enne rapport tilhører L041U DOK. SEN NR. KODE 131 Returneres etter bruk RAPPORT FRA PRODUKSJONS,TEST NR 2 AV OLJE SONE BRØNN: RIG: 31/2-2 WEST VENTURE KARL GJERDE R MPPORT FRA PRODUKSJONS,TEST NR 2 AV OLJE SONE BRØNN: 31/2-2 RIG: WEST VENTURE KARL GJERDE INNHOLD: - Rekompleterings prograin for "Oil-zone` og IIMJcaceous-zone" - tisub-surfacell kompletering skjematisk - side `Gas lift` "Gas generelt lift picket side fldw-controler" mandrel, and side skjematisk side 4 s-lde. "Flow-controlerl' - - "Flow-controler USide - side latch.assy." side pocket - mandrel` - "Kick-over-tool" - `Sequence side side/O of events"-. -cutting of CP-liner -preparing -running of well for sidell prod.string of packer and prod.string sideJ sidei' -press. test of surface equipment side/9 -press. test of prod. string sidé/5 -press. test of equp. from x-mas tree to -third oil burners sidet re-acidizing-job on the zone - Well fl owi,ng data - Otis well testing - Problemer sidet from Otis side safety side. HT system. side H jr N Welt venture $h t't t --'t ane Om ngejr ep eppd eø -urgent -t o west te n t u r e' ep d/2 'epp topy ta Stavanger.-attn. f. åa od I -ref tan140801 t'eCb t 14.08.80. Ptetion of 31122 ..I o r ot o n.e a n d #Di c.a Ce o us - 5 a tts f ol Cowl Ing 4istussions between noske s as partiieri-and npd, it a's -heen agréed i_o pro.c e e d -a' 'r i'fi and openi x a-&r> d. cl.rcutate-wett with brine..' pick up 't o pti t 1. sea[ tti Inger- out of packr then. tircutate -we t t wikh brine aga i n.. (2) poh vith 3-1121' (3) rig up schLuffiberger and run cctIgr f rom bottoffi inside gp tiner to I 350 ip to ob* a in sch Lumberger, dtpths, 'f or the gp tiner cottars. (n.b. througbout this., progra*me tetex, a t L depths witt be quoted with reference to isf/sonie run 3 of 1114180, dritier's depths must be corrected- to make atLowance for the 2 m d'e e p e r teadings obtai'n'eid by (4) rih with cutting btank pipe at 1578 r. (5) tubing string. oh 511 dp and cut-5-1i21 I poh. rtrieve cut off btank pipe and sc-l 9 p packer es per age 17, steps (5), (6) and (7) programme. p (in t h e. the safety joint sears- during-programme, page -.17 $t the reinalning cut off portion'of btank pipe mus,t be r t ove red (6) rih with 30 m, 2-71811 tubing on 511 dp._st'ab into tiner and reverse hote cLean froin t ové any.,.,. and -f rotn inside the tiner reverse ircu,ø t gp 5 etean littereo bririe-then poh: (7) perforete. intervat,1570 1575 with 2-1 IV-1: hy.perdoié scattop guns 4 spf , 0 degree pha'sing vsin4`the Ø- r for procedure outtined in the programme, page. 2 8.p s t e p s... Cl 2 4) adjurt perforating depths -_and tasing scraper with 2 5P,-.? '7 tubing betow, using .59 '1 dp/6-1/41 t dtls ål.- 'ruii'nirig '£.tri scråpe intervat 154 I 578 ffi (i 'to o ø. ,Of 'cut 6 f,f gp tiner) then reverié cte when s,craper 1578.i-A'i>VtIK 81. tubi n 9-.tait'øi P e. shoe --at 1 59 0 .3_4",# l s,_.& 't taboVe tett 8') -rih with 9-5181 9 ,up shtL g.-ø t 1f, r: :'t' Oh 16,6 f i t un ..,gaugé db.¥ ae t w ch 1~ i, vNn 2,' x 2 su v^m 4. ui 2.53 53 3C KA-SSD t570.17 n 1029 27/8 di 5.21 sc 2. 3 -i ?kcjccp. 2 x UPPG;L 2.;.6 152 .7 6 m 6,4 ISN. 5%2E 2.50 E p- b.16 is, 644 M 3y -1531.20 M > Yli' '3* ]B VAII 6.6o E u )L lP-LINER 4 1- 4 i - c M C n.3i A' -1 5 6, ri 15 13 '3 -M 14 UTi AT l s 8 a. c15 IhlQ C49 R 11 VAM 13-CC 0 G A S L r F T GENERELT utfØrt -Med enkel kompletering andre produksjonstest ble utfØrt med dobbel kompletering. Gas ble injisert fra overliggende gas sone. Det ble brukt to "packers", og `side pocket mandrel` me(llom disse. Som `flow controler` ble det brukt en `chemical injection valve`. Den Øverste del-av denne ventilen er en fj<,rbelastet port som åpner for gas ved et bestemt minstetrykk. Denne ble justert til et åpningstrykk på null for å få minst mulig trykktap på gassen. Ventilen består av to enheter: - en choke-enhet for gass injeksjonen. Ventilen leveres med `choke` stØrrelser på 3/16" og 5/16". - en `check-valve` for å hindre retur av eventuell olje med hØyt trykk gjennom "flow controler` og ut i annulus. Etter avsluttet produksjonstest av olje sone, setter en plug i `S-1"-nipple, åpner 2 7/V XO SSD og 32` XA SSD for produksjon kun fra `Micaceous sand zone`. GAS-LIFT `FLOW-CONTROLER` SIDE POCKET MANDREL no. ;1BK,11 LATCH no. 211-RW'30209-4 210-B0-5 CASING VEE-PACKING FLOW-CONTROLER no. WEL 221-RCV-1000 GAS CHOKE:, 3/26 OR 5/16 VEE-PACKING 411 CHECK VALVE GAS OIL T. Gas Lift Equipment and Systems P~R TYPE RCV CHEMICAL INJECTION VALVES ASSEMBLY NUMBER 221RCVlooo-l 22-1RCV`1001-* Sizelinches Port Sizellnches DETAIL PART NAME 0.187 (311&) 0.312515/Ii. Q`Ty PART NO. PART NO. i i 221Sl300 412SS555 221Sl300 412SS555 21OF4 9lV352 21OF4 9lV352 11 2 Upper Packing Sub Sel Screw 3 4 Female Adapter Vec-Packing 5 5 0-Ring Lock Nut 2 i 9101210-H 221Sl301 910121 0-H 221Sl301 7 8 Nose Retainer i i 22IS1208 221Sl302 221Sl208 221Sl302 9 10 Spring, Spring Body i i Sce Table* 221Sl303 See Table* 221Sl303 11 12 Stem Spacer i 221Sl304 None 221Sl305 221Sl307 13 14 Seat 0-Ring i i 221Sl311 9101016-S 221Sl312 9101016-S 15 16 Back-Up Ring 0-Ring i i glTll14 9101114-S glTll14 9101114-S 17 18 Packing Mandrel 0-Ring i i 221SI036 9101019-S 221Sl036 9101019-S 20 Seat 0-Ring i i 221Sl117 9101018-S 221 1 9101018-S 21 22 pin Pin i i 221Sl213 22IS1187 221 1 221SI187 23 24 pring Valve Housing 1 i 1011216 221Sl091 N266 S1091 25 0-Ring i 91OV1113-S 2 16 See Table 19 glOV1113-s lindicate spring setting when ordering by adding letters as shown in following tables. SPRING SELECTION CHARTS VALVE 22iRCV1000 221ncvlooo- VALVE 22iRCV1001 DIFFERENTIAL SPRING SETTINGSI INCHES SPRING 221RCVlool- 221RCV1000-A 221RCV1000-B 500 1000 90CN2035 90CN2035 221RCV1001-A 221RCV1001-B 500 1000 90CN2038 90CN2038 221RCV1000-C 221RCV1000-D 1500 2000 90CN2035 90CN2036 2211`lcvlool-c' 221RCV1001-0 1500 2000 90CN2038 90CN2035 221RCV1000-E 22IRCV1000-F 2000 3000 90CN2036 90CN2036 221RCV1001-E 221RCV1001-F 2500 3000 -90CN2035 90CN2035 221RCV1000-G 22IRCV1000-H 3500 4000 90CN2036 90CN2037 221RCV1001-G 221RCV1001-H 3500 4000 90CN2035 90CN2036 221RCV1000-J 221RCV1000-K 4500 5000 90CN2037 90CN2037 221RCV1001-J 22IRCV1001-K 4500 5000 90CN2036 90CN2036 221RCV1000-1 221RCV1000-M 5500 6000 90CN2037 90CN2037 221 RCV1001-L 221RCV1001-M 5500 6000 90CN2036 90CN2036 -Valve DIFFEREMIIAL SPRNG SM NGI INCHES requires one spacer. 47 SPRING 20 5-1z Gas lift Equipment and Systems GAS LIFT VALVE LATCHES AND DUMMIES 'ype M Latches - used in all '1pe RW Mandreis. Type T2 .atches - used in Type RL Mandrels. These are collet-type atches desioned so that a niinimum force is required to pass he collet into the lock recess. This feature is very important vhere deviated wells prevent forceful downward jarring. )uring installation, the collet moves up and deflects as it asses the lock recess. Upward movement is designed hear the running tool, causing the collet to nlove into pos ion and be securely locked. When retrieving, a pin ;heared, allowing the latch body to move upward and t e -ollet to defect. passing out of the lock recess. well, expensive gas lift vaIves, installed above the fluid level, can be replaced with dummies, blc>ck-ing off injecdon gas. Dumn-lies are available in special materials, so indicate service when specifying. OTIS LATCHES rype BK Latch - used in aU 1-inch lpe RW Side-Pocket 4andrels. This is a spring-loaded, ring-style latch. The lockng mechanism used is a spring-loaded ring that is designed to ock i pocket-locking recess of the mandrel. Latch can )e inst*d with a rninimum of force. When retrieving, a pin s sheared, allowing the ring to move upward and perrffltting he valve to be pulled from the pocket. rypes R and RA Latches-used in all sizes of RL mandrels, -xcept Type RLF that uses Type R Latches only. Tbe locking mechaffism for these latches is a spring-loaded rotating cam hat is desi£!rted to lock in die pocket-locking recess of the mandrei. They may be installed with a "nimurn of force. When retrieving, a pin is sheared, and the latch-release pin lifted to allow the latch cam to rotate frcely out of the way. Both latches are identical in fun'ction: Type RA contains two -xterior 0-rino seals and a shorter cam nose than the Type R. In the Type RLC, RLE and RLS Ported Mandrels, the Type n Latch is often used due to its inherently stronger 360' latch retention. o 2: Type m o Type T2 Type R OTIS GAS LIFT VALVE DUMMIES Dummy valves are installed in side-pocket, gas lift mandrel ireline to block the mandrel's injection gas ports. Dumwcan be run prior to or after completion for testin9 tubing, packers and other equipment. In new installations, dumrnics can be retained in the niandrel until gas lift valves are required to maintain producfion. Dumrnies are pulled and gas lift valves installedby wireline. Also during the life of the Type RA Type BK GUIDE TO TYPE M, BK, T2, RA and R OTIS LATCHES Otis Assembly Humber Type Material Pulling Neck Diameter/ lnches Running Neck Diameter/ Inches Maximum 0.0.1 lnches Pulling Tool Hunning Toci 96MO2 210BOS 210803 m BK BK Standard Standard Monel .875 .875 .875 .750 .750 .750 1.328 1.358 1.358 40SM4 40SM4 96MO38 96MO38 96MO38 96CO5 96MOS 21OR03 BK T2 RA Standard Standard Standard .875 1.375 1.375 .750 1.000 1.359 1.358 1.750 1.750 40SM4 40SM1 40SM1 96MO38 96MO37 96MO20 21OR01 210RO,1 21OR02 RA R R Monel Standard Monel 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.359 1.359 1.359 1.750 1.750 1.750 40SM1 40SMI 40SM1 96MO20 96MO20 96MO20 NOTE: Caii OLs or s.z--s ad types not kste or write Dallas direct. 35 l Gas Lift Equipment and Systems CODE DESCRIPTION FOR OTIS WIRELINE SIDE-POCKET MANDRELS Example: 211R 20401-1 Class number for mandrels Wireline mandrel Size valve to be set in pocket: W - 1-in. 0.D. gas lift valve L- LJ L J L i. - withmi poitioning sleeve and deflector 2. - With positioning sleeve only 3. - With deflector only 4. -With both positioning sleeve and defledor 11/2-in. 0.D. gas lift valve 5. -Two-pock-et mandrel with both positioning This space used to designate following: C - Ported mandrel F - Waierfi ood mandrel S - Special external port outlet X - Special clearance sleeve and deflector 6. - Side-strin.- mandrel with both positioning sleeve and deflector Type threads (SeeThread Code) Material and coating (See Material Code) NOTE: When mandrels cannot fit this code due to variations or features requested, a partially coded number will be assigned Aith a complete description of side-pocket mandrel appearing on drawing or speeification shett. Norninal size 20 - 2 inch 25 - 2112 i nch 30 - 3 inch And other sizes sce Drift Code. TYPE RW OTIS OVAL-0-D MA NDRELS - Dimensions and Code Drawings c A _RTL_B_f D Drift E SIZE: 2-318-in.. 2-71"n. 3-112-in. CODEand2 CODE 1-,*ithout deflector or posnioninv -,Qeeve. A Defiéctor CODE4-witIldeljectorandpositioningsieeve. 112,1 NPT PORTING VARIATIONS 11/2- NPT CODE F-waterflood mandrel. no pores. 11/2- CODE C-ported ffiandrel. NP-I C00ES-ehamberliftniandrel.s~I~Iports. DIMENSIONS Type RW Dimensions-inches Tubing 0.D.Anches Mandreil Å(EU) 2-318 NU2-318 2-318 (With Posifioning Sieeve) 64 63 73 3.875 4.25 4.25 2-718 2-718 (With Posifionina Steeve) 63 73 3-112 3-112 (Wiih Positioning Sieeve) 4 Weight/ Pounds D E F 2.90 2.90 2.90 1.901 1.901 1.901 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 60 64 74 4.75 4.75 3.56 3.56 2.375 2.375 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 90 106 64 73 5.62 5.62 4.37 4.37 2. 2.875 1.027 1.027 1.027 1.027 117 142 75 5.85 5.00 3. 1.027 1.027 185 4-112 75 6.05 5.00 3.375 1.027 1.027 185 4-112 77 6.62 5.35 3.833 1.027 I 1.027 185 'When specifying, ineludeport data. driftl.D.. material,thread typeandaccessoryitems. -Positioning sieevenotavailable. NOTE- Theaddition ofdefleclordoes nolaiter ;mensions. For availability of additional sizes no'. isted, contact your local Ns Specialist or write Dallas direct. 32 -11 Gas lift Equipment and Systems ul il 21 l OTIS TRU-GUiDE SIDE-POCKET TUBING MANDREL AND KICKOVER TOOL The Otis Tru-Guide Side-Pocket Tubin- Nlandrel is designed for installing gas lift valves in tubin.- and still permits a relative full opening through the mandrel. The Otis TruGuide Kickover Tool bas many exclusive features for ii3stal]ing gas lift valves and other subsurface controls iii deviated wells by pumpdown as well as wireline techniques. Quite often, several trips can be eliminated by running kickover tools in tandem to pull and install gas lift valves. 0 Transfer guide rails are designed to prevent other service tools from lodging on top of pocket. 0 Patented muleshoe alignment assembly is designed for cngagement and orientation of kiekover tool. 0 Continuous stop shoulder is designed to prevent accidental travel past mandrel. 0 Gas lift valves can be run in tandem with Tru-Guide kickover tools. BENEFITS OF DESIGN PRINCIPLE APPLICATION * Full-opening, side-pocket tubing mandrel. Side-pocket mandrels (with lensile strength greater than the tubing) can be run in the initial tubing string of a flowing well completion, so well can be converted to gas lift at a future date without a major workover. Using pumpdown or siandard wirelinemethods, kickovertoolscanberuntoinsert or pull gas lift valves. Unique transfer guide rails in mandrel and the pivot arm of the kickover tool are designed to insert or pull gas lift valves straight in or out of the pocket to proteet valves from bending. 0 Unique, flexible kickover tool for going around five-foot radius loops in pumpdown instafiations. 0 Gas lift valves may be serviced by either pumpdown or wireline methods. -% 0 Exclusive full-length transfer guide rails in mandrel allow gas lift valves to be installed and removed, utilizing straight forces to help keep the kickover tool from bending the valve. ACTIVATOR SHOUIDER Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 OPERATING DESIGN PRINCIPLE These drawings illustrate how simple it is to install a gas lift valve with Otis Tru-Guide equipment. Similar steps are used to retrieve the valve from the side-pocket landing nipple. Step 1 -After the kickover tool has moved through the Tru-Guide Mandrei, it is reversed and moved back up through the mandret. The spring-loaded alignment key on the kickover tool orientation assembly (A) is designed to align the kickover tool and hold it in the proper position to be activated. B" C. Step 2 - Upward movement shears the first shear fing on the actuator assembly (13), permitting the pivot arm (C) to move out and lock at right angles to the carrier tray assembly (IJI)for positioning on the center line of the side-pocket landing nipple for setting or pulling the gas lift valve. D Step 3-Downward movement of the gas lift valve is controlled by the transfer guide rails for a straight line into or out of the landing nipple. A no-go on -the locking mandrel locates the gas lift valve in the nipple. Continual downward movement releases lthe locking keys, locking the valve in the nipple. When pulling a gas lift valve, this downward action engages the pulling tool on the fishing neck of the valve. Z; A. B. C. D. IRANSFER -GUIDE RAIL Step4-Aftersettingthe gas liftvalve (installing)or engaging the valve with a pulling tool (reteving), upward movement shears a second shear ring in the actuator assembly (121), unlatching the pivot arm and allowing the kickover tool to move up and out of the mandrei. Kickover Tool Odentation Assembly Aduator Assembly Pivot Arm Carrier Tray Assembly SIDE-POCKET LANDING NIPPLE -MULESHOE otis Tru-Guide Side-Pocket mandret 34 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2.-KEST VENTURE P.T. DATE T:1ME CUTTING OF 5k" 15/8 no. 2 OPERATI:0N GP-LINER AND RETR=ING OF SC-1 GP PACKER 00:00 POOH 3k` tubing and prod-. assy. 05:30 Rig up Schlumberger 06:00 Run Schlumberger CCL/GR-loggers, Located at top of Production packer at Rig down Schlumberger 09:00 Make up servco cutter 12:3k Cut 5" 13:30 POOR cutter liner at Continue POOH all tool, A set of jars, 3 stands 6k` Drill collars, 5 STD HW and Engage tool into pick up cut-off POOH. 1564 m. Overpull to work free. Maké up packer retrieving pipes. RIB- same hung up at låy down cutting Took 80 000 LBS. 21; 30 - 3 knives broken 5` drill 20:30 and assy. 1578.5 m assy. Took 70 000 lbs. 17:30 1550 m 30 cm low tide 08:30 14:30 T.D.1588.8 m. RIHpacker. overpull to section. tool SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2r P.T. DATE TIME OPERATION 16/8 01:00 Got all WEST VENTURE no. 2 cut-offs - including packer 01:00 Lay down jars. a total of 27.3 m length. packer and cut-off PREPARING OF WELL BEFORE RUNNING GAS LIFT PROD. 03:00 of production equipment: Replace swivel on Otis and replace RIH with 2 7/8, HW drill hole surface connections X-mas on lubricator valve. 30 m stinger, pipe and 5` drill pipe t6 clean out from sand. 07:30 Rig up Dowell and filtercleaners 08:00 Tag sand at circulate Hydril 3 - section. STRING: Service tree 05:00 liner 1583 m - shut hydril and wash down to 1589 m with closed. 4 bbl/min and 400 - and cleaning brine 50 litre and reserve 25 - 480 pump press. 5 - 2 microns approx. sand retn. 17:00 Rig down Dowell, POOH and lay down 2 19:00 Rig up Schlumberger 19:30 Load perfo. 20:30 Perforated 7/V guns. interval 2 118` hyperdome 1570.scallop 22:30 Rig down Sdhlumberger 23:00 Make up 9 5/V 1575 m with guns, casing scrapper 4 SPF. stringer. 13 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2, P.T. WEST VENTURE n6. 2 DATE TIME OPERATION 17/8 00:00 RIH with scrape and 2 7/8` tail 02:00 Scrape interval 1540 - 02:30 Rig Up chicksand and circ. 03:00 Lower string with tail pipe below 1576 m head pipe to 1589 m. Reverse out with 400 psi pump pressure. No more sand returns 04:00 POOH 06:00 Rig up Schlumberger 06:30 Schlumberger run gauge ring and junk basket to 1579 m. Than pull out same RUNNING OF PACKERS AND PRODUCTION STRING: 07:30 Pick up model "DB` packer and run it with Schlumberger. Set it at 1576 m 09:30 Rig down Schlumberger 10:00 Make up tail pupe for SC-1 packer. te'st to 3000 p!si for 15 min. Pressure Rig up Otis wire-line and retrieve S-1 plug 14:00 Rig down Otis wire-line 15:30 RIH with SC-1 padker and tail 17:00 Make up circ. head and chicksand. slowly with 50 psi. assy. into "DB` packer. Pressure increase to Bled off same. out tUbing to get tubing in BOP-stack drop ball. stages: 1800 psi., 800 psi, Circulate Obsurve entry of seal 200 psi upon entering. in pipe assy. the right position Pressure test 1000 psi, Space 1300 psi, in 1500 psi, SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2, WEST VENTURE P.T. DATE T= OPERATION 17/8 17:00 Shear tool. no. 2 ..... Packer is set at loggers and 1518.5 m Drl. Pressure test release - of setting tool 500 psi 14 x for ri.ght for 15 min. retracting tool 19:00 POOH and lay down setting 20:30 Mak,e up 201, shoe, depth annulus to setting 1520.5 m. 32" tool G22 locator seal tubi,ng,, 3" assy. "XA-SSD` with mule and 5" VAM tubing. 18/8 00:00 Continue RIRwith 5` VAM tubing on 5` drill pipe to SC-1 packer to 05:00 Pressure test 05:30 POOH with 5` drill 06:00 Space out 5" annulus too 500 psi. pipe VAM tubing. Adding 1 PUP-joint. release test 3000 psi, space out same. Pressure up EZ tree and pressure test lines for to . RIH with 4k" rise-r with control lines. Testing every tubi.ng conn. Kooke up X-mas 15:00 Stabe into and surface lines. SC-1 pc-cker. Landed EZ-tree casing to tree in well head and pressure test 500 psi. PRESSURE TESTING OF SURFACE. EQUIPMENT ON RIG FLOOR. 18:00 Pressure test line BOP. wire-line Difficulties lubricator and wire- due to leaks. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2r WEST VENTURE P.T. no. 2 DATE TIME OPERATION PRESSURE TESTING OF PRODUCTION STRrNG 19/8 00:30 Rig up Otis wire-line 00:45 RIH with 2` drift 01:30 Rig up N-type test 01:45 Pressure wire-line 02:00 RIH with N-type POOH. 03:00 03:30 test with 2.2` drift. to 1590 m tool test Hang up in tool tools Covere in pipe dope Hang up in Diam. diam. 04:30 RrH with S-1 plug valve rD obstruction Loadcell stucy when pull Set at 1580 m in Ri.g up pulling tool 05:45 Pressu-re test tubing over 250 LBS. for S-1 plug S-1 plug leakihg at 1500 psi RIH with 2` retrieve `RS` to S-1 plug stuch at Jaring 1580 m with 750 LBS and shear off 11:00 POOH with `RS` tool 11:30 Make up 2.313` "B" To close "XO = 2.74". S-1 nipple 05:30 06:00 EX-tree valve valve. of impression: Rig up S-1 plug to 3000 psi 2.78". lubricator 04:00 stuch in lubricator Recovere RIH with lib. lubricator SSD" shifting tool. `RS` tool RIR. 14 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2, P.T. DATE TIME O.PERATrON 19/8 13:30 Pressure test WEST VENTURE no. 2. production string against S-1 plug to 3000 psi 14:00 RIH with 2` `RS', hyd.jars. PRESSURE TESTING OF EQUIP. prong, 101 latch on S-1 plug. x stem and POOH FROM X-MAS TREE TO BURNERS:- 17:10 Pressure test against choke manifold, linlet and b' ves: 5000 psi. .ypass val 17:17 Pressure test against sandtrap outlet and bypass valves: 17:30 Pressure test 5000 psi against Thornton manifold inlet and by-pass valves: 17:40 Pressure test Pressure test 5000 psi bypass sand trap. choke manifold 18:08 Pressure test valve: 18:17 18:30 Pressure test valves: 19:05 and by-pass heater coils against outlet 1400 psi Pressure test Pressure test in 5000 psi heater inlet separator inlet, and gas bypass valve: 18:40 back to 3000 psi Pressure test valve: 5000 psi against Thornton manifold body complete: 18:00 5000 psi against Thornton manifold inlet and outlet valves: 17:50 sandtrap oil by-pass 2000 psi automatic high pressure pilot automatic shut down system. Pressure test separator vessel against oil and gas outlet valves: 1300 psi SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/r2-2, P.T. WEST VENTURE 2 DATE TIME OPERATION 19/8 19:11 Pressure test separator safety valves 19:12 Lift at 1500 psi Retest separator vessel to check valve 19:28 seating: 1300.psi Pressure test oil-lines against burner head valves. 19:38 Leak at.Weco-union Retest oil lines: 1500 psi Waiting to start acidizing. Will start t6 f low well in day-light and do azidizing just before. THIRD RE-ACIDIZATION JOB ON THE OIL ZONE: 20/8 00:45 Rig up wireline and RIH with `B` shifting tool. Open W' XA-SSD at 1553.46 m. POOH Wireline operator open up SSD at 1553.46 m instead of SSD at 1506.93 m. after order from Shell services supervisor 02:00 Change `B` shifting tool. RIffand close bottom 3k` XA SSD 03:45 POOH Rig up 'W' shifting tool RIH and open top 3," XA SSD. 05:05 POOH Pump 10 BBLS diesel, 21 galls tretolite and 42 galls UGG initial/final pump pressure = 500 psi Fluid rate = 1.5 BBLS/min. 05:12 Pumpe 20 BBLS 15% HCL 84 galls UGG and 9 galls A-200 initial/final pump pressure = 20,0 psi Fluid rate 0.8 BBLS/min SEQUENCE OF EVENTS WELL 31/2-2, WEST VENTURE P.T. no. 2 DATE TIME OPERATION 20/8 05:30 Pumpe 10 bbls diesel initial/final = 1.2 BBLS/min. Pump 37 BBLS diesel initial/final pump pressure = Fluid rate Static 650 psi = 4.5 BBLS/min THP = close 550 psi upper 3k` XA-SSD Pressure 06:35 UGG. pump pressure = 400 psi Fluid rate 05:38 and 42 galls test annulus to 500 psi Dicplåce and bullhead fluid After 17 BBLS of diesel, from a steady rate to 800 psi It came back to for 15 min. with 62 BBLS diesel the pressure drop of 1625 psi and 0.5 BBLS/min. over 45 seconds. 1624 psi with same rate 0.5 BBLS/mi.n. Pumpe a total of 40 BBLS with 0.5 BBLS/min and pump pressure = The excess of 1625 psi. 22 BBLS with 1 BBLS/min and final pump pressure Start to = 1700 ps,i FIRST FLOW PERIOD: 09:35 flow next pagel (See "Otis field readings` on 0 60 cim qj ec 4n au CL 0 cn 0 la: lp cc CD CL ca LL. -J LL -J W tu LL. cn t> ui ø kn tc <0 0. , LU < Låj -J £L > tj) LU u) V< cc => LU INC- a u - 20 C,1-1 LAJ ok -jw LU < < CL CL 0 IL,.A Cb lEc L6 2 U) U. ec 2 < <x IL V) ti LL. el CZ> llu x >_i -J a. ui Ui CC 0 w -J uj<> øcc< ILU tn be w 0 xø cli qp lxu C LL QV v cc w )di, 0 CL ca lp Gn tZ ui cc 0 lij _i $n x z LLJ CL øt < > 4L < M fiL tc ZW C<, TIL w < V3 AD LL z 0 Er LL 4u z < ui x U. in j vl ir 9-i CC w <C>-J 6. - 0. wv w 0 LU CL 2 C, r4 cc D 'l/ 0 §A: ui < C.< 0 .11 C, tn < -J IL U. tn uk CL a o o 0 -iw Zaic r4 C12 N ui z < CL vl .i 0. CL (3 CL < _j cn < ZW < w LL eN LL z to 0 -,3 !: ' z UJ lc C> CL CC 0 -Lj gL >-LU < Z! WL v ui N ul an w z rn < z z 0 rv, 13 lp < ui0 0 -J 2:0 cn in cn CL Z < CL << t. - < >C-L cc Z LL, te < b. LU LL. u IL z _i -J an CC uj 0 -J CL LU CL m cc < LU V LLJ cc §u 0" X (n zz w ui u :E ui -N- r cc=> o x '>- Ci LN cc ø- ui LlM tn LU ui 1,) to C> C-4 zs- rk v) io cc NC LU c cc >< < < tå. cc tn w 0 LL r-r- ;4,N C) -J -J U. LLJ tz--, u> ku ui cv w )!! W -5 " cn 0 t-- - N C-/ ,4 N Z4 ci cc te ua cc < ui ih > 00 cc t3 cc -Jti ZE co z Ui c) < ak. V) LLJ LL C3 0 C3 _i J tL uj 0 -Wi LU LU ww ON z ut z 7c ft P3 w 0 Cj ui ui ØL CD < U. er LU tu cc LU lt, < Lt cc in cn CD cn z < CL CL tn cn > ci < > 01 cn Z Ui in LL Nvo z ci < ui -J LL _i -J LU 3: Ul 1,19 £C w 0 _i - w V) tu in ø <L w lit. r) z z rvl (11) (111) r,> IZ2 au E> z-4 V-4 Li c-c LU 9,LI -4- Cb 00 LU cc w t 0cn -,4J z it J.N .14 UJ IL CL ak u t.N < > cn tr _j tv LL z og 10 to Lni LIn Qz) CC b£ uk C> tl .AP, Lo 0161 60 ui IL 0 11 - mm C)Ø ZZLU 3 C3 IL Z em CL CL CD# 0 OL ca LU 0 ui z (Jo ir w 0 UJ -J ui ul ov ui us ut cc =>- 0 n ør LC w a: r< LL tn w ccl co CE -JW 12 LU CL CL cc - < > 00 L6 -4z. Z W 0 wo o LL LL z 1.6 J -J %L to L) LI,) ul UJ rv) rv") 12 aL OUJ us ww el, ui ir 00 LU C4 Ui 12 U. 4CI LU ai m DC> iw 3: LU gL CL L6 _i cn U. tn z 0 Z Ui < cn ui 4L r-4 J -J LL. W < C> ui CC LLJ C) -J gL LU XL tu v w 0 i4 z z ut IU cc cr- 4L 'a 0cn fl- CL 00 < 3c < 0 C-4 til NN: 0 lec C4 00 liio Li Jr- ut 4p ca bo In CL us UL fc Li 10 uå Lo - ti) k 'CC) L >.. *LU< tu 0. Jr n 00 tO 40n LL CL Z LU < < CL CL j hø IL ån LU r- w 60 r <O-J a. LU ø z z-5 us .. M ø Ln ",o -4 n ,2 -,:l- tn -Ifflo ua < v cc c cL < < LL L6 03 Q2 4L LL, ui v) 3. -Li (L. LU < > < 91 rn 3c am 40 <Z> N-- o Lj r LU < 00 Z ICC < LLJ C) _å ut LLJ CL C4 CL Ln a mm 03 Ca CLw LL to IL W% La, ui 3: CC ui 0 -,J tu < : CL >- ei gc < wVW 0 N z z w w 31 rY CC U. LW ui ui ul cc cr. 0-jw M LU ha IL CL CL tti L6 \l) _j (n cc < IL C13 ZUi ti. in cn V> -,(2 -cc CL. wuj ua <O-J 0. - CL r4 tg < cc < cc 0 ui z z cc U, 11 C4) cc -tyw 0 cc CL J ca < Ln au 0 uj z CL. IJL cc< te cc V> ui gL LU to w ui cc ti qo rn rk- 7 cc cc CC _i cc CL. a zo CL tA CL CL CD LLM cn mj < UL cc < x U. U, ui us cc CL LM < CL ui gL _; : " LU ui z_i z-jj i uå ui kj XV3 0 t4 LIC Q 0 ri LU w cc r4 co 0<u V> U. LU gz LU OU) -iw cn In z LU < £L CL CL ch OL CL to WL W C13 LL. Li V> ug 13' - r,/ r' 1< C4 r4 IN. båø 0X x z -8 _i -# us 22 ca cr LU LU >< tz LL. ui LU ak. ui0 ca 0 La, CL Ln < > cc L6 _i CO U. Co (C <M< x r,< z Lu f.l z 0 Cl < w kn cc CL VY C) -J (L i~ £L w < - ui CL : cc < em w 0 li 2 3: uz, x LU L4 -5 " ,o , No 0 0 (1o PIQ 1q2 cc 0 bo N ----- cc C13 r4 tj r, CL d cn c, JW ui CL <> [c ko cc ZW < Z gL LU n 0 < U) co tL a C, z NO _i -J U. ui f,i cc CL CC o W -J gL w må a. V> U) < rvll- c> cc ø LU [IC LU to ui mo c Ln ga uj cn tL a. ul cm CL CL cc 171 U. 0 (IC CL Co C) ul tL 4n dL ui U. UJ 3: cn U> n, LU tc < 0 CL LU < LU ~J L gL i 'A cc < Gi w VW 0 i14 in x z 11,-I0 ID- 0 Ch LL. CL ui 05 ui 0 t4 < 0 u 03 Nb z UJ Z! 0 < n CL CL < > £8 LIM U.C15 LU co IL ui w UJ V> ul = CL ,t LL# LU r4 z z ZU w 3: 3- z 1.- . , 0X. U M V> cc No (c &u < us <L fp w >- U. 0 -J < U. < Vk cl cc U> IL CLm CL. CL L6 acct2 vi _j<> CC éL z ui cc< cc X< U. a. ui 0 Z 3: 0 -J LL co x _i -J w 3- o ::r'J ui <a.> w V LLå 0 L4 U> z z o C'4--- 25- 23- el-l rVIN LLS £L sl V> cc (4 % DO b-0 r4) r- >o (VN cc vi Lc ui m ui < CL CK> t CY CC ui ui gL C4> ciz ca W<Z ocrzL.4 cn CL CL fr - w u --et0 cn z C3 UJ tu cc 0. cV CL r4 ui IM: oW -J CL > cc < tu 0 ti Wui _i J C-v\ N-) LU CL C-0 fQ 0 -.J fo rv v rj jj" cc lp bo -J LL M tå uå gL w 4ij x n. 0 ui cs IL IL CL IL tn -- ----- _i &L o co RD tL Li n4 £3 gL U. &n LU LL. LU w -Wi r4 w CL LU gL < au w z N z gr C>O OTIS `SAFETY SHUT DOWN" SYSTEM PÅ WEST VENTURE 4 V5b SEM 12A-r0 ?C 7=7) SF-fAJM-TOk WPICAU-115 k ir- k) p P,-4 U L- i5 ~TAK Do 4 VF7'- k-, Vrs Stiger trykket ved inntaket åpner high-pressure-pilot trykk det fØrer reservoaret vil da at flow st-enge. Otis test automatisk til fra til kontroll head (Di.sse separator, til atmoferisk ventilen åpner `flow-valve` og ventilene må til `master ha trykk en stenge valve for å åpnes). På `rig-floor" og ved SIKKERHETSYSTEM Det er ventiler ventilene etter av typen skal det montert kan manuelt. PÅ OTIS'SEPARATOR: Ønske'fra "Rupture-disc` er separator Shell "Farris` åpne på på 1460 på separator en 3" instalert linje to sikkerhets- separatoren. psi. fra Det Begge er incjen sikkerhetsventilene med uttak under platformen. PROBLEMER MED OTIS S-1 PLUG Ved nedkjØring av S-1 plug, det påvist Pluggen ble testes til feil for test av prod. ved dybde-indikatoren så satt i 3000 psi. S-1 nippelen. i string, 110tis W/L winch". Strengen skulle En oppn4dde kun et deretter S-1 plugen igjen. trykk Økningen. Etter en tid steg FØr denne trykktesten En påviste da en del forurensing. pluggen. på 750 LBS. Uten å oppnå den forventede 3000 psi. Dette kan muligens være trykk-- trykk på 1500 psi. Ved trekking av pluggen måtte en bruke en jar-kraft Satte ble trykket ble det årsaken til og en oppnådde kjØrt "Drift-run Blant annet en del DOP. problemene'med S-1 PROBLEMER MED FLOPETROLS SSTT fra Flopetrol er SSTT utstyrt med injiserings-system for Glykol. Etter oppstart En antar at utaksventilen e,tter at fikk en problemer med pumping av Glykol. grunnen kan være forurensningi`linjen i Glykol plugget SSTTr linjen har fått skade ved ned-kjØring.