December 2012 - Scarborough HOG Chapter #9245
December 2012 - Scarborough HOG Chapter #9245
Scarborough H.O.G. #9245 DECEMBER 2012 880 Champlain Ave. ( 401 & Thickson Rd. ) Oshawa Ont. L1J 7A6 905-434-6550 or 1-800-668-5828 Director: Nick Fiore Asst. Director: Arnie Stewart Treasurer: Annie Pistagnesi Secretary: Phyllis Stewart Road Captain: Dave Vella LOH: Annie Pistagnesi Membership: Sarah Collins Public Relations: Teddy Collins Activities: Darrell Day Asst. Activities John Archer Safety Officer: John Archer Photographer: Dave Vella Historian: Marshall Crotin Webmaster Bob Burke News Editor: Phill Tsolakis MEETING ROOM: Thank you to the Stone Cottage for the FREE use of the meeting room twice monthly and also for the quality service you provide. 2 2013 Chapter Executive Director Ted Collins Assistant Director Arnie Stewart Treasurer Annie Burke Secretary Phyllis Stewart Newsletter Editor Phill Tsolakis Membership Sarah Collins Ladies of Harley Annie Burke Public Relations Activities Officer Ted Collins Joe Fournier Assitant Activities Al Crockford Photographer Dave Vella Safety Officer John Archer Historian Marshall Crotin Webmaster Bob Burke On behalf of the Chapter I would like to thank Nick for a very good job as Director this year. It could not have been too easy to travel from Georgetown for our Executive and General meetings, but Nick managed to make almost all of them as well as the weekend rides. Also a big thanks has to go to Darrell for all of his effort as Activities Officer. Lots of well organized events. Nothing wrong with re-charging the batteries guy’s. Thanks again. Phill Chapter Meeting Dates at the Stone Cottage 7:30 pm Executive meetings: 3 General meetings: December 18th January 8th January 29th February 7th February 28th March 1st Please note that due to Christmas and New Years Day falling on Tuesdays that we would normally hold our Executive and General meetings.We have re-scheduled the Exec. meeting one week earlier to Tues. Dec. 18 and the Gen. meeting one week later to Jan. 8th A Christmas Wish Bryan and I went to Mackie H-D on Sunday and I asked Santa for lots of Harley parts and a new son in-law. Santa said I have been a good boy this year so I am going to get my wish. Al Anniversary Pins The following members are due for their anniversary pins and they will be handed out at the January 8th general meeting. Deanie Campbell Don Robertson Greg McBrien Stan Grasser Phill Tsolakis 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yrs. 5 yrs. 5 yrs. Come out to the January general meeting to receive your pin. Teddy 4 Bike Show Meeting This year’s International Bike Show takes place January 4, 5, and 6, 2013 at the International Centre. The Scarborough Chapter will have a booth at this show. The booth size is 30x30. For all those members who would like to volunteer and/or enter their motorcycle into the show, you need to attend the Executive meeting/Bike Show planning meeting on Tuesday, December 18th at 7:30pm at the Olde Stone Cottage. Teddy Membership Report Thank you to all of those members who have renewed their Chapter dues. If you have not been able to do so, please bring your $25 to the next general meeting. Forms will be available for you to fill out. Please bring your International HOG card to complete the paperwork. With the new ‘zero alcohol’ policy from HOG, I must have you complete your own membership paperwork as your signature of understanding is required. Sarah 5 Men’s night out at Mackie H-D Back on November 15th a few of us attended the “Mens night out and Pipe night” at Mackies H-D. There was food, prizes and various pipe sound demonstrations. Teddy did a pretty good job wrapping some gifts. All in all it was a good night. Phill Hollywood Winterfest G’day mates... As discussed at the December general meeting, Joe Fournier (AKA Hollywood), has announced 'Hollywood’s Winterfest’ to be held on March 30th at his and Lori’s residence in East York. This event will consist of a few special outdoor activities as well as food and beverages. The menu is in place and the beverages are on ice. This notice will be in the next two newsletters so we should have a good response. There will be hot and cold beverages, a fire to warm your hearts and lots of food for your enjoyment. NOTE: Maybe we’ll get a freaky warm spell that weekend!! I would like to thank the following for their contribution to this issue of the newsletter and I do apologize if I missed anyone: Teddy, Sarah, Dave, Joe and Al. Phill Joe 6 2012 Christmas Dinner and Dance This years Christmas dinner and dance at Sisters that was organized and put together by Annie and Bob Burke as well as Darrell ( great job ). A good time was had by all. Plenty of prizes and lots of dancing that was probably due to a really good DJ in Darrell’s nephew Jay and the two dancing machines, Sarah & Phyllis. Thanks to Dean Mackie for the $1000.00 Mackie gift certificate. Won by Gabby. The 50/50 draw for $200.00 was won by Jim Eisnor who donated $60.00 back to give to Aisling Discoveries ( class move Jim ). Phill 7