Annual Report - Eastern University
Annual Report - Eastern University
J u l y 1 , 2 0 1 1 – J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 1 2 Annual Report Let ter from the Vice President f o r D e v e l o pm e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C o mm o n t h r e a d s Vision, Growth, Impact: Dr. David R. Black 4 Samuel Onyait 6 John Camp Maria Horning 10 Katelyn Rittenhouse 12 Anthony Ramos 8 14 Sp o t l i g h t College of Arts & Sciences Templeton Honors College 16 18 Esperanza College 20 Campolo College of Graduate & Professional Studies 22 Palmer Theological Seminary 24 Fac u lt y h i g h l i g h t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 f i n a n c i a l s & d e m o g r a p h i c s . . . . . . . . 28 D o n o r h o n o r r o ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 L o o k i n g a h e a d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Mission Eastern University is a Christian university dedicated through teaching and learning, scholarship, service, spiritual formation, student development and stewardship to the preparation of undergraduate, theological and graduate students for thoughtful and productive lives of Christian faith, leadership and service. Vision Eastern University is dedicated to ideas, inquiry and the development of people of faith who will enhance the quality of society and the church. Toward that end, Eastern will continue to expand its formative role in the world as a university that imbues its students with knowledge and wisdom, inspires them to Christ-like engagement and models stewardship. G r e e t i n gs to t h e E a s t e r n Co mm u n i t y & Fr i e n ds: “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” So said John Quincy Adams. Had the renowned American President and philosopher lived in our times, he would have had Dr. David Black in mind when he made that statement. Eastern University has been privileged to have Dr. Black as its leader since 1997. The list of his accomplishments is both lengthy and significant in its breadth and depth. One characterization of Dr. Black’s leadership and vision is his ability to survey the diverse landscape of higher education—here at home and overseas—and identify key niches where a school like Eastern can make a positive difference in the lives of those it touches. The Templeton Honors College, Nueva Esperanza and the University’s Doctoral and other graduate programs saw their birth and/or major advancement under Dr. Black’s able tutelage. Yet, leadership is a lot more than pointing at a target and getting others to move toward it. Dr. Black has used his uniquely relational style to personalize the concepts of faith, reason and justice at Eastern. For him, they are a way of life, not a tag line at work. He’s made these concepts attractive and meaningful at the most basic human levels, and those are the places in the minds and hearts of students and other members of the Eastern community where the tenets continue to have the greatest meaning and impact. On a personal level, my Development colleagues and I will miss the cherished opportunities we’ve had to travel this country with Dr. Black to encourage men and women to make investments in Eastern students. It was during those one-on-one times when we saw in the most subtle and yet important ways the heart of the man whom John Quincy Adams would have been proud to call friend as well as leader. With faith and gratitude, Derek C. Ritchie ’89, Vice President for Development Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 3 For the past 15 years, Eastern University has been blessed by the leadership of Dr. David R. Black. President Black’s tenure will be remembered as a time of extraordinary vision, unrivaled institutional growth, and significant social impact. Dr. Ardell Thomas ‘63, Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, says, “As David Black approaches retirement, the Board of Trustees celebrates his remarkable leadership and acknowledges with gratitude his contributions to Eastern University. The university has experienced significant growth in enrollment, facilities, and philanthropy under his leadership and we are deeply grateful to him for his service to Eastern.” It was Dr. Black who distilled the mission and core values of Eastern University into the three words of “faith, reason and justice,” which have now become the key elements of the university brand which identifies Eastern to the world. Dr. Black says, “Before I came to Eastern, I had read Ron Sider, had followed Tony Campolo forever, and was reading a book by Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen. So when I came to Eastern it was everything I hoped for and more. I reflected on Eastern’s epistemology and it was unlike any I’d seen. Eastern was the only school that integrated faith with reason and justice. I knew that distinctive was worthy of high regard.” 4 1998 David R. Black becomes the seventh president of Eastern College. 1999 The Templeton Honors College opens its doors. 2000 Nueva Esperanza and Eastern College enter into a partnership to form a junior college in North Philadelphia. 2001 Eastern is granted University status and becomes Eastern University. 2003 Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Eastern University reunite. EBTS becomes the Seminary of Eastern University. 2004 The phrase “FaithReason-Justice” is coined by President Black. It resonates with the community & is used frequently. 2005 Nueva Esperanza is renamed Esperanza College of Eastern University. It is the only Hispanicserving institution in Pennsylvania. 2009 The University opens the 39,000 square foot Falls Center location in Philadelphia. 2011 The University purchases 19+ acres of the Valley Forge Military Academy to create the West Campus. He continues, “International economic development had symbolized our faith, reason and justice most. Yet we faced having to close the program because more than half of our international graduates stayed in the U.S. after graduation. We asked World Vision and Habitat for Humanity to partner with us to take the program to Africa and Latin America, rather than having students come here. With these partnerships we greatly increased the number of students. Another way to symbolize faith, reason and justice was by creating an honors college for the most academically-gifted students. The Templetons, Dr. Jack and Josephina, shared that vision, and that was how the Templeton Honors College came about.” Faith, reason, justice When people ask Dr. Black to explain what he means by “faith, reason and justice,” he directs them to the Bible to read Isaiah 58:6 “No, the kind of fasting I want calls you to free those who are wrongly imprisoned and stop oppressing those who work for you. …I want you to share your food with the hungry and to welcome poor wanderers into your home…” and to Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released…the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors.” Nueva Esperanza had been providing internships for urban economic development students and asked Eastern to consider partnering with them to expand opportunities for working Hispanic adults. It soon became Esperanza College, the only one of its kind in Pennsylvania, developed through some major grants. David Black says, “Of all the things the Spirit has birthed here, I’ve learned the most from this one. I see how much resolve and tolerance of the dominant culture it takes to realize educational dreams when there is so much to overcome linguistically and financially.” As enrollment increased, Eastern greatly expanded Warner Library to create the Harold C. Howard Center and built new residence halls. Athletics joined the Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic Corporation. In 2001, Eastern College achieved University status, at the urging of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, to reflect better the scope of its academic programs. The Seminary was renamed Palmer Theological Seminary in 2005. Common threads Dr. Black says, “It soon became clear that a real culture of partnerships had formed. Not only with World Vision, Habitat for Humanity and Esperanza, but also with the Sider Center and Evangelicals for Social Action. We’ve partnered with Tony Campolo’s initiatives like Cornerstone Academy, Urban Promise, and Mission Year, and with others including People for People Community Development and Gaudenzia Rehabilitation Services. It seemed that our notion here of faith, reason and justice kept finding expression in organizations where people were trying to advance themselves through faith-based organizations. Ours was the educational part of the partnership.” Dr. Black says, “If anything makes Eastern different, it’s that central tenet that we exist in part to liberate people. That’s a departure from common notions of the liberal arts. Historically they have not been liberating but for those already privileged. But Eastern more than any place really got it and was willing to use liberal arts to liberate.” He continues, “Eastern is deeply different, philosophically and theologically, from other learning centers. I believe that by the hand of God it will always be this way, as long as we are willing for it to be. The challenges are enormous. Increasingly, families can’t afford private higher education. But just as the Lord showed us a new model of education in 1988 with the Campolo College, he’ll show us how the next addition will ensure sustainability through hybrid learning, combining online and on-ground education.” Dr. Black concludes, “The Lord is clearly present in directing this partnership culture in ways that extend faith, reason and justice to new places and help us pay our bills. I’m very confident about our future.” Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 5 + 7 3 % of C C G PS courses + 1 ,139 fu l l -time students e n rol l ed i n first class of PhD students a n d a s si s t ed f or m ats CCGPS u n dergr a duat e gr a duated in M ay. ( i n c lu di n g c l a s sro om or gr a duat e pro gr a m s a n d on li n e i n s t ruc tion ). i n Fa l l 2011. Samuel Onyait MA International development, CCGPS Africa Residency Program An adult student in CCGPS and a participant in the Africa Residency Program, Samuel Onyait takes classes towards an MA in International Development from his home in Uganda. A Bible school teacher for 16 years, when he is not in the classroom, Samuel is completing and posting assignments for his coursework in international economic development. This unique offering puts him in contact with students from six continents, all of whom are combining intensive on-site classes with interactive online learning. Samuel is also preparing for the upcoming in-person Residency program, intensive “onground” courses that provide an opportunity for all the online students to meet face-toface and participate in a traditional classroom experience once every semester. Samuel regularly meets with leaders in his church to discuss further support and growth of sustainable churches and communities in Uganda. Taking what he’s learned through true, trans-global collaboration in his online “classroom,” Samuel is able to bring new perspectives and propose new solutions to longtime challenges. For Samuel, a person deeply committed to the transformation of depressed and disadvantaged communities in his home country, the hybrid online/on-site learning model is a perfect fit that has allowed him to continue his work in the community, while also learning valuable skills that will help him move forward with his mission. 6 + E astern U niversit y ’s w er e taugh t i n bl e n ded + D r . Ton y C ampo l o ’56, + E astern U niversit y + D octor of arts i n BD ’6 0, THM ’61, prof e s s or graduate Naw Susanna M a r r i ag e a n d Fa m i ly e m er it us, a l on g w it h H l a H l a S oe , w ho s ta rt ed i n 2011 w it h S h a n e C l a i b or n e ’ 97 e a r n ed h er MBA i n 23 s t u de n ts. h av e r el e a sed a n e w Economic De v elopm ent b o ok ca l l ed “R ed L e t t er i n 20 0 4, h a s bee n c ho se n R e volu tion : W h at i f f or t h e I n t er ac tion J e s us R e a l ly M e a n t h u m a n ita r i a n awa r d W h at H e Sa i d ? ” f or 2012. A world away, but connected by a Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 7 + T here are over 2 0, 0 0 0 + E astern a l umni / ae + 9 8 % of 2 011 graduates tota l a l umni / ae , w h ic h c ov er 50 S tat e s a n d w er e e m pl oy ed f u l l -ti m e, i n c lu de s CAS, CCGPS, P TS 8 8 C ou n t r i e s. at t e n di n g gr a duat e a n d E sper a nz a gr a duat e s. s c ho ol , or i n volu n ta ry serv ic e w it h i n si x mon t h s of gr a duation. John Camp Class of 1982 CEO/General Manager, Schreder Lighting LLC In his role as CEO and General Manager of Schreder Lighting—North American Division, John Camp can often be found traveling the world for days that begin before dawn with exercise and morning devotions and end late at night when he boards a plane for home. Although busy, John often takes time to read the Bible and reflect upon God’s work in his life. One man who had a profound effect on John, and someone he often reflects upon, is Dr. Linwood Geiger. Dr. Geiger was John’s Economics professor during his years at Eastern, and became both a mentor and a friend who helped to shape his career and family. “Dr. Geiger took the time to understand the type of learning challenges I faced. He worked with me in a way that allowed me to excel. In my experience, it’s rare for faculty to really invest in the success of their students the way Dr. Geiger did. At Eastern, I found that to be the norm.” Having owned two businesses in his career, John now leads one of the largest global commercial lighting manufacturers in the world. He feels strongly that Dr. Geiger and the other faculty who invested so much in his growth, prepared him well for the often high intensity of his day-to-day activities. As he balances executive team meetings, quality control on the factory floor, financial reporting and international travel, John carries his Eastern experience with him. “It was an invaluable experience, one that has made me who I am today. I’ve never hesitated to support Eastern’s current and future students—I want as many people as possible to be able to benefit from this place.” 8 + 1 , 0 62 a l umni / ae and + A l umni / ae donated + E astern has C l ass of 2 012 m a de a gi f t $ 26 4,03 4 to E a s t er n to E a s t er n be t w ee n J u ly be t w ee n J u ly 1, 2011 a n d appro x imate ly 70 0 Joint M arried A l umni 1, 2011 a n d J u n e 30, 2012, J u n e 30, 2012. ( J M A) . J MA s a r e t ho se h el pi n g to r e ac h a 16.12 % a lu m n i w ho a r e m a r r i ed pa rtici pation r at e. to a f el l ow E a s t er n or Se m i na ry gr a duat e. Eastern’s professors are mentors who shape Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 9 + T he Leadership S t u de n ts w ho c om pl e t e bec om e C h a pl a i n R e si de n t F e l l ows Program i s t h e pro gr a m h av e at J ef f er s on Ho spita l de sig n ed to h el p pr epa r e g on e on to e a r n Ph Ds i n i n Ph i l a del ph i a, l e a d s t u de n ts f or f u t u r e N e u ro s ci e n c e, t e ac h i n t h e You n g De mo c r ats of l e a der s h i p rol e s. pr e s tigious i n s tit u tion s A m er ica a n d m uc h mor e. s uc h a s Joh n s Hopk i n s U n i v er sit y, Maria Horning Class of 2012 Economic Development major, Volleyball team captain, leadership fellows program For Maria Horning, senior economic development major and captain of the volleyball team, each day is a constant balance between her responsibilities in the classroom, on the court and as a Leadership Fellow. Whether studying with a friend over an early morning breakfast or catching up on assignments during her lunch break, Maria has worked hard for her achievements. Named a 2010 ESPN Academic All-American, Maria maintains a GPA of 3.2 or higher and participates in numerous community service projects, along with approximately 50 percent of all Eastern student athletes. She accomplishes all of this while often running from Astronomy class to weight lifting with her trainer and team, as well as both an early and a later evening practice. As a Leadership Fellow, Maria enrolls in additional courses, mentoring and training to develop her leadership abilities and practices what she learns as a leader on campus. Maria’s leadership role is as a TA for INST 150, a core course for all first-year students at Eastern. She spends several hours each week with first-year students helping them to complete assignments, improve essays or offer other assistance with course materials. 10 + I n the l ast academic + 4 4 E astern U niversit y y ear , s t u de n ts i n t h e Ath l etes w er e na m ed w er e na m ed to A l l - L e a der s h i p F el l ow s to t h e M i ddl e At l a n tic C on f er e n c e li s ts. pro gr a m h a d a n av er ag e C on f er e n c e ( MAC ) GPA of 3.95 or h igh er. + 19 student-ath l etes Aca de m ic Honor Rol l f or fa l l sports. Skills gained on the court link to capabilities in the Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 11 + T he T empl eton H onors + O ne aspect of t h e T e m pl e ton Honor s semester away i s see n a s c om bi n e s t h e Gr e at B o ok s C ol l eg e c u r r ic u lu m t h at a n i n t egr a l pa rt of t h e a pproac h to education i s no t f ou n d i n m a n y ov er a l l c u r r ic u lu m. w it h a c l a s sica l Li ber a l c om pa r a bl e pro gr a m s A rts v i sion of a n i s t h e r equ i r ed s t u dy- educat ed per s on. a broa d se m e s t er. Katelyn Rittenhouse Class of 2013 Templeton Honors College (THC), Biochemistry major, Soccer As a student in the Templeton Honors College and a soccer player, Katelyn Rittenhouse has a challenging schedule and course load, but one that offers her diverse and exciting opportunities as well. In CHE420 “Chemical Research,” Katelyn spends several hours each week continuing the biomedical research she began with Dr. Joon Park as part of the Quaker Chemical Research Grant. In ASTR111L “The Solar System Lab,” Katelyn is introduced to the use of telescopes and computers in Eastern’s own on-campus observatory. And in HON204 “Mathematics in the Western Tradition,“ she engages in a study of mathematical thought in the Western Tradition from Euclid through modernity and to the present. It is through this class that she explores the ways in which mathematical thought has influenced, and been influenced by, the broader tradition. Katelyn plans to pursue a future in the sciences and sees few courses as being as integral to that future as “The Good Life,” an introductory course at the Honors College that launches the entire curriculum at THC. It encourages students to critically analyze intellectual life and the integration of faith in the world. Although she spends a great deal of time in the lab, as a THC student, Katelyn is also enrolled in a number of courses that are built around intensive reading, writing and discussion in both the Great Books and significant current books and ideas. She rounds out her days with soccer team meetings and practices, and often spends dinner with friends discussing courses and making plans for upcoming social events on campus. 12 + T he T empl eton C o l l ege curricu l um + H onors C o l l ege + S AT combined score + T empl eton H onors students m a k e u p t h e of 1350 / 2020 or ACT C o l l ege h a d 125 s t u de n ts Top 9 % of t h ei r h igh s c or e of 30. du r i n g t h e 2011–12 s c ho ol gr a duati n g c l a s s. aca de m ic y e a r. Where knowledge joins reflection on Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 13 + E speran z a C o l l ege i s + A ppro x imate ly 4 9 % of E sper a nz a C ol l eg e 2011–12 Aca de m ic Y e a r wa s H ispa n ic - serv i ng s t u de n ts a r e wor k i n g 222 u n dergr a duat e s. i n s tit u tion ( HSI), t h e a n d g oi n g to s c ho ol on ly on e i n t h e S tat e at t h e sa m e ti m e. of Pe n n s y lva n i a . Anthony Ramos Class of 2011 Esperanza College, AA in Community and Health Services Like so many Esperanza AA students, Anthony Ramos’ days are full. They begin at home with his family, continue with classes and library study throughout, and then end with his evening shift at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), where he works to help make the lives of cancer patients and caregivers a little bit easier. Anthony can often be found helping a patient in a wheelchair get where he needs to go or making conversation with a patient caregiver about CTCA. His internship at CTCA began as a requirement for his Associate’s degree in Community and Health Services (CHS) at Eastern’s Esperanza College campus, but he quickly fell in love with the work and the people and is a fulltime employee now. Living proof of one of Eastern’s core teachings, the transition from theory to practice, Anthony was offered a job when his internship ended. On nights he is not working at CTCA, Anthony leads Bible study at his church. He knows the value of education first hand. The first in his family to pursue higher education, Anthony was once a high school drop out. With the help of his family and a caring pastor, Anthony earned his GED and found Esperanza College. He was the class valedictorian at his winter graduation, and is enrolled at Eastern’s main campus for a Bachelor’s of Social Work. “Esperanza is the best school experience I’ve ever had. Everyone here works together to help you. It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone here just wants you to succeed.” 14 + T ota l enro l l ment f or a f eder a l ly r ec o g n i z ed + T op 3 concentrations + 2 0 0 + person student + A ppro x imate ly 36 % of w er e C om m u n it y/ H u m a n body: 41% a r e f i r s t s t u de n ts at t e n d c l a s se s Serv ic e s, E a r ly C h i l dho od g e n er ation s t u de n ts. du r i n g t h e day, w h i l e 6 4 % a n d Busi n e s s f or t h e at t e n d e v e n i n g c l a s se s 2011–12 Aca de m ic Y e a r. du e to wor k . Uniting students with their From theory to practice Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 15 College of Arts & Sciences The College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) equips students to be knowledgeable, skilled and Christ-like, active participants in a global and multi-ethnic society and church. CAS’s 31 majors and 35 minors provide students the tools for effective communication, evaluation of evidence and arguments, insightful questioning, logical reasoning, and creative and constructive problem-solving. We guide students in their journey towards building strength of character and the assumption of responsibility to reflect Christ-like virtues including personal integrity, social awareness, civility, compassion, justice and the pursuit of excellence. These skills and values are taught and practiced through the entire curricular and co-curricular program, ensuring Eastern University students and graduates the ability to apply them all genuinely in their academic, professional and ministerial endeavors. 2 0 11 – 2 0 12 a c h i e v e m e n t s • T he American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) honored Christina Jackson PhD, RN, PNP, AHN-BC at their 31st annual conference with the 2011 Holistic Nurse of the Year Award. She was recognized for her contributions in furthering the practice of holistic nursing and bringing caring and healing to the forefront of nursing practice. Dr. Christina Jackson is a Professor of Nursing at Eastern University, where she has taught since 1985. • Thirteen Eastern University SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) have won the 2012 SIFE USA Regional Competition for the third year in a row. The SIFE students, accompanied by Dr. Al Socci, their faculty advisor, competed in Baltimore, MD against 37 SIFE teams from our region. Judges selected Eastern University as one of the winning schools to proceed to the National Competition held May 22–24, 2012 in Kansas City, MO. 16 • Dr. Steven McGuire, assistant professor of Political Science at Eastern University, received the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Enduring Questions grant. Dr. McGuire will use this grant to develop a course based on the question, “What is a Person?” • Symphony Space, one of New York’s premier performance venues, in collaboration with the New York Chamber Music Festival, presented a commemorative tribute to the 10th Anniversary of September 11. Justin Tokke, a student in the Eastern University Music Department, is a composer and one of his works was performed at this tribute concert. Spotlight: college of Arts & Sciences Change for the future Students in the College of Arts & Sciences receive a wellrounded education and extracurriculars, building reason, logic, and problem-solving skills that will serve them in all pursuits. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 17 Temple ton Honors College Opened in 1999, Templeton Honors College (THC) was created largely through the gifts and vision of Drs. John and Josephine Templeton. Developed to challenge and prepare academically gifted undergraduate students for leadership and service, THC focuses on the life of the mind, character formation and skill development. THC is one of a small group of schools around the country instructing students in the Great Books, a curriculum that emphasizes a high degree of engagement with whole, primary texts. It is a highly interdisciplinary educational model of lectures, seminarstyle discussion and the development of close relationships with both professors and peers to form an intensive learning community. 2 0 11 – 2 0 12 a c h i e v e m e n t s • Evan Hewitt, Class of 2011, received the William E. Simon fellowship offered by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI). This award allots Hewitt $40,000 in unrestricted grant funds which may be used for the benefit of civic life, creation of opportunities for others, or personal scholarship. Evan was honored at the Templeton Culture of Enterprise awards ceremony in June 2011. • Dr. Jonathan Yonan became the third dean of the college. He received his PhD in Theology from the University of Oxford with a concentration in Ecclesiastical History which he earned in 2007. Dr. Yonan teaches the year-long Western Civilization seminar and the second-semester Justice seminar, both taken by first-year students in the Templeton Honors College. 18 • In 2011, the Agora Institute for Civic Virtue and the Common Good opened. The Agora Institute is an interdisciplinary research center working in the Boston-D.C. corridor and collaborating with faculty and students at the Templeton Honors College and Eastern University. • Author and social critic, Os Guinness, visited the Templeton Honors College during spring 2012. His public lecture topic was “A World Safe for Diversity: Living with our Deepest Differences in an Age of Exploding Pluralism.” Spotlight: Templeton honors college Focusing on leadership and service Templeton Honors College students are challenged daily to engage in their studies, to form and discuss their opinions, and develop their skills and character. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 19 Esperanza College Esperanza College of Eastern University (EC) was founded in 2000 through a partnership between the President of Eastern University, Dr. David Black, and the Reverend Luis Cortés, Jr., President of Esperanza Inc., one of the largest faith-based Hispanic nonprofit organizations in the United States. Founded to address the unmet educational needs of the Hispanic community, EC is the only federally-recognized Hispanic-serving institution in Pennsylvania, and is a Middle States Accredited Branch campus of Eastern University located in the heart of North Philadelphia. Esperanza College provides affordable and rigorous two-year degree programs to the North Philadelphia community, an area that struggles with high levels of poverty and traditionally low levels of educational attainment. In EC’s neighborhood, more than 60 percent of individuals over the age of 25 have, at most, a high school diploma, and many have as little as a 5th grade education. EC reaches out to the Hispanic community, helping individuals pursue higher education, and opening the doors of economic mobility within a nurturing Christian environment. 2 0 11 – 2 0 12 a c h i e v e m e n t s • The Hispanic Choice Awards were presented at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia and Esperanza College of Eastern University received the Education Champion of the Year (El Futuro) Award. • Dr. Ana-Rita Mayol, Nanoscientist and NASA Research Scientist, spoke at Esperanza on January 4, 2012. She was excited to visit from the University of Puerto Rico—Rio Piedras campus, and shared her path to being a Nanoscientist and working with NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). 20 • Dr. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier, Dean of Esperanza College, is listed as one of 2011’s Most Influential Latinos in Impacto Latin Newspaper. • Esperanza College had its first two graduates in Criminal Justice and its first two male student Valedictorians, Anthony Ramos and Carl Carter. • Esperanza introduced a new concentration in Community and Human Services. Spotlight: Esperanza college Op e n i n g d o o r s i n n o r t h P h i l a d e lp h i a Esperanza College creates an opportunity for advanced learning with its two-year degree programs in North Philadelphia, where a majority of residents deal with the realities of poverty and lower education levels every day. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 21 c a mpolo College of Graduate & Professional Studies The Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies (CCGPS) prepares undergraduate and graduate students for thoughtful and productive lives of Christian faith, leadership and service. CCGPS, comprised of eight academic departments, offers a full range of degree programs at the associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. Available in online, on-ground and blended formats, CCGPS programs are offered in various locations in Pennsylvania, including the greater Philadelphia and Harrisburg areas, in Washington, D.C., and internationally. 2 0 11 – 2 0 12 a c h i e v e m e n t s • Bread for the World announced a new partnership with Eastern University and Asbury Theological Seminary of Wilmore, KY to produce an online curriculum for evangelical Christian seminaries and colleges on global poverty and foreign assistance. “We are thrilled to be working with these partners to assemble materials that will help graduate and undergraduate students think and pray through issues of U.S. foreign assistance,” said Dr. David Bronkema, Director of International Development Programs and Chair of the School of Leadership and Development at Eastern University. • Eagle Learning Center at St. Davids, which is home to the Campolo College of Graduate and Professional Studies, now produces clean energy from the solar panels on its roof. These panels produce from 10–20% of the Eagle Learning Center’s electricity each day. 22 • Eastern University has begun a partnership with City Year called Give a Year, for which Eastern will offer substantial tuition scholarships to each admitted City Year alumnus. In its 15 years in Philadelphia, City Year has tutored, mentored, and engaged nearly 200,000 Philadelphia youth, as well as led 50,000 community volunteers in service. City Year corps members help keep students in school and on track to graduate. Spotlight: Campolo College of Graduate & Professional studies F u r t h e r e d u c at i o n m e e t s t h e r e a l w o r l d The Campolo College of Graduate & Professional Studies allows working adults to earn degrees in higher education in a format that works for them, whether online, on-ground or with a combination of both. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 23 Pal mer Theological Seminary Palmer Theological Seminary is committed to preparing people for Christ’s ministry as church leaders at home and around the world, in both sacred and secular environments. The only school within Eastern University providing graduate theological education, Palmer emphasizes service and stewardship through local churches in the American Baptist Churches, its affiliated denomination, and in other denominations. Founded as Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1925, Palmer has long been described as “conservative, yet progressive.” Students, faculty and staff engage in energetic discussions and offer varying perspectives, encouraging advanced critical thinking and intellectual curiosity. This occurs within an evangelical theological framework, reflected by the Seminary’s doctrinal basis and mission to share “The Whole Gospel for the Whole World through Whole Persons.” 2 0 11 – 2 0 12 a c h i e v e m e n t s • Palmer Seminary has launched a blended online program that will enable church leaders from across the U.S. and around the world to earn a Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree without relocating. The three-year program, based on the Openseminary™ model, requires two week-long residencies per year at Palmer. • N early 200 people took part in the Seminary’s April 29, 2012 event, “Celebration Saturday,” which gave the entire Seminary community, past and present, a formal opportunity to say goodbye to the Wynnewood campus prior to the Seminary’s move to King of Prussia. 24 • Palmer was represented in Cape Town, South Africa at Lausanne III—the third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. Three PTS professors, along with Dean Chris Hall, were in attendance. • In 1940, after 15 years in its original location on Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia, the Seminary moved to the location on the outskirts of the city in Wynnewood. Seventy-two years later, the Seminary has made another move to the American Baptist Churches Mission Center in King of Prussia. Spotlight: palmer theological seminary Se rv i ce a n d s te wa r dsh i p Palmer Theological Seminary encourages students to build their theological education through discussions and lectures. Students are prepared to serve as church leaders with critical thinking and a presentation of varying viewpoints. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 25 2 011–2 012 Faculty Highlights Campolo College of Graduate & Professional Studies Counseling Psychology Dr. Walter Chung, CRC, BCBA-D, NCP, BCCP, LPC, Behavior Analyst, Clinical Counselor and Program Evaluation Consultant, and Professor, reports that the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Concentration in the Counseling Psychology Department has been approved by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). Dr. Susan Edgar-Smith, Associate Professor, co-authored an article on School-Based Intergenerational Programs in The Pennsylvania School Psychologist Journal (Fall 2011). Dr. Randolph Walters, Associate Professor, presented workshops at two church conferences in Philadelphia on “Mental Health and the Church.” NURSING Mary Anne Peters, PhD, RN, CNE, Associate Professor, co-authored an article on School-Based Intergenerational Programs in The Pennsylvania School Psychologist Journal (Fall 2011). The American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) honored Christina Jackson, PhD, RN, PNP, AHN-BC with the 2011 Holistic Nurse of the Year Award. 26 SCHOO L OF L EADERSHI P & DE V E L O P M ENT Dr. Franklin Oikelome, Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership, was co-author of Diversity, Ethnicity, Migration and Work: International Perspectives (Palgrave MacMillan). Dr. David Bronkema, Director of International Development Programs and Chair of the School of Leadership and Development, was instrumental in creating a joint program with Bread for the World to foster international development. College of Arts & Sciences Biology Dr. Maria Fichera, Chair of Biology, directed the research of a student who placed first in microbiology at the Pennsylvania state finals for the PA Junior Academy of Sciences. Chemistry Dr. Joon-Seo Park, Assistant Professor in Chemistry, accompanied students to the American Chemical Society meeting where a biochemistry major won a 1st place undergraduate poster award. Political Science Dr. Steven McGuire, Assistant Professor of Political Science, received the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Enduring Questions Grant. Dr. McGuire will use this grant to develop a course based on the question, “What is a Person?” Psychology Dr. Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, Chair of the Psychology Department, was the featured speaker at the 2011 summer lecture series sponsored by the West Yorkshire School of Christian Studies in the United Kingdom. Sociology Dr. Joao Monteiro, Sociology Department Chair and Associate Professor, participated in the Eastern Sociological Society meeting in NY where a junior sociology major won an award for his poster presentation on masculinity and the disabled body. Theology Dr. Joseph B. Modica, University Chaplain, is Project Co-Director for the Worship Renewal Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) in Grand Rapids, MI. The grant will be used to build a meditation labyrinth on the St. Davids campus. Palmer Theological Seminary Dr. Ron Sider, Professor and Founder of ESA (Evangelicals for Social Action), published “Fixing the Moral Deficit: A Balanced Way to Balance the Budget” in the Intervarsity Press. Faculty Highlights Dr. Chris Hall, Dean of Palmer Seminary, published “Ancient Christian Spirituality” in the Dictionary of Christian Spirituality (Zondervan 2011). Dr. Al Tizon, Associate Professor of Holistic Ministry, taught a class in social ethics and mission at St. Frumentius Theological College in Ethiopia, in summer 2011. Dr. Ron Sider and Professor Paul Alexander participated in the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference in Bethlehem, along with Dr. Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne. Esperanza College Dr. Conde-Frazier, Dean of Esperanza College, has written about the impact of immigration on children in her book, Listen to the Children: Conversations with Immigrant Families (Spring 2012). Templeton Honors College Dr. Phillip Cary, Professor of Philosophy, published an article in the book Confessions of Love: Ambiguities of Greek Eros and Latin Caritas (New York, Peter Lang, 2011). Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 27 Financials 2 011–2 012 Below are the summarized financial highlights, including the University’s balance sheet and comparative revenue and expense data in graphic form. Due to the strong financial management practiced at Eastern for many, many years, we have been able to weather the financial challenges of the past year with minimal impact. Although there is still economic uncertainty in our country, we look forward to the new year with keen discernment for the continued vision and mission of Eastern University. Eastern University Balance Sheets: June 30, 2012 (With Comparative Information for 2011) 2 0 12 2 0 11 Unrestricted Tempor arily Restric ted Permanently Restric ted Total Total $18,139,659 $4,392,830 - $22,532,489 $19,884,350 Students 1,761,801 - - 1,761,801 2,264,415 Student loans 1,655,448 - - 1,655,448 1,550,962 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Receivables Other federal funds 128,642 - - 128,642 667,438 725 228,239 105,239 334,203 336,824 1,61 4,023 31,485 - 1,645,508 1,058,510 - - 14,573 14,573 14,638 3,299,963 - 16,202,241 19,502,204 20,245,711 60,059,264 - - 60,059,264 59,451,447 558,271 - - 558,271 424,378 - - 889,958 889,958 940,089 Due (to) from other funds (1,623,524) (1,806,721) 3,430,245 - - Due from (to) Collegiate Housing Foundation 785,604 (31,212) - 754,392 514,151 $86,379,876 $2,814,621 $20,642,256 $109,836,753 $107,352,913 Contributions receivable Prepaid expenses and other assets Cash and cash equivalents— permanently restricted Investments Property, plant and equipment Bond issue costs Beneficial interests in perpetual trusts Total Assets R e v e n u e s : 2 012 28 R e v e n u e s : 2 011 Tuition & Fees -78% Tuition & Fees 74% Auxiliary Enterprises -13% Auxiliary Enterprises 13% Grants 2% Grants 1% Gifts - 4% Gifts 7% Other Sources -2% Other Sources 1% Investment Income 1% Investment Income 4% Financials Eastern University Balance Sheets: June 30, 2012 (With Comparative Information for 2011) 2 0 12 2 0 11 Unrestric ted Tempor arily Restric ted Permanently Restric ted Total Total Accounts payable and accrued expenses $1,454,099 - - $1,454,099 $1,165,545 Accrued payroll 2,458,642 - - 2,458,642 2,782,283 Deferred income 2,380,969 - - 2,380,969 2,797,305 Liabilities Student deposits 195,000 - - 195,000 204,300 Annuities payable 164,009 - $939,293 1,103,302 1,089,049 Accrued interest 160,092 - - 160,092 339,938 Advances from federal government for student loans 663,939 663,939 663,939 - - - - 4,855,021 Bonds payable 39,957,678 - - 39,957,678 31,861,386 Total Liabilities 47,434,428 - 939,293 48,373,721 45,758,766 36,069,919 35,758,238 Note payable Net Assets Unrestricted 36,069,919 Board designated fund 2,132,535 - - 2,132,535 2,139,487 742,994 - - 742,994 575,079 38,945,448 - - 38,945,448 38,472,804 - 2,814,621 - 2,814,621 3,684,598 - - 19,702,963 19,702,963 19,436,745 Total Net Assets 38,945,448 2,814,621 19,702,963 61,463,032 61,594,147 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $86,379,876 $2,814,621 $20,642,256 $109,836,753 $107,352,913 Loan funds Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Endowment fund E x p e n s e s : 2 011 E x p e n s e s : 2 012 Instruction 30% Instruction 30% Scholarships & Aid 25% Scholarships & Aid 25% Institutional Support 10% Institutional Support 10% Auxiliary Enterprises 7% Auxiliary Enterprises 7% Academic Support 6% Academic Support 6% Student Services 12% Student Services 12% Plant Operation & Maintenance 10% Plant Operation & Maintenance 10% The Donor Honor Roll is available online by following these three easy steps: 1. Visit 2. Click on the “Office & Centers” button 3. Choose the “Office of Development & Alumni Relations” link The Donor Honor Roll acknowledges the generous support of contributors to Eastern University during the period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of donor listings. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 29 Donor Honor Roll 2 011–2 012 The 1925 Founders Society The Eagle Circle Anonymous (1) David and Valerie Black Frederick Boehlke (BD) ‘52, (BA) ‘52 Charles ‘90 and Stephanie Olson Timothy and Bettie Ann (Morse ‘74) Brigham ‘76 John and Josephine Templeton William Daggett Howard Wood Keith and Lora Dutill Sodexo Inc. Richard and Virginia Eisenstaedt US Department of Education Conrad Fowler Anonymous (4) Evan and Carol Frey Walton Society Rich and Pamela Merriman Marvin and Martha Meyer Robert Moffitt (MDiv) ‘71 (BA) ’71 Ellen and Wah-Pui Sam James and Leah (Welding ‘03) Mulhearn ‘03 Comloquoy Charitable Foundation Samuel and Marilyn Parke The W. W. Smith Charitable Trust Earl and Judi Reeder ‘64 William Simon Trustees’ Society Anonymous (1) Steven and Catherine (Cope ‘92) Clemens ‘91 Wayne Dietrich ‘66 W. Donald and Susan (Mugridge ‘67) Gough ‘67 Arthur and Margaret Hill Lucy and Joel Huff Alvin and Mary Elizabeth Jepson Aljit Joy and Deepa Kurian-Joy 30 Malcolm and Mary Lou Street Garland Tucker Associated Engineering Consultants, Inc. Easton Coach Company Huston Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program VWR Charitable Foundation VWR International, LLC Danny and Ellen (Whitcomb ‘83) Cortes ‘83 (MDiv) ’87 Larry and Nancy (Kinsman ‘62) Curtis ‘60 (MDiv) ‘ 63 Paul Daffinee ‘74 Thomas and Susan Dahlstrom Scott and Carolyn (Brown ‘76) Davis ‘77 Michael Dorsch ‘08 Casey and Barbara Dunn Andrew Eisenstein Kirk and Deborah Elken Charles and Janice Erickson George Gepp Phyllis Giuliante Wilbert Gough (BABTH) ‘50, (DD) ‘73 Paul and Jane (Sargeant ‘57) Green ‘57 (DMin) ’85 Christopher and Deborah Hall Matthew and Susan Hancock Thomas Harmon Bruce and Kathleen Harrison Roberta and John Hestenes Guy and Melissa Hoagland Matthew and Beth (Murray ‘88) Iacoviello ‘88 (MTS) ’08 Michael Inman ‘90 Nathan and Robyn Jameson David and Winnifred King Gaye Matherly President’s Circle Stephen O’Hearn Anonymous (5) Corinne Latini (BSN) ‘01 (MEd) ‘07 Robert and Mary Reeder Bong Lee Jim and Sarah Rogers George and Carolyn (Heeren ‘67) Allen ‘67 Stacey ‘81 and Sergio Sauchuk Diana Bacci ‘84 Ed Leo John and Jean Smith Craig Banet Sarah Jane Levine ‘90 David and Elizabeth (Webb ‘59) Swingle ‘59 Michael and Lorina Barbalas Helen and Paul Loeb Cathy Barbash Leon and Shirley Lombard George and Mary Torggler Simeon Bardin and Susan Denman Estate of Janet Long Harold and Lori Voorhees Barbara Beech ‘75 Jack Lottey (BD) ‘57 (MDiv) ’57 Maurice and Helen Workman Steve Bell Murray MacTavish ‘93 Berks County Intermediate Unit Peter Benoliel Michael and Terry Mandarino E. Newbold & Margaret DuPont Smith Foundation Calvin and Carolyn (Rowley ‘62) Best ‘61 William Manns EAPE/KingdomWorks, Inc. Edwin M. Lavino Foundation David and Colleen (Dourte ‘76) Bradstreet ‘76 Robert and Carol Martin Haas Trust 2 Arthur and Teresa Brown Merck Partnership for Giving Bruce Buell ‘79 PA Department of Education Vincent and Jacqueline Burke The Pennsylvania Trust Company Andrea Butler Rockethub Inc. Nicholas J. Caniglia, Esq. Smith Lead Unitrust Michael & Alexandra Cardone Sovereign Insurance Group Dawn Carowitz ‘07 William Penn Foundation Robert Cassidy ‘65 Andy & Leah Krider David and Pat Leidy Blake and Marilyn Marles William and Sue Martindale John and Katherine (Cintron ‘01) May ‘00 Condon and Kathryn McDonough Warren Miller ‘69 Jacob and Arlene Miller Paul Neal ‘88 Charles and Patricia Neral Donor honor roll James and Jacquelyn Osborne Fox Chase Bank David and Joan Peterson General Electric Foundation Michael Cleary and Jamie Rapposelli Cleary Mark Press ‘76 Grace Baptist Church of Blue Bell, PA Edward Clydesdale ‘82 Herbert and Shirley Reigel The HBE Foundation Ken & Dawn Croney Dennis & Carla Reustle IBM Matching Grants Program J. P. and Sue Ellen Cummins Derek and Kristie Ritchie ‘89 (MBA) ‘07 JP Warner Associates, Inc Anthony D’Alessandro James and Barbara Rogers Kurz Foundation Michele Davey David Roush Lindback Foundation, C.R./M.F. Robert Davis ‘63 Janet and Paul Rowe Malvern Federal Savings Bank Mark and Pamela Davis David Rowlands ‘63 Marcum, LLP Michael and Debora DellaPena Greg Sarian PT Development Florida, LLC Renee DesJarlais Kevin Schildt ‘77 The Quaker Chemical Foundation Anthony and Diane Donatoni Vaughn and Allison Schill Alfred and Sarah Doody Ruthanne and Gary Schlarbaum Seaview Baptist Church of Linwood, NJ Stephen Seymour ‘96 Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Peter Shrefflers Terry’s Hoagies LLC Michael and Lori (Anderson ‘01, MA ‘07) Dziedziak ‘01 (MBA) ’05 Adam and Colleen (McClure ‘02) Shute ‘01 TN Ward David Steelman Tracorp Nancy Thomas Tustin Mechanical Services Bob and Kristin (Skibbie ‘86) Thomas ‘86 Verizon Foundation Graham and Deanna Thorpe ‘01 David and Carolyn (Spahr ‘94) Urban ‘90 (MBA) ’00 Mark and Linda Wagner Elliott and Sloan Walker Towers Perrin Wayne Presbyterian Church, Wayne, PA Wohlsen Construction Rob and Michelle D’Ovidio Susan and W. Lawrence Edgar-Smith John Egan Philip Ellmore (MDiv) ‘85 Mary Kay Elsen Roger and Janet Engle Mike Falvey Richard and Julayne Frost Katrina Gallia Maroon & Gold Circle Harvey Gantz ‘79 Chris and Leanne Gasink Betty Wardell Anonymous (6) Edward Warner ‘58 (MRE) ‘60 Michael Alfano W.Wilson and Velma Goode (DMin) ‘00 Patricia Warner Carl and Carolyn Altomare Gregor Grant Anthony Weathersby Thomas and Esther (Sprowls ‘72) Ashbaugh ‘72 Tom Grube Chuck Atkinson Richard Hagstrom ‘61 Marc Baer Sandy Haney ‘02 C Thomas Bailey ‘65 Robin and Patricia Harshaw Eric Bakker and Christine Connolly Bakker Laura and Benjamin Hartley Leonard and Heidi White Jerry Wisneski Jonathan and Rachel Yonan Clarence Ziegler The Arthur Jackson Company A T & T Foundation AllianceBernstein Investments, Inc. Associated Engineering Consultants, Inc. Baptist Church of West Chester, PA C. Raymond Davis & Sons, Inc. Chesterfield Baptist Church of Chesterfield, NJ Cohansey Baptist Church of Roadstown, Bridgeton, NJ Gregory Basile and Karen Toren James Batty Pete and Polly (Wilson, MBA ‘90) Berol ‘87 (MDiv) ’95 Cara Bertozzi ‘02 Shawn and Jennifer Blythe Jack and Wendy Bower Jane Campbell ‘66 Jon and Siobhan Carmody Compass Ion Advisors, LLC C. Donald and Eleanor Carroll Corporate Dimensions LTD David and Corrinne Cassidy Daley+ Jalboot Architects, LLP Benjamin and Susanne (Speers ‘61) Champion ‘59 Davidson Trust Company Fellowship Homes Inc. Follett Higher Education Group Orville and Marilyn Guffin Lynda Henderson Diane Hessan Megan Holcombe Brad and Jacquelyn Hostetter Jessi Isenhart ‘03 Harold Johnson ‘61 J. Pernell and Tangela Jones Michael Kelman Martin Kleppe Jacqueline Kloss Michael Larson Chau and Christine Le Marie Lewis William Chegwin ‘62 Abdiel Lorente ‘63 Steven and Allison Ciminero Betty Malcolm Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 31 Donor Honor Roll Maroon & Gold Circle (cont.) Jason Mangler and Kristin Hoppmann Robert and Patricia McCormack William and Francine McElwee David and Jean (Morse ‘71) McIntire ‘71 Keri McKeever 2 011–2 012 Belmont Baptist Church of Broomall, PA Adam and Kristin Brown Bethany Covenant Church of Bedford, NH Virginia Campbell ‘69 Bottskill Baptist Church of Greenwich, NY Margaret Capers (MS) ‘06 Capital One Financial PAC Match Program Frederick and I. Jean Campbell Lawrence and Sally Carr Timothy and Karen Carr Mike and Annie Mtika Central Baptist Church of Palmyra, NJ Phillip Cary and Nancy Hazle John and Joyce (Clemmer ‘71) Munro ‘73 Colman Sales Co. Vincent Cella Compass Ion Advisors, LLC Mary Cipriani-Price ‘80 Philip and Meghan Murphy Custom Medical Direct, Inc. Joseph Clark Patrick Murray Hayden First Baptist Church of Pedricktown, NJ David and Amy ‘89 Clunn ‘89 First Baptist Church of Lima, OH Randy and Vicky Crosby First Baptist Church of Dover, DE Scotty and Carol Crowder First Baptist Church of Cuba, NY James and Kelly Crowley First Baptist Church of Milton, PA Joseph Culin ‘75 Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Elizabeth Cutting ‘58 Groschan and Associates T. Raymond and Barbara Davis Hanlon Advisors LLC Kyle and Michelle Davis Keystone Blazers Basketball Frances Decker ‘91 Kistler-Tiffany Benefits Donald and Jean Demey New Hanover United Methodist Church of Gilbertsville, PA Paul and Martha Derickson Barbara Nickerson ‘74 Carolyn Noll Jeffrey and Jennifer Patterson Peter Perry C. Norman and Marlyce Peterson Justin and Sarah (Sinclair ‘01) Piff ‘02 Robert Plimpton ‘63 Barry Plimpton ‘68 John and Gwen Prestwood Stephen and Karen Reichart Roy and Mitzi Renfro William and Barbara Ritter Denise Robinson ‘04 (MS) ‘07 New York Commercial Lubricants, Inc. John and Marlene Crosby Dorcas Diaz-Shaner ‘58 (MRE) ‘61 and Donald Shaner ‘61 Phenix Baptist Church of West Warwick, RI Douglas and Christine Dick Wayne Sporting Goods Co., Inc. Steven Dimitriou Wells Fargo Bank MariBeth Doyle Jo Ann Sherbine ‘68 West Shore Baptist Church of Camp Hill, PA Daniel and Kimberly Dufresne Joan Singleton ‘88 Zsuzsanna’s Salon Charles Saunders ‘62 Drew Saunders Ronald Schlosser (AA) ‘56 (MRE) ‘59 Nancy Schwartz Fredrick and Gail Spall Nancy Spears Karen Suter Joseph and Carol+ (Hill ‘84) Tatta ‘55 Daryl Thomas Gordon and Jane Tobias John and Patricia Tobin David and Christine Unander Kathy and Barry Urban Mary and Raymond Van Leeuwen James and Claire Margaret Ward Van Weigel and Linda Thomasson Gwen White ‘97 Michael and Valerie (Wrona ‘12) Wilson ‘10 Thomas and Kelly Wilton Jason Woods ‘98 Michelle Young Aqua Charitable Trust 32 Michael Bugler Jeffrey and Heather Dill Deborah Dugan ‘77 Daniel and Marlene Dvorak Joseph and Margo Eremus Leadership Partner Megan Estock Anonymous (4) Tyrone and Marshaun Fair Hillard and Vivian Allen Leonard and Barbara Aquilino Brian Ballard ‘10 Richard Bare Brian and Tina Marie Barnhart David and Mary Lynn Barr Sharon Bates Marvin and Shelia Farmer Robert and Dolores Fink Howard and Nikki Lynne Fischer Katherine Frantz Diane Gabrielli Armando and Martha Giuliante Lucy Gobin Sandra Bauer and Daniel Prima Marina Gorina Robert and Sue ‘77 (MDiv) ’80 Bertolette ‘77 Thelma Gray ‘90 Joy and Michael Greco Patricia and Edward Boehne David and Elinor Greenhalgh Stephanie Boulden Martin and Carol Gross Darrell and Cynthia Boyd Douglas and Beth (Ballantyne ‘73) Hargis ‘73 (MDiv) ’76 Mark and Patricia Boyes Mary and Bruce Boylston Delores Brisbon Steve Harris T. Michael and Melissa Helton Joan Hendrickson ‘63 Donor honor roll Robert and Kathleen (Bustard ‘66) Walk ‘65 (MDiv) ’68 Estate of Joseph Hepburn Charles Norris Janet Hermans ‘85 Edward and Alice Nowak C. Richard and Mary Ann Hess Jeffrey Odiorne James Hester ‘60 Cynthia Orr Jack and Ellie Hoekstra Mitchell Osterhouse Jacqueline and Desmond Irving Renee Over Joshua and Daisy-Marie (Cornue ‘05) Isler ‘03 Lavonia Page ‘08 David and Sherilyn Jameson John Pauley Robert and Margaret (Badgley ‘78) Jeffers ‘78 Amy Perez ‘95 Reuben and Shirley (Tuetken ‘70) Wilbur ‘68 Mary Anne Peters T. Ian and Amy Wildey Steven and Barbara Petrillo Marjorie Williams ‘64 Richard and Maria Policastro Gregory Willis ‘96 Scott and Marilyn (Kreckmann ‘71) Radley ‘93 Daniel and Martha Winters Cecilia Lee Brian and Kara (Belgiano ‘99) Rhode ‘00 Jeffrey Ykoruk Stan and Coleen LeQuire M. Thomas Ridington ‘78 (MA) ‘81 Judith Lister ‘58 Wayne Riniker ‘72 Richard Locker ‘66 Andrea Rodgers ‘05 George and Kathleen Lorenzo David Rubinstein David and Lisa MacMain Robert and Phyllis Rudnick Jeffrey and Anne Mallgrave Nathanael Ryan ‘06 David and Sandra Maness Rebecca Martin Matthew Sack and Caressa Bailey Sack Shannon McCabe Miguel and Dolly Saenz Ronald McGinnis ‘60 James and Paula Sauer Eileen McGovern William and Joann Schweitzer Joseph and Barbara McGraw Walter and Linda Scott Elizabeth Mclaughlin Sean & Josslyn Sharkey Frank and Mary Ann McPherson Darlene Smith ‘08 Wendy and Richard Mercier Richard and Amanda Smoot Rebecca Meyer ‘07 (MA) ‘10 Alberto and Brenda (MTS) ‘09 Socci William and Mary (Naylor ‘66) Mild ‘65 Michael and Janda Solazzo MIchael and Kathy Sonier Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Sara and John Miles Spencer Stuart JP Morgan Chase Foundation David Minning Jerry and Linda Stehman Lacof Properties, Inc. Joma Mitchell Todd Stiegler ‘89 Christine Momjian ‘91 Brittany Stroop Lower Providence Baptist Church of Eagleville, PA Edgar and Cherie (Ginther ‘62) Moore ‘61 Nathaniel and Marianne (Behnke ‘05) Stutzman ‘05 (MEd) ’08 Daniel Mouw Grant Supplee ‘12 Teresa and Stephen Moyer Gerald and Gail Sweeten Philip Mugridge ‘76 Ardell & Peggy Thomas Alexander and Denise Murrison Louis and Ella May Thorpe Kirsten Myer Paul and Denise Thorpe Gus Nadelhoffer Aaron Tritch ‘08 (MEd) ‘10 Victoria Neese Kenneth Umble Stephen and Kathleen Nichols Deanna and Kevin Van Elswyk David and Mary (Mugridge ‘68) Nicol ‘71 Wayne and Debra Verdic Scotch Plains Baptist Church, Scotch Plains, NJ Mary Voorhies ‘01 SunGard Higher Education Molly Waggoner Traditional Floor Co. David Jervis ‘76 Gavin and Cynthia Kerr Jared and Erin (Reimel ‘09) Krupp ‘07 J. Spicer and Judith (Forney ‘63) Leaming ‘64 Reade and Pamela Nimick Henry Pass Daniel and Brittany (Smith ‘08) Welding ‘08 Carleen Wenger ‘98 John and Elizabeth (‘03) Wheeler ‘04 Leslie Wheeler David and Julie (Schrock ‘01) Wicklund ‘01 Naa Yirenkyi ABS Professional Employer Advanced Business Service Aldan Union Church of Aldan, PA Baseball Factory, Inc. Boreman & Babb, CPA Calvary Baptist Church of Clifton, NJ Court Street Baptist Church of Auburn, ME Enterprise Leasing Co. of Philadelphia, LLC First Baptist Church of Lancaster, PA First Baptist Church of Fall River, MA First Baptist Church of Malvern, PA First United Methodist Church of Williamsport, PA First United Methodist Church of Phoenixville, PA Mind2Market, LLC Newman and Saunders Galleries Osbornville Baptist Church, Osbornville, NJ Parkesburg Baptist Church, Parkesburg, PA Pilgrim Way Baptist Church of Windsor, CT Reigel Fuel Oil LLC Saucon Community BFC Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 33 Donor Honor Roll Leadership Partner (cont.) Kent and Deborah Berghuis Richard and Lee Clark Trinity Christian Reformed Church of Broomall, PA Nils and Carolyn Berglund Timothy and Debra Clarke Van Riper-Ellis/Broadway Baptist Church of Fair Lawn, NJ M. Kacey Bernard ‘04 Kevin Clayton Betty Lou Bettner Karen Clemente Brent and Alina (Hernandez ‘05) Bice ‘04 Gail Clemmer ‘82 W & J Dairy Shirley Bickford ‘56 Joan and Daniel (BD) ’66 (MDiv) ’66 Cline ‘60 (MRE) ’64 Bill’s Sportstop Jack and Suzanne Cline Charles and Faye Bolton Robert Coats (MDiv) ‘68 Marvin Boote Steven and Gail Cochoff Daniel and Jill Boreman R. Andrew and Marcy Coffman Anonymous (12) Vincent and Janine Borrelli John and Glorianne Coker Raymond and Veronica Acker Frank Borrelli and Marie Borelli Barbara Cole-Carroll Paul Ackermann ‘02 Jason Bradley ‘10 Randy and Susan Adams Catherine Bradley Nathan Coleman ‘84 (MDiv) ‘90 and Mildred Butler-Coleman ‘93 Kristine Agar ‘75 Donald and Pamela Breneman Jason Collier ‘11 Peter and Susan Albohn Kristin Brenner ‘11 Edward and Marjory Connell Steven and Rebecca Allen Edward and Robin Briggs Gary Alnor ‘71 James and Brenda Brogan J. Nathan and ‘Vickie Corbitt ‘94 (MBA) ‘97 Carolyn Ambler ‘67 Paul and Joy (Poelma ‘98) Bronkhorst ‘97 Westgate Baptist Church of Lancaster, PA Women’s Theological Fellowship Century Partner Edward and Carol Andersen Joseph and Lisa Corcoran Robert and Celia Cornish William Anderson ‘68 Virginia Brookins Sarah Cortes Todd and Joyce (Baumgartner ‘78) Anderson ‘78 Thomas Brookover ‘62 Gene and Helen Craul Clifford Brown ‘81 Kenneth and Nancy Craul Fred Ansell ‘67 Ishmael Brown ‘11 George and Barbara Craven Elaine Ardia ‘73 James and Elinor Buck Julia Crawford ‘12 Edward and Carol Armstrong Arthur and Judith Buckley Sarah (Danielson) Crowell ‘76 Timothy and Susan Arnett Gregory and Jeanne ‘89 Bundens ‘91 John and Martha Dale Albert and Joan Arruda Terry and Elizabeth (Smith ‘57) Burch ‘56 George and Elizabeth (Shiffer) ’60 Daniels ‘59 (BD) ’63 Donald and Linda Burke Robert and Dawn Danser Leonard Attisano William and Kathy Burmeister Thomas and Susan Davis John and Arleta (Fehlauer ‘01) Aureli ‘01 M. Jean Burns Nathan and Melissa Davis James and Carla Butcher Deborah Davis Robert and Paula Auten James and Marvel Butcher Thomas and Jacqueline Davis Michael and Camrin ‘93 Azzarano ‘94 Melinda and Jacob Buurma Nora Day ‘63 Matthew Babb Eugene Campher Marta De Angulo ‘12 Mitchell Badner Frank Campisi John DeBoer ‘64 Kenneth Bailey and Lisa Colautti Martin and Joyce Cappelletti John DeFlaminis Forrest and Marilyn Bailey Naomi Cardona ‘11 Jo Anne Balberde-Kamalii ‘85 Beverly Carlson ‘58 Queintard and Stephanie DeGeneste Paulanne Balch ‘72 Mark Carty Frederick and Christina (Ward ‘99) Bancroft ‘00 Richard and Sallie (Smithson ‘63) Cassidy ‘64 Paul Banyacski ‘60 Ruth Cassidy Nora Devlin ‘11 Robert and Jeanie Barnett Mary Cederberg ‘11 John and Paula (Haines ‘70) Dick ‘70 Robert and Susan Bartholomew Heewon Chang and Klaus Volpert Russell and Elois Dickerson Mariano Battaglia ‘82 Caroline and Charles Cherry James and Josephine DiDomenico Alice Baxter Anthony Chismark Russell and Christy DiGilio Jeramie and Amanda Beckenbach Kathleen Clair Donald Dilmore, Jr. ‘05 Danny and Sandy Benak John Clancey ‘00 Steven and Elaine DiPiano Robert and Patricia Benning Edward and Kelly Clancy Dustin and Andrea DiSanto Glenn Asquith ‘68 (DD) ‘52 Susan Atchley 34 2 011–2 012 James DeMaio ‘11 Leslie Desmangles ‘64 Kathryn Detweiler Donor honor roll Vincent and Frances DiStefano Carolyn Gammon Claude and Jean Heller Andrea Distler ‘11 Vincent and Judith Gangemi Carol Heller ‘71 John Dobson ‘87 George and Susan Garrett Joyce Helmick Joseph Donahue George and Madeline (Bennett ‘60) Gay ‘58 David Henderson ‘65 Janet Geiger ‘92 Mark and Linda Herman Sharmila D’Souza ‘91 Peter and Irene Genco Allison Duncan ‘07 Louis George ‘74 Scott Hessen and Margaret Trexler Hessen Nancy (Lottey) Dunn ‘84 Alice (Caro) Gershon ‘58 Jarred Heuer ‘12 Frank and Eileen (Keck ‘76) Dutcher ‘76 Charles Getman ‘72 John Hill ‘64 Joseph Giammarco Robert and Nancy ‘87, MA ‘01 Hill ‘85 William and Brenda (Bates ‘73) Dyer ‘74 Sarah (Banks) Gifford ‘99 Warren and Jane Hodgkiss Barbara Eckman Frank and Susan (Scamman) ’64 Girdwood ‘63 (MDiv) ’66 (BD) ’66 William and Caroline Hoekstra Blake and Ann (Steinbright ‘60) Edwards ‘73 (MDiv) ’76 Katherine Girsch ‘11 Dorothy Hoffman ‘70 Antoinette Glorioso Daniel Hoffstetter Debra Goodman Ronnie and Geri Hoggard Shanth Goonewardene ‘89 Jay Hollinsworth ‘72 Jeffery and Sherry Epting Donald and Ligia (Mendoza ‘85) Gooss ‘84 W. Stanton Holloway ‘65 Ronald and Cay Evans Brenda Gooss Marland and Danette Fair David Goss ‘05 Michael and Beverly Faro Stephen and Sherrie Gould Mark and Joy Farrar Leota Granger Terry ‘87 Nathanael and Betsy (Butin ‘12) Farris ‘13 Kathy Grant ‘71 Steven and Ann (Daniels ‘84) Drobot ‘84 Daniel Edwards ‘11 Willi and Elizabeth Ehland Steve and Felicia Epting Richard and Jo (Tatta) ‘81 Graugh ‘81 Scott and Sharon Herbster Ian and Elizabeth ‘11 Hoffman ‘11 Virginia Holt Daniel and Julie Hooley Richard and Deborah Hopkins Nicole Horn ‘11 Jamie Horn Tracy Hornbaker Donald and Anne Gray Peter and Angelina (Deola ‘11) Horst ‘11 John and Doris ‘85 Grazulis David Horton (BS) ‘60 (BA) ‘63 Carolyn Greiner Dorothy Hotchkiss ‘56 Dorothea Greiner Sarah Howe ‘12 Kristen Griego ‘12 John Hoyes ‘65 Tara Grom ‘11 Donald and Edwina Huber James and Lorie Grosh David and Maria Hughes Jeffrey and Christine Grosh Philip and Gretchen Hull Justin Grunenberg ‘11 Britt Hundley ‘12 Jeremy Gudgeon ‘03 Bryan and Christine Hunt Harry and Joyce Gutelius Setsuko Iijima ‘77 Marcia Halbert Allison Inch Timothy Hally Lorna (Bixby) Hansen ‘64 Nathaniel and Rebecca ‘95, MTS ‘99 Irwin-Diehl ‘95 Jane Harrington Geoffrey and Dawn Isley Bernard and Charlotte Harris Peter and Marcela Iulo Linda Hart Green ‘75 Christina Jackson Ronald Hartman ‘71 Sally Jacober-Brown ‘80 Jonathan and Janna ‘87 Harton ‘87 Janine James ‘12 Jacqueline and Joshua ( ‘07) Frankeas ‘08 Austin Hassett and Alice Murphey David James Daryl and Donna Hawkins Janet Jeffery ‘81 Sara Frymoyer ‘07 Peter and Bonnie Hawkinson Ruth Johnson ‘65 Mark Funk Gary and Jill Hedges Paul and Beth Johnson John and Donna Furniss A. Gilbert and Dorothy Heebner Cyril Johnston ‘66 (MDiv) ‘69 Gabriela Fuselli ‘11 James and Judith Heindel Arthur and Mary Jane Jones Michelle Gallaher ‘11 Edward Heist ‘56 Robert Jost Stephan and Marlis Fenton Kenneth and Sandy Ferguson Roy Ferguson Maria and Michael Fichera William and Julie Fields William and Pebble Fields Amy Fischer ‘11 Edwin and Karen (Haviland ‘66, MATS ‘98) Flexer ‘66 (MDiv) ’69 Phyllis (Edgecombe) Fonock ‘63 Richard and Beth Ann Force Charesse Ford David Forrest ‘75 Samuel Foster ‘75 Patricia Foster Frederick Foster-Clark Philip and Anna Fox James and Sally Francis Thomas and Jessica (Hoover ‘11) Francovitch ‘11 Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 35 Donor Honor Roll Century Partner (cont.) Christopher Lister ‘86 J. Gregg Miller Jennifer Kane ‘11 Christina Lopez ‘11 Mary Mingledorff ‘68 Joseph and Toni Kapes Susan Lorencen ‘81 Jillian Mitchell ‘12 Grace Keffer Christopher Lozinak ‘11 Joao Monteiro Christa Keister ‘11 Ann Lucas Paul Moonsammy Caroline Kemmerer Reaves and Fran Lukens Dennis and Olympia Moonsammy Gabrielle Kempton ‘11 Jeanne Luker ‘88 Beverly Moore Edward Kennedy and Marjorie Epps Kennedy Lisa Lunny Linda Morford ‘64 Kermit and Cynthia (Pirro ‘64) Lyman ‘64 Ronald and Elizabeth (Hulseman ‘65) Morgan ‘65 Roger and Carol (Lundberg ‘66) Kennett ‘64 John and Mary Patricia Lynam Lee Morris ‘61 (MDiv) ‘64 Barbara Ma ‘66 Beverly Morris ‘61 Horace and Dolores Kephart Stephen and Carol Mack David and Shirley Morrow Evan Kerstetter ‘11 Nancy Lee Mack ‘61 Judith (Gaul) Moudy ‘88 Paul and Dorothy King Rosalinda Madara Douglas and Donna Mountz Robert and Sallyann King James and Kathryn Magee Anne and G.Patrick Murray Neal and Mary Lou King Matthew Magoun Robert Muse ‘66 Louis Kluzynski Elizabeth Musuva ‘02 M. Jean Knapp ‘72 Christopher and Donna (Gellert ‘81) Maher ‘82 Sue Knickerbocker Alison Maier ‘06 (MEd) ‘07 Gladys Myers Leo and Martha Kob Maria Mallon Sandra Nanni ‘66 Nancy Kohler ‘72 Kristina Maness ‘02 Barbara (Cuatt) Naugle ‘82 Ulrich and Carol (MA ‘95) Kortsch ‘93 Philip Mantua ‘11 Clement Neal ‘59 Timothy and Renee Kraft Douglas and Crystal Martin Thomas and Wendy Needham Lynn Kramer ‘83 Matthew Martin ‘12 John and Theresa Newman Vernon Kratz ‘59 J. Richard Mattis ‘88 Dan and Karen Norris Joseph and Beth Kucharski Kaitlin Mc Gann ‘12 Shirley Norwood Edward and Janice Kuhlmann Thomas and Rita McCaffrey Gail Oden ‘64 Natissa Kultan-Pfautz (MS) ‘08 James McCarter ‘76 Eugene O’Donnell Robert and Judith (Lekstrom ‘69) Ladrew ‘67 Gregory and Kathy McCord George and Elizabeth McFarland William and Ruth Anne (Davis ‘63) Offutt ‘63 Judith and Peter Lake Gregory and Joann McGann Pamela Ogletree-Reynolds Jeffrey Lake ‘81 Judith McGinnis ‘60 Jake and Ada Oosterman Andrew and Liane (Christopher ‘05) Lauff ‘05 Katherine McGough ‘08 Nancy Osgood Brian and Christine McGowan Jeffrey and Robin Otto Lucas McLaughlin ‘08 Dwight Palmer Janet McLaughlin ‘71 Ruth and Langdon Palmer Robert and Martina McLaughlin Marjorie Palmer Kimberly McLaughlin-McQueen ‘98 Joon-Seo Park Lawrence and Gina Meigs Christopher and Elise Parker Tifani Melendez ‘11 Leonard Parker Kimberly Mellon ‘05 Peter and Sharon Parkinson Holly Meneses ‘09 James Parks Laura (Homer) Mercer ‘88 John Parry David Merriman Richard Pass ‘60 (BD) ‘64 J. Frederick Merriman Timothy and Dawn Patterson Jennifer (Lehman) Metzler ‘94 Darrell Pearson (DMin) ‘10 Casmir Michalski Laura (Larrabee) Pelfrey ‘79 Andrew Milbourne ‘11 Amy Pelleg Shari and Michael Miller Leslie (Frey) Miller ‘89 Thomas and Sarah (Thom ‘02) Penna ‘02 Mark Miller William Pennington ‘71 Thomas and Janet Kennedy Faith Lawson ‘80 Terri Lawson Jeffrey and Ping Lawton Erica Lear Gerald and Crystal Lee Lehman A. Barbara Lehman ‘58 Isabel Lehman ‘61 Frederick and Florence Lehman Mahlon Lehman Edward Leisenring and Lindsay Scott Leisenring Jeffrey and Dayna Leiss Vicky Lemay Erla Mae Levenson Arthur and Lois Lewis Denis and Elizabeth Lincoln Arnold and Clara (‘70) Lindley ‘76 36 2 011–2 012 Elizabeth Myers ‘11 Donor honor roll Suzanne (Baird) Perot Jeffrey and Carol Roth Mark and Erin (Jackson ‘03) Smith ‘02 Richard Perry ‘55 Kyle and Karen Royer Andrew Smith ‘11 Jonas and Anne Petersheim Janice Ruhl Marlene Solazzo Trudy (Murin) Pettichord ‘75 Ruby Sosa ‘78 Pamela Phelan Richard and Florence Rusbuldt ‘51 (BD) ‘53 (DD) ‘79 Donald and Carol Ann Pierce Catherine Ruth ‘12 David and Marjorie Spaeth Gilbert and Carol Pimental Phyllis Ruth Frederick and Mary Spall Claire Pinches ‘12 Jack and Gloria Rutt Kenton and Cheryl Sparks James and Carol Pomnitz Kathleen Ryan Cora Sparrowk Cecil Portee and Renee Perry Barbara Ryan ‘72 Donna Speeney Chelsea Post ‘11 Dennis Ryan ‘74 Lucretia (Towle) Spence ‘62 Henry and Sadie Post Milton Ryder ‘59 Peter and Elizabeth Stahl Amanda Prescott ‘12 Kris and Tracie Samuelson Elizabeth Stanton Robert and Launa Price Barry and Mary Sandin Kevin Stauffer ‘01 Anthony and Barbara Proto Sandra (Vitullo) Sanfilippo ‘60 Diane Sterthous Bradford and Rachel Putnam Joseph Sastic (DMin) ‘76 Mary Putt Daniel and Cheryl Sastic David and Sarah (Laurence ‘80) Stewart ‘76 Philip Rackley John and Bonita Sauder John and Catharine Stewart Deborah Rainey Emily Scheihing ‘12 Kenneth Still Taylor Ramage ‘12 Jennifer Schifano ‘11 Joseph and Margaret Stillman Terrence and Kayla Raper David Schlosser Brent and Theresa Stoltzfus Sandra Rapp ‘02 Wesley Schroder Daryl and Kimberly Stoltzfus Jordan Reed ‘11 Edward and June Schwartz Glenn and Melanie Stoltzfus Robert and Roberta Reed Edward Scott ‘62 Arthur Reedie ‘55 Joshua and Michelle (Snyder ‘01) Seitzer ‘01 Douglas and Janice (Pitcher ‘69) Stoms ‘69 Glenda Reher Bethany Reiff ‘12 Timothy and Leslie Reigel Ralph and Cheryl Rempel Luella Rempel John Rhys ‘08 Charles Riddle ‘69 Conrad and Shawn Ridgway Robert Rigg Benjamin and Carol (Bohlin ‘62) Riggs ‘62 Nereida Rios Paul Risdon ‘67 Curtis Robb ‘60 William Robbins ‘69 Gwendolyn Robbins Michael and Kay Roberts Reginald and Donna Roberts Alicia Robey Glenn and Nancy Roedel Adam Rogers ‘09 Benjamin and Candice Rogers Gregory and Candace Rogers Theodore and Toni Rosen Karen Rosenspire ‘73 Kathy Roth ‘84 Amanda Souder ‘11 Linda Shaver ‘79 James Stone and Arthurette Morris-Stone Richard Shearer (AB) ‘43, (DD) ‘53 Tara Stoppa William and Danielle (Prescott ‘05) Shedaker ‘04 (MEd) ’09 Ada Storm Herbert Shellington ‘59 Nicolaas and Elaine Storm Frank and Patricia Sheppard Hubert and Muriel Stouffer Jeiinifer (Kaminski) Shevock ‘00 Leslie and Ronna Stover Daniel Shields ‘13 Peggy Straub ‘88 Jeffrey and Lori Shields Jason Strickhouser ‘11 Mary Sue (Blum) Shier ‘63 Donald and Rhonda Strickhouser Fred Shiffer ‘65 Donald and June Stroop Lillian Shoemaker Sally Stump Eunice Showers Butch and Sandra Sturdy Ronald and Arbutus Sider Eileen (Clark) Sturgill ‘67 Emily Silvestro ‘12 Stephen and Theresa Suetterlein Elwin and Rochelle Simpson Bruce Sullivan and Patricia Campbell John and Nelly Sinclair Helen (Johnson) Sunday ‘65 Otto Singletary Harry and Suzann Symons Patti and Dennis Singleton Melissa (Keyser) Taggart ‘04 Susan (Todd) Skoglund ‘69 Chik-kwun and Mary Tang Richard and Pamela Sleckitis Dennis and Linda Tanner Harold Slocum ‘67 Terry and Barbara Taschner Craig Smedley ‘05 Andrew Tatta ‘02 David and Suzanne (Tatta ‘85) Smith ‘87 Benjamin and Rachel Tatta Sherry Smith ‘67 Karen Tendyke Marinus Storm Mark and Pamela Temons Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 37 Donor Honor Roll Century Partner (cont.) Brad Zerr Martha Thompson ‘75 Helen Zizik Charles and Janice Thompson American Express Foundation Richard and Linda Thompson Azar-Filipov MD PA David Thomson ‘76 Church of the Saviour, Wayne, PA Daniel and Joanne Timmel Phyllis (Williams) Todd ‘68 Community Presbyterian Church of Edison, NJ Pearl Tomlinson Derck & Edson Associates Lawrence Tornquist ‘72 First Baptist Church of Jeannette, PA Daniel Unger ‘60 (BD) ‘63 First Baptist Church of Monongahela, PA University Partner First Baptist Church of North Attleboro, MA Ronald Abel David and Anne (Zimmerman ‘80) Van Wagnoner ‘79 Robert Van Wicklin Frank and Donna Vanderveen David Vanker Paul and Charity (Nyce ‘02) Veltre ‘00 James and Evelyn Verrelli Rody Villacorta ‘12 Dante Vincenti ‘63 Christina Visher ‘12 Bert and Tina Visscher Vinitha Visuvasam ‘11 Mildred Vogt Sean Von Bloch ‘11 Elizabeth Walcott ‘05 James and Kathleen Walcott Storehouse Church of Plymouth Meeting, PA Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Trident Pools LTD Voorhees Soccer Association Vote Vitali Committee Wells Fargo Newtown Square Branch David Abdelmalek ‘04 First Baptist Church of Vineland, NJ Susan Abell ‘71 First Baptist Church in Hope Valley, RI Julie Abraham FMC Corporation Matching Gift Plan Scott and Victoria Abrams Frames and Company Paul and Mary Ann Acito Glen Valley Excavating, LLC James and Carol Adams The Grand Prospect Hall Terron Adkins ‘12 Greenfield Baptist Church of North East, PA Martin Akram ‘13 Hall of Honor Committee Nicole Albanesius HSBC—North America Robert and Barbara Albone IFF Foundation Inc. Rachel Albrecht ‘10 Il Circolo Italiano Donald Alderfer and Rebecca Adlerfer Kanara Consulting Group, Inc. Tammy Albanesius Lapensohn Accounting Professionals, LLC Alicia Alexander ‘12 Mary Walker Deborah Watson (MDiv) ‘95, (MTS) ‘97 Lawrenceville Church of God of Springfield, OH Charles and Mary Jane Allen Delmar and Susan Weaver Lehigh Valley Restaurant Group Philip and Betty Rose Weaver David and Mary Ann Anderson Main Line Men’s Bible Class David and Suzann Weaverling Randall and Lisa Anderson William and Nancy ‘87 Webster ‘59 Masonville Federated Church, Masonville, NY Joan Anderson Nicole Wells ‘11 Morning Star Fellowship Tyrone and Alicia Wheeler Nationwide Foundation Meredith White ‘12 Nordson Corporation Eric Widness ‘80 Jannis Willaby North Scituate Baptist Church of North Scituate, RI Patricia Williams On Video Richard and Judith Williamson Oxford Circle Baptist Church of Philadelphia, PA William and Dena (Slaymaker ‘92) Winner ‘94 Paideia, Inc. Gary Wissinger ‘04 Professional Rehab Associates Donald Witters Razorback, Inc. Jeannie Wolfington Realty Solutions, LLC George and Barbara Wood The Sherwin Williams Co George Wood The Simple Way Timothy Wotring ‘12 Spirit and Truth Fellowship David and Pamela Jo Yanusko St David’s Nursery School Frank and Marcia (Seley ‘74) Yohe ‘74 St. Philip’s Orthodox Church of Souderton, PA Julie Yu ‘63 Jeffrey and Jennifer Zeiset 38 2 011–2 012 Stiegler, Wells, Brunswick & Roth, Inc. Robert and Jean Allen Linda Anderson ‘70 Jerry Anderson (MDiv) ‘63 Hannah Anderson ‘11 Rachel Andreasen ‘13 Harry and Donna (Gassmann ‘70) Anselmo ‘70 Abby Anthony ‘12 Sherna Anthony ‘80 Lydia Antunes-Black ‘99 (MS) ‘03 Carol Anzelmo ‘76 Timothy and Holly (Szczytko ‘98) April ‘00 Grace Arky ‘12 Lotoya Artis J. Vinton Ash ‘61 Donald Ashmall ‘65 Jonathan Atkinson ‘14 Bruce and Sandra Atkinson Mark and Deborah Auckland John and Loretta Auckland Thomas and Lenore Aulenbach Donor honor roll Kristie Axt David Bevington ‘62 Neil and Kathleen Bress David and Lisa Baggett Leanne Bickel Laura Brinkley Danielle Bailey ‘12 Andrew Bilindabagabo ‘14 Doreen Broaddus Ronald and Kathleen (Lyman ‘86, (MDiv) Bailey ‘89 Marissa Binkoski ‘12 Eliza Bronson ‘13 Robert and Carol Biondo Scott Brookes ‘09 Nancy Bailey John Bird Ziona Brotleit Todd and Margaret Ann Baker Michael and Cynthia Brouillette Joseph and Michelle Balbi J. Christopher and Theresa Bittenbender Bruce Balderston Janet Black ‘81 L. Philip Brouillette and M. Jeannette Brouillete Thomas and Jennifer Baldino Donald and Sylvia Black Mary Ellen Brouwer Raymond and Laurel Bandi Emma Brown ‘67 Carly Banes ‘10 Randall and Michelle (Duffee ‘97) Blackford ‘97 Wendy (Trostle) Bargo ‘79 Charles and Victoria Blackwell Chloe Brown ‘06 Jeffrey and Debra Barlow Ruth Blair Katrina Brown Inita Barnard Anthony and Carol Blair Gwendolyn Barnard Freda Blaylock Darren and Shawnette (Warren ‘98) Brown ‘99 Michele Barnathan Emily Blevins Felicia Brown ‘99 Susan Barnes ‘99 James and Evelyn Bliss Emily Brown ‘09 Judith Barrett ‘12 Donna (Bishop) Groot-Bluemink ‘68 Judy Brubaker Lewis and Deborah Barrett Leonard Boasberg Paul and Diane Bruckhart Lisa Barrieau William and Mary Boggs James and Michelle Bruffy John and Marie Bartholomew Richard and Paula Boland Lewis Bryan ‘60 Mary Baughman Frank and Susan Bolella David and Janine Bryant Frederick and Elizabeth Baumann Ghislaine Boliong Amang John Buckingham ‘02 Kevin Bayley and Nancy Smith-Baley Peter Bolster ‘63 (MDiv) ‘67 Paul Buehler ‘12 Samuel and Deanna Beachen C. Todd and Lori Bolton Paul and Holly Buehler Susan Beasley ‘93 Trinda Bolton Victor Bull ‘69 Jeanne Beaumont ‘79 Dale and Marian Bomberger M. Jane Bullock Emily Beck Dwight and Patricia Bomberger Miles and Alice Burd Angela Becker Arlan Bond ‘79 Kristin Burgess ‘98 Delores Beckford Jesse and Melissa Booker Ryan Burke ‘11 Heidi Beers ‘02 Gerald and Doris (Cox ‘57, MRE ‘59) Borchert ‘59 Diana Burke ‘12 Elaine Borgard ‘79 James Burns ‘65 Linda Borneman ‘73 Linda Burress Danielle (Dembrosky) Bossert ‘09 Deborah Burris ‘80 Barbara Bell ‘67 Kevin and Debra Boudreau Katherine and Michael Bushey Marvin Bellamy (MBA) ‘06 Robert Bowdoin ‘78 (MBA) ‘94 Christopher Butynskyi ‘01 Olivia Bellard ‘11 Arthur and Andrea Boxer Leah Buxton ‘13 Courtney Bender ‘09 Steven and Heidi Boyer Stephen and Jan Benfield Daniel Boyle ‘08 and Ann McNeal ‘08 Melvyn and Sherri (Wilcox ‘83) Bwint ‘83 Brittany Bennett ‘11 Shawntae Brabham ‘09 Peter and Cheri Byma Esther Benson Victoria Bradlee ‘12 John Byrne Greg Benson Foster and Janice Bradley Victoria Byroade ‘94 Jane Benson Engelman Virginia Bradley ‘57 Donald and Christine Byron Aaron Benz ‘13 Anne Bradley ‘97 Daniel Cain Marilyn Berger ‘60 Paul Bradstreet ‘72 Alan and Susan Cain Robert Berger (MDiv) ‘54 Hannie Brake Paul Bernhart Alwin and Jean Bratton Paul and Phyllis (Rinehart ‘52) Caley ‘52 (BD) ’53 Shirley Bernstein ‘85 Lynn Bravo Madison and Wendy Calhoun Joshua Berube ‘11 Robert and Mabel Breneman John Camp ‘82 Dwight and Barbara Beucler Kate Bresee ‘14 Edward Campbell Carolyn Beitmann ‘74 Carolyn Bekes ‘68 Nathan and Rachael (Johnsen ‘00) Bell ‘00 Kristin Brown Stephen and Brenda Burkholder Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 39 Donor Honor Roll University Partner (cont.) Lillian Clemens Katie Cunningham Lee Campbell Gerald Clemmer ‘83 Tifany Cunningham ‘05 Miranda Campolo ‘12 Zachary Cline ‘13 V. Anne Cunningham Paul Capetola ‘81 Jack and Doris Clise Marilyn Curley ‘96 Nancy Cappelli Anita Cobbs Nancy Curley ‘62 Lois Cariola Andrew and Donna Cocco George and Diana Curry Marcus Carlson ‘01 Robert Coddington ‘88 (MDiv) ‘91 David and Karyn Curtis Fay Carney M. Juanita Coey Aaron Cutarelli ‘12 Richard and Mary (Rieksts ‘71) Carpenter ‘70 Stan and Laura Cohen Margaret Dabback ‘52 (BSM) ‘52 Linda Carrell ‘76 Douglas and Teri Cohen David Daniels ‘86 Gregory and Janet Coleman Alfred and Carol Daniels Daniel and Lori Coll Bruce and Jane Daniels Catherine Collins ‘97 Frederick and Johanna Danser Mary Lou Colman ‘86 Laurice Davidson ‘02 Darlene Componovo Kara Davis ‘03 (MBA) ‘07 John and Marjorie Compton Kayla Davis ‘12 David and Jeanette Compton Sharon Davis ‘76 James and Karen Conlon Joselli Deans F. Toland and Aleta Connell Peter deBlecourt+ Eben Conner Frederick and Maryann DeFeo Curtis Conner David and Elizabeth DeLaitsch Joseph and Tina Ann Connolly David Delano Ada Connors Rebecca Delivuk ‘11 Pierre Conti ‘97 Gary and Sharon Della Grotta Zachary Conway ‘12 Stephen Delphey ‘73 (MDiv) ‘76 Andrew and Tracey (Jones ‘04) Cope ‘01 Edward Demeritt Paul and Karen Copeland William and Jean DeMora Katie Coppage ‘07 John and Marlena DeNicola R. Karry and Joyce Corbitt Tammy Dennis ‘06 Neil and Deborah Corriveau Jeremy Derksen ‘14 Keith Costello ‘03 Michael Dern Katherine Coulter ‘10 Glenn and Sylvia Derstine Elizabeth Coulter ‘10 Nick DeSanctis John and Stephanie (Buckwalter ‘02) Courchesne ‘02 Dominick and Maryann DeSarro Alexandrea Carrier Thomas and M. Patricia Carson Charles and Marie Carter Elizabeth Carter John and Cathy Carty Robert and Katie (Brenneman ‘06) Caruso ‘08 Lauren Casey ‘76 Phyllis Cassidy ‘88 Jerome Cassidy George and Shirley Cataldo Frances Catrambone James and Carol Cavaluzzi Kelly Cefalu ‘12 Paul and Josephine Celona John Cerrato ‘57 (MDiv) ‘65 Gregory and Nicole (Priest ‘03) Cesare ‘03 Steven Chaffee ‘11 Allison Chambers ‘11 John and Ruth Champion Glenn and Bettie Chaplin John Chapman ‘85 James and Roberta Chavous David Chernoff Mark Chever ‘12 John and Linda Chever Beth Chiatti ‘03 Alberto Chirichella Scott and Torrie Christy 40 2 011–2 012 William and Lori Cox Alfred Cox ‘60 Edgar and Sara Jo Cox Robert Crane ‘67 Richard Church ‘62 Stephen and Francesca (Wilbur ‘79) Crane ‘77 Susan Cianci ‘66 Kaitlin Craul ‘11 Concetta Cianci Benjamin Cressy ‘09 Sylvia Cichocki ‘83 Charlene Crisden ‘10 William and Judy Ciechanowski Paul and Dorothy Crosby Robert and Cecilia Cisneros Deborah Crosley ‘05 Joseph and Diane Clairmont Hall Crowder and Courtney Cowder Edwin and Wilma Clapp Kathy (Hastings) Croyle ‘83 Emily Clark ‘12 Alexis Cruz ‘11 Elizabeth Clark Carey Cunningham Albert Clayton ‘71 Casey Cunningham William and Linda Demora James Deshommes Harold Deskins Paul and Marcia Desmarais Rhoda Detwiler ‘85 John and Patricia Di Giallorenzo Claire Di Lullo ‘11 James and Colleen Di Raddo Chelsea Dickey ‘12 Stephen and Margaret Dill Alan Dinning Michael and Kimberly DiSanto John and Dianne Dixon Mark and Cara ‘04 (MA) ’08 Dixon (MA) ‘10 Edie Doane ‘08 Henry and Anne Dobbs Donor honor roll John and Adelaide Dodds Judith Erb ‘83 Vincent Fratini Paul Dodson and Shirley Dobson Christopher Erb ‘95 Graham Freeman ‘60 James Doe ‘90 Marjorie Ernst Georgianna Frenzelas Patience Domowski ‘07 Ronald and Sharon Eshleman Mark and Wendy Frey Norman and Colleen Donald Rachel Eshleman ‘12 Karissa Fridley ‘11 Daniel Donatelli ‘98 Nina Evangelista Donald and Ceclia Friedman Michael Donatoni ‘12 Joseph and Kristin Evans Tara Friedman Susan Donker Craig and Joy Evans John and Colleen Friend William Donovan Mark and Heather Evans Joan Frizzell ‘69 Brian Doody and Lisa Knab-Doody Joseph and Mary Jo Evans John and Ruth Dorfman Betty Evenson Jonathan and Rachel (Bare ‘02) Frost ‘03 Kara Doriani ‘12 Robert Faatz ‘62 (MDiv) ‘65 Christopher and Patricia Frye Randi Doub Harold Faba ‘54 Christian and Linda Fuehrer Florence Dougherty Anne Fabbri Kathryn Fuerst Geraldine Dougherty Omar and Geraldine Fair Fred and Beverly (Houck ‘72) Funk ‘72 Calenthia Dowdy Andres Fajardo ‘98 C. Joel and Annette Funk William and Carol Dowtin Peter and Joan Farago Waldy and Kristen Funk Nan Doyle ‘60 Jenna Farley Julia Furniss ‘13 Karl and Maria Dreher Kirk and Christine Farley Stuart and Jane Furusho Donna Duffy ‘83 James and Deanna Farris Kyle and Courtney Gager Alexis Dunbar ‘11 Brittany Feathers ‘03 John and Marie Gallagher Dewey Duncan ‘76 Gregory and Linda Feeley Philip and Marjorie Dunn Amy Feidt ‘02 Gary Gallant and Patricia McShane-Gallant Stephen and Karen Dunn Lawrence and Donna Feldman Donald and Patricia Dunstan Megan Ferris ‘09 Brian and Joleen (Senter ‘96) Durham ‘95 James and Mary Fetterman Robert Dye ‘61 James and Catherine Finlayson Barbara Dziura ‘83 Jonathan Finn ‘11 Emily Eastman ‘12 Janine Fisher Linda and Julio (‘76) Filomeno ‘76 Vincent Gangemi Kevin and Audrey (Antolich ‘81) Ganong ‘80 Mary Gardner ‘83 Zenique Gardner ‘11 Allan Garvie ‘58 Charlene Gaspar ‘88 + Harry Gasse and Lisa Whelan H. Laverne and Susan Eby Donna Fitzpatrick ‘11 Maurice Edwards ‘74 Sean Fitzpatrick Raymond and Michelle Effinger Joseph and Mary Ann Flannery Carole Egoville ‘99 Louise Fleury Ralph Eib ‘68 Rich and Delores Flikkema Mark Einfeld Andrea Floyd Erich and Joanne Eisenhart Troy and Tina Fluss Mark and Rebecca Elliott Brian and Sheila Forbes Helen Elliott Joshua Forry ‘11 Jennifer Elliott ‘11 G. Alfred and Peggy Forsyth John and Sherry Ellis David and Meg (Cleary ‘90) Foster ‘90 Eddie Ellison (ESCM) ‘91 Claude Foster ‘53+ Joel and Sarah Elmer Diane Foster E. Steven and Sue (Austin ‘76) Emanuel ‘76 Kristy Getsay ‘12 Dwight Fowler ‘96 Kimberly Gey Robert and Susan Fox Reda Geyer Alvin and Esther Fox Kevin and Sherry Giardiniere Donna Franciosa ‘77 Rebecca Gidjunis ‘02 Joseph and Constance Frank Katrina Gierman ‘96 Kevin and Dorothy (Liu ‘93) Franklin ‘94 Joshua and Victoria (MA ‘09) Gill ‘02 (MS) ’07 Timothy and Annette Franklin Carrie Gillen ‘11 Kevin Emerson ‘92 Kingsley and Jeanne (Dingle ‘65) Emerson ‘62 (BA) ’66 (BD) ’66 Marshelia Emery-Vaughns Daniel English ‘05 James and Miriam English Linda and Gene (‘63) Epps ‘65 Lena Gates Thomas and Barbara Gatewood Ronald and Laura Gauthier Rachel Gehman ‘11 Bonnie Geiger Peter and Sandra (Corbett ‘61) Geiger ‘64 William Geisler Lynda Gephart ‘83 Irving Gerber Lawrence and Gina Gerber Susan Gerrard Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 41 Donor Honor Roll University Partner (cont.) Douglas and Molly (Sullivan ‘07) Hackman ‘07 Dale and Debra Hershey William and Carol (Mudie ‘71) Gilliford ‘71 Deborah Hackman ‘80 Linda Hess ‘74 Wendy Hagedorn ‘87 Harold and Mary Gilmore Robert Hewitt ‘62 Jacquelyn Hahn ‘64 Clifford and Rosemary Gilson David and Shelley Hickey William Haines Stephen and Louise Gindel Della Hicks ‘99 Margaret Haines ‘65 Robert Ginsburg Douglas High Howard and Winifred Hall Jane Giovanis ‘72 Lucinda Hammond ‘88 Samuel and Gail (Reckless ‘63) Hill ‘61 Ronald and Susan Giovannacci Jeanne Hancock Natalie Hill ‘93 Joyce Gizzio-Markland ‘80 Rachel Handy ‘12 Marjorie Hill ‘98 Steven and Kimberly Glick Kenneth and Stephanie Hansell Karen Hilliker Alfred and Joyce Gloeckler Sampson and Earnestine Harding Maria Hingley Kathryn Glorioso ‘11 Dale and Diane Hardy Richard and Esther Hivner Jennie Glover ‘08 Robert Hare and Dawm Jare Susan Hochstedler Matthew and Karen Godfrey Warren Haring John and Catherine Goggin Timothy and Karen Haring Christopher and April (Young ‘03, MEd ‘08) Hoffman ‘06 Darle Good Marie Harne Joann Hoffman ‘10 Mary Good Vel Harrington Harvey and Susan Hohl George Goodwin ‘63 Calla Harrington ‘11 Jonathan Holbert ‘12 Terry Gordon Jaira Harrington Cynthia Holbert Vladimir Gordynskiy Karissa Harris ‘12 Lewis and Jana Gore Tanya Harris Mark Holbrook and Elaine Clement Holbrook John and Joan Graessle Holly Harrison ‘13 Kristine Graham Sebastian Graham ‘09 David and Margarita (Santillana ‘85) Harrod ‘88 Victoria Grant ‘10 Patricia Hartel Patricia Holmes ‘11 Dorothy Grant-Bryant Nancy Hartsock Rachel Holmes Tiffany Grant-Callender ‘05 Phyllis Harwood ‘00 Candice Holohan ‘92 Charles Gray Albert and Linda (Barto ‘73) Haske ‘73 Bradley and Jody Holt Jo Ann Hasselbeck Herbert and Helen Holweger Maynard and Ruth (Cordle ‘57) Hatch ‘57 (BD) ’60 Debra Hoover Stephen and Phoebe Haupert Timothy and Connie Horton Hilarie and Frank Hawley Douglas Horton ‘99 Janet Hazel Andrew and Margaret Horvath David and Pamela Healey Wendell and Susan Horwath Alice Hearn ‘77 Charlotte Horwitz Jonathan Heinly ‘07 Jenessa Hosler ‘12 Rachel Heisey ‘09 Cinnamon Hosterman ‘03 Kenneth and Beth (Sellers ‘91) Helsby ‘90 Dwane and Priscilla Hostetter James and Rita (Orlando ‘00, MA ‘07) Henderson ‘99 (MBA) ’03 Michael Huddy ‘94 Christopher and Bonnie Gillen Rayna Gray ‘10 Steve and Diane Graybill Irvin and Grace Graybill Arthur and Mary Belle Graybill Mary Green+ Karl Green ‘06 Robin Greene Jason Greenplate ‘12 Joy Greer ‘96 Christopher Grieco ‘08 Elsa Grieder Nancy Gries Walter and Norma (Shearer) (MRE) ’56 Griffith ‘53 (BD) ’56 Dean and Darlene Groff Sylvia Grosh Jerrold Grosh and Ann King-Grosh Adelyn Gross 42 2 011–2 012 Kevin and Kimberly Henley Laura Henrich ‘06 Kelly Herbster ‘07 Michael Guerra ‘12 Kyle and Sara (Helinsky ‘05) Herman ‘07 Kimberlee Guevin Robert Herman ‘93 Paul and Susan Gustavsen Linda Hernandez-Giblin ‘00 Christina Haahs ‘11 James and Lois Herr Shannon Hess ‘10 Karen Holcombe Norma Holland ‘62 J. Kent Holland ‘53 Robyn Holt ‘11 Richard and Betty Horne Walter and Alicyn Huddell Boyd and Susan (Beardslee ‘74) Hudson ‘77 Charlotte Humerickhouse Arlin Hunsberger ‘62 Jeffrey Hunt James and Peggy Hunter Carol Hurn Jeffry and Jane Hurst Donor honor roll Ernest and Lois Hutchinson Courtney Kehmna ‘89 Eric Hutter ‘89 Linda Kelly Joshua and Jennifer (Veglucci ‘03) Landis ‘05 Linda and Gregory Hytha Gerald Kempf Grace Landry Anne Iacobucci David and Barbara Kerchner Alton Landsman Howard Irwin (BSW) ‘79 (MDiv) ‘82 Ashley Kern ‘07 Roberta Langlais Anthony and Marjorie Izzo Whitney Kerner ‘12 Kenneth and Lori Lansey Steven Jacke ‘02 and Bethany Crane-Jacke’02 Michael and Christinia Kerrigone David and Jody (Green ‘97) Lantz ‘98 Amanda King ‘06 Dorothy Jackson Michael and Eleanor King David and Christine (Hadley ‘70) Laquintano ‘72 William and Jeannie Jackson Kyle and Lynda King Collis and Robyn Jackson Erika King ‘92 Roy and Nancy Jaindl Taylor Kirkland ‘06 Precious James Frederick and Sherry Kleban Robin and Pamela James Jennie Kleintop ‘11 Lillian Jamgochian Laura Kline Rena Jansen Donald and Linda Klippenstein Kirk and Nicole Jarrett Danae Klock ‘07 Judy Jennings Marie Klotz ‘84 Mary Jeres Alton and Eleanor Knauss Stephane Jeune ‘04 Rebecca Kocsis ‘08 Ashley Jimenez ‘11 Richard Koehler ‘76 Michael Joachim Jonathan and Jeanne Koehler Asia Johnson ‘12 Robert Kohan ‘71 Joyce Johnson Jeanne Kolb Kimberlee Johnson Leonard and Joann Kolojejchick Karna Johnson ‘96 Pierre Kolowe ‘12 Robert and Deborah (Clemson ‘71) Johnson ‘70 (MDiv) ’73 George and Marigrace Komarnicki Donald Johnson George Johnson Donald and Patricia Johnson R Bruce Johnson (MDiv) ‘73 Roger and Norma Johnson Margareta Jonell ‘64 Andrew Jones ‘05 William and Sheila Jones Timothy and Catherine Jones Lyvette Jones ‘04 David and Barbara Jones Caitlin Jones ‘12 Claudia Joye Elijah and Erin (Bond ‘05) Jung ‘06 Jane Kamp Andrew Kane ‘66 (MDiv) ‘73 Hyun Kang ‘87 Michelle Katzman ‘10 Daun and Ada Kauffman Jeremy Kauffman ‘06 Kathy Kautz de Arango (MDiv) ’93, (MS) ’08 and Obed De Arango (MDiv) ‘05 Stephanie Keefer ‘12 Shannon Larkin ‘10 Don LaRossa Martha Larson ‘11 Alisa Laska ‘01 (MA) ‘04 Carole Latimer Bernard and Adele Lauhoff W. Scott and Kate (Odiorne ‘93) Layer ‘92 Joseph and Margaret Lazzaro Craig and Lynette Ledder Otis and Shirley Lee Peter and Lisa Lee Kathryn Lee Gerald and Jane Leeds Pamela LeFaire Lindsey Leh ‘11 Glenn and Sharon Lehman Vladimir and Mara Leibovsky Jean Komline ‘07 Edward and Holly (Smith ‘75) Leifer ‘73 Denise Koons Steven and Elinor Lepore Brandon Kopp ‘12 Blair Leroy Kristina Kraft ‘12 Arthur and Jeny Lersch Melvin and Margaret Kramer Kayla Levan ‘11 Stacey Kramer ‘12 John Liberati ‘76 Randall and Charlene Krause Cathy Licinio ‘04 Brittney Krause Suzanne and Frederick Liebolt Lloyd and Dorothy Kreider Robert and Sherry Lieg Chelsea Kreiter ‘11 Olive Lilley Daniel and Janet Kremin Tanya Lilly ‘76 Daniel Krick ‘87 Robert and Rachel Lind Katlyn Kristeller ‘12 William and Ruth Kromer Penelope and Lars and Penelope (Weatherly ‘71) Lind ‘90 Walter and Kimberley Krug P. Aaron and Krista Linn Andrew Kullberg ‘12 Robert and Laura Lipsit Frank Kulp David and Lisa Livezey Robert and Patricia Kumor Laura Lockyer ‘10 Daniel and Karen Kunsa Joyce Loeb Bernice Kurtz Candice Lombardi ‘01 Donald and Candice Kykendall Michelle Longacre ‘11 Donald and Ruth Lambert Charles and Barbara Longenecker M. Austin and Julie Landes John and Kim (Weller ‘77) Loring ‘78 (MDiv) ’83 Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 43 Donor Honor Roll University Partner (cont.) Gloria Marshall ‘60 Heather Loring-Albright ‘09 Karen Marshall Arthur and Kathleen Loriso Luke and Stephanie (Moyer ‘08) Martin ‘06 Toni Meier Michael and Denise Martin Maria Melendez Kirsten Lowell ‘12 Ricky and Roszena Martin Karolyn Mena ‘04 Norman and Kim Lowell Lauren Mason ‘08 Megan Mendez-Miller ‘02 Robin Lowery ‘96 Christina Massaro ‘11 Fred and Joyce Menna Susan Lugerner ‘70 Joseph and Stacy (Meldazis ‘07) Masshardt ‘07 Harry Mercurio Bryon and Christine (Hartman ‘91) Luke ‘91 Michael and Dawn Massimini Daniel and Cheryl Mertz James Mast ‘09 Linda Luken Jonathan and Ann Metzler Bert Lukens Ryan and Kristen (Gaiser ‘06) Matteucci ‘08 Sylvia Metzler ‘77 Robert and Eileen Lukens Elva Matthews Bruce and Maureen Lukens Candace Matthews-Bass ‘12 Douglas and Donna Lunger Nancy Matusiewicz Michael Lurakis ‘12 Michael and Cathy Mazaika Joseph and Valerie Lusardi Philip and Beverly Mc Entee David Mac Indoe ‘10 Jacklyn Mc Nulty ‘12 Marc and Christina (Leonard ‘88) Miller ‘87 Donna and Thomas MacIntosh Sabrina McAfee-Allen Julie Miller Lucy and William Macaleer C. Wilbert and Dolores (MDiv) ’89 (DMin) ‘92 McCabe (MEd) ‘95 Wilbur and Christine Miller Richard Lothian ‘63 (BD) ‘66 (MDiv) ‘66 Anneke Lujan ‘13 Kenneth and Linda Macari Charles and Faith (Johnson ‘61) Meier ‘62 Holly Melander ‘82 Karen Merrill Joshua Meyer ‘07 Patricia Michaud Joan Mihalich Jesse and Sally (Lynn ‘60) Milby ‘62 Anthony and Gertrude Miles Jeffrey and Beverly Miller Chelsea MacCubbin ‘11 Robert McCaffrey Daniel and Michelle (Palmere ‘77) MacDonald ‘75 Joseph and Donna McCarthy Patrick and Cheryl McCauley Robert and Donna Mackey Joyce McCauley Joseph Macknis Timothy and Angela McClure Gerald Madden Catherine McClure ‘85 Jeffrey and Cynthia Magill Christy McCoy ‘11 Heather Mahurin ‘11 Ronald McCracken Mark Momjian and Melineh Vartany Momjian Drew and Kristen Miale Richard McDonnell Mercedes Monaghan ‘12 W. Robert and Janet Main Hailey McDowell ‘15 Nelson Montanez ‘11 Bruce and Pamela Main Christopher and Christine McGann Mary Montoro-Binodo ‘81 Susan Maines ‘72 Joseph and Kari McGann Javier and Jennifer Montoya Judith Major Kevin and Mary Jane McGann David and Hilary Monyer Carol Malcarney ‘67 Mercedes McGann William and Kimberly Malenke Stephen and Helene McGann Charles and Alice (Essex ‘57) Moore ‘55 Ambrose and Doris Malenke Constance McKinney ‘14 Diane and John Moore Max Malikow Ruth McKinney ‘70 Jennifer Moore Amanda Maloney ‘11 Nicola and Peter McLallen Eric Moos Dominic and Susan Mandia Brendan and Cecilia McLaughlin Joelle Morabito ‘08 Kevin Maness ‘92 Dan and Laura McLeroy Shirley Moravek Carol Manfrey John and Megan McMenamin Frank and Nancy Morgan Laura Manger ‘98 Mary McMonagle Bruce and Jean Moroney Sally Manley ‘85 Douglas and Jean (Sargent ‘83) McPheeters (MA) ‘02 Sandra Morris ‘72 Andrew Mease ‘01 Robert Morrison Dorothy Medill Alice Morse James Meek ‘56 Jaime Mosher ‘01 James Meek ‘86 Roy and Sonya Mosicant Richard and Patricia Manski Amy March ‘83 Andrew Marin ‘01 Kenneth and Robin Marino Mark Grubb Ranch Inc. Scott Markley ‘84 44 2 011–2 012 Allyssa Miller ‘10 Donald and Marilyn Miller Alison Minnick ‘11 Nancy Moffitt William and Carolyn Mogavero Robin Molnar Deborah Morris ‘80 David and Hagit Moverman Donor honor roll Sharon Moyer Jan and Leah (McCarrick ‘07) Ott ‘07 Jay and Cindy Moyer John Ott ‘66 Ronnie Porter and Chiquta Bouchee-Porter Frenika Mudd ‘05 Richard Overlander ‘84 (MDiv) ‘90 Janice Prendergast Mwangangi Muindi ‘11 Lindsay Owens ‘11 Michael Preperato Jessica Muni ‘13 Nathan Owens Lisa Prescott ‘80 Dorothy Munroe ‘73 Jeffrey and Barbara Packard Stanley and Martha (Bowman ‘73) Murray ‘71 (MDiv) ’79 Lisa Pagano ‘11 Ralph and Andrea (Dietrich ‘86) Prettyman ‘84 Bobby and Kay Myers Terri Palmer Christopher Myers ‘10 Havard Pannebaker ‘70 Matthew and Rebecca Nadelhoffer Mary Paoletti Wayne and Phyllis Nail Richard and Sandra Paquin Judith Namey Joseph and Carol Parillo Emilio and Elizabeth Namuco Yera Park ‘11 Teri Nance Arthur and Barbara Parker Anthony and Beatrice Nardone Mark Paul Paul and Rebecca Nee Linda Payne Bobby Neese David and Judith Peck Ralph and Esther Neese John and Martha (Richardson ‘61) Quigg ‘62 Robert and Carole Pegolotti Frank and Emily (Hargis ‘03) Nefos ‘02 Michael Radomsky Michael and Bianca Penhollow Edward and Betty Radomsky Albert Pepitone Alistair Rae ‘66 Alice Perez ‘69 Pamella Raison Ron Perry Lynda Rake ‘71 Eric Peters ‘01 Michael and Mary Pat Rallo Robert and Kristin Peters Sara Ralph ‘06 Christopher Petersen ‘95 Mitchell and Kimberly Raper Clare Peterson Mark Raudenbush ‘93 Paul Petrie ‘86 John and Carol Raudensky Kristie Petrillo ‘10 John Ravert Charles and Janet Ness Geraldine Newquist Staci Newsom ‘08 Cassi Ney-Harkness ‘83 Gloria Nichols Kami Nicholson Louise Nicholson Grahame and Karen Nicolson Russell and Linda Nixon Timothy Noftzger ‘12 Kevin and Jennifer (Nuss ‘98) Noll ‘98 Cloyd and Fatima Norwood William and Elaine Norwood Edward and Catherine Nowak Michael and Carol Nowlin Theresa and Henry Noye Dianne Nugent-Ward ‘82 Michelle Nutter ‘12 Kenneth and Roberta Ober Grace O’Brien ‘14 Teresa O’Donnell Marie Oelrich Brianna Oertel ‘12 Marguerite Ogden ‘62 Jane Ogilvie ‘66 Stephanie Okeson ‘07 Sheila Oland ‘12 Sarah Osbaugh ‘11 Rebekah Ostby ‘10 Edward and Elaine (Garber ‘84) Ostrum ‘84 Charles and Diane Palmer Julie Prey ‘94 Harold and Regina Price Michael Price and Amy Salisbury-Price Matthew and Deborah Pruette Donna Puckett Forest and Jacqueline Pugh Richard and Francine Pychewicz James and Charlotte Pyp Hannah Pyun ‘11 Carla Pettus ‘81 Daniel Raymond ‘82 (MEd) ‘98 Donald and Sophia Peyton Anthony Razionale Kenneth Phelps ‘72 William Phillips Matthew and Aimee (Loizeaux ‘95) Read ‘95 David Phillips and Rena Counsellor Alice Read Wayne and Michele Phillips Jennifer Redding ‘04 Edward Pickard ‘64 Lawrence Rees ‘58 Thomas and Ruthann Pierce Joshua Reid ‘11 Victor and Maria Pierson Jarett Reidnauer Linda Pierson ‘79 Rosalyn Reiff ‘63 Robert and Colleen Pietrobono Lisa Reigel Cathy Piliero-Surbeck John and Marie Reilly John Pipe ‘58 Christopher Reinford ‘12 Maya Pirela ‘06 Gillian Reitsma F. Michael and Joann Pisch Christine Rempel ‘15 Karen Piscopo Henry Renollet Ekaterina Piskacheva Manuel and Marilyn Repoza Franklin Poehlmann ‘64 Darlene Resh ‘99 Nancy Pontius ‘11 Adele and Mark Ressler Amber Poplaski ‘08 Sarae Rex ‘81 Anthony and Jacqueline Portee Robert and Judith (Cullingford ‘69) Reynolds ‘67 Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 45 Donor Honor Roll University Partner (cont.) Michael and Legna Santerian Carol Simanski Thomas and Annette Richards Jonathan and Lois Sastic David Simmons ‘71 Bradly and Carrie (Wall ‘99) Richards ‘99 Clifton and Cynthia Satterfield Linda Simms ‘75 Pamela Riddick Glen and Mary Ann Sauder Amber Sims ‘11 Jacquelyn Sauder ‘12 Gwen Sinclair ‘82 Basil and Despina Savopoulos Lula Singletary Christina Saxton ‘99 Verna Singletary Lois Saylor ‘75 Mary Louise Sked ‘88 Stephen and Angela Scarnato Scott and Ryan (Quigley ‘03) Slawson ‘04 Alison Ridington ‘09 Lori Riggs ‘08 Chelsi Riley ‘11 Rosalyn Riley ‘99 (MEd) ‘02 Robert Rimm Ernest and Marion Rink Rosemary Scerni Richard and Laura (Clark ‘76) Schramm ‘72 Ruth Smiley ‘64 Megan Ritchie ‘97 Richard Rivas ‘12 Norman and Mabel Schuetrumpf Geoffrey and Laurean Smith Heather Roberts ‘06 Gary and Grace Schultz Harold and Ruth Ann Roberts Bryan and Sharon Schwanke Derek Smith ‘03 (MBA) ‘07 and Jennifer Abboud-Smith ‘04 Adam and Kimberly Roberts William Schwartz ‘98 Carrie Smith ‘12 Adrian Robinson ‘11 Charles and Christine (McLauchlan ‘70) Schwarz ‘71 Joseph and Judith Smith Michael and Kathy Robinson Victoria Roden ‘85 Mary Schwarz ‘80 Megan Smith ‘11 Miguel and Mirna Rodriguez Patricia Schweigart Judith Smythe ‘64 Evelyn Rodriguez Douglas Scott ‘71 (MDiv) ‘74 Rodney Snyder ‘02 Wilfredo Rodriguez Clarence and Susan Scott Elma Snyder Heidi Roginski Melyssa Searcy ‘11 Robert and Brenda Snyder John Rohrman ‘99 Stacy Sebro ‘00 Carole Snyder Rebekah Roland ‘12 Shirely Seidel Kathleen Sobocinski ‘10 Martha Rollins Ayesha Selden Cory Sockriter ‘12 Patricia Root Timothy Sell Domenick and Patricia Solazzo Marc Rosenberg Jacob Senkow ‘01 Linda Solomon Christy Ross Charmian Sercu Christin Soly ‘05 George Rothacker Donald Serfass Pedro and Meredith Soto Madge Rothenberg Jamie Serlin Pedro and Sonia Soto Ronald and Audrey Rowe David Shalaway ‘92 Caroline Sovocool Jeffrey Rowe Daniel and Danna Sharadin James Sowers William and Karen Rubert Christopher and Christine (Crossman ‘07) Shaw ‘08 Molly Sowers Hope Shea ‘10 Timothy Spall NancyAnn Sheaffer ‘72 Kevin and Deborah Spaulding Laura Shearer ‘03 Robert and Melissa Speak Kenneth and Lois Sheeler-Duncan Kevin and Cassi Squires Deidre Shepard ‘11 Roberta Srinivasan Virginia Sherbert ‘77 Jeanne Stagloff John and Sarah Jane Sheriff Neeka Stanley ‘01 Franklin and Janet Sherman Donna Staton ‘81 Michael and Tina Shirk John and Jacqualyn Stazzone Shaant Shishmanian ‘12 Barbara Stearns ‘57 Robert and Emma Shock Timothy and Josephine Steele James Shore ‘88 Ellen Steely Eldon and D. Jean Showalter Duane Steiner ‘92 Krista Sibel Daniel and Edna Steinmetz Sandra Sievers Kathryn Stennett ‘78 Timohy and Lori Silfies Sharon Stephens ‘12 Thelma Silvestro ‘77 R. Scott and Martha Stephens Irene Rudick Cynthia Runyon ‘58 Steven and Judith Russell Anthony Russo Sarah Rutter ‘10 Chareny Rydl ‘80 Carl Saalbach ‘67 Leonard and Faye Sachs James and Nancy Sale Jack Salerno and Mary Cross Alyssa Salvati Kathleen Salvati Frank Salvatore Mark and Nancy Salvetti Nanci Sampson ‘91 Jennifer Sanborn ‘94 Lisa Sanderford Edith Sanford 46 2 011–2 012 Jamaine Smith ‘12 Jennifer Smith ‘01 Carol Spacht ‘78 Donor honor roll Ronald and Ivy Stephens Samantha Terenzoni ‘12 G. Kent Walmsley ‘66 Kenneth and Celeste Stevens Billy Thiemann Marsha and Thomas Walsh Bertha Stevens Edward Thomas ‘65 Douglas and Kathy Walter Howard Stevenson ‘80 Lisa Thome ‘86 Frederick and Heather Walters Steven Stewart ‘68 Rebecca Thompson ‘12 Larry Waltz ‘63 Nathan and Lauren Stewart Radclyffe and Maria Thompson Christine Wampole Heather Stiles ‘12 Cathy Thorgerson David and Robbin Wangaard Stewart and Lynda (Hart ‘69) Stilkey ‘68 Hannah Thyberg ‘12 Heather Warde ‘70 Janice Tiedeck ‘02 Walter Warren ‘62 Michael Stine Noelle Tobin ‘11 Gregory and Anne Warren Donald and Cynthia Stitz Sarah Todd James Warren ‘85 Jeffrey Stockard ‘14 Samantha Todorovich ‘12 Daryl Warren ‘61 Madeline Stokes ‘15 Caitlin Wasson ‘12 Erwin and Robin Stoltzfus Justin and Kimberlee (Scoffone ‘08) Tomevi ‘09 John and Marian Stoltzfus Kristel Tomlinson ‘76 Jenna Watkins ‘12 Adelaide Stong ‘11 Tyler Ton ‘14 Grace Watkins Danielle Storm Michael Toothman Kevin Stout ‘95 Kelly Torres ‘11 James and Jane (Smyrl ‘84) Watkins ‘83 Helen Stover Arlene Townsend Shaggy Watson Alice Strange Wayne and Karen Trabert Nathaniel and Tara Watson Donald and S. Carol Streeter Sandra Tracy ‘00 Victoria Watts ‘11 Amber Strickland ‘06 Nathan Trunfio ‘09 Michele Weaver Lowell and Jennifer Strickler James and Cheryl Ann Tumas Cleo Weaver Steven and Michelle Strohm Jennifer Tuomisto ‘07 Stephanie Weaver ‘10 Robin Strudevant ‘08 Benjamin and Rowena Turk Michael and Jane Webb Michael and Janet Stubinski Naomi Tuttle ‘58 Jennie Webster Kaitlyn Stuckert ‘10 Kasi Tybring ‘03 Robert and Mary Wederbrand Brittany Stuller ‘10 A. Christian Tyler ‘88 Robin Weinstein ‘03 Dorothy Stumpf Scott and Janice Tyler Richard and Donna Weitzel Evelyn Stupp ‘76 (MDiv) ‘79 George Tynes ‘81 Janet Welford Carole Stutzman Joshua Tyson ‘00 David and Linda Weller David and Joy Stutzman Richard and Karen Uba Susanna Weller ‘95 Stephen and Victoria Supplee Samuel and Cora Umble Bradley Weller ‘12 Robert and Deanna Swan Dominic and Jennifer Valente Amy Wenger Ethel Swartley ‘87 May Van Tammy and Nevin Werron Ray Sweeney ‘05 Russell and Laura Van Cleave Kevin and Kim West Adelyn Sweeney ‘11 Erin Van Dorn ‘02 Carol Wheeler Sarah Swible ‘11 Dona Van Eck ‘69 Earnestine Wheeler Richard and Charlotte Swigart April Van Ness Robert Sykora ‘12 Sharma Van Norton ‘81 Harold and Marylou (Bailey ‘56) Wheeler BD ‘45 Kaz Takeda Katelyn VanderVeen ‘14 Nicole Wheeler Helga Talbot Adrienne VanLoan William Whelan ‘94 Josefa Tankersly ‘14 Victoria Verrelli Megan White ‘11 Michelle Taylor Ronald and Lynette (Cloud ‘90) Vessels ‘90 (MEd) ’06 Laureen Whitecraft Ernesto and Aurea Vicente Barbra Whitten ‘93 Dawn Taylor ‘96 Scott and Coleen Viereck Dixie Wigton Eric and Cynthia Taylor Paul Vigyikan ‘61 Kelly Wilbraham ‘02 Colleen Taylor ‘87 Emogene Vough ‘65 Charles and Margaret Wilcox Donald and Geraldine Taylor David and Sharon Wade David Wilcoxen ‘90 Margretta Tees ‘75 Keith and Lisa Wallin Kay Wilheim David and Kimberly Terenzoni Donald Walls ‘58 Robert and Sheila Willard Lee and Carol (McGuire ‘72) Taylor ‘72 Shawn and Maria Wathley Theresa Whitfield ‘00 Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 47 Donor Honor Roll University Partner (cont.) M. Douglass Willey ‘55 American Electric Power Service Corporation Gerald and Carol Williams Bolton Farm Market, Inc. Sharon Williams Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Paul and Michelle Williams Carlisle Art and Frame Mary Williams-Kinnard Exelon Corporation James Williamson ‘67 ExxonMobil Foundation Timothy and Jean Wilmot First Baptist Church of Attleboro, MA Sandra and William (‘67) Wilson ‘67 First Baptist Church of Hoosick Falls, NY Barbara Wilson Carol Wilson ‘69 G. Bruce Wilson ‘79 Leah Wilson ‘12 Sally Winder Richard and Elizabeth (Dickinson ‘69) Wingate ‘69 Christopher Winkler ‘00 David and Lois Winsor Jessica Winston ‘15 Eric Wisler ‘11 Philip Witmer A. Ray and Sharon Witmer Gangemi Landscaping Corp. Go Go Laser Tag LLC IBM Corporation Landis Supermarket Moreland Baptist Church of Muncy, PA Obehi Productions PNC Foundation Matching Gift Program Robin Myers Plumbing St. Paul Chapel Baptist Church of Philadelphia, PA Richard and Janice Wittig St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Exton, PA Mary Wood ‘84 State Farm Companies Foundation Ann Wood The Haverford Choral Association Kayla Woodford ‘12 The Prudential Foundation Richard and Rosemary Woodhouse Turner Survivor’s Trust Randy and Karen Woods Vanguard Matching Gift Program Gabrielle Woodward ‘12 James Word ‘56 Henry and Sarah Worthington James and Temwa (‘04) Wright ‘03 Dawn Wright Sheng-Jiun Wu Robert and Kelly Wyatt Paul Wyher ‘76 Gregory and Tanya Yoder Tiffany Young ‘02 Juliet Young ‘77 Kristy Young ‘09 Myra Young Armstead Elsie Youtcheff Jacqueline Yurik ‘09 Julio Zayas ‘11 Kristine Zeiset ‘12 Michael and Janice Zettlemoyer Timothy Ziegenfuss ‘02 Shirley Ziegler ‘70 Kathleen Ziegler ‘11 Cynthia Zielinski Lucille Zimmerman ‘11 48 2 011–2 012 + denotes deceased donor Looking Ahead The financial and programmatic stories heralded in this Annual Report mark the onset of a leadership transition. This past fall, Eastern’s Board of Trustees appointed Robert G. Duffett, outgoing president of Dakota Wesleyan University, in Mitchell, South Dakota, to be the University’s new president effective July 1, 2013. He will build on the exemplary legacy of Dr. David R. Black, who has served Eastern ably and faithfully since 1997. Building on this solid foundation, Dr. Duffett will bring a new outlook for the future of the University and the path along which Eastern will proceed to achieve those goals. To be meaningful and useful, strategic and tactical goals require objective measurement. During the 2011–2012 academic year, Eastern successfully completed its once-per-decade accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. That complex, multi-year process involved both a self-assessment and an objective, external examination of every significant system, program and process at Eastern. Like no other examination, re-accreditation shines a bright light on the many operations that Eastern uses to accomplish its educational goals and objectives as detailed in the University’s periodic Strategic Plans. We are happy to report that Eastern came through the re-accreditation process with flying colors as well as a renewed, refined sense of mission. One of the key elements detailed in the re-accreditation process is the benchmarking of quality control. Manufacturers of durable goods have a finished product to examine to ensure quality. An educational institution has student testing, graduate school acceptance rates, career placement and other comparable metrics. Each of these demonstrate that Eastern has solid, working programs and processes that reflect the management and enhancement of quality that benefits each student every step along the way. A vibrant University is an organization of multiple moving parts. One of those elements literally moved in fiscal year 2012. Palmer Theological Seminary left its home in Wynnewood when the property was sold, and the Seminary’s operations were moved to new, temporary offices at the American Baptist Headquarters building in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Among the plans of the University is a new building on the main campus or nearby west campus in Saint Davids. None of these achievements would be possible without the generous financial support of alumni, parents, friends and churches. Without you, we could not prepare our students here for their roles in God’s wider Kingdom. Thank you for making these things a vibrant reality. 49 E a s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y B oa r d o f T r u s t e e s T r u s t e e s w i t h Em e r i t u s S tat u s Mr. Arthur W. Hill, Board Chairperson Hon. Louise Williams Bishop Dr. David R. Black, President, Eastern University Mr. John W. Boyer, Jr. Dr. Marjean B. Brauch Mr. Conrad J. Fowler Mrs. Delores F. Brisbon Dr. Kenneth W. Goff Dr. Jacob Chatman Ms. Eleanore V. Guzewicz Mr. Steven Clemens Dr. A. Gilbert Heebner Rev. Danny Cortés Mr. Leon E. Lombard Rev. Albert G. Davis, Jr. Mr. Earl G. Russell, Sr. Rev. Dr. Richard A. Dent Dr. Cora Sparrowk Mr. Ronald B. Evans Mr. Maurice C. Workman Ms. E. Shepard Farrar Rev. Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr. Mr. W. Donald Gough Mr. John C. Honor, Jr. Mrs. Lucy Huff Mr. Aljit Joy Dr. Michael J. Mandarino Mr. Richardson T. Merriman Mr. Stephen O’Hearn Editorial direc tion: Natissa Kultan-Pfautz, MS ‘08 Mr. Charles A. Olson, III C o n t r i b u t o r s: Mr. Thomas M. Petro Sarah Cortés Dr. Janis Plostnieks Kelsey Hoffer ‘13 Mr. Jim H. Rogers Dr. Richard E. Rusbuldt Mr. Malcolm Street Dr. John A. Sundquist Dr. Dennis Tanner Linda Olson, MEd ‘96 Derek Ritchie ‘89, MBA ‘07 James G. Rogers Design & Copy writing: Untuck Design Dr. John M. Templeton, Jr. P h o t o g r a p h y: Dr. F. Ardell Thomas Quincy Adam, MBA ‘09 Mr. George Torggler FJ Gaylor Photography Rev. Dr. Alyn E. Waller Mrs. Kelly Wilbraham Jason James Dan Mouw Patti Singleton P RINTING : Innovative Technologies In Print ® A special thanks to the Eastern University faculty & staff for their contributions. This report is printed on International Paper's Accent Opaque products. They are SFI, PEFC and FSC certified. If you choose not to keep this report, please recycle. Thank you. Eastern University 2011–2012 Annual Report 1300 Eagle Road St. Davids, PA 19087-3696