Sheet music - Excavating the Song
Sheet music - Excavating the Song
DARN THAT DREAM Lyric by EDDIE DE LANGE Music by JIMMY VAN HEUSEN A .S . g .A.P - A .S ,C , A. P. Slowly t*. Eb Cm7 ffi G ffi Ffrftl sto ' s F7bs ce Ftrfl o f+nfr ffi trtrf, rffi H+H Em7 G6 oooo oooo trFm ffi i-t-?-Ft'1 ffi-ftl FSf, it Eb ffi ffi Hl+fr Love may give L7 ooo ffi Fft-l-Fl y gave me one Am7 D7 o oo o ffi Fffi1fl dream. C O It I.l : D a r tr Jt ) I -,t sb z + Cm FM ffi make you mil - lion-aireb scheme.but i Fm V-Y== bring you down, ooo Bb7 fm Hf,f, Hl# nf, G7b5 Fm7 qTm trFH ffi Copyright 19)9 by BREGMAN, VOCCO and CONN, Inc., 1619 Broadway, New York, N. Y. International Copyright Secured Mede in U. S. A. Al[ rights reserved, including public performance for pro6t r*r 6o1 v EV7 ffi ffi Fffi l-ftFl-f US. .Slowly CH O R G Am7 ffim Hffi Amz F9 EEEEP ffi }{'l'# G l-rtm Hf,# Am Em ooo ffi tffiT1 ffi Ft-Fffl t-{-fFfl Am7 ooo Ctrdj:? Am7 Fffi ffi FFFM # oo rrFITl sbzbs o o Ab7 ffi Fffffi Fl-ffft Darn your lips and darn your eyes, they F9 G maj.7 oo o t m-ble out of lift Gd i m . me tight A m7 G D7 ffi'*fi+ffi fttlTt Dream. DmG qTffi ffi FttFfl o me high a-bove the moon - lit skies A m7 ooo D7 al t . Par - a - dise, oh Darn G G u i ta r Tacit ffi l-t+tH Tha ' ooo ffi FTTN |# f+T5fl FFHll then I ooo E7 ffifl] ffi o o oo Fffi o oo |'..l.# Am Em FFTffi ffi ffi |-t.ttn ffi ffi Fffifi say you love me and you hold o oo s, bz ffi ffi Dm 6 o a-wake you're out of sight, oh Darn But when ooo o dream each night, you Darn That Dream I oo o 'sbths ooo Dream. > r" ' r () |,-- -l 3 67 - 3 Dar r r T h a t D r e a m I )i fr'r dq t7 '4 t bF, - FFtrR ffi ffiITI trtH EV -l B h6 a-r5r-r l-J-l-t.H H++# r-T.l------t Darn that one track mind of carit st+F G trFm Hil+fi L Eb7 ffi mood I'm Am7 ffim ooo HTM ffi FFH-I1 But F9 a'ra-rT] ffi it haunts me and o ffi I Id o nice old wel-come a o oo Gdim. ffi ffi ffiffi That D7 trffi night - mare. ffirfl E7 ffiFFI |-.l-i-.H FTH+I o o oo ft-l nev - er would have vou. ffiffi ffi Dream, Dream. I'*Z 36 7- 3 Da r n T ha t D r e a m FFffi Dmc $T7. Dzalt llT;-r-18-5. wont come true,oh Darn Eb7 ffi Am Em too , with - out that dream, I G m a j. 7 ooo D7 |.'.ffi ffi H-ftfi Darn That Dream and bless it Am7 in sbzbs ooo ffi rrrrn un - der- stand that you dorit care. Amz ooo FFFF ffiffi fFlg Just to changethe oo o (aaarbcmz Gm H1+fr Bb7 ffi Fm7 ffin ffi T-.rT Gm Eb FTFrR nhzo ffi ffi rnm sb z + trm FtrlN Hllfr H+IF Fm7 Cm7 Warning! Any ccpying ol fhe words or music oI llis song or any porlion f}:ereof, mokes the inlinger lioble to criminol proseculion under lhe U. S. Copyright Low . . . I
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