has not been made. 4.5 Summary and concluding remarks The patenting volumes related to Swedish inventions in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical electronics and medical equipment are all increasing. This is, however, part of a global trend and it is more interesting to note that the Swedish share of the world’s total patenting volumes also seems to have been increasing in recent times in all fields but medical electronics. USA is defending its leading position in all of these fields and also increasing its share of inventions in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, whereas the Japanese share is decreasing in these fields. One reason for the relatively limited number of inventions by Swedish and European inventors in biotechnology is that a very substantial number of gene patents for various applications have been granted to US players in particular. In Europe most genes would not meet the criteria of having an inventive step because a skilled individual should be able to "easily" (without difficulty) find/isolate/produce them. However, after the emergence of the non-obviousness determination in the US, gene patents can meet this requirement and thus be patentable. As a result, US players are more likely to patent genes. Also in the US, contrary to Europe, the Examiner will refuse to simultaneously examine different categories of claims based on one patent application. Consequently, it is more common for a European inventor to include several applications, e.g. how the product is derived etc., in one patent, whereas a US inventor may be used to splitting this between several patents. That the laws concerning biotechnological 44 patents in the different countries in the European union are not harmonised also makes it more difficult to patent in Europe. The lack of harmonisation concerning patenting in general in Europe is also a problem since it is still not possible to write one patent application for the whole of Europe. An analysis of the Swedish assignees reveals the fact that all categories are dominated by a small number of assignees responsible for a large portion of the patents. However, in all categories, small players who own very few patents each, often only one, own many of the patents. Also, in biotechnology the number of Swedish assignees is clearly increasing. The mergers that resulted in the Big Pharma company Pharmacia Corporation and the resulting relocation of major R&D units and headquarters, is also indicated in the patenting statistics in the decrease in the number of patents with a Swedish address. The efforts by AstraZeneca to keep and expand important R&D units in Sweden are also apparent from the patenting statistics in the increasing patenting volumes with a Swedish address for this corporation. The question of whether or not Sweden is losing inventions is impossible to answer, mainly because we only have access to information about who owned the patents when they were issued and not who owns or licenses them today. For patents owned by companies it is however relevant to perform the assignee analysis, since the patent will either be commercialised by that company or future owners of the company, or it will be licensed/sold by that organisation and therefore result in potential profits for the owner on the issue date. Something else that is revealed by the facts on the issue date is the level of international collaboration in innovation processes. An indisputable conclusion from the statistical analysis is that international collaboration is important in innovation processes, since about one fifth of the patents had co-inventors from different countries. This is much more pronounced in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals than in the medical electronics and medical equipment patent categories. The statistics also indicate that Sweden is good at keeping and bringing home inventions in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals at least until the date the patent is granted. There are some indications that Sweden is less successful in keeping and bringing home inventions in medical electronics and medical equipment. However, the proportion of Swedish assignees in these categories is relatively large, especially compared to the biotechnology category. 45 5 The Swedish biotech industry 5.1 Introduction Our knowledge of life’s basic building blocks, the genes and gene products, is currently increasing dramatically. The complete human genome has been mapped, as have the genomes of other organisms, and more are to follow. This forms the basis of a long and elaborate effort to find the genetic and molecular mechanisms behind biological life processes, which in turn may give us an opportunity to understand, influence and take advantage of nature’s great variety. This knowledge will be an important driving force behind societal and industrial development in the foreseeable future. Biotechnology is a future growth area. The European Commission estimates that by 2005 the European biotechnology market could be worth over € 100 billion. By 2010, global markets, including sectors where life sciences and biotechnology constitute a major portion of new technology applied, could amount to over € 2,000 billion, excluding agriculture 36. It is difficult today to grasp all the future possibilities offered by the industrial applications of life science. Below is a list of some applications already foreseen today. Much of the driving force comes from multidisciplinary efforts where various fields of research and technology come together to resolve life science issues. • The healthcare sector can benefit from new drugs, faster and better diagnostic tools, individually based treatment with better efficiency and fewer side effects, often to prevent sickness instead of treating symptoms, gene therapy and the use of new bio and biocompatible materials. • Sustainable development. By using nature’s own solutions it is possible to achieve more effective processes, new biodegradable materials with tailor-made characteristics, and to increase and improve the use of biological processes in waste treatment. • Food with increased nutritional value, better quality and the potential to positively affect our health and quality of life can be developed, as can new refinement processes and better tools for quality control in the food sector. 36 Development and implications of patent law in the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering, European Commission Brussels, 07.10.2002 COM(2002) 545 final 46 • The wood, pulp, paper, and chemical industries can increase their use of enzymes and bacteria in order to develop new products and processes. They can also increase their use of new biological raw materials. • Agriculture and forestry can become more efficient and more environmentally sound through biological plant protection instead of the use of chemicals, and through better quality control and plant improvement. • New materials from biological raw materials can be developed. This category of products can find applications in many manufacturing businesses, such as the car industry. The definition of biotechnology that we are using (see Chapter 2) means that biotechnology companies are found in very different sectors. The figure below illustrates how diversified the applications of biotechnology can be. The equal size of the circles is somewhat misleading since more than fifty per cent of both the number of companies and the number of employees is found in the pharmaceutical and medical field. Industrial sectors in which biotechnology activities can be expected Agriculture Food Instruments & equipment Pharmaceuticals Medical Technology Biotechnology Forestry Pulp & Paper Chemistry Environment In the following sections, the Swedish knowledge and research-intensive biotech industry of today will be described. The large pulp and paper, and food companies are not included. An estimation of the occurrence, extent and importance of biotechnology in those companies is difficult and will not be attempted. The companies that will be described in the following sections are mainly the small and medium-sized companies. These companies produce goods, services, and knowledge in different niche areas, often as subcontractors or in collaboration with large Swedish and international companies and corporations. The growth that the biotech industry is generating in other industry segments where the customers, partners and suppliers of goods and services to the biotech industry are found are also not included in this study. 47 Sweden has a comparatively large number of new research-based start-ups within life science. The companies that mainly use modern biotechnology in Sweden are in the pharmaceutical or medical fields such as those engaged in drug discovery, drug development, diagnostics, medical technology and drug delivery. However, companies involved in plant improvement, developing new biotech tools and supplies and bioproduction also use modern biotechnology. In the field of biological plant protection, environmental technology and functional food, the use of naturally occurring microorganisms with desired characteristics concerning function and toxicity is prevalent. The food industry mainly uses classical biotechnology. The pulp & paper industry conducts R&D within modern biotechnology, mostly in collaboration with university teams. The applications of biotechnology in this area mainly involve the treatment of water used in processes and wood protection against fungi. An important part of the modern Swedish biotech industry consists of the companies developing new services, tools and supplies for biotechnological applications for use both in industry and academic research. The level of education of the employees in these companies is high. The average proportion of employees with a doctor’s degree lies between ten and twenty per cent for all the different categories of companies. The greatest percentage is found in companies working with the discovery and development of new drugs 37. 5.2 International comparison According to a study by the University of Siena published by the European Commission38 as well as a number of reports from Ernst & Young, the Swedish biotech industry places fourth in Europe in terms of the number of companies that exist. According to the diagram below from a 2002 report published by the Swedish Trade Council39, the Swedish biotech industry is number nine in the world in terms of the number of companies. 37 Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 Innovation and competitiveness in European biotechnology, Enterprise Papers - No 7 2002 Enterprise Directorate-General European Commission, 2002. 39 Global perspectives on Bioscience 2002, Swedish Trade Council 2002. 38 48 Number of biotechnology companies in different countries 2000 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 USA Japan Korea Canada Germany UK China France Sweden Spain Italy Australia Israel Taiwan Netherlands Finland Switzerland Denmark Belgium Norway Russia South Africa India Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Slovakia No. of Companies 1400 Country Source: Swedish Trade Council The number of companies in different countries differ somewhat between reports (in the EU study the number is 235 for Sweden whereas in the present study 179 companies were found 2000). This is probably not due to a difference in how a biotech company is defined, although this may account for the disparity to a certain extent. Instead, we believe that the differences mainly stem from a discrepancy with respect to the various criteria used for the inclusion of companies based on the registered data for the identified biotech companies. For instance, this study does not include biotech companies without employees, even if they may have a turnover and be registering data with the Swedish Patent and Registration Office. In other studies such companies may be included. Since the two other sources of statistics mentioned above do not state which companies they are including, it is not possible to compare the result. There are important differences in the composition of the industry in European countries 40. UK and, to a lesser extent, France, have a greater proportion of large companies than Germany. In Germany there was a dramatic increase in the number of new biotechnology companies in the period 1996-2000. Germany accounts for a third of the total number of new European companies, i.e. companies that entered the industry after 1995, followed by the UK and France. Nordic countries like Sweden have experienced a relatively stable pace of entry of new firms. Most European biotechnology companies are small, research-intensive operations. Only approximately 10 per cent have more than 50 employees, while a majority (about 57 per cent) have fewer than 20 employees. 40 Innovation and competitiveness in European biotechnology, Enterprise Papers - No 7. 2002 Enterprise Directorate-General European Commission, 2002. 49 5.3 Description of the industry and its sectors In this study, the biotech industry has been divided into six industrial sectors: agrobiotechnology, bioproduction, biotech tools & supplies, environmental biotechnology, functional food & feed, pharmaceuticals & medicine. In this section the different sectors will be described. 5.3.1 Agrobiotechnology In the sector of agrobiotechnology the identified companies are working with plant improvement or biological plant protection. Two medium-sized companies dominate the group, Svalöf Weibull AB (Swedish-German) and Syngenta Seed AB (Swiss). Both work with plant improvement and have permission from the Swedish Board of Agriculture to perform field trials with genetically modified plants. Another company, also with permission to perform field trials, is Plant Science Sweden AB, which is part of BASF Plant Science. This company was formed in January 1999 as a joint venture between German BASF and Svalöf Weibull. Among other things, it develops genetically modified potatoes with an increased level of amylopectine and resistance to antibiotics. Swedish Sweetree Genomics, which is closely linked to research at the University of Umeå and the Royal Institute of Technology, is involved in developing enabling technologies for construction and improvement of transgenic trees and forest-related enzymology. Permission from the Swedish Board of Agriculture is required for cultivation of genetically modified agricultural and horticultural plants in Swedish field trials according to the Board’s directions regarding the intentional development of genetically modified plants41. Since 1989, 92 applications for field trials of genetically modified agricultural and horticultural plants have been approved. Two applications have not been approved. The approved applications were for the following42: • 31 field trials for potatoes • 38 field trials for rape • 18 field trials for sugar-beets • 3 field trials for mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) • 2 field trial for apples 41 SJVFS 1999:124 Source: The Swedish Board of Agriculture, http://www.sjv.se/genteknik/faltforsok/faltforsok.htm 42 50 Until now, the Swedish Board of Agriculture has approved eight field trials in the year 2002: two for rape, two for mouse-ear cress, three for potatoes and one for sugar beets. One obstacle to the growth of companies developing genetically modified crops is scepticism among the general public about the products, especially in Sweden and the rest of Europe. At the same time, agricultural innovations, such as new varieties of strawberries, are among the most lucrative licensing agreements for the technology licensing office at the University of California 43. Among the 25 top earning commercialised inventions coming out of the University of California in 2000, three were in the agricultural field. Consequently, while the European market at present is non-existent, Swedish innovations in this field may have a market in other parts of the world. In 2001 there were three companies in the biological plant protection field. The benefit of the products of these companies is a reduced use of chemical biocides and pesticides. Two of the companies’ products are based on naturally occurring and biologically degradable microorganisms and are often used by farmers who are engaged in organic farming. One company is involved in identifying and structurally analysing substances from new types of microorganisms that can either be used for pharmaceutical or agricultural anti-fungal use. All identified companies are small with less than 20 employees combined. The competition from large multinational companies producing chemical pesticides is very tough, and some of these are now developing similar products. However, Swedish research is in the front line. For companies engaged in exploratory research in collaboration with academic groups, flexible public financing to support scientific verification, testing, and documentation of results would promote opportunities for growth. 5.3.2 Bioproduction Companies in the bioproduction sector produce biological molecules, microorganisms or cells. Their customers include many of the biotechnology companies in other sectors, the food and pharmaceutical industries and university teams. These companies often have in-house R&D and also collaborate with other companies for the use of their products as pharmaceuticals or functional food products. The three largest companies, in terms of the number of employees, in this field are DSM Anti-Infectives Sweden AB (headquarters in the Netherlands) producing raw materials for penicillin production, Polypeptide Laboratories with facilities in five countries producing industrial quantities of generic and custom peptides and BioInvent International AB producing monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins and other recombinant proteins for industry for therapeutic use. 43 Annual Report, University of California, Technology Transfer Program 2000. 51 5.3.3 Biotech tools & supplies Companies in the biotech tools & supplies sector cover areas such as bioseparation and biomolecular analysis, biosensors, genomics, bioinformatics, and fermentation equipment. Their customers mainly consist of other biotechnology companies, the pharmaceutical industry and university research teams. Sweden is very successful in this area, with, for instance, one of the world’s leading suppliers of technology for biotechnological research, Amersham Biosciences, which had 1,273 employees in 2001 (not included in the statistics because it has more than 500 employees). Amersham Biosciences AB provides biotechnology systems, products and services for research into genes and proteins for the discovery and development of drugs and for the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. The largest of the small and medium-sized companies are Biacore, developing tools for analysing biomolecular interaction, Pyrosequencing, producing DNA-sequencing instruments and Gyros, producing microlaboratories in the shape of compact discs. All of these companies have products on the market, and Biacore is a world leader in the detection and monitoring of biomolecular binding. Biacore, which today is often presented as a success story, was in operation several years before showing a net profit. Both Gyros and Pyrosequencing experienced rapid growth and developed their products quickly. They have both attracted large amounts of venture capital, and in 2000, Pyrosequencing AB was introduced on the Stockholm Exchange (Stockholmsbörsen). Pyrosequencing went from 2 employees in 1997 to 95 employees in 2001. Biacore AB and Pyrosequencing AB are together responsible for a major part of the growth at the end of the period. Gyros was spun off from Amersham Biosciences AB in the 2000, and in 2001 it had 58 employees. In addition to in-house R&D, customers and university researchers are important sources of new ideas for products and services for biotech tools & supplies companies. The explorative research phase of the innovation process is often characterised by close collaboration between companies and university teams. Refinement and development of the products are done in collaboration with subcontractors but also to some extent with university teams. The subcontractors may, for example, provide expertise within areas such as software development, optics, mechanics, and electronics. Outsourcing includes an interactive knowledge exchange between a company and its subcontractor and increases the subcontractor’s specialised expertise. This generates more efficient collaboration, and at the same time, the biotech company becomes somewhat dependent on the subcontractor. Close collaboration is facilitated by geographic proximity and sometimes the consultants even spend time within the client company when working on the projects. The anticipated growth in the biotech supply sector will thus also generate growth for subcontractors in a number of different areas. 52 It is important for these companies to maintain networks with academic research and to acquire knowledge of the most recent scientific developments. In addition to innovative ideas and testing of new products, applications or services, collaboration with university teams may generate scientific publications that can later be used in marketing and for certification. In biotech tools & supplies, as in other sectors of the biotech industry, there is a potential to spin off new companies, which develop exploratory research ideas for products that are not being further developed by an established company. Some of the projects may not be in line with the current strategy of the company or its present clientele. The possibility of obtaining public funding for collaborative research between a company and a university team in order to verify, document, and test results from exploratory research, would facilitate the commercialisation of promising projects and promote spin-offs. It would raise the incentive for the established company to take part in such a development process. Investment in life science research, both in industry and in academia, is increasing worldwide. Hence, the market for companies in the field of biotech tools & supplies is also growing significantly. Completely new products have successfully been launched onto the market by a number of Swedish biotech tools & supply companies in recent years. Pyrosequencing, for instance, has been successful in selling its instruments. The next few years will show whether the performance of these companies’ products beats the competition and whether there will be a large demand for their follow-up products. The successful sale of products does not necessarily mean that a company is self-supporting. This may take several more years, as it did for the now profitable biotech tools & supplies company Biacore. There are also many other companies in the group that are in the early stages of their costly product development and that will need additional infusion of venture capital. 5.3.4 Environmental biotechnology Companies in the environmental biotechnology sector work with soil treatment, waste disposal, water treatment, and laboratory analysis. Their customers include municipalities, construction companies, and industries requiring purification of water used in manufacturing processes. The first three groups mentioned use effective and non-pathogenic, naturally occurring microorganisms and develop improved techniques for the utilisation of such microorganisms. The laboratory analysis companies develop testing methods and analysis, for example to test levels of toxic substances and microorganisms in sewage. All companies in this field are small and only ANOX AB had more than ten employees in 2001. 53 An area in environmental biotechnology with great potential is the production of biogas from waste products, whereby these products undergo bacterial degradation, which produces methane gas. The bacterial strains used occur naturally in, for example, dunghills and swamps. This technique, however, needs further development and the stench problem needs to be solved. 5.3.5 Functional food & feed Companies in the functional food & feed sector are using modern biotechnology or biotechnology in innovative ways. Traditional use of classical biotechnology is not included here. In the food industry, these types of technologies are mainly found in the production of functional food. The term functional food denotes a product with a documented, well-defined, productspecific diet/health relationship, beyond the addition of ordinary nutritive substances such as vitamins and minerals. Examples include soured milk with a wholesome bacterial flora or margarine with components that lower cholesterol levels. The aim of these products is to reduce the risk of developing diseases, not to cure them. Swedish companies in this category include ones which use additives consisting of naturally occurring bacterial stems with beneficial health effects in the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. probiotics (foods containing living microorganisms) or prebiotics (foods and nutrients that positively influence the composition or activity of the intestinal flora). Examples of other possible areas include the increased use of enzymes in food processes or as additives, or the development of quality control by means of new techniques. Genetically modified plants are not grown commercially in Sweden and public opinion is very sceptical about the genetic modification of plants. By far the largest company in this field is Biogaia, which uses the microorganism Lactobacillus Reuteri as a probiotic for humans and animals. It takes time to change the habits of potential consumers of this type of product. Also, in many cases, consumers need to increase their awareness of the relationship between food and health and about the functions of these types of products. Companies in this segment of the food industry previously claimed that one obstacle hampering growth in this area was the fact that they could not use product-specific health claims in their marketing of new products44. These products were usually developed in academia with scientific data to support the claims made. Since September 2001, the possibility of using healthrelated claims in the labelling of food products has been extended to “product-specific physiological claims” (abbreviated PFP in Swedish). The Swedish Nutrition Foundation, SNF, sets up expert panels for the required 44 The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA 2001:2 54 pre-marketing evaluation of the scientific documentation. The Assessment Board for Diet-Health Information (abbreviated BKH in Swedish) was established on 23 November 2001 and is now available for post-marketing assessment of specific marketing and labelling activity that is called into question in relation to the Code. In December 2002, only one product had gone through the evaluation and approval was given to use product-specific physiological claims in its marketing. Another product will soon have completed the procedure and a few more are in the pipeline. It may be that some producers are reluctant to allow their product to go through the evaluation process before it has been tested for a longer period. New rules are in the pipeline at the European level. The procedure is likely to be similar to the evaluation process introduced in Sweden, but the authority in charge of the evaluation process will be the European Food Safety Authority. In other European countries such as Finland, Denmark and Holland, this has been identified as a potential economic growth area. In Finland, Tekes has launched a large research programme devoted to the functional food segment. This four-year programme started at the beginning of 2001, and has a total planned budget of some 50 million euros. Industry and government agencies in Denmark are together investing large sums in general nutritional and food research. It has for a long time been stated that there will be an increase in demand for products in the functional food area, partly because of an aging population and partly because there is an increasing awareness in society regarding the relationship between food and health. Many elderly persons experience gastrointestinal problems, which can be relieved by this category of healthpromoting products. The area has to overcome certain obstacles in the form of unclear rules and regulations and apprehensive attitudes to biotechnology among the general public as well as politicians and the media. For this reason, large companies are sometimes reluctant to use their brands to promote new innovative products. Some of the products today show increasing sales figures indicating a growth in demand for these products. 5.3.6 Pharmaceuticals & medicine The pharmaceuticals & medicine sector can be divided into four sub-sectors, i.e. drug discovery & development, drug delivery, diagnostics and medical technology. Pharmaceuticals & medicine is the largest sector within the biotech industry, both in terms of the number of companies and employees. Active Biotech AB with its subsidiary SBL Vaccin AB, Q-Med AB and Bioglan AB are the largest companies in terms of employee numbers. 55 Drug discovery & drug development The drug discovery & drug development companies form an essential part of the Swedish biotechnological innovation system. Very few pharmaceutical companies develop new drugs without using biotechnological tools. For this reason we have included all companies that discover and develop new drugs and that conduct R&D in Sweden. Some non-Swedish companies with R&D facilities in Sweden are thus also included. Considerably fewer companies, however, have the development of biopharmaceuticals, i.e. drugs based on large biological molecules such as proteins, as their goal. Instead the large biological molecules are targets for the drugs that are developed. These drugs are often small molecules produced by organic chemical synthesis. The largest of the small and medium-sized companies are Active Biotech AB including its wholly-owned subsidiary SBL Vaccin AB, KaroBio AB and Medivir AB. In 2001 British PowderJect Pharmaceuticals Plc acquired SBL Vaccin AB. The large Swedish pharmaceutical companies (not included in the statistical analysis) Astra and Pharmacia and their present-day successors AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation have played a very important role for the existence of this group of companies.45 They have collaborated with Swedish university teams and in doing so, have provided financing and given academia an increased awareness of industrial problems, they have been collaborative partners and purchasers of the products and services that the intermediary companies have developed, and they have also been a source of recruitment of skilled personnel. Many of the drug discovery & development companies are spin-offs from one of the two large pharmaceutical companies. Previous employees of Astra and Pharmacia are found in leading positions in many of the newly formed companies. They contribute experience and expertise from the pharmaceutical industry in areas such as project management, business development and R&D. The presence of the two companies has led to a tradition of, and experience with, this type of business development in Sweden. Whereas the Pharmacia Corporation has reduced its presence in Sweden drastically, AstraZeneca is investing large resources in R&D, for example, in Södertälje. In 2003 as many as 11,000 people are employed by AstraZeneca AB in Sweden and about 4,400 of these are working in R&D. In 2001 the company Biovitrum AB, a spin off from Pharmacia Corporation, was founded. The company is not included in the statistics in the following sections since it has more than 500 employees. In 2002 the plasma product part was divested to Swiss-based Octapharma. The remain45 Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 56 ing Biovitrum AB in 2002 employed 550 people, of which 430 work in R&D, and it is one of the largest biotech companies in Europe in this field. The company focuses on metabolic diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes, and oncology. The Pharmacia Corporation still owns about 19 per cent of the company but is planning to reduce its share. The lead investors are MPM Capital and Nordic Capital, who together own 38 per cent of the company. Biovitrum has a long-term agreement with Wyeth relating to the protein drug ReFacto for the treatment of haemophilia A. The synthetically formulated recombinant factor VIII, ReFacto, is manufactured by Biovitrum and marketed by Wyeth. It generates revenues for Biovitrum in the form of royalties and consideration for production. Revenues from ReFacto currently cover the major part of Biovitrum’s annual research costs. Contract research is also performed on behalf of the Pharmacia Corporation. Biovitrum AB also has an agreement with GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) to develop and commercialise Biovitrum’s 5-HT2C receptor agonists for the treatment of obesity and other medical disorders. Biovitrum focuses on all stages of drug discovery and drug development up to Phase III of the clinical trials procedure. The later stages, including manufacturing and sales, are likely to be performed by a partner. Biovitrum has extensive collaboration with academia and also with smaller biotech companies and clinical research organisations. It may be that Biovitrum in the future will intensify its collaboration with smaller biotech companies and thus become a Super Biotech. A Super Biotech is an intermediary between smaller biotech businesses and Big Pharma (global pharmaceutical companies) and may in some instances compete with Big Pharma companies over the best projects from smaller biotech companies. The advantages that a Super Biotech has over a Big Pharma company are that, due to its size and focus on innovative R&D, it is more flexible. It may also have a better understanding of how the smaller biotech companies function, which may facilitate collaboration or licensing. The trend of mergers in the pharmaceutical industry has generated huge Big Pharma companies requiring large incomes for their costly operations. Despite enormous investments in drug discovery and drug development, fewer completely new drugs are entering the market. Most “new” products are instead variations of “old” drugs already on the market. In the midnineties, there was a peak in the number of new drug applications being approved by the FDA, but since then the numbers have decreased. The FDA claims that pharmaceutical companies are not submitting as many applications as previously and also the time that the FDA takes to handle applications has not been reduced despite efforts to speed up the procedure. This may in part depend on the FDA’s increased caution after, for safety reasons, having to pull some drugs from the market in recent years. It may also be due to the FDA’s lack of experience in evaluating biopharmaceuticals and 57 biotechnological R&D. The need for the pharmaceutical industry to find new blockbuster drugs with annual sales of more than 1 billion dollars may – if the trend of few new blockbusters being registered does not change – lead to a need to downsize within this sector. The need to identify blockbusters and also the inability to pursue projects within areas that have a smaller potential market, open up opportunities for biotech companies. Besides trying to identify new blockbuster drugs and taking them through the early phases of clinical trials, the biotech companies may focus on smaller indication areas. Diseases with smaller patient groups may generate profits, albeit smaller ones, and may have fewer subscribing doctors, which simplifies marketing. Agreements between biotech companies and Big Pharma usually include an up-front payment, milestone payments and then royalties on sales, but payment may also be in the form of ownership shares of the company or co-financing of product development whereby the partners share costs, risk and future earnings. In recent years, an increasing number of agreements are being reported where Swedish companies are attracting contract research, licensing and collaboration agreements with large global pharmaceutical companies. This has been the case for Medivir AB, KaroBio AB, and Biovitrum AB, where, for instance, KaroBio has formed strategic partnerships with as many as four of the ten largest Big Pharma companies46. The most important source of ideas for innovations in drug discovery and drug development is often considered to be university and clinical research. The companies develop drug candidates or knowledge of certain diseases or certain biological areas in close collaboration with research teams at universities and university hospitals. They often have an established network of academic groups, and collaborate with university teams or clinical scientists throughout the entire innovation process. The companies have to rely on a functioning knowledge and technology market, where their income is derived from collaboration agreements with the pharmaceutical industry, from licensing out their patents or from selling drug candidates. The market is global. Only a few of these companies today take their drug candidates through all the phases of clinical trials required and on to the market. This is often due to a lack of resources for the expensive clinical trials procedure and to build a marketing and sales organisation. In the future, a major driving force behind growth in this area will be research into molecular medicine. Improved techniques for producing biological molecules and for finding new drug targets by genome mapping and research into functional genomics and proteomics, increases the growth potential and the potential for starting new ventures in the pharmaceutical 46 Swedish Biopharma Industry – The Next Wave, BioSeeker Group AB 2002. 58 area. Thus, development and growth of research-intensive drug discovery & development companies will lead to growth in a number of other areas, such as the biotech tools & supplies sector. Besides an obvious need for investment in pre-clinical life science research, it is also important to point out the need to invest in clinical research for the development of this field. Clinical research and traditional development of drugs and therapies are essential complements to research into molecular medicine. If biomedical research is to be applied, it also has to be tested and documented in clinical trial procedures. Therefore, high-capacity clinical research will also have a positive influence on the development of drug discovery and drug developing companies in Sweden. Drug delivery Companies in the drug delivery sub-sector are conducting research on how the active substances in medicines can be made to reach their target molecules in the body and how a satisfactory uptake of these substances, which are often difficult to dissolve, can be ensured. Their clients are mainly biotechnology companies involved in drug discovery and drug development and the large pharmaceutical companies. The expected future growth of drug discovery & development companies will generate growth in this subsector. By far the largest company in this sub-sector in 2001 was Bioglan with 141 employees. Bioglan Pharma Plc in 1996 acquired the Swedish company Biogram AB and renamed it to Bioglan Therapeutics AB and in December 2000 merged it into Bioglan AB. In 2002 however Bioglan was divided into two companies and sold. R&D in drug delivery of macromolecules, such as peptides and proteins, is now being conducted by SkyePharma AB (40 employees), which is a subsidiary of British SkyePharma Plc. The production is being carried out by Bioglan, which has been sold to Wilh. Sonesson. The manufacturing unit produces creams and topical gels, and in 2003 it employed 50 people. The second largest company is Amarin Development, which has 43 employees and is involved in developing oral and site-specific drug delivery solutions. Diagnostics The companies included in the diagnostics sub-sector develop tools and techniques for diagnostics and blood analysis and most of their customers are in the health-care sector or are companies performing clinical laboratory analysis in Sweden and abroad. These companies work closely with teams at universities and university hospitals in their innovation processes. A major difference compared to the companies developing new drugs is that the process from idea to commercialisation of diagnostic products, proc- 59 esses and services is much shorter. Therefore these companies have the potential to show a profit much faster if their product provides positive results. The largest companies in this field were Sangtec Medical, owned by the German pharmaceutical company Altana Pharma, Boule Diagnostics International, Cellavision AB, and Sequenom AB in 2001, all with 40-50 employees that year. Since then, US Sequenom Inc. has closed down its Swedish subsidiary Sequenom AB, previously Eurona AB. Medical technology Companies included in the biotechnological medical technology sub-sector are involved in blood therapy, biomaterials for implants for aesthetic and medical use, products used in fertility treatment, nutrition solutions and plasma replacement. Companies producing equipment for dialysis is not included. By far the largest company in this category is Q-Med, which develops hyluronic acid-based implants for aesthetic and medical use and has 153 employees. The second largest company is Vitrolife with 98 employees, which develops nutrient-solutions and devices for the preparation, cultivation and preservation of human cells, tissues and organs. 5.4 Development of the Industry In this section we will explore the industrial structure and the development of the biotech industry. The economic development of the Swedish biotech industry and its different industrial sectors between 1997 and 2001 is described in terms of number of companies, number of employees, turnover, equity/assets ratio and profits/losses. The large pulp & paper and food companies as well as the two big pharmaceutical companies Pharmacia Corporation and AstraZeneca, and the big supplier of biotech tools, supplies and instruments Amersham Biosciences are not included in the studied population of companies since they would completely dominate the statistics and the focus of the study is the small and medium-sized companies. Also Biovitrum with more than 500 employees is not included. As a comparison, the total pharmaceutical & medical sector in Sweden, i.e. including all medical technology, the Pharmacia Corporation and AstraZeneca, as well as various production facilities and sales and marketing offices in this field etc. employs a total of about 30,000 people in Sweden and has a turnover of 60 billion SEK47. The total biotech industry according to our definition and only including companies with less than 500 employees and with R&D activities in Sweden employs about 4,000 people and has a turnover of 4 billion SEK. 47 Source: Statistics Sweden 60 The companies that will be described in the following sections are small and medium-sized companies with up to 500 employees. These companies produce goods, services, and knowledge in various niche areas, often as subcontractors or in collaboration with large Swedish and international companies and corporations. In the tables of Appendix A, the names of the companies and their fields of activity are listed. A description of the methodology used in the analyses is found in Chapter 2. 5.4.1 Industrial structure The number of Swedish biotech companies increased from 135 in 1997 to 183 in 2001 (see figure below) and also, the number of employees increased throughout the period. In 1997 the biotech companies included in the study had 2,677 employees and at the end of 2001 the figure was 3,975, which corresponds to an increase by 48 per cent. Number of companies and employees in the Swedish biotech industry 1997-2001 4500 200 3975 180 4000 3760 160 3500 3391 Number of 3233 140 3000 companies 2677 120 2500 100 2000 80 1500 60 1000 40 20 Number of employees 500 0 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Source : MMP-database The size, in terms of employees, of the biotech companies studied is presented in the table below. As can be seen, there are a few companies each year with no employees. This may seem strange since we only have included companies with employees. This is explained by the fact that a few companies had employees one or more years during the period, but not all of the years. 61 Biotech companies distributed by size (number of employees) Cize class 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2 86 36 5 3 3 0 5 96 41 8 2 3 1 2 106 47 10 3 3 0 2 113 45 11 5 3 0 3 109 53 9 6 3 0 135 156 171 179 183 (no. Of employees) 0 1-9 10-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 >= 500 Total Source: MMP-database The vast majority of companies are and have been small during the entire period. In 2001 almost 90 per cent of the companies had less than 50 employees and a good half had less than 10 employees. However, in absolute numbers, there is an increase in companies with more than 49 employees from 11 in 1997 to 18 in 2001. Only one company, Active Biotech AB, had more than 500 employees in one year (1998) during the period. In the following year, its headcount decreased to 341. The number of companies has mainly increased in this sector and in the biotech tools & supplies sector. The number of companies in pharmaceuticals & medicine increased by 30 per cent over the five-year period. In the biotech tools & supplies sector the corresponding increase was 44 per cent. In the four remaining sectors there was only a small increase in the number of companies (see figure below). Number of companies in six biotech sectors 1997-2001 Number of companies 120 Agrobiotechnology 100 Bioproduction 80 Biotech tools & supplies 60 Environmental biotechnology 40 Functional food & feed 20 Pharmaceuticals & medicine 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year Source: MMP-database 62 2001 In terms of number of employees the pattern that emerges is quite similar to that of number of companies (see figure below). The difference is that the sector of agrobiotechnology is the second in terms of employees but only the sixth in terms of the number of companies. Number of employees in six biotech sectors 1997-2001 2500 Number of employees Agrobiotechnology 2000 Bioproduction 1500 Biotech tools & supplies Environmental biotechnology 1000 Functional food & feed 500 Pharmaceuticals & medicine 0 1997 1998 1999 Year 2000 2001 Source: MMP-database Pharmaceuticals & medicine is the sector with most employees and their numbers increased with almost 50 per cent over the period. Around 43 per cent of the smaller companies with less than 10 employees in the first years, had increased their number of employees at the end of the period. Compared to companies of the same size in industries outside the biotech industry, a large proportion of the companies grew in terms of the number of employees48. Q-Med AB, SBL Vaccin AB and Bioglan AB are companies that are rather big and they have also increased the number of employees the most. Biotech tools & supplies is the sector that, besides pharmaceuticals & medicine, grew the most in relative terms, by almost 200 per cent. Biacore AB together with Pyrosequencing AB are responsible for a large portion of the increase at the end of the period. Bioproduction and functional food & feed are the other two sectors that grew in terms of employee numbers. Companies in the former sector increased their headcount by 60 per cent and in the latter sector by 45 per cent over the five-year period. In environmental biotechnology the growth is very insignificant. This is also the smallest sector in terms of employee numbers over the entire period. 48 For a description and analysis of the Swedish company structure and employment structure see Magnus Henreksson and Dan Johansson “På spaning efter de mellanstora företagen” Ekonomisk Debatt 1997, Årgång 25 nr. 4 and “Det svenska nyföretagandet 1986-1997, Förändringar i företagsstrukturer och sysselsättningseffekter, VINNOVA Analys, VA 2002:2 63 Compared to other sectors, the number of employees in agrobiotechnology is relatively large, and Svalöf Weibull AB was the biggest company with around 300 employees in 2001. However, the number of employees in the sector decreased by 5 per cent over the period. This decrease is mainly explained by the reduction of employees in the company Syngenta Seeds AB from 306 in 2000 to 241 in 2001. The figure below shows the number of companies in the four pharmaceuticals & medicine sub-sectors. Number of companies in the four pharmaceuticals & medicine subsectors 1997-2001 Number of companies 60 50 Diagnostics 40 Drug delivery 30 Drug discovery & development 20 Medical technology 10 0 1997 1998 1999 Year 2000 2001 Source: MMP database In the pharmaceuticals & medicine sector, the number of companies grew from 72 in 1997 to 99 in 2001. This increase mainly took place in the drug discovery & development sub-sector, which increased by more than 50 per cent in terms of the number of companies. Also in medical technology the number of companies increased by over 50 per cent. In the other two subsectors the growth was marginal. The pattern in terms of number of employees is similar to that of number of companies (see figure below). Drug discovery & development is the largest sub-sector in terms of employees and the number of employees increased during the period with 38 per cent. There is also a growth in the other three sub-sectors. Medical technology shows the biggest relative growth with almost 200 per cent. 64 Number of employees in four pharmaceuticals & medicine subsectors 1997-2001 1200 Number of employees 1000 Diagnostics 800 Drug delivery 600 Drug discovery & development 400 Medical technology 200 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Source: MMP-database 5.4.2 Turnover and equity/assets ratio The development of annual turnovers is a measure of growth. Among the biotech companies there are several that do not report any sales in some of the years studied, but the same companies report employees and in some cases considerable numbers of employees. A probable explanation is that they are newly established companies that do not yet have a product on the market. These companies are in the early phase of their life cycle and are heavily dependent on venture capital. It is important to note that the size of annual turnover between companies varies significantly. This variation is concealed when aggregating the turnover of individual companies. A methodological problem is that a company, when changing its financial year, will have a financial year that is longer or shorter than 12 months. In the 10 cases of extended financial years, i.e. more than 12 months, companies did not present any turnover for a specific calendar year. This means that the aggregated turnovers presented in the figure is somewhat underestimated. Among companies existing in the year 2000, around 30 per cent had a split financial year and these companies, at the time the information was gathered, had not submitted accounting records for 2001. Thus, the turnover figures for 2001 are excluded in the figure below where the aggregated turnovers in the six industrial sectors are presented. 65 Turnover in fixed prices (producer price index, 2000=100) 1997-2000 in six biotech sectors Turnover (MSEK) 2500 Agrobiotechnology 2000 Bioproduction 1500 Biotech tools & supplies Environmental biotechnology 1000 Functional food & feed 500 Pharmaceuticals & medicine 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year Source: MMP data base Comment: The producer price index for pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical chemicals has been used for all sectors but functional food & feed, where the producer price index for food, beverages and tobacco has been used. Not surprisingly the pharmaceuticals & medicine sector had the largest turnover as well as number of companies and employees. Compared to employee statistics, the pattern among sectors is very similar, pharmaceuticals & medicine is the largest industrial sector and environmental biotechnology is the smallest. The growth in turnover over the period also corresponds closely to the growth in the number of employees. All sectors grew, as did their ratio turnover/employees, except agrobiotechnology. The turnover in agrobiotechnology decreased by 13 per cent. In pharmaceuticals & medicine, the growth in absolute numbers was very significant between 1999 and 2000. The main explanation is that the turnover of some companies (Q-Med AB, Karo Bio AB, Bioglan AB, SBL Vaccin AB and a few more) increased considerably. In relative numbers the growth of 31 percent is less impressive compared to other biotech sectors. The strongest growth is found in environmental biotechnology, with a growth of over 100 per cent. In the remaining three sectors, the growth was between 60 and 80 per cent. The growth in turnover in bioproduction, functional food & feed and environmental biotechnology is interesting since the number of companies has not increased in these sectors. This indicates that the growth is not explained by new entrances but by an increase in sales in “old” companies. 66 At the sub-sector level in pharmaceuticals & medicine, the growth is primarily in medical technology, which grew by 240 per cent. The drug delivery sub-sector also shows a substantial growth of 140 per cent. Drug discovery & development is the biggest sub-sector. So far the information presented has shown that the Swedish biotech industry grew during the period 1997 to 2001. The number of companies, of employees and the size of turnover, all increased. Economic growth through the development and launch of new products, new services and by introducing new production processes is costly. Companies require large financial resources. It is important to finance these activities to a large extent through profits generated or by infusion of capital and not by loans, in order to maintain the company’s financial strength and stability. The equity/assets ratio is a measure of financial strength. A ratio of between 30 and 50 per cent indicates that the owners of the company have financed a large portion of the assets and taken a large part the risk.49 The figure below shows the median equity/assets ratio in the sectors of the biotech industry. The reason for using median values is that the values vary considerably among companies and median values are less sensitive to large fluctuations in values compared to mean values. The reason for leaving out the year 2001 is the same as in the case of turnover, i.e. of the companies that had a split financial year some had at the time of information gathering not submitted accounting records for 2001. Median equity/assets ratio in the industrial sectors of biotechnology 1997-2000 Equity/assets 80 ratio, median (%) 70 Agrobiotechnology Bioproduction 60 Biotech tools & supplies 50 Environmental biotechnology 40 Functional food & feed 30 Pharmaceuticals & medicine 20 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year Source: MMP-database 49 Jan-Olof Andersson, Olle Edsbäcker, Anders Nyby. Lönsam tillväxt – praktisk affärsekonomi. Kristianstads boktryckeri AB, 2002. 67 The median equity debt ratios were high or very high and increased over the period in four of six sectors. Generally speaking, the financial strength was sufficient to make future expansion possible in all sectors in 2000 with the possible exception of agrobiotechnology, where the median value was just below 30 per cent. 5.4.3 Industrial dynamic The presentation so far has described the growth and development of the biotech industry at a sector level for a year at a time. This way of describing industrial evolution does not take into account changes in the population of companies over time. New companies are established and others disappear, i.e. go into liquidation or merge with another company. In this section, the evolution of the Swedish biotech industry and its sectors is described in terms of appearance of new companies, disappearance of existing companies and the evolution of companies that have existed the entire five-year period 1997-2001. New and disappearing companies The table below shows the number of new and disappearing companies each year as well as their employees and turnovers. A disappearing company is one that has either gone into liquidation or merged with another company. Number of new and disappearing companies, their employees and turnover (fixed prices), 1998-2001 New companies No. Disappeared companies Employees Turnover (MSEK) No. Employees Turnover (MSEK) Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 21 17 15 13 109 123 27 33 157,4 44,3 18,8 5,4 0 2 8 9 0 35 15 20 0 90,1 15,8 10,1 Source: MMP-database Comment: The producer price index for pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical chemicals has been used for all sectors but functional food & feed where the producer price index for food, beverages and tobacco has been used. The dynamic of the Swedish biotech industry is characterised by a high, but slightly decreasing number of new companies and a low, but rising number of disappearing companies. In Appendix Table A10 companies that have been identified and that may have started their business after the time when we retrieved our data are found, i.e. 2001-2003. 68 In terms of employees the pattern is similar to that of the number of companies. The number of employees in new companies exceeds the number of employees in disappearing companies each year. Most of the dynamic is found in two sectors, i.e. pharmaceuticals & medicine and biotech tools & supplies. The former saw 34 new companies being established and 9 companies disappearing during the period. In the latter, 22 new companies were established and 6 disappeared. In the remaining sectors, only a few new companies emerged and disappeared. Within pharmaceuticals & medicine, most of the dynamic is found in the sub-sector drug discovery & development, where 22 new companies were established and 5 disappeared. In drug delivery, 3 new companies were established and 1 disappeared, in diagnostics 4 new companies were established and 3 disappeared, in medical technology 5 new appeared and none disappeared. In the MMP database, information is provided if a company is involved in a merger. However, the company with which it merged is not indicated. According to the database, a total of 14 companies were involved in a merger during the five-year period. All of the 14 mergers occurred in 2000 and 2001, twelve of them in the second of these two years. Most of the mergers occurred in the pharmaceuticals & medicine sector (8). The others occurred in biotech tools & supplies (3), bioproduction (2) and environmental biotechnology (1). To provide a better understanding of what actually happened, a comparison of the total population in 1997 was made with the situation in 2001. In the Appendix new and disappearing companies comparing 1997 with 2001 are listed (see Appendix A11). Surviving companies The table below shows the number of employees, turnover and equity/assets ratio of companies that existed in 1997 as well as in 2001 and for which accounting records for 2001 are available (submitted to the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, PRV). The requirement of available accounts means that not all “survivors” are included in the table. Altogether 22 companies that existed in 1997 as well as in 2001 had not, at the time the information was gathered, submitted their accounting records to PRV and are thus not included in the MMP database. 69 Number of surviving companies, their employees, turnover (fixed prices) and equity/assets ratio (median value) in 1997 and 2001 distributed by industrial sector. Category Number of companies 1997/2001 Number of empoyees 1997 2001 Change (%) Turnover Change Equity/assets ratio (MSEK) (%) (%) 1997 2001 1997 2001 Agrobiotechnology Bioproduction Biotech tools and supplies Environmental biotechnology Functional food and feed Pharmaceuticals and medicine 4 15 15 4 5 52 650 327 186 23 62 1006 589 523 432 24 56 1293 -61 196 246 1 -6 287 689 375 288 30 49 1155 559 604 647 54 55 1208 -19% 61% 125% 80% 13% 5% 32 55 53 14 41 54 34 62 55 30 31 70 All sectorsl 95 2254 2917 663 2587 3126 20% 50 62 Source: MMP database Comment: The producer price index for pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical chemicals has been used for all sectors but functional food & feed, where the producer price index for food, beverages and tobacco has been used. All in all, 95 out of 183 companies active in 2001 existed the entire fiveyear period and had submitted accounting records for 2001 at the time the information was gathered. More than half of them are found in the pharmaceuticals & medicine sector. In 1997 the 95 survivors accounted for 84 per cent of all employees and the corresponding percentage in 2001 was 76. The survivors increased their number of employees by 663, i.e. 29 per cent, over the five-year period. The increased headcount in all companies in the biotech industry was 1,238. Thus, these survivors accounted for 53 per cent of the total increase in employees. At the sector level different patterns emerge. The growth records in terms of employees and turnover of survivors in pharmaceuticals & medicine, biotech tools & supplies and bioproduction indicate that the expansion was combined with maintained or increasing financial strength. The overall growth for the survivors in the remaining three sectors agrobiotechnology, environmental biotechnology and functional food & feed is not that impressive. In these sectors the number of employees decreased or stayed the same. The turnover increased in environmental biotechnology and functional food & feed but decreased in agrobiotechnology. Their financial strengths were weak throughout the period. The development of annual net profits/losses (after financial items and taxes) is an important factor when studying the dynamics of an industry and assessing changing equity/assets ratios. The net profit that a company reports for a specific year may be influenced by fiscal considerations. A company can by allowances to untaxed reserves change the level of its net profit. However, net profits/losses over a period of time are indicators of earnings trends. Earnings trends combined with equity/assets ratio trends 70 indicate how a company have financed its activities. The aggregated net profits/losses of surviving companies in the biotech industry and its industrial sectors are presented in the figure below Net profits/losses (MSEK) of surviving companies in biotech sectors 1998 – 2001 (fixed prices, year 2000=100) Agrobiotechnology 200 MSEK 0 Bioproduction -200 Biotech tools & supplies -400 Environmental biotechnology -600 Functional food & feed -800 Pharmaceuticals & medicine -1000 Total -1200 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Source: MMP-database Comment: The producer price index for pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical chemicals has been used for all sectors but functional food & feed, where the producer price index for food, beverages and tobacco has been used. The trend of growing net losses revealed in the figure does not present an image of a prosperous industry. At sector level, a negative earnings trend can be seen in four out of six sectors. The trend of growing net losses in pharmaceuticals & medicine is especially striking. Only the agrobiotechnology and environmental biotechnology sectors show net profits each year. Two companies in pharmaceuticals & medicine in the sub-sector Drug discovery & development are however responsible for more than 35 per cent of the net losses for the whole biotech industry in 2001. In 2001 eight companies had net losses amounting to more than 50 MSEK each and more than 65 per cent of the total net loss that year can be attributed to these companies. Six of these were found in pharmaceuticals & medicine, one each in medical technology and drug delivery and four in the sub-sector drug discovery & development. The other two were found in the sector biotech tools & supplies. Net losses over time combined with high and/or increasing equity/assets ratio indicate that the activities have been financed by capital infusion and not by net profits. The findings indicate that companies in general in the pharmaceuticals & medicine, biotech tools & supplies and bioproduction sectors received substantial capital infusion during the period. They report growing net losses and increasing equity/assets ratio. The functional food & 71 feed sector reports growing net losses and decreasing equity/assets ratio. In agrobiotechnology and environmental biotechnology, the companies reported growing net profits and increasing equity/assets ratio. This indicates that activities were financed by net profits. However, not all companies in a sector with an aggregated net loss reported net losses. Even in pharmaceuticals & medicine, which has the biggest reported net loss, more than 40 per cent of the companies in 2001 show net profits. The figure below shows the percentage of companies with net profits, 1998-2001. Percentage of surviving companies with net profit 1998-2001 in total and in each sector 100 Per cent Agrobiotechnology Bioproduction 80 Biotech tools & supplies 60 Environmental biotechnology 40 Functional food & feed 20 Pharmaceuticals & medicine Total 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 Year Source: MMP-database The percentage of companies with net losses has increased over time among the 25 survivors in pharmaceuticals & medicine, as have the aggregated net losses. The companies with net losses in 1998 increased their losses over time. Also, a few companies have gone from net profit to net loss. Companies with net profits each year in general report a small increase in net profits. Also in biotech tools & supplies a large part of the 15 survivors report net losses over time. Many of them have also increased their losses between 1998 and 2001, which explains the increase in aggregate losses. A large share of the 15 surviving bioproduction companies reports small, but increasing net profits. However a few companies, report significant net losses during the later years, which explains the change from net profits to net losses for the sector. 72 In functional food & feed most of the five survivors reported growing net losses over the period. Three of the four survivors in agrobiotechnology reported net profits during the first part of the period. However in 2001, two out of four companies reported losses. The four environmental biotechnology companies all reported net profits each year. They have all, to a limited extent, also increased their net profits over the period. 5.5 Regional dynamic50 The issue of why biotech companies select various locations has many possible explanations. Using a model with the explanatory variables: “industrial strength,” “science base” and “fixed effects,” a study has been conducted to discover whether new biotechnology enterprises in the USA are attracted by the local industrial strength of a sector or by the strength of its science base.51 Industrial strength was measured as the number of employees in different industrial sectors and science base as the number of people employed in research in relevant scientific areas. The last variable, fixed effects, covered all state-specific effects, such as venture capital or infrastructure. In biotechnology, the main attractive force was found to be the presence of a strong research base, and to some extent, industrial employment in key sectors, i.e. clusters of small companies developed close to research centres rather than close to established industries. Being in a cluster involves both benefits and costs. On the supply side, specialised labour, specialised inputs (e.g. equipment, reagents and testing devices), and spill-over of knowledge attract companies. On the demand side, the possibility of joining important users in other industries or domestic users strengthens some clusters. It is also less expensive for customers to compare alternatives. The costs of clustering are congestion costs (e.g. higher real-estate prices and higher wages for qualified personnel) and reduced profitability due to competition. Congestion effects, however, are not very important in biotechnology, according to Swann and Prevezer. Most Swedish biotech companies with less than 500 employees were, both in 1997 and in 2001, located in metropolitan areas with large universities. In 1997 the biotech companies were, as shown in figure A 12 in appendix A, primarily located in four city/regions, i.e. Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg 50 Eleven companies, new in year 2001 and with in total 34 employees that year, were not included in the analysis of the regional dynamic since they had a late split financial year and had not submitted their data to the Patent and registration office at the time the data for this analysis was retrieved. 51 Swann, P. and Prevezer M. (1996) A comparison of the dynamics of industrial clustring in computing and biotechnology. Research Policy 25, pp. 1139-1157. 73 and Malmö/Lund. Five years later, the location pattern was the same (see figure A 13 in appendix A). However, the concentration of the industry to these four cities had increased. The location pattern and changes in this pattern were quite similar in terms of employees (see figure A 14 and A 15 in appendix A). The general growth, in terms of the number of companies, between 1997 and 2001 in the biotech industry occurred in these four city/regions. They grew by between 33 and 41 per cent. Outside these four cities, the number of companies did not increase. In Umeå, a city with a large university, the number of biotech companies was 7 both in 1997 and 2001 and in other regions of Sweden combined the number of companies decreased from 20 to 18. This indicates that most of the new companies that emerged during the five-year period did so in Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg and Malmö/Lund. The variation in growth in terms of employees was big between the four cities. In Uppsala the number of employees in the biotech industry grew by 174 per cent. In Gothenburg the rate of growth between 1997 and 2001 was 107 per cent, in Stockholm the rate was 51 per cent and in Malmö/Lund it was 36 per cent. In Umeå the number of employees in the biotech industry increased by 22 per cent and in all other regions the number decreased by 2 per cent. Table A 16 and A 17 in appendix A shows the distribution of biotech companies and employees by cities and sectors in 1997 and 2001. These tables show that the pharmaceuticals & medicine sector accounted for most of the biotech industry in Stockholm. Almost two thirds of the companies are found in this sector both years. The biotech tools & supplies sector grew the most during the period, both in terms of companies and employees. The biotech industry in Malmö/Lund, both in 1997 and 2001, was largely involved in pharmaceuticals & medicine, especially in terms of numbers of employees. The sector that grew the most in terms of employees was bioproduction, although there was no change in the number of companies. The biotech industry in Gothenburg was focused on pharmaceuticals & medicine throughout the period. In terms of number of companies, the biotech industry in Uppsala was involved in pharmaceuticals & medicine and this focus increased during the period. However, in terms of employees, the biotech tools & supplies sector was also important. 74 In terms of the number of employees, most of the biotech industry in Umeå was involved with bioproduction in 1997. In 2001 there were as many employees working for companies in the pharmaceuticals & medicine sector as in the bioproduction sector. From the perspective of industrial sectors, the following employee patterns have emerged: Pharmaceuticals & medicine employees were mainly working in Stockholm and Malmö/Lund in 1997. This also holds true in 2001, although Uppsala increased its share of employees (from 9 to 16 per cent). The bioproduction sector was primarily located in Stockholm and Malmö/Lund both years. However, the Malmö/Lund region increased its share from 27 to 47 per cent. Companies in the biotech tools & supplies sector were located mainly in Uppsala both in 1997 and 2001. In 2001 Stockholm had increased its share of these companies to 18 per cent. The environmental biotechnology sector was located primarily in Malmö/Lund both years. The functional food & feed sector was primarily located in Stockholm. Around 75 per cent of the employees were found here, both in 1997 and 2001. Companies in the agrobiotechnology sector are not located in the four dominating cities, but instead they are found in the Skåne region and in the Svalöf and Landskrona counties. 5.6 Seed financing and venture capital It is clear that the availability of early stage financing is an important prerequisite for the development of new technology-based enterprises. Very little private capital is currently available for the earliest stages of project and business development in Sweden. Sweden has very few business angels and the venture capital industry today rarely invests in the very early stages of a new business enterprise. For the later stages of business development the biotech companies often rely on attracting venture capital for their R&D investments. Below a summary of different sources of financing for all types of business development is found, i.e. not only for biotechnology. It is mainly the first two organisations that are involved in financing of very early stages of biotechnology business development. What is not included are the investments made by the Foundations for Technology Transfer, the holding companies linked to the universities, the venture capital industry and other private investors. 75 Sources of financing of all types of business development in Sweden 2001 No. of loans/investments Size of loan/investment Total amount SIC1 481 Loans up to 400000 SEK 80 MSEK NUTEK 95 More than 250000 SEK per loan 76 MSEK 2023 On average 400000 SEK per loan 825 MSEK n/a 470 MSEK ALMI Business Partner Industrifonden 97 (2000/2001) 1 SIC will only be in operation until mid 2004 Source: www. innovationscentrum.se 5.6.1 Early stage financing Public seed financing has been available from government agencies like NUTEK (previously the Swedish National Board for Technical and Industrial Development now called the Swedish Business Development Agency) and the foundation SIC (very early stage financing). ALMI Business Partner mainly gives loans to later stages of business development. The most relevant sources of early stage financing for biotech start-ups have been NUTEK, SIC and to some extent varying between geographic regions, the Foundations for Technology Transfer and holding companies linked to universities. The seven regional Foundations for Technology Transfer choose different ways to promote commercialisation of academic research. Often they support initiatives by other organisations closely linked to the universities, for example, the universities’ holding companies, or initiatives by companies partly owned by the Foundation for Technology Transfer. In Umeå and Linköping the focus is on commercialising research and support in Luleå mainly goes to collaboration with industry 53. In Uppsala, Lund and Linköping the Foundations for Technology Transfer usually own part of the university spin-off companies in which they have been involved. We were unable to find any statistics relating to these initiatives indicating the amount of money that goes to seed financing activities. However, the Foundation for Technology Transfer in Stockholm claims to give 30 MSEK yearly to universities and other organisations in stipends and financing for development projects, and in Luleå 8 MSEK is invested yearly. The seven Foundations for Technology Transfer received 1,000 MSEK in 1994 and they may only use the return on the capital since the sum is to be returned in 2007. The capital at the end of 2000 had grown to almost 2,000 MSEK, but since then the foundations have watched their capital being reduced due to developments on the stock exchange. 53 RRV 2001:11 76 The eleven holding companies closely linked to the universities received a total of 64 MSEK in 1994 and 1995. They too chose different ways to commercialise academic research. They are acting, in varying degrees, as mediators between industry and academia, providing seed financing to startups, and sometimes they own shares in these start-ups. They are creating subsidiaries that either develop projects or provide services to help the university with the third task, or subsidiaries that perform contract research.54 Starting in 2002, Industrifonden was supposed to take over much of the seed funding operations of NUTEK. The idea was for NUTEK and Industrifonden to work closely together in the evaluation of applications from new technology-based enterprises. Thus far few investments have come out of this collaboration. In December 2002, a total of 3 applications had been approved and these will receive 2 MSEK each in loans, of which one grant concerns a life science venture. This is to be compared with a total of 76 MSEK granted in 2001 by NUTEK. However, some seed financing is still being granted by NUTEK. In 2002 a total of 23 MSEK in investments in new technology based enterprises was decided on. About 6.3 MSEK of these where invested in 13 biotechnology ventures, while 1.8 were invested in 4 other life science-related ventures. As an government agency, NUTEK can only contribute to half of the investment and half must be financed by non-governmental investors. The NUTEK investments in 2002 ranged from 250 000 SEK to 2.1 MSEK each. Of the thirteen biotech projects that received public seed financing from NUTEK in 1997-1999 55 eight companies had employees in 2000/2001, one had gone out of business, four seem not to have employed anybody in 19972001 (unless they have changed names) and at least three companies have received private venture capital. According to Statistics Sweden, more than half of the 110 companies that received seed financing from NUTEK in 1994 in all fields had experienced a clear, positive growth six years later and their turnover had more than doubled. For the 43 companies that received the same support in 1996, nine out of ten companies had survived and seven out of ten had expanded. NUTEK/ALMI and VINNOVA in 2002 initiated a contest where the most interesting new technology-based business enterprises could win grants. Of the 429 contenders, 20 received 300,000 SEK each, i.e. 6 MSEK in total, and about 3 of the 20 were biotechnology projects. An initiative by NUTEK that does not involve seed financing is supporting entrepreneurship at uni54 55 RRV 2001:11 Sandström et al, The Swedish biotechnology innovation system, VINNOVA, VF 2001:2 77 versities. This initiative mainly includes networking, providing advice and small amounts of financing as well as education on the subject of entrepreneurship. Uminova Center AB in Umeå, Teknopol AB Lund, Chalmers Innovation in Gothenburg and Mälardalens Högskola will share 4.5 MSEK. Currently new seed funds are being launched at universities, such as the KTH Seed Capital Fund at the Royal Institute of Technology. This fund was created by Industrifonden, W Capital Management, SEB Företagsinvest and KTH Holding. The fund’s initial capital will be 127 MSEK of which 27 MSEK comes from Industrifonden. Industrifonden is also one of the players initiating six other new funds at universities and institutes that will share a total initial amount of SEK 250 million (about USD 29 million), which has been earmarked for early commercialisation of research projects. This sum, besides the KTH fund, will go to, among others, Lund University, which has created Lumitec, a venture capital company funded in the amount of 30 MSEK by Industrifonden, Malmöhus Invest and the Lund University developing company LUAB. The venture capital company Iteksa Venture has been established at Linköping Technical University. The investors include Industrifonden, Saab and the Foundation for Technology Transfer in Linköping. Industrifonden’s investment is 44 MSEK. It has been established that the typical size of investment per company for one of these funds will be 5-10 MSEK. 5.6.2 Venture capital As was seen from the analysis of the biotech industry, many of the biotech companies in the study are relying on venture capital (VC) for their development into self-supporting companies. Sweden like most OECD countries experienced a drastic increase in the amount of venture capital available in the late nineties, although there has been a clear reduction since then. This study does not include an inventory of venture capital available to the biotech industry or VC investments in the industry. However, most experts in the Swedish biotech industry at the moment seem to agree that, with respect to the availability of venture capital, there is a lot of capital in funds at the moment. Furthermore, a study by Bioseeker Group AB states that 580 MSEK in venture capital was invested in the Swedish biopharma industry during the first six months of 2002, compared 830 MSEK going to IT and telecom during the same period56. It is often stated today that an increasing share of financing goes to follow-up investments in old portfolio companies or to new investments mainly in the later stages of a company’s development than was common a few years ago. However, the abovementioned study indicates that eight out of eighteen identified companies 56 Swedish Biopharma Industry-The Next Wave, Bioseeker Group AB, 2002 78 receiving venture capital from 2000 to mid-2002 received seed or start-up financing, four received financing for expansion, and six companies did not specify. The second and third infusion of capital involves a larger investment, often by more than one financier, which often takes a long time to organise. Since a large portion of the many newly started biotech companies that have received venture capital or public seed financing are not yet selfsupporting, the competition over venture capital is tough. One reason for the VC industry to exercise greater caution is, of course, the development on the stock exchange, rendering it difficult for VC companies to be able to exit their investment there in the near future. Since many companies founded in recent years still need venture capital and there also are completely new projects looking for funding, the market seems to be favourable for the VC industry, i.e. they can impose stringent requirements before investing in companies. According to a study by NUTEK and the Swedish Venture Capital Association (Svenska Riskkapitalföreningen)57, in 2002, 77 per cent of venture capital companies in Sweden answering a questionnaire distributed by the Association, believe that they will invest more (36 per cent) or the same amount (41 per cent) of capital in the coming twelve-month period compared to the period before. Of the VC industry investments, 33 per cent of the total number of investments related to initial investments, while 64 per cent related to follow-up investments in existing portfolio companies. The number of investments in what the VC industry calls seed stage58, has decreased for the sixth consecutive quarter. In addition, according to the study, interest in such investments is decreasing. During the third quarter of 2002, 20 MSEK was invested in this stage. At the same time, interest in the two later stages, the start-up59 and expansion phases60, is increasing. The majority of the Swedish VC companies answering the questionnaire, 67 per cent, had not exited an investment in the third quarter of 2002. Of the industry sectors in which VC’s have the most confidence for future investment, Bio57 Rikskapitalbolagens aktiviteter, Tredje kvartalet 2002, NUTEK R2002:10 Financing provided to research, assess and develop an initial concept before a business has reached the start-up phase. 59 Financing provided to companies for product development and initial marketing. Companies may be in the process of being set up or may have been in business for a short time, but have not sold their product commercially. Financing for companies that have completed the product development stage and require further funds to initiate commercial manufacturing and sales. They will not yet be generating a profit. 60 Financing provided for the growth and expansion of an operating company, which may or may not be breaking even or trading profitably. Capital may be used to finance increased production capacity, market or product development, and/or to provide additional working capital. Financing made available to a company in the transition period from being privately owned to being publicly quoted. Financing made available to existing businesses that have experienced trading difficulties, with a view to re-establishing prosperity. 58 79 technology came fourth after Medical Technology, Computers/ IT, Software, and Communications/other. 6-7 per cent of investments have gone to biotechnology over the past six quarters up to the third quarter of 2002. According to the study, only one biotechnology investment was made in the third quarter of 2002, corresponding to five per cent of the total sum invested. VC companies, like HealthCap and the new VC company Creandum, created by the Sixth Swedish National Pension Fund and Skandia Liv, have created new funds (3,000 MSEK and 300 MSEK respectively). Creadum will invest in new technology-based enterprises in the Nordic countries and the new HealthCap fund will invest globally in pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical technology companies. It remains to be seen how these and other new funds will distribute their investments in the various stages of company development, and how much will be invested in Sweden. It is becoming increasingly common today for different VC funds to co-invest in new ventures61 and there is also a trend towards mergers within the VC industry itself. According to press releases both regarding direct investments in companies and the establishment of new funds in established VC companies, Swedish biotechnology seems to be quite attractive to foreign investors. For instance, the new HealthCap fund includes foreign investors like the UK Retirement Fund, Swiss Re, Tapiola, TIFF, Toronto University, Vanderbilt University and Washington University and as much as more than 90 percent of the capital in the fund is foreign. In conclusion, it seems there was very little public and private early stage financing available in 2002, largely due to the reduction in the amount allocated to this by NUTEK and also because of the development on the stock exchange affecting the propensity and ability of other investors to invest. Recently a number of new regional funds have been formed that are said to be earmarked for early stage financing. It remains to be seen how these funds will invest their resources. The VC industry currently seems to invest less in the early stages. Bearing in mind current developments on the stock exchange, these investors may consider it to be difficult to effectively exit high-risk projects in the near future. Instead many of them are focusing on nursing their old investments and finding more developed later stage projects with better exit prognoses. The VC industry is also involved in a consolidation phase. However, quite large sums of venture capital are available in various VC funds and a number of investments were made in Swedish biotechnology in 2002. The fact that so many biotech 61 Rikskapitalbolagens aktiviteter, Andra kvartalet 2002, NUTEK R2002:8 80 companies that need venture capital for their project and product development, have been, and continue to be, formed, means that the demand for venture capital is high. Entrepreneurs are reporting that it is more difficult today to find financiers and the process takes longer than in the past. Some companies are also slowing down their R&D activities so that their funding will last longer. The question is whether enough capital is available to support the development of all of the most promising projects and companies. 5.7 Summary and concluding remarks For many years now, scientists, industrialists, investors and policy makers in the Western world have emphasised the considerable potential of biotechnology. In the Swedish context, these expectations have, to some extent been fulfilled. The number of small and medium-sized biotech companies (<500 employees) as well as their employees has shown an impressive increase during the five-year period 1997-2001. However, most of the companies are still small with less than 10 employees and the industry is still a small contributor to the national economy. The existing global market for products and services provided by the biotech industry is expected to show a significant growth. The European Commission estimates that by 2005 the European biotechnology market could be worth over € 100 billion. By 2010, global markets, including sectors where life sciences and biotechnology constitute a major portion of new technology applied, could amount to over € 2,000 billion, excluding agriculture An important overall conclusion is that the findings indicate that the growth in the number of employees in many of the surviving biotech companies, i.e. companies that have existed throughout the five-year period, was in many cases financed not by generated profits but by an infusion of venture capital. Hence, a substantial number of them are still dependent on infusion of venture capital. Also, many of the new companies that were established during the period probably still require infusion of venture capital. In addition new companies that will be formed will require venture capital for their project and product development. This indicates that the demand for venture capital will continue to be high. Considerable sums of venture capital are available in various VC funds and both new and follow-up investments are being made. However, biotech entrepreneurs are reporting that it is more difficult today to find financiers and the process takes longer than in the past. The question is whether enough capital will be available to support the development of all of the most promising projects and companies. In the short-term perspective, taking into account a high demand for venture capital, a lack of public seed financing and the current situation on the stock market, the growth of the biotech industry may slow down. However, in the 81 long-term perspective the growth potential is promising, since the global demand for biotech products is expected to continue to grow. From a regional perspective, a large portion of the Swedish biotech industry is located in the four cities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Gothenburg and Malmö/Lund, all of which have large universities. Furthermore, the concentration of this industry to these cities increased between 1997 and 2001. Most of the activities in the pharmaceuticals & medicine and bioproduction sectors are found in Stockholm and Malmö/Lund, biotech tools & supplies in Uppsala, environmental biotechnology in Malmö/Lund and functional food & feed in Stockholm. Agrobiotechnology activities are carried out outside the four cities, mainly in the Skåne region. The biotech industry consists of six industrial sectors and the study has shown that economic development and industrial dynamics varies a lot between the sectors. At sector level the analysis shows that the sectors of pharmaceuticals & medicine, biotech tools & supplies and bioproduction have grown in terms of number of companies, employees and turnover. However, surviving companies, i.e. companies that existed the entire period, show increasing aggregate net losses, especially during the later part of the period, and high and increasing equity/assets ratio, which indicates that the growth has in general not been financed by net profits generated but by the infusion of capital. The three sectors of agrobiotechnology, environmental biotechnology and functional food & feed show less impressive growth between 1997 and 2001. There was no significant change in the number of companies and employees, and turnover did not increase. The sectors also demonstrate low equity/assets ratio. However, surviving companies in agrobiotechnology, functional food & feed and environmental biotechnology reported net profits each year. Pharmaceuticals & medicine The industrial sector of pharmaceuticals & medicine dominated the Swedish biotech industry during the five-year period studied in terms of the number of companies, employees and turnover. The equity/assets ratio of the sector is impressive and it has increased over the years. Much of the dynamic in the biotech industry, in terms of new and disappearing companies, occurred in this sector. The survivors show growth in their headcount, turnover and equity/assets ratio. However, they also report growing net losses, which indicates that their growth has not always been financed by net profits generated but by an infusion of capital. The companies in this sector have been divided into the four sub-sectors drug discovery & development, drug delivery, diagnostics and medical 82 technology. In terms of the number of companies and employees, drug discovery & development is the largest sub-sector. The increase in the number of companies in the sector is also primarily related to this subsector. The medical technology sub-sector also grew in terms of the number of companies, while there was no increase in the number of companies in the other two sub-sectors. All sub-sectors increased their number of employees between 1997 and 2001. The increase took place in the first part of the period in drug discovery & development and diagnostics. In drug delivery and medical technology, the increase took place in the later years of the period. The industrial dynamic, in terms of new and disappearing companies, primarily occurred in the drug discovery & development sub-sector. With respect to future growth potential the prospects are good. For instance, companies involved in discovery & development may profit from the fact that Big Pharma companies increasingly rely on intermediary biotech companies to provide ideas and to play an important role in their innovation processes. Biotech tools & supplies Throughout the five-year period, the industrial biotech tools & supplies sector has been the second in size in terms of the number of companies. However, in terms of employees and turnover, this sector was only the fourth biggest in 1997. In 2001 this had changed and this sector had climbed to second place. The increase in the number of companies, employees and turnover has been impressive over the period. The sector’s equity/assets ratio has also been high and had increased by 2000 compared to 1997. Much of the dynamic in the biotech industry, in terms of new and disappearing companies, occurred in this sector. The survivors, i.e. companies that existed throughout the five-year period, report growth in employees, turnover and equity/assets ratio. However, they also report growing net losses, which indicates that the growth has not always been financed by net profits generated but by an infusion of capital. The market for companies in this sector is expected to continue to show an increased growth, since investment in life science research, both in industry and in academia, is increasing worldwide. Completely new products have successfully been launched onto the market by Swedish biotech tools & supply companies in recent years. Bioproduction Throughout the five-year period, the bioproduction industrial sector was the third largest in terms of the number of companies and employees. However, the turnover in this sector has been the second largest since 1998. The number of employees and turnover increased over time, but the number of companies did not. The sector’s equity/assets ratio was high and increased the most between 1999 and 2000. The dynamic in terms of new and disappearing companies was weak. Only a few new companies were established 83 but even fewer disappeared. The survivors, i.e. companies that existed throughout the five-year period, reported growth in headcount, turnover and equity/assets ratio. However, they also report growing net losses, which indicates that the growth has not always been financed by net profits generated but by an infusion of capital. Agrobiotechnology The number of companies in this sector was small throughout the five-year period with very minimal change. In 2001 only 8 agrobiotechnology companies were active. However, in terms of headcount and turnover, this sector was among the largest up to 2001. However, the number of employees did not change during the period and the turnover has decreased. Companies in the sector have had low equity/assets ratio and this has even been weakening. Four new companies were established and two disappeared between 1997 and 2001. The record among surviving companies is unimpressive. The headcount and turnover have decreased and the equity/assets ratio did not improve much during the period. However, unlike most other sectors, this sector showed net profits instead of net losses each year. Environmental biotechnology This is one of the smallest sectors in terms of the number of companies, employees and turnover. There was no increase in any of these areas. However, the sector’s equity/assets ratio improved over the period, albeit from a low percentage in 1997. Only two new companies were established and two disappeared. Among the surviving companies, the number of employees did not increase but turnover did. There was improvement in financial strength in this sector and net profits were reported each year. Functional food & feed In 2001 the number of companies in this sector was 10, an increase from eight in 1997. This makes it one of the smallest biotech sectors. The number of employees also increased to a certain extent, as did turnover. The sector’s equity/assets ratio was relatively weak throughout the period and has not improved. The dynamic was also weak, with only three new companies emerging and one disappearing. The trend over the period for surviving companies in terms of employees, turnover and equity/assets ratio is weak. There was a decline in equity/assets ratio and the number of employees, and a slight increase in turnover. Growing net losses were also reported. The companies in this sector often supply the food industry with new innovative ideas for products and the anticipated growth potential of this field has resulted in investments in research programmes in these fields in other European countries. There will probably be an increase in demand for products in the functional food area, partly because of an ageing population and partly because there is an increasing awareness in society regarding the relationship between food and health. 84 Appendix A Small and medium-sized biotech companies (<500 employees) in 2001 Companies in the area of pharmaceuticals & medicine Table A1. Drug discovery & development Size 1 class Company Business area, R&D activities, and/or products Field of application B A Carlsson Research CNS research AB Psychiatric and neurological disorders Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia etc. B ABIGO Medical AB Development, manufacturing and marketing of drugs n/a B Accuro Immunology AB Immunology Immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer, infectious diseases and autoimmunity E Active Biotech AB2 Immunology, vaccines, drugs Vaccines (Cholera, ETEC), multiple sclerosis and cancer. Infectious diseases and autoimmunity/Inflammation. G AdVet AB Veterinary medicine n/a A Alzpharm AB Podophyllum plant extract Alzheimer therapy A AnaMar Medical AB Connective tissue research Rheumatology A Angio Genetics AB Research on development of bloodvessels Cancer, diabetes and cardiac diseases A Appetite Control AB Research on mice with an appetite disorder Metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes A Arcana Research AB Dental products Paradontosis B Arexis AB Genomics Metabolic and infectious diseases B AstaCarotene AB Biological effects of the algae extract astaxanthin Dyspepsia, fertility and muscle physiology A Betagenon AB Stemcellbased therapy A Biofactor 3 Therapeutics AB n/a Gastrointestinal inflammation and diarrhea conditions A Biolipox AB Arachidonic acid metabolism Inflammatory disorders, particularly asthma and pain A BioPhausia AB Microcirculation, biopolymers and macromolecules n/a B Biora AB Dental products Proteinproduct preventing loosening of the teeth 85 Company Business area, R&D activities, and/or products A BioStratum AB Connective tissue research n/a A Biosurface Pharma AB Antimicrobial product that Preventing diseases in the prevent naturally occurring mouth cavity such as bacteria from adhering and gingivitis and periodontitis colonizing tooth surfaces A Cartela AB R&D concerning integrins and cartelidge repair and regeneration Arthritis A Conpharm AB Podophyllum plant extract Condylom, rheumatoid arthritis A Cortendo AB Cortisol hormone research Metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes A Creative Peptides AB Peptide research Diabetes Diamyd Medical AB Glutamic acid decarboxylase-based vaccine Diabetes A Duotol AB Immunology n/a A E Holme Utveckling AB Orphan drugs, rare diseases n/a A Esperion AB Arteriosclerosis research Metabolic diseases that may stem from low levels of plasma high density lipoprotein A Gen-TAG Neuromics Genomics AB n/a B Got A Gene AB Genetherapy Cancer and HIV A HemeBiotech A/S Rare genetic diseases E.g. Porphyria A Independent Pharmaceutica AB Active immunisation against nicotine Nicotine addiction A Isconova AB Vaccines Mainly veterinary medicine A Isis Pharma AB Treatment of Endometriosis to improve fertility Infertility treatment C Karo Bio AB Nuclear receptors, structure-based drug design and high throughput screening n/a B Medicarb AB Research on biologically active carbohydrates (mainly heparin and kitosane) for drug development and medical device applications n/a B MediTeam Dental AB Dental products, a chemomechanical method for removing caries using an aminoacid based gel. Caries Size 1 class 86 Field of application Business area, R&D activities, and/or products Size 1 class Company C Medivir AB Regulation of the function of proteases and polymerases B Melacure Therapeutics AB Melanocortin receptor Metabolic disorders, inflambiology; drugdesign based matory disease, cardioon chemometrics, combivascular disease natorial chemistry, receptor screening assays A Metina AB Consultancy primarily concerning natural products, biomedicine and medical chemistry n/a A Nectin AB Development of therapies against intestinal dysfunctions such as intestinal hypersecretion and intestinal inflamation n/a B NeoPharma Production AB n/a n/a B NeuroNova AB Neurology, stemcellbased therapy Disorders of the central nervous system A New Pharma Research Sweden AB Design, synthesis and analysis of pharmaceutical compounds n/a A Nord Vacc Läkemedel AB Veterinary medicine Vaccines, streptococcus infection A Oasmia Pharmaceutical AB Bioorganic chemistry Cancer therapy A Oxigene Inc n/a Cancer therapy A Pharma Swede AB 4 Field of application Virological and bacterial infections Veterinary medicine A Vicore AB n/a Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases B Pharmalink AB Nephrology, fluid therapy and hospital devices Products for initial replacement of plasma volume, blood flow improvement and the prevention of thrombosis A Resistentia Pharmaceuticals AB Vaccines Allergy D SBL Vaccin AB Vaccines Polio, cholera and ETEC B Swedish Orphan AB Rare diseases, database n/a A Svenska Miljöbolaget Medical applications of an n/a SVV AB antimicrobial protein from a type of mussel A T.M.S Chem AB Preclinical research A Tremedic AB Womens' health-care Sore cleansing products and medicines and wound-care treatment of vaginal medical devices infections 87 Cancer and immunotherapy Size 1 class Company Business area, R&D activities, and/or products Field of application B Tripep AB Peptide research HIV B UmanGenomics AB Genomics, identifying disease-related genes and polymorfisms n/a A Vicore Pharma AB n/a Gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases A Visionar Biomedical AB Consultancy in preclinical research n/a 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500; and n/a means that we had no information available or that there are many fields of application. 2 The subsidiary Active Biotech Research AB is included in Active Biotech AB. 3 Biofactor Therapeutics AB has since 2001 merged with Melacure Therapeutics 4 Vicore AB was previously named Pharmacore AB 88 Table A2. Drug delivery Size Company class1 Business area, R&D activities, and/or products B Amarin Development AB2 n/a D Bioglan AB Parenteral programmed release technology especially well suited for proteins and peptides B Camurus AB Lipid based drug formulations for substances difficult to dissolve A Epiport Pain Relief AB Pain releif drug delivery through skin A Eurocine AB Nasal vaccines for human and veterinary applications A Galenica AB n/a B Lipocore AB Lipid based drug formulations A Medinvent AB n/a B Microdrug Development Inhaler especially for biopharmaceuticals A Pharmatrix AB Nasal vaccines for human and veterinary applications B Ponsus Pharma AB Dermatology 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500; and n/a means that we had no information available. 2 Former name: Ethical Pharmaceuticals. 89 Table A3. Diagnostics Size Company class1 Business area / Field of application A Alimenta Diagnostica AB Allergy B Biodisk AB Microbiology (choice of antibiotic) B Biopool AB Hemostasis, cardiovascular disease. B Boule Diagnostics International2 Microbiology B CanAg AB Immunoassays, cancer B Cavidi Tech AB Virology B CellaVision AB Analysis of cells and cell mutations using automated microscopy B EuroDiagnostica AB Immunology A Glycorex AB Reagents, carbohydrate binding cells and proteins and biological synthesis of complex carbohydrates B Idexx Scandinavia AB Veterinary medicine, infectious and viral diseases B IDL Biotech AB Diagnosis of cancer, tumor markers and DNA-diagnostics A LightUp Technology AB DNA-diagnostics B Mercodia AB Immunoassays for cardiovascular disease and diabetes A Noster System AB Ulser infection, diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori infection B PGL Professional Genetics Laboratory AB DNA-diagnostics/Pharmacogenomics A Prolight Diagnostics AB Apparatus for measurement of certain protein concentrations in blood for early diagnostics of heartattacks B Sangtec Medical AB Cancer, tumor markers and DNAdiagnostics B Sequenom AB Pharmacogenomics, genomics, bioinformatics A Sinovus Biotech AB Virology A Wieslab AB Immunoassays, autoimmune diseases 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500; and n/a means that we had no information available. 2 The subsidiaries included in Boule Diagnostics International AB are Boule Diagnostics AB and Boule Nordic AB. 90 Table A4. Medical technology Size Company class1 Business area / Product A Antarctic Pharma AB2 Krill enzymes in wound care and odontology B Artimplant AB Biocompatible materials, biodegradable ligament implants A Biopolymer products AB Biocompatible glue, e.g. for eyesurgery, based on Mussel Adhesive Protein (MAP). A Biovator AB In-vitro tests of allergic reactions of substances C CMA/Microdialysis AB Microdialyses A Excorim AB Medical device for immunadsorption, e.g. for treatment of autoimmune diseases A Glycorex Transplantation AB Blood treatment, removal of antibodies from blood when transplanting organs A LifeAssays AB Diagnostics, detection of tumormarkers, proteins and hormones in blood B Nidacon International AB Media and systems for fertility treatment D Q-Med AB Hyluronic acid based implants for estetic and medical use A Scandinavian QC Laboratories AB Media and systems for fertility treatment C Vitrolife AB3 Media and systems for fertility treatment, cell therapy, tissue engineering 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500. 2 Antarctic Pharma AB has since 2001 filed for bankruptcy/liquidation 3 The subsidiaries included in Vitrolife AB are Vitrolife Research and Development AB and Vitrolife Sales AB. 91 Companies in the area of biotech supplies Table A5. Biotech supplies Size Company class1 Business area, field of application or product Micro-, cell-, and molecular-biological tools, genomics, bioinformatics A AbSorber Glyco-protein research B Affibody AB Protein engineering for applications in bioseparation, diagnostics, therapy and proteomics A Alligator Bioscience AB B Alphahelix AB A Belach Bioteknik AB D Biacore AB Proteinengineering 2 Equipment for adding PCR-reagent to samples Fermentors 3 Detection of biomolecular interaction 4 A BioBridge Computing AB Bioinformatics and artificial neural networks A BioDev AB Bioseparation media, development of column material A BioThema AB Luminiscense instruments and reagents for bacterial analysis and food quality measurement A Charles River Sverige AB Biomolecular analysis and bioseparation A CyberGene AB DNA-analysis, oligonucleotide synthesis and bioinformatics A Decipher Genetics AB Genetic identification using new technology platforms A Genovis AB Technique to insert a foreign gene into a new host cell A Global Genomics AB Genomics B Gnothis AB Single molecule detection and analysis, microstructures and microfluidics C Gyros AB Miniatyre laboratories, lab on a CD focused on proteomics A Inovata AB Columns and column material A Interactiva Bioteknik AB Bioinformatics, biomolecules production (e.g. peptides and nucleic acids) and biochiptechnology A IsoSep AB Consultancy within biologically active carbohydrates, analysis and synthesis A John Curling Consulting Consultancy within e.g. Bioseparation A Magnetic Biosolutions AB Robotics, automation and software in the field of nucleic acid based biomagnetic separation A Novaferm AB Fermentors and bioreactors A Perbio Science AB (Publ) Cell growth and cell biology equipment A PerCell Biolytica AB Cell growth media A Peviva AB Immunoassays for preclinical research on new anticancer drugs and for the treatment follow-up of cancer patients A Ph Plate Microplate Techniques AB Microbial population analysis, e.g. for medical, environmental, and probiotic purposes C Pyrosequencing AB DNA-sequencing instruments 92 Size Company class1 Business area, field of application or product A Quiatech AB Bioorganic chemistry technologies to enhance DNA microarray techniques, DNA based diagnostics or ultra high speed DNA sequencing. A Sequant Columns and column material A Sidec Technologies Structural biology to a resolution down to 2 nm B Virtual genetics laboratory AB Bioinformatic software A Visual Bioinformatics Software for analysis of gene expression Sensors and biosensors A Beta Sensor AB Electrochemical and potentiometrical sensors for clinical, environmental and industrial applications D Biacore AB3 Detection of biomolecular interaction G BioEtt AB Enzymatic biosensor for temperature measurement e.g. of foodstuff during transportation B Biosensor Applications AB Electronic nose that detects narcotics and explosives using antibodybased technology A Chemel AB Detection of small molecules in fluids based on enzymatic reaction C Diffchamb AB Microorganism detection for quality control of food A Q-sense AB Measurement of structural and mass changes on surfaces 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500. 2 The subsidiaries included in Alphahelix AB are Alphahelix production AB and Alphahelix development AB. 3 The subsidiary Biacore AB is included in Biacore international AB. 4 BioBridge Computing AB has since 2001 filed for bankruptcy/liquidation 93 Companies in the area of bioproduction (biological molecules, microorganisms or cells) Table A6 Bioproduction (biological molecules, micro-organisms or cells) Size Company class1 Technique or Business area Product B AgriSera AB Production of antibodies from hen eggs, immunisation technology, synthesis of peptides Antisera, viruses and polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies A Arcticon BioPharm Production AB Mammalian cell cultivation and cGMP operating aseptic filling lines for oral and injectable biopharmaceuticals Biopharmaceuticals C Bioinvent International AB3 Fermentation Mammalian cell production of protein, monoclonal antibodies B Bohus BioTech AB Hyaluronan products for ophthalmic use. Extracted and purified from rooster combs. D DSM Anti2 Infectives AB n/a Produces raw materials for penicillin production A Immun System I.M.S. AB Immunisations, production Antibodies from hens and kits for detection of bacterial proteins A Innovagen AB Synthesis Sequencing of DNA and synthesis of peptides and oligonucleotides A Inro Biomedtek AB Hybridomtechnology Antibodies B Kemikalia AB Fermentation Microorganisms B Mabtech AB n/a Monoclonal antibodies A Medicago AB Recombinant proteins from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells as well as from human, animal and plant tissues Recombinant proteins B Medipharm AB Fermentation Microorganisms for food and feed A Medisera AB n/a Mono- and polyclonal antibodies A OVA Production AB Production of antibodies from hen eggs, production of cock´s crests, immunisation technology Antibodies from hens D Polypeptide laboratories (Sweden) AB Synthesis Peptides B Scandinavian Gene Synthesis DNA/RNA synthesis mainly for diagnostics, DNA-diagnostics DNA/RNA A Swedish Biotech Center AB Aseptic production of biopharmaceuticals Biopharmaceuticals 94 n/a Size Company class1 B 4 ViraNative AB Technique or Business area Product Protein purification and large-scale fermentation Interferon, Sendai virus and bacterial cultures (for use in functional food or in hygiene products) 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500 and n/a means that we had no information available. 2 Former name: Gist-Brocades AB. 3 The subsidiary Bioinvent Production AB is included in Bioinvent International AB. 4 Former name: BioNative AB 95 Companies in the area of functional food and feed Table A7 Functional food and feed1 Size Company class2 1 Field of application A Ancient Protein Protection AB Antimicrobial treatment of dairy products C BioGaia AB Probiotics, e.g. Lactobacillus reuteri for functional food and clinical purposes A Clas Lönner AB Microbial startercultures A Essum AB Probiotics A Gramineer International AB3 Probiotics B Lantmännens Foderutveckling AB Functional animal feed e.g. to reduce use of antibiotics A Olligon AB Develops and markets new food concepts based on microbal technology B Probi AB Probiotics for functional food, functional feed and clinical purposes A Triple Crown AB A cholesterol-managing agent A Wasa Medicals AB Probiotics Some of the companies in this category also develop new drugs. 2 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500. 3 A subsidiary included in Gramineer International AB is Gramineer Technology AB. 96 Companies in the area of agrobiotechnology Table A8. Agrobiotechnology Size Company class* Field of application / Product Genetically modified products B Plant science Sverige AB Genetically modified products E Svalöf Weibull AB Genetically modified products A Swetreegenomics AB Genetically modified products E Syngenta Seeds AB Genetically modified products Biological plant protection A Agrivir AB Bacterial metabolites for protection of plants and seeds from fungi A BINAB Bio-innovation Eftr. AB Trichoderma B BioAgri AB Natural soil bacteria BioBact AB Plant nourishment and soil improvement through fermentation of organic materials Other A * Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500. 97 Companies in the area of environmental biotechnology Table A9. Environmental biotechnology Size Company class1 Field of application Water, waste, or soil treatment A Abitec AB Soil treatment A Alron Chemical Soil treatment B ANOX AB Development of industrial wastewater analysis and microbiological treatment processes A EkoTec AB (Ekologisk Teknologi i Skellefteå AB) Soil treatment A HMBM Hanson McGill Biologisk Miljöåterställning AB Soil treatment A Marksanering i Sverige AB Biological treatment of soil contaminated by oil A Sysav Utveckling Waste treatment Cewatech AB Growth of mould using forestry waste liquids. Mould cell walls for infection prevention e.g. for wound care purposes. Other G 1 Classes according to the number of employees in each company: A: 1-9 (1-5); B: 10-49; C: 50-99; D: 100-199; E: 200-499; F:>500. 98 Table A10. Companies that have been established or are likely to be in the process of starting up their business since 2001. Company and sector Company and sector Agrobiotechnology Pharmaceuticals & medicine Robigus AB Actar AB Athera Biotechnologies AB Biotech tools & supplies Avaris AB Advanced Biosensor Technology in BioCrine AB1 Bio Swede AB Biostapro AB Bioresonator AB Bone Support Cellectricon Cell Therapeutics CrystalResearch AB CePeP AB Dynamic Code AB CytoMedic Ingeneous Technologies AB Helico AB IntelliClone Imed AB Ludesi AB Indevex Lundonia Biotech Innate Pharmaceuticals AB Modpro Kalbiotech AB Picology Landegren Gene Technology AB Proliff Mexxo AB Protista International AB MIP Technologies Quick-Load Neoventa Medical AB Quintessence Research AB Oncopeptides AB TATAA Ovacell AB Oxy Pharma Quantovir AB RadicPharma AB Smart Cells SSP Primers Svanova Biotech AB Umecrine AB 1 Xylogen AB BioCrine AB has been acquired by US Biostratum Inc. 99 A11. Summary of new and disappearing companies comparing the population in 1997 with the one in 2001 In agrobiotechnology the companies Agrivir, a subsidiary of Bioagri and Medivir identifying and analysing anti-fungal agents; SweTree Genomics AB, a spin-off mainly from the University of Umeå; Plant Science Sweden AB, subsidiary of German BASF and Svalöf Weibull, all emerged. Bionema AB, which was involved in using nematodes for biological plant protection, disappeared. In bioproduction there were as many companies in 2001 as in 1997 and they are more or less the same companies. Swedish Bioscience Laboratory AB has disappeared and Swedish Biotech Centre AB, subsidiary of Vitrolife attracting venture capital from the Swedish Industrial Development Fund is a new company as is Arcticon BioPharm Production AB. BioNative AB changed its name to ViraNative AB during the study period. Also, within the group of bioproduction companies, Danish Novozymes A/S acquired BioGaia Fermentation in 2001. The new biotech tools & supplies companies in 2001 compared to 1997 are Affibody AB, Alligator Biosciences AB, Genovis AB, Gnothis AB, Gyros AB, Interactiva Bioteknik AB, Magnetic Biosolutions Sweden AB, Perbio Science AB, Peviva AB, Quiatech AB, Sidec Technologies AB, Visual Bioinformatics AB, BioEtt AB and Biosensor Applications Sweden AB. In 2001 Visual Bioinformatics was acquired by Affibody AB, a spin-off company from KTH and Karolinska Institutet working in the field of protein engineering for applications in bioseparation, diagnostics, therapy, and proteomics. The technique of Affibody AB is based on combinatorial protein chemistry, and the aim is to produce specific proteins for binding to different target molecules (artificial antibodies). Quiatech develops new techniques in the area of bioorganic chemistry technologies to enhance DNA microarray techniques, DNA based diagnostics or ultra high speed DNA sequencing and the techniques are based on research performed at Uppsala University. Sidec Technologies is a spin-off from the Karolinska Institute involved in technologies for three-dimensional imaging in life sciences. Magnetic Biosolutions is the result of a venture between the Department of Biotechnology of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Dynal Biotech ASA in Norway. The company is specialized in the development of robotics, automation and software in the field of nucleic acid based biomagnetic separation. Gnothis are in the field of single molecule detection and Genovis develops a novel gene transfer technique. The two biotech tools & supplies companies that have disappeared are Biomun AB for which the activities have moved to the US and Chemodesign AB, which was acquired by Belach Bioteknik AB in 2000. In 2002 Chemodesign AB and Belach Bioteknik AB merged. During the period 2000-2001 Nordic Genomics AB, InBio Institutet för bioaktiva AB and NNI Biotech AB have all filed for bankruptcy/liquidation. 100 In environmental biotechnology the number of companies were the same in 1997 as in 2001, although they were not exactly the same companies. Cewatech AB is new and was formerly called Lizyx AB and Terramek AB has disappeared. In 2003 a company in this field was liquidated, HMBM Hanson McGill Biologisk Miljöåterställning AB. There were two new companies in 2001 compared to 1997 in functional food & feed, namely Ancient Protein Protection AB and Olligon AB, and no companies disappeared. Olligon AB is based on research conducted at the department of microbiology at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU) focuses on using microorganisms to develop new vegetable foodstuffs. The result for pharmaceuticals & medicine is summarised in the table below. 101 New and disappearing companies in the pharmaceuticals & medicine sub-sectors, comparing 1997 with 2001 New Disappeared New Diagnostics Disappeared Drug discovery & development Alimenta Diagnostics AB Chromogenix AB A Carlsson Research AB Bacterum AB Boule Diagnostics International Neoprobe Europe AB AnaMar Medical AB Carlab Läkemedelsforskning AB Prolight Diagnostics AB AngioGenetics Sweden AB LightUp Technologies AB Appetite Control AB Drug Delivery Arexis AB Galenica AB Biolipox AB Microdrug Development AB BS Bioteknik AB Medical technology Cartela AB Artimplant AB Cortendo AB BioPolymer Products of Sweden AB Esperion AB LifeAssays AB Gen-TAG Neuromics AB Scandinavian QC Laboratories AB Metina AB NeoPharma Production AB NeuroNova AB New Pharma Research Sweden AB Resistentia Pharmaceuticals AB UmanGenomics AB Vicore Pharma AB Visionar Biomedical AB Chromogenix, a diagnostic company, has moved its entire operation to Italy and Neoprobe Europe AB, previously Monocarb AB, has its headquarters in the US and its Swedish operation has been liquidated. It has previously been mentioned that US Sequenom has closed down its Swedish operation, previously the Swedish company Eurona. Also, the diagnostic company Biopool AB, with 25 employees, owned by Irish Trinity Biotech plc is being downsized in 2003. Bacterum AB was sold to an Australian company and some of the employees are today working for the functional food company Essum AB. During the period 1998-2001, the drug discovery & development companies AstaCarotene, Apodemus AB, the new company BS Bioteknik AB and ProCell Bioteknik i Hörnefors AB all filed for bankruptcy/liquidation as did the drug delivery company Betacore AB.The Drug delivery company 102 Scotia Sweden AB changed its name to Lipocore Holding AB. In 2003 Gentag Neuromics AB and Xenerate AB, a company in the field of developing gene and cell therapies to improve the biocompatibility of cardiovascular implants, both filed for bankruptcy/liquidation. There have been a few mergers in drug discovery & development, Melacure Therapeutics has merged with Biofactor, Alzpharm with Conpharm and Isconova with Biostapro. 103 Figur A. 12 Number of biotech companies in municipalities 1997 Number 1 2-5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 35 "Copyright Lantm teriverket 2002. Ur GSD- versiktskartan rende nr L2002/352" 104 Figur A. 13 Number of biotech companies in municipalities 2001 Number 1 2-5 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 35 "Copyright Lantm teriverket 2002. Ur GSD- versiktskartan rende nr L2002/352" 105 Figur A. 14 Number of employees in biotech companies in municipalities 1997 Number 0 - 50 51 - 150 151 - 250 251 - 350 351 - 1000 "Copyright Lantm teriverket 2002. Ur GSD- versiktskartan rende nr L2002/352" 106 Figur A. 15 Number of employees in biotech companies in municipalities 2001 Number 1 - 50 51 - 150 151 - 250 251 - 350 351 - 1000 "Copyright Lantm teriverket 2002. Ur GSD- versiktskartan rende nr L2002/352" 107 A 16. Number of companies in 1997 and 2001 distributed by cities and industrial sectors Malmö/Lund 97 01 Stockholm 97 01 Gothenburg 97 01 Uppsala 97 01 Umeå 97 01 Other 97 01 97 All 01 Pharmaceuticals & Medicine 15 20 25 32 12 17 12 19 2 2 6 4 72 94 Bioproduction 4 4 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 6 5 17 17 Biotech Tools & Supplies 4 7 8 15 2 2 8 8 1 1 2 3 15 36 Environmental Biotechnology 2 3 3 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 8 8 Functional Food & Feed 2 2 3 4 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 10 Agrobiotechnology 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 7 All sectors 27 36 41 56 17 24 23 31 7 7 20 18 135 172 108 A 17. Number of employees in 1997 and 2001 distributed by cities and industrial sectors Malmö/Lund 97 01 Stockholm 97 01 Gothenburg 97 01 Uppsala 97 01 Umeå 97 01 Other 97 01 97 01 Pharmaceuticals & Medicine 549 612 502 742 128 271 119 318 18 39 24 15 1340 1997 Bioproduction 93 260 147 154 1 2 2 8 42 37 63 97 348 558 Biotech Tools & Supplies 7 23 16 108 32 61 144 385 1 3 3 8 203 588 Environmental Biotechnology 17 16 5 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 8 29 31 Functional Food & Feed 22 25 74 112 1 2 0 3 2 3 2 2 101 147 Agrobiotechnology 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 12 6 2 650 601 656 620 688 936 744 1126 163 338 265 726 69 84 748 731 2677 3941 All sectors All B Scientific publications Table B1a Development of publication volume in the journal categories selected for the national analysis 1987-2001 1400 No. articles per year 1200 1987-1989 1000 1990-1992 800 1993-1995 600 1996-1998 400 1999-2001 200 BI O BI O TE C H N O LO C H EM IS T G Y & R Y & M AP PL IE D O LE C U LA R BI O LO G Y BI O PH YS M IC IC S R O BI O LO G C Y EL C L H BI EM O LO IS TR EN G Y Y, G IN M ED EE IC R IN IN G AL ,B IO G EN M ED ET IC IC AL S & H ER ED IT IM Y M U N O LO M G IC Y R O BI O L N O EU G Y R O SC IE N C ES VI R O LO G Y 0 Field Table B1b Development of publication volume in the journal categories selected for the international analysis 1987-2001 900 No. Articles / year 800 700 600 1987-1989 500 1990-1992 400 1993-1995 300 1996-1998 200 1999-2001 100 Bi oc he m ist ry & Bi Bi ot op ec hn hy si ol cs & Ap pl Ce M ll icr & ob De io ve l lo pm en ta lB io l Im m un ol og y M M ol ec icr ob ula io rB lo io gy lo gy Ne & G ur en os et cie ics nc es & Be ha vio r 0 109 Table B2. Journals in biotechnology-related sciences, in which Swedish authors published more than 500 articles in 1987-2001 110 JOURNAL J. OF BIOL. CHEM. SCAND. J. OF IMMUNOLOGY FEBS LETTERS EUROP. J. OF BIOCHEM. BRAIN RESEARCH BIOCHEM. AND BIOPHYS. RES. COMM. TRANSPLANTATION PROC. ACTA CHEMICA SCANDINAVICA BIOCHEMISTRY NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS Other Total 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 59 47 60 70 80 77 91 114 87 102 114 101 110 117 120 140 75 66 167 36 63 22 27 36 40 42 39 40 26 31 39 43 33 53 53 52 87 48 56 44 55 66 61 38 32 36 40 37 34 53 51 67 47 58 48 59 38 56 32 30 42 47 39 50 42 45 81 60 37 36 36 40 55 32 25 34 22 57 43 26 30 41 34 56 44 43 48 49 47 49 54 59 37 68 21 64 6 57 57 19 43 13 13 17 27 75 68 61 59 65 46 44 37 41 47 28 21 27 26 26 31 29 74 32 31 41 60 26 42 40 29 45 35 34 32 43 31 31 33 46 33 37 25 34 28 20 1345 1493 1389 1598 1705 1799 2061 2051 2221 2191 2223 2212 2215 2111 1983 1818 1872 1822 2196 2166 2304 2641 2559 2716 2639 2759 2654 2703 2495 2356 Total 1349 850 760 686 667 636 542 571 535 507 28597 35700 Table B3. Shares of articles in biotechnology-related sciences distributed by the year of publishing and the organisational affiliation of the Swedish authors* Organisations/Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Mean Universities and University Hospitals 94.7 94.7 95.6 94.9 95.2 95.5 96.7 96.3 96.4 96.0 95.9 95.8 95.8 95.4 95.7 95.6 Firms 6.2 7.4 6.8 7.6 7.4 5.6 5.7 5.4 5.8 5.5 5.9 5.0 5.0 5.8 5.2 6.0 Other Public Organisations 4.2 4.4 4.8 3.9 4.3 4.8 3.4 3.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.7 3.2 3.2 3.8 Hospitals and Animal Hospitals 1.3 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.1 1.6 1.5 2.1 1.8 2.0 1.9 Defense Units 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Industrial Research Institutes 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 Other 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.3 111 Total number of Swedish publications 1818 1872 1822 2196 2166 2304 2641 2559 2716 2639 2759 2654 2703 2495 2356 35700 * Since authors from different organisations often co-operated on one article, the sums of the shares exceeds 100 per cent Table B4. Average number of publications per year for Swedish organisations with more than 500 published articles in biotechnologyrelated science, 1987-2001* Organisation / Period 1987-1989 1990-1992 1993-1995 1996-1998 1999-2001 Average Share [%] Average No. publ. /Year Total No. publ. 112 KAROLINSKA INST 32.6 34.3 34.8 35.1 36.2 34.7 826 12396 LUND UNIV 18.7 19.1 19.8 18.5 18.5 18.9 450 6751 UPPSALA UNIV 16.9 15.7 15.0 15.2 15.2 15.5 369 5537 GOTHENBURG UNIV 13.0 12.6 12.4 12.3 11.1 12.2 291 4369 UMEA UNIV 8.4 7.9 7.9 8.3 7.5 8.0 190 2850 STOCKHOLM UNIV 9.6 8.5 7.7 7.3 6.5 7.8 186 2787 SLU 4.7 5.1 5.6 5.0 5.0 5.1 121 1812 LINKOPING UNIV 2.8 2.9 3.9 3.6 3.7 3.4 82 1223 ASTRA AB** 2.8 2.6 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.3 54 813 SMI 3.2 2.8 2.0 1.7 2.0 2.3 54 808 ROYAL INST TECHNOL 1.6 2.0 1.7 2.0 1.7 1.8 43 652 PHARMACIA AB*** 1.9 2.2 1.6 1.4 0.7 1.5 37 552 1.9 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.4 34 CHALMERS UNIV TECHNOL * Since authors from different organisations often co-operated on one article, the sums of the shares exceeds 100 per cent 503 ** Now AstraZeneca** (including all subsidiaries and acquisitions such as Hässle, Symbicom etc.) *** Now Pharmacia Corporation (including all subsidiaries and acquisitions such as Pharmacia diagnostics, LEO, Kabi etc. but excluding Pharmacia Biotech which in other tables will be included in the figures for Amersham Biosciences) Table B5. Number of articles by Swedish public research organisations with the largest publication volume in biotechnology-related science, distributed on different journal categories 1987-2001 Biochemistry Biotechnology & molecular Biophysics & applied biology microbiology 4450 KAROLINSKA INST. 94 289 131 516 LUND UNIV. 2941 UPPSALA UNIV. 2532 48 118 GOTHENBURG 1640 50 120 UNIV. UMEA UNIV. 1322 57 65 STOCKHOLM UNIV. 1760 48 41 SLU 950 12 148 LINKOPING UNIV. 483 44 36 SMI 69 53 ROYAL INST. 341 19 124 TECHNOL. CHALMERS UNIV. 392 35 21 TECHNOL. TOTAL 16880 538 1531 Organisation/ Subject field 113 Cell biology Medicinal chemistry Biomedical engineering Genetics & heredity Immunology Microbiology 701 373 343 67 47 162 153 155 66 553 357 397 2603 861 918 289 340 190 2844 967 665 356 64 98 12399 6752 5537 233 75 134 197 924 249 694 55 4371 146 86 64 104 4 25 38 6 16 37 46 1 111 254 142 258 34 3 398 416 194 161 377 174 55 139 31 150 321 146 17 200 8 51 9 23 3 146 2850 2787 1812 1223 810 11 9 22 16 36 46 22 6 652 8 3 28 5 2 6 2 2 504 2073 448 753 2216 6890 1669 5886 813 39697 SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; SMI - Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control NeuroVirology sciences Total Table B6. Number of articles by Swedish firms and industrial research institutes with the largest publication volume in biotechnologyrelated science, distributed on different journal categories 1987-2001* Organisation/ Subject field Biochemistry Biotechnology & molecular Biophysics & applied biology microbiology Cell biology Medicinal chemistry Biomedical engineering Genetics & heredity Immunology Microbiology NeuroVirology sciences Total 114 ASTRA 5 15 0 20 45 814 395 5 123 24 173 9 PHARMACIA 220 4 34 6 15 6 43 5 560 30 32 165 BIOCARB AB 33 0 13 0 0 0 3 4 2 0 1 56 AMERSHAM 69 1 1 3 5 1 80 BIOSCIENCES AB MEDIVIR AB 23 11 3 5 2 44 KARO BIO AB 30 3 4 1 38 STFI 19 11 1 1 32 SVENSKA 24 4 1 29 TOBAKS AB BIOINVENT INT 3 2 3 1 18 27 AB FERRING AB 4 6 6 4 20 SVALOF 4 1 1 27 21 WEIBULL AB ACTIVE BIOTECH 12 0 2 1 7 22 AB PERSTORP AB 18 2 1 21 IVL 12 8 1 21 GAMBRO AB 1 1 1 2 21 16 TOTAL 867 10 77 56 180 22 65 253 41 224 17 1812 * ASTRA AB includes Astra, Hässle, Draco, Symbicom, AstraZeneca; PHARMACIA AB includes Pharmacia & Upjohn, Pharmacia Corp, Leo, Kabi but not Pharmacia Biotech; AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES AB includes Pharmacia Biotech AB and Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB. IVL - The Swedish Environmental Research Institute; STFI – The Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute Table B7. Number of publications per period for firms and industrial research institutes with a Swedish adress and with more than 5 published articles in biotechnology-related science, 1987-2001* 19871989 19901992 19931995 19961998 19992001 Total ASTRA AB 154 173 159 172 155 813 PHARMACIA AB 103 149 128 116 56 552 BIOCARB AB 40 31 9 0 0 80 AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES AB 0 7 9 17 11 44 MEDIVIR AB 0 11 15 9 3 38 KARO BIO AB 8 5 10 18 14 55 STFI 8 5 4 8 7 32 SVENSKA TOBAKS AB 4 7 6 5 5 27 BIOINVENT INT. AB 8 6 3 2 1 20 FERRING AB 10 5 5 2 5 27 SVALOF WEIBULL AB 0 0 0 0 22 22 ACTIVE BIOTECH AB 4 8 4 4 1 21 IVL 4 4 2 10 1 21 PERSTORP AB 1 4 10 3 3 21 GAMBRO AB 0 0 0 0 19 19 MELACURE THERAPEUTICS AB 10 11 8 0 0 29 NOVARTIS SEEDS AB 3 6 2 1 2 14 SWED. INST. FOR FOOD & BIOTECH. 0 1 3 2 7 13 BIODISK AB 1 4 3 4 3 15 SANGTEC MEDCAL AB 0 4 1 3 3 11 SOCKERBOLAGET AB 6 1 0 0 0 7 EXCORIM AB 4 2 3 1 0 10 SWED. MEAT RES. INST. 5 1 1 0 1 8 CARMEDA AB 1 1 3 1 3 9 KARLSHAMN AB 0 2 5 2 0 9 SYNTHELEC AB 0 0 0 8 1 9 ACO AB 4 3 0 0 0 7 NYCOMED INNOVAT AB 0 0 0 4 4 8 UMETRICS AB 0 1 1 3 3 8 ANOX AB 0 1 3 3 0 7 BEROL NOBEL AB 3 2 2 0 0 7 CAVIDI TECH AB 0 0 0 5 2 7 GLYCOREX AB 0 0 2 3 2 7 HELAX AB 0 1 1 2 3 7 SWEDISH DAIRIES ASSOC. 1 0 2 4 0 7 Organisation / Period 115 19871989 19901992 19931995 19961998 19992001 Total ALFA LAVAL AB 3 0 1 0 0 4 BIACORE AB 0 0 0 1 5 6 MEDICARB AB 1 0 4 1 0 6 MEDSCAND AB 0 4 2 0 0 6 WIESLAB AB 0 0 0 4 2 6 CALAB MED. LAB. AB 0 1 2 2 0 5 OBLA AB 0 0 0 5 0 5 PYROSEQUENCING AB 0 0 0 0 5 5 SBL VACCIN AB 0 0 2 1 2 5 SWEDISH CORROS INST. 0 0 1 4 0 5 Organisation / Period * ASTRA AB includes Astra, Hässle, Draco, Symbicom, AstraZeneca; PHARMACIA AB includes Pharmacia & Upjohn, Pharmacia Corp, Leo, Kabi but not Pharmacia Biotech; AMERSHAM BIOSCIENCES AB includes Pharmacia Biotech AB and Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB. IVL - The Swedish Environmental Research Institute; STFI – The Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute 116 Table B8. Number of articles that the largest public research organisations co-published with companies or industrial research institutes in biotechnology-related science in 1986-1997 1 Share of the Total No. of organisation’s articles total publication volume (%) Year 87-91 Year 92-96 Year 97-01 KAROLINSKA INST 128 148 119 395 (68%) 3,1 LUND UNIV 133 128 110 371 (44%) 5,2 UPPSALA UNIV 105 115 102 322 (71%) 5,5 GOTHENBURG UNIV 54 54 45 153 (77%) 3,3 UMEA UNIV 28 40 15 83 (83%) 2,7 STOCKHOLM UNIV 59 46 33 138 (56%) 4,7 SLU 11 15 14 40 (32%) 2,1 LINKOPING UNIV 9 11 21 41 (73%) 3,3 SMI 9 11 9 29 (52%) 3,4 ROYAL INST TECHNOL 18 29 18 65 (58%) 9,5 CHALMERS UNIV TECHNOL 12 8 6 26 (65%) 4,9 Number of co-authorships 566 605 492 1663 (62%) Number of collaborating companies 44 58 77 1402 1 A particular co-authorship pair is only counted once per article, even if more than one author from a certain organisation is found. 2 This is the total number of firms with publications in collaboration with public research organisations the selected fields 1987-2001 117 Table B9. Number of papers in biotechnology-related science co-published by Astra and Pharmacia with other Swedish organisations during three periods ORGANISATION PERIOD KAROLINSKA INST AB ASTRA* 1987- 1992- 19971991 1996 2001 TOTAL 156 PHARMACIA AB** 1987- 1992- 19971991 1996 2001 44 36 32 TOTAL 112 52 57 47 LUND UNIV 22 20 28 70 33 32 29 94 UPPSALA UNIV 36 41 37 114 55 44 15 114 GOTHENBURG UNIV 25 33 24 82 22 8 6 36 UMEA UNIV 14 31 8 53 8 6 2 16 STOCKHOLM UNIV 12 13 11 36 24 11 6 41 4 1 7 4 4 SLU 1 3 2 6 2 LINKOPING UNIV 7 9 10 26 0 SMI ROYAL INST TECHNOL CHALMERS UNIV TECHNOL Public research org. 6 2 2 10 1 2 2 5 1 5 0 6 11 16 5 32 7 3 1 11 3 3 0 6 183 217 170 570 203 162 102 467 0 1 2 4 7 1 8 2 7 4 7 7 22 2 4 6 0 12 192 226 181 599 206 168 112 486 272 267 274 813 211 201 140 552 ASTRA AB PHARMACIA AB Other firms TOTAL no. of co-authorships TOTAL no. of articles by Astra and Pharmacia * ASTRA AB includes Astra, Hässle, Draco, Symbicom, AstraZeneca. A very small number of articles co-authored with hospitals are not accounted for in the table. ** PHARMACIA AB includes Pharmacia & Upjohn, Pharmacia Corp, Leo, Kabi but not Pharmacia Biotech. Two articles co-authored with FOA are not accounted for in the table as well as a very small number of articles co-authored with hospitals. 118 C Patenting Figure C1. Inventor origin for pharmaceutical patents in the US patent system in 1987-2001 Sweden Switzerland 1,1% 1,8% Other 7,8% Canada 2,3% Italy 2,6% France 5,0% USA 55,0% Great Britain 6,2% Germany 7,1% Japan 11,2% Figure C2. Inventor origin for medical electronics patents in the US patent system in 1987-2001 Netherlands Great Britain 1,6% 1,8% Sweden 2,0% Other 8,2% France 2,0% Germany 6,2% Japan 9,5% USA 68,7% 119 Figure C3. Inventor origin for medical equipment patents in the US patent system in 1987-2001 Sweden 1,4% Canada 1,6% France 2,2% Switzerland Other 1,3% 6,5% Great Britain 2,3% Germany 5,2% Japan 6,6% USA 72,8% 120 Table C1. Number of issued biotechnology patents per Swedish assignee and year62 BIOTECHNOLOGY 121 Assignee Pharmacia Corporation AstraZeneca AB Amersham Biosciences AB63 Biogaia AB Alfa-Laval AB Ibanez Carlos F. Probi AB Biacore AB Cemu Bioteknik AB Bioflexin AB Bioinvent International AB Karo Bio AB Biodisk AB Bioption AB Perstorp AB Procur AB Pyrosequencing AB Chromogenix AB 62 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 2 1 1 2 5 3 1 2 1 2 5 4 5 1 35 2 2 2 1 2 9 3 8 5 34 2 3 2 2 3 12 1 3 1 3 8 1 1 1 1 2 6 4 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation includes their acquisitions as well as previous and current subsidiaries such as Hässle and Draco, and Pharmacia Biotech, etc, with Swedish address. 63 Includes only patents with Amersham Pharmacia Biotech AB or Amersham Biosciences AB with Swedish address as assignee. BIOTECHNOLOGY 122 Assignee Ferring AB Forsvarets Forskningsanstalt IDL Immunodevelop Lab AB Korsnas AB Purac AB Tripep AB Vitec AB Eberthson A C Biotechnics AB A+ Science Invest AB Actinova Ltd. Affibody Technology Sweden AB Amylogene HB Atlas Copco Aktiebolag Baxter Biotech Technology Sarl Berol Kemi AB BioAgri AB Biocarb AB Bio-Instructa Labkonsult Bionative AB Biora AB Biowheat AB BTG Kalle Inventing AB Camurus AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 BIOTECHNOLOGY 123 Assignee Cavidi Tech AB Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Diamyd Therapeutics AB Diffchamb AB Ellco Food AB Olsson Eskil Euro-Diagnostica AB Eurona Medical AB Ewos Aktiebolag Forskarpatent I Syd AB Forskarpatent i Vastsverige AB Global Hemostasis Institute MGR AB Got-A-Gene AB HighTech Receptor AB Karolinska Innovations AB Karyogene AB Medivir AB Micro Active Protein AB Microcloning CCCD AB Nobel Chematur AB Novartis AG Owman Invest Ltd. Replico Medical AB Sangtec Medical AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BIOTECHNOLOGY 124 Assignee 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total SBL Vaccin AB 1 1 Skandigen AB 1 1 Svenska Mejeriernas Riksforenings 1 1 Ekonomi-Aktiebolag Svenska Sockerfabriks AB 1 1 Svenska Traforskningsinstitutet 1 1 Sveriges Starkelseproducenter 1 1 Forening U.P.A. T&M Biopolymer Aktiebolag 1 1 The European Institute of Science AB 1 1 Trion Forskning-Och Utvecklings AB 1 1 BIOTECHNOLOGY Total 7 3 6 4 6 9 10 8 13 7 16 35 24 33 32 213 Table C2. Number of issued medical electronic patents per assignee and year64 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 125 Assignee Pacesetter AB Siemens Elema AB Radi Medical System AB Elekta AB Humanteknik AB Aerocrine AB Nycomed Innovation AB Synectics Medical AB Biolight Patent Holding AB Ortivus Medical AB Radisensor AB Ascendia AB Gambro AB Hok Instrument AB AO Medical Products AB Astra Tech AB AstraZeneca AB Biosys AB Dorsograf AB 64 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 17 11 23 20 8 12 14 105 1 2 6 23 10 3 4 2 6 4 61 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 13 1 1 3 1 1 7 1 5 1 7 4 1 5 1 3 1 5 1 4 5 2 2 4 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation include their acquisitions, previous and current subsidiaries such as Pharmacia Biotech, Hässle, Draco, etc. MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 126 Assignee Herbst Ewa ICOR AB Minco AB Schuller Hans Abigo Medical AB Bilsom AB Bioapatite AB Biolin AB Biora AB Calluna Ide AB Camp Scandinavia AB Cardia Innovation AB Centrum for Dentalteknik och Biomaterial Cinventa Aktiebolag Dalloz Safety AB Diabact AB European Institute of Science Formo Medical AB Forskarpatent I Linkoping AB Hafslund Nycomed Innovation AB Instrumentarium Corp. Karolinska Institutet Medevelop AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 127 Assignee Micronic Laser Systems AB Nobel Biocare AB Nobel Pharma AB Optovent AB Pascal Medical AB Pharmacia Corporation ProstaLund Operations AB Refina Instrument AB Regam Medical Systems International AB Scandimed International AB Scanditronix Medical AB SCS Medicinproject Aktiebolag SE-Produkter Sinus Medical Equipment AB Swemac Orthopaedics AB Ultra Tan International AB Unfors Instruments AB MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Total 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 3 2 4 2 6 17 46 27 31 1 44 17 36 36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 283 Table C3. Number of issued medical equipment patents per assignee and year65 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 128 Assignee 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total SCA Hygiene Products AB / SCA 6 2 4 4 3 2 2 5 11 5 9 20 20 25 21 139 Molnlycke AB AstraZeneca AB 3 1 1 1 2 8 7 11 11 11 16 72 Siemens Elema AB 1 1 1 3 12 4 13 10 9 11 65 Pharmacia Corporation 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 6 4 3 9 6 6 6 54 Nobel Biocare AB 4 12 6 1 13 36 Gambro AB 5 3 3 2 1 5 2 3 3 27 Nobel Pharma AB 2 2 5 5 4 2 3 1 1 25 Medevelop AB 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 2 18 Astra Meditec AB 1 2 2 5 2 12 Atos Medical AB 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 Radi Medical System AB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Landstingens Inkopscentral LIC 3 2 1 6 Sandvik AB 2 1 1 1 1 6 Astra Tech AB 2 1 1 1 5 Elekta AB 1 1 1 1 1 5 Gramtec Innovation AB 2 2 1 5 The Institute for Applied Biotechnology 1 1 3 5 Gibeck Respiration AB 1 1 1 1 4 Berol Kemi AB 1 1 1 3 65 AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation include their acquisitions, previous and current subsidiaries such as Pharmacia Biotech, Hässle, Draco, etc. MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 129 Assignee CMA/Microdialysis AB Idea AB Nyberg Lars Olof Emil Roby Teknik AB Swedemed AB AGA Aktiebolag Andersson Baby Bjorn AB Becton, Dickinson and Company Bilsom AB Biro Jan Charles Blomdahl Medical AB BOC Ohmeda AB Collux AB Dentatus International AB Dille Safe AB Electrolux AB Engstrom Medical Aktiebolag Hallgren Roger Hornberg Krog Michael Leijonhufvud Carl B. Lindstrom Kjell Olof Torgny Louis Gibeck AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 130 Assignee LuCoCer Aktiebolag Mansson Karl Gunnar Wiking Marlene Sandberg AB Medicarb AB Medinvent AB Mediplast AB Nilsson Sven-Erik Pacesetter AB Peltor Aktiebolag Peridoc AB Principal AB Pro-Pel AB ProstaLund Operations AB Raab Yngve Sandegard Jan Stafilum AB Svedman Pal Unilink AB Werner Olof Akerlund & Rausing AB Alfastar AB Amdent AB Anderzon Invest AB Arta Plast AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 131 Assignee Artimplant Development Artdev AB Bengt Ingvar Benrad Aktiebolag Bergasa Industrier AB Bioapatite AB Biogaia AB Biogram AB Bioimplant AB Biora AB Bohuslandstinget Boliden Contech AB Borga Brava Patient Och Invent AB Breas Medical AB Bror Carl Dahlborn AB Cemvac System AB Centri AB Centri Gummifabrik AB Corline Systems AB Credentus AB Dalloz Safety AB Datex Engstrom AB Dentatus AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 132 Assignee Dentatus AB Dicamed AB Dry Invent Bengt Mattsson AB Duni Bila AB Echodent AB Ellem Bioteknik AB Errarp Innovation AB Etac AB Excorim AB Fagersta EL & Diesel AB Fisheries Management and Supply Co A.B. Fixster Instruments AB Funova AB Futuraprodukter HB Gibeck AB Gillis Gislaved Plastindustri AB Guidor AB Hemapure AB Hepar AB Hudson RCI AB Ingrid Margareta Axelsson et al. Inoris Medical AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 133 Assignee Institutet for Tillampad Bioteknologi Interspiro AB Investment AB Falneria Jacobsson JATAB JCL Technic AB John Sjoding AB Kanor Plast AB Koping Industri-Plast AB Lars Blomdahl AB Light Weight Support AB Liko Research & Development AB Ljungberg & Kogel Margareta Medical Innovation AB Medical Projects HB Medifront AB MediTeam Dentalutveckling I Goteborg AB Medscand Medical AB Meduse Scandinavia AB Mercado Medic AB MiniDoc i Uppsala AB MIT AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 134 Assignee Mo och Domsjo Aktiebolag Nestec S.A. Nikomed ApSl Nikval International AB Nolato AB Nordiska Dental AB Novel Plast AB Omega Medicinteknik AB Ortolab AB P & B Research AB Palmcrantz Pascal Medical AB Peltor AB Per Perfecta Pump Aktiebolag Presidentia Medical AB Radiplast AB Rehband Anatomiska AB Respaid AB Saab-Scania AB SanPoint AB Scandfast AB Scandinavian Bioortodontic AB SKF AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 135 Assignee Stiftelsen for Medicinsk-Teknisk Utveckling Stora Kopparbergs Bergslags Aktiebolaf Stormby Nils Stretchex AB Surg Develop AB Surgical Invent AB Swedish Graft Technique AB Svensk Eldental AB Teknikhuset Swetron AB Teltec Electronic Equipment AB Tetra Pak AB Tilly Medical Products AB Titanbron I ahus AB Tobin Scandinavia AB Triple L. Laboratories AB TSP Medical AB Varde Per Vastsvensk Medicinteknik AB Vaxjo-Protes AB Viggo AB Volcano International Medical AB Zenova Aktiebolag MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Total 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 93 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 713 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 21 20 26 1 37 37 30 30 34 48 49 93 73 90 Table C4. Number of issued pharmaceutical patents per assignee and year66 PHARMACEUTICALS 136 Assignee AstraZeneca AB Pharmacia Corporation Medivir AB Perstorp AB Lejus Medical AB Fockerman Jasmine Lundblad Leif J. I. Alfa-Laval AB GS Development AB Item Development AB Syntello Vaccine Development AB Akerlof Eva Ferring AB Karo Bio AB Medicarb AB Pousette Ake Scotia Lipid Teknik AB Active Biotech AB Cortendo AB Duotol AB 66 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 8 6 9 11 9 6 6 8 10 10 32 42 43 48 47 295 7 6 9 1 6 3 7 2 13 18 25 23 12 6 13 151 1 2 1 2 2 4 3 1 1 17 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 13 1 2 2 2 2 9 2 1 3 2 8 2 2 3 7 1 1 2 1 1 6 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 1 5 2 2 4 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 1 2 4 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 AstraZeneca and Pharmacia Corporation include their acquisitions, previous and current subsidiaries such as Pharmacia Biotech, Hässle, Draco, etc. PHARMACEUTICALS 137 Assignee Gambro AB Glycorex AB Michel A+ Science Invest AB Astacarotene AB Berol Kemi AB Biocarb AB Biogaia AB Bioglan AB Boman Hans G. Camurus AB Chemical Dynamics Sweden AB Conpharm AB Erik Vinnars AB Erlanson-Albertsson Charlotte Johansson Gunnar Landstingens Inkopscentral LIC Lindahl Gunnar Olle Ljungqvist Medical AB Pharmalink AB Ricard Jacques J. L. SBL Vaccin AB Sjogren Goran Skandigen AB Sundh Anders 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 PHARMACEUTICALS 138 Assignee Abigo Medical AB Affibody Technology Sweden AB Agerup Bengt Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB Batra Satish Bergman Biogram AB Bionative AB Biophausia AB Bioption AB Bio-Tox Diagnostics Kommanditbolag Bracco Research S.A. Cederqvist Chromogenix AB Collagen Casing Einar Sjolander AB Corline Systems AB Diabact AB Diamyd Therapeutics AB Drilletten AB Eka Nobel AB Ellco Food AB EntreTech Medical AB Euro-Diagnostica AB Ferrosan AB Fluid-Carbon International AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PHARMACEUTICALS 139 Assignee Fresenius Kabi AB Gacell Laboratories AB Glenpharma Global Hemostasis Institute MGR AB Gramineer AB GS Biochem AB Guidor AB Halsoprodukter Lars Karnerud AB HighTech Receptor AB Hydro Pharma AB IDL Immunodevelop Lab AB International Nutritional Research Institute AB Karlshamns LipidTeknik AB Karolinska Innovations AB Malvac Foundation Maud Medinvent AB Medipharm AB Medivent Micro Active Protein AB Mitra Medical Technology AB Neopharma Production AB Nycomed Innovation AB Oncholab AB Peviva AB 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PHARMACEUTICALS 140 Assignee 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total Pharmac IA AB 1 1 Ponsus AB 1 1 Pripps Bryggerier AB 1 1 Probi AB 1 1 ProCell Bioteknik i Hornefors AB 1 1 Pyrosequencing AB 1 1 Q Med AB 1 1 Semper AB 1 1 Siemens Elema AB 1 1 Solimedco Aktiebolag 1 1 Suoma 1 1 Svenska Sockerfabriks AB 1 1 Sveriges Starkelseproducenter 1 1 Forening U.P.A. Synphra AB 1 1 Syn-Tek AB 1 1 The Institute for Applied Biotechnology 1 1 Thomas 1 1 Trion Forskning-Och Utvecklings AB 1 1 PHARMACEUTICALS Total 26 19 24 18 20 18 21 32 41 49 81 85 78 77 86 675 Table C5. Country/countries of assignee ownership in studied patent categories67 BIOTECHNOLOGY Assignee countries No. of patents MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Assignee countries No. of patents MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Assignee countries No. of patents PHARMACEUTICALS Assignee countries No. of patents SE 201 SE 280 SE 674 SE 629 US 77 DE 89 US 40 US 95 DK 9 US 29 DE 20 NO 34 DK; US 7 NO 21 CH 11 DK 13 GB 7 CA 3 FR 5 NL 10 DE 5 CH 2 FI 5 SE; US 9 FR 4 AT 1 AU 4 DE 7 FI 3 JP 1 DK 3 DK; US 7 JP 3 Not found 44 LU 2 GB 7 AU 2 Total 470 NO 2 FR 5 CH 2 AU; SE 1 AU 5 IL; SE 2 DE; SE 1 IT 4 SE; US 2 DK; SE 1 FI 3 AU; DE 1 ES 1 FI; US 3 CA; US 1 ES; SE 1 BE 2 DE; FR 1 GB 1 CA 2 ES; SE 1 IS 1 DK; JP 2 FI; SE 1 JP 1 AN; SE 1 FI; US 1 NL 1 CA; US 1 HU; SE 1 Not found 177 CH 1 JP; SE 1 Total 952 CH; SE 1 NO 1 DE; FR 1 Not found 57 DE; SE 1 Total 390 DK; SE 1 JP 1 JP; SE 1 67 NL; SE 1 Not found 68 Total 915 Not found means the number of patents per patent class without an assignee. SE; SE means that two assignees from Sweden co-own the patent. The countries are: SE-Sweden, US-USA, NONorway, DK-Denmark, CH-Switzerland, CA-Canada, FI-Finland, GB-Great Britain, JP-Japan, NLNetherlands, DE-Germany IL-Israel, IT-Italy, BE-Belgium, FR-France, TW-Taiwan, IN-India, NZNew Zeeland, AU-Australia, MX-Mexico, ES-Spain, IS-Iceland, HU-Hungary, AT-Austria, LULuxembourg. 141 Table C6. Nationality of inventors in Biotechnology, Medical and Pharmaceutical patents 68 BIOTECHNOLOGY Inventor countries No. of patents MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Inventor countries SE 202 SE SE; US 62 DE; SE DK; SE 12 US FI; SE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT No. of patents 394 Inventor countries No. of patents PHARMACEUTICALS Inventor countries No. of patents SE 824 SE 556 8 SE; US 25 SE; US 96 GB; SE 7 US 14 US 35 12 NO; SE 7 CH; SE 10 DK; SE 25 10 SE; US 7 DE; SE 8 NO; SE 22 JP; SE 8 DK 6 GB; SE 8 GB 19 DE; SE 7 HR 6 FI; SE 6 DE 10 DK; SE; US 7 DE 5 DK 5 CA 8 FR; SE 6 DK; NO; SE 4 FR; SE 5 CA; SE 9 AU; SE 5 NL; SE 3 NL 5 GB; SE 9 GB; SE 5 CA; SE 2 FR 4 DK; SE; US 8 IN 5 2 NO 4 FR; SE 8 CH 4 2 NO; SE 4 FI; SE 7 CH; SE 3 FI; SE 2 CA; DK; NO; SE 2 DE; SE 6 MX; SE 3 GB 2 DE; NL 2 FI 6 NO; SE 3 US 2 DK; SE 2 CH; SE 5 CA; SE 2 AT; SE 1 ES; SE 2 DK 5 2 CA; SE; US 1 FI 2 IT 5 2 DE; US 1 GB 2 NL; SE 5 2 DK; NL; NO; SE 1 AU; SE 1 NZ 5 DK; NO 1 BE; FR 1 IT; SE; US 4 1 CH 1 JP; SE 4 1 CH; SE; US 1 1 DE 1 DE; SE; US GB; SE; TH GB; SE; US IL 2 AT 1 AT; DE 1 BE; US; GB; SE 1 DE; NO; SE DK; IS; SE; US DK; NO; SE; US DK; SE; US ES; SE 68 NO; SE; US DK; NL; NO; SE 4 3 SE; SE means that two inventors from Sweden collaborated. The countries are: SE-Sweden, USUSA, NO-Norway, DK-Denmark, CH-Switzerland, CA-Canada, FI-Finland, GB-Great Britain, JPJapan, NL-Netherlands, DE-Germany IL-Israel, IT-Italy, BE-Belgium, FR-France, TW-Taiwan, INIndia, NZ-New Zeeland, AU-Australia, MX-Mexico, ES-Spain, IS-Iceland, HU-Hungary, ATAustria, LU- Luxembourg, TH-Thailand, EE-Estonia, CS-Czech Republic, CU-Cuba, HR-Croatia, NG-Benin, RU-Russia. 142 BIOTECHNOLOGY Inventor countries CA; DE; SE; US CA; DK; SE; US No. of patents MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Inventor countries MEDICAL EQUIPMENT No. of patents Inventor countries No. of patents 1 FR; SE 1 DE; GB; SE 1 1 FR; US 1 DK; FI; SE 1 1 JP; SE 1 DK; SE; US 1 1 Total 470 GA; SE 1 CS; SE PHARMACEUTICALS Inventor countries No. of patents DK; NO; SE DK; NO; SE; US GB; SE; US 3 1 IT; SE 3 GB; NL; SE 1 AT 2 1 IE; SE 1 BE 1 CU; SE 1 IL 1 BE; SE 2 DE; FR; SE; US 1 IS; SE 1 ES; SE; US 2 DE; GB; SE 1 IT; US 1 GB; SE; TH 2 EE; US 1 JP; SE 1 GB; US 2 ES; SE 1 NL; SE 1 IL 2 1 IN; SE; US 2 CA; GB CH; EE; SE CH; SE; US 3 FI; SE; US 1 FI; US; SE 1 PL; SE 0 IT; US 2 GB 1 RU 1 JP 2 HU; SE 1 Total NZ; SE 2 IN; SE 1 FR 1 IT; SE 1 AT; CA 1 IT; SE; US 1 AU; SE 1 JP 1 MX; NL; SE; US MX; SE; US NG; PL; SE PL; SE Total NL; US 3 1 1 1 952 BE; SE; US CA; GB; SE CA; SE; US 1 CH; FR 1 DE; FR; SE; US DE; GB; SE 1 390 1 1 1 DK; FI; SE 1 DK; NO 1 FR; SE; US GB; NO; SE JP; SE; US IL; SE; US 143 1 1 1 1 1 BIOTECHNOLOGY Inventor countries No. of patents MEDICAL ELECTRONICS Inventor countries MEDICAL EQUIPMENT No. of patents Inventor countries No. of patents PHARMACEUTICALS Inventor countries NL; SE; US No. of patents Not found 1 NZ; SE; US 1 Total 144 1 915 D Interviews, conferences and seminars Interviews Mark Hickery Örjan Isacson Björn O. Nilsson Gunnar Pohl Paul de Potocki Nils-Georg Asp Nathan Rosenberg Eugen Steiner Stefan Ståhl Mathias Uhlén Li Westerlund Catharina Brooling Cartela AB CONNECT KaroBio AB Biopool AB Biovitrum AB The Swedish Nutrition Foundation Stanford University, USA HealthCap Royal Institute of Technology & Affibody AB Royal Institute of Technology McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, Washington DC, USA NUTEK Conferences and seminars 2002-2003 ”Bioteknikbolag med inriktning mot nya läkemedel” IVA, Stockholm Jan. 24 2002. ”Det nya forskningslandskapet - perspektiv på vetenskap och politik” SISTER, Stockholm April 4 2002. ”Global Perspectives on Bioscience, 2002” Exportrådet, Stockholm April 18 2002. “IT’s BIOtech seminar” IT & B- Network, Stockholm April 24 2002. “BioteknikForums seminarium om EU-kommissionens bioteknikstrategi”, SIK, Stockholm May 21 2002. ”Sveriges bioteknikindustri i ett internationellt perspektiv” SNS, Stockholm Aug. 20 2002. ”CONNECT Biomedical partnership forum”, Malmö Oct. 8-9 2002. “Hur kan forskning om innovationssystem bidra till bättre beslut?” VINNOVA, Stockholm Oct. 28 2002. ”Från start-up till etablerat bioteknikbolag” IVA, Stockholm Sept. 19, 2002. ”Biomedicin och tillväxt” ESBRI, Stockholm, Dec. 9, 2002. ”Hur myndigheter och andra organisationer kan främja svensk bioteknik” IVA Stockholm Jan 23, 2003. 145 VINNOVAs publications April 2003 VINNOVA Report 1 4 1 2 19 Trämekanisk framsyn. Ett projekt för utveckling av den trämekaniska industrin. VR 2003: Slutrapport. Only as PDF 11 Fysisk planering i det digitala samhället 21 En sammanfattning av boken: 12 (Telematik 2004) Organisationsövergångar och unika kulEfter 11 september 2001: - Kan storebror turer. Förändringsdynamik och utveck13 hejdas? (Telematik 2006) lingsstöd via Växtkraft Mål 4. Short version of VR 2002:5 VR 2002: Explorative System-Integrated Technologies – EXSITE Rationalitet och etik i samhällsekonomisk analys och Nollvision. Expertseminarium november 2001. Only as PDF 22 Nya material och produkter från förnyelsebara råvaror. Short version of VR 2002:16 23 Transporteffektivisering med integrerad informationsteknologi, TRANSMIT. Only as PDF 3 Regionala innovationssystem. En fördjupad kunskapsöversikt. Only as PDF 24 Trä-, Bygg- och Möbelprogrammet - en analys av insatser och resultat 4 Funktionshindrades resmöjligheter. Sammanfattning av senaste årens forskning. CD with all related reports 25 Face synthesis as a communication aid for hard-of-hearing people. Teleface l and ll. Final project report. Only as PDF Organisationsövergångar och unika kulturer. Förändringsdynamik och utvecklingsstöd via Växtkraft Mål 4. For short version see VR 2002:21 26 Communication and Services in Open Networks. Kommunikation och Tjänster i Öppna Nätverk. 1999-2002. Only as PDF 5 www.VINNOVA.se 6 Metanoldrivna bilar i Trollhättan – Göteborg. Förstudie. Only as PDF 7 Hållbart arbete i informationssamhället. Slutrapport från projektet “Callcenter i utveckling – långsiktigt hållbart arbete med kunder på distans” 8 Knowledge exchange, communication and context in electronic networks (KnowHow). Only as PDF 9 Systemiskt lärande som ansats i logistikutvecklingen – en studie av internethandeln. Only as PDF 10 Framväxten av en ny vetenskapsbaserad basteknologi (nanoteknik) och dess relevans för det transport-teknologiska området. Förstudie. Only as PDF 11 Den nya ekonomin – ett internetperspektiv (Telematik 2004). For short version see VR 2002:12 12 Den nya ekonomin – ett internetperspektiv (Telematik 2004). Short version of VR 2002:11 13 Projekt Camelot. Rundabordssamtal och seminarier kring framtidens boende (Telematik 2004). Only as PDF 14 Tyskland och användningen av Internet - en jämförelse med Sverige (Telematik 2004) 15 DIGITALA NYHETER. Nyhetsförmedling via Internet (Telematik 2004). Only as PDF 16 Nya material och produkter från förnyelsebara råvaror. En framtidsbild och vägen dit. For short version see VR 2002:22 17 Transportinformatik och personlig integritet. Only as PDF 18 Utvecklade leverantör – kundrelationer: Supply Link Management. Only as PDF växt – mot en ny ekonomi och en ny arbetsvärld Strategi för bränslen i framtida fordon Den kollektive trafik i Danmark. Only as PDF En föränderlig medievärld – teknik, ekonomi och journalistik (Telematik 2004). Only as PDF 14 Samordnad godstransport inom lantbrukssektorn för att främja ett uthålligt transportsystem. Only as PDF 15 Framtida flygtrafikledning i Sverige. Pilotstudie, slutrapport. Only as PDF 16 Projekt PÅLBUS. Teknisk slutrapport. Only as PDF 17 The Impact of CO2 Emissions Trading on the European Transport Sector 18 Användarperspektivet. Strategier för att förstärka samspelet mellan användare och utvecklare 19 Utrustning för rationell säkring av last på fordon. Only as PDF 27 Utvärdering av teknik som reducerar kvä- 20 Förstudie om teknik för gasdrivna fordon. Only as PDF veoxider på äldre arbetsmaskiner genom Selective Catalytic Reduction - SCR. 21 Trafiken på avvägar – finns det utvägar? Only as PDF Sammanfattning av VINNOVAs och UTVÄGARs workshop jan 2001 28 The North European Maritime Container Feeder Market. Only as PDF 22 Hur åker du? Om hur folk väljer färdmedel. Short version of VR 2001:8 29 VinnEr – En samverkanspilot mellan VINNOVA och Ericsson. 23 Resenärer om sin färdtjänst 30 Dialogprojektet - Framtida handel. Rapporter framtagna av Arbetsgruppen för samordning av dagligvarutransporter. Only as PDF 1 2 VR 2001: Paving the way for the electric vehicle. Only as PDF PIRATE – EU-projekt om attraktivare bytespunkter med fokus på de svenska studieobjekten Lund C och Vellinge Ängar. Svenska delen. Only as PDF 24 Resenärer om sin färdtjänst. Teknisk rapport 25 Vägen, resan och mobilen. Scenario med frågor för vägtrafik. Only as PDF 26 IT, demokrati och medborgarnas deltagande (Telematik 2004) 27 Erfarenhet av samordning av färdtjänst och sjukresor i Dalsland. Only as PDF 28 Dags för trängselavgifter i Stockholmstrafiken! Referat från en konferens. Only as PDF 3 Innovative Transit Systems. Only as PDF 4 Arbetssituation och stresshantering hos kabinpersonal. Only as PDF 5 Japan inför nya fordonsbränslen och drivsystem. En översikt hösten 2000. Only as PDF 33 Granskning av livbåtssystem TENGIS. Only as PDF 6 Bilden som roar och klargör. En jämförande studie mellan tidiga illustrerade läroböcker och dagens pedagogiska CDROM (Telematik 2004) 35 Flervånings trähus i Tyskland och Japan 31 Ostkustbanan - Modell och verklighet. Slutrapport. Only as PDF 32 Rädslans rum – trygghetens rum 34 Air Safety at Sea. Only as PDF 36 Global Drivers and Megatrends in the Wood Products Industry 7 Hållbarhetsanpassade transporter. En rättsvetenskaplig studie av transporternas miljöeffekter. Only as PDF 37 Ökad träanvändning i bostadsbyggandet 8 Komfortens betydelse för spår- och busstrafik. Trafikantvärderingar, modeller och prognoser för lokala arbetsresor. For short version see VR 2001:22. Only as PDF 39 3D-baserat IT-stöd för lättbyggnadsteknik i trä 9 See VI 2001:11 10 Perspektiv på nätverkssamhällets fram- 38 Industriellt byggande i trä och 3D baserat IT-system för flervånings trähus 40 WIS – Wood Interface System 41 Storskalighet och småföretagande. En studie av strategiska grupper inom svensk möbelindustri 1 2 1 2 VINNOVA Information VINNOVA Analysis VI 2003: (former Innovation in Focus VF) VA 2003: Verksamhet inom Transporter Årsredovisning 2002 VI 2002: Research and innovation for sustainable growth. Replaces VI 2001:2 VINNOVAs verksamhet – pågående och planerade aktiviteter. Juli 2002. Replaces VI 2001:10 1 2 2 Swedish Biotecknology - scientific publications, patenting and industrial development VA 2002: Det Svenska Nyföretagandet 1986-1997 förändringar i företagsstrukturer och sysselsättningseffekter. Tillväxt i regioner genom dynamiska innovationssystem 4 VINNOVAs årsredovisning 2001 5 IT i verkstadsindustrin. Program för mångvetenskaplig forskning i samverkan industri, högskola och institut 6 Regionala företagskonsortier 1994-2001 7 Effekter 1975–2000. Stöd till behovsmotiverad forskning. Short version of VF 2002:1 2 Impact of R&D during the period 1975-2000. The impact of VINNOVAs predecessors support for needs. English version of VI 2002:7 Stimulating International Technological Collaboration in Small and MediumSized Enterprises. A Study of VINNOVA’s SMINT Programme. 3 Regional ekonomisk tillväxt i Sverige 1986–2001. En studie av tillväxtens utveckling i Sveriges lokala arbetsmarknader. 8 9 1 Verksamhet inom BioTeknik. Speciellt framtagen för BioTech Forum och Medicintekniska konferensen oktober 2002. VI 2001: See VI 2001:12 2 See VI 2002:1 3 Verksamhet som VINNOVA övetagit från NUTEK år 2000 4 Framtida kommunikationsnät 5 The Competence Centres Programme. Second, Mid-Term, International Evaluation, Group 4 (5 Centres) and Overall Impressions 1 Effekter av VINNOVAs föregångares stöd till behovsmotiverad forskning – Fyra effektanalyster av insatser under perioden 1975 – 2000 (for short version in swedish and english, see VI 2002:7 and VI 2002:8). Only as PDF VF 2001: Drivers of Environmental Innovation 2 The Swedish biotechnology innovation system 3 Elektronisk handel inom musik- och stålindustrin. Only as PDF 4 Electronic Commerce in the Music Industry and Steel Industry in Sweden. Only as PDF VINNOVA Forum (former VINNOVA Debate VD) VFI 2002: Bioprocesser i industrin. Program för forskning, utveckling och demonstration. VINNOVA 2001–2005 1 7 Innovativa livsmedel. Program för forskning, utveckling och demonstration. VINNOVA 2001–2005. Only as PDF 2 8 Biomedicinsk teknologi . Program för forskning, utveckling och demonstration VINNOVA 2001–2005. Only as PDF Innovationspolitik för Sverige: mål, skäl, problem och åtgärder (Innovation policy in Focus) 3 9 VINNOVA´s views on the European Commsission´s proposal for the Sixth Framework Programme 2002-2006. Only as PDF Teknikparkens roll i det svenska innovationssystemet - historien om kommersialisering av forskningsresultat (Innovation policy in Focus) 11 Projektredovisning för möbelprogrammet 1998-2001. Replaces VR 2001:9 12 Forskning och innovation för hållbar tillväxt. Replaces VI 2001:1 1 2 13 Projektkatalog Trä- och byggprogrammet – Beviljade projekt 3 Betydelsen av innovationssystem: utmaningar för samhället och för politiken (Innovation policy in Focus) VD 2001: Gender equality and sustainable development: The need for debate in transportation policy in Sweden (Transport policy in Focus) Bortom Dennispaketet (Transport policy in Focus) Transportsektorns koldioxidutsläpp och den svenska miljöpolitiken. En kritisk granskning (Transport policy in Focus). Only as PDF VP 2002: Behovsmotiverad forskning och effektiva innovationssystem för hållbar tillväxt. VINNOVAs verksamhetsplanering 2003-2007. For english version see VP 2002:4, for full swedish version see VP 2002:3 2 Nationellt inkubatorprogram 3 Behovsmotiverad forskning och effektiva innovationssystem för hållbar tillväxt. En fördjupad version av VINNOVAs verksamhetsplanering 2003-2007. For short swedish version see VP 2002:1, for short english version see VP 2002:4 4 Effective innovation systems and problem-oriented research for sustainable growth. VINNOVA’s strategic plan 2003 - 2007. For swedish veersion see VP 2002:1 and 3 5 Nationell strategi för FoU inom området tillämpning av informationsteknik. VF 2002: 6 10 See VI 2002:2 1 Innovationssystemanalys inom flygindustri och luftfart. Förstudie 3 1 VINNOVA Policy PRODUCTION/PRODUKTION: VINNOVA Communication Division/Kommunikationspolicy PRINT/TRYCK: Bromma tryck AB April 2003 SOLD BY/FÖRSÄLJNING Fritzes Offentliga Publikationer, www.fritzes.se VINNOVA´s role is to promote sustainable growth by developing effective innovation systems and funding problem-oriented research. Postal address Visiting address: Ph, switchboard Fax VINNOVA@VINNOVA.se SE-101 58 Stockholm, Sweden Mäster Samuelsgatan 56 +46 (0)8 473 30 00 +46 (0)8 473 30 05 www.VINNOVA.se