20100420 zhoubao New
20100420 zhoubao New
2010年04月20号 W E E K LY CHINESE CULTURE FOR K I D S SUBSCRIBE - FREE 周报 H T T P : / / Z H O U B AO. X U E X I AO. C H N I H A O ! B E T T E R L AT E THAN NEVER! MEET THIS AMAZING LADY CALLED BINGXIN. SHE IS ONE OF THE MOST PROLIFIC AND ESTEEMED CHINESE WRITERS OF THE 20TH CENTURY. SHE IS KNOWN FOR HER PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE AND OPTIMISM. THEN MARYAM SHARES HER REVIEW OF A TAIWANESE DRAMA CALLED “DEVIL BESIDES YOU” WHICH GETS A 5 STARS RATING! ON THE LAST PAGE, YOU’LL SEE A POSTER CRAFTED SPECIALLY BY KUANTZI LAOSHI’S STUDENTS... 访冰心 - interview with Bing Xin 访冰心 - interview with Bing Xin 冰心是中国现代著名女作 家。她姓谢,叫谢婉莹。 冰心是她的笔名,所以也 有人叫她谢冰心。 冰心是南方人,1900 年 出生。上小学时就已经读 了不少中国古代的文学作 品。1914 年她到北京一 所教会女子中 学读书。五四 运动时她在北 京上大学,参 加了当时有名 的"文学研究会 "。1923 年她 到美国去留学。 在美国,她一是 研究文学,二是 把外的见闻写出 来,寄回国内发表这就是 后来的"寄小读者"一 书。 1926 年到1933 年她写有小说" 分"、"姑姑" 等,同时还翻译 了一些 国作家 的作品。1945 年 冰心去日本。 1949 年到 1951 年她在东大学教 中国文学,1951 年她在东京大学 教中国文学, 1951 年秋回国。 1958 年"人民日 报"发表了她的 "再寄小读者"。冰心不 但是个文学家,而且还是 个教家。她非常爱孩子, 她用她的作品来教育孩子 们。 冰心家离市中心比较远, 在新街口附近。 他住的是 北京一所老式的院 子,院子里中了很 多花儿。 冰心是在客厅里见 的我。客厅不大, 很干净,墙上挂着 一张山水画。客厅 书架上放着许多 书,有中文的,也 有外文的。冰心一 头白发,个子不 高,瘦瘦的,看上 去,不像是九十来岁的 人。一见面,我先问候了 一下她的身体。她说,她 很少得病,有时候得了感 冒,吃点儿中药就好了。 A Short Biography 繁星文学奖 我问他为什么还这么健 时,她说,就是经常锻炼 身体。后来,她一边喝茶 一边和我说话。她回答了 我几个有关三十年代文学 的问题。当她讲到当代文 学时,我问她“现在还写 东西吗?”。她说“想写 啊,可就是眼睛不好了, 写不动了”。每天也就是 看看报纸和杂志什么 了。” Bingxin, a distinguished contemporary writer, poet, translator, and social activist, was born Xie Wanying on Oct.5, 1900, in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, to the family of a patriotic naval officer. During the May Fourth Movement, a patriotic student movement against foreign aggression and for new culture, she was a student at Yanjing University, was elected secretary of the Students’ Union, and took an active part in the publicity work for the Beijing Federation of Women Students. Greatly inspired by the movement, she began contributing to the newspaper Chenbao (Morning Paper). After she graduated from Yanjing University in 1923 with a Bachelor’s Degree, Phi-BetaKappa, she went to the United States to further her study in literature at Wellesley College and finished her postgraduate study with a Master’s Degree. Her M.A. Thesis was An English Translation and Edition of the Poems of Lady Li I-an (1926), a distinguished woman poet of the Sung Dynasty. In 1926, Bingxin returned to China to teach Chinese Literature at Yanjing University, a post she held until 1936. In 1929, she married Wu Wenzao, one of the founders of anthropology in China and widely respected in that field. Bingxin had never stopped writing, contributing all her life to various papers and journals. She wrote a lot about her life and experience in the United States, from her journey there to the end of her stay. Those essays were later collected and published under the title of Letters to Young Readers, which has won her great popularity. As well as being educated in America, in 1947,Bingxin went with her husband to Japan where she taught a course on the New Chinese Literature at Tokyo University. She returned to China in 1951.1n 1960,as a member of the Chinese Writers Association, she paid visits to various countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa to promote international cultural exchanges. Bingxin’s literary involvement covers a wide spectrum. Her achievements in writing for children are the most significant and her influence has been widespread. Letter to Young Readers in the 192Os,More Letters to Young Readers in the 1950s and Still More Letters in the 1970s have stimulated and educated generation after generation of young 20th century readers. Her most salient literary achievements are in prose, which constitutes the bulk of her writing, A Smile in the 1920s, A Little Orange Lantern in the 1950s, Ode to Cherry Blossoms in the 1960s are modern prose classics. In the spirit of" Life Begins at 80", she had continued her writing into her later years. In the 1980s,she completed a series of prose writings, for example, About Men. Since 1985 she had been writing reminiscences, short stories, prose, essays, which have stimulated great interest and response on the part of her many readers. Bingxin was one of Chinese poets in the early time of the 20th century. Two collections of her poems A Maze of Stars and Spring Water, published in the 1920s,were so unique that the style was named 'Bingxin Style' after her. She blazed a trail in modern poetry and ushered in a period of 'popular short poems'. In fiction, her 1920s short stories describing social problems, Two Families and A Frustrated Man, found an echo in the hearts of many readers. In 1981,her short story An Empty Nest won the National Best Short Story Award. As a translator, Bingxin had translated Tagore's collected poems Gitanjali (Song Offerings) and The Gardener. She was the first to translate the Lebanese Poet Kahil Gibran' s collected poems The Prophet and Sand and Foam into Chinese in the early 30s and 60s respectively. In recognition of her contribution to cultural exchange and friendship between China and Lebanon, the President of Lebanon conferred a National Decoration on her in 1995. they are about to officially be siblings. What about Ah Meng's brother who suddenly decides to turn up and mess up Qi Yue's life? And definitely, there are more love rivals out there to test their relationship. 惡魔在身邊 “Devil besides you” by Maryam Abdulla On the 20th century literary scene, Bingxin had emerged as a unique Chinese woman writer in terms both of her achievements and of the fact that her creative writing had spanned the century from the 1920s to the 1990s. Her works teem with wisdom, purity, sincerity, noble ideals, love for the young and for the nation. Her writings have faithfully recorded the experiences and lessons of the 20th century. She was a woman of integrity and principle, keeping her dignity and upholding her lofty ideals. She had taken things philosophically and viewed life optimistically, looking always on the bright side of things. As the saving has it: ‘the writing reflects the writer’ Bingxin' s writing, like a maze of stars in the sky or a pond of spring water when winter comes to an end, relieves thirst, brings comfort, and will exert a lasting influence on readers, generation after generation. 爱心 ! Conclusion: I would recommend this drama if you are not looking for a strong plot or some heavy stuffs, this drama is entertaining with recommendable acting from Rainie and good chemistry between Rainie & Mike. “Devil besides you” is a Taiwanese drama written by Mitsuba Takanashi. The show stars Rainie Yang, Mike He and Kingone Wang. The story begins on a fast Rate out of 5: mode where a sweet girl named ! ! ! Qi Yue (starred by Rainie Yang) falls in love with the school's basketball team captain - she writes a love letter and plans to pass it to him. However, the letter accidentally ends up in the hands of Ah Meng (starred by Mike He), who is the school's President's son. Ah Meng is known as the Devil in the school as he attracts many girls with his charming look. He always gets to do things his way, both at home and in school. Liking Qi Yue from the very beginning, Ah Meng uses the letter to blackmail her into becoming his slave. Spicing up the story is a coincidence that Qi Yue's mom is dating Ah Meng's dad, and both parents are planning to get married. Soon, both Ah Meng and Qi Yue fall in love with one another. Like many other love tales, there are obstacles and challenges to be faced. They have to figure out how to be in a relationship when ! ! 惡魔在身邊 ep.1 CHINESE GAMES & FUN Chinese poem from Kuantzi Laoshi’s class 花找花 - Beautiful butterfly looking for the butterfly flower 1908年冰心(左)和大弟谢为涵(中)与父亲在烟台合影 Stamp Collection 在 湖 中 Be the first to share your solution. Solution: 划 to row 找到:to find 一半:half 一 半 满 Solution: 江 river 一 半 空 一半:half 满:full kong:empty zhōngguó yóuzhèng 没 人 信 在 草 上 找 到 一 半 中 国 邮 政 哈萨克族 H!sàkèzú Kazak Ethnic Group The Kazak ethnic minority, with a population of 1.2 million, mainly lives in Xinjiang, Gansu and Qinghai. As the Kazaks live in mixed communities with the Hans, Uygurs and Mongolians, they have assimilated many words from these languages.