FEATS programme 1981
FEATS programme 1981
presented by THE ANGLO-AMERICAN THEATRE GROUP THE HAG,UE Toneelzaal. Nederlands Congresgebouw The Haaue ... For allyour travel needs American Express Travel Service We're t h e all-artmnii travel agent-with hundreds r r f American Express Company, suhsidiarv and Rt.presenrativc. Travel Service tlfficrs rtr help you here a n d a l l arcbud the world. .And w t h an all-around package of services ntl ont. rise can match: b o l t plane tickets Arrange complete vacations Sell, cash or refund American Express '' Tmvelers Cheques Offer complete business travel service Help at destination Reserve hotel space Provide rental cars and limousines Provide American Express pay-later plans (for American Express " Cardmembers) A unique combination of travel financial services I We want t o h e your rravcl agent. AMERICAN EXPRESS I NTERNATIONAL INC., Vencswaa~20 THE HAGUE - rdcphtrnr. 070 - 46951 5 THE ANGLO-AMERICAN THEATRE GROUP THE HAGUE presents FEATS '81 5TH FESTIVAL OF EUROPEAN ANGLOPHONE THEATRICAL SOCIETIES Toneelzaal, Nederlands Congresgebouw The Hague 5,6and 7 June 1981 Credits The FEATS '81 Committee would like to express their thanks to the Gemeente '~Gravenhage for their hospitality; the Taverne Moustache Grill Steakhouse for extending their opening hours for the participants; Van Langeraad for floral arrangements; the staff of the Nederlands Congresgebouw for their great help with the Festival; and the many others who provided hospitality for our guests. FEATS '8 1 Festival Organization FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Chairman Secretary Treasurer AATG Chairman Festival Stage Manager Festival House Manager Hostesses and Awards Publicity Mervyn Briscoe f annie Houweling Robert Everett Keith Bayross Chris Moore Noel Turner Lesley Robertson Kay Evans BACKSTAGE STAFF Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager Sound Lights Crew Timekeepers Chris Moore Pauline Jurkiewicz Brian Connelly Frank Vermeulen Andy Wood, Donal Menen and Tricia Wood Arthur Ford and Flip Rootliep FRONT O F HOUSE House Manager Hosts and Hostesses Publicity Poster Design Programme and printing Advertising Programme Sales Cowdinator Box Office Noel Turner Lesley Robertson with Roberta Enschede, Elizabeth Everett, Margaret Gee, Jelle Hoekstra, Jackie Holderness, Gwilym Lewis, Gerri Ross, Louise Silberberg and Andrew Wright Kay Evans, Jannie Houweling, Joan van Vuure and AATG members Richard Cunliffe Kay Evans JeUe Hoekstra, Elizabeth Everett and Kay Evans Frankie Schilp Margaret Humphrey INTERNATIONAL AND OVERSEAS REMOVALS FOR OVER 80 YEARS BY EXPERTS BATENBURG & FOLMER Ltd. Household Removals - Furniture Depositories Forwarding Agent - Insurance Brokers 22, HUYGENSPARK - THE HAGUE - PHONE: 889321 TELEX: 33019 Patronized especially by Embassies. Legations and Consulates all over the world. * * * A B 0 0 K for a friend A B 0 0 K for an old friend A B 0 0 K for your children get them all from W. van Hoogstraten BOOKSELLERS Noodelnde 9 1 P - The Hagum - Tel. IFJ m&w HAIRFASHION SPECIALISTS A TEAM OF (CUT-) sleviMtraat 183.schwsningen. phone 54 1844. t r m 8.9 bu, 14. 22. 23. 070-652145 FEATS: How it began and grows The fist idea of running a festival of oneact plays for English-speaking amateur theatre groups was generated in 1975 by the Anglo-American Theatre Group (AATG). Although drama festivals are well established annual events in the United Kingdom and in other countries, there existed no equivalent for Englishspeaking groups on the Continent. The original proposal was to establish the Festival as an annual event in The Hague but since 1976 was the year of British Weekin Rotterdam it was decided, with the agreement and support of the organizers, t o make it part of the festivities. In the event, it was a modest festival of two nights in the Rotterdamse Schouwburg during which six plays were presented by groups from Wildenrath (Federal Republic of Germany), Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam, Bnmsum and The Hague. The adjudicator was Adrian Brine, well known m the Netherlands as a director. First place was taken by the English Comedy Club's presentation of After Magritte by Tom Stoppard. The experience gained in running the Festival made it clear that the responsibility of organizing it annually was beyond the resources of a single group, making it necessary to rotate it among the well-placed major cities of the Benelux. In 1978, the British American Theatrical Society (BATS) of Antwerp undertook to run the Festival; and a loosely organized committee mcluding the AATG, BATS and the English Comedy Club of Brussels was formed t o ensure the continuation of the event, and a t the same time the title FEATS was agreed. The 1978 FEATS in Antwerp covered three nights in which seven plays were presented, o f which three were from the Netherlands, two from Belgium and one each from Germany and Luxembourg. The adjudicator Walter Lucas. Chairman of the British Theatrical Association. awarded f i s t prize to thc English Comedy Club's Double Double by l a k e s Saunthat ders. The successof this Festival confirmed the ever growing-opinion . FEATS should become a permanent event. In 1979 Brussels was the venue; ECC, the hosts; and nine plays were presented in a threeday event as part of Brussels 1000 years celebrations. The adjudicator was Anthony Cornish, now Director of Drama for Capital Radio Limited, London. The general standard of the Festival was very high and a true spmt o f competition had arisen. First prize this time was presented t o the New World Theatre Club, Luxembourg, for their performance of Interview by Jean Claude van Itallie. By now, FEATS was well established and the three founder groups were joined by the New World Theatre Club of Luxembourg, who took on the responsibility for the 1980 event in May that year. Again nine plays were presented over three nights, the groups coming from Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Switzerland. Once again Anthony Cornish adjudicated and the standard was W e r than ever before. First prize went to the Kent Players, Germany, for their production of Act 111 of R.C. Sheniffs Journey'n End. The four hosting groups have now strengthened the Festival organization by the formal creation of the FEATS Steering Committee with the. purpose of securing the Festival's future. Currently, the Committee consists of Mervyn Briscoe, AATG, (Chairman); Peter Cam-North, New World Theatre Club, Luxembourg; Ian Davis, ECC; and Alec Robertson, BATS. Every year twentyeight Englishspeaking groups o n the Continent are invited to participate, ranging from Stockholm to Florence, and normally thirteen t o fifteen positive replies are received which leads t o the need for a selection by ballot. There may bea timein the future when the festival will run f o r a week and we can accept all the plays offered. lHWl King-Wilkinson "FOR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE" Project Control OUR STAGE IS SET in 25 countries OUR ROLE Complete Engineering 0 Construction Management 0 Operating Plant Services King-Wilkinson (Intemationaal) B.V. Koningln Jullanaplein 10 The Hague HOUSTON. LONDON. AL KHOBAR. SINGAPORE. PERTH(W.A) makelaardij van paaschen staying in the hague We offer accomodat ion for rent and for sal e real estate anenb Sales Department - telephone 070 5129.51 Rental Department telephone 070 47.38.01 - Nobelstraat 27 25 13 BC 'S-Gravenhage Telefoon 070-4697 20 Telex 31 158 Trio nl , ; periodicals - folders art reproductions calendars - catalogues reports -dissertations annual reports 0 0 0 a large setting capacity a wide selection of letter types a multicolour offset presses up to 70 X 100 cm a short lead times a high quality work Cukes for all occasions Wide selection of chocolates Pe tits-fo~rrs A l l hand-made. and also 10 order J A V A S T R A A T 261. TELEPHONE 070-6070 79 PHOTOGRAPHIC-TRADE LABORATORY U N I V E R S A P R E S S E 11 e.v For the professional development and printing of all your photographic w o r k JAN VAN NASSAUSTRAAT 40 2596 BT THE HAGUE TELEPHONE 070-24 42 42 Adjudicator Paul idorby has been a produccr at thc Lnivcrsily of Birmingham's Television and Film Unit for thc past 12 ?cars. Born in Wakefield, Yorkshire, Mr. blurby's training at the Leeds College of Music and Dramatic Art was interrupted by wartilul: scrvicc in thc Royal Navy. He returned to South Yorkshire aftcr the war l o produce arnakur drama and was latcr awrrrdcd it scholurship to the Old Vic. Theatre Schoul, Lundon. He has widc cxperiencc in reperlvry production and was Stage ,Manager for thc first uul of London tour wlth Wilfrid Pickles; and Stage Director and Company Manager, Produccr and Re-writer f'or the stage version of The Archers which played throughout t h e U.K.. Ile spent three years as BBC Floor Marrager o f the Drama, Children's arid Music Departments a1 Linic Grove, London, and I 3 years as BBC T V Producer Midlands Rcgion. h member of the Guild of Drama Adjudicators, Mr. Morby has judged numerous festivals in the U .K, including many youth d r a m festivals and the G.P.0. Drarrla Festivals. Last year, by invitation of the Zambian Theatre Association, hc adjudicated their a n n u d fcstival f u r adult *and senior secondary schools. Earlicr this ycar, he adjudicated the Drama, Music and Youlh Sections ot' the Festival of Acting and Musical Entertainment a t thc Old Rcp., Bkmingham. As a professional pfiotographer, h e is interested in portraiture and 'social documentation'. His tclcvision film-making activities h a w won him among others thc 1970 Bell 6% Howell Award fur Production and tllc 1980 BISFA Award in Amsterdam. llis most recent television recordings with the University are Be'rGnicc (Racine), L1,rcle Vanyu (Chekovj, Conqrcest of Granada (Uryden) arrd The Way of t h c World (Congrevej. THE BRITISH AMERICAN THEATRICAL SOCIETY, ANTWERP Barnstable by James Saunders Director: Erik Maes CAST Iielen Carboy Charles Carboy, hcr father The Reverend Wandsworth Teeter Daphne Carboy, Charles' wift Sandra, her maid Anne LrPoole Paul Rochr John Kingsmill G wen Kingsmill Anne Edwards Scene: Thc drawing room of tlw Carboy home on a spring morning. PRODUCTION STAFF Stagc Manager Ddwr designer DEwr Sound LightslProps Stage Crew Marcel Huhn Ron Williams Chris Bishop Chad Coussrnakcr Gwen liuhn, Ria Ycrvlier BATS Crew THE PLAY Barnstable might be an absurd approach t o recognizable reality. The part of BamstabIe dominates all other absurd characters o n stage in its simple (straightforward?) absurdity by the mere fact that he never appears on stage. Nevertheless, he is always present in the absurd world of thought of the protagonists, who in an absurd way continue t o experience their tangible realities, totally unaware of the presence of their even more absurd fellow humans, o r the absurdity of the destruction of the surrounding everyday absurd world. THE THEATRE COMPANY BATS, founded twenty-five years ago this year, now have 100 members and put on three plays per season plus a Xmas pantomime. Founding members of FEATS, they hosted the Festival in 1978. Past productions range from light comedies through serious drama (Antigone, last season) to classics like Tom Joner and Wild Oars. Initially their audience was predominantly British, but now half the average of 600 per night are Englishspeaking Flemish people. THE LEIDEN ENGLISH-SPEAKING THEATRE The Zoo Story by Edward Albee Director: Henry I. Schvey CAST Jerry Pcter Junkie Rick van Vlict Peter Lourens Jos van dcr Stccn PRODUCTlON STAFF Assistant Duector/Stagc Manager Building Coordina l01 Lights Prompt Costunies/Props Make-up Ton Hocnsclaars Pieter Manders Theo Bopcls Jos van der Sleen Monica Buys Cdcile Ver burg THE PLAY T h e Zoo Story was Edward Albee's first play, written in 1958. Despite this, it has none of the traces of a juvenile work and has already attained the status of a modem classic. Set in Central Park, New York City, on a sundrenched Sunday afternwn, The Zoo Story is a confrontation of antithetical lifestyles: between Peter who has, and Jeny who has not. But the aggressiveness of that confrontation should not blind u s to the fact that the play is also a desperate plea for contact and understanding from one member of the human zoo to another - an attempt to overcome the fact that all of us are condemned t o isolation in our separate cages. THE THEATRE COMPANY The Leiden English Speaking Theatre (LEST) was founded in 1975 by Dr. Henry I. Schvey in conjunction with students from the English Department of Leiden University. Among its major productions in recent years have been Wilder's Our Town, Rattigan's Sepamte Tables, Pinter's A Night Out and The Lover. In 1980 LEST'S widely acclaimed production of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing was invited on an extensive tour of the Netherlands, culminating in performances at the Universities of Oxford and Salford, U.K. The Zoo Story is part of a double bill which was commissioned by The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies for their tenth anniversary celebration in June, 1981. Subsequent performances are scheduled for Amsterdam and Leiden. FEAII 5TH FESTIVAL OF EUROPEAN ANG FRIDAY, 5 JUNE 1981 20.00 Barnstable by James Saunders The British American Theatrical Society (BATS) Antwerp, Belgium Interval: 20 minutes 2 1 .OS The Zoo Story by Edward Albee The Leiden EnglishSpeaking Theatre (LEST) Netherlands Interval: 20 minutes 22.10 The Respectable Wedding by Bertolt Brecht The Anglo-American Theatre Group (AATG) The Hague, Netherlands The audience is kindly requested to remain seated for the adjudication by Mr. Paul Morby SATURDAY, 6 JUNE 1981 20.00 Two Summers by Gillian Plowman The Ariel Theatre Guild (ATG), MZSnchengladbach, Federal Rep. of Germany 21.05 Deep Blue Sea (Act 11) b y Terence Rattigan The Hamburg Players (HP), Federal Rep. of Germany 22.10 Absurd Person Singular (Act 11) by Alan Ayckbourn The Kent Players, (KP) Hostert, Federal Rep. of Germany The audience is kindly requested to remain seated for the adjudicatlon by Mr. Paul Morby rS '81 ;LOPHONE THEATRICAL SOCIETIES SUNDAY, 7 JUNE l98 1 20.00 A Slight Accident by James Saunders The Highbury Little Theatre (HLT) Sutton Coldfield, U.K. Interval: 20 minutes 2 1.05 Miss in Her Teens by David Garrick The English Corned y Club (ECC) Brussels, Belgium Interval: 20 minutes 22.10 m e Orchestra by Jean Anouilh The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) Luxembourg The audience is kindly asked to remain seated for the Festival adjudication by Mr. Paul Morby Presentation of the Awuds by Mr M. van Erkel, Director for International Reladons, Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Affairs ............... ...................... Phillips Petroleum Cup - Best Production:. Luxembourg Cup - Runner up:. Grand Duchy Cup - Best Set: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anthony Cornish Adjudicator's Discretionary Award : Trophy for the Best Actor: Trophy for the Best Actress: .............................. .......................... ......................... Please note: The f i r ~ rplay each evening will start promptly at 20.00. The times of the mcceeding plays may vary slightly. Taverne Grill Steak-House Speciality - Spare ribs Closed Wednesdays - Dr. LELYKADE 15 SCHEVENIMGEN -TEL. 070-5553 58 will be your right hand all over the world WEISSENBRUCHSTRAAT 39 THE HAGUE I TEL. (070)24 55 4 2 THE ANGLO-AMERICAN THEATRE GROUP, THE HAGUE The Respectable Wedding by Bertolt Brecht Director: Rod. 0 . West, assisted by Fay Ellis CAST T l ~ cBride's Fathcr The Bridegroom's Molhcr Thc Bridc Her Sister Thc B~idcgroom His Friend Th c Wifc Her Husband Thc Young Man Alexander Kroonenberg Meryl van Eek Judith Fabian Jannic HourveMg Peter Clemcrson Erns1 Enschede Lindi Meaney Brian Evans David Morris PRODUCTION STAFF Sragc Manager Asst. Stage Manager & Props Set Sound Lights Costumes Ma kc-up Hair Styling Joc Dye Pcnny West John Humphrcy David Cummergcn Chriv Ellis DeUa Johnson Keith Bayross Rosalind Cummergcn THE PLAY Not so funny when you're the respected son of a managing director and you discover your girl-friend is pregnant. Especially when your first couple of plays are good (you know it); and an enforced marriage in a slow German town could trap you in a perhaps inescapable straitjacket of conformity. In such a situation the man destined to become the Theatre's great innovator wrote this examination o f a state of marriage which may have involved himselves. THE THEATRE COMPANY AATC celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and has just completed its 52nd production. Programme profits given t o charity approach the f 100,000 mark. With membership open t o all English-speaking peoples, the 180 members include many Dutch and some of other nationality. As weU as the two major annual productions and monthly play readings, the AATG stages a yearly children's show, some little theatre productions, cabarets and other in-house events. As organizer of the first FEATS in Rotterdam in 1976, the Group is pleased to host FEATS81 and welcomes all participants to its home city, The Hague. THE ARlEL THEATRE GUILD, MONCHENGLADBACH Two Summers by Gillian Plowman Director: A l b a t Riiey, misted by Frank Bulmer CAST Thc Colonel's Wife The Sergcanl Thc Old Woman Thc Old Man The Colonel The Stcward PRODUCTION STAFF Manager Designer Sound Stage Ligh ls Stage Crew Costumes Make-up Welfare Ann EUendcr MO Watt Bctty Franklin Peter Grist Diccon Masterman Tim Uheatley David Coward Nathan Perch Rick Drury Tony Thorpc Jim Boyd and Lcs Julian Jan Saundcrs Sue Shaxon Frank Franklin THE PLAY This first play by Gillian Plowman won her the 1980 RAF Theatre Association play-writing competition. It receives only its second production (and its Continental prernihre) at FEATS%1. Time is spanned t o set the action simultaneously in a Colonel's house in Singapore in 1932 and a n English cottage in 1972. A sergeant is asked to provide music for the social occasions given by the Colonel and his wife. Chopin acts as a catalyst for the wife's discontent. The echoes of her ensuing behaviour still reverberate forty years later. THE THEATRE COMPANY The Guild is one of three dramatic societies at NATO H.Q. Rheindahlen. Over 25 years old, this predominantly Royal Air Force society also has a strong civilian membership and some Army members. Thc Guild normally presents about four major productions per year in the Garrison Theatre, Rheindden. I n addition, i t has an active social programme of ge t-togethen to indulge invaried forms of Thespian activity. The Guild is proud to mark their first appearance in FEATS with a new play written by a former Guild member. 'Our involvement in Buren is one way of demonstrating Mobil's commitment to the community in which we operate. If we can gain recognition for our contribution to Dutch society while at the same time giving support to such a worthwhile activity as the restoration of this fine old church, I believe that everyone benefits. I believe that there is an important rble for business to play in supporting cultural and community activities.' MADE POSSIBLE BY MESUPPORT OF Mobil These words were spoken by Herbert Detharding, President of Mobil Oil BV during the official opening of 'Buren in Beweging', a community cultural project comprising an art exhibition, theatre season and annual fair, the 'Jaarmarkt.'These activities aimed to raise the final money needed for the restoration of the St. Lambertus church in Buren. 9 NY Slavenburgk Bank Head ofice Rotterdam Branches all over the Netherlands Affiliations and branches in New York, Los Angeles, London 'S- Gravenhage Parkstraat 24 - 28 Laan van Meerdervoort 129 Nieuw Uitleg 34 Theresiastraat 26 (070) 469664 (070) 469747 (070) 646850 (070) 837708 Geestbrugweg 21 - 23 (070) 983 1 34 THE HAMBURG PLAYERS Deep Blue Sea (Act 11) I , by Terence Rattigan Director: Peter Bigelestone CAST Freddie Pagc Jackie Jackson HesterCollycr Mr. Miller Sir Williarn Collyer Robert McEwan-Read Peter Wintgens Elizabeth FIerning Dieter Richert Slim CoweU Scene: The sitting room of a furnished flat in London during a September afternoon in 1952. PRODUCTION STAFF Stage Manager Assisistdnrs Douglas J ohnson Pcter Mason, Peter Hall, Peter Reinhold and Cathy Jones THE PLAY The anguish of a society woman is depicted as she leaves her rich, influential husband out of physical attraction for a younger, socially inferior, ex-RAF pilot. Her young lover's inadequacies lead her to attempted suicide which, when he discovers it only widens the gap between them. The play outlines the emotional battle between 'the devil and the deep blue sea': should she return to the security and affection of her husband or try to hold on to the man she loves, even though she knows they can never be happy together. THE THEATRE COMPANY Formed in 1965 the Company has at present around 100 members, half of which are actively engaged in three annual productions, playing to audiences of almost 3,000. Profits ensure continuity of standard and the maintenance of the clubhouse where rehearsals take place and other activities are staged for members and their friends t o raise money for worthwhile charities. Over the years, more than DM 25,000 in cash or kind has been given to orphanages, retarded children's special schools and old people's homes. Nationale-Nederlanden, one of Europe's leading insurance groups, carries soundness, security and service high in its banner. Providing security and giving the best possible service the world over is our business: in Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle and Far East and Australia. Nationale-Nederlanden is engaged in Life, all classes of non-Life and professional Reinsurance and other diversified financial activities. m Nstionsle-Nederlanden The Hague/Rotterdam THE KENT PLAYERS, HOSTERT Absurd Person Singular (Act 11) by Alan Ayckbourn Director: Drnny Strike CAST Sidney Janc Ronald Marion Ceoffrcy Ev a Prompt Jeff Harris Tina SheUcy Austen Welch Sylvia Becketl Roger Fetherston Jan Weh Linda Lodge Y RODUCTION STAFF Stage Manager Set Devign Set Construction Sound Lights Props Front+[-House Business Manager Derek Ebbage Allan A. Roach Doug Anderson and Pat Cassidy Martin Woods Robert Wallace Barbara Stainsby Allyson Wallace Ron Ion THE PLAY Absurd Person Singuhr is a comedy of character and situation. In its burlesque and caricature, it is like all good comedy not without a certain social comment. THE THEATRE COMPANY Kent Players was formed three years ago by teachers of the Kent School, Hostert, a comprehensive school catering for the childnn of British Servicemen in Germany. In its short history, Kent Players has been winner and runnerup of the British Forces Germany Drama Festival, and Winner of FEATS '80. THE HIGHBURY LITTLE THEATRE, SUTTON COLDFIELD A Slight Accident by James Saunders Director: Hazel Lendreth CAST Penclope Camilla Rodger Harry PRODUCTION STAFF Stagc Manager Sound Lights Props Prornptcr Margaret Binks Sara Fielding Justin Power Michael Hughes Rob Jones Ros Jones Roger Fielding Judy Hopkin Constance Crainger THE PLAY A Slight Accident is a comedy of two women friends and their husbands. One of the women sums up the play thus: 'There's the normal course of events carrying itself along as usual in a nice straight grey line, and then suddenly out of the blue there's this ludicrous occurrence.' THE THEATRE COMPANY Highbury Little Theatre is a private-membership theatre seating 116 people. It is owned by the Company and was one of the founder members of the Little Theatre Guild of Great Britain. The first meeting of the Group that became Highbury Little Theatre took place in 1924 and performances were given in church halls and the like. The Theatre itself opened in 1942, being built literally brick by brick by the members of the Company, several of whom are still actively connected with the Theatre. The Company stages scven productions a year, apart from Youth Theatre productions, studio shows and one-nightatands by professional groups. THE ENGLISH COMEDY CLUB, BRUSSELS Miss in Her Teens by David Garrick Director: Maggy Williamn CAST Miss Biddy Bellair Aunt Tag, her maidservant Captain Loveit Suitors Fzibble Flash to Biddy Sir Simon Lovcit Puff, servant to ~pt.Loveit Jasper, a m n t to Sir Simon I Susan Blackwell Sarah Scheele Brenda Dyke Guy Andrew Colin Black Vivian Auer Michael Waugh lan Dans David Williams Scene: London, a street and chamber. PRODUCTION STAFF Stage Manager Set Master Carpenter Sound Kits Costumes Props Nicky Haniron Bob Bendsr Treeve Jelbert Stephen Harman John Hart Vicky Creighton-Williamson Pukko Saijonmaa THE PLAY This is an afterpiece. During the 18th and 19th centuries. the mah. often tragic, fiveact ;ntcrtainment was followcd by a shon, often funny, play to lighten the evening's closinb mood. Gamck, the greatest actor in an age i f brilliant acting and a successful theatre manager, is less well-known as an author. Of his 31 plays, the most interesting Miss I n Her Teens (written in 1747) has an innovatory blend of shortened comedy, satiric farce and naturalism which was much imitated in the rest of the century. THE THEATRE COMPANY Founded in 1909. the ECC is one of the Continent's oldest E n M amateur dramatic gro;ps, although plays were put o n in Brussels English as earlv as 1860. Current membershiv is around 250. In addition to about four major productions performed each season, a number of music halls, cabarets and workshops are organized. A large part of the proceeds goes to Belgian-based charities. Involved in FEATS from the start, the ECC forms part of the Festival SteeringCommittee;and won first place in 1976 and 1978. THE NEW WORLD THEATRE CLUB, LUXEMBOURG The Orchestra by Jean Anouilh Director: Peter Cur-North CAST Patticis (Violin) Pamela (Violln) Madame Hortense (Double Bass and Leader of the Orehnrra) Suzanne DCliciar (Cellos) Ann Overstall Margaret Love Hilary Dawson Wendy Dunning Ernmeline (Violin) Hilary Guerra LCona (Flute) lrene Lowy Chris Bearne Monsieur ~ebonie( ~ a n a ~of er Brasserie) Waiter PRODUCTION STAFF Stage Manager Set Sound Lights Costumes Props Makwp Prompter David Buckley Tim Thornas Grahsm Fairfax-Jones Piem DiUenburg Bill Bray Jim Ashton Annabel Shand David Buckley Geraldine Ashton Lu Can-North THE PLAY The chat, gossip and bitchery of a ladies ensemble are orchestrated into an ingenious and original work by Anodh. Scra~inn - - out schmaltzv music in a &tipation sufterers' spa iearoom, each musician hares both soul and a toothily false smile at the audience. indukina in an o m of selfrevelation in-boasting over sex. Suzanne'is poise&vely in 'ibve with M. U o n who, with an invalid wife, findssolace in Mme. Hortense's ample bosom. THE THEATRE COMPANY The New World Theatre Club of Luxembourg, hosts of FEATS '80 and winners in 1979,isarelativeIy small group of 40 who present,on average, three major pmductionsannually plusin-house shows, etc.. Over the years the Club has presented a variety of entertainment (Shakespeare, farce, melodrama, revue) t o Englishspeaking audiences, many of whom are their friends the Luxembourgers. with best wishes from g3 National Westminster Bank d and All The World Is Our Stage The hum of voices, the waving of hands,and then the lights are dimmed and the curtains are raised: that's theatre. On the stage of everyday's world Jones Lang Woonon plays an important role, as international real estate advisers. With expertise in the following areas: 0 investment lening sales research auctions 0 hvestment a n a ~ acquhitib~ 0 development .fiance 0 sales and lease back valuation bui& sumwing estate management 0 building management 0 project management Jones Lang Wootton h.v. J. W. Brouwersplein 25,1071LM Amsterdam. Tel. 020 - 64 1616. Westhlaak 109,3012K . Rotterdam. Tel. 010-110440.