ALVAR AALTO FINNISH ARCHITECT the Savoy Vase, is a world famous piece of glassware and an iconic piece of Finnish design created by Alvar Aalto and his wife Aino Marsio. "Archibet": if architects designed an alphabet... Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto (1898 –1976) was a Finnish architect and designer, as well as a sculptor and painter. His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles and glassware. Muuratsalo Alvar Aalto's studio alvar aalto furniture study model Eliel Saarinen –Gara centrala Helsinki-1909 A synthesis of rational with intuitive design principles allowed Aalto to create a long series of functional yet non-reductionist buildings. Alvar Aalto generated a style of functionalism which avoided romantic excess and neoclassical monotony. Although Aalto borrowed from the International Style, he utilized texture, color, and structure in creative new ways. He refined the generic examples of modern architecture that existed in most of Europe and recreated them into a new Finnish architecture. Aalto's designs were particularly significant because of their response to site, material and form. BIBLIOTECA VIIPURI NEW YORK- EXPO 1939 SANATORIU PAIMIO In the Villa Mairea (1939), a country house for an industrialist and his painter wife, all of Aalto’s ideas melted together to become an organic and artistic whole. It was his “Opus con Amore”....not a house, but a love poem..... It was also everything the clients had asked for; Modern and Finnish... When asked about his theories Aalto usually replied, “The truth about building is in building, not talk”. Alvar Aalto Villa Mairea, Noormarkku 1939 « Vila Mairea », construita pentru familia unui prieten langa Noormark, in mijlocul unei paduri de pini situata pe o colina din apropierea marii, are, pentru intelegerea gandirii lui Aalto, aceeasi importanta ca « Vila Savoye » pentru Le Corbusier, sau « Casele preriei » pentru Wright. La Mairea, Aalto manuieste spatiul ca un element esential si aproape concret al arhitecturii. In acelasi timp casa de vacanta si de lucru, vila cuprinde in afara pieselor obisnuite- salon, bilblioteca, sala de muzica, dormitoare- un atelier de pictura si o galerie pentru colectia de tablouri a proprietarului. Un plan in forma de potcoava dispune cladirea pe panta colinei, coborand in terase si balcoane succesive spre o piscina de forma neregulata ; ansamblul poate fi imbratisat dintr-o privire din living-room, care este legat de camera de muzica si de galeria de tablouri. Etajul este rezrvat dormitoarelor si atelierelor de pictura. Aalto realizeaza o intrepatrunderea spatiilor prin ziduri ondulate duse numai pana la inaltimea ochiului , prin denivelari savante, care te lasasa zaresti gragmente din alte incaperi sau sa banuiesti existenta altora, pastrand totusi fiecareia intimitatea necesara.Spatiul isi patreaza continuitatea, facandu-te sa descoperi mereu alte imagini plastice, ca intr-o sculptura transparenta, creata cu mijloace extrem de complexe si subtile. « Este muzica de camera arhitecturala- spune Giedioncare cere cea mai mare atentie pentru a-i percepe subtilitatea in alegerea motivelor, pentru a realiza pe deplin modul in care este manuit spatiul si felul extraordinar in care sunt folosite materialele ». La cubierta de Villa Mairea Alvar Aalto House Louis Carré by Alvar Aalto, France O casa a artei Casa Carre a fost proiectata ca rezidenta permananta si cu scopul de a afisa colectia fabuloasa de arta moderna a proprietarului sau. Picturi ale lui Leger, Bonnard, Picasso, Dufy, villon, Lanskoy si Klee, sculturi ale lui Henri Laurens, Calder si Alberto Giacometti , cat si arta africana, ornau intreaga casa. Artisti, scriitori, clienti si prieteni erau invitati la vila si cartea de oaspeti arata calitatea vietii sociale si culturale dusa in aceasta casa stralucitoare. Louis Carre a afirmat ca vrea o « casa mica pe dinafara ,si spatioasa in interior ». La intrarea pe holul principal , bolta de lemn creaza un efect izbitor . Acest tavan este singurul element de forma libera si creeaza un sentiment de spatiu si deshidere pe parcursul intregii case, dandu-i un aer aproape sacru. Iluminarea , atat naturala cat si artificiala provine atat din luminatoarele de deasupra usii cat si de la trei mari lampi care pun accentul pe acest sentiment de spatiu clar si generos. In acest templu al artei moderne , totul are ca scop sapuna in lumina colectia de arta a proprietarului : pereti acoperiti cu panze albe pictate,un meticulos sistem de agatare si lampi create pentru a ilumina peretii , cum ar fi lampa d pe tavan din zona de zi si cele cu forme « libere » din zona locului de luat masa. Rezultatul este o casa unica, iar comparata cu casele finlandeze ale lui Aalto, Maison Carre are acea « atingere franceza » in protejarea caracterului acoperisului si a intimitatii spatiilor , cat si a caldurii materialeleor folosite. maison carré 1956-1959, france Toppila Pulp Mill by Alvar Aalto. (Built in 1930-33) Seinajoki Library "A double-loaded corridor block is split about a third of the way along to provide the focus of the library, the entrance and control desk. Seinajoki Library Commentary "A doubleloaded corridor block is split about a third of the way along to provide the focus of the library, the entrance and control desk. To the left is the children's library, to the right the administrative offices of the library, and right ahead, a well in which the reference library is housed; and around that and beyond, the main stacks of the library fan out. The roof identifies and contains the functional separation of elements of the library, rising in an abrupt curve over the main stacks to allow light to enter and bounce around in the space. Externally the roof-line reveals little of the complexities experienced internally. The whole building is white, except for its dark skirting where it touches the ground and the entrance steps hidden behind a marble slab." — David Dunster, ed. Architectural Monographs 4: Alvar Aalto. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1984. SEINAJOKI CENTER Seinajoki Alvar Aalto 1959 Seinajoki Town Hall Alvar Aalto Studio, Helsinki (1954–56) Aalto house the preferred corner Muuratsalo Experimental House Alvar Aalto-centrum i Östermyra OPERA DIN ESSEN AALBORG MUSEUM-DENMARK North Jutland Art Museum Ålborg, Denmark “True architecture exists only where man stands in the center.” Alvar Aalto Baker House Dormitory, MIT, Cambridge The plan is composed around a singleloaded corridor. Aalto refused to design north-facing rooms since he wanted most rooms to have a view of the river from the east or west, and thus proposed enlarging the rooms on the western end into large double and triple rooms that receive both northern and western light. Instead of rooms, a stairway systems is housed on the north side of the building with an unobstructed view of its surroundings. He designed the Baker House in 1946 while he was a professor at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, where the dormitory is located. It received its name in 1950, after the MIT’s Dean of Students Everett Moore Baker was killed in an airplane crash that year. The dormitory is a curving snake slithering on its site and reflects many of Aalto’s ideas of formal strategy, making it a dormitory that is both inhabited and studied by students from all over the world. BREMEN APARTMENTS HANSAVIERTEL-BERLIN Otaniemi Technical University CASA DE CULTURA HELSINKI RIOLA CHURCH-ITALY Lahti church by Alvar Aalto Church of the Three Crosses, Imatra, Finland Sunila Mill Wolfsburg Cultural Centre, Germany, 1958-1962 Workers Club, Helsinki. Saynatsalo Town Hall Many of Aalto’s greatest works could be characterized as public buildings, such as libraries, town halls and churches, and his Säynätsalo Town Hall is regarded as a masterclass in multipurpose civic architecture for a small town. Due to his more regionally-specific style, Aalto did not work internationally as much as contemporaries like Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, and most of his buildings were completed in Finland and surrounding North European countries. VENICE BIENNALE venice biennale pavilion, 1955-56 Wolsburg cultural center DE Rovaniemi Cultural Centre by Alvar Aalto - City Hall FINLANDIA HALL- HELSINKI the slight curvature of the Carrara Marble slabs Finlandia Hall is a careful blend of the monumental and the democratic. On the east facade (above), the scale of the building is dramatic, the strong horizontal emphasised by the deep recess of the ground floor, and the auditorium rising above the facade to its full height. The staircases projecting out from the facade, faced in stark white marble in contrast to the bands of vertical windows covering the rest, give a monumental sense even to the human-scaled stairs (a variation of a theme Aalto first used twenty years earlier in Baker House at MIT). Yet the pedestrian entrance to Finlandia Hall, on the west side from Mannerheimintie, shows a very different, more domestic and informal composition (below): the auditorium at its minimum wall height, an asymmetric entrance leading to a single-story colonnade. The blend of monumental and democrating continues inside the building, with extensive foyers that are dramatic yet accessible at human scale. In 1932, Aino Aalto caștigă competiția de design Iittala-Karhula, în Finlanda, și realizează pentru Iittala o colecție de obiecte de sticlă. Aalto Vase, by Herzog & de Meuron Tampere Library-Reima Piettila The Kiasma, 1998, is Helsinki’s contemporary art museum. Designed by Steven Holl,
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