2011 product catalog
2011 product catalog
P u r v e y o r o f F i n e J a p a n e s e Pa p e r P r o d u c t s New Specialty Papers - pg. 42 Origami Kits - pg. 2 & 3 Robin Joy Origami Paper - pg. 20 S I N C E 1 9 8 1 A Wide Selection of Origami Papers & Kits, Decorative Japanese Papers, and Sumi-E & Calligraphy Supplies 2 0 1 1 P R O D U C T C ATA L O G Origami Kits “Unfold The Secrets of Kirigami" Box Kit #KG-KIT Origami Mobile Kit #MO-KIT 2 Origami Box Kit #OG-KIT Kimono Doll Kit #KM-KIT/8 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami Kits Washi Egg Box Kit #WE-KIT Folded Warabe Ningyo Created using the Warabe Ningyo Kit Shiori Ningyo #28-3432 (Paper Doll Bookmark Kit Makes 4 Dolls) Warabe Ningyo #28-3433 (Paper Doll Kit Makes 4 Dolls) Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 3 Origami Kits Japanese Flower Ball Kit #23-1897 Octagonal Box #28-3476 4 Insect Kit #ISM-300 3-Drawer Chest #28-3471 2-Drawer Chest #28-3474 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami Kits Flower Kit – Rose #28-3406 Flower Kit – Adonis #28-3407 Origami Wreaths and Rings Book ISBN: 0-9627254-1-2 Origami – The Art of Paper Folding #OG-BK Origami American Style Book and 32 Sheets Origami Paper #OAS-32 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 5 Origami – Single Color Packs 5-3/8" sq. #OG-4 12" sq. #OG-12 #OG-1 7" sq. #OG-5 #OG-2 9-3/4" sq. #OG-6 #OG-3 #OG-BRN 4-1/2" sq. #OG-7 #OG-PR #OG-YL #OG-GRY #OG-PNK #OG-BL #OG-WHT #OG-VLT #OG-RD #OG-BLK #OG-OR 6 #OG-NLB #OG-GR To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Bulk Packs 5-7/8" sq., 300 shts. #OG-4-300 5-7/8" sq., 500 Solid shts. #OG-4-500 7" sq., 500 Solid shts. #OG-5-500 4-1/2" sq., 500 Solid shts. #OG-7-500 Mni Mini, 1-1/2" sq. #20-1737 10 Sizes, 10 Colors #TS200 Harmony Assorted Box 200 sheets #23-1022 Double Side Floral 150 sheets #23-1893 100 Color Pack #M100C Floral Mega Pack 200 shts. #FLC/KFC-200 Tie Dye Mega Pack 200 shts. AI-1933/4-200 Geo Mega Pack 200 shts. #KMC/KM-2-200 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 7 Origami – Chiyogami Shibori Chiyogami #23-1945 Miyabi Chiyogami #23-1950 Ichimatsu Yuzen Chiyogami #ICY-200 Washi Aya No Chiyogami #WCAC200 Irodorino Chiyogami #23-1956 8 Collage #23-1928 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Chiyogami Komon Print Chiyogami #KMC-200 Floral Print #FLC-200 Craft Print Chiyogami #KFC-200 Miyabi Chiyogami 300 shts., Floral 3"sq. #FLC3-300 Print Chiyogami with Stickers #23-1932 Print Chiyogami 300 shts., 3"sq. #PC3-300 Print Chiyogami with Stickers #23-1933 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 9 Origami – Chiyogami Shima Chiyogami - Stripes #23-1937 Nijiiro Chiyogami #23-1905 Print Chiyogami Butterflies #CHB200 Print Chiyogami #AYC200 Himeyu Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #2005 10 Dream Rainbow with Dots #23-2055 Sairei Chiyogami Fun #SRF200 Himeyu Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #2000 Yuzen Chiyogami #KYZ300 Washi Chiyogami - Hanayagi 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #HCH-200 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Chiyogami Print Chiyogami #PRO-04 Kira Chiyogami Plum Leaves #83-0731 Butterflies #23-1929 Color Chiyogami “Senbazuru - Thousand Cranes", 3" sq. #20-1279 Hemp Paper Pattern #83-0726 Rattan Blind Pattern #83-0727 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 11 Origami – Chiyogami Yuzen Chiyogami Iki #83-0729 Yuzen Chiyogami Aizome #YZA350D Print Chiyogami - Phoenix 5-7/8" sq., 30 shts. #PCBG200 Nouveaux Motifs #NPO200 Dot Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq., 40 shts. #DOT200 Drop Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq., 36 shts. #DRP200 12 Washi Aya No Chiyogami #WCAC200 Stripe Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq., 36 shts. #STR200 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Patterns Two-Tone Triangle #TTT-200 Two-Tone Square #TTS-100 Circles #23-1323 Squares #23-1324 Magical Move #23-2056 Trick Wave #TR200 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 13 Origami – Patterns Bokashi Origami - Corona #BKC100 Folded (Origami) Snowflakes 3" sq. #20-1101 Created using Harmony Origami 3" sq. #20-1501 Bokashi Origami Square #BKS200 14 Bokashi Origami #BOK200 Bokashi Origami Diagonal #BKD200 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Patterns Color Wave #WV-200 Neon Color Blast #NE-300 Animal Pattern #APN200 Hearts & Diamonds #23-1960 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 15 Origami – Patterns Striped #AI-1933 Painted Art #23-1906 16 Dye Color #AI-1934 Suisai Origami (Soap Bubles) #SBM200 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Foil Embossed Foil 5-7/8" sq. #EMB-2 Assorted Color Foils 5-7/8" sq. 9-3/4" sq. #CF-2 #CF-6 3" sq. #SL-3 4-1/2" sq. #SL-1 4-1/2" sq. #CF-1 Silver Foils 5-7/8" sq. #SL-2 4-1/2" sq. #OP-1 Red Foils 4-1/2" sq. #RD-1 5-7/8"sq. #OP-2 3" sq. #RD-3 Gold Foils 5-7/8" sq. #GL-2 4-1/2" sq. 3" sq. #GL-1 #GL-3 5-7/8" sq. #OPS-4 4-1/2" sq. #OPS-3 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 17 Origami – Double Sided Double Color Flora #23-1851 Lace & Cherries Double-Sided #23-1888 Strawberries Double-Sided #23-1887 Double-Sided Color Flora Mini 3" sq. #20-1858 Ryomen Chiyogami Double-Sided (Ichimatsu) #23-1926 Double Color Patchwork #23-1877 Double-Sided Harmony #23-1521 Ryomen Chiyogami Double-Sided (Asanoha) #23-1927 18 Ryomen Chiyogami Double-Sided #RYO-200 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Double Sided Double Side 7" sq. #DSSC-5 7" sq. #WL-300 5-7/8" sq. #WM-100 5-7/8" sq. #DS-2 Double Side 5-7/8" sq. #DSSC-4 Double-Sided Color/Foil 4-1/2" sq. #DS-1 Reversible Crepe Paper 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #RCP200 Double-Sided, Foil/Foil 5-7/8" sq. #DSF-2 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 19 Origami – Special Craft Paper Plastic - Transparent #PLO-4 Lizard Skin 7" sq. #LIZ-05 Laquer Wood 7" sq. #LAQ-05 Created with Lizard Skin Origami Robin Joy Riggsbee #RJR-01 Robin Joy Riggsbee #RJR-02 Robin Joy Riggsbee #RJR-03 Robin Joy Riggsbee #RJR-04 20 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Special Craft Paper Itajimeshi #83-0710 Rakusuishi #83-0711 Color Mesh, 5-7/8" sq. #CM-4 Color Mesh, 7" sq. #CM-5 Laser Color “Star" #23-2237 Tengushi #83-0712 Color Mesh, 9-1/2" sq. #CM-6 Laser Color “Twinkle Heart" #23-2233 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 21 Origami – Washi Solid Washi #HW-925 Shinwazome Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #NWZ350A Lacy Washi Check Pattern 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #LW-151 Lacy Washi Ripply Pattern 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #LW-152 Ginburi Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #83-0669 Yuzen Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #83-0713 22 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Washi Washi Chiyogami #WCF200 Washi Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq., 24 shts. #2112 Washi Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq. #YZ-2 Kimono & Folk Art 5-7/8" sq. #KM-2 Yuzen Chiyogami #83-0707 30 Designs Washi Chiyogami 3" sq. #20-1914 Kimono & Folk Art 4-1/2" sq. #KM-1 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 23 Origami – Washi Aizome Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #YZA350G Yuzen Kinzuri Washi 5-7/8" sq. #YW-701 Yuzen Kinzuri Washi, 10-1/4" x 15" sq. #YW-703 Aizome Chiyogami 6" sq., 20 shts. #YW-621 Aizome Washi 10-1/4" x 15" sq. #YW-603 Aizome Chiyogami 4" sq., 20 shts. #YW-622 24 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Washi Yuzen Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #83-0715 Yuzen Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #YZA350E Yuzen Chiyogami Washi, 3" sq. #OS-300 Yuzen Chiyogami Washi 5-7/8" sq. #OL-750 Yuzen Chiyogami Washi 4-1/2" sq. #OM-500 New Shinwazome Chiyogami Washi 4-1/2" sq. Gold & Silver Washi, 5-7/8" sq. #83-0643 #83-0646 Wazome Chiyogami 5-7/8" sq. #WZC500 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 25 Origami – Washi Yuzen Chiyogami Washi, 5-7/8" sq. #YW-111 Yuzen Chiyogami Washi, 5-7/8" sq. #83-0724 Yuzen Chiyogami Washi, 4-1/2" sq. #YW-112 Folded (Origami) Crane Yuzen Chiyogami Washi 3" sq. #83-0605 Kasane Washi #83-0725 Created with a single sheet of Chiyogami 26 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Origami – Stands Folded (Origami) Crane Ornament Created with Foil Origami (see page 17) Rack #1 Floor Display Holds 30 Designs Folded (Origami) Wreath & Box Rack #2 Table Top Display Holds 12 Designs Created with Solid & Harmony Origami (see pages 7 & 14) Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 27 Crafts Screw Punch #NS100-3 • • • • Wood handle and brass shaft Includes 3mm bit Used as book binding tool Punches through leather 1.5mm #NS-1.5 1.0mm #NS-1 2.5mm #NS-2.5 2.0mm #NS-2 3.5mm #NS-3.5 3.0mm #NS-3 4.5mm #NS-4.5 4.0mm #NS-4 Spare Bits Japanese Suminagashi 6 Color Marbling Kit #800-MB 28 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com 5.0mm #NS-5 Crafts #1011-A #1011-B #1011-C #1014-B #1020-C #1020-B #1020-E #1002-B #1002-C #1003-A #1003-B #1012-A #1012-B #2003 #1009-B #1009-D #1019-A #1019-B #2002 #2008 #2015 #1001-AR #1001-D #1015-A #1016-B Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 29 Calligraphy Products Sumi Stick #AB3-10 Suzuri Stone #HA1-35 Fountain Brush Pen #DT140-13C Sumi Stick #SS3001 Suzuri Stone #HA5-45 #CA2-36, 12oz. #CA2-18, 6oz. Kuretake Shueki Ink #CC4-6, 2oz. Kuretake Sumi Ink #CA2-6, 2oz. Fountain Brush Pen #DT141-13C Spare Nib #DAN105-99H Spare Nib #DAM1-999 30 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Calligraphy Products Sketch Pad 18"x 24" #SP-L Sketch Pad 12"x 18" #SP-M Sketch Pad 9"x 12" #SP-S Shoji Gami-Kozo 11"x 60ft #SG-A Shoji Gami-Kozo 11"x 60ft #SG-B Hanshi Paper #HP-1 Shikishi Practice Pad #SKP-1 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 31 Calligraphy Products Hosho Small 5-3/8" x 4-3/4" #SKB-H-S 14-1/4"x 2-1/2" Gold #SKB-GD 10-3/4"x 9-1/2" Silver #SKB-SL Torinoko #SKB-T Gasen #SKB-G Hosho #SKB-H Gold #TSB-G Torinoko #TSB-T Silver #TSB-SL 32 Hosho #TSB-H Gassen #TSB-G Shikishi Board Gassen Medium, 8-1/2"x 7" #SKB-G-M To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Calligraphy Products Red #SFL-RD White Gold #SFL-WGD Blue #SFL-BL Golden Brown #SFL-GBR Green #SFL-GR Size: 8-1/2" x 7-3/4" Red #SFS-RD Size: 15"x 13" Blue #SFS-BL White Gold #SFS-WGD Green #SFS-GR Golden Brown #SFS-GBR Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 33 Specialty Papers Hogodaiyou Papers #TK-HD2 23.5" x 37.5" #TK-HD4 25.5" x 37.75" #TK-HD1 23.5" x 37.5" #TK-HD6 23.5" x 37.5" #TK-HD5 25.5" x 37.75" #TK-HD3 23.5" x 37.5" #TK-HD7 23.5" x 37.5" 34 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Specialty Papers Rayon Sheets #RY302, 43"x 31" #RY307, 43"x 31" #RY321, 43"x 31" #RY325, 43"x 31" #RY326, 43"x 31" #RY328, 43"x 31" #RY338, 43"x 31" #RY345, 43"x 31" #RL-50 #RY323, 43"x 31" #RY334, 43"x 31" #RY346, 43"x 31" #RL-55 #RL-54 #RL-00 #RL-53 Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 35 Specialty Papers Wood Grain Papers Size: 31.5" x 40" #6601 #6602 #6603 #6712 #6721 #6722 #6723 Unya Papers #11, 21"x 15.5" 36 #70, 21"x 15.5" #T-220, 31"x 43" To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com #U-110, 31"x 43" Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #G1, 25"x 18.75" #G5, 25"x 18.75" #G16, 25"x 18.75" #G30, 25"x 18.75" #G32, 25"x 18.75" #G38, 25"x 18.75" #G46, 25"x 18.75" #G48, 25"x 18.75" #G59, 25"x 18.75" #G61, 25"x 18.75" #4009, 25"x 18.75" #4010, 25"x 18.75" #5205, 25"x 18.75" #7210, 25"x 18.75" #5053, 25"x 18.75" #5197, 25"x 18.75" #5278, 25"x 18.75" #5013, 25"x 18.75" #UC4, 24"x 18.25" #UC6, 24"x 18.25" Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 37 Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #UC7, 24"x 18.25" #UC11, 24"x 18.25" #UC12, 24"x 18.25" #UC16, 24"x 18.25" #UC19, 24"x 18.25" #UC20, 24"x 18.25" #UC23, 24"x 18.25" #UC27, 24"x 18.25" #7604, 31.5"x 22" #7601, 31.5"x 22" #RY10, 25"x 18.75" #RY8, 25"x 18.75" #RY2, 25"x 18.75" #SK20, 25"x 18.75" #SK1, 25"x 18.75" #SK15, 25"x 18.75" #H-3760, 25"x 18.75" #5037, 25"x 18.75" #H-4443, 25"x 18.75" #H-2791, 25"x 18.75" 38 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #7836, 31.5" x 21.5" #3388, 25"x 18.75" #5229, 21.5" x 31.5 #5220, 25"x 18.75" #5071, 25"x 18.75" #5187, 25"x 18.75" #7401, 25"x 18.75" #DSR30, 26"x 19" #DSR34, 26"x 19" #DSR14, 26"x 19" #E711, 26"x 19" #E712, 26"x 19" #SP10, 26"x 19" #SP11, 26"x 19" #SP12, 26"x 19" #SP14, 26"x 19" #SP16, 26"x 19" #SP22, 26"x 19" #KM99, 26"x 19" #KM100, 26"x 19" Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 39 Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #4524, 21.5" x 31.5" #4525, 21.5" x 31.5" #5327TC, 21.5" x 31.5" #5523, 21.5" x 31.5" #5524, 21.5" x 31.5" #5528, 21.5" x 31.5" #5532, 21.5" x 31.5" #5538, 21.5" x 31.5" #5540, 21.5" x 31.5" #5542, 21.5" x 31.5" #5562, 21.5" x 31.5" #5563, 21.5" x 31.5" #6005, 21.5" x 31" #6035, 21.5" x 31" #KT6889, 19" x 25.5" #KT7104, 19" x 25.5" #KT7109, 19" x 25.5" #KT7935, 19" x 25.5" #KT8330,19" x 25.5" #KF7600, 19.25" x 26" 40 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #KF7421, 19" x 25.25" #KW10181, 19" x 25" #KK3849, 18.75" x 25.5" #KK4723, 19" x 25" #KK6532, 19" x 25" #KK6927, 18.75" x 25" #KK6931, 19" x 25" #KK7446, 19" x 25" #5232, 21.5" x 31.5" #6760, 19" x 26" #6763, 19" x 26" #6761, 19" x 26" #6764, 19" x 26" #5040, 31.5" x 21.5" #5041, 31.5" x 21.5" #5228, 31.5" x 21.5" #5272, 31.5" x 21.5" #5307, 31.5" x 21.5" #5308, 31.5" x 21.5" #7062, 31.5" x 21.5" Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 41 Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #7918, 25" x 18.5" #7919, 25" x 18.5" #7926, 25" x 18.5" #7933, 25" x 18.5" #7373, 25" x 18.5" #7376, 25" x 18.5" #5045, 31.5" x 21.5" #5185, 31.5" x 21.5" #5188, 31.5" x 21.5"" #5310, 31.5" x 21.5" #123C, 19" x 25.5" #5335TC, 19" x 25" #1477TC, 19" x 25" #5763TC, 19" x 25" #1499TC, 19" x 25" #5812TC, 19" x 25" #1537TC, 19" x 25" #E845, 18.75" x 25.5" #5324TC, 19" x 25" #K6722, 19" x 25.5" 42 To place orders, call: 800-681-5533 or email: origa mi@aitoh.com Specialty Papers Japanese Decorative Papers #7133, 31.5" x 21.5" #7260, 31.5" x 21.5" #7272, 31.5" x 21.5" #7317, 31.5" x 21.5" #KF4866, 19" x 25.5" #5043, 21.5" x 31.5" #KT5530, 19" x 25.5" #KW9569, 19"x 25" #KT6844, 19" x 25.5" #7049, 21.5" 31.5" #KT8199, 19" x 25.5" Red Mt. Fuji #YRMT, 18.5" x 13.25" Waves and Mt. Fuji #YWMF, 19.5" x 13" Carp Swimming Up A Waterfall #YCS 12.5" x 26" Congratulatory Cherry #YCC, 12.5" x 26" Visit us online at www.aitoh.com 43 AITOH Company 362 Littlefield Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 800-681-5533 • Fax: 650-866-3717 • origami@aitoh.com Visit us online at www.aitoh.com ©2011 Aitoh Company All Rights Reserved. Catolog designed by NDD Creative, San Francisco 070711
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