2013 Year in Review - Alberta Energy
2013 Year in Review - Alberta Energy
Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta 2013 Year in Review Coal mining and projects Metallic and industrial mineral activity Land-use planning Industrial mineral and coal production and royalty Mineral assessment reports Alberta Energy Resource Revenue and Operations Division Coal and Mineral Development Branch North Petroleum Plaza 9945-108 St NW Edmonton, AB T5K 2G6 Phone: 780-427-7707 Fax: 780-422-5447 Email: CMD.Energy@gov.ab.ca Web: www.energy.alberta.ca/OurBusiness/minerals.asp www.energy.alberta.ca/OurBusiness/coal.asp All Alberta Acts and Regulations are available online: www.qp.alberta.ca/Laws_Online.cfm Permit and Leasing Toolkits www.energy.alberta.ca/minerals/547.asp Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta Year in Review January 2014 Contents Introduction3 Metallic and industrial minerals 3 2013 metallic and industrial mineral exploration highlights4 2013 industrial mineral quarry activities 8 Coal9 2013 coal exploration highlights 9 2013 coal mine activities 11 In Situ Coal Gasification (ISCG) 14 CMD Updates 15 Activities15 Mineral Assessment Reports 15 Interactive maps 15 Legislation15 Alberta Energy Regulator 15 Coal Policy 16 New publications 16 Alberta Geological Survey 16 Land-use planning 16 Land-use Framework 16 Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference 18 About Alberta’s regulatory system 19 ISBN 978-1-4601-1509-1 (Print) ISBN 978-1-4601-1510-7 (Online) CMD Year in Review-03(2013) The information contained within this report has been collected from publicly available government information, company websites, press releases, and reports filed on Sedar (www. sedar.com). All figures quoted are current as of the time of publication. Please consult the company websites for specific information regarding any projects outlined in this report. Any other references are noted within the document. The authors make no warranty of any kind with respect to the content and accept no liability, either incidental, consequential, financial or otherwise, arising from the use of this document. Scan the QR code to go to the Alberta Energy website, where you can download a pdf of the 2013 (and previous years') Year in Review. Cover photo Panoramic: Grande Cache coal mine, Grande Cache, Alberta. Courtesy: T. Hauk ISSN 2291-1545(Print) ISSN 2291-1553 (Online) “Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta Year in Review” is published annually by Alberta Energy 2 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta The coal sector was very active in 2013, with a number of sales of both operating mines and exploration assets by long-term coal players to new entrants to the Alberta coal market. This is in addition to exploration started on new and historical coal exploration targets. The main interest, from a new development perspective, is in the metallurgical coal potential. Exploration targets were not the only news in the coal sector: two potential new mines made significant advancements towards starting in 2013. Construction on one or both of the projects could begin in 2014. In conjunction with the rekindled interest in Alberta’s coal, the province’s regional planning through the Land-use Framework continued with implementation of the Lower Athabasca Regional Plan and development of the draft South Saskatchewan Regional Plan. Limited work was reported in the metallic and industrial mineral sector; however, two advanced projects reported work. Metallic and Industrial Minerals Permits 12,000 2013 Year in Review 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1576 130 1305 60 1550 405 1121 43 2009 2010 2011 2012 986 12 2013 Figure 1. A bar graph with the total area of metallic and industrial minerals permits and permit applications from 2009 through 2013 (the report period is October 1 through September 31). Numbers at the base of the bars indicate the number of individual permits or applications. Metallic and Industrial Minerals Leases 094 Metallic and Industrial Minerals Lease A94 Metallic and Industrial Minerals Lease Application 350 Metallic and industrial minerals 300 Area ('000 ha) The total area covered by metallic and industrial minerals permits decreased slightly from the previous year, along with the total number of permits (Figure 1). This is a continuation of a downward trend in the total number of metallic and industrial minerals permits over the past 5 years. This, in part, is most likely the result of a reduction of exploration activity by junior mining companies that have been suffering the effects of low metal prices and tight financial markets. The total number of metallic and industrial minerals leases in Alberta remained approximately the same in 2013 (Figure 2). 093 Metallic and Industrial Minerals Permit A93 Metallic and Industrial Minerals Permit Application 10,000 Area ('000 ha) Introduction 250 200 150 100 50 0 208 63 273 39 308 34 301 15 315 2 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Figure 2. A bar graph with the total area of metallic and industrial minerals leases and lease applications from 2009 through 2013 (the report period is October 1 through September 31). Numbers at the base of the bars indicate the number of individual leases or applications. 3 As seen in the previous few years, the number of metallic and industrial minerals licences continued to rise in 2013, with a 50% increase from 2012 (Figure 3). Assessment report filings in 2013 were approximately $5 million, which are significantly lower than the $15 million in 2012 (keeping in mind 2012 saw a spike from the five-year average; Figure 4). The assessment expenditures reported have up to a two year lag from the work done because assessment reports are required on a two year cycle. See Figure 6 for a map of tenure activity at the end of 2013. Metallic and Industrial Minerals Licences 1,400 092 Metallic and Industrial Minerals Licence 1,200 DNI Metals Inc (www.dnimetals.com) announced the analytical results from their 2012 drilling program in January 2013; the drilling was on the Buckton and Buckton South deposits on their SBH property in northeast Alberta. In addition, a new mineral resources estimate was released in August 2013 for the Buckton deposit. The estimate was for a suite of metals, including nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), uranium (U) [1], rare earth elements (REE), and yttrium (Y). Using the estimates provided in the mineral resource assessment, DNI completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the Buckton deposit. The PEA outlined a conceptual mine plan, which featured significant potential for U and REE production from the deposit, with achievable annual productions of 450 tonnes of uranium yellowcake and 5,500 tonnes of REE-oxides. Iron Ironstone Resources Ltd (www. ironstoneresources.com) made significant progress on its Clear Hills project, located approximately 80 kilometres northwest of Peace River in northwest Alberta (Figure 5 and 6). The company’s focus has shifted from exploration and deposit delineation 600 400 200 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Figure 3. A bar graph with the total number of active metallic and industrial minerals licences from 2008 through 2012 (the report period is October 1 through September 31). Assessment Report Expenditures 18000 Accepted expenditures ($) Area (ha) Permits 16000 14000 400 300 10000 250 8000 200 6000 150 4000 0 450 350 12000 2000 500 Permits Polymetallic Shale 800 Expenditures (x$1000) Area (x1000 ha) 2013 metallic and industrial mineral exploration highlights Number 1,000 100 21 23 19 21 24 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 50 0 Figure 4. A graph of mineral assessment report statistics for 2009 through 2013. The number of permits and area are those reported in submitted reports. The accepted expenditures are those accepted by Alberta Energy; the total amount claimed is not reported, but is higher than the accepted expenditure value. Accepted values for 2013 are preliminary because not all report reviews were completed at the time of publication. [1] In Canada, mining is usually governed by provincial regulations. Uranium production, however, is under federal jurisdiction. Canada’s independent nuclear regulator, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, regulates uranium mines and mills and all subsequent stages of the nuclear-fuel cycle, such as refining, conversion and fuel fabrication, to protect health, safety, security and the environment. 4 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta to metallurgical and process testing. From testing during 2012-2013, Ironstone reported high metallization of iron in reduction kilns, a reduction in phosphorus levels, a decreased temperature requirement for reduction, and vanadium pentaoxide (V2O5) in the process tails. How is steel produced? There are two main ways that steel is produced: 1) integrated smelting using a blast furnace followed by a basic oxygen furnace, and 2) the electric arc furnace. The blast furnace method is the most common, producing about 70% of the world’s steel. Metallic iron is produced by feeding iron ore, coke (from metallurgical coal), and a flux (e.g. limestone) into the furnace. This produces metallic iron, which can be used to make steel. The electric arc furnace uses primarily scrap steel as the main feedstock. An electric arc between two electrodes provides heat that melts the scrap. Direct reduced iron (DRI) can be used as an alternative feedstock for this process. Metallurgical coal from the Cardinal River and Grande Cache mines in Alberta is exported for use in blast furnaces. The DRI briquettes that Ironstone Resources intends to produce would be used as a feedstock for electric arc furnaces. Figure 5. A photograph of Ironstone Resources' bulk sample pit at their Clear Hills property. The photo is courtesy of Ironstone Resources Ltd. Ironstone is planning more work over the next year to advance their project toward commercialization. A preliminary economic assessment is planned for the first quarter of 2014, followed by a commercial scale-up of their pilot project in quarter two. In the fourth quarter of 2014, they are planning to complete the process flow-sheet for the reduction process. By the fourth quarter of 2015, Ironstone anticipates completion of a demonstration pilot plant and a pre-feasibility study on the project. Whereas typical iron mines produce a 63% iron ore as their final product, Ironstone is developing their process to produce metallic iron briquettes, which will be in the order of 90% iron. They are marketing the briquettes as a substitute for scrap iron in electric arc furnaces for steel production. Ironstone is also developing a method to recover vanadium as part of the process. Ironstone’s Clear Hills project is an oolitic ironstone deposit hosted in the Bad Heart formation. The most recent resource figures are published in their July 2012 NI 43-101 technical report. Ironstone reports 652 Mt Indicated and Inferred resources at 33% iron, and a 557 Mt Indicated resource at 0.20% V2O5. Uranium Declan Resources Inc (www.declanresources. com) announced, in October 2013, that they have reached an option agreement with 877384 Alberta Ltd for the Firebag River Uranium property. The agreement includes a $3 million work commitment by Declan. The property is located 30 km southwest of the Athabasca Basin. Limited exploration on the property was completed by E&B Explorations Ltd in 1977. For additional information regarding metallic and industrial permits and properties that did not report active exploration in 2013, go to Alberta Energy’s online interactive map: www.energy.alberta.ca/ OurBusiness/1072.asp. Other commodities Alberta remains prospective for various other metallic and industrial minerals, despite no continued on page 8 2013 Year in Review 5 Metallic & Industrial Minerals Agreement Activity WOOD BUFFALO Permit Lease Permit Application Indian Reserve Métis Settlement National Park Municipality 2 Hydrography Primary Highway 1 Ironstone Resources 2 DNI Metals Fort McMurray 1 63 2 5 Grande Prairie Cold Lake 28 ELK ISLAND 16 EDMONTON 16 Lloydminster JASPER Red Deer 2 BANFF CALGARY SOURCE INFORMATION: Mineral Agreements: Alberta Energy Indian Reserves: Natural Resources Canada Base Map Data Provided by Spatial Data Warehouse Ltd. DISCLAIMER: This product or the data represented within may not be revised, copied, distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, or transmitted in any way without prior consent of Alberta Energy, the Government of Alberta. The information as depicted is subject to change; therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. Published Date: December 2013 Author: Resource Mapping & Analysis (JS) 1 0 50 100 2 Medicine Hat Lethbridge 3 Kilometres Transverse Mercator Projection (10TM) North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) WATERTON LAKES www.energy.alb erta.ca G:\Custom\2 013\P ro jects\CMD\CMD_A nnualRepo rt_ Dec20 13\Metallic_ Activity Figure 6. A map of Alberta showing metallic and industrial mineral tenure activity as of December, 2013. An interactive, real-time version of this map is available at www.energy.alberta.ca/OurBusiness/1072.asp 6 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta 12,000 $700 350 $600 300 10,000 $500 8,000 $400 6,000 $300 4,000 $200 2,000 $100 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Production (x1000 tonnes) Production Royalty Royalty paid (x$1000) Production (x1000 tonnes) 14,000 Salt Production 250 $125 $75 150 $50 100 $25 50 0 $150 $100 200 $0 Figure 7. The total quarriable mineral production and royalty collected for the last five years, including 2013. The report period is from October 1 to September 31. Production Royalty 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $0 Figure 8. The total salt production and royalty collected for the last five years, including 2013 The report period is from October 1 to September 31. Industrial Mineral Quarries Mine/Quarry Commodity Location Operator Calling Lake* Salt North of Athabasca Calcium Inc. Clearwater Limestone Rocky Mountain House Burnco Rock Products Ltd. Cougar Ridge Limestone Rocky Mountain House Prairie Creek Quarries Ltd. Exshaw Limestone Exshaw Lafarge Canada Ltd. Fish Creek Limestone Nordegg Graymont Western Canada Inc. Fort Hills Limestone North of Fort McMurray Hammerstone Corporation Fort McMurray West Limestone Fort McMurray Suncor Energy Inc. Gap Limestone Exshaw Graymont Western Canada Inc. McLeod Limestone Cadomin Lehigh Hanson Materials Ltd. Mitsue* Salt Slave Lake Tiger Calcium Services Inc. Muskeg Limestone North of Ft McMurray Hammerstone Corporation Peace River Silica Silica Sand Peace River Contractors Leasing Corp. Riverview* Salt Riverview The Canadian Salt Company Ltd. Rundle Stone Dolomitic Siltstone Canmore Kamenka Quarries Ltd. Seebe Shale Kananaskis Lafarge Canada Ltd. Sprayfalls Sandstone Exshaw Thunderstone Quarries Ltd. Steepbank Limestone North of Fort McMurray Hammerstone Corporation Summit Lake Limestone Coleman Graymont Western Canada Inc. Sunnynook* Salt Drumheller Jarodon Resources Ltd. Vicory Sandstone Coleman Pat Dwyer Construction Inc. Yamnuska Sandstone Kananaskis Lafarge Canada Ltd. Table 1. A table of the active industrial mineral quarries in Alberta; there are no metallic mines. *Salt is produced through in situ leaching from the Elk Point group. 2013 Year in Review Royalty paid (x$1000) Quarriable Mineral Production 7 publicly reported exploration over the past year. This includes base metals in northwest Alberta, diamonds in the Buffalo Head Hills area, lithium in groundwater near Fox Creek and Valleyview, and potash along the southern portion of the AlbertaSaskatchewan border. Titanium Corporation (www.titaniumcorporation. com) continued with their process development for extracting heavy minerals and residual bitumen from oil sands tailings. Titanium’s plan is to integrate their technology into the current oil sands processing circuits and process the tailings before they are sent to settling ponds. The company suggests that the oil sands contain almost 1% heavy minerals, which are concentrated to 25% in the sand fraction during the primary bitumen recovery process [2]. January 16, 2013. A pre-hearing meeting was held in Fort McMurray in August 2013 to discuss potential issues that may arise during a public hearing of the project. A report from that meeting was released by the NRCB on September 6, 2013. At the time of publication a hearing date was not set. The Parsons Creek Aggregate project is located between highway 63 and the Athabasca River, immediately north of Fort McMurray. The company plans to quarry 58 Mt of limestone over a 40 year mine life. 2013 industrial mineral quarry activities Production and royalty. The royalty rates for quarriable minerals, salt and placer gold are all production-based. The metallic mineral royalty is revenue-based but there is currently no production of metallic minerals. The production of both quarriable minerals (including limestone, dolomitic siltstone, sandstone, and silica sand) and salt are slightly down from 2012 (Figure 7 and 8). It is, however, within the relatively flat five-year trend. The most significant quarriable mineral production each year is limestone. Salt production is completely from in situ leach operations that remove salt from the Devonian Elk Point group. Table 1 lists all operating industrial mineral quarries in Alberta. Limestone Parsons Creek Aggregates (www. parsonscreekresources.com) continued through the review process for their limestone quarry project (Figure 6). In January 2013 they submitted a Supplementary Request Responses #4 document to the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB; www.nrcb.ca) and held an open house in Fort McMurray. The NRCB considered the Parsons Creek application complete, and Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD) considered their Environmental Impact Assessment complete, on What is limestone used for in Alberta? Limestone is made of the mineral calcite, which is calcium carbonate (CaCO3). It is an important industrial mineral commodity throughout the world. Because limestone is inexpensive and heavy, it is not economic to transport it over distance; it is important that there is a local supply. Without any processing, limestone is used as a building stone, for landscaping, or it is crushed for use as an aggregate for road construction. Limestone from the Muskeg Quarry is used for building mine haul roads and well pads in the oil sands area. The Parson’s Creek Aggregate project also proposes to produce limestone for use as a reagent to remove sulphur in bitumen upgrader operations, or for water purification at in situ oil sands projects. Graymont and Lafarge plants near Exshaw produce refined products, such as quick lime (calcium oxide; CaO) which is a key ingredient in the production of cement. [2] Zircon from a unique source. Mineral Sands Report, issue 197, March 2012, pages 11-15. 8 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta Coal See Figure 11 for a map of Alberta’s coal fields, coal ranks, mines, and projects. 2013 coal exploration highlights In Fall 2013, Altitude Resources Ltd (www. altituderesources.ca) signed an exploration and option agreement with Elan Coal Ltd (www. elancoal.com) that can earn Altitude up to a 51% interest on 22,000 hectares of coal rights that Elan holds in coal lease applications. The lease applications are located in the Eastern Slopes north of the Crowsnest Pass area in southwest Alberta; they extend for approximately 55 kilometres along strike of the Kootenay group. Coal Leases 800 700 013 Coal Lease A13 Coal Lease Application 600 Area ('000 ha) The total area and number of coal leases and coal lease applications in the province remained constant from 2012 to 2013 (Figure 9). Whereas interest in 2012 was focused on acquiring new coal rights, 2013 saw companies focused more on commencing exploration programs and doing other work on their properties. 500 400 300 200 100 0 1143 284 1167 294 1231 332 1205 554 1216 561 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Figure 9. A bar graph with the total area of coal leases and lease applications from 2009 through 2013 (The report period is October 1 through September 31). Numbers at the base of the bars indicate the number of individual leases or applications. The Elan property includes five different areas with historical work, dating back to the 1940s, by various companies, including Consol Energy, Devon Canada, Granby Mining, CanPac Minerals, and Canadian Hunter. Current exploration is targeting multiple coal seams of low-mid volatile bituminous coal. Altitude is planning to complete an NI 43-101 compliant resource calculation in 2014. From August to September 2013, Altitude drilled 30 holes on their Palisades property, which is located north of Highway 16 near Hinton. The 4,583 metres of drilling included 27 rotary and 3 core holes. Coal analysis on the collected samples was underway at the time of publication. A 2011 NI 43-101 technical report on the property identified a 140 million tonne exploration target. Coal quality is low to medium volatile with variable but generally moderate ash content, with good washability and coking coal properties. Historical work was completed as the Hoff property by Rio Tinto, in 1969, and Denison Mines during 1982-83. Black Eagle Mining Corporation (www. blackeaglemining.com) completed the drilling of 48 exploration drill holes in 2012, on its Blackstone metallurgical coal project (Figure 11). NI 43-101 Measured and Indicated Resources of 176 Mt of 2013 Year in Review Figure 10 . Coal core from Riversdale Resources' Grassy Mountain project. The photo is courtesy of Riversdale Resources. 9 Figure 1: Export Bituminous Alberta coal mines & Domestic and projects Subbituminous Coals WOOD BUFFALO Coal Mine S Ç Ç « Advanced Coal Project A Export/Domestic Boundary S Land Use Framework Boundaries K Coal Leases/Applications Coal Fields & Deposits A LOWER PEACE Bituminous Coals T Subbituminous Coals C Fort McMurray Lignites Indian Reserve H Métis Settlement ³ ² 63 UPPER PEACE 2 A Primary Highway ³ ² Hydrography N Grande Prairie UPPER ATHABASCA Cold Lake ³ ² 28 Grande Cache Obed R I Ç JASPER EDMONTON 16 Vista Ç Highvale Ç ÇÇ Coal Valley Burtonsville Island Cheviot Genesee T Red Deer I Ç « Blackstone ³ ² S 2 H Paintearth/Vesta Sheerness CALGARY L Kilometres ÇÇ Ç Ç« « Ç « Ç Ç SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN Elan B Transverse Mercator Projection (10TM) North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) ³ ² 2 U 100 M I A Published Date: December 17, 2013 Author: Resource Mapping & Analysis <st> Ç O ´ 50 Ç Lloydminster NORTH SASKATCHEWAN Ç C 0 16 Dodds RED DEER BANFF SOURCE INFORMATION: Alberta Coal Data: Alberta Energy Regulator British Columbia Coal Data: BC Ministry of Energy & Mines Indian Reserves: Natural Resources Canada Base Map Data Provided by Spatial Data Warehouse Ltd. ELK ISLAND Grassy Mountain 1 Medicine Hat ³ ² B Ç ÇÇ « « ³ ² Palisades ³ ² Summit Coal ³ ² ÇÇ « DISCLAIMER: This product or the data represented within may not be revised, copied, distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, or transmitted in any way without prior consent of Alberta Energy, the Government of Alberta. The information as depicted is subject to change; therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. W LOWER ATHABASCA Municipality E National Park 3 Lethbridge WATERTON LAKES Figure 11. A map of Alberta showing coal tenure activity (dark brown), and coal mines and projects, as of December, 2013. Coal fields (light brown) and approximate coal rank distribution (coloured bands) are also shown. An interactive, real-time version of the coal tenure on this map is available at www.energy.alberta.ca/OurBusiness/1072.asp. 10 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta high quality mid-volatile metallurgical coal were reported from this drilling with a total Resource of 275 Mt. A preliminary economic assessment is currently underway and further exploration and feasibility study is planned for mid-2014. Riversdale Resources entered the Alberta coal market in 2013 with the purchase of coal assets in the Crowsnest Pass from Consol Energy and Devon Canada. The sale was for Crown leases and freehold rights for coal, for $24 million and $23 million respectively. The main asset of the sale is the Grassy Mountain property from Consol, which is located immediately north of Blairmore (Figure 11), and also includes three additional exploration projects: Bellvue, Adanac, and Lynx. The Grassy Mountain property is a historic metallurgical bituminous coal project. There are existing mine workings from the production of 3.5 million tonnes of coal between 1947 and 1960. Consol Energy drilled 391 exploration holes on the property between 1973 and 1975, and collected a 54,000 tonne bulk sample. The last historical work was a feasibility study in 1982 that suggested annual production of 2 million tonnes over a 28 year mine life. Riversdale completed a pre-feasibility study and environmental audit in 2013, and have begun the initial steps to commence an environmental impact assessment. They have engaged a consultant to begin work on a feasibility study, and have commenced drilling on the property (Figure 10). Riversdale reports both resources and reserves for the property: Resources Measured Indicated Inferred Reserves Proven Probable 38.5 million tonnes 101.8 million tonnes 51.7 million tonnes 19.8 million tonnes 72.2 million tonnes Other Alberta assets sold by Consol Energy were purchased by Ram Coal (www.ramcoal.com). The $55 million sale was for coal lease applications in the Rocky Mountain Foothills. The Ram and Scurry Ram properties are located south of Nordegg. Ram Coal reports a NI 43-101 compliant Measured and Inferred resource of 359.0 Mt, and Inferred resource of 84.8 Mt of medium- to high-volatile metallurgical bituminous coal. 2013 Year in Review There are 501 historical drill holes on the properties since 1970. Ram Coal has planned 66 new holes in 2013 and 2014, using rotary and core drills. They planned environmental and engineering work for the end of the third quarter of 2013, and a feasibility study in 2014. 2013 coal mine activities On December 24, 2013 Sherritt International Corporation (www.sherritt.com) announced the sale of coal assets for $946 million. Coloradobased Westmoreland Coal Company (www. westmoreland.com) will buy Sherritt’s Prairie and Mountain operations in Western Canada for $465 million and Altius Minerals (www.altiusmineral. com) of St. John’s, NL, will buy Sherritt’s entire coal and potash royalty portfolio and coal developments for $481 million. Sherritt’s mountain operations in Alberta include the active Coal Valley mine and the suspended Obed Mountain mine. Production from Sherritt’s mountain operations in 2012 totalled approximately 3.5 Mt. Sherritt’s Prairie Operations in Alberta include four subbituminous (mine-mouth) coal mines: Highvale, Paintearth, Sheerness, and Genesee. These mining operations supply electricity generators with coal under secure long-term contracts. Production in 2012 from Sherritt’s mine-mouth operations was approximately 21.6 Mt. Production and Royalty. Bituminous coal production has remained constant over the last three years. Because of lower net revenues reported by producers, royalty payable has decreased over the same period (Figure 12). The total subbituminous coal production has remained about the same in 2013 as the previous four years (Figure 13). The proportion of production from Crown-owned coal is higher over the last three years, which has resulted in an elevated amount of royalty collected relative to 2009 and 2010. Table 2 lists all operating coal mines in Alberta. Summit Coal In August 2013, Maxim Power Corp (www. maximpowercorp.com) received final approvals from the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to begin construction on their Summit Coal Mine project (Summit Coal) at Grande Cache (Figure 11). The 11 8,000 7,000 30,000 $25,000 25,000 $20,000 6,000 5,000 $15,000 4,000 $10,000 3,000 2,000 $5,000 1,000 0 $30,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Production (x1000 tonnes) Production Royalty 9,000 Royalty paid (x$1000) Production (x1000 tonnes) 10,000 Subbituminous Coal Production Production Royalty $7,000 $6,000 15,000 $5,000 $4,000 10,000 $3,000 $2,000 5,000 0 Figure 12 . The total bituminous coal production and royalty collected for the last five years, including 2013. The report period is from October 1 to September 31. $9,000 $8,000 20,000 $0 $10,000 40% 43% 59% 60% 59% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Royalty paid (x$1000) Bituminous Coal Production $1,000 $0 Figure 13. The total subbituminous coal production and royalty collected for the last five years, including. The percentages are the portion of the production from Crown coal rights. Alberta Energy does not collect royalty is on freehold coal production. The report period is from October 1 to September 31. Coal Mines Mine Coal rank Location Owner/Operator Main use Burtonsville Subbituminous Burtonsville Keephills Aggregate Company Inc. Small-scale sales Cheviot Bituminous (Cardinal River) Hinton Teck Coal Ltd. Export: metallurgical Coal Valley Bituminous Hinton Coal Valley Resources Ltd. Export: thermal Dodds Subbituminous Ryley Dodd’s Coal Mining Company Ltd. Small-scale sales Genesee Subbituminous Warburg Capital Power LP / Prairie Mines and Royalty Ltd. Electricity: Genesee generating stations Grande Cache Bituminous Grande Cache Grand Cache Coal Corp. Export: metallurgical Highvale Subbituminous Wabamun Transalta Corp. / SunHills Mining LP Electricity: Keephills and Sundance generating stations Paintearth/ Vesta Subbituminous Forestburg Prarie Mines and Royalty Ltd. Electricity: Battle River generating stations Sheerness Subbituminous Hanna Prairie Mines and Royalty Ltd. Electricity: Sheerness generating stations Table 2. A table of the active coal mines in Alberta. 12 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta How do I get application information from the AER? All applications and supporting information are required to be put on the public record. To view an application, contact AER Information Product Services Suite 1000, 250-5 St SW Calgary, AB T2P 0R4 phone. 1-855-297-8311 e-mail. infoservices@aer.ca Alberta Government Library Great West Life Building 6th Floor, 9920-108 St NW Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4 phone. 780-427-5828 approvals include a new licence for a beneficiation plant and an amendment to their existing Mine 14 mine licence that increases the maximum annual production from 0.48 Mt to 1.3 Mt. Summit Coal is being developed through the Summit Coal Limited Partnership. The beneficiation plant will be located on Milner Power’s existing industrial complex, and, each year, will produce 950,000 tonnes of low- to midvolatile bituminous metallurgical coal for export. The 350,000 tonnes of waste coal will be used as a mine mouth feedstock to the HR Milner power station on the complex. Maxim issued an updated NI 43-101 technical report in May 2013, which reported a 119.3 Mt Measured and Indicated Resource, a 154.0 Mt Inferred Resource, and a 18.7 million tonne Proven and Probable Reserve. Current reserves and proposed annual production give a 15 year mine life for the project. The latest timelines from Maxim have mine equipment being delivered in 2014 and coal production beginning at the start of 2015. They have secured port space at Ridley Terminals in Prince Rupert. In August 2013, Maxim announced the sale of US assets, in order to help finance construction of the Summit coal mine. 2013 Year in Review Vista Coalspur Mines Limited (www.coalspur.com) is in the final stages of the Alberta Energy Regulator’s (AER) regulatory review of their Vista coal mine project. Public hearings were scheduled to hear opposition to the project from four interveners. In December 2013, Coalspur announced that it came to an agreement with the Ermineskin Cree Nation and the Whitefish Lake First Nation, which were registered as interveners in the review. They subsequently announced an agreement with the third intervener, Tourmaline Oil Corp. At the time of publication there was one remaining intervener for a January 2014 hearing in Hinton. The AER is required to deliver decisions no later than 90 days after each hearing, therefore as of the publication date a final decision had not been delivered. In March 2013, Coalspur announced that they have signed a final agreement with CN to transport coal to tidewater at the Ridley Terminals in Prince Rupert, BC. It is a seven year contract, from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2019, for up to 12 million tonnes per year. The agreement also includes the construction of 6.5 km of rail to tie CN’s rail line into Vista’s proposed loading facilities. With the transportation agreement signed, Vista released an estimated total FOB operating cost of $59.55 per tonne over the first ten years of the mine. 13 The Vista project is a proposed bituminous coal mine that would supply thermal coal to Asian markets. Coalspur reports a 1.7 billion tonne Measured and Indicated coal resource that will be mined over a 30 year mine life. Obed Mountain On October 31, 2013, the Obed Mountain mine reported a breach in a containment pond that released approximately 670,000 cubic metres of process water into the nearby Apetowun and Plante creeks. While there was an increase of contaminants in the water reported by Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resources Development (ESRD), Alberta Health, on November 17, 2013 said tests indicated there was no immediate risk to human health. A notification was also issued to towns downstream to avoid drawing water while the plume was passing. ESRD issued an Environmental Protection Order on November 19, 2013 to the mine operator, Coal Valley Resources Inc, and the parent company, Sherritt International Corporation. The order requires the company to file several plans with ESRD: • Solids recovery plan • Short- and long-term impact assessment plan • Wildlife mitigation plan • Waste management plan • Mine wastewater management plan • Detailed and comprehensive remediation plans Sheerness Prairie Mines and Royalty (www.sherritt.com) filed an application with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), and Environment and Sustainable Resource Development in October 2013 to expand the Sheerness mine. Their plan is to expand the current mine permit area so production can be moved into coal reserves adjacent to current production. The Sheerness mine is located approximately 200 km northeast of Calgary, near the town of Hanna. It produces subbituminous coal, which is used as a feedstock for the Sheerness generating station. The Sheerness station is co-owned by TransAlta and ATCO Power; ATCO Power operates the units. In Situ Coal Gasification (ISCG) There was no significant work done in 2013 with respect to developing in situ coal gasification. The most advanced project in the province, Swan Hills Synfuels’ pilot project, has been on hold since late in 2011. The Obed Mountain mine, located approximately 30 kilometres northeast of Hinton, is currently inactive. The last continuous production was in November 2012; a small amount of stockpiled coal was processed in August 2013. The mine produced bituminous coal that was exported overseas as high quality thermal coal. Sherritt has stated that they will remain involved in the clean-up process throughout and after the sale of their coal assets. Figure 14 . New exposure of folded coal seams at the Grande Cache coal mine. The photo is courtesy of T. Hauk. 14 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta CMD Updates Activities Roundup and PDAC. Representatives from the Coal and Mineral Development (CMD) branch of Alberta Energy hosted booths at the Mineral Exploration Roundup in Vancouver and the Prospectors and Developers’ Association of Canada convention in Toronto, in 2013. These conferences provide Alberta Energy an opportunity to disseminate information about Alberta, our resources, mineral rights, and other related topics. They also provide an opportunity for those interested in Alberta to make a direct connection. Staff will be attending both conferences again in 2014. China Mining Conference and Investment Forums. Alberta Energy engaged for the first time as a full participant with a Canadian delegation to the annual China Mining Conference and Exhibition (www.china-mining.org/en/index.aspx) in Tianjin, China, and Canada Mineral Investment forums in Beijing and Shanghai, China, and Tokyo, Japan. The trip was successful solidifying new connections and building relationships in Asia. Alberta also helped arrange mineral investment forums where companies working in Alberta met investors based in China and Japan. Support for the trip was provided by the Alberta offices in Beijing and Tokyo. Other jurisdictions that were part of the Canadian delegation were British Columbia, Yukon, Saskatchewan, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the federal government. Interactive maps There are online interactive maps available on the Alberta Energy website to show up-to-date tenure information for ammonite shell, coal, and metallic and industrial minerals. The data is updated nightly. The maps are a very important tool for those interested in applying for mineral rights. New for 2013, the interactive maps were upgraded to the Geoview platform. This has improved their functionality and performance and includes several new features: • Enhanced search and navigation functions • New annotation tool • Integration with Google maps • New feature identification tools Data from the ammonite shell, coal, and metallic and industrial minerals maps are still available for download, as they were before. The maps are located in the same place on the Alberta Energy website as the old versions (www.energy.alberta. ca/OurBusiness/1072.asp). There is an easy to use tutorial available, accessed by selecting the help button when in the map. Legislation Mineral Assessment Reports All assessment reports submitted to the department are subject to a confidentiality period of one year. The most recent reports will not be available on the website until after this period. New this year, non-confidential mineral assessment reports housed by Alberta Energy are available on the Alberta Energy website: www.energy.alberta. ca/minerals/3441.asp. Reports dating back to 1949 have been scanned and are available in PDF format. Mineral assessment reports are required by Alberta Energy for a permittee to maintain a Metallic and Industrial Minerals Permit. Every two years, a 2013 permittee must supply a report that documents the exploration work they did during the previous twoyear period and that they expended the required amount of money doing so. Assessment reports are the record of the exploration work that is done by permit holders. Year in Review Alberta Energy Regulator On December 10, 2012, the government passed the Responsible Energy Development Act; it came into force on June 17, 2013. The act established the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), which is provided the mandate to regulate all aspects of oil, gas, and coal development in Alberta. It replaces the Energy and Resources Conservation Board, which no longer exists, as well as taking on the energy specific regulatory responsibilities from Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD), including the Public Lands Act, the Environmental Protection and 15 Enhancement Act, and the Water Act. The AER is 100% funded by industry and is an arms-length agency that reports to the Minister of Energy. Coal Policy The current Coal Development Policy for Alberta was published in 1976. Alberta Energy is currently evaluating what opportunities may exist to update the 1976 Coal Policy so that, going forward, policy for coal in Alberta takes into account current and anticipated coal sector dynamics. New publications Alberta Geological Survey The Alberta Geological Survey (AGS) released new bedrock geology maps for Alberta and the Alberta Rocky Mountains. Maps and all other publications are available for free from their website: www.ags. gov.ab.ca. Geology of the Alberta Rocky Mountains and Foothills. Pana, D.I. and Elgr, R., AER/AGS MAP 563, 2013. Bedrock Geology of Alberta. Prior, G.J., Hathaway, B., Glombick, P.M., Pana, D.I., Banks, C.J., Hay, D.C., Schneider, C.L., Grobe, M., Elgr, R., and Weiss, J.A., AER/AGS MAP 600, 2013. Notes to Accompany MAP 600. Prior, G.J., AER/ AGS Open File Report 2013-02, 2013. Land-use planning The Alberta Land Stewardship Act (ALSA) was passed June 4, 2009 and is the legislative mechanism to implement and support the development of regional plans under the Landuse Framework (LUF). To clarify the intent of the legislation and reinforce the Government of Alberta’s commitment to respecting the property rights of Albertans, a number of amendments were introduced in the ALSA on May 10, 2011. Land-use Framework A key strategy of the Land-use Framework (LUF) is the development of seven regional land use plans (see Figure 15). Along with environmental monitoring and regulatory enhancement, regional planning is a cornerstone of the resource system that the Government of Alberta is building. This more integrated and coordinated resource system will deliver the best economic, environmental and social benefits for Albertans today, and improve competitiveness and certainty for industry for years to come. Lower Athabasca Regional Plan The Lower Athabasca Regional Plan (LARP), the first regional plan developed under the LUF, was publicly released in August 22, 2012 and the regulatory components of the plan took effect on September 1, 2012. The LARP is a forwardlooking, 50-year blueprint that provides the strategic direction needed to enhance environmental management in the Lower Athabasca Region which hosts the Athabasca Oil Sands Area, a major economic driver for the region and the province. The LARP ensures future opportunities for oil sands, petroleum and natural gas, metallic and industrial mineral, and electricity development. The establishment of six new conservation areas by the LARP brings the total conserved area to two million hectares (22% of the region). The plan also requires the development of biodiversity, groundwater and surface water quality frameworks. Nine new recreation areas established by LARP help address social needs, giving Albertans access to various recreational sites to enjoy year round. Implementation of LARP is underway, and comprises a number of key elements. These include the establishment of the Urban Development Service Region around Fort McMurray to enhance the City of Fort McMurray’s ability to respond to the population growth impacts of development, the cancellation of Oil Sands and Metallic and Industrial Mineral agreements in conservation areas, and the development of air, Land-use planning questions? For more information regarding the LARP, SSRP, or other land-use plans, contact: Land-use Framework Regional Planning 780-427-7707 16 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta W O O D ³ ² 117 112 I.R.163B I.R.207 I.R.164A I.R.173B ea I.R.215 e Riv ce Paddle Prairie 103 I.R.173 Settlement 187 101 ! 99 ³ ² I.R.227 88 I.R.235 87 Graham Lake 80 I.R.166D 79 78 ! ! O ³ ² 74 ! 73 ! 73 I.R.150G 72 Calling Lake 72 71 I.R.183 63 71 69 ! Cold Lake 70 Air Weapons Range 69 I.R.167A 70 68 I.R.167 Lac la Biche 67 68 I.R.154B 8 7 6 14 13 12 11 10 9 3 2 65 2726 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 5 4 64 63 R r I.R.232 sc a Upper Athabasca 60 ve Ri 55 53 I.R.135A I.R.133 d ² ³ 55 Edmonton I.R.134 PARK Sa s ka tch e Ri ve 58 I.R.121 56 55 54 I.R.120 53 Beaverhill Lake 50 ² ³ 16 Lloydminster 49 48 Leduc 47 I.R.138A 46 I.R.138B 47 North Saskatchewan 46 45 44 I.R.138 44 I.R.137 43 I.R.139 I.R.137A 42 w a n Ri ve r 51 Gull Lake 41 N or t h n ELK ISLAND NATIONAL PARK Edmonton 45 I.R.133C I.R.202 I.R.144A w 43 42 C.F.B. Wainwright 41 Buffalo Lake 40 Lacombe 40 39 38 39 r 37 38 I.R.203A ! 37 36 Red Deer 35 36 Alberta's Land-use Framework 34 BANFF 31 29 Indian Reserve R 28 I.R.142B ed 27 Airdrie PARK er 26 25 r Municipality ² ³ 24 23 22 I.R.145 Hydrography 21 B e Ri v ow 21 r Primary Highway 20 I.R.146 20 19 ² ³ 1 19 I.R.216 17 15 14 ³ ² Transverse Mercator Projection (10TM) North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) s Sa O 7 6 n ldm a R ive I.R.147 5 10 9 8 7 6 I.R.148 5 5 4 4 3 4 WATERTON LAKES NATIONAL PARK Published Date: October 2012 Author: Integrated Resources & Environmental Policy (eu) 12 11 3 Lethbridge 8 3 13 Medicine Hat Limit 147B ³ ² Kilometres r So 11 9 ive ut h 12 100 ew an R ³ ² 50 ka tc h ³ ² 25 14 ³ ² 0 15 2 13 10 16 South Saskatchewan 16 ´ 17 Suffield r DISCLAIMER: This product or the data represented within may not be revised, copied, distributed, republished, uploaded, posted, or transmitted in any way without prior consent of the Alberta Energy, Government of Alberta. The information as depicted is subject to change; therefore the Government of Alberta assumes no responsibility for discrepancies at time of use. 18 C.F.B. 18 SOURCE INFORMATION: Land-use Framework: Government of Alberta Parks & Protected Areas: Alberta Tourism, Parks & Recreation Indian Reserves: Natural Resources Canada Base Map Data Provided by Spatial Data Warehouse Ltd. 28 ve Calgary 1 I.R.142, 143, 144 29 27 R 26 Métis Settlement 30 Red Deer 30 i Military Reserve 32 31 e National Park 33 32 D Parks & Protected Areas 34 Sullivan Lake 2 33 NAT IONAL Land-use Framework Regional Boundary ³ ² 35 N I.R.233 I.R.234 s k a t c he 52 I.R.135 48 Pigeon Lake I.R.203 h Sa 52 51 50 49 N ATIONAL N o rt 53 I.R.133A JA SPER Fort Saskatchewan 54 ! 52 51 C.F.B. St. Albert I.R.133B 16 56 60 Fishing Lake A M eo cl ! 54 I.R.122 I.R.125 57 r 56 61 Elizabeth I.R.123 Blue Quills First Nation 58 t A 57 28 59 h 62 I.R.149 W 58 Cold Lake I.R.128 61 ab a 59 ive ³ ² 60 ! C.F.B. Cold Lake Kikino 62 ! 43 Cold I.R.149B Lake I.R.149A E I.R.134A Buffalo Lake 63 I.R.134B 62 2 5 4 3 8 7 6 a 2 65 2726 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 64 61 I.R.131 66 H 66 67 66 er 75 74 I.R.154 69 76 Winefred Lake ! ³ ² 70 77 I.R.194B C I.R.154A 79 78 South Wabasca Lake 75 I.R.150E I.R.150H I.R.150F East Prairie 80 I.R.194A 76 No.231 73 71 81 77 Lesser Slave Lake I.R.150 82 I.R.194 I.R.166A I.R.166 T I.R.150A 84 83 North Wabasca Lake 81 Utikuma Lake No.150C No.229 No.230 72 85 A 74 No.150B 86 I.R.166C I.R.166B I.R.155A ! 2 ! 87 I.R.176B K ! 75 I.R.155 Gift Lake ! 89 88 I.R.176A ! P e No.150D 76 r I.R.178 82 I.R.155B I.R.151K 78 ve 90 Gordon Lake I.R.176 84 I.R.151A 77 ok At h a b a 83 Peavine 91 85 I.R.236 80 R sc a 86 I.R.228 84 S 89 I.R.175 ! H I.R.226 Fort McMurray ! 86 85 90 ³ ² C 87 I 92 S Peerless Lake 79 T 93 A I.R.237 83 I 94 Lower Athabasca 91 88 R 95 ! 92 90 B 96 I.R.174 93 89 S m 97 94 91 v 98 I.R.174B 95 92 i y R 99 I.R.174C S 94 5 4 3 101 96 93 7 6 102 I.R.174A 97 Lower Peace 35 95 13 12 11 10 9 8 103 100 98 96 Upper Peace 67 104 99 97 68 106 I.R.201F 100 98 er 107 101 I.R.173C 100 Riv 108 I.R.201E I.R.201D I.R.201G 102 ³ ² L 104 I.R.173A 103 i W ap t i 111 105 105 102 Grande Prairie 112 I.R.201A 110 I.R.201B 109 I.R.201C 106 104 43 I.R.217 107 105 82 I.R.201 Richardson Lake 108 106 81 ! 109 I.R.162 r Mamawi Lake i ! I ³ ² U I.R.163A I.R.163 P I.R.164 107 Lake Claire P A R K 110 58 I.R.219 I.R.218 111 ³ ² M 112 111 I.R.220 Baril Lake 113 110 114 113 Lake Athabasca 114 108 I.R.152B I.R.221 115 113 R iv e r I.R.222 N A T I O N A L 116 I.R.212 109 a ce 119 ! B 116 115 I.R.152C 121 120 118 114 58 I.R.223 er 119 118 122 I.R.224 Riv 120 117 I.R.209 B U F F A L O 35 119 I.R.211 I.R.196E ! A 121 120 124 123 I.R.196F Slave I.R.213 122 125 I.R.225 I.R.196C I.R.196B 123 I.R.214 I.R.210 I.R.196D I.R.196 124 3 2 1 5 4 7 6I.R.196G 12 11 10 9 8 13I.R.196A 4 3 2 126 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 125 Bistcho Lake ! 8 7 6 5 ! ! 12 11 10 9 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Limit 148A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 G:\access\basemaps\LUF\LUF Figure 15. A map of Alberta, showing the boundaries of the regional planning areas associated with Alberta's Land-use Framework. 2013 Year in Review 17 water and biodiversity management frameworks for the region. Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference South Saskatchewan Regional Plan The 2013 Energy and Mines Ministers’ Conference (EMMC) was held August 25 – 27, 2013 in Yellowknife, NT. The meeting was co-hosted by the Canadian Minister of Natural Resources, Joe Oliver, and the Northwest Territories Minister of Industry, Tourism, Investment, and Transportation, David Ramsay. The draft South Saskatchewan Regional Plan (SSRP) was released October 10, 2013. Direction in the draft SSRP supports Alberta’s Integrated Resource Management System (IRMS) by establishing clear regional outcomes, providing clear direction to land use decision-makers, and the use of monitoring to support achievement of the outcomes. The draft SSRP seeks to provide certainty for industry by ensuring that well-defined rules for access to, and responsible development of, natural resources are in place. The draft SSRP proposes setting aside 125,000 hectares in ten new or expanded Conservation Areas to help sustain biodiversity and maintain healthy ecosystems. To help meet growing demand for recreational opportunities, 21 new or expanded parks or recreation areas are also proposed in the draft SSRP. Formal public consultation sessions on the draft SSRP were held between November 5 and November 28, 2013. The input received from these consultations and online workbooks will be considered in the final drafting of the SSRP. It is currently anticipated that the final plan will be released on or around April 1, 2014. Other regional plans Pre-planning work for the remaining 5 plans is underway. A Regional Advisory Council is expected to be struck for the North Saskatchewan Regional Plan in Spring 2014. Alberta Energy staff are actively involved in several EMMC sub-committees, including the Green Mining Initiative, and the Mining Sector Performance Report, as part of the Mines Intergovernmental Working Group. Green Mining Initiative [3] – Ministers endorsed and approved the Green Mining Initiative (GMI) Progress Report: Addressing Regulatory Barriers to the Adoption of Green Mining Technologies in Canada. The GMI has three major tasks: • Enhance engagement and communications with industry and regulators • Assess the feasibility of an environmental technology verification program • Assess the use of outcome-based regulations as a means to foster mining innovation Mining Sector Performance Report [4] – Ministers released the 2013 edition of the Mining Sector Performance Report (MSPR). The MSPR provides an analysis of economic, environmental, and social performance of Canada’s mining sector, from 1998 to 2012. Development of the report is directed by an EMMC sub-committee with representatives from nine provinces and territories, and an external advisory committee with representation from industry, NGOs, academia, and Aboriginal groups. The first edition of the MSPR was released at EMMC in 2010 (for the period 1998-2008). The working group is tasked by ministers to provide an updated version every three years. [3] The Natural Resources Canada website has more information on the GMI: www.nrcan.gc.ca/minerals-metals/technology/4473 [4] www.nrcan.gc.ca/minerals-metals/sites/www.nrcan.gc.ca.minerals-metals/files/files/pdf/MSP-report-eng.pdf. 18 Coal and Mineral Development in Alberta About Alberta’s regulatory system The Crown owns 81% of the mineral rights in Alberta. The other 19% are Freehold mineral rights and are owned by individuals, companies or the federal government on behalf of First Nations. The Coal and Mineral Development Branch is responsible for the administration of the Crown’s mineral rights for metallic and industrial minerals and coal. The mineral rights for coal, and metallic and industrial minerals are managed using a variety of agreements, depending on the specific substance and/or activity a client wishes to pursue (see Table 3). Each agreement type is defined and governed through the Alberta’s Mines and Minerals Act, the Metallic and Industrial Minerals Tenure Regulation, and the Ammonite Shell Regulation. Fees and rentals are set out in the Mines and Minerals Administration Regulation Annual rental Work requirements $625 N/A Term 1 $5/ha Term 2-3 $10/ha Term 4-7 $15/ha 15 years; renewable $625 $3.50/ha N/A The exclusive right to win, work, and recover metallic and industrial minerals. 15 years; renewable $625 $3.50/ha N/A Metallic and Industrial Minerals Licence The non-exlusive right to win, work, and recover metallic and industrial minerals through placer mining (i.e. a sluice box). 5 year; notrenewable $50 N/A N/A Secondary Mineral Lease The right to win, work, and recover metallic and industrial minerals through a secondary recovery operation. 5 years; renewable $625 $3.50/ha N/A Special Mineral Lease* The exclusive right to create caverns and store material in underground salt formations. 15 years; renewable $625 $12.50/ ha N/A Ammonite Shell Agreement The exclusive right to recover ammonite shell. Must be held in conjunction with an exemption from the Historical Resources Act. 15 year, 5 year renewal $625 $3.50/ha N/A Agreement Rights granted Term Metallic and Industrial Minerals Permit The exclusive right to explore for MIM in the subsurface and remove samples for exploration purposes. 14 years, divided into 7 2-year work terms; notrenewable Coal Lease The exclusive right to win, work, and recover coal. Metallic and Industrial Minerals Lease Application fee Table 3. A table outlining the various coal, and metallic and industrial minerals agreements, along with the detail of each type of agreement. *Special Mineral Leases are one-off agreements between a lessee and the Crown; the details listed in this table are not exclusive, they are the most common. 2013 Year in Review 19 www.energy.alberta.ca