Board of Directors


Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Holishor Association, Inc.
#1 Holiday Point Parkway
Edwardsville IL 62025
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm
Closed 12 - 1 pm for lunch
Fax .....................................................618-656-7262
Phone .................................................618-656-7233
Association Manager (Glenn Dalton)...........Ext 1
Closings & Accounts (Monica O’Brien).......Ext 2
Public Safety (Rob Simmons).......................Ext 3
Holiday Times/Web Site (Kellie Crider).....................Ext 4
Maintenance/Building Inspector (Jim Perotti)...Ext 6
Scott Webber (07-10) ..................659-3459
909 Vera Cruz
Vice President: Jim McCann (09-10) ...................692-8233
378 Point of View
David Decker (08-11).................. 637-9016
1184 San Juan Dr.
Don Austin (08-11) ......................692-6054
281 Castle Dr
Ray Garber (08-11) ......................692-1815
1822 Port Lane
Gary Kluckman (09-12)
1679 Su Twan Dr
Ty Van Ryswyk (10-10)............659-0447
1363 Biscay Dr
Public Safety Cell ..............................................531-7923
Maintenance Building ......................................656-9442
HS Sanitary District (water & sewer) ...............656-4933
Attention Advertisers
Deadline for the Holiday Times is the 10th of the month
by 4pm. All ad’s and articles can be submitted by E-mail
to Items to be scanned can be
brought into the Holishor Office during normal business
hours or dropped in the overnight drop box. For rates or any
other questions, please call Kellie at 656-7233 Ext. 4
Ameren IP (gas) ..........................................1-800-755-5000
Gas Leaks .....................................................1-800-755-6000
Madison Communications ........................1-800-422-4848
(cable, telephone, internet)
Allied Waste (trash) ...............................................656-6883
The Holiday Times is published monthly by the Holishor
Association, Inc. as an official source of information for
Holiday Shores property owners. No part of this monthly
publication may be reproduced, in any form, except with
permission from the association.
Emergency Numbers
Madison County Sheriff.............................. 692-4433
Tree House Wildlife Rescue ..........................372-8092
Twin Rivers Search and Rescue .....................258-0440
Public Safety ..................................................531-7923
Southwestern Electric (electric) ...............1-800-637-8667
AT&T (phone) ............................................1-800-244-4444
To locate underground utilities ....................1-800-892-0123
Sellers Notice
If you are selling or transferring your property, you must
notify the Holishor Office. Per Holishor Association, Inc.
Covenants (Restrictions), Holishor Association, Inc. retains
the right of first purchase for any Holiday Shores lot being
offered for sale. These covenants (restrictions) are recorded in
the Madison County, IL Recorder’s Office
AB Construction ...........................................................3
AljetsAutomotive .........................................................3
Arbor Masters (Tree Service)......................................15
Beacon Inn ...................................................................9
Bev George &Assocaites .............................................33
Blythe Pest Control........................................................ 3
Classified Ad’s............................................................39
First National Bank ......................................................30
Holiday Shores Realty ...................................Back Cover
House For Sale 757 ...................................................15
Johnson Law Office ..................................................17
Krone’sAuto Repair ......................................................3
Landmark Realty ........................................................12
Luds Vacuum Service ....................................................3
Martinussen Electric Co. LLC .........................24 & 25
New China ..................................................................3
Rooterman/DNP Plumbing ........................................17
R&Z Boat Lifts ..........................................................12
Schmidt & Son ..........................................................17
Schmitt Door Company .............................................30
St. Johns Easter ..........................................................36
TFH Construction .......................................................11
Tiger Boat Docks .......................................................12
Threadbare Upholstry ................................................15
TLC Realty .................................................................17
Worden Lumber .........................................................12
Look who butters
our bread. . .
Nominating Committee
Joe & Peggy Roth 655-0747
Building Committee
Gerry Theodor, chairman 692-4162
Allen Harris
Jim Perotti
Mark Mantei
Mark Ogle
Vernon Abert
Brian Sciranko
Fishing Committee
Jim Gersman, chairman 656-6595
Dan Weisner
Mark Kennan
Finance Committee
Dave Decker, chairman 692-0734
Joyce Kirby
Jim McCann
Ray Garber
Roger Groth
Real Estate Planning & Development
Ray Garber - Chairman
David Decker
Jim Bartlett
Vernon Abert
Jackie Schmidt
Committees and Clubs
Political Action Committee
Scott Webber - Chair
Covenants, Bylaws, & Rules
David Decker
Social Committee
Chairman - Greg Horta (618)207-1833
Vice Chair - Carol & Terry Tellefson
Secretary - Monica O’Brien
Treasurer - Nancy Dallas
Lake Management Committee
Roger Groth
Gerry Theodor
Vernon Abert
Ski Club
President -- Monte Thus 692-1502
VP --- Kevin Baugh
Treasurer --- Amanda Pierce
Secretary -- Jennifer Halverson
HT Reporter - Carla Baugh
Equipment Director – Mike W.
Safety director - Ben Kelley
Show director -- Chris Getsfred
Garden Club
President- Judy Griffith 692-3932
VP. - Kathy Wilhite
Secretary- Judy Wood
Treasurer- Sue Johnson
Hearing Committee
Chairman - Jim McCann
Gerry Theodor
David Decker
Don Austin
Dan Weisner
Web Page Committee
Jennifer Halverson, chairman 659-2147
Julie Garber
Art Surgant
Greg Gaddy
Boating Rules & Regulations
Rocky Lane, chairman 659-9151
Karen Van Sandt
Greg Christakos
Monte Thus
Henry Halverson
Roger Rawson
Ru Ritter
Kris Williams
Welcome Committee
Nancy Dallas
Judy Griffith
Cheryl Woods
Laura Carnes
Managers Report
by Glenn Dalton
February 2010
We appreciate the many
positive responses to our
seawall maintenance letter
and we will continue to
refine our list as the year
progresses toward the
scheduled drawdown.
In many cases we were
slightly off on the exact location and will refine
this and using the old adage of “a picture is worth a
thousand words” we will be providing photographs
of our concerns which we will share with you. We
realize this aspect of maintenance of property is
expensive and many will accomplish this themselves
and not use a contractor. Soil cloth and rip rap are
available through the office and we will make every
attempt to deliver the material as close as possible to
the repair site.
Last month we discussed the establishment of
benchmarks within the community and their
importance to dock, seawall and general construction.
We indicated there were two benchmarks established
and that has changed to now four being available for
contractors and residents. The exact locations will
be provided by the office when needed. We certainly
appreciate the efforts of Mr. Hunter and Mr. Koch
in the establishment of the two
additional benchmarks to facilitate
taking our community forward.
With the communities support
the deck on the east side of the
Clubhouse can be a reality this
year. The fundraiser for this
project is our Casino Night,
scheduled for 16 April. This is
our third event and those that have
attended found it to be a relaxing
and fun event where everyone
could envision high stakes gaming
with no risks. The real reward will
be when we complete the deck and
can set out on it with a beverage
and take in the beauty of the lake and our community.
We have some more interesting fun events/wrinkles
thrown in this year and look forward to seeing you at
the event
The Holishor Association, Inc. Board of Directors have
suspended the rights and privileges of the following
members for not complying with Holishor Covenants,
Bylaws or Rules as of
February 10, 2009.
Brockett, Benton & Dawn
Burns, Andy & Kevin
Campbell, Christopher
Carstens, Kimberly
Cox, Darrell & Sharon
Dunn, Barry & Tracey Smith
Faccin, Toni & Chris Coffman
Fahey, Mark
Fisher, Joesph
Gengler, Robert & Betty
Godar, Gary
Goodwin, Richard & Jan
Greer, Jay & Betty
Greer, Kerry & Elizabeth
Hasse, Scott & Paula
Harper, Norma Jean
Higgins, Alicia
Howard, Ronald & Lisa
Houseman, Patricia
Hubler, John
Hubler, Micheal & Antonella
Hull, Robert & Roberta
Jasper, Richard & Aleasa
Jones, Angela & Jeff
Kamphoefner, Samuel
Kuethe, Aaron R
Layton, Cheryl
Mason, Robert & Lisa
Mattea, Stanley & Rosalea
McGauley, Ronna & Harold
McLean, Robert & Della
Nooner, Robbie & Pamela
Patton, James
Peel, David & Amy
PHH Mortgage Company
Prestito, Tammy
Rickard, Randy
Sanders, Russell
Schmidt, Tricia & Ed
Severs, B.J. & Shelia
Simpson, Dennis
Sitton, Julie
Stube, Christopher & Aimee
Smith, Ronald
Swain, Thomas & Deanna
Tallerico, Mike
Thielman, Dennis
Villalobos, Jose & Christine
Werner, Rita
Wiemers, Frank and Cynthia
Wilkenson, Jamie & Gina
Wooden, Jeff
Woolverton, Dawn & Terry
Don’t forget your building permit!
Building Committee Meetings are held the 1st & 3rd
Tuesday of every month. All building permit applications
must be turned into the Holishor office 7 days prior to
the meeting. Application packets are available in the office or on-line at
Open Building Permits:
Decks......... 0
Dock.......... 0
Welcome to the Shores!
Skylar Coleman
Mark & Ashley Crays
Robin & Alisa Adiar
Darrin Singleton
Jane Unsell
Say Hello!
Holiday Shores Social Committee Chairman 2010 - 2011
Greg Horta
618 207 - 1833
We moved to Holiday Shores two years ago with my son (12), daughter (3) and
wife (age unknown) from the Bronx, New York. I love my NY Mets ( no matter how many times they choke). My family and I enjoy just getting in the car
and exploring Southern Il and MO. I enjoy playing softball and umpiring little
league games for the past 15 years. Planning events is what I do for Harmony &
WellCare Health Plan so joining the Social Committee was a familiar scene.
In 2010 we are looking to provide more family events and keep our traditional
events going like Breakfast with Santa, Easter Egg Hunt and the Halloween
Party. We are working to provide this year a Movie on the Lake, Comedy Mystery Dinner, Teen Video Competition and a possibly a Family Magic Show and
Wine Tasting.
We need your help… come join us the first Monday of the month starting at 6:30pm at the Holiday Shores Club
House ( I will be happy to feed you).
Terry Tellefson
Holiday Shores Social Committee Co-Chairman 2010 - 2011
I am a retired clinical social worker who moved from Georgia to Holiday
Shores in 2008 to be closer to my grandchildren. I enjoy golfing, fishing,
boating, and making new friends. Holiday Shores is a great place to live.
Date: January 13, 2010
Board Members
Present: Scott Webber, Don Austin, David Decker, Jim
McCann $ Gary Kluckman
Excused: Carla Nickels & Ray Garber,
Quorum Present: Yes
Others Present
Holishor Members Present - One
Glenn Dalton from Holishor Office
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM
Pledge of Allegiance Recited
Resignation letter from Carla Nickels
Read by Don Austin
Action: Don Austin motions to appoint Jim McCann as Vice
President to replace Carla until the end of his term, Gary
Kluckman Seconds.
Motion Carries
Scott Webber – I would like to thank Carla for past service with
the board and hope later she might be able to come back.
Minutes of December 8, 2009
Action: David Decker motions to accept the minutes, Jim
McCann seconds.
Motion carries
Bills & Salaries
Action: David Decker motions to approve, Don Austin Seconds
Motion Carries
Profit and Loss
Summarized by Dave Decker
Acton – None required
Transfers of Property
Action: David Decker motions to approve, Jim McCann seconds
Motion Carries
Manager’s Report
Given by Glenn Dalton
Security Report
Given by Rob Simmons
All those interested in the upcoming Civilian Emergency Relief
Training (CERT) program to be scheduled in March please let the
office know so the class times and days can scheduled.
Treasury Reports for November & December 2009
Summarized by David Decker
A Recommendation of our Finance Committee is that we have
two financial institutions for our financial accounts. Action: Jim McCann motions to open dialogue and provide all
supporting information with the Bank of Edwardsville pursuant
to the bylaws and not to exceed the current FDIC insurance limits
to move money from the assets of Holiday Shores to the Bank of
Edwardsville, Don Austin seconds.
Jim McCann: The reason I said Bylaws and not Rules is that the
finance committee felt that this account should only be accessible
by officers of the board of directors. Currently there is a rule in
place that allows certain members of the finance committee to do
Scott Webber – One of the reasons for this change is because
of the current happenings with financial institutions making
decisions independently of what they insure and what they don’t.
Dave Decker – This move gives us the capability of a little more
security with our money.
Motion Carries
Action: Don Austin motions to accept the November and
December 2009 treasury report as submitted, Jim McCann
Motion Carries
Read by Don Austin
Toby & Amanda Connoyer 1094 Barbados
Scott Webber: I would like thank them for writing the letter. It
is a wonderful organization and as I understand it; it was a private
event, invitation only. It was not open to the community.
We strive to be as consistent as possible. We set up certian criteria
that allow us to be as consistent as possible for the benefit the
members of Holiday Shores. If we were inconsistent, we would
get letters asking why and I would rather be consistent.
Old Business
Beacon Inn Rehab
Jim McCann: As you know the Beacon Inn is closed and during
this down time they are making renovations and updates. They
removed all of the equipment from the kitchen. The floor was
stripped and repainted with epoxy based paint. We are also taking
out the existing ceiling tiles and vents and replacing them. There
are some counter tops and baseboards that are being replaced.
Light fixture covers are being taken care of and there are some
electrical situations that are being brought up to code. Most of
the repairs are pretty insignificant, just normal wear and tear.
However they all needed to be repaired. They really did a great
job with the floor.
DCEO Grant Update
Scott Webber: They have found additional leaks in the Morning
glory gate so all work has stopped. We have requested another
extension and it should be approved. We have contacted the gate
manufacturer and he should be here in two weeks to inspect and
provide us information on what is required to fix it.
New Business
Nominating Committee
Thank you to Joe & Peggy Roth, for volunteering to head up the
Nominating Committee.
Thank you to Gerry & Barbara Theodore for being the back up.
Annual Meeting
Scott Webber - Never too early to start, so if you are looking at
any Bylaws, additions, deletions, and language now is the time to
bring it up.
Variance Request 1354: Request to, not put in a Culvert under
Read By Don Austin
Discussion ensues
Action: Don Austin Motions that we accept the building
committee’s recommendation with the proviso, if in the future if
it found to be necessary to have a culvert put in it will be done at
the expense of the Lot owner, Jim McCann seconds.
Motion Carries
Suggestion was made to the Building Committee that this same
proviso be included in future requests for similar variances.
Allied Waste
Scott Webber – For the records, we are negotiating a contract
with Allied Waste at the moment, if any members would like to
be on the Garbage committee please let the Board know.
319 Grant
Glenn Dalton. The quarterly report is due on the 15th, and all that
is required is a written summation of where you stand in regard
to the goals and time line within the grant. I have talked this over
with Mr. Jan Carpenter and we would like to add the following to
the report: the money that was allocated to each area, how much
has been spent and how much is remaining within that account
for that quarter. Mr. Carpenter likes this approach. We are going
to put a draft of all that together and submit it.
Scott Webber - Thank you Glenn. I would like to request
that you also send these submitted reports to each of the board
As far as the progress of the North Property, I had hoped to have
the completed drawings from the engineering company by this
meeting which did; not happen so I am hoping to have them by
the next meeting. Glenn, will you follow-up on that.
Scott Webber - Board members, please read through this
document please submit questions or thoughts when we meet
with the attorneys.
Open Floor
Social Committee drastically needs volunteers to serve on the
Committee as well as various upcoming events. Please Contact
Holiday Shore office 656-7233 ext 4
David Decker - Motions to adjourn to Executive Meeting, Jim
McCann - Seconds
Motion carries - Meeting Adjourns to executive session at
Minutes respectfully submitted by Don Austin Secretary and
Kellie Crider
Scott Webber - The attorneys have come back to us on our
options. There has been a long understanding of private vs. public
roads, the attorneys say it is either the township accepted your
roads or they didn’t. Fort Russell took Holiday Dam road so
that they could use it to go back and forth between St James and
Prairie town road on it. Setting up our own road district is not
an option. That leaves us with our continued conversations with
Moro; they want us to grant them an easement.
Conversation Ensues
Jim McCann: We are not giving up assets so I don’t think we
have to go to the membership for approval. We are only giving
them the right to do work on the property; I think that only takes
a board action.
Much conversation ensues
Decision is made to submit to our attorneys for further review
by Kathy Wilhite
Spring is almost here!!! It won’t be long until the flowers will be blooming and the grass turns green again. Garden club members will once again be preparing for the annual plant sale in May by planting and separating plants to sell.
At our February 15th meeting the officers for 2010 were installed and our annual business meeting was held. We had a fun filled evening celebrating all the member’s birthdays at one time. Thanks to our hostesses
Carolyn Potter, Kendra Henske and Kathy Wilhite for the great refreshments and festive decorations and to
Carolyn Potter and Judy Griffith for the unique birthday cards.
Our March 15th, meeting is sure to be very informative. If you are interested in herbal vinegars you will
surely enjoy a demonstration by our guest speaker, Sharon Wolfe. She will be making a variety of herbal
vinegars with decorative bottles to place them in for gift giving. Sharon will be able to answer questions you
may have on growing herbs too. Join us at 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse for what will be a great evening.
Field Trip - Saturday, March 13th - Weekend Gardener at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville.
The cost is $40 and does include lunch. The deadline for registration is March 4th. For those interested in
carpooling we will meet at the Clubhouse at 8:15 AM. If you plan to carpool give Kathy a call at 692-1921
so we know who will be carpooling and we don’t leave anyone behind.
Garden Club Membership is open to residents of Holiday Shores. We generally meet at the clubhouse on the
third Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. We are always looking for new members so come on out and check
us out.
Garden Tips:
Here is a tip for your house
plants - As day lengths increase plants begin new
growth. Repot root bound plants by moving them
to containers 2 inches larger in diameter than their
current pot. Check for insect activity and apply
controls as needed. Leggy plants may be pruned
now. Purple martins return to the St Louis area the
third week of March so raise your purple martin
bird houses the second week of March.
Community Events 2010
Easter Egg Hunt, Sat 27th (am)
Comedy Theater, Sat 27th (7pm)
April Continued...
Casino Night, Friday 16th
Annual Walk Run, Saturday 24th (10am)
Babysitter Training, Saturday 3rd (8:15am)
Meet the Candidates Night, Friday 9th (7pm)
Annual Meeting, Sat 15th (10am with 9am sign
Please call Kellie at the Holishor office, 656-7233 x 4 if you see
any errors or omissions. All dates and times subject to change.
Annual Yard Sale, Sat 5th (8am - 2pm)
Festival of Lights, Sat 26 (Dusk)
Fireworks, Sun 4th at Dusk.
Ski Show, Sun 4th at Noon
Beach Party, Sat 7th (TBA)
Halloween Party, Sat 23 (TBA)
Action: Get in writing what the board wants done, such as time
lines and actual cost.
Date: January 27, 2010
Board Members
Present: Scott Webber, Jim McCann, Don Austin, Gary
Kluckman, David Decker
Ty Van Ryswyk.
Excused: Ray Garber
Quorum Present: Yes
Others Present
Holishor Members Present 3
Glenn Dalton and Kellie Crider from Holishor Office
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM
Pledge of Allegiance Recited
Scott: There will be an executive meeting right after this
Vacant Board Member position
Action: David Decker Motions to nominate Ty Van Ryswyk to
fill the vacant position of Director on the Board until the Annual
Meeting on May 15, 2010, Jim McCann Seconds
Motion Carries
Minutes of January 13, 2010
Action: David Decker motions to approve the minutes, Gary
Kluckman seconds
Motion carries
Transfers of Property
Action: David Decker motions to approve, Jim McCann seconds
Motion Carries
Old Business
DCEO Grant
It has been extended to March 31, 2010. We will be able to apply
for another extension if needed.
Bench Mark Locations in Holiday Shores
Four markers were put in, their locations are
1. The spillway at the dam
2. Right across the road from Cedar
3. Behind the basketball hoop at the clubhouse
4. Right before the Su Twan Lake overflow.
There was an understanding that the Morning Glory was 2 ½
inches lower than the spillway because of it settling. The bench
marks have shown that the Morning Glory is actually set at 505.
When the spillway was repaired it was rebuilt a little bit higher.
So the Morning Glory is a lower height than the spillway.
319 Grant
We have the work order for the engineering of the 319 project;
they are waiting for Scott Webbers signature on the work order
to begin. They have not been paid for anything yet, this bid is to
just get the drawings. There is some concern about the statement
regarding the time line; it will be done by April (plus or minus).
The board had requested that there be dates established with this
project and that the work order is tied to the delivery dates.
Conversation Ensues
Tractor Bids
Scott: Just for the record we previously approved the
expenditure for a new tractor. Dave, can you tell us how much
that is?
Dave: The amount is $34,000.
Glenn: You have the multiple quotes we have gotten and all the
quotes were very close in price. One is a 2005 and the other three
are 2010. Sloan Implement is the lowest bid and the closest for
future parts and maintenance and it fulfills all our needs. We plan
on selling the current Massey tractor that we own for $5,000.00.
Action: David Decker motions to approve the purchase of
the 2010 John Deere 5075E tractor from Sloan Implement for
$29,304.34, Don Austin seconds
Motion Carries
New Business
Social Committee Update
Greg Horta 1253: We just did the new elections last week, I am
the new chair person and I wanted to officially come here and
introduce myself to the Board. I am learning a lot of new stuff we
have some new events we want to do this year and we are looking
at fundraising and maybe a bingo.
Scott Webber: We found out last year that bingo is very heavily
regulated so we can’t do it. We would like for you to come out to
the meetings once a month and let us know what you guys are up
to, mostly just for an update.
David Decker: We stay out of the social committees business,
they run themselves. They do an excellent job and do a lot of
good things for the community.
Greg Horta 1253: there was some name changing of the social
committee, I am not sure where it stands. I heard that they talked
to the board about it, apparently Social Committee sounds more
like an adult thing but we want it to be more family friendly.
Scott Webber: We are not aware of any change.
Greg Horta: If we wanted to change the name would we have to
have it board approved?
David Decker: One of the issues would be the bank accounts,
because the names are on the checks.
Glenn: I believe a name change of a standing committees name
would require approval by the board however I will research that
to be sure.
Conversation Ensues
Greg Horta 1253: The new calendar of events for 2011 will be
discussed at the February 3 meeting next Wednesday. Because
of the difficulties of getting volunteers, one of the things we
are trying to do is work with the other committees to help
with events. One of the events that will happen on April 3 is a
babysitting training class. It is mostly for first aid and the Red
Cross is doing the training. We could have up to 10 kids at the
most, ages 13 to 16, and it will be at the at the Holiday Shore Fire
Lake Management Committee Report
Update given by Roger Groth 1027
Open Floor
David Decker Motions to adjourn to executive session, Jim
McCann Seconds
Meeting Adjourns at 8:30pm
Minutes submitted by Don Austin, Secretary, and Kellie Crider
Holiday Shores
Family Walk/Run
10k Race/5k Race/2.5k Walk
Sat. April 24, 2010
Festivities start at 8:00 a.m. Walk/Run begins at 9:00 a.m.
Entry Fee: Early Registration $10.00 by April 12th. Late Registration $15.00
Free Event T-shirt --- All ages welcome (5 and under free)
Proceeds go to Holiday Shores Volunteer Committees
 Free Breakfast -- Enjoy a healthy breakfast before the Walk/Run
 Stroller Decorating contest - Decorate your stroller and win prizes
 Rest Stations - Enjoy beverages and take a break along the routes
 Awards - Medals to 1st Male and 1st Female finishers and all under 12
 Attendance Prizes - Prizes given to walkers and runners
 Gift Bags - Gift bags given to all participants
 FREE lunch - Enjoy hot dogs, soda, and chips at the finish line celebrations
Register Today - then pick up your event packet Friday, April 23rd
in the foyer of the Club House Ballroom 5:30-7:30pm
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Make checks payable to Holiday Shores Social Committee, #1 Holiday Point Parkway,
Edwardsville IL 62025
(Entries should be dropped off to the Holishor office)
Checks must accompany entry form. One applicant per form. No Refunds.
For additional information contact Judy Wood, event chair or 363-9942
Carol Tellefson, event co-chair or 792-9514
6th Annual Holiday Shores Family Walk/Run ENTRY FORM
10KRun____ 5KRun____ 2.5K Walk____
Shirt Size S M L XL XXL
size S
Name_________________________________________ Age____ M___F___
WAIVER: I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able
and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume
all risks associated with running in this event including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the
weather, including high heat/or humidity, traffic and the conditions of the road, all such risks being known and appreciated by me.
Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled
to act on my behalf, waive and release the Holishor Assn. And all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or
liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in the event though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the
part of the persons named in this Waiver. I understand this event can be canceled due to inclement weather and that my entry is nonrefundable.
Signature: (Parent’s signature required if under 18 years old) _____________________________________
What’s going on in the Community
Karate Classes
The Holiday Shores Clubhouse has been hosting Karate classes since June of 2008 with
classes being held twice a week. Karate instruction is provided by Twin Rivers Karate and
classes are led by Master Mike Utechtt, a sixth degree black belt and he is assisted by three
black belts (one 2nd degree and two 1st degree). Beginning in February 2010 the Karate classes
will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
In 2009 the Karate class continued to see a steady number of students and in December
promoted two students to black belt. The Karate classes are made of students of all ages, from
kids under 10 years old to several students in their mid-forty’s. Besides learning self defense
techniques, students get a great cardio and core strength building workout.
Karate classes are open to everyone with a kids class and adult class. No experience is
needed so whether you are looking to learn how to defend yourself or just want a great workout
come check us out. For more information visit our website ( or
contact Mike Utechtt at 618-304-8725 or
Submitted by Ric Stephenson, HSFD
“Practice Home Fire Safety Habits Year-Round”
Every October, during Fire Prevention Month, Holiday Shores Fire Department and Prairietown Fire Department personnel visit
Midway Elementary School. Students from early childhood through the second grade are provided classroom instruction on fire
prevention and safety. In an attempt to minimize the “scary appearance” should firefighters unexpectedly show up at their homes,
firefighters don their turnout gear and self-contained breathing apparatus. Students are also provided a tour of several fire trucks and
are shown a display of various pieces of firefighting equipment and tools.
Part of the classroom instruction consists of lessons on what to do should one’s cloth catch on fire – on queue they yell out, “Stop,
Drop, and Roll” – as well as instruction on fire safety around the home. I thought about this last piece of instruction recently when I
read about the tragic story of the 10-year-old St. Louis girl who perished in an early February house fire.
According to the news story, “the family was asleep when the fire started about 5 a.m.” Apparently, the fire started either in the
basement or in the first floor living room and quickly spread. The child who died was found on her bed on the second floor of the
house. St. Louis firefighters, as well as her stepfather, tried several times to locate the girl, but were turned back by the fire and smoke.
The only details I know about the incident are derived from the newspaper story. However, I wondered if the little girl had received
similar instruction at her school or, more importantly, had had the opportunity to review and practice what was taught. Such
thoughts are not an attempt to lay blame for such a tragedy; however, one wonders whether the lessons that are taught in October are
remembered in March, or for that matter, even in November.
While at Midway School, children are reminded that according to Illinois statutes, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be
located within 15 feet of every room used for sleeping purposes. Smoke detectors are also required by law to be located on every floor
of a multi-floored home, including in basements. Both types of detectors should be periodically tested to see that they are functioning
properly and have their batteries changed at least on an annual basis. A good policy is to remember to change batteries either when the
time “falls back” or “springs forward.”
Another critical reminder is for families to rehearse what to do should smoke or fire be evident in the home. It’s important for children
to hear the sound of the alarm and know to stay low should smoke be present. Never open a bedroom door if it’s warm or hot to the
touch. Children should be shown how to open bedroom windows if that will be the safest escape route. If their bedroom is on the
second floor, there are portable “escape ladders” available at local hardware stores for less than $40.00 dollars.
Have a fire escape plan so that all family members know how to safely exit the house and where to meet afterwards. Walk through
this exercise so children are familiar with the route, particularly if there is a need for more than one exit strategy. Most importantly, be
firm in instructing children to never, ever hide from smoke or fire in a closet or under a bed.
We are fortunate to only have a few structural fires in our community; however, they do occur. Therefore, remind your children, and
yourselves, that fire safety is not just something to think about during October Fire Prevention Month, but all year-round.
(If you are interested in becoming a HSFD volunteer firefighter, are 18 years of age or older, with a valid driver’s license, stop
by the firehouse on Holiday Dam Road on a Monday evening at 7 p.m. or visit HSFD’s website at: to learn more
about our department. You can make a difference in a person’s life.
Dana Blotevogel, Fire Chief
Steve Cooper, Asst. Fire Chief
Drink It All!
By Rev. Dr. Charles E. Hoekstra
Moro Presbyterian Church
A little boy had an accident and was taken to
a hospital. After he was made comfortable, a nurse
brought him a large glass of milk. He looked longingly at it, but did not pick it up. He had come from
a poor home where his hunger was seldom satisfied. If he ever received a glass of milk, it was only partly
filled, and even that had to be shared with another
child. Finally he looked up at the nurse and asked,
“How deep may I drink?” The nurse tenderly replied,
“Drink it all! There’s more.”
My wife and I had the privilege of visiting Niagara Falls last summer. Those who have been there
know there is an unending supply of water that flows
over those falls constantly. Or if you have ever been
to the seashore, you know that the water will keep
coming in, at low tide or high; the water will never run
So it is with the grace of God. His supply is
never going to cease. His grace is “greater than our
sin,” as the song says. But God wants us to take it
all in. His eternal springs continue to flow, so that
anyone who wishes to, can “drink it all.” Drinking
from God’s well is always better than drinking from
the world’s supply of booze and drugs, which are only
temporary, and never fully satisfying.
In His grace, God has provided us with means
to drink from His well. He has given us men and
women who share and explain His Word of grace to
us. If you are a Christian, or even a seeker, and want
to grow in grace, you might want to read some devotional booklets, such as Our Daily Bread (from which
the above story comes). These booklets have been
a blessing to me for some forty-five years, and have
helped me grow in grace. Our church provides these
to its members and friends each month.
At Moro Presbyterian Church, we believe we
are “blessed by grace,” and seek to share that same
grace with others. Many who have worshipped with
us for the first time have returned, and become members, because they have seen the love and grace of
God in action. We are small in numbers but large in
Come and see for yourself. God’s grace is
there to share. Drink it in!
Affordable stump removal Quick free estimates.
Licensed and Insured. Multistump discounts. Call
Nick 789-6425.
Fleming Lawn Service full time mowing – homes
and vacant lots. Will do vacation cuts, garden tilling,
yard clean up, reasonable rates. Fully insured. Owner
Operated. 618-459-3207
Lawn Care / Holiday Mowing Yard Cleanups, Brush
Removal, Bush trimming, Mowing & Trimming.
Empty Lots Mowed. 21 years of Service Ted Pauli
(618) 656-5279
Heated garage Space for Rent from $100 or 15 x 35
bay from $235, outside parking from $30. 7221 St.
James Dr. future home of Scott Krone’s Auto Repair,
618-530-1368 or 314-830-2222. Space still available
once Auto repair shop opens. Also see ad page 3, and
2009 Ski Show Program, page 1.
The babysitter list is provided as a service for Holiday Shores parents & babysitters. Parents
are reponsible for checking references and screening babysitters. If anyone between the ages of
13-18 would like their name added, please e-mail the office at Your
parents must sign a permission slip.
Erica Radford
Kristie Carda
Rachel Layton
Lexii Sakadaris
Danika Surgant
Kayla Holshouser
Melissa Kruckeberg
Michelle Kruckeberg
Krissy Sands
Nick Jasper
Ryan Jasper
Haley West
Ashley West
Darlene Wachowski
Tiffany Fry
Jon Weisner
Quinn Gaddy
Autum Miller
Amanda Lotter
age 15
age 16
age 15
age 14
age 16
age 15
age 17
age 16
age 14
age 16
age 14
age 16
age 13
age 16
age 16
age 14
age 15
age 15
age 14
377-9554 or 581-6765
655-0560 or 307-4777
655-0631 or 540-3211
637-9090 or 402-2007
307-6163 or 979-1177
307-6163 or 979-1177
659-9348 or 920-855
Grasscutting & Other
Small Jobs.
Ryan Kruckeberg
Gregg Culp
David Decker
Eric Shumake
Christopher Erickson
656-3022 or
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