Special Report - Healthier Outcomes
Special Report - Healthier Outcomes
SPECIAL REPORT _______________________ The Truth About Burning Body Fat By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents Introduction 2 What intensity of exercise burns fat best? 3-5 How do you burn fat while you sleep? 6-7 What is the best time of day to exercise? 8-9 What is the best type of cardiovascular activity? What is the best time to eat before and/or after exercise? Should I take CortiSlim? 10-11 12 13-14 Summary 15 Author’s Bio 16 Healthier Outcomes 17-18 Note: This report is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering medical advice. If such advice is required, the services of a competent and appropriate professional should be sought. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 1 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION So, you want to burn body fat. Not a day goes by when I don’t come across someone who does. In fact, it’s one of the most often asked questions I get. And I’m sure you know there are plenty of books, videos, programs, foods, pills and experts that have the solution. While I would love to be able to say, “Take this pill and you will burn all the fat you want,” I can’t. It just doesn’t work that way. Let’s face it – if it was that easy everyone would be doing it, we would all be thin, and the diet industry would be out of business. There is so much misinformation out there, and you are probably confused about what to believe and what to spend your time on. You aren’t alone. It can be confusing for me, and I have a Master’s degree in exercise physiology! After years of working in the weight loss and fitness fields, and doing my own research and continuing education, I have come across myth after myth about burning body fat. My hope for you is that after reading this report, you will know how to exercise and change your lifestyle to get the best results possible – without spending a lot of money or spending hours a day to do it. As an Exercise Physiologist and certified ACSM fitness professional, I have been educated on the science behind what I’m talking about. Everything that I will be talking about comes not just from reading books and studying other people’s patterns and results, but also from my own personal experience with exercise and weight loss. Before becoming a fitness professional, I tried many of the crazy fat-burning tricks – putting vinegar in my drinking water (gross!), the fat-burning “three-day diet,” spot reducing, body wraps, and even exercising for one to two hours straight. Well, none of these things worked (big surprise). I was always searching for the next miracle, which never came along. All I got was exhaustion, frustration and less money in my pocket. I would like to save you the time and effort you could waste on the fat-burning gimmicks out there. If you get nothing else from this report, please know it comes down to proper exercise, meeting your body’s needs for food, respecting fullness (intuitive eating), and a balanced lifestyle that includes enough sleep. So let’s move on to the myths and facts about burning body fat. I am going to start with the most pervasive myth out there. This is a long one, so bear with me. It’s important that you understand the truth behind this one. I hope you find this information enlightening and that you finish inspired to take action. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 2 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Myth: You will burn more fat if you exercise at lower intensities versus higher intensities during cardiovascular activities. Truth: OK, this is technically true, but you have to look at the overall picture to understand why this would actually work against you if you are trying to lose weight. A couple of my college professors told me that this myth started in the mid-90s by a PhD who wrote a book on exercise. Turns out, the author used to teach where I did my undergraduate studies! Anyway, it became all the rage to exercise at lower intensities and for longer durations because you burn a greater percentage of fat versus carbohydrates at this level. Again, this is true but misleading. Soon after this started circulating through the fitness industry, personal trainers were changing their clients’ programs and even cardiovascular machines (like the treadmill, elliptical, and stair stepper, for example) bought into it. They had a big chart showing what heart rate you should exercise at for a fat-burning workout. Some machines even had a pre-programmed fat-burning setting so you just pressed a button and started burning fat! This information that I am going to share with you is based on scientific research and is taught in every exercise physiology college course. When you are exercising at a low intensity, say 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, we are probably safe to say that more than half of the calories you are burning come from fat (let’s say 60%), and the rest (about 40%) come from sugar, or carbohydrate, in your bloodstream and in your muscles. (Don’t get too caught up in the percentages, this is just an example and a generalization. Bottom line, you burn a higher percentage of fat at this intensity than carbohydrate.) In case you aren’t familiar with intensity based on heart rate, 50-60% of your maximum heart rate is an easy pace, something you probably could sustain for a long time, maybe hours. When you are exercising at higher intensities (say 70%-80%), we are safe to say that most people are burning a higher percentage of carbohydrate than fat. Now, just from this information alone, it would be easy for people to THINK they are burning more fat at the lower intensities, right? The percentages are certainly greater at the lower intensities. So you can see why so many people thought this was the best way to burn fat. Well, let’s take a closer look at what is really happening. Let’s say you have a choice to exercise at lower or higher intensity, and let’s assume two other things: 1) one of your fitness goals is to lose body fat and 2) you have a specific amount of time to do your aerobic training; for the sake of this example, let’s say you only have 30 minutes. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 3 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Let’s use a client of mine as a real life example. We’ll call her Debbie. One day, Debbie exercises at 60% (low intensity) of her maximum heart rate on the treadmill and she burns 150 calories. If we can safely say she is burning about 60% of her calories from fat, then she burned about 90 of those calories from her fat stores. And, if the other 40% of calories burned came from carbohydrates, then she burned 60 calories from carbohydrates. The next day, Debbie does a higher intensity (80% max heart rate) workout on the treadmill (you must compare using the same mode of exercise), and she burns 310 calories in 30 minutes. If 40% of those calories came from fat and 60% from carbohydrate, then she burned 124 calories from fat, and that leaves 186 from carbohydrate. So, while Debbie burned a greater PERCENTAGE of calories from fat with a lower intensity workout (60% vs. 40%), her absolute value of calories burned from fat was greater in the higher intensity workout (124 fat calories) versus the lower intensity workout (90 fat calories). Do you see why this is a myth and where it might have come from? Let me make this really easy. In terms of losing body fat, it is not the total number of fat calories that counts as much as the total number of calories in all. Please, do not make this harder on yourself than it is! To exercise off one pound of body fat you need to burn an additional 3500 calories, whether you do it with low intensity or high intensity. I’m sure you can see that if you are a busy person, it pays to get fitter so that you can burn more calories in less time. Debbie burned 310 versus 150, which would you prefer? However, there is an important point about fat burning and intensity. It has to do with "time to fatigue." Fatigue can affect how many calories you burn. Let me explain. When Debbie is walking at 111 beats per minute, or 60% of her maximum heart rate, if she had the time, she could keep going and going, for a very long time without getting fatigued. But when she is moving on the treadmill at 148 bpm (80% of her maximum heart rate), after 30 minutes, she is spent! She has very little energy left. So, let’s say that Debbie had a day where she could exercise for 90 minutes. If she exercised at 60% of her maximum heart rate, and she burned 150 calories in 30 minutes, how many calories could she burn in 90 minutes? Right, 450 calories. But what if she exercised at 80% of her maximum heart rate; how many calories would she burn in 90 minutes? No, it’s not 930! Why not? She fatigued at the 30-minute mark or so, and was too tired to go for another 60 minutes. She was not fit enough to do that. Let me explain how fat and carbohydrates come into play here. When you are primarily using fat as an energy source, as in the case of Debbie exercising at 111 beats per minute, a lower intensity for her, your body can continue to manufacture energy without running out of it. In other words, it will take a long time to fatigue. However, when you exercise at higher www.HealthierOutcomes.com 4 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ intensities, you use a larger percentage of carbohydrates. As the percentage of carbohydrates increases, the sooner you will fatigue. Why is this important? I want you to fully understand how fat and carbohydrates play a role in exercise and weight loss. First, fats and carbohydrates are equally important as energy sources when it comes to exercise. Second, one provides slow, long-term energy (fat) and the other provides quick and powerful energy (carbohydrate). Intensity of exercise affects which energy source will dominate over the other. Third, your intensity level should be based on your goals. If your goal is to burn as many calories as possible in the shortest amount of time, you want to exercise closer to the top end of your capacity. If your goal is to exercise for an extended period of time and optimize the number of calories you burn, you will want to pace yourself. If you simply want the health benefits, the Surgeon General says to accumulate 30 minutes a day of activity, which can include exercise and general activity. Note that the best way to avoid burning out but maintain high levels of fitness and calorie burn is to utilize interval training, alternating short bursts of higher intensity exercise with longer periods of lower intensity exercise. Finally, do not forget that the first goal of any exercise program is consistency. It is important to start at your current fitness level and slowly progress in small increments. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 5 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Myth: Take this _____ (fill in the blank) and burn fat while you sleep! Truth: You already burn fat while you sleep, without any magic pill or potion You don’t have to tell me, but how many times have you tried a burn-fat-while-sleeping product? It’s understandable why you would do so. It sounds easy, it doesn’t take any time, and it seems to work for celebrities! As we discussed earlier, at low levels of activity, or no activity at all, we are predominantly using fat as our fuel. In fact, you are burning fat right now while reading this report (you can thank me later...). When you sleep, you are also burning fat. So, there’s the answer to the question: how do you burn fat while you sleep? Just sleep! In fact, researchers have now found a link between the amount of sleep you get each night and your weight. In one study, over 68,000 women from the Nurses’ Health Study were asked to report how much sleep they got on average each night. For 16 years, the researchers tracked the participants’ weight. Results show that women who got five- to six- hours of sleep a night gained more weight than those who slept at least seven hours each night. One researcher, Dr. Sanjay Patel from Case Western Reserve University, said, “Short sleep duration is an independent predictor of future weight gain and incident obesity.” In another study, both men and women were questioned about their sleep patterns. They found that those who got seven- to eight-hours a night were leaner than those who slept fiveto six-hours. They also found that those who got less sleep also had lower levels of leptin, a hormone that plays a role in body fat and appetite. It is thought that these people may be leptin resistant, and therefore they do not get the appetite-suppressing effect from it. Now, what if you could you burn more fat while you sleep? You can do this by increasing your metabolism. I know, easier said than done. It takes work and patience for this to happen. And, if you lose weight, your metabolism actually drops because your body has less weight to carry around. However, there is a way around this. The way to boost metabolism is to increase the amount of muscle you have on your body. Now don’t panic about getting bulky or looking like those women in the bodybuilding magazines. They get that way through many hours each day at the gym, a very strict diet, and sometimes a little help from some banned substances. Most women could never look like that, even the ones who want to. So, to increase the amount of muscle you have, you need to incorporate strength training. The important thing to remember is that for every pound of muscle you have on your body, you will burn around 35-50 extra calories a day. This number is debated within the exercise physiology world, but every pound of fat you have will burn only two calories a day. So whatever number of calories it really is that muscle burns, it will be a whole lot more than fat. If you are active and using your muscles (during exercise, for example) you will burn even more calories per pound during the activity. So the bottom line here is that in order to burn more fat while you www.HealthierOutcomes.com 6 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ sleep and all throughout the day, you need to strength train to increase muscle and your metabolism. Next time you hear a commercial for the new metabolism increaser, spend your money on some dumbbells instead. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 7 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Myth: Morning is the best time of day to exercise to burn body fat. Truth: If you aren’t a morning person, than morning is not the best time to exercise! As you can imagine, there has been extensive research on this topic. Some of the research recommends that we exercise in the mid-afternoon for the best results. There are several reasons for this, but one is that this time of day falls into the right time based on our natural biorhythms. So that’s great, let’s all go workout at 2pm every day! Maybe these researchers can take the time to exercise at 2pm, but most people I know cannot. They have jobs, or they have to fit in exercise around their children’s schedule, and many other reasons. I don’t know who started the idea that it’s best to exercise in the morning. Wherever it came from, I have seen this recommendation many times. I read once that you will burn more fat in the morning as long as you don’t eat anything before working out. There is no way that is going to work for me! For one thing, I have to eat something before I work out; it’s just the way I am. Secondly, I am not a morning person. It takes a couple of hours for me to operate at full power. If I exercise at this time, I actually end up burning less calories and I don’t get my heart rate to the intensity I want. I’m not burning much fat this way! It’s a huge waste of time. Through trial and error, I have found that 10am is the best time for me to exercise. Fortunately, I have the kind of schedule that I can fit it in at that time. When I worked regular hours at an office, I would exercise at lunch since that was the closest to my ideal time. So one thing to consider when trying to determine the best time for you to exercise is what time of day you feel your best. Another way is to find what time of day you will actually follow through with your exercise. Many people find they need to exercise first thing in the morning because if they wait, the whole day will go by and they will find excuses for not exercising. Other people like to exercise when they get home to work off stress from their jobs. I recently worked with a client who had trouble sticking to an exercise schedule. This had been a problem for years; she would exercise for about three weeks, then it would fall apart. She liked to exercise after work because she has a very stressful job. This worked for a while because she was motivated and she had a coach to hold her accountable. Eventually she found more and more reasons to skip her workouts. She decided to try working out in the morning before leaving for work. After a couple weeks of getting used to it, she found that the exercise really helped her by giving her the energy she needed to deal with her job. She finally found a schedule that would work for her. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 8 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ So the bottom line is, if you limit yourself to exercising when the so-called experts say you should, you will find yet another barrier to taking charge of your personal health. Let your body and your lifestyle dictate the best time for you. Don’t worry about burning fat better at one time or another. If you have any concerns, go back and read our first myth again! www.HealthierOutcomes.com 9 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Myth: The treadmill is the best way to burn body fat. Truth: It doesn’t matter – just do it! There are tons of cardiovascular activities that can help you burn fat. Cardiovascular activities help you burn calories, make you more fit, and improve your health. Everyone wants to know which one is the best for their particular goals. Let’s take a look at what cardiovascular activity is first. Simply put, cardiovascular exercise is movement that uses the major muscle groups of your body in a rhythmic pattern. When describing the activity, we use duration (how long), intensity (heart rate, rating of perceived exertion), frequency (times per week), and mode (type of activity). As we discussed in our first myth, intensity and duration are related to each other. You can exercise longer at lower intensities, but you will burn more calories in a shorter period of time at a higher intensity. As for frequency, experts vary in their recommendations. The range tends to be anywhere from three to five days a week. The final element of cardiovascular activity is mode. Here are some modes of cardiovascular activity: • • • • • • • • • Walking (outside or treadmill) Running (outside or treadmill) Swimming Rollerblading Stair climbing Elliptical training Water aerobics Aerobics/step classes Cycling There are many more! I am sure you can think of some I didn’t include on this list. Which of these activities do you think will be most effective for losing weight? How about for lowering cholesterol? Toning your body? Increasing energy? Most important to our discussion, which activity is best for burning fat? Well, the truth is, it is a trick question-- they are all equally effective. (You knew that was coming, didn’t you?) Just like choosing the best time of day for you to work out, you want to choose the type of cardiovascular activity that you enjoy the most and are most likely to stick with. You will be much more consistent and reap more benefits when your activity is enjoyable. Let me throw in one important detail. As you progress through your workouts, you will need to add and keep variety in your exercise routine. If you only walk on the treadmill, after a while your body will get used to it and no longer continue to improve. Pick a second activity such as rollerblading or bicycling so your body has to adapt to new activities. This is called crosswww.HealthierOutcomes.com 10 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ training and it is important to use so your body does not get used to one activity. It is also important so you do not get a repetitive motion injury from exercising only one way. Think about your current exercise routine: • • • • Do you use mostly front to back movements, such as running, walking or elliptical training? If so, try rollerblading, sliding, or tennis. These activities add a sideways component for variety. Are you exercising indoors? Try walking or running outdoors. It is surprising how much harder it can be to run outside when you are used to only using the treadmill. Are you only working out at the gym? Find an alternate activity you can do at home in case of bad weather or if you just don’t feel like going out. Are you only using the bike? Start walking and add some impact to your workout – your bones will appreciate it! If you are taking part in all impact activities, take a look at swimming or biking one or two times a week to prevent injury. The main point here is that the most effective cardiovascular exercise is the one you like to do and will do on a regular basis, and don’t forget to find a couple of different activities for crosstraining. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 11 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Myth: You should/shouldn’t eat right before/after exercise. Truth: Unless you are an athlete, there are no rules! This myth isn’t exactly about burning fat. But if you are trying to lose weight, I am sure you have wondered about this. I have heard that you should eat after exercise to replace glucose and glycogen supplies. I have also been told not to eat after exercise in order to enhance calorie burn. To be honest, I don’t know what you should do or shouldn’t do. I really don’t think anyone does. Here is just a small sample of advice from several respected authors and health associations: • • • • • • Avoid strenuous exercise for at least two hours after eating a meal. Wait about 20 minutes before eating after exercise. Eat something light one half-hour before exercising in the morning. Be sure to eat within two hours after to restore fuel to your muscles. Exercise in the morning on an empty stomach. Eat a low-fat, complex-carbohydrate meal or snack one to four hours before exercise. Eat .45 gm of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight 60 minutes prior to exercise. Like I said, I really don’t think anyone knows for sure. In my opinion and experience, everyone is different and you need to experiment with when and what you should eat before and/or after exercise. If you eat before exercise and you feel sick to your stomach or sluggish, you probably should cut back on the amount or not eat at all. If you feel lightheaded or weak, you may need to eat more or eat closer to exercising. If you are hungry after exercise, that’s a good indication that you should eat! In all cases, be sure to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. The concept of Intuitive Eating works here, too. If you feed your body based on its physical needs and demands, you will eventually return to your natural weight. (For more information on intuitive eating, see http://www.healthieroutcomes.com) Bottom line, you will need to experiment with when you eat and the types of food you eat to determine what is best for your body. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 12 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ Myth: Cortisol makes you fat and you can lose the fat by taking a pill. Truth: This is partly true. Cortisol does play a role in weight gain for some people. But pills like CortiSlim and its copycats do not help in any way, shape, or form. First, let’s talk about cortisol and its role in the body. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands that sit on the top of your kidneys. Throughout the day, cortisol is released in a predictable cycle. This is natural and healthy. Cortisol has many functions, but the important one for our discussion is its role in handling stress. You may have heard of the “fight or flight” response. If you are confronted with a stressor, the adrenal glands release a high level of hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. This helps prepare you for fight or flight – your heart rate increases, blood pressure goes up, energy stores are released for use, and other body functions, such as digestion, are slowed. After the stress has passed, cortisol will stimulate appetite so you can replace the energy stores. So if you are walking in the mountains and you come across a mountain lion, you can be sure the adrenal glands will kick into high gear. You could either try to fight the lion, or run as fast as possible. In this case, you can see the benefits of cortisol and other adrenal hormones. The problem is that most of the stressors in our world these days don’t last just a few minutes. We have stress that we are exposed to constantly, whether it is work, family, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, etc. This keeps higher levels of cortisol in the body for longer periods of time. Chronic exposure leads to many health problems, one of which is weight gain. You continue to feel hungry because of the elevated cortisol. This leads to overeating. Turns out, fat cells in the abdominal area are very receptive to cortisol and are very willing to fill up from all the overeating. The fat cells also do not want to release abdominal fat easily. This is how cortisol causes abdominal fat to increase and hang on. So, what does CortiSlim do? I have no idea. I would guess it is supposed to lower the levels of cortisol in your body. But now you know that cortisol and the stress response are complicated. It isn’t just about cortisol. By taking a pill, you aren’t addressing the ultimate cause of the weight gain – stress. Stress will do worse things to your body than just weight gain. I can’t let this topic go without addressing the people behind CortiSlim. In 2004, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) charged the marketers of this product with making false and unsubstantiated claims about the product’s benefits and using deceptive infomercials. The FTC also warned others selling similar products that they should change their advertising. In 2005, CortiSlim had a testimonial on its website. The man telling his story said he used the www.HealthierOutcomes.com 13 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ “CortiSlim approach” to lose weight. In addition to taking the pills, he changed his diet, ate less and started exercising. Big surprise – he lost weight. The disclaimer after the testimonial read, “Results not typical. Your results may vary. Results dependent on diet and exercise.” Oh please! I think we all know that diet and exercise cause weight loss. The pills have nothing to do with it. You’re smart – you know what works – don’t fall for these deceptive marketing ploys. I guarantee you there will be more in the future. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 14 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ In Summary… Here are the do’s of burning fat: • DO exercise at a moderate to high intensity if you have limited time to exercise. • DO exercise at a lower intensity if you have more time (60-90 minutes) to exercise. • DO incorporate variety in your workouts (i.e., slow days, harder days, intervals, etc.). • DO get plenty of sleep. • DO strength training. • DO exercise when it is convenient for you. • DO cardiovascular exercises you enjoy. • DO eat when you are hungry, regardless of what time you exercise. • DO eat well and exercise to reduce stress and stress hormones. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 15 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ AUTHOR’S BIO: Gillian Hood-Gabrielson is the founder and President of Healthier Outcomes. A popular and in-demand fitness and intuitive eating coach, Gillian understands the unique needs of busy women in different ages and stages of life. She is widely known for her ability to create a high degree of motivation among her clients to make exercise and intuitive eating an enjoyable and integral part of their lives. Gillian brings to each client a unique and rare perspective on what it takes to eliminate the diet mentality and overcome emotional eating. Prior to becoming a fitness professional, Gillian experienced many of the same struggles her clients and millions of women experience, from weight gain and poor body image to disordered eating and lack of exercise motivation. Having personally faced and successfully overcome her own battles with emotional overeating, Gillian fully understands that eating healthy, exercising and maintaining your weight is not an easy task for most women. For the last 14 years she has dedicated her life to educating, guiding and helping women lose weight and get in shape while learning to eat their favorite foods without feeling guilty or punishing themselves. The breadth and depth of Gillian’s knowledge on health, fitness and emotional eating is a result of years of research and study, culminating in achieving a Master of Sport Science degree from the United States Sports Academy and a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science) from San Jose State University. In addition to the degrees she has achieved, Gillian has pursued advanced certification from several prestigious organizations including the American College of Sports Medicine, (considered the "gold standard" for personal trainer certification), and Wellcoaches, and she has achieved Master-level Personal Fitness Professional, through the esteemed International Association of Fitness Professionals (IDEA), which is the highest level of achievement for a professional trainer. Gillian is often quoted in various print media including Energy for Women, Costco Connection, Better Nutrition and the Sacramento Business Journal as a result of her inspiring and proven approach to losing weight and keeping it off. She is also an in-demand speaker on the topics of fitness and intuitive eating. To reach Gillian, email her at Gillian@HealthierOutcomes.com. www.HealthierOutcomes.com 16 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ www.HealthierOutcomes.com 17 The Truth About Burning Body Fat ® 2010, Healthier Outcomes By Gillian Hood-Gabrielson _________________________________________________________________________ “Without Healthier Outcomes I would still be a couch potato. My coach is knowledgeable, without being preachy, with a gentle and yet effective motivational technique. Their programs are perfect for an adult who is ready and willing to be helped.” ~ D. McKim, Attorney ~ “Gillian’s coaching program has been perfect for my busy lifestyle. It is very effective and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a better quality of life.” ~ Dr. Nancy Chanda ~ www.HealthierOutcomes.com 18