The Southwold Gazette - Reydon Village Website
The Southwold Gazette - Reydon Village Website
The Southwold Gazette Serving Southwold, Reydon & the Local Community Issue No. 149 Friday 5th December 2014 ISSN 1740-0511 70p The Southwold Gazette appears monthly for community news, views, letters, and entertainment. The next copy deadline for edition No. 150 is Tuesday 16th December for Friday 2nd January publication - full details on back page. 2014 Adnams Pub of the Year Awards The Greyhound in Ipswich has been named “2014 Adnams Pub of the Year” at this year’s annual awards ceremony, hosted at the Swan Hotel in Southwold. A variety of awards were presented at a special lunch for the publicans, held on Tuesday 18th November, to recognise outstanding pubs and publicans. Customers were invited to nominate their favourite pubs based on three categories: Excellence in Customer Service, Community Pub of the Year and Best Presented Pub. The Greyhound at Ipswich run by Dan and Emma Lightfoot was awarded the coveted title, Adnams Pub of the Year. According to customers, The Greyhound is truly at the heart of the community and everything that a good pub should be. Particularly noted were great food and beer as well as its outstanding customer service. As well as The Greyhound, Adnams commended a number of pubs for excellence in specific areas. The category winners include: Best Kept Cellar – White Horse, Westleton, run by tenants Rob Spendlove and John Blades Robert Porter, Adnams’ Quality Control Brewer visited each entrant unannounced and assessed the cellar conditions before awarding the title to The White Horse. Cellar conditions are incredibly important in The Randolph Hotel Reydon, winners of the Excellence maintaining beer and serving in Customer Service Award 2014 from Adnams Unit 14 & 16, Fountain Way, Reydon Business Park, Reydon, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6SZ • Sales and Servicing (All work fully insured & carried out by qualified & time served mechanics & fitters) • MOT’s undertaken and repairs carried out • Batteries, tyres, tracking & exhausts available • Diagnostics on all major European & Japanese vehicles • Courtesy car available plus a collection and delivery service if required • Four Wheel Laser Tracking • Now available: Air Con Health Check We are now approved and registered for Air Con Gas Filling *Call now for a free no obligation quote 722822 Continued on page 3 IN THIS ISSUE: • Wheely Good Arts Festival • Minsmere Report • On the Beat with PC Sadler • Blyth Road Houses • Christmas Day Swim • Small Business Saturday 5 December 2014 2 SOUTHWOLD AND THE SUFFOLK HERITAGE COAST CALENDAR 2015 Southwold and the Heritage Coast Calendar 2015 • Attractive Flip Design • Lots of space for notes • Previous & next month to view • Hole punched for hanging • 1 Full page per month • A5 folds out to A4 double page spread Available from local shops or by post direct from the printers Southwold Press Ltd. Unit 3A, Global Court, Reydon Business Park, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6SY. Tel: 01502 723361 Email: SOUTHWOLD AND THE HERITAGE COAST CALENDAR 2015 Please send . . . . copies to: Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... Price £4.99 (including post and packing) Payment (by cheque or card) to: Southwold Press Ltd., Unit 3A, Global Court, Reydon Business Park, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6SY. Tel: 01502 723361 The Southwold Gazette 5 December 2014 Adnams Pub Awards 2014 Continued from front page customers beer at its optimum, Robert praised The White Horse for its “excellent” beer quality. Sustainability/Use of Local Produce - The Cherry Tree at Woodbridge – run by tenants Andy Thompson and James Buckingham The team at this pub grows their own vegetables and are avid composters. It makes its own spicy nuts and pork scratchings and the ingredients for its food is sourced from local suppliers. The fact that Andy and James continuously look for new and innovative ideas to build on their green credentials, makes them especially worthy winners for a second time. Excellence in Customer Service - The Randolph, Reydon - run by leaseholders David and Donna Smith. This award is voted for by customers, and Donna and David received some glowing comments for their outstanding service, ensuring that every customer feels welcome and well cared for on every visit. One customer commented: “From the warm welcome you receive as you enter; to the warm thanks you get when you leave, the staff cannot do enough for you.” Community Pub of the Year - The Greyhound at Ipswich - run by tenants Dan and Emma Lightfoot 3 The Southwold Gazette Offering not only fine food and beer, Emma and Dan also provide a hub for the community to gather, whether it be for local clubs, social gatherings or events organised by the pub. One customer said, “I feel part of the community here as they host lots of events that extend my knowledge of what’s going on locally”. Best Presented Pub - Eels Foot at Eastbridge - run by tenants Julian Wallis and Amy Whitelock Julian and Amy have worked incredibly hard to make this idyllic pub fit into its rural location, which is surrounded by a nature reserve. Customers remarked that this chocolate-box pub looks just as a village pub should, with a perfect welcoming ambience. Karen Hester, Operations Director at Adnams, who hosted the awards ceremony said, “The hospitality industry remains a tough one, which is why we believe it’s important to take the time to celebrate the continuing success of our hardworking tenants. We thank and congratulate all of our finalists.” The Greyhound Ipswich, Adnams Pub of the Year 2014 YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS ALSO APPEAR ONLINE at no extra cost: NEAL’S TAXI & PRIVATE HIRE Airports, Local & Long Distance Friendly Reliable Service • Competitive Rates SG06/55 01502 575 888 Mobile: 07899 011383 Debit & Credit Cards now accepted SERVING SOUTHWOLD / SURROUNDING AREA 5 December 2014 Purple Poppy Appeal Thank you to all who contributed to this year’s Purple Poppy Appeal. The concept of wearing a purple poppy to remember the animal victims of war was instigated by Animal Aid and backed by many animal welfare organisations. Each November a ceremony is held at the Animals in War Memorial in London to remember the millions killed in our wars –“They had no choice”. A total of £162.95 was raised by supportive shops and a collection in the town. Once Animal Aid has covered its costs a donation will be made to NOWZAD. This was the name given to a dog rescued by Royal Marines in Afghanistan, who helped found the only official animal shelter and clinic in in the country. Their work still continues to promote respect and kindness to animals ( Sue Drake 4 The Southwold Gazette Southwold Arts Festival “Wheely Good Street Event” Whilst the line-up for the 2015 Southwold Arts Festival won’t be announced until February the planning group are able to share some of the plans for the Street Event that launches the week-long Festival. The Street Festival will take place on Saturday 26th June and will have a “wheely” brilliant theme this year. The parade, which will make its way from the Police Station, up the High Street to the Market Place is all about wheels. It is hoped that people will join the parade with their wheels - be it prams, scooters, shopping trollies, unicycles, tricycles, skateboards, wheel chairs or buggies decorated for the event. Organisers hope that the theme will inspire people to either dress up their wheelbarrows, bikes, buggies etc. or make more ambitious creations out of wheels. The High Street will be closed to traffic for the afternoon to allow street entertainers, musicians and stalls to take over the town. One of the highlights of the 2014 Street Festival was the Sing While You Work Choir Competition which saw 4 choirs formed especially for the event battle to be crowned Southwold’s best choir. Those who took part loved the experience and it seems they are keen to do it again. The competition will take place again this year and it is hoped new choirs will join in. If you think your colleagues or sports/community group could form a choir please contact Sarah Green Two fundraising events are planned to raise funds for the Street Festival. The first will be a quiz taking place on Friday 6th February at the Millennium Hall. Tickets are £8.00 per person and will include a delicious curry prepared by Café 51. Four members per team. Tickets are £8.00 per person and are available from Spots. On Friday the 20th March the Millennium Hall will host a Bingo Night with more details to follow in the New Year. The 2014 Street Festival saw crowds flocking to Southwold to enjoy the free entertainment and soak up the atmosphere. Organisers hope that the 2015 event will be even better and that the community will really get behind it. Dig out your old pram or go-cart and get creative! Keep up to date with plans for this and all Southwold Arts Festival events via southwoldarts or on Twitter @SouthwoldArts. T H E C U T A B O V E S O U T H W O L DHAIR SPECIALISTS To celebrate our new Spa Room we will be opening later in the evenings 9.00am – 5.00pm Monday: Tuesday: 9.00am – 7.00pm Wednesday: 9.00am – 9.00pm Thursday: Friday: Saturday: 9.00am – 7.00pm 9.00am – 5.00pm 9.00am – 5.00pm Wella trained SP Specialists 61 HIGH STREET, SOUTHWOLD Tel: 01502 724420 5 December 2014 5 The Southwold Gazette Reydon Village Plan Moves On The launch of the Reydon Village Plan on Friday the 7th of November was a very successful event. A packed Village Hall, (we estimate that there was about 100 people in the audience), listened to an introduction to the Plan and watched as the Plan was formally handed over to Reydon Parish Council. Vice Chair Councillor Maxine Hunt accepted the Plan on behalf of the Council, thanked the volunteers who had produced the Plan for their efforts and said that the Council would be looking at the results and planning ways forward. So what is the Reydon Village Plan? It is a document that summarises the 969 responses to a questionnaire sent to residents of Reydon that asked their opinion on all aspects of life in the village. Actions to enhance the village have been proposed on the basis of majority opinion. A copy of the Plan has been delivered to every home in Reydon. If you have not received your copy please email or phone 07502 319569 and arrangements will be made to deliver one to you. The document is also on the village plan website Should you wish to delve into the detail of the questionnaire responses, this information is on the website and a printed copy is available using the contact details shown above. What will happen next? A sub-committee of Reydon Parish Council, (headed by Councillors Julie Jordan and Pamela Cyprien), has been formed to progress actions from the Plan and will be assisted by volunteers in this work. Also, as costs were lower than expected, there is a surplus of at least £1,000 in the Reydon Village Plan budget which can be used to help fund some of the actions in the Plan. There is a groundswell of enthusiasm for and interest in the Plan and we are keen to use this to push the Plan forward over the coming months. Progress will be reported on our website and in the local press. From the Reydon Village Plan Steering Group 5 December 2014 6 The Southwold Gazette The Southwold Trust The Southwold Trust was founded in 1962 by Fleetwood Craven Pritchard, as a Registered Charity, to give financial support to the very many charitable organisations in its area of operation and to enhance the SOUTHWOLD TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DATES 2014 There will be no Town Council meeting in December, the next will be at 8pm on Tuesday 27th January at the Town Hall. PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING DATES 2014 The Planning & Development Committee will be meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 9th December at the Town Hall. The January meetings will be held on Tuesdays 13th January 2015 and 27th January 2015 at 7pm at the Town Hall. COUNCILLOR SURGERY DATES 2014 Saturday 6th December 10am – 11am These will be held on an appointment only basis. Please contact the Town Hall to make an appointment. quality of life of the residents of Southwold and Reydon, the place that gave him much happiness in his retirement years. Initially, he made a Capital donation of £4,000 which has grown enormously over the years. Subsequently the Trust has attracted many gifts and legacies from others who have equally loved and enjoyed the Town. Fleetwood Pritchard was the first Chairman, he was succeeded by Sir George Robinson, then David Brooke Collett and then by Bernard Segrave-Daly, who has just retired as Chairman after 25 years (and 35 years as a Trustee), but remains on the Trust. He is succeeded by Sir Richard Dales, who retired to Southwold, after a career in her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service, and has been associated with the Town for several decades. At the recent Trust Meeting, the outgoing Chairman recorded that the Trust had distributed in excess of £925,000 to local charities which support or enhance almost every aspect of Southwold life. The Trust is served by ten Trustees, who meet half-yearly in April and October. Grants, amounting to £15,650 were awarded to The Southwold Parochial Charities, The Southwold Museum, The Sole Bay Care Fund and the Southwold and Reydon Medical Equipment Loans. Applications for grants should be made in writing to the Secretary, 21, Millfields, Wangford, Beccles NR34 8RG. 5 December 2014 7 Framlingham and Saxmundham Cats Protection Everyone at Framlingham and Saxmundham Cats Protection would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has supported us during a very hectic year of fund raising and cat homing. We have attended a record number of events with a few more yet in December. We have met lots of our generous supporters, both old and new; our membership is growing and cat homing continues well. We look forward to giving advice on feline welfare and helping yet more cats and kittens find their new homes in the coming year. 2015 will see the Fram and Sax branch celebrating the 25th anniversary of the forming of the branch; more news on that to come shortly. Is your cat a fussy eater? Most cat owners will be familiar with the conversations in the pet food isle of the supermarket with their fellow feline 'slaves'. "Well, I don't know what to try next. Tiddles simply goes off the brand of food after a few days!" It could be that we are re-enforcing fussy behaviour by offering frequent changes of food, so our cats come to expect it. We usually know what type of foods cats find most palatable, but there is a huge variation between individuals. Some of this is as a result of food experiences early in life – kittens will tend to eat and like the same foods that they see their mother eating and may develop a strong preference for this. Some cats will develop a preference for a particular type of food; for example wet-canned or dry food. Most cats, however, are inherently 'neophilic', meaning that they like to explore and try new and different foods and enjoy variety but the effect is typically short-lived (one to three days) and they may seem to be eating less of the new food. Actually they have just got used to it and will not fall on it as ravenously! Try to break the habit by SINDALLS R E M O VA L S & decreasing the frequency of offering new brands or flavours. Of course, monitoring your cat's health and weight are paramount and if you have any doubts your local vet will be able to give good nutritional advice. Catology: John Lennon, the famous Beatle, loved cats and as a boy he reportedly cycled to the fishmonger's to buy fish for his cat. He named his first cat Mimi after his cat-loving aunt. John and his first wife Cynthia are reported to have had up to ten cats. Featured cats looking for a Home: Pip and Oscar are approximately 5 months old and were found living rough as kittens in different locations but are now best buddies. These two delightful boys are very friendly little cats and we very much hope they can be homed together. See our website:; facebook: or telephone 01728 723499 for more information about Pip and Oscar, other cats in our care and how you can support us. Please remember to mention where you heard about us. TREE WORK & HEDGE TRIMMING, ETC. Experienced • Insured S TO R A G E Offering a Local & Nationwide Service to Southwold & District Office: 01379 853720 Home: 01986 785083 Mobile: 07908 251106 S C R A B B L E The Southwold Gazette G R O U P The winner of the November meeting was Liz Slater with a total score over 2 games of 795 points. Bonus words were: SCRIBES, TRUDGES and HOOVERS (Miriam Bennett). The Scrabble Group meets on the first Monday of the month at 2pm. The next meeting will be on Monday December 1st in the Methodist Church Hall, East Green, Southwold, IP18 6LB. Venue for meeting on January 5th is yet to be arranged. New members very welcome. For further information ring 01502 722483. Miriam Bennett GEORGE SHEPHARD 3 Norfolk Road Tel: 01502 578302 Wangford Beccles VOLUNTARY HELP CENTRE Stella Peskett Millenium Hall, Might’s Road, Southwold IP18 6BE Email: Web site: Telephone: (01502) 724549 Serving Southwold, Reydon & district Transport - Shopping - Befriending, Lunch Club CAN WE HELP YOU? CAN YOU HELP US? OPENING TIMES: : 9.00am-12 noon, 1.00-3.00pm Monday & Thursday: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 9.00am-12 noon 24 hour Answerphone responded to daily Registered Charity No. 298046 5 December 2014 8 Southwold Suffolk Wildlife Trust The Southwold Group of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s November meeting welcomed Carl Herrington, manager of Lound Lakes, a 280 acre site which straddles the Suffolk/ Norfolk boundary and is managed by the SWT for the Suffolk and Essex Water Company. The lakes are reservoirs created in the 1850’s to supply Lowestoft with water. In recent years the site had been managed by the Broads Authority with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust taking over in 2012. Whilst the management of the reservoirs themselves is in the hands of the water company all surrounding habitats, including various types of woodland and grassland are the remit of the Trust, with the focus on upgrading habitats under the terms of the Higher Level Stewardship scheme. Overwintering bitterns, breeding tawny owls, tree creepers, linnets, skylarks and yellowhammers, wonderful orchid displays, over twenty species of dragonfly including the Norfolk Hawker, otters, a large variety of fungi, grass snakes, adders slow worms and lizards can be found along with a variety of birds on the water. The site, easily reached from the A12 at Hopton, has open access with footpaths and a bird hide and includes an Education Centre at Fen Barn. The next meeting of the group is on Thursday 8th January at 7.30pm in St Edmunds Hall, Southwold when Tony Brown will give an illustrated talk on ‘The Living Woodland’ admission is £2 including refreshments, everyone is welcome. Les Tarver “A CHRISTMAS CAROL” Walberswick presents a new stage adaptation of Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ by K.L.Hebden. This ambitious ensemble piece with carols arranged by Denis King and directed by Julia Sowerbutts promises to be a uniquely intimate, Dickensian theatrical experience. Walberswick Village Hall, January 22nd, January 23rd & January 24th at 7.30pm January 24th & 25th at 3.00pm. Tickets: The Tuck Shop, Walberswick or J.Waller 01502722120 from December 18th. Caters for all aspects of men’s hair cutting The Southwold Gazette Reydon Marguerite Club Despite some wet Mondays this month members have loyally turned up for meetings with an average attendance of about 35. chocolate for Birthday November was given to Gladys Deighton, Audrey Honeybourne, Muriel Sewell and Edna Steward. A team entered the church quiz evening when we managed to maintain our position and received £50 for our trouble! Well it was chocolate in a wrapper that looked like a £50 note but was very good. We all enjoyed the evening and meal very much. Thank you everybody. About forty members and friends visited Filby Bridge restaurant, where, as usual we enjoyed an excellent meal, followed by a visit to Lethams. Whist winners this month were Jean English 91, Betty Hocken 93, Shelagh Forward 85, Joan Pratley 69 & 66, Freda Prime 69 & 91, Margaret Ewers 72, Betty Dicks 62, Bill Ewers 88 & 60, Reg Wafer 88, Dawn Roper 86 & 64, Jack Robins 92, Frank Hocken 85, Anita Freeman 68, and Peggy Goffin 70. We meet on Mondays, 2.30pm at Reydon Village Hall for games of whist or bingo followed by tea/coffee and biscuits/cakes. New members are always welcome. Just turn up on a Monday afternoon or ring Jack or Ann on 722903. Poppy Appeal Whist Drive At the recent whist drive for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal £100 was raised and donated to the Poppy Appeal Organisers for inclusion in the area’s total. Many thanks to all who supported this event by donating or collecting prizes and by attending the whist drive itself. Prizewinners were Gladys Deighton and Peggy Goffin, Paul and Tony Smith, Joyce Purkiss and Jack Robins, Shelagh Forward and Rose Julings and Emma and Liz Slater. Well done everyone. The next partner whist drive will be on Tuesday 2nd December at 7pm and will be in aid of the Royal British Legion Women’s Section Funds. Noir is the Innovative hair salon based in Southwold Caters for women, gents, children Choice of six Specialises in colours/perms/sets/ wedding hair/children Loyalty Card Discount Scheme. highly-trained barbers W i s h i n g a l l C u s t o m e r s a M e r r y APPOINTMENTS STILL AVALABLE • GHD XMAS PACKS AVAILABLE Xmas and a Happy New Year Wishing all Customers a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year Chapps Barbershop Southwold Noir Southwold CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR OPENING TIMES: CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR OPENING TIMES: Tues 23rd Dec Xmas Eve Xmas Day 25th Dec Boxing Day 26th Dec Sat 27th Dec Sun 28th Dec 9am-7pm 9am-4pm Closed Closed 8am-5pm Closed Mon 29th Dec Tues 30th Dec New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Friday 2nd Jan 01502 722563 9am-5pm 9am-7pm 9am-4pm Closed Open as usual Tues 23rd Dec Xmas Eve Xmas Day 25th Dec Boxing Day 26th Dec Sat 27th Dec Sun 28th Dec 9am-7pm 9am-4pm Closed Closed 9am-5pm Closed Mon 29th Dec Tues 30th Dec New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Friday 2nd Jan 01502 725662 9am-7pm 9am-7pm 9am-4pm Closed Open as usual 5 December 2014 9 The Southwold Gazette Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2014 This year’s Poppy Appeal in Southwold and Reydon has to date raised £10,390. We have received excellent support as usual from our local collectors, schools, and churches, plus many businesses and clubs, including some new venues for our collecting boxes. One of our collectors, Peter Lupton, achieved a personal best exceeding £1,500 for his combined street and house-to-house rounds. Our local Scouts and Army Cadets enjoyed helping as street collectors on two consecutive Saturdays, attracting a lot of positive attention and comment. Ann and Jack Robins donated £100 from their whist drive held on November 4th in Reydon Village Hall. On November 16th we also held a street collection during the Adnams 10K race in Southwold, raising £13.63 which is included in the above total. We would like to thank the local people of Southwold and Reydon and our visitors, as without their generosity we would not have reached this excellent figure. Carol and Nick Horton Hon. Poppy Appeal Organisers for Southwold & Reydon Colourful Paper & Card available to make your own Christmas Cards Southwold Press Ltd. Tel.01502 723361 5 December 2014 10 The Southwold Gazette POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA and GIANT CELL ARTERITIS Have you heard of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) or the rarer related condition, Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)? Many people have not heard of either until they are diagnosed! However, doctors say that PMR is quite a common occurrence amongst the over 50s, although the average age at onset is 70+. This is a painful muscular condition occasionally affecting men, but more often women. Those suffering from PMR feel very debilitated at first due to the severe stiffness across the shoulders, neck and lower back, which causes impaired mobility and tiredness, particularly in the mornings. It can be diagnosed after a blood test and treatment is with steroids which relieve much of the pain and greatly help mobility. Whilst GPs can usually manage the illness, it is important to see a rheumatologist if there is a relapse or further problems. GCA is a more serious illness, the symptoms being the onset of severe or unusual headaches with swollen temples and stiffness of the jaw. Medical help should be sought urgently as a high dose of steroids is necessary to bring the inflammation down, if undiagnosed and untreated it can lead to serious visual loss or even blindness. Those suffering have gained support from the voluntarily organised PMR-GCA Support East Anglia group formed ten years ago which meets in Needham Market Community Centre. The group accepted an invitation to have a stand at the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust's Annual Members' Meeting in September. This gave the group some good publicity and at the same time made people aware of the conditions. It proved to be worthwhile when several of those who visited the stand attended the October meeting. The October meeting was very well-attended with people coming from a wide area. They always welcome the opportunity to meet other sufferers over refreshments, comparing notes and getting reassurance from shared experiences of the many different side effects from taking steroids. Afterwards Professor Bhaskar Dasgupta gave a most interesting talk, explaining the work being done internationally into developing guidelines for the management of PMR. He is a very well respected speaker and leading expert who leads the Southend Hospital's Rheumatology Department and is renowned for his work in research projects into the illnesses. He is also the Honorary President of PMRGCAuk – the national charity. Margaret Bond was thanked for serving refreshments and Margaret Savill for giving a vote of thanks to the speaker. The next meeting of the PMR-GCA Support East Anglia group will be on Thursday, 16th April 2015 at Needham Market Community Centre, 10-30 for 11am for a get-together to compare notes before the talk by a pharmacist. For details of the April meeting contact the local organiser by email or leave a message for her to phone you back on 0300 999 5090. If you have just been diagnosed and feel isolated or want to talk with someone who has experienced similar problems would you know where to turn for help and advice? There is a telephone support helpline available organised by PMRGCAuk for this purpose which offers the opportunity to discuss problems related to the conditions – telephone 0300 111 5090. St Margaret’s Church Autumn Quiz Night Thank you to all who supported the Autumn Quiz on 1st November. With fewer teams taking part, competition was even fiercer than usual, but the eventual winners were The Wigwams, headed up by Rosemary Digby. £556.00 was raised for church funds, thank you! For those of you who were disappointed not to see sausages on your plate at supper, rest assured, The Henry Hallam Memorial Trophy Quiz & Jacket will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday, 21st March 2015 – but don’t book your table just yet! Look out for another notice after Christmas. Sarah Britten Louise Cartwright (M.Ost.), Amy Holmes (BSc.[Hons] Ost. Med.), Professional Osteopaths Registered with The General Osteopathic Council, Insured with British Osteopathic Association. Manor House Practice Osteopaths at Sole Bay Health Centre, Teal Close, Reydon, IP18 6GX Tel: 01502 722326 Associate of Kathryn E. MacDonald BSc., M.D. 1 W 0% IT H O A TH FF D I S For the treatment of neck, back and joint pain, soft tissue/ sports injuries and rehabilitation. Based in the Manor House Practice, Manor House Lane, Beccles, NR34 9QG. Tel: 01502 712505. 5 December 2014 11 The Southwold Gazette On the Beat with PC Sadler Defensive Motorcycling Back in 1977 my mum used to wait up every night for me to get home on my Honda CB200. She didn’t tell me this until years later. In those days getting through your motorcycle test meant riding around the block three or four times and a bloke with a clipboard saying you were okay. The motorcycle test is a lot more difficult these days but mothers of 17 year old lads will still wait up at night. The day I met my future father in law, I parked my Honda CX500 on his driveway and proudly announced to him that I was his 21 year old daughter’s new boyfriend. His reply was, “You’ll be getting a car then” They were the only words he said to me all day. I got a car. A few years later I married his daughter. Motorcycles are inherently less safe than motor cars. Motorcyclists represent 1% of traffic yet account for up to 20% of the deaths and serious injuries on our roads. This is an insight into the startlingly obvious. If you are inside a metal box weighing half a ton with a wheel at each corner then your survival chances simply have to be better than if you are on two wheels without the metal box around you. Motorcyclists involved in accidents are 40 times more likely to be killed than car drivers. Clearly, it was these statistics that my father in law had in mind. It is often the fault of car drivers that they are less safe. 48% of crashes between motorcycles and cars were the result of the car driver failing to look properly. In fact failing to look properly is the most frequent cause of crashes for all vehicles except motorcycles. Motorcyclists tend to look more carefully when they are on the road. Car drivers need to pay more attention, especially at road junctions. They need to use their mirrors more often as motorcyclists can quickly negotiate traffic to position themselves behind them. If as a car driver, you are travelling at 30mph, look in your mirror and then alter your position on the road eight seconds later then in that eight seconds you have travelled the length of a football pitch. That is plenty of time for a motorcyclist to appear on the scene. I have been a policeman for thirty years and I have heard the excuse ‘I didn’t see him’ quite often at road accidents. In many instances it was an excuse because the motorist did not look properly. Now that the bad weather is upon us the ability of a motorcyclist to brake and stop quickly is considerably reduced. The police method of driver and rider training is known as defensive driving. It is not necessarily slow, because police officers often have to get from A to B quite quickly. But one emphasis is on constantly evaluating hazards and one of those is understanding what the intentions of another motorist could be. A useful Christmas present for a motorcyclist is a copy of the book Motorcycle Roadcraft: The Police Rider's Handbook to Better Motorcycling. Get a second hand copy of the 1996 edition (available from well known internet based distributers for around £4). Unfortunately, the latest edition contains some errors. If the drivers of motor cars paid more attention to looking properly and the riders of motorcycles adopted a more defensive style of riding then accidents between the two would be reduced. Be good and drive carefully Leiston Christmas Fair Merry Mid-winter at the Museum and throughout the town. . . . Father Christmas will bring some seasonal cheer to Leiston on Saturday 6th December when he travels by tractor-driven sleigh to The Long Shop Museum which will host Santa’s grotto as well as a range of great stalls, a prize draw, tombola, refreshments and childrens’ activities as part of the annual Leiston Christmas Fair. From 12 noon until 4pm, Father Christmas will be handing out presents at the Long Shop Grotto to all well-behaved children who visit him. Tickets are available in the Garrett Room where you can get into the festive spirit and pick up some original gifts. The museum will be transformed into a craft market with stalls selling handmade cards, cushions, crocheted bags as well as vintage jewellery, antiques and quirkily upcycled cutlery! Prizes will be aplenty at the Tombola as well as the Grand Draw and children’s activities will include old fashioned Christmas crafts like making paper decorations to hang on the tree. For those seeking something hot, sweet and refreshing, mulled apple juice and mince pies will also be available. Yuletide activities continue across town with live music from the Royal British Legion Band, a funfair at the Old Post Office Square, more stalls at the United Church and a free cartoon show at 2pm at Leiston Film Theatre to celebrate both the Christmas season and the centenary of it’s opening in 1914! Entry to the Fair is free – tickets to see Father Christmas are £2. For details of this as well as 2015 events at the Long Shop Museum, keep an eye on the website - www. Thanks go to Tala for their generous sponsorship. 5 December 2014 12 The Southwold Gazette Alfred Corry Lifeboat Museum At the conclusion of the AGM on 2nd November the Chairman, Mr Bernard Segrave-Daly, in a delightful little ceremony thanked all who, over the years, had worked on the restoration of the Alfred Corry. He singled out for special mention Captain John Cragie, who led the restoration team, and ‘Dick’ Leon, for all the work they had done. He presented each with a beautiful hand engraved whisky decanter bearing a suitable inscription on one side and, on the obverse, an engraving of the Alfred Corry under sail. John and Doreen Cragie and Dick Leon are lifelong friends, having spent many years sailing together and generally ‘messing about in boats’. Then their careers separated, John Cragie going to sea, serving a four year apprenticeship with the Bank Line then sailing with that Company and Royal Mail Lines until 1961. Having taken his Masters and Extra Masters Certificates he then came ashore to lecture at the Sir John Cass Nautical College in London. In 1972 he became a Licensed London District Trinity House Pilot, and finally a River Pilot with PLA (Port of London Authority) until retiring in 1996. Meanwhile Dick Leon served a five year apprenticeship as a carpenter, and then followed National Service in the RAF where he was a ‘chippy’ working on the wooden parts of aircraft and service vehicles. In this day of plastics and other materials, few remember that the Mosquito aircraft was constructed mainly of plywood, and earlier planes had many wooden components. On demobilisation he worked in the construction industry, including work on the Atomic Weapons Research establishment at Harwell, before retiring in 1997. Captain Cragie is the Great Grandson of an earlier John Cragie, first Coxswain of the Alfred Corry. As a boy he would have heard many tales of his ancestors and lifeboats. In 1974, by sheer chance, he and Doreen heard of a boat lying at Maldon. As they hoped, she proved to be the old Alfred Corry and in 1976 they bought her in a very run down state. After a 4 year refit, they sailed her as a yacht, often crewed by family members but very often with the help of Dick Leon. By 1995 the upkeep of the boat was becoming prohibitively expensive for one family, and they therefore set up a Charitable Trust and donated the boat for preservation in her lifeboat form. As the Chairman said, it was a team effort. In 1995 the boat was transported to Southwold by Roger ALAN ROSS REMOVALS & STORAGE CARING SERVICE STORAGE FACILITES AVAILABLE UNIFORMED STAFF ANY DISTANCE - PART AND FULL LOADS OPE EUR NATIONWIDE PIANOS AND FINE ANTIQUES UK DON’T RISK DOING IT YOURSELF ... LET US TAKE THE STRAIN! SAXMUNDHAM (01728) 668900 Fax: 01728 668830 SG09/2606 Email: UNITS 1 & 2, STATION WORKS, MAIN ROAD, DARSHAM Desborough and stored in a shed at the Chandlery, in Southwold harbour, by courtesy of Mrs Joan Phillips. To ensure the integrity of the hull Justin Ladd and Derek Wentworth fitted new thwarts: metal parts were made on site, and fitted, by Robert, David and Martin Cragie, sons of the Cragies. ‘Dick’ Leon retired in 1997 and in 1998 John Cragie invited him to join the team and he has been a leading member ever since – in John Cragie’s words ‘nothing was beyond him’. In 1998 the boat was moved by Roger Desborough to her new home in the Shed, where over the years David and Robert Cragie designed and fabricated many of the steel parts: Ron Remblance and Mark Evershead helped with the woodwork - Ron Remblance has had to retire on grounds of ill health, and Mark Evershead has moved away. Peter Shore and Ian White turned their hands to anything: Peter has now moved away and Ian White sadly died in 2007. John Reeve painted the Alfred Corry sign for the exterior of the shed but, sadly, has since died, and David Barber made and affixed the boat names and bow plaques. The beautiful rope work forming the bow fender was made by David Bullock. Truly it was a band of brothers led by Captain Cragie who had the detailed knowledge of the boat which was so essential. And alongside John Cragie was the late Dennis Ball, who was the driving force in the creation of the Museum; he made whatever had to be made, and did whatever had to be done. Lastly, there were those who gave a few hours as and when they could. The result of their skills and labour is what you see today. This is the opportunity to pay a special tribute to Doreen Cragie; her enthusiasm, and selfless contribution to the financial cost did much to save the boat from becoming yet another pile of rotting timber on the banks of the River Blackwater. Finally, this gives me the opportunity to say that we have changed to winter opening hours of 10.30 am to 4-00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays - weather permitting! But if you should over indulge at Christmas and New Year and feel in need of an invigorating walk, the Museum will be open additionally on Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Why not look in to wish the stewards the season’s greetings? They so appreciate company! As this will be the last contribution from the Museum you will read in 2014 may I wish all readers and visitors a very Happy Christmas and a truly peaceful New Year. Jack H Storer, Trustee 5 December 2014 Voting is over for the Lloyds community fund award, thank you to everyone who voted! East Coast Hospice won the highest award of £3,000, with a staggering 49.9% of the votes cast. With the other 3 charities involved (DIAL, Access Community Trust, and Colville House Youth Club) winning smaller sums. Each one of these charities had been nominated by a member of Lloyds Bank staff. ECH Community Fundraiser, Jeff Wood, said “It is wonderful to have such a clear indication of the support given to us by the local community and it is very humbling that people are putting their faith (and money) into East Coast Hospice to deliver this much needed facility. With every day, and every penny we receive we are one step closer to 'Raising the Roof' of Margaret Chadd House. Thank you!” Bruce Boggis PLUMBING AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Tel: 01502 722127 Mobile: 07887 874961 Email: 3 Strickland Place, Southwold IP18 6HN. CURIOUS CHAIR CO. Christmas Pop-up Shop 13 The Southwold Gazette Jeff went on to say, “I would also like to thank Lloyds Bank, on behalf of East Coast Hospice, for running such a successful scheme. The larger companies tend to support National charities and smaller local charities can be overlooked. For this reason the Lloyds Community Fund is so important to us, not just for the incredible £3,000 but also for the recognition and publicity that this scheme generates within our local community.” Christmas in Southwold Back by popular demand, Christmas Window Shopping! My Southwold are running this year’s Christmas Window Spotting Competition from 1st December. It’s all very simple – find all the baubles, write down their numbers and return your entry form to be in with a chance of winning My Southwold Gift Vouchers. Entry Forms will be available from Chapmans, Spots and Heritage Hideaways. If you are stuck for Christmas present ideas this year why not consider the My Southwold Gift Vouchers. Available in denominations of £10 and can be spent at participating shops, cafes and restaurants displaying the My Southwold logo. Vouchers are available to buy from Chapmans, Spots and Suffolk Secrets and come complete with gift cards and envelopes. Small Business Saturday - 6th December is Small Business Saturday which is a nationwide event designed to support, celebrate and champion the 5 million small businesses in the UK. We would love it if you could support the event by shopping, eating and drinking in Southwold’s small businesses on the day. My Southwold Team Cooper & Denny Ltd Building Contractors Open everyday from Saturday 29th November 11 - 4 WEBSITE EMAIL PHONE 07899 043222 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter 26 Fountain Way, Reydon Southwold IP18 6SZ Tel: 01502 723366 Fax: 01502 724866 Email: All work undertaken & guaranteed 5 December 2014 Readers Write . . . Dear Editor, I’d like to let your readers know that I am now on The Road to the London Marathon 2015. I am running for Hospice UK, and have pledged to raise £2,000. Following on from my blog re Kilimanjaro Climb, and by request, I have started to 'blog' my journey preparing for the Marathon. You can follow my progress at Details of sponsorship can be found at the end of the first blog. I hope you enjoy reading it, and knowing that some of you will follow the road with me, will make it all the more achievable. I know how much I needed your messages and encouragement when climbing Kilimanjaro, and when the going got very tough, you all helped me through it. I hope you will run beside me, metaphorically speaking, and help me achieve my Charity Challenge for 2015. Many thanks and happy reading! Cathy Ryan Suffolk Pensioners’ Association Southwold and Reydon Branch We will be holding a Carol Service at 2.30pm at the United Reformed Church on Tuesday 9th December. The Minister will be Revd. Charles Croll and the oganist Mrs Jean Kingston. Please join us. Members and nonmembers most welcome. Tea and mince pies afterwards in the United Reformed Church Hall. FESTIVE FRIDAYS IN DECEMBER Join us on the 5th, 12th or 19th December for our Christmas Party Nights 14 The Southwold Gazette An appeal to the ladies of Southwold & Reydon and any who may read this If Father Christmas should bring you a new handbag, can I please beg that instead of putting your old bag in the cupboard, you fill it with some little goodies and donate it to our family charity, Hope and Aid Direct. Our son Charles founded this charity in the aftermath of the Kosovan War and ever since has been taking convoys of humanitarian aid to the Balkans, and Kosova in particular, twice a year at Easter and in the autumn. The convoy that recently returned, consisted of one 40 ton truck, one 18 ton truck and three 7.5 ton trucks, once again loaded with humanitarian aid: every convoyer is a volunteer and nobody is paid a wage or salary. Cruise lines now include the Dalmatian coast of the Balkans in their schedules, and tourists see the gilded side of life. But there is another less attractive side and Hope and Aid Direct takes aid to people who, quite literally, still have almost nothing and live under appalling conditions – of all races and creeds. Only a woman will know what a handbag means to her, and I can assure you that yours will go to someone who will appreciate it more than you could possibly imagine. Bags may be left with us at The Middle House, 24, Park Lane Southwold. Telephone 01502 723028 for next Easter’s convoy, and it would be an act of great charity if they could contain one or two of those little extras, such as soap, perfume, lipstick, a scarf perhaps – ladies, you will know what appeals to a woman’s heart. But, above all, you will have given a woman you will never meet, the knowledge that someone, somewhere, cares and you will have given her that priceless thing – hope! If you care to put your name and address inside, you never know, you might even receive their thanks one day. May I also take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all the ladies and members of knitting groups who knit adult sized blankets for Charles throughout the year. Charles says that he can never get enough of these blankets, knitted with love and given with love, but equally welcomes good ordinary blankets and duvets. Thank you, and may you enjoy a blessed Christmas. If you would like to know more about Hope and Aid Direct, you can read about the charity on the web: it makes sober reading. Yours sincerely, and with gratitude, Margaret and Jack Storer A three course Christmas menu with tea or coffee and Live Music for only £20 per person (crackers/hats and FUN included!!) You don't need a Christmas office party when you can join our Festive Fridays !!! High Street,Wangford Suffolk, NR34 8RL Tel: 01502 578636 Email: Web: PLEASE MENTION THE GAZETTE WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS 5 December 2014 15 The Southwold Gazette Affordable Homes for Blyth Road Work has started on the first new affordable homes to be built in Southwold for many years – the result of a unique partnership between Waveney District Council, Southwold Town Council, Hastoe Housing Association and Lowestoft-based developer Wellington. Southwold Town Mayor Ann Betts joined Waveney Portfolio Holder for Housing (and Southwold ward councillor) Sue Allen, fellow ward councillor Michael Ladd, Isobel Wright from Hastoe and Paul Pitcher from Wellington, to cut the first sod on the site on Blyth Road. Four new affordable homes will be built, which will be offered for social rental on a local lettings basis – which means that priority will be given to applicants who live or work in the town, or who have local connections. The £ 1/2 million investment will see two two-bedroom flats, a three-bedroom house and a two-bedroom house built on the site, which was formerly occupied by allotments. A similar area of land has been allocated elsewhere in the town for replacement allotments. Cllr Sue Allen commented, “It is fantastic to see this project finally getting started, because it has been a long time in the planning. Finding land in Southwold to build affordable housing is very difficult, and this site was made possible through the town council granting a 125 year lease to Hastoe. “These will be the first affordable homes to be built in Southwold for many years, despite the fact that we know from the housing needs survey conducted by the town council last year that there is a huge demand for such housing in the town.” Senior development officer at Hastoe Housing Association Isobel Wright said, “Housing in Southwold is extremely expensive, with lots of second homes and high land values. That means that rent levels are very high, which in turn results in many local people being priced out of the market. “So it is vital that we push forward projects like this which will create affordable homes, and enable local people to remain living and working in the area.” Paul Pitcher, managing director of Lowestoft-based Wellington, which will construct the new homes, added, “We are delighted finally to be breaking the ground at this site and getting on with building the new homes. “There is significant demand for housing like this in Southwold, and we continue to explore every avenue to bring forward new sites so that we can create more affordable homes for local people in the town.” The new homes will be completed in July 2015. THE RED LION South Green, Southwold Lunches: 12.00 – 2.00 Mon – Fri, 12.00 – 2.30 at weekends Dinners: 6.30 - 9.00 daily EXTENSIVE MENU, SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE LIVE JAZZ Fri 5th December: Midnite Voyage 8.30pm Fri 12th December: Rhythm N Reeds 8.00pm Fri 26th December: The Omega Jazz Band 8.00pm SUNDAY AFTERNOON LIVE MUSIC 3.30 - 6pm Sun 7th December: The Nightrollers Sunday 14th December: Barry Tone (Elvis) Sunday 21st December: Easystreet Sunday 28th December: Strapt for Cash Sunday 4th January: The Nightrollers Come and listen, drink fantastic beer and wines from Adnams and enjoy a fabulous home cooked meal. • We welcome children and highchairs are available • • We accept all credit cards • Dogs allowed in the bar area • • Disabled access into the restuarant via the side ramp • We now take table bookings for all rooms (except the bar area) Tel 01502 722385 or see our website for menus and information 5 December 2014 16 The Southwold Gazette SINGING AND PARKINSON’S I am extremely fortunate to have been offered a residency at Aldeburgh Music from 12th – 13th February 2015. During the residency, I shall be exploring the benefits of singing for Parkinson’s patients and I am, therefore, looking for Parkinson’s patients and their family/support members to work with me. I need some willing Parkinson's patients as well as family/support members to join me. I can promise afternoon workshops of fun, exercises that will focus on increasing volume, help with hoarseness, breath quality, monopitch and articulation. We will explore songs that use rhythm and instruments to help with movement, as well as learning songs and music that inspire and entertain. The course members don’t need to have any previous singing or musical experience, just a sense of adventure. I hope to find the best exercises and songs to develop a musical programe for other Parkinson patients and their carers throughout the country and beyond. The week will represent the latest in a number of key milestones on my ongoing journey into researching the benefits of singing and Parkinson’s, something I feel strongly and passionate about. I was recently awarded a scholarship from the Finzi Trust to research singing and Parkinson's and have used the funding to travel to America in October to observe the work of the Tremble Clefs in California. In the UK, I have also been observing groups in the UK, including Skylarks in Chelsea and ParkinSongsters with Jane Metcalfe, and have worked Cats Protection My thanks go to everyone who attended our Christmas Fair on November 8th at the United Reformed Church Hall, Southwold. £1,105.71 was raised which will go to the Framingham and Saxmundham branch to help towards the cost go food and veterinary fees for cats in their care. They have many cats needing homes. Lesley Fisher N e ws te a d J o in er y Traditional Bespoke Joinery • • • • Windows Doors Stairs Repairs • • • • Furniture Conservatories Fascias Fitted Kitchens Call for a free no obligation estimate Tel: 01502 740800 Mob: 07747 465500 Email: with speech therapists at King’s College and Lewisham Hospitals. I have also recently developed a link with Stephen Clift at the Sydney de Haan Research Centre. Via this link, I have been running sessions for the local Parkinson’s UK group in Chatham, preparing to handover to a local musician in September. Last month I was a panelist at the City of London Festival Health and Harmony forum, discussing the benefits of this kind of work. Over the last ten years I have been working as a freelance singer and animateur, being engaged by organisations including the Royal Opera House, English National Opera, the BBC, Aldeburgh and Glyndebourne. I have also been a regular leader for the innovative charity Streetwise Opera who work with the homeless. In all, I have worked with children, adults, those with special needs as well as community groups. If anyone is interested in joining me for the two days I would be very grateful if they could send their interest via email to or via post at 30 Forest Ridge, Beckenham BR3 3NH. Nicola Wydenbach Animals in Need Stall On 30th October we held a stall in Southwold to raise funds and awareness for animals needing help. Thank you to all who bought and donated, a total of £142.95 was raised. £75 has been sent to Naturewatch to add to the amount from a previous stall, which was restricted to a morning due to rain. £67.95 has been sent to World Animal Protection which has centres in Africa, Asia, Europe and America. This organisation has moved the UN to include Animal Welfare in resolutions and therefore has had influence in policy changes world wide. On 15th November Valerie from Aldeburgh brought her excellent Christmas Stall to Southwold and raised £218.15 which will be given to International Animal Rescue. It will support orang-utans where destruction of the rainforest has caused devastation for them. Shelters are built, where they can be rehabilitated and released. Sue Drake 5 December 2014 Rotary Christmas Swim Southwold and District Rotary have opened registration for this years Christmas Day Swim. A huge thank you to Queens St. Pharmacy for sponsoring the medals. The charities that you can swim for are: Sole Bay Care Fund, The VHC and the local RNLI. Registration and sponsor forms can be collected from Reydon Pharmacy, Barbrooks Store in Reydon and Queen Street Pharmacy, Southwold. Alternatively you can register online at We are heading into our busy time as we count down to Christmas. Our Rotary Advent Calendar starts off festivities, so go to our website www.southwoldrotary. or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. We supply and decorate trees in the town and at Pitches View Reydon. We are also fundraising at the following events: Dec 5th: Hot dogs at Southwold Switch On. Dec 17th: Family Carol Service at Reydon Church,6.30pm, with Wrentham Brass Band and the children form Showstoppers. Dec 19th: Childrens Toy service, The United Reform Church, Halesworth. 10am. Dec 20th: Collection for Halesworth Carers, Rainbow Store. Halesworth, 9am-3pm Dec 25th: Christmas Day Swim, 10.30am Gun Hill. We invite you to join our team, who are committed to developing links with the local community and Rotary International. We always need more hands to help at events and to develop new ideas for fundraising and friendship locally. If you are interested in joining a very active club, striving to make a real difference to those who need support, we would love to hear from you. Southwold Rotary is a proactive team that welcomes lady members, young adults and anyone that feels they can offer a few hours to help. We meet at the Randolph Hotel, Reydon, most Thursday evenings from 6.45pm, so pop in and see us, leave a message, or visit us on our website. We don't do funny handshakes or walks, but we do put 'service before self'. So get out of your armchair and make a difference, your local Rotary needs you! 17 The Southwold Gazette Please help us feed one of the hundreds of homeless animals in care this Christmas At what should be a time of joy and celebration, many owners simply cannot afford to look after their pets. It’s heartbreaking, but in a bid to do the best thing for their beloved companions, many owners have no choice but to hand them over to a rescue centre. As a result, Christmas and the winter months are their busiest time of year and all of our local centres will be full and stretched to the limit. With your help we hope to fill homeless cats and dogs’ food bowls over Christmas and the winter period when the costs increase dramatically with heating and extra bedding. To raise awareness and funds we have launched our annual Christmas Santa Paws Appeal. Every year we ask our kind supporters to donate tinned and dry food for cats and dogs, kittens and puppies, rabbits and guinea pigs. Cosy bedding and beds to curl up in are also always very well received as are treats of all kinds. Toys too are always needed (they don’t need to be new, just clean and in reasonable condition), helping stimulate an animal’s mind and bring some festive cheer to a furry friend who’s lost its home. Wangford Veterinary Clinic aims to make Christmas a little brighter for those animals that are unwanted or have been abandoned, that’s why, from now until the end of the year, we are giving 50p from all sales of our special handmade dog and cat treat bags and holding a luxury pet hamper raffle to help homeless pets. We have Gravy Bones in festive paw print bags with a gift tag for your dogs, and for cats we have bags with either catnip or milk drops with a cute mouse toy. Larger gift bags can be made exclusively to suit your pet. In 2013, thanks to the generosity of our clients we gave away an amazing 10 x £200 as well as a share of all the food and items collected to Dogs Lost, Rose Cottage Cats, Dogs Trust, Cats Protection League (Framlingham Branch), Norfolk & Suffolk Animal Trust, Care Dog Rescue, Meadowgreen Dog Rescue, Thumpers Rabbit Rescue, Suffolk Animal Rescue and German Shepherd Rescue. So fill your shopping bag with lots of our Christmas goodies, knowing that what you spend on your own pets will make a real difference to those pets not fortunate enough to live in loving homes. For more information, to recommend a deserving animal charity or to send a donation please write to Santa Paws Appeal, Wangford Veterinary Clinic, Pound Corner, Wangford, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 8RS. To drop off items for this appeal please just pop in. We are open from 8.30-6.30 Monday to Friday and 8.30-12 on Saturdays. Phone number 01502 578999. HARRY HARRY COOPER COOPER CARPENTRY & JOINERY SOUTHWOLD Windows and and Doors Doors made made and and fitted Windows fitted -- Kitchens Kitchens --Beach BeachHuts Huts Extensions Property Maintenance - Rot Repairs - Loft -Conversions - Extensions Property Maintenance - Rot Repairs Loft Conversions 07512 087147 5 December 2014 18 The Southwold Gazette DECEMBER AT SOUTHWOLD LIBRARY We’re getting in the Christmassy mood at Southwold Library. As well as our coating the library in the usual subtle Christmas decorations, from Saturday 6th December we will be selling tickets for the Reydon and Southwold Pantomime ‘Robin Hood’, oh yes we will. First performance is Sunday 25th January. For more information and to book online www.ticketsource. Just as seasonal but more al fresco, the Friends of Southwold Library will be out at the Southwold Lights Switch On, Friday 5th December, with our annual tombola and kids’ lucky dip, so come and try your luck. The following day, Saturday 6th December, FoSL will be back indoors running a Coffee Morning at the Stella Peskett Millennium Hall 10.00am-12.00 noon. In addition to hot drinks and mince pies there will be a cake stall, book stall, raffle and more. It wouldn’t be Christmas without the launch of our new book quiz sheet. It’s £1 but you can win a £10 book token. First lines, last lines, picture clues to books and clues to authors. If you have quiz loving friends why not include one in their Christmas card? Or for quiz loathing relatives you could put one in just to annoy them? It’s not just the book quiz sheet, you can buy other Christmas gifts at Southwold Library. We have handmade jewellery, hand knitted woolware, driftwood trees, handmade toys and more plus Suffolk Libraries bags, pens & USB sticks. We know what our friends are getting for presents. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The Friends of Southwold Library Get Festive There will be a Friends of Southwold Library stall with tombola and lucky dip at the Christmas Lights SwitchOn in Southwold High Street on the evening of Friday, 5th December. Then FoSL members and helpers will be up early on the morning of Saturday, 6th December to get ready for the FoSL Coffee Morning at the Stella Peskett Millennium Hall from 10 am till noon. FoSL is raising money to support Southwold Library and to continue to improve the facilities it offers to residents and visitors. Everyone is invited to drop in for a cup of coffee and to browse the donated book sale, the cake stall and take part in the raffle. Any member of the Friends who hasn’t already collected their membership card will be able to pick it up at the Coffee Morning (show your membership card to get a free cup of coffee!) and there will also be the opportunity for anyone who would like to do so to find out more about FoSL and why your library needs Friends. REMEMBER YOU CAN TWEET THE EDITOR @LauraBoggis Painting and Decorating + Property Maintenance + Garden Maintenance Interior & Exterior FREE ESTIMATES GRAHAM FINCH MOTORS Walter Dowhan 01502 724898 Blyth Road, Southwold (Facing Police Station) FOR ALL YOUR MOTORING NEEDS • Major Service £95 + parts • • MOT’s £40 no VAT • • Petrol & Diesel Maintenance • TELEPHONE 01502 724466 or 07885 888268 07885 888268/01502 724280 5 December 2014 19 The Southwold Gazette The Southwold Railway Trust Heritage Train Project As the Southwold Railway Trust continues to plan for the future, an exciting project has been launched to create a replica heritage train of Southwold Railway rolling stock. Construction of the train is seen as a five to ten year project, but work is beginning now on several fronts. The narrow gauge railway line that ran between Southwold and Halesworth was closed in 1929, and in subsequent years the stock of Edwardian locomotives, coaches and wagons was scrapped. The Southwold Railway Trust plans to recreate the flavour of this long lost but much lamented line by the reopening of a section of line and the recreation of examples of its unique rolling stock. It is hoped that present and future generations might find pleasure from travelling on the line, and the reopening of a section of the line for tourist trains will give a boost to the local economy. Most original Southwold Railway trains ran as mixed formations of passenger and freight vehicles. The heritage train will be built to recreate this characteristic feature of Southwold Railway operations. The train will be built as an air braked train, with a mix of freight and passenger rolling stock, hauled by new build steam locomotive Blyth of 1879 design. The first vehicle currently under construction is a four wheel passenger luggage van No40. The chassis for the van is already complete. The next step is to build the wooden bodywork, and Southwold Railway Trust volunteers will work together with a Lowestoft based organisation called SOLD to undertake this work. SOLD (Special Objectives for Local Disabled) is an organisation that provides skills for life training and provides worthwhile work opportunities. SOLD members will undertake the necessary skilled joinery involved in putting the van body together. Use of the van within the heritage formation could include push chairs and bikes, or even provision of refreshment facilities. The second vehicle will be a four wheel open wagon No 41 with a wooden body including the distinctive curved ends that characterised the original Southwold Jenny P at CURTAIN SOLUTIONS Offers you the complete soft furnishing service • Hand Sewn • A personal service, measuring, making-up and hanging • A superb range of fabrics, tracks and blinds • Quality, with prices that you can afford Just ring Wrentham – 01502 675321 SG04/226 JENNY PYWELL wagon fleet. Construction will follow the same principles as the van, using a converted donor chassis already in our possession, rebuilt to 3ft gauge, and a new body. The third and more longer term ambition is to construct a replica Southwold Railway coach, featuring the distinctive end balconies. The project was launched to SRT members in September 2014, and through their generosity funding is in place for the timber structure for the van, for transport of the open wagon chassis to the workshop and for design work for the coach. To complete the heritage train we need a further £150,000, and for this the Southwold Railway Trust is inviting sponsors. All donors will be enrolled in the Heritage Train Project, and will receive access to exclusive collectable items, a dedicated newsletter, social opportunities and the pleasure of belonging to a worthwhile scheme. Donors of substantial amounts by regular standing order will become members of the Southwold Railway Trust, an exclusive framed print and the promise of a ride on the first outing. As a separate project the Southwold Railway Trust is progressing the build of a replica Sharp Stewart 2-4-0 steam locomotive Blyth to haul the heritage train, with a further £350k required for completion. Efforts continue in good faith to secure the necessary planning permission to reopen a stretch of the original line at Wenhaston on trackbed already in the ownership of the trust. Building the heritage train is in the expectation of a successful outcome to the planning process in the fullness of time. 5 December 2014 20 The Southwold Gazette Sailors’ Reading Room Puzzle To round off celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Southwold Sailors’ Reading Room a colourful jigsaw puzzle has been commissioned reflecting its history and present day use. Modern day photographs and old archive prints have been used to create a photo-collage that features some of the Reading Room’s best known exhibits together with images from the popular events held to celebrate the 150th year of this historic local landmark. Available in two sizes, 500 pieces costing £13.50 and 1000 pieces costing £17.50 the puzzle will be on sale from the Southwold Sailors’ Reading Room stall on the 2 4 / 7 S A M A R I TA N S WE ARE OPEN 24/7 Whatever you are going through, big or small, don’t bottle it up. CONTACT SAMARITANS email: web: Tel: 01502 500800 Christmas Cards On sale at local shops or direct from Southwold Press Ltd Also ng matchi r fo s g a gift t s t n e s e r p Overprint them with your greeting, name and address. Southwold Press Ltd Tel: 723361 Open Mon-Fri: 9am-1pm, 2-5pm Southwold Christmas Lights Switch-on Night, Friday 5th December. To pre-order please telephone 01502 722488; the puzzle can either be collected or posted by arrangement. All proceeds go towards the upkeep of the Southwold Sailors’ Reading Room. More information can be found on the website 5 December 2014 Suffolk Constabulary 01986 835300 Crime report for Southwold and Reydon 29th October to 23rd November 2014 • Complaint made by one local resident about a family member allegedly harassing them. The matter is being investigated by the police. • Theft of ladies red coloured standard Rayleigh Discovery bicycle. Left insecure by owner overnight. • Theft from outside shop in High Street, Southwold. 5.10pm Tuesday 11th November male youth stole cuddly toy from display outside shop. Offender described as white skinned male aged early 20s with fair hair wearing black ‘beanie’ hat and red and black checked shirt. • Burglary to unoccupied house in Bartholomews Green, Southwold on the evening of Tuesday 11th November. It is believed the burglars (two or three youths) made so much noise trying to break in that they changed their minds and made off. Nothing stolen. • Saturday 15th November. Shoplifting offence deterred by staff at shop in high street who challenged the thief. Property recovered but thief made off. Described as white skinned female aged early 40s 5ft 3” tall, slight build, shoulder length dark wavy hair. Dressed in navy coloured puffa style coat and a pink scarf. Four crimes in Southwold. There were eight crimes for the same period in 2013 and seven in 2012. One crime in Reydon. There were six crimes for the same period in 2013 and two in 2012. PRINTING BUSINESS AND PERSONAL Stationery - Envelopes - Invoices - & more Southwold Press Ltd: 01502 723361 WANTED SOUTHWOLD BEACH HUT TO HIRE on South Beach Parade for week 8th August to 15th August, 2015. Please call Kathie on 07791276389 or 01438 357345 East Coast Administration Ltd Payroll, Book Keeping & Administration Services 21 The Southwold Gazette Southwold Harbour The Joint Southwold Town Council and Waveney District Council Committee would like to provide the following update about Southwold harbour: “Since the creation and appointment of the Joint Committee during the summer the committee members have been developing their programme of activity and discussions for the remainder of this municipal year. The first detailed part of this work will begin on 10th December 2014 when the Joint Committee will be meeting in Southwold to discuss and agree a Community Engagement Plan. This will include details of how local stakeholders will continue to be involved at every stage.” The meeting on 10th December as referred to above will be open to the public. Meeting will be held at the Stella Peskett Millennium Hall at 3pm. ST. MARGARET’S CHURCH REYDON After three months of building work, we are delighted to say that we will be back in the church for worship from Sunday 7th December. There are still some minor works to do and these will be completed in the New Year. As a church, we are grateful to Cooper & Denny and their sub-contractors and, Brian Haward our Architect for all the hard work that has gone into ensuring we complete the work on time and to a high standard. We will be celebrating completion of the church re-ordering with a Festival Weekend from 5th-8th February. The Festival will include a variety of concerts and opportunities to come and look around Details and tickets for concerts will be available in January. Worship on the 7th December will be; 8am Said Eucharist, 9.30am Parish Eucharist and 4pm Christingle. From 7th December St. Margaret’s will be open daily for quiet prayer and reflection. On a Tuesday evening we have a simple Eucharist at 6.30pm and on the first Wednesday of each month there is Coffee & Conversation in the church room from 10.30-12noon, a chance to catch up with friends old and new over coffee and great cakes! All are welcome. We look forward to welcoming you to St. Margaret’s this Advent and Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of Christ. Revd Rich Henderson, Vicar of Reydon ~ Kevin Mace ~ BUILDER - SPECIALISING IN - • Extensions • Renovations • Roofing • • Plastering • Garden Landscaping • Also any building related work undertaken Telephone: 01986 872072 – Mobile: 07831 685088 Email: Southwold: 01502 724479 07884 310093 Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year to all our clients 5 December 2014 22 The Southwold Gazette Southwold & Reydon Society This month I reported to the Southwold and Reydon Society about the Reydon Village Plan, which was formally handed over to Reydon Parish Council and launched to the public in early November. In July last year the Reydon PC asked for volunteers to put the plan in train. This was the origin of the Reydon Village Plan Steering Group which embraced with enthusiasm the opportunity to seek the views of all Reydon residents and raise money to carry out the consultation and create the plan. We wanted to find out what sort of village residents want both now and for future generations. Initially, we spoke to many groups and organisations in Reydon to identify what they saw as key issues. Then we developed a comprehensive questionnaire covering all aspects of village life and trialled this at an open day attended by around 100 residents. Next, a team of volunteers, including a number of Southwold and Reydon Society members, delivered the questionnaire to all households in Reydon. Alongside this, we sent a questionnaire to all businesses based in Reydon. 969 residents returned the main questionnaire, around 45% of the adult population. We believe this is a good return rate for detailed questionnaires of this kind (which took around 30 minutes to complete) and we know that, in some households, all members contributed to a single return. As a result, we are confident that the findings from the consultation represent the views of the village residents. To fund all this activity the steering group raised a total of £10.5K from both local and national sponsors and we would like to acknowledge their support without which we would not have been able to complete this plan. The consultation was completed in June 2014 and the Steering Group then conducted a detailed analysis of what residents said. From this the report proposes a set of actions needed to deliver what our community wants for our village. The report has been delivered to all homes in Reydon, is available at the Town Hall in Southwold and on-line from, and summarises the key findings from the consultation as well as outlining the actions proposed and who should implement them. I would like to acknowledge the hard work put in by the whole steering group, in particular Sally & John Skinner for marketing/PR and data analysis, Philip O’Hear and Roger Cracknell for the report and Jim Elmes for his perfect logistics planning (wearing out a good set of bicycle tires). Of course the plan is only valid if the indicated actions are carried out. To this end Reydon Parish Council had appointed two councillors to oversee this, who in turn can recruit members of the steering group and other volunteers in the parish. Lastly, the Southwold and Reydon Society were saddened to learn of the death, in September, of Beverley Carter, who was a committee member for many years, and our President from 2001 to 2003. Born in London, Beverley moved at an early age to Adelaide, South Australia. There she attended Adelaide University, and graduated with a degree in engineering, subsequently qualifying to become South Australia’s first woman architect. She, and her husband Derrick, came to Southwold in 1983 and joined the Society, where over many years she took responsibility for reviewing planning applications, a role to which she brought her considerable architectural knowledge and experience. Beverley had the great ability to be forthright in expressing her views, and at the same time to be warmhearted and friendly. She served the Society and Southwold and Reydon well, and we remember her with great affection. Dexter Kirk, S&R Society Committee/Chair Reydon Village Plan. Merry Christmas everyone from all of us at The Southwold Gazette and Southwold Press Ltd. Eat, drink and be merry and have a great New Year. 5 December 2014 23 The Southwold Gazette THE RURAL RAMBLINGS OF A COUNTRY PLOD Dick Mallet managed to share with the Lighthouse Ladies nearly 30 years of tales as a ‘local bobby’ within the space of an hour - no mean feat I can tell you. A Norfolk man, Dick joined the Suffolk Police in August 1989. He crossed the border into the unknown territory of Ipswich, was sworn in, handed vast amounts of cumbersome clothing and the regulatory issue of whistle, truncheon and 1 set of handcuffs and was then ready for action. He next found himself in Oxford for 13 weeks where intensive training turned him from a "greenhorn" to fully fledged policeman. The training was tough but fair although his newly cut short back and sides was soon given short shrift and due to his inability to March in the manner required ( two left feet being the main cause) he soon earned himself the nickname of the "Suffolk Swede"! None the less firm friendships were formed from a very diverse group of people from all walks of life His first posting couldn't have been better -Aldeburghwhere better to begin your career? A couple of nights passed without incident and then came the call that a Borstal Lad had absconded in the Governors Land Rover and it was soon hurtling towards him. Dick was quick to respond, holding his hand up in the official STOP manner, but was even quicker to jump out of it's path when he realised there was no intention of stopping! The Lad in question made it all the way to South London before being caught. Framlingham was the next port of call (another little gem of a town to work from) and here amongst other incidents he had to handle Sudden Deaths and Road Accidents alongside the regular day to day situations. 2 years later saw him off to Southwold ( the postings just get better and better) this time the excitement of illegal immigration! Not so exciting was the 9 hours spent hiding in a copse waiting for the illicit vehicle that never arrived! At 3am a call came whilst in Framingham, reporting a burglary with the perpetrator still on the Wishing all our Advertisers a Merry Christmas SOUTHWOLD CARPETS CURTAINS & BLINDS LTD Supplied by COLIN WELLS with 25+ years’ experience • CARPETS • TILES • VINYLS • CURTAINS • RAILS & POLES • BLINDS • SAFETY FLOORING • LINEN • WICKER BASKETS • HABERDASHERY Tel: 01502 724948 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, (Closed Wed), Sat 10am-4pm Unit 1, Southwold Business Centre, St Edmunds Road, Southwold IP18 6JU premises, hurrah his first arrest with a 10 year sentence handed out by the Courts. Off to Yoxford to take up the ‘country beat’ next. Again no vehicle, no radio just him and the trusty bike. He told us that here he gained a wonderful sense of belonging and becoming a real part of the local community (something rarely experienced by our police of today) but all too soon Leiston beckoned and here he found himself in a very different role becoming involved with the CID and visits to London. It was in Leiston that he dealt with his first murder case and with one of the most harrowing incidents of his career involving a young boy in a fatal Road Accident. Having to visit the parents and break the news is something he will never forget. Dick soon had us in a lighter mood recalling his brush (and a very close brush it was too) with Royalty. He was part of a team guarding Royalty when he heard screams and shouts from around the pool area - he was out of his potting shed ( his location for the night) in a trice when Princess Margaret pushed past him causing him to end up fully clothed in the pool, a very cold miserable remainder of duty followed! The last 10 years of his service, however, seemed to have been the most rewarding. Giving talks around schools and colleges talking to students aged from 2-18 has bought him a real sense of achievement for the future and he genuinely believes it has paid dividends. So we finally came to the end or The Rural Ramblings and it was with a great sense of nostalgia that we realised those wonderful days of ‘doing things the old fashioned way’ are a thing of the past - but how lucky to have had the opportunity of being part of the re-telling of these marvellously entertaining tales! Our Chairperson Christine closed the meeting after refreshments and the Raffle by welcoming our two new members and reminding us of dates for our diaries. Tish Orfeur Donate furniture to help the Hospice St Elizabeth Hospice is urgently appealing for donations of furniture to sell in its shops. The charity has a team of volunteer van drivers who will pick up good quality items from your home, Monday to Saturday. Donations of sofas, tables, chairs, wardrobes and cabinets are all welcome and will be resold in the Hospice’s shops which stock furniture in Holywells Road, Foxhall Road and Meredith Road, Ipswich, and Stowmarket. Jason Rudderham, Head of Retail at the Hospice, said “With Christmas coming up, this is a great time of year to have a sort out and donate any furniture you don’t want any more to the Hospice. You may have furniture that no longer fits with your colour scheme or you might have bought new furniture in the pre-Christmas sales. “Our shops are great for the environment as they allow goods to be reused and recycled and the funds raised enable St Elizabeth Hospice to continue to make a real difference to the lives of our patients and their families.” To donate furniture call 0845 259 0319. 5 December 2014 24 The Southwold Gazette GIVING NATURE A HOME AT HOME As temperatures finally start to drop, and winter begins to bite, it’s a great time of year to think about giving nature a home. Perhaps you already have a nestbox or two out in the garden. If so, these should be cleaned before mid February by removing any old nests and rinsing in hot soapy water to kill nest mites and other parasites. If the box hasn’t been used recently then consider moving it to a new location. This can sometimes have the desired effect. It’s not just blue tits and great tits that use boxes either. Larger nestboxes are available for house sparrows, starlings, jackdaws and even tawny owls or barn owls. If you have a big enough garden, perhaps you could even have tawny owls nesting. Let’s hope the chicks aren’t as messy as Grub, one of the stars of Springwatch. Hedgehogs should be safely hibernating by now, but perhaps a new hedgehog box would make a good Christmas present. Or maybe a lovely insect home to attract bees, lacewings and other beneficial insects. A variety of boxes can be bought from the RSPB Shop at Minsmere. There are many other ways to provide a home for nature too. Take the chance to plan your spring planting now to ensure that new plants provide shelter or food for a wide range of wildlife, as well as colour and crops in your garden. Nectar rich flowers will prove popular with butterflies and bees. Try planting lavender or herbs such as mint and thyme for the dual benefit of nectar for insects and a beautifully scented garden. Many native plants provide perfect homes for nature too. Mature trees such as oak, ash or scots pine produce nuts or seeds, and cavities for nesting. Two plants made famous by a Christmas carol also make perfect homes for nature. Holly and ivy both provide excellent shelter among their evergreen foliage, and a rich source of food from their berries. Ivy is especially important as the berries ripen late in the winter, after many other berries have been eaten. Talking of food, don’t forget to keep you feeders well stocked with a variety of food – sunflower seeds or hearts, niger, mealworms and suet – to attract flocks of finches, tits, thrushes and starlings to your garden. Perhaps you’ll also see a Christmas robin or two. Minsmere is open daily throughout the winter, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day, so there’s no excuse not to visit us to escape the Christmas shopping. For full details about visiting Minsmere, including forthcoming events, see or call us on 01728 648281. You can keep up to date with news from Minsmere @RSPBMinsmere on Twitter or on the RSPB Suffolk Facebook page. Spunyarns IS AD H T H WIT F F O 10% Gifts for a brighter Christmas 37 High Street, Southwold - 01502 724250 5 December 2014 25 The Southwold Gazette Shop local on Small Business Saturday and support their local communities and gives small businesses a great opportunity for visibility and promotion. Results from the Town Centre Study showed that consumers like the independent shops in each market town and so people now have the opportunity to support these businesses in the run up to Christmas. Let's make it a successful season for the retailers in our wonderful market towns.” 96.5% of businesses in the Waveney area employ fewer than fifty people and are therefore classed as small businesses. These companies are essential for the local economy however they need regular support from customers in order to remain operational. One Lowestoft business taking part in Small Business Saturday is LR Godfrey Ltd, which will be hosting in-store demonstrations including decorative Christmas bow-making and professional Christmas tree dressing. Other demonstrations include bread making, soup making and cocktail mixing, all with tasting sessions. A photo competition will also take place, with the best in-store ‘selfie’ winning a Christmas hamper. In addition to the demonstrations, LR Godfrey is offering a 10% discount on everything in store. To further attract people into the town centres to make the most of the array of local shops, free parking is available during all late-night shopping events and Christmas lights ‘switch-ons’. Late-night shopping is available in Lowestoft on 11th December and 18th December, with free parking from 2pm. If you own a small business, you can get involved in Small Business Saturday by offering an exclusive one-day promotion or special in-store event. Further details and a marketing pack are available from Small Business Saturday has a large social media presence – businesses and customers can show their involvement using Twitter (#smallbizsatuk), Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Participating businesses can also contact Waveney via info@waveneybusiness Business Forum and on Twitter (@waveneybusiness). T A OLD LLOT M W H EN SOU T ALLOTMENTS TO RENT Southwold L HO The Southwold Allotment Holders Association (SAHA) has a number of allotments available to rent at its site in Blyth Road. Some are “half-size” plots and therefore suitable for beginners but some full size plots may be available for more experienced gardeners. There are also a small number of plots which are suitable for poultry. Annual rent: £12 for a full plot, £8 for a half plot. Priority given to permanent residents of Southwold and Reydon FOR AN APPLICATION FORM PLEASE CONTACT: The Secretary, Southwold Allotments Holders Association, 23 Station Road, Southwold. D ER S IO N Christmas shoppers in Waveney are being encouraged to ‘shop local’ on Small Business Saturday. On Saturday 6th December, shoppers are being urged to visit small establishments and services as part of the Small Business Saturday initiative, a nationwide scheme focusing on raising awareness of small independent businesses. As part of the scheme, business owners in Waveney will be offering special one-off promotions, incentives and in-store events. Many local businesses in Lowestoft, Kirkley, Beccles, Southwold, Bungay and Halesworth are already taking part in Small Business Saturday, which is supported by Waveney District Council and Waveney Business Forum. Waveney Business Forum aims to raise the profile of businesses within Waveney and offers support, training and promotion through a range of activities, partnerships and involvement with national campaigns, such as Small Business Saturday. Cllr Colin Law, Leader of Waveney District Council said: “We have an incredible range of small independent businesses within Waveney and it is essential that people are made aware of their existence and their importance to the local economy. Small Business Saturday aims to shine a light on the variety of shops and services in the area and inspire people to visit them, not just once on 6 December but repeatedly throughout the year.” Kevin Vail, Chairman of Waveney Business Forum said: “We are delighted to be part of Small Business Saturday which encourages consumers to shop local T IA ASSOC 5 December 2014 26 The Southwold Gazette K I D S S E CT I O N – Finn’s Fun Win a Christmas Surprise from The Gazette December Kids Competition! For your chance to win please colour in the picture, complete the form and post to December Competition, Southwold Press Ltd, Unit 3A, Global Court, Reydon Business Park, Southwold, Suffolk, IP18 6SY or drop your entry into the Gazette Box at Barbrook’s Stores. The closing date for entries is 16th December. The winner will be announced in Issue 150, out 2nd January. Name…………………………………….... Age…………………………….. Address…………………………………… …………………………………................... ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ! Contact Number………………………….. Congratulations to last month’s winner LIBBY LAY who won a £30 Voucher from My Southwold (SOUTHWOLD) LTD BUILDING CONTRACTORS Unit 20, Southwold Business Centre St Edmund’s Road, Southwold IP18 6JU Tel: 01502 723636 Fax: 01502 722223 SG04/225 Decorators & Plumbers YOUR SHOUT! Free Estimates Have Your Say about what you’d like to see in the Gazette. Contact us if you run a club or society and want your news included. Write in/phone/email about items you would like to read. New Homes Extensions Commercial Work 118539 Email: Tweet: @LauraBoggis 5 December 2014 27 The Southwold Gazette SOUTHWOLD TOWN COUNCIL Notes of the Town Council Meeting held on 28th October 2014 These notes are not a substitute for the report of the Meeting that will be published in due course, as a basis for the adoption of formal minutes. • The Police provided the following report for the meeting: Overnight Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th October – significant vandalism to car in St Edmund’s Road. Minor criminal damage to fence outside dwelling. Two cases of shoplifting. One case offenders apprehended, the other the offenders were not apprehended. Theft of cash from staff room at business premises. Theft of two cycles from sports pavilion at Southwold Common. • SCC Cllr Ladd advised that a meeting had taken place with the portfolio holder regarding the Children’s Centre at Reydon. Whatever happens to the building, the service will continue, albeit at new premises. Cllr Ladd has put the Children’s Centre in contact with the Sole Bay Care Fund. • SCC Cllr Ladd also advised that last winter, potholes were an issue. Kier are purchasing 2 new machines which can fill potholes 10 times faster than the existing machine. • SCC Cllr Ladd also advised that matters relating to care homes in Suffolk are going back to SCC Scrutiny Committee in January. • WDC Cllr Allen advised that the Hastoe Housing project ‘sod digging’ was taking place next week and all councillors were invited to attend. WDC Cllr Allen also advised that the WDC report in to ‘pitch provisions. Will feed into the LDF within the next 2 years. • Cllr Bradbury provided a summary of the Planning & Development Committee meetings held on 30th September and 14th October. Cllr Bradbury advised that the Planning & Development Committee had received 2 planning applications for the premises occupied by Seasalt, but unfortunately the works had already been carried out prior to the applications being received by the Town Council. • Cllr Bradbury summarised the report from the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group meeting of 14th October and advised that Community Engagement was paramount to the Neighbourhood Plan process, and that such engagement is ongoing. A second drop in day will be held on 6th December. All local organisations are being contacted together with the local school. An application for financial assistance to complete the Plan will be submitted next year. Residents are encouraged to complete and return the survey about planning matters being dealt with the Plan and further forms are available from the Town Hall. • WDC Cllr Allen advised that the extent of the Conservation Area in Southwold had now been clarified and it had been confirmed that the harbour and the car park did fall within the Conservation Area. • Cllr Betts provided a verbal summary from the meeting of the Highways & Footpaths Working Group. The Working Group noted that the numbers of people using the shuttle bus may now increase due to the relocation of the Health Centre to Reydon. Cllr Tobin advised that he would provide a further update on the shuttle at a future meeting. Quotes are to be obtained from professional companies who undertake traffic reviews to assess the costs involved. • Cllr Allen advised that she had asked local businesses and organisations around Woodleys Yard to come to mutual agreements regarding the location/number of A boards and it was hoped that this matter was now resolved. • SCC Cllr Ladd advised that Kier have a backlog of TRO’s to • • • • • • • • • • • implement but it was hoped that they will be implementing those in Southwold very soon. The Town Council considered the provision of a donation toward the Christmas Lights event and it was unanimously agreed to provide financial support of £1,000 for the event which Cllr Ladd confirmed that would be allocated to the provision of electricity at Barnaby Green. Fingerposts - the Town Council agreed to commence the project with the purchase of one cast iron post for the area around the Pier to provide directions to the town centre, toilets etc. Actual location of the post to be agreed with SCC Highways. Canons at Gun Hill - Cllr Allen advised that quotes for the repair of the wooden carriages had been received and that quotes for the cost of repairing the ironworks were still awaited. It was suggested that grant applications be made to local trusts, as well as the Heritage Lottery Fund to seek financial assistance with this project. Donations from the community are also being requested. Ladies Walk signage – it was agreed by all that a sign be placed at the entrance to Ladies Walk providing some of the history of the footpath. Sponsorship to be sought from the partners who had assisted with the project. Bins for top of Ladies Walk – the Town Council approved the purchase of 6 bins to be placed along the top of Ladies Walk. Freeman Board – the Town Council agreed to purchase a new Freeman board for the Chamber having bestowed the honour of Freeman of the Town to 4 deserving recipients. The Town Mayor advised that she had attended the Bungay Civic Service, Lowestoft College Graduation Ceremony, Needham Market Civic Service, British Red Cross AGM and William Alwyn Festival Reception and that she was due to attend the Allotment Holders AGM, Southwold & Reydon Society Annual Lunch, St Edmunds Day, Church of England Centenary Celebration together with Hastoe Housing ‘sod digging’ event, Remembrance Sunday Parade and Armistice Day. The Town Mayor also advised that £1,350 had been raised at the Mayor’s Ball Silent Auction for her 2 organisations of the year – the Sole Bay Care Fund and the Alfred Corry Lifeboat Museum. Cllr Tucker advised the meeting that she and Cllr Windell together with SCC Cllr Ladd and WDC Cllr Allen had met with some of the Town Plan Steering Group members to provide a follow up on the progress made by the Town Council to date. Each section of the Plan was considered in depth. Discussion also took place as to the linkage between the data/thoughts within the Town Plan and that for the Neighbourhood Plan. It was suggested that it would be a good opportunity to hold a public event to provide feedback on the action points arising from the Town Plan and to show its progress into a Neighbourhood Plan. After full discussion it was agreed that such a meeting would be held in early 2015 once further Community Engagement had taken place in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan. The Town Council received the external audit report for the year end accounts to 31st March 2014. It was noted that Norse are undertaking some cleaning around Woodleys Yard. Date of next meeting Tuesday 25th November at 8pm at the Town Hall. Mrs Lesley Beevor, Town Clerk, Southwold Town Council PLEASE MENTION THE SOUTHWOLD GAZETTE WHEN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISERS 5 December 2014 28 The Southwold Gazette MUSIC Bringer of Christmas Cheer: The Candlelit Barefoot Minstrel Richard Durrant is the UK’s only barefoot, stand-up, un-classical guitarist. Delivering an eclectic show incorporating sounds, imagery, and commissioned artwork in a prismatic display that can best be described “everyman’s performance”, Durrant’s as an programmes are aimed at the popular as well as the fine. And the UK’s busiest touring, virtuoso guitarist is now embarking on his annual, always-magical, candlelit Christmas concerts. This year’s Christmas tour has even more sparkle as it includes music from Richard’s album, Christmas Guitars, featuring guest vocalist Amy Kakoura and the unmistakable voice of Barry Cryer. means to Durrant, the most gifted and eclectic of performers. Traditional and original compositions go hand in hand as the father of four not only celebrates the excitement and joy Christmas continues to bring to him and his young family, but also evokes both the Christian and pagan significance of this time of year. Special guest singer Amy Kakoura is half Irish, half Greek, something which you can hear in her remarkably expressive voice. Amy’s haunting lead vocals give several songs the tingle factor, most notably Emmanuel and the beautiful Clannad-style arrangement of A Northern Winter Night, written by Paul Cartledge. Christmas Guitars is available now on LongMan Records, Amazon, i-tunes etc. For further details, go to Southwold Classical Music Society The audience is promised both a musical and visual feast, with beautifully presented wintry music enhanced by specially commissioned projected imagery, tales from the road and lots of candles. Highlights will include early English carols, European Christmas songs and Durrant's superb guitar suite, ‘The Polar Bear’, with narration recorded by Barry Cryer (featured on the album). The ‘I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue’ comedy star plays it straight, reciting haiku verse in Durrant's moving depiction of a mother bear and her cubs' desperate swim for survival through the Arctic ice floes. This snow drenched piece was inspired by the well-documented plight of the bears as their environment continues to change. The album ‘Christmas Guitars’ is a deeply personal, kaleidoscopic vision of what the season of goodwill The final meeting of 2014 will be on Tuesday 9th December at 7.30pm in St. Edmund’s Hall, Southwold. The evening will begin with a short tribute to Richard Strauss, given by David Hyatt-King. Then there will be ‘C is not just for Christmas but . . . ’ a selection of members’ choices, in some way connected with the letter ‘C’, e.g. composer, performer, work, etc. Afterwards there will be seasonal refreshments provided by members. Visitors will be welcome, cost £2. Further information from Pauline Alderman, 01502 675660. P P&&DD Decorators Decorators • PROPERTY MAINTENANCE • • Salisbury House • Covert Road • Reydon • • Southwold • Suffolk • IP18 6QS • • S. Palmer - 07779408104 • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL * Domestic * Industrial * Commercial Re-Wires • Extra Lights • Sockets Telephone Points • Security Lighting • Alarms INSTALLATION • PAT TESTING TEL 01502 723097 5 December 2014 29 The Southwold Gazette SPORT Sole Bay Bowls Club Contrary to popular belief the new sign being erected is NOT a “For Sale” board and we are NOT closing at Christmas. We are still a thriving club as can be seen from how busy November has been, firstly there was an open evening for staff from the Reydon surgery when certain doctors surprised us by being extremely competitive with each other, and the bar took more money than we expected. The following week the juniors took on the juniors from Felixstowe and unfortunately lost, but our juniors were younger than theirs. The week after that we held an indoor tournament for the outdoor bowls clubs who play in the Saxmundham League, which basically covers those in the area to the south of us. At the time of writing this week the Rotary Club have an open evening with us and next Saturday (the 29th) we have the bowls club from Melton coming for a friendly match and a fish and chip supper. All of these events require effort and support and I must thank all of our members who supplied this. If you are interested in playing bowls or joining the Bowls Club then come and see us at Halesworth Road or contact Paula Gooch on 01502 722683. Games are available for all levels of experience from beginners through local leagues to entries for County competitions. Ray Skitt, Club Chairman SUPPORTED BY THE NATIONAL LOTTERY THROUGH THE ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND Southwold Golf Club Ladies Section Greensome Stableford 19-11-2014 Mrs R Owen + Mrs M Miller 35 pts Mrs P Cairess + Mrs J Pywell 31 pts Mrs G Gilbert + Mrs J Cardwell 30 pts Mrs R Kemp + Mrs F Franklin 30 pts Mrs A Holder + Mrs P Bolton 29 pts Mrs M Beckett + Mrs S Anns 28 pts Mrs P May + Mrs R Self 27 pts Mrs B Smith + Mrs H Moran 26 pts Mrs J Halil + Mrs C Scilly 27 pts SOUTHWOLD HIGH WATER TABLE FOR DECEMBER 5TH: 12TH: 19TH: 26TH: 09.06/21.39 01.27/14.19 07.42/20.28 00.56/13.43 ALDEBURGH CINEMA All times are approximate. Tel: 01728 454884 Fax: 01728 454026 website : Fri 5 till Thurs 11 Dec Dates and Times Vary THE IMITATION GAME (12A) Sat 6 Dec 5.30pm Sun 7 Dec 3.00pm Advance Booking visa/mastercard/switch Mon - Fri 10am-12noon 01728 454884 Fri 19 Dec 4.30pm Sat 20, Sun 21, Mon 22 & Tues 23 Dec 3.00pm Sun 28 & Tues 30 Dec 3.00pm PADDINGTON (U) Fri 19, Sat 20, Sun 21 & Mon 22 Dec 7.30pm MR TURNER (12A) A LIFE ILLUMINATED: NEVILLE PARRY, CINEMA PROJECTIONIST (U) WHITE CHRISTMAS (U) Sun 7 & Wed 10 Dec 7.30pm Wed 12 Nov 3.00pm FROZEN SINGALONG (PG) NIGHTCRAWLER (15) Sat 27 till Tues 30 Dec 7.00pm Sat 27, Mon 29, Wed 31 Dec & Thurs 1 Jan 3.00pm Fri 12, Mon 15, Tue 16 & Wed 17 Dec 7.00pm Sun 14 Dec 3.00pm THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES (12A) INTERSTELLAR (12A) Sat 13 Dec 2.00pm Wed 17 Nov 3.00pm Sun 14 & Thurs 18 Dec 7.30pm Tues 23 Dec 7.30pm Wed 24 Dec 1.30pm Fri 2 & Sat 3 Jan 3.00pm & 7.30pm UNBROKEN (12A TBC) Sun 4 Jan 7.30pm Sat 13 Dec 5.00pm Live from the MET Opera 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY (U) BOOKING SOON! National Theatre Encore STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE Wagner’s DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NUERNBERG Tickets and more details available on our website: MY OLD LADY (12A) 5 December 2014 Tuesday & Friday: Wednesdays: 2nd Wednesdays: 6 7 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 10 11 13 16 17 23 25 The Southwold Gazette WHAT’S ON IN DECEMBER Mondays: Thursdays: Sundays: 30 Salsa, 7.30pm at Wangford Community Centre. 724932 for details. Marguerite Club - for over 60s, Reydon Village Hall, 2.30pm. Jack or Ann Robins 722903 for info. Carpet Bowls, Reydon Village Hall, 10am-12noon. Keep Fit exercises to music for the over 50’s. 9.30am - 10.30am Reydon Village Hall. Southwold Toddler Group, during term time, 9.30-11.30am at St. Edmund’s Hall. 10.30am-11.30am Drop in for people affected by dementia, Cardinal Newman Hall (the old sorting office). Tel. Alison/Paul 514712 Reydon Toddler Group, during term time, 9.30-11.30am at The Zodiac Centre (Reydon Youth Club). Southwold Library: Baby Bounce & Tot Rock 10.30-11.00am (Music, rhymes, singing & dancing for babies & toddlers.) Storytime 11.30am-12.15pm (Stories, crafts & colouring for 7s & under). Children's Fun Group 12.15- 1.00pm (Crafts, games, puzzles & fun for 7-12s). Internet lessons 1– 3.30pm. Open to anyone. 1/2 hour at a time but as many lessons as you like. To book ring 722519. Southwold Christmas Lights Switch On, High Street closed from 5pm. Reydon Christmas Lights Switch On, from 6pm at Reydon Corner. Friends of Southwold Library Coffee Morning, 10am - 12noon. Stella Peskett Millennium Hall. Hot drinks, mince pies or biscuits. Cake stall, book stall and raffle. Christmas Fair, 12 - 4pm at the Long Shop Museum Santa’s Grotto. Range of stalls and children’s activities. Worship at St Margaret’s Church; 8am Said Eucharist, 9.30am Parish Eucharist and 4pm Christingle. Book Sale at Southwold Library, 2 - 3.30pm. Fill a bag for £3.00 (Bring your own bag). Southwold and Reydon Pensioners’ Association Carol Service, 2.30pm at the United Reformed Church. Time Out events for Adults at Southwold Library, 2 - 3.30pm. Craft & Chat: Bring your unfinished knitting/sewing/craft or start a new project while having a pleasant talk. Spanish Film Club at Southwold Library, 5.30pm. Film discussions in Spanish, film: The Motorcycle Diaries. Joint Committee Meeting (STC and WDC) re: Southwold Harbour, 3pm at The Millennium Hall (formerly the Stella Peskett). Meeting to discuss and agree a Community Engagement Plan, open to the public. Richard Durrant, ‘Candlelit Christmas Concerts’, 7.30pm at The Cut, Halesworth. Tickets £12, tel: 0845 673123. Christmas Fayre in aid of Wangford & District Community Council and Wangford Vets ‘Santa Paws’ appeal, 2pm. Time Out events for Adults at Southwold Library, 2 - 3.30pm. Crossword & Jigsaw Club. Come and ask for help with clues or solve new crosswords together. Plus the ongoing jigsaw. Family Carol Service, 6.30pm at Reydon Church with Wrentham Brass Band and the children from Showstoppers. Time Out events for Adults at Southwold Library, 2 - 3.30pm. Board games and banter. Rotary Christmas Day Swim, 10.30am Gun Hill. Editor: Laura Boggis Tel: 07815 152892 Email: Tweet: @LauraEBoggis Please send contributions for consideration to the Editor, Laura Boggis, by email, or post c/o Southwold Press Ltd, or place copy in the boxes at Barbrooks or the Southwold Tourist Information Centre. The EDITORIAL deadline is 5pm on Tuesday 16 December. There is no guarantee of inclusion of items, particularly late ones, and the Editor’s decision on whether and where to place material is final. Every effort is made to check the accuracy of information published, but we cannot guarantee mistakes will never occur. Full details of advertising rates can be obtained from Beverley Hart at Southwold Press Ltd. Payment must be received by the deadline. The ADVERT deadline is: 5pm on Monday 15 December. 5 December 2014 31 PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR Established in 1983 • Full Heating Systems & Upgrades • • Boiler Changes • Boiler Servicing • • Landlords’ Certificates • • Bathrooms designed, fitted and tiled • RE ENT C N RDE 4. N GA Y 1 0 O T AIL RIT AT F O P E N D S U . VISIT R I T T O N F , always a warm welcome, let us enlighten you! Home: 01502 722335 Mobile: 07884 353931 Glen Gowen, Mount Pleasant, Reydon, Southwold IP18 6QP I can supply you now with those hard to find lightbulbs, switches, sockets, ancillary items etc., regular delivery, no big orders needed, order what you need. ALL THE BULBS YOU FIND DIFFICULT TO GET HOLD OF: CANDLE, LOW ENERGY, LED, SPOT, SODIUM, SWITCHES, SOCKETS, PLUGS, ELECTRIC ITEMS, TOOLS. I CAN SUPPLY BELOW WHAT YOU PAY, NOW!! Jennie Jones EST. 1993 estate agents Free Market Valuations Without obligation Residential & Commercial Sales With your property advertised from each office, full colour property details and free advertising on the web Beach Chalet Sales Long Term Letting Service This paper fulfils high standards in terms of the environment, function and quality. Managed through our Aldeburgh office Fine Art & Furniture Valuations By arrangement “Friendly and Efficient Service” SG04/244 WINNER EAST ANGLIA ‘ESTATE AGENTS OF YEAR AWARD 2004’ 75 High Street Southwold Suffolk IP18 6DS Tel: (01502) 722065 Also at Aldeburgh (01728) 454622 Waste Collection for businesses The equivalent amount of CO2 from the production and distribution of this paper has been captured by planting trees in the UK. Forest raw materials are from verified sustainable sources. 80gsm paper now in stock Southwold Press Ltd. Unit 3A, Global Court, Reydon Business Park, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6SY Tel: 01502 723361 E: Cleaning and Caretaking for businesses Reliable staff Competitive prices Local management Flexible service 01502 527100 Southwold gazette Gardening.indd 1 SG14/35 SG06/38 K. W. Hubbard The Southwold Gazette 01502 527100 25/09/2014 09:42:56 5 December 2014 REYDON Immaculate 3 bed end terrace house on the Old School development. EER:C £194,950 32 SOUTHWOLD Contemporary semi det 3 bed house in the select Tibby’s Triangle development.EER:B £500,000 MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM EVERYONE AT HALFORD WETMORE WALBERSWICK The Southwold Gazette REYDON Non-estate Detached 2 bed bungalow. Attractive gardens & conservatory. EER:E £265,000 WALBERSWICK A stunning new 5 bed detached house with spacious accommodation over 3 floors. Double garage. £799,995 WALBERSWICK An imposing 1930’s detached house with sea views from the first floor and good sized established gardens. This light & deceptively spacious detached bungalow enjoys private gardens and a studio/annex. SOUTHWOLD *Conservatory. EER:E A delightful 2 bed cottage opposite Bartholomew Green, the church and close to the High Street. EER:E £899,500 £450,000 * 3 Double bedrooms * Attached studio/annex 45 High Street, Southwold, Suffolk IP18 6DJ 01502 723007 S & K Horticultural Services Hedge Cutting • Garden Restoration Garden Maintenance Turf Laying • Tree Work Grasscutting Tel: 01502 724457 • Tel: 01502 741879 Mobile: 07887 638194 SG04/215 Advertising: Beverley Hart Tel: 01502 723361 Email: Full details of advertising rates can be obtained from Beverley Hart at Southwold Press Ltd. Payment must be received by the deadline. The ADVERT deadline is: 5pm on Monday 15th December. SOUTHWOLD GAZETTE 0.70 *26ft Sitting room * Family kitchen/dining * 3 Bedrooms * Shower room. EER:F £490,000
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