Spring-Summer - German American Societies San Diego


Spring-Summer - German American Societies San Diego
The German American Societies
Of San Diego, Inc.
Spring- Summer Newsletter 2014
www.germanclubsandiego.org ~ www.OktoberfestElCajon.com
at a Glance
April 26
Intern. Heritage
May 7
Club Membership
May 18
Spring Concert
June 7
Anniversary Ball
August 23
SommerfestOpen House
Time Info for the above pg. 23
2014 Oktoberfest
Last weekend in Sept.
First weekend in Oct.
Friday-Sat. & Sunday
May 11
Happy Mother’s Day !
June 15
Happy Father’s Day !
Prince Karl and Princess Christina,
also our Junior Prince Ryan and Junior Princess Mary.
We thank you for a tremendous Karneval Season 2013-14.
Again, we are very proud of what was accomplished and we fondly
will remember you, the entire Karneval group, and the fun we all had!
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014: DIRECTORY
German American Societies of San Diego, Inc.
1017 S. Mollison Ave., El Cajon, Ca. 92020-7614 619-442-6637
email: heidiwgermanclub@cox.net
Website: www.germanclubsandiego.org
CONTACT : Office Manager / Business Manager Heidi Williams
Club Office 619-442-6637 fax 619-442-6611 home office 619-445-2549 cell 619-208-1148
Clubhouse Manager: Brian (Willie) Williams clubhouse direct 619-442-6638 cell 619-208-1682
Germania Choir
Karneval Commissioner
Heidi Williams
Heidi Williams
Frauke Kuo
Lana Fauskin
Membership Chairperson
Oktoberfest Chairperson
Skat Players
Willie’s Volunteer Crew
Heidi Williams
Mike Anderson
Eddie Scheumann
Willie Williams
Marianna Roberts
Wendel Jenkins
1st Vice President
Karl Ulle
2nd Vice President
Marianne Kendall
Our long-time club member,
Irmgard (Irmchen) Blauser, ( left )
can be found at all club functions like Galas, Club
Dinner Dances, Karneval events, Choir Concerts,
Oktoberfest and the Open House -Sommerfest.
She takes photos of activities, members and
guests. We thank Irmchen very much for her talent
and dedication. If you want to order YOUR pictures,
please call her at 619-466-0229
Norma Paul
Heidi Williams
Business Manager
Office Manager
Membership chair
Olga Tietz
Publ. Director
Monika Parme, G.A.S. Ambassador, ( right )
assists Heidi Williams, Business Manager, with her
assignments at the club, office and field service. If
you have questions and need help, please email:
Heidi Williams : Heidiwgermanclub@cox.net or
Monika Parme : monarry@aol.com
Monika, I thank you for your support, HW
CLUB HOUSE RULES The following rules and regulations have been established to ensure that everyone using the club
and property has the responsibility to preserve our beautiful facility now and for years to come.
ABC restriction: No alcohol will be allowed to be brought into the club at any event, hall rental or meetings. Also, alcohol
served from our bar can only be consumed inside the club house . At no time (except Oktoberfest and Open House) can
glasses with alcohol be carried outside into our beer garden (not parking lot area).
Cigarettes must be extinguished outside in appropriate containers.
No gum chewing allowed in the building.
No shoe or foot powder allowed in the building (dance floor)
Club staff members are not responsible for any personal belongings left unattended and left behind in the facility.
The publicity department of the G.A.S. is responsible for the bulletin’s contents and reserves
the right to edit or refuse all articles and advertisements submitted for publication.
If you move, PLEASE inform us of your new address!
If you change your email address, PLEASE let us know!
Advertisement : Nominal Type Setting and Artwork by Request
Business Card
Quarter Page
annually $100.00
annually $140.00
Half Page
Full Page
annually $ 240.00
annually $ 340.00
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014: MESSAGE from the PRESIDENT & EDITOR
Our club was founded in 1965 and we can be so proud that after all these years we can still celebrate and
present our German Heritage as is laid out in our By-Laws by having German taught at our club, by
presenting cultural events like our recent Heimatabend and our incredible Oktoberfest, by having a
German Choir, a Damenkreis (at which meetings we only speak German), our fabulous Karneval Group
and our Skat Players. It takes a lot of volunteers to put all of this together and while our numbers are
shrinking, we are extremely lucky to still have very dedicated and hard -working people to hold it all
together. Once again a heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you wonderful volunteers.
We greeted the New Year with a beautiful party at our club. As usual, the decorations and
Marianna Roberts ambiance of the evening were fabulous. It has become a lovely tradition for many if us to spend the last
day of the year with our friends dancing the evening away. Can you believe it’s 2014 already? Where
does the time go?
Karneval got going in January and we spend a fun weekend in Las Vegas. Our ever so fabulous Prince and Princess made
sure that everyone had a great time. The Kinder Dance Group is incredibly cute - but then all of the performances, that
are offered by that group , are outstanding. Yeah, Karneval!
Willie is still recuperating from his fall and the following heavy bleeding on his brain. It looked like he would be ok until
his legs gave out and he had to be hospitalized. The Doctors cut 4 holes into his scull to let the blood drain. He is feeling
better and we wish him and Ron a fast recovery. Our dear Ron, another one of Willie’s group, fell off a ladder and ended
up with a broken hip. He is still on a cane but both guys are back working at the club…you can’t keep good people down.
Thank you, gentlemen, for all your dedication.
On the second Saturday in April we spend a lovely evening with Andy, a German TV star who works also out of Las Vegas,
entertaining us with beautiful old and new songs. He is quite the entertainer and we all enjoyed his great performance
immensely. He loved our club and wants' to be back next year in April …...
Make sure you always look at the event calendar on pg. 23 of this newsletter to be up to date on what is going on. I’m
looking forward to seeing you soon at one of our lovely evenings at the club and most important at our Anniversary Ball !
Mit vielen Grüßen, Marianna
Editor’s Message
After a long winter, we hope that you are enjoying yourself and will toast to the beginning of
Spring at the second annual International Heritage Ball, hosted by the German American Societies on Saturday, April 26th. ! ! ! ! !
The German American Societies’ mission is to unite Germans, and other nationalities,
interested in our culture, through various activities. However, it is also important to note
that the German Societies heritage reaches beyond their own community. It unites people of
different nations through their love of music, dance, and culture. We always state before
Heidi Williams
each event: "You don't have to be German to celebrate with us, for everyone is welcome."
As we progress further into 2014, we wish to highlight how thankful we are to all who
help make our club thrive. It is this kind of support that we need in order to continue our mission, organize future events in honor of our German heritage, as well as keeping the contact with donations to German Schools and German College departments alive. We also like to participate at functions in our surrounding community, like the El Cajon Friendship Festival now called : “America on Main Street”; the annual celebration at the Balboa Park’s Museum of Man, the International Fair at the Riverview School in
Lakeside and the high school in Chula Vista, or Youth Theater and Kinder Choir presentations at the Einstein Academy-San Diego. They, and the Rasselbande Kindergarten, love to come to our club to celebrate
Karneval with us or entertain our members and guests at our Christmas parties. So does our own Kindertanzgruppe on various occasions throughout the year.
As the Membership Chairperson, I want to thank 1/4 of our members for
sending the membership renewal for the year 2014-15 ON TIME! Since the
rest forgot, please find a friendly reminder inside this bulletin. We thank you in
advance for your response. We really received more donations than usual: how
nice! I will announce the overall statistic at our upcoming membership meeting on
May 7th. The new, pre-paid membership cards will be passed out at the clubhouse
entrance at that time and the rest will be sent by mail.
Thank you for your continued loyalty. With warm greetings to all, Heidi
El Cajon News
“The International Friendship Festival” coming back as America on Main Street
We are in the planning stages of El Cajon’s America on Main Street, scheduled for
June 14, 2014, from 10:00am – 10:00pm.
It will be located in downtown El Cajon on Main Street and Rea Avenue. This new signature event will celebrate the
American spirit with two stages, children’s interactive attractions, booths, and hoping for a Naturalization Ceremony and street soccer tournament. We would also like to feature entertainment, food, craft and display booths
from our ethnic communities. We are expecting 30,000 people to attend this one day event and we are hoping you
will be a special part of it.
This patriotic event celebrates our rich ethnic diversity which makes our country strong. We will be having our first
community organizational meeting on Monday, September, 30 at 5:30 pm at the Ronald Reagan Community Center,
195 East Douglas Avenue. It will be a meeting to discuss the plans for the event and invite participation from the
community. Our goal is to get many of our previous International Friendship Festival participants to return; we are
happy that you agreed to join us.
Sara Ramirez, Director of Recreation, City of El Cajon and Michele Sawaya, Special Events Coordinator
P.S. Welcome on Board! We are very happy to announce that once again
the German American Societies will be part of this event as a food vendor
The board decided this year to sponsor Kylena Parks, who so beautifully sang our National Anthem at the Octoberfest for many years, on the invitation she received from Salzburg, Austria, to continue her studies in Opera music.
She will spend her summer there, hopefully finding the time to be able to travel around that beautiful area also.
She is quite an accomplished young lady with a beautiful voice and a wonderful stage presents. The evening
turned out to be quite memorable as she presented songs from Opera and Musicals. She was extremely grateful
for the sponsorship and hopefully will be able to entertain us with her voice for many years to come!
Want to drop them a line?
Here is their address:
Good Samaritan
Retirement Home
1515 Jamacha Way
El Cajon, California 92019
(619) 590-1515
Who remembers our wonderful members: Otto and Poldi
Guess what!: Otto celebrated his 100th Birthday on Februar 22 this year!
I wish we would have known that earlier !
So here are our belated Birthday wishes as we all sing:
♫ ♫ Happy Birthday dear Otto ……….♫ ♫ or
♫ ♫ Hoch soll er leben...hoch soll er leben...drei mal hoch! ♫ ♫
Talking about years going by so fast…it seems that we just celebrated New Year’ Eve and
here we are: A few weeks ago , still in March, Mike Anderson notified the Oktoberfest
Committee to attend their first Oktoberfest meeting. OMG…...we are already planning
our highlight of the year, the G.A.S. Oktoberfest 2014! And, of course, we are very excited to start preparing the best and most authentic Oktoberfest ever ! At our
“Sommerfest-Open House” on August 22nd, you can add your name to our volunteer
list . Just remember, we can’t do it without you!
On behalf of Cub Scout Pack 362, I'd like to thank the German American Societies for the use of their clubhouse for our annual Blue and Gold Dinner. This event, which took place the afternoon of Sunday, February
23rd, is a celebration of "bridging," wherein our Webelos Cub Scouts cross over into the world of Boy Scouts.
Cub Scouts and families took part in this ceremonial dinner event, and were impressed once again with the
way the clubhouse was set up and decorated, the ample parking, and the hospitality of Heidi and the rest of
the club. We had 100 adults and scouts in attendance
Pack 362 is a local Cub Scout Pack,
with most members coming from the El Cajon, La Mesa, and Rancho San Diego areas and schools. Many members of
Pack 362 attend other festivities from the G.A.S., including the Oktoberfest. Cubmaster Chris and the rest of his adult
leadership staff, really appreciate the generosity of the G.A.S. in allowing us to use the facility.
Thanks again, Donald Hofstee, Committee Chairmen — Pack 362
Dear Heidi, dear German American Society,
With this letter I would like to thank you sincerely for your generous support, which made it possible to welcome the
world famous “Kiepenkasper”, a hand puppet player from Germany on 11 January 2014. He started of his USA tour at
the German Pacific School in San Diego.
Not just students from the German Pacific School San Diego enjoyed the two plays with the “Kasper” and its friends, but
also guests from the entire San Diego county area, guests from Los Angeles and even Turkey had traveled to the Clairemont based German Pacific School in order to experience this unique performance.
The weather was outstanding, so children and adults were able to interact with the “Kiepenkasper” in the beautiful
courtyard of the school. Thank You, Heidi and “The German American Societies”,
Sincerely, Anke Byrne, President German Pacific School
Polonez Dance Company 25th Anniversary Ball
A formal ball to celebrate 25 years of Polonez Dance Company, a group dedicated to promoting traditional Polish culture and folk dances in San Diego.
The event featured performances by Polonez as well as live music and entertainment by
PerViVo, DJ Jack, Nasza Muzyka, and Quartet Sober Blues Band. A formal dinner and refreshments were served. A group of members of the German American Societies enjoyed
this delightful event and we all are looking forward to have these talented polish dancers
perform at our International Heritage Ball this month on April 26. Please, don't miss it!
Oh, Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out!
By photographer/author Eldonna Lay
A moment-in-time, captured at the El Cajon branch of the GermanAmerican Societies of San Diego during its Octoberfest. Eldonna Lay –
formerly a board member for the City of El Cajon’s Sister Cities Organization: city of Sulzfeld. It will be one of several photographs highlighting
the City’s rich diversity of cultures in its Centennial re-publication of an
extended Valley of Opportunity; the History of El Cajon. The original 153
-page volume, commissioned in 1987 for the City’s 75th anniversary, will
contain an additional seventy-plus pages and dozens more photos of
local history over the last 25 years. The moment above, featuring
Karl Ulle, Shirley Esson and Hans Klindt will be among them. The book
will be available in the late Spring of 2014.
“Confrontations like this are universal,” Lay says. “Everyone
remembers experiencing the exasperation, the surprise, and/or the delight visible on the faces of these three exceptionally attractive people. I’m betting that this will be one of the most popular photographs in the entire book. Others will also highlight the
rich diversity of cultures and events within our East County community.
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / Please read this bulletin, thank you!
We would like to provide members of the
G.A.S. with warm and sincere wishes at times
of illness and grief by sending a greeting card.
This can only function if club members and
friends notify us. Please don't hesitate to leave
a message at the club office (619)442-6637 or
get in touch with our Sunshine Lady.
Tillie O'Haver
Deutscher Gottesdienst
First Lutheran Church San Diego
Third & Ash Street
15:00 Uhr, letzter Sonntag im Monat
Für Nähere Informationen 858-452-9797
Im Februar feierten wir in Dankbarkeit das
55-jährige Jubiläum unserer deutschen
Gottesdienste in San Diego. Sie wurden mit
einem Weihnachtsgottesdienst 1958 von
Pastor Kohls und seiner lieben Frau Lottie
begonnen und jahrelang von ihnen weitergeführt…….
Während des März Gottesdienstes hatten
wir de Freude, den Handglockenchor von
der Ascension Lutheran Church bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen unter der Leitung von Dr. John Howard. Es war
Unser nächster deutscher Gottesdienst wird am 27. April
um 3 Uhr stattfinden.
Im Mai fällt der Gottesdienst auf den 25. , auch um 3 Uhr.
Nach jedem Gottesdienst bleiben wir noch etwas zusammen für unsere gewohnte Kaffeestunde. Bitte bringen Sie
dafür etwas Gebäck mit! Für Kaffee und Tee sorgen
Elsbeth und Birgitt.
We would like to welcome more
Sunshine Ladies to assist Tillie,
visiting needy members, putting
happy moments into their lives
and seeing that smile! A knock
on the door announcing a visit,
just a little flower bouquet, a trip to the store,
an outing to the park, holding hands or just a
few words over a cup of coffee ….all that can
mean the world to someone lonely!
For this “out-in-the-field-service” we can give
you addresses and directions, also reimburse
you for expenses. Please call the club office
and leave a message.
I will contact you, Heidi Williams
California Certified Florist
Certified Balloon Artist
The team:
Pastor Karin
All occasion floral arrangements
Balloon bouquets and décor
Gourmet baskets & plant gardens
Wedding and special events
Rental linens & chair covers
Fundraising opportunities
Mention this ad and get 20% off your order or
Free delivery of $40 or more!
Please notify Pastor Karin (760) 798-7130 when:
- You, or someone you know, is in the hospital
- You, or someone you know, want to plan a
(bi-lingual) baptism, wedding, or celebration
- A club or church member, family member, or
someone you know dies
- You, or someone you know, is ill or grieving
Place your order today:
Editors addition : Diana is the daughter of Rosa who
lives in the little house on the club property and takes
such good care of our clubhouse. Diana is thankful that
her mother is in good hands with us. To say ’thank you’
she is decorating our clubhouse hall with flowers for all
Anniversary Balls for free! We enjoy her gift and are
very appreciative !
If possible, we want to include you in our prayers,
arrange for pastoral visits, and announce
information to the congregation, when
Karin Boye,
Please consider her business when you have an order
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014 / Christmas Season at the German American Societies
OUR OWN German American Societies Kindertanzguppe!!
Albert Einstein Kinder Chor
Santa….is coming to town ♫
To every ones excitement, he
came with presents to all the
children at the German American Societies. It was so much
fun! Thank you, Santa !
2013 Christmas -Snow Dance Performance at the German American Societies
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014 / Annual Heimatabend - 12. April 2014
Celebrating our German Heritage with German TV star
Andy Hocema : www.andy-musik.com/html/hitparade.html
Dear Heidi, Hede and I want to thank you for arranging the “ Heimat abend” last Saturday. It really was a “Heimatabend” with the well known
songs. Andy did a great job. It was especially nice to see so many of the
faces of the German American Club
members which we have not seen at
the recent functions. Everyone I talked
to had a great evening. What more can
AND GOOD COMPANY Hope this will
become a yearly tradition. We would
love to see “Andy” again.
Joachim and Hede Wolff
Thank you for these lovely comments and, yes, we
will have Andy performing for us again in the near
future at one of our annual Heimatabende. I started
those in April 2007 & look forward to have programs
like that to offer for many years to come! Hopefully,
everyone who missed to attend and couldn't enjoy
last Saturday, has a chance to come next time.
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014 / KARNEVAL
Note from
Our Prinz Karl and Prinzessin Christina
at Season’s End 2014
Christina and I attended the Karneval in Chicago on March
1, 2013 put on by K.G. Rheinischer Verein Chicago 1890.
Despite temperatures in the teens and snow it was a
great event attended by 400-500 people throughout the
region. It also brought together the GAMGA Prinzenpaar
and the Kansas City Prinzenpaar.
We were very impressed with their Verein Fanfaren Corps
which is a very large drum and bugle corps that played
during the entrance and throughout the evening. The constant question that we received while we were there was
why we would leave warm San Diego to come to the colder climes of Chicago. We would always respond that we
wanted to see how they do Karneval around the country.
Prinz Karl and Prinzessin Christina
What we came away with from all the different clubs was how large and well organized our own club is. Our
Prinzengarde, Elferrat and Kavalier groups were larger than all the groups we saw this year. Also our events were
very well organized. This stems from all the advanced planning that everyone in our group participates in.
Christina and I would like to thank everyone for a great season.
Karneval’s Annual Yard Sale Is Coming
We need your donations
Monday Evenings
Tuesdays and Thursdays Midday
German-American Societies’ Clubhouse
1017 S Mollison Ave
El Cajon, CA 92020
We can pick up items – even big items!!
For More Info or for pick up :
Claudia or Mark Jensen
(619) 443-7001
Sale to be held
13-15 June
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / KARNEVAL
As you read this spring newsletter, the 2013 -2014
Karneval season is becoming another treasured memory for many
of us. Prinz Karneval is “buried” and Lumpenball is behind us.
Hopefully you were able to partake in the merriment and have
your own trove of memories. For those that couldn’t, there will
be next year and while a newsletter page can never do a Karneval
season justice, here are a few of this year’s highlights.
The highlight of each season is the GAMGA Gala held in Las Vegas.
This event, coordinated by the German-American Mardi Gras Association offers a weekend of
Karneval pageantry and festivity but perhaps more importantly, provides the chance to socialize with members of
other clubs from across the U.S. and Canada. It is here that long time friendships are renewed; ideas garnered for
events back home; visits to other clubs scheduled and next year’s event planned. Friday and Saturday evening’s activity were centered in the main ball room and consisted of formal club introductions, Karneval performances and dancing to the music of the Bluebirds. Evenings were capped by hosted parties put on by many of the participating clubs.
Not surprisingly, “pacing” one’s self is key to getting through the weekend. This year, as in years past, the “must attend” event was the adjacent affairs hosted by Anaheim and San Diego on Saturday night and stretching into the wee
hours of Sunday morning.
Visits to or having guests from other clubs is always something special. Our hero themed Karneval weekend
early in February exemplified why we look forward to these visits. Saturday evening’s event featured a full house and
program with visitors representing GAMGA, the Limburgse, Schwarz-Rot-Gold San Jose, the Las Vegas Vagabonds, and
Anaheim KG (Phoenix Club). Performances and skits by several of the clubs, a costume contest, dancing and a lively
atmosphere ensured a memorable evening for us and our visitors. The months of practice and
attention to detail by the performers were evident on this evening of with so many impressive performances on display.
The excitement would certainly have kept the party going until
well into the morning had not many of the participants faced
full day of Kinderkarneval beginning the next morning with San
Diego and Anaheim groups plus a special Rasselbande Preschool teacher-student event. Regardless the guests and the
exceptional time had on Saturday, it would be hard not to conclude that Sunday’s Kinderkarneval exceeded all expectations
and stole the show. The club house was filled to the point of
overflowing. Prinz Ryan and Prinzessin Mary were absolutely exemplary and their Prinzengarde continue to develop in skill and grace.
Sadly, Karneval, like so many good things, has its time and its season. And so, on Ash Wednesday our 2013–
2014 season was brought to a close with Elferrat Prȁsident Mark Jensen surrendering his ceremonial bell and chain to
club vice-president Wendel Jenkins and Prinz Karl Becker returning his scepter. With a light-hearted reference to his
two sequential reigns, Prinz Karl’s season was ended with Karnevalisten driving a stake through his heart. Fortunately,
the stake was telescoping and made of cardboard so we can
look forward to seeing Karl next year.
as the season fades, a few impressions that stick with me:
In a conversation at Las Vegas, Heidi Davis of the
Phoenix Club was describing the constructive competition
that occurs amongst the girls of their Kinder Tanzgruppe. Specifically, she related a story of how girls in their youth group
watched the adult Prinzengarde and set on imitating and then
trying to surpass what they see. Several weeks later, the
week immediately after our joint Kinderkarneval event with Anaheim, I was at a practice session of our Kinder
Prinzengarde. And as the girls were getting set to practice, I couldn’t help but note several of them attempting some
of the more difficult dance moves they had seen Anaheim’s exceptionally talented Tanzmariechen perform the previous weekend. This was the exactly the sort of constructive influence Heidi had been describing and to my way of seeing things, bodes well for the future of our own group. With the girls interest thus piqued, Tanja, Claudia and the
other dance coordinators are stepping up to the challenge of presenting the older girls more challenging routines.
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / KARNEVAL
And speaking of the future, continuity, change and the future of
Karneval; over the season I have heard the comment made that Karneval
has changed – that’s it’s somehow different than it was. Indeed, it has
changed, it continues to change but I think we should view this predominantly as a good thing, not as a problem. Karneval has changed by virtue of
changes in membership and we all felt the loss of long time members Birgitt
Meeder and Fred Ferino last year. We have also seen other long time
Karneval stalwarts reduce their level of participation. But at the same time,
there are many new faces and growth in active membership. For the first time in more than a decade, the Prinzengarde has reached a size that the limits of our dance floor has become an issue. For the first time in more than a decade, the Elferrat is squeezed by the size of our stage. And if there is any one example highlighting growth and a future, it is the Kinderkarneval. So with the change and regeneration in active membership, is it any surprise to see
some change in the organization’s personality? And there is a second reason we see change – the simple passage of
time. While still rooted in the Karneval of the Rhein region, there are changes in emphasis and style with new
Karnevalisten in San Diego as well as in Germany. Where this leads, I believe, is to reinforce the central traditions that
make this season special while at the same time allowing for change reflecting various tastes and preferences – the
change one expects in a healthy, living, growing organization with a future.
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014: Karneval at the German-American Heritage Museum
How is the German American Societies of San Diego, Inc.
connected with the American Heritage Foundation?
The G.A.S. is a supporter and is holding a Silver Membership with
an annual membership due of $ 200.00 Also, it is in favor of the new
German Karneval Exhibit and a financial donor to this great project.
The German-American Heritage Museum of the USA highlights the history of German immigration and migration across
the United States via various exhibitions and events, while at the same time introducing modern Germany to an American
audience. Located in downtown DC, it serves as both a local community center as well as a national home for GermanAmericans across the country, but—can you explain the fascination with the number 11? Where yelling “Kölle Alaaf” will
show you’re in the right spirit, versus where “Helau” is the appropriate call?
The intricacies of Karneval, evolved over centuries in the primarily Catholic regions of Germany, can seem baffling at first.
To learn about these fascinating traditions, however, you no longer need to go to Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Mainz. Instead, head to the German-American Heritage Museum in DC’s Chinatown for the new exhibit “German Karneval—Then
and Now”, on display until April 12 or celebrate Karneval at your local club…….
The exhibit—the first of its kind in North America—is the first organized by the
new executive director of the GAHM, Petra Schürmann.
At a recent interview in downtown DC, she related the intense effort that went into preparing the exhibit since she took
on her new role in January, and why she believes it’s the perfect subject for the museum now.
“Nobody knows German Karneval in the US—that it started in the 13th century,” Schürmann said. Few Americans are
aware, for instance, that there are two big categories of Karneval—the Aleman-Swabian form, celebrated in Germany’s
Southwest; and the Rhineland variety, native to Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Mainz—and that regional revelries further distinguish between Fasching, Fastnacht, Fasnet, and Karneval. In the US, GAMGA and its 17 member were instrumental in
reaching out to people who care about preserving the traditions of German Karneval : “ALAAF and HELLAU ! ”
A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in U.S.A.
The U.S., first populated by Native Americans, rediscovered by Europeans and colonized under the
flags of the Spanish, English and French, is now
filled with Germans.
More than half of the nation’s 3,143 counties contain a plurality of people who describe themselves
as German-American, according to a Bloomberg
compilation of data from the Census Bureau’s 2010
American Community Survey. The number of German- Americans rose by 6 million during the last
decade to 49.8 million
“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the
largest ancestral group in the country,” said Don
Heinrich Tolzmann, a Cincinnati author who wrote
“The German-American Experience.” “It’s an eyeopener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”
While Hispanics and Asians make up the fastestgrowing segments of the U.S. population, the increase in those identifying themselves as GermanAmerican underscores the nation’s European immigrant roots. It also reflects the use of new ancestry-tracking tools, a longing for identity and a surge in ethnic pride
after the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 .
Germans have been immigrating in significant numbers to the U.S. since the 1680s, when they settled in New York
and Pennsylvania. The bulk of German immigrants arrived in the mid- 19th century; they’ve been the nation’s predominant ethnic group since at least the 1980 census.
Cultivating Identity
“The more homogenized our society becomes, the more we see some people seeking to differentiate themselves by
forming distinct personal identities,” Redding wrote in an e-mail. “For those who can find Germanic family traditions somewhere in their past, it can be personally fulfilling to cultivate that aspect of one’s life.”
The 49.8 million German-Americans are more than triple the 14.7 million Asians counted in the 2010 census.
Bloomberg’s county-by-county analysis broke down the Hispanic and Asian populations into subgroups by national
origin, with Mexican- Americans and Chinese-Americans making up the largest share of their respective groups.
Americans of German descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, the census shows.
Census figures show German-Americans are slightly older and better-educated than the general population, with
one-third having a bachelor’s degree or higher. More than 85 percent live in the same place as they did in 2009, and
40 percent are employed in management, business, science or the arts.
Pennsylvania has the largest population of German-Americans and is home to one of the group’s original settlements, Germantown in 1683. The state has 3.5 million people claiming German ancestry -- more than in Berlin.
Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, has 348,979 German-Americans, according to the census.
Interesting: At least three-dozen Texas communities celebrated Oktoberfest last year, said Warneke, of the German-Texan Heritage Society in Austin. A spring Germanfest in Muenster, a town of 1,544, drew almost 30,000 visitors, she said.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Flynn McRoberts in Chicago at fmcroberts1@bloomberg.net
To mention our local success: The most traditional and fun Oktoberfest in our area is offered annually on two
three-day weekends at “The German American Societies of San Diego” in El Cajon with thousands of enthusiastic
guests attending every day and every year. Come and see for yourself !
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / Birgitt Meeder……...We will always miss her!
It is over three month ago, but the German American Societies ( Karneval, Oktoberfest Committee, Damenkreis and
Choir is still mourning the loss of their dear friend and fellow Committee Member, Birgitt Meeder. Thank you,
Birgitt, for all your help, support, and especially, the wonderful memories over many years! Birgitt was a beautiful
person, inside and out! She's still is in our hearts and that's how she'll live on. We will always miss her …
Birgitt, Meeder (Abel) EL CAJON-- The family and friends of Birgitt are grieving
the loss of a beloved friend, mother, Omi and Mimi at the age of 71 on December
26th, 2013. Born in Soest, Germany on August 25th 1942 to the late Heinrich
Josef Abel and Berta Klementine Timpte. She married the late Herbert Franz
Maria on December 29th, 1961. Together they immigrated to the U.S, settling in
a house in El Cajon where she raised her family and lived until her passing. In the
early 80s, she worked at Crawford High School. While there, she made many lifelong friendships that she held very dear. She had a passion for her heritage and
worked countless volunteer hours at the German American Societies. Without
her tireless efforts, many of the programs would not be what they are today.
Birgitt is survived by her partner Hans Klindt, her children; son Herbert (Jennifer)
with Ian, daughter Claudia (Mark) with Amber, Scott and Kirsten with Ellie, son
Stefan (Debbie) with Stefanie and daughter Birgitta (Steven Herbert).
A celebration of life was held on January 25th 2014 at 3pm at the
German American Societies at 1017 S. Mollison Ave, El Cajon
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / DID YOU KNOW?????????
A Simple Pineapple INTERESTING !
Most have no idea the pineapple you pick up at the grocery store had a fascinating story.
The pineapple is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit.
The pineapple is the only available edible bromeliad today.
It is a multiple fruit. One pineapple is actually made up of dozens of individual floweret's that grow together to
form the entire fruit. Each scale on a pineapple is evidence of a separate flower.
Pineapples stop ripening the minute they are picked. No special way of storing them will help ripen them further.
Color is relatively unimportant in determining ripeness. Choose your pineapple by smell.
If it smells fresh, tropical and sweet, it will be a good fruit.
The more scales on the pineapple, the sweeter and juicier the taste.
After you cut off the top, you can plant it. It should grow much like a sweet potato will.
This delicious fruit is not only sweet and tropical; it also offers many benefits to our health.
Pineapple is a remarkable fruit.
We find it enjoyable because of its lush, sweet and exotic flavour, but it may also be one of the most healthful
foods available today. If we take a more detailed look at it, we will find that pineapple is valuable for easing
indigestion, arthritis or sinusitis.
The juice has an anthelmintic effect; it helps get rid of intestinal worms.
Let's look at how pineapple affects other conditions.
Pineapple is high in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones and connective tissue.
A cup of fresh pineapple will give you nearly 75% of the recommended daily amount.
It is particularly helpful to older adults, whose bones tend to become brittle with age.
Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, is the key to pineapple's value. Proteolytic means "breaks down protein", which
is why pineapple is known to be a digestive aid. It helps the body digest proteins more efficiently. Bromelain is also
considered an effective anti-inflammatory.
Regular ingestion of at least one half cup of fresh pineapple daily is purported to relieve painful joints common to
osteoarthritis. It also produces mild pain relief.
In Germany, Bromelain is approved as a post-injury medication because it is thought to reduce inflammation and swelling.
Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in Vitamin C. Fresh pineapple is
not only high in this vitamin, but because of the Bromelain, it has the ability to reduce mucous in the throat. If you
have a cold with a productive cough, add pineapple to your diet. It is commonly used in Europe as a postoperative measure to cut mucous after certain sinus and throat operations.
Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to allergies. In and of itself,
pineapple has a very low risk for allergies.
Pineapple is also known to discourage blood clot development. This makes it a valuable dietary addition for
frequent fliers and others who may be at risk for blood clots.
An old folk remedy for morning sickness is fresh pineapple juice. It really works! Fresh juice and some nuts first
thing in the morning often make a difference.
It's also good for a healthier mouth. The fresh juice discourages plaque growth.
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014 / PLEASE HELP US SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS
R B R, Inc. The Living Room,
Custom Designed Catering
5900 El Cajon Blvd, San Diego
Beat Wick, owner Tel 619 286 8434
Enjoy PRETZELS at the
Oktoberfest and
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We offer full-size catering, from intimate gourmet dinners
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makes us your perfect partner when you are hosting a culinary event.
We make our own delicate pastries and cakes, and are one
of the proud suppliers of the varieties of pastries you enjoy
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Email: support@sealinesd.com
Some of our club members
have known Dr. Ruiz and his
wife Susie, who is also a denMessage: Do you want to dress Bavarian Style ? ? ? ? ?
tist, for more than 20 years.
They both speak English . The German Import House will have their merchandise at the German Club’s
Open House and Oktoberfest. Please visit or call us, we like to serve you !
Dr. Ruiz is a professor at the
University in Tijuana and has
a small, private practice for
selected patients. He will
give you an honest estimate,
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We, at the German American Societies, are thanking David Sporleder
for his many volunteer-hours beautifying the inside and outside of our
club. His dedication and expertise is greatly appreciated.
The Board
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 /
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Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / German Information Page
n Dn
The German American Societies is proud
to be one of the Sponsors of this Great Event
German American San Diego Foundation
The German American | San Diego Foundation was founded on the initiative of its President, the German Honorary Consul Dr.
Stephan Hollmann, by a number of German American companies. The goal of the Foundation is to connect the German American community through innovation, culture, and business, aligning its resources to be a world-class international community.
Further information: http://germanamericansandiego.org
German life in San Diego / Information about German resources in San Diego
http://www.german-sandiego.info Armina Kranz, Project Coordinator
Office of the Honorary Consul
of the Federal Republic of Germany
Dr. Stephan F Hollmann
1620 Fifth Avenue, Suite 500
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: +1-619-321-0606
Fax: +1-619-744-7463
email: akranz@german-consulate.org
German American Chamber
of Commerce California, Inc.
GACC California (TM)
Main Office New Address :
1620 Fifth Avenue, Suite 575
San Diego, CA 92101 US
Tel: +001 619 795 3270
Fax: +001 619 795 8360
The German American Societies
Spring-Summer Newsletter 2014 / Please Support Our Advertisers!
2225 Milton Ct., Suite B
San Diego, CA 92110
Phone: 619-275-6555
Fax: 619-275-6558
email: fleetridgetravel@sbcglobal.net
CA-CST# 2063522-5
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014 / Want to connect with German Speaking Clubs &
Contact Information of German Schools and Colleges
♦ German American School Association ♦ (858) 401-3311 School Director SanDiego@gasaschool.org
♦ Albert Einstein Academies, www.aeacs.org, bschafer@aeacs.org Tel 619-795 1190
♦ Preschool’ Rasselbande’ www.dierasselbande.com, Ms. Tel 619-465-4420
♦ German Pacific School San Diego, 619-354-9991 or 858-461-9118, http://www.gpssd.org
♦ Grossmont College, Prof. Johannes Bruestle, Johannes.bruestle@gcccd.edu
♦ Adult German Classes, German American Societies, Ms. Erna Duby Tel 619-447-0302
♦ AATG S. D. Chapter, www.aatgsandiego.org [aatgsandiegopresident@gmail.com]
House of Germany, Balboa Park , ‘Kinder Workshop, Ms. Gisela Mueller Tel 619-234-1530
The German Consulate in Los Angeles
Please visit the website for further information regarding questions concerning:
visa, passport renewals, finding a translator, a German school or pre school.
The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, 6222 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90048
Ph:(323) 930 2703 Fax:(323) 930 2805 —http://www.germany.info/Vertretung/usa/en/03__Consulates/Los__Angeles/00/__Home.html
AATG The American Association of Teachers of German
supports the teaching of the German language and German speaking cultures in
elementary, secondary and post secondary education in the United States. The
AATG promotes the study of the German speaking world in all its linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity and endeavors to prepare students as transnational,
trans cultural learners and active, multilingual participants in a globalized world.
With 4,000 members, the AATG serves teachers of German at all levels of instruction and all those interested
in the teaching of German. AATG is an allied organization of the Modern Language Association, a constituent
member of the Joint National Committee for Languages/National Council for Languages and International
Studies, the National Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations, and an organizational member of
the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, the National Network for Early Language Learning, and the Internationaler Deutschlehrerverband.
Check out our web site: www.houseofgermany.com
Announcement from the House of Germany
Come see us on Sundays to have coffee and cake in the Park
Liane Mende-Mueller President
Check out our web site: www.geocities.com/houseofaustria
President: Frank Dürr
Note: Our members can meet monthly what is called “The Stammtisch”
San Diego County Swiss Club Inc.
2001 Main St. Chula Vista, CA. 91911-3923 (619-423-1036)
Spring - Summer Newsletter 2014: MARK YOUR CALENDAR, PLEASE!
*** FUTURE EVENTS 2014 ***
26 Sa “ Intl. Heritage Ball” , different nationality dance performances, dinner, Express Band, don't miss it !
07 We General Membership Meeting, dinner fundraiser by Karneval - 6:30 pm / meeting 7:30 pm
10 Sa Einstein Academy Disco Dance, for info call: Tel # 619-795 1190
17 Sa Afternoon “Highschool Students: German Study Award Ceremony”
18 So Spring Choir Concert, 2:00 pm, Please bring friends and neighbors! German Rouladen dinner ! !
31 Sa G.A.S. Promotion Food Vendor at “Riverview School International Fair / Lakeside”
07 Sa Club’s - 49th Anniversary Ball, dinner, entertainment, Bluebirds Band (all members, please, attend!)
14 Sa G.A.S. Promotion Food Vender at the “America on Main Street Festival” , El Cajon
23 Sa
Summer Break (June 15 to August 15, volunteer work at club: Repairs, etc.)
Open House - Sommerfest / BBQ Outside, dance to the great Express Band, Entertainment
Oktoberfest last weekend in Sept. / first weekend in October (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
15 Sa
06 Sa
09 Tu
14 Sa
31 We
Karneval Opening , Dinner Dance, Karneval Performance, Bluebirds Band
Christmas - Snowdance, beautiful decorated hall, dinner, Entert., Express Band
Germania Choir Weihnachts - Konzert, German Rouladen dinner, raffle & Gemütlichkeit
Member Christmas Party, German School Kinder Entertainment, enjoy Santa’s visit!
New Years Gala, dinner, entertainment, elegant ....bring your guests, Bluebirds Band!!!!!
Entrance Members: $10.00 Guests $ 12.00
Buffet Style Dinners are served at each event—only $12
Doors open 6:00 p.m. ♦Buffet Dinner 6:30 p.m. Dances 7:30 p.m.—11:30 p.m.
Ordering dinner in advance by phone or email will provide you with
reserved seating for the entire evening
MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2014 – 2015 From April 1. 2014 to March 31. 2015
Student Membership
Single Membership
Family Membership
( ) ( Student membership valid under the age of 25 years )
( )
Dear members, reinstatement necessary if not paid 90 days
( )
after April 1st with a initiation fee of $25.00 added
NAME ___________________NAME___
NAME __________________ NAME_____
BIRTH DATE & YR.___________
BIRTH DATE & yr___________-
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP________________________________________________________________________
HOME PH. # (____) ___ -__________
BUS. PH.#(____)_____-_______________
CELL PH.# (___ _)______-__________
e-mail: __________________________________
DATE: ___________________________________________________
Office 619-442-6637 (for message)
German American Societies of San Diego, Inc. 1017 South Mollison Ave., El Cajon, Ca 92020