Carroll Cares. - Archbishop John Carroll High School
Carroll Cares. - Archbishop John Carroll High School
Archbishop John Carroll High School October - November 2015 Archbishop John Carroll High School will host three Open Houses during the 2015-2016 school year. BROADWAY’S MUSICAL ~ ~ ~ The first Open House will be Sunday, October 18 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Application for the Class of 2020 will continue at this time! The second Open House will follow on Tuesday evening, October 20 from 6 to 8:00 p.m. The third Open House will be held Sunday, April 17, 2016 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The entire Carroll Community—students, faculty, administration, staff and the parents’ association all take an active role in presenting the life and vitality of the Carroll Community. When prospective families enter the building, they are greeted by staff and students. Our student ambassadors escort the families for the entire tour. Student ambassadors are very instrumental to the success of our Open Houses. The tour begins with a visit through the academic tower. Each of the academic departments has a table with handouts and curriculum information. Faculty members are available to answer questions and discuss the various disciplines that the student will study during their high school years. The tour continues to the gymnasium, Curley Family Library, the Patriot Café and the Mullany Guidance Presentation Center. Carroll President, Mr. Frank Fox, will be holding a Q & A session in the Lecture Hall, Room 200. The final destination for the day is the West Cafeteria, where the Parent’s Association provides light refreshments and conversation about the Carroll experience. A representative of the many sports and activities that Carroll has to offer will be available to answer questions you may have. The Carroll Corner store is open for your convenience where you can check out Carroll gear. A positive Open House experience will hopefully enable the Class of 2020 to see the good things that Archbishop John Carroll High School has to offer them and realize that Carroll Cares. A.C.T.S. Archbishop Carroll Theater Society Presents: Annie Showtimes are: Thursday, December 10 –7:00 pm Friday, December 11 -7:00 pm Saturday, December 12 -7:00 pm Sunday, December 13 -2:00 pm General admission tickets at the door are $10.00 For information, please call 610-688-7610, extension 162. OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 REPORT CARDS First quarter report cards will be distributed to students on Tuesday, November 24, 2015. Unlike progress reports which are to be signed and returned to the school, report cards are to be retained by parents. When examining the report card, please keep the following items in mind: Quarter Grades: Do NOT become part of the student’s permanent academic record (transcript). Class Rank: Class Rank is calculated at the conclusion of the first semester and then again at the end of the year. It is NOT calculated at the first and third quarters. First Quarter Honor Roll: The attainment of honors is independent of track and is calculated on a quarterly basis and will not include semester assessments or semester grades. A student in ANY track may earn honors based on the following criteria: First Honors: Requires a general grade average of 93 with no grade below 90 Second Honors: Requires a general grade average of 88 with no grade below 85 Grade Average: A grade average for the first quarter is indicated on each student’s report card. This grade average takes into consideration the numerical mark as well as the number of credits associated with the course. As with the honor roll, the grade average has nothing to do with tracking. In the sample below, the minor course of Physical Education/Health is 0.5 credit; all other courses are a full one credit. The calculation of the Grade Average is as follows: Number 065-01 112-03 212-04 412-03 312-02 512-01 912-07 Course Title Phys Ed / Health ELA I World History I Physical Science Algebra I Spanish I Theology I 1Q 88 86 84 92 96 91 89 Grade Average 88 x .5 credit 86 x 1 credit 84 x 1 credit 92 x 1 credit 96 x 1 credit 91 x 1 credit 89 x 1 credit Calculation = 44 = 86 = 84 = 92 = 96 = 91 = 89 _____ 582/ 6.5 credits = 89.5 avg Second Honors Parent-Teacher-Student Meetings: The P-T-S Meetings are scheduled for October 15, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This is an opportunity for you to discuss with your student’s teacher progress to date, so as to prevent failure at the quarter. Academic Eligibility: If a student fails two or more subjects at the quarter he/she is not eligible for sports participation for fifteen days. Once the fifteen days have expired, the STUDENT must contact the Athletic Office for an academic review card. The STUDENT must then get his/her teachers to sign this card indicating failing or passing grades. If the student is failing less than two courses, he/she is again eligible. Please note that ALL of the courses are considered, not just the original failed courses. This process must be done each week for the REMAINDER OF THE QUARTER. If the student fails to return the eligibility card on any given week, he/she is ineligible. 2 STANDARDIZED TESTING The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) will be administered to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors on October 14, 2015. Please encourage your child to recognize the importance of the PSAT and to give them his/her full concentration. Approximate dismissal time is 12:00 p.m. Each public school district determines whether or not it can accommodate the early dismissal. Students should check the lists provided by the Office for Student Services to see if their bus will arrive earlier than the customary time. PROGRESS REPORTS Progress reports will be distributed to students on Tuesday, October 13, 2015. These interim reports are to be reviewed and signed by a parent; the student is to return the signed progress report to his/her homeroom moderator no later than Friday, October 16, 2015. These reports do NOT become part of the student’s permanent record. However, the report allows each teacher the opportunity, if he/she chooses, to comment on a student’s performance and behavior at mid-quarter. Teachers may assign up to five comments from a list of one hundred. Some teachers prefer to reserve their comments until the end of the marking period in November. It is important to review the comments with your son/daughter and to note where improvement is required. OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 From the Office of School Ministry Dear Parents, I am inspired! This past week as Pope Francis visited Cuba and the United States, I was transfixed by the impact one man of God’s mercy and compassion can have on our world. His message of inclusion and the importance of family centered me as to what is truly important in my life. Pope Francis has also inspired our entire Carroll Community to recommit ourselves to service to others and to strengthen our commitment of Mission at Archbishop Carroll . . . the mission of providing the most enhanced Catholic education and value system possible to our students. Please enjoy the “harvest of blessings” the Autumn season brings as we give thanks to you and your families for helping us succeed; it is because of your commitment to Carroll that we have a warm and spectacular and extraordinary community. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our family, and for, more importantly, allowing us to be part of yours. Warm regards, Francis E. Fox ‘77 President The Kairos Retreat: Registration for the final two Kairos retreats of the year (January 5-8, 2016 and March 8-11, 2016) remains open online and is conducted on a first come, first served basis. The retreat is open to any current senior. Please go to in order to register or for more information. A fund to assist those students who are in need of financial help in order to participate in the Kairos experience continues to accept donations. If you would like to sponsor a student (total cost $280.00) or simply contribute to the fund, please contact Mrs. Lisa Ritter in the Tuition Office—610-688-7610, extension 136. 3 Dear Parents and Guardians, As autumn begins to turn the temperatures down, you will be reading this soon after the World Meeting of Families has concluded and Pope Francis has returned to the Vatican. There has been so much preparation and news coverage and build up to this event and our Holy Father’s visit that it is hard to believe it is over. I don’t know about you, but I’m left with a question in my mind: what next? To say that we need a reinvigoration of the Faith here in Philadelphia is an understatement. Events like the one we have just experienced can often do just that. But will be allow our Faith to come alive in our homes, our families, our parishes, in our Carroll community, and yes, in ourselves? Whether or not the church in Philadelphia becomes on fire with the Faith and renewed in our hearts and minds largely depends on you and me and how willing we are to become the people God is calling us to be. Here at Carroll, we strive daily to help your sons and daughters become just that: those on fire with their Faith, those willing to use that Faith to help others on their journey . . . in short, to become saints. But we cannot do this alone. We need YOU. Your sons and daughters need YOU. They need you to make Sunday Mass a priority, to remind them and show them the importance of daily prayer and frequent Reconciliation, and to set an example of what it means to be a man or woman on fire with the Faith. As the weather turns colder, may this flame lit by the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis’ presence burn brighter within each of us, in our families, and in the Archbishop Carroll community. Tom Phillips Director of Campus Ministry P.S. Holy Mass is celebrated daily at 7:10 am in chapel and you are most welcome to attend. If you wish to have a Mass celebrated with the special intention of the remembrance of a loved one (especially during November, the month of All Souls), please contact me at or ext. 125. GUIDANCE STAFF ASSIGNMENTS: Mrs. Romanelli will be working primarily with seniors (5A-7A) and juniors (5B-8B), Ms. Scheidel will be working with seniors (1A-4A), juniors (1B-4B), and International students. Mrs. Collins will be working with sophomores (9C-12C), and freshmen (1D-6D). Mr. Weinrich will be working with sophomores (1C-4C); Mrs. Fleming will be working with sophomores (5C-8C). Mr. Lynam will work with freshmen (7D12D) and student athletes. We are happy to have our special assistants, Mr. McGeehan and Sister Marianna assisting with junior students and the college process. Dr. Gallagher is our School psychologist from the DCIU and will assist with special cases. COUNSELING CENTER: The office complex is located in the East Wing on the third floor, Room 317. Please stop by if you get the chance or feel free to call. The Guidance extension is 171. GUIDANCE RESOURCE ROOM: All students are encouraged to make use of the Guidance Resource Room. There are two computers with internet access for student use to search for career, college, and financial aid information. There are also individual college catalogues, applications, and reference materials for perusal. Students should see Mrs. Nardelli, Guidance secretary, to arrange for a time to use the facility. DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please check the Archbishop John Carroll daily announcements on our website There are many Guidance announcements that may be helpful to you. COLLEGE VISITS: Seniors are strongly encouraged to use the underclass testing day on October 14th to visit colleges of interest. COLLEGE PRESENTATIONS: ALL students are asked to take advantage of the college presentations throughout the year in Room 301. Students must sign up in the Guidance Office with Mrs. Nardelli by sixth period the day before the presentation. COLLEGE APPLICATIONS: All documentation for student applications will be sent online through the Naviance program. This includes information for those schools using the Common Application. There is a one-time $5.00 fee per school. Students have been given detailed information about this process. If your son or daughter is having difficulty, please ask them to stop by the Guidance Office, Room 317. Please note that there is a November 11th deadline in order to guarantee pre-Thanksgiving college documentation processing. There is also a December 2nd deadline in order to guarantee preChristmas college documentation processing. NAVIANCE—CLASS OF 2016: All documentation will be sent to colleges or universities within ten school days of receiving the Transcript Request form AND the transcript release request through Naviance. Please note that we do not send SAT, SAT Subject Tests, or ACT scores to the colleges or universities. A student must request that all scores be sent directly from the College Board to the schools of choice. This can be done as part of the registration process or by going to the College Board website. All senior, junior and sophomore students should have Naviance accounts. This is a great website to explore colleges and careers. COLLEGE FAIRS: There is a Regional College Fair for Montgomery County which will be held at Montco Community College on October 1st from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. The National College Fair will take place on Sunday, November 8th from 11:00 am until 3:00 pm at the PA Convention center in Philadelphia. Printed material for this fair will be distributed as soon as it becomes available. OPEN HOUSES: Please check the postings at the entrance to the cafeteria for various invitations from many different schools. These are open to ALL students, parents, and guardians. SCHOLARSHIPS: Seniors and juniors are encouraged to search the Internet for possible sources of financial aid for post high school education. The most popular financial aid search website is Students can also use Naviance, Education Planner and the College Board websites. Please encourage your student to pay attention to the Daily Announcements. WEBSITE ACCOUNTS: All students, except the class of 2019, have had the opportunity to open accounts with The College Board at and with tNaviance. The class of 2019 will open accounts in October. STANDARDIZED TESTING - - PSAT/NMSQT - The Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test will be administered to all freshmen, sophomores and juniors on Wednesday, October 14th. This test is designed to practice for the SAT Reasoning Test for juniors to enter scholarship competition. Counselors will visit with freshmen, sophomores and juniors to discuss this test in detail and distribute published materials. Students are encouraged to share this information with their parents or guardians. Registration for this test has already been arranged by Archbishop Carroll High School. SAT, SAT SUBJECT TESTS - Both the SAT and the SAT Subject Tests will be administered at ACHS on Saturday, October 3rd. Please note that Archbishop Carroll is a test center in October and December. The regular registration deadline for the November test is October 9th, and the late registration deadline is October 27th. The regular registration deadline for the December test is November 5th and the late registration deadline is November 23rd. You can register online at Fee waivers for both the SAT and the SAT Subject Tests are available in the Guidance Office for those students who meet the ’Family Eligibility Guidelines’ posted in the Guidance Office. Please contact Mrs. Romanelli for further details. ACT - The American College Test [ACT] will be administered at Archbishop Carroll on October 25th. Test preparation booklets are available in the Guidance Office. You can also register online at (Continued on Page 6) 4 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 HEALTH SCREENING: The school-wide Health Screening is scheduled for Monday, November 9 and Wednesday, November 11, 2015. All students will get height, weight, and vision screening. Only eleventh grade students will also get hearing tested at this time. Please remind your child to bring his/ her contacts or glasses, if prescribed, to the screening. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORMS: All NEW students to Carroll High School, as well as 11th graders, are required to submit a completed physical to the Health Office. Please, if you have not submitted one, do so as soon as possible. The form is available online at our website. HEALTH OFFICE: Feel free to call the Health Office with any questions or concerns. Debby Foster 610-688-7610, ext. 155 GRADE CONNECT Don’t forget to check your GRADE CONNECT account. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Charmaine Gates or Dr. Patricia Rigby. TUITION INFORMATION: 2015-2016 TUITION AND FEES: All payments for current year tuition and fees must be made through Smart Tuition. Effective July 27, 2015, any payments received in the tuition office will be returned to you. Payments must be mailed to Smart Tuition Payment Processing Center, PO Box 11731, Newark, NJ 07101-4731. Your Smart family ID # must be on your check. Direct debit and credit card payments are also accepted at Smart Tuition. The customer service number is 1-888-868-8828. Please note: the Acceptiva link on our website for credit card payments is for prior year 2014-2015 tuition and fee balances only. Do not make current year payments with this link. The final installment of the School Fee is included with your Smart Tuition invoice for October. Please pay the total amount due and be mindful of the payment date you selected, the 1st or 15th of the month, as late fees are automatically assessed and cannot be adjusted. This is an Archdiocesan policy that we are required to follow. ATHLETIC FEES for fall sports will also be included with your October invoice. The athletic fee is $235 for the following sports: baseball, cross country, fencing, field hockey, golf, indoor track, lacrosse, outdoor track, rugby, soccer, softball, ultimate Frisbee and volleyball. Football, swimming, tennis and wrestling are $360. Novice crew is $160, fall crew is $260 and spring crew is $810. Spring crew only –second, third, and fourth child in family pay half. Freshman and junior varsity cheerleading are $260; varsity cheerleading is $360. Intramural bowling is $185. Ice hockey is $810. DRAMA FEES for the fall ACTS theater production will be included with your November Smart tuition invoice. The drama fee is $235 for actors and dancers; $110 for stage crew and pit band. Thank you! 5 OCTOBDR-NOVEMBER 2015 Dear Fellow Patriots, When I was principal of St. Edward School in Louisville, Kentucky, every year I would accompany several of our students to the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Mass. This mass was celebrated by the Archbishop of Louisville during Catholic Schools Week, and included representatives from every Catholic school in the Archdiocese. Several years ago the theme of Catholic Schools Week was “Catholic Schools Raise the Standards.” In his homily at the mass, Archbishop Kurtz mentioned that there are two ways to look at that message. First, as Catholic schools, we raise the standards academically—and facts and figures bear that out. Our students in Catholic schools, on average, perform better on standardized tests than students at public schools; our high school graduation rates are higher, as are our college attendance rates. In my brief time at Carroll, I am already beginning to experience the various ways in which we as a school raise the standards. We know those statistics and facts (and the numerous others I did not mention) are noteworthy and have value. However, I believe the other meaning of that year’s message is even more important. The word “standard” comes from the Old French “estandart,” meaning gathering place or the flag used to mark such a place. Archbishop John Carroll High School is a gathering place for our students and our community. Our school also is a standard, a flag to our surrounding community—here we stand, and here is what we believe. That does not mean we are perfect, far from it, but it does mean that the Christian message is lived here and taught here. Before they go out on their own into a world as chaotic and ever-changing as the one in which we live, your sons and daughters are gaining an important foundation, a foundation built on faith. It has been a pleasure and an honor this past month to meet so many of you, and of course to meet and begin forming relationships with your children. As part of the leadership or Archbishop John Carroll High School, please know that I will commit to do everything in my power to continue to raise the standards. May God Bless You, Andrew R. Bradley GUIDANCE (continued from page 4) ACT: The American College Test (ACT) will be administered at Archbishop Carroll on October 24th. Test preparation booklets are available in the Guidance Office and you can go online to prepare for this test. Preparation is strongly encouraged. You can register online at SAT TEST DATES: Archbishop Carroll High School is scheduled to be a test center for three SAT test dates this year: October 3, 2015, December 5, 2015, and May 7, 2016. We will NOT be a test center for the March 5th date as indicated on the calendar. ACT TEST DATES: Archbishop Carroll High School will be a test center for the ACT on October 24, 2015 and April 9, 2016. SENIOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS: If you have not already done so, please return the signed Permission Form to release transcripts. If there are any questions about this form, please contact Mrs. Nardelli in the Guidance Office at extension 171. Thank you for your cooperation. 6 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 ADMISSIONS OFFICE The Class of 2020 - Recruitment efforts are underway as we prepare for the many High School Nights and Grade School Visits that occur during October and November. We rely on our current students to assist in this process by attending these events at our partner schools and sharing with others what they love about Carroll. The Shadow Program is under way and historically over 78% of the students that shadow become a member of the Carroll Community the following September. Please refer anyone you may know. The form for requesting a Shadow Day is located on the Carroll website. Open Houses have been scheduled for Sunday, October 18th [11:00 am to 2:00 pm] and Tuesday, October 21st [6:00 to 8:00 pm]. Representatives of our Academic Departments, Administration and extra-curricular activities will be available to answer questions and share the Carroll experience. EIGHTH-GRADE SCHOLARSHIP TEST: Our scholarship test dates are Saturday, October 17th, and Saturday, October 24th [8 to 11 am]. Thursday, October 22nd [4 to 7 pm] is available for those who cannot attend either of the other two selected times. Prior registration is required. Application forms may be obtained from the parish grade schools, contacting ACHS at extension 117, or by downloading the form from the Carroll web page at Confirmation letters and directives will be mailed prior to the exam. Anyone interested in assisting with any of these events, please contact the Admissions Office at admis- or at 610-688-7610, extension 117. STUDENT DRIVERS: Only students with an official parking permit are allowed to park on the school property. If your son or daughter is parking illegally, he/she will be fined the $50 parking fee. Student drivers need to leave home early enough so that they will arrive at school on time and safely. Please take into consideration changing traffic, road and weather conditions to plan your departure. Parents should be sure that the students are leaving early enough. All drivers need to remember they are responsible for the safe operation of their vehicle and for the safety of the passengers they are transporting. Students engaging in unsafe driving practices will have their permit revoked without refund. Please obey all safe driving rules and everyone needs to wear a seatbelt at all times. ABSENCE REPORTING: If your child is not attending school on a particular day, you must notify the school of his/ her absence. The attendance number is 610-902-0183. Please call before 7:30 am and leave the following information: student’s name, student’s number, and reason for the absence. Also, please identify yourself and the date of the absence. When your child returns to school, they must submit an absence card. Failure to submit an absence card within three school days will result in your child being reported to the truancy office in your district. These cards are available online and in the Student Services Office. DRESS CODE: The Winter Dress Code will be in effect sometime in late October. All students must wear the V-neck sweater with the school logo and the girls need to wear opaque stockings. The boys will be required to wear a white or light blue button down shirt with the school tie under the sweater. Girls will be required to wear a white button down oxford shirt under the sweater. Please check the handbook to be sure that all students are in compliance with the dress code. Failure to comply with the dress code may result in demerits and detentions and also the student may be sent home until the problem is rectified. Parents of female students are asked to be of assistance to make sure that your daughter’s skirt is no shorter than one inch above the knee. If the skirt is shorter than the one-inch requirement, a new skirt will have to be purchased. Gentlemen must be clean shaven at all times. TRANS PASSES: Students who are residents of Philadelphia are eligible to receive weekly trans passes for SEPTA. Students can pick up the passes during their lunch period on Fridays in the Office for Student Services. OCTOBER 14, 2015: This is the date for PSAT testing for juniors, sophomores and freshmen. Seniors do not report to school on this day. This is designated as a college visit day for seniors. 7 SPORTS Fall sports are well underway and our teams are competing to the best of their ability. Please make sure to check the website for schedules and come out and support our Patriots!! By now, all fall sport athletes should have the proper PIAA paperwork handed into the Athletic Office, including the electronic communication consent form. If you have not done so, please return that form as soon as possible. Your coach has copies of the form. Winter Sports: Tryouts for winter sports begin Monday, November 16. Students participating in a sport for the first time this school year must complete Sections 1-6 of the PIAA form. Section 6 must be filled out by your doctor. Any student who participated in a Fall sport this year must complete Section 7 of the form only, unless a student required medical treatment by a physician during the Fall season, in which case, the Athletic Office will determine whether Section 8 of the PIAA also needs to be completed. All PIAA paperwork should be submitted to the Athletic Office. If all the necessary paperwork has been submitted, a green card will be issued to the coach. NO STUDENTS WILL BE ALLOWED TO October - November 2015 Campus Ministry Dates - - October 2 October 4 October 6-9 October 7 October 16 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration Respect Life Sunday Kairos LXXX Vocations Day for junior girls at Chestnut Hill College Communal Rosary for Life November 1 Solemnity of All Saints November 1-7 National Vocation Awareness Week November 2 Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) November 6 First Friday Eucharistic Adoration November 12 Respect Life Leadership Conference at St. Charles Seminary November 23-25 Forty Hours Devotion November 25 Holy Mass for Giving Thanks to God Closing of Forty Hours Christopher Jones Memorial Blood Drive The Christopher Jones, class of 2007, memorial Blood Drive will be held Monday, November 16, at Archbishop Carroll High School. The Red Cross will be taking blood donations from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm in the West Gym. Students who are 16 may donate with a completed parent permission form. Students and adults, 17 or older may donate by signing up in the Cafeteria the week before the blood drive. Parents may call the school for a specific donor time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Red Cross or Mrs. Cahill at Archbishop Carroll. TRY OUT FOR A SPORT WITHOUT SUBMITTING THE PROPER PIAA PAPERWORK TO THE ATHLETIC OFFICE AND RECEIVING A GREEN CARD. SCRIP NEWS It is always a good time to buy SCRIP gift cards. With the holidays approaching us, why not get a head start in purchasing cards and reduce your tuition. Scrip now available for parents to purchase! 90% of the rebate goes back to the parent! Go to Campus Life Tab on the Carroll Website. Go to Parent’s Association link and scroll down on page Scrip information! 8 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2015 - 7 PM The National Honor Society is an academic organization that recognizes outstanding students in high school. At Archbishop Carroll, candidates for membership are chosen from among those junior and senior students who meet the four pillars of the NHS: character, scholarship, leadership, and service. (See the student handbook for more information about how students are selected to join.) These successful candidates will then be inducted into the John Carroll Chapter of the National Honor Society Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 7:00 pm. After the ceremony NHS members and their guests are invited to a reception in the Library. The ceremony will begin with the installation of the newly elected Executive Board: President, Joseph Munshower; Vice-President, Breda Marie Brady; Secretary, Molly Sanders, and Treasurer, Mary Catherine Jones, participating in a candle lighting service which reminds members about the elements of the NHS (service, character, scholarship and leadership). They will be joined by the Executive Board: Simone Pope, Christina Corbett, Jordan Machita, Amanda Rafanello and Mary Kate Meals who will help them welcome the new members to the Society. The NHS is involved in numerous service activities throughout the year and board members are beginning to work on this year’s activities. Peer tutoring for Carroll students with academic need is an important aspect of NHS. One of the biggest events on the NHS calendar is Career Day; this year it will be held on Friday, April 1, 2016. Alumni, parents, and friends of the Carroll Community spend the day speaking to classes about their career, including education, day-to-day activities and life experiences. If anyone is interested in speaking on that day, please contact our NHS co-moderator, Charmaine Gates at Senior Parents * * * Please Note Members of the Class of 2016 will receive a copy of the yearbook with their name embossed on the cover as part of the graduation fee. The staff invites parents and other relatives of the Class of 2016 to continue the tradition of writing messages to graduating seniors. Personal messages are limited to relatives of senior students who would like to record some expression or thoughts for posterity. The message can contain up to 25 words, excluding the student’s name, for $30.00. Your message will be kept confidential until the distribution of books. If interested, please fill out the form below and return it to Mrs. Papantoniou in the Office for Student Affairs. The last day to submit a message to a member of the Class of 2016 will be Friday, October 16, 2015. Student Name ________________________________________________ Student ID # _____________________ Name of Purchaser: ___________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________ MESSAGE [No more than 25 words] For more than one message, please copy this form with information. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Put the check and message in an envelope and send to Office for Student Affairs. Make checks payable to - Archbishop John Carroll High School [Include student ID on the check] All messages are due no later than Friday, October 16, 2015. 9 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 The Office for Student Affairs is busy preparing for a great school year. Listed below you will find information on upcoming events. We are off to a great start and I am excited for the year ahead. Allison Papantoniou YEARBOOK INFORMATION FOR CLASSES OF 2017, 2018, and 2019: The Yearbook will go on sale October 1 to 22, 2015. The cost is $85.00. Yearbooks purchased after October 23 will cost $90.00. The DEADLINE for all sales is TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. Students can place yearbook orders in the Office of Student Affairs. No extra copies will be available in June, so please plan accordingly. FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE -Friday, November 13, 2015 -7 to 10 p.m. The Westover Country Club will host the annual evening for our Dads, Uncles, or Guardians. Ticket prices include a sit-down dinner, dessert, beverages, DJ and dancing. Gurscik Studios will also be available for photo packages. More information will be mailed home. Reservations are due October 29, 2015. BLOOD DRIVE: The Red Cross will be here Monday, November 16. Donors are needed. Anyone over 17 and weighing at least 110 pounds is able to donate. The entire ACHS community is encouraged to donate. If parents are able to donate, please contact the Student Affairs Office at extension 113 for an appointment time. THANKSGIVING DRIVE: Giving is a Carroll tradition. For many years, the entire Carroll Community has united to bring some Thanksgiving blessings to local families. Last year ACHS purchased food and supplies for 120 families. Students donate money through their Theology classes. If you wish to assist in this effort with a donation, please contact the Office of Student Affairs -610-688-7610, ext. 113. CLASS OF 2016 RING ORDERS: Orders will be taken Tuesday, November 10, 2015 in the West Cafeteria during all lunch periods. A $50.00 deposit is needed at this time. Checks are made payable to Jostens. CONGRATULATIONS to the 2015-2016 ACHS Student Council Executive Board and Class Officers who were inducted in September: President Stephen Caltabiano Vice President Michael Walczak Secretary Matthew Fohner Events Chair Mary Tomasetti Public Relations May Hennessy ORDER FORM FOR THE 2016 ACHS YEARBOOK [for freshmen, sophomores and juniors ONLY] Orders before October 22, 2015 -the cost is $85.00 Orders after October 23, 2015 -the cost is $90.00 Return your order to the Office for Student Affairs Make check payable to ACHS [Put the Student ID on memo line of check] NAME _________________________________________ STUDENT ID _______________ Important: No orders accepted after November 17, 2015 10 OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2015 PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION OFFICERS The Parents’ Association welcomes all parents to the Archbishop Carroll Community. Get involved . . . Be informed . . . Make a difference here at Carroll!! President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Hospitality Tuition Raffle Sharon Corbett Julia Buchanan George Kuruc Alexa Hook Kathy Bristowe, Colleen Brady, and Carolyn Evans Anne Wince Parents’ Association Meetings Please join us! Meet with the Principal and parents in a friendly, round-table discussion of all that happens at Carroll. Parent Volunteers Needed Meetings are Monday evenings, every other month. Meetings are held in the Library. Bakers needed to provide baked goods Servers needed to help with refreshments OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, October 18, 2015 from 11 am to 1 pm And Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 6 to 8 pm. Next Meeting Dates: Monday, November 9, 2015 Monday, January 11, 2016 Monday, March 14, 2016 Monday, May 9, 2016 PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR DESIGNER BAG BINGO Tuition Raffle Winners RESCHEDULED DATE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20 1st prize: One year tuition Winner: Neil Sullivan Student: Anastasia Sullivan ‘18 BRING YOUR FRIENDS!! 2nd prize: One month tuition Winner: Lisa Carney Student: Jess Carney ‘16 DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 PM 3rd prize: $100 Gift Certificate to School Store Winner: Karen Conners Student: Jake Conners ‘17 FIRST GAME BEGINS AT 7:00 PM TICKETS ARE $25 IN ADVANCE $30 AT THE DOOR!! BINGO CARDS AND LIGHT Show your Carroll pride! REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED! Buy a car magnet for $5 BYOB 11 ARCHBISHOP JOHN CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS’ NEWSLETTER 211 Matson Ford Road Radnor PA 19087-4590 Annual Notification Archbishop John Carroll High School has developed and maintains an Asbestos Inspection and Management Plan as required by the Asbestos Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA). A copy of the plan is available for your inspection at our administrative office during regular office hours. The Keating Group (610-668-4100) is the schools’ asbestos program manager and Acer Associates (856-809-1202) is the school’s consultant. Inquiries regarding the plan should be directed to these organizations. The Deadline for the December - January Newsletter is Tuesday, NOVEMBER 16 ADVANCEMENT / ALUMNI UPDATES ALUMNI GOLF OUTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 At the White Manor Golf Club 831 Providence Road Malvern PA Check‐In at 11:00 am Shotgun start at 12:30 pm CARROLL FAMILY ADVENT LITURGY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 At Carroll High School ‐Join us 5:00 pm ‐Tree Lighting Blessing, Live Nativity, Prayer Service, and Christmas Concert
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