July 2014 - Mason Area Chamber of Commerce
July 2014 - Mason Area Chamber of Commerce
MASON in Motion 41ST ANNUAL MACC GOLF CLASSIC AT ELDORADO ON THURSDAY, JULY 24 Oracle Financial Solutions is presenting the 41st annual Mason Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic that will take place on Thursday, July 24 at Eldorado Golf Course, 3750 W. Howell Road, west of Mason. The outing will begin with continental breakfast and registration at 9 a.m. followed by a 10 a.m. shotgun start. All area residents and businesspeople are invited to participate in this year’s 4person scramble, which features numerous games and prizes for golfers. The cost per golfer is a great value at just $75 per golfer/$300 per foursome with prepaid reservations before July 11. For this low price, golfers play 18 holes with a cart and receive continental breakfast, lunch-at-theturn, a “goodie bag”, contests, prizes, beverages, and dinner at the after-golf Member Mixer. The three meals are sponsored by Chamber members -- and beer and wine tickets are also provided by our sponsors. Those who choose not to golf may simply attend the MACC Golf Classic Member Mixer at 3 p.m. Admission to the mixer is only $20 per person. This mixer is a great opportunity to network and get to know other Chamber and community members while enjoying a tasty, but rather early dinner. Call the Chamber to reserve your spot! Again this year, net proceeds from the MACC Golf Classic will benefit the MACC Agnes “Aggie” Corner Scholarship Fund for Community Volunteerism. Each year this scholarship is awarded to deserving Mason High School graduates. The 2014 scholarships were awarded to Amy Jones and Blake Ellis for their active participation and volunteerism in our community. Other major sponsors of this year’s outing to date are Dart Container Corporation, CP Federal Credit Union, Dart Bank, Fiedler Insurance, A&W Restaurant, LAFCU, Ware’s Pharmacy, Big Boy, Darrell’s Market and Hardware, and so many more. Chamber member businesses and organizations are encouraged to sponsor, provide door prizes, and contribute items for the “golfer goodie bags.” “We increased the number of golfers last year -- after doubling the number the year before,” says Aaron Fiedler, MACC Golf Committee chair. “We’d like to repeat that success this year.” Sponsorships are an integral part of the MACC Golf Classic. See the insert in this newsletter to sign up and/or sponsor! A publication of the 148 E. Ash Street Mason, Michigan 48854 Phone: 676-1046 ~ Fax: 676-8504 masonchamber@masonchamber.org www.masonchamber.org July 2014 WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE? MACC Golf Classic on July 24 TNL Courthouse Concerts Continue Welcome New Chamber Members News From Our Chamber Members MACC Community Fundraising Inserts: MACC Golf Classic Reservation and Sponsorship Forms, Mason Values Week Info, 13th annual MACC Raffle Info, Michigan Steam Engine & Threshers Reunion Flyer, Heartwood Big Splash, and the Mason Area Visitors Center PROFESSIONAL EYECARE CENTERS PRACTICE NOW JUST IN MASON Dr. Richard Sims of Professional EyeCare Centers, which is located at 1103 S. Cedar Street #200, is consolidating his optometry practices in Mason by closing and selling his East Lansing office on July 15, 2014. He will now only be seeing patients in Mason. In other important news, Dr. Holly Swartz has now returned to work at the Mason office. She practiced at Professional EyeCare from 2001 – 2010. Dr. Richard Sims has had an office in Mason since 1997. “I’m happy to announce that I will be in Mason full time now,” he said. 2 MASON in Motion JULY 2014 THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE COURTHOUSE CONCERTS CONTINUE WITH LIFE SUPPORT UNPLUGGED NEWS OF OUR MEMBERS: Bring your lawn chairs and blankets to downtown Mason on Thursday evening, July 3, and enjoy the sounds of Life Support Unplugged on the Ingham County Courthouse lawn. This free concert is hosted by the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Dart Container Corporation. The Chamber is in their tenth season of “Thursday Night Live! Courthouse Concerts,” a summer series of live musical entertainment presented by Independent Bank on select Thursday evenings. These free outdoor concerts take place at 6 p.m. on the west Ingham County Courthouse lawn in downtown Mason. Remaining concerts are July 3, 17, August 7 and 21, and September 18, weather permitting. September 4 is reserved as a rain date with sponsor and band to be announced. The Mason Optimist Club sells hot dogs, chips, and pop nearby, so families can enjoy a picnic dinner during the concerts. Many concert-goers stop by restaurants and stores in Mason afterwards. Sue Fulk of Independent Bank, chair of the committee overseeing the concerts, says that “the Chamber is hosting Thursday Night Live! Courthouse Concerts again as a way to bring more fun and excitement to downtown Mason.” The Sea Cruisers, will follow Life Support Unplugged on July 17, sponsored by Darrell’s Market and Hardware. On Thursday, August 7, sponsored by City of Mason Downtown Development Authority, the Backwoods Band will have the stage – back for their tenth year with Mason’s Mayor, Leon Clark. For the August 21 concert on the Courthouse lawn, sponsored by the Dart Container Corporation, the series will feature the Twilight Memories Big Band, a 17-piece community band. The entertainment series concludes with the Mason High School Band on Thursday, September 18, led by Beth Bousfield, MHS Band Director. The Mason High School Cheer Squad will join them in the program sponsored by CP Federal Credit Union. This last concert will also mark the beginning of Mason’s “Down Home Days” festival. All concerts are weather permitting. Sign-A-Rama is having an open house to celebrate their two-year anniversary. Join them July 17, 2014 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for food, games and free swag. They are located at 2189 W. Grand River Avenue in Okemos. Bringing freshness to you! The Mason Farmers Market starts July 12 and runs through October 4 on Saturday mornings, 9 AM to 1 PM on Maple Street between Jefferson & Barnes. Bestsellers Book & Coffee Company will host their next book club meeting Thursday, July 17 at 6:15 p.m. where they will talk about the movie that hit the screen last month – The Fault in Our Stars. Also, a reminder that you may have to use the door to Extra! while they are in the middle of a renovation. State Representative Tom Cochran is hearing from constituents like you. Below is the schedule for his summer coffee hours. If you are unable to attend, you can reach him at (517) 373-0587 or tomcochran@house.mi.gov by e-mail. Holt – 9:00-10:00 AM on Friday, June 27 – Biggby, 2006 N. Cedar Road, Holt Williamston – 9:00-10:00 AM on Friday, July 11 – Sunnyside Café, 725 W. Grand River Avenue, Williamston Lansing – 9:00-10:00 AM on Friday, July 25 – Biggby, 2546 E. Jolly Road, Lansing Mason – 9:00-10:00 AM on Friday, August 15 – Bestseller’s, 360 S. Jefferson Street, Mason Leslie – 9:00-10:00 AM on Friday, August 22 – McDonald’s, 4500 Hull Road, Leslie Your ad may also appear in our newsletter, just like Mason Auto Body Repair’s ad above or Oracle Financial Solutions’ ad on the next page. Just contact the Chamber at (517) 676-1046 for our reasonable newsletter advertising rates. $75,191 is a wonderful number! What makes it so special? It’s the amazing amount raised this year for the fight against cancer at the Relay for Life of Mason! Every lap and every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. ACS wants to thank their team captains and committee members for their commitment and passion to the Relay for Life. Even though this year's event has concluded, online donations can be made on the http://tinyurl.com/k72sxxp website through August. If you have any money left to turn in, please email Kristen.Adams@cancer.org or call 517.664.1423 to arrange getting it into ACS! JULY 2014 MASON in Motion ----Advertisement---- 3 WE WELCOME OUR NEWEST MASON CHAMBER MEMBERS Please welcome the following new members of the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce: GOOD BITES Mailing Address: Jon Fraser 98 Primrose Lane - Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 993-8081 www.goodbitestruck.com - jon@goodbitestruck.com Good Bites is a gourmet food truck offering fresh and simply prepared local artisan fare, often located behind BAD Brewing Company, 440 S. Jefferson. BUILDING TWENTY-ONE Team members (left to right): Staci, Erin, Peter, Chuck, Roxy, Teresa, Ryan, Scott, and Kurt Oracle Financial Solutions – A Local Presence Oracle Financial Solutions was formed in 2011 by a group of highly experienced wealth advisors committed to excellence, integrity and objectivity when helping clients design and execute their financial solutions. By creating a culture of independence from the industry’s numerous conflicts of interest, we believe our firm is able to serve our clients in the best way possible. 362 S. Jefferson St., Mason, Michigan Main phone# 517-676-6445 Please visit our website at www.OFSadvisors.com Securities Offered Through ValMark Securities, Inc. Member FINRA, IPC. Investment Advisory Services Offered Through ValMark Advisers, Inc. a SEC Registered Investment Advisor 130 Springside Drive, Suite 300 Akron, Ohio 44333-2431* 1-800-765-5201 Oracle Financial Solutions is a separate entity from ValMark Securities, Inc. and ValMark Advisers, Inc. OFS is proud to be the Eagle Sponsor of the 2014 MACC Golf Classic 1288 N. Cedar - Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 614-6539 www.buildingtwentyone.org Benjamin@buildingtwentyone.org - Benjamin Schartow Building Twenty-One is a safe and supportive, after school teen center devoted to building good values in students while coaching them to find their passion and purpose. TRUMAN AGENCY, LLC Scott Truman - 2180 Merril Road – Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 388-3858 - struman2180@gmail.com Truman Agency LLC., specializes in commercial insurance. Available for marketing consulting and sales training. HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK 550 Hull Road - Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 676-4352 - www.huntington.com Justin Hill - justin.hill@huntington.com Huntington National Bank is committed to improving our community, the lives of our customers and local businesses by providing custom financial solutions. INK HOUSE II 236 State Street Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 676-3333 www.masoninkhouse.com - Jesse Mireles inkhousetwo@gmail.com Ink House II is a family-friendly, local tattoo parlor with years of experience. … and please correct the contact information for this long-time member of the Chamber: WELCOME WAGON 425 N. Barnes - Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 927-2442 shawn.harter@welcomewagon.com Shawn Harter 4 MASON in Motion JULY 2014 160TH ANNUAL INGHAM COUNTY FAIR IS JULY 28 TO AUGUST 2 Don’t miss this year’s Ingham County Fair! The daily gate admission includes all grandstand events and is $6 for adults, $5 for children (3-12) and seniors (62 & over). Children age 2 and under are always free. Free daily parking. Advance sale of carnival wristbands though July 27 only at the Ingham County Fair Office, 700 E. Ash Street in Mason. Every day at the Fair enjoy: Daily Carnival Ride Specials, Pony Rides, Bingo, Free Petting Zoo, Mark Maze, Circle of Life, Shirley Clark Pavilion Events, Midway Games, Chainsaw Wood Carver, Commercial Exhibits, and more! Kids Day is Tuesday, July 29. Activities start at 1 PM. Special thanks to the Mason Rotary Club for their time in generating the Kid's Day program each year. Don't forget the carnival ride special on Kids Day of $17 for unlimited rides from 11 AM to close. Some of the other scheduled events and grandstand entertainment are: Monday, July 28, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Thursday, July 31, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, August 2, 2014, 7:30 p.m. Wolverine Pullers – Tractor Pulls Horse Pulls West Michigan Mud Runs Paul Bunyan Lumberjack Competition USA Demolition Derby – Auto Enduro & Figure 8 USA Demolition Derby –Figure 8 U.S. FMX Championship Series See the insert in this newsletter to participate in Mason Values Week activities. Stop by the Chamber booth in the commercial building! Go to the website www.inghamfair.org for more details. 2014 MACC Board of Directors Lori Pfost ………………………………………………………..…....….. President Dart Bank Kathy Smith ………………………………………...……………… Vice-President Mason Insurance Agency Marlon Brown ……………………………………....……………............ Treasurer City of Mason Andrew Serratelli ………………………………………………...… Past President Dart Container Corporation Sue Fulk.................................................................................. Independent Bank Jeff Haueter .................................................................. Mason A&W Restaurant Shireen Luther .............................................................................TomCo Asphalt Jeff Oesterle ............................................................ Little Creeks Cattle & Grain Scott Russ ................................................................. Oracle Financial Solutions Neil Sheridan ...................................................... BlueGrass Lawn & Landscape Kathy Wakefield ..................................................................... Mason State Bank Bruce Wigginton ......................................................... Mason Auto Body Repair Doug Klein …. Executive Director Bonnie Root ….. Administrative Assistant Aleasha Wood ….. Program Assistant ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 148 E. Ash Street Mason, Michigan 48854 1 www.masonchamber.org PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID MASON, MI 48854 PERMIT NO. 42 Mason Area Chamber of Commerce 13th Annual MACC Raffle PRESENTED BY ML#R26700 Raffle Drawing to be held at the conclusion of an “After Hours” at Bestsellers Extra! 356 S. Jefferson KEEP THE BIG TREE LIT! in downtown Mason on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 7:00 PM “After Hours” starts at 5:00 PM with top prize drawings at 7:00 PM. All 2014 MACC Raffle ticket holders and their guests will be admitted as space allows. Note that no dinner is provided, but snacks and a cash bar are available. The 2014 MACC Raffle is licensed event ML#R26700. Net proceeds benefit the Chamber’s “Hometown USA” Fund for community identity and improvement programs and provides partial funding for lights on the big Christmas tree in front of the Ingham County Courthouse. Thanks for your support of our community! Grand Prize: WIN UP TO $15,000 00 * ** First Prize: i-Pad Tablet Computer - Second Prize: 40” HD TV Third Prize: $100 Gift Certificate Only $10 for a Ticket! -- Only 4000 Tickets Available! All Tickets Sold Have an Equal Chance of Winning the Top Prizes! You need not be present to win any of the four top prizes. Must be present for door prize drawings at 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00, 6:15, 6:30, and 6:45 PM. * If 3000 tickets are not sold in advance, the Grand Prize drawing will revert to a 50/50 raffle with a minimum prize of $3,000.00 awarded. ** Before taxes, subject to federal withholding, all taxes are responsibility of the winner. See Official Rules on the back... Send the form below to: Mason Area Chamber of Commerce ~ 148 E. Ash Street - Mason, MI 48854 Phone: (517) 676-1046 ~ Fax: (517) 676-8504 ~ masonchamber@masonchamber.org ~ www.masonchamber.org Mason Area Chamber of Commerce ~ 148 E. Ash Street - Mason, MI 48854 Please reserve my 2014 MACC Raffle Tickets: ML#R26700 NAME:______________________________________________________PHONE:____________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: ___________________________ E-MAIL:_________________________________________ SIGNATURE: __________________________________ Payment in full of $____________________________ for ______________ MACC Raffle Tickets is enclosed Enclose ticket holder names (no businesses or organizations), addresses, e-mails, and phone numbers for each ticket on separate sheet. Make checks payable to: MACC VISA/MC___________________________________________________ Exp. _________________CVV/CVC_____ ADDRESS AND PHONE ABOVE MUST BE THE SAME FOR THIS CREDIT CARD 2014 MACC Raffle PRESENTED BY The MACC Raffle is a licensed event ML#R26700. Net proceeds benefit the Chamber’s “Hometown USA” Fund for community identity and improvement programs and provide partial funding for lights on the big Christmas tree in front of the Ingham County Courthouse. Thanks for your support of our community! 2014 MACC Raffle Rules: KEEP THE BIG TREE LIT! ML#R26700 The MACC Raffle ticket price for 2014 is $10 per ticket to allow most people in our community to participate in supporting the MACC “Hometown USA” Fund that provides for Mason area community improvements and promotions. Only 4000 tickets are available for sale. The winning ticket holders need not be present to win the top four prizes. The top prize winners will be selected by random drawing from all valid tickets sold. The drawings for the top prizes will be conducted by a random drawing method. Shortly before 7:00 PM on October 9, 2014 at Bestsellers Extra!, 356 S. Jefferson Street in Mason, officials will place and verify numbered ticket stubs in a drum. These stubs will represent all tickets sold. They will randomize the stubs in the drum and draw ticket stubs as the winners of the top prizes. The people who own the raffle tickets corresponding to the drawn stubs will be the winners of the top prizes – a grand prize of a maximum $15,000 cash prize* or, if 3000 tickets are not sold in advance, the grand prize will revert to a 50/50 raffle with a minimum prize of $3,000* awarded -- a first prize of an i-Pad tablet computer -- a second prize of a 40” HD TV -- and a third prize of a $100 Gift Certificate. The top prizes will go to the “Ticket Holders of Record” according to the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC). A “Ticket Holder of Record” is defined as the individual person recorded who purchased the ticket from the MACC’s individual representatives. *Before taxes, subject to federal withholding, all taxes are responsibility of the winner. The winners of the top prizes will take delivery no earlier than 11:00 AM on Monday, October 13, 2014 at the Chamber office, 148 E. Ash Street in downtown Mason. The prizes may be subject to Federal income tax withholding and those monies will be subtracted from the prize and must be immediately paid to the IRS on behalf of the winner. No persons under age 18 may buy a MACC Raffle Ticket. No organizations or business entities may purchase or sell tickets, unless in the name of specific individuals. If you transfer ownership of your ticket, you must do so prior to October 1, 2014 and you MUST notify the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce before that date. Buyers of tickets must pay for purchases at once, by cash, check, or VISA/MasterCard. Upon issuance of a ticket, all sales are final and non-refundable. Only employees of the MACC are ineligible to buy raffle tickets. Until payment is received, ownership of all tickets will remain with the MACC. Ticket holders will not hold the MACC responsible or liable for any accidents, theft, or damages resulting from their participation in this raffle or the drawing event. Ticket holders, by purchase of a ticket, agree to allow the Chamber to use their names, photos, and statements in promotional material. MACC will share ticket holder information only with participating MACC Raffle sponsors. The purchase of one $10 MACC Raffle ticket entitles the “Ticket Holder of Record” to be present at the site for the drawing of the top prizes shortly before 7:00 PM and to be admitted to the hall at no extra charge beginning at 5:00 PM as space is available. CASH BAR and snacks are also available, but no one under 21 years of age may drink alcohol on the premises. All Door Prizes awarded that evening are drawn from separate and randomized groups of “door prize” style ticket stubs available only to those who are in attendance. The Mason Area Chamber of Commerce, and its records, will have the final word in all transactions and/or disputes. No prizes are to be removed from the premises until the appropriate paperwork has been completed. Prizes with higher value have paperwork that requires later processing to be completed on Monday, October 13, 2014 after 11:00 AM at the MACC office, 148 E. Ash Street, Mason, MI 48854. WE NEED YOU, YOUR CO-WORKERS, YOUR FAMILY… This year, join with other area businesses to promote Mason’s many values to those who are attending the 160th Ingham County Fair on July 28 through August 2, the Sun Dried Music Fest on August 22 & 23, and the Down Home Days Courthouse Show on Saturday, September 20 – right here in Mason, Michigan -- Hometown U.S.A. Your Mason Area Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center will have an outreach booth at each event to help direct traffic to your business. People like you will also be there to encourage people to come back to visit the Mason area outside of the event dates. They’ll be glad to distribute any of your coupons, ad specialties, flyers, or other promotional materials at the booths. Just drop off any items at the Chamber office a week before each event. You should call the Chamber office today at 676-1046 about getting in on the limited opportunities that are available at select times to staff the Chamber’s booth at the Ingham County Fair, Sun Dried Music Fest, and Down Home Days Courthouse Show. If you can snag one of our open shifts, you and your people can talk directly to fair, festival and show goers about the Mason area and your own business ! If you don’t have any coupons, ad specialties, flyers, or other promotional materials to drop off to us to distribute at the booths, we can still help you promote at least one of your special values during these events. Just send us the copy for an advertising coupon to distribute along with our popular CRG phone books and GLCVB visitors guides. The cost to be included is just $30 per event to cover in-house printing. Volunteers like you will give out your coupon with the Mason area visitors guide, which features maps and area attractions. Buy locally. It's good for our community and good for our future. Where to shop? Where to eat? Where to stay? Where to shop? What to see and do? Where to live? Where to get services? --PLEASE POST-- --PLEASE POST-- Mason Area Visitors Center The Mason Area Visitors Center is operated by the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce in the storefront section of the Chamber offices at 148 E. Ash Street in downtown Mason – right on Courthouse Square. Easily accessible and conveniently located, a stop in the Mason Area Visitors Center is an excellent first step to a day trip to Hometown U.S.A., the surrounding Mason area, and Greater Lansing. A visit to the Center brings visitors and new residents in contact with friendly and knowledgeable staff and volunteers who share community information, recommendations, directions, and the latest news about the Mason, Michigan area. The Center’s part-time staff are all Certified Tourism Ambassadors ® through the Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau to better assist visitors and residents alike. The center features maps, brochures, and a myriad of publications including restaurant, lodging, services, and attraction information. Coupon and other offers are available from Chamber members. Business, industry and residential relocation information is also available. While a lot of people stop by to visit in person daily, even more people visit the Chamber’s website at www.masonchamber.org, e-mail the staff at masonchamber@masonchamber.org, or call the Chamber by phone at (517) 676-1046. Responding to all these inquiries is a major part of the Chamber’s and Visitors Center operations. Chamber members may have their materials on display indefinitely, while non-members may display information for a very limited time. Visitor Center outreach booths, staffed by Chamber Ambassadors and other volunteers, are found at the northwest corner of the Courthouse lawn during the Spring Fling and Down Home Days Courthouse Shows. An outreach booth is in operation all week long at the annual Ingham County Fair in one of their commercial buildings. Mason Area Visitors Center – Mason Area Chamber of Commerce 148 E. Ash Street in Mason, Michigan – Hometown U.S.A Phone: (517) 676-1046 – masonchamber@masonchamber.org ...directly south (across the street) from the downtown Ingham County Courthouse Open Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Closed on New Year’s Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (or the nearest Monday or Friday), Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and for Chamber off-site events. Contributions to the Chamber’s “Mason Area Visitors Center Fund” partially support the Mason Area Visitors Center. Where to shop? Where to eat? Where to stay? Where to shop? What to see and do? Where to live? Where to get services?
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