Inspiration from Near and Far: Timorese Weavers and their Art
Inspiration from Near and Far: Timorese Weavers and their Art
Expozisaun Kolesaun Tais Timor Aid 5 Outubru - 3 Dezembru 2010 Avenida dos Direitos Humanos Bidau Lecidere, Dili Inspirasaun husi Besik no Dook: Feto Soru na’n Timoroan nian no sira nia Arte Inspiration from Near and Far: Timorese Weavers and their Art In Timor-Leste, weaving textiles is women’s work. Throughout the island of Timor, communities of weavers produce the fabric used in every suku . In the past, these textiles were used as an integral part of daily life, in the home and for important rituals. There were special textiles used to celebrate birth, marriage and mark death, and to perform ceremonies that would ensure material and spiritual prosperity, safety and fertility. Today, with social and industrial change, these textiles have yielded their domestic place to factory made clothing and print sarongs. Modernity and external influences, however, has brought much variety and change to the weaving craft in Timor-Leste. I hope this exhibition will be a small picture of some traditional elements and some of the changes. I hope it will enhance the appreciation of Timorese textiles and add to the understanding of the weaving craft of Timor-Leste and of the sources of inspiration that have shaped it. As a celebration of the beauty and integrity of their tradition, it claims for Timorese women their rightful place amongst all the great weaving cultures of South East Asia. One of the goals of Timor Aid is to preserve the Timorese identity which is an important aspect of the nation building of Timor-Leste.. Working with weavers and textiles is an integral part of this work. Timor Aid is delighted to be exhibiting some of our very special cloths, collected over the last 10 years and carefully conserved for the nation. Inspirations from Far and Near: Timorese weavers and their Art is for the weavers, their families and the Timorese people in the hope that it will help to keep alive this legacy from their grandmothers. José Lobato Chairperson, Timor Aid © Timor Aid Dili 2010 Text edited by Anne Finch & Rosalia Soares Photography: Gibrael Cabrocho Thanks to ConocoPhillips Timor-Leste and ESSET Electrical Timor-Leste for their support. Iha Timor Leste, soru tais nu’udar feto sira nia servisu. Iha ilha de Timor tomak, komunidade soru nain sira produs tais sira ne’ebe sira uza iha suku idak-idak. Iha passadu, tais sira ne’e ema uza hanesan parte integral ida husi sira nia moris lor-loron, iha uma no iha ritual importante sira. Iha tais espesial atu uza ba selebra labarik moris, kaben no mos mate, no atu performa serimonia ne’ebe sei asegura prosperidade material no espiritual, seguransa no fertilidade. Ohin loron, ho mudansa sosial no industrial, tais sira ne’e lakon sira nia fatin domestiku ho roupa no lipa sira ne’ebe mai husi fabrika. Modernismo no influensia external, no entantu, lori variedade no mudansa barak ba teknika ka motivu sira husi soru tais iha Timor Leste. Hanesan fotografia kiik ida husi elementu tradisional no mudansa balun, hau hein katak, ezibisaun ida ne’e sei foti/ haforsa apresiasaun ba tais timor no aumenta ema nia kompreensaun ba teknika soru tais nian. Hanesan selebrasaun ba tais nia kapas no nia integridade iha tradisaun, tais hatudu /foti feto timoroan sira, nia fatin lolos entre kultura soru iha Sudoeste Asiatiku. Objektivu ida husi Timor Aid, maka atu preserva timoroan sira nia identidade, ne’ebe sai hansesan aspektu prinsipal ida husi desenvolvmentu nasaun Timor Leste nian. Servisu hamutuk ho soru nain sira no sira nia tais haanesan parte integral ida husi preservasaun ne’e. Timor Aid sente prazer atu hatudu tais espesial balun , ne’ebe rekolha tiha ona durante tinan 10 nia laran no preserva hela ba nasaun. Inspirasaun husi dook no besik: Soru nain timoroan sira ho sira nia arte organiza ba soru nain sira, sira nia familia no ema timor oan sira, ami hein katak exposisaun ida ne’e sei ajuda soru nain sira manten /hamoris legasia ida ne’e mai husi sira nia abon feto sira. José Lobato Chairperson, Timor Aid Tais feto (Tetun) Woman’s tube skirt (English) Ema Fataluku no Makassae Handspun and commercial thread and synthetic dyes Kolesaun Timor Aidl | Obten 2005 | Liman Lo’os :TA0064 Centru: TA0070 Liman Karuk: TA0013 Women’s tubeskirts are common throughout South East Asia. They are usually worn by tying in front. They are made from two sections of cloth, sewn together. The stitching is often a feature. In colonial times in Timor-Leste, the Portuguese introduced a French seam which is still sometimes seen, but other stitching patterns are much more suitable to the bulky cloth. In the eastern regions of Timor-Leste the tubeskirt designs of the Fataluku people and the Makasae people are often hard to tell apart. Particularly the tais created in the area of Lautem adjacent to Baucau where the tubeskirts have bands of narrow futus and plain weave stripes and a plain border or a border containing a decoration done with a supplementary weft thread. These decorations are done on what becomes the rear of the tais and are especially designed for showing off while dancing as the eye is focussed on the feet. The Timor Aid Textile Collection was assembled in the years following 2000, as a part of nation forming and nation building. The collection was formed to assist in the preservation of an ndangered culture. It drew from every district and technique where the weaving art is practised in Timor-Leste. Cloths from neighbouring regions of West Timor are also held in the collection. In the future, the Timor Aid textile collection is intended to form part of the national collection of cultural objects and is conserved by Timor Aid for that purpose and for the people of Timor-Leste. This exhibition features a selection of these cloths. The documentation of the Collection over the years has been done by Sra Maria do Ceu, Sra Ofelia Napolae, Sr Antonio Coelho, Sra Rosalia Soares and Sr Jose Ximenes with the generous support and guidance of Sra Joanna Barrkmann, Acting Deputy Director, Museum and Art Gallery Northern Territory. Reasearch into the textile traditions of Timor Leste is in its infancy, and our knowledge here at Timor Aid has been recently suppllemented after time spent with Ibu Yovita Meta of Yayasan Tafaen Pah, Kefamananu Timor Barat and Pak Willi Godeti of Kupang. Timor Aid is greteful to these individuals for their assistance. The current exhibition is held here in the building that Timor Aid has occupied since 1999. Although the building has suffered much over the years, and was completely burnt in 1999, Timor Aid has continued to operate here. Timor Aid has seen much growth and change in that time, but the textile program has always been a key component of our activities. There are now 80 cloths in the collection, and we hope that it will assist the purpose of ensuring that the art of weaving survives and flourishes in this country. The theme of this exhibition is to assist understanding in what has inspired these weavers as they worked: where their ancient motifs and meanings came from, and what influences they have experienced and used. Beti Maek Pauf (Baikeno) Tiais Mane (Tetun) Selimut (Bahasa Indonesia) Man’s cloth wrap (English) Ema Uab Meto Distritu Oecusse Kolesuaun Tais Timor Aid | TA0016 This detail of the cloth right shows the motif in one of the sotis technique stripes on the side panels of the cloth. Bet Bose/Bet Naek (Baikeno language) three panel white cloths with highly decorativee centre panel are significant marriage, status and ceremonial cloths from Oecusse, and they are also found in the regencies of West Timor. that are adjacent to Oecusse and which are also home to Uab Meto people. There are many signs of influence between these areas. Koleksaun Timor Aid nian hahu halao depois de tinan 2000, hanesan parte ida atu forma no konstroe nasaun ida ne’e. Kolesaun ida ne’e halo, atu ajuda preserva tradisaun ne’ebe iha risku atu lakon. Ne’e representa husi distritu idak-idak no mos teknika sira ne’ebe sira uza iha pratika soru tais iha Timor Leste. Hena husi regiaun vizinha Timor Osidental mos iha preservadu iha kolesaun ne’e. Kolesaun ida ne’e nia objetivu atu forma parte ida husi objektu kultural ba nafatin husi kolesaun nasional no Timor Aid konserva ba ba fim ida ne’e no ba ema Timor –Leste sira. Ezibisaun ida ne’e, apresenta selesaun ida husi tais hirak ne’e. Kolesaun tais durante tinan hirak ne’e nia laran no ninia dokumentasaun halao husi : Sra Maria do Ceu, Sr Antonio Coelho, Sra Ofelia Napoleao , Sra Rosalia M Soares. no Sr Jose Ximenes. Sra Joana Barkman, nu’udar vise diretora husi Museum and Art Galery Northen Territory, ho ninia generosidade ajuda fo dalan ba dokumentasaun ida ne’e ba Timor Aid. Peskisa ba tradisaun tais husi Timor Leste sei nurak hela, no ami rekonhese katak resentemente iha Timor Aid reforsu hafoin hasoru malu ho sra Yovita Meta husi Yayasan Tafean Pah, iha Kefamenanu, Timor Osidental no sr Willi Godeti husi Kupao. Timor Aid gratu tebes ba ema sira ne’e nia asistensia. One of the great traditions of the art is ancestral and zoomorphic representations. In Oecusse these are often in the central panel of a cloth, with smaller repeats on both panels on the sides. The central representation of creatures sometimes human, often crocodiles, lizards, frogs, and fantasy creatureus Sica caru naku (F), tais mane (T) Ema Fataluku Karik iha Ira Ara, Lautém Handspun and commercial cotton and natural and synthetic dyes. Kolesaun Timor Aid TA0022 Beti Naek (Baikeno) Tais Mane (Tetun) Selimut (BI Man’s cloth wrap Ema Uab Meto Distritu Oecusse Handspun and commercial thread and natural and synthetic dyes Kolesuaun Tais Timor Aid Centre: TA0074 Right: TA0100 Left: TA++++ The caves at Ile Kere Kere are sacred to the Fataluku people. These caves are 40,000 years old and have served as inspriation for the motifs of the cloths .especially the boat and person riding a horse motif appear in most important cloths Other motifs in the repeating futus bands of the Fataluku cloths are drawn from the natural world. The fruit of the nitas (Bahasa Indonesia) sterculia foetida (Latin name) is used as one of the important motifs. It is used to oil the cotton threads before dyeing. Beti Naek (Baikeno) Tais Mane (Tetun) Selimut (Bahasa Indonesia) Man’s cloth wrap (English) Ema Uab Meto Distritu Oecusse Kolesuaun Tais Timor Aid | TA0016 The Oecusse man’s wrap cloth on the leftt contains the motif pasu bola (Baikeno language) which is a motif common to the area of Oecusse and surrounding regions. The motif represents a chain or belt, and is known as cintauran in Portuguese. This motif was used in cloths tied aroudnd the waist of warriors to indicate clan orign. The motif occurs both in large futus/ikat central panels, and in fine bands. Its use is common to the areas surrounding Oecusse, and it is distinctive to Uab Meto people. It is part of a repetoire of abstract motifs that date from ancient times and variations of which exist in many of the ikat/futus producing islands of the region. This shared language of motifs is also seen in other techniques. See the mak’aif (Baikeno) motif that is so common in West Timor in the detail to the right. This cloth (overleaf) is also a very recognisable Oecusse cloth. In this border of a Marobe tubeskirt made with handspun cotton and mud and indigo dyeing, an embellishment is made with bright coloured commercial threads. In the shoulder cloth (right) from Viqueque, a European floral design is incorporated into traditional futus bands Tais Kahe (T) Shoulder cloth Ema Fehan, Ossu, Viqueque Handspun thread and natural dyes Handwoven on a back strap loom. Kolesaun Timor Aid | TA0021 Inspiration from near and far - intense mixing of heritage and patterning means that the origin of iconographic motifs and techniques is often hard to place. On some of the textiles of Timor-Leste, the mix is strange and wonderful. In the cloths seen here, the paired mermaids from Lautem, appearing together with the Monstrance (a Christian ceremony object) and the tree of life. And in the cloth from Ainaro the totemic figures and the Sumba type birds that bear a resemblance to European folk art. When foreign and new things are available to textile artists, they are often placed in a border because the supplementary thread techniques are suitable for playing with new combinations. Often, in cloths like this with elaborate borders, the natural dyes are reserved for the futus bands, and brighter colors are used for stripes and decoration. The fringing can be twisted or un-twisted. These cloths are both shoulder cloths. Tais Kahe (T) Selandang (BI) Shoulder cloth Ema Mumbai Hatudu, Ainaro. Commercial cotton and synthetic yarns, natural and chemical dyes, handwoven on a back strap loom. Single warp resist dye technique (Futus; warp ikat). Slit tapestry weave technique on border. Maker : Alexandrina Da Silva 153.5 (l) x 41 (w) cms Commissioned in 2006 by Timor Aid for the Kolesaun Timor Aid | TA0031 Photo: Gibrael Carocho Timor Aid © Timor Aid PO Box 145 Dili 2010 Ph: 7230799 Tais Kahe (T) Selandang (BI) Shoulder cloth Ema Fataluku , Lautem Commercial cotton and synthetic yarns, natural and chemical dyes, handwoven on a back strap loom. Kolesaun Timor Aid | TA0021
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