the crier - Antioch Shrine
the crier - Antioch Shrine
THE CRIER © Ill. Sir Scott Lipps, Potentate Official Publication of Antioch Shrine • VOL. 114, NO. 11 Halloween Treats L to R: Allison Nesbitt Brigitzer, Ill. Sir Scott Lipps, Princess Addy and Holly Todd NOVEMBER 2014 Page 2 ANTIOCH CRIER From the Potentate NOVEMBER 2014 From the First Lady: Holly Todd Ill. Sir Scott Lipps How about that for an October at Antioch?! WOW! Antioch Shrine was on FIRE! Did you get involved? For a quick review: we finished our 2014 parade season with chilly parades in New Carlisle and Minster; Hillbilly Clan 91 held a raucous Fall Initiation with over 80 people in attendance; Motor Corps honored their “Man of the Year” (Virgil Neal/Snoopy) at a beautiful dinner ceremony (over 80 people in the audience); your Divan worked on the future of Antioch in meetings with the Antioch Cabiri (Past Potentates) and the Antioch Shrine Foundation Board of Directors; the women of Elissa Guild hosted a fabulous “Ladies Luncheon” honoring our First Lady Holly and all the ladies of Antioch; we sponsored a very successful, firstever Antioch TattooFest with great food (Thanks, Rick Maynard) a great crowd… and 14 tattoos…1 touch up and 3 people still waiting in line when we ran out of time; we sponsored a fun Children’s Halloween Party that featured a pumpkin patch (all kids selecting a pumpkin), a costume parade, fun and “scary” snacks, games, musical chairs, a boneyard and more (thanks and appreciation go out to Cynthia Hayes, Jessica Conde, Johanna, Mercedes and John Wesley Ramsey)! And, we ended October with a wild and crazy adult Halloween party that will be talked about for years! Bob & Mitzi Mittlestead, with some help from the Indy Car Unit, transformed Antioch into a haunted house like you have never seen! If you missed it…you missed out! Now, catch your breath, November will feature our 278th Ceremonial (honoring our very own “Shriner’s Shriner”…Mr. Larry Rike), our Annual Hospital Fund Drive Appreciation Dinner (Thanks, Don Hoke), the Scottish Rite Fall Reunion, the ROJ Annual Ladies event, Thanksgiving (Thanks, family), the Dayton Children’s Parade and the Bobbies Annual Euchre party. Finally, we end November with our wonderful (packed) Antioch Children’s Christmas Party!!!! So, want to be part of the life, history and future of Antioch? Get off the couch and hang on. This is going to be a fun, busy ride!!! The November Crier contains dates, times, details and locations. Thanks for letting me be part of it! TATTOOFEST!! Thanksgiving. It’s that time of year once again! It signals the start of a lovely, spiritual and fulfilling season of friends, family and creating warm memories. Thanksgiving is something we should express every day. However, with today’s hectic schedules and overbooked calendars, our lives frequently become so busy we overlook our blessings, large and small. Let’s take a moment to recall a reason we are thankful. I would personally like to express my deep appreciation and thankfulness for the amazing journey you have all shared with me. Our years on the Divan have been such a gift; a blessing one can not imagine until it has been experienced! Each year brought so many memories, so many new faces, so many open hearts and open arms. We have built wonderful relationships and lifelong friends. I am thankful for all you do to support your Divan, to support each other and most importantly, to support the children and families we love. Thank you to each of you for your time, your years of service and your love of your Shrine! Have a blessed Thanksgiving season. ANTIOCH CRIER NOVEMBER 2014 How Does Your Fez Look? By Mike Hayes Brass Band President IN MEMORIAM 2014 OCTOBER 2014 Orla James Chamberlin 09/18/2014 Donald E. Hite 09/25/2014 Robert L. Long, Sr. 09/25/2014 Donald K. Hedge 08/25/2014 Arthur W. Olson 07/14/2014 Dale L. Cool 06/26/2014 Charles R. Conard 09/27/2014 Steven O. Putman 10/05/2014 Norman D. Stuckey 10/07/2014 Jerry V. Minnich 10/12/2014 William “Delmar” Gainey 10/16/2014 inactive 08/06/2007 05/16/1981 04/25/1964 05/10/1980 07/17/1976 05/17/1975 12/23/1968 04/27/2002 04/25/1964 06/11/1988 02/18/1999 OCTOBER 2014 DONATIONS Ladies Luncheon Antioch Past Masters Antioch Gun Club Antioch 4 Wheelers Childrens Christmas Party Fairborn S. C. Antioch Gun Club Antioch Kentucky Colonels IN & OUT OF ANTIOCH AFFILIATED John A. Gregory RESIGNED Jay W. Blanton Circus Notes November 8, 2014 (Friday) Ad Protection Expires November 10, 2014 (Monday) Email list of ads not sold yet November 10, 2014 (Monday) Box Office Opens at Antioch Shrine and UD Arena for exchanging Noble Coupons for seat tickets and purchasing of tickets for General Public December 17, 2014 (Wednesday) Artwork Deadline for Ads, Friends of the Circus ( signature cards with money), Coloring Pages, Coloring Contest Pages & Grandparent’s Pages , Clown Card pictures – Take to printer on 12/19/14. I don’t know about you, but my parade Fez is well over twenty years old and shows the excess of body fluids around the leather hatband make for an unpretty site. What do you do if your Fez gets too unwearable? Buy a new one. Purchase price for a new Fez with lettering runs over $125.00. Why can’t we find someone that can clean all of our Fezzes for around $20.00 per Fez. I got tired of my ratty Fez and decided to do something about the problem. First, I found a hat block maker and ordered a block for my Fez size. Next, I took a very old Fez from the Brass Band box of old hats and the hat block to a clothes cleaner. I did not know what to expect because it was ratty 10 years ago and just sat in the Brass Band Fez box. But, when I got it back it could have passed for a brand new Fez. If you want to refurbish your Fez at the reasonable price of $20.00, visit M&M Cleaners at 1173 Miamisburg Centerville Rd, contact John at (937) 433-6693, or check out the web site http://www. You will need to de-tassel and De-pin your Fez before you deliver it give John 2 weeks to work his magic. Page 3 The Antioch Shrine Crier Published by and under the auspices of Antioch Shrine Oasis of Dayton, Desert of Ohio 107 E. First St. • Dayton, OH 45402-1214 PHONE: 937-461-4740 1-800-790-4740 FAX: 937-461-3904 EDITOR...............WILLIAM GARLOW, PP SEND ALL NOTICES, COPY & COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING CRIER CONTENT TO “EDITOR” (ABOVE ADDRESS,E-MAIL OR FAX) SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO RECORDER. DALE W STAUSS IMPERIAL POTENTATE OFFICIAL DIVAN 2014 P. Scott Lipps (Holly)..................................................................Potentate 418 Park Avenue • Franklin, OH 45005-1922 • 937-790-0602 Kevin Sweeney (Valeri)..................,,,,,...............................Chief Rabban 285 South Union Rd. • Miamisburg, OH 45242-2161 • 937-304-5778 David A. Heizer (Linda)................................................Assistant Rabban 2000 Erikman Ln. • Xenia, OH 45385-8917 • 937-376-2983 Wes Ramsey (Johanna).........................................High Priest & Prophet 6210 Laurelhurst lane • Centerville, OH 45459 • 937-312-1440 Ed Peters...........................................................................Oriental Guide 421 Kent Dr. Apt. 2, • Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311 • 937-935-9697 Todd Rider (Michelle).........................................First Ceremonial Master 4470 Walgrove Ct. • Beavercreek, Ohio 45432 • 937-372-4829 Max Richardson (Marion)..............................Second Ceremonial Master 798 Bolton Abbey Lane ● Vandalia, Ohio 45377 ● 937-668-4107 Rob S. Fickert (Lissa).................................................................Treasurer 1405 Haven Hill Dr. • Dayton, OH 45459-1502 • 937-435-4899 Jerry L. Jamieson (Carol)...........................................................Recorder 6636 Whitcomb Place • Dayton, OH 45459 • 937-433-2928 Paul A. Weglage (Karen)............................................................Chaplain 5 Fairwood Dr. • Miamisburg, OH 45342 • 937- 866-8832 Imperial Council Representatives Charles A, “Tad” Claypool, 33°, Past Imperial Potentate P. Scott Lipps David A. Heizer Kevin Sweeney Wes Ramsey EMERITUS REPRESENTATIVES, COLORADO CORP. William T. Harris Dwayne C. Jones, 33° Robert E. “Gene” Walls Doug Sorrell Douglas R. Boyd Horace “Hank” Gladney Gary L. Blackford PAST IMPERIAL OFFICERS Charles A. Claypool, 33° Past Imperial Potentate 2002-2003 Ben Hardin, Jr., 33° Miami County SHRINE CLUB By Bruce Adamson, Secretary The MCSC met at the Eagles Park in October with a large assortment of homemade soups and salads provided by the Nobles and Ladies. Mmmm-Good. The November meeting will be at the AmVets, in Troy. Pot Pie from Lady Heaton and her special pies for dessert. My mouth is already watering. I do not yet have the final tally of our tabloid days, but I expect we will be able to make a large donation again this year. I want to again thank all the Nobles and Ladies that helped with the collections this year. Past Imperial Associate Chaplain 2002-2003 Living Past Potentates Frank S. Klugh.....................1977 Douglas R. Boyd..................1999 J. Douglas Elliott..................1979 Doug Sorrell.........................2000 John W. Shimer, 33°............1980 Gary L. Blackford..................2001 Ben Hardin Jr., 33°...............1988 Steve Maynard.....................2004 Dick Church Jr., 33°.............1989 Jim Brewer............................2006 Charles A. Claypool, 33°......1990 Ray Combs...........................2008 William T. Harris...................1991 Bob Deam............................2009 Robert E. “Gene” Walls........1992 Tom V. Schoff, 33°................2010 Dwayne Jones, 33°..............1993 Bill Garlow.............................2011 Hank Gladney.......................1996 H. Jeffery Shaw, 33°.............2012 Robert I. Wagner..................1997 John Bull Jr...........................2013 Edward A. Molen..................1998 EMERITUS OFFICERS Jimmy G. Mitchell...............................................Recorder and Treasurer Dale Biddle.................................................................................Recorder Dwayne Jones, 33°....................................................................Treasurer Ben Hardin, 33°..........................................................................Chaplain Antioch Antioch Shrine Shrine Chartered June June 14, 14, 1898 1898 Chartered Stated Sessions are held at Stated Sessions are held at 7:00 7:00 o’clock o’clock p.m. p.m. on on the the second second Monday Monday of of April, September September and and 9:00 9:00 o’clock o’clock a.m. a.m. the the second second Saturday Saturday of of DecemDecemApril, ber of each year. December meeting will be for Election of Shrine ber of each year. December meeting will be for Election of Shrine Officers Officers and Imperial Imperial Representatives. Representatives. The The Annual Annual Meeting Meeting will will be be held held the the secsecand ond ond Saturday Saturday of of January, January, starting starting at at 9:00 9:00 o’clock o’clock a.m. a.m. Additional Additional sessions sessions may be be held held at at the the pleasure pleasure of of the the Illustrious Illustrious Potentate, Potentate, provided provided that that due due may notice notice thereof thereof be be given given to to the the Nobility Nobility as as provided provided for for in in Section Section 3-6 3-6 of of the Shrine Shrine By-Laws. By-Laws. the Ill. Dale Sir John Bull Jr. • Building Manager • 937-461-4740 Shafner • Building Manager • 937-461-4740 Rick Rick Maynard Maynard •• Oasis Oasis Manager Manager •• 937-461-4740 937-461-4740 PUBLISHED MONTHLY PUBLISHED MONTHLY ALL ALL ARTICLES ARTICLES MUST MUST BE BE SUBMITTED SUBMITTED BY BY THE THE 10TH 10TH OF OF EACH EACH MONTH MONTH PRECEDING PRECEDING PUBLICATION PUBLICATION Page 4 AMATEUR RADIO CLUB By de N8ZR Tests to obtain or upgrade a ham radio license will be offered at 6 PM on Sunday November 9. The test session will be at the Beavercreek Fire Station #61 at the intersection of Dayton-Xenia Road and Orchard Lane. The cost is zero. Are you a fan of Tim Allen on Home Improvement, Last Man Standing, etc? Tim is now KK6OTD, Technician Class. On November 11, the Philae Lander from the European Space Agency Rosetta Satellite is scheduled to land on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The scientific information gleaned will hopefully allow us to learn much. The frequency it is transmitting on is 8421.7869 mhz. The Chinese robotic lunar lander/ orbiter will be transmitting on 145.99 mhz. That will be excellent DX. Watch ham radio news outlets for the launch schedule. 73 ANTIOCH CRIER Greene Co. SHRINE CLUB By Todd Rider We finished off the parade season at Urbana parade and had three riders. It was a nice parade, perfect speed and good crowd. We are coming up on the holiday season and I hope everyone has Happy Thanksgiving. We will be riding in the Children’s Parade the day after Thanksgiving. It is usually a cold one, but this is probably one of the biggest crowd attendance parade we go to. This is a non Potentate call. If you can’t ride come out and help pass out circus coupons to the crowd. We will be discussing the Christmas party at the next meeting, hope everyone can make it. Remember the children’s Christmas party is November 30. Happy trails to you. By Noble Charlie Weaver It was a great meeting and we welcomed a new couple to the club. We will be have election of officers and be discussing about our Christmas Party. Hope everyone can make it out to our meeting on November 19th at the Xenia Senior Center. Social hour starts at 6:00 PM. I would like to send out my condolences to the family of Steve Putman who passed away on October the 5 th. He was our Ambassador. I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe and don’t eat too much Turkey and Pumpkin pie. It’s time again for the Bobbies famous Euchre Party November 29th at 5:30pm. Be there for great night of euchre and let’s not forget about the good food assorted soups and deserts C.O.D bar and door prizes. Lots of things going on this month, Antioch fall Ceremonial on Saturday the 1st be there to show your support to our new Nobles. Antioch annual Children’s Christmas party on the 30th . Thanks to everyone this year for participating in our parades and showing your pride in the great work we do as Shriners, remember without your support its just not possible, thanks Nobles. Happy Birthday this month to: Lady Vonda Lyons. FAIRBORN SHRINE CLUB By Louis Caston, President By Todd Rider, 1st Ceremonial Master By Matt McFarland, President Mounted Patrol BOBBIE BITS NOVEMBER 2014 This month’s article brings with it the sad news of the passing of Fairborn Shrine Club members Steve Putman, a Past President 2010-2012, and proud member of the Antioch Brass Band; and Col. Norm Stuckey, Ret. Past President 1973. Our thoughts and prayers remain with their family and friends. Our Stated Meeting will be Thursday, the 6th, at TJ Chumps, where we will be presenting a check for the Antioch Shrine Hospital Fund Drive, as well as electing officers for 2015. Our meetings are open, so all Nobles should consider themselves invited and welcome to attend. Please be thinking about how you would like to celebrate the Christmas Holiday with our club, as we will be making plans at our November meeting. I would like to thank the members and wives of the FSC for their support throughout this year. I am especially proud of our impressive turnout for the 4th of July Parade, and for the amazing level of involvement that we had for our Hospital Fund Drive. Thank you all for all that you do! See you at the meeting! Bring your Fez! Our October stated meeting was held on Thursday the 2nd with good attendance. Our next task will be to portray the Ritual at the November Ceremonial. We hope that you enjoyed the parade season. It certainly ended well with back to back parades at New Carlisle and Minster. “ Freemasonry has endured not because of its antiquity, its influence, or its social standing, but because there have been so many who have lived it. The effectiveness of Masonic teachings will always be the measure by which the outside world judges Freemasonry; the proof of Freemasonry is in our deeds and it is in our deeds that Freemasonry is made known to non-Masons. The only way that the craft can be judged is by its product. The prestige of Freemasonry lies squarely on the shoulders of each of us.” Bro. G. Wilbur Best If your Lodge would like to have the Past Masters confer the Master Mason Degree, or provide some manpower please contact our Director WB Chuck Pinney via phone at 937 416 0056 or email at Louis Caston, President Past Masters Club. NOVEMBER 2014 Brass Band By TBDBITL Tooter Aka Steve O. Putman November 6 is the bicentennial birthday of Adolphe Sax, the Belgian inventor of the saxophone. He is credited with developing the whole pitch range of the family of saxophones. Saxophones have the strongest sound of the woodwinds which is fantastic for jazz music. Medical studies show that playing a musical instrument delays the onset of Alzheimer dementia by approximately five years. Keep on playing your horn, as it is good for your health. The Christmas Party is Tuesday December 9 starting about 6:00 PM, so be sure to let us know if you are participating. It will be a carry in, so bring some food to share. MOTOR CORPS By Noble Pete Boyd Well the parade season is over and we now need to prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. How about that Minster Parade. Wasn’t it great. What a crowd, a great way to end a terrific season. Our annual nut sale is basically over and I am pleased to say that, mostly to the efforts of Noble Phil Hansen, we will show a profit in excess of $800.00. A major effort was not made for general sales this year because of my recent medical problems. Next year maybe we will do better when all Motor Corp Nobles are on the sales team. Many Nobles know the quality of the merchandise sold and if you desire any for Christmas please let me know. Lady Boyd and Noble Jim Moore’s Lady Pam can order them from the Sweet Adeline chorus. I am sorry to say that I must share some sad news. Our Noble Jim Chamberlin passed to a better place this September after a one half year fight with cancer. We will all miss him. Jim became a member of the Motor Corps Dune Buggy group last year and was only able to participate in one parade after purchasing WRB Cliff Koss’s vehicle. On a happier note Noble Art Beck (Uncle Sam in the parades) is recovering well from recent medical problems and plans to be in parades next year. God Bless and have a great Thanksgiving. ANTIOCH CRIER CLASSIC CAR CLUB By Rick Snider Well the Classic Cars are wrapping up another parade season and our attendance at some of the recent parades have been real good. We have added a few new members and we are all rested after our annual car show. Thanks again to all of you who helped at this year’s show. Our picnic was a big hit again, thanks to Director Emeritus Tom Lees and his Lady Nancy who hosted the party again at their home. We have a meeting in November and our Christmas Party on Dec. 5th. Motor On.....motor heads!!! Marching Patrol By the old ground-pounder Ivan Clark Director Emeritus November? Where did the year go? No more meetings at Welcome Stadium, too cold! Our October meeting was held at the Shrine Center, usual stuff, minutes, treasurer’s report, committee reports, and our Director’s report. The upcoming circus was discussed at length, and we voted on and passed a $100 ad in the circus book. Our Director Ron brought forth a new idea to revitalize the Patrol, it is new and different, we will let everyone know more after the next Patrol meeting. Until then it’s a deep, dark, secret! Director Ron also passed around a Thank You letter from the Antioch Shrine Foundation for our donation to the Silent Messenger fund. Our thoughts and prayers are with those Patrolmen who are sick or having physical problems, get well soon so you can join us. Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Patrol members and fellow Shriners! Thought for the month: If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got! Until next month, Left, Right, Left, Right Page 5 With respect for the passing of Noble Steve Putman the Crier has decided to carry his name under the columns he authored, Brass Band and Amateur Radio (NAZR) Azizah temple D of N By Princess Chaplain, Dees Thompson We knew it would happen – winter is showing us it hasn’t forgotten Ohio. Don’t let it thwart your coming to Azizah sessions. Come and celebrate again our tenants of friendship, charity, and truth. You will feel better if you do. And there is no better time to do this than at our regular session on November 13. There will be a luncheon preceding the session. We will honor Past Queens, the Potentate’s lady and past potentates’ ladies. It starts at 11:30am, menu and cost are TBD (to be determined), but it is guaranteed to be good AND inexpensive. Come. It will be fun and full of fellowship. Our hospital committee asks for coffee cart items for November. Cookies, crackers, candy bars, any individually wrapped snack for both the patients and their families. If you would prefer not to shop, they will do the shopping for you if you get your money to Mary Ellen Marker, Marilyn Moritz, or Susan Schoone. A request from Princess Royal, Dayna Pinney: If you are new to Azizah Temple and would like to participate more fully by being an officer, let her know. If you are an old hand and can take on this responsibility, let her know. Remember, it is OUR temple. Ladies, do you enjoy being remembered when you are not well or troubled? Most of us do. If you know someone who is ill or in distress, call Dees, 297-4044, and she will send a card. For the months of July and August, only 5 cards were sent. Unbelievable? Yes. DATES: Nov. 20, Past Queens luncheon, 11:30 a.m. Session, 1:00 p.m. Nov. 27, Happy Thanksgiving! Dec. 18, Session, 1:00 p.m. Following session, goodie time for members and spouses. REMEMBER: The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest. William Blake ANTIOCH CRIER Page 6 PHOTO UNIT Parade Escort By Bruce Adamson By Noble Bruce E. Puff Wow, another year of parades is over and we had about every kind of weather imaginable. I really thought we might see some snow at New Carlisle or Minster. A very big THANK YOU to the members of the Parade Escort Unit that were able to be in the parades this year. Also, THANKS to Noble Larry Rike, Parade Marshall. He has a big responsibility trying to keep all the units together during the parade. We welcomed Jack Bruhn as a new member to the Parade Escort Unit at our October meeting. He has a new Harley Trike and is looking forward to the 2015 parades. This also means I am no longer the ‘rookie’ of the unit. As I close, I want to again remind all Nobles to get involved with a parade unit. The work is easy, and the pay is something that cannot be measured in dollars. The Photography Units Photo Contest was successful, with many entrées. Now, if all of those that turned in Your Pictures, The Photo Unit has a place for You. The Antioch’s Circus is coming up quickly, and Our Unit can use You! It’s a hard job to follow the Funsters around, or get just that right photo of the Circus Acts. How ‘bout It?! Most of all, the Parades are all a photo memory, The First Ladies Luncheon was a Fashionable Success. Shortly after, a few brave souls stepped up, or sat down, and got inked. Were still a little scared from the Great Pumpkins’ Halloween Party, with the many costumes and pumpkin bowling, I mean, decorating. The Photo Unit meets the Fourth (4th) Wednesday of the Month, 7:30 p.m. at Antioch. NOVEMBER 2014 Antioch Greeters By Ill. Sir Bill Garlow Thanks to all the Greeters for a full trailer at the New Carlisle Parade, every seat was taken, great support. November birthdays are Charlie Phillips(8), Don Hoke(15), Gene Dehart(17), Tom Glanton(20) and Jack Daugherty(24). We want to welcome our new member Ill. Sir John Shimer to the Greeters. Give a big thanks to John Cole for all his help with the trailer this year and get well John for the next season. Please keep all our Greeters and their ladies in mind who are ill and recovering. A great gathering with the Ladies during our October meeting, thanks Ladies for making our meeting bright and enjoyable. Va r i e t y of S o u p s When: November 29, 2014 Where: Antioch Shrine Center Time: 6:00 PM Cost: $10 per person NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 7 Dear Noble, Kids with physical disabilities are twice as likely to be bullied, according to our friends at the National Bullying Prevention Center. At Shriners Hospitals for Children®, we get to know thousands of patients who are coping with orthopaedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, burns, or cleft lip or palate. And it breaks my heart to think they may be subjected to abuse when they return to school. Help us take a stand against bullying at I’m so proud to have former patient, award-winning actor, and Shriners Hospitals for Children Love to the rescue® Ambassador RJ Mitte serve as part of this effort. RJ has spoken eloquently about his experiences: Visit today! “I was born with cerebral palsy, and my disability made me a target for bullies. I was harassed, knocked down and even had my hand broken. But, I was lucky. I had my friends, my family, and Shriners Hospitals for Children to help me become stronger — inside and out.” That’s why Shriners Hospitals for Children’s care doesn’t stop at the hospital door. We go into schools to teach our patients’ classmates about how everyone deserves respect.Together, we can #CutTheBull and put an end to bullying. We have the ability to make a difference. We can embrace others for who they are, not who we think they should be. Visit to learn more and sign the pledge! Please share this special message with your friends and family today. Sincerely, Dale Stauss Chairman of the Board of Directors Shriners Hospitals for Children® Page 8 ANTIOCH CRIER First Ladies Luncheon NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 9 Love to the Rescue, Sable and Drew After 35 years of service as Director of Patient Care Services, Glenda Ross retired on May 1, 2013, but recently returned to Shriners Hospitals for Children® - Lexington as a volunteer. She and her therapy dog, Sable, a Weimaraner, are registered with Therapy Dogs, Incorporated as a Pet Therapy Team. Their goal is to bring happiness and cheer to people, young and old alike, as volunteers in various settings. Shriners Hospital is their favorite place to visit! Three years ago, Sable was rescued from the streets of Frankfort, KY with no identification. She was taken to the Humane Society where she stayed for a month before Weimaraner Rescue of Louisville came to her second rescue. They placed her in foster care and on the adoption list. Glenda became her owner in April, 2012. Glenda said, “Sable is a natural as a therapy dog. She has a gentle, friendly nature and loves interacting with people. She passed with ease all of the requirements of Therapy Dogs, Incorporated in April, 2013. And she is beautiful!” Sable’s recent visit with Shriners Hospital patient, Drew, an engaging, active six year old, was “love at first sight!” He showered her with hugs and attention and she politely responded in her calm and obedient manner. He delighted in having her sit and shake on command. To his surprise, she sent him a note after the visit saying that she enjoyed meeting him and his Mom! Glenda said, “We love sharing special moments with the kids at Shriners Hospital.” Page 10 ANTIOCH CRIER NOVEMBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 11 2014 ANTIOCH CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2014 1:00 - 3:00 pm CHILDREN OF ALL AGES ARE WELCOME!! Reservations may be made by calling Antioch with the number and age of kids (so we may help Santa prepare) ALL CHILDREN AGES 10 AND UNDER WILL RECEIVE A GIFT Fun foods and refreshments (cookies, punch and more) Mike Hemmelgarn (comedian, magician and ventriloquist) will perform All ages are welcome. Ages 8 and under will receive a gift from Santa. Ages 9 and older will receive a gift from Santa’s helpers. Please call Antioch for reservations by Monday Nov. 24th 937-461-4740 Cookie Decorating, photo ops with Santa, Christmas music, letter writing to Santa and more… Expect a few surprises! PLEASE MAIL OR EMAIL THE INFORMATION BELOW: or MAIL TO: Antioch Shrine 107 East First Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 NOBLE’S NAME___________________________________PHONE NUMBER________________________ GIRL_______________________AGE_________ BOY__________________________ AGE____________ GIRL_______________________AGE_________ BOY__________________________ AGE____________ GIRL_______________________AGE_________ BOY__________________________ AGE____________ GIRL_______________________AGE_________ BOY__________________________ AGE____________ Page 12 ANTIOCH CRIER NOVEMBER 2014 “Shoot for the Stars!”…at the 73rd Annual ANTIOCH SHRINE CIRCUS Nobles can exchange their coupons for seat tickets at The Antioch shrine circus office starting November 10, 2014 Nobles can even exchange their coupons for any premium seat tickets in the lower arena center section for the Friday night performance, with one coupon per ticket whether it is an adult or child. For the Saturday performances an upgrade charge of $5.00 per adult, $2.00 per child ticket will be charged for seat tickets in this premium section. Nobles can even exchange for the general seating in the lower arena ends, wings or upper arena for, Friday, or Saturday performances. One coupon per adult ticket or one coupon for two child tickets is needed for this exchange. For the Sunday performances all seats are $10, coupons can be exchanged for any seat in the arena, one coupon per seat ticket adult or child. Seats are first come first serve, so come in early to get the best seats. Issuing of additional coupons and the exchange of coupons must be done by January 26, 2015. • There will be a $5 charge for parking at the arena. If coupons are exchanged for seat tickets at the Antioch Shrine Circus office, you will receive a parking pass for free parking with your exchange. No parking passes will be given when coupons are exchanged at UD arena. Anyone that will be working at the circus just needs to have their Fez to show parking attendants to receive free parking. • Unit Directors please encourage all of your members to help out by working at the circus. Please get a count to turn into the circus office by December. Be a Circus Daddy and help us send deserving youngsters to the circus. Return at least one of the coupon books with your payment. Attention Sales Persons of Program Ads Please be working on the sale of your ads, banners, and signature cards. The ad expiration date is November 7, 2014. So make sure you have contacted your customers and turned in the sales forms for them. A list will be going out via e-mail with the ads/banners not turned in yet from last year on November 11, 2014. Once this list goes out, any ad not turned in is fair game for anyone in the Shrine who turns in that ad along with payment. Signature Cards (with money) need to be turned in on or before December 17, 2014. Suite Sales Please call the Shrine Circus Office (228-0052) to make sure suites are available for the time your customer would like one. There are 8 suites available per show and some have been sold already. This year pricing has been lowered. There is no longer a clown suite – so on the sales slip, indicate whether they want a 10 person or 15 person High Flyer suite. If they want Billy Martin to start the show from their suite with the spotlight on them it is an additional $150. You should just check the spotlight space on the sales slip if they want this option. Antioch Circus Are you selling tickets for the Circus? Will you be there to help? NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 13 LEGACY CORNER Legacy Corner has hit a nerve with our Antioch family. Our members have expressed gratitude, warm memories and emotion as LEGACY CORNER has taken them back through Antioch history. Thank you for caring. We love these wonderful old Criers… stories…pictures…memories. We had no idea how you would receive them. We “hoped” they would touch your hearts! Obviously, they have. ANTIOCH ROCKS! Stop by the southeast corner of our Lobby and take a walk back in Antioch’s history…your history! We Featured: January February March April 1990 Ill. Sir Tadd Claypool 1988 Ill. Sir Ben Hardin 1987 Ill. Sir E.C. Pelfrey 1989 Ill. Sir Dick Church, Jr. 2000 Ill. Sir Doug Sorrell 1999 Ill. Sir Doug Boyd 1991 Ill. Sir Bill Harris 2004 Ill. Sir Steve Maynard 2008 Ill. Sir Ray Combs 2006 Ill. Sir Jimmy Brewer 2003 Ill. Sir Dale Henkener 2010 Ill. Sir Tom Schoff May June July August 1993 Ill Sir Dwayne Jones, 33° 1996 Ill. Sir Hank Gladney 1973 Ill. Sir John E. Bull, Sr. 1977 Ill. Sir Frank Klugh 2005 Ill Sir Bob Hancock 2002 Ill. Sir Ray Stockslager 2001 Ill. Sir Gary Blackford 1997 Ill. Sir Bob Wagner 2013 Ill. Sir John E. Bull, Jr. 2007 Ill. Sir Roland Williams 2011 Ill Sir Bill Garlow 2012 Ill. Sir H. Jeff Shaw September October 1974 Ill. Sir Tom Wilson 1986 Ill. Sir Les Dunkle 1998 Ill. Sir Ed Molen 1968 Imperial Sir Charles Claypool 1980 Ill. Sir John Shimer, 33° 2001 Ill. Sir Gary Blackford ________ FOR NOVEMBER, 2014, WE ARE EXCITED AND HONORED TO FEATURE: THE COMPLETE YEAR OF OUR ANTIOCH CRIER FOR: • 1976 Illustrious Sir Paul Brown • 1984 Illustrious Sir George Walter • 1995 Illustrious Sir Terry Fasnacht Enjoy a few warm memories and be prepared to laugh out loud!! CALENDAR TIME…..CALENDAR TIME…..CALENDAR TIME….. Be part of the fun, excitement and MAGIC that IS Antioch NOVEMBER 1: FALL CEREMONIAL…GET PETITIONS!! November 15: Hillbilly Clan “Beans & Jeans” Dance November 22: ROJ Annual Ladies Event November 27: THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!! November 28: Dayton Children’s Christmas Parade November 29: Bobbies Famous Euchre Party November 30: Antioch’s Annual Children’s & Family Christmas Party/Extravaganza December : CHRISTMAS PARTIES… December 13: Antioch Stated Meeting and Election of Officers! Decemer 24: Christmas Eve! December 25: MERRY CHRISTMAS! December 31: New Year’s Eve? Have Fun! January 1: Happy New Year and Football (and maybe a few hangovers)! THINK Shrine Circus Page 14 ANTIOCH CRIER NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CLAN 91 ANNUAL BEANS AND JEANS DANCE NOVEMBER 15, 2014 6:00pm to 10:00pm in the ANTIOCH BALLROOM (second floor) All Shriners’ and non-Shriners’ are invited Come meet and greet our newest clan members Tickets are $7.50 each or $15/couple Tickets are available at the Shrine Center Office or one of the Clan officers The clan provides the CORN BREAD you bring your best BEAN SOUP Don’t forget to bring a side dish. SEE YA ALL THERE Rabban of Clan 91, Joseph Everette 937-520-6284 Attention Circus Salesmen!!!!! Please note the changes to the 2015 Suite Packages that were in your Sales Packet. The Suites are now either a 10 person suite of which there are 6 to sell each performance for $499 or 15 person suite for $799 of which there are 2 to sell each performance. The suites no longer include: · Animal Rides · Ads in the Activity Book Either of these suites can have the Spotlight on them for an additional $150. This option can only be taken advantage of by 2 suites each performance, so you need to call the circus office to make sure it will be an option available for the performance your customer may want. Please make your customers aware of these changes when selling. NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 15 has released their Top 75 Social Media Friendly Children’s Hospitals, and Shriners Hospitals for Children came in at 27 on the list. The editorial team evaluated social media presences of children’s hospitals all over the country to determine which hospitals are best at using their Facebook and Twitter accounts to connect with their patients. Shriners Hospitals was an early adopter in the use of social media in communicating with patients, families and other supporters, and our presences now include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram to share patient stories, health and safety information and fundraising activities. The same social media team also manages accounts for Shriners International and the East-West Shrine Game and offers communications support for our agency, individual hospitals and other departments. “We are honored by the recognition from,” said Amy Ritzel, corporate public relations director. “We have the benefit of drawing items of interest from 22 hospitals, staff and Shriners to share. We are also fortunate to have very engaged supporters who share our news on their personal social networks, helping us expand our impact.” Our corporate social media team is smaller than many hospitals or large non-profit organizations, with one full time team member dedicated to the task with assistance from other staff members as needed. Recognition on this list is an accomplishment we can all be proud of. See the list at articles/top-75-social-media-friendly-childrens-hospitals-for-2014/ ANTIOCH CRIER Page 16 August NOVEMBER 2014 “ANTIOCH’S ALL-STARS” In January, we introduced a new monthly program called, “ANTIOCH’S ALLSTARS!” This program is designed to recognize a few (of the many) people that make ANTIOCH one of the best Shrine organizations in the world. You have heard me say it before, our official Shrine # is 77. That could not be further from the truth. ANTIOCH IS NUMBER ONE! For 2014 our ALL-STARS have been: ANTIOCH ALL-STARS November January Bob Mittlestead (Mitzi) Ryan Conde (Jessica) Kevin Sweeney (Valeri) Ill. Sir Steve Maynard (Vivian) February Larry Rike (Betty) James Hayes (Cynthia) Ill. Sir Ray Combs (Punky Pat) Ed Peters March_______________________ Matt McFarland(Meredith) Don Craycraft (Connie) Jack Morgan (Debbie) Virgil Neal (Debbie) April John Buzard (Joyce) Tom Hail (Dee) Jim Thorpe (Annie) Bret Stahler (Susan) May Ill. Sir John Bull, Jr. (Pam) Jim Hodde (Karen) Max Richardson (Marion) Mick Lile (Roni) June Larry Cornett (Theresa) Rick Maynard (Teresa) Paul Weglage (Karen) Ill. Sir Gary Blackford (Carolyn) July Nelson Spellman (Pam) Jeff Chandler (Trish) Tim Carter (Kim) Rob Butler (Marlies) Wes Ramsey (Johanna) Ill. Sir Bill Garlow (Linda) Doug Johnson (Julie) Jim Free (Margaret) August September John Cole (Kay) Don Hoke (Lois) Dave Caldwell (Susan) Richard Wagner (Marla) October Tom Best Dave Heizer (Linda) Bruce Puff Chuck Gamble (Eileen) IT IS WITH TREMENDOUS PRIDE THAT WE RECOGNIZE OUR OCTOBER ALL-STARS!... HERB RIDER (VIVIAN) TODD RIDER (MICHELLE) SCOTT FITZGERALD (SHERRY) CHUCK PINNEY (DAYNA) STARS, REPRESENTING OUR NOVEMBER ALL-STARS, WILL BE PLACED IN BALLROOM AT ANTIOCH! CONGRATULATIONS ALL-STARS…AND THANK YOU! ND SECO E IC NOT ATTENTION Campers! WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU TENT CAMPERS…TRAILERS…5TH WHEELS…MOTOR HOMES… ANTIOCH WANTS YOU! We are very excited to announce that Antioch has received a request to explore the formation of a NEW Club…A CAMPING CLUB! Would you be interested in joining fellow Antiochers to form an active, fun camping Club? The formation of a new Club requires 10 members of Antioch willing to work hard for a couple years to form and establish the group. We can assist with examples of By-Laws, a place to hold meetings, advertising (Crier and Constant Contact) and more. We would love to help this new group build a schedule of camping events and even get into Shrine parades! Is camping in your blood? Want to be on the ground floor of helping Antioch grow again? Many Shrine Centers are losing Units, Clubs and people. Antioch is on FIRE (maybe, a campfire…get it… campfire…camping group…???) We have enough to start our initial meetings...hurry! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF THIS DISCUSSION, OR ARE WILLING TO ATTEND AN INFORMATIONAL MEETING, PLEASE CALL: Scott Lipps 937-790-0602; Kevin Sweeney 937-304-5778; Max Richardson 937-668-4107 NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 17 The International Shrine Clown Association and the Antioch Funster Clowns present: The 2014 ‘Bump Nose’ MAKEUP AND CLOWN SEMINAR FEATURING: JIM HOWLE FORMER RINGLING CLOWN AND WORLD REKNOWN ARTIST AND MUCH SOUGHT AFTER PRESENTER! The tentative schedule includes: makeup and costume, character development, skit development and presentation, parade ability, magic demos, face painting demos, ISCA judging session and certification. Q and A ALL DAY! Doughnuts and beverages all morning, lunch available, dinner available on site ( so that you are not late returning from meals and risk missing anything!!) Pickup and return to airport available upon request. THIS EVENT WILL BE HELD AT ANTIOCH SHRINE CENTER, 107 EAST FIRST STREET, DAYTON, OHIO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2014 FROM 9AM TO 8PM. REGISTRATION FEE IS $50 PER PERSON. Pre Registration not required but would be the courteous thing to do! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE AFFILIATED WITH ANY CLOWN ORGANIZATION TO ATTEND. THERE WILL BE MAGIC, MAKEUP, AND COSTUME VENDORS THERE FOR YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION, CONTACT: BRET STAHLER, ISCA EDUCATION DIRECTOR 937-935-9851 SNAPTRAP@COLUMBUS.RR.COM ANTIOCH CRIER Page 18 NOVEMBER 2014 141st Imperial Session July 5-9, 2015 By call of the Imperial Potentate of Shriners International, the 141st Imperial Session will be held in Houston, Texas, July 5-9. 2015 Saturday, July 4 Leave Dayton @ 8PM Sunday, July 5 Arrive Houston @ 4PM Monday, July 6 Competitions Dinner @ Hard Rock Houston Tuesday, July 7 Houston Hospital Tour Parade Wednesday, July 8 Travel Home @ 11AM Thursday, July 9 Arrive Dayton @ 7AM Includes: Insolated Commemorative Travel Mug(2), Commemorative Keychain, Travel Sling Bag, Nobles Hat, Dinner @ Hard Rock, Charter Bus Transportation Round Trip, and Hotel Accommodations. Cost: $1215 Per Couple $815 Per Couple W/O Bus NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 19 2015 Pote’s Trip Aug 8, Saturday 6am 2:00pm Leave Dayton Airport headed for Chicago Union Station. (5+ Hour Drive Charter Bus) Board Amtrak Train at Union Station, Chicago Ill. Aug 10, Monday 11:55am 4:00pm 7:00pm 9:30pm Arrive in Seattle. Transport to Marriott Waterfront Seattle, Wa., Store Bags for early check-in. Dinner at Buco di Beppos Seattle. Tour of Observation Deck Seattle Space Needle. Return to our Hotel. Aug 11, Tuesday 7:00am 9:00am Leave for King St. Station, Seattle, Wa. Board Amtrak Train at King St. Station, Seattle, Wa. Aug 12, Wednesday 8:10am 9:10am 2:15am Arrive Emeryville, CA. Transport to Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf. Grand City Tour, includes Bay Cruise (The SF Sightseeing Co) Aug 13, Thursday 9:00am Alcatraz/Sausalito/Muir Woods Tour (6-8 Hours) This tour also includes a free Fisherman’s Wharf Pier 39 Fun Pack valued at over $400. (upon request while supplies last) Aug 14, Friday 9:00am Charter Bus Napa Valley Day Tour. Aug 15, Saturday Open China Town, Coit Tower, Lombard Street, Fisherman’s Wharf, Twin Peaks, Ghirardelli Square, Muir Woods, Golden Gate Park, Sausalito, Sunset Beach, Monterey Beach, Pebble Beach. Aug 16, Sunday Early Go home to Dayton, Ohio. Plan A (Sold Out) ($5,420 per Couple, based on double occupancy ($2,710 each)) Amtrak Train Bedroom (Chicago to San Francisco, including Meals) $542 per month for 10 months Plan B ($4,320 per Couple, based on double occupancy ($2,160 each)) $432 per month for 10 months Amtrak Train Roomette (Chicago to San Francisco, including Meals) Plan C ($3,320 per couple, based on double occupancy ($1,660 each)) $332 per month for 10 months Amtrak Train Coach Seat (Chicago to San Francisco, does not include Meals) Included in all Plans Charter Bus from Dayton Airport to Union Station, Chicago Ill. ● Marriott Waterfront Seattle, Wa. (1 night) Charter Bus to Dinner/Space Needle/tickets for Observation Deck. ● Dinner @ Buca di Beppo ● Space Needle Transport to and from Train stations ● Grand City Tour, includes Bay Cruise (The SF Sightseeing Co) Marriott Fisherman’s Wharf (4 nights) ● Charter Bus day trip through Napa Valley Tour (The SF Sightseeing Co) Alcatraz Tour & Charter Bus day trip through Muir Woods/Sausalito Tour/Ferry ride back to Pier 41 Extras $300 $170 $600 $260 Bus Trip to Yosemite National Park (The San Francisco Sightseeing Co) (14 Hours) Bus Trip to Monterey/Carmel & 17 Mile Drive (The SF Sightseeing Co) not Tu or Th (11 Hours) Fly to Dayton, Ohio (one way) $260 on Greyhound (one way) Greyhound (one way) What’s not included: • • Airport Parking $48 for week • Lunch in Seattle • Coach Meals • Breakfast in Seattle Meals while in San Francisco (4 Nights) • Saturday ANTIOCH CRIER Page 20 NOVEMBER 2014 News from Cincinnati Specialty care beyond a burn Cincinnati Shriners Hospital Cleft Lip & Palate Program: TEAMWORK & CLINICAL EXCELLENCE If you know a child we can help, call or go to: Burn and Emergency Services 866-947-7840 Plastic Surgery Services 866-206-2096 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati is one of only four freestanding hospitals in the country dedicated to the treatment of pediatric burns and specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Our physicians’ experience and expertise in pediatric burn treatment, cleft lip and palate, complex wound and skin conditions, and plastic and reconstructive surgery makes Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati a first choice for care. SHC-CIN_Media Resources.Oct.2014 Darke County Ladies who helped on Paper Drive for our Hospitals honored. Antioch Bobbies performed at Gover Harley If you know a child we can help, call or go to: Davidson’s bike fest to earn money for the Burn and Emergency Services HFD 866-947-7840 Miami County Past Presidents honored. Plastic Surgery Services 866-206-2096 Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati is one of only four freestanding hospitals in the country dedicated to the treatment of pediatric burns and specializing in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Our physicians’ experience and expertise in pediatric burn treatment, cleft lip and palate, complex wound and skin conditions, and plastic and reconstructive surgery makes Shriners Hospitals for Children – Cincinnati a first choice for care. SHC-CIN_Media Resources.Oct.2014 Miami County Ladies who helped on Paper Drive for our Hospitals honored. Potentate Lipps able to finish Air Force Marathon before he collapses. NOVEMBER 2014 ANTIOCH CRIER Page 21 BACK AGAIN…..DID YOU MISS LAST YEAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This special Antioch Shriners Package Begins on Friday, January 16, 2015 for 3 nights at The Sirata Beach Resort on St. Pete Beach, Florida & includes: FRIDAY Check in at the Beautiful Sirata Beach Resort. Dinner with the Players at Tropicana Field ON THE TURF with the teams!) SATURDAY Special Pre-Game Tailgate Party at the Stadium Tickets to ANTIOCH’S VIP Hospitality Suite and The Game. SUNDAY Sirata Beach Resort Kick Back & Enjoy the BEACH and Play Day EACH PACKAGE INCLUDES: EXCLUSIVE access to the Hancock Bank VIP Club at Tropicana Field including premium club seating, food and refreshments (COD Bar) East - West Shrine Game commemorative pin ~~2015 East – West Shrine Game calendar Antioch Special: 3 Days/3 Nights $149.00 per night double occupancy Dinner with the Players $60.00 per person Suite Tickets $50.00 per person $667.00 +/- per couple. double occupancy. Shuttle service to and from these events once we know how many are going. If flying in, shuttle service or cab on your own cost is about $25.00 per person. Free parking to those not staying at the hotel! Deposit of $220.00 due at time of reservation to PAM KRASKA (937) 461-4740 No refund if canceled after December 15, 2014. ANTIOCH CRIER Page 22 NOVEMBER 2014 Need a Santa for your special Event Notice is given that Antioch Shrine will hold a Stated Meeting, for the purpose of Election of Officers & conducting business to come before the Nobility, on Saturday December 13, 2014 September , 2013 at 10:00 AM. Christmas is coming Add a very special supprise Santa is a licensed and Ordained Minister Contact: Bret Stahler email or 937-935-9851 107 East First Street, Dayton, Ohio “Es Selamu Aleikum” Scott Lipps Potentate CALLING ALL NOBLES AND LADIES YOU ARE INVITED TO A FUND RAISER!!!! FUN, FOOD, & PRIZES WHAT: Pampered Chef Fund raiser for Antioch Shrine Temple, Hosted by Becky Mergy Independent Pampered Chef Consultant WHEN: Sunday November 9 at 2 pm WHERE: The Antioch Temple, 107 E. First St Dayton, Ohio 45402-1214 FREE GIFT WITH A $75 ORDER AND A PORTION OF ALL SALES GOES TO ANTIOCH . Don’t forget to bring friends and family too!!! If you can’t make shop online go to click the box that says shows that you are invited to. Then click Antioch shrine or host name Shane Mergy and click join. Now you are ready to shop. The show will close on November 12 to guarantee holiday delivery PLEASE RSVP to Becky at 937-750-6267 NOVEMBER Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Antioch Shrine Fall Ceremonial 2 9 3 Bobbies Parade Escort Marching Patrol 10 Divan 16 17 23 24 Cabiri Divan 11 18 25 Seniors Brass Band Greeters 30 Antioch Shrine Childrens Christmas Sunday 4 Seniors Brass Band Lima Shrine Director’s Staff Seniors Brass Band Motor Corps Classic Cars 4 Wheelers Hospital Fund Seniors Brass Band Motor Corps Ambassadors Lima Shrine Club Kentucky Colonels Monday 7 8 14 15 21 22 29 13 14 Pipers Gun Club Springfield Greene County Daughters of the Nile Miami County 19 26 Pipers Photo Unit Shelby County Seniors Brass Band Directors Staff Lima Pipers Golf Club 9 16 Seniors Brass Band Lima Kentucky Colonels Ambassadors Christmas Party 23 Seniors 3 10 Pipers Aug-Mer Christmas Partys Parade Escort Darke Co. Gun Club 17 27 4 11 Middletown Warren Co. Classic Cars Christmas Party 12 19 25 26 Antioch Closed Christmas Antioch Closed 5 Greeters Christmas Party 18 DoN Miami Co. Christmas Party 24 Friday Hillbilly Clan Christmas Party Pipers Christmas Partys Greene Co. Springfield/ Clark Co. 31 Temple Closed Thursday Funsters Fairborn & Provost Christmas (joint) Mounted Patrol Past Masters 21 28 Thanksgiving Day Antioch Closed 30 Scottish Rite Fall Reunion 20 Wednesday 2 Divan 28 7 Middletown Shrine Club Warren County 12 Tuesday Seniors 4 Wheelers Brass Band Divan 6 Fairborn Shrine Funsters Mounted Patrol Legion of Honor Past Masters December 1 Bobbies Parade Escort Marching Patrol 5 Pipers Provost Guard Golf Club Aug-Mer Pipers Hospital Fund Appreciation Dinner Darke Co. election Antioch Closed Makeup & Clown Seminar 1 8 15 Hillbilly Clan Bean & Jeans Dinner/Dance Scottish Rite Fall Reunion 22 29 Bobbies Famous Euchre Party! Saturday Legion of Honor Christmas Party Champagne Co. Christmas Party 6 13 Antioch Stated Meeting & Annual Election of Officers Christmas Partys Bobbies Past Masters 4 Wheelers 20 27 937-668-4107 Hand crafted custom made leather goods Belts, Wallets, Checkbook Covers, Leather Journals etc. Specializing in Custom Holsters of all types. Western, IWB, Pancake, Waistband, Shoulder Holsters, Under auto dash. Kydex holsters also available. References available on request All genuine USA leather with the exception of exotics Max Richardson Owner-Craftsman Leatherworx01@
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Charles A. Claypool, 33°
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