New club member Alex Crippen and her half


New club member Alex Crippen and her half
March 2006
Club prepares for the 2006 Show Season: Please come help or show!
Hello to all Andalusian, dressage, Baroque and horseshow
Even if you do not show yourself, volunteering at
enthusiasts! The 2006 horse show season is fast approaching!
these events can be a great way to connect with people who
NWAHA is again offering two shows, each with separate
share your love of these magnificent horses. We will again
dressage and breed competitions. All shows will be USEF
offer FREE STALLS for every $100 sponsorship, whether
licensed and recognized. The dressage competitions will also be
you donate or you get donations from others. Let’s get all
USDF recognized while the breed show is recognized by the
of our classes sponsored this year!!
Our first show of the year, the Go for Baroque will be held
Sue Cheers - (360)312-9477
June 23rd through June 25th. The dressage show will be June
23rd with the honorable Michael Osinski, from Lacy,
Washington as judge and the breed and Baroque show will be on DRESSAGE MANAGER/NWAHA PRESIDENT
the 24th and 25th with the honorable Margo Heppner-Hart, from Laurie Burgess (360)573-6722
Hillsboro, Oregon, as judge.
The Festival of the Andalusian will be held August 18th
through August 20th. The dressage show, held on August 18th,
will be judged by the honorable Julie
Littlefield from Medford, Oregon,
and the breed and Baroque show,
August 19th and 20th will be judged
by the honorable Malen Dell from
Kingsbury, Texas.
The shows will again be held at
the Northwest Equine and Event
Center in Boring, Oregon. The
facility has excellent stabling, large
show arena, an indoor warm-up arena
plus two outdoor arenas. There is
ample space for camping, as well as
nearby hotels, and a full service café.
As usual, these shows cannot be
run without volunteers. We need
ribbon presenters, gate personnel,
runners, set-up and tear down help,
flag presenters for the Saturday
evening session, a breed halter scorer
and a scribe. Although we are a small
show, it still takes as many volunteers
to run as a large show.
We ask that if you have a break
in showing, a free session to give us,
or family and friends who can help, it
would mean a great deal. PLEASE BE New club member Alex Crippen and her half-Andalusian
mare Anteri enjoying a little sunshine in the middle of winter.
Welcome to the club, Crippen family!
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
By Cyndy Stephens Winchell
In this monthly column, professional
horse trainer Cyndy Stephens-Winchell
will be answering questions about
training, showing, clothing, and grooming
You open the mail and there it is, the
show premium! Your first thought? Show
season is upon me, where did the time go?
What needs to be done? Well, here is a
good place to start.
I find that preparation more easily
accomplished if you break it done into
several pieces. I’ll list them briefly here
and would be happy to provide more
detailed explanations in future
newsletters if you would like to hear
more about a particular topic.
1) Your tack - Do you have show
tack? Although clean working tack is
probably sufficient for schooling
shows, if you plan to compete in
regional breed shows, open shows, or
head to Nationals, the extra investment
in show tack will likely be worth your
Does your current tack need to be
cleaned, repaired, or replaced? Having
clean, shiny tack or attractive and colorcoordinated tack and outfits makes for a
polished, finished and proud look in the
show ring. Remember, this is your chance
to strut your stuff; make every moment
NWAHA Directors & Board Members
President: Laurie Burgess
(360) 573-6722
Vice-President: Linda de Wilde-Petersen
(360) 825-8476
Secretary: Sharon Gerl (541) 726-3872
Treasurer: Carla Shown
(360) 263-3705
ID Director: Stephanie Altig
(208) 585-2172
OR Director: Ramona DeJong
(503) 843-2083
WA Director: Susan Cheers
Open Directors:
Erin Gray
(503) 632-7750
Julie Alonzo
(541) 607-9866
Cyndy Stephens Winchell
(253) 951-3151
2) Your clothes - Make sure your apparel is
appropriate for your chosen disciplines. If
you show in more than one discipline (ie.,
halter, western, English, driving), you will
likely need different styles of shirts, pants,
chaps, boots, breeches, blouses, and hats
for each. Don’t forget the small touches
such as gloves and brooches if they are
called for in your event.
If you’re not sure what’s in style, check
high-caliber shows, IALHA magazines and
even other breed magazines for current
trends. This past year I was complimented
many times on my outfits, which were
made by a friend of mine in Washington for
a fraction of the cost I would have spent
retail. If you’d like her name and contact
information, just call me or send me an
email, and I’ll pass it along.
3) Your horse - Is it clipped and bathed,
with clean blankets, hoods, etc.? Be sure to
be steady and solid while preparing for your
division of showing. A good hair coat can
take several months of daily grooming and
careful attention, but it can certainly pay
off. Presentation of a clean, shiny, well
groomed horse will catch the judge’s eye
(as will an unkempt one!). Show with pride
and confidence - trust me, it shows clear
across an arena.
4) Your trailer - Is everything
packed? Make yourself a checklist. On
this list, break everything down into
sections, a) general working tack, b)
halter, c) western, d) English, e) driving,
etc. After preparing your checklist,
mark your items off as you pack or load
them. Right down to the tables, chairs,
Remember two very important things:
1) Leave your training in the training
pen. If you and your horse have not
prepared in advance for something,
don’t start training for it at the show.
Stay steady in what you’ve already
prepared for together, and 2) Winners
do what losers won’t. Always go the extra
mile to work harder, be cleaner, and show
solid - Oh, and one more thing, never
forget to have fun and BREATHE.
Good luck to all this show season, and see
you in the show pen!
Message from the President
With all of the signs in the
garden of spring announcing its
arrival it brings to mind our breeds
shows here in the Northwest. The
dressage shows as well as our two
breed shows are on track for June
and August. Start working out with
your horse and plan to be in the
The Pacific Rim High Point
series will again recognize points
earned at our two shows as well as
the PAALH show in July. We will be
tracking horses by one horse and
rider combo per entry. The points
earned by these partnerships will go
towards the series. The hardest part
right now is selecting another
beautiful set of prints as the award.
Check the club web site over the next
few weeks to view this year’s
selection. Attention breeders,
owners, or business: We are looking
for sponsors of the Pacific Rim High
Point awards. If you are interested,
please call me or drop an email to
HYPERLINK "mailto:andalusn@"
Our shows require a lot of man
hours so if you can offer your time to
your club in any capacity please let
myself or Sue Cheers know of your
wish to volunteer.
--Laurie Burgess
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
Ranch News!
Sanchez’s barn at Rancho Tres Potrillos in
Molalla, Oregon. Vaquero Jim is this
young stallion’s name. Vaquero Jim came
from Hacienda Santa Lucia in Tabasco,
Mexico, which is one of the most southern
Go For Baroque Farms
states in Mexico just North of Central
It has been a busy winter for us at Go America. He will be presented for revision
for Baroque farm, adding new stalls and a this year. We invite you to take a look at
new manure composting shed and settling Vaquero Jim's page on our brand new web
our new arrivals in. Jacaranda, a
wonderfully sweet Lusitano mare of
One other addition to Pedro's 5
Santos (Viega) breeding and her foal by
stallion line up is Tahlisman GL, a 5 year
Inquieto arrived in December.
old Andalusian stallion. He has
It was a shock for them coming from exceptional large movement and a
sunny California. They have adapted very wonderful kind disposition. Pedro plans on
well, and their easy-going temperaments
showing both at the IALHA show in
have made it a real pleasure to have them
Boring, Oregon this summer.
in the barn. Jacaranda is bred to
Pedro had a great year last year
Venturoso, a marvelous buttermilk
performing exhibitions at 30 different
Moonstruck Meadows
palomino Lusitano from Brazil with the
events. This year he started off with the
Spring is fast approaching and we are most amazing mind and gaits. We very
Wild West Bull Bash in Albany on New
picking up the pace after a long, wet
excited about this breeding
Year's Eve and the Comcast Western
winter at Moonstruck. Mud control was
We are also awaiting Calandria A’ s
Show at the Memorial Coliseum. Next on
top priority and we have nearly finished
foal by Saphiro, who is due in a few short our agenda are the up coming Northwest
revamping our "sacrifice" turn out for the weeks. Judging by her last foal, this is
Horse Fair in Albany March 17-19, the
mares with layers of ballast rock, gravel
sure to be a big beautiful and colorful colt. Josephine County EquiFair in Grants Pass
and screenings.
Preciosa GBF, our first foal out of
April 8th & 9th, the Horse Affair Auction
Thank goodness we had completed
Calandria A left for her new home in
& Open Classic Equine Show at the Linn
our project for all new footing in our stall Sisters, Oregon with Julie Upps. They will County Fairgrounds April 21st and 22nd.
runs - no mud there. You folks east of the be doing cowboy dressage and breeding
As if that weren’t enough, we’ll also
mountains are lucky you don't have to deal Aztecas.
be presenting at the Portland Cinco de
with all the rain, but of course this means
In January, I was invited to take part
Mayo Celebration at Tom McCall
lush pastures for our mares and foals this
in the Julio Borba clinic at Ambiente
Waterfront Park- this is a 5 day event, the
Spring and Summer.
Ranch in San Diego. Mr. Borba is a highly Rose Festival Grand Floral Parade June
There will be the pitter-patter of little respected instructor from Portugal. How
10th, and the PAALH Show in Chilliwack,
hooves in May - our mares Larica (in foal could I pass up the opportunity to ride
British Columbia, Canada. More events
to Heroe MAC) and Splenda (in foal to
upper level trained Lusitano stallions in
and rodeos to come. Hope to see you
Berraco) have both been fetal sexed with the sun! It was a great experience.
there, as these are great events.
They put on an exhibition and festival
Pedro and Cindy Munoz Sanchez
We will be breeding three mares for
on Friday with some of the stallions from
2007 foals - Splenda to Iberico D, Daniella Carpe Diem and Ambiente Ranch doing
to Novelisto D (IALHA Horse of the
dressage, jumping and hands free riding.
Valhalah Farms
Year) and Baronesa to Kripton (2005
The weekend clinic was very instructive.
John and Sally Meuler proudly
Nat'l Champion Sr Stallion). We are very
Julio, who speaks English fluently, was an announce that they are awaiting a fall right
excited to see what these crosses will
astute, kind yet effective instructor. Since around the time the newsletter should be
all my horses are young and just working
arriving in your mailbox. Their mare,
I will be very busy riding (and
up the levels, it was a great chance to ride Bottega, in foal to Kianto, is due in mid
driving!) this year. I have Salsa who will
trained horses to really get the feel for
be showing at 1st Level dressage and two what I am aiming at.
John and Sally Meuler
mares, Daniella and Baronesa, who will
Sharon Gerl
be making their show ring debuts in
dressage and at the NWAHA shows.
Rancho Tres Potrillos
Salsa has also been started in harness
A tall handsome coming 3 year old
and she will be shown in driving classes
P.R.E. Andalusian stallion is the newest
Continued, page 4
at our NWAHA shows in 2006, and I'm
addition to Pedro & Cindy Munoz
Spirit Ranch
Spirit Ranch owner Elizabeth May of
Halfway, Oregon, presented Encantador,
PRE Andalusian Stallion, at the 2006
Idaho Horse Affair. The Horse Affair,
from February 17 through 19, featured
numerous breeds and horsemanship
demonstrations and drew large crowds for
each of the three days.
Enca truly stood out among the
predominantly Quarter Horse stallions
present, attracting a great deal of admiring
attention--most especially for his
breathtaking presentation in the big arena,
courtesy of Alice Trindle of T-n-T
Horsemanship. Encantador will also be
traveling to the Idaho Horse Expo in April.
Elizabeth May
hoping to compete with her in combined
driving in 2007.
Carla Shown
Breeder of PRE Andalusian Horses
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
Ranch News!
(Continued from Page 3)
Caballos del Corazon
Ailsa Heritage Enterprises Ranch
By the time you read this update, it
We sure have been enjoying a mild
may already be obsolete, as we are
winter. We are working on getting the
expecting Odalisca GF’s first foal (by 17
horses ready for the Spring Schooling
hand revised PRE Romerito II from
Show that will take place in Lewiston,
Michigan’s Yeguada Romerito) any day
Idaho, on April 1st. The show is sponsored now. So far, everything looks good, and
by the Palouse Dressage and Eventing at
we’re keeping our fingers crossed that this
the Round Up Grounds in Lewiston.
foal will live up to our rather large
Contact me at for a expectations -- it has quite a legacy to carry
show flyer.
on! This foal will be offered for sale, so
Our mare "Milagro De Joya" is for
check in mid-April for updates on our
sale (see advertisement below). We need
website ( if
the time to work more with our 19 mo old you are interested in learning more about
3/4 Andalusian filly SRO Joya Preciosa. I the baby.
don't know how training could get any
Our half-Andalusian gelding Jefe and
easier, as she is a real gem. She’s
PRE coming yearling colt Armani LFA are
extremely smart and learns each new
becoming good friends. The two of them
lesson on the first try. We’re setting our
both seem to enjoy their regular ‘wrestling
sights to be at one of the club shows this
matches’ out in the turn-out pens together.
summer. Hope to see you there!
Jefe has earned two more titles since the
Kim-General Manager last newsletter -- this time in Open Shows
at the Oregon Horse Center, where young
Joanna Wayland rode him to a Reserve
Championship in English Pleasure in
January and then took home the English
Pleasure Championship title in February.
They are gearing up for the Andalusian
shows this year and are eager to try their
hand at dressage.
Julie Alonzo
Share your latest news with us! If you
would like to have your ranch news
included in the next newsletter,
please send it to the newsletter editor
If you don’t have email access, you
can also send your written ranch
news to Julie Alonzo, 2314 Compton
St., Eugene, OR 97404.
We’d like to hear from you!
Accomplishments: 2005 NWAHA Go For Baroque Half-Andalusian High Score Dressage Recipient and was
Qualified for Nationals in AA English Pleasure after 90 days Professional Dressage Training! Trail and
reining experience! Dam of Regional Azteca Stallion "SRO Brioso" plus 4 other foals. We have "Joya's" last
filly who was Reserve Champion 2 and under at same show above. You can see "Joya's" Andalusian sire
"Banderin GF" at
Video to be available to serious inquiries. More photos can be emailed.
Joya is open for breeding this season and will be
ready to show again this summer. Looking for
that special buyer that wants to have a show horse
and produce their own 3/4 Andalusian dressage
prospect. $7500/obo to an approved home.
Kim Kalmukos, Gen. Mgr.
Ailsa Heritage Enterprises
Lewiston, Idaho
Ph. Toll-free 1-888-670-8128
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
NWAHA welcomes another new member: Connie Sowa!
My name is Connie Sowa. My husband Ed and I live
here in Chehalis, Washington most of the year because my
immediate family lives out here in Yelm. We also have a
vacation home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. My husband's business
interests are in Texas. So - we're kind of
spread out!
Born and raised in the South, I was
your typical kid with a Shetland pony back
in Georgia. My sister and I could get that
pony to do just about anything we wanted.
But when I out grew Smoky, my life took
another direction and I didn't get back into
horses until my 40's.
When I married Ed four years ago I was
able to "retire" from corporate life and
needed an active hobby! So I bought a bay
Morgan gelding and started taking riding
lessons. I soon discovered that what I really
wanted to pursue was dressage.
Unfortunately my adorable Morgan
wouldn't fit the bill, so I bought an elderly
Trakhner schoolmaster to continue my education.
As I progressed in my riding I began to entertain the thoughts
of competing - just for the fun and experience. My trainer
introduced the idea of looking at the Andalusian and so my
research began. In the meantime, I sold both of my horses to
really nice homes and began the search for my "dream" horse.
The love affair really took hold when I attended the IALHA
nationals in Fort Worth this past October! I was mesmerized by
the versatility of the Spanish horse. A whole world or possibility
opened up for me and I focused my search
solely on the Andalusian,
After three months of previewing
videos, reading internet and paper ads, I
stumbled upon Carla Shown's website
Moonstruck Meadows and found an 8 YO grey
PRE Andalusian gelding named Diluvio Mor I.
He was owned by Barbara Berquist of Mirasol
Andalusians in Minnesota.
We were in Santa Fe at the time that
Barbara and I started an email correspondence.
She sent me videos which I shared with my
trainer and told me Diluvio was spending the
fall and winter with her good friend Warren
Mather down in Hemet, California. Perfect!
My husband and I decided to drive back to
Washington via California so I could meet
Diluvio and find out if he was the one, which he is! He was
delivered to me two days before Christmas!
So, Diluvio and I are getting to know each other! Our goal
this year is to develop our partnership and shoot for the Go For
Baroque Show
A sincere thank you to the Andalusian owners who have entrusted their horses to my care over the past
year. You have brought tremendous joy to my life, and I hope to return the pleasure many times over.
Carla Shown with Baronessa, Daniella, and Larica MSM (PRE mares)
Joan Sciacca with Meritage (Andalusian / Friesien gelding)
Julie Alonzo with Odalisca GF (PRE mare), Armani LFA (PRE colt), and Jefe (Andalusian / AQHA gelding)
Alex and Heather Crippen with Anteri (Andalusian / AQHA mare)
I offer complete horse training services: from
starting horses to adding the final show-ready
polish. All training fees include superior-care
boarding at a quality show facility in Eugene,
Oregon. Enquiries welcome.
Over 15 Regional Andalusian Championship
Awards, 8 IALHA National Titles, 2 Pacific Rim
High Point Horse of the Year titles, and numerous
blue ribbons in the following divisions: Halter,
Western Pleasure, Reining, English Pleasure, Show
Hack, and Dressage Suitability.
Cyndy Winchell Stephens
(253) 951 - 3151
Cyndy working with Moonstruck Meadow’s lovely Daniella
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
By Connie Cservenyak
In 2000 we left Seattle. Our careers
and Teresa’s smaller stature, mellow
personality and whiter coloring. The result August, 2004.
took us to San Francisco, with us settling
is a gorgeous, 15.3 hands, multi-
in Marin County, just north of the city.
disciplined Andalusian.
We stabled my Andalusian, El Cid /
were excited to move back to Seattle in
We immediately put him with Mo &
Campeador and my husband’s Arabian, in
Dian Morris of Morris Training in
a barn which backed up to 75,000 acres of
Stanwood, WA, allowing Don Max to
Our move back to Western
Washington brought Don Max “home”,
giving us the opportunity to compete
Don Max has been under the tutelage
open space and endless miles of equestrian mature and giving him the best foundation
of Mo & Dian Morris full time again since
trails in Pt. Reyes National Park.
in all the basics. As Mo & Dian have done
our return. They have developed Don Max
with Cid since a yearling, they nurtured
to excel in all areas – Halter, Western
Cid was my first horse --- big, flashy
with non-stop attitude -- not
Pleasure, English Hunt Seat
a great choice for trail
and Country Pleasure Driving,
riding!! I decided I needed
taking Championships and / or
another horse better suited
top honors at both 2005 shows
for trail riding.Without
entered last year.
question, I knew I wanted
This year Don Max will
another Andalusian, but this
be adding Doma Vaquera to his
time I wanted a horse 15.3
disciplines as well as being a
hands or under, extremely
demonstration horse for the
athletic, excellent feet,
many clinics given by Morris
intelligent but with a
Training – a testament to his
personality that was mellow
breeding and upbringing for a
and people oriented.
horse of seven.
Having acquired Cid in
Why not YOU!
1997 as a 4 yr. old,
As we move into 2006,
we may or may not compete
competing against Trinidad
this year. Our focus will be
who is the same age, there
exploring the trails of
was no question from which
Washington and British
breeder I would seek my next horse. I
his unique personality, restricted bad
Columbia. It’s great to know I’ve got a
found my combination and more with Don behavior and developed his athletic
horse that easily goes from the show ring
Maximiliano (aka Don Max) because he is talents.
to the backcountry --- but isn’t that what
all this and a great show horse as well.
owning an Andalusian is all about?!!
We bought Don Max as a 2 yr. old in
Don Max joined us in Marin for a
year, where even as a 4 yr. old, he proved
Connie Cservenyak
2001 from Ami MacHugh of Jackass Mt.
to be a safe, reliable trail mount behind
Ranch. Don Max is out of Trinidad and
our trusty, experienced Arabian. After
Dian Morris, Morris Training
Teresa, inheriting the best of both parents;
living in the Bay Area for 4 years, we
Trinidad’s athletic build and conformation
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
back of the Iberian horses well.
Cost $165.00 new, has been used
Go for Baroque Farm
Bay weanling Andalusian (SP) filly maybe 6 times. Will sell for
$100.00. My horses are quickly
out of pure Viega mare ( Santos
turning white, so I bought myself a
breeding) by accomplished
dressage stallion Inquieto. This girl black pad instead. Photo of pad is
at, look under the
really takes after her Dad and has
the movement and confirmation to Foundation heading. Contact Linda
deWilde-Petersen @ 360-825-8476
really excel in dressage and the
or Lilaclinda @
temperament to be a wonderful
companion in any pursuit $8500.
Pure Spanish Foal for sale
Due April 1
(Romerito II x Odalisca GF). Have
White dressage saddle pad
for sale. Pad has black piping and you contemplated introducing the
PRE logo embroidered on it. Pad is bloodlines of Indiano XVIII and
Guarapo / Genil to your herd in the
extra long size, so it fits the wider
Filly for Sale
past? If so, don’t pass on this
fabulous opportunity to purchase
Odalisca’s first foal. Odalisca is
known for her stunning action and
versatility (IALHA National Top
Five awards in Halter, English
Pleasure Show Hack, and Western
Pleasure; 2005 Pacific Rim
Purebred Andalusian High Point
Horse of the Year, and numerous
regional championship titles).
Romerito competes on the open
dressage circuit and, at 17 hands, is
quite a horse himself. Contact Julie
at (541) 607-9866 or via email at for more
Have a pure or part-bred Andalusian horse to sell? Need to clear space in your tack
room? Remember, classified ads are FREE for NWAHA members! Email your
classified ad text to for inclusion in the next newsletter!
Find your next dressage partner at our farm or visit
us online at, or contact
Barbara Daugert at (360) 380-1264 or email
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
Upcoming Events:
June 23: Go For Baroque Dressage Show, NW Equestrian
Center, Boring, OR. USDF/USEF/ODS approved. Intro thru 4th
Level. Judge: Mike Osinski (R) Contact: Laurie Burgess 360-921-8884
June 24-25: Go For Baroque Show. NW Equestrian Center,
Boring, OR. Pure and part Andalusians and Lusitanos, Lipizzans,
Friesians, Iberian and Baroque breeds invited. English, Western,
Driving, Halter and fun classes. IALHA and USEF approved.
Put on by NW Andalusian Horse Assoc. This show is the first in
the three show series that allows horse and rider teams to earn
points for the 2006 Pacific Rim High Point Awards Contact: Sue
Cheers 360-312-9477
July 15: Bandit Springs Endurance Ride, Ochoco National
Forest, Prineville, OR. Join NWAHA member Julie Alonzo and
Jefe on a ride through one of Eastern Oregon’s most beautiful
wilderness areas. Sign up to ride 10, 30, 50, or 80 miles. Contact:
Tony Truffer (541) 485-7106.
July 21-23: Canadian Andalusian Show and Fiesta,
Chilliwack, BC, Canada. This show is the second in the three
show series that allows horse and rider teams to earn points for
the 2006 Pacific Rim High Point Awards. Go to
for more info.
Aug 18: Festival Dressage Show, NW Equestrian Center,
Boring, OR. USDF/USEF/ODS approved. Intro thru FEI.
Judge: Julie Littlefield (R) Contact: Laurie Burgess 360-921-8884
Aug 19-20: Fall Festival of the Andalusian. NW Equestrian
Center, Boring, OR. Pure and part Andalusians and Lusitanos,
Lipizzans, Friesians, Iberian and Baroque breeds invited.
English, Western, Driving, Halter and fun classes. IALHA and
USEF approved. Put on by NW Andalusian Horse Assoc. This
show is the last in the three show series that allows horse and
rider teams to earn points for the 2006 Pacific Rim High Point
Awards Contact: Sue Cheers 360-312-9477
September 22-23: National Celebration (PRE) Horse Show,
South Coast Equestrian Complex, Las Vegas, NV. The
Foundation for the Pure Spanish Horse will hold their annual
Celebration horse show this fall in Las Vegas.
October 17: IALHA National Qualifying Pre-Show, Will
Rogers Equestrian Center, Fort Worth, TX. Competitors who
have not yet qualified for the IALHA National Championship
show, this is your last chance in 2006. Contact Susan Cooper at for more information.
October 18-22: IALHA National Championship Show, Will
Rogers Equestrian Center, Fort Worth, TX. If you haven’t been to
Nationals yet, consider flying out to participate as a volunteer or
spectator. You’ll see incredible horses that will make you proud
to be a member of the club. Contact Susan Cooper at for more information.
NWAHA Newsletter March 2006
NW Andalusian Horse
Julie Alonzo, Newsletter Editor
Caballos del Corazon
2314 Compton St.
Eugene, OR 97404
Phone: (541) 607-9866
Promoting Pure & Part
Andalusians and Lusitanos
in the Pacific Northwest
Joining our Club & Advertising in the Newsletter
To join our club, contact
Lisa Kinnee at
(503) 378-0012
Membership dues:
Full Members: $40 USD
(owners or lessees of a pure or part Andalusian)
Associate Members: $30 USD
(non Andalusian owners or live outside the NW Region)
Family Membership: $55 USD
(One family member must own or lease a pure or part
Andalusian. Family is defined as parent or guardian & children
under 18)
Outside US add $12 for postage, all membership types.
Membership benefits:
· Quarterly newsletter
· Free/discounted ads in newsletter
· Inclusion in handbook
· Discounted class fees at shows
· Discounted clinics and seminars
Membership application on line at
Newsletter Deadlines:
January 3
March 1
June 28
October 16
Mail Date
January 20
March 15
July 15
November 1
Advertising Rates & Criteria:
(all pricing US dollars)
Stud Service Classified $5.00
Photo Classified Ad
Business Card
¼ page
½ page
Full page
Criteria: Must be horse-related services or goods. Ad must be
received in final format with full payment. Contact for software requirements. Vertical layout.
* Free for Sale Classifieds limited to 30 words: Tack & Pure or
Part Andalusians for sale. Farm ads, Stallion Service, Training,
Non-Andalusians, etc. for members at regular ad rates.
Please email ads directly to editor in advance of deadline!