the influence of learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) towards
the influence of learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) towards
THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING STYLES (VISUAL, AUDITORY, KINESTHETIC) TOWARDS VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF MAN SALATIGA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2012-2013 A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Educational Faculty By: Nur Khafifudin NIM. 11308003 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA 2013 1 ii iii iv MOTTO Make your self becomes the best friend for your self (Bobbi DePorter) Don‟t look backwards very long, Keep moving forward Open new doors and doing new things (Walt Disney) v DEDICATION I dedicate this graduating paper to: 1. My beloved father and mother, who always support and give me motivations and sincere prayers for my successfulness. 2. For my big family, my sister, my aunt, my grandmother, and all. 3. For my best friend, Joko Kriyanto, who has helped me finish my graduating paper. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the Lord of universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish the graduating paper as one of the requirement for the Degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I.) at English Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in 2013. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness. However, this paper would not be finished without those supports, advices, guidance, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag . as the Rector of STAIN Salatiga, thanks for the time to spend studying in STAIN Salatiga. 2. Maslihatul Umami, M.A. as the chief of English Department, thanks for the guidance. 3. Setia Rini, M.Pd. as the writer’s counselor who has educated, supported, directed, and given the writer countless advice, suggestion, and recommendation for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end. 4. All the lecturers at English Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. 5. All the staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration. 6. Drs. H. Sudar, M.Ag. as headmaster of MAN Salatiga who has allowed the writer to do the research in MAN Salatiga. vii 7. Siti Mudrikah, S.Pd and Sarinah, S.Pd as English teachers of eleven grade MAN Salatiga who had helped and given me advice in doing this research. 8. My beloved parents, father and my mother, who always give me motivations and sincere prayers for my successfulness. 9. Joko Kriyanto, who has helped me finish this graduating paper. Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful information to the readers. Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. Salatiga, January 31st, 2013 The Writer, Nur Khafifudin NIM: 11308003 viii ABSTRACT Khafifudin, Nur, 2013, The Influence of Learning Styles (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) Towards Vocabulary Mastery at The Second Year Students of MAN Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2012-2013. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. Counselor: Setia Rini, M.Pd. The aim of this study is to know the students’ learning style, to find out how far the effect of learning style(s) towards vocabulary mastery, and to know the influence of learning style towards students’ vocabulary mastery. The sample in the study is 30 respondents from 118 students of XI grade of MAN Salatiga in the academic year of 2012-2013 by using purposive sampling technique. This study basically uses characteristics of learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and Scrivener’s vocabulary theory. The method that is used in this study is quantitative approach by using partial correlation multiple variables method. The conclusions are (1) most of the student are visual learner in mastering vocabulary, (2) the effect of visual learning style is 34.57%, auditory learning style is 88.74%, kinesthetic learning style is 18.40% and the entire of learning styles is 69.39% towards students’ vocabulary mastery, and (3) there is no significant influence between visual learning style towards students’ vocabulary mastery, it can be seen from the result of calculation arithmetic r = -0,588 and table r = 0,361, there is no significant influence between auditory learning style towards students’ vocabulary mastery, it can be seen from the result of calculation arithmetic r = -0,942 and table r = 0,361, there is no significant influence between kinesthetic learning style towards students’ vocabulary mastery, it can be seen from the result of calculation arithmetic r = -0,429 and table r = 0,361, and there is significant influence between the entire of learning styles towards students’ vocabulary mastery, it can be seen from the calculation Ro = 0,833 and Rt = 0.361. Key words: Learning Style, Vocabulary Mastery. ix TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE ............................................................................................................ i DECLARATION ........................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .......................................................... iii CERTIFICATION PAGE .............................................................................. iv MOTTO ......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION ............................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii ABSTRACT................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. x LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study .................................................................. 1 B. . Problems of The Study……………………………………………... 4 C. Limitation of The Problem................................................................. 5 D. Objectives of The Study……………………………………………. 5 E. Benefits of The Study………………………………………………. 6 F. Clarifications of Key Term………………………………………… 6 G. Review of Preview Research ............................................................... . 9 H. Research Outline……………………………………………………… 10 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Definition of Learning ....................................................................... 11 B. The Characteristics of Learning ......................................................... 12 C. The Elements of Learning Process .................................................... 14 D. Learning Styles .................................................................................. 16 E. Vocabulary in Learning Activity ....................................................... 21 x F. The Kinds of Vocabulary ................................................................... 22 G. Aspects of Learning Vocabulary ....................................................... 23 H. Vocabulary Mastery and Vocabulary Test ........................................ 41 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY RESEARCH A. Methodology Research ...................................................................... 44 B. The General Description of MAN Salatiga ....................................... 49 C. Student Respondent MAN Salatiga .................................................. 56 D. Scores of Students’ Questionnaire and Vocabulary Mastery Test ..... 58 E. Hypothesis of The Study.................................................................... 59 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. The Pre-analysis ................................................................................. 66 B. Main Analysis .................................................................................... 75 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 90 B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY CURRICULUM VITAE APPENDIX xi LIST OF TABLES Table 1: The Equipments Facilities at MAN Salatiga ................................... 53 Table 2: List of The Teacher’s and Staff’s of MAN Salatiga ....................... 55 Table 3: Students of MAN Salatiga ............................................................... 56 Table 4: List Student Respondent of MAN Salatiga ..................................... 56 Table 5: List Scores of Students’ Questionnaire and Vocabulary Mastery Test 58 Table 6: Result of Questionnaire Answer about The Students’ Learning Styles (Visual Style) ................................................................................................ 68 Table 7: Result of Questionnaire Answer about The Students’ Learning Styles (Auditory Style) ................................................................................ 68 Table 8: Result of Questionnaire Answer about The Students’ Learning Styles (Kinesthetic Style) ............................................................................ 70 Table 9: Result of Vocabulary Mastery Test (number 1-10) ......................... 72 Table 10: Result of Vocabulary Mastery Test (number 11-20) ..................... 73 Table 11: Table of The Questionnaire (X1, X2, and X3) and The Result of Vocabulary Mastery Test (Y) .............................................................................. 76 Table 12: List of Students’ Visual Style ........................................................ 78 Table 13: List of Students’ Auditory Style .................................................... 79 Table 14: List of Another Learning Style ...................................................... 80 xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study In essence, learning is a process of interaction to the all situation around the individual environment. It can be also called as process of guidance to the objectives and doing through experiences, those are seeing, observing, and comprehending about something (Rusman, 2011). Learning is also called as process to get knowledge, skill, attitude, behavior, and values through study, experience, and teaching (Jensen & Nickelsen, 2011: 8). When learning, students do many things like trying, researching, experiment, trial and error, and others as learning activity. In learning activity, students do many activities to achieve the learning objectives for example mastering subject as preparation for the test, memorizing new vocabularies and categorizing them, repairing some goods, doing assignment, developing material or skill that she/he mastered ever. Learning language activity is to direct students to express their feeling and communicate the feeling, ideas, and thought by using of conventionalized sign, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meaning (Brown, 1980: 5). Language learning is also how students personality expresses themselves and fulfills its basic need for social interaction with other person (Lado, 1964: 7). In learning language, students use the language actively to communicate and interact in speaking as well as writing. Speaking means students train how to pronounce the words, conversing, and making dialogue. Writing is one of the ability to be owned. Writing activities train 1 every people to use the vocabularies, diction, and the content of his/her writing. Writing is to learn how to write the ideas, information, knowledge, or experience and understand the writing to acquire the knowledge or some information to share and learn. English is one of the languages that are most used by people in every country. They usually use it to communicate and share knowledge and information even English is used in all areas like technology and internet. In Indonesia, English roles as compulsory foreign language that must be learned by students form elementary until senior high school. It is even made by government as one of national final test. Beside that, with mastering English students are expected to be able to speak out of their native language and one important thing they can learn many knowledge and skill. One of components to master English is vocabulary. Vocabulary is basic skill must be mastered by student. It usually serves as useful and fundamental tool for communicating and acquiring knowledge. According to Scrivener (1994:74) there are two kind of vocabulary, productive and receptive vocabulary. Productive is produced by student or learner within appropriate context and match the intended of meaning and receptive is degrees particular words may be parts of productive vocabulary. Enriched vocabulary will make the student and learner is easy to speak, communicate, understand the information, and share it to the others, like classmate, friend, teacher, or even stranger. Students have their own way and technique to comprehend the knowledge and information. They choose and decide the best way to process the information in order it can be easy to learn. Learning style is the way and technique that they use to 2 learn information and knowledge. It helps students learn more fast and easier with selecting and using the appropriate learning style that they like (DePorter, 1999: 111112). Students not only apply the learning style for studying but also for developing their skill and interest and improving the learning output. Learning style can be used by students to learn language, including English. They can prefer learning style that is suitable for them to learn and practice English by themselves. For example, they use visual guidance like short-card to memorize some vocabularies and use it as memorycard when they forget them. Another example they like listening English song and see the lyric of the song. In MAN Salatiga, many students use learning style to learn English. They memorize vocabulary by using a piece of paper that contains list of English words and that is very easy to take so they can do it anytime and anywhere. There are also students who prefer memorizing vocabularies by moving their body, like walking around when memorizing list of vocabularies and reading text. In another side, many students of MAN Salatiga like English song and see the lyric so it makes them understand to pronounce the words and enrich their vocabularies. There are also some learning activities in classroom which relate with learning style, like making a group discussion, grouping for dialogue, and watching video or movie. In making group, teacher ask them to make a small group consist of four or five member then discuss the materials for example analyzing text in a group or making conversation to present in front of their classmate. In watching video activity, students are asked to take English genre movie after that they analyze the dialogue or conversation in the video or movie, like the grammar, expression, etc. 3 From the explanation above, the writer would like to research which has title ‘THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING STYLES (VISUAL, AUDITORY, KINESTHETIC) TOWARD VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF MAN SALATIGA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013’. B. Limitation of the Problem The writer would like to limit the research on analyzing the influence of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery at the second year students of MAN Salatiga in academic year 2012/2013. Firstly, the writer would like to research about the influence of visual style, auditory style and kinesthetic style toward vocabulary mastery. Secondly, the writer would like to research the influence of the entire of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery. The writer focuses on the influence of the entire of learning styles is as first variable (x) and vocabulary mastery is as second variable (y). The writer assumes that students’ learning style contributed toward vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the writer would like to investigate and prove that the variable x contributes toward the variable y. C. Problems of the Study According to title of the study, the writer presents the problems statements as follows: 1. What are students’ learning styles at MAN Salatiga? 2. How much percentage is the effect of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of MAN Salatiga? 3. Is there any correlation between learning style (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) and vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of MAN Salatiga? 4 D. Objectives of the Study There are some objectives of the study as follows: 1. 2. To find the students’ learning style at MAN Salatiga. To find out how much the effect of learning style to the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. 3. To know the correlation between learning style (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) and vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. E. Benefits of the Study 1. For English teacher. Through this study, the writer hopes that it can help the teacher understands about students’ learning style so that the teacher knows how the information is easy to understand by students. 2. For the writer. The finding of the research can give explanation to the researcher about students’ learning style and how they use it to learn English especially for memorizing vocabulary. 3. For the reader. This research can inform to the reader about learning style and how the students applies it to learn English especially for mastering vocabulary. 5 F. Clarification of Key Term 1. Learning. According to Jensen and Nickelsen (2011: 8), learning is a process to acquire knowledge, skill, behavior, attitude, or values through experience, study, or education which cause a change that can be measured by brain as been called memory. Hilgard (1948) says that learning is the process by which an activity originates or is changed through training procedures (whether in laboratory or in the natural environment) as distinguished from change by factors or not attributable to training. According to Hamalik (2005: 36) learning is defined as the modification or strengthening of behavior through experiencing and interacting with environment. Slavin (1997) describes Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experience. 2. Learning style. Learning style is the way and technique that they use to learn information and knowledge. It helps students learn more fast and easier with selecting and using the appropriate learning style that they like. Learning style is divided into three characteristics they are Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic style (DePorter, 1999: 111-112). 6 a. Visual style Visual learner usually focuses on viewing. The characteristics are students must see the demonstration in order they understand. They need to see more about the information visually and it can be easy to comprehend for them through the picture. b. Auditory style Auditory learner prefers listening than other. They need to listen the information before understanding. Commonly, they like someone reads the information for them than they read by themselves. c. Kinesthetic style Kinesthetic learner prefers studying by touching, manipulating, and moving. They need the learning activities that have kinesthetic characteristic, dynamic, and moving. 3. Vocabulary. Vocabulary is carrier of meaning. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning second language. Learner often manages to communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words (Scrivener, 1994:73). The first major distinction that must be made when evaluating word knowledge is whether the knowledge is productive (also called active) or receptive (also called passive) and even within those opposing categories, there is oftentimes no cleared distinction. Words that are generally understood when heard or read or seen constitute a person's receptive vocabulary. 7 4. Vocabulary mastery. Mastery comes from ‘master’ that means to gain knowledge, to get the better of, and to train to live with and be of use to man. Mastery is to act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled, the right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge (ROGER’s II THE NEW THESAURUS, 1980). Vocabulary mastery means the power to control, command, decide, and rule the vocabulary as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. G. Review of Previous Research In this research, the writer reviews research paper from the previous research. The research was conducted by Dewi Agustina Munfaati with her research paper entitled “THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING STYLE TO ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT OF THE FIRST GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA N 2 SALATIGA IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2009/2010”. The result of the research analysis shows there was: 1. There is no influence between students’ visual learning styles with their English achievement. 2. There is no influence between students’ auditory learning styles with their English achievement. 3. There is no influence between students’ tactual learning styles with their English achievement. 4. There is any influence between entire students’ learning style and their English achievement. 8 From the previous research above, the writer would like to research which has title “THE INFLUENCE OF LEARNING STYLE (VISUAL, AUDITORY, KINESTHETIC) TOWARD VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF MAN SALATIGA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013”. In this research, the writer focuses on the students’ learning styles and its influence toward vocabulary mastery. He tries to describe the influence of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery at the students of MAN Salatiga in academic year 2012/2013. The writer analyzes that learning styles influence vocabulary mastery, while previous research, Munfiati (2010) there is any correlation between learning to the English achievement. The writer believes that it will enrich the research about the factor that influences students’ vocabulary mastery. H. Research Outline This research is divided into five chapters: Chapter one is introduction which consists of Background of the study, problems of the study, limitation of the problem, objectives of he study, benefits of the study, clarification of key term, review of previous research, and hypothesis of the study. Chapter two describes theoretical framework. It consists of basic theories about the research subject. Chapter three explains methodology research, general description of MAN Salatiga, the list name of respondents, and the list of respondents’ score. Chapter four contains data analysis and result of the research. Chapter five is conclusion and suggestion. The last parts are Bibliography and Appendix. 9 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Definition of Learning 1. Definition of learning according Skinner According to Skinner (in Dimyati & Mudjiono, 2006: 9), learning is an action. When a person is doing learning activity, he/she will have good respond or improve the respond to be better. On the contrary, respond will not increase when a person are not doing learning activity. Skinner states that there are some things in learning, they are: a) The occasion which causes of appearing learning respond. b) Learner’s respond. c) The effect which affirms the learner’s responds. The affirmation occurs to the stimulus that affirms the effect. As an illustration, a learner or student who gives good responds to the learning activity will be given a reward and the opposite if a learner or student will be given a punishment when giving bad responds. 2. Definition of learning according to Gagne Gagne (in Dimyati & Mudjiono, 2006: 10) states that learning is a complex activity. It means that learning is an activity which outcomes some capabilities, those are skill, attitude, knowledge, and value. They appear from environment stimulus and cognitive process that is done by a learner. Therefore, learning can be said a cognitive process to change the nature of environment stimulus through processing information become new capability. 10 3. Definition of learning according Piaget Piaget (in Dimyati & Mudjiono, 2006: 13) says that knowledge is set up by individual. An individual interacts with environment constantly then it changes. By interacting with environment makes the individual’s intelligence developed. Piaget divides four phases in intelligence development as follows: a) Sensor-motorist (0-2 years), in this phase a child identifies an environment by using sensor-motorist ability, they are seeing, smelling, listening, touching, and moving. b) Pre-operational phase (2-7 years), in this phase a child capable to use symbol, language, participation, and making simple concept. c) Concrete operational phase (7-11 years), in this phase a child is able to increase logical thought even though he/she solve some problems by ‘trial and error’. d) Formal operation phase (11 years-adult), in this phase a child begins thinking abstract thing like adult people. B. The Characteristics of Learning According to Hilgard and Gordon (1975: 17 in Hamalik, 2005: 49) there are three characteristics of learning as follows: 1. Learning is different from maturity Growth is the main circuit as behavior modifier. When the associations of behavior mature properly without the effect of the exercise, it is said that the development is due to maturity and not for learning. If the procedure is not rapidly changing practice behavior, it means that the procedure is not an important cause and the changes can not be classified as learning. For example, 11 the child has the maturity to talk which is caused by influence of the surrounding community conversation then he/she can talk in time. 2. Learning is different from physical and mental changes Behavioral changes can also occur which is caused by the occurrence of physical and mental changes for committing an act that repeatedly and cause the body to be tired or fatigued. The symptoms such as mental fatigue, concentration becomes less, weakening of memory, the occurrence of tiring, can all cause changes in behavior, such as stop learning, into confusion, a sense of failure, and so on. 3. Learning outcome relatively remained Learning happens in the form of training and experience. The resulting behavior is settled and in accordance with its intended purpose. Behavior in the form of real can be observed. Such a person does not know something that needs to be done, but also committed itself is real. C. The Elements of Learning Process Hamalik (2005: 51) states there are several elements in learning process, such as: 1. Learner’s motivation Motivation is the encouragement that causes a specific action. Learning action occurs because of the motivation that drives a person to do something to learn. The encouragement can appear from the learner or student him/her self which are the resources from certain requirements who want to get satisfaction, or impulse that arises from stimulus from the outside so that the learner student do to learn. 12 Motivation that appears from the needs of the learner or student him/her self (internal motivation) are considered better than the motivation that arises by external stimulus. But in practice often motivated from within does not exist or has not appeared so this situation requires external stimulus that appear motivation to learn. 2. Learning materials Learning materials is an important learning element that gets the attention of the teacher and students. Students with learning materials which they can learn the things necessary in order to achieve the learning objective. Therefore, the determination of learning materials should be based on the objectives to be achieved, in this case the results are to be achieved, for example in the form of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experiences of others. 3. Learning equipments/aids Learning equipments/aids are the tools that can be used to help the learner or student to learn so that learning becomes more efficient and effective. With the help of various tools, the learning will be more interesting, be concrete and easy to understand, save time, and more meaningful learning outcomes. Learning equipments or aids or are also called learning media. For example in the form of printed materials, the tools that can be seen (visual media), a tool that can be heard (audio media), and tools that can be heard and seen (audio-visual aids), as well as community or society resources that can experienced directly. 4. Learning environment Learning environment is very important for learning. Fun environment can improve learning activity, while 13 the disordered situation, crowded, uncomfortable, and a lot of disturbance will not support effective learning activities. Thus students and teacher must always create a good learning environment and fun, challenging and exciting including to decide appropriate technique, strategy, or learning styles for processing learning materials. It means that the learning environment also determine the motivations, activities, and the success of student learning. 5. Learner’s condition Learner or student conditions also determine the process of learning activities and learning success. Students or learners can learn efficiently and effectively in healthy body condition, have good enough intelligence, ready to undertake learning activities, has a special talent, and experiences related to learning, and have a passion for learning. Students or learners who have an unhealthy body, low intelligence, are not ready to learn, no talent to learn something, and do not have adequate learning experience would affect the smoothness and the quality of learning outcomes. D. Learning style Learning style is the way and technique that they use to learn and process information and knowledge. It helps students learn more fast and easier with selecting and using the appropriate learning style that they like. Learning styles refer to the variations in your ability to accumulate as well as assimilate information. Basically, learning style is the method that best allows you to gather and use knowledge in a specific manner. Most experts agree that there are three basic learning styles. Each individual may possess a single style or could possess a 14 combination of different learning styles. In most cases, the characteristics of a learning style can even be observed at a relatively young age. Basically, learning styles are divided into three part, they are as follows (Jensen and Nickelsen, 2011: 35). 1. Visual style (visual learner) Individuals who fall into this category typically learn through what they are able to see with their own eyes. Visual learners have a tendency to describe everything that they see in terms of appearances. These learners love visual aids such as photos, diagrams, maps and graphs. Visual learners frequently are good writers and will commonly perform quite well on written assignments. The best ways for visual learner to process the information by recording, allocating, calculating, simplifying, describing, proving, preparing, evaluating, rewriting, drawing a picture, making mind-map, making a note, and using graphics organizer. a. Visual style has some characteristics, they are: 1) Students/learners often look well-regulated in dressing 2) They speak fast 3) They are good in spelling 4) They strongly remember what they see than what they hear 5) They use pictures aids to memorize or process some information 6) They have difficulties to remember visual instruction except it is written and they often ask someone else to repeat what he/she says 7) They read fast and diligent and prefer reading by their selves than someone else reads for them 15 8) They prefer art than music 9) They always prefer doing the demonstration or practice than they speech 10) They usually do not have noise problems b. There are some learning strategies for visual style (visual learner), those are: 1) For work sheet, make a bold line around the items, to help the learners follow an item when they like it 2) Let the learners point if it’s needed, let them point the word or sentence when reading 3) Write the guidance on white or black board 4) Use graphics, charts, map, or colors 5) Use mind-mapping to process information 2. Auditory style Auditory style (auditory learner) is learning style where learner or students are very good in listening. They tend to absorb information in a more efficient manner through sounds, music, discussions, teachings, etc. These individuals will be more likely to record lectures so that they can replay them at a later time for study purposes. Auditory learners appreciate books on tape and may find that reading aloud will help them to retain information. Rather than written reports, auditory learners tend to do better on oral presentations and reports. The best ways for auditory learner to process the information by Telling the information loudly, Listening the voice recording, Discussing with friends or learning group, recording an argument or statement, doing interview, teaching someone or people, and debating with others. 16 a. Auditory style has some characteristics, they are: 1) Students/learners love talking much, discussing, and explaining information lengthily 2) They move their lips and utter the writing in a book when they read 3) They love reading loudly and listening it 4) They feel difficult when they have to write the information but they are smart in explaining it 5) They love repeating and imitating a tone, rhythm, music, voice, or sound 6) They speak rhythmically and in a pattern 7) They read fluently 8) They love music 9) They are difficult in doing an assignment or a work which concerns with visualization 10) They are skillful in spelling loudly than they write b. There are some learning strategies for auditory style (auditory learner), those are: 1) Let them repeat the information loudly 2) Convert writing information into voice information (song, recording, etc.) 3) Play a background music when they learn 4) Use a reminder, by asking learners or students repeat the key concept and instructions 5) Play many rhythmical and united games when learning 17 3. Kinesthetic style (kinesthetic learner) Kinesthetic style is where students or learners are to do tactile learning. This means that they learn best through moving, doing, acting out and touching. Projects that are hands-on in nature are best for kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic learners tend to become frustrated when they must sit for long periods of time. They enjoy conducting experiments, exploring and performing tasks. c. Kinesthetic learner has some characteristics, those are: 1) Learners or students Always move-that’s way learners or students learn 2) They move their body when they memorizing information like walking around 3) They use fingers to point out the writing in a book when the read 4) They can not sit silently in long time 5) They talk slowly and usually stand up near someone when talking 6) They always orientate in practice and physic activities 7) They prefer learning through practice and physic activities 8) They use much body language to communicate like nod their head to express ‘yes’ 9) They need concrete object as learning aids 10) They want to do anything and love games d. There are some learning strategies for kinesthetic learner (kinesthetic style), they are: 1) Use role play game as learning 2) They do memorizing by walking around and see 18 3) Show them how to do something and Use aids equipments when learning 4) Give silent activities after moving activities (example: reading text loudly after physic training at school) 5) Use manipulated method (example: moving parts of body for naming) E. Vocabulary in learning activity Vocabulary is the list of words, usually arranged alphabetically and defined, explained or translated or the range of language, the stock of word at a person’s command or used in particular work, branch or subject, language, etc. Scrivener (1994:73) states that Vocabulary is carrier of meaning. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning second language. Learner often manages to communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words. Moreover, Lado (1994: 73) describes that vocabulary is a form or expression which is associated with content and meaning. In writer’s opinion vocabulary is key issues in language learning process because every new word carries new meaning to understand other language. From the statements about vocabulary above indicate that vocabulary is very important in learning language and it has important role in learning language. The importance of vocabulary is: 1. An extensive vocabulary aids expression and communication. 2. Vocabulary size has been directly linked to reading comprehension. 19 3. Linguistic vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary. 4. A learner or student may be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary. F. The Kinds of Vocabulary Scrivener (1994: 74) divides vocabulary into two part, they are productive vocabulary (also called active) and receptive vocabulary (also called passive). Productive vocabulary is the sets of the words that are used in spoken communication. Good pronunciation might be encouraged getting the sound and the stress right. Receptive vocabulary is the use of words that we recognize and understand, but tend not to use ourselves. Sometimes, vocabulary is the easiest aspect of a foreign language but it more needs formal attention in a classroom. Learners or students accept quickly vocabulary but they also forget easily. From that statement, Thornburry (2002: 5) divides some ways of learning language especially for learning vocabulary: 1. Repetition Use the leisured or honored time to repeat the material and rehearsal the material when it is still in working memory. 2. Pacing Learners have different learning styles and process the material different rate, so ideally they should give the opportunity to pace their own rehearsal activities. 3. Use Put some words which are preferable to use in some interesting way. This is the best of ensuring they are added to long term memory. 20 4. Imagining Use some leisure or honored time to visualize new words by picture silently. Visualizing new words in picture form will make those words are memorable and evoke students to explore words. 5. Motivating Students need strong motivation to spend their much time to rehearsal and practice the materials and in the end they will pay off in term of memory 6. Attention Students can not improve their vocabulary when they are sleeping, simply by listening to a speaker. Some degree of attention is required. A very high degree of attention is improving the recalling words. G. Aspects of Learning Vocabulary Actually, there are many ways will help students to enrich their vocabulary and proficiency as the follows: 1. Word classes According to Carter (1998:4), word is any sequence of letters (and a limited number of other characteristics such as hyphen and apostrophe) bounded on either side of space and punctuation marks. Word is classified based on their functional categorized, it is called part of speech (Harmer, 1998 34). The kinds of part of speech are; a. Noun A word (or group of words) that is name of person, a place, a thing or activity or a quality or a idea. Noun can be used as the subject or subject of a verb. 21 a.1 Countable noun Countable noun can usually be made plural by the addition of –s/es Example: she takes one apple from three apples. a.2 Uncountable noun Uncountable noun is noun which does not have a plural form and this refers to something that could not count. Example: I like sugar. a.3 Proper noun Proper noun is noun that writes with capital letter, since the noun represent the personal name, names of geographical units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. the name of nationalities and religions, names of holiday, names of time units and words use for personification (Frank, 1976:6). Example: I like Monday. Muhammad is the last prophet. a.4 Common noun Common noun is a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in general sense. Usually we should write it with capital letter when it begins a sentence. Example: book, city, stones, etc. a.5 Concrete noun Concrete noun refers to objects and substances, including animals, physical items that we can perceive through our sense, that means 22 concrete noun can be touched, felt, held, something visible, smelt, tasted, or heard. Example: The apple is eaten by Sarah. My parents go to office every day. a.6 Abstract noun Abstract noun is noun which names anything which can not perceive through physical sense. Example: Maria still looks for her love. a.7 Collective noun Collective noun is noun which describes group, organization, animal, or person. Example: The committee of badminton meets every Monday. b. Verb A word (or group of words) which is used in describing an action, experience, or state. There are several kinds of verb as follows: b.1 Action verb An action verb expressed by a verb may be physical action or mental action. In addition, it is exist with is, are, was, were. Example: She likes reading novel every Sunday. She was late when visiting her friend. 23 b.2 Auxiliary verb An auxiliary verb is a verb which accompanies the lexical verb phrase and express grammatical distinction not carried by the lexical verb. These are be, do, and have. They do not have meaning if they stand themselves. b.2.1 To be Auxiliary verb that usually used are be, is, am, are, was, were, been, and being. They are usually used jointly past participle to make passive voice and in present participle to make continuous. Example: She is cooking fried chicken. The wall is being painted by Rudi. b.2.2 To do Auxiliary verb that usually is used are do, does, and did. They usually are used jointly main verb to form interrogative or passive voice and used to give compression or to avoid verbs that use repeatedly. Example: Do you like chili?. I do understand. b.2.3 To have Auxiliary verbs that are usually used are have, has and had. These auxiliaries are used jointly main verbs to make past perfect. Example: Our guests have arrived. 24 He has completed his homework. b.3 Phrasal verbs These are formed by adding an adverb or a preposition to a verb to create new meaning, ask around, look for, calm down, give up, put off, etc. Example: I never give up doing that assignment. b.4 Transitive and Intransitive verbs b.4.1 Transitive verb needs a direct object to complete its meaning or it can’t stand alone. Example: I need money to buy clothes. She wants fruits to eat. b.4.2 An intransitive verb can stand alone in the predicate because its meaning is completed. Example: The plants grow. b.5 Regular and Irregular verbs b.5.1 Regular verb are formed by adding /-ed/, call-called-called, visit-visited-visited, want-wanted-wanted. Example: I visited my grandmother in RSU hospital yesterday. b.5.2 Irregular verb change completely in the past tense, go-wentgone, but sometimes it does not change in the past, cut-cutcut. Example: She went to post office last Sunday. c. Adjective A word that gives more information about a noun or pronoun. 25 c.1 Possessive adjective A possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, it, our, and their) is similar or identical to a possessive pronoun, however it is used as an adjective and modifies a noun or a noun phrase, as in the following sentences. Example: My brother is still young. c.2 Demonstrative adjective The demonstrative adjective, this these, that, those, and what the identical to the demonstrative pronoun, but are used to modify nouns or noun phrase as in the following sentence. Example: This book is always borrowed. These books are never taken to school. c.3 Interrogative adjective An interrogative adjective is like an interrogative pronoun, except that it modifies a noun or pronoun phrase rather than standing on its own, such as what, which, whose, as in the following sentences. Example: What day will you arrive? Whose book is this? d. Adverb A word (or group of words) that describes or adds the meaning of a verb, adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence. d.1 Adverb of manner Adverb of manner has the most characteristic adverbial form (an –ly ending added to a descriptive adjective). 26 Example: quickly, slowly, beautifully, etc. He runs quickly. d.2 Adverb of time It is divided into two kinds is definite time, for instance: yesterday, now, today, tomorrow, last week, etc. Example: I’m reading novel book now. The second is indefinite time, for instance: recently, soon, still, just, next, etc. Example: I will be there soon. d.3 Adverb of place Adverb of place is here, there, everywhere, abroad, etc. Example: I will not be here tomorrow. d.4 Adverb of frequency Adverb of frequency is usually, often, sometime, never, seldom, etc. Example: He always arrives here on time. d.5 Adverb of quantity It used to describe quantity or how often an event that is happened. Example: He studies English too much. d.6 Relative adverb It has function as connector in the sentence such as, therefore, moreover, although, however, etc. Example: Amir wanted to go out although it was raining yesterday. d.7 Adverb of degree It is divided into two kinds: 27 d.7.1. To show how much related with adjective or adverb, such as very, too, quite, rather extremely, etc. Example: She has too many answers. The weather is very hot. d.7.2. To show how complete such as nearly, entirely, wholly, partially, etc. Example: She has now partially recovered from her ill. d.8 Interrogative adverb That is used to create question, such as what, why, where, when, how, etc. Example: Why are you absent today? e. Pronoun A word that is used in place of noun or noun phrase. e.1 Personal pronoun A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form o indicate person, number, gender, and case. There are some types of personal pronoun, such as (Frank, 1972: 21): e.1.1 Subjective personal pronoun A subjective personal pronoun indicates that the pronoun as the subject of the sentence. It consist of I, you, we, they, she, he, and it. Example: I like reading novel You go to school everyday 28 e.1.2 Objective personal pronoun An objective personal pronoun indicates that pronoun as an object of the verb, compound verb, preposition or infinitive phrase. It consists of me, you, them, him, her, us, and it. Example: Take me that bread. e.1.3 Possessive personal pronoun A possessive personal pronoun indicates that the pronoun as a marker of possession and defines who owns particular object or person. The possessive personal pronouns are mine, hers, yours, ours, his, and theirs. Not that possessive personal pronouns are very similar to possessive adjective like my, her, their, etc. e.2 Demonstrative pronoun A demonstrative pronoun points and identifies a noun or a pronoun. The demonstrative pronoun are this, that, these, and those. This and that are used to refer to singular nouns or noun phrase. In addition, these and those are used to refer to plural nouns and noun phrases. Example: This apple has been eaten Those books must be ordered now. e.3 Indefinite pronoun An Indefinite pronoun is a pronoun referring to an identifiable but not specified person or thing. An indefinite pronoun conveys the idea of 29 all, any, none, or some. The most common indefinite pronouns are all, another, any, anyone, anybody, nobody, everyone, etc. Example: Make sure that you have given everyone a book o read. e.4 Interrogative pronoun An interrogative pronoun is used to ask question the interrogative pronoun are who, whom, what, where, why, when, how, etc. in addition, the compounds formed with the suffix ever (whoever, whomever, whatever, etc.). Example: What do you want to eat? Where do you live? e.5 Reflexive pronoun Reflexive pronoun refers to back the subject of the clause or the sentence. They are my self, your self, our selves, himself, herself, themselves. Not each of these can also as intensive pronoun. Example: Hasan loves himself. I help my self in this afternoon. e.6 Reciprocal pronoun Reciprocal pronoun is a pronoun that is stated the relationship between individual, consists of each other (for two people) and one another (for more than two people). Example: Jono and Nia help each other do the assignment. All the children love one another. e.7 Relative pronoun 30 Relative pronoun is used to connect one phrase or clause to another. The relative pronouns are who, which, that, and which. Example: My father, who is over 50 years old, still likes fishing. e.8 Possessive pronoun Possessive pronoun shows the possessive term. It is divided into two kinds. e.8.1. Followed by noun, such as my, your, his, her, its, our, their. Example: That is my book. Is this your book? e.8.2. It can stand alone, such as mine, yours, ours, hers, his, its, theirs. Example: This book is mine. f. Preposition A word (or group of words) which is used to show the way in which other words are connected. f.1 Preposition that consists of one word, such as at, in, under, over, on, behind, etc. Example: I put my bag on the table. You must stand behind me. f.2 Preposition that consists of two words, such as according to, instead of, in spite of, next to, etc. g. Conjunction A word that connects sentences, phrases, or clauses. g.1 Coordinating conjunction 31 Coordinating conjunction is used to join words with other words, phrases with other phrases or sentences with other sentences. There are seven kinds of coordinating conjunction, they are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Example: These book and pen are mine. Fish or cow the animal that you like. g.2 Correlative conjunction Correlative conjunction is used to join elements of sentence, for instance both……and, not only…….but also, either……or, neither…….nor, etc. Example: She likes both apple and orange. g.3 Subordinating conjunction Subordinating conjunction is word that can be used to form adverbial clause form main sentence. There are five types of subordinating conjunction as follows: g.3.1 Time His conjunction is used to explain about time, before, after, at, since, as long as, as soon as, etc. Example: He left the house as soon as the rain stopped yesterday. g.3.2 Opposition This is used to explain about the opposite, although, even though, whereas, etc. Example: He could not pass, although he tried often. g.3.3 Cause-effect 32 It is used to explain cause and effect, because, now that, such….that, as in, etc. Example: My mother is angry with me because I lose her pen. g.3.4 Conditional This conjunction is used to explain conditional, if, unless, even if, etc. Example: If I go to work, I will earn much money. g.3.5 Purpose This is used to explain purpose, in order t, in order that, so that, etc. Example; I switch off the lamp so that the room becomes dark. 2. Word Families We have seen how words may share the same base of root, but take different endings (Thornburry, 2002:4). A word that result from addition of an affix to a root, and which has different meaning from the root, it is called derivative. For example: player, playful, replay are each derivates of play. Thus, inflexions and derivates are both formed by the process of affixation. Affixes consist of suffixes such as –full ends of a word. Moreover, there are prefixes such as re-, un-, pre in the beginning of word. Among the characteristics of derivational suffixes, there are three nations that will be quite important (Charter, 1998:10): a. Derivational suffixes usually change part of speech of the word to which they are added. Happy - adjective 33 Happily - adverb Happiness - noun b. Derivational suffixes usually do not close off a word. After derivational suffix you can add derivational suffix. Fertile-Fertilize-Fertilizer c. The word with derivational suffixes combined is an arbitrary matter. Correct : adornment failure Wrong : adernure failment 3. Word Formation According to Thornburry (2002:5), affixation is one of the ways new words are formed from old. There are several kinds of those, such as compounding, blending, clipping, acronym, and coining. a. Compound word Compound word is combining of two or more independent words. It consists of two patterns. 1) Noun + Verb + -er Example: hair dryer, bus driver, record player, shop keeper, etc. 2) Noun + Noun Example: matchbook, classroom, teapot, etc. b. Blending 34 Blending is the fusion of two words into one, usually the first part of one word with the last part of another, so that the resultant blend consists of both original meaning. Example: breakfast + lunch = brunch Information + entertainment = infotainment c. Clipping Clipping is a process in which a word is formed by shortening a lot of one. Clipping occurs when the longer word has very common use and a short form result because it is simpler and easier to be understood. Example: Zoo – zookeeper Vocab – vocabulary Choc – chocolate Phone – telephone d. Acronym Acronym is the result of forming a word from the first letter or letters of each word in a phrase. It often named political, industrial, and social organization. Example: VIP – Very Important Person WHO – World Health Organization 35 e. Coining Coinages are pure creation of writers, investors, scientists, and others who are in need of term to express a given meaning or to name an item or product. Example: Kodak, Aspirin, Vaseline, Zipper, Tipp-ex, etc. 4. Word Meaning a. Synonym A synonym is essentially a bilateral or symmetrical sense relation in which more than one linguistic form can be said to have the same conceptual or propositional meaning (Carter, 1998:20). While, according to Thornburry (2002:9), synonym is a word that shares similar meaning. Example: Sadness = unhappiness (noun) Declare = state (verb) Sadly = unhappily (adverb) b. Antonym Antonym is a word expressing an idea directly opposite to that of another word in the same language. Example: Accept >< refuse Sadness >< happiness Success >< failure c. Homonym Thornburry (2002:8) states that homonym is a word that shares same form but has unrelated meaning. 36 Example: Can - I can hear what you say - I do not like food in a can While, another potential source of confusion are many words in English that sound the same but spelt differently called homophone, for example horse-hoarse, tail-tale, meat-meet, see-sea, etc. there also words that pronounced differently but spelt the same, for example a live concert, but where do you live. H. Vocabulary Mastery and Vocabulary Test Mastery comes from ‘master’ that means to gain knowledge, to get the better of, and to train to live with and be of use to man. Mastery is to act of exercising controlling power or the condition of being so controlled, the right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge (ROGER’s II THE NEW THESAURUS, 1980). Vocabulary mastery means the power to control, command, decide, and rule the vocabulary as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Vocabulary mastery is one component to master English as foreign language. In learning four skills in language (speaking, reading, listening, and writing), vocabulary is very important to master by learners or students. It is reasonable, remembering that four language skills need knowledge of words because they will get nothing without words or vocabulary. Fries (1967: 50) indicated the distribution of various kind of vocabulary through four stages for learners in English mastery: 37 1. Progress extends from the beginning to the mastery of fundamental of structure and sound system. 2. The vocabulary items chosen should still consist of those that must be learned for production. 3. Vocabulary mastery for recognition is extended more completely over the general areas of experience covered diving the second stage, indicate above on an every limited productive level. 4. The choice of special areas of experience is necessary. Learning language practically always means primarily learning the words of the language (Fries, 1967: 38). Sometimes, it is useful to assess the size of a learner’s vocabulary. One fairly crude measure is to use a dictionary and choose a random selection of words and incorporate these into a test. Without testing, there is no reliable means of knowing how effective a teaching sequence has been. Thornbury (2002: 129) states that testing motivates learners to review vocabulary in preparation for a test. If learners know that they are going to be tested on their vocabulary learning, they may take more learning vocabulary seriously. Vocabulary is sometimes targeted in test of reading ability, since there is a correlation between the two. Finally, learner is developing their vocabulary and their use vocabulary learning strategy. 38 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY RESEARCH A. Methodology Research 1. Type of Research In this research, the writer uses quantitative approach. According to Hasan (2004: 20) quantitative research is done by collecting numbering data. The data is processed and analyzed to get the information. In this research, the writer does the correlative study. Hasan (2004: 45) states that correlative study is a research data analysis to know the degree or the power of the correlation, form, or the correlation purpose between variables, and the total of influences between one variable to the other variable. 2. Object of the study. a. Population. According to Krysik and Fin (2007: 108) population is the totality of persons, events, organizational units, and so on that the research problem is focused on. In this research, the writer will take eleventh grade students of MAN Salatiga in the academic year 2012-2013 as population they are XI IPA 1 consists of 29 students, XI IPA 2 is 30 students, XI IPS 1 is 33 students, and XI BAHASA is 26s students and the total population is 118 students. 39 b. Sample. Sample is, in contrast, is a subset of the population. Arikunto (1998: 131) said if the number of subject is less than 100 subjects; the researcher can take the entire subjects. However, if the number of subject in research is more than 100 subjects, the researcher takes 1015% 0r 20-25% of the population. In this study, the writer takes 25% as sample because the population is more than 100 subjects they are 118 subjects. The number of sample is 30 students. c. Sampling. Sampling technique is a way to decide the sample and number of sample (Martono, 2010: 75). In this study, the writer uses purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is one of the selecting samples by certain consideration. The writer takes and chooses some students from each class who has qualification to fill the questionnaires and has intelligence to do the vocabulary test (Martono, 2010: 79). In this research, the writer chose several students who have qualification in filling questionnaire and doing vocabulary test, they are students of XI IPA 1 consists of 13 from 29 students, XI IPA 2 is 5 from 30 students, XI IPS 1 is 7 form 33 students, and XI BAHASA is 5 from 26 students. It is done in order the writer can get the significant result for the research. 40 3. Method of collecting data. a. Observation Observation can be defined as viewing and making a note systematically the phenomenon that is investigated. It also can be done indirectly, like giving questionnaire and test (Hadi, 1995: 136). b. Interview Interview is a conversation with the certain purpose. It is done by two person, they are interviewer who ask some questions and interviewee who gives the answer (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). c. Questionnaire Questionnaire is list of question or statement about students’ learning style that is given for them at third grade to find the information of learning style such as of vocabulary materials like technique, aptitude, and habit. The process of constructing questionnaire in this research, the writer takes it from the book Quantum Learning (DePotter, 1999: 125). He reads some theories in the book especially in part of learning styles theory then dividing the points of the learning styles characteristics to be made as questionnaire which related with the student’s or learner’s learning activity based on theory. 41 d. Test In this research, the writer will give a test about vocabulary material which should be done by third grade students of MAN Salatiga to measure their vocabulary mastery. In this research, the writer will use check list for questionnaire and completing sentence for vocabulary material and comprehension test. Students are asked and answer the questions. It is used to know the influence of learning style toward vocabulary mastery. e. Documentation Documentation is used by the writer as technique to know the condition of teacher, officers, students, and location of the school. The source of this data is case, book, and text book of students or other books in MAN Salatiga. 4. Data analysis. Calculating the score of students’ learning style toward their vocabulary mastery. Here, the writer uses product moment formula as follows: a. Student’s visual style toward vocabulary mastery ry1.23 = ry1.23 = coefficient correlation partial between y and x1 when x2 and x3 are constant ry1.2 = coefficient correlation between y and x1 when x2 is constant 42 ry3.2 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x2 is constant r31.2= coefficient correlation between x3 and x1 when x2 is constant ry3.22 = multiple coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x2 is constant r31.22 = multiple coefficient correlation between x3 and x1 when x2 is constant b. Students’ auditory style toward vocabulary mastery ry2.13 = ry2.13 = coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 and x3 are constant ry2.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 is constant ry3.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 is constant r23.1= coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant ry3.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 is constant r23.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant 43 c. Students’ kinesthetic style toward vocabulary mastery ry3.12 = ry3.12 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 and x2 are constant ry3.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 is constant ry2.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 is constant r23.1= coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant ry2.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 is constant r23.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant Calculating the score of entire student’s learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery. Here, the writer uses formula as follows: Ry1,2,3 = Ry1,2.3 = coefficient linear multiple correlation four variable ry2.1 = coefficient correlation variable x2 and x1 ry1.2 = coefficient correlation variable x1 and x2 ry3.12 = coefficient correlation variable x3 and Ry12 (Hasan, 2004: 61, 67) 44 B. The General Description of MAN Salatiga 1. The History of MAN Salatiga In the beginning Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Salatiga was Pendidikan Guru Agama Negeri (PGAN) and then the name had changed to be MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri) based on a circulating letter of Religion Minister of Republic Indonesia, number NO. 64/1990 which lays down at K.H. Wahid Hasyim street, Sidorejo lor, Salatiga, Central Java. MAN Salatiga is a State Islamic Senior High School which the teacher’s exact, social, language, and religion science. MAN Salatiga built from PGAN Salatiga by government policy no. 64 on April 25th, 1990. Since it was overtaken, PGAN develops progressively by controlling of head master’s principles, Djumadi, B.A. in 1990 until 1995. It develops some programs e.i. Islamic Science (A1), Physics (A2), Biology (A3) and Social Science (A4). In 1996, Mr. H. Qowa’id had principle to hold the attraction of national curriculum place that influenced all study program into Natural Science and Social Science program only. Under control by Mr. Qowa’id, MAN Salatiga added its facilities by establishing new classes in the year 1999. In 1999, Mr. H. Qowa’id was mutated and the position was hold by Drs. Hadis and shortly after words the position was overtaken by Mr. Satibi M.Ag until 2007. 45 In 2006, Mr.Satibi M.Ag was mutated and the position was replaced by Drs. Badharuddin M.Ag. He led MAN Salatiga on that time and he added two classes they are language and religion classes. Besides he also added some extracurricular, for example computer skill, basket ball sport, automotive, and garment. After that the leader of MAN Salatiga was changed by Drs. H. Sudar M.Ag until now. 2. Geographical location Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Salatiga is an educational Islamic Senior High School. It is like the other common Senior High School. It is located on K.H Wahid Hasyim street, Sidorejo Lor, Sidorejo, Salatiga 50714, Central Java. This school occupies 5113 m2. There are border lines of MAN Salatiga follows: a. At the south side is restricted by settlement. b. At the west side is restricted by settlement. c. At the north is restricted by settlement of K.H Wahid Hasyim street. d. At the east is restricted by settlement by K.H Wahid Hasyim street. There are other schools around MAN Salatiga, they are: a. STEKOM PAT Computer. b. SMP Muhammadiyah Salatiga. c. MTs NU Salatiga. d. SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga. 46 e. SMA Negeri 3 Salatiga. MAN Salatiga is also located around of Islamic Boarding school, those are: a. AL-HASAN Islamic Boarding School. b. NURUL ASNA Islamic Boarding School. c. PANCASILA Islamic Boarding School. 3. Vision and Mission of MAN Salatiga a. Vision of MAN Salatiga 1) To combine faithful, destitute and skill to prepare Islamic generation more independent. 2) To create human resources have creed and piety to the holy one God, good behavior, having knowledge and skills, healthy in personality, standing alone and in change everything, having discipline in community, nation, and being wise in astute and having mature emotion. b. Mission of MAN Salatiga 1) Showing and carrying the democratic education. 2) Having good loyalty to PANCASILA, UUD ’45, and GBHN. 3) Having good deed of knowledge and skill. 4) Developing management in school and education. 47 4. The equipments Teaching and Learning process need enough equipment. Equipment is all of facilities prepared to easer and accelerate teaching and learning process. Table 1 The equipments facilities at MAN Salatiga Property Good Light Faulty Critical Faulty NO. Medium and Instrument Large Large Freq. Large Sum. (m2) Sum. (m2 (m2) ) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. Class room 23 1,748 2. Chemistry Laboratory 3. Physic Laboratory 1 72 4. Biology Laboratory 1 72 5. Language Laboratory 1 72 6. Computer Laboratory 1 144 48 (5) (6) (7) (8) 7. Multimedia Laboratory 1 72 1 72 Conventional Library 8. room 9. Multimedia Library room - - 10. Headmaster room 1 45 11. Teacher room 1 255 12. Counselor room 1 45 13. Mosque - - 14. Teacher Bath room (male) 1 7 1 8 5 35 5 35 Teacher Bath room 15. 16. (female) Student Bath room (male) Student Bath room 17. (female) 18. Security Guard 1 35 19. Canteen 3 100 20. UKS room 1 18 49 1 104 21. TU room 1 96 22. OSIS room 1 40 23. Multimedia room 1 100 5. The Situation of Teachers and staffs of MAN Salatiga The formal education needs qualified people to work as a teacher and some as administrator to undertake good teaching and learning process, they are teachers and staffs. They do the activities as their job in teaching and learning activities and towards responsible for curriculum programs. Table 2 List of the teacher’s and staff’s of MAN Salatiga NO INFORMATION TOTAL 1. Teacher civil servant 60 2. Permanent teacher 3. Honoree teacher 1 4. Assistant teacher 13 Administrator 19 TEACHER STAFF 1. 50 6. Students of MAN Salatiga Students who enter in MAN Salatiga do not only come from Salatiga area but also from the others, like Ambarawa, Boyolali, Semarang, etc. Sum students of MAN Salatiga for five last years as follows: Table 3 Students of MAN Salatiga Academic Year Student Aceptance Student Register 2008/2009 222 257 2009/2010 199 237 2010/2011 306 379 2011/2012 322 331 C. Student Respondent of MAN Salatiga Here, the list of student respondent of MAN Salatiga as follows: Table 4 No. Name Class 1. Alfinalia M.I XI.IPA.1 2. Anik Saida XI.IPA.1 3. Dyah Puspitasari XI.IPA.1 4. Hanik Saida M. XI.IPA.1 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas XI.IPA.1 51 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah XI.IPA.1 7. Nailul Muna XI.IPA.1 8. Noviana D.R XI.IPA.1 9. Rini Budi Susanti XI.IPA.1 10. Siti Annida XI.IPA.1 11. Tasfiatun Niswati XI.IPA.1 12. Wakhdatul Jannati XI.IPA.1 13. Zulfa Nadia XI.IPA.1 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z XI.IPA.2 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah XI.IPA.2 16. Mufid Hadi A. XI.IPA.2 17. Muhammad Arif Wicaksono XI.IPA.2 18. Rainald Asvan Sutan Sinaro XI.IPA.2 19. Avif Irwansyah XI.IPS.1 20. Dyah Ayu Asari XI.IPS.1 21. Isna Lailatul M. XI.IPS.1 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah XI.IPS.1 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih XI.IPS.1 24. Sinta Maria Dewi XI.IPS.1 25. Siti Fatimah XI.IPS.1 26. Dona Arta XI.BHS 27. Hanna Af’idah XI.BHS 28. Purnia Waroh XI.BHS 52 29. Rika R. XI.BHS 30. Zahrina Zulfati XI.BHS D. Scores of Students‟ Questionnaire and Vocabulary Mastery Test Here, the list of student respondent of MAN Salatiga as follows: Table 5 No. Name Score Score of Score of Score of of auditory kinesthe vocabu- visual style (X2) -tic style lary test style (X3) (Y) (X1) 1. Alfinalia M.I 21 18 17 70 2. Anik Saida 22 26 21 55 3. Dyah Puspitasari 22 22 19 80 4. Hanik Saida M. 23 19 23 65 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas 23 23 23 60 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah 24 21 15 75 7. Nailul Muna 24 18 19 80 8. Noviana D.R 21 16 24 75 9. Rini Budi Susanti 25 27 25 60 10. Siti Annida 15 13 14 100 11. Tasfiatun Niswati 17 20 13 100 53 12. Wakhdatul Jannati 20 23 21 70 13. Zulfa Nadia 21 19 17 80 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z 23 28 22 60 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah 26 22 14 65 16. Mufid Hadi A. 27 19 14 75 17. Muhammad Arif W. 24 23 21 70 18. Rainald Asvan S.S. 25 22 22 70 19. Avif Irwansyah 25 20 19 60 20. Dyah Ayu Asari 24 27 19 55 21. Isna Lailatul M. 24 23 24 60 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah 23 22 19 60 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih 24 23 23 50 24. Sinta Maria Dewi 27 20 19 55 25. Siti Fatimah 24 22 16 60 26. Dona Arta 26 24 15 60 27. Hanna Af’idah 25 23 21 75 28. Purnia Waroh 26 24 19 60 29. Rika R. 21 26 20 60 30. Zahrina Zulfati 24 23 23 55 E. Hypothesis of The Study According to Hopkins (1980: 134) hypothesis is a statement about a relationship between the variables under observation in the research study. 54 Research hypothesis is the researcher’s guess as to the answer to the problem question. Hadely (2006: 47) says that hypothesis is the temporary question on problems of the study. It is done after stating problem and analyzing to the some relevant theories. From the title above, the writer states that students have different learning style to master vocabulary, there is any effect between students’ learning styles and their vocabulary mastery, and there is any influence between learning styles and vocabulary mastery. 55 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS This chapter presents the ways to calculate the data of students’ learning styles and their vocabulary mastery at the eleven grade students of MAN Salatiga. In this research, the writer analyzes data which is collected into two variables as follows: 1. Independent variable (x) is learning style 2. Dependent variable (y) is vocabulary mastery After collecting data, the writer is going to the result of the research and the review the calculation of the data from eleven grade students of MAN Salatiga. There are two calculation stages which are going to be used in this research they are calculation the effect of learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery and calculation the influence of learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery with the objectives of the study as follows: 1. To find out the students’ learning style at MAN Salatiga. 2. To find out how much the effect of learning style to the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. 3. To know the correlation between learning style (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) and vocabulary mastery of the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. To get three objectives above, the writer changes the qualitative data into quantitative score data to find out how far the students’ learning style then the 56 writer uses percentage formula to know the effect of learning style toward their vocabulary mastery and uses coefficient multiple correlation partial method formula to find out the influence of learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) toward their vocabulary mastery as well as to find out the influence of he entire learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery. Here the writer will shows the formulas to calculate, they are: 1. To find out how far the students’ learning style, here the writer changes the result of the questionnaire which uses qualitative data to be quantitative data that classifies into quantitative score as follows: a. Score 3 for answer ‘s’ (sering) b. Score 2 for answer ‘k’ (kadang-kadang) c. Score 1 for answer ‘j’ (jarang) 2. To find out the effect of learning style to the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second year students of MAN Salatiga, the writer uses percentages formula as follows: a. Visual style DCP = ry1.232 x 100% DCP = Determination Coefficient Partial between y and x1 when x2 and x3 are constant ry1.232 = multiple coefficient correlation partial between y and x1 when x2 and x3 are constant b. Auditory style DPC = ry2.132 x 100% 57 KPP = Determinant Coefficient Partial between y and x2 when x1 and x3 are constant ry2.132 = multiple coefficient correlation partial between y and x2 when x1 and x3 are constant c. Kinesthetic style DCP = ry3.122 x 100% DCP = Determination Coefficient Partial between y and x3 when x1 and x2 are constant ry3.122 = multiple coefficient correlation partial between y and x3 when x1 and x2 are constant d. The entire of learning styles 2 MDC = Ry123 x 100% MDC = Multiple Determinant Coefficient four variables Ry1232 = multiple of coefficient linear multiple correlation four variables 3. To know the correlation between learning style (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) and vocabulary mastery of the second year students of MAN Salatiga, the writer uses formula as follows: d. Student’s visual style toward vocabulary mastery ry1.23 = ry1.23 = coefficient correlation partial between y and x1 when x2 and x3 are constant 58 ry1.2 = coefficient correlation between y and x1 when x2 is constant ry3.2 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x2 is constant r31.2 = coefficient correlation between x3 and x1 when x2 is constant ry3.22 = multiple coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x2 is constant r31.22 = multiple coefficient correlation between x3 and x1 when x2 is constant e. Students’ auditory style toward vocabulary mastery ry2.13 = ry2.13 = coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 and x3 are constant ry2.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 is constant ry3.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 is constant r23.1 = coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant ry3.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 is constant r23.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 59 is constant f. Students’ kinesthetic style toward vocabulary mastery ry3.12 = ry3.12 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 and x2 are constant ry3.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x3 when x1 is constant ry2.1 = coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 is constant r23.1 = coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant ry2.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between y and x2 when x1 is constant r23.12 = multiple coefficient correlation between x2 and x3 when x1 is constant g. The entire of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery Ry1,2,3 = Ry1,2.3 = coefficient linear multiple correlation four variable ry2.1 = coefficient correlation variable x2 and x1 ry1.2 = coefficient correlation variable x1 and x2 ry3.12 = coefficient correlation variable x3 and Ry12 60 A. The pre-analysis The writer changes the result of this questionnaire which uses qualitative data to be quantitative data that classifies into quantitative score such as: 1. Score 3 for answer ‘s’ (sering) 2. Score 2 for answer ‘k’ (kadang-kadang) 3. Score 1 for answer ‘j’ (jarang) The writer three kinds of learning style, they are visual style, auditory style, and kinesthetic style. The reasons of election these styles are those most of students have these characteristics. Because of it, the writer divides the questions into three parts, namely: Part one is the questionnaires about learning styles which consist of thirty questions such as: 1. Number 1-10 is the characteristics of visual style 2. Number 11-20 is the characteristics of auditory style 3. Number 21-30 is the characteristics of kinesthetic style Part two is the test of vocabulary mastery that is divided into twenty questions. If the answer is right, so it will give score five point then if the answer is wrong the so point is zero. Here the result of questionnaire answer about the students’ learning styles and the classification of learning style 61 1. Visual style (X1) Table 6 Visual style No. Total Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S K J 1. Alfinalia M.I S J J K K J K S K K 2 5 3 2. Anik Saida S K K S K K J S K K 3 6 1 3. Dyah Puspitasari S K J K K S K S K K 3 6 1 4. Hanik Saida M. S J J S S S K K S K 5 3 2 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas S K K K J K K S S S 4 5 1 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah S S K K K K K S K S 4 6 0 7. Nailul Muna K K K S S K J S S S 5 4 1 8. Noviana D.R S K J K K S S K J K 3 5 2 9. Rini Budi Susanti S K S S K K K S K S 5 5 0 10. Siti Annida K J J K J K J K J K 0 5 5 11. Tasfiatun Niswati K K J K K K K K J S 1 7 2 12. Wakhdatul Jannati J K J S K S K S J S 4 3 3 13. Zulfa Nadia S K J S K J K S K K 3 5 2 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z K S K S S K K K K K 3 7 0 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah S J S K S S K S S S 7 2 1 16. Mufid Hadi A. S K S K S S S S S K 7 3 0 17. Muhammad Arif W. S K S K K K K S S K 4 6 0 18. Rainald Asvan S.S. S K S S S K K S S J 6 3 1 19. Avif Irwansyah S K S S S K K S K K 5 5 0 62 20. Dyah Ayu Asari S K K K K K K S S S 4 6 0 21. Isna Lailatul M. K K K J K K S S S S 5 4 1 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah S K K K J K K S S K 3 6 1 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih S S J K S K K S K S 5 4 1 24. Sinta Maria Dewi S S K S K K S S S S 7 3 0 25. Siti Fatimah S K K S K K K S K S 4 6 0 26. Dona Arta S K S S S K K S S K 6 4 0 27. Hanna Af’idah K K S S S J K S S K 5 4 1 28. Purnia Waroh S S S K S K K S S K 6 4 0 29. Rika R. K K S S S K K J J K 3 5 2 30. Zahrina Zulfati K K K S S K K S S K 4 6 0 2. Auditory style (X2) Table 7 Auditory style No. Total Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S K J 1. Alfinalia M.I K K S J J K S K K K 1 6 3 2. Anik Saida K S S S K S S J S S 7 2 1 3. Dyah Puspitasari S K S S K J J K K S 4 4 2 4. Hanik Saida M. K J S J K S J J K S 3 3 4 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas K K S K K S K K S K 3 7 0 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah K K S K J S K J S K 3 5 2 63 7. Nailul Muna J J S J J S K K S J 3 2 5 8. Noviana D.R J K J J K J J J S S 2 2 6 9. Rini Budi Susanti K S S S S S S J S S 8 1 1 10. Siti Annida J J K K J J J K J K 0 4 6 11. Tasfiatun Niswati K J K K K S K K K K 1 8 1 12. Wakhdatul Jannati K S K K K S K J S S 4 5 1 13. Zulfa Nadia K J S K J K J K S K 2 5 3 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z S S S K S S S K S S 8 2 0 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah K J K K K S K K S S 3 6 1 16. Mufid Hadi A. K S K J K K K K K J 1 7 2 17. Muhammad Arif W. K K S K K S J K S S 4 5 1 18. Rainald Asvan S.S. K K K J K S K S S K 3 6 1 19. Avif Irwansyah K K K K S K J K K K 1 8 1 20. Dyah Ayu Asari S K S S K S S K S S 7 3 0 21. Isna Lailatul M. K S S K S S J J K S 5 3 2 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah K K S S K K J K S S 4 5 1 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih S S S K K K K J K S 4 5 1 24. Sinta Maria Dewi K S K J J S K J S K 3 4 3 25. Siti Fatimah K K K K K K K K S S 8 2 0 26. Dona Arta S K S K K K J S S S 5 4 1 27. Hanna Af’idah K K S K J S K S S K 4 5 1 28. Purnia Waroh S S S K K S S K J K 5 4 1 29. Rika R. K K S S S S K K S S 5 5 0 64 30. Zahrina Zulfati K J S K J S K S S S 5 3 2 3. Kinesthetic style (X3) Table 8 Kinesthetic style No. Total Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S K J 1. Alfinalia M.I K K J S J J K J S J 2 3 5 2. Anik Saida K K J K K K S K S K 2 7 1 3. Dyah Puspitasari K S J K K K K J K K 1 7 2 4. Hanik Saida M. K S J S S K K K S J 4 4 2 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas S S J S K S K K K K 4 5 1 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah J J J J J J S J K K 1 3 7 7. Nailul Muna S J J S J J K J S S 4 1 5 8. Noviana D.R K S K K K S S S K K 4 6 0 9. Rini Budi Susanti K S S S K K S K S K 5 5 0 10. Siti Annida J K J K J J K J J J 0 3 7 11. Tasfiatun Niswati J K J K J J K J J J 0 3 7 12. Wakhdatul Jannati K S J K K K K K S K 2 7 1 13. Zulfa Nadia K J K K J K J K K K 0 7 3 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z S S J S J K S K K K 4 4 2 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah K J J K K K K J J K 0 6 4 16. Mufid Hadi A. J K J - J J K J K S 1 3 5 65 17. Muhammad Arif W. K K K K K K J K S S 2 7 1 18. Rainald Asvan S.S. K K K S J K S S K K 3 6 1 19. Avif Irwansyah K K J S K K K K J K 1 7 2 20. Dyah Ayu Asari K S J K J S K J J S 3 3 4 21. Isna Lailatul M. K S J S K K S S S K 5 4 1 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah K J K K K K K J S K 1 7 2 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih S S J K J S K S S K 5 3 2 24. Sinta Maria Dewi K J K S J K S K K J 2 5 3 25. Siti Fatimah K J K S K J K J J J 1 4 5 26. Dona Arta K J J J J K J K K K 0 5 5 27. Hanna Af’idah K K K S J K K K S K 2 7 1 28. Purnia Waroh K J J J J S K S K S 3 3 4 29. Rika R. J J K S K S S J K K 3 4 3 30. Zahrina Zulfati K K J S K S K K S S 4 5 1 66 Here is the result of vocabulary mastery test (Y) 1. Number 1-10 Table 9 Number No. Total Score Name 1. Alfinalia M.I 2. Anik Saida 3. Dyah Puspitasari 4. Hanik Saida M. 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah 7. Nailul Muna 8. Noviana D.R 9. Rini Budi Susanti 10. Siti Annida 11. Tasfiatun Niswati 12. Wakhdatul Jannati 13. Zulfa Nadia 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah 16. Mufid Hadi A. 17. Muhammad Arif W. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 True (T) False (F) (Tx5) T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T F F T 8 2 40 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T F T T T 9 1 45 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T F F T 8 2 40 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 F T T T F T F F T T 6 4 30 T T F T T T F F T T 7 3 35 F T T T T T T F T T 8 2 40 T T T F T T T T F T 8 2 40 67 18. Rainald Asvan S.S. 19. Avif Irwansyah 20. Dyah Ayu Asari 21. Isna Lailatul M. 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih 24. Sinta Maria Dewi 25. Siti Fatimah 26. Dona Arta 27. Hanna Af’idah 28. Purnia Waroh 29. Rika R. 30. Zahrina Zulfati T T T F T T T T F T 8 2 40 T F F T T F F T T T 6 4 30 T F T T F F T F F T 5 5 25 T T T T F T F T F T 7 3 35 T F F T T T F T T T 7 3 35 T F T T F F T F F T 5 5 25 T F T F T T F T F T 6 4 30 T F T T T T F T F T 7 3 35 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 2. Number 11-20 Table 10 Number No. Total Score Name 1. Alfinalia M.I 2. Anik Saida 3. Dyah Puspitasari 4. Hanik Saida M. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 True (T) False (F) (Tx5) T T T F F F F F F F 3 7 15 F T F F F T F T T F 3 7 15 T T T F F T T T F F 6 4 30 F T F F F T F F T F 3 7 15 68 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah 7. Nailul Muna 8. Noviana D.R 9. Rini Budi Susanti 10. Siti Annida 11. Tasfiatun Niswati 12. Wakhdatul Jannati 13. Zulfa Nadia 14. Hablana Anturidha D.Z 15. Khoirun Nur Azizah 16. Mufid Hadi A. 17. Muhammad Arif W. 18. Rainald Asvan S.S. 19. Avif Irwansyah 20. Dyah Ayu Asari 21. Isna Lailatul M. 22. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah 23. Qoniatu Listianingsih 24. Sinta Maria Dewi 25. Siti Fatimah 26. Dona Arta 27. Hanna Af’idah F T F F F T F T T T 5 5 25 F T F F F T T T F T 5 5 25 T T T T T F F T F F 6 4 30 T T F F F T T T F F 5 5 25 T T F F F T F T F F 4 6 20 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T T T T T T T T 10 0 50 T T T F F F F F T F 4 6 20 T T T F F T T T F F 6 4 30 T T T F F F F T T T 6 4 30 F T T F F T F T T T 7 3 35 T T T F F T F T T T 7 3 35 T T T F F F F T T T 6 4 30 T T F F F T F T T T 6 4 30 F T T T T T T F F F 6 4 30 F T F F T T T T F F 5 5 25 F T T F T F F T T F 5 5 25 F T T T T T T F F F 6 4 30 F T T F F F T T T F 5 5 25 F T F T T T F T F F 5 5 25 F T F T T T F T F F 5 5 25 F T F F F T F F F F 2 8 10 F F T F T F F F T T 4 6 20 69 28. Purnia Waroh 29. Rika R. 30. Zahrina Zulfati F T F F F F F F T F 2 8 10 F T F F F F F F T F 2 8 10 F T F F F F F F F F 1 9 5 70 B. Main analysis The statistic measurement about the influence of students’ learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. The writer uses partial method to calculate the result number of questionnaire and vocabulary test. It can be seen on the table below: Table 11 Here is the table of the questionnaire (X1, X2, and X3) and the result of vocabulary mastery test (Y) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X1 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 21 25 15 17 X2 18 26 22 19 23 21 18 16 27 13 20 X3 17 21 19 23 23 15 19 24 25 14 13 Y 70 55 80 65 60 75 80 75 60 100 100 X12 441 484 484 529 529 576 576 441 625 225 289 X22 324 676 484 361 529 441 324 256 729 169 400 X32 289 441 361 529 529 225 361 576 625 196 169 Y2 4900 3025 6400 4225 3600 5625 6400 5625 3600 10000 10000 71 X1X2 378 572 484 437 529 504 432 336 675 195 340 X1X3 357 462 418 529 529 360 456 504 625 210 221 X2X3 306 546 418 437 529 315 342 384 675 182 260 X1Y 1470 1210 1760 1495 1380 1800 1920 1575 1500 1500 1700 X2 Y 1260 1430 1760 1235 1380 1575 1440 1200 1620 1300 2000 X3Y 1190 1155 1520 1495 1380 1125 1520 1800 1500 1400 1300 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SUM ( ) 20 21 23 26 27 24 25 25 24 24 23 24 27 24 26 25 26 21 24 23 19 28 22 19 23 22 20 27 23 22 23 20 22 24 23 24 26 23 21 17 22 14 14 21 22 19 19 24 19 23 19 16 15 21 19 20 23 70 80 60 65 75 70 70 60 55 60 60 50 55 60 60 75 60 60 55 400 441 529 676 729 576 625 625 576 576 529 576 729 576 676 625 676 441 576 529 361 784 484 361 529 484 400 729 529 484 529 400 484 576 529 576 676 529 441 289 484 196 196 441 484 361 361 576 361 529 361 256 225 441 361 400 529 4900 6400 3600 4225 5625 4900 4900 3600 3025 3600 3600 2500 3025 3600 3600 5625 3600 3600 3025 460 399 644 572 513 552 550 500 648 552 506 552 540 528 624 575 624 546 552 420 357 506 364 378 504 550 475 456 576 437 552 513 384 390 525 494 420 552 483 323 616 308 266 483 484 380 513 552 418 529 380 352 360 483 456 520 529 1400 1680 1380 1690 2025 1680 1750 1500 1320 1440 1380 1200 1485 1440 1560 1875 1560 1260 1320 1610 1520 1680 1430 1425 1610 1540 1200 1485 1380 1320 1150 1100 1320 1440 1725 1440 1560 1265 1470 1360 1320 910 1050 1470 1540 1140 1045 1440 1140 1150 1045 960 900 1575 1140 1200 1265 696 656 581 2020 16356 14666 11593 140350 15319 13524 12829 46255 43400 38505 72 1. Analyzing the students‟ learning styles at the eleven grade students of MAN Salatiga a. Students’ visual style Students are called as visual learner when they have the highest score of visual style questionnaire than all. Table 12 No. Name Score of Score of Score of visual auditory kinestheti style style c style 1. Alfinalia M.I 21 18 17 2. Luthfiyatus Saidah 24 21 15 3. Nailul Muna 24 18 19 4. Siti Annida 15 13 14 5. Zulfa Nadia 21 19 17 6. Khoirun Nur Azizah 26 22 14 7. Mufid Hadi A. 27 19 14 8. Muhammad Arif W. 24 23 21 9. Rainald Asvan S.S. 25 22 22 10. Avif Irwansyah 25 20 19 11. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah 23 22 19 12. Qoniatu Listianingsih 24 23 23 73 13. Sinta Maria Dewi 27 20 19 14. Siti Fatimah 24 22 16 15. Dona Arta 26 24 15 16. Hanna Af’idah 25 23 21 17. Purnia Waroh 26 24 19 18. Zahrina Zulfati 24 23 23 b. Students’ auditory style Students are called as auditory learner when they have the highest score of auditory style identifying questionnaire than all. Table 13 No. Name Score of Score of Score of visual auditory kinesthetic style style style 1. Anik Saida 22 26 21 2. Rini Budi Susanti 25 27 25 3. Tasfiatun Niswati 17 20 13 4. Wakhdatul Jannati 20 23 21 5. Hablana Anturidha D.Z 23 28 22 6. Dyah Ayu Asari 24 27 19 7. Rika R. 21 26 20 74 c. Students’ kinesthetic style Students are called as kinesthetic learner when they have the highest score of kinesthetic style identifying questionnaire than all. There is only one students who has kinesthetic learning style, she is Noviana D.R with the score of visual style is 21, score of auditory style is 21, and score of kinesthetic style is 24. d. The entire learning styles Students have entire learning style when the score of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic style identifying questionnaire are same score. There is a students who has the entire learning style, she is Lenny Pakartining Tyas with the score of visual style is 23, score of auditory style is 23, and score of kinesthetic style is 23. e. Another learning style In this analysis, the writer finds some students who have multiple learning styles. They have two same score in identifying learning style questionnaire, they are: Table 14 No. Name Score of Score of Score of visual auditory kinesthetic style style style 1. Dyah Puspitasari 22 22 19 2. Hanik Saida M. 23 19 23 3. Isna Lailatul M. 24 23 24 75 2. Analyzing how far the effect of students‟ learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery a. Visual style DCP = ry1.232 x 100% = (-0, 588)2 x 100% = 34,57% DCP (Determination Coefficient Partial) value is 34,57%, it means that the effect of visual learning style toward vocabulary mastery is 34,57%. b. Auditory style DCP = ry2.132 x 100% = (-0, 942)2 x 100% = 88,74% DCP (Determination Coefficient Partial) value is 88,74%, it means that the effect of auditory learning style toward vocabulary mastery is 88,74%. c. Kinesthetic style DCP = ry3.122 x 100% = (-0, 429)2 x 100% = 18,40% DCP (Determination Coefficient Partial) value is 18,40%, it means that the effect of kinesthetic learning style toward vocabulary mastery is 18,40%. d. The entire of learning styles 2 MDC = Ry123 x 100% = (0, 833)2 x 100% = 69,39% 76 MDC (Multiple Determinant Coefficient) value is 69,39%, it means that the effect of the entire of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery is 69,39%. 3. Analyzing the coefficient correlation between students‟ learning styles and their vocabulary mastery a. Calculation of coefficient correlation between variables Pearson method ry1 = = = = - 0, 640 ry2 = = = = - 0, 6527 = - 0, 6523 ry3 = = 77 = = - 0, 5063 = - 0, 506 rx1x2 = = = = 0, 3852 = 0, 385 rx1x3 = = = = 0, 1679 = 0, 168 rx2x3 = = = x1 x2 x3 = 0, 3759 = 0, 376 Coefficient correlation among variables x2 x3 y 0.38521 0.167902 -0.63999 0.375949 -0.65271 -0.5063 78 b. Calculation of coefficient multiple correlation Partial method ry1.2 = = = = - 0, 5559 = - 0, 556 ry3.2 = = = 0, 3711 = 0, 371 ry31.2 = = = 0, 0272 = 0, 027 ry2.3 = = = - 0, 57897 = - 0, 579 ry1.3 = 79 = = - 0, 653 r12.3 = = = 0, 352 ry2.1 = = = - 0, 573 ry3.1 = = = - 0, 526 r23.1 = = = 0, 3421 = 0, 342 c. Calculating the influence of visual learning style towards vocabulary mastery Calculating the influence of visual style (X1) towards vocabulary mastery if the correlation result of auditory (X2) and kinesthetic (X3) style toward vocabulary mastery is constant. 80 ry1.23 = = = - 0, 588 d. Calculating the influence of auditory style towards vocabulary mastery Calculating the influence of auditory style (X2) toward vocabulary mastery if the correlation result of visual (X1) and kinesthetic (X3) style toward vocabulary mastery is constant by using formula as follows: ry2.13 = = = - 0, 942 e. Calculating the influence of kinesthetic style towards vocabulary mastery Calculating the influence of kinesthetic style (X3) toward vocabulary mastery if the correlation result of visual (X1) and auditory (X2) style toward vocabulary mastery is constant by using formula as follows: ry3.12 = = = - 0, 4289 = - 0, 429 f. Calculating the influence of the entire of learning style (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) toward vocabulary mastery Calculating the influence of the entire learning styles (X1, X2, and X3) toward vocabulary mastery by using formula as follows: Ry123 = 81 = = = = = 0, 83245 = 0, 833 g. Significant degree analysis The result of product moment formula and Partial measurement above has been correlated with the significant degree of table. 1. Alternative hypothesis (Ha) When arithmetic r is higher than table r, it means that there is any influence between students’ learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery. 2. Nihil hypothesis (Ho) When arithmetic r is lower than table r, it means that there is not any influence between students’ learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery. Here is the analyzing significant degree as follows: a) Visual style Visual learner based on the result of calculation above on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = 0,588 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r < table rα0,05/30 so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means there is no significant 82 influence between student’s visual learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. b) Auditory style Auditory learner based on the result of calculation above on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = 0,942 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r < table rα0,05/30 so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means there is no significant influence between student’s ausitory learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. c) Kinesthetic style Kinesthetic learner based on the result of calculation above on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = -0,429 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r < table rα0,05/30 so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. It means there is no significant influence between student’s kinesthetic learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. d) The entire of learning style The entire of learning style based on the result of calculation above on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = 0,833 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r > table rα0,05/30 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means there is any significant influence between student’s entire learning styles 83 toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. 84 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion Based on the theoretical framework and data analysis, the writer can draw the conclusion of this research as follows: Personally, the variation of learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) have influence toward student’s vocabulary mastery. The result of the students learning styles and their vocabulary mastery can be seen from the statistical measurement on the chapter IV. 1. From the analyzing the result of the questionnaire in chapter IV about indentifying students’ learning styles shows there are 18 students, kinesthetic learners are 7 students, kinesthetic learner is 1 student, the entire of learning style is 1 student, and 3 students have multiple learning style. Most of the second year students of MAN Salatiga in the academic year 2012-2013 are visual learner in mastering vocabulary. It can be seen from the result of questionnaire which shows there are 18 students, kinesthetic learners are 7 students, kinesthetic learner is 1 student, the entire of learning style is 1 student, and 3 students have multiple learning style. 2. From the result of calculation how far the effect of learning styles toward their vocabulary mastery in chapter IV, the writer can conclude that: a. DCP (Determination Coefficient Partial) value of visual learning style is 34,57%, it means that the effect of visual learning style toward 85 vocabulary mastery is 34,57% and 65,43% is caused by the other factors in learning process, such as learner’s/student’s motivation, learning materials, learner’s/student’s equipment and condition. b. DCP (Determination Coefficient Partial) value of auditory learning style is 88,74%, it means that the effect of auditory learning style toward vocabulary mastery is 88,74% and 11,2% is caused by other factors in learning process, such as learner’s/student’s motivation, learning materials, learner’s/student’s equipment and condition. c. DCP (Determination Coefficient Partial) value of kinesthetic learning style is 18,40%, it means that the effect of kinesthetic learning style toward vocabulary mastery is 18,40% and 81,60% is caused by other factors in learning process, such as learner’s/student’s motivation, learning materials, learner’s/student’s equipment and condition. d. MDC (Multiple Determinant Coefficient) value of the entire learning style is 69,39%, it means that the effect of the entire of learning styles toward vocabulary mastery is 69,39% and 30,61% is caused by other factors in learning process, such as learner’s/student’s motivation, learning materials, learner’s/student’s equipment and condition. 3. From the result of calculation the coefficient correlation between students’ learning styles and their vocabulary mastery in chapter IV, the writer can says a. Visual learner There is no significant influence between student’s visual learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of 86 MAN Salatiga. It can be seen from the result of calculation on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = -0,588 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r < table rα0,05/30 so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. b. Auditory learner There is no significant influence between student’s auditory learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. It can be seen from the result of calculation on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = 0,942 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r < table rα0,05/30 so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. c. Kinesthetic learner There is no significant influence between student’s kinesthetic learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. It can be seen from the result of calculation on the 5% (α0,05) significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = 0,429 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r < table rα0,05/30 so Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. d. The entire of learning styles There is any significant influence between entire of learning style toward their vocabulary mastery at the second grade students of MAN Salatiga. It can be seen from the result of calculation on the 5% (α0,05) 87 significant level, can be concluded that arithmetic r = 0,833 and table rα0,05/30 = 0,361, it means arithmetic r > table rα0,05/30 so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. B. Suggestion Considering the conclusion above and result of the questionnaire, the writer would like to propose some suggestion, which would be useful for the English teacher, parents, students and next researcher. 1. The English Teacher a. In teaching and learning English, they need appropriate method and approach. So English teacher are expected to be able to choose good method to increase student’s English mastery. b. Because of every student has different condition and intelligence. English teacher should give motivation and opportunity to them and give explanation that English is easy to learn. c. The English teacher must be creative, innovative, and communicative when teaching English. 2. Parents a. Parents are the main element of the children education. They are the first teacher of their children. Because of that reason parents must be good example for their children in growth mental and spiritual. 88 b. Parents are responsible for their children education, so parents must give direction and motivation to their children. c. Parents should control their children social intercourse, because society has an important in growth of mental and spiritual besides family condition. 3. Students a. Increase your interest in English, because by using English students can improve their knowledge because many information uses English to share to the other people. b. Choose your the best way, technique, or strategy to master and to advance your English. c. Ask to your English teacher when you have difficulties in comprehending English. 4. Next researchers It is suggested to another researcher(s) to complete this research by conducting any other research which related with learning style(s). 89 Bibliography Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1998. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Brown, Douglas. 1980. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. London: University of Illionis. DePorter, Bobbi. 1999. Quantum Learning: Membiasakan Belajar Nyaman dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: KAIFA. DePorter, Bobbi. 1999. Quantum Teaching: Mempraktikkan Quantum Learning di Ruang-ruang Kelas. Bandung: KAIFA. Dimyati & Mudjiono. 2006. Belajar dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. 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Thornbury, Scott. 2002. how to Teach Vocabulary. England: Longman. Tim Pena Eksakta. 2008. Kiat Sukses UAN SMA/MA 2009. Yogyakarta: ANDI & Lembaga Pendidikan PRIMAGAMA. Vianna, Fenando De Mello. 1980. Roger’s II new Thesaurus. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. ii APPENDIXES iii CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Nur Khafifudin Place and Date of Birth : Kab. Semarang, May 28th, 1990 Address Salatiga Educational Background : Jl. Bulusari VI Kec. Argomulyo Kel. Tegalrejo : 1. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) 05 Kebumen Banyubiru (graduated in 2002) 2. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) Salatiga (graduated in 2005) 3. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Salatiga (graduated in 2008) 4. State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga (graduated in 2013) iv QUESTIONNAIRE Nama : Kelas : No. : Petunjuk pengisian: 1. Tuliskan nama, kelas, dan no. kamu pada tempat yang tersedia. 2. Jawablah dengan memberi tanda check (V) pada kolom yang tersedia sesuai dengan keadaan kamu. A. Tes identifikasi Gaya Belajarmu. Gaya Visual Sering (S)Kadang-kadangJarang (J) (K) 1. Apa kamu teratur dan rapi saat berpakaian? 2. Apa kamu suka berbicara dengan cepat? 3. Apa kamu pengeja yang baik? 4. Apa kamu lebih ingat pada apa yang kamu lihat daripada yang kamu dengar? 5. Apa kamu suka menghafal dengan memakai asosiasi visual (gambar, grafik, dll)? 6. Apakah kamu sulit mengingat perintah lisan kecuali jika dituliskan? 7. Apa kamu sering meminta orang lain mengulang ucapannya? 8. Apa kamu lebih suka membaca daripada dibacakan? 9. Apa kamu menyukai seni gambar/lukis? 10. Apakah kamu tahu apa yang harus kamu katakana tetapi sulit mencari kata yang tepat? Gaya Auditori v 11. Apa kamu banyak bicara dan berdiskusi? 12. Apa kamu suka menjelaskan panjang lebar? 13. Apa kamu suka menggerakan bibir saat menghafal? 14. Apa kamu suka membaca keras-keras dan mendengarkan? 15. Apa kamu merasa sulit menulis tetapi mudah untuk mengatakan? 16. Apakah kamu suka menirukan nada (musik, bicara, dll)? 17. Apa kamu berbicara dengan pola berirama? 18. Menurutmu, apa kamu pembicara yang fasih? 19. Apa kamu menyukai seni musik? 20. Apa kamu lebih suka belajar dengan mendengar dan berdiskusi daripada hanya melihat? Gaya Kinestetik Sering (S)Kadang-kadang Jarang (J) (K) 21. Apa kamu belajar melalui manipulasi dan praktik? 22. Apa kamu menghafal sambil melakukan gerakan (mis. berjalan, mondar-mandir)? 23. Apa kamu memakai jari untuk menunjuk saat membaca? 24. Apa kamu tidak bisa duduk tenang di waktu yang lama? 25. Apa kamu suka berbicara lambat? 26. Apa kamu berorientasi pada fisik dan banyak bergerak? 27. Apa kamu mengetuk-negetuk pena, jari, atau kaki saat mendengarkan? 28. Apa kamu banyak meluangkan waktu untuk berolahraga atau kegiatan fisik lainnya? vi 29. Apa kamu sering memakai bahasa tubuh (mis. menganggukan kepala untuk menjawab „iya‟)? 30. Apa kamu suka berdiri dekat-dekat saat berbicara dengan seseorang? B. Tes 1. Buktikan bahwa gaya belajarmu hebat dengan mengerjakan tes berikut. 2. Lengkapilah pragraf di bawah ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang telah disediakan di dalam kotak. Do you want to (1)………………mobile phone? Don‟t be hasty. There are many things to consider. Be reasonable (2)……………..making decision. First, you can (3)…………….by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The question might be “Do I want it for (4)……………or its usefulness?”. Then you should make a (5)…………… the type of the mobile phone. There are (6)………………..choices in the market, so you should (7)………………the one that meets your needs and whether you can (8)…………it or not. The consequence of using a mobile phone is its high operational costs. You have to (9)…………….more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore, you should only use the mobile phone only for (10)………………talks. afford decide pay buy choice prestige important start before various In most cases, you can transplant a tree (11)……………at anytime, if you follow the (12)………………….for planting a tree. The most important thing is to dig out enough the (13)………………..but this (14)………………is difficult with a large tree. When you dig out the tree, take a ball of earth (15)……………..about a foot wide for (16)………………inch of diameter of (17)……………. You should dig deep enough to (18)…………….cutting of too many taproots. It is wise to (19)………………in a professional tree (20)………… transplant a tree. root instruction tree trunk expert successfully every avoid call vii process measuring KEY ANSWER: 1. BUY 2. BEFORE 3. START 4. PRESTIGE 5. CHOICE 6. VARIOUS 7. DECIDE 8. AFFORD 9. PAY 10. IMPORTANT 11. SUCCESSFULLY 12. INSTRUCTION 13. ROOT 14. PROCESS viii 15. MEASURING 16. EVERY 17. TREE TRUNK 18. AVOID 19. CALL 20. EXPERT TOTAL RESPONDENTS ELEVEN GRADE STUDENTS OF MAN SALATIGA IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 Score Score of Score of Score of of kine visu audit voca sthe- No. Name Class al ory style style (X1) (X2) butic lary style test (X3) (Y) 1. Alfinalia M.I 2. Anik Saida 3. Dyah Puspitasari 4. Hanik Saida M. 5. Lenny Pakartining Tyas 6. Luthfiyatus Saidah 7. Nailul Muna 8. Noviana D.R XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 ix 21 18 17 70 22 26 21 55 22 22 19 80 23 19 23 65 23 23 23 60 24 21 15 75 24 18 19 80 21 16 24 75 9. Rini Budi Susanti 10. Siti Annida 11. Tasfiatun Niswati 12. Wakhdatul Jannati 13. Zulfa Nadia 14. Ahmad Zulfa 15. Alfan Ary Riyadi 16. M. Khoironi 17. Yatmi 18. Ika Oktaviana 19. Taufik Saifudin 20. Rizqi Putri N.U 21. Mayang Sari 22. Istikomah 23. Trisna Aditya K. 24 Zakian Afifah XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 x 25 27 25 60 15 13 14 100 17 20 13 100 20 23 21 70 21 19 17 80 20 20 17 45 18 22 17 50 17 16 15 60 23 20 16 50 20 22 16 30 23 16 21 50 19 18 17 60 22 19 23 40 21 18 15 65 26 20 17 40 13 17 18 70 25. Ridwan Yusuf 26. Siti Anisah 27. Umi Khoiriyah 28. Risky Amalia 29. Miftahul Jannah 30. Sa’du Nur Ahmad 31. Hablana Anturidha D.Z 32. Khoirun Nur Azizah 33. Mufid Hadi A. 34. Muhammad Arif W. 35. Rainald Asvan S.S. 36. Andri Nurdiyawan 37. Aryana Wahyu Safrita 38. Agung Dwi P. 39. Queenadya Dayanarra 40. Aulia Dewi XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPA.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 xi 22 20 22 55 25 24 18 25 16 21 16 30 22 19 17 35 22 18 17 35 26 20 20 50 23 28 22 60 26 22 14 65 27 19 14 75 24 23 21 70 25 22 22 70 21 18 21 55 20 18 17 55 24 23 23 50 26 20 10 55 22 22 17 25 41. Trias W.N 42. Siti Suhani 43. Deti Anggraini 44. Diyah Ayu Winanti 45. Santi Rachmawati 46. Mahmida Farah Wahdani 47. Nunuk Handayani 48. Muhamad Muzaki 49. Nia Kurniawati 49. Sakti Sulistiyo 50. Yopi Khajati 51. Luluk Saidun 52. Agung 53. M. Dani A. 54. Fauzi A. 55. Arifratun Noviyani XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 xii 20 16 15 65 20 21 19 65 20 23 18 45 22 23 19 65 21 23 16 40 22 24 17 25 25 26 26 25 21 23 12 20 26 26 26 20 24 16 19 30 21 17 14 45 20 20 17 35 22 18 14 35 22 17 14 65 23 22 20 40 24 22 17 35 56. Muhamad Anas 57. Alvi Karomatul Ibrizah 58. Nur Harini Khoirun Nisa 59. Fauziyah Fatmawati 60. Rahmawati Salma 61. Avif Irwansyah 62. Dyah Ayu Asari 63. Isna Lailatul M. 64. Luluk Ulfatul Aliyah 65. Qoniatu Listianingsih 66. Sinta Maria Dewi 67. Siti Fatimah 68. Nizar Azim Mustofa 69. Siti Nurul Asiyah 70. Choirul Anwar 71. Purbaningsih K. XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPA.2 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 xiii 23 17 18 55 26 21 21 35 23 24 14 55 23 21 15 55 19 17 17 40 25 20 19 60 24 27 19 55 24 23 24 60 23 22 19 60 24 23 23 50 27 20 19 55 24 22 16 60 22 19 21 30 25 28 19 40 25 28 18 30 24 17 12 40 72. Isnataini Nur Fitriana 73. Zilfia Eka Fatmala 74. Hanifah 75. Ulfa Suroya 76. Suciati Rahayu 77. Vivi Lutfiyatul Amalia 78. Arif Hermawan 79. Arif Rahman 80. Fajar Setiaji 81. Zetni Ikhsanudin 82. Yuni Fatmawati 83. Umar Al-Faruq 84. Hafizh Syah Reza Pahkui 85. Dewi 86. Wiwin Indriani 87. Windi Syantika Sari XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 xiv 22 19 21 50 19 17 16 20 23 19 19 10 19 17 20 20 20 18 16 10 17 18 21 10 21 17 19 45 21 17 17 20 20 18 16 30 24 24 18 25 25 26 18 35 21 24 6 30 25 22 20 35 18 16 15 40 23 20 19 30 25 20 16 25 88. Fera Rizkiana Amalia 89. Zulfa Nur Laila 90. Fitriyaningsih 91. Dira Nurmala 92. Nur Aini Wakhidah T. 93. Dona Arta 94. Hanna Af’idah 95. Purnia Waroh 96. Rika R. 97. Zahrina Zulfati 98. Tri Susanti 99. Sara Ima Sa’diyah 100. Putrid Wahyu Sari 101. Jauharin Insiyah 102. Nur Astrindra Alfandari 103. Wahyu Handayani XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.IPS.1 XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS xv 22 16 17 35 17 16 15 40 23 19 17 40 19 23 24 30 22 23 19 50 26 24 15 60 25 23 21 75 26 24 19 60 21 26 20 60 24 23 23 55 24 23 21 50 24 26 19 55 24 21 22 55 20 20 21 60 26 25 16 55 27 24 14 45 104. Imroatul Qhitmah 105. Rizqotus Tsaniyah 106. Dwi Mustikasari 107. Isnayni Marisya Amin 108. Salis Rahmawati 109. Reni Susanti 110. Anis Mustiya Sari 111. Nana Ulfa 112. Nur Hikmatus Sa’diah 113. Siti Nur Fauzizah 114. Khuliqat Noer N.M. 115. Maratul Mualimah 116. Ni Gusti Ayu Diany 117. Yuli Purba W. 118. Wiji Utami XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS XI.BHS xvi 26 27 19 45 21 22 13 60 23 18 18 45 22 19 21 55 22 22 14 60 23 21 19 50 25 23 18 55 27 16 18 55 23 22 17 55 24 21 18 55 21 24 14 60 22 22 16 55 21 16 22 60 16 22 22 60 21 20 19 60 xvii xviii xix 1 2 3 4 Nama Madrasah No Statistik Madrasah Akreditasi Madrasah Alamat Lengkap Madrasah 5 NPWP MAdrasah 6 Nama Kepala MAdrasah 7 No. Tlp/HP 8 Nama Yayasan 9 Alamat Yayasan 11 No Akte Pendirian Yayasan : MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI SALATIGA : 131133730001 :A : Jl. Wahid Hasyim 12 Desa / Kecamatan : Sidorejo Lor/Sidorejo Kota Salatiga Provinsi Jawa Tengah No Telp 0298323031 : 000189266505000 : Drs. H. Sudar, M. Ag. : 0291439776/08122841945 : ……………………………………………….. : ……………………………………………….. : ……………………………………………….. : ……………………………………………….. 12 Kepemilikan Tanah : Pemerintah 10 No. Tlp Yayasan a. Status Tanah : Sudah Sertifikat b. Luas Tanah : 5113 m2 13 Status Bangunan : Pemerintah 14 Luas Bangunan : 2882 m2 15 Data Siswa dalam tiga tahun terakhir xx A. MA Kelas 10 Tahun Ajaran Jml Siswa Kelas 11 Jml Romb el Jml Siswa Kelas 12 Jml Rombel Jml Siswa Jml Rombel 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 202 7 218 7 196 7 2010/2011 310 9 186 7 203 8 2011/2012 322 9 299 9 187 7 xxi 16 Data Sarana dan Prasarana Jum lah Rua Jumlah ng Ruang Kon disi baik 25 1 Jenis Prasarana No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 No Ruang Kelas Perpustakaan R. Lab. IPA R. Lab. Biologi R. Lab. Fisika R. Lab. Kimia R. Lab. Komputer R. Lab. Bahasa R. Pimpinan R. Guru R. Tata Usaha R. Konseling Tempat Beribadah Jumlah Ruang Kondisi rusak Rusak Ringan Rusak Sedang Rusak Berat 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Jenis Prasarana 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Kategori Kerusakan R. UKS Jamban Gudang R. Sirkulasi Tempat Olahraga R. Organisasi Kesiswaan R. Lainnya xxii Jum lah Rua Jumlah ng Ruang Kon disi baik 1 18 1 1 RR Kategori Kerusakan Jumlah Ruang Kondisi rusak Rusak Ringan Rusak Sedang Rusak Berat NO Pendidik 17 Data Pendidik dan Tenaga kependidikan Keterangan Jumlah Guru PNS diperbantukan tetap 2 Guru Tetap Yayasan 3 Guru Honorer 4 Guru Tidak Tetap 1 Tenaga Kependidikan 1 Tenaga Administrasi 2 3 18 19 20 21 60 1 13 19 Fotocopy NSM/Surat Izin Operasional (dilampirkan) Akreditasi (dilampirkan) Bukti Kepemilikan Tanah (dilampirkan) Fotcopy NPWP atas nama Madrasah (dilampirkan) Salatga, 7 April 2012 *) - Mengetahui Ketua Komite Kepala Dr. H. Sa'adi, M. Ag. Drs. H. Sudar, M.Ag. keterangan Jika diperlukan dapat ditambahkan data pendukung lainnya di buat di MS Excel Format sesuai contoh jangan di tambah atau di kurang Print out sesuai softcopy xxiii DAFTAR NILAI SKK Nama : Nur Khafifudin NIM : 11308003 No Jenis Kegiatan Progdi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI) Dosen PA: Dr. H. Sa‟adi M.Ag. Tanggal Jabatan Nilai 1. Orientasi Program Studi dan Pengenalan Kampus (OPSPEK) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Salatiga 25-27 Agustus 2008 Peserta 3 2. Kursus Pembina Pramuka Mahir Tingkat Dasar (KMD) Kwartir Cabang Kota Salatiga 9-14 Februari 2009 Peserta 5 3. Intensive Course Practicum Program with Fair Citation The authority hereby grants to the Holder in accordance with the skill 20 Februari 2009 Peserta 3 26-28 Juni 2009 4. Panitia Pelaksana Pendidikan dan Pemantapan Calon Dewan Penggalang Peserta 3 5. Workshop Pemberdayaan Takmir Masjid Peserta 3 6. SEMILOKA Nasional Penulisan Ilmiah ‘Peningkatan Mutu Guru Melalui Pengembangan Karya Ilmiah yang Berkualitas dan Bermartabat’ 14 Maret 2010 Peserta 6 7. Bedah buku ‘Jalan Cinta Para Pejuang’ 24 April 2010 Peserta 2 8. Praktikum Pelatihan TOEFL Bagi Mahasiswa Jurusan Tarbiyah dan Syariah 31 Juli – 22 Agustus 2010 Peserta 3 9. Completion of Practicum Program English Education Study Program State Institute 1 September 2010 Peserta 3 10 Desember 2009 xxiv for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga 10. One Day National Seminar on INTERNET-BASED ENGLISH LEARNING 6 9 November 2010 xxv Peserta