
The thinking person's reference for human and companion animal health
Dear Friend:
Picture, if you will, a pile of about four tablespoons of table
salt. A little over half of that pile would represent sodium and
the rest would be chlorine. How many atoms of sodium would be
present? About 6.02 x 1023. That’s scientific notation for 6
followed by 23 zeros. That’s the number of atoms in 1 mole of a
chemical, and it is known as Avogadro’s number.
If each of the five billion people on Earth were to count the
sodium atoms in this small (one mole) pile of salt, at the rate of
one atom every second, it would take four million years to count
them all!
Atoms are comprised of a nucleus with neutrons, protons, and a
variety of other subatomic particles, surrounded by electrons in
various shells and orbitals. Let’s take one of the tiny sodium
atoms out of the above pile. If we were able to expand the nucleus
to the size of a pea, the distance between it and the outer-most
electrons encircling it would be a radius of about two football
fields. Just imagine a pea in the center of the 50-yard line of a
football stadium. The outer walls of the stadium would be where
the electron shells are.
So an atom is pretty much all space. We, and all the matter we
see around us, are composed of such atoms. The real world is not
“solid” matter at all, as we perceive it. It is space and energy.
Our bodies are not the substance we see and feel, either. We are
mostly space, too. We are what lies between that pea nucleus and
the electrons, spinning around it clear out in the stadium parking
lot, which is nothing.
Put another way: If an atom were the size of a house, the
nucleus would be like a speck of dust in a ray of sunlight.
This is a glimpse of reality that doesn’t seem real at all. It
is counterintuitive and beyond even imagination. The obvious is
just not so.
Our sciences attempt ultimately to answer all questions by
reductionism, examining smaller and smaller portions of matter.
Yet when we get to the most miniscule, it turns out to be space.
We are then left with nothing (space) as the answer. Confused? Me
too. Don’t worry; nobody else has it all figured out, either.
But such awareness, such consternation, should at least humble
us. It should make us suspicious of any claims of surety (for
example, brand X pet food or brand Y baby formula is “100% complete
and balanced,” which, of course, would require 100% complete knowledge).
Better to be open rather than certain. Better to respect the infinite
complexity of nature than manipulate it with cocky impunity.
March/April 2000
I have previously made the
argument that modern adult-onset
degenerative diseases were a result of
eating patterns that have veered too far
from what we are genetically adapted
to. Well now, I thought that was a
pretty good point but several sharp
individuals raised contrapuntal questions anyway.
The respondants said, since those
in the past did not live to the old ages we
do today, that is why they did not
experience degenerative diseases as
we do. This is a good point but it is
based on conventional wisdom, the
majority view, which is so very often
the antipode of truth.
Here is why the majority view in
this case is also wrong: Although average lifespan was less in the distant past
(primarily due to increased infant
mortality), longevity (the ability of the
individual to live to a certain age) was
essentially identical to today. The
AVERAGE lifespan in 1900 was 47
years. Today it is 73 because there are
relatively few infants who die to drop
the average. After a person reaches
40, there has been very little change in
life expectancy. After 75 there is none.
Also, the maximum longevity of
humans, 120 years, is unchanged.
Thus, the relative absence of
degenerative disease in the past is not
Page 2 Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000
a result of the difference in lifespan
between then and now.
The medical establishment lobby
would rather you not know this, but
continue in their spell as if they hold the
key to long life for you. You know,
mammograms, pap smears, prostate
checks, medication, yearly checkups,
and, of course, always a new vaccine
just on the horizon to save us all.
To understand why the prevalent
belief that “we are living longer today”
is wrong, see the Optimal Health Program™ (refer to page 8, or go to our
website, Click on
Education> Optimal Health Program)
and the section covering lifespan in the
following monographs: Vitamins and
Minerals, Carboprin™, and Immulyn™..
(Hard copies are available upon request, and also on the website. Click
on Education> Product Monographs:
scroll to appropriate monograph.)
An additional proof of the influence
of modern living on health is evident in
pets. Their wild counterparts do not
experience the degenerative diseases
common today. Yet wild animals can
live into adult years just like pets do.
For more documented evidence on this,
see the Archetype ™ monograph. (Hard
copies are available upon request. On
the website click on Products>
Companion Animal Products> Canine/
Feline Diets> Archetype.)1,2
topsoil. But even that is becoming thinner (at a rate of 3.5 billion tons per year
lost with man-induced erosion) and
It’s becoming weaker because
crops, which pull some 70 plus minerals
from the soil, end up in the sewer or land
fill, not back on the land to replenish it.
About the only thing used on the farmer’s
field now is NPK (NitrogenPhosphorus-Potassium) fertilizer, which
drugs genetically tailored crops into prodigious growth. About 250 pounds of
this fertilizer per person is slathered on
the land every year. Problem is, these
swollen muscle-bound plants are
mineral- and vitamin-impoverished.
When we eat them we become
nutritionally impoverished as well,
even though we may bloat with the
caloric glut that is available to us. Minerals are particularly important because
we (and our animal friends that we have
domesticated) are incapable of synthesizing them.
The solution is to buy organic whenever possible. Organic farmers are
aware of the living nature of the land and
seek to build its health rather than drug
it into sterility as industrialized agriculture does. Additionally, broadspectrum mineral supplementation is
important. This doesn’t mean a few iron
and calcium capsules, but rather supplements that contain the full range of 70
plus minerals considered to be important in nutrition.
An excellent major mineral supplement is Orgamin™, containing calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur from
natural sources.
The only difference between the
Earth and its moon is about one inch of
An excellent trace mineral source is
Chelamin™, which is a combination of
ancient geologically composted sea
vegetation containing over 74 naturally
complexed and chelated minerals. It is
mined from ancient pre-pollution deposits created when the seas retreated
from the North American continent.
Another excellent source is Whole
Salt . It contains Chelamin, as well as
mineral-rich salt mined from similar deposits. Incidentally, this is a salt that
really tastes good. Use it for awhile,
then try your regular table salt and
you’ll see what I mean.
We try to build natural chelated
mineral nutrition into all of our products. For example, you’ll find Chelamin
and Whole Salt in our Peanut Butter
Plus™ and in our pet and horse foods.
Read the Chelamin and Whole Salt
monographs (here you’ll also learn that
natural salt is healthy, not deleterious)
to learn more about the importance of
mineral nutrition. (Hard copies are
available upon request, and also on the
website. Click on Education> Product
Monographs: scroll to appropriate
This is a noun. Algorithmic is the
adjective. Pronounced: al- go-rhythm.
It is from the Greek arithmos. It
means a logical, step-by-step method
of solving problems. A logical framework for this purpose. The step-bystep rules you had to use in algebra and
geometry were algorithims.
It can be used a little more loosely
too, to describe a logical framework
within which problems can be solved.
The Wysong Health Letter is published monthly by Wysong Institute, 1880 N. Eastman, Midland, Michigan 48642-7779, Email:
Visit Wysong online at
Author/Editor: ............. Dr. R.L. Wysong
Associate Editor: ..................... J. Wysong
Research Assistants: ............. H. Nicholas
...................................................... A. Sigsby
...................................................... M. Palmer
Production: ................................. B. Taylor
Published Bi-monthly.
Yearly subscriptions $19.95.
The Wysong Health Letter is an educational newsletter. Opinions expressed are meant to be taken for their argumentative/intellectual interest value,
and not interpreted as specific medical or legal direction for individual conditions or situations. The Health Letter does not represent all-inclusive
knowledge, nor can it affirm or deny facts or data gathered from cited references. Before initiating any health action or changing existing therapies,
individuals should read the references cited in the Health Letter and seek and evaluate several alternative, competent viewpoints. The reader (not
the Wysong Health Letter) must assume all responsibilities from the application of educational and often controversial information presented in the
Health Letter. Copyright 2000, Wysong Corporation
Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000 Page 3
There could be political, economic,
religious, social... and health and
nutritional algorithms.
(heart disease, cancer, obesity, arthritis, diabetes, etc.); we experience them
as an epidemic.
It is especially important to think of
this word in relation to health and nutrition. What logical framework do you
use to make health and nutrition
choices? Is your algorithm following
the crowd, following professionals,
following commercial propaganda?
Has it been well thought out?
Do you think there might be some
clues from the foregoing as to how we
might escape these diseases?4
A better idea is to follow the genetic context algorithm. What is good
to eat, what is good for your health is
that which most closely matches your
genetic makeup. All the evidence fits
this. It’s logical and it’s proven.
The Wysong Optimal Health Program™ (refer to page 8, or go to our
website, Click on
Education> Optimal Health Program)
shows you how to put the algorithm into
Understanding the correct
algorithm for health will empower you
every day to make choices you can be
sure of and free you from special interests which otherwise could confuse or
mislead you.
On a timeline, modern Western
eating patterns constitute about one
inch on a 276-mile long life-on-theplanet line. Our genetics are obviously
tuned to the 276 miles, not the one inch.
226 hunter-gatherer societies in the
Ethnographic Atlas, which all eat the
diet of the 276 miles, have been studied. 133 of these societies derived at
least two-thirds of their subsistence
from animal foods. None were largely
or entirely dependent upon gathered
plant foods.
"I think you should be more
explicit here in step two."
Hunter-gatherers ate (as a percentage of total energy consumed) as much
as 35% protein, 58% fat, and as little as
22% carbohydrates. They ate the entire edible portion of a carcass (no
carbohydrates here at all, except in the
liver and possibly the tongue and kidney). Plants consumed, in order from
most to least, were fruit, seeds, nuts,
tubers-roots-bulbs, and leaves-flowergums-miscellaneous plant parts.
Compare the above with current
U.S. eating patterns: protein 15%, fat
34%, and carbohydrates 52%. Compare it to the “recommended” healthy
diet touted by the experts: protein 15%,
fat 30%, and carbohydrates 55%. So
much for conventional wisdom and
Cereal grains are the most common
foods in modern diets. Yet huntergatherers only eat them as a starvation
diet. Candy, pop, sugar, oleo, alcohol,
coffee, Pop Tarts™, Twinkies™, Ding
Dongs™, bagels, Jolly Ranchers™, etc.,
predominant foods today, were nonexistent with hunter-gatherers, our
genetic prototypes.
Here’s another difference between
“us” and “them.” They were virtually
free of chronic degenerative diseases
Self-improvement should be a lifelong endeavor. Unfortunately, most
people do not grow – mentally – much
beyond the 13-year-old stage. What
they learn by this age is sufficient to get
them by in life, so that’s where they
But life is a funny thing that way.
There is no such thing as status quo or
a neutral gear. Either advance, or fall
behind. This applies to everything from
business, to relationships, society,
employment, self worth, and physical
and mental health. Use it (and grow it),
or lose it.
It’s not the easy road. But what
worthwhile in life is?
Your body and mind are designed
for growth. You can always learn a
new physical skill. Strength, coordination and speed can all be increased. It
takes work, but it can be done. The
body thrives on such signals telling it
that it is alive, needed, and must improve itself because of the demands
placed upon it. This is a key to keeping
youth and health.
It is believed that even with our
most concerted efforts we use only a
small fraction of our brain. It is obviously designed with incredible capabilities. But if we don’t use it, it gets all
stupid, mushy and bigoted (“I know
this or that is so because that’s what my
parents believed when I was 13”).
Here is some brain weightlifting to
do, beginning today, to start growing
Page 4 Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000
some impressive brain muscles. Learn
a new word every day. Words are the
framework upon which thought is built.
Keep the tiny erector set you had at 13
and that will be the level of your intellect
and your ability to make something of
Never read a word you don’t know
without jotting it down to look up and
master later. Keep a notebook of such
words and keep reviewing them to
incorporate them into your mental and
verbal vocabulary. Read the dictionary. Yes, go through it one word at a
time. You’ll be amazed at what your
brain already holds. Try to learn every
word in it. Why not? It can be done and
you can do it. It doesn’t have to be
done overnight. Make it a lifelong
project. Do one page a week, for
Education is wasted on the young.
Adults have enough life experience to
understand where the information we
were supposed to learn in school fits in.
So get a high school chemistry book
and master it. Or restudy an English,
biology, government, history or algebra
text. You’ll find this to be entirely unlike
when in high school. Your ability to
understand the material (we do grow a
little by osmosis through the years in
spite of our best efforts to the contrary)
and the fun of really mastering it will
surprise you.
Read lots of non-fiction. Buy educational tapes. Join organizations that
are doing something worthwhile.
Associate with smart people and let it
rub off. Self teach yourself something
like building a home, fixing the plumbing, preparing your own taxes, learning
a sport, cooking nutritionally, sewing,
painting, etc. Be slow to pay another to
do something you could learn to do.
Look at it this way; they are a carbonbased life form just like you. If they can
do it, you can.
Watch educational TV. Find sites
on the Internet to engage others in
intelligent discussion on topics that
interest you. Express your view in
writing to politicians or anyone else
who is rubbing your smarts the wrong
way. Win others with the force of your
knowledge and reason. Above all, be
ready to admit you are in error. Welcome and embrace the discovery of
your fault. No one is perfect and it is
only by discovering your imperfections
you can one day be perfect like me.
Additionally, do not overlook the
physical needs of the brain. For one, it
is an oxygen glutton. Get plenty of fresh
air and exercise to help deliver this
essential brain fuel. Sleep and nap for
rejuvenation. Eat right. Follow the
Optimal Health Program. Supplements
that are especially beneficial are the
essential fatty acids in the Foundation
Formulas™ and the Nutrient Support
Formula, Neuridone™. The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in these
supplements has even been shown to
significantly enhance cognitive and
motor subscales of mental development in children. Modern adults and
children are deficient in these critical
omega-3 fatty acids and supplementation should not be overlooked.
Well, that’s enough to get you
started, thinking people. Begin today to
grow and never give up. Don’t let age
or any other excuse stand in your way.
Be the best you can be.5,6
If you eat a full breakfast and then a
full lunch — without some heavy lifting
in between to burn the calories — you
may have digestive problems later in the
afternoon. In the early AM try water
enhanced with WellSpring™ to help
alkalinize your system, and fresh clean
fruit minus the skin. Wait ‘til you get
hungry and then try this for lunch:
-Whole milk yogurt
(organic, if possible)
-One or two raw eggs
(free range organic, if possible)
-Tablespoon of Wysong
Whole Soy™
-Crushed fruit you tolerate well —
banana, strawberries, mango, etc.
-Honey to taste
-Your Foundation Formula supplements including two Probiosyn ™
probiotic capsules which will protect against possible food borne
bugs. (Don’t mix these with the
drink but swallow them with it.)
Blend and enjoy. We’re talking
some serious nourishment here with
lots of clean, raw foods to fit the Wysong
Diet. I’ve been doing this for years and
have never gotten ill. In fact, look how
wonderful I am because of it. (Well, a
little wonderful anyway. Indulge me.)
Remember, the benefits of archetypal nutrition far outweigh any
possible dangers. The goal is to
prevent all those chronic degenerative
things that leave us walking around like
the walking wounded when we reach
mid-life, not to sterilize our diet to
Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000 Page 5
prevent the possibility of a bout of
This diet is designed to help you
cope with the stress that builds up
during the day.
-1/2 grapefruit
-1 slice whole wheat toast
-8 oz. skim milk
-Entire frozen Sara Lee™ cheesecake
(eaten directly from freezer)
1. If you eat something and no one
sees you eat it, it has no calories.
2. If you drink a diet soda with a
candy bar, the diet soda cancels out the
calories in the candy bar.
3. When you eat with someone else,
calories don’t count if you do not eat
more than they do.
-4 oz. lean broiled chicken breast
-1 cup steamed spinach
-1 cup herb tea
-1 Oreo™ cookie
-The rest of Oreos in the package
-2 pints Rocky Road ice cream, nuts,
cherries and whipped cream
-1 jar hot fudge sauce
-2 loaves garlic bread
-4 cans or 1 large pitcher Coke™
-1 large sausage, mushroom and
cheese pizza
-3 Snickers™ bars
4. Food used for medicinal purposes NEVER counts, such as hot
chocolate, brandy, toast and Sara Lee™
5. If you fatten up everyone else
around you, then you look thinner.
6. Movie-related foods do not have
additional calories because they are
part of the entertainment package and
not part of one’s personal fuel.
Examples: Milk Duds™, buttered popcorn, Junior Mints™, Red Hots™ and
Tootsie Rolls™.
8. Things licked off knives and
spoons have no calories if you are in the
process of preparing something.
9. Foods that have the same color
have the same number of calories.
Examples: spinach and pistachio ice
cream; mushrooms and mashed potatoes.
10. Chocolate is a universal color
and may be substituted for any other
food color.
11. Anything consumed while standing has no calories. This is due to
gravity and the density of the caloric
12. Anything consumed from someone else’s plate has no calories since
the calories rightfully belong to the other
person and will cling to his/her plate.
(We ALL know how calories like to
Remember, “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts.”
— don’t believe a word of it.
7. Cookie pieces contain no calories. The process of breaking causes
calorie leakage.
New on the Wysong website (
Equine Feeding Guides – feeding directions for Wysong Equine ™ diet and supplements
Click on Products> Equine> Select product> More Info.
Wysong Pet Food Features – details of the many beneficial features of Wysong pet foods
Click on Education> Wysong Pet Food Features
One-of-a-kind Packaging – information on special packaging for Wysong pet foods
Click on Education> One-of-a-kind Packaging
Wysong Processing Methods – description of Wysong pet food processing
Click on Education> Wysong Processing Methods
Testimonial section – many new and wonderful comments from our customers
Click on Education> Testimonials
Questions & Controversies – new topics being continually updated
Click on Education> Questions & Controversies> Ques. OR Controv.> scroll to specific topic
Page 6 Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000
One Liners
– Current Research You Can Use for Health and Healing –
Sulfur – Sulfur concentrations in arthritic cartilage tend to be significantly lower than in normal cartilage. Relevant
Wysong Products: Contifin™, Glucosamine Complex™, and Arthegic™ are designed to support joint and cartilage
health with sulfur and other natural compounds. (Journal of Experimental Zoology.8 Peer-reviewed clinical study.)
Diet – Cooked chicken offers a protective effect against breast cancer. (Carcinogenesis.9 Double-blind clincial study.)
Olive Oil – The use of extra-virgin olive oil markedly lowers daily antihypertensive dosage requirements. Relevant
Wysong Product: Herbed Extra Virgin Olive Oil™ contains omega-9 fatty acids which support heart health. (Archives
of Internal Medicine.10 Randomized crossover study.)
Cholesterol – A study in Italy shows that a very low fat diet alone is not sufficient for reducing serum cholesterol in
men. Relevant Wysong Product: Carvasol™ is designed to support the health of the cardiovascular system. (European
Heart Journal.11 Randomized clinical trial.)
Alpha-lipoic acid – Alpha-lipoic acid supplementation provides benefits to Type II diabetes patients; better insulin
function and more normal glucose metablolism. Relevant Wysong Products: Carboprin™ and Spectrox™ contain
alpha-lipoic acid to aid in carbohydrate metabolism. (Diabetes Care.12 Randomized clinical trial.)
Residue – Glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup™) residue has been found in lettuce, carrots and barley
planted one year after the herbicide was discontinued. (Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.13 Literature review.)
Yogurt – Yogurt has immunostimulatory effects, particularly increasing resistance to immune-related diseases such
as cancer, infection, gastrointestinal disorders, and asthma. Relevant Wysong Product: Probiosyn ™ contains probiotic
microorganisms as found in yogurt. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.14 Literature review.)
Men’s Health
Viagra™ – Men with cardiovascular disease who take Viagra™ for erectile dysfuntion (ED) run nearly 50 times
greater chance of death from heart attack than men who use other ED therapies. Relevant Wysong Products:
Androlog™ is designed to support male reproductive health, enhancing fertility, potency, sexuality and libido. (Journal
of the American Medical Association.15 Literature review.)
Prostate – Pygeum africanum can significantly relieve bladder problems which often accompany benign prostatic
hyperplasia and also protects against prostate cell proliferation. Relevant Wysong Product: Prostase™ contains P.
africanum to support prostate health. (Current Medical Research Opinion.16 Peer-reviewed clinical study.)
Bone Density – Drinking tea increases bone mineral density due to nutrients such as flavonoids present in the
beverage. Relevant Wysong Products: Spectrox™, Food ACE™, and Food C™ all contain flavonoids. (American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition.17 Peer-reviewed clinical trial.)
Chromium – Chromium improves body composition by reducing fat deposition and improving entry of glucose and
amino acids into muscle cells. Relevant Wysong Product: Optimal™ contains chromium. (Current Therapy Research.18
Peer-reviewed clinical trial.)
Veggies or Meat?
Archetypal Diet – 73% of the worldwide hunter-gatherer societies derive most of their subsistence from animal
foods, whereas only 14% of these societies derive most of their sustenance from plant foods. (American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition.19 Review of existing literature.)
1. Fries, J.F. Crapo, L.M., Vitality and Aging. 2. Comfort, A., The Biology of Senescence. 3. Harris, S., Chalk Up Another One, 1992 4. Wysong,
R.L., The Synorgon Diet - How to Achieve Healthy Weight in a World of Excess. 5. Dev. Med. & Child Neur., 42:174-181. 6. Wysong, R.L., Lipid
Nutrition: Understanding Fats and Oils in Health and Disease. 7. Feeding Times, Jan 1997:7. 8. J. of Exper. Zool., 1995, 1, 273 (1): 82-6.
9. Carcinogenesis, 2000; 21(4):607-15. 10. Arch. Intern. Med., 2000; 160(6):837-42. 11. European Heart Journal, 20(14):1020-9, July
1999. 12. Diabetes Care, 1999; 22:280-87. 13. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, 196, Nov 1999: 62. 14. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr.,
2000; 71(4):861-72. 15. J.Amer. Med. Assoc., Feb 2, 2000; 283:5. 16. Curr. Med. Res. Opin., 1998; 14(3): 127-139. 17. Amer.
J. Clin. Nutr., 2000; 71(4):1003-7. 18. Current Ther. Res., 1998:59:379-388. 19. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr., 2000; 71(3):682-92.
Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000 Page 7
Explains how fats and oils can be both villains and heroes in the
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ED050-S – Soft-cover ................................................ $12.95
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Page 8 Wysong Health Letter March/April 2000
1880 N Eastman
Midland, MI 48642-7779
For Humans
For Animals
Follow the lifestyle recommendations outlined in the Wysong Optimal Health Program brochure (or see
Convert as much of the diet as possible to fresh, whole, organic (if
possible) foods that can be eaten raw exactly as found in nature.
Vary foods day to day and simplify meals by eating one, or at most
three, different foods at one sitting.
As a minor part of the diet, use processed foods that contain whole
ingredients and are organic if possible. Avoid food fractions and
Cycle through the Wysong Foundation Formula Supplements daily
as preventive nutritional insurance. See the Wysong Optimal Health
Program brochure (or see .
Follow the foundation lifestyle recommendations outlined in the
Wysong Optimal Health Program brochure (or see
Cycle through the various Wysong dry and canned foods without
regard for their names.
Topdress with Wysong C-Biotic™ (dogs) or F-Biotic™ (cats) (concentrated sources of micronutrients and living food elements).
Twice weekly give essential fatty acid supplements (alternate EFA™,
Marine Lipids™, and Pet Inoculant™).
Fresh, raw foods (supplemented with Call of the Wild™ if fed alone),
and Archetype™ mixed with meals, as treats, and as alternate meals.
Follow steps #1-5 above.
Take Wysong Immulyn™ for immune enhancement.
Increase dosage of Wysong Foundation Formulas.
Use the Wysong Nutrient Support Formula(s) specific for the organ system(s) weakened. See the Wysong Optimal Supplementation brochure (or see
Refer to the following Wysong publications for further advice on
specific ailments: Wysong Book Store Catalog ($3.00 for hard copy
mailed, or free at, Wysong Resource Directory
($15.00), and Wysong Health Letter (by subscription or request
index for back issues).
Follow steps #1-5 above, but use EFA™ and Inoculant™ daily.
Give Wysong Immulyn™ daily for immune enhancement.
Increase use of Wysong PDG™ and Archetype™ for concentrated
nourishment if appetite is suppressed.
Offer pure water enhanced with WellSpring™
Use the Wysong Nutrient Support Formula(s) specific for the organ system(s) weakened. See the Wysong Optimal Supplementation brochure (or see
The Wysong Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the health of humans, the animals in their care, and the environment
in which we all live. The Institute is responsible for much of the research and information in the Wysong Health Letter, and is unique in its broad
educational efforts to openly inform and empower people with ideas for rational solutions.
Help us help others. Busy lives do not permit the direct participation in movements that you may believe in, and groups which you feel are
addressing important causes. Your contributions can spare your time and direct participation and yet enable the Institute to make meaningful
Wysong Institute Goals You Can Help Advance
Move the world ever closer to a peaceful paradisiacal state.
Continually advance scientific knowledge but do no harm to life in the process.
Use reason as the primary arbiter in all things.
Encourage open dissemination of knowledge and ideas.
Match the rate of use of Earth's resources to their renewal.
Achieve full, vital, active, healthy life to the genetic limit of humans and the animals
in their care.
• Explore the use of any method of healing that does no harm.
• Advance methods to grow, process and distribute foods with the preeminent consideration of
• Keep government within the bounds of insuring freedom, liberty, justice, and equal opportunity
for all.
• Educate all to understand that they are ultimately fully responsible and accountable for their
own actions.
Tax deductible donations and bequests may be sent to:
Wysong Institute, 1880 N. Eastman Rd., Midland, MI 48642.
(Contributions to the Institute will not result in repeated solicitations.)