FALL 2013 - Point Foundation


FALL 2013 - Point Foundation
FALL 2013
Left: Point Alumni Amy Andre and Lauren Beach with Scholar Sarah Young. Right: Phyllis Mandler & Gary Elden Point
Scholar Mary Susman
Busy Being Visible
Point Scholars are out and visible
on campus, at meetings of local
LGBTQ organizations and at
conferences across the country;
their participation and travel often
made possible with help from
Point Foundation. Many times
Point Alumni are there at their side,
attending the same conferences
and demonstrating the leadership
qualities they honed during their
time as scholars.
In August, Voices On Point
Scholar Gregory Davis attended
Lavender Law’s 25th Anniversary
Conference in San Francisco.
Point Alumni Danny Kirchoff and
Brian Simons made presentations
at the conference, which was also
attended by fellow alumni, Board
Member Ashland Johnson, Chris
Hanson and Kyle Rapiñan.
September saw Davis and Johnson
joining Wells Fargo Point Scholar
Monica Motley, and alumnus Noël
Gordon for the Out on the Hill
Black LGBT Leadership Summit
in Washington, D.C. Also in D.C.,
Point Scholar Sarah Young and
Point Alumni Amy Andre and
Lauren Beach were among leaders
from the bisexual community
invited to the first-ever White
House Roundtable Discussion on
of Point at the University of San
Francisco. Scholar Brett Bruhanksi
and alumnus Kip Williams spoke at
the reception about being part of
the Point family.
Out west, Point Scholar Ryan
Kendall participated on a panel
at the Gay & Lesbian Medical
Association’s annual conference
in Denver, and Wells Fargo Point
Scholar Cary Crall reached out
to LGBTQ Mormons and allies at
the Affirmation Conference in Salt
Lake City. Point Trustees Angela
Clements and John Downey (both
alumni) organized a special meetand-greet reception on behalf
Point’s business majors have been
keeping a busy schedule. Phyllis
Mandler & Gary Elden Point
Scholar Mary Susman attended
the Out for Work conference in
Chicago which included a career
fair. HBO Point Scholar Oraia Reid
joined Point’s Scholar Relations
& Selections Program Director,
Vince Garcia on a panel at the
Out for Undergraduate Business
Continued on Page 5
University of San Francisco Program Manager Adriana Broullon, Point Trustees & alumni John Downey
& Angela Clements, alumnus Kip Williams, scholar Brett Bruhanski and USF Vice Provost Mary Wardell
Looking for the next generation of LGBTQ Leaders!
2014 Scholarship Application Deadline: January 21, 2014
Dear Friends,
Thanksgiving and the holiday
season may be the traditional
time for giving thanks, but every
day of the year we have so much
to be thankful for. Helping Point
Foundation Scholars not only
improves their lives, but also
enriches our own. Moreover, the
accomplishments of Point Scholars
touch the lives of countless
others—creating a ripple effect of
hope in their communities.
We are incredibly appreciative
of the thousands of hours Point
board members, mentors, host
application readers devote to
helping Point Scholars. As
volunteers, they are giving the
best of themselves to help others
and their efforts are a testament to
the highest degree of altruism.
The generosity of individuals who
support Point makes it possible
for our work to have a positive
impact on Point Scholars’ lives
every day. We are also incredibly
thankful to have the support of
corporations and foundations that
believe strongly in our mission, as
well as groups and organizations
which partner with us on events
and programs. Together, we are
working to ensure that LGBTQ
youth have access to the quality
education they need to become
the next generation of society’s
leaders. We are sincerely thankful
to you, our many friends, partners
and supporters, for helping us
to do this very necessary and
rewarding work.
Warmest regards
The Point Foundation Staff
Newest Members of
the Point Family
In the last few months we have
been fortunate to welcome a
number of new additions to
the Point family:
New members of our
Board of Directors:
Sharon Brackett
Alan Guno
Ryan Miller
Calen Ouellette
James Patton III
Jonah Trout
James Williams
New Members of our
Board of Trustees:
Terry Longmore
James Mann
Jennifer Sobieski
Joining Point’s
Honorary Board of Directors:
Joanne Herman
New Staff
Mike Piacentini
Digital & Technology Manager
Drew Rhodes
Development Associate
Zack Speir
Alumni & Development Associate
Left: Point family visits the Lincoln Memorial during
the Scholar & Alumni Leadership Conference.
Far Left:
Point Alumna
Erika Turner &
Greg Louganis
Deniece Williams
Below: Richard Marx
Voices On Point
Point Foundation held its second annual Voices On Point
dinner and concert in Los Angeles on September 7. The
audience of nearly 400 people enjoyed performances
by G.R.L, Melissa Manchester, Richard Marx, Alex
Newell of “Glee,” and Deniece Williams.
A highlight of the evening was the presentation of
the Point Courage Award to Dean Pitchford, who wrote
the screenplay and songs to the film “Footloose” and
won an Academy Award and Golden Globe for the
song “Fame.”
Courage Award recipient Dean Pitchford and
Victoria Justice
Scholar & Alumni Leadership Conference
The 2013 Scholar & Alumni
Leadership Conference (SALC)
in Washington, D.C. was the
largest in Point’s history. The entire
incoming class of Point Scholars
attended the July conference,
along with a record number of
alumni, representing graduates
from 2002 through 2013.
SALC conference programming
included sessions on LGBTQ
activism, career development,
work-life balance, the arts, and a
Community Service Project fair. All
the scholars and alumni attended
Dinner, at which Congresswoman
Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) received
the Point Leadership Award.
Left: Alumnus Lawrence Robinson & Rep. Kyrsten Sinema
Above: Scholars Kayla Wingert, Alyssa Mandula & Rachael Stein
Below: Point family at the Jefferson Memorial
Below Left: Board Director David Howard & alumnus Jason Nichols
Go to the website for more...
Go to the website for more...
Alumna Brennan Peters and her mentor
JD Disalvatore
Volunteer Spotlight:
Lolli Lucas Clark, Ed.D – Applications Reader
This is the time of year when
Lolli Lucas Clark’s eyes get a
good workout. Lolli is one of
nearly four dozen people who
help Point review the more than
2,000 applications for scholarships
the foundation receives annually.
Each application is read and
scored by either two or three
readers, who are board members,
staff and/or approved volunteers
like Lolli. Readers use a scoring
system based upon a rubric
guide criteria suggestions and
scholarship requirements. It’s a
time consuming process, but one
which ensures applications are
given the time and attention they
Lolli is the Upper School Director
of the Sierra Canyon School in
Chatsworth, California. She is also
a straight ally of the LGBTQ
community and passionate about
teaching young people the
importance of fighting social
“As the Upper School Director of a
high school I have the privilege of
working with teens on a daily basis.
I am also fortunate to teach a course
on social justice which centers on
the lessons and successes of the
civil rights movement and other
critical movements of the past and
present. As an ally to the LGBTQ
community, it is my responsibility
to educate my students on the
ways that they can get involved
to make our world more just and
respectful: we must all partner
together and fight against social
“My work with the Point
Foundation is dear to my heart
because helping students attain
their college goals is of paramount
need. Having worked in college
admissions for a number of years,
I know how challenging it can be
to afford higher education. Not
only does Point provide financial
support to LGBTQ students,
but the Point family—mentors,
staff and peers—are there for
them throughout their college
years, ensuring that scholars can
maximize their potential.”
Point is grateful to Lolli and all
our volunteer readers who help
us identify the next generation of
LGBTQ leaders.
Become an applications reader!
If you have a background or
experience in education, college
counseling, admissions, LGBTQ
youth work, or in hiring or personnel
evaluation processes, and would
like to find out about volunteering
as an applications reader, please
contact info@pointfoundation.org.
More sets of eager eyes are
always welcome. To participate in
the current review of scholarship
applicants, please contact us by
December 10.
Alumni News
Highlighting some of the many
notable developments in the lives
of Point’s 165 alumni.
Recent Point Alumna Brennan
Elizabeth Peters’ film “Perry &
Emile” won the Jury Prize for Best
Louisiana Feature at the 2013 New
Orleans Film Festival. The film
examines the challenges a mother
and son face in post-Katrina
New Orleans.
Point Alumnus Alex Morse won his
second, two-year term as Mayor
of Holyoke, Massachusetts. Alex
first was elected to office in 2011
at the age of 22, making him the
youngest openly-gay Mayor of an
American city.
Two Point Alumni have been
selected to participate in the 2012
Whitney Biennial: filmmaker Rhys
Ernst (2011) and performance
and multi-disciplinary artist Yve
Laris Cohen (2009). The Biennial,
regarded as the most influential
survey of the latest developments
in American art, will take place
March 7 – May 25, 2014 at the
Whitney Museum of American Art
in New York City.
Point Alumnus Alex Morse
Busy Being Visible (Continued from Page 1)
Conference in New York City. Point
Scholar Bryan Blaise, Estée Lauder
Point Scholar Mira Patel and
alumnus Jason Nichols traveled
to New Orleans for the Reaching
Out MBA conference. “There is
no classroom discussion of LGBTQ
issues in relation to business at
my school,” said Patel. “So the
opportunity to meet other queer
business students from around the
world and openly discuss LGBTQ
issues is an opportunity I relish.”
Alumna Erika Turner represented
Point at the Hispanic Black Gay
Coalition National Conference in
Boston, scholar Jake Rostovsky
tabled at the Destination College
event at UCLA and the Models
of Pride Conference at USC.
Alumnus Derrick Clifton spoke at
the National Youth Pride Services
event in Chicago and alumna
Michelle Marzullo tabled for Point
at the 2013 Y.E.S conference in
San Diego.
Point Scholars and Alumni have also
been out in force helping to spread
the word about the opening of the
2014 Point Scholarship application.
In partnership with Campus Pride,
this fall Point participated in several
outreach events including one
in Chicago where scholar Alyssa
Mandula represented Point, and in
New York where Bob Fennell Point
Scholar Tommy Craven was the face
of Point. Also in New York, Scholar
Kyle Vey attended the national
conference of oSTEM (Out in
Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics) which Google
hosted at its Manhattan offices in
Point Scholars &
Alumni at
Reaching Out
MBA Conference
in New Orleans.
Point Scholars and Alumni: highly
engaged and visible members of
the LGBTQ community!
Come for the Insight,
Stay for the Conversation.
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the leading forum for the discussion of
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Get a Jump on Gift Giving
Cornerstone Society
John Burger & Alan Levin
Membership in the Cornerstone Society consists of a group of
dedicated individuals who annually support the important work of
Point Foundation with a minimum contribution of $500. Learn more
about the benefits of becoming a Cornerstone Society member at
The following list of donors reflects individual, non-event related
contributions to Point’s Cornerstone Society in the last 12 months. If you
would like to update the way your name is currently listed, please notify
our development department at: info@pointfoundation.org or
Chris Erickson & Joe Zoellers
Laurence Leive & Manuel Pereiras
Scott W. Rotella
Shelley Freeman & Joni Rim
Matthew Marks &
Jack Bankowsky
Aimee B. Schimmel &
Julie A. Parker
Wendy E. Jordan
Patrick O’Donnell & John Hudson
JP Schuerman
Bruce C. Lindstrom &
Carl T. Strickland
Andrew R. Ortiz
Dave Schultze & Ann Schultze
Travis L. Patton & Jeffrey Seese
Kyle Spainhour & Eric Siemers
Seth M. Rosen &
Dr. Jacob Goertz
Richard N. Sager & Family
Blaze A. Stancampiano
Maurice Neil Spidell
Andrew Sawyer
Dan Stiffler & Kenneth Sullivan
Brian Selznick & David Serlin
Alan Uphold & Jeff Olde
Karen A. Simonsen &
Linda J. Sherline
Jorge Valencia
R. Thomas Watson, Ph.D.
David Henry Jacobs, Jr.
David Stone
Philippe Brugère-Trélat &
Mitchell Draizin
James Cummings &
Justin Mohatt
Shelley & Robert Fischel
Esmond Harmsworth
James J.S. Holmes
Blake Hunter
Chad Kenney
Kenneth B. Mehlman
John Armstrong
Jonathon Aubry
Betty Thomas Baker
Jerry Balest
Michael J. Boro & John Fontana
Edgar M. Bronfman &
Jan Aronson
David Burtka
Roger F. Wery & Rolf DeVegt
William Wilder & Charles Kelley
Dr. Michael C. Wolf
Brian C. Cooper
Philip K. Cordell
Douglas E. Cowan, MD
Therese M. Cresanti - Daknis
Donald Davis
Scott H. Dean & Ron D. Calvert
Erick Devine
Joseph DiVito &
Richard M. Froehlich
Jorge Diaz
The Honorable Jack N. Jacobson
Kevin R. Janes
Dr. Blanding U. Jones &
Michael V. English
David K. Jordan
Ted Just
Martin M. Kamen
Eric Kaplan
Dr. Bruce King
Keith Kink
Guy W. Kirk
David C. Kleiman
Manuel Diaz
David W. Knapp
Michael C. Donaldson &
Tim Kittleson
Danielle Knight
The John S. Knudsen Trust
Darren Doutt
Dr. Ram Koppaka
Dana Dukelow
Charles B. Krenzler
Ernest Ellison
Walter Lander & Kit Tong Ng
Jon Ellms & Richard Taranto
Dr. George M. Langlois &
Clem Taylor
Thomas L. Enders &
Donnie Garner
David Ewing & Marc Ockerman
Dexter Fedor & Ryan Roberts
Charles Ross Feezer
David J. Feldman
Carlos Felix
Dana C. Fischer
Sean & Amy Flynn
Daniel & Staci Foster
Paul Frio & Frank Grazioli
Dr. Christine A. Lee &
Eric Vallieres
Griff C. Lee III
Mauricio Leon
William Levy
Buck & Jeff Lewis-Mathieu
Judith Light & Robert Desiderio
Joseph A. Like
Lloyd R. Loback
D. Locklear
Angela Maggioncalda
Luke Abbott
Gregory Maguire
Glen H. Ackerman, Esq.
Evan C. Futterman &
Lonnie Moon
Michael Ambrozewicz
Domenic P. Gaeta
Jeff Gaffney
Ricky Matkins
David Andersen
Douglas K. Anderson
Dr. William Gannon &
Dr. K. David Weidner
Peter S. Reichertz
Jupiter Edelman
Jay Ayers & Matthew Walker
Genry - Griffith Family
David A. Azulay &
Andre D. Caraco
Joanne Herman & Terry Fallon
Timothy Collins
David Jablonowski & John Peller
Stephen F. Macias
Nancy & Blake Averill
Paul Churchill & Shelly Ross
Craig W. Hutchison &
Christopher A. Lodewyks
Bryan Furze &
LeeMichael McLean
Anonymous (5)
Christ & Anastasia Economos
Jeffrey Guthrie
Judge Tom Chiola (Ret.) &
Drew Jemilo
William A. Houlette
Terry Longmore
Dean Pitchford &
Michael Mealiffe
C. Michael Spero
Brian A. Cesario
John G. Pence
Howard & Wendy Goldstein
Sean Callaway
Ambassador James C. Hormel &
Michael P. Nguyen
Michael S. Fuller
Dierck Casselman &
Scott Van Hove
Edward W. Snowdon, Jr.
Steven & Jay Backhaus
Stephen R. Bailey
Therese Bakker & Phyllis Carlson
Robert M. High &
Dr. Harold I. McClaskey
Daniel Best
Jane Hiscock & Marijean Lauzier
Randy Barbato & Fenton Bailey
Kevin Brockman &
Dan Berendson
Donald A. Imler
Alvin H. Baum, Jr.
Steven Brown & Steven Saide /
Furnished Quarters
Alvin TJ Kho
Eric Beesemyer & Randy Barone
Edward Koczorowski
Karl Baltes
Larry D. Garland &
Thomas Robbins
Wendell J. Garwood
Edward Gatta, Jr. &
Jonathan Vaccaro, MD
James E. Geis
Gayle J. Gibson & Denise Beck
D. Grant Gilbert, MD
Richard L. Marcellus
Bill Matlock & Randy Beineke
Nicholas Mattera &
Bradley Gretter
S. Horovitz Maurer
Kip S. McClure
Virginia D. McCulloh &
Nancy J. Kohlreiter
Dr. John McGrath
CC, Niles, Cindy &
Gavin McQuiston
T. Mark Gillin
Helen R. Mendoza &
Pamela J. Privett
Len & Nanci Glogauer
Olivia Metzger
Jill Beitzel
Chad Goldman &
Brian W. Pendleton
Julian Mickelson &
Jorge F. M. Greenridge
J. Michael Lowe
Jeffrey & Jennifer Belle
Brian Gorman
David J. Marshall
Cydney Berry & Jill Stauffer
William D. Grasse
Dr. Charles R. Middleton &
Dr. John S. Geary
James S. Mathis, Jr.
Gary Booher
Timothy Chow
Scott & Janice McElhone
Christopher B. Boshears
Gregg Greenough &
Vaughn Waters
Craig Crawford & Rick Klapak
James N. McGegan &
David Bowles
Paul Boskind
Dr. James M. Campbell
Patrick Campion &
Richard Ziegelasch
John M. DeCiccio
Dr. Ron Falcon & Chad Klasna
Michael Foley
James Harrington
Susan Jerich
Peter D. Lease & Edward J. Wood
Jessica L. Ledbetter &
Ranee T. Barsanti
Grae Verlin
Michael E. Byrd
Delia Grinzewitsch
Jennings R. Guenthner
Jim Murdaugh
J. Brent Myers &
Christopher Newton
Ragnar Naess & David Charles
Tamara A. Menke
David Bottini &
Raymond Everngam
John R. Mullen, MD
Chris Boyle
Robert A. Hacker
Stephen Oremus
Louis A. Bradbury
Michael Hamby & Charles Tiff
Pat Pilkonis & Robin Lander
Brian Branton
Gene Hawkins
Timothy E. O’Connell &
Larry Little
Dale A. Prokupek
Stephen Brockman
TR Hazelrigg & Jason Humme
Brian C. Offutt & Neil Rhodes
Thomas Rollerson &
Michael Erickson
Malcolm R. Bruni &
Richard P. Mortorff
Jackson Hicks
Richard J. Olesko
Scott F. Guzielek
Gary Hirshberg
David & Nancy Napalo
Anthony Newland &
Dennis D. Elsasser
Daniel M. Hess
Ron McGee
Matthew Rose
Anonymous (5)
Darren Hill
Kirk McKusick & Eric Allman
William Rouse
Susan Abramowitz &
Aaron Gurwitz
John Edward Hill & Luis Laviena
Gary M. McNamara
Robert C. Sash
Kevin K. Hill
Stephen C. Savage
Miles S. Amen &
Christopher A. Magan
Bradford R. Hise &
Dr. John R. Downey
Jacob & Alethia Mead Black Ball Construction
Dr. Toby Meltzer
Alexander C. Hitz
Catharon & Brian Miller
Margaret Schaninger
Dennis M. Popeo, MD
Jason E. Archambault &
Neil Berenson
Paul S. Prokop
Joel & Pamela Aronson
Bill Ho & Bruce Stuart
David M. Miller
Thomas Retan
Lorna Auerbach
John & Karen Hoffman
Dr. Anthony M. Mills
Audrey Schlaepfer &
Judith Bennis
Clement A. Revetti, Jr.
Jennifer & Victoria Barbetta
Carson Holmes
Melanie Mitchell
Arnold T. Schwab
Clifford Richner
Deborah Berke
Jonathan Hopkins
David Mixner
Elizabeth F. Schwartz
N. David Roberts, Jr.
Reed Bobrick & Steven Tuchman,
Trustees, The Brooks Trust
Nace Hopple, Jr.
Benjamin C. Mizer
Stephen Schwartz
Carter Horton & Jeffrey Thomas
Eric Moore
Ronald Schwarz
Casey J. Horton
Blair K. Morgan & Rocky Wood
Jeffrey D. Seese
Robert J. Horton &
James C. Perry
Jonathan Morris
Pierric Senay & Franklin Simpson
David E. Howard & Mike Murphy
Fonda Murch
Dr. E. C. Sheeley
Steve & Heather Murch
Peter W. Sheil & Bruce Batchelor
James Murphy
Richard Shirey
Allan Nault & Robert Nance
Roy E. Simon & Florence Lebovitz
Phillips Nazro
Lisa Snyder
John Nelson & Milo Miloscia
Richard L. Snyder
The New York Community Trust,
Richard L. Snyder Fund
Alejandro Soejarto
Jeffrey Newton &
Jonathan Starcovic
Stephen Stabile
Ralph L. Pellecchio &
James C. Wernz, MD
Avigdor Pemper &
Mark Rabiner, MD
Chip Pierson & Don Camarda
Pamela Pilkonis
Jeff Pluth
Robin Roberts
Douglas Robson
Marilee Roche
Howard Roffman & Duane Waters
Michael Rose
Ron Rudolph
Leslie Schafer
John Scharffenberger
Lewis Scheinert & David Green
Dick Schwarz & Tom Massey
Charitable Fund at Our Fund Inc.
Brian V. Breheny
Michael W. Bridges
Jack Butler & John VanderLinden
Carla A. Caesar
Lois L. Carlson
J. Myrick Howard
Randolph R. Charles
Matthew Howard &
Dr. Ivan Pulinkala
Kevin Chase & Paulo Murillo
John E. Huffman
Jason R. Conyard
Katherine Hughes
Gregory L. Craig
Nadia Hummer
Cary Davis & John McGinn
Joseph M. Husman
Cara Sciarrone
Brian C. Dent
Mark Illeman
Rudy Scott
Michael Dillon
Julie A. Jablonski
David Seaman &
Hugh Faulkner, Jr.
Joel Dixon
Lawrence S. Jacobs, Esq. &
Steven R. Snapp
Richard H. Shoemaker &
James E. Ruud
Mitchell C. Siegel &
Jeffrey T. Overman
C. Grant Simmons
John Simonds & Dan Swilley
Matthew D. Smith
Matthew W. Staman &
Marin Alan Quezada
Francine Stein
Paul Stringham & Ken Parnell
Jeremiah Sturgill
Simon P. Sutton
Greg Swalwell & Terry Connor
Jeffrey Thomas & Carter Horton
Thomas Thorne-Thomsen, Esq.
Ty Robert Thornton
Donald R. Traser &
Thomas W. Reid
Michael Uetz & Nick Rave
Dr. Anna Voytek &
Chanda Fausphoul
John R. Downey, MD, MPH &
Bradford Hise
John P. Wolfarth &
Kevin W. Powers
Jeffery A. Woods &
Bruce K. Couch
John Yang
Vincent J. Zimmerman &
Daniel T. Murphy
David J. Zippel &
Michael Johnston
David A. Steinberg
Mark Niermann &
Enrique MacGreger
David H. Steward &
Pierre Friedrichs
Erin Norton
Gary Sullivan & Timothy Lynn
Michael Johnson &
Michael Justice
Brian O’Connor
Rich Sullivan
Seamas O’Driscoll
Konnin Tam
Alfred K. Joseph
Kevin C. O’Neill & Kevin J. Burns
Mathew S. Thoennes
Meredith Kadlec
Jeremiah O’Sullivan
Will Thompson
Michael Kahn
Ann Ostrander
Joel Tillinghast
Richard Franceschini
Andrew J. Kanfer
Kerr Otho
Rik Toulon
Dennis M. Frisman, MD &
Robert K. Lauri, PhD
Barry Edward Karlin
Daniel Otto & John Barry
Dennis Trunfio
Gary I. Kaufman
Steven J. Paggioli
Geoffrey W. Tuba
Jay W. Gendron
Michael Kaufman
Frank S. Palen
Allison Turner
Edwin F. Gladbach &
Kevin O’Brien
George H. Keller
Bonnie Park & Jackie Ryan
Theresa Sullivan Twiford
Kristen Kelly
Mark Parker & Eric Johnson
James G. Van Beek
Steven P. Kerchoff
Michael Patrick
H. James Vesterby
Mark Khozozian
Golda Patron
Peter Vinnicombe
John M. Kibler & Paul A. Cochran
Stephanie Peel & Stacey Hencken
Timothy & Susan von Herrmann
Warren Kluth
Katherine Perrelli
David Koz
Timothy Peterson &
Richard Gerrig
Charles S. Walker &
Eduardo X. Hermosillo
MJ Feuster
Gigi Fernandez & Jane Geddes
Brent Fisher & Jim Rinnert
John Flippen & Will McDonald
Andrea & Martin Glenn
Raymond H. Goetz
Tony & Judy Goldman
David Gorman & James Spiers
Pamela J. Gort
David Goudy
Ronald P. Graf
Michael Grazer & Stephen Lazar
Marc Wenderoff
Will Wilson
Charles Robin Steakley
Patrick E. Janisse
David M. Greer &
Andrew Halliday
John A. Williams
Anthony Sprauve
Jeffrey R. Epstein
Howard Green
Jeffrey A. Willard & Steve Mahan
Douglas S. Scherr-Fleming
Al Duncan
Doug Wasitis
Gary White & Jorge Villasenor
Mary Beth James
Mark Niehaus &
Brooks Honeycutt
Rod Sayegh
Lawrence Greifer &
Robert Adams
Michael Gridley
Mark Groshek, MD &
Carl Clark, MD
Dean Hale & Stan Schroeder
Dr. James R. Halstead
Julian Hamer
Herb Hamsher & Jonathan Stoller
Kathleen Harris & Peck Station
Greg Heanne
William C. Hein
Eileen P. Heinrich
Mark E. Hemling
Austin Henderson
Mark E. Henderson &
Bruce A. Wolfe
Kenro Kusumi
Dr. Jamie Washington
Clay Petre & Mike Repplier
Brian Watson & Oliver Alva
Joseph Petrone
Scott A. Webster
Douglas J. Pew & Donald Crofton
Dr. Josh Weerasinghe
Jason M. Laurie
Kip O. Plaisted
Harold Weidman
Edmund A. LeFevre, Jr. &
Keith Wiggs
Kenn Plebanek & Albert Ellenich
Gary Weinstein
Claudia Pohtos
John Williams
Aaron P. Leifer
Michael D. Poirier
Paul M. Wilson & David E. Settje
Dr. James J. Lettenberger &
Sean P. Smith
Jerry Portwood &
Patricio del Real
Jay S. Wiley
Joel Lichtenwalter
Robert G. Powell, PhD
Michael Loizzi
William L. Pry
Stefan J. Wysocki &
Irwin H. Zolcover
Francis A. Lorah
Nicholas Quattrocchi
Vance Yeo
Nancy Louden
Dr. Joseph H. Quintano &
James R. Mahoney
Robert G. Young & Mario Gallego
Jonathan Lajiness & Leor Mendel
Robert L. Landino & Doug Belote
Gregory Laskowski
Barry T. Love
James W. Mann
Greg Manuel
Steve Masters
Jacqueline Woo
Dr. Joseph Zibrak & Chris George
Daniel Rabinowitz
Amit Rakhit, MD & Brad Senatore
Dan Ramos
Edward G. Mather
Irwin M. Rappaport
Tim M. Mather &
David Trautvetter
Dr. Marie Rex
David S. Roberts
Anna H. McCrerey
Stephen Robertson
Paul D. McCullough
Margaret Rooney
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Cornerstone Event
Feb 1
March 6
and leadership potential—
put before them—to make a
Cornerstone Event
significant impact on society.
March 13
despite the obstacles often
Cornerstone Event
scan for more
info on Point
May 8
For more information on upcoming events,
please visit www.pointfoundation.org/events
Combined Federal
Campaign #11634
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