pages 13-18


pages 13-18
The Ammonoosuc Times
November 14, 2008
From page 12
Saturday, November 15 –
Holiday Fair – 9:00 a.m. to
3:00 p.m., All Saints’ Episcopal Church Parish Center, 35
School Street, Littleton. All
kinds of tempting treasures &
treats for everyone on your
holiday list. Raffle & Silent
Auction. Children’s activity
table, Holiday Wreaths, Food
& Baked Goods, Gourmet
Items and Books. Check out
the Men’s Table for items not
found anywhere else. Café
open from 11:00am to 1:30pm.
Coffee and donuts available
for early birds. 603-444-3414
Saturday, November 15 –
Free Energy Workshop – 9:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Profile
School, Bethlehem. The free
workshop will spotlight ways
home owners or renters can
improve the energy efficiency.
Ammonoosuc Energy Committee, New Hampshire Electric Co-op, Public Service of
New Hampshire, North
Country Home Builders and
Remodelers Association, and
Building Alternatives, Inc.
The workshop will include
booths with information on
energy efficient methods and
short seminars covering topics such as saving energy
without any real cost, the
purpose and value of an energy audit, a comparison of different types of insulation,
replacing and sealing windows, how to receive energy
rebates, finance energy renovations, and discussions on
solar, wind, and geothermal
energy. 603-823-5100.
Saturday, November 15 –
Spaghetti Dinner – 4:00 to
7:30 p.m., Elk’s Lodge, Littleton. Spaghetti with sauce,
bread, salad and homemade
desserts. Adults $6.00, students and seniors $4.00 and 4
and under free. There will be
a 50/50 and Bucket raffles.
All proceeds to benefit:
Cheer Magic All Stars.
Saturday, November 15 – 3rd
Ladies Day – 12:00 Noon
(Luncheon), Advent Christian Church, 45 Lafayette
Avenue, Littleton. Guest
speaker Linda Illian, of Calvary Bible Church in Derry
will be speaking on God’s Perfect Provisions….No Matter
What!!! Lori Jo Gardner, will
be sharing the Gospel
through her gift of music. A
$5 registration fee is required
to cover costs of the luncheon
and necessary materials and
a love offering will be taken.
444-1012 to make your reservation. Registrations will be
BRETTON WOODS ADAPTIVE PROGRAM – “Candy Shea, of Lisbon, NH, one of the very first
Kartskiers in the US, takes to the slopes with her family during the Bretton Wood Adaptive annual fundraiser, the BWA Ski-A-Thon Blast!”For more information about the Bretton Woods Adaptive
Sports and Recreation Program, please contact Sandy Olney, Program Director, at 603 278-3398.
For more information about Mount Washington Resort, please call 1-877-873-0626 or visit
accepted at the door.
Saturday, November 15 –
Habitat Open House – 11:00
a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Habitat
Office, 70 Redington Street,
Littleton. The local Habitat
for Humanity affiliate will
host an Open House to showcase work being done on the
Littleton office. Habitat for
Region is the local affiliate of
Habitat for Humanity International, which this week
will complete construction of
its 300,000th home (in Naples,
Fla.) and 300,001st home (in
Zacapa, Guatemala.)
Tuesday, November 18 –
Keep it Simple Yoga For 12stepping Women – 10:30 to
11:45 a.m., All Saint’s Parish
Hall, School Street, Littleton.
Voluntary donation.
Proceeds go to All Saint’s Discretionary Fund to benefit individuals in need. Sitting on the
floor is NOT required, chairs
available, mats provided! No
registration required. Taught
by a Registered Yoga Instructor.
Wednesday, November 19 –
Community Flu Vaccine Clinic – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., H.
Taylor Caswell, Jr. Physicians’
Office Building Conference
Center, LRH, Littleton. $20
per person. Individuals 18
years of age and older can
receive the vaccine. LRH will
submit the necessary paperwork for anyone covered by
Medicare and Medicaid. For
your comfort, please wear a
short sleeved shirt that can be
Littleton Area
Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 105
32 Main St., Suite 108
Littleton, NH 03561
(603) 444-6561 ext.# 11
Fax (603) 444-2427
Chad Stearns, Chamber Services Coordinator
rolled up to your shoulder.
While supplied last.603-4449294.
Wednesday, November 19 –
Ammonoosuc Chapter of NH
Audubon Meeting – 7:00
p.m., Senior Center in Littleton. All About New England’s
Bats is the subject of Susi von
Oettengen’s, an endangered
species biologist for the US
Fish and Wildlife Service,
presentation. We will learn
about the bat species in New
England and about the White
Nose Syndrome currently
threatening six of the New
England bat species. Handicapped accessible. 603-4446993.
Wednesday, November 19 –
Currier Museum of Art Program – 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.,
Roger Bilodeau Community
Center, 194 Pollard Road, Lincoln. Sponsored by: The
Friends of Lincoln Library
(FOLL). From Anonymous to
Aponovich: New Hampshire
History and Art. Free. 603745-8159 to reserve a seat.
Traditional and Contemporary Fine Craft
2008 Annual Ornament
Evergreen Dream
parking lot. Receptions will
follow week-end Masses on
both November 22 and 23.
Sunday, November 23 Christian
Thanksgiving Gathering Members of local Christian
Churches will be gathering at
the Littleton High School on
Sunday, November 23 at 7
League of NH Craftsmen
Littleton Retail Gallery
81 Main Street, Littleton, NH
at the Village Book Store
Mon–Sat 10–6 Sun 10–5
See page 14
The gift shop is open with preserves, honey,
Harman’s Cheese,Yankee Candles, crafts
and gift ideas for the whole family.
Saturday, November 22 –
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony –
After the 4:00 p.m. Saturday
Vigil Mass, Saint Rose of
Lima Church, Littleton. A
new access to the Church
Hall will be marked by a ribbon-cutting ceremony. We
will also celebrate the completion of a repaved Church
*Present this coupon while purchasing any 12 month membership
and get your thirteenth month free.
Exit 42 off I-93
580 Meadow Street
Littleton, NH 03561
PH: 603-444-0025
Fax: 603-444-0026
✔ Heated indoor pool
✔ Whirlpool
✔ Open from 5AM to Midnight... 365 days a year!
✔ Two Tread Mills
✔ Strength Training Equipment
✔ Elliptical Trainer
✔ Locker room and shower
Day passes available for $10 per person and $5 for children.
Must be 18 or older to use fitness facility.
The Ammonoosuc Times
November 14, 2008
From page 13
STONY BROOK CASCADE As seen by our Happy Hiker, John Compton.
From page 4
reason the twisty zigzag ascent to the summit reminds me of the
thrill of an amusement park ride. I get this same sensation on
the descent (maybe even more so!!). But, besides the joy of the
“amusement park”, it’s also rewarding to catch some impressive
trailside views of the southern Presidentials while traversing the
upper portions of this winding segment of trail.
It’s a fun, exhilarating and sometimes intense journey to the
top of this mountain, and it certainly works up an appetite! So,
upon arriving at the bare, rocky ledge at the summit I was eager
to take my seat at this improvised restaurant and to chow down
on my exquisitely-prepared peanut butter sandwich. While
savoring my sandwich, I was gazing out at a spectacular
panoramic view of the majestic mountains surrounding Carrigain
Notch, plus the two Sawyer Ponds as they glimmered in the sunlight. Not many restaurants offer views like this. But yes, a
restaurant would most likely have a menu that offered selections
a bit more exotic than a peanut butter sandwich!
Just as a side note, this trek can be further enhanced if you
are experienced and equipped to go off-trail. There are a number of alternative ledges to explore not far from the main summit
of Mt. Tremont. On this trip, I did a short bushwhack to one
such ledge in order to get a view of Mt. Washington that’s better
than what’s available at the traditional summit area.
Meeting Trekkers Along the Trail:
This trail gets far less use than some of the more popular trails
in the Whites. However, I invariably meet at least one other person when doing this hike. This time I met two folks who were
both “locals”. One had never hiked the trail before, and it had
Sharon Hoyle, CPA
for Individuals & Small Businesses
Rivagale Professional Building 461 Main Street, Franconia
been nearly 5 years since the
other person had done this
Oh! And how could I forget? I did meet one other
trekker on my way back to the
trailhead. This one was a
“bear hiker” (not a “bare
hiker”) who was foraging just
ahead of me along the side of
the trail. Just as I was slowly
pulling out my camera to take
a snapshot, the bear sensed
something and looked over its
shoulder at me. Eek! A
The bear quickly
became a black blur as it ran
off into the woods as fast as
its paws could carry it.
Maybe it was having a “bad
fur day” and didn’t want to be
photographed?! Or perhaps it
was just me? I’m sure my
“fragrance” was not overly
appealing after hiking all day!
THIS: Even though it had
only been two months since I
had last made the 5.6 mile
round trip trek to Mt. Tremont,
it was still a terrific experience
to have lunch on this summit
yet again! And besides the
pleasant lunch, it was simply
wonderful to re-experience
the sights, sounds and
woodsy fragrances along this
trail. This visit will be enough
to sustain me until the next
trip. In the meantime I can
reminiscence and can mentally helicopter back to this
place anytime I want to do so
(perhaps while eating a
peanut butter sandwich!).
p.m. to pray together in
Thanksgiving for blessings
experienced in the past year.
Rev. Sam Newton, newlyinstalled pastor at the United
Methodist Church in Littleton will be proclaiming a
message of gratitude and
hope. Local clergy are working to encourage their church
members to express unity
with one another. A reception
and refreshments follow in
the high school cafeteria.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 28 -30 - Ne w
Hampshire Crafters Fair at
The Rocks Christmas Tree
Farm, Route 302, Bethlehem,
N.H., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
November 28 and 29 – 22nd
Annual Christmas Celebrations – Littleton. Parade
begins at noon Friday. Grand
Marshal is Red Sox Shining
Star, former Boston Braves
pitcher Art Kenney. Meet
Santa after the parade at All
Saints Church. Craft Fair on
Friday and Saturday. Littleton
Chamber 603-444-6561.
Saturday, November 29 – 8th
Annual Craft Fair – 9:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m., Carroll Town
Hall, Twin Mountain (intersection of Routes 3 and 302).
Admission is free. A light
lunch and beverages will be
available. Sponsored by the
Woods Historical Society.
Saturday, November 29 - 5th
Annual Country Crafters
Show - 10:00 - 3:00 p.m. St.
Johnsbury School. Western
Ave., St.Johnsbury. 802-7484334.
Thursday, December 4 –
LRH Auxiliary - 26th Annual
Tree of Lights Ceremony –
5:00 p.m., Littleton Regional
Hospital, Café area (next to
the Moose Ledge Gift Shop),
Littleton. $2.00 per name is
requested. A check made
payable to Littleton Hospital
Auxiliary and the list of
memorial names may be
dropped off at Littleton
Regional Hospital or mailed
to Mary Jane Merritt, Tree of
Lights Chair, PO Box 516, Littleton, NH 03561 BY November 28, 2008. Music of the season will be shared and
refreshments will be served.
Benefits Littleton Regional
Hospital’s Pastoral Care Program.
Friday, December 5 – North
Country Chorus Performance
of Handel’s Messiah. – 7:30
p.m., First Congregational
Church, Littleton. Additional
performances are on Saturday,
December 6 in Wells River, VT,
and on Sunday, December 7 in
Peacham, VT. Tickets will go
on sale soon for the North
Country Chorus’ 28th annual
Madrigal Dinner series to be
held in Monroe, NH, in January.
See page 15
The Ammonoosuc Times
November 14, 2008
seen by our Happy Hiker, John Compton.
December 6 and 7 - New
Hampshire Crafters Fair at
The Rocks Christmas Tree
Farm, Route 302, Bethlehem,
N.H., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, December 6 –
Annual Community Center
Open House – 2:00 to 4:00
p.m., Community House, 120
Main Street, Littleton. Sweets
and drinks will be offered.
No charge. 603-444-5711.
Saturday, December 6 – Family Holiday Craft Fair – 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m., First United
Methodist Church, Main
Street, Littleton. Old-fashioned Holiday Fair. Quality
Homemade Heirloom Quilts.
Huge crafts and white elephant sale. Have your picture
taken with Mr. & Mrs. Santa
Claus. Silent Auction. 10:00
a.m. – Christmas Concert by
September Rain 603-4445606.
From page 14
Saturday December 6 –
Frozen Food Sale – 10:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m., Parking Lot,
Community House, Littleton.
A fully loaded Schwan’s
Frozen Food truck will be
available with meat, vegetables, pizzas and ice cream. A
percentage of the sale will go
towards upkeep of the Littleton Community Center. 603444-5711 with questions or to
December 13 and 14 - Ne w
Hampshire Crafters Fair at
The Rocks Christmas Tree
Farm, Route 302, Bethlehem,
N.N., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Save this URL to your favorite bookmarks.One day
you may want to explore insurance rates for your
home, auto, cycle, RV or snowmachine.
We can show you some GREAT prices on sleds
when you put combine them with your auto policy.
What about combining with home insurance?
Everything you need to get a quote started is on the
website. Give it a whirl. Or call 603-823-5250 for a
free quote.
The Ammonoosuc Times
November 14, 2008
2 Bedroom Apt. – $600/mo., w/Heat & HW
2 Bedroom Apt. – $695/mo., w/Heat & HW
4,000’ heated storagew/1 dock entry – $900/mo.
2 Bedroom Apt. – $550/mo., w/o Util.
2 Bedroom Apt. – $695/mo., w/Heat & HW
The perfect home for a retirement couple,
first time home owner, or for those seeking
to downsize. This 4 bdrm ranch home
features river frontage, a .36 acre lot in
Littleton with town water and town sewer,
eat-in kitchen, large living room, and a
basement with workshop area. Convenient
to school, work, playground, and Main
Street. Choose this affordable home for
you and your family! $154,900 (#4181)
3 bedroom, 24x60 Titan manufactured home
set in the premier park ofFranconia. Open
concept, L-shaped living rm, dining rm,
and kitchen offer roomy comfort. The snug
little Fox Hill Lane Park provides an instant
neighborhood that is only a short walk to
town, church, and shopping. Whether as a
full time or part time resident, you will enjoy
the easy access to I-93, Cannon Mountain
skiing and all the activities of the Notch.
Value priced at $46,500 (#4105)
2 bedroom house – $800/mo., w/o Util.
All 2 Bedroom Apartments Heated - $675/mo.
All 1 Bedroom Apartments Heated - $645/mo.
CALL 603-444-0333
maintained 3 bdrm, partially furnished
12x65 Marlette mobile home. Located in
Franconia ‘s Fox Hill Lane park, you are an
easy walk to town and right in the center
of all the sun-fun-ski-hike activities you can
think of. Separate shed on lot for storage.
Seller is willing to finance the property
to qualified buyers. Take a look at this
affordable get-away! $25,600 (#4153)
cared for manufactured home set in the
premier park in Franconia village. Two
bedroom 1977 mobile home (14x60)
with town water and park maintained
septic. Located in Fox Hill Lane Park, this
unit has easy access to I-93, Franconia
Notch, and the village, the perfect spot for
a ski home, a starter home or a retirement
home! $19,700 (#4194)
References and security deposit required. No pets and non-smoking environment.
LITTLETON – 3 bdrm single family home w/garage, no utilities incl. $1,000/mth
BETHLEHEM – 1st floor, 1 bdrm, heat included. $575/month
LITTLETON – Split-level 2 bdrm, heat incl, coin-op washer/dryer, $675/month
Ask for Herbie Bartlett 603-823-7700 ext 206
A while back, around Franconia
We are almost upon our seventh anniversary (The
Ammonoosuc Times began publication on December 7, 2001)
And we are looking back. The editor once wrote a weekly column about Franconia, where he has lived the happier half of
his life. The Caledonian-Record published his stuff every Friday for a year or so. We decided to reprint them in The Times.
Some names have changed and some people and businesses
have disappeared, but we believe such ephemera is instructive – and often amusing.
– Jim McIntosh
November 10, 1994
The Bungy jar could be heard this week as high winds roared
through the Easton valley into Franconia. The temperature
remained unseasonably warm, with only a few snow flakes appearing on Thursday, but the legendary wind was gusting noisily.
It recalled a story
about the Bungy jar
that the late Sarah
Welch used to tell.
One day when the
jar was blowing, an
noticed that his barn
door had blown off
and his horse had
escaped. He walked
all the way to Franconia and found
both of the missing
items in the vicinity
of the post office.
Witnesses swore that
the door had flown
into town and landed safely on Main Street -- with the horse standing on it.
Hot air of another kind was blowing this week as election day
came and went. It’s especially interesting to consider the gubernatorial results in Franconia. Two years ago, the town favored Democratic Arnesen over Republican Merrill, 287 to 284. This year voters preferred Merrill to Democrat King 266 to 113.
On election night, one voter was greeted at the polls by a photographer. Abdenour Takdjerad’s friends arranged for his picture to
be taken as he cast his first vote as a U.S. citizen in a general election. Trina Luce snapped the picture and Beth Edwards provided
the camera. Takdjerad, an native of Algeria who became a citizen
last summer, said he was delighted to be voting -- and didn’t mind
the hoopla at all.
By a vote of 235 to 105, Franconia voters approved a measure that
will require polls to be open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. in future general
elections. (Current hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.) The expanded hours
were opposed by some polling place workers who feel that the day
is long enough, and that the cost of the additional hours would be
exorbitant. The new hours will go into effect for the state primary
election in 1996.
Tax bills will be mailed by next Monday, according to selectmen’s
assistant Sally Small. She calls attention to the letter from the board
that will be enclosed in the bill. The letter addresses three important issues.
First, people who have land in current use and live on a “homesite” on that land, will be taxed for that homesite as though it was
not in CU. Also, people with contiguous undeveloped parcels will
be taxed for each one as a separate homesite. These are consequences of the revaluation that the town recently underwent.
Second, the increase in property taxes is primarily due to a 21.5%
increase in school taxes. “The town’s portion of taxes assessed has
actually dropped by 5% this year,” the Selectmen explain. Also
explained is the recent legislative decision to send state and feder-
al forest moneys “as payment
in lieu of taxes” to the school
district instead of to the town.
Public forests comprise 65% of
Franconia’s land area.
Third, the board reports: “As
per request of the voters at
Town Meeting in March, we
have used $85,000 from the
town’s surplus to help offset
the large increases in the 1994
school budgets thereby reducing our total tax commitment
by this amount.”
On Wednesday the board
met with the Recreation Committee. Sally reports that Kim
Cowles will be in charge of the
winter recreation program.
But winter recreation has its
price, too. Cannon Mountain
has announced its season pass
prices. For a state resident, an
adult pass to Cannon will be
$520 this year. A midweek pass
will be $320. For comparison,
the 1992-3 season the prices
were, respectively, $465 and
$249. Mindful of these prices
increases at the state-operated
resort, one voter noted this
week that the 424 state legislators still ski Cannon for free.
The Ammonoosuc Times
November 14, 2008
YARN GARDEN – Owning a yarn shop for a knitter or crocheter is a dream come true. Susan Smith, co-owner of Yarn
Garden, has had this dream for ten years and is finally seeing it
come to fruition. Susan (right center) , the eighth-grade science
teacher at Daisy Bronson Middle School, and fellow English
teacher Paula Herbert (left center) , are opening Yarn Garden in
the former Elephant’s Trunk at Parker’s Marketplace. The open
space and wide windows offer perfect light for the specialty
yarns they will be carrying.
Staffing the shop when the co-owners are teaching are experienced knitters Jill Brewer (at left) , Amanda Lilley, and Joanie
Smith (at right). Yarn Garden will hold classes that range from
beginner to experienced: Tuesday night from 4-6 is Knit-Along
with Susan, Paula, and Joanie where the knitters will choose a
fingerless glove pattern and knit together; Wednesday night, Jill
Brewer will offer a free Beginner Knitting class from 6 to 7:30;
Thursday night Jill will offer a Sock Knitting class during that
same block of time; and Saturday morning Susan will offer a
free Beginning Crochet class at 10:00.
A Sweater Knitting class with Amanda will be held on Sunday
afternoons in January. In addition to a full range of classes, Yarn
Garden will hold Yarn Tastings and sessions where knitters
Knit for a Cause. The Yarn Tasting is similar to a wine tasting,
but with a new selection of yarns and patterns that are available
for knitting swatches. As both owners have sons who will be
deployed in the coming year, the first Knit for a Cause scheduled is knitting wool helmet liners for soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The Yarn Garden is not just a dream come true for
the owners and staff, however. Since Pearl’s, the previous yarn
shop in downtown Littleton, closed, knitters, crocheters, and
spinners in the Littleton area have had to travel miles for their
yarns. Yarn Garden has chosen a perfect time to open a shop
locally which promotes and supports the fiber arts community.
CARING TREE – In an effort to help underprivileged children
in our North County community have a magical holiday,
Ammonoosuc Community Health Services and Littleton
Regional Hospital is supporting the 19th Annual “Caring Tree
Project” This project is a joint community effort and includes
support from Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Littleton Regional Hospital, Eastgate Inn, Garnet Hill, Littleton
Area Rotary Club, WMTK, FCI/Burndy, Adair Inn, Woodsville
Guaranty Savings Bank and Catholic Charities.
The Caring Tree will be located in the lower atrium of Littleton
Regional Hospital, decorated with tags identifying children in
need by first name, age, sex, size and each child’s wish to make
their holiday season a special one. LRH invites community
members to choose a tag from the tree and purchase a special
gift to make each child’s wish come true. Unwrapped gifts,
including the tag/label, should be delivered to the Eastgate Inn
on Cottage Street in Littleton from Friday, November 28th
through Monday, December 8, 2008. Gifts can be dropped off at
the Eastgate Inn reception desk.
Anyone interested in selecting a gift tag should contact the
Office of Development and Community Relations at Littleton
Regional Hospital at (603) 444-9355 or 444-9304 or stop by Littleton Regional Hospital – H. Taylor Caswell, Jr. Physicians’
Office Building – the tree is located in the lower atrium.
PICTURED – Front Row from left:
Amy Venezia,
Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Lisa Walker and
Rose Pelletier, FCI Burndy, Deb Ramirez, Littleton Regional
Hospital, Tina Bedor, Pam Nute, Garnet Hill. Back Row From
Left: Tammy Thompson, Adair Inn, Tony Poekert, Catholic
Charities, Lisa Mackenzie, Eastgate Inn. Missing from the picture Gail Clark, Littleton Regional Hospital, Paula Clagg, The
Notch, and Mary Ann Langdon, LRH.
HABITAT OPEN HOUSE – (from left) Life Bridge Area Director Dave Coronato, Habitat for Humanity Ammonoosuc Region
Board Member and Construction Committee Chair John Starr
and White Mountains Christian Church Pastor Jim Anan assess
church space that will house local Habitat and Life Bridge mentoring offices. The local Habitat for Humanity affiliate will host
an Open House on Saturday, November 15, from 11 am to 1 pm,
to showcase work being done on the office at 70 Redington
Street, Littleton. Habitat for Humanity Ammonoosuc Region is
the local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, which
this week will complete construction of its 300,000th home (in
Naples, Fla.) and 300,001st home (in Zacapa, Guatemala.)
SHAW’S GRAND RE-OPENING – On October 31, Shaw’s
Supermarket unveiled an array of store improvements. Attending the celebration (l-r) were Vice President Mountain Region
Mike Goulart, Senior Vice President Retail Operations Tom
Vesey, Moose, Store Director Michelle Aubut, Littleton Town
Manager Charles E. Connell, and President Larry Wahlstrom
The Ammonoosuc Times
November 14, 2008
1 TV host John
5 Full of oneself
9 Amontillado container
13 Beseeched
17 Nile feature
18 In good health
19 "- Without Love" ('68 hit)
20 Sanctuary
22 Hood's handle
23 Admiral Zumwalt
24 Tiny part of a second
25 Wagner work
26 Annealing oven
27 Flagon filler
28 Newspaper
30 Take-home
31 Start of a remark
35 Ring stat
36 Thwack
37 Compact cotton
38 "Great Expectations" character
40 Cad
42 Mythical being
44 Hateful
50 Give a little
51 Green
52 Yesterday's thresher
53 Lillian or Dorothy
54 Ivy Leaguer
55 Fancy dessert
56 First dog in space
57 Where cats congregate
58 Pie - mode
59 Lofty peak
60 Distribute the donuts
61 Keats composition
62 Middle of remark
70 Born
71 '87 Peace Prize winner
72 Solidify
73 "- Shook Up"
('57 smash)
74 Corny goddess?
77 Colossal commotion
78 Malicious to the max
80 Where rams romp
81 Bus starter?
82 Thirteen, to a baker
83 Soprano Fleming
84 - impasse
85 Dachshund or donkey
87 Pianist Jorge
88 "- Old Cow Hand" ('36
89 Objective
90 Counter change
91 Botanist Gray
92 Age
95 End of remark
104 Road to enlightenment
105 Generally
106 - choy
107 Rocker Billy
108 Tracking tool
110 Manuscript enc.
111 "Surely you -"
113 Lowliest cadet
114 Caustic
115 Yemeni port
116 "New Jack City" actor
117 Beast of Borden
118 Long lunch?
119 For fear that
120 Non-stereo
121 Little ones
1 Word form for "end"
2 Nobelist Root
3 Stiffened a shirt
4 Contains
5 Expand
6 Free-for-all
7 City on the Danube
8 Day- 9 Finger food
10 Stun
11 Less loopy
12 TV's "- Landing"
13 Symbol of immortality
14 Drink like a Doberman
15 Happening
16 Writer Walcott
17 Tyne of "Cagney & Lacey"
21 West. alliance
27 Coldest cont.
28 Audacity
29 Tevye's portrayer
32 Sneeze and wheeze
33 Superior to
34 Chip's chum
39 Infant oinker
40 "Greetings!"
41 Early computer
42 Buccaneers'
43 Spare part?
44 With 47 Down, Italian
45 Produces pies
46 Actress Long
47 See 44 Down
48 Manipulate
49 Diffident
50 Drum din
51 Nick of "Q&A"
52 Gets on
55 Perkins role
56 "Frederica" composer
57 Mature
60 Descendant
61 Ready to reduce
63 Silverware city
64 Infirmary item
65 Went wrong
66 Snowy bird
67 "Big Three" site
68 New York city
69 - Bator
74 - au vin
75 Aussie walker
76 Cell stuff
77 Dandy
78 Hailing from
79 In accord
82 Swashbuckling novelist
83 '48 Hitchcock film
84 Texas town
86 "I Love Lucy" surname
87 Tour-de-France vehicle
88 Adjectival suffix
90 Aptitude
91 Say please
92 Pound of poetry
93 Extend
94 Wrestling giant
96 Twangy
97 Commerce
98 Classical nonet
99 "Hedda Gabler" playwright
100 Club creed
101 What i.e. stands for
102 "Ora pro -"
103 Painter Paul
109 Word on a pump
111 Bowie or Bakker
112 Author Umberto
113 Cosset a corgi
All Solutions on page 21
By Samantha Weaver
• It was Nobel Prize-winning
physicist Richard Feynman who
made the following sage observation: "There are 1011 stars in the
galaxy. That used to be a huge
number. But it's only a hundred
billion. It's less than the national
deficit! We used to call them
astronomical numbers. Now we
should call them economical
• If you're planning a trip to
the great state of Texas next summer, be sure to stop by the small
town of Clute in late July. You
wouldn't want to miss the Great
Mosquito Festival, which features a Mosquito Legs Contest
and a Mosquito Calling Contest.
It makes you wonder, though:
How exactly do you call a
• Statistics show that widows
outnumber widowers by a
ratio of 5 to 1.
• Holstein cows are
known to be prolific
milkers. A good heifer can
produce her own weight in milk
in just a couple of weeks.
• Soup is often served as a first
course in Western cuisine, but if
you travel to China and eat traditional meals, you're more likely
to have it as the last course.
• Are you ambisinister? Don't
worry, it's just a fancy way of saying that you're clumsy with both
hands. The literal meaning is
"with two left hands" -- the manual equivalent of having two
left feet.
• It's been reported that gangster Al Capone paid,
in today's dollars, upward of $300,000 in bribes
every week.
• More interesting collective nouns: A group of moles is known as a
"labor," a flock of turtledoves is called a "pitying" and a school of jellyfish is known as a "smack."
• The French once raised domesticated beavers as a food source.
Thought for the Day: "Man is a credulous animal, and must believe
something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones." -- Bertrand Russell
(c) 2008 King Features Synd., Inc.
1. U.S. GOVERNMENT: Seat belts were required to be added to cars as
standard equipment in what year?
2. HISTORY: The ancient Inca empire was centered in which South American country?
3. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What kind of
creature is a newt?
4. RELIGION: In what year was the original Nicene Creed adopted?
5. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin
phrase "sine qua non" mean?
6. GEOGRAPHY: In which U.S. state is the Acadia National Park located?
7. THEATER: Who also is known as "The Demon Barber of Fleet Street"?
8. MOVIES: What was the name of the town in the vampire movie "The
Lost Boys"?
9. TELEVISION: What was the name of Phyllis Lindstrom's husband in
"The Mary Tyler Moore Show"?
10. LITERATURE: The character of Isabel Archer appears in which Henry
James novel?

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