Missouri Earthdogs Club


Missouri Earthdogs Club
Missouri Earthdogs
The Eighteenth Annual
Working Jack Russell Terrier
Memorial Day Bash
Welcoming Colored Earthworking Terriers & Dachshunds
May 22, 23 and 24, 2015
Purina Farms-- Gray Summit, Missouri
Conformation: Barrie Wade – England
Friday Racing – Bryan Schramer
Sunday Racing – Charlene Schlueter
GTG – David Krietemeyer, Bryan Schramer, Bob Schreiner
Barn Hunt – Darick James
Muskrat Racing – Dutch Knickmeyer, Hannah McHenry
Thunder Tunnel & Fast Jacks Lure Coursing
 Now in our 18th year, we are proud to once again present a trial for all earthdogs, which
includes the majority of the terrier breeds and Dachshunds.
 Once again we are happy to accept Purina Farms' gracious offer to host our trial. Enjoy the
facilities and please, remember to clean up after your dogs!
 We are pleased to welcome Barrie Wade from the UK as this year's Conformation Judge.
 This will be our seventeenth year organizing the Jack Russell Hurdle Racing for Purina’s
Incredible Dog Challenge. Placements from select races on Sunday will qualify terriers for the
IDC. See the IDC page for more details.
 We hope that all who attend will enjoy the events and companionship and leave with a little
more knowledge and appreciation of our canine friends.
 Because we feel strongly about the “working” part of our Memorial Day Bash, we have
structured our Working classes to include colored terriers. There is a Jack Russell Working
championship as well as a Colored Terrier and Dachshund Working Championship. The
Champion and Reserve of each of these classes will move on to the overall Working Terrier &
Dachshund Championship.
 You will find our trial format different than some, with an emphasis on the working terrier.
That notwithstanding, we do offer a variety of events for all, including allowing spayed and
neutered terriers in all classes.
 Pre-entries will be accepted for all classes and Post entries will be allowed for all events
except for racing and muskrat racing. Pre-entries are required for Friday and Sunday
Racing, Muskrat Racing, Let’s Play Poker game and Dutch Creek Challenge.
 No racing entries will be accepted after May 12 or during the trial (except to fill heats – please
do NOT rely on this, however!). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but
racing at our trial has become so large that this is the only way to accommodate all the
 We recognize all Jack Russells, colored earthworking terriers or Dachshunds who have
received their JRTCA Bronze Medallion, JRTCA Working Achievement Award or AWTA
Veteran Earthdog Award since June 2014. A ceremony/exhibition will be held immediately
before Saturday’s lunch break (approximately 12:00 pm).
 We ask that recipients of these awards since June 2014 email a brief description of what their
dog has accomplished to Dawn Weiss at briar1@frontiernet.net Please stick around before
lunch to hear about these wonderful working dogs! See class for details.
 Breakfast and lunch will be available at Purina Farms’ café next to the trial office on Saturday
& Sunday; the menu is located in the trial brochure.
 RV parking and hook-ups (water and electric) are always free at Purina Farms, however,
reservations cannot be taken; RV spots are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
 Make your motel reservations early. There are several events at Purina this weekend!
Keep up on the latest news and events!
Website: www.moearthdogs.org
Facebook: Missouri Earthdogs
Facebook Trial Page: MOE Memorial Day Bash Trials
Meet Barrie Wade
I purchased my first Jack Russell Terrier in 1965 at the age of 20 and have owned and worked
terriers continuously for the past 50 years. I keep a small mixed kennel of Jack Russell and
Patterdale Terriers.
During that time I have been fortunate enough to have legally worked my terriers to each of the
three main quarry species for which they were originally bred and was terrierman to the Border
Counties Mink Hounds for 18 seasons.
I judged my first working terrier show in 1973 and have judged numerous Hunt and Working Terrier
Club shows throughout the U.K. including its most prestigious shows:
The Great Yorkshire Show.
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain National Show (twice).
The Countryman’s Weekly Champion of Champions (twice).
The Fell & Moorland Champion of Champions.
I have also been privileged on numerous occasions to judge terriers overseas in North America,
Canada, Finland, Germany, Holland, South Africa, Sweden and the Republic of Ireland. This
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America National Show.
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada National Show.
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of South Africa National Show.
The Jack Russell Terrier Club of Sweden National Show (twice).
The Patterdale Terrier Club of America National Show.
I am totally committed to the preservation of the working terrier in all its various forms and for the
past 20 years have chaired the National Working Terrier Federation (N.W.T.F.), which is the lead
organisation for the defence of terrierwork in the U.K.
During that time it has been necessary to defend the working terrier from a wide variety of hostile
legislation. And despite the recent bans here in the U.K. on hunting with dogs and on tail docking, it
says much for the achievements of the N.W.T.F. that terrierwork and the working terrier were
exempted from both of these bans and are allowed to continue legally and within the Law.
I consider it a great privilege to have been invited to judge the Missouri Earthdogs Trial. It is a show
which I have always held in the highest regard. My perspective has always been that of a Working
Terrier Show, organised by working terrier people for working terriers and their owners, and I would
like to thank the Board for their very kind invitation.
Yours Respectfully – Barrie Wade
6:30pm……………………… Flat and hurdle racing under the lights (NO POST ENTRIES!)
7:00am……………………… Trial Office Open
8:00am-12:30pm…………… MOE Go-to-Ground
8:00am-2:30pm…………….. MOE Barn Hunt
8:30am……………………… Friday night racing awards
9:00am……………………… Conformation begins
9:00am-4:00pm…………….. Fast Jacks Lure Coursing (Saturday Only)
9:00am-3:00pm…………….. Thunder Tunnel
9:00am-4:00pm…………….. MOE RAFFLE HOURS
12:00pm-1:00pm……………. Lunch Break
12:00pm…………………….. JRTCA Bronze/Working Achievement/AWTA Ceremony (at Conformation ring)
12:30pm………..……………. Stakes Go-to-Ground & Barn Hunt entries close
1:00pm.................................. Child/Youth GTG Judging
1:30pm-4:00pm……….…….. Stakes Go-to-Ground (Ends Promptly at 4:00)
3:00pm-4:30pm……………... Stakes Barn Hunt
Challenge Tunnel
5:00pm.................................. Deadline for Reporting Poker Hand & Dutch Creek Challenge to Bonita
5:00pm-6:30pm……………... Awards, Raffle, Poker & Dutch Creek Challenge winners announced
7:00pm………………………. Muskrat Racing in the Purina pool (NO POST ENTRIES)
7:00am………………………. Trial Office Opens
8:00am……………………..... Racing (NO POST ENTRIES!)
after racing - 3:00pm…………Thunder Tunnel
On Sunday (only) Stakes Racing will be held immediately following Adult and Veteran Racing
Sunday Racing awards will be presented following Stakes Racing – but only after the race track has been
torn down.
Veterinarian on Call:
Pacific Animal Hospital
Dr. Jones, Dr. Hezel, Dr. Bouse
450 Flier Dr.
Pacific, MO 63069
Call Ahead
1. Classes are for Jack Russell Terriers, Parson Russell Terriers, colored earthworking terriers & Dachshunds only;
except Lure coursing and Barn Hunt, which are open to other breeds.
2. Parson Russells may enter Jack Russell classes.
3. Colored terriers and Dachshunds may only enter designated classes.
4. All classes are open to intact and spayed/neutered terriers.
5. Jack Russell or Parson Russell entries must be within the 10-15” JRTCA height standard (with the exception of
pups who have not yet reached 10” in height). Adults under 10" may be in Shorties classes. Measuring devices
will be available on the grounds.
6. Puppies are eligible to compete only if they have reached their four month birthday (not 16 weeks) by the date of
the trial.
7. Bitches in season may not compete in any division and should not be brought to the trial site. Refunds will be
provided with veterinarian documentation.
8. Puppies under the age of three months are not allowed on the trial site.
9. No puppy sales allowed on trial site. NO EXCEPTIONS! Anyone violating this rule will be excused from all
classes, with no refunds, and asked to leave the trial site.
10. Once judging has begun, requests for measurement of a terrier being shown in any class may only be made by
another exhibitor in that class or by the judge. Each judge-Conformation, Go To Ground, and Racing- has the
discretion to measure a dog. If, for example, Conformation measures the dog as Over on Saturday, it’s Over for all
Conformation classes but it can be measured for Racing by the Racing judge or Go To Ground by the Head Go To
Ground judge, and be Under for their respective competitions. Requests made by spectators will not be honored.
11. Excessive use of baiting devices by exhibitors is prohibited in the conformation ring and may result in the terrier
being excused. "Excessive use" will be at the judge's discretion.
12. Entries in the Working division of conformation MUST provide the appropriate paperwork with pre-entries or have it
available for ring steward. If appropriate paperwork is not provided, the dog will be bumped to Open. No refunds
will be given.
13. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Anyone demonstrating such behavior will be asked to leave the trial
site and no refunds will be given. “Unsportsmanlike” will be at the discretion of the trial committee/chairperson.
14. Overly aggressive dogs, or an owner’s failure to control his/her dog, may result in disqualification at the discretion
of the judges and/or trial committee/chairperson. Please remember that Purina Farms is a public place!
15. Unclaimed ribbons will be available at the Trial office until the close of the trial on Sunday. No ribbons will be
16. Please be understanding! Trial staff, volunteers, and winners of Raffle Butt Passes, will be bumped up in line at
some events.
17. The judges’ decisions are final!
18. And… remember to have fun! In the words of Nick Stevens, English terrierman, “They’re just li’l dogs!”.
RACING RULES (See Muskrat Racing division for their rules)
1. All entries must be muzzled. Only softy or basket muzzles are allowed. No figure eights or mikki muzzles.
2. Any earthdog entering the catch area without a secured muzzle will be disqualified from that race.
3. Exhibitors must have entries ready to race, be aware of their classes, and be ready when called.
4. Heats will be run as listed on heat sheets. No refunds or reruns for missed heats/classes.
5. Once entries are loaded into the starting box, all handlers must proceed to the finish line to be ready to receive their
6. In a hurdle race, any entry going around the jumps will be disqualified from that race.
7. Races will be rerun only if the lure is caught or in the case of fighting, but in all cases, at the discretion of the judge.
8. Entries engaging in fighting will be disqualified from racing for the remainder of the day (including Stakes racing).
No refunds will be given.
9. Entries must cross the finish line completely; the finish line is the back of the barrier. First to the hole is not
necessarily first through the hole.
10. Racing champions are determined by run-offs of the first place terriers in appropriate age and height classes.
11. Entries must complete in flats and hurdles to be eligible to compete in their Championship race.
12. Colored terriers & Dachshunds may only enter colored terrier/Dachshund racing classes. Parson Russells may
enter Jack Russell classes.
13. See General Rule #10 regarding a size protest. Measurements must be requested and completed 30 minutes prior
to the start of racing.
14. Jack Russells /Parson Russells over 6 years of age may race in either Veteran or Adult classes, but not both.
Jack Russells/Parson Russells over 9 years of age may race in either Senior, Veteran or Adult classes; but no
combination thereof.
15. No racing entry may exceed 15”
16. The judges’ decisions are final!
MOE Russell Rescue Raffle
100% of the Proceeds are donated to Rescue Organizations!!
Please Consider Donating a Basket!
Donors will Receive 10 Raffle Tickets!!
Raffle Tickets: $1/1 ticket, $5/6 tickets, $20/25 tickets
$5/ticket Table - Select Raffle Items
Please bring items to the raffle tent on Saturday morning (no food items)
or contact Jean Murawski at (314)605-3001
Vendors Welcome!
Please contact Bonita Knickmeyer (314)578-9688 or
bknickmeyer@gmail.com for more information
Vendors are asked to donate one item to our raffle
Canine Portrait Artist
Bring your favorite photo of your canine friend to have an original charcoal drawing
done by Teresa Robinson. You can see her work on our FB page.
Cost is $45 for an 11x14 – great price for original artwork!
**Pre-Entry Only**
See Division 10, Class 201 for Game Description and Rules
Dutch Creek Challenge
**Pre-Entry Only**
The best scores in four performance activities will determine if your dog has what it takes to
be the winner of this perpetual trophy. Terrier/Dachshund with the lowest score is the
Barn Hunt, GTG (Open or Champion), Lure Coursing and Thunder Tunnel.
No entry fee!!
See Division 11, Class 202 for Game Description and Rules
Division 1: Friday Night Racing
We are looking for volunteers to catch during racing. Thank you in advance!
A Special Thanks to Mike Hayes for the Friday Night Lights
Section A: Flat Racing
Class 1: Flat Racing - Puppies, 4-6 months
Class 2: Flat Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 3: Flat Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 4: Flat Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 5: Flat Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 6: Flat Racing - Dachshunds, 1 year and older
Class 7: Flat Racing - Shorties, Any Terrier Breed under 10"
Class 8: Flat Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 9: Flat Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 10: Flat Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 11: Flat Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 12: Flat Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 13: Flat Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 14: Flat Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 15: Flat Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 16: Flat Racing - Colored Terriers, 1 year and older
Section B: Hurdles Racing
8” Hurdles
Class 17: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 4-6 months
Class 18: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 19: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 20: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 21: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 22: Hurdles Racing - Dachshunds, 1 year and older
Class 23: Hurdles Racing - Shorties, Any Terrier Breed under 10"
Class 24: Hurdles Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 25: Hurdles Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
12” Hurdles
Class 26: Hurdles Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 27: Hurdles Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 28: Hurdles Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 29: Hurdles Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 30: Hurdles Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 31: Hurdles Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 32: Hurdles Racing - Colored Terriers, 1 year and older
Section C: Racing Championships (no entry fees)
Class 33: UP TO 12 1/2" PUPPY RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 2, 4, 18, 20)
Class 34: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" PUPPY RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 3, 5, 19, 21)
Class 35: DACHSHUNDS RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 6 and 22)
Class 36: SHORTIES, TERRIERS UNDER 10" RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1st place winners of classes 7 and 23)
Class 37: 10" TO 12 1/2" VETERAN RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 8, 14, 24, 30)
Class 38: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" VETERAN RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 9, 15, 25, 31)
Class 39: 10" TO 12 1/2" ADULT RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 10, 12, 26, 28)
Class 40: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" ADULT RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 11, 13, 27, 29)
Class 41: COLORED TERRIER RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 16 and 32)
Champion, Reserve & Conformation Perpetual Trophy Plaques by:
Collinsville Sports Store
2211 Vandalia, Collinsville IL 62234
618-345-5588 * 618-345-5612
Working Recognition Ceremony Chair backs embroidered by:
Compustitch Embroidery
1010 Laurel St, Highland IL 62249
A Special Thanks to Charlene Schlueter and her sewing talent in putting together the
chair backs for the Working Recognition Ceremony
A Special Thanks to Bonita Knickmeyer for making the tie out cables for the
Working Recognition Ceremony
Division 2: Conformation
Classes open to Jack Russells and Parson Russells only, except for Sections E, F, G, H and I.
Classes with 8 or more entries may be split by coat at judge’s discretion.
Note: No cross entering between Adult and Veteran classes.
Section A: Youth
Class 42: Child Handler Conformation Open to any child 5 to 9 years of age. Judged on child’s knowledge of the
Jack Russell and ability to present his/her dog. Quality of dog NOT to be considered. To be eligible for Child Handler
High Point, entries must also enter class 106, Child Handler Go-to-Ground. Judging begins at 1:00pm.
Class 43: Youth Handler Conformation Open to any youth 10 to 17 years of age. Judged on youth’s knowledge of
the Jack Russell and ability to present his/her dog. Quality of dog NOT to be considered. To be eligible for Youth
Handler High Point, entries must also enter class 107, Youth Handler Go-to-Ground. Judging begins at 1:00pm.
Section B: 4-6 month Puppy Conformation
Class 44: Dog Pups, 4- 6 months
Class 45: Bitch Pups, 4-6 months
Class 46: Best 4-6 month Puppy & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 44 & 45.
No entry fee.
Section C: 6-12 month Puppy Conformation
Class 47: Dog Pups, 6-9 months
Sponsored by Jack N Around Jacks, Sarah Williams
Class 48: Dog Pups, 9-12 months
Class 49: Best Dog Puppy & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 47 & 48. No entry fee.
Best Jack Russell Terrier Dog Puppy perpetual trophy
Sponsored by Friends of Missouri Earthdogs
Class 50: Bitch Pups, 6-9 months
Sponsored by Jack N Around Jacks, Sarah Williams
Class 51: Bitch Pups, 9-12 months
Class 52: Best Bitch Puppy & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 50 & 51. No entry fee.
Best Jack Russell Terrier Bitch Puppy perpetual trophy
Sponsored by Bill & Charlotte Fowler, Buck Creek Jrts
Class 53: Puppy Conformation Champion & Reserve Open to 1 & 2
No entry fee.
place winners from classes 49 & 52.
Jack Russell Terrier Puppy Champion perpetual trophy
Class and trophy sponsored by Eric & Gwen Dunn, Hereford Hills Farm JRTs
Section D: Working Jack Russell Terrier Conformation
Open to any Jack Russell holding a JRTCA Natural Hunting Certificate, an AWTA Working Certificate, a UKC working
certificate or a valid working certificate from any working program. A copy of the certificate MUST be submitted with
pre-entries or available for ring steward. If appropriate paperwork is not submitted, the dog will be bumped to Open.
No refunds will be given.
Note: No cross entering into Open division or within Working division.
Working Terrier Conformation Division Sponsored by
Susie & Steve Parsons, In Honor of Thistle, Shubie, Sidney, Tatty, Smudge, and Nugget
Reynard’s Bluff Working Terriers, John & Carol Sue Ransom
and by
Janon Frei, for her work on the Fleece Bed Entry Prizes, In Memory of Briar Run Rue
Class 54: Working Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12.5”
Class 55: Working Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12.5" to 15”
Sponsored by Char Smith, Thornbush Working Terriers
Class 56: Veteran Working Dogs, 6 years and older
Sponsored by Rhonda Rebhorn, Hedgerow Jack Russells
Class 57: Working Bred By Exhibitor Dogs
Class 58: Best Working Dog & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 54, 55, 56, & 57. No entry fee.
Best Working Jack Russell Terrier Dog perpetual trophy
In Memory of Stuart Frost
Class and trophy Sponsored by Rick & Janet Helms
Class 59: Working Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12.5”
Class 60: Working Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12.5" to 15”
Sponsored by Bonita Knickmeyer, In Honor of Dutch Creek Classy and Dutch Creek Nya
Class 61: Veteran Working Bitches, 6 years and older
Class 62: Working Bred By Exhibitor Bitches
Class 63: Best Working Bitch & Reserve Open to 1 & 2
No entry fee.
place winners from classes 59, 60, 61, & 62.
Best Working Jack Russell Terrier Bitch perpetual trophy
In Memory of Stuart Frost
Class and trophy sponsored by Charlene Schlueter, Hunter’s Moon Working Jack Russells
Class 64: Working Jack Russell Terrier Champion & Reserve Open to 1 & 2
No entry fee.
place winners from classes 58 & 63.
Jack Russell Terrier Working Champion perpetual trophy
In Honor of Briar Run Addytude and All Working Terriers, Past – Present – Future
Class and trophy sponsored by Tim & Dawn Weiss, Briar Run Working Terriers
Section E: Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Conformation
Open to any colored terrier or Dachshund holding an AWTA Working Certificate, PTCA certificate or any other valid
working certificate from any working program. A copy of the certificate MUST be submitted with pre-entries or available
for ring steward. If appropriate paperwork is not submitted, the dog will be bumped to Open. No refunds will be given.
Note: No cross entering into Open division or within Working division.
Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Conformation
Sponsored by Aurora Rubel / Wild Remain Farm
Class 65: Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Dogs
Sponsored by Allan & Dona Halfar for our boys Dylan & Merlin and all colored terrier competitors
Class 66: Veteran Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Dogs
Class 67: Best Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Dog & Reserve Open to 1st & 2nd place
winners from classes 65 & 66. No entry fee.
Class 68: Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Bitches
Class 69: Veteran Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Bitches
Class 70: Best Working Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Bitch & Reserve Open to 1st & 2nd place
winners from classes 68 & 69. No entry fee.
Class 71: Working Colored Earthworking Terrier//Dachshund Champion & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place
winners from classes 67 & 70. No entry fee.
Colored Terrier Working Champion perpetual trophy
Class and trophy Sponsored by Stephanie Poppe & Lynne McPherson
Section F: Working Champion of Champions
Class 72: Missouri Earthdogs Working Champion of Champions
Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 64 & 71. No entry fee
Working Terrier Champion of Champions perpetual trophy
Sponsored by Mike Hayes and Charlene Schlueter in Memory of Wild Remain Tizer
Section G: Working Recognition Ceremony for JRTCA Bronze Medallion, Lifetime Working
Achievement and AWTA Veteran Earthdog Award of Merit in the Field
This class is intended as an exhibition of terriers that have earned the JRTCA Bronze Medallion for Special Merit in the
Field, the JRTCA Lifetime Working Achievement or an AWTA Veteran Earthdog Award since June 2014 and
Dachshunds who have earned their AWTA Veteran Earthdog Award. Please be prepared to briefly discuss the quarry
your terrier or Dachshund has worked and its overall ability as a working dog. To be held before lunch on Saturday, at
approximately 12:00pm. Past participants are welcome to join in the parade and the Conformation Ring!
Class 73: JRTCA Bronze Medallion/JRTCA Lifetime Working Achievement/AWTA Veteran Earthdog March
No entry fee.
Working Recognition Ceremony Sponsors
Cuba Veterinary Clinic
Cuba MO
Compustitch Embroidery
Janet Nicolaides Highland IL
Lorie Belvedere
Rebel Run JRTs (NJ)
Carrie LaCombe
Steadfast JRTs (IN)
Eric & Gwen Dunn
Hereford Hills Farm JRTs (MO)
Lyle & Janet Pfost
Hempstead TX
Yvonne Moore (KY)
Tarascon Working JRTs &
Silken Windhounds
In Honor of Corn Row Busy, Working Girl
Tim & Dawn Weiss (IL)
Briar Run Working Terriers
Honoring the Working Terrier,
Past, Present, Future
Ted Ely (IL)
To All Working Dogs Near & Far, Hunt Safe
Ted, Torch & Mac
Jill Goodman & Heath Ogburn (MD)
Muscle Russell & Silent Partner Working JRTs
In Memory of Muscle Russell Colbalt
Cindy Emmett & Jeannine Nichols
Bear Trace JRTs (MS)
Rhonda Rebhorn
Hedgerow Jack Russells (IN)
Bruce & Trish Frankenberg
Devon Working Terriers (WI)
Aurora Rubel
Wild Remain Farm (KY)
Gary Gasaway
From Gary & Moonie! (MS)
Charlene Schlueter
Hunter’s Moon Working Jrts (MO)
In Memory of Huntmoor Somerset
Rick & Janet Helms (MO)
In Memory of Bucky
Howard & Doreen Spires (NV)
From Howard, Doreen & Boomer!
Jodi Holley
Sandburs JRTs (WI)
Gary & Lynda Bula
Bula Farms (WI)
Brooks Kelley & Joe Shapiro
Brooks Chase Working JRTs (IN)
Brittany Yarbrough & Cross 7 Dude
Cordova TN
Bonita Knickmeyer
Dutch Creek Working JRTs (MO)
Pamela Victor & Cross 7 Diggin D
Olive Branch MS
Janel Vincent
Bona Venture Terriers (TX)
Section H: Miscellaneous Conformation Open to all Earthdogs.
Note: Cross entering between Working & Miscellaneous or between Open & Miscellaneous divisions IS
Class 74: Companion Earthdog Open to any earthdog breed. Judged on earthdog’s personality. Tricks (canine or
human) encouraged!
Companion Earthdog perpetual trophy Sponsored by Sheila Quinn
In Memory of Iden Rye Leinenkugel
“Forever in My Heart”
Class 75: Matched Pairs Open to any two earthworking terriers or dachshunds. Judged on conformation and
matching appearance. Terriers do not have to be owned by the same person or have to be related. One or
two handlers in the ring; Adults, puppies or combination thereof.
Class 76: Tool Box Open to handler with three adult earthworking terriers at side, one suitable to each quarry
(Groundhog, Red Fox, Raccoon/Badger) Placement based on the trio the Judge would choose to take
hunting in the field.
Section I: Suitability Judged on suitability to work quarry in United States and Jack Russell or colored terrier breed
Class 77: Suitability to Red Fox
Class 78: Suitability to Raccoon
Class 79: Suitability to Groundhog
Sponsored by Patti Pierce & Rick Behre In Memory of Harry and Leo
Section J: Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Conformation
Classes may be split by coat/breed at judge’s discretion. Height not to exceed 17”
Note: No cross entering into Working division.
Class 80: Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund 6-12 month Puppy, Dog
Class 81: Open Adult Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Dogs
Sponsored by Allan & Dona Halfar for our boys Dylan & Merlin and all colored terrier competitors
Class 82: Veteran Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Dogs
Class 83: Best Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Dog & Reserve Open to 1st & 2nd place winners
from Classes 80, 81 & 82. No entry fee.
Class 84: Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund 6-12 month Puppy, Bitch
Class 85: Open Adult Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Bitches
Class 86: Veteran Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Bitches
Class 87: Best Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Bitch & Reserve Open to 1st & 2nd place winners
from classes 84, 85 & 86. No entry fee.
Class 88: Open Colored Earthworking Terrier/Dachshund Champion & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners
from classes 83 & 87. No entry fee.
Open Colored Terrier Champion perpetual trophy
Sponsored by Friends of Missouri Earthdogs
Section K: Open Jack Russell Conformation Open to any Jack Russell, 1 year of age and older.
Note: No cross entering into Working division.
Class 89: Open Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12.5”
Class 90: Open Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12.5" to 15”
Class 91: Open Veteran Dog, 6 years and older
Class 92: Open Bred By Exhibitor Dogs
Class 93: Best Open Dog & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 89, 90, 91 & 92. No entry fee.
Best Open Jack Russell Terrier Dog perpetual trophy
In Honor of the Beasley Pack, Young, Old, Fast or Slow!
Class and trophy sponsored by Marilyn Beasley
Class 94: Open Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12.5"
Class 95: Open Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12.5" to 15”
Class 96: Open Veteran Bitches, 6 years and older
Class 97: Open Bred By Exhibitor Bitches
Class 98: Best Open Bitch & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 94, 95, 96, & 97. No entry fee.
Best Open Jack Russell Terrier Bitch perpetual trophy
In Memory of Meadowlake Cocoa of Briar Run
Sponsored by Jason & Elizabeth Weiss
Class 99: Open Jack Russell Champion & Reserve Open to 1 & 2 place winners from classes 93 & 98.
No entry fee.
Open Jack Russell Terrier Champion Perpetual
Sponsored by Bill & Charlotte Fowler, Buck Creek JRTs
Division 3: MOE Go To Ground
MOE Go-to-Ground Rules:
1. Schooling prior to the competition is not allowed. Any violation will result in disqualification of the terrier or
Dachshund in question from all GTG events at this trial.
2. A line - approximately 2ft. from the entrance - will be designated as the start. Time starts when terrier or
Dachshund is released. The dog must be released after signal of the judge with all four feet on the ground and
behind the line. Any violation - intentional or accidental - will result in disqualification.
3. After the dog has been released, the handler shall remain next to the entrance hole. Commands and
encouragement may be given.
4. Terriers and Dachshunds (puppy or adult) earning a score of 100% in the Open class may, upon payment of entry
fee, enter their Championship class.
5. Any adult terrier or Dachshund that advances from their Open to their Championship class cannot enter the Open
class at any future Missouri Earthdogs trial, regardless of performance in either class.
6. Completion of the Open course at this trial does not qualify a terrier/Dachshund for a JRTCA Trial Certificate or an
AWTA Certificate of Gameness, nor does it preclude a terrier/Dachshund from entering the Open class at a future
JRTCA or AWTA trial.
7. Maximum time on GTG course is 3 minutes per class.
Class 100: Pre-Novice Puppy GTG, 4-6 months Entry in pre-novice class does not affect the puppy’s eligibility to
enter the novice class after 6 months of age. (One minute to reach quarry; may leave and re-enter multiple
times; work quarry for 15 seconds.)
Section A: Novice GTG Open to terriers and Dachshunds 6 months of age and older who have NOT scored 100%
in this class at ANY previous trial, sanctioned or non-sanctioned. Competitors (puppy or adult) scoring 100% at this trial
may, upon payment of the entry fee, enter the Open class at this trial. (One minute to reach quarry; may leave earth
and re-enter multiple times; work quarry for 30 seconds.)
Class 101: Novice GTG - Jack Russell Puppy, 6-12 months
Class 102: Novice GTG - Colored Terrier Puppy, 6-12 months
Class 103: Novice GTG - Jack Russell Adult, 1 year and older
Class 104: Novice GTG - Colored Terrier Adult, 1 year and older
Sponsored by Miss Kitty and Junior In Memory of Don Griggs
Sponsored by Allan & Dona Halfar for our boys Dylan & Merlin and all colored terrier competitors
Class 105: Novice GTG – Shorties, ANY BREED under 10”
Section B: Child/Youth GTG Child Handler GTG is open to any child 5 to 9 years of age. Youth Handler GTG is
open to any youth 10 to 17 years of age. Judged on child/youth’s ability to present his/her dog and knowledge of go-toground. To be run through a Novice tunnel; time not to be considered. To be judged as a group at 12:30 pm. If the
terrier is entered in regular GTG, that entry must be completed prior to the child/youth GTG or be disqualified.
Class 106: Child Handler GTG
Class 107: Youth Handler GTG
Section C: Open GTG Open to terriers and Dachshunds 6 months of age and older who have scored 100% in the
Novice class at ANY previous trial, sanctioned or non-sanctioned. Not open to terriers or Dachshunds (puppy or adult)
who have previously ribboned in this class at ANY previous trial, sanctioned or non-sanctioned. Competitors (puppy or
adult) scoring 100% at this trial may, upon payment of entry fee, enter the Championship class at this trial. Adults have
30 seconds to reach quarry; may leave and re-enter once; work quarry for one minute. Puppies may leave and re-enter
multiple times, work quarry for one minute.
Class 108: Open GTG - Jack Russell Puppy, 6-12 months
Sponsored by Karen McAlister In Honor of Ransom Lil’ Cricket
Sponsored by Jack N Around Jacks, Sarah Williams
Class 109: Open GTG - Jack Russell Adult, 1 year and older
Class 110: Open GTG - Colored Terrier Puppy, 6-12 months
Class 111: Open GTG - Colored Terrier Adult, 1 year and older
Sponsored by Allan & Dona Halfar for our boys Dylan & Merlin and all colored terrier competitors
Class 112: Open GTG - Shorties, ANY BREED under 10”
Section D: Championship GTG Open to terriers and dachshunds 6 months of age and older who have scored
100% in the Open class at ANY previous trial, sanctioned or non-sanctioned. 1 and 2 place winners in each class
will be Champion and Reserve. Puppies: 30 seconds to reach quarry; may leave and re-enter once; work quarry for
one minute. Adults/Veterans: 30 seconds to reach quarry; may not leave the earth; work quarry for one minute.
Note: No cross entering between adult and veteran classes.
Championship GTG sponsored by Tom & Jean Murawski
Missing and Remembering Our Boy Lucky
Class 113: Championship GTG - Jack Russell Puppy, 6-12 months
Class 114: Championship GTG - Jack Russell Adult, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 115: Championship GTG - Jack Russell Adult, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2 to 15"
Sponsored by John & Nicki Ohlheiser
Class 116: Championship GTG - Jack Russell Veteran, 6 years and older
Class 117: Championship GTG - Jack Russell Senior, 9 years and older
Class 118: Championship GTG - Colored Terrier Puppy, 6-12 months
Class 119: Championship GTG - Colored Terrier Adult, 1 year and older
Sponsored by Allan & Dona Halfar for our boys Dylan & Merlin and all colored terrier competitors
Class 120: Championship GTG - Shorties, ANY BREED under 10”
Section E: MOE Stakes Go-to-Ground
Don’t forget to enter before 12:30 pm Saturday!
MOE Stakes Go-to-Ground Rules:
1. Earthdog has 3 minutes to reach quarry. If earthdog is inside the tunnel when 3 minutes expire, earthdog will have
1 minute more to complete course. When earthdog exits tunnel after 3 minutes, time expires.
2. Earthdog may exit and re-enter tunnels until time has expired or quarry has been reached.
3. Earthdog may not leave once quarry has been engaged.
4. Earthdog must work quarry for 30 seconds.
5. When earthdog is released, for the first 30 seconds the handler must stay behind starting line and may give only
one command; after 30 seconds, handler may enter course and give earthdog instruction (without touching course
or earthdog). Touching the earthdog or any part of the course, unless instructed to do so by judge/steward, will
result in disqualification. Handler must remain still and quiet whenever earthdog is inside the tunnel.
6. Please complete all entries prior to stated closing time. There will be no refunds for missed entries.
Class 121: Stakes Go To Ground Open to Terriers & Dachshunds 1 year of age and older. Entry Fee: $20.
100% of total entry fee will be divided as follows: 1 (29%), 2 (24%), 3 (19%), 4 (14%), 5 (9%), 6 (5%).
Stakes Go To Ground Perpetual Trophy
Class and trophy Sponsored by Joy & David Krietemeyer, Rock Chalk Terriers
in Memory of Rock Chalk Opus One
Division 4: Wet and Wild Muskrat Racing (Saturday night under the lights)
It’s wild, it’s wet, it’s Saturday Night Lights At Purina! The pool is 18 X 50, heated, filtered, with an exit ramp at one end.
This is a newer competition area at Purina which also includes permanent seating, an astro turf field and lights!
Muskrat Racing Rules:
1. All entries must be able to swim
2. Classes are open to adult earthdog terriers only.
3. Entries must be muzzled. Only basket muzzles are allowed.
4. Exhibitors must have entries ready to race, be aware of their classes, and be ready when called.
5. Heats will be run as listed on heat sheets. No refunds or reruns for missed heats/classes.
6. Once entries are loaded into the starting box, all handlers must proceed to the finish line to be ready to receive their
7. This is a timed event. The winner of each height division will be the terrier who swims under the finish line of the
pool in the fastest time without being disqualified.
8. Races being re-run will be at the discretion of the judge.
9. Terriers engaged in fighting will be disqualified from racing for the rest of the evening.
10. Any dog entering the pool before their race will be disqualified.
11. Entries must cross the finish line completely. How they get out of the pool after that is up to them.
12. Two dogs will race at a time
13. The doggie lifeguards may assist terriers in the water as needed. Lifeguards will prevent terriers from exiting the
pool at the sides.
14. Owners are responsible for supplying towels for their entries.
15. Please be sure to list your class entries on the racing entry form.
16. No Post Entries
16. Heat Sheets will be posted, please be ready with your dog
18. No substitutes for scratched dogs
19. Use of the Purina pool other than during Muskrat Racing is strictly prohibited. No practicing allowed in pool.
It is the responsibility of each owner to alert the doggie life guards when and if to fetch their dog!
Class 122: Muskrat Racing - Terriers, 10" to 12½”
Sponsored by John & Nicki Ohlheiser
Class 123: Muskrat Racing - Terriers, over 12 ½" to 15”
Muskrat Racing sponsored by Susan Smith
for Her Work on the Fleece Bed Entry Prizes
A Special Thanks to Bettina Woolbright
for Making the Muskrat Racing Championship Trophies
Reserve Championship Muskrat Racing Prizes
Sponsored by Bonita Knickmeyer
Division 5: Sunday Racing (NO POST ENTRIES!)
Note: No cross entering between Adult, Veteran, and Senior classes.
Section A: Flat Racing
Class 124: Flat Racing - Puppies, 4-6 months
Class 125: Flat Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 126: Flat Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 127: Flat Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 128: Flat Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 129: Flat Racing - Dachshunds, 1 year and older
Class 130: Flat Racing - Shorties, Any Terrier Breed under 10"
Class 131: Flat Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 132: Flat Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 133: Flat Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 134: Flat Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 135: Flat Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 136: Flat Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 137: Flat Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 138: Flat Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 139: Flat Racing - Colored Terriers, 1 year and older
Section B: Hurdles Racing
8” Hurdles
Class 140: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 4-6 months
Class 141: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 142: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 6-9 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 143: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, up to 12 1/2"
Class 144: Hurdles Racing - Puppies, 9-12 months, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 145: Hurdles Racing - Dachshunds, 1 year and older
Class 146: Hurdles Racing - Shorties, Any Terrier Breed under 10"
Class 147: Hurdles Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 148: Hurdles Racing - Senior Veterans, 9 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
12” Hurdles
Class 149: Hurdles Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 150: Hurdles Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 151: Hurdles Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 152: Hurdles Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 153: Hurdles Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 154: Hurdles Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 155: Hurdles Racing - Colored Terriers, 1 year and older
Section C: Racing Championships (no entry fees)
Class 156: UP TO 12 1/2" PUPPY RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 125, 127, 141, 143)
Class 157: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" PUPPY RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 126, 128, 142, 144)
Class 158: DACHSHUNDS RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 129, 145)
Class 159: SHORTIES, TERRIERS UNDER 10" RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 130, 146)
Class 160: 10" TO 12 1/2" SENIOR VETERANS RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 131, 147)
Class 161: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" SENIOR VETERANS RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes
132, 148)
Class 162: 10" TO 12 1/2" VETERAN RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 137, 153)
Class 163: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" VETERAN RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 138, 154)
Class 164: 10" TO 12 1/2" ADULT RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 133, 135, 149, 151)
Class 165: OVER 12 1/2" TO 15" ADULT RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 134, 136, 150, 152)
12.5 – 15” Adult Racing Champion to be awarded
Prestige Farms Oliver Heart of a Champion
Perpetual trophy, sponsored by Jennifer & Steve Geroux
Class 166: COLORED TERRIER RACING CHAMPIONSHIP (1 place winners of classes 139, 155)
Section D: Stakes Racing over 12” hurdles Open to any terrier, Colored or Jack Russell, may not exceed 15”
Class 167: Stakes Racing - Terrier Adults, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
100% of total entries will be divided as follows: 1 (29%) 2 (24%) 3 (19%) 4 (14%) 5 (9%) 6 (5%)
Entry fee: $20
Class 168: Stakes Racing - Terrier Adults, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
100% of total entries will be divided as follows: 1 (29%) 2 (24%) 3 (19%) 4 (14%) 5 (9%) 6 (5%)
Entry fee: $20
Division 6: Barn Hunt In a simulated barn environment, can your dog find the hidden quarry in the fastest time?
Only his nose knows for sure! Dogs of any breed under 17” at the shoulder are welcome to participate. Time begins
when judge asks for dog to be released. One verbal command can be given at release; no other commands can be
given until 30 seconds have passed. Judge will inform handler once the 30 seconds has been reached. Handler can
follow terrier throughout the Barn Hunt area but cannot touch any of the props nor touch the dog. Once handler feels
that the dog has found the location of the quarry they must call time. If location is correct then they will receive the time
as displayed on the stop watch. If location is not correct then the dog is disqualified. Once the maximum time limit has
been reached the judge will inform the handler that time has expired and dog is disqualified for that attempt. 2 minutes
maximum time per dog. May be entered Multiple Times.
1 &2
place winners in each class will be Champion & Reserve.
Judges Choice Award: Just like it says, chosen by the judge based on his pick of the day.
Barn Hunt sponsored by Patti Pierce & Rick Behre
In Honor of Huntmoor Finn and Dutch Creek Haley
Class 169: Barn Hunt - Puppies, 4-12 months
Class 170: Barn Hunt - Adult Terriers, 1 year and older
“Ratting” Perpetual Trophy
Donated by Char Smith
Class 171: Barn Hunt - Veteran Terriers, 6 year and older
Class 172: Barn Hunt - Non-Terriers
Don’t forget to enter before 12:30 pm Saturday!
Same barn environment, 2 minute time limit and more obstacles!
Division 7: Stakes Barn Hunt
Class 173: Stakes Barn Hunt - Puppies, 4-12 months
100% of total entries will be divided as follows: 1st (29%), 2nd (24%), 3rd (19%), 4th (14%), 5th (9%), 6th (5%).
Entry Fee: $20
Class 174: Stakes Barn Hunt - Adults, 1 year and older
100% of total entries will be divided as follows: 1st (29%), 2nd (24%), 3rd (19%), 4th (14%), 5th (9%), 6th (5%).
Entry Fee: $20
Division 8: Fast Jacks Lure Coursing
Description: A one-on-one run around an oval track against the lure, timed electronically. Two runs for $12.00. Your dog
can do it!!! No experience necessary! To be held Saturday, with ribbons awarded (1 through 6 place).
May be entered multiple times.
Saturday Only
Class 175: Lure Coursing - Terrier Puppies, 6-12 months
Class 176: Lure Coursing - Colored Terrier Adult, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 177: Lure Coursing - Colored Terrier Adult, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 178: Lure Coursing - Jack Russell Adult, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 179: Lure Coursing - Jack Russell Adult, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 180: Lure Coursing - Jack Russell Shorty, under 10"
Class 181: Lure Coursing - Terrier Veteran, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 182: Lure Coursing - Terrier Veteran, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 183: Lure Coursing - Terrier Senior, 9 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 184: Lure Coursing - Terrier Senior, 9 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 185: Lure Coursing - Non-Terrier Adult, small
Class 186: Lure Coursing - Non-Terrier Adult, medium
Class 187: Lure Coursing - Non-Terrier Adult, large
Division 9: Thunder Tunnel
An above ground, multi-level Go-To-Ground with a view! Can your dog navigate up, over and through, in the fastest
time? Two runs for $12, fastest time recorded. To be held Saturday and Sunday, with ribbons awarded (1 through 6
place) both days.
May be entered multiple times.
Class 188: Thunder Tunnel - Terrier Puppies, 6-12 months
Class 189: Thunder Tunnel - Adult Terrier, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 190: Thunder Tunnel - Adult Terrier, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 191: Thunder Tunnel - Veteran Terrier, 6 years and older
Class 192: Thunder Tunnel - Senior Terrier, 9 years and older
Class 193: Thunder Tunnel - Non-Terriers
Class 194: Challenge Tunnel (Saturday Only) From 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, there will be a special Challenge Tunnel
event. Passage through the tunnel will be more difficult and the dog will have to find its own way, without
handler coaching. The event will be timed and there will be Champion and Reserve awards for the two
fastest times. One run per dog.
Class 195: Thunder Tunnel - Terrier Puppies, 6-12 months
Class 196: Thunder Tunnel - Adult Terrier, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 197: Thunder Tunnel - Adult Terrier, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 198: Thunder Tunnel - Veteran Terrier, 6 years and older
Class 199: Thunder Tunnel - Senior Terrier, 9 years and older
Class 200: Thunder Tunnel - Non-Terriers
Division 10: Let’s Play Poker! The cost for this event is $10 per dog. Pre-entry ONLY
You can enter as many dogs as you like. Each dog will have their own poker hand
Participating dogs will receive a playing card for each class in which they are entered, including Sunday classes.
You need at least 2 cards per dog. NOT TO EXCEED 5 PLAYING CARDS PER DOG!
If you enter multiple dogs you cannot combine cards to improve your poker hand. Each card will be marked with the
name of the dog that entered on that card.
Cards will be issued for paid classes only. You will not get additional cards if your dog is moved to a championship
If your dog is not entered in five classes and you would like to get additional cards you can pay for additional runs at
one of the non-sanctioned events to receive another card (Thunder Tunnel, Lure Coursing, and Barn Hunt ) or you can
play fewer than 5 cards.
Cards will be issued at a central location.
To play you must enter a dog in the class listed below for this event.
At the end of the day Saturday, we will have a winner, after ribbons are handed out. Players must report their poker
hand to Bonita before 5:00pm. 50% of all the proceeds will go to MOE and the other 50% will go to the winners: 70%
to a “Champion” and 30% to a “Reserve Champion”.
Class 201: Let’s Play Poker
Open to any dog.
Entry Fee: $10
Division 11: Dutch Creek Challenge No entry fee. Pre-entry ONLY
The best scores in four performance events will determine if your dog has what it takes to be the winner of
this challenge! Terrier/Dachshund with the lowest score is the winner! Remember you may run Thunder
Tunnel, Lure Coursing and Barn Hunt numerous times to improve your score!
Barn Hunt, GTG (Open or Champion), Lure Coursing and Thunder Tunnel
If your terrier does not compete/finish an event, a penalty will be assigned as follows:
Barn Hunt = 180 seconds
Lure Coursing = 30 seconds
Thunder Tunnel = 30 seconds
GTG = 30 seconds
Pre-entry required. A score sheet will be included with your registration packet.
Class 202: Dutch Creek Challenge
Open to any dog.
No Entry Fee
Dutch Creek Challenge Perpetual Trophy
Honoring the Versatile Terrier
Sponsored by Bonita Knickmeyer
Get your Missouri Earthdogs 2015 Trial T-shirt featuring original
artwork by Bonita Knickmeyer!!
Pre-Orders encouraged for the color & size you like!
Sizes available Small – 4X
Price: $15 (Small – XL) & $18 (2X – 4X)
Missouri Earthdogs
Memorial Day Bash
T-shirts feature Terrier Head on Front and
Terrier Butt on Back!!
Many thanks to Sarah Williams for doing an incredible job on our
Submit orders to tracymoearthdogs@gmail.com
2015 Purina
Incredible Dog Challenge
The winners of the following Sunday racing classes will qualify.
Class 133: Flat Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 134: Flat Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 135: Flat Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 136: Flat Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 137: Flat Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 138: Flat Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 149: Hurdles Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 150: Hurdles Racing - Dogs, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 151: Hurdles Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 152: Hurdles Racing - Bitches, 1 year and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
Class 153: Hurdles Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, 10" to 12 1/2"
Class 154: Hurdles Racing - Veterans, 6 years and older, over 12 1/2" to 15"
In the event the same terrier wins flats and hurdles, the next-placed terrier will be invited.
In addition to the above classes, classes with the biggest entries will each qualify any additional
terrier. This will be determined at the trial.
The Finals for the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge will take place on September 25 & 26, 2015 at Purina
Farms. Two regional teams (East and West) and the 2014 winner will come together and compete against
each other. At press time for our trial brochure, the number of dogs competing in the finals had not been
determined by Nestle-Purina. Therefore, we cannot say at this time how many of our MOE terriers will be
allowed into the PIDC. That determination should be known by the time of our trial in May. At this time, the
12 terriers from the qualifying classes and one alternate will be racing in St. Louis at the Purina Incredible
Dog Challenge.
Scout, owned by Mary Daly, is the returning champion!
Please remember this is strictly an entertainment event.
In order to race in St. Louis, you must:
1. Be a current member of Missouri Earthdogs
2. Be able to be in St. Louis on Saturday, September 26, 2015
If you own a qualifying terrier but cannot attend or cannot send your terrier to St. Louis with someone else,
the spot will be filled by a club volunteer or the next qualifying terrier in the trial class. All qualifying dogs will
be notified by mail following the trial. You have until July 1, 2015 to notify us as to whether you can be in St.
Louis for the Finals.
Welcome to Purina Farms!
Owned and Operated by Nestle-Ralston Purina Pet Products
Purina Farms, which features a Purina Event Center and a Visitor’s Center along with several Outdoor Canine
Competition Venues, is an all-inclusive destination for animal lovers and dog enthusiasts of all ages. Competitive
shows and trials as well as fun and educational family-friendly activities and exhibits reinforce the many ways that
animals enrich our lives. Purina Farms hosts over 60 canine events each year. These events include All Breed Shows,
National Specialties, Dog Agility Trials, Schutzhund, Lure Coursing, Whippet Racing, Obedience, Flyball, Temperament
tests and Herding competitions.
So that the grounds can be maintained for all to enjoy we ask your cooperation in the following policies:
 Parking is permitted on black top and gravel lots. During large events, grassy areas may be authorized for parking
and will be either marked or someone from the host club will direct you to the authorized area.
 No RV parking on the same level as the Registration/Vendor/Raffle tents.
 Canopies and tenting are permitted on and around parking areas outside the fenced-in show field. Canopies can also
be set up on gravel areas inside the fenced-in show field. During large events, we ask that you only use the amount
of space you require. Please, no tenting on the show fields.
 Crating is allowed ringside 15 minutes prior and 15 minutes after the scheduled class in which you and your dog are
competing. Exercise pens are allowed on all parking areas. Grassy areas outside the fenced-in show field can also
be used.
 Waste containers are placed throughout the grounds. White barrels are for paper trash, brown barrels are for pet
waste. Complimentary plastic gloves are provided for your convenience at these locations. There are also
designated relief areas set up for you to use.
 Please follow all directions on posted signs.
 The show field is all grassy areas inside the green fence.
Your cooperation is appreciated!
Purina Farms and Missouri Earthdogs:
Home of the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Finals featuring Jack Russell Hurdle Racing
Site of A & E’s “The Competition: Jack Russell Terrier Trial” featuring Missouri Earthdogs
2015 Trial Committee
Bonita Knickmeyer
Charlene Schlueter
Dawn Weiss
Mike Hayes
Jerry Waelterman
Jean Murawski
Tracy Flora
Trial Chairperson, Muskrat Racing Chairperson
Conformation, Bronze/AWTA/JRTCA Co-Chairperson
Conformation, Bronze/AWTA/JRTCA Co-Chairperson
Go-to-Ground Chairperson
Lure Operator, Equipment & PA System
Trial Secretary, Trial Office
2014 Missouri Earthdogs Board of Directors
Bonita Knickmeyer
Jerry Waelterman
Tom Murawski
Jennifer Hoffman
Tracy Flora
NADAC at Purina
Our trial will coincide with the NADAC (North American Dog Agility Council) FUN Raiser scheduled
at Purina Farms on May 22, 23, 24 & 25, 2015. 7am – 5pm each day. For all entries and more
information on NADAC, please contact:
by e-mail: NADACSharon@aol.com
or visit: http://www.nadac.com under “NADAC FUN Raisers”
To take care of that hunger!
Breakfast and Lunch Items at Purina Farms Memorial Day Weekend
Saturday & Sunday
Breakfast: 7:30 am
Lunch: 10:30 am
Assorted Yogurt Cups
Assorted Donuts
Whole fresh fruit
Grilled Burgers
Grilled Hotdogs
Grilled Bratwurst
Green Salad
Fresh Fruit Salad
*Mexican Pulled Pork Sandwich
Bag of Chips
*Freshly Braised Pulled Pork seasoned with Mexican BBQ Sauce
And Pepper Jack Cheese. Served on Ciabatta Bun.
Area Restaurants
Brew Haus
220 South 1st St.
Pacific, MO 63069
$-$$ good bar food
Burger King
109 Highway AT
Villa Ridge, MO
$ casual (fast food)
Hawthorne Inn
123 Front St.
Labadie, MO
$$-$$$ semi-casual
Domino’s Pizza
114 Highway AT
Villa Ridge, MO
$ casual
1922 W. Osage St.
Pacific, MO
$ casual (fast food)
El Agave
109 Lamar Parkway
Pacific, MO 63069
$$ casual
D’Angelos Pizzeria
101 E. Union St.
Pacific, MO 63069
$$ pizza, pasta
1620 W. Union St.
Pacific, MO 63069
$ casual (fast food)
New China
1709 W. Osage St.
Pacific, MO
$-$$ casual
Pacific MO is 3 miles East of the trial site. You can get there going East on I-44 or on the outer road.
Washington, MO is about 15-20 minutes from the trial, go west on I-44 to the next Hwy. 100 exit.
Eureka, MO is 7 miles East on I-44 and has some restaurants and bars.
Pet Friendly Lodging
Be sure to confirm the hotel’s pet policy before bringing your terriers in the room. Rates may vary and there may be pet fees. Please
keep your terriers crated while in the hotel room and do not leave them unattended.
Please clean up after your terriers on the hotel grounds.
Host Hotel - Travelodge Diamond Inn (800) 782-8487 or (636) 742-3501
A block of rooms will be reserved until **May 11, 2015**. Mention Missouri Earthdogs!
2875 Hwy 100, I-44 & Hwy 100
Gray Summit, MO 63089
5 minutes from trial site.
Special Rates: $79 + tax for double queen, $84 + tax for king, $15 one time pet fee.
Holiday Inn Six Flags (800)782-8108 or (636)938-6661
Allenton Six Flags Rd., Eureka, MO 63025
15 minutes from trial site.
$169.95 + tax for double queen, $25/night pet fee.
Eureka Super 8 (800)800-8000 or (636)938-4368
1733 W. 5 St., Eureka, MO 63025
15 minutes from trial site.
$69.99 + tax for double queen, $11.56 per pet, per night fee.
Budget Lodging (636)629-1000
866 S. Outer Rd., St. Clair Mo 63077
20 minutes from trial site.
$79.44 + tax for double, $10/night pet fee, waived for stays longer than 1 night.
Wildwood Hotel (636)733-9100
2801 Fountain Pl., Wildwood, MO 63040
20 minutes from trial site.
$120 + tax for double queen, $130 + tax for king, $15 per pet fee.
RV Parking
Purina Farms *Free overnight RV Parking
*Electric and water hookups
*First come, first served
*Visitors center is open 24/7 but has no showers. Gated entry locked at night
*Visitors center has heating/AC, nice bathrooms
*Small café serving food during the day
*Gift shop, tours, animal shows
Campgrounds That Will Accept Dogs
St. Louis West KOA Campground (636)257-3018
18475 Old US Hwy 66, Eureka, MO 63025
Pet Friendly and Only 15 Minutes to Purina Farms!
Big Pull Thru RV Sites, Camping Cabins and Tent Sites
Jellystone Park Campgrounds (636)938-5925
5300 Fox Creek Rd., Eureka, MO 63025
Dogs must be crated, 15 minutes from trial site
Robertsville State Park
Missouri Earthdogs
Pre-Entry Fee:
Stakes Entry Fee: $20
2015 Memorial Day Bash May 22-24, 2015
Questions? Bonita Knickmeyer (314)578-9688 or bknickmeyer@gmail.com
All entries postmarked after May 12, 2015 will be considered post entries
Post Entry: $15
Post entry: $24
*Working Terrier Conformation Requires Proof of Working Certificate
*Pre-entry Required for Racing, Muskrat Racing, Poker & DC Challenge
Owners name:
Phone #
Racing Entries
All Other Entries
Class numbers
Class numbers
Terrier’s Full Name
Owner’s Name or Youth Age/Name
I hereby enter the above at my own risk, and I hereby engage to be responsible for any injury or damages
that may occur to or be caused by any animals, vehicles, or trappings or the loss of any animal, vehicles, or
trappings exhibited by me and I further agree to be absolutely responsible for the physical condition of any
animal under my control of ownership and will release, indemnify and save harmless Missouri Earthdogs, Inc
(MOE), Purina Farms and Nestle Purina from any damage, expense and/or liability arising out of and resulting
from any act of the Exhibitor or MOE, Purina Farms and Nestle Purina or their agents or employees. I hereby
certify that my dogs are free from contagious disease.
Signature____________________________________________________________ Date ____________
Height and Coat
Entry Fees
$12/class pre entry
Entry Fees:
2015 MOE Memberships
$15 individual, $20 Family, $10 Youth:
Must join MOE in order to satisfy our nonprofit status with the State of Missouri
Coupons enclosed
(subtract from above)
Total due:
Make checks payable to Missouri Earthdogs
Visit www.moearthdogs.org for more information
Mail check and form to: Tracy Flora, 1521 LaDina Pl., Ellisville, MO 63011; Email: tracymoearthdogs@gmail.com; Fax (636)391-7150
Missouri Earthdogs, Inc.
Membership Application
Memberships are valid for one Jan-Dec calendar year
(Memberships purchased in October, November, & December will apply to the current and
following year )
Check one:_____ Family/Couple($20)_____Individual($15)_____Youth, 18 or younger($10)
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ State: _________ Zip:_______________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________
What breed of Earthdog do you own? _______________________________________
Missouri Earthdogs, Inc., Purina Farms and Nestle Purina assume no responsibility for
any loss or injury. All dogs should be up to date on shots, on-lead unless in one of the
enclosed areas and under control of their handler.
Checks payable to Missouri Earthdogs
Mail form and check to:
Tracy Flora
1521 LaDina Pl.
Ellisville, MO 63011
Purina Farms
200 Checkerboard Drive
Gray Summit, Missouri 63039
Directions to Purina Farms from St. Louis Airport:
From the St. Louis Airport, travel on I-70 west, take exit 232
to I-270 South toward Memphis. Take Exit 5B to I-44 West
toward Tulsa. Take the exit 253 Gray Summit and turn right
on Highway 100. Travel ½ mile to County Road MM. Turn left
on Highway MM for 1 mile to entry gate on left.
From Downtown St. Louis:
Take I-44 West to Exit 253 -Gray Summit and turn right on
Highway 100. Travel almost a ½ mile to County Road MM. Turn
left on Hwy MM for 1 mile to entry gate on left.