avex group holdings inc. 19th Annual Business Report
avex group holdings inc. 19th Annual Business Report
x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ave ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ex avex avex avex avex avex avex 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avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avexAnnual avex avex avex avex avexReport avex avex avex avex avex av 19th Business avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex’05.04.01-’06.03.31 avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex 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avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av x avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex av avex group holdings inc. ★AVEX GROUP Medium-Term Vision To evolve into the “Entertainment Brand Company” with the strongest creative and communication capabilities in Asia 19th Annual Business Report '05.04.01 - '06.03.31 AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC. Contents 02 Contents 03 To Our Shareholders 04 Consolidated Financial Highlights 06 Domestic Artists 11 International Artists 12 Entertainment/Sports 13 Topics 18 Outline of Company 19 Information 02 To Our Shareholders The GROUP is pleased to inform shareholders of the closing of the 19th fiscal year (covering the period from April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2006). This term was the 1st year of structural reform executed under the AVEX GROUP medium-term vision, and also was the 1st year for the medium-term management plan, i.e., this term was positioned as a very important year for the future deployment of Group business. To further enhance our corporate value as a “creativebased company”, the AVEX GROUP clarified and worked on specific strategies based on the reinforcement of fundamentals such as branding, communication and personnel training. Furthermore, we have made efforts to improve the work environment in the Group. For example, we’ve clarified the role (goals) of each employee by reshuffling the Group organizations and we’ve created a comfortable work place where employees can freely exert their creativity without getting caught up in ready-made ideas, etc. These efforts have resulted in enhanced motivation for each employee and have activated the Group as a whole. With our movement in a positive direction, consolidated sales for the 19th term reached a record high, and we saw a significant improvement in profits, which confirmed the good results. I think the 1st year of the structural reform and medium-term management plan was a successful start toward accomplishing the AVEX GROUP medium-term vision. In addition, based on the term’s actual results, we have decided the “New Three-Year Business Plan”, which will start in our 20th term and which considers changes and new elements in the market environment. We plan to move 19th Annual Business Report vigorously toward the 20th anniversary of the Group, focusing on speed without losing the AVEX special characteristics. From this point on, please pay close attention to the continually evolving AVEX GROUP. By the way, our Group firmly believes that executing longterm and overall profit reduction for our shareholders is one of the most important management policies of the Group, and we’ve decided that the profit dividend for the 19th term should be an ordinary dividend of 20 yen per share (40 yen per year including the interim dividend). In closing, I ask for your continued understanding and support to sustain the Group’s growth. New Three-Year Business Plan Sales Operating profit Ratio of operating profit against sales (hundred million yen) (%) 1,500 15 1,429 1,213 1,027 1,000 897 10.1 9.6 8.8 9.0 500 5 86 0 10 90 Actual results in the 19th term 20th 109 21st 145 22nd 0 June 2006 Masato Matsuura CEO AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC. 03 Consolidated Financial Highlights (in millions of yen) Consolidated Balance Sheets 18th term 19th term 18th term (as of March 31, (as of March 31, 2005) 2006) Assets Current assets Cash and deposits Notes and accounts receivable trade *01 Inventories Deferred tax assets Advance payment *02 Prepaid expense *03 Advance royalty payments Others Allowance for doubtful accounts Fixed assets Property and equipment Buildings and structures Land Others Intangible fixed assets Investments and other assets Investment securities Long-term prepaid expenses Deferred tax assets Lease deposits Others Allowance for doubtful accounts *02 Total assets 29,141 5,357 9,954 5,431 3,381 1,091 1,056 892 2,094 (119) 35,840 23,403 3,940 18,725 737 1,099 11,337 6,434 367 1,947 1,408 1,459 (280) 37,521 5,486 16,849 3,516 5,223 2,768 1,118 842 1,972 (255) 46,305 24,175 4,120 18,725 1,329 1,065 21,064 17,742 238 1,000 1,287 1,097 (301) 64,981 83,826 Liabilities Current liabilities Notes and accounts payable-trade Short-term borrowings *07 Current portion of long-term debt *07 Accounts payable-other Accrued royalties *04 Income taxes payable Allowance for bonus payment Allowance for sales returns *05 Allowance for closing of business *06 Others Long-term liabilities Long-term debt *07 Provision for retirement benefits Retirement allowance for directors and corporate auditors Others Total liabilities Minority interest Shareholders’ equity Common stock Capital reserve Retained earnings Net unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale securities Foreign currency translation adjustments Treasury stock Total shareholders’ equity Total liabilities, minority interest and shareholders’ equity Consolidated Statements of Income 18th term *01: Inventories Inventory assets are composed of such items as “Commodities”, “Products”, “Products in process”, and “Use rights of visual content”. In the “Products in process”, the costs required in the process from the start-up of a product to its commercialization such as CD packaging, etc., are recorded. Also, in the “Use rights of visual content”, we record the costs for the right to make a video program of a film, which we acquire to make packaged DVDs, etc. 04 75,418 48,353 27,064 22,795 4,269 472 12 25 306 12 115 311 156 19 — 136 4,431 28,744 1,097 2,000 3,001 7,163 5,450 3,775 — 2,286 768 3,199 6,160 4,500 392 389 878 34,904 — 42,232 1,652 10,000 3,000 6,969 7,117 4,514 1,700 3,598 925 2,753 8,091 6,500 399 344 847 0,323 56 4,229 5,001 25,754 602 (50) (5,461) 30,076 64,981 4,229 5,001 28,257 1,412 11 (5,465) 33,446 83,826 (in millions of yen) 19th term 18th term (April 1, 2004 to (April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005) March 31, 2006) Sales Cost of sales Gross profit Selling, general and administrative expenses Operating income Non-operating revenues Interest income Dividend income Equity in earnings of subsidiaries and associated companies Gain on adjustment of royalty payable Others Non-operating expenses Interest expense Commission fee Loss on investments in investment partnership Others Ordinary income 19th term (as of March 31, (as of March 31, 2005) 2006) 89,783 52,361 37,422 28,771 8,650 644 12 10 525 14 80 236 157 25 24 28 9,058 *02: Prepaid expense and long-term prepaid expense As for the contract money for artists, etc., the cost is transacted according to the contract period. Contract money for a contract period that has not yet expired and that can be calculated as cost within one year is recorded as “Prepaid expense”, and cost over one year is “Long-term prepaid expense”. *03: Advance royalty payments The prepaid amount for the usage charge of a master medium, or for royalties to an artist, etc., is recorded. 19th term (April 1, 2004 to (April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005) March 31, 2006) Special profit Gain on sales of investment securities Gain on cash surrender value of insurance policies Others Special losses Loss on sales and disposition of fixed assets Loss on permanent impairment write down on investment securities Impairment losses Provision for allowance for business closing Others Income before income taxes and minority interests Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Minority interests Net income *04: Accrued royalties The prepaid amount for the usage charge of a master medium, for which the charge is accrued to a sold product/commodity, or for royalties to an artist, etc., is recorded. *05: Allowance for sales returns To prepare for a loss from returned goods in the future, the expected amount of returned goods, which is calculated based on the sales and actual rate of returned goods in the past, is recorded. 831 498 293 39 2,669 176 710 769 770 243 2,592 4,582 (2,826) — 836 177 79 91 6 1,002 30 148 34 777 12 8,232 5,190 (1,439) 2 4,478 *06: Allowance for closing of business The expected amount for a loss due to the closing of business in the future is recorded. *07: Borrowing status Besides borrowing five billion yen for longterm operating funds, we borrowed 10 billion yen to acquire stock due to business and capital tie-up. In addition, we repaid a short-term loan of two billion yen and purchase funds of three billion yen for the HQ building. 19th Annual Business Report Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 18th term (in millions of yen) 19th term 18th term (April 1, 2004 to (April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005) March 31, 2006) I Cash flow from operating activities Income before income taxes and minority interests Depreciation Impairment losses Increase (decrease) in allowance for bonus payment Increase (decrease) in allowance for sales returns Increase (decrease) allowance for loss on business closings Interest and dividend income Interest expenses Equity in earnings of subsidiaries and associated companies Gain on cash surrender value of insurance policies Unrealized loss on investment securities Gain on sale or redemption of investment securities Loss on sales and disposition of fixed assets Decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade Decrease (increase) in inventories Decrease (increase) in advance payment Increase (decrease) in notes and accounts payable-trade Increase (decrease) in accrued payable Increase (decrease) in accrued royalties Directors bonuses paid Other-net Subtotal Interest and dividends received Payment of interest Income taxes paid Net cash provided by (use in) operating activities 2,592 1,474 769 — 983 768 (38) 156 (306) (293) 710 (498) 176 923 (85) (246) (342) 1,180 768 (251) 1,768 10,211 74 (157) (4,260) 5,867 8,232 1,403 34 1,697 1,311 162 (23) 157 (525) (91) 148 (79) 30 (6,794) 1,934 (1,671) 443 (44) 1,629 (258) (782) 6,915 161 (150) (3,476) 3,450 19th term (April 1, 2004 to (April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2005) March 31, 2006) II Cash flow from investing activities Purchases of property and equipment Proceeds from sale of property and equipment Purchases of intangible fixed assets Purchases of investment securities Proceeds from sale of investment securitie Proceeds from return of lease deposits Purchases of subsidiary stock due to changes in the scope of consolidation Proceeds from return of rserves for insurance Other-net Net cash provided by (use in) investing activities III Cash flow from financing activities Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings-net Proceeds from long-term loans Repayment of long-term debt Increase (decrease) in acquisition and sales of treasury stock Dividends paid Net cash provided by (use in) financing activities IV Foreign currency translation adjustments on cash and cash equivalents V Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents VI Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period VII Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents due to changes in the scope of consolidation VIII Cash and cash equivalent, end of period (496) 298 (331) (503) 1,090 251 (437) 879 (97) 653 (1,672) 24 (755) (10,955) 1,388 19 0 589 (284) (11,644) 1,987 — (3,011) (1,956) (1,765) (4,745) (6) 1,769 3,539 7,999 5,000 (3,001) (4) (1,717) 8,275 46 128 5,357 48 5,357 — 5,486 Consolidated Performance Operating Income/Ratio of Operating Profit against Sales Sales (Millions of Yen) 89,783 90,000 80,000 73,896 Ratio of Operating Profit against Sales Operating Income (Millions of Yen) 75,418 10,000 70,000 9,000 60,000 8,000 9.6 9.5 6,000 8,650 7,015 Ordinary Income (%) 7,000 50,000 Ordinary Income/Ordinary Income Rate 5.7 Ordinary Income Rate (Millions of Yen) 10 10,000 9 9,000 8 8,000 7 7,000 6 6,000 (%) 10.1 9.6 10 9 9,058 7,124 8 7 5.9 6 40,000 5,000 5 5,000 30,000 4,000 4 4,000 3 3,000 2,000 2 2,000 2 10,000 1,000 1 1,000 1 0 0 0 0 17th term 18th term 19th term Net Income/Current Net Income Ratio Net Income Current Net Income Ratio (Millions of Yen) 5,000 4,269 3,000 20,000 5.0 4.9 5 18th term 19th term Book Value per Share (BPS) 800 (%) 17th term 735.28 700 (Yen) 768.32 691.34 4,478 3,000 3,648 4 3 2 2,000 1.1 1 836 0 0 17th term 18th term 19th term 18th term 100 0 19th term (Yen) 93.79 76.95 70 500 60 400 50 300 40 30 20 100 0 17th term 3 Net Income per Share 80 200 1,000 4 90 600 4,000 5 4,431 10.22 10 17th term 18th term 19th term 0 17th term 18th term 19th term 05 Domestic Artists Domestic Ar t ists M a i n D o m e s t i c A r t i s t s (As of June 1, 2006) Nanase Aikawa Beni Arashiro BoA Chokesleeper DELICATESSEN 06 Kumiko Aizawa ARIA Buzz72+ Clair DJ EMMA AKINA ASIA ENGINEER Hironari Amano Namie Amuro ASIAN2 Candy COLOR dream BACK-ON Caravan CEYREN C-999 BAZRA Chen Hao DA PUMP Dt. Yuko Ando DELI Every Little Thing 19th Annual Business Report EXILE Ayumi Hamasaki GANGA ZUMBA Miyuki Hatakeyama Heartsdales HITOE hitomi Nanase Hoshii Janne Da Arc Takuya Kanatsuki Hiroki Kashiwagi KIRITO Syunsuke Kiyokiba Tetsuya Kuwayama Lambsey globe GIBIER du MARI Kumi Koda lecca HINOI Team hiro Mariko Ide Eriko Imai Tsuyoshi Kawakami and His Moodmakers Erina Koyama LISA Aiko Kayo KUMIKO Hiroki Maekawa Taro Hakase Tadashi Hirosawa J Seikyo Kim Takehiro Kunugi – Abyss of Time Mai ✭Please refer to the Avex entertainment portal site for details: http://avexnet.jp/ 07 Domestic Artists MAX MAY MINI✰BOX mink Alisa Mizuki MISIA Mayo Okamoto Ossan NATCHAN PEAK m.o.v.e Nesmith Ai Okumura m-flo misono Nao Nagasawa PANG Ataru Nakamura 245 NEVER LAND OLIVIA Miho Ozeki MEGARYU Missile Innovation MONKEY MAJIK Masae Nakada 08 m.c.A•T Ari Onishi PARADISE GO!! GO!! MICRON' STUFF Daichi Miura Hiroko Nakamura Non Chords Ai Otsuka PENICILLIN O's PULLTOP JUICE 19th Annual Business Report RAM RIDER RATHER UNIQUE Rock-senti Ricken's Ryohei Rin' RYO the SKYWALKER SEED Sembello Serina SHAKKAZOMBIE Hitomi Shimatani sifow SOFFet Song For Memories Ami Suzuki Kunio Tago Terry & Francisco Katsunori Takahashi The Little Bits ROAD OF MAJOR Yutaka Sado Shibusashirazu speena Miwa Sasagawa Akiko Shikata Strobo TENJOCHIKI Hiroshi Tamaki The Loose Dogs Dong Bang Shin Tokyo Pudding ✭Please refer to the Avex entertainment portal site for details: http://avexnet.jp/ 09 Domestic Artists Tackey & Tsubasa Tokyo 60 WATTS TOKYO SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA TRF TRIPLANE 2BACKKA Takako Uehara Wu Ru Jun ✭ BOO BEE BENZ 10 M a A Good Dog Happy Men AAA V6 Sayaka Yamamoto mihimaru GT a t Anna Tsuchiya Vanilla Mood Minako Yoshida n r TRAX Tourbillon g i Tomiko Van ZAN e s plane m t Masaya Wada ZZ e n t s SEAMO Sentiline International Artists International Ar t ists M a i n I n t e r n a t i o n a l A r t i s t s (As of June 1, 2006) Aaliyah DA'VILLE FILIPPA GIORDANO JUNIOR SENIOR SOUL CONTROL ALY & AJ ANTONY COSTA Didier Squiban DJ SAMMY Futon CLAZZIQUAI PROJECT DOMINO GTS MARTY FRIEDMAN STAIREO NAILPIN DAKOTA STAR D-SIDE Hilary Duff NUAGE SUGARCULT Dave Rodgers FATMAN SCOOP Jesse McCartney O-ZONE sweetbox FERRY CORSTEN (system F) Johnny Panic REI MASTROGIOVANNI Tiësto REGURGITATOR YOJI BIOMEHANIKA ✭Please refer to the Avex entertainment portal site for details: http://avexnet.jp/ 11 Entertainment/Sports Entertainment/Sports M a i n C o n t r a c t A r t i s t s / P l a y e r s (As of June 1, 2006) ★ Entertainment Hiroki Aiba Hironari Amano Eri Ishikawa Kanna Ebisawa ERICA Mitsuki Oishi Yurie Kojima Narumi Konno Aki Shibuya Miho Sugiura Saori Sugibayashi Yuri Nakamura Mai Masaki Hiroya Matsumoto Naoko Miyake Sawa Yamaguchi Kazuma Yamane Kozo Takeda (Kickboxing) Hiroyasu Shimizu (Speed skating) Daisuke Miura (Professional baseball) Yu Darvish (Professional baseball) Fumie Suguri (Figure skating) ★ Sports 12 ✭Please refer to the Avex entertainment portal site for details: http://avexnet.jp/ Topics topics 19th Annual Business Report “Aoki Okami—Chi Hate Umi Tsukirumade” has finally started up! We have implemented on-location shooting entirely in Mongolia for the collaborative film, “Aoki Okami—Chi Hate Umi Tsukirumade” at a total production cost of 3 billion yen. Depicting the life of Mongolian hero Genghis Khan, this is an entertainment blockbuster on a magnificent scale. It is scheduled for release on March 3, 2007 (coming to 350 select theaters nationwide). By the way, the role of “Klang”, Genghis Khan’s true love, is played by Ara, an exceptional talent who surpassed 39,157 applicants and won the Grand Prix in the “Actress Audition” held as the first event based on the collaboration project between Kadokawa Haruki Corporation and the AVEX GROUP. topics Ara, who plays the role of “Klang” Director: Shinichiro Sawai Produced by: Haruki Kadokawa/Ryuhei Chiba Original Story: Seiichi Morimura “Chi Hate Umi Tsukirumade—A novel about Genghis Khan (two volumes)” (Haruki Pocketbook) Distributed by: Shochiku Appearances by: Takashi Sorimachi, Yusuke Hirayama, Mayumi Wakamura, Rei Kikukawa, Ara, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Kenichi Matsuyama, Masahiko Tsugawa, Hiroki Matsukata, and others. DVD of ‘<Initial> D THE MOVIE’ was a smash hit! Last summer, ‘<Initial> D’, a monumental racing animation boasting sales of 40 million copies, whose live-action version was said to be impossible, was made into a complete live-action movie version, and ranked No. 1 in six Asian countries in the first week! It won a big market in Japan, too. Furthermore, the DVD was released in three fantastic styles this February and reached an impressive sales/rental figure of 250,000 sets in total. C2005 Media Asia Films (BVI) Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Based on the comic books and characters created by Shuichi Shigeno and first published in Japan by Kodansha Ltd. Hottest animated cartoon works are continuously released! ‘Mushishi’, broadcast from last November to this March, was nominated for the Tokyo Anime Award—Tokyo International Anime Fair 2006 Competition and was awarded “TV Program Division, Top Title Award”, and sales of the DVD series are favorable. Furthermore, in February we released the DVD series of ‘Saint Seiya, Meio, Part of Hades, Former Chapter’, a monumental animation, and the DVD is gaining in popularity. Mushishi topics ‘Tokyo Friends—The Movie’ Nationwide premiere on August 12! ‘Tokyo Friends’, an original DVD drama released last year with singer-songwriter Ai Otsuka starring for the first time, recorded an exceptional smash hit. Its long-awaited film adaptation has finally been decided, and will be premiering nationwide on August 12 (Sat) at Marunouchi Piccadilly 2 and others! Ahead of the film release, the DVD of ‘Tokyo Friends—The Movie, Navigation Edition’ will be released on July 19. DVD ‘<Initial> D THE MOVIE’ Standard edition NOW ON SALE AVBF-22497 ¥3,990 (tax in) Original work by: Syuichi Shigeno (currently serialized in “Young Magazine” by Kodansha Ltd. Publishers) Director: Andrew Lau/Alan Mak Appearances by: Jay Chou, An Suzuki, Edison Chen, Shawn Yue Distributed by: GAGA Communications Powered by HUMAX CINEMA Offered by: GAGA Communications x Avex Entertainment topics At the press conference for the casting announcement on May 9 “Saint Seiya, Meio, Part of Hades, Former Chapter” topics Director: Kozo Nagayama Script: Rin Eto Appearances by: Ai Otsuka, Rio Matsumoto, Yoko Maki, Mao Kobayashi, Eita, and others Title song: “Yumekui” by Ai Otsuka Produced by: “Tokyo Friends—The Movie” Film Partners Projected by: Avex Entertainment Distributed by: Shochiku ©2006 ‘Tokyo Friends – The Movie’ Film Partners ● Film, “Tokyo Friends—The Movie” Title song: “Yumekui” by Ai Otsuka, On Sale August 2 CD: AVCD 31022 ¥1,050 (incl. tax) CD + DVD: AVCD-31021/B ¥1,890 (incl. tax) DVD ‘Tokyo Friends—The Movie, Navigation Edition’ ● Music collection with which you can fully understand the worldview of Tokyo Friends Includes four tunes recorded for the first time on CD by Ai Otsuka ‘Tokyo Friends—The Movie, Music Collection’ on Sale August 23 CD+DVD: AVCF-22921/B ¥3,059 (incl. tax) Super large-scaled Korean works will be deployed one after another A blockbuster drama with a record viewing audience of 29.2% in Korea, “Sorry, I Love You”, beating “Winter Sonata”, is aired on TV Tokyo. Its complete version in a DVD box set is scheduled for release on August 2. In addition, the latest drama starring Bae Yong Joon, “Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi”, is presently being filmed and is expected to become so popular a work that it might change the history of drama in Korea. Its DVD box set is scheduled for release in 2007 following the sound track album by Jo Hisaishi. Left: Bae Yong Joon Right: Jo Hisaishi “Sorry, I love you” topics 07.19 On Sale AVBF-22836 ¥1,995 (tax in) A film of Brian Jones, co-founder of Rolling Stones, is stunningly released! In the film ‘STONED: The Original Rolling Stone’, an appalling chronicle of the glory, frustration and “suspicious death” of Rolling Stones co-founder Brian Jones will be revealed for the first time after more than 35 years! Coming to the Cine Quinto and other theaters in July! In addition, the DVD of “The Stones in the Park”, a Film ‘STONED: The Original Rolling Stone’ tribute concert for Brian Jones, will go on sale on July 5, and so three tunes that have been sealed for 37 years will be released for the first time in the world. DVD “The Stones in the Park” Remastered version The Rolling Stones ©Yuki Urushibara/ Kodansha Ltd. Publishers “Mushishi” Production Committee ©Masami Kurumada/ Shueisha, Inc./Toei Animation 07.05 On Sale AVBF-22866 ¥3,150 (tax in) ©2005 KBS/KBS Media 13 Topics topics Online distribution site, “Mu-Mo®”, utilizing Avex’s specialties In “Mu-Mo®” (a mobile online distribution site whose services began sequentially after June 15 last year), an online distribution service for PCs was also started, and the site is increasing its membership by making the most of its characteristics as a contents holder. For example, in addition to tunes with high sound quality, members can also download tunes before the package release, obtain tunes limited to download, such as “Get It On” by Kumi Koda (yet to be released in package), high value-added tunes such as remix versions and tunes given other arrangements, etc. And, we’re now airing TV-CM in conjunction with this service. The “Chaku-Uta Full®” service, where members can download an entire tune to his/her cell phone and set it as a ring tone, is now available for NTT DoCoMo in addition to au, and we intend to continuously provide a distinctive online distribution service that utilizes AVEX’s specialties, and offer an environment where many more of our (Commonly used on customers can enjoy their music regardless of cell phones and PCs) time or place. ★ Charge system ● ‘avex melo Mu-Mo’ site Courses of ¥105/m and ¥315/m (incl. tax) ● ‘avex Uta Mu-Mo’ site Courses of ¥315/m and ¥525/m (incl. tax) ● ‘avex Uta Full Mu-Mo’ site (available only for au and DoCoMo) au: Course of ¥315/m (incl. tax) DoCoMo: Courses of ¥315/m, ¥525/m, and ¥1,050/m (incl. tax) ★“Get It On” by Kumi Koda A tune whose distribution is exclusively limited to Mu-Mo topics topics Skater Fumie Suguri of AVEX plays a very active role! Her CD is also selling well! Figure skater Fumie Suguri, whom AVEX has supported since October 2005, created a great deal of excitement by winning the All Japan Championship and finishing in 4th place in the Torino Olympics. She has also extended her playing field to include TV, magazines, etc. In March 2006, as the first collaboration between the Sports Business Room and AVEX ENTERTAINMENT INC., ‘MY FIGURE SKATING ALBUM’ featuring Suguri Fumie on the jacket was released, and it has become an exceptional hit with respect to the compilation of classical music. From now on, in the sporting world, regardless of genre, we will develop our business in the way that only AVEX can do. * After joining the site, points are granted every month according to charges, and points can also be purchased when necessary (au and vodafone only). Moreover, points can be used at each site (point sharing). * Some types of cell phones may not be compatible depending on the service. Please be sure to check this at one of the sites. * “Chaku-Uta®” and “Chaku-Uta Full®” are registered trademarks of Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. CD “MY FIGURE SKATE ALBUM” IOCD-20150 ¥1,980 (tax in) Merchandizing that pursues entertainment The merchandising business of AVEX NETWORK INC. involves developing commodities rich in variety based on content created by the artists. We have added the tint of entertainment to the selection and marketing method in EC by adopting a deployment style for artists’ goods that differs from the conventional one, and it is gaining in popularity as a sales venue where fans can truly enjoy themselves. Blue Teddy Maglite by Kumi Koda LOVE figure key ring Delivered by “Tokyo Pudding” personally shopping@RENA PC page Strap by Ayumi Hamasaki and ASH & DIAMONDS 14 Tokyo Pudding Taco chips by TVXQ! 19th Annual Business Report topics avex & EAST Inc. is born! While the number of subscribers to broadband has increased dramatically, the technology for visual content distribution through the Internet is evolving not only for PCs but also for mobile terminals such as cell phones. Reflecting such a situation, the digital visual content distribution market using the Internet is expected to expand greatly, and the free visual content distribution site based on the advertisement model has already secured many viewers. In this environment, EAST, which has a good track record and excellent project/production ability in television, and the AVEX GROUP, which has abundant content and high creative ability in entertainment, decided that they could deal with the growing need for excellent visual content in the future if they orchestrated truly excellent creators and produced visual content according to the media characteristics. Consequently, on March 3, 2006, they established avex & EAST Inc. as a joint venture company. We intend to supply attractive, high-quality visual content to distributors, broadcasters, advertisers, and viewers, and aim at promoting the evolution of digital media in the 21st century. topics topics We can send forth talent who takes an active role in the entertainment industry! “AVEX PROWORKS” has started operations AVEX PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT INC. has started up “AVEX PROWORKS”, which matches businesses with talent who can take an active role in a wide range of fields mainly in the entertainment industry. The company will operate a manpower dispatching business with two axes: “Talent work” that sends out models/actors/dancers, etc., and “Regular work” that sends out personnel for sales promotion and sales tasks, etc. ★avex proworks https://pw.avex.co.jp/ (Commonly used on cell phones and PCs) Scouting for new talent through various auditions In the 19th term, new artists are showing signs of being a hit. AAA made their debut with “Blood on Fire”, which ranked 9th on the hit chart in the first week and the group was awarded the Best New Artist Award at the Japan Record Awards. Mink’s prologue album ‘mink’ has become a long hit. After the next term, too, we will hold various auditions to scout a wide variety of new artists. ★Main auditions STARZ AUDITION This audition is sponsored by the rhythmzone label and concentrates on music of the club genre. a-motion ’06 This audition is held jointly with the USEN GROUP. It is carried out at karaoke shops managed by the USEN GROUP. Male and female vocalists/creators are recruited. Actress Audition This was the audition held by Kadokawa Haruki Corporation and the AVEX GROUP for the first time as their collaborative project. BAND CONTEST to commemorate the release of Tokyo Friends—The Movie This audition was held to recruit a band consisting of women only or a band with a female vocalist(s) to commemorate the release of the film, ‘Tokyo Friends— The Movie’. Popteen—AVEX “POP Model Audition” This is the audition held by Kadokawa Haruki Corporation and the AVEX GROUP for the second time as their collaborative project. avex audition ’06 Sponsored by the AVEX GROUP, this is a nationwide audition held to discover new artists, dancers, models, etc. 15 Topics topics Contracts with newly consignment labels should be aggressively increased. ★11 new labels in FY2005 AVEX MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS INC. concluded contracts with 11 new companies in FY2005 as a consignment business. We have already concluded contracts with three companies in FY2006, and are selling the goods of 31 companies in total. We will make intensive efforts to expand our high value-added services in the future. ★AOZORA RECORDS ★argus label ★ARTIMAGE RECORDS ★GIRLS' RECORD Hitomi Yaida Zach Ashton Summer Snow Surprise Hiroko Sato ★Climax Entertainment TRIPLE-P “Go my way” “SUGAR & SPICE” “Super Stereo” “Can't Hide” “To the End of the World!” ★GATE RECORDS ★573Records ★NITRICH ★NO BRAND ★BBMC RIZE Ukatrats FC blackCOFFEEZ Izumi Makoto Boyz II Men “SPIT & YELL” “Win and Shine” “SUGAR FREE” “Rolling Rice with Egg” “Winter/Reflections” ★S2S “Cafe Lounge Royal ICED LEMON TEA” ★DANGER CRUE RECORDS ★3 new labels in FY2006 ★MAGICAL “‘RACE QUEEN SCRAMBLE 2’ Goddesses of Race Queens in 2005” SID “chapter 1” ★Yamaha Music Communications Co., Ltd. Miyuki Nakajima “Are you doing well?” topics ‘a-box’, a product limited to mail order, has become a big seller! CD box ‘a-box’, which is limited to mail order distribution, is a collection of tunes (including the hits that colored the ’90s to the latest hits) only by artists who represent the music scene in Japan. This set of four CDs with 60 of the greatest hits, like the ones that you listened to on television, sang to on karaoke tape, listened to while driving, etc. has become a big seller in spite of being limited to mail order. We intend to continue delivering products developed under various projects. ‘a-box~avex Best Hit Collection~’ A set of four CDs with booklet (A total of 68 pages in full color/ Lyrics/Single printing of CD jackets) ¥8,800 (incl. tax) *Product limited to mail order ★Please refer to the product details at: http://avexnet.or.jp/abox 16 topics MiDEA INC. aims at a comprehensive creative house in project/ production of visual content MiDEA INC. was born from the business separation of former TO MAX INC., a visual image production and planning company, and started operations in January 2006 aiming at comprehensive, creative, in-house planning and production of visual content. Our specialty is producing visual images using our high creative ability in the field of promotional videos. We have experience with work created by artists representing the AVEX GROUP, such as Namie Amuro, Ayumi Hamasaki, etc., and have received high praise for our superb handling of the jobs for the artists and their music. In the field of CF, we have been doing business with many clients, who have developed a solid trust in us. 19th Annual Business Report 2,000 pairs/4,000 people will be invited to “a-nation ’06 powered by Weider Jelly” by lot! topics ‘a-nation’ is the country’s largest open-air festival and has attracted more than 1.25 million people in four years. This year again, the festival where dazzling artists compete in performance will be held at seven stages in five venues across the nation. Our shareholders will select 2,000 pairs/4,000 people by lot from among those who send in a special subscription postcard (which will be sent separately by us). Those selected will be invited to attend this year’s ‘a-nation’. Please be careful as the closing date for application varies according to the festival venues. This could be a good chance for you to experience a live concert by AVEX artists! TRF hitomi Every Little Thing Ayumi Hamasaki Kumi Koda BoA Ai Otsuka ROAD OF MAJOR Ami Suzuki m-flo Dong Bang Shin T.M. Revolution AAA FLOW mihimaru GT ★Outline of execution Date ● Venue Number of invited persons July 29 (Sat) Niigata Pref.: Open-air, purposely-built stage at Echigo Hillside National Government Park 150 pairs/300 people Aug. 5 (Sat) Fukuoka Pref.: Open-air theater at Uminonakamichi Seaside Park 250 pairs/500 people Aug. 12 (Sat) Aichi Pref.: Open-air, purposely-built stage at PORT MESSE NAGOYA 300 pairs/600 people Aug. 19 (Sat) Hyogo Pref.: Stage north of Kobe Airport, Kobe Port Island (2nd-phase construction) 300 pairs/600 people Aug. 20 (Sun) Hyogo Pref.: Stage north of Kobe Airport, Kobe Port Island (2nd-phase construction) 300 pairs/600 people Aug. 26 (Sat) Tokyo: AJINOMOTO STADIUM 350 pairs/700 people Aug. 27 (Sun) Tokyo: AJINOMOTO STADIUM 350 pairs/700 people Opening/13:00, Starting/15:00, Ending/20:30 (20:00 in Niigata only) * Show times may change. Please check beforehand. * Carried out in rain, but not in heavy weather ★‘a-nation’ home page http://www.a-nation.net/ (Commonly used on cell phones and PCs) (When sending a blank e-mail to an@avex.jp by cell phone, the URL will automatically be sent back to you.) ★Inquiries concerning invitations AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC. Corporate Stock Section, Administrative/Personnel Department, Group Management HQ Toll-free number: 0120-39-8550 (Weekdays 10:00-18:00) ★Inquiries concerning concerts ‘a-nation’ Office, Tel. 0180-993-553 Answered by tape-recorded statement 24 hours/day Not available with some types of cell phones, PHS, and IP telephones) ★Performance-slated artists TRF, hitomi, Every Little Thing, Ayumi Hamasaki, Kumi Koda, BoA, Ai Otsuka, ROAD OF MAJOR, Ami Suzuki, TVXQ!, AAA, and more ★Surprise artists m-flo, T.M.Revolution, FLOW, mihimaru GT * The performance-slated artists may change. Please check beforehand. * The list of performance-slated artists varies according to performance date. ★Note ●You can subscribe to this concert only once regardless of the number of shares you have. ●Please be careful as the “Special subscription postcard” becomes invalid if there should be an incomplete form or a duplicate entry for the performance you want to attend, and so on. ●For the “Performance in Niigata” only, the subscription should be effective as long as the postcard arrives by July 10 (Mon), 2006 (closing date). As for the other performances, the subscription should be effective as long as the postcard arrives by July 14 (Fri), 2006 (closing date). ●Invitation cards will be sent out to the winners instead of making a public announcement. 17 Outline of Company Company Outline Information provided on our home page ●Company information (as of March 31, 2006) ●Company name AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC. ●Board of directors ●Headquarters 3-1-30 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8577 CEO Masato Matsuura Co-CEO Ryuhei Chiba Senior Executive Director Takashi Araki http://www.avex.co.jp/ (as of June 25, 2006) ●Date of establishment April 11, 1988 Refer to our home page for an outline of AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC., information about the Group companies, press releases, financial statements, etc. Managing Director Toshio Kobayashi ●Capital ¥4,229.6 million Managing Director Shinji Hayashi Director Hiroshi Inagaki Director Hajime Taniguchi Note: Temporary employees are not included in the number of employees. Director Katsuro Oshita ●Domestic consolidates subsidiaries AVEX ENTERTAINMENT INC. AVEX MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS INC. AVEX NETWORK INC. AVEX LIVE CREATIVE INC. AVEX PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT INC. AVEX MANAGEMENT SERVICE INC. VELFARRE ENTERTAINMENT INC. MiDEA INC. Para.TV Inc. Outside Director Tadasu Ohe Outside Director Toru Arakawa Outside Director Shin Ushijima Outside Director Minoru Onozato Outside Director Nobuo Kawakami Full-time Auditor Shinkichi Iwata Full-time Auditor Kenji Nomura Corporate Auditor Toshiaki Katsushima Corporate Auditor Yoshiya Takahashi ●Number of employees 137 (1,056 employees within the AVEX GROUP) ●Consolidated foreign subsidiaries AV EXPERIENCE AMERICA INC. AVEX ASIA LIMITED AVEX TAIWAN INC. AVEX ASIA HOLDINGS LIMITED Operating Officer Kenzo Katakura Operating Officer Takahiro Miura Operating Officer Akihiro Terada [Number of shareholders] Domestic financial institutions Domestic securities companies Total 26,233 [Number of shares] 1 0.00% 70 0.27% 38 0.14% Domestic corporations 176 0.67% Foreign investors 128 0.49% 25,820 98.43% Hokkaido region [Number of shareholders by region] Total 26,233 341 1.30% Tohoku region Overseas 116 0.44% 569 2.17% 1,216 4.64% Kanto region Chubu region Japanese individuals and others 3,211,333 6.96% 12,246,494 26.53% 621,780 1.35% Domestic corporations 7,385,428 16.00% Foreign investors 7,111,143 15.41% 15,581,632 33.76% Treasury stock Domestic financial institutions Domestic securities companies Total 46,157,810 shares Artist information, such as AVEX artists’ homepages, online distribution, etc. (As of June 25, 2006) (as of March 31, 2006) Treasury stock Artist information http://www.avexnet.jp/ ●Operating officers ●Associated companies Label Mobile Inc. Memory-Tech Corporation EL CAMINO REAL Inc. avex & EAST Inc. DWANGO Co., Ltd. Distribution of Shareholding ● Japanese individuals and others ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Masaki Maekawa Design Office PRINTING TAKARA PRINTING CO.,LTD. 1,050 4.00% Chugoku region Kyushu region Kinki region 13,900 52.99% Shikoku region 4,728 18.02% 3,764 14.35% 549 2.09% ©AVEX GROUP HOLDINGS INC. 19th Annual Business Report important information Dividends to shareholders Our Group pays dividends to our shareholders with the belief that “Executing longterm and overall profit reduction for them” is one of the most important management purposes of the Group. Dividend amount per share Total amount of dividends Dividend payout ratio (consolidated) 17th term 40 yen 1,766,018,360 yen 52.0% 18th term 40 yen 1,741,945,840 yen 391.4% 19th term 40 yen 1,717,879,000 yen 42.6% * We set as the dividend payout ratio the percentage gained by the formula = Dividend amount per share/ Current net profit per share. Top Ten Shareholders (as of March 31, 2006) Shareholder’s name Number of shares USEN CORPORATION Percentage of total shares 4,631,700 shares 10.83% Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust account) 4,130,600 shares 9.65% The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 2,449,800 shares 5.72% Masato Matsuura 2,235,924 shares 5.22% Toshio Kobayashi 2,235,918 shares 5.22% Designated independent money trust, Mitsui Asset Trust and Banking Co., Ltd., Trust Account 1 1,367,400 shares 3.19% MAX 2000 INC. 1,150,000 shares 2.68% T’S CAPITAL INC. 1,150,000 shares 2.68% Goldman Sachs International 1,149,075 shares 2.68% 768,350 shares 1.79% Ryuhei Chiba Notes: 1. In addition to the above table, there are 3,211,333 (6.95%) treasury shares owned by the Company. 2. CEO Masato Matsuura and Managing Director Toshio Kobayashi serve as representative directors of MAX 2000 INC. and T’S CAPITAL INC., respectively. 3. Of the shares held by Ryuhei Chiba, 632,100 shares are pledged by USEN CORPORATION. Share Information (as of March 31, 2006) Authorized number of shares 184,631,000 shares Number of shares outstanding 46,157,810 shares One unit of shares 100 shares Note: The Company owns 3,211,333 treasury shares, and the number of outstanding shares (excluding treasury shares) is 42,946,477. Important information for AVEX shareholders Please check and confirm the address to which our mail articles should be delivered Cases where our mail articles sent to shareholders cannot be delivered due to “New address is unknown” or “Incomplete address”, etc., are occurring frequently. As certain procedures must be followed when you move or your residence indication (town’s name or block number) changes, please contact the administrator of the shareholders list described below. We will send you the form for the procedure. If you do not contact us, we will not be able to deliver important information concerning dividends, etc. Please take care of this matter as soon as possible. If you use the Japan Securities Depository Center, please apply to the securities company with which you have © avex made your deposit. network You can sell us your odd stock (share certificate of less than 100 shares) For odd stock (un-issued share certificate of less than 100 shares), we provide a system with which you can sell it at the market price (Purchase claim system for odd stock). The procedure is simple; please contact the administrator of the shareholders list described below if you wish to sell. We will inform you of the details including the content of the procedure, etc. If you use the Japan Securities Depository Center, please apply to the securities company with which you have made your deposit. If you wish to report a change such as address, stamp, name, etc., or take a procedure concerning a purchase claim for odd stock or make a claim for the registration of share transfers, etc., these matters can be transacted at the reception desk at HQ or at branches of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking. Inquiries about administration of shares should be made at: Number of Shareholders March 2002 March 2003 March 2004 March 2005 March 2006 (as of March 31, 2006) Toll-free 0120-244-479 [Tokyo] 0120-684-479 [Osaka] 17,103 18,961 21,217 25,677 26,233 http://www.tr.mufg.jp/daikou/ (Also available on the Internet 24 hours/day) Security Trading Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corp. 7-10-11, Higashisuna, Koto-ku, Tokyo 137-8081 19 avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ave avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex a avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ave avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex ave ex 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avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex avex This booklet uses recycled paper that is 100% made from used paper, and ink made from soybean oil certified by the American Soybean Association.