taylor tornadoes top eight!!!


taylor tornadoes top eight!!!
4th and 5TH Grade Programs
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Taylor Elementary School Cafeteria
4th Grade at 6:00 p.m. and 5th Grade at 7:00 p.m.
Be there 15 minutes before show time.
Please let Mrs. Nelson know if you will not
be attending so I can arrange the parts.
Dress in 50’s style if possible, which is blue jeans
and white t-shirts for boys, white tops and (either)
poodle skirts or capri pants for girls. Otherwise,
anything nice will work well for their great program
at Taylor Elementary! Call or email me with
questions at 261-1363 or
Vest and Poodle Skirt-Making Event
Please see (type the link in to your computer browser bar)
or click on the link above if you and your child are interested
in learning how to make a Cub Scout boy’s red felt “brag” vest
or a girl’s colored felt poodle skirt. Each student must be
accompanied by one adult. Each student must supply their
own fabric, and bring fabric scissors if possible. This is an
event that is closed to siblings, because of the complexity of
sewing. This is purely an optional event! I thought it might be
fun for us to sew skirts for the program!
Cupcake treats
after the program
for all students
who attend!!!!!
THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER (Audience and students)
Oh, say can you see,
By the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
Through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched
Were so gallantly streaming?
**And the rockets red glare,
The bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there,
Oh, say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave—
O’er the land of the free
And the home of the brave?
A. FunGa Alafia, ashe, ashe
FunGa Alafia, ashe, ashe (Repeat)
B. Ashe, ashe, ashe, ashe.
Ashe, ashe, ashe, ashe.
With my brains (words, heart),
I welcome you.
See, I have nothing up my sleeve!
/ / / /
Rhythm #1: Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow!
/ / / / Part A, Part B, With my brains…
Rhythm #2: A B C D E F G,
Part A, Part B, and end!
Chorus 1: Put on your thinking cap. Put your brain in motion.
Throw out your limits and focus on devotion.
Put your energy and attention into matters of invention.
Put out the effort and think of something new.
“Bridge”: Innovation. Invention. Creation. Exploration. (Repeat)
Chorus 2: Wake up your sleepy brain. Time to find a new gear.
Throw out those habits that bog you down in your fear.
Put your attitude on intention, let it lead you to invention.
Put on your thinking cap, think of something new.
(Ending: Think of something new!)
Ev’rything we know had to come from somewhere,
Someone had to think it up somewhere along the way.
Someone had to stretch, had to reach, had to push the limits
And the bound’ries of the world in their day.
Just because something isn’t here now doesn’t mean
It can’t be, won’t be, couldn’t be.
Think it up, dream it up, make it up, bring it on.
Fill your page of human history!
Repeat ALL up to SPOKEN PART.
1. Make new friends, but keep the old,
One is silver, and the other gold.
2. A circle is round, it has no end,
That’s how long I’m going to be your friend.
3. Friends like you, are one of a kind,
Very special and so hard to find.
Hippity-Hop to the Candy Shop
Hippity-hop to the candy shop, to buy a stick of candy,
One for you and one for me and one for Sister Sandy.
Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly, lolly, lolly,
Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly, lolly, lolly,
Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolly, lolly, lolly,
Lollipop! Lollipop!
Bubblegum, Bubblegum
Bubblegum, bubblegum, chew and blow,
Bubblegum, bubblegum, scrape your toe,
Bubblegum, bubblegum, tastes so sweet,
Get that bubblegum off your feet!
Pepsi, Pepsi!
Pepsi, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Mountain Dew,
Dr. Pepper, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Sprite!
My mother gave me a penny,
And told me to buy a
Instead of buying a
I bought bubble gum!
Ba-room-ba-room-ba-bubble gum,
Ba-room-ba-room-ba-bubble gum!
My mother gave me a nickel,
And told me to buy a
Instead of buying a
I bought bubble gum!
Ba-room-ba-room-ba-bubble gum,
Ba-room-ba-room-ba-bubble gum!
(dime, quarter, fifty- cent, dollar, …..? )
Bop Shu-Wop
G Em Am D
C G D7G C/ C G Am D G
(BOP CHORUS) Bop, bop a-di-dee, Bop, bop a-di-dee,
Bop shu-wop a-di-dee di-dee dum dum. (Repeat)
1. I have a dog, his name is Spot, Not much brains but I love him a lot.
Never on time, he’s always late, ‘Cause he’s not very good on his roller skates.
(DIDDY CHORUS) Di-dee di-dee di-dee, I like cats and I like dogs,
I like snakes and I like frogs.
There’s nothing better than a nice warm pet
All curled up at the foot of my bed. (Then BOP CHORUS)
2. I have a cat, his name is Pete, a real cool cat with giant feet.
Feet so big they’re sore you know, the back one steps on the front one’s toes.
3. Big foot cats and dogs on skates, I love ‘em all, I think they’re great.
But there’s one pet that would be so cool: An elephant in the swimming pool!
Please Mommy, Daddy, please Mommy, Daddy, please Mommy, Daddy,
Just a little elephant! (Repeat)
Please…..How about an alligator?
Please…Would you believe a Boa Constrictor?
John Kanaka
1. I heard, I heard the old man say,
John Kanaka-naka tu-lai-ay.
Today, today is a holiday,
John Kanaka-naka tu-lai-ay.
Refrain: Tu-lai-ay, Oh! Tu-lai-ay,
John Kanaka, naka, Tu-lai-ay.
2. We’ll work tomorrow, but no work today…
3. We’re bound away for ‘Frisco Bay…
4. A Yankee ship with a Yankee crew…
5. Oh, haul away, oh, haul away!
We Go Together
1. We go together, like
Rama lama lama ka ding-a da ding a-dong.
Remembered forever as
Shoo-bop sha wadda wadda yippity boom-de boom.
Chang chang changity chang shoo-bop,
That’s the way it should be.
Wha-ooooh, yeah!
2. We’re one of a kind like
dip da dip da dip doo-wop da doo.
Our names are signed
Boogie boogie boogie boogie
Shooby doo-wop she-bop.
Chang chang changity chang shoop-bop,
We’ll always be like one, wa wa wa waah.
When we go out at night,
And stars are shinin’ bright,
Up in the skies above,
Or at the high school dance,
Where you can find romance,
Maybe it might be lo-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-ove.
Rama lama lama ka dinga da ding a dong,
Shoobop sha wadda wadda yippity boom de boom,
Chang chang changitty chang shoo bop,
Dip da dip da dip doo wap da doo bee doo,
Boogie boogie boogie boogie shooby doo wop shebop,
Sha na na na na na ka dinga da dinga dong. (Repeat)
Wop ba-ba loo-bop, a wop bam boom!
We’re for each other like
Wop ba-ba loo-bop, a wop bam boom.
Just like my brother is sha na na na na na,
Yippity boom de boom,
Chang chang changitty chang shoo bop,
We’ll always be together, wha-oooh, yeah!
We’ll always be together.
We’ll always be together.
We’ll always be together.
Wop baba loo-bop, a wop bam boom!
Fifty nifty United States
from thirteen original colonies;
Fifty nifty stars in the flag
that billows so beautifully in the breeze.
Each individual state
contributes a quality that is great.
Each individual state deserves a bow,
We salute them now.
Fifty nifty United States
from thirteen original colonies;
Shout’em, scout ‘em, Tell all about ‘em,
One by one till we’ve given a day
to every state in the U. S. A.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Connecticut;
Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana;
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan;
Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana,
Nebraska, Nevada;
New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico,
New York, North Carolina, North Dakota,
Ohio; Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas;
Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington,
West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
(Repeat all states)
North, south, east, west,
in our calm, objective opinion,
Is the best of the
Fifty nifty United States from thirteen
original colonies,
Shout’em, scout ‘em, Tell all about ‘em,
One by one till we’ve given a day to
every state,
In the good old
This Land is Your Land (sing-along)
By Woodie Guthrie
This land is your land,
This land is my land,
From California
to the New York islands,
From the Redwood forests
to the Gulf Stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.
(Repeat several times.)
(This slide marks the last song in the
Colors of the Wind
1. You think you own whatever land you land on (dancers~circle~ribbons)
The earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature (go out from circle)
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name.
(put down scarves; find golden rocks)
2. You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you (put rocks away)
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
(walk away ~ dance ~ streamers)
You’ll learn things you never knew you never knew.
Refrain: (blue corn moon dancers)
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon? (arms up)
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? (arms down)
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? (pop on the word paint)
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? (ribbons out of the circle)
3. Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest
(berry picking)
Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth
(look up with berries)
Come roll in all the riches all around you (twirl)
And for once, never wonder what they’re worth.
(back with the pine cones and grab blue scarves)
(blue scarf dance)
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
(pop on rainstorm)
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
(make a circle)
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends.
(go to get your ribbons)
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? (Go DOWN!)
Bridge: How high does the sycamore grow? (GROW!)
If you cut it down, then you’ll never know.
And you’ll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper-skinned
We just sing with all the voices of the mountain
Need to paint with all the colors of the wind (EXPLODE!)
You can own the earth and still
All you’ll own is earth until
You can paint with all the colors of the wind. (EXPLODE!)
The Preamble
We the people,
in order to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare
and secure the blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity
do ordain and establish
this Constitution
for the United States of America.
Mr. Frog Went A-Courtin’
Frog went a-courtin’, he did ride,
Sword and pistol by his side.
When upon his high horse set,
His boots they shone as black as jet.
He rode right up to mouse’s hall,
Where he most tenderly did call:
“Oh, Mistress Mouse, are you within?”
“Yes, kind frog, I sit to spin.”
He took Miss Mousie on his knee,
“Pray, Miss Mouse, will you marry me?”
“Without my Uncle Rat’s consent,
I would not marry the president!”
Then Uncle Rat he soon comes home.
“Who’s been here since I’ve been gone?”
“A pretty little dandyman,” says she,
“Who swears he wants to marry me.”
“Where will the wedding breakfast be?”
“Way down yonder in a hollow tree.”
“What will the wedding breakfast be?”
“Three green beans and a black-eyed pea.”
“Who will make the wedding gown?”
“Old Miss Rat from Pumpkin Town.”
Then Uncle Rat gave his consent,
And that’s the way the marriage went.
The first to come in was a little white moth,
To spread on the tablecloth.
Next to come in was a big black bug,
On his back was a cider jug.
Next to come in was Mister Coon,
Waving about a silver spoon.
Next to come in was a spotted snake,
Passing ‘round the wedding cake.
Next to come in was a bumblebee,
A banjo buckled on his knee.
Next to come in was a nimble flea,
To dance a jig for the bumblebee.
Next to come in was the old gray goose,
She picked up her fiddle and she cut loose!
Next to come in were two little ants,
Fixin’ ‘round to have a dance.
Next to come in was a little ol’ fly,
He ate up all the wedding pie.
Next to come in was a little chick,
He ate so much it made him sick.
The last to come in was a the old tom cat.
He says: “I’ll put a stop to that!”
The frog and the mouse they went to France,
And this is the end of my romance.
Frog’s bridle and saddle are laid on the shelf.
If you want anymore, you must sing it yourself!
L, O, double L, I, P, O, P spells
Lollipop, lollipop.
It’s the only decent kind of candy, candy,
The guy who made it
Must have been a dandy, dandy.
L, O, double L, I, P, O, P you see.
It’s a lick on a stick,
Guaranteed to make you sick.
It’s a lollipop, for me! Yum!
C, A, S, T, O, R O, I, L spells
castor oil, castor oil.
It’s the only decent kind of
Medicine, medicine,
The guy who made it
Must have been an Edison, Edison!
C, A, S, T, O, R O, I, L you see,
It’s a sip, from a spoon,
Guaranteed to cure you soon,
It’s castor oil, for me! Yuck!