HIRE • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT Reference Guide V1.1 info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Contact Details CONTACT: Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Merton Industrial Park Jubilee Way Wimbledon London SW19 3WL Main Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4800 Reception Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4801 Reception Skype . . . . . . . . . . . white.light.sw19 DIRECT TEAM LINES: Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4820 Sales & Installation . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4840 Live Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4870 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4740 Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4610 DIRECT TEAM FAX LINES: Hire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4821 Sales & Installation . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4841 Live Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4871 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4741 Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 8254 4611 DIRECT TEAM EMAIL ADDRESSES: Hire@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk Sales@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk Projects@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk Live-Events@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk Service@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk HIRE • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Introduction About White Light Founded in 1971, White Light now has more than thirty-five years experience in supplying creative lighting solutions to the entertainment and live event industries. Our heritage is in theatre: our first job was the transfer of The Rocky Horror Show from the Royal Court Theatre Upstairs to the Kings Road Theatre. We still supply tours of that show to this day - as well as supplying equipment to shows of all types and scales, whether two lights to a school play or fringe production or a complete rig to the largest West End musicals. As we have done throughout our history, we aim to provide lighting designers with the tools and technology they need to realise their visions. While some still think of us as just a theatrical lighting hire company, our work now spreads far beyond this into every area where lighting is used as part of entertainment. Our Sales team can supply anything from a single sheet of colour to a complete lighting rig - including installation, if required. Our Service engineers maintain and support dimmers, lighting desks and other equipment for theatres around the country either as required or through longterm service contracts. We also offer a complete lighting service, with our Live Events Lighting team able to design, specify, install and crew corporate, event or party projects as well as supplying the lighting equipment itself and taking care of all of the health and safety and risk assessment documentation that such projects now require. Through our Training Initiative training and education programme we work to ensure that those working in the industry are kept as up-to-date as possible with the latest equipment. And where nothing exists to fill a particular need, we make products of our own, notably our VSFX optical effect system, in use on shows around the world. Put all of this together and you have White Light in the twenty-first century, a multi-faceted company employing over one hundred people in Wimbledon. Our online lighting shop, www.lxstore.com, offers online access to smaller items from our extensive sales stock. While our website, www.WhiteLight.Ltd.uk is a comprehensive guide to both the products and services. In these changing times, both at home and in the world at large, White Light provides a familiar touchstone offering superb service and support as it has done for more than three decades. info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k I1 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Introduction - other lighting services offered by White Light Live Events Lighting We offer a complete lighting service for corporate productions, events, parties and more, with our corporate events lighting teams offering any combination of equipment rental, lighting design, equipment specification, installation, crewing and operation, including taking care of health and safety and risk assessment documentation. Tel: Fax: Email: Web: 020 8254 4870 020 8254 4871 Live-Events@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk www.WhiteLight.Ltd.uk/corporate-events HIRE I2 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Introduction - other lighting services offered by White Light Installation As well as supplying new lighting equipment via our Sales team, we have built a strong reputation for supplying and installing complete lighting systems, whether updating older installations or installing new ones. Whatever your lighting installation needs, our experienced Projects team will meet or exceed your requirements on time and on budget. Tel: Fax: Email: Web: 020 8254 4840 020 8254 4841 Projects@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk www.WhiteLight.Ltd.uk/installation info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k I3 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Introduction - other lighting services offered by White Light Technical Services and Service Contracts Whether it's a simple manual lighting controller or a complex, thousanddimmer installation, a smoke machine or the very latest moving light, at some point it will need care and attention, either service or repair. We can help! Our Service team has experience of an enormous range of equipment, gained supporting our rental stock and the equipment of the many theatres and other installations around the country that choose us to service and support their equipment. Tel: Fax: Email: Web: 020 8254 4740 020 8254 4741 Service@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk www.WhiteLight.Ltd.uk/service HIRE I4 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Introduction - other lighting services offered by White Light The Training Initiative The Training Initiative is our popular training and education scheme, established as a way of sharing our collective knowledge with the rest of the industry. The Training Initiative runs regular courses covering many areas of lighting technology that allow anyone involved in lighting - students, those involved in amateur theatre or those working professionally - to broaden their skills in particular areas or their familiarity with particular items of equipment. We also run a popular series of Schools Lighting masterclasses, introducing school pupils and teachers to the possibilities offered by entertainment lighting. Full details of scheduled courses can be found either on the White Light website or on www.LXstore.com, where you can book training online. Tel: Fax: Email: Web: 020 8254 4800 020 8254 4801 Training@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk www.WhiteLight.Ltd.uk/training info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k I5 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Introduction Notes: HIRE I6 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE • Reference Guide GOBOS WHITE LIGHT GOBOS ................................................................................................................................page no. Gobo Size and Holder Reference .......................................................G1 Gobo Information ..............................................................................................................G2 DHA Animation Disks ................................................................................................G3 Animation and Moving Effects Ideas ...........................................G3 DHA/Rosco Gobos ..........................................................................................................G5 Goboland Gobos ............................................................................................................G27 HIRE • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE GOBOS WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos Gobo Size and Holder Reference DHA/Rosco recommended Gobo and Holder Strand Patt.23 B size Quartet M size Prelude B size Harmony A size Cantata B size Cadenza A size Alto A size Toccata A size SL B size CCT Minuette M size Silhouette A size Zero 88 Focus M size Altman Leko(all) B size Shakespeare B size ETC Source Four B size GH08 GH33 GH73 GH74 GH73 GH07 GH07 GH07 GH73 GH15 GH01 GH15 GH09 GH09 GH59 (fixed degree and zooms) Source Four Jr. M size GH63 All other manufacturers including ADB, Thomas, Teatro, Pani, Robert Juliat holders are available, contact the Sales team. Alternative gobo holders available (e.g. A size for Source Four). Rotatable Holders CCT Silhouette rotatable gobo holder CCT Minuette rotatable gobo holder DHA Tadpole rotator, fits standard gobo holder (A size) (M size) (A & B size) (M size) Gobo Rotators Single RTR004 RTR003 RTR004 CCT Silhouette (B size) ETC Source Four (B size) Selecon Pacific info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • Double RTR204 RTR203 RTR204 w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G1 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos Animation Discs and Motors - Fixed speed (1, 2, 5, 10rpm) or Varispeed CCT – Minuette/Zero 88 Focus DC size Disc AMU125/DC Quartet/Prelude DC size Disc AMU150/DC ETC – Source Four DC size Disc AMU160/DC ADB A59Z DC size Disc AMU155/DC Cantata/Optique DD size Disc AMU185/DD Selecon Pacific 14º-45º, 12/28º, 90º DD size Disc AMU185/DD Selecon Zoomspot 1200 DD size Disc AMU185/DD ETC - Source Four Zoom DE size Disc AMU190/DE This is not a complete list. Separate catalogues available for gobos and animation discs, please contact the Sales team. Gobo Information Separate catalogues are available detailing designs. We can also supply Goboland gobos, LEE, Apollo and Great American Market (GAM) gobos to order. DHA/Rosco gobos are available in A, B, D, E and M sizes as standard. Gobos must be used with relevant holder. DHA Gobos A Size 100mm dia B Size 86mm dia D Size 53.3mm dia E Size 37.5mm dia M Size 65.5mm dia Please note that some detailed designs may not be available in the smaller sizes. Custom Produced Gobos We can produce custom made gobos from your own design (allow 7 days). Other sizes and coloured dichroic are available. Glass and coloured dichroic gobos can be custom made, please contact the Sales team for information. HIRE G2 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos DHA Animation Disks We are the main stockists for DHA/Rosco gobo range. A sample of the range of gobos is shown on the following pages. We also stock the DHA/Rosco Animation Discs in both Hire and Sales. Motor units for many types of lanterns are available; a wide range of discs are available. Pattern 11Tangential Pattern 12 Radial Breakup Pattern 13 Spiral Breakup Pattern 14 Linear Breakup Pattern 15 Triangle Breakup Pattern 16 Cloud Breakup Pattern 17 Elliptical Breakup Pattern 18 Dot Breakup Pattern 19 Flicker Wheel Pattern 20 Coarse Radial Breakup Pattern 21 Coarse Tangential Breakup Pattern 22 Colour Wheel Animation and Moving Effects Ideas Using animation discs and gobos many different images can be produced, examples of which are shown on the next page. For more ideas contact the Hire or Sales teams. info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G3 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos Blowing flames Gobo 176 + or Gobo 175 Disc 13 either orientation 1, 2 or 5 rpm Alternative Animation discs: Elliptical Breakup 17 (gives regular movement). Dot Breakup 18. Alternative Gobos: Any of the Fire and Flames gobos may be used. Use strips of red, orange or yellow gel attached to the disc. Reflected Water Gobo 903 + Alternative Gobos: Elliptical Breakup 17 (irregular movement) or Gobo 906 Disc 12 either orientation 0.25, 1 or 2 rpm Clouds Gobo 163 + Disc 16 mounted above lens 0.25 or 1 rpm Any non-meshed cloud gobo. or or Gobo 164 Gobo 168 or or Gobo 167 Gobo 170 Gobo 895 Gobo 891 or or Gobo 961 Gobo 929 or or Gobo 931 Gobo 892 Nightclub and Disco Effects Laser cone works particularly well in smoke as the tags create an impression of high speed rotation. Gobo Rotator Gobo 894 Note: All of the above gobos are best projected through smoke or at an oblique angle onto a wall or other surface. HIRE G4 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco DHA/Rosco Gobos 633 VANISHING ELIPSES 634 VANISHING SQUARES 635 FIZZY 636 SHAPES BREAKUP 1 637 VANISHING TRIANGLES 642 TRIANGLES (Small) 641 MULTI COILS 640 SHAPES BREAKUP 2 807 DOT BREAKUP (S) 53 DOT BREAKUP (M) 808 DOT BREAKUP (L) 569 ELIPSES 570 SPONGED 280 JAWS 1 238-285 SHARP BREAKUP (M) 810 SHARP BREAKUP (L) 879 TRIANGLE BREAKUP 418 CRACKLE 423 STRIPES 424 PLAID 401 LINEAR 1 info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G5 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 402 LINEAR 2 501 LINEAR 3 502 LINEAR 4 503 LINEAR 5 504 LINEAR 6 561 LINEAR 7 562 LINEAR 8 564 LINEAR WEAVE 351 STREAKS 530 THREADS 524 SQUARES 420 RECTILINEAR 421 WRECTILINEAR 411 CROSSWORD 412 ORIGAMI 432 SPELLBOUND 433 CONCEPTION 956 CAMOUFLAGE (Brown) 957 CAMOUFLAGE (Green) 811 SOFT BREAKUP 238-221 BREAKUP (Small) HIRE G6 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 238-222 BREAKUP (Large) 417 TANGLE 591 SCRIBBLE 2 912 SCRIBBLE 910 ECCENTRIC SQUARES 911 SWIRLS 113 UNDULATION 8124 SPARKLES 915 FOAM 238-254 ARABESQUE 419 TWIST 577 CURLY COILS 582 TYE DYE 583 CIRCLES 593 FOREST FLOOR 405 DAPPLE (Small) 406 DAPPLE (Medium) 407 DAPPLE (Large) 408 OCELOT (Small) 409 OCELOT (Medium) 410 OCELOT (Large) info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G7 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 119 LEAF BREAKUP (S) 805 LEAF BREAKUP (M) 806 LEAF BREAKUP (L) 447 LEAF BREAKUP (Dist) 803 FOLIAGE (Small) 103 FOLIAGE (Medium) 804 FOLIAGE (Large) 446 FOLIAGE (Distorted) 117 VINE LEAVES 105 BLOSSOMS 109 BLOSSOMS DETAIL 238-232 REALISTIC LEAVES 238-233 DENSE LEAVES 238-280 DENSE LEAF (Det) 238-282 BAMBOO LEAVES 238-231 JUNGLE LEAF 126 JUNGLE LEAVES 593 FERNS 592 FIR CONES 102 ABSTRACT LEAVES 108 WHEAT PATTERN HIRE G8 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 116 RICE PATTERN 238-288 WEB 572 AUTUMN BREAKUP 120 HOLLY 595 BARK TEXTURE 594 BARK 114 TREE 1 100 TREE 2 320 TREE 3 404 TREE 4 101 TREE 5 110 TREE 6 238-234 PINE TREE 838 PALM TREE 238-235 BARE BRANCHES 1 549 M.GUERRE BRANCHES 1 550 M.GUERRE BRANCHES 2 115 DENSE BRANCHES 106 BARE BRANCHES 2 238-278 B. BRANCHES REV 864 BRANCHING LEAVES (N) info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G9 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 107 PINE BRANCHES 863 BRANCHING LEAVES (P) 841 FOREST 548 BIRCHES 238-281 BAMBOO 127 PALM LEAF 862 SPOOKY WOOD 386 FLORAL 1 240 FLORAL 2 238-273 FLOWERS 533 FLORAL 4 547 FLORAL 7 546 SCRUB 907 WATER LINES 908 DOODLES 909 SWALLOWS 914 MOSAIC 913 BRUSHSTROKES 534 BRUSHSTROKE 1 535 BRUSHSTROKE 2 528 EASTERN LATTICE HIRE G10 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 526 ALLEGRO 523 SONATA 387 REQUIEM 391 GEOMETRICS 1 392 GEOMETRICS 2 393 GEOMETRICS 3 389 GEOMETRICS 4 395 GEOMETRICS 5 520 GEOMETRICS 6 226 GEOMETRICS 7 522 GEOMETRICS 8 347 GEOMETRICS 9 390 GEOMETRICS 10 394 GEOMETRICS 11 396 GEOMETRICS 12 648 GEOMETRICS 13 529 TRACERY 2 597 DIAMOND LATTICE 238-284 AZTEC SUN 238-283 ANTIQUE ROSETTE 238-262 CONCENTRIC RINGS info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G11 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 238-261 SPIRAL 238-251 RADIAL LINES 8023 RANDOM LINES 440 “SAIGON” ROOFS 1 441 “SAIGON” ROOFS 2 238-253 LASHES 415 TRIANGLES 93 HEARTS 414 RECTANGLES 174 POW 218 SPLAT 943 HEART 8001 SINGLE STAR 8121 MOON AND STARS 238-268 STARS & STRIPES 8005 STAR OF DAVID 156 STAR A 157 STAR B 573 PING 574 ROUNDEL 439 COMPASS ROSE HIRE G12 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 112 STARS 1 317 STARS 3 238-252 STARS 4 388 STARS 5 932 STARS 6 8122 STARS 7 8123 STARS 8 8161 ASTROLOGY 598 3D STAR 8041 SMALL SQUARES 8042 LARGE SQUARES 8043 SMALL DIAMONDS 8044 LARGE DIAMONDS 8045 VERTICAL LINES 8046 PERSPECTIVE LINES 8047 PERSPECTIVE LINES 2 8049 CHESSBOARD 8050 CHEQUERED FLAG 90 BARS 507 STRANDS 508 SLATS info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G13 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 621 NO STRINGS 980 JAIL BARS 622 JAIL BARS SHADOW 623 WIRE 977 “LES MIS” GRILL 1 978 “LES MIS” GRILL 2 979 “LES MIS” GRILL 3 985 “LES MIS” GRILL 4 986 “LES MIS” GRILL 5 987 “LES MIS” GRILL 6 544 GRILL 7 545 GRILL 8 935 JIGSAW 937 FILM STRIP 429 ACADEMIA 896 NEBULA 899 COSMIC 8081 HOROSCOPE 929 WHIRL 427 PINWHEEL 422 TANGENTS HIRE G14 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 930 TUNNEL VISION 931 SWIRL 428 ALLSORTS 927 VORTEX 615 JAGGED SQUARES 897 HANGOVER 916 BEAM 8073 CIRCLES 1 894 BEAM SPLITTER 917 LASER DOTS 918 LASER WEAVE 616 JAGGED CIRCLES 919 RADIAL BARS 895 VECTORS 8070 STARBURST 8167 ROMAN WHEEL 923 SPOKES 926 SOLITAIRE 925 RATCHET 928 CARTWHEEL 949 SKULL & CROSSBONES info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G15 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 962 QUESTION MARK 963 ARROW 964 SINGLE CROSS 8065 3D CROSS 1 8061 PLAIN CROSS 8062 GOTHIC CROSS 8063 SAXON CROSS 967 FIRST AID 437 OLYMPIC RINGS 438 EUROPEAN STARS 968 POUNDS 969 DOLLARS 970 NO SMOKING 436 CUPID 972 PRINTED CIRCUIT 920/1/2 CLOCK COMPOSITE 866/7/8 UNION JACK COMPOSITE 869/70/71 STARS & STRIPES COMPOSITE 876 EUROPE 875 BRITISH ISLES 877 AMERICA HIRE G16 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 8085 UNITED NATIONS 341 HAMMER & SICKLE 238-265 EAGLE 878 THE WORLD 8088 WORLD MAP 946 JAPAN 558 CHINESE DRAGON 975 SYDNEY 304 ARC DE TRIOMPHE 305 EIFFEL TOWER 820 PARIS 8142 PISA 8143 ROME 203 NEW YORK 307 STATUE OF LIBERTY 434 MANHATTAN 8113 HOLLYWOOD 815 TOWER BRIDGE 816 LONDON 442 PYLONS 8021 GHETTO 1 info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G17 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 973 INDUSTRY 945 TALL SHIP 302 SKYLINE 1 306 SKYLINE 2 238-241 FIRE ESCAPES 818 FIRE ESCAPE 842 FANTASY CASTLE 822 NIGHTLIGHTS 1 823 NIGHTLIGHTS 2 238-286 CITY LIGHTS 444 BRIGHT LIGHTS 308 BROADWAY 1 309 BROADWAY 2 443 SKYSCRAPERS 825 MONTAGE 509A NEON 1 509B NEON 2 8137 MOUNTAIN 802 COMPLETE 145 ROSE 537 STAINED GLASS HIRE G18 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 885 GOTHIC ROSE (Blue) 845 MEDIEVAL 846 GOTHIC 847 NORMAN 147 BELFRY 856 YORK MINSTER 238-205 CHURCH WINDOWS 144 CLERESTORY 146 PERPENDICULAR 8083 TUDOR ROSE 158 HERALDICS 7 162 HERALDICS 1 132 HERALDICS 2 159 HERALDICS 3 128 HERALDICS 4 180 HERALDICS 5 207 HERALDICS 6 135 REGENCY 137 VERNACULAR 238-203 DBL HUNG WINDOW 643 DOUBLE HUNG SHADOW info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G19 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 142 GEORGIAN 644 GEORGIAN SHADOW 238-206 TRACERY 138 “CATS” WINDOW 238 STATESMAN 148 ELIZABETHAN 350 TUDOR 513 ELLIPTICAL 511 LINEAR 136 CIRCULAR 139 VENETIAN 645 VENETIAN SHADOW 140 IMPERIAL 141 JACOBEAN 124 LATTICE 337 EASTERN 336 RENAISSANCE 624 STREET WINDOW 541 VICTORIAN 143 FRENCH WINDOWS 238-204 FRENCH DOORS HIRE G20 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 976 FRENCH DOORS 2 901 TRAIN WINDOW 902 TRAIN WINDOW 2 905 OPENING DOOR 215 LOUVRE 542 TROPICAL WINDOW 904 VENETIAN BLIND 2 238-202 VENETIAN BLIND 646 BLIND SHADOW 238-201 SHUTTERS 981 BASKET WEAVE 8034 PICKET GATE 950 INT.LOCK DRY STONE WALL 1 951 INT.LOCK DRY STONE WALL 2 952 TILES 519 STONE WALL 527 BRICKS 619 RIVER BED 238-287 COBBLESTONES 543 CRAZED 8093 TIGER info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G21 WHITE LIGHT Reference Guide • Gobos - DHA/Rosco 8089 DOVE OF PEACE 8095 GULL 947 BAT 129 NEGATIVE WEB 130 HALF WEB 8090 MOTH 238-211 CLOUD 1 238-212 CLOUD 2 238-214 CLOUD 4 163 CLOUD 5 164 CLOUD 6 165 CLOUD 7 166 CLOUD 8 168 CLOUD 10 169 CLOUD 11 170 CLOUD 12 448 CLOUDS (Distorted) 600 ALTO CUMULUS* 8169 CHILDISH CLOUDS 827 CIRRO STRATUS 1 603 CUMULO NIMBUS 1* *Mesh Gobo only available in A & B size HIRE G22 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 601 ANVIL PLUME* 602 NIMBUS* 701/G CUMULUS GLASS 610 STRATO CUMULUS* 830 CUMULUS* 703/G NIMBUS GLASS 702/G CIRRUS GLASS 700/G MOON GLASS 893 WHIRLPOOL 989 “LES MIS” WHIRLPOOL 903 REFLECTED WATER 1 906 REFLECTED WATER 2 833 WATER 1 958 WATER 4 627 WATER 5 959 WATERFALL 626 RIVER 8129 RIPPLE (Small) 8130 RIPPLE (Large) 955 RIPPLE BREAKUP 425 SWELL *Mesh Gobo only available in A & B size info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G23 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 514 STAR CLUSTER 154 HALF MOON 848 MOON PHASES 8163 MAN IN THE MOON 849 GALAXY 171 RAINBOW A 172 RAINBOW B 173 RAINBOW C 884 SNOW 882 SHOWER 238-271 SNOWFLAKES 837 SNOWFALL 153 CRYSTAL 178 LIGHTNING 1 177 LIGHTNING 2 628 LIGHTNING 3 630 LIGHTNING 5 238-276 LIGHTNING BRANCH 175 FLAMES 1 238-275 FIRE/WAVES 176 FLAMES 2 HIRE G24 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 859 FLAMES 3 960 FLAMES 4 400 SUN 961 RISING “SAIGON” SUN 8162 SMILING SUN 853 MIDNIGHT SUN 854 MIDNIGHT SNOW 430 CHAMPAGNE 944 CELEBRATION BELLS 982 HAPPY NEW YEAR 940 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 939 MERRY CHRISTMAS 303 BALLOONS 557 SKELETON 8105 HAPPY PUMPKIN 234 WITCH 8104 WICKED WITCH 948 HALLOWEEN 8103 GHOST 1 554 GHOST 4 555 BLACK WITCH info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G25 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - DHA/Rosco 238-270 MUSIC 933 PIANO BAR 8102 HAUNTED HOUSE 936 TRAGEDY & COMEDY 8114 CABARET 934 SOLO SAXOPHONE 8112 JOKER 435 A PIANO FORTE 8111 TAP DANCING 300 DANCE 238-269 RITZ 431 MAGIC For the complete collection of DHA/Rosco gobos, please visit: www.DHAlighting.co.uk HIRE G26 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - Goboland Goboland Gobos polar star 2 100 007 XXX dancing star break up 2 101 006 XXX nebula galaxy 2 110 020 XXX dappled cloud medium 2 120 015 XXX sun rays 2 120 031 XXX lightning 1 2 130 025 XXX 7 flakes of snow 2 140 011 XXX shaded tunnel 2 165 005 XXX dot pattern 1 2 170 003 XXX lines 2 2 180 002 XXX Rubik 2 2 190 002 XXX tri-square 2 200 010 XXX radar cross swoop 2 220 015 XXX swirling 2 221 002 XXX tunnel warp 3 2 221 027 XXX oval break up 1 2 230 001 XXX irregular break up large 2 230 022 XXX Japanese pattern 2 2 230 032 XXX ❘ ❘ P Premium Collection ▲ Small size gobo design available ● Glass gobo design available XXX = size: 100 (A-size) - 860 (B-size) - 660 (M-size) - 373 (Robe/MAC2K) info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G27 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - Goboland metal grid 1 2 240 003 XXX oak leaves 2 260 030 XXX pebbles 2 270 001 XXX stoned 6 2 270 003 XXX droplets medium 2 270 046 XXX angelfish shoal 2 277 666 XXX dappled light 5 2 280 005 XXX romantic leaves 2 280 012 XXX branches 1 2 285 001 XXX branches 10 2 285 010 XXX flame break up 2 290 001 XXX waves 2 large 2 300 003 XXX Japanese waves 1 2 300 011 XXX Happy Christmas 2 310 000 XXX Happy Valentine’s 2 2 310 022 XXX Catherine wheel 2 2 420 002 XXX Congratulations 1 2 420 041 XXX Christmas tree in bucket 2 430 007 XXX ❘ ❘ P Premium Collection ▲ Small size gobo design available ● Glass gobo design available XXX = size: 100 (A-size) - 860 (B-size) - 660 (M-size) - 373 (Robe/MAC2K) HIRE G28 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - Goboland Santa in the sky 2 430 012 XXX calligraphic hearts 2 431 004 XXX love explosion 2 431 007 XXX i heart u 2 431 016 XXX glasses & hearts 2 431 025 XXX clover break up 2 432 001 XXX Halloween 2 435 001 XXX bat in moon 2 435 002 XXX tragicomedy 2 2 450 002 XXX air on a G string 2 450 010 XXX well lashed up 2 450 021 XXX paint swish 2 450 029 XXX sideways wiggle 2 2 450 032 XXX brush squirl 2 450 028 XXX mad scribble 1 2 450 041 XXX Taurus 2 455 011 XXX Pagan cross 2 460 005 XXX stained glass 1 2 470 001 XXX ❘ ❘ P Premium Collection ▲ Small size gobo design available ● Glass gobo design available XXX = size: 100 (A-size) - 860 (B-size) - 660 (M-size) - 373 (Robe/MAC2K) info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G29 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - Goboland window 2 2 480 002 XXX window 6 2 480 006 XXX window 7 2 480 007 XXX window 15 2 480 015 XXX port hole 2 480 030 XXX blinds 2 2 490 002 XXX through the keyhole 2 500 001 XXX cobbles 1 2 502 001 XXX barbed wire positive 2 502 010 XXX night skyline 1 city skyline 1 sunset 2 510 011 XXX 2 510 030 XXX Celtic 7 toilets no mobiles symbol 2 520 007 XXX 2 540 005 XXX 2 540 022 XXX currency break up 1 European Flag Japanese temple 2 542 011 XXX 2 550 000 XXX 2 555 001 XXX P 2 510 001 XXX ❘ ❘ P Premium Collection ▲ Small size gobo design available ● Glass gobo design available XXX = size: 100 (A-size) - 860 (B-size) - 660 (M-size) - 373 (Robe/MAC2K) HIRE G30 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos - Goboland 0 G 12.00 capital G number 0 digital time - you specify 2 650 107 XXX 2 700 000 XXX 2 750 000 XXX never ending clouds venus clouds planet rubber 1 002 006 XXX 1 003 002 XXX 1 003 026 XXX moving madness sun and shadow leaves blue virus 1 004 030 XXX 1 005 010 XXX 1 006 002 XXX nebula four full moon nylon light 1 007 007 XXX 1 007 011 XXX 1 008 036 XXX Goboland Glass Gobos For the complete collection of Goboland gobos, please visit: www.goboland.com ❘ ❘ P Premium Collection ▲ Small size gobo design available ● Glass gobo design available XXX = size: 100 (A-size) - 860 (B-size) - 660 (M-size) - 373 (Robe/MAC2K) info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k G31 WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide Gobos Notes: HIRE G32 • SALES • INSTALLATION • SERVICE WHITE LIGHT • Reference Guide A Moment for Reflection It is unwise to pay too much, but it's worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money - that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot - it can't be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run. And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better. John Ruskin 1819 - 1900 info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk • w w w. W h i t e L i g h t . L t d . u k 20 Merton Industrial Park Jubilee Way Wimbledon London SW19 3WL Tel: +44 (0)20 8254 4800 Fax: +44 (0)20 8254 4801 info@WhiteLight.Ltd.uk www.WhiteLight.Ltd.uk V1.1 July 2008
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