Classifieds - Lassen County Times
Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press To place a classified ad call: Feather River Bulletin (530) 283-0800 Lassen County Times (530) 257-5321 Chester Progressive (530) 258-3115 Portola Reporter (530) 832-4646 Indian Valley Record (530) 283-0800 Westwood PinePress (530) 257-5321 Classifications 10 19 20 30 39 40 50 70 12 Real Estate, identified by area # Real Estate, general Mobile Homes For Rent, identified by area # Vacation Rentals Commercial/Industrial Commercial Lease Real Estate Wanted Greenville Real Estate FEATHER RIVER Properties specializing in all facets of real estate including rentals. Several currently available. Call (530)284-6171. 15 Susanville Real Estate ATTRACTIVE 3 BEDROOM 2 bath home located in Lake Forest. Newly remodled. $87,500. Call John @ SUSANVILLE REAL ESTATE (530)260-7468 or (530)257-2010. 31 LARGE RV SPACE full hookups. Quiet and private. Close to highway 89. (530)284-0800. Quincy For Rent NEWLY REMODELED 2BD/2BA: $800/month +deposit. References required. No pets. No smoking. Very quiet area. Mobile. Not in park. (530)283-3443. 2BD/1BA HOME on Fairgrounds Road. All major appliances included. Water and garbage included. Fenced backyard. No smoking. Pets negotiable. $950/month plus deposit. Available Nov. 1st. (415)302-5578. 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH house with garage. $1000 per month plus deposit. For more information call (530)284-7622. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." However, gender preference is allowed. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspapers are available on an equal opportunity basis. Real Estate Quincy For Rent 31 3BD/2BA HOUSE: Large deck, view, central/wood heat. Non-smoker. Chandler Road Banana Belt. $1400/month +deposit. (530)283-2385. SELL IT HERE! 11 QUINCY REAL ESTATE 32 Greenville For Rent 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, very clean, woodstove, big yard, $950/month, $1000 deposit. One small pet, no smoking. Sonja (530)284-6778. 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH home, nice and clean. Main Street, Greenville. $850/month. Section 8 ok. (707)591-4361. NEWLY REMODELED rooms / apts available. Sierra Lodge, nightly and weekly rates. From $550/month / utilities included. (530)284-6154 or 927-9649. REMODELED 3 bedroom 2 bath house near schools. $900/month plus security deposit.. Phone (530)284-1626. HOUSE: Nice, clean, 2 bedroom plus bonus room, 1 bath, laundry room, w/d hookup, new carpet, fresh paint. Big fenced yard, very sunny room for vege garden. $700/month, $1000/deposit. No smoking/pets. Sonja (530)284-6778. LARGE RV SPACE full hookups. Quiet and private. (530)284-0800. 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH w/attached garage and a detached single garage. Plus storage. Gas heat, 2 miles from Greenville on 7 acres. Non-smoking, not listed with section 8. $850/month plus security deposit. (530)284-7926. 33 Chester/Lk.Almanor For Rent THREE STORY HOME: Completely furnished 4BD/2BA. No smoking, pets negotiable w/dep. Available Nov 6th, first/last & $500/dep, $1500/mo. Call (307)248-2439. EAST SHORE Lake Almanor, 2 minutes to Canyon Dam. 3/bedroom 2/bath, freshly painted, new carpet, new woodstove, washer/dryer hookups, garage, basement work shop, lake access, no smokers please. $900 per month plus security deposit. Pets ok. Available now.. (530)284-7969. 314 West Main, Quincy 283-0370 COMMERCIAL PROP/OFFICE with large shop on Main Street in Chester. Available 10/16/15. Call (530) 375-7778. Portola For Rent 34 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH house in Delleker. Utilities paid by tenant. Pets considered. $700 per month. Call (415)603-0562. EUREKA STORAGE.READY to rent. Units in various sizes. Call us, our rates are the lowest! (530) 832-5525 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH small cabin. 739 E.Sierra .#3 Quiet. Leave msg. (530)832-5724. MOHAWK VALLEY Associates list of rentals go to (530)836-2020. (530)832-1919. MOBILE HOME and RV spaces for rent. Starting at $283.00 per month (electric not included). Trails West Trailer Park. Under new management. (530)832-5074. NICE 2004 3 BDRM. 2 Bath manufactured home on quiet country lot. $750./mo plus deposit. No Pets. (775)737-9330. 35 Susanville For Rent 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH smal house. $475.00 monthly. $475.00 deposit. Call (530)827-2186 or (775)530-7585. PRIVATE SPACE FOR Mobile home, has lawn with automatic sprinklers, $270/Mo. (530)257-2446. FURNISHED DELUXE Studio Apartment $575 33 Chester/Lk.Almanor For Rent PIONEER REALTY 300 350 400 420 430 500 505 510 512 515 Rentals Wanted Help Wanted Jobs Wanted Schools of Instruction Personals Meetings Notice of Non-responsibility Lost and Found * To Give Away* Notices per month Includes all utilities, cable, WiFi and on site laundry. Most affordable non-subsidized housing in town! Call St. Francis Apts. 257-4820 FOR RENT IN JANESVILLE: Beautiful, secluded, covered RV spot, includes a deck, storage and laundry facilities in Janesville close to school. $ 475/MO. for more information please call (530)310-0161. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH home, Hamilton Branch. Large fenced yard and 2-car garage. $800/month plus security. No smoking. CHESTER 3BD/2BA HOUSE: 2-car garage, wood heat & propane, fenced backyard. Water & garbage included. Pets considered. $1200/mo. Call (775)588-8779. MOVE IN SPECIAL-UPTOWN 1 bedroom apartments, range, refrigerator, natural gas heat, water & trash included, $425-$450 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties (530)257-8087 or view at: THIS RECENTLY UPGRADED DOWNTOWN QUINCY HOME is within walking distance to schools, work and all downtown activities! This early 90's, two story home is on a smaller, easy-tokeep lot for the person that doesn't have the time for or interest in yard work. Oak parquet flooring in the entry/hallway, living room and dining area. Nice pantry closet for the kitchen and office cubby too. Attached two car garage with a large family room up above. Vaulted ceilings upstairs as well. MLS#201501083 $236,900 CUSTOM, 2-STORY LA PORTE ROAD HOME IN A PRIVATE SETTING W/ NO VISIBLE NEIGHBOR & is ZONED & SUITABLE FOR HORSES W/ ROUND PEN & TWO ANIMAL SHELTERS W/ CORRALS. Fine oak flooring from the entry & hallway through the kitchen and formal dining room. Travertine fireplace in the sunken living room. Downstairs room off of the laundry could be a 4th bedroom. Large bonus room up. THE CONTIGUOUS 12.93 ACRES TO THE WEST CAN BE PURCHASED, FROM THE SAME PARTY, FOR AN ADDED $125,000!! MLS# 201500581 . .$379,500 VERY PRIVATE YET VERY CLOSE TO TOWN, this mostly level 10 acre parcel is in an end-of-the-road location W/ NO VISIBLE NEIGHBORS. Tall, healthy trees & many, many building sites. It has yearround access with power and phone available. A well will need to be drilled and a septic system installed by buyer for water and sewerage. This parcel is a portion of an original Thompson Valley Estates property so it has C.C. & R.'s to protect the overall quality of the subdivision. MLS# 201301170 . .$103,000 Go with Plumas County's #1 Real Estate firm -- Coldwell Banker Dave Reynolds • Randy Barlow Tim O'Brien • Sue Miller Melody Tiedemann PROPERTIES 1695 E. Main Street • East Quincy Broker BRE #01300619 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates, Inc. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HOUSE with bonus room, range, refrigerator, natural gas heat, shed, fenced yard, pet considered with additional deposit, $525 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 257-8087 or view at: 35 Auctions Miscellaneous For Sale Furniture Appliances Electronics Computers Antiques/Collectibles Yard Sales, identified by area # Pickups & 4x4s RVs/Travel Trailers Susanville For Rent 35 Susanville For Rent Eskaton Lassen Manor I, II, III and IV 62 years OR over 18 years mobility impaired Low - Very Low - Extremely Low INCOME UNITS Accepting applications for 1 bedroom & studio apartments. • TV room • Multi purpose room • Game room • Activities • Three laundry rooms • Beauty parlor • Emergency call buttons and much, much more. 205 N. Mesa, Susanville - 8am to 4pm ; Call (530) 257-0888 TDD 800-735-2922 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY BUNYAN LUXURY Apartments - 2 bdr, 1 bath, washer and dryer included $850 / month with water, sewage trash included. No Pets. see pictures at (530)251-7988. • All Sizes Call 257-4666 1501-A Riverside Dr. Susanville 530-252-6285 2BDRM, 1BA, WITH OFFICE. Clean, includes refrigerator, laundry room, natural gas heat. For information call (530)257-3535. 1165 OVERLOOK DR - newer home in desirable neighborhood, 3 bdr, 2.5 bath with large bonus room, No Pets. $1500 / month. See pictures at (530)251-7988. FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent, shared kitchen & bathrooms, all utilities included and basic cable, coin laundry on-site, secure building, $325.00 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 257-8087 or view at: 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, fenced backyard, separate garage/storage, natural gas heat. $800/Mo. $800/Deposit. (775)972-4120 or (775)722-3059. FURNISHED STUDIO APTS per $400 - $575 month Includes all utilities, cable, WiFi and on site laundry. Most affordable non-subsidized housing in town! Call St. Francis Apts. 257-4820 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME near casino, approx. 1,208 sq ft, attached 2 car garage, washer & dryer hookups, central natural gas heat and air conditioning, range, dishwasher, RV parking, covered porch, garden area, shed, $1,100 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 257-8087 or view at: Nolen Properties LLC 1501-A Riverside Dr. Susanville Sleepy Hollow Mobiles 2/1 ............$450 530-252-6285 3 BEDROOM, 3 BATH HOME near Diamond View School. New carpet, vaulted ceilings, dishwasher, range, central natural gas heat and air conditioning, approx. 1,406 square feet, attached 2 car garage, $1,300 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties (530)257-8087 or view at: MODERN 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH DUPLEX, attached 2 car garage with opener, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, central natural gas heat and air conditioning, washer & dryer hookups, $1,050 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 257-8087 or view at: Visit our website for the most up to date rental information 257-2010 701 Main St., Susanville 35 Susanville For Rent MOVE IN SPECIAL 1Bedroom apartments uptown- range, refrigerator, natural gas heat, coin laundry on-site, water & trash included, $425-$450 per month. _ month free on move in with 6 month lease. Mt. Lassen Properties (530)257-8087 or view at: 3 BEDROOM, 1 1/2 BATH home, very clean, nice landscaped yard, approx. 1,120 square feet, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer & dryer hook-ups, central heat & air conditioning, $975 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties (530)257-8087 or view at: 36 CLASS A1 ROOM w/kitchen privileges in a class A1 house. Queen bed, share bath with one. Must be employed. No alcohol, nor smoking. $500 monthly. (530)257-3777. 2 bedroom/ 1 bath $600 $800/mo 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HOME, uptown on dead end street, updated kitchen, with dishwasher and range, laundry room, monitor heater, shed, large back yard, $800 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties (530)257-8087 or view at: RENTALS AVAILABLE NOW 3Bedroom, 2Bath in Elysian Valley on 18ac, detached shop. $1,500/Mo $2,000/Deposit. 1yr lease plus $35 credit check. (530)241-3500. 869 SHASTA - 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath newly remodeled, with washer and dryer included. $950/ month see pictures at (530)251-7988. NICE LARGE 2BDRM, 2BA Mobile. Sunken roman tub, loft, living room slideout, wood burning stove. $465/Mo plus deposit. Honey Lake Camp Grounds, Milford (530)253-2508 1207 NORTH ST - 3BDR, 1 bath with garage, landscaped yard, fireplace, natural gas heat $950 / month see pictures at (530)251-7988. FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM, 1 1/2 baths cottage, uptown, approx. 1,150 square feet, has a chef's dream kitchen, all furnishings and utilities included, $1,200 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties (530)257-8087 or view at: 35 RUSSELL CT- 3BDR, 2 bath, large Apartment, washer and dryer included, No Pets, $900 / month with water, sewage and trash included see pictures at (530)251-7988. VERY NICE 3BDRM, 2BA house. Shadow Mountain/Cameron Way area. 1,300sq. feet, 2-car garage, central AC/Heat, newer carpet, nice backyard, cover patio. Quiet neighborhood. No smoking. Pet considered. Available in November. $1,300/Mo. plus deposit. Call (503)341-6935. 3BEDROOM, 2BATH, 1800SQ home. Newer stainless appliances, wood floors, remodeled kitchen, natural gas heat, plus woodstove. Double garage, extra storage. Redwood deck. Includes water/gas/sewer. $1,450/Mo. $2,000/Security. Pets okay with/dep. No smoker, no section 8. (530)249-0544. CHARMING OLDER HOME Charming older custom home, just down the hill from Bucks Lake. All this on one acre and boarders Meadow Valley Creek. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath is perfect for a summer vacation or enjoy year round fun. Ask for Debra Ozanich. Priced to sell at $159,500 MLS#113-250-009 Johnny Mansell, Owner/Broker, 927-9723 Check our web pages for Internet information at: e-mail: 5 - Susanville area 6 - Westwood 7 - Graeagle 8 - Doyle/Herlong Autos/Vans Boats/Watercraft Heavy Equipment Trucks ATVs/Motorcycles Snowmobiles Money to Loan SECTION 8 - HUD SUBSIDIZED Nolen Properties LLC Susanville 2/1 ......................$395 3/2 ......................$725 1/1 ......................$525 1/1 ......................$495 1/1 ......................$495 Janesville 1/1 ......................$450 550 555 560 565 570 580 650 Westwood For Rent FOR RENT APARTMENT 1bdrm, 1ba, sewer and trash paid. $300/Mo $100/SecDep. No pets. (530)260-3800. 37 Graeagle For Rent ABSENTEE OWNER WANTS someone to share 2 bdrm. home at Whitehawk Ranch. You pay power, phone, and some rent. Short term okay. Female preferred. Call Sandy at (925)833-9174. NICE TWO BEDROOM, one bath mobile home, in quiet park near Graeagle. $650/month +utilities and security deposit. (530)836-2747. 38 Doyle/Herlong For Rent 1 BEDROOM, 1 BATH, Herlong Area. $400/Mo, $400/Dep. Call (530)827-2186 or (775)530-7585. 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH WITH fireplace and 2 car garage. Herlong area. $650/Mo $650/Deposit. (530)827-2186 or (775)530-7585. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE IN Herlong. Propane heat, swamp cooler, laundry room with washer/dryer. Carport, storage shed, fenced yard, water/sewer paid. $600/Mo. (530)253-3745. Special 40 Commercial Industrial 1250-2500 Sq. Ft. AVAILABLE with office, large bathroom, 12x12 roll-up door; move-in bonus. (530)520-1043. INDUSTRIAL SHOP/Warehouse spaces on Airport Rd in Chester. 3-phase electricity. Roll-up truck & man doors. 3 sizes available: 750, 1500, & 2250 sq. ft. (530)521-6443. 50 Commercial Lease OFFICE SPACE AT Peninsula Station Complex; 401 Peninsula Dr., Lake Almanor. Call (530)596-3076. SMALL OFFICE IN PORTOLA on Hwy. 70 with large parking area. 739 East Sierra Ave. #1. $525./mo. which includes utilities. (530)832-5724 leave a message. 70 HOUSE/ESTATE SITTER Mature, retired man seeks position to watch over your estate during winter season, Nov.-May. Ex. references, good with horses and livestock. Frank, (775)770-4508. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for comfortable two bedroom apartments. Washer/dryer included. $650 plus security. No pets, non-smoking. Call 530-257-4475. STUDIO APARTMENT, mid-town, range, refrigerator, hot & cold water included, natural gas heat, $350 per month. Mt. Lassen Properties 257-8087 or view at: 36 Westwood For Rent Help Wanted 100 SENIOR DEPUTY PROBATION OFFICER Salary: $19.72-$23.73 Hourly, plus benefits. Application deadline: October 30, 2015. Minimum requirements: Education: (1) Equivalent to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in criminal justice, social or behavioral sciences, or a related field, or: (2) 60 units earned for course work completed through an accredited college and two years of full time experience in a criminal justice field performing duties that include substantial case management or supervision of adults or adolescent youth, or: (3) four years of experience described in (2) above. Experience: Three years of responsible adult or juvenile probation experience, two of which must be at the journey (Deputy Probation Officer II ) level. The training requirement is in addition to the experience requirement. License: Possession of a valid California driver's license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County's web site at: Or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130.EOE. Half Off on Second Month’s Rent (Through December 31, 2015) RENT TO OWN. 1993 Travel Trailer, space rent $251. $200 utility deposit. 253-2149 or 310-3112. Real Estate Wanted Rental in Herlong Office Representative Duplexes for Rent 2 bed $600/mo * Only $300 second month 3 bed $675/mo * Only $338 second month Deposits Required Call 530-827-2419 SIRCO Property Management YARD SALE SIGNS work better with an ad. Place one today! 36 Westwood For Rent Full Time position for growing Insurance and Financial Services office. Positive attitude, sales, customer relations background a plus. Knowledge of Microsoft programs. State Farm Insurance, 65 West Main Street Quincy, CA email resume to: 36 Westwood For Rent FEATHER RIVER APARTMENTS 100 Delwood Street, Westwood, CA 96137 1st M onth FREE ! 14 PORTOLA/GRAEAGLE REAL ESTATE (530) 283-3386 (530) 283-0467 fax ™ 4BDRM, 3BA, HOME NEAR Golf Course. Central AC/Heat, large kitchen with double oven, breakfast nook, dining, living with oil stove, 2+ car garage, 2,600sqft. heated walkout downstairs. Richmond School District, $2,500/month, (909)556-7532. UPTOWN SUSANVILLE large studio apartment. Water, garbage, electricity paid. Includes high speed internet and TV. $575/Month (530)310-2975 Associates Debra Ozanich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230-8282 Colleen “Squeek” Crane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927-7413 Todd Aylward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394-8226 Expect the best. Susanville For Rent 3 bedroom/ 2 bath $850 $1450/mo CABIN FOR SALE WITH LAKE VIEWS & ALL THE TOYS!!! Located within 100 yards of Bucks Lake & a usable beach! FULLY FURNISHED & STOCKED, all included in sale price: All furnishings, 5 beds (& bedding), sectional couch, end & coffee tables, dining table & chairs, cookware, kitchen supplies, all appliances-fridge, stove, new energy efficient front load washer & dryer. Water accessories & supplies INCLUDED plus two snowmobiles (less than 20 hours on new engines), 16ft. fishing boat, Gator and Jet Ski! USFS Use Permit. MLS# 201500443 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285,000 THIS IS A RARE FIND! A rustic country home, right across the street from the NORTH FORK OF THE FEATHER RIVER on .69 acre that is LEASED FROM PG & E for $1800.00 per year NOW W/ A BRAND-NEW 10 YEAR LEASE! This is a great spot for summer relaxation, fishing & hunting. The long Pullman kitchen houses the washer/dryer at one end. The formal dining room has a CATHEDRAL CEILING W/ FOUR SKYLIGHTS. Outbuildings include a shop, wood shed & storage building. THE HOUSE COMES FURNISHED AS WELL! MLS# 201101305 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000 35 CLASSIFIED ADS will find a home for everything... even YOU! 11 QUINCY REAL ESTATE 518 520 521 522 523 524 525 530 540 545 Investments Business Opportunities Services To Trade Child Care Miscellaneous Wanted Pets Livestock Feed/Hay Fuels & Firewood Page 2 Area #’s * Giveaway And Found Ads Are Published For Two Weeks At No Charge — 20 Word Maximum 80 100 120 130 200 210 230 240 250 260 Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 1 - Quincy area 2 - Greenville area 3 - Chester/Lake Almanor 4 - Portola area NOTICE: Classified want ads are due before 9 am every Monday morning... 2 BEDROOM / 2 BATH, large mobile home, quiet neighborhood. No smoking/pets. $750/month +utilities. (530)283-1195. DID YOU KNOW INFORMAtion is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s highly competitive market? Gain an edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the Smart Search Feature. For more information call Elizabeth @ (916)288-6019 or (Cal-SCAN) 31 Plumas / Lassen County Classifieds 1, 2 and 3 BEDROOM rentals coming available in Quincy and Meadow Valley. (530)283-9657. Lic #00935351. BEAUTIFUL 4BEDROOM, 3Bath, 2 story home. Over 3,000sq ft, fenced in backyard, 2car garage. Northside of town. Lovely new large double pane windows. $289,000. Realtor (530)257-7727 or Owner (530)257-3777. 19 Quincy For Rent Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 Chandler Real Estate 181 E. Sierra St. Portola • 530-832-1600 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Frenchman Village Parcel: Level .31 acres lot in rural/gated community, no electricity, cabins & homes are on solar or generator power. MLS#201501099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 Portola: Includes 3 lots, 15’x38’ shed, add’l home could be built on lots w/permits. 2 bd/1 bth upstrs &1 bd/ 1 bth dwnstrs. MLS#201500711 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160,000 Portola Parcel: Commercial property, 2.44 acres, create new venture in gorgeous setting overlooking Wild & Scenic Feather River. MLS#201500776 . . . . $289,000 Now Accepting Applications 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments & apts w/ special design features for individuals w/ disability. Inquire as to the availability of subsidy. Gold Mountain: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 half bath, 3300 sf, sits on ridge above Feather Riv w/grt views, 2 mstr stes, open flr plan, lrg kitch. MLS#201500752 . . . . . . . $975,000 Call (530) 256-3029 or TDD # 1-800-735-2929 Mon - Fri • 10am - 3:00pm This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. We Belive in Home BRE# 01300619 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affilates, Inc. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACCESS Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press 50 Commercial Lease 50 Commercial Lease 50 Commercial Lease Help Wanted 100 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 Help Wanted Help Wanted 100 100 Page 3 Help Wanted NEWS REPORTER WANTED Large Commercial Building $149,000 The old “White House”. Large commercial building which was used as a restaurant for many years. Comes with a very large apartment above. Great location on Main Street in Janesville. 257-2010 REALTOR 100 ® Help Wanted HONEY LAKE VALLEY RCD DISTRICT MANAGER Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District (HLV RCD) is accepting applications for the position of District Manager. This is a part time position that could increase to full time based on funding. The position works under the direct supervision of the HLV RCD Board of Directors. The position requires the ability to lead, plan, increase and direct HLV RCD policies, programs and budget; research, prepare and submit grant applications; manage and implement funding awards; supervise staff; and comprehend water rights decrees and manage watermaster services. For the full vacancy announcement email or stop by the USDA Service Center, 170 Russell Ave., Suite C, Susanville, CA 96130. Applications are due by November 5, 2015. THE LASSEN UNION HIGH School District is accepting applications for the following classified management position: Human Resources Manager/Executive Assistant to the Superintendent. Salary: Appropriate placement on the classified management salary schedule: $66,936 - $81,361 annually. Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance (cap in place) plus enrollment in the PERS retirement program. Assignment: This is an overtime exempt position requiring attendance at meetings outside of normal working hours. Job Description Summary: Under the general direction of the Superintendent, administer the District's personnel functions, hiring processes and employee relations program including such employee relations matters as grievances, discrimination complaints, unfair labor practices, and discipline appeals. Performs various duties relating to the general operation of the District office including word processing, data acquisition and analysis and assistance to the Superintendent and Director (CBO). Qualifications: Any combination of experience and education that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities and be equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business, public administration, industrial/organizational psychology, organizational development, human resource administration or a closely related field. Five or more years of significant, directly related and progressively responsible experience in public personnel administration, and at least two years in a management position requiring supervision of assigned staff, five years of increasingly responsible business and secretarial experience, preferably including at least one year of experience in a school district. Type at a net speed of 50 wpm from clear copy. Operate a variety of office machines. Submit an application to:, questions please call (530)251-1197. Open Until Filled. An Equal Opportunity Employer LOCAL COMPANY is looking for drivers to transport railroad crews up to a 200 mile radius from Keddie. Must live within 20 miles of Keddie, be 21 years or older, and a pre-employment drug screen is required. A company vehicle is provided, paid training, and benefits. No special license is needed. Compensation is $9.65 per hour. Apply online at JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: City of Susanville Public Works Department. Utility Services Technician. The City of Susanville Public Works Department is recruiting for the position of Utility Services Technician to perform a variety of functions within the Public Works Department, including: reading meters, infrastructure inspection and maintenance, turning utility services on and off, traffic control set up and flagging in the following areas: streets, water, gas, airport, geothermal, and other public works related functions. Educational requirements include the equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade. Applicant must have a valid California Drivers License. Hourly salary range: $13.78 - $18.84 (determined by city based on qualifications) plus an excellent benefit package. Submit City application, resume and cover letter to City of Susanville, 66 N. Lassen St., Susanville, CA 96130. Applications can be downloaded from or call 530-257-1041. Filing Deadline: This position is open until filled, with primary application filing deadline on October 30, 2015, at 5:00 pm. EOE. 100 Help Wanted PROGRAM MANAGER Salary: $4,505.-$5,436. monthly, plus benefits. Application deadline: October 23, 2015. Minimum Requirementseither: One year of full-time experience performing duties comparable to a Social Worker Supervisor I or II, Eligibility Supervisor, Employment and Training Worker Supervisor, or supervisory experience in administrative and staff services work in areas such as personnel, administrative analysis, accounting, auditing, budgeting, or date processing in a public social services agency; or: A graduate degree in public administration or business administration, or a Master's Degree in Social Work, or a Master's Degree from a two year counseling program, and One year of full-time journey level experience in employment, eligibility, social work, or administrative and staff services work in areas such as personnel, administrative analysis, accounting, auditing, budgeting, or data processing in a public social services agency, and One year of full-time general supervisory experience. License: A valid California driver's license is required. Only Merit System Services applications will be accepted for this position. Apply online at Merit System Services, or obtain a Merit System Services application at the Lassen County Personnel Department at 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130 and mail the application to Merit System Services 241 Lathrop Way Sacramento, CA 95815. EOE. For more information contact the Lassen County Personnel Department at (530)251-8320. SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAEDUCATORS Two positions available at the Susanville School District, Paraeducator - Speech and Paraeducator. 29.5 hours per week, $10.83 per hour. NCLB Compliance required. Open Until Filled. Contact Sharon Mincher, Human Resources, Lassen County Office of Education, 472-013 Johnstonville Road North, Susanville, CA 96130, 530-257-7214, Background investigations will be conducted. EOE. BOOKKEEPER/ACCOUNTANT needed for busy office. Must have former accounting experience or degree. 30 plus hours per week. Salary DOE. Mail resume to Lassen County Times, Box R, 100 Grand Avenue, Susanville, Ca. 96130. DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY Salary: $28.54-$34.46 per hour, plus benefits. Application deadline:.Open until filled. Minimum requirements: Education: Graduation from an accredited school of law. Experience: Two years' experience in the practice of law. Some misdemeanor criminal trial experience is preferred. Judicial or prosecutorial internship a plus. License: Active membership in the California State Bar Association. Possession of a valid California Driver's license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County's web site at Or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130.EOE. 100 Wanted: Substitute Cafeteria Workers, Custodians, Special Ed Aides & Special Needs Attendant, Bus Drivers & Nurses. Call for information. Do you have a Bachelor’s Degree? Call for information on how to become a Substitute teacher. $100-$110/day For information call Kim Retallack at 530-283-6500 x5256 or 800-974-1925 x5256 or email: 701 Main St., Susanville MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE • Vacancy Announcements • Job Descriptions • Applications On-line at: under “Employment” Help Wanted RICHMOND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Due to the resignation of one member of the Board of Trustees of the Richmond Elementary School District, the Board voted at its October, 2015, meeting to call for a provisional appointment to fill the vacated seat. Community members wishing to be considered for a provisional appointment must: 1. Be a resident of the Richmond Elementary School District. 2. Submit a letter of interest to the Richmond Elementary School District Office at 700-585 Richmond Road, East, Susanville, CA. Letters must be submitted on or before November 4, 2015. Letters from candidates will be reviewed by the Richmond Elementary School District Board of Trustees, and the Board may fill the vacancy at the November, 2015, meeting of the Board. Unless a petition calling for a special election, containing a sufficient number of signatures, is filed in the Lassen County Office of Education within 30 days following a provisional appointment, the appointment shall become effective. The appointee shall hold office until the next regularly-schedule board member election. Employment Opportunities FAMILY EDUCATOR position available for Sierra Cascade Family Opportunities Early Head Start program in the Honey Lake Valley area, in Lassen County. Responsible for modeling educational activities in the homes of 12 enrolled participants, ranging from prenatal moms to children age 3. Also provide support and referrals to meet social services and health needs of each enrolled family. Must have, at a minimum, high school diploma or GED with 2 years experience in an agency providing services to families. Position is to begin ASAP. $12.28-13.03 based on qualifications, 40 hrs/wk, 52wks/yr. Benefits included. Criminal background clearance required after offer of employment is made. Cover letter, resume, transcripts and application must be received by 10/30/15 contact 283-1242 for application, or visit Send to Pam Post, 1400 C Chestnut, Susanville, CA 96130. EOE MERCHANDISERS NEEDED NOW! Priority given to applicants with retail merchandising experience but we are willing to train as well. Must have computer access with the ability to take/upload photos, meet minimum physical requirements, and have reliable transportation. Apply directly at Become a Colleague in Educational Excellence Manager-Custodial and Security Services Business Instructor Men’s Head Rodeo Coach Van Drivers-Part-Time Women’s Head Softball Coach • Agriculture • Biology • Philosophy • Astronomy • Physical Geography • Welding Home in heart of Chester. Updated w/oak flooring, pine paneling, decorative oil stove in living rm. & heated guest quarters. Attached 2-car garage w/carport. MLS# 201500475 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $169,000 Manufactured home in Chester. 3 bed/2 bath open floor plan, great room, living, dining, w/ cathedral ceilings. Kitchen w/ breakfast bar. MLS# 201501170. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125,000 Great starter home or summer getaway. 3 bed/2 bath in Chester w/ spacious yard. Carpet, water heater & exterior paint 5 yrs. ago. Lg. 432 sq. ft. deck. MLS# 201500876 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,000 For more information, contact Lassen Community College Human Resources: or (530) 251-8811 Equal Opportunity Employer MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Minimum Qualifications have been updated. To review qualifications, go to Dan McDonald • Director of Nursing at • Nursing Instructor -Full Time Tenure • Nursing Instructor -Part Time (Adjunct Faculty) • Phlebotomy Instructor -Part Time (Adjunct Faculty) Please submit an online application at 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE The employment site is listed under the “About LCC” tab. For more information, contact Lassen Community College Human Resources: or (530) 251-8811 Equal Opportunity Employer THE JANESVILLE UNION Elementary School District announces the following teaching position for the 2015/2016 school year. Position: Primary grade teacher for the remainder of the 2015/2016 school year. Middle school teacher for the remainder of the 2015/2016 school year. School site: Janesville Union Elementary School. Salary: Appropriate placement on the Certificated Salary Schedule Minimum Job Qualifications: Must possess or qualify for a Multiple Subject Credential. Must be NCLB compliant and have ELL Authorization. Application Procedure: Please submit a letter of interest, certificated application, resume, unofficial transcripts and three letters of reference. Applications can be submitted on Background investigations will be conducted. Application deadline: November 13, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Anticipated Start Date: December 1, 2015 Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Job duties: Operate a loader/Letourneau by loading and unloading log trucks, sort logs on the log deck by species, feed logs to the sawmill. During the winter plow snow with the loader. Able to operate a chipper and chainsaw. Must be able to keep up with the flow of production and work in a safe manner. Qualifications: Must have experience operating a loader. Able to recognize and sort logs by species. Able to sit and operate machinery for 8 - 10 hours a day and work in all weather conditions. Knowledgeable in lockout procedures for areas of responsibility and follow safety rules. Accepting applications at Sierra Pacific Industries, 1538 Lee Road, Quincy, 10/19 10/23, Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. We are a drug and tobacco free workplace. A verifiable Social Security Number is required. An Equal Opportunity Employer, including disabled and veterans. THE LASSEN UNION HIGH School District is accepting applications for the following vacancy: Chief Business Officer; Salary: $92,000 - $104,000 or $92,500 - $104,500 w/ MA. Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance (cap in place) plus enrollment in the PERS retirement program. Assignment: 12Month employee. Position Summary: Under general direction of the Superintendent, responsible for financial management of the District. Qualifications: Three years experience in an accounting or financial profession, preferably in public school districts, combination of education and experience equivalent to four years of college-level coursework in accounting, business administration, or a related field. BA/BS degree preferred. CASBO Certification preferred. Submit an application to: Questions, contact (530)251-1197. This position is open until filled. An Equal Opportunity Employer 13 CHESTER/LAKE ALMANOR REAL ESTATE Lake Almanor Peninsula 530-596-3266 Kehr/O’Brien Real Estate MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE REALTOR ® Lake Almanor West Parcels: Located on Top of the West; one lot is .53 acres, downslope, private & good bldg sites; other lot is lrg, .94 acres, downslope, & many blg sites. MLS#201501197-98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,500ea EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Sales & Management 822 Main St., Susanville Vicki Lozano Owner/Broker BRE #00975314 REALTOR ® MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 530-257-8087 Sandy Anderson Realtor BRE #01718397 Great investment, two home property at the right price in Westwood. Main house has new comp roof. Homes require repair. Sold as is. 35,000 $ Let your tenant pay the mortgage. Live in one side of the duplex and rent the other for $950. Each side is 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, 1200 sq.ft. 225,000 $ Call me about Short Sale information. Westwood: 2 bed/2 bath, 1162 sf, open flr plan, many upgrades, covered frnt porch, fenced bckyrd, dog run, wdstv, propane monitor, ceiling fans. MLS#201501225 . . . $99,500 Clear Creek Parcel: .54 acres, 196 ft of creek frontage on two level lots, excellent sun exposure, new septic sys w/1000 gal. tank. MLS#201500096 . . . $103,500 Chester: 3 bed/2 bath, 2161 sf, cul-de-sac, many upgrades, lrg/open family rm, walk-in closet mstr bdrm, fenced bckyrd w/spa, lrg shed. MLS#201501227 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $234,500 Chester Commercial: Turnkey furniture store & property, well situated on Main St./Hwy 36, bldg is updated, will consider separating. MLS#201501218 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $245,000 We Belive in Home BRE License #01948890 SALES & VACATION RENTALS Please send resume, writing sample and photography sample to: • CNA Director Phone: (530) 596-3303 Must have strong photography skills. Some weekend and evening work required. NURSING INSTRUCTORS 452 Peninsula Drive Phone: (530) 258-3303 Feather Publishing seeks a full-time reporter to cover high school athletics, college sports and community recreation. The employment site is listed under the “About LCC” tab. Lake Almanor West: 3 bed/2.5 bath, 2045 sf, great flr plan, natural sunlight, FA & LP, central AC, ceiling fans, trex decking in rear. MLS#201501206 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$399,000 119 Main Street, Chester Sports reporter wanted Please submit an online application at Chester 530-258-2103 • Lake Almanor West 530-259-4801 Mountain ambiance! Feat. vaulted ceilings, lg. floorplan, open kitchen, loft area. Covered deck for winter storage. MLS# 201501217 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299,000 Send resume and writing examples to: Managing Editor / Dan McDonald or call (530) 283-0800 • Automotive • Speech 13 CHESTER/LAKE ALMANOR REAL ESTATE Riverfront home 4 bed/3 bath w/ 2 bed/2 bath guest house on large .88 acre lot w/ oversized garage & 2 car carport. MLS# 201501199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $599,000 Reporting, photography skills and knowledge of the community are a plus. Previous newspaper experience is preferred. The job entails some evening and weekend work. Accepting applications for Part-Time Instructors in the following subject areas (please see Part-Time Faculty Pool online): DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the power of newspaper advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6019 or email (Cal-SCAN) PAPA MURPHY’S SUSANVILLE Looking for team players, who like working in a clean fast pace fun atmosphere. Flexible hours and opportunity for advancement, must be over 18 and able to pass a drug screening. Apply at 1245 Main St. Susanville. Feather Publishing has an immediate opening for a full-time reporter in its Quincy office. BRE# 01300619 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affilates, Inc. Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted ALL AL LL P POSITIONS OSITIONS AR ARE E OPEN OPEN UNT UNTIL IL FILLED F IL L E D UNLESS UNL ESS OTHERWISE OTHERWISE NOTED NOT TED Permanent Pe rmanent Po Positions sitions Salaries Sa laries listed listed are are p er m o n th per month Extra Ex tr a H elp pP ositions Help Positions Salaries listed Salaries S listed are are per per h hour our COMMUNITY CARE HOUSE COMMUNITY HOUSE AT ATTENDANT TENDANT - Me Mental M n ta l Health/Sierra He H ealth/Sierra H House ouse $10. $10.88 88 + +DOE DOE ((Depending Depending on on E Experience) xperience) DRIVER DRI VER ((ON-CALL) ON N-CALL) DROP DROP-IN -IN CENTER CENTER - Me Mental n ta l H Health ealth $12. $12.95 95 DRIVER DRI VER ((ON-CALL) ON N-CALL) - Pu Public blic Health H e a lth A Agency g en cy $9.00 $9. 00 + DOE ((Depending Depending on on E Experience) xperience) DRIVER DRI VER ((ON-CALL) ON N-CALL) - Soc Social ial Se Services r v ic e s $12.27 $ 12.27 EDUCATOR ED UCATOR – L Library ibrary $18.00 $18. 00 pe perr hour our FISCAL FI SCAL A AND ND TECHNICAL TECHNICAL SERVICES SERVICES A ASSISTANT SSIST TANT I – Mental Me n ta l H Health ealth $10. $10.85 85 PROBATION PR O B A T IO N A ASSISTANT SSISTANT – P Probation robation D Department epartment $13.86 $13. 86 NEED FIRESTARTER? Buy bundles of newsprint for $1.00 each from Feather Publishing. 287 Lawrence St., Quincy. The City of Susanville is now recruiting for one full-time, regular position with the Susanville Fire Department. Minimum qualifications include knowledge of modern fire protection of lives and property; supervise, instruct and maintain discipline; establish and maintain effective relationships with property owners and general public. Preferred experience: Five years firefighting experience showing a progression in responsibility and training, including a minimum of one year as a Firefighter and an additional year at a higher capacity. Certification: high school diploma or GED; AA from accredited college; CA State Fire Marshal Fire Officer, Company Officer or equivalent; CA State Fire Marshal Instructor 1 or Training Instructor Certification; ICS 100, 200, 300, 400 and NIMS 700 certificates; Hazmat Incident Commander Certificate; Class B license; EMT-B certificate. FOUND ADS! Run a found ad for 2 weeks at no charge. RAIN OR SHINE, the re-sponses will pour in from your Classified Ad! Broker-Owner 310-1592 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Donna Smith Melissa Pickett Broker Associate 310-1593 Realtor 310-2101 (530) 257-2441 • 120 N. Fairfield St., Susanville BRE #00551162 Tanya Mineau Realtor 310-6551 Historical Victorian farm house built in 1896, It offers many original touches with mahogany door/window trim, doors and staircase, sitting room with wood plank floors, formal entry with slate floors, living room with double doors that open into a sun-room/family room and updated kitchen and baths. Master suite has Jacuzzi tub with marble surround and tile floors located on the first level............................................................................................$349,000 Julie Kirack Sharon Fetterman Realtor 251-7380 Realtor 250-5878 Great home located in a convenient neighborhood close to shopping and restaurants. This home features 4 bedrooms, and 2 baths, kitchen open to family room and dining area, master suite with walk-in closet. Laundry room with sink. 2 car attached garage, sprinklers in the front and back yards. Fully fenced property with seamless gutters.......................................................$239,000 ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK (MSS TITLE OFFICE ASSISTANTII) Salary: $2,079-$2,486. Monthly, plus benefits. Application deadline: October 30, 2015. Minimum RequirementsOne year of full-time experience performing clerical duties in an office environment. License: A valid California driver's license is required. Only Merit System Services applications will be accepted for this position. Apply online at Merit System Services, or obtain a Merit System Services application at the Lassen County Personnel Department at 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130 and mail the application to Merit System Services 241 Lathrop Way Sacramento, CA 95815. EOE. For more information contact the Lassen County Personnel Department at 530-251-8320. LASSEN LIFE SKILLS is recruiting high energy positive people to work as a Support Specialist with people with developmental disabilities. Support Specialist assist people in managing their daily lives and learning new skills. Qualifications: Equivalent to a high school diploma and 2 years hands-on experience working with a person who has a developmental disability, must have a valid driver’s license, DMV printout, current car insurance, fingerprint clearance. Please apply at Lassen Life Skills, 475-340 San Francisco Street. x Social Services Coordinator, Skilled Nursing Featured Opening: Utility Clerk, Business Office Full time, benefited position in the Business Services and Patient Accounting department. High School diploma, organized, accurate and efficient typist and 10-key skills. To apply, or for a detailed job description please visit: Career Opportunities Clinical Perinatal/Med-Surg RN, FT, PT, PD Clinical Lab Scientist, FT, PT and LPT Paramedic, LPT, FT Med-Surg RN, FT, PD Certified Lab Assistant, FT and PT EMT-B, limited PT ER/Med-Surg, RN, FT Nurse Practitioner, FT Community Care Coordinator, FT or PT Clinic Patient Support RN, FT Clinic RN/Perinatal Nurse Specialist, FT Registered Dental Hygienist, PT or FT Non-Licensed Medical Receptionist, LPT, PT Clinic Scheduler, FT Computer Network Technician, LPT Contact Human Resources 530-283-7169 • 530-283-7120 Fax 530-283-7929 Must meet requirements listed on job description. For more information or to apply online go to: 1065 Bucks Lake Rd., Quincy, CA 95971 CAREGIVERS Immediate openings. One on one care. Full time, temporary positions. $900/hr, all shifts. EOE Apply in person at Eagle Lake Village INSURANCE/TREATMENT COORDINATOR Susanville Dental Care has opening for a full time financial and treatment coordinator. We are looking for a candidate that demonstrates professionalism, has good work ethic and is dependable. Candidate must be able to multi-task, have excellent organizational skills, and be able to work independently. Dental / Medical insurance billing experience preferred. Send resume to Susanville Dental Care 720 Ash Street, Susanville, CA. 96130. 2001 Paul Bunyan Rd., Susanville, CA. LICENSED NURSE Eagle Lake Village is seeking an energetic, professional, Licensed Nurse, 40 hours per week. This person will assist the Health Services Director with all aspects of resident care; must enjoy working with seniors. EOE Apply in person at 2001 Paul Bunyan Rd., Susanville, CA. REGISTERED DENTAL ASSISTANT Susanville Dental Care is seeking the right dental assistant to add to our expanding practice. Applicant must have current X-Ray license, and current Calif. RDA license. He/She must be a self motivated to work as a team and independently. Applicant needs to be flexible with working hours. Good patient communication skills a must. Apply in person at Susanville Dental Care, 720 Ash Street, Susanville, and Ca. Full-Time REPORTER POSITION Immediate opening for a reporter. Page layout, photography skills and community knowledge a plus. Previous experience preferred, but will train the right person. Some evenings and weekend work. For more information call 257-5321. ENVIRONMENTAL Alternatives Diamond Peak Boys Home is seeking childcare and clerical workers to work in a group home setting. Available immediately. Must have clean driving record. Must be at least 18. DOJ/FBI and CAIC clearance required. Pre-employment physical required. Full/Part-time/day and night shifts available. Experience in residential setting preferred. Shifts may be flexible. Salary DOE. Email resume to: diamondpeakemployment@gmail. com Send resume and writing sample to: Lassen County Times Attn: Sam Williams 100 Grand Ave. Susanville, CA 96130 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY REALTOR You’ll never feel cramped in this four bedroom, three bath home with over 2,300 square feet. The home has new paint throughout, new kitchen cabinets, new laminate and new appliances. The bathroom upstairs has been remodeled. The home also features three different heat sources for winter and central air for the summer........................................$214,900 Country Estate located on 20 acres with 20 water shares. Beautiful 2,997 sq. ft. two story split level home has living room, dining room, large county kitchen with dining area and family room. 4 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, laundry room and attached 2 car garage. Large pond, stables and expansive back deck all with beautiful panoramic views of the valley and surrounding mountains....................................................... $369,000 There’s nothing missing from this 4 bedroom, 3 bath 2,220 sq. ft. family home. Home sits on almost a 1/2 acre location close to town and schools. Upstairs large room could be used as a 2nd master suite, family room or mother-in-law unit with separate entrance. Living room, dining room and kitchen with propane forced air heating and central air conditioning. Call today to view this great home........................................$214,000 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Cindy DeMasi Realtor CA BRE #01261435 Beautiful custom built house in the pines just minutes from town. This home is very warm and inviting. Step up into the dining area and a bright kitchen with open fireplace. 2 bedrooms with en-suites, master with Acacia floors, large walk-in closet, dual vanity and access to the back deck. Artist studio, office, garden area and RV hook up, 2090 sq. ft.…..........$329,000 ® “Where YOU are the MVP.” Cindy (530) 260-1759 Help Wanted Openings: Licensed Vocational Nurses x Registered Nurses x Housekeepers x STAFF SERVICES ANALYST I Salary: $3,408-$4,103. monthly, plus benefits. Application deadline: October 23, 2015. Minimum RequirementsEither: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor's degree; or: Two years (60 semester or 90 quarter) of college units; and: One year of full time experience as an Eligibility Worker III, Integrated Case Worker III, Employment and Training Worker III, Social Worker II, Accounting Technician, Child Support Specialist III, or Staff Services Specialist; or Two years of full time experience as an Eligibility Worker II, Integrated Case Worker II, Employment and Training Worker II, Account Clerk III, or Child Support Specialist II; or Two years of full time technical level experience involving general administrative, personnel, fiscal, staff development, or program work. License: A valid California driver's license is required. Only Merit System Services applications will be accepted for this position. Apply online at Merit System Services at:, or obtain a Merit System Services application at the Lassen County Personnel Department at 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130 and mail the application to Merit System Services 241 Lathrop Way Sacramento, CA 95815. EOE. For more information contact the Lassen County Personnel Department at (530)251-8320. FIRE CAPTAIN CITY OF SUSANVILLE 100 Page 4 Join our Team! Competitive compensation offered. Generous benefits program for regular full time and part time employees, including paid time off, sick leave, medical, prescription, dental, vision, life insurance and retirement plan. Many voluntary programs are offered such as tax-deffered annuity, credit union and other insurance products. Larry Smith MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Help Wanted 100 Director of Nursing (Skilled Nursing) Registered Nurse (Full Time and Per Diem) (Acute & ER experience required) LVN (Per Diem) CNA (Full Time and Per Diem) Medical Assistant Clinical Laboratory Scientist (Per Diem) Phlebotomist (Per Diem) Maintenance Worker (Per Diem) 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE ® Help Wanted Come join the most fantastic Team in the rurals. Work hard and then relax by the lake. Great recreational area, fishing, hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, the list goes on. Annual salary starting at Range 141, Step A plus educational incentives and an excellent benefit package. FOR MORE INFORMATION visit Applications submitted to City of Susanville, Attn: City Clerk, 66 North Lassen, Susanville, CA 96130. Filing deadline: NOVEMBER 6, 2015. EOE. All A ll aapplications pplications mu must st b bee SIGNED SIGNE NED Job de descriptions scriptions ar aree av available ailable o online n lin e For Fo or m more ore iinformation, nformation, cal calll 5 530-283-6444 30-283--6444 or visit v isit www. AA/EEO A A/EEO REALTOR 100 SENECA HEALTHCARE DISTRICT IS NOW RECRUITING APPRAISAL APPRAISAL L AS ASSISTANT SISTANT - As Assessor’s sessor’s Office O ffic e $2,714-$3,303 $2, 714-$3,303 3 APPRAISER AP PRAISER II/II/III /II/III - As Assessor’s sessor’s Office O ffic e I: $2,863-$3,484 $2,863-$3,484 4 III: I: $3,159-$3,844 $3,159-$3,844 IIII: II: $3,482-$4,236 $3,482-$4,236 36 CHIEF CHI EF PROBATION PRO OBATION OF OFFICER FICER - P Probation robation Department Department $7,352 $7, 352 - $ $8,744 8,744 COMMUNITY COM MUNITY CARE CASE CASE MANAGER MANAGER - M Mental enta t lH Health ealth $2782-$3385 COMMUNITY COM MUNITY CARE HOUSE HOUSE ATTENDANT ATTENDANT II/II / – /II Mental Me n ta l H Health ealth I: $ $1,885-$2,298 1,885-$2,298 III: I: $ $1,981-$2,414 1,981-$2,414 CORRECTIONAL CORRE CTIONAL O OF OFFICER FICER I/II I /I I – S Sheriff’s heriff’s D Department epartment I: $2,591-$3,152 $2,591-$3,,152 1 III: I: $2,854-$3,473 $2,,854-$3,,473 DEPARTMENT DE PARTMENT FISCAL FISCAL OF OFFICER FICER II/II /I I – F Facility acility ity Services Services I: $3,315-$4,033 $3,315-$4,033 0 III: I: $3,655-$4,447 $3,655-$4,447 DEPUTY DE PUTY P PROBATION R ATION OFFICER ROB OFFICER I/II I/II - Pr Probation o b a tio n I: $2,851-$3,470 $2,851-$3,470 4 III: I: $3, $3,085-$3,754 085-$3,754 LEAD LEA D COMMUNITY COMMUNITY C ARE H OUSE ATTENDANT ATTENDANT – CARE HOUSE Mental Me n ta l H Health e a lth $ $2291-$2788 2291-$2788 LEGAL LEG AL SERVICES SER RVICES ASSISTANT ASSISTANT I/II I /I I – P Probation robation D Department epartment I: $2, $2,074-$2,523 074-$2,52 5 3 II: II: $2, $2,288-$2,783 288-$2,783 LICENSED LI CENSED VOCATIONAL VOCATIONAL NURSE NURSE I/II I/II - Me Mental n ta l H Health e a lth I: $2,936-$3,572 $2,936-$3,572 5 III: I: $3,081-$3,749 $3,081-$3,749 LICENSED LI CENSED VOCATIONAL VOCATIONAL NURSE NURSE I/II I /I I – P Public ublicc H Health ealth I: $2,936-$3,572 $2,936-$3,572 5 III: I: $3,081-$3,749 $3,081-$3,749 OFFICE OF FICE AU AUTOMATION TOMATION S SPECIALIST PECIALIST – In Information n fo r m a tio n T Technology e c h n o lo g y $2,865-$3,485 $2, 865-$3,485 5 PSYCHIATRIC PSY CHIATRIC NURSE NURSE II/II /II - Me Mental n ta l H Health e a lth I: $ $3,570-$4,343 3,570-$4,343 III: I: $4,030-$4,903 $4,030-$4,903 PUBLIC PU BLIC HEALTH HEALTH NURSE NURSE I/II/III I /I I /I I I – P Public ublic H Health ealth l I: $3,655-$4,447II: $3,655-$4,447I 4 I: $4, $4,030-$4,903 030-$4,903 IIII: II: $4,664-$5,673 $4,664-$5,673 3 REGISTERED RE GISTERE ED NURS NURSE E - Me Mental n ta l H Health e a lth I: $3,315-$4,033 $3,315-$4,033 0 III: I: $3,655-$4,447 $3,655-$4,447 REGISTERED RE GISTERE ED NURS E II/II /II - Pu Public b lic H NURSE Health e a lth I: $3,315-$4,033II: $3,315-$4,033I 0 I: $3, $3,655-$4,447 655-$4,447 SHERIFF SH ERIFF DISPATCHER DISPATCHER I/II I/II - She Sheriff’s riff’s Department Department I: $2,669-$3,246 $2,669-$3,246 2 III: I: $2, $2,872-$3,492 872-$3,492 NEED A PLACE for the mother-in-law?? Place an ad in the Rentals Wanted section of the Classified Marketplace. Call 530-283-0800. Help Wanted Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 Seneca Healthcare District Human Resources Department P.O. Box 737 Chester, CA 96020 (530) 258-2159; FAX (530) 258-2068 Equal Opportunity Employer PLUMAS C PLUMAS COUNTY OUNTY JOB JO B OP OPPORTUNITIES PORTUNITIES NEED SOME GOLF MONEY? Sell your unwanted items in the classified section this week and go golfing next week with the profits. 100 Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 Serving Susanville and Janesville Great Starter Home! Privacy fence with large back yard. Home features 1460 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, laminated floors and a cement floor basement with potential. Priced at $166,000 Peter M. Talia, Broker CalBRE License #01727442 ATTENTION PHYSICIANS AND NON-PHYSICIAN PROVIDERS Northeastern Rural Health Clinics is opening a primary care medical clinic in Doyle, CA. Doyle is an easy commute of approximately 40 minutes north of Reno on U.S. 395. The clinic will initially be open on Mondays and Tuesdays. It offers excellent compensation and is ideally suited for a provider seeking to work part-time to supplement their income while improving the health of this rural community. Must possess an active California license. For prompt consideration, submit your CV to EOE. HELP WANTED: After-School Teacher. Portola Kids Inc. is now hiring a teacher to work with kids ages 5-11, Monday-Friday, 1:30-6:00pm. Teacher must love kids, be energetic, and be capable of helping with homework and providing daily projects. Minimum Qualifications: Must be at least 18 years old, pass finger-printing background check, and have at least 6 units of relevant college courses. $9-11 per-hour DOE and education. Application deadline is 5pm 10/23/15. Please call (530)832-5678 for more info. Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press Help Wanted 100 100 Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted 100 Northeastern Rural Health Clinics Help Wanted Help Wanted 100 100 Help Wanted 100 MEDICAL ASSISTANT TRAINING AVAILABLE Northeastern is currently seeking full time patient-centered, customer service oriented Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVNs) with at least 6 months clinical experience preferred. Competitive salary and benefits. Monday through Friday - day shifts available. The LVN position works in a fast paced environment. Must have the ability to prioritize optimum clinic back office flow, have excellent organization and communication skills. Duties include providing confidential back office support for clinic providers. Required qualifications: High School diploma or equivalent, graduate of an accredited school of vocational nursing, current CA LVN License and CPR Certified. Typing and Computer Knowledge Required 103 FAIR DRIVE • SUSANVILLE 257-7773 Apply in person or on-line. EOE Sierra Pacific Industries Ag Equipment Mechanic Quincy Facility LABORERS: Physically demanding, working in outdoor climate, sweeping, shoveling picking up materials weighing 5-75 #s. Wage $14.70. MILLWRIGHTS: 3 years exp in arc welding, cutting torch and handheld stationary tools, as well as fabrication exp. Must have necessary tools. ELECTRICIANS: Maintain/repair electrical parts/machinery, recognize and correct all electrical defects, work on motor control centers & build control panels. Able to read schematics/voltage, meters/amp, meters/meg motors and be able to operate electric/manual hand tools for repairs. Must have necessary tools. Must be able to work any shift, weekends, and holidays. Drug test required. Taking applications the month of October, Mon.-Fri. 9am-4pm. SPI, 1538 Lee Road, Quincy We are a drug and tobacco free work place. A verifiable SS# is required. EOE, including disabled and veterans. Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Social Service Director Knowledgeable in: Psychosocial needs of senior population, discharge planning, community healthcare referrals, Medicare, computer literate, behavior management, good organizational skills, strong leadership skills and team management experience. A 96 bed skilled nursing facility, in Susanville, California. If you have these skills and want to continue to grow professionally, work as a team, then please send your resume to the address below. Director of Nursing Immediate Opening This position requires at least 5 years long term care, 3 years director’s experience. You must have knowledge of California and Federal Regs. We are a 96 bed skilled nursing facility. Competitive benefits start after 90 days. If you like the outdoors, nature, mountain lakes, golfing and many more recreational activities, Lassen County is the place for you. Please send resumé to: or mail: Ben Laub 2005 River Street Susanville, Ca 96130 SENIOR ACCOUNTANTSPECIAL REVENUE Full Time $19.00-$26.00/hr Susanville Indian Rancheria – Fiscal Department, 745 Joaquin St, Susanville Ca 96130 (530)251-4972. Closes 10/29/15. Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Certified Nursing Assistants and Registered Nurses We are looking for experienced CNAs and RNs for a 96 bed skilled facility. California Certificate required. You would be working an 8 hour schedule. Positions start with paid orientation and training in the building. Benefits start after 90 days, for full time positions only. This is a permanent position. We are looking for good people who want to grow and work as a team. For more information, please contact our facility, or stop by for an application. Ask for D.S.D. Nurse, Salise Owen. (530) 257-5341 2005 River St., Susanville, CA CAMBRIDGE ; real estate services PORTOLA SENIOR APARTMENTS 700 3rd Avenue Portola, CA 96122 Phone (530) 832-5302 Fax (530) 832-1158 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Maintenance Technician for Portola Senior Apartments. 28 hours a week, Monday-Thursday, 7 hours a day at $13.00/hr. Please call or come by the office to pick up an application. CLEAR CREEK RELOAD looking for experienced flat bed/chip truck driver, local & over the road. Hourly pay, commission, benefits available. Please call (530)258-3447. OFFICE ASSISTANT needed for small engineering office; PT/FT position available. Must have good phone & computer skills. For application e-mail:, Chester. SUBSTITUTE LVN Required: (1) Valid State license to practice as a Licensed Vocational Nurse, (2) current CPR and First Aid certification, (3) experience working with children with special needs preferred. (4) Ability to perform vigorous physical activities including, but not limited to, lifting up to 70 lbs. and getting up and down off the floor frequently. Two days per week, $20.40 per hour. Open Until Filled. To apply, contact: Sharon Mincher, Human Resources, Lassen County Office of Education, 472-013 Johnstonville Road N., Susanville, CA, 96130, 530-257-7214, EOE. SPORTS WRITER WANTED Feather Publishing has an immediate opening for a full-time sports writer. Qualified applicants should have writing and photography skills and be available to work some nights and weekends. The sports writer is based in the Quincy office, but frequently travels to Chester, Indian Valley and Portola to cover events. The sports writer is in charge of designing the Sports and Recreation section. To apply for the position, send a resume and writing samples to Managing Editor Dan McDonald at . CORRECTIONAL COOK COORDINATOR Salary: $14.42-$17.27 per hour, plus benefits. Filing deadline: October 23, 2015. Minimum requirements: Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. Experience: One year of experience cooking, organizing, and preparing meals. License: Possession of, or ability to obtain a valid California driver's license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County's web site at: , or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street Susanville, CA 96130. EOE. LIEN SALE: Skyline Self Storage will be having a lien sale at the 702-910 Johnstonville Rd location only on Saturday, Oct 31st 2015 starting at 10:00. Please arrive early to sign bidding rules. Must be 18. The following units will be auctioned off to highest bidder: Micheael Terrill #324, Summer Lovin #459, Steven Joseph #499, Jayme Herline #515A, Daniel Smith #570. All units include household items. For more information call 530-257-3499. NORTHEASTERN Rural Health Clinics is now hiring Certified Medical Assistants to join our health care team. Monday through Saturday positions available. Benefits include competitive wages, medical, vision and dental. Valid CA driver license required. Apply in person at 1850 Spring Ridge Drive, Susanville, CA 96130, or on line at EOE. ATTN: CDL DRIVERS-2 CPM pay increase! $2k sign-on-bonus. See the country. Love your job and truck. CDL-A req 877-258-8782 (Cal-SCAN) HONEY LAKE VALLEY RESOURCE CONSERVATION DISTRICT PT/FT AUTOCAD Draftsmen Watermaster Technician. in Architect & Engineering Of- Honey Lake Valley Resource fice. Flexible hours. Pay com- Conservation District (HLV mensurate with experience. RCD) is accepting applications Email resume to: for the position of Watermaster Technician. The position reChester. quires the ability to read, comprehend, and apply the DeFOR A GOOD BUY on a good crees and recorded Agreetruck, check the classifieds! MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE (530) 596-3040 Personals FEATHER PUBLISHING does not want any advertising that has a sexual objective, is sexually explicit or that offers anything of monetary value including living accommodations, gifts or trips in exchange for companionship. We print no last names, private addresses or telephone numbers. Feather Publishing has the legal right to reject and/or edit any advertising for any reason whatsoever. Advertisers and those who respond must be age 18 or over. Feather Publishing has no liability for, the advertiser and respondent assume all liability for, the content of or reply to any advertisement or for any claims made against Feather Publishing as a result thereof. The advertiser and respondent agree to hold Feather Publishing Company and its employees harmless from all costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees), liabilities and damage resulting from or arising out of the publication or any replay to any personal advertisement. MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-945-3392. (Cal-SCAN) FIND THE LOVE YOU deserve! Discover the path to happiness. New members receive a free 3-minute love reading! Entertainment purposes only. 18 and over. 800-639-2705. (Cal-SCAN) LOOKING FOR GENTLEMAN 55 to 65 yrs in the Susanville area who would enjoy an occasional evening out to movie or dinner with woman 55 yrs. Reply P.O.Box 185 Susanville. OLDER GENTLEMAN looking for female companion, 60 plus for quad-ridding, camping, fishing, etc. Have quads, camp trailer, boats, all the toys. Please call Alan at (530)283-1205. 240 Lost & Found 28” MITSUBISHI TV W/Remote control. Pick up or I will deliver locally for free; in the Lake Almanor area. (530)259-3968. To Give Away 250 FREE-FREE-FREE Wood pallets available at Feather Publishing at 287 Lawrence Street in Quincy. Drive to the left of the building, around back and take what you need. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. DON’T THROW IT AWAY! Give it away with a FREE ad for 2 weeks in this section! Call your local newspaper office or Feather Publishing, at 283-0800 in Quincy. 12 FOOT ARTIFICIAL Christmas tree. 3 tiers to assemble. pre-lit lights do not work but can be cut off. You take away and have a Merry Christmas. See at Feather Publishing office in Quincy, 287 Lawrence Street. 260 Notices NOTICE "BE WARY OF OUT OF AREA COMPANIES" Check with the local Better Business Bureau in Sacramento or Redding before you send any money for fees. Read and understand any contracts before you sign. Shop around for rates. 350 Business Opportunity HARD TO FIND Liquor License #48 (530)283-3551. I WILL GHOSTWRITE YOUR memoirs or personal story. Professional writer of 30 published books. Guaranteed quality services Free consultation Jay North 805-794-9126 (Cal-SCAN) Be part of the nations fastest growing tax preparation company Liberty Tax! Well established, profitable Susanville franchise for sale. Seasonal operation, exclusive territory rights, no tax experience required. Call for details 252-4829. BUY, SELL, RENT, TRADE, hire. Classified Ads do more things for more people than any other form of advertising. Call one of our six offices before 9 a.m. on Monday to run in the current weeks paper. Call the main office (530)283-0800. & Property Management 530-832-4455 530-257-8344 170 Russell Ave., Ste. A, Susanville, CA 96130 132 E. Sierra Avenue, Portola, CA 96122 email: email: Beautiful Home in Janesville Perfect Location close to city amenities. This quaint home is within walking distance to almost everything. Home has 2bd, 1ba, new roof, corner lot and it is also situated on a double lot. This 4bdrm, 3ba, 2688 sq.ft. home is on just over an acre. Upstairs master suite has gigantic walkin closet, Jacuzzi tub, walk-in shower, kitchen has granite counters. There is a large family room. This is truly a must see home. Don’t miss out! Reduced to $229,900 Reduced to $55,000 Great Location! Located on the Madeline Plains... situated on 40 acres, this 3bd, 1ba home with 960 sq.ft. has beautiful views of the valley. This home has a second unit that could be used as a mother-inlaw cabin. Whether you are looking for a full time residence or vacation property, look no further. Nice family home, 3bdrm, 2ba, 1440 sq.ft., near McKinley School. Many improvements in kitchen, living room, new interior doors, new hot water heater, bathroom upgrades, new interior and exterior paint. Newly landscaped front & back with sprinklers & sod in front. Back patio partially covered, 2 car attached garage with new garage door. Reduced to $214,900 Offered at $149,500 CA LIC. #01263375 Dawn Meyers Realtor Offered at $194,900 In the heart of Susanville... in a well established neighborhood. This 4 bedroom, 2 bath home has 2078 sq.ft. of living area, updated kitchen, newer windows, metal roof and a fenced yard. Reduced to $179,400 Reduced to $325,900 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY LeAnn Smith In town and within walking distnace to Meadow View School and Susanville Ranch Park. 1598 sq.ft., 3bdrms, 2bas, master suite has double sinks, shower, tub and built in closet. Living room has a wood stove, vaulted ceilings with fans, sprinkler system in front & back yards. Ideal for outdoor entertaining This home served as Potter’s Maternity Home with approximately 2060 babies being born here. The home was moved to its current location in the early 1970s. There are many of its original qualities and some updating. There are 4 bedrooms with a possible 5th bedroom or office downstairs and 3 full bathrooms. Upstairs is a quiet sitting area, full bathroom and 2 bedrooms. The master bedroom, on the lower floor, has a large dressing area, beautiful bathroom and a warm, inviting feeling. Just imagine waking up to the warm morning sun and looking over your meticulously manicured yard. There are 2 ponds with koi, a creek and 2 waterfalls, playhouse with swings, a pondless waterfall, several seating areas and is very close to the Bizz Johnson Trail. Offered at $139,900 Owner/Broker Good Location! This is a must won’t be disappointed! Located on a quiet cul de sac. This charming home has 3brms, 2bas and is located near many city amenities, within walking distance to shopping and restaurants. Open floor plan. New flooring, interior paint and natural gas heater. 200 FOUND SMALL MT. BIKE IN Chester. Call to identify (530) 816-9079. Susan River Realty Portola Melissa Lunsford BRE #01921362 Terri Cantua BRE #01342725 Sierra Heritage Realty - FOXWOOD ® Schools of Instruction AIRLINE CAREERS START here- Get trained as FAA Certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-231-7177. (Cal-SCAN) FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER SingletonAuman PC seeking energetic person with experience in general ledger through financial statement preparation, payroll preparation, payroll tax returns and payroll reporting, accounts receivable processing, accounts payable processing, bank reconciliations, account analysis, sales tax return preparation, correspondence, clerical and administrative support. Required $247,500 REALTOR 130 Lost & Found 240 skills include: High School diploma or equivalent and 3-5 years related experience or formal training. Desirable skills: QuickBooks, Excel and Word. Salary: DOE. Contact Terri at Business and Career Network at 1616 Chestnut Street in Susanville, 257-5057 for application and information. ENVIRONMENTAL ALTERNATIVES Foster Family Agency is seeking a full-time Social Worker for our Susanville office. Must have a Master's Degree in a related field. DOJ/FBI and CAIC clearances are required. Strong communication skills a must. $41,600.00 per year. Excellent benefit packResume: age. OCA#187000179 EOE Susan River Realty Susanville NEED A JOB? Place an ad in the "Jobs Wanted" section. 3bd/2ba on 2.5ac 471-395 Diane Drive Help Wanted 100 Page 5 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE FULL TIME POSITION for a qualified maintenance technician with a can-do attitude. 41 unit apartment community in Portola. Great benefits. (530)832-5073 for further information. SNOW PLOW / WATER TRUCK DRIVER Greenhorn Road Association is seeking experienced snow plow/water truck driver. PT, year round, wages DOE. (760)550-1596. Leave message. Help Wanted INTEGRATED CASEWORKER I Salary: $2,376-$2,847. monthly, plus benefits. Application deadline: October 30, 2015. Minimum Requirementseither: Two years of full-time experience performing clerical duties. Experience must include substantial public contact with clients and basic interviewing for the purpose of gathering information and explaining policies or clarifying information needed; or Eighteen months of full-time experience with responsibility for one or more of the following: determining eligibility for loans, financial assistance, unemployment, veteran's benefits, or publicly or privately financed health counseling and/or social services programs; or: Eighteen months of full-time experience with responsibility for performing case management, vocational guidance services, employment counseling or placement work; or: Successful completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of college, including 15 semester units or 15 continuing education credits in behavioral science in sociology, psychology, counseling, vocational guidance or any coursework related to the provision of employment services. License: A valid California driver's license is required. Only Merit System services applications will be accepted for this position. Apply online at Merit System Services at:, or obtain a Merit System Services application at the Lassen County Personnel Department at 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130 and mail the application to Merit System Services 241 Lathrop Way Sacramento, CA 95815. EOE. For more information contact the Lassen County Personnel Department at 530-251-8320. Great Start or Investment Property Requirements: CA Class A or B, Haz Mat, Tank Endorsement, Air Brakes, current DMV printout, drug and alcohol testing, fingerprints. Wages DOE, benefit package. NEED MONEY? Sell your item in the classifieds today. Call 283-0800 or 257-5321 to talk to an ad taker. PROBATION ASSISTANT Salary: $15.00-$17.99 hourly, plus benefits. Application deadline: October 30, 2015. Minimum requirements: Education and Experience: Six months of experience working with adult and/or juvenile offenders; or equivalent to an Associate degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in criminology, sociology, psychology, social work, criminal justice or a related field. Additional requirements: Willingness and availability to work occasionally on the weekend; Sufficient strength and dexterity to physically restrain hostile individuals; Mental stability to deal with emotionally charged potentially verbally abusive individuals. Special requirements: Must be at least 21 years of age at the time of application; Must have no prior felony convictions unless fully pardoned; Must be of good moral character as determined by a thorough background investigation; Must pass a physical and psychological examination; Must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident who is eligible for and has applied for U.S. Citizenship. License: Possession of, or ability to obtain, a valid California driver's license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County's web site at: Or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street, Susanville CA 96130.EOE. Great Neighborhood & Location PROPANE DELIVERY AND SERVICE TECH BUY, SELL, FIND IT, TELL IT, wish it, fix it, say it! It's all in the Classifieds. Call one of our offices today! Main office (530)283-0800. SUBSTITUTE LVN, RN OR CREDENTIALED NURSE Required: (1) Valid State license to practice as a Registered Nurse or Licensed Vocational Nurse, (2) current CPR and First Aid certification, (3) experience working with children with special needs preferred. (4) Ability to perform vigorous physical activities including, but not limited to, lifting up to 70 lbs. and getting up and down off the floor frequently.$20.40 to $32.94 per hour. Open Until Filled. To apply, contact: Sharon Mincher, Human Resources, Lassen County Office of Education, 472-013 Johnstonville Road N., Susanville, CA, 96130, (530)257-7214, EOE. VICTIM WITNESS ADVOCATE (.8 FTE) Salary: $15.00-$17.99 per hour, plus benefits. Filing deadline: Open until filled. Minimum requirements: Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. Experience: Two years of responsible social work or social service work. License: Possession of, or ability to obtain a valid California driver's license. For a bulletin and application, visit Lassen County Personnel at Lassen County's web site at: , or visit our application center at: 221 S Roop Street Susanville, CA 96130. EOE. 15 LASSEN COUNTY REAL ESTATE This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer. Please send application or resume to: This position will be working both in the shop and in the field on various pieces of equipment including but not limited to trucks, tractors, haying equipment, 4-wheelers and stationary motors. The ideal individual will have experience in diesel and gas engines, hydraulics and electrical systems. Only individuals that are self-motivated with good organizational skills and a valid CDL need apply. Wages based on experience. Benefit package available after 60 days, includes medical/dental and simple IRA. Send resume in care of Farm Manager, Five Dot Land & Cattle Co., P.O. Box 50, Standish, CA 96128 or fax to (530) 254-6987. Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 ments that define water rights within the Susan River Watermaster Service Area. The workload varies during the course of the irrigation and storage seasons and the salary will be DOE. This position works under direct supervision of the HLV RCD District Manager. For the full vacancy announcement, email, or stop by the USDA Service Center, 170 Russell Ave., Suite C, Susanville, CA 96130. The vacancy will be opened until filled. INTERESTED IN THE MEDICAL FIELD? Full Time Job With Benefits 1850 Spring Ridge Drive Susanville, CA 96130 Telephone 530-251-5000 Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 Brenda Witt Realtor Linda Hadley Managing Broker CA LIC. #01163259 Maggie says, “We’ll ‘spot’ just the right home for you!” Feather River Bulletin • Lassen County Times • Indian Valley Record • Chester Progressive • Portola Reporter • Westwood Pine Press 400 Services HANDYMAN TREES, YARDS, hauling. All your outside needs. For Susanville area. Call (530)257-1152. APPLE MACINTOSH, iMAC, MacBook repair, service and training, including OSX upgrades and software installation, iPhone and iPad training. We do house calls anywhere in Plumas, Lassen and Sierra counties. Call Dr. Mac in Quincy at (530)283-0150 or (530)386-2616. Working on Macintosh since 1987. All major credit cards accepted. SELL YOUR STRUCTURED settlement or annuity payments for cash now. You don't have to wait for your future payments any longer! Call 1-800-673-5926. (Cal-SCAN) DID YOU KNOW INFORMAtion is power and content is King? Do you need timely access to public notices and remain relevant in today’s hostile business climate? Gain the edge with California Newspaper Publishers Association new innovative website and check out the free one-month trial Smart Search Feature. For more information call Elizabeth @ (916)288-6019 or (Cal-SCAN) PIANO LESSONS: All ages. All levels. All styles. Jeff Hanson (530)281-6222. GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK pain? Shoulder pain? Get a pain-relieving brace - little or no cost to you. Medicare patients call Health Hotline now! 1- 800-796-5091. (Cal-SCAN) DIRECTV STARTING AT $19.99/mo. Free installation. Free 3 months of HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, Starz. Free HD/DVR upgrade! 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket included (select packages). New customers only. Call 1-800-385-9017. (Cal-SCAN) ANYTHING FOR A BUCK Handyman Service. Complete home repair: carpentry, ceramic tile, painting, roofing, fences, decks, carports. Our name says it all! Local references. (530)260-0519. DISH NETWORK– Get MORE for less! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). Plus bundle & save (fast internet for $15 more/month.) Call now 1-800-357-0810. (Cal-SCAN) Grand Opening 2 for 1 Massages $ 60 for 2 one hour massages in November Annie Westerbeke, CMT 257-7979 611 Main St., Susanville ALL METALS RECYCLED: Removal fees vary, free estimates. Farm equipment, batteries, appliances, radiators, welders, tractors, snowblowers, woodstoves, outboards. BUYING junk cars, trucks, cash paid, prompt service, title or not. Free towing. Lee Maintenance, Huey, mobile (530)249-2741, office (530)832-4948. Located in Portola. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILity benefits. Unable to work? Denied benefits? We can help! Win or pay nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-966-1904 to start your application today! (Cal-SCAN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call us first. Living expenses, housing, medical, and continued support afterwards. Choose adoptive family of your choice. Call 24/7. 1-877-879-4709. (Cal-SCAN) LOWEST PRICES ON Health & Dental insurance. We have the best rates from top companies! Call now! 888-989-4807. (Cal-SCAN) PRIVATE CAREGIVER, 16+ years. Exp. CNA certified. Cooking, lt. cleaning, errands, shopping. Ref. available on request. Plumas Co. (530)616-1179 Julie. YARD WORK, RUBBISH Hauling, Defensible Space, Pineneedle Removal, Lawn Services, Fence Repair, Trash Outs, Lot clean ups.. Licensed and Insured. Serving Lassen & Plumas counties. Free estimates. (530)249-5848. EVERY BUSINESS HAS A story to tell! Get your message out with California’s PRMedia Release - the only press release service operated by the press to get press! For more info contact Elizabeth @ 916-288-6019 or (Cal-SCAN) HOUSECLEANING, PAINTing, residential repairs and improvements. Call today! Mountain Property Services. (530)375-0268. DID YOU KNOW 144 MILLION U.S. adults read a newspaper print copy each week? Discover the power of newspaper advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6019 or email (Cal-SCAN) YOUR AD WILL BE FREE on the internet, just place a classified ad and it will appear on our two heavily searched websites at www.plumasnews and 430 Child Care MARRS FAMILY DAY CARE In Chester. Licensed 18 yrs. Ages: Newborn to 12 yrs. Includes Nutritional Meals, Snacks, & Lots Of Fun. CPR & First Aid Certified. Lic# 325406363. Call (530) 258-2554. 500 Misc. Wanted LOOKING FOR Summer Mountain Bike to commute from Chandler Road to downtown Quincy. My budget is $200 to $300. Please call Greg at (530)283-0202 or (209)768-5485. GOT AN OLDER CAR, BOAT or RV? Do the humane thing. Donate it to the Humane Society. Call 1-800-743-1482. (Cal-SCAN) WANTED: 4’x8’ trailer, under $200. Call (530)283-3923, please leave message. WANTED! I BUY OLD Porsche’s 911, 356. 1948-1973 only. Any condition. Top $$ paid. Finders fee. Call 707-965-9546 or email (Cal-SCAN) SAFE STEP Walk-In Tub! Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal-SCAN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK or boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3-day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, All paperwork taken care of. Call 800-731-5042. (Cal-SCAN) OLD COOKBOOKS:Recipes gathered by Quincy Soroptimist Club: Mountain Morsels published 1986 (tan cover) and More Mountain Morsels published 1993 (ivory cover). Call Keri @ Quincy 283-0876. 520 Misc. For Sale NOTICE As of January 1992 the California Penal Code requires that all private sales of firearms (excluding antiques) must be completed through a licensed dealer. ATTENTION: VIAGRA and Cialis users! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 pill special - $99 free shipping! 100 percent guaranteed. Call now: 1-800-624-9105 (Cal-SCAN) SEARS CRAFTSMAN contractor series 11/2hp fourteen inch Bansaw twenty inch scroll saw ten inch table saw $125. Forney MIG Flux core wire welder with welding cart both new still in box $250. Delta one HP Drill Press $125. Call (530)253-2118. BUNDLES OF NEWSPAPERS Bundles of newspapers usable for fire starters, fish wrappers, family projects, parcel packing, paper mache, polishing windows, pet paper, bird cages, the possibilities are limitless. $1 per bundle. Available at Feather Publishing Co., 287 Lawrence Street, Quincy or Lassen County Times, 100 Grand Avenue, Susanville. Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. TWENTY TON SHOP PRESS $75. House warmer HW350 series wall furnace with blower and thermostat 35000 BTU/HR brand new never installed $275. 20 gallon parts washer new $40. Central Pneumatic 110lb abrasive blaster with 40lbs abrasive material $100. Call (530)253-2118. NEWSPAPER END ROLLS..... Great for children’s projects, table cloths, drawing, gift wrapping etc. Various amounts on each roll. Prices start at $1.00. Pickup at Feather Publishing Co., 287 Lawrence St. in Quincy or Lassen County Times, 100 Grand Avenue, Susanville. 531 Quincy Yard Sale YARD SALE: Sat. Oct. 24th, 9am-2pm. Household goods, bedding, tools, compressor, men’s & women’s clothes, Christmas decorations, nutcracker collection. 67 Ada Lane, Meadow Valley, in Pineleaf. No early birds please. 532 Chester Yard Sale A MAN’S “DREAM” GARAGE Sale: Friday 10/23 & Saturday 10/24, 8:00am-3:00pm @ 135 Aldon Drive, Chester. 40 YEAR’S worth of stuff-2 snowblowers, band saw, tools, wood, stove piping, Fisher wood stove, chain, cable, fishing stuff, E-Z UP canopy, bolts, screws, anchors, rope, trolling motor, car needs, camping gear and lots more. 534 Autos & Vans 550 MINI VAN Portola Yard Sale EUREKA STORAGE, two units. Everything goes! 10/24 & 10/25. Furniture, near new clothing and treasures galore. Behind Stagecoach Realty. 149 East Sierra. Hwy 70. GRAND CARAVAN 6 cyl, auto, sto-n-go, p doors, p lks, tilt, cr, cd, backup camera, roof rack & more 540 HONDA 2014 HONDA 550 Autos & Vans Autos & Vans 550 550 Page 6 Autos & Vans SUSANVILLE AUTO CENTER 257-5092 S usanville A uto C enter Only 61k miles Very, Very Nice! $16,890 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 569877 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 2009 BUICK LUCERNE, midnight blue color, excellent condition, 106,000 miles, very clean, well maintained, excellent gas mileage $8,900 call (307)587-4367. A closer look at one of our team members Meet Angel 2003 BUICK LESABRE, tan color, 107,000 miles, great condition, very clean, well maintained, good gas mileage, $2,400. Call (307)587-4367. 1998 JEEP GRAND CHEROkee Laredo. Runs great, smog certified, clean title, 225,700 miles. $2800.00 Please call (530)816-0583. How To Make Your Car Disappear Angel Quinn SOMEONE WANTS to sit in your chair...sell it to him with a Classified Ad! Office Manager Don't wait until the cows come home... Advertise it for sale in the auto section of the Lassen/Plumas Classifieds That's where auto buyers and sellers meet to get the best deals on wheels! Wife and mother of three daughters Long time Plumas county resident Enjoys working with husband at Susanville Auto Center Loves helping customers find solutions to their problems ESTATE SALE. 251 Espinal Drive, Delleker. 10/24 and 10/25, 9am. Pickups & 4 x 4’s Autos & Vans Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015 We Buy Nice Cars & Trucks, Paid For or Not 2013 DODGE Greenville Yard Sale FALL CLEAN OUT, 2 family yard sale. Collectibles, household, furniture, jewelry, and much more. Friday, October 23rd, 10am- to 3pm. Saturday, October 24th 9am- to 12pm, everything 1/2 off and free. 1765 Marie Drive, Taylorsville. Right off Arlington Road. 533 550 Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015 subscribe to your hometown newspaper! Call 283-0800 Feather River Bulletin, 283-0800 Lassen County Times, 257-5321 Chester Progressive, 258-3115 Portola Reporter, 832-4646 Indian Valley Record, 283-0800 Westwood PinePress, 257-5321 530-257-5092 Hwy 36 & Richmond Rd. E, Susanville CRV 512 Feed & Hay YAMHILL WHEAT SEED FOR fall planting 15cents per pound. Call (530)253-2116. ALFALFA HAY- SECOND cutting, 3 twine bales. $9.00 a bale. Third cutting $10.00 a bale in Standish. We will load, Cash only. Call (530)249-7931. LUMBER BANDSAW LUMBER CUSTOM ORDERS FOR: SIDING, FENCING, BEAMS, DECKING, CORRAL BOARDS! Cedar, Fir & Pine Products CENTRAL BOILER DEALER INDIAN VALLEY LUMBER CO. 162 Genesee Rd., Taylorsville MARTIN’S HAY QUALITY BARN STORED Alfalfa ...............$1200 Alfalfa Grass .....$1300 3-Way Grain......$1100 Grass ................$1300 Triticale.............$1000 (all prices by the bale) Call Steven 260-1437 ALFALFA/GRASS MIX HAY for sale in Litchfield. Call (530)260-4900. 515 Fuels & Firewood HEAT SURGE electric fireplace/heater, 1500 watts, near new condition. $75 obo. (530)283-3789. LOG SPLITTER FOR SALE: Very strong, works very well. $500. (530)283-3930. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Soft wood and hard wood.. (530)258-7598. Free delivery anywhere within 10 miles of Portola. HEAT SURGE electric fireplace/heater, 1500 watts, near new condition. $75 obo. (530)283-3789. MONITOR 422 Kerosene Furnace with 150 gal. tank. $1200. (530)832-9923. 520 Misc. For Sale TROY BUILT PRESSURE washer, Honda motor 2500 max psi 2.3 max GPM, used twice $250. 25 gallon propane tanks with top mount heating elements have two new $75. each. 1972 Cadillac parts car 472 engine runs good $400. Call (530)253-2118. CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 93% on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-273-0209 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. (Cal-SCAN) HONDA 70 TRAIL BIKE: Runs good! $150.00 Please call (650) 678-8017. 284-6559 521 Furniture TWO END tables w/drawers and matching coffee table, $100 obo, round end table, $75 obo. 522 Appliances APPLIANCE SALE. Free delivery to Quincy, Graeagle, Portola. Brand new 2-door frost free refrigerator $399. New 4 burner range with oven, $299. New large capacity washer and matched dryer, $649. Whirlpool large capacity washer and matched dryer, $299. One year warranty. We buy appliances. Sam’s T.V. & Appliance. 58981 Hwy 70. (530)836-0400. G/E TRUETEMP GAS RANGE: Self-cleaning oven, four burners, black/white, good condition, $200/obo. (530)283-2974. HEAT SURGE electric fireplace/heater, 1500 watts, near new condition. $75 obo. (530)283-3789. 524 Computers DR. MAC SPECIALIZES IN Apple Macintosh, iMac, MacBook repair, service and training, including OSX upgrades and software installation, iPhone and iPad training. We do house calls anywhere in Plumas, Lassen and Sierra counties. Call Dr. Mac in Quincy at (530)386-2616 or (530)283-0150. Working on Macintosh since 1987. All major credit cards accepted. 12 YARDS, DELIVERED* $350 Call (530) 257-4506 *Susanville area, call for outlying areas. VIAGRA 100mg, CIALIS 20mg. 50 tabs $90 includes free shipping. 1-888-836-0780 or (Cal-SCAN) NEED SOME MAD MONEY? Go mad with a classified ad. Only 23k miles One Owner! $23,790 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 467810 Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 TOYOTA AWD 2013 TOYOTA RAV4 AWD QUEEN MATTRESS with springs, factory sealed, never slept on, $99.00. Plush queen mattress with foundation $149.00. Double pillow top queen mattress with foundation $249.00. Double pillow top king with foundation $299.00. Double pillow top full with foundation $200.00. Twin mattress with springs $79.00. Free delivery to Quincy, Portola, Graeagle on purchase over $225.00. Sam’s Furniture & Appliance, 58981 Hwy 70, Cromberg. (530)836-0400. TOPSOIL Triple Mix Soil HOME GYM EQUIPMENTNordic-Track, rower, weight machine; great condition. Buy one or all. (530)258-6816. awd, ex, moonroof, 4 cyl, auto, pw, plks, tilt, cr, cd, backup camera & more 531 Quincy Yard Sale MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE: Saturday, October 24th, 8am. No early birds! Something for everyone. 1843 Quincy Junction Road. LE, 4cyl, auto, pw, plks, tilt, cr, cd & more Only 57k miles Very, Very Clean! $18,990 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 565644 Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 GREAT DEAL 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO crew cab, pw, pl, tilt, cruise, cd, tow package & more “BULLSEYE” Need quality printing at competetive prices? Only 95k miles Very Nice! $21,490 Plus tax, lic, doc fees. STK#: 568977 Call Jack QUINCY AUTO CO. 283-2277 • 966-5463 JEEP: Registered as ‘46 but probably later, body professional, rebuilt v6, 10k invested, new tires, wheels, brakes, clutch, many new parts. Needs gauges and lights connected. $4250/obo. (530)927-9209. Portola. Check out FEATHER PUBLISHING CO. and you’ll be right on target! Letterheads Flyers Envelopes Menus WANTED Business Cards Posters CONSIGN YOUR CAR OR TRUCK Booklets Brochures QUINCY AUTO CO. 1970 MAIN STREET QUINCY YOU NAME IT… WE’LL PRINT IT! (530) 283-2277 545 RV’s, Travel Trailers 2008 32’ COUGAR 5th Wheel; model #BSH-281 Polar package w/bunkhouse; 14’ popout. Good condition. $13,500. Located at Northshore Campground, Lake Almanor. Call (707)227-2039 or (707)322-3335. 2007 VR1 KEYSTONE, 28FT. On the road once to deliver! Plush upgraded double-bed, slide-out, bath/shower, lots of storage, $10,000. (530)257-6346. SOMEONE WANTS TO SIT IN YOUR CHAIR... sell it to him with a Classified Ad! FOR ESTIMATES CONTACT COBEY BROWN AT: 283-0800 FEATHER RIVER BULLETIN Chester Progressive Westwood PinePress Portola Reporter 287 Lawrence Street, Quincy, CA • 283-0800 P.O. Box 790, Westwood, CA • 258-3115 135 Main Street, Chester, CA • 258-3115 96 E. Sierra (Hwy 70), Portola, CA • 832-4646 Indian Valley P.O. Box 469, Greenville, CA • 284-7800 LASSEN COUNTY Times 100 Grand Ave., Susanville, CA • 257-5321
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