News from Zero Balancing Health Association
News from Zero Balancing Health Association
Thursday, June 30, 2011 11:21 AM !"#$%&'()*%+,)-./0)1%./)23435&657)8%34'9):,,/&63'6/5 ;3'%()!"#$%&'()*+#,-*./)*0/11*11213*45 <./0()6'$'*78-9-$&:%*;<9"'=<-$>9'?',@:,AB@>CD =%>4?@A/()<9"'=<-$>9'?',@:,AB@>C A/()6'$'*78-9-$&:%*<9"'=<-$>9'?',@:,AB@>C B/5C%.,3'6/5()E-F%*G$>C*H-$>*I'?',@:,A*J-'?K"*4%%>@:'K:>, INTERFACE Zero Balancing Health Association July 2011 Newsletter In This Issue Remembering Rio Caliente ZBers in the News ZBers in the News Art of ZB in Chicago Photo Continuing Education Policy On Donkeys - Being Real ZB Travel Mugs on Sale! AOT Study Guide Now Available! Remembering Rio Caliente Spa Rio Caliente Spa closing in July by Fritz Smith, MD Friday, June 17, 2011 Michael Oruch and I made an impromptu trip to Mexico last week when we learned that Rio Caliente was planning to close its doors on July 18, 2011. I have been teaching classes at Rio for over 30 consecutive years, and Michael has been attending and teaching for over 19 years. We both wanted to say good-bye to friends and to Rio Caliente itself, and then to look for a new venue for Zero Balancing programs. At Rio, classes have ranged from yoga to Page 1 of 7 Zero Balancing programs, ZB teacher training programs, and relationship programs with Aminah [Raheem]. Rio Caliente is part of the fabric of ZB. So many of us have had life changing moments there and used to feel withdrawal symptoms if we missed a year. The exact future of Rio after July 18 is still an unknown. There are several possibilities but they all seem to be speculations and I Rio Caliente Bridge guess only time will tell. Caroline [owner] looks good as does Alba [co-owner] and we spent lovely moments with them. Igor and Jorge are still in the office; Raul, Tina, Viviana and others doing bodywork; Dermit with his avant-garde therapies; and many familiar faces in the kitchen and throughout the grounds. The spa itself looks lovely and well maintained, with horses still grazing on the lawns and the gorgeous palms with their skirts of branches reaching to the ground. It is still one of the special places on the planet. We said good-bye not only for ourselves but on behalf of all of you who have been there and have a special relationship with Rio. Besides the staff, I did ho'oponopono with the valley, the river, the bridge, the gym, the pools, the steam room, the animals and with a myriad of memories. I love you, forgive me, thank you, I'm sorry. One night we were honored by one of the most spectacular thunder and lightening storms we have ever seen. On arrival from the airport to the spa we had stopped in Tlaquepaque. We walked the streets, browsed a few shops, listened to Mariachi bands, spent money at Bustamante, went by the No Name Restaurant (which is still charming sans the energy we were used to there), and were complimented a margarita and after-dinner drinks by our waiter friends at the Casa Fuerte. I bathed and cleaned Tlaquepaque as much as I could with ho'oponopono, and in particular the blind lady near Casa Fuerte, who has been sitting there on the bench, singing, for as long as I can remember. I love you, forgive me, thank you, I'm sorry. Michael had engaged a driver and truck, and we were able to transport ourselves, 15 massage tables, chairs, easels and boxes from Rio over to the coast and to our new venue for 2012, Mar de Jade, in Chacala, Mexico. It is about 60 miles north of Puerto Vallarta. Mar de Jade is a beautiful retreat and yoga center situated right on the Pacific, with lovely rooms, open air dining, pools, a spa, steam room (very different from Rio) and a sweat lodge. They have a wonderful web site,, which we encourage you to review. They were most gracious to us, and we felt an affinity towards all aspects of Mar de Jade. Our trip to Mexico was about endings and new beginnings. We will always love and have Rio Caliente in our hearts, and hold it in a pyramid of love, healing, heat and magic, as we move to create the next version of Natural Bridges at Mar de Jade. Mar de Jade is very different from Rio Caliente and it is very beautiful, right on the water. We hope you can join us, and be one of the first to help establish new traditions and share unknown adventures. Have a wonderful summer. I hope to see many of you at places throughout the year. Much love, Fritz Page 2 of 7 Natural Bridges: Zero Balancing by the Sea January 27 - February 4, 2012 Mar de Jade Resort, Chacala, Mexico Please download a flyer here: Natural Bridges 2012 Michael and Fritz at Mar de Jade Resort ! ! "!#$%&!'$(!!!!!!!!!!!!!)$*+,%&!-&!!!!!!!!!!!!!./012!'$(!!!!!!!!!!!!"3-!4$**' (Ho'oponopono Cleansing Mantra, see June 2011 e-newsletter) Zero Balancers in the News ZB Teacher Training Candidates bringing Awareness of ZB! Dottie Argenio (NY) addressed the physical therapy staff at Castle Point Veterans Hospital May 25. She spent 30 minutes introducing ZB and did a short demo on someone with a current back problem. With the first fulcrum, the volunteer loudly proclaimed "Oh my God -That feels so good!" How fun was that !!!!! PS: The volunteer felt better after the demo. -------------------------------------Cassie White (UK) presented ZB to 33 students in training in Swedish massage and Aromatherapy at Chichester College in West Sussex. The 1 hour presentation included time for questions and answers, a demo and giving out handouts. As she packed up, 3 people expressed an interest in attending ZB classes and 7 spoke of getting ZBs sessions. She also created a joyful and loving presentation and demo for six mothers in a private home. -------------------------------------Catia Simionato (Brazil) has spoken at a healing center in Sao Paulo, Espaco Zym, several times. She now offers ZB sessions at the center one day a week. Catia has also given talks and offered ZB demo's at Espaco Oasis and at a sports club, Jalisco. -------------------------------------Athena Malloy (NY) did her first ZB presentation and demonstration to a women's group meeting in her home and her second one at the Park Slope Coop. During both presentations she did a lottery for a free session. She also offered 15 minute ZB sessions at a women's spirituality retreat, Where Womyn Gather, June 9-11. -------------------------------------Jennifer Allen (IL) gave two talks in April: one to a group of friends that meets monthly to eat and share ideas, and the other to a group of students in a massage program at a local community college. -------------------------------------Joanna Johnson (CO) gave 22 ZB sessions to volunteers at an annual community health fair in April. In May, she gave a public presentation about ZB to a group of performing arts professionals, including a demo and q&a session. -------------------------------------Maureen Staudt (PA) presented a 2 hour talk to 32 AMTA Pennsylvania members on March 27. She used a Power Point presentation along with demonstrations and chose to use ZB faculty member Mary Alice Cullinan's ABC's of ZB poem for her meditation. She reports she "had an absolute blast!" -------------------------------------Efrat Livny (WI) presented a Power Point about Zero Balancing during a course at the University of Wisconsin Department of Gender and Women's Studies. She also spoke to massage therapy students at the MATC Page 3 of 7 Downtown Education Center in Madison. -------------------------------------Pam Johnson (IL) gave a talk to 25 women at a PEO meeting, the Philanthropic Educational Organization, in Michigan City, Indiana. The event went well and may result in Pam teaching ZB in Indiana next year! -------------------------------------Rebekah Goldstein-Hawes, (WV) did a 90-minute ZB presentation at Harmony Healing Arts Center in Shepherdstown in April. Her second presentation to 30 people at Claymont Mansion was a "performance piece, ZB presentation and ritual all in one, created and enacted with my sister." Mark Your Calendars! Art of Zero Balancing in Chicago ZB National Conference June 21-24, 2012 in Chicago. Look for more details in the coming months. Associate Membership Benefits Update Here are a few of the benefits you can enjoy as an Associate Member of the ZBHA: ! Access to the online ZB study group ! 10% discount on Oakworks and Astra-Lite tables and accessories ! Access to "members only" section of the ZB website To find out more about joining the ZB community as an Associate Member, click here: Associate Membership Flyer Massage Therapy Blog !"#$%&'"()*+,)$*-&./012&34 5"6(7)8&"-%&9",,":*&;"77&<5 =">*+&?",&@**-&,)$>(7")*%&@8 #"+$<(,&34&<-A7$-*&,)(%8&:+<(B %*@")*,&)<&C+$)*&"&,*+$*,&<5 @7<:&"+)$67*,&<-&*-*+:8&"-% ,)+(6)(+*D&/?*&5$+,)&<-*&$, *-)$)7*%&E9(%%8&F")*+,&<G-*+:8DE&H7*",*&#$,$)&!"#$%I, @7<:,$)*&)<&+*"%&)?$,&"-%&<)?*+ $-,$:?)5(7&"+)$67*,&")J ?))BJKKCCCD)76,6?<<7D6<>K)?*A *-7$:?)*-*%A@<%8A>",,":*A @7<:K& New Certification Brochure !"#$%&#'()"#()(*+(,+"#(#-.++/ Dr. Fritz Smith and Michael Oruch taught the Art of Zero Balancing last month at Mercy Hospital in Chicago. Continuing Education Policy and Checklist for Certified Zero Balancers /?*&-*C&B<7$68&6+*")*,&"&,8,)*>&C?*+*@8&"77&L*+)$5$*%&3*+<&4"7"-6*+,&>"$-)"$)?*$+&6*+)$5$6")$<-&*"6?&8*"+&@8&5(75$77$-:&6*+)"$-&,$>B7*&+*M($+*>*-),J <BB<+)(-$)$*,&5<+&)*"6?$-:&"-%&7*"+-$-:&C?$6?&>"-8&<5&8<(&"+*&%<$-:&"7+*"%8D&& & 9*>@*+,&6"-&6?<<,*&5+<>&NOP&QOG&<5&)?*&5<77<C$-:&5<(+&<B)$<-,J& & !"#$%&#'()*+,-'.#%/0*#+#)'10/2/'3#45'1 6"##7,'#'()*+,-'#89:;#+00',3#+#<'=/'%#>+? @"#A00',3#+#4'1+B+,)/,-#)B+.. 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The donkeys that live there are content as long as they have enough room, company, water, grazing, and some shade from the sun when it is hot: as long as it feels good. Imagine the fenced pasture as our structure (body & brain) and the donkeys are our energy (spirit & mind). There are normal internal and external shifts that don't bother the fence or the donkeys. Donkeys have big ears, sensitive to changes in their environment; they have short strong legs to kick at attackers and run for safety; they live in company. Remember that donkeys were on the earth long before there were any fences. They evolved able to adjust to their environment. So, although the fence may not be affected by a quick change, to the donkeys anything sudden or unusual is dangerous. Startled, they will take off running, sometimes together and sometimes they get scattered. They are not thinking. They might run right through a fence or go through a gate that has been opened by the shock. They might get separated but they will run until they FEEL they can stop to settle back into their routine: drink, graze, doze (those who have studied equines in the wild say that although they doze standing up ... they have mechanisms like kick-stands in their front legs ... they don't lie down to sleep for more than two hours in a day because they are vulnerable when lying down). In the event of a shock or trauma, the donkeys (energy) have reflexively separated from the fenced pasture (structure). Sometimes, if they aren't too far away, the donkeys manage to find their way back on their own. Sometimes they get as far as the fence but can't find an opening. More often, they keep wandering (they evolved as nomads who can live in many places so they often simply follow their noses to the next place ... Page 5 of 7 why else would there be a fence around the pasture to keep them in?). So if it is for the best to have the donkeys back in that pasture, you first need to evaluate the structure to see if it is intact. You know you can't chase them back in (remember, anything sudden or unusual is dangerous) yet, if you are calm and your touch is clear ... and you have a carrot (a fulcrum)! ... they will most likely follow your lead. You may need to go slowly. You may need to offer them more than one way back. You will need to keep it short and simple so they don't get tired. You have to be willing to wait. Donkeys feel safer when they have done it themselves and they are more likely to follow you again. ZB Travel Mugs - keep your drinks cold this summer! 20oz double wall mug with durable stainless steel interior and rubberized handle. In translucent green and sporting the ZB "Live Life in Balance" logo. On sale through July. $12 (reg. $15) plus shipping Now Available: Alchemy of Touch Study Guide by Fritz Smith, MD Companion text for the course with helpful illustrations, principles and techniques. Note: only available for purchase by ZB students who have attended the course $25/Certified Members $35/Student Zero Balancing Health Assoc. 8640 Guilford Rd., Ste. 241 Columbia, MD 21046 410-381-8956 Quick Links !"#$%&'()% *+,''#-./%01+% 2334+%#*,+%50,6 Page 6 of 7 !"#$%&'()*+,',(%-,*+.,/*'",/$ Forward email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Zero Balancing Health Association | 8640 Guilford Rd., Ste. 241 | Columbia | MD | 21723 Page 7 of 7