Learning Authentically through HIPON Platform


Learning Authentically through HIPON Platform
Learning Authentically through HIPON Platform
Olga Riccioni1, Maria Solomou2, Goce Armenski3, Charalambos Vrasidas4, Luka
Brcic5, Ljupcho Antovski6, Annemieke Smeets7,
Sven Seiwerth8, J. Han J.M. van Krieken9, Andreas C. Lazaris10.
1,10 st
1 Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, The National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens (Greece),
School of Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy),
2 4
, Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University (Macedonia)
Institute of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
Department of Pathology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center (Netherlands) .
olga.riccioni@outlook.com, maria.solomou@cardet.org, goce.armenski@gmail.com,
pambos@cardet.org, lbrcic@mef.hr, ljupcho.antovski@finki.ukim.mk, A.Smeets@pathol.umcn.nl,
seiwerth@mef.hr, J.vanKrieken@pathol.umcn.nl, alazaris@med.uoa.gr
Today’s global educational environment is rapidly changing. Our perspective with regard to the future
of medical education is experiential learning. Learning authentically implies that learners, simulating
their present or future professional practice, gain medical experience in the process of diagnosing
human diseases. This challenge is linked with a main educational task undertaken, i.e., structuring an
inter-active e-learning platform in the context of a novel teaching strategy. The relevant project entitled
“ICT emodules on HistoPathology: a valuable online tool for students, researchers and professionals HIPON”, and co-financed by the Lifelong Learning Program of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency, The Commission of the European Union, has been launched at the beginning of
The project has resulted in an autonomous well-structured and user friendly, multi-language e-learning
platform, specifically focused on histopathology, which provides a valuable teaching tool for students,
researchers and professionals.
The modern technologies’ fast progress in recent years brings about the development of new teaching
tools. The implementation of e-learning programs has progressively increased in medical education.
Our up-to-date platform combines a virtual portfolio, a list of resources and links and, most importantly,
characteristic case studies, presented on such a basis that way of thinking and experience is
conveyed and acquired, instead of mere information. The basic concept underlying HIPON’s
methodology is to follow mixed learning pathways based on case studies, always taking advantage of
modern visual technology. The latter includes enlargeable, high resolution images, virtual slides and
educational videos. The step by step analysis of the diagnostic thought is the crux of the matter.
Through the educational aspects provided by HIPON platform, users will familiarize with the diagnostic
process and become highly knowledgeable about using all their acquired knowledge in order to
achieve the correct diagnosis; in other words, users will learn authentically how to think as
experienced pathologists.
1. Introduction
Pathology is a major medical field, primarily concerning the diagnosis of diseases through the
examination of biological samples. Current education focuses mostly on theoretical knowledge,
especially at its beginning. Medical students are requested to retain an extensive amount of
knowledge. Then, in everyday working life, pathologists must be able to interpret a biopsy in order to
make a final diagnosis, the accuracy of which is of vital importance for patients. It takes a considerable
amount of time and real devotion to acquire professional experience in the field. Our perspective with
regard to the future of medical education is experiential learning. Learning authentically implies that
learners, simulating their present or future professional practice, gain medical experience in the
process of diagnosing human diseases. This challenge is linked with a main educational task
undertaken, i.e., structuring an inter-active e-learning platform in the context of a novel teaching
strategy. The relevant project entitled “ICT emodules on HistoPathology: a valuable online tool for
students, researchers and professionals - HIPON”, and co-financed by the Lifelong Learning Program
of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, The Commission of the European Union,
has been launched at the beginning of 2013.
2. HIPON project
The project has resulted in the development of a valuable open resource, available for free at the
website “www.hiponproject.eu”. It has resulted in an autonomous, well-structured and user friendly elearning platform, specifically focused on histopathology, which combines high quality of learning with
ease of access and use, typical of the emerging technology tools. Today’s global educational
environment is rapidly changing [1, 2]; the modern technologies’ fast progress in recent years brings
about the development of new teaching tools [2]. The implementation of e-learning programs has
progressively increased in medical education [3]. Despite the plurality of sources of information at a
theoretical level, there is a lack in reliable references to everyday applications. Our up-to-date platform
combines a virtual portfolio, a list of resources and links and, most importantly, characteristic case
studies, presented on such a basis that way of thinking and experience is conveyed and acquired,
instead of mere information. The basic concept underlying HIPON’s methodology is to follow mixed
learning pathways based on case studies, always taking advantage of modern visual technology. The
latter includes enlargeable, high resolution images (Figure 1), virtual slides and educative videos. The
step by step analysis of the diagnostic thought is the crux of the matter.
Figure 1. A HIPON enlarged high resolution image showing a villous adenoma of the urinary bladder.
Note the size of the image that, when enlarged, almost fills the entire screen.
HIPON architecture, and its component sections i.e. General Pathology and Systemic Pathology, were
developed completely in accordance with the project aims . In the General Pathology Section, tissue
basic pathological alterations combined with both infectious and non infectious diseases, are
presented. The Systemic Pathology section consists in several units and chapters, every one of which
deals with a different organ-system of the human body. Every chapter responds to HIPON goals
earlier identified, providing an initial overview, several case studies and a concluding image-based
test. The overview section, presenting the pathological patterns of the organ analyzed in the relevant
chapter, provides information which proves to be helpful while going on within the chapter. Theory is
soon transferred to real life practice, thanks to the case study section, which is the most innovative
one of the project. Simulating the same diagnostic procedure that expert pathologists are used to
follow, the provision of case studies supplies users with the opportunity to apply what they have
already learned and therefore deepen their understanding and ameliorate their skills. Then, in the
image-based test section, the users’ acquired diagnostic experience can be estimated by answering
single-answer or multiple-choice, image-based questions (Figure 2) as well as by matching the
microscopic features shown in images with the relevant morphological terms.
Figure 2. An example of an image-based question on HIPON “Urinary Bladder Pathology” chapter .
The case study section, as the whole platform, is constructed in such a way so as to make users gain
medical experience in the analytical diagnostic process, in order to reach the final diagnosis. This
educational concept, which explicitly responds to the program’s purpose, can be better understood
through the presentation of a HIPON chapter, for example the third one of the “Urinary Tract” HIPON
Unit, i.e. “Epithelial neoplasms of the Urinary Bladder”.
Figure 3. Part of the microscope image collection in HIPON “Urinary Bladder” chapter overview.
In the overview section, after the objectives of the chapter are pointed out, principles in bladder tumor
pathology are provided. An initial introduction briefly describes the normal bladder wall, in order to
better understand the pathological pattern description which comes next. Various tumor types of the
urinary bladder are presented, taking advantage of modern image technologies. The tissue
architecture is always analyzed in appropriate brief texts accompanying extended microscope image
collections (Figure 3). The latter are composed of multiple, high resolution images, which are always
enlargeable (Figure 4), so as to appreciate the shown architectural pattern better and allow an indepth analysis. Furthermore, a virtual slide showing a papillary urothelial carcinoma of the bladder is
provided. In this way, learners familiarize with the microscopic examination of a real tissue specimen ,
which is a cornerstone in pathology. Glossary and resources are provided; for each chapter-specific
medical term, a definition is provided in the glossary page. Resources, through links to the reference
page and web links, are available for further study.
Figure 4. The enlarged version of one of the HIPON urinary bladder images shown in the previous
figure. Note the markings (i.e. red arrows) which help users focus on significant morphologic features.
The case study section which follows, asks users to act as expert pathologists, reproducing step by
step the diagnostic process, from the case initial presentation up to the final diagnosis. A real case is
presented. Several images taken from a real biopsy of a mass located on the bladder posterior wall
are provided; the high resolution images, which are always enlargeable, are supported by expert
pathologists’ relevant comments, bearing the proper analysis. The aim is to underline patterns which
users should focus on in order to form their diagnosis. In real life, the diagnostic process is a complex
procedure, that often requires additional information in support of the specimen’s microscopic
examination, so as to achieve the correct diagnosis. Through the platform, users improve their skills of
correlating pathological data with other clinical-laboratory information. The additional information can
be optionally chosen among five fields i.e., immunohistochemistry, histochemistry, further laboratory
data, more detailed patient history and imaging. Some of them may not be necessary to reach the final
diagnosis, as happens in this chapter with regard to the “more detailed patient history” field. Users
should select the data that they consider to be of essential diagnostic value. For example, by clicking
“immunohistochemistry” the staining of the marker Cytokeratin 20, which is indeed needed to confirm
the diagnosis of dysplasia in the tumor-adjacent urothelium, becomes available (Figure 5). After that,
users are supposed to have formed their diagnosis, so they are asked to select among four
alternatives. Thereafter, in case of either right or wrong diagnosis, an educative explanation follows. In
this way learners may confirm their own right diagnostic thought or understand why they were wrong.
In the explanation section, the meaning of every previously presented image and data, as well as their
correlation to the final diagnosis, are clarified. Soon after, basic guidelines on differential diagnosis
point out why the other diagnostic alternatives are excluded. Furthermore, some practical tips on the
correct diagnostic procedure of urothelial neoplasms are provided. As in the overview section, relevant
resources and web links are available so that the acquired knowledge is consolidated.
Figure 5. The “immunohistochemistry” additional information field in the case study of the “Urinary
Bladder” HIPON chapter.
In the concluding image-based test section, the degree of consolidation of the users’ diagnostic
experience can be estimated. Further, high resolution enlargeable images are provided accompanied
by relevant questions. Users should recognize any specific pattern of injury shown in each image on
their own and evaluate its significance, so as to answer the relevant question. The correct answer to
the questions is revealed in the test review which becomes available after the whole test has been
By doing all this, HIPON provides an innovative platform which imprints medical experience in
diagnostic practical issues of histopathology in order to assist learners gain practical insight of the
theoretical background they are traditionally thought. Through the educational aspects provided by
HIPON platform, users familiarize with the diagnostic process and become highly knowledgeable
about using all their acquired knowledge in order to achieve the correct diagnosis; in other words,
users will learn authentically how to think as experienced pathologists.
[1] Gigante G. Social Media Technologies in Distance Learning: New Capabilities for Future
Higher Education. In Conference Proceedings. New perspectives in science education. Italy,
libreriauniversitaria.it, 2014
[2] Girish C. Future Education: Changing Paradigms. In Conference Proceedings. The Future of
Education. Italy, libreriauniversitaria.it, 2014
[3] Kim S et al. Smart learning services based on smart cloud computing. Sensors 2011;