PF24-8B - nissei asb machine co., ltd.
PF24-8B - nissei asb machine co., ltd.
1.5-Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine PF Series PF24-8B High output of small to large PET bottles PF24-8B 210 High Output 1.5-Step PET Molding. A True Competitor to Small Scale 2-Step Molding. ASB’s innovative PF Series gains a new big brother which can go toe-to-toe with 2-step re-heat blow molding systems. Molding finished containers directly from raw material in a superbly compact package, the PF24-8B lowers the cost of PET bottle production both in energy terms and in factory space. 207 1.5-Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine ■ Efficient Energy Usage Due to increased scale of production and hybrid operation, energy cost per bottle has been reduced by 25%, and air consumption by 20%. Furthermore, unlike wasteful 2-step systems that need to fully cool and re-heat the preform, the 1.5-step process retains most of the heat from the injection molding process for final blowing of the bottle. The short heating oven is only necessary to partially re-heat and optimize the temperature profile of the preform. The result is less energy required for cooling and re-heating. ■ Resin to Bottle in a Small Space Preform transfer to blowing takes place inside one machine. Only 25~30% of the production space is required. PF24-8B PF24-8B floor area Equivalent floor area for similar output 2-step molding Without the need for two machines, a preform unscrambler, preform storage and transportation – a fraction of the floor area is required when compared to an equivalent 2-step molding installation. ■ 1.5-Steps Optimizes Mold Utilization The 1.5-Step PF molding process is based on the principle that it takes around three times longer to injection mold and cool a preform than it does to blow the bottle. With this in mind, the PF24-8B molds 24 preforms with up to 38mm neck, then optimizes their temperature before passing them to the 8 cavity blow station. ■ High Output In the 12-4 configuration 5 liter, 83 gram bottles can be molded at up to 2,400bph. In the 24-8 configuration, production rates up to 9,000bph can be achieved for a 500ml 9.8 gram water bottle. ■ PF24-8B/12H With the addition of an automated handle inserter system, the PF24-8B/12H has been developed to enable production of up to 3 liter bottles with a PP or HDPE handle. The bottle leaves the machine with the handle already fixed so no further processing is required - an innovation first developed by ASB. ∅600.0000 4,308 PF24-8B/24 PF24-8B/12 PF24-8B/12H 210 11,576 ■ Hybrid Operation The injection unit and injection clamp utilize hydraulic operation supplied by energy efficient variable displacement pumps. All other functions, including transfer, stretch and blow mold clamping use servo motors to further reduce power consumption. ■ Changeable Cavitation Unlike the smaller PF models, the PF24-8B is capable of being converted from its native 24-8 cavity molding setup for up to 1.5 liter bottles, to a 12-4 cavity setup allowing molding of up to 5 liter containers with 48mm neck diameter. ■ Perfect Quality & Improved Efficiency With no preform scuffing, neck damage or distortion, the product quality from a 1.5-step machine is perfect every time. And with no down-time from distorted preform necks causing stoppages at preform feed points, efficiency is improved. ● Handle inserter station ● Handled bottles in blow station Machine Specification Unit Standard Screw Diameter mm 24 / 8 84 12 / 4 Theoretical Injection Capacity cm³ 1,330 *1 Injection Clamping Force kN 687 Max. Capacity ● Inserted handle Products Specification Unit PF24-8B/24 PF24-8B/12 PF24-8B/12H Preform cavity 24 12 12 Blow cavity 8 4 4 L 1.5 5 3 *3 Blow Clamping Force kN 637 Lip Cavity Taper Type single (double) single single Driving Power (Rated) kW 78.2 Max. Thread Diameter T mm 30 (38) 48 48 Heater Capacity (Rated) kW Max Neck Diameter E mm 28 (36) 45 45 Max. Support Ring Diameter SR mm 34 (42) 51 51 Max. Body Diameter BD mm 90 180 130*3 Max. Height HB mm 330 350 350*3 g 47 94 94 Oil Reservoir 96.7 *2 92.6 *2 L 600 Machine Size (L x W x H) mm 8,935 × 2,120 × 3,259 Machine Mass (Approx.) ton 22 ● Specifications and design are subject to change without any obligation on the part of Max. Weight *1 the manufacturer. ●( )Optional feature ● A Mold Temperature Controller (MTC) is required for preform secondary cooling. ● All figures are subject to container configuration. *1: Using standard screw & PET. *2: Subject to container specification *3: Please consult with ASB on a case-by-case basis. Actual container dimensions are subject to handle style and overall design. SR T E HB BD ■ Typical Containers • Applications : Beverage, edible oil, salad dressing, seasoning, detergent, personal care, pharmaceutical, agrochemical etc. • Molding Materials : PET, recycled PET, PEN, PLA etc. • Shapes : Plain round, oval, square, ultra-light etc. 1.5-Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine PF24-8B/24 PF24-8B/12 PF24-8B/12H ● Location of optional handle inserter 1 Injection Molding / Primary Cooling 5 Continuous to Batch Movement 24 (8x3) or 12 (4x3) preforms are injection molded and partially cooled using ASB’s well proven vertical clamping system. Vertical clamping provides the highest level of preform concentricity and quality. 2 Secondary Cooling / Conditioning Eight (or four) preforms at a time are separated from the continuous movement in preparation for inversion. 6 Preform Inverter Preforms are transferred to the twin-station conditioning block where the cooling and conditioning process is continued. The conditioning block inverts and preforms are placed onto preform holders with neck down orientation. 3 Batch to Continuous Movement Eight (or four) preforms are picked up, inverted and transferred to the blow transfer system. In the case of the /12H model, handles are transferred together with preforms. 7 Pitch Change & Stretch Blow The preform holders, in an 8x3 (or 4x3) format are shifted to 24x1 (or 12x1) format so that preform movement changes from batch to continuous. 4 Continuous Temperature Optimization As the preforms move into the blow station, the pitch is changed and stretch blow molding takes place using servo driven blow clamping and stretch rods. 8 Bottle Eject Preforms are heated in a continuous movement using tuned quartz halogen heating lamps. Continuous heating ensures perfect temperature stability. Blown bottles are ejected via a neck conveyor onto the customer’s conveyor system. A range of conveyor options can be supplied if required. 1.5-Step Injection Stretch Blow Molding Machine PF24-8B/24 PF24-8B/12 PF24-8B/12H PF24-8B/24 PF24-8B/12 PF24-8B/12H Foundation Drawing Mold chilled water inlet Rc 1 ˝ Mold chilled water outlet Rc 1 ˝ Mold chilled water inlet Rc 2 ˝ Mold chilled water outlet Rc 2 ˝ Elect. power supply Operation air inlet Rc 1 ˝ Blow air inlet Rc 1 ˝1 ⁄4 801 2,120 Tower water inlet (heat exchanger) Rc 1 ˝1 ⁄4 Tower water outlet (heat exchanger) Rc 1 ˝1 ⁄4 570 Operation box 480 140 95 112 112 $9 LPN-25M18 LPN-25M18 Level adjuster (option) LPN-25M18 (75~95) (1,410) 1,662 3,259 140 4-M10 (hopper dryer) 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-Shi, Nagano-Ken 384-8585, JAPAN TEL : 81 (267) 23 -1565 FAX : 81 (267) 23-1564 E-Mail : sales @ n LPN-25M18 LPN-25M18 LPN-25M18 LPN-25M18 8,935 (340) U.K. and I reland NISSEI ASB LIMITED PT. ASB INDONESIA 2 Milnyard Square, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough PE2 6GX, U.K. TEL : 44(1733)233544 FAX : 44(1733)235647 E-Mail : sales @ nisseiasb. co. uk Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta, No. 26, Block A-18, Jakarta Pusat 10730, INDONESIA TEL : 62(21)629-7978 / 5018 FAX: 62(21)629-5010 E-Mail : asbindonesia @ cbn. net. id Europe, C IS, Turkey and Egypt NISSEI ASB GmbH PHILIPPINES Office Mündelheimer Weg 58, 40472 Düsseldorf, GERMANY TEL : 49(211)94104-0 FAX : 49(211)94104-39 E-Mail : nissei @ I beria, Italy and Maghreb NISSEI ASB MEDITERRANEA, S.L.U. Unit 1703 Annapolis Wilshire Plaza No.11 Annapolis Street, Greenhills San Juan, Metro Manila, PHILIPPINES 1500 TEL : 63(2)725-4220 FAX: 63(2)725-4203 E-Mail : Middle East and Central Africa VIETNAM Office Poligono Industrial Vallegón Pabellón 38. 39709 Samano(Cantabria) , SPAIN TEL : 34(942)87-1016 FAX : 34(942)86- 7922 E-Mail : nisseiasb @ nisseiasbmediterranea. com Suite 601 6th floor, Zen Plaza 54-56 Nguyen Trai Street, Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM TEL : 84(8)3925-1008 FAX : 84(8)3925-1009 E-Mail : nisseiasbhcm @ vnn. vn NISSEI ASB FZE INDIA BRANCH Office Jebel Ali Free Zone(South)Warehouse No. FZS1BH06 P.O. Box: 16789, Dubai, U. A. E. TEL : 971(4)8860919 FAX : 971(4)8860918 E-Mail : asbuae @ emirates. net. ae 309-311, Ansal Chambers-II 6, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi 110 066, INDIA TEL : 91(11)2618-1615 / 2619-4031 FAX : 91(11)2619-4129 E-Mail : asbdel @asbi. co. in NISSEI ASB AFRICA LIMITED PAKISTAN Office Novel House, Plot 3, Block J, Otunba Jobi Fele Way, Alausa CBD, Ikeja, Lagos, NIGERIA TEL : 234(1)8448167 E-Mail: Head Office and Factory NISSEI ASB MACHINE CO., LTD. U. S. A. and Canada NISSEI ASB COMPANY Mexico, Central America NISSEI ASB CENTRO AMERICA, S.A. DE C.V. ASB PTE (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Torres Adalid 618 1er Piso, Col. Del Valle C.P. 03100, México, D.F., MEXICO TEL : 52(555)669-00-69 FAX : 52(555)669-16-45 E-Mail : info @ asbcentroamerica. com 124 Soi 1 Sukhumvit 62 Sukhumvit Road Bangchak Prakanong Bangkok 10260 THAILAND TEL : 66(2)311- 7556 / 7557 / 7558 FAX: 66(2)741- 7295 E-Mail : asbpte @ truemail. co. th South America NISSEI ASB SUDAMERICA LTDA. NISSEI ASB SOUTH AFRICA (Pty) LTD. Av. Queiroz Filho nº 1.700 – Edifício Sky Tower – Conjunto 108 Bairro Alto de Pinheiros – São Paulo – SP CEP. 05319-000, BRAZIL TEL : 55(11)3641-5353 FAX : 55(11)3831-9948 E-Mail : sales @ nisseiasb. com. br 97 Sovereign Drive, Route 21 Corporate Park, Nelmapius Drive, Irene Ext.30, 0062, 0157, SOUTH AFRICA TEL : 27(12)345- 4924 FAX: 27(12)345- 5667 E-Mail : sales @ nisseiasb. co. za 4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, Nagano-ken 384-8585, JAPAN TEL : 81(267)23-1565 FAX: 81(267)23-1564 E-Mail : sales @ nisseiasb. co. jp 125 Westlake Parkway Suite 120, Atlanta, Georgia 30336 U.S.A. TEL : 1(404)699-7755 FAX : 1(404)696-9009 E-Mail : sales @ nissei-asbus. com LPN-25M18 South & West Asia, Oceania, and Southern Africa 401, Progressive Square 11-A, Block-6, P. E. C. H. S. Karachi 75400, PAKISTAN TEL : 92(21)3454-6533 FAX : 92(21)3453- 7469 E-Mail : asbpakistan @gmail. com NISSEI ASB PTE. LTD. AUSTRALIA Office 85 Science Park Drive #01-03 The Cavendish Singapore Science Park I SINGAPORE 118259 TEL : 65-6778-4633 FAX: 65-6778-9440 E-Mail : sales@ nisseiasb. com. sg PO Box 1252, Camberwell, Victoria, 3124 AUSTRALIA TEL : 61(418)312-386 E-Mail : asbaust @alphalink. com. au China SHANGHAI ASB TRADE CO., LTD. Room 1109, 339-1 Jiuxin Rd., Jiuting, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201615, CHINA TEL : 86(21)5763 - 0233 FAX : 86(21)5763 - 0699 E-Mail : Overseas Factory and Sales Considerable effort has been undertaken to ensure that the information contained in this catalog is accurate but no warranties regarding accuracy are given. *Machine shown in photo may include options. ASB INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. E-9, MIDC, Industrial Area, Anand Nagar, Addl. Ambarnath, District-Thane-421506, Maharashtra, INDIA TEL : 91(251)262-5000 / 648-5070 FAX : 91(251)262-5035 / 5055 E-Mail : sales @asbi. co. in Catalog No.D10214(1) 2013-09 Printed in Japan
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