2 9 T H A N N U A L O N S I T E W AT E R PROTECTION CONFERENCE Expanding the Water Boundaries – Our New Normal Economy, Technology, and Government October 8–10, 2013 Jane S. McKimmon Center Raleigh, North Carolina Sponsored by North Carolina State University Soil Science Department North Carolina Cooperative Extension NC Dept. of Env. and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NC Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health Local Health Departments Co-Sponsored by Carolina On-Site Water Recycling Association National Association of Consulting Soil Scientists Product Manufacturers and Consultants Conference Sponsors Well Contractor Scholarship Program Well Contractor Certification Commission Student Scholarship Program Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Break Service Aquapoint Crumpler Plastic Pipe, Inc. Edwin Andrews and Associates, PLLC T-shirt Sponsors A.R. Rubin and Associates Advanced Drainage Systems Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Applied Resource Management, PC Aquapoint AQWA Aseptic Inspections Ashtecs/BIOKUBE BB Hobbs Company Benchmark Tools & Supply Central Carolina Soil Consulting Crumpler Plastic Pipe, Inc. Infiltrator Systems, Inc. JDG Consultants Jerry’s Trucking & Septic Service, Inc. POLYLOK S&EC S&ME, Inc. SJE-Rhombus T&J Panel, Inc. Tetra Tech Well Contractor Certification Commission Zoeller Thank you for your generous support! Conference Exhibitors Advanced Drainage Systems Damon Hunley Winter Garden, FL Phone: 804-651-2563 Email: maribel.martin@ads-pipe.com Benchmark Tool & Supply, Inc. Chuck Harris Raleigh, NC Phone: 919-835-2140 Email: charris@benchmarksupply.com American Manufacturing Co. Tom Ashton Elkwood, VA Phone: 800-345-3132 Email: twa220@aol.com Bradford Sales Co. Jerry Jenkins Charlotte, NC Phone: 704-882-3440 Email: jjenkins@bradfordsales.com Aquapoint Bill Freed Harbinger, NC Phone: 252-491-5277 Email: bfreed@envirotechnc.com Crumpler Plastic Pipe, Inc. Houston Crumpler Roseboro, NC Phone: 910-525-4046 Email: hlcrumpler@cpp-pipe.com AQWA Steve Barry Wilson, NC Phone: 252-243-7693 Email: sbarry@aqwa.net Drillers Service, Inc Roy Lawson Hickory, NC Phone: 336-337-2632 Email: r.lawson@dsidsi.com Ashtecs/Biokube Joe Walsh Greensboro, NC Phone: 336-790-8895 Email: joe.walsh@ashtecs.com Infiltator Systems Tim Wood Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 888-292-7073 Email: twood@infiltratorsystems.net BB Hobbs Company Brian Pickens Darlington, SC Phone: 843-395-2120 Email: sclark@bbhobbs.com Innovative Environmental Products Chris Keiger Greensboro, NC Phone: 336-918-5436 Email: Chris@SmartWaterSolutions.net Bear Onsite Theo Terry Somerville, TN Phone: 901-831-5155 Email: theo.terry@bearonsite.com Nature Works, Inc. Michael Burch Burgess, VA Phone: 804-453-7946 Email: natureworks@hers.com 3 NC Septic Tank Association Doug Lassiter Danbury, NC Phone: 336.345.8357 Email: douglassiter@gmail.com SJE-Rhombus Brett Wilfong Detroit Lakes, MN Phone: 218-847-1317 Email: Brett.Wilfong@sjerhombus.com Orenco Systems, Inc. Todd Harrell Darlington, SC Phone: 843-861-5310 Email: tharrell@orenco.com Sim/Tech Gary Koteskey Boyne City, MI Phone: 231-582-1020 Email: gary@gag-simtech.com POLYLOK Dewey Conrad Wallingford, CT Phone: 877-765-9565 Email: deweyconrad@bellsouth.net Snider Inc. Dana Jones Charlotte, NC Phone: 704-609-3398 Email: djones@sniderinc.com Presby Environmental Sean McGuigan Whitefield, NH Phone: 603-837-3826 Email: Jghuzar@gmail.com T & J Panel Brad Johnson Statesville, NC Phone: 704-924-8600 Email: timj_tjpanel@yahoo.com Salcor, Inc. Jim Cruver Fallbrook, CA Phone: 760-731-0745 Email: jscruver@aol.com Well Contractor Certification Commission Joanne Rutkofske Raleigh, NC Phone: 919-707-5881 Email: joanne.rutkofske@dhhs.nc.gov 4 Award Presentations North Carolina Onsite Water Protection Hall of Fame In recognition and gratitude for outstanding and meritorious contributions to the Onsite Water Protection Program. David Hutson Acme Well Company Durham, NC Robert Uebler NC DHHS, Retired Washington, NC Steinbeck Achievement Award In honor of a career of dedicated service to environmental protection and public health in the State of North Carolina. Vencent Dodge Pender County Burgaw, NC 5 North Carolina Onsite Water Protection Hall of Fame Steinbeck Achievement Award 1995 Chester Cobb 2006 David Lindbo 1996 Joel W. Cawthorn 2007 Tom Konsler 1997 Jimmy D. Collins Rollin W. Johnson 2008 Rich Holder 2009 Walter & Joanna Bright 2011 Ken Castelloe 2012 Robert Jordan 2013 Vencent Dodge 1998 Ed Ruppert Louis E. Aull 1999 Jon Harrison C. Alan Clapp 2000 Roger A. Wesley Jack and Gwen Dezern 2001 Moulton A. Bailey 2002 Andy Adams 2003 W. Everette Lynn, Jr. Nancy E. Deal 2004 William R. Marlin Furman R. Nicholson Toney C. Jacobs 2005 Daryl Poe Robert W. Muller 2006 Steve Steinbeck Larry Smith 2007 Jimmy Shoaf 2008 Steven Berkowitz Tim Bannister 2010 Aziz Amoozegar 2012 Greg Bright 2013 David Hutson Robert Uebler 6 Conference Agenda Day 1 – Tuesday, October 8th Session 1: Opening General Session Moderator: Jason Koontz, Davidson County Room 1 8:15am Welcome and Introduction Jason Koontz, Davidson County 8:30am Economic Outlook: Are We Still Improving? Mike Walden, NC State University 9:20am The New Normal in Government Layton Long, NC DHHS 10:10am Break in the Exhibit Hall 10:30am Total Water Management: Integrating Wastewater, Stormwater and Water Resources Edwin Andrews, Edwin Andrews and Associates, PLLC 11:30am Banquet and Award Presentations MC Doug Young, Crane Pumps & Systems Concurrent Breakout Sessions Session 2: Environment Session 3: Soils and Siting Session 4: Technology/Engineering Doug McVey, Pender County Diana Rashash, NCSU Jeff Vaughan, Agri-Waste Technology Room 3 Room 6 Room 4 1:00-1:30pm The Proper Use of Bentonite in Well Construction George Dugan, CETCO Comparison of Groundwater and Surface Water Phosphorus in Watersheds Served by Onsite Wastewater and Municipal Sewer Charlie Humphrey, East Carolina Univ., with E. Anderson-Evans, M. O’Driscoll, A. Manda, and G. Iverson Assessment of BiOWiSH Technologies, Inc. Septic TM Tank Aid as a Septic Tank Additive Jeff Vaughan, Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. 1:30-2:00pm Oil and Gas Activities: Rule Development and Expected Applications Walt Haven, NC DENR Comparison of Groundwater and Surface Water Nitrogen in Watersheds Served by Onsite Wastewater and Municipal Sewer Guy Iverson, East Carolina Univ., with M. O’Driscoll, C. Humphrey, and A. Manda Permit Options for Treatment Systems in North Carolina Steve Barry, AQWA, Inc. Moderator: 7 Room 3 Room 6 Room 4 2:00-2:30pm Break Meteorological Controls on Nitrogen Dynamics in Treatment Beneath Onsite Systems in Coastal North Carolina Mike O’Driscoll and Charlie Humphrey, ECU Advanced Treatment Technology Options for Large and Small Scale, Residential and High Strength Systems Bill Freed, Aquapoint 2:30-3:00pm What is a Surficial Aquifer and How to Assess It Edwin Andrews, Edwin Andrews & Assoc. Break 3:00-3:30pm Water Legislative Update: 2012-2013 Session Erin Wynia, NC League of Municipalities Mini-Session: Special Site Assessments 3:30-4:00pm Mini-Session: Failure Rate Investigations Overview of Field Performance Studies of Septic System Failure Rates Sushama Pradhan, NCSU Henrietta Locklear, Raftelis Recommended Guidance for the In-situ Measurement of KSAT by the Constant Head Well Permeameter Method Karen Wallace, NC DHHS Break Restaurant/Strip Mall Expansion Project: An Engineering and Technology Case Study Darian Creed, Hugh Creed Assoc. Trish Angoli, NC DHHS 4:00-5:00pm NCOWCICB Rules for Installers and Inspectors This is a required session for Installers and Inspectors. 4:00-4:30pm Failure Rates in the Central/Western Piedmont of Davidson County Jason Koontz, Davidson Co. Sushama Pradhan, NCSU 4:30-5:00pm Failure Rates in the Eastern Piedmont of Person and Granville Counties Harold Kelly and Jimmy Clayton, Person County Henrietta Locklear, Raftelis Sushama Pradhan, NCSU 5:00-6:00pm Ice Cream Social in the Exhibit Hall Door Prize Drawings MCs Doug Young, Crane Pumps & Systems, and Jason Koontz, Davidson County A Consultant’s Perspective on Special Site Assessments Jim Beeson, Piedmont Environmental Associates Engineering and Performance of Dual Septic/Pump Tanks Todd Harrell, Orenco Systems, Inc. Pit Latrines and Their Impacts on Groundwater Quality: A Systemic Review Matt Polizotto, NCSU Jay Graham, George Washington Univ. 8 Day 2 – Wednesday, October 9th Concurrent Breakout Sessions 7:30-8:30am Continental Breakfast in the Exhibit Hall Session 5: Water Supply & Groundwater Session 6: Customer Relations/Government Session 7: Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Drew Morgan, NC DHHS Andy Adams, Orange County Alan McKinney, Appalachian Health Dist. Room 3 Room 4 Room 6 8:30-9:00am Groundwater Contamination Database Lisa Corbitt, Mecklenburg County Being an ACC Champion Chris Whittaker, Union County Reuse System Design, Operation, Management, and Performance Bob Rubin, A. R. Rubin & Assoc. 9:00-9:30am Sources and Variability of Manganese Concentrations in Well Water of the NC Piedmont Elizabeth Gillispie with M. Polizzotto, NC State Univ. and Rick Bolich, NC DENR Septic System Database Repair and Information Program (SSDRIP): Lessons Learned Diana Rashash, NC State Univ. Update on North Carolina’s First DHHS-approved Reuse System Cory Brantley, David Brantley & Sons 9:30-10:00am Hydrogeochemical Controls on Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Cambodia Matt Polizzotto, NCSU Break Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Panel Discussion Break Onsite System Management as a Part of the County’s Stormwater/Watershed Program Henrietta Locklear, Raftelis Cory Brantley, David Brantley and Sons, Inc. North Carolina Solid Waste Program – When to Call Mike Scott, NC DENR Break Moderator: 10:0010:30am 10:3011:00am Mini-Session: TCE Studies Groundwater Contamination – Stony Hill Road Incident – Wake County Greg Bright, Wake County Steven Berkowitz, NC DHHS 9 Jon Risgaard, NC DENR Room 3 Room 4 Room 6 11:0011:30am Vapor Intrusion and Soil Vapor Sampling Gerald Paul and Thomas Whitehead, S&ME, Inc. I&E (Innovative and Experimental) Approval Process and Product Updates Trish Angoli, NC DHHS Designing Small-scale “Living” Graywater Filtration Systems for Salons and Spas in North Carolina Bobbie Jo Swinson with J. Johnson, K. Gamble, J. Houser, and M. Hambourger, Appalachian State Univ. 11:30am12:00pm TCE Panel Discussion Customer Relation Tips to Sustain Your Business in Today’s Economy Kevin Davidson, Agri-Waste Technology Conjunctive Use Reclaimed Water Program in Johnston County Jamie Guerrero, Johnston County Greg Bright, Wake County Gerald Paul, S&ME, Inc. Thomas Whitehead, S&ME, Inc. 12:00-1:30pm Lunch on your own Session 8: Closing General Session Moderator: Trish Angoli, NC DHHS Room 1 1:30-2:30pm Saltwater Intrusion and Migration in the Coastal Plain Richard Spruill, East Carolina University 2:30-3:30pm Shale Gas 101 – Natural Gas Exploration/Development: A North Carolina Perspective Kenneth Taylor, NC DENR 3:30-4:00pm Break 4:00-5:00pm Future Direction of Onsite Nancy Deal, NC DHHS 10 Day 3 – Thursday, October 10th Field Sessions Choose 1 of 7 Options Transportation to your selected field session is on your own. Maps: Pick up at map for your field session at the registration desk. Start Time: 8:30am End Time: Varies depending on travel time. All tours will have a full 3 hours of instruction. #1 – Wake County, Lake Wheeler: Understanding OSHA Laws and What They Mean for Your Business Leader: Alan Gaddis, AG Environmental Management, and Robert O’Neal, NC DOL This field tour will explore the facets of an OSHA Inspection. The discussion and demos will include the Labor One Mobile Training Booth and cover trenching and excavation, confined space entry, and personal protection equipment. Starting Location: Labor One Mobile Training Booth 4000 Chi Rd. Raleigh, NC #2 – Cabarrus County: Commercial and High Strength Wastewater Leader: Jeff Vaughan and Kevin Davidson, Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. This tour addresses advanced wastewater technology with visits to a repair system for a large commercial facility (McKenzie Sports) and a new system service a small slaughterhouse. Starting Location: Cruse Meat Processing 4701 Rimer Road Concord, NC 28025 #3 – Wake County, Lake Wheeler: Recalibration of Soil Profiling Skills Leaders: John Davis and Andy Adams, Orange County, and Jon Risgaard, NC DENR Recalibrate your soil profiling skills using known samples and standards for texture, structure, moist consistence, and color. Starting Location: Pole Barn Shelter 4000 Chi Rd. Raleigh, NC 11 #4 – Wake County, Lake Wheeler: Advanced Pretreatment Leaders: Bob Rubin, A. R. Rubin & Associates, and Trish Angoli, NC DHHS This tour will use operational demos and displays to present the pretreatment technologies available and capable of achieving the NSF-40, TS1, TS2, and reuse standards, including design, O&M, installation, and performance. Starting Location: Pole Barn Classroom 4000 Chi Rd. Raleigh, NC #5 – Pender County: Large Systems with Advanced Treatment Leaders: Steven Berkowitz, NC DHHS, and Douglas McVey, Pender County This tour begins at Queens Grant Townhomes, featuring both subsurface and above-ground drip irrigation along with an Envirofilter tank array with UV disinfection. The second stop is the Serenity Point Condominiums, comprised of 54 two-bedroom units, which are served by a dual-train Fluidyne ISAAM SBR treatment plant with UV disinfection and two LPP drainfields. Starting Location: Queen's Grant on Topsail Island 926 N Anderson Blvd Holly Ridge, NC 28445 #6 – Wake County, Lake Wheeler: Well Grouting and Sealing Hands-on Demo Leaders: George Dugan, CETCO, and Drew Morgan, NC DHHS This tour consists of hands-on demos of proper well grouting and sealing practices for aquifer protection. Starting Location: Booth Field Learning Lab 4000 Chi Rd. Raleigh, NC #7 – Rutherford County: Industrial Wastewater from Food Production Leaders: Alan McKinney, Appalachian Health District, and Karen Wallace, NC DHHS This tour will visit the American Miso Corporation, a unique food production facility in Rutherfordton with an approved repair system that addresses all its wastewater characteristic issues. Starting Location: American Miso Corporation 4225 Maple Creek Road Rutherfordton, NC 12 Session 1: Opening General Session Economic Outlook: Are We Still Improving? Mike Walden Reynolds Distinguished Professor NC State University Abstract: • • • • • The job market is coming back, but issues still linger. Consumers are spending more. Home prices are rising. Interest rates have taken a jump. Updates on Federal Government Policies and North Carolina Economy. Biography: Mike Walden is the Wm. Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Resource Economics and a North Carolina Cooperative Extension Specialist at NC State University. Mike’s expertise and research interests include consumer economics, regional economics, public policy and the North Carolina economy. Mike is coauthor of the NCSU podcast, “Economic Perspective,” a daily podcast focusing on economic issues facing North Carolina and the nation. A world-renowned economist, Mike has published eight books and numerous research papers. He is a much sought leader regarding North Carolina economics. Contact for Further Information: Mike Walden Dept of Ag and Resource Economics Campus Box 8109, NCSU Raleigh, NC 27695-8109 919-515-4671 michael_walden@ncsu.edu 13 Session 1: Opening General Session The New Normal in Government Layton Long Section Chief Environmental Health – Division of Public Health NC DHHS Abstract: Implementation of governmental programs and regulations has always been challenging. In recent years the landscape of how government carries out its functions has changed dramatically and has required regulators to adjust, adapt and seek new ways of carrying out their tasks. Knowing how to operate in this "New Normal" of government is essential to accomplishing mission objectives. This discussion will be about understanding the new normal in government, discussions on strategies and methods to assist regulators in navigating the new environment and how to accomplish the mission. Biography: Layton Long began his career in public health in 1988 with the Union County Health Department as an environmental health specialist. Layton progressed through positions of increasing authority over the next 25 years, including Environmental Health Supervisor with Transylvania County, Environmental Health Director in Buncombe County, and Health Director for the Davidson County Health Department. Currently Layton is serving as the Section Chief for the Environmental Health Section, Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Layton is a past president of the NC Environmental Health Supervisors Association, a member of the NC Public Health Association, and has served on a variety of committees addressing environmental health issues. Contact for Further Information: L. Layton Long, Jr. N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Section Chief, Environmental Health - Division of Public Health 1632 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1632 (Office) 919.707.5855 (Fax) 919.845.3973 14 Session 1: Opening General Session Total Water Management: Integrating Wastewater, Stormwater and Water Resources Edwin E Andrews III, PG, NCLSS Edwin Andrews & Associates, PC Abstract: Big changes in NC DENR and NC Environmental Health, reflect the title subject. As academic and regulatory functions became more complex with the advancements in Hydrogeology, Engineering, Soil Science and Environmental Sciences, tasks have become fragmented focusing on the details of each discipline. As the scientific knowledge expanded; 1) Water Resources was placed in hands of Hydrogeologists, Engineers, the Water Supply Branch. The Division of Water Resources,and the Division of Water Quality. Aquifer Protection Section (standards); 2) Waste water management was placed in the hands of Soil Scientists, Hydrogeologists and Engineers, the On Site Section and the Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section (Permitting); and 3) Stormwater was managed primarily by Engineers (BMP’s), and soil scientists, with involvement of Land Quality from an erosion/sedimentation perspective. This organization divided management into unintended compartments that occasionally ignored the basis for all of the professions, The Hydrologic Cycle, Water resources (surface or groundwater) are not consumed. We are not running out of water. Rather we are relocating and possibly contaminating the water into other parts of the hydrologic cycle. Artificial Recharge (evolved into Aquifer Storage and Recovery) to aquifers was a first step Wastewater management does not dispose of any water. Ending a site investigation with the water reaching the surficial aquifer, (as disposal) is misleading. Rather we are relocating and possibly contaminating the water into other parts of the hydrologic cycle, Water Reuse, land application for agronomic benefits was a first major step. Stormwater Best Management Practices started as a control to reduce sediment loading, and attached contaminants to surface streams. The water component of stormwater management is only partially relocated into other parts of the hydrologic cycle (infiltration). The use of stored stormwater as a reclaimed water is a needed step. The thought process for each discipline needs to integrate the fate and need for the water as part of the Hydrologic Cycle. Biography: After graduating with an MS in Geology in 1973, Mr. Andrews became the Chief Regional Geologist with the Virginia State Water Control Board (now DEQ). This was a time where the job function changed from an assistance agency to a regulatory agency with the development of a Critical Groundwater Area regulation addressing major water level declines in Southeastern Virginia. In 1976, Mr. Andrews worked as a geologist with Layne Atlantic Co. evaluating water resources and groundwater in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. From 1978 to 1982, formed a contracting/consulting company, Groundwater Development Company drilling water supply wells for municipal and large users. From 1982 to the present, Mr. Andrews provided hydrogeologic and soils consulting services primarily in Eastern North Carolina with work emphasis shifting from water resources to land application analyses. Since 1985, has been involved largely with the growth of the North Carolina Outer Banks, both from a Water Resource perspective and a Wastewater perspective. Contact for Further Information: Edwin Andrews 919-851-7844 andwater@aol.com 15 Session 2: Environment The Proper Use of Bentonite in Well Construction George Dugan CETCO Drilling Products Abstract: • • • • • • • • • Introduction AMCOL/CETCO Bentonite 101 Types The Sodium Advantage Grouting & Sealing Purpose Water Cycle Walkerton, ON Canada A brief look at a groundwater tragedy Proper Grouting Technique Surface Protection Co-mingling of Aquifers Monitoring Wells Geothermal Closed Loop Systems Bentonite Materials Used In Grouting and Sealing Chips Tablets Coated Tablets Granular High Solid Grouts Driven Casing Grouting Materials Review Formation Loss Specialty Bentonite Grouts Grounding Geothermal Contact for Further Information: George Dugan CETCO Drilling Products 2870 Forbs Avenue Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Office: 587.331.7196 Fax 847.851.1387 George.dugan@cetco.com 16 Session 2: Environment Oil and Gas Activities: Rule Development and Expected Applications Walt Haven, PG NC Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Abstract: The presentation will address the current status of rule development related to oil and gas exploration and production operations. Discussion will also address situations that may be encountered by local health department officials related to oil or gas activities. Biography: Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Geology from NCSU, as well as a GIS Graduate Certificate from NCSU. Holds Professional Geologist License. Prior work experience involves groundwater pollution site investigation and remediation, reservoir and draining basin sedimentation, geomorphology, and geophysics. Currently serving as the Energy Program Supervisor within the N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. Contact for Further Information: Walt Haven (919) 717-9220 walt.haven@ncdenr.gov 17 Session 2: Environment What is a Surficial Aquifer and How to Assess It Edwin E Andrews III, PG, NCLSS Edwin Andrews & Associates, PC Abstract: The surficial aquifer is commonly called the Water Table Aquifer. It is bounded by the Water Table surface on top, a semi-confining layer on the bottom, and rivers, streams, oceans or just atmosphere to the sides. This permeable layer has characteristics that influence both water resources and wastewater management whether one is dealing with well and drain field or larger systems. Analysis should include aquifer testing (coefficients), detailed water table surface analysis (shape) , environment of sinks (geomorphic, vegetation, surface water), environment of sources (contaminant, ponds and irrigation). All of these pieces need to fit into a hydrologic analysis. Prior to computer analysis, the surficial aquifer was analyzed using a “three point” problem to determine groundwater flow direction and gradient. Other tools included; slug tests, Ksat and even grain size analyses. With the advent of computer simulations the complete shape of the water table surface now provides clues to the surface aquifer. Biography: After graduating with an MS in Geology in 1973, Mr. Andrews became the Chief Regional Geologist with the Virginia State Water Control Board (now DEQ). This was a time where the job function changed from an assistance agency to a regulatory agency with the development of a Critical Groundwater Area regulation addressing major water level declines in Southeastern Virginia. In 1976, Mr. Andrews worked as a geologist with Layne Atlantic Co. evaluating water resources and groundwater in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. From 1978 to 1982, formed a contracting/consulting company, Groundwater Development Company drilling water supply wells for municipal and large users. From 1982 to the present, Mr. Andrews provided hydrogeologic and soils consulting services primarily in Eastern North Carolina with work emphasis shifting from water resources to land application analyses. Since 1985, has been involved largely with the growth of the North Carolina Outer Banks, both from a Water Resource perspective and a Wastewater perspective. Contact for Further Information: Edwin Andrews Edwin Andrews and Associates, PC PO Box 30653 Raleigh, NC 27622 919-851-7844 andwater@aol.com 18 Session 2: Environment Water Legislative Update: 2012-2013 Erin Wynia NC League of Municipalities Abstract: This session will focus on statewide political trends in North Carolina, with a focus on recent legislative and regulatory changes to local government environmental programs. It will also detail ongoing regulatory reform efforts by the state legislature and the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Biography: Erin works as the Legislative & Regulatory Issues Manager for the NC League of Municipalities and oversees all environmental issues advocacy for League members. In this capacity, she advocates for League members’ interests throughout the legislative and regulatory process and represents the League membership in negotiations with legislators, state agency decision-makers, and appointed boards. Also, as a member of the governmental affairs team, she contributes to the League's member policy development process as lead staff to the Regulatory Advisory Committee and the Planning & Environment Legislative Action Committee. She writes and oversees the monthly publication of EcoLINC, the League’s electronic environmental newsletter. In addition, she serves as the League liaison to the N.C Chapter of the American Public Works Association. From 2010-2012, she held an appointment to the N.C. Bar Association Government & Public Sector Section Council. Prior to joining the League staff in January 2009, Erin worked on waterfront access policies for the N.C. Coastal Resources Law, Planning, and Policy Center. She also conducted research on land use topics for Clarion Associates in Chapel Hill, and served as a legislative assistant at the N.C. General Assembly for two years. Erin holds a bachelor’s of music from UNC-Chapel Hill, a master’s of music from the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, and a juris doctor from UNC-Chapel Hill. Contact for Further Information: Erin Wynia NC League of Municipalities 215 North Dawson St Raleigh, NC 27603 919-715-4126 ewynia@nclm.org 19 Session 2: Environment Overview of Field Performance Studies of Septic Systems Failures Sushama Pradhan Soil & Water Technology Researcher Formerly with NC State University Henrietta Locklear Raftelis Abstract: One in every four houses in the United State relies on on-site systems for their household wastewater treatment. On-site systems, which are also known as septic systems or decentralized systems, are equally popular in both rural areas and in suburbs. According to a study conducted by the US Census Bureau for the 2007 American Housing Survey, 50 % (13.1 million) of the total housing units served by on-site systems were in rural areas, 47% (12.3 million) were in suburbs and 3% (774,000) were in central cities with easy access to public sewer systems. On-site systems process and dispose household wastewater near the point of generation. On-site systems can be environmentally friendly, safe to human health, and a permanent wastewater treatment solution, if closer attention is provided to their use, inspection, operation, and management. Improper management of systems can lead to system failure (malfunction) which can pose a threat to public health as well as surface and groundwater quality. The Granville County and Person County septic system field performance survey was conducted as a partial fulfillment of the Counties’ requirement to perform an inventory of properly functioning and malfunctioning septic systems under 15A NCAC 02B .0278 for the Falls Lake Nutrient Strategy. The survey goal was to conduct a sciencebased septic system field performance study that correctly determines representative surface discharge failure (malfunctioning) rates for the entire population of septic systems installed within the Falls Lake watershed portions in Granville County and Person County. The surface discharge failures included systems with straight pipe direct discharges of untreated sewage effluent including greywater and hydraulically failing septic systems. The Department of Soil Science at NCSU and the County Cooperative Extension Centers from Granville County and Person County provided technical directions and assistance to aid in designing and implementing a scientifically sound and pragmatic failure rate assessment study. A protocol developed by Dr. Hoover, Professor of Soil Science at North Carolina State University, was used in this study. The study population was designed to include all on-site systems in the watershed regardless of the age of the system (up to 2012), the facility served (home, business, commercial or type of residence), type of on-site technology used, etc. Ultimately 165 samples were randomly selected from a population of approximately 5,748 septic systems in Falls Lake Watershed area within the portion of Person County and 120 samples were randomly selected from a population of approximately 3,663 septic systems in Falls Lake Watershed area within the portion of Granville County. st nd th th The septic system field performance evaluation was conducted on October 1 and 2 , and October 29 and 30 of 2012 in Person County and Granville County respectively. All the field samples were studied within a two day timeframe to minimize biases resulting from changing weather conditions which could potentially affect system performances. The survey area was divided into five Survey Districts (Granville County) and six Survey Districts (Person County) based upon the proximity and the number of study sites in each district to minimize travel time and to facilitate easy location of study sites. Separate Survey Teams were used for each Survey Team. Each team consisted of a team leader who was an employee of a local Health Department, but not necessarily from the Person County Health Department or Granville-Vance Division Health Department, and a technical assistant or local expert from various areas.This was done so as to minimizes the potential of any one individual, organization, or department from interjecting bias into the study results. Additionally, 15% of the total sample were randomly selected for a second “blind survey” for quality assurance and control. In order to reduce personal and professional 20 bias, different surveyors were used to gather Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) information than the Survey Team originally assigned to that Survey District. A consistency training session with question and answer was conducted on the morning of the first survey day to assure that all teams collects information using the same systematic process. Field survey data and homeowners’ interview data were formatted and entered into an Excel spreadsheet. To ensure both data consistency and team compliance with field survey procedures, the QA/QC data were first compared to the field survey data. Then field data was analyzed to identify the surface discharge failure rate. In addition, statistical analyses were conducted at the 95% confidence level ( = 0.05) to determine the significance of relationships between about 18 parameters and system failure rates. For the purpose of this study, surface failure of an on-site septic system was defined very specifically as either: sewage being observed on the soil surface during the day of the survey, or sewage surfacing with pressure from the surveyor’s foot or presence of a straight pipe. The terms “failure” and “malfunction” are used interchangeably in this report. Therefore, “failure” as used here does not mean that a particular septic system has reached the end of its useful lifespan for the system owner. The systems identified in this study that are in a state of malfunction can frequently be remediated to become functional again. On the day of survey a total of six sites were found to be surface discharging, resulting in an overall surface failure rate of 6.2% for the portion of the Granville County that occurs within the Falls Lake watershed. These included 4 sites with sewage present on the ground surface over the system, 1 site with a straight pipe direct discharge and 1 site with both (sewage on the ground surface over the system and a straight pipe). In Person County, a total of 13 sites (8 sites with sewage present on the ground surface over the system, 4 sites with a straight pipe direct discharge, and 1 site with both) were found to be surface discharging, resulting in an overall surface hydraulic failure rate of 9.3% for the portion of the Person County that occurs within the Falls Lake watershed. However, high levels (10%) of non-participation in the surveys raise the question of whether the survey results are biased introduced non-failing systems. One way to address this concern would be to consider the true surface failing rate of the total population as something greater than 9.3% but less than 19.4%. Example --- Study plan including project phases, tasks and responsible lead organizations planned for the Granville County-North Carolina State University surface discharge failure rate study. Phases Phase 1: Planning and Study Design (Steps 1 – 15) Tasks 1. Define the problem 2. Evaluate the decisions that will need to be made after the study is completed 3. Determine the questions to be answered 4. Develop the hypothesis (and null hypothesis) to be tested 5. Determine the factors to be assessed 6. Develop a written protocol with proper statistical tests and sample size for detecting important differences 7. Have the protocol peer-reviewed 8. Study leadership via third party scientists to maintain independence from funding agency (whether it is a manufacturer or a regulatory body) 9. Identify critical attributes of an appropriate study area (locality) 10. Determine the stratification factors to be tested or to be controlled by blocking 11. Define the study population from permit data or other 21 Primary Organization 1. CHD, CCE and NCSU 2. NCSU and CHD 3. CHD and NCSU 4. NCSU 5. CHD, CCE and NCSU 6. NCSU 7. NCSU 8. NCSU 9. CHD, CCE and NCSU 10. NCSU and CHD 11. CHD, CCE & NCSU Phase 2: Preparation for Field Performance Assessment (Steps 16 – 27) datasets (determine if there are permit data summary logs or files) 12. Minimize bias during selection of the population to be studied 13. Assign every system in the population a numerically sequential number 14. Generate sets of random numbers and use to randomly select the study sample for each stratum in the population 15. Over-select the sample size to allow for unusable sites including systems with incomplete or no permit records as well as for non-viable sites 16. Collect permit data and records 17. Assign each sample site a unique identifier number for quality control during data collection and analysis 18. Define “failure” for the study in very specific terms to minimize bias during data collection and analysis 19. Plan to evaluate the system of interest (the treatment) under the same weather conditions as the experimental control (the standard for comparison) 20. Plan to conduct the field performance assessment over no more than 3-10 days (3-5 preferred) to minimize data noise from fluctuating weather conditions 21. For efficiency during the field performance assessment survey itself, reconnaissance of the sites can be conducted prior to the survey to identify their locations and viability (do not contact homeowners during this stage) 22. Use GIS/GPS, tax parcel ID, 911 address 23. Develop a field survey evaluation instrument to serve as a site specific data collection and compilation guide 24. Transfer permit data to the survey instrument 12. NCSU 13. NCSU 14. NCSU 15. NCSU 16. CHD and NCSU 17. NCSU 18. CCE and NCSU 19. NCSU 20. NCSU 21. NCSU, CHD & CCE 22. CHD 23. NCSU, CHD & CCE 24. NCSU and CHD Study plan including project phases, tasks …… (cont.) Phases Phase 2: Preparation for Field Performance Assessment (Steps 16 – 27 Phase 3: Study Execution and Data Collection Tasks 25. Prepare information packets to give to residents during the survey 26. Divide the study area into survey districts to equally distribute the workload between survey teams 27. Organize files into survey district packets for each team and include GPS locators, GIS locator maps, reconnaissance data and/or detailed field maps for each survey district packet along with field data collection methods and interview instructions 28. Utilize teams for QA/QC during the field performance assessment 29. Train teams together for QA/QC 30. Use mock practicum site(s) for QA/QC 31. Disperse teams and begin data collection 32. Use a one-pass approach for evaluation 33. Use single-blind survey for QA/QC 34. Construct teams to include multi-agency representation 22 Primary Organization 25. NCSU 26. NCSU 27. NCSU and CHD 28. NCSU 29. NCSU 30. NCSU, CHD & CCE 31. NCSU, CHD & CCE 32. NCSU, CHD & CCE 33. NCSU (optional) 34. NCSU, CHD & CCE (Steps 28 – 39) • for QA/QC 35. Make joint decisions as a team 36. Type of data collected can include system type, water supply, installation date, system location, system inspection data, as-built data, soils data from field assessment, soils data from permit files, number of bedrooms, number of occupants, system history, ponding levels, system performance, failure (Y/N), etc. 37. Data collected includes site performance data, permit data and questionnaire/interview data 38. Use a quality control team to re-assess performance of approximately 10-20% of systems 39. For failing systems observed during the survey, use the FACTSS and Pump-FACTSS process to determine the causes of failures and assess the extent to which the observed hydraulic performance is due to siting, design, inherent technology factors, installation and/or operation, use and maintenance 40. Assess system performance relative to system type, stratification or blocking factors, climate, soil conditions, landscape position and topography, design, permitting process, installation, operation and maintenance, etc. 41. Have final report peer-reviewed 42. Publish the results, preferably in a journal, if at all possible 35. NCSU, CHD & CCE 36. NCSU and CHD 37. NCSU and CHD 38. NCSU, CHD & CCE 39. Not included in project. CHD to conduct following field survey. 40. NCSU and CHD 41. NCSU 42.* NCSU and CHD Note step 42 is only intended to be “started” with this project – the final project report developed in this project will become a stepping stone to later (following project completion) publication of the research results in peer-reviewed journals and in conference proceedings. Surface Hydraulic Failure Rates of On-Site Systems: Failure Rate Methodology to Assess System Reliability Michael T. Hoover, Ph.D., Retired from Soil Science Dept., North Carolina State University, NC Cooperative Extension Failure rate methodology manual outline: 1. What is an on-site wastewater system and how do they function 2. Why are surface hydraulic failure rate and system reliability studies beneficial? 3. Surface hydraulic failure rate scientifically sound methodologies Principles and steps to plan scientifically sound failure rate studies Methods and processes to implement dependable failure rate studies 4. Results from scientific studies Demonstration of use of the failure rate methodology in recent studies Results from broad-scale failure rate studies Other sources of surface failure rates and system reliability data This document currently focuses upon Sections 1, 2 and 3 above, at this point in time. The extent and details of this manuscript will be expanded, over time, to include more specificity and research methodology details for each aspect of planning and conducting failure rate studies. The manuscript will also more fully address Sections 3 23 and 4 above, as the document evolves throughout this project. This manuscript, once finished, will define a scientifically sound methodology to be used for assessment of on-site wastewater system performance via failure rate studies. Once Section 4 is completed it will also be a source for lessons learned in other similar studies throughout North Carolina and the country regarding those factors and under what conditions have the most significant effect upon on-site wastewater treatment system failure. Thus the manuscript will provide the methods and process to establish sound and useful failure rate studies. This methodology manual, and particularly parts number one (1), two (2) and three (3) described above, is a necessary step to properly prepare for the failure rate assessment to be implemented in this watershed as a part of this project as early as next spring. 1. What is an on-site wastewater system and how do they function? What is an on-site wastewater treatment system? Traditionally -- includes a septic tank, drainfield and the soil beneath the drainfield that all function via gravity flow. Alternatively - system sometimes includes advanced pretreatment technologies and/or improved distribution methods. Septic tank, distribution device (D-box), drainfield and soil beneath the drainfield are shown. 3-D view shown in Figure 1 Cross-sectional, longitudinal view shown in Figure 2 How do these systems function? Sewage flows from the home or other facility into a septic tank where the larger solids are retained, The liquid effluent is distributed to the drainfield via flowing through a distribution device, This effluent is temporarily held with the trenches until it is absorbed into the soil During downward flow through aerobic unsaturated soil the treatment processes occur removing many contaminants, Some contaminants, for instance nitrogen, are not removed to any great extent in the soils usually sought out and preferred for pathogen removal purposes, The treated wastewater flows through the water table and into the saturated zone, i.e., a groundwater aquifer, where it is later withdrawn for use in a well, or The groundwater flows down gradient to aquifer discharge points, such as streams, rivers, lakes, etc. where it enters water bodies as base flow or as surface seeps adjacent to the water bodies. Where do failures occur? Failures can occur hydraulically or via performance malfunction with resultant discharges of untreated sewage at many locations or with poorly treated sewage including the following. Hydraulic failures backup of sewage into the home, discharge of sewage over the system and above the o supply line from the home to the tank, o the tank itself, o the line between the tank and the distribution device, o the lines between the distribution device and the drainfield and o the drainfield, downhill of the drainfield Un-permitted sewage discharges via a “straight pipe” including raw domestic sewage from the entire facility in a ditch, partially or untreated sewage as graywater in a ditch, or direct discharge to the ground surface or to a stream, river or other water body. Inadequately treated sewage discharged through the soil and into the groundwater. 24 Figure 1. Three dimensional view of conventional septic system showing tank, distribution device and supply lines leading into the drainfield. Figure 2. Cross-section, longitudinal view of conventional septic system showing septic tank, distribution device, a longitudinal section of one drainfield trench and the soil beneath the drainfield. 2. Why are surface hydraulic failure rate and system reliability studies beneficial? Difficulty and expense of implementing replicated side-by-side field research for numerous wastewater, soil and climatic conditions. Surface failure rate studies can be used to assess the performance reality of on-site systems Determine how well systems work after a number of years in real-life use? Evaluate how reliable various systems are under a specified range (e.g. soil type, loading regime, flow, etc.) of real-life operating conditions? Compare performance of technologies under the same climatic and/or soil conditions (comparison study). Evaluate longevity and determine the effects of factors that are thought to influence system function, performance and/or longevity. 3. Surface hydraulic failure rate scientifically sound methodologies 25 Principles and steps to plan scientifically sound failure rate studies Four phases to a scientifically sound failure rate study (or field survey) – 42 steps Phase 1: Planning and Study Design Steps 1 - 15 Phase 2: Preparation for Field Performance Assessment Steps 16 - 27 Phase 3: Study Execution and Data Collection Steps 28 - 39 Phase 4: Data Analysis and Report Preparation Steps 40 – 42 Phase 1: Planning and Study Design (Steps 1 – 15) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Define the problem Evaluate the decisions that will need to be made after the study is completed Determine the questions to be answered Develop the hypothesis (and null hypothesis) to be tested Determine the factors to be assessed Develop a written protocol with proper statistical tests and sample size for detecting important differences Have the protocol peer-reviewed Study leadership via third party scientists to maintain independence from funding agency (manufacturer or regulatory) Identify critical attributes of an appropriate study area (locality) Determine the stratification factors to be tested or to be controlled by blocking Define the study population from permit data or other datasets (determine if there are permit data summary logs or files) Minimize bias during selection of the population to be studied Assign every system in the population a numerically sequential number Generate sets of random numbers and use to randomly select the study sample for each stratum in the population Over-select the sample size to allow for unusable sites including systems with incomplete or no permit records as well as for non-viable sites (e.g. sites connected to sewer, sites that can’t be found in the field, sites that have dangerous animals, etc.) Phase 2: Preparation for Field Performance Assessment (Steps 16 – 27) 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Collect permit data and records Assign each sample site a unique identifier number for quality control during data collection and analysis Define “failure” for the study in very specific terms to minimize bias during data collection and analysis Plan to evaluate the system of interest (the treatment) under the same weather conditions as the experimental control (the standard for comparison) Plan to conduct the field performance assessment over no more than 3-10 days (3-5 preferred) to minimize data noise from fluctuating weather conditions For efficiency during the field performance assessment survey itself, reconnaissance of the sites can be conducted prior to the survey to identify their locations and viability (do not contact homeowners during this stage) Use GIS/GPS, tax parcel ID, 911 address Develop a field survey evaluation instrument to serve as a site specific data collection and compilation guide Transfer permit data to the survey instrument 26 25. Prepare information packets to give to residents during the survey 26. Divide the study area into survey districts to equally distribute the workload between survey teams 27. Organize files into survey district packets for each team and include GPS locators, GIS locator maps, reconnaissance data and/or detailed field maps for each survey district packet along with field data collection methods and interview instructions Methods and processes to implement dependable failure rate studies Phase 3: Study Execution and Data Collection (Steps 28 – 39) 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Utilize teams for QA/QC during the field performance assessment Train teams together for QA/QC Use mock practicum site(s) for QA/QC Disperse teams and begin data collection Use a one-pass approach for evaluation Use single-blind survey for QA/QC Construct teams to include multi-agency representation for QA/QC Make joint decisions as a team Type of data collected can include system type, water supply, installation date, system location, system inspection data, as-built data, soils data from field assessment, soils data from permit files, number of bedrooms, number of occupants, system history, ponding levels, system performance, failure (Y/N), etc. 37. Data collected includes site performance data, permit data and questionnaire/interview data 38. Use a quality control team to re-assess performance of approximately 10-20% of systems 39. For failing systems observed during the survey, use FACTSS process to determine the causes of failures and assess the extent to which the observed hydraulic performance is due to siting, design, inherent technology factors, installation and/or operation, use and maintenance Phase 4: Data Analysis and Report Preparation (Steps 40 – 42) 40. Assess system performance relative to system type, stratification or blocking factors, climate, soil conditions, landscape position and topography, design, permitting process, installation, operation and maintenance, etc. 41. Have final report peer-reviewed 42. Publish the results, preferably in a journal, if at all possible Contact for Further Information: Sushama Pradhan, Ph. D; LSS 919-791-8868 spradhan@gmail.com Henrietta Locklear 919-260-5714 hlocklear@raftelis.com 27 Session 2: Environment Failure Rates in the Central/Western Piedmont of Davidson County Jason Koontz Davidson County Environmental Health Sushama Pradhan Former Soil & Water Technology Researcher NC State University Abstract: Approximately 30,000 housing units in Davidson County rely upon on-site systems for their household wastewater treatment. On-site systems process and dispose household wastewater near the point of generation. On-site systems can be environmentally friendly, safe to human health, and a permanent wastewater treatment solution, if close attention is provided to their use, inspection, operation, and management. Improper management of systems can lead to system failures (malfunctions) that pose a threat to public health as well as to surface and groundwater quality. A letter of intent for this study and a homeowner questionnaire were mailed to all of the randomly selected study participants four weeks prior to the study execution. The septic system field performance evaluation was nd th conducted on May 22 to May 24 , 2013. The Davidson County Health Department and the Department of Soil Science at NCSU provided technical directions and assistance to aid in designing and implementing a scientifically sound and pragmatic failure rate assessment. A protocol developed by Dr. Hoover, retired Professor of Soil Science at North Carolina State University, was used in this study. The population studied included all on-site systems in Davidson County regardless of system age, the facility served (home, business, commercial or type of residence), type of on-site technology used, etc. A sample of 250 systems was randomly selected from the study population of approximately 30,000 septic systems in Davidson County. The random selection process specifically used a random number generator applied to an Excel list of the 30,000 systems in the study population. This initial sample number was finally reduced to a total of 210 viable study sites after the elimination of sites which were vacant homes, could not be located, or were served by centralized sewer system. Then, the study sample across the county was grouped into eight geographic Survey Districts based upon the proximity and the numbers of study sites in each district to minimize travel time and to facilitate easy location of study sites. Each Survey District contained 18 to 37 study sites. More than five Survey Teams were used in this study. Each team consisted of a team leader who was an employee of a Davidson County Health Department and a technical assistant or local expert. This was done so as to minimize the potential of any one individual, organization, or department from interjecting bias into the study results. Additionally, 25 sites were randomly selected for a second “blind survey” for quality assurance and control. In order to reduce personal and professional bias, a number of surveyors other than the original Survey Teams were tasked to gather Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) information. On the day of survey a total of 15 sites (12 sites with sewage present on the ground surface over the system, 2 sites with a straight pipe direct discharge, and 1 site with both) were found to be surface discharging, resulting in an overall surface hydraulic failure rate of 7%. Hence, it is expected that about 2,100 systems were in surface hydraulic failure during the spring of 2013 in the Davidson County. 28 Biography: Jason Koontz graduated from NC State University in May 2000 with a BS in Agronomy; soil concentration. Jason has been employed with the Davidson County Health Department since 2004. He has served two years on the Planning Committee of the annual Onsite Water Protection Conference, notably as Co-chair in 2013. Contact for Further Information: Jason Koontz, REHS Davidson County Environmental Health 336-242-2384 Jason.Koontz@DavidsonCountyNC.gov Sushama Pradhan, PhD, LSS 919-791-8868 spradhan@gmail.com Session 2: Environment Failure Rates in the Eastern Piedmont of Person and Granville Counties Harold Kelly Person County Health Department With Jimmy Clayton, Henrietta Locklear, Sushama Pradhan Abstract: Reviewing the process of determining failure rates as a requirement of the Falls Lake Rules and the approach used to address failing systems. Biography: Harold Kelly Supervisor, Person County Environmental Health Person County Health Department New Hanover County Health Department NC Division of Soil and Water Conservation BS, University of Delaware MS, University Arizona Contact for Further Information: Harold Kelly 336-597-7435 29 Session 3: Soils and Siting Comparison of Groundwater and Surface Water Phosphorus in Watersheds Served by Onsite Wastewater and Municipal Sewer Charlie Humphrey Environmental Health Sciences Program East Carolina University Abstract: Septic tank effluent is discharged into the subsurface for further pollutant treatment and dispersal. Effluent percolates through the soil eventually reaching the water table, thus helping to recharge groundwater. If wastewater pollutants such as phosphorus are not transformed and/or removed in the unsaturated zone, groundwater and adjacent surface water quality may be impacted. The objectives of the research were to determine if the groundwater and surface water phosphorus concentrations in watersheds served by onsite wastewater systems (OWS) were significantly different in comparison to watersheds served by municipal sewer systems (MWS) systems. Physical and chemical parameters including electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, flow, and turbidity were measured monthly for one year at 3 streams served by OWS and 3 streams served by MWS. Ten residential sites (5 OWS and 5 MWS) were instrumented with networks of piezometers for groundwater sampling and characterization. Groundwater environmental readings and phosphorus analyses were performed least quarterly for the 10 sites. Results indicate that watersheds served by OWS have significantly higher total phosphorus and dissolved phosphorus concentrations and loads than MWS watersheds. Groundwater down-gradient from OWS systems had significantly higher dissolved phosphorus and electrical conductivity than groundwater in MWS yards. However, background groundwater phosphorus concentrations in OWS watersheds were similar to groundwater in MWS yards. MWS effluent had dissolved phosphorus concentrations similar to groundwater within the plume core near the stream banks of the OWS sites, and overall, OWS were more efficient at reducing phosphorus loads before discharge to surface waters. Biography: BS in Ecosystems Assessment from NCSU, MS in Soil Science from NCSU, PhD in Coastal Resources Management: Geosciences as primary track. 3 years of experience as Environmental Health Specialist, 7 years of experience as NCSU Cooperative Extension Environmental Agent, 4 years of experience as ECU faculty. Contact for Further Information: Charles Humphrey (252) 737-1479 Humphreyc@ecu.edu 30 Session 3: Soils and Siting Comparison of Groundwater and Surface Water Nitrogen in Watersheds Served by Onsite Wastewater and Municipal Sewer Guy Iverson Coastal Resources Management Program East Carolina University With M. A. O’Driscoll, C. P. Humphrey Jr., A. K. Manda, and R. K. Spruill Abstract: The goal of this study was to determine if significant differences in groundwater and surface water N concentrations and loads were observed in watersheds served by onsite wastewater systems (OWS) in relation to watersheds using centralized sewer (CS). Piezometers (65) were installed at 5 residential sites in an OWS watershed and 5 sites in a CS watershed. Staff gauges were installed at 6 streams, 3 in CS-served watersheds and 3 in OWS-served watersheds. Groundwater samples from piezometers and surface water samples near staff gauges were collected and analyzed for N concentrations and speciation, pH, temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity (streams only). Discharge and loads were calculated. Baseflow surface water samples were collected monthly and groundwater samples were collected quarterly for a year. Watersheds served by OWS had greater total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) concentrations in background groundwater and surface water than watersheds served by CS. Mean groundwater TDN concentrations at the intensive sites, declined with increasing distance from the drainfield to near-stream. Near-stream groundwater TDN concentrations were significantly elevated relative to background groundwater within OWS watersheds, but were similar to the wastewater treatment plant effluent TDN concentrations (6.9 mg/L). Preliminary results indicate that groundwater and surface water TDN concentrations and loads in OWS-served watersheds were significantly higher than in CS-served watersheds. However, groundwater TDN concentrations down-gradient from OWS were similar to wastewater treatment plant effluent concentrations and TDN treatment efficiencies for OWS and CS were similar. Biography: BS, MS in Geology from ECU Current PhD candidate in the Coastal Resources Management Program at ECU Contact for Further Information: Guy Iverson Iversong06@students.ecu.edu 31 Session 3: Soils and Siting Meteorological Controls on Nitrogen Dynamics in Treatment Beneath Onsite Systems in Coastal North Carolina Mike O’Driscoll East Carolina University With Charlie Humphrey, Nancy Deal, David Lindbo, Shawn Thieme, and Max Zarate-Bermudez Abstract: The spatial and temporal variability of N inputs from OWTS to surficial aquifers and surface waters is not wellconstrained and the influence of meteorological controls on temporal variability of N loading from OWTS has received minimal study. This two-year field study (October 2009-2011) evaluated N inputs from an OWTS to a coastal aquifer. Soil/hydrogeological characterization and seasonal monitoring of septic tank performance and groundwater quality were conducted at a residence adjacent to the Pamlico River Estuary, Beaufort County, North Carolina. Rainfall was elevated during the first year of study relative to the annual mean. In the second year, drought conditions were followed by extreme precipitation from Hurricane Irene in August 2011. Extreme weather events influenced N speciation and concentrations in groundwater. Dissolved nitrogen in groundwater beneath the drainfield was dominated by nitrate during the drought, whereas during wetter periods ammonium and dissolved organic N (DON) were common. Groundwater nitrate-N concentrations beneath the drainfield were typically higher than 10 mg/L when total bi-weekly precipitation was less than evapotranspiration (precipitation deficit: P<ET). Nitrogen concentrations in groundwater decreased with increasing distance downgradient from the OWTS. Groundwater data suggested that DON and NO3 transported from the OWTS could migrate at least 40 m from the drainfield to the adjacent estuary. Denitrification and dilution were the main processes reducing nitrogen concentrations in the groundwater downgradient from the OWTS drainfield. Precipitation excess (P>ET) influenced N loading from OWTS, due to its influence on ground water recharge and discharge processes. Due to increases in groundwater levels and hydraulic head gradients during periods of precipitation excess the groundwater export of N from the drainfield was highest during the dormant season (November-April), even though the groundwater N concentrations were generally lower during this period. Increased discharge during wet periods had a large influence on N exports from the drainfield. Biography: Dr. O’Driscoll has been a faculty member of the Geological Sciences Department at East Carolina University (ECU) since 2004. He is currently the Director of the Coastal Water Resources Center at ECU. He holds graduate degrees in Geology, Environmental Pollution Control, and Forest Resources from Penn State University. His research focuses on utilizing tracers and other hydrogeological, geochemical, and geophysical techniques to develop insights into the geological controls and land-use effects on surface water-groundwater interactions and contaminant transport. This knowledge is critical for estimating the potential responses of rivers and wetlands to stresses such as increased water demands, wastewater disposal, land-use change, and climate change. Contact for Further Information: odriscollm@ecu.edu 252-328-5578 32 Session 3: Soils and Siting Recommended Guidance for the In-situ Measurement of KSAT by the Constant Head Well Permeameter Method Karen Wallace Onsite Water Protection Branch NC DHHS Abstract: Saturated hydraulic conductivity data is an important consideration in the design of on-site wastewater systems in unsaturated soil horizons above the water table. A group of licensed professional soil scientists from the private and public sectors were asked to form a committee to develop guidance on procedures for collection of saturated hydraulic conductivity data. The purpose of the document is to assist licensed professionals in the collection and submission of saturated hydraulic conductivity data to the On-site Water Protection Branch and local health departments. The recommendations contained in this document are intended to expedite project review and permitting. This presentation provides an overview of the process of developing the guidance and a report on its status. Biography: Karen Wallace is a North Carolina native and currently resides in Weaverville. She is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Concentration in Soil Science and Minor in Botany, and a Master of Science in Soil Science. She is a Licensed Soil Scientist and Registered Environmental Health Specialist. She is currently the Onsite Water Protection Branch Regional Soil Scientist for the Mountain Region, covering twenty seven counties. Contact for Further Information: Karen Wallace Karen.d.wallace@dhhs.nc.gov 33 .z4-sxtsU\ ,€lffi 5"{+-:t1!-d,z North Catolina Depaftment of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health AldonaZ. Wos, M.D. Pat McCrory Ambassador (Ret.) Secretary DHHS Govemor Daniel StaleY Acting Division Director September 17,2013 RECOMMENDED GUTDANCE FOR IN.SITU MEASUREMENT OF SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY BY THE CONSTANT HEAD WELL PERMEAMETER METHOD AND FOR REPORTING RESULTS The purpose of this document is to assist licensed or registered professionals in collection and submission of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) data to local health departments and the On-site Water Protection Branch. Saturated hydraulic conductivity daia should be collected and reported by licensed soil scientists (LSS), licensed geologists (LG), or professional engineers (PE) as required pursuant to G'S. 89C, 89E, or 8gF, as appiicable. Saturated hydraulic conductivity data is an important factor in the design of on-site wastewater systems in unsaturated soil horizons above the water taUte. This information is specific to the constant-head well permeameter method (also known as borehole permeameter method or constant-head borehole infiltration test). Procedures contained in ASTM Standard D 5126-90, Methods of Soil Analysis and Drainage Monographs published by Soil Science Society of America have been incorporated into this guidance. Procedures such as those presented in ASTM D 512690 or in the aforementioned monographs may also be used for determining soil hydraulic conductivity although they are not otherwise discussed in this guidance' These recommendations were developed by private and public soil scientists as well as the On-Site Water Protection Branch staff. The recommendations contained herein are intended to specify minimum information and reporting that will expedite review of permit requests and potentially eliminate the need for repeat measurements. Licensed professionals may submit or propose alternative methods of Ksat data collection. l. Equipment a. b. A commercially available permeameter or similar device for maintaining a constant depth of water in a cylindrical auger hole at a desired depth and measuring the flow rate of water into the soil A set of augers and planer auger for boring a cylindrical hole www.ncdhhs.gov ' www.publicliealth.nc.gov' http://ehs.ncpublichealth com Tel 888-251-5543 ' Fax 919-845-3972 & 1k Location: 5605 Six Forks Road ' Raleigh, NC 27609 Mailing Address: 1632Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC27699-1632 An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 34 ,4\ ^5P North Carolina Public Health Page 2 c. ll. of5 September 18, 2013 Any additional equipment specified/recommended in the respective procedure or by the manufacturer of the permeameter (Deviations from the respective procedure or manufacturers' specifications should be explained.) Evaluation Perform all activities (including saturation)according to the respective procedure a. or man ufacturer's i nstru ment-s pecific man ual. Steady-state should be achieved. lf steady-state cannot be achieved the licensed professional conducting the evaluation should include an explanation as to why steady-state was not achieved. c. Measurement depths i. Take Ksat measurements at the proposed trench depth where possible, and at every distinct horizon within and beneath the treatment zone, as applicable. ii. Where appropriate, measurements should be conducted within a single horizon. lnclusion of more than one (1) horizon (i,e., saddling two [2]or more horizons) should be avoided if the thickness of the master horizon under consideration is greater than the required depth of the water in the hole. iii. Only Ksat measurements greater than six (6) inches from the ground's surface are considered valid. iv. The depth of water in the hole should be selected according to the recommendations outlined in the respective procedures. For commercial devices, consult the manufacturer's manual for selection of an appropriate water depth. d. Measurement locations i. Note: The licensed professional conducting the evaluation is responsible for selecting the number (replicates) and location of measurements necessary to adequately characterize the hydraulic conductivity of the initial drainfield(s) and repair area(s), if applicable. This determination is based upon field assessment of the variability of soil types and landscape positions present, and system capacity. For the purposes of this guidance document, the minimum recommended number of measurements to be collected should meet the criteria set forth in Sections d.ii, d.iii, and d.iv. below. ii. Daily design flow s 480 gallons per day (gpd) 1. Measure Ksats at the locations that best characterize the soil and site conditions within each zone and soil type on the site' 2. Typically, a minimum of three (3) nests of Ksat measurements should be made. A nest includes all appropriate depths as indicated in Section ll.c.i and ll.c.ii. iii. Daily design flow > 480 gpd but < 3000 gpd 1. Measure Ksats at the locations that best characterize the soil and site conditions within each zone and soil type on the site. 2. Typically, a minimum of three (3) Ksat nests are performed per soil type and at least two (2) nests per acre of evaluation area. A nest includes all appropriate depths as indicated in Section ll.c.i and ll.c.ii. For example, for a one-acre site, a minimum of three (3) replicate Ksat nests would be performed (in three different representative locations); and for a two-acre b. 35 Page 3 of5 September 18,2013 site, minimum of four (4) replicate Ksat nests would be evaluated (in four d ifferent representative locations). iv. Daily design flow ) 3000 gPd 1. Due to the increased complexity of siting these systems, it is strongly recommended that the licensed professional conducting the testing meet with the local health department and regional soil scientist to discuss testing locations prior to performing saturated hydraulic conductivity measurements. 2. Measure Ksats at the locations identified and agreed upon through discussions with the regional soil scientist and local health department representative that best characterize the soil and site conditions within each zone and soil tYPe on the site. v. The consultant's report should include justification for the number and locations of the measurements. e. Measurement recording frequency i. Measure Ksats at time intervals outlined in the respective procedures or manufacturer's instrument-specific manual' ii. As a general guide, for Group ll and lll soil textures, Ksat measurements are to be taken at intervals of 15 minutes for a minimum run time of two (2) hours and until steady-state is achieved. iii, As a general guide, for Group lV soil textures, Ksat measurements are to be taken at intervals of 30 minutes for a minimum run time of four (4) hours and until steady-state is achieved. iv. Steady-state is achieved when three (3) consecutive flow rate measurements are the same. v. Procedure differentiations from this guidance document should be accompanied by justifications from the licensed consultant. lll. Data Reporting At a minimum, a "complete" report includes, but is not limited to: Date, time, and weather conditions when data were collected Description of methodologY Equipment type used Soil profile descriptions for each measurement boring Locator map showing location of all Ksat measurements with soil profile description of borings including relative ground surface elevation at each nest location vi. Adequate description of constants and equations used vii. The following for each measurement: 1. Auger hole diameter 2. Depths of measurements 3. Depth of water in the hole under the constant head 4. Saturation start time and steady-state time 5. Clock time 6. Reservoir readings 7. Change in time a. i. ii. iii. iv. v. 36 Page 4 of5 September 18, 2013 8. Change in the water level in the permeameter 9. Flow volume 10. Flow rate (flow volume/time) 11. Graph of volume of water displaced vs. time b. Note: Recommended calculations using the Glover Equation are as follows: i. Fors22H: Ksat Where: A - {sinh-1(Hir)- t(/H)2 * = AQ 1)''' + rlHlt(2nH2) ii. Fors<2H: Ks61 = BQ Where: 3 = {3ln(H/r)/[nH(3H + 2s)]] Q is the steady-state rate of water flow from the permeameter Sinh-1 is the inverse hyperbolic sine function r is the radius of the borehqle H is the depth of water in the hole s is the distance from the bottom of the hole to an impermeable layer ln(H/r) is the natural logarithm of Hlr. c. An alternative equation other than Glover Equation may be offered for use if sufficient justiflcation is provided to support its use by the manufacturer or practitioner. d. Measurements should generally be taken when ambient temperatures are between 60 degrees F and 1 10 degrees F. Temperature correction based on temperature variations in the viscosity of water (as suggested by the respective procedure) should be used when appropriate. Use of correction factors should be practiced with caution, and should be based on measurement of the temperature of the water in the hole (not ambient temperature). Explanations of temperature correction should be included as part of the report. e. ln addition to the usual units of length over time (e.9., in/day, cm/hour), the equivalent value for Ksat should be reported in gallons per day per square foot (gpd/ft"). f. Complete reports include the date of completion and signature and seal of the Licensed Soil Scientist, Licensed Geologist, or Professional Engineer providing the service. lV. Results a. Ksat values are used to support a proposed long term acceptance rate (LTAR) and perform lateral flow calculations. ln general, the LTAR should not exceed 37 Page 5 b. c. of5 September 18,2013 10% of the average measured Ksat values for untreated effluent (i.e. primary septic tank effluent), and 25% for TS-l and TS-ll treated effluent. Ksat measurements cannot be used as a means to validate unsuitable soils. LTAR and lateral flow analysis calculations should be based on the geometric mean. The above guidance is designed to encourage more uniform measurement and reporting of Ksat data. Consultants who use methods, procedures and equipment that vary from the procedures described above should include an explanation justifying the variation. V. References: Aardvark Permeameter Ooeratinq lnstructions. SoilMoisture Equipment Corp. 2011. Amoozegar, A. Compact Constant Head Permeameter User's Manual. Ksat, lnc. A. Amoozegar and A.W. Warrick, 1986. Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Soils: Field Methods. Chapter 29, ln: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1. Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Agronomy Monograph no. 9 (2nd Edition), ASA-CSSASSSA, Madison Wl. Pp 735-770. Amoozegar, A., and G. V. Wilson. 1999. Methods for measuring hydraulic conductivity and drainable porosity. p.1149-1205. ln R. W. Skaggs and J. van Schilfgaarde (ed.) Agricultural Drainage. Agronomy Monograph No. 38, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, Wl. ASTM Standard D 5126. 2006. Standard guide for comparison of field methods for determining hydraulic conductivity in vadose zone. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM lnternational, West Conshohocken, PA. Johnson Permeameter lnstruction Manual. Johnson Permeameter, LLC. 2012. Reynolds, W.D., and D.E. Elrick. 2002. Constant head well Permeameter (vadose zone), p. 844-858, Methods of Soil Analysis, Part4, Physical Methods. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wl. USBR 73OO-89. Procedure for Performing Field Permeability Testing by the Well Permeameter Method. Geotechnical Services Branch, code D-3760, Research and Laboratory Services Division, US Department of the lnterior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Office. Pp. 1227-1236. 38 Session 3: Soils and Siting A Consultant’s Perspective on Special Site Assessments Jim Beeson Piedmont Environmental Associates, PA Abstract: A consultant’s perspective to guidance issued by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health entitled “RECOMMENDED GUIDANCE FOR IN-SITU MEASUREMENT OF SATURATED HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY BY THE CONSTANT HEAD WELL PERMEAMETER METHOD AND REPORTING RESULTS”. This talk will address important changes in site assessment where hydraulic measurements are required by the Section regarding septic system permits. Historically a wide range of techniques have been used for these types of assessments. This guidance document is intended to standardize these methods and to give consultants some indication of the requirements that must be met for such evaluations. This talk will address why some of the requirements were included and what they will mean to consultants as pertaining to the level of effort and understanding in regard to this document. Biography: Jim Beeson is the founder and president of Piedmont Environmental Associates, PA. For the last twenty five years Jim has specialized in evaluation of soils for both small and large scale wastewater disposal systems. Jim has also installed and designed wastewater disposal systems. Jim has been qualified as an expert witness in court cases that require expert witness on such matters. Jim also directs developers in making decisions based on soils, environmental, and financial issues. Jim also assists clients in making applications for wastewater disposal systems. Contact for Further Information: Jim Beeson 336-215-8820 jbeeson6@gmail.com 39 Session 4: Technology and Engineering Assessment of BiOWiSH Technologies, Inc. Septic Tank Aid TM as a Septic Tank Additive Jeff Vaughan Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Abstract: TM BiOWiSH Technologies, Inc. Septic Tank Aid is a septic tank additive that is specified for usage is domestic septic systems. The benefits listed for the product include odor reduction, solids degradation (to reduce the need for pumping), and degradation of fat layers. Septic Tank AidTM can also reduce solids accumulation in septic system leachfields (drainfields) according to product descriptions. The product usage specifications indicate quarterly treatment to maintain proper septic system operation. Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. (AWT) was approached in July 2010 to evaluate the effectiveness of the product. A study was initiated by AWT in July 2010 on numerous low pressure pipe (LPP) septic systems to determine the product impact on solids/scum levels, biochemical constituents (BOD, TSS, FOG, & TN), and pump flow rate. The results of the study will be presented and discussed. Biography: Jeff Vaughan is the Senior Agronomist/Soil Scientist with Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Contact for Further Information: Jeff Vaughan jvaughan@agriwaste.com Session 4: Technology and Engineering Permit Options for Treatment Systems in North Carolina Steve Barry AQWA Abstract: Onsite treatment systems in NC are regulated by several different authorities. This talk will highlight some of the differences and discrepancies between the permits issued. The purpose of the presentation is to facilitate discussion within the industry in hopes of safely streamlining the permitting process. Contact for Further Information: Steve Barry AQWA 252-243-7693 sbarry@aqwa.net 40 Session 4: Technology and Engineering Advanced Treatment Technology Optioins for Large and Small Scale, Residential and High Strength Systems Bill Freed Enviro-Tech, Aquapoint Abstract: Introduction and Context. A brief history lesson of Large Scale Wastewater Treatment in the U.S. followed by a brief history of On-Site Wastewater in the U.S. and a discussion of how far we have come as an Industry. Discussion of technologies generally accepted currently, strengths of each technology relative to application. Discussion of new requirements and technology applications to address ever increasing demands of the regulatory community and general public. QA and discussion from attendees. Biography: Bill Freed is a thirty year veteran of the “not large scale” wastewater industry who owns and operates business interests covering the gambit from providing sewer service in community’s via a Public Utility to manufacture of wastewater treatment equipment . Contact for Further Information: bfreed@envirotechnc.com bfreed@aquapoint.com 252-207-5853 41 Session 4: Technology and Engineering Restaurant/Strip Mall Expansion Project: An Engineering and Technology Case Study Darian Creed Hugh Creed Associates Trish Angoli Environmental Engineer OWPB, NC DHHS Abstract: In 2011, a presentation was given on the Hillsdale Shopping Center wastewater treatment and disposal system in Guilford County. This included shopping center expansions that placed the design flow over 3,000 gallons per day with high strength wastewater (multiple restaurants including a bakery). This is an update to those two systems, including the pretreatment added, what the sampling results are, and the proposed modifications for additional future expansion. Biography: Tricia Angoli has Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University. She worked for the National Small Flows Clearinghouse for ten years, for a private consulting firm in Pennsylvania that dealt with onsite and small community subsurface wastewater systems, and is currently with the Onsite Water Protection Branch. Contact for Further Information: Darian Creed 336-275-9826 creedclan@aol.com Trish Angoli OWPB, NC DHHS 1642 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1642 919-707-5878 trish.angoli@dhhs.nc.gov 42 Session 4: Technology and Engineering Engineering and Performance of Dual Septic/Pump Tanks Todd Harrell Orenco Systems, Inc. Abstract: Engineering and Performance of S.T.E.P (Septic Tank Effluent Pump) • • • • How it works - Overview Components - What makes up a STEP package Performance - Comparing STEP to Gravity and Grinder systems How we can use STEP concept on site to drain fields - Orenco ProPak approval. Contact for Further Information: Todd Harrell Orenco Systems, Inc. 843-861-5310 (Cell) tharrell@orenco.com 43 Session 4: Technology and Engineering Pit Latrines and Their Impacts on Groundwater Quality: A Systematic Review Matt Polizzotto Department of Soil Science NC State University Abstract: Pit latrines are one of the most common human excreta disposal systems in low-income countries, and their use is on the rise as countries aim to meet the sanitation-related target of the Millennium Development Goals. There is concern, however, that discharges of chemical and microbial contaminants from pit latrines to groundwater may negatively affect human health. Our goals were to a) calculate global pit latrine coverage, b) systematically review empirical studies of the impacts of pit latrines on groundwater quality, c) evaluate latrine siting standards, and d) identify knowledge gaps regarding the potential for and consequences of groundwater contamination by latrines. We used existing survey and population data to calculate global pit latrine coverage. We reviewed the scientific literature on the occurrence of contaminants originating from pit latrines and considered the factors affecting transport of these contaminants. Data were extracted from peer-reviewed articles, books, and reports identified using Web of Science, PubMed, Google, and document reference lists. We estimated that approximately 1.77 billion people use pit latrines as their primary means of sanitation. Studies of pit latrines and groundwater are limited and have generally focused on only a few indicator contaminants. Although groundwater contamination is frequently observed downstream of latrines, contaminant transport distances, recommendations based on empirical studies, and siting guidelines are variable and not well aligned with one another. In order to improve environmental and human health, future research should examine a larger set of contextual variables, improve measurement approaches, and develop better criteria for siting pit latrines. Biography: 2010-present 2009-2010 2007-2009 2001-2007 Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, USAID Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University Graduate Research Fellow, Stanford University Contact for Further Information: Matthew Polizzotto Department of Soil Science North Carolina State University 919-515-2040 matt_polizzotto@ncsu.edu 44 45 Session 5: Water Supply and Groundwater A System for Permitting Water Supply Wells and Managing Groundwater Contamination Sites Lisa Corbitt Mecklenburg County Environmental Health Land Use & Environmental Services Agency Abstract: Mecklenburg County is located in the Piedmont geographic region of North Carolina. The groundwater aquifer is unconfined and unnamed. The population utilizes groundwater for residential drinking water, irrigation and industrial purposes. Water supply wells are found throughout Mecklenburg County. In 2005, Mecklenburg County began permitting water supply and monitoring wells through the adoption of the Mecklenburg County Groundwater Well Regulations. Groundwater is a reliable resource to meet our community's demand for water. Typically the groundwater in Mecklenburg County requires little or no treatment when used as a water supply. However, there are areas of Mecklenburg County where groundwater has been contaminated and should not be used for drinking water, irrigation or industrial processes. There are more than 1,300 known soil and/or groundwater contamination sites in Mecklenburg County. The Mecklenburg County Well Regulations define areas of regulated groundwater usage around these sites. New wells are not permitted within 1,000 feet of a contamination site unless there is no other source of water. In order to protect the water supply, additional well construction requirements and sampling are required for wells within 1,500 feet of a contamination site. The Environmental Data Management System (EDMS) is a GIS based system that includes both off the shelf (Cityworks) and custom database programs (MAPS and WASPS) to manage groundwater contamination sites, subsurface investigation permits, monitoring wells and the permitting of water supply wells and septic systems. Information is retrieved by staff through reporting (Business Objects), electronic files (Onbase), and geographic information (ArcGIS Server 10). EDMS identifies areas that require a hydrogeologic review and routes well applications to a hydrogeologist for their input prior to permitting by an Environmental Health Specialist. The public can access information on contamination sites, wells and sample results through the Well Information System. Biography: Lisa Corbitt is a Program Manager for Mecklenburg County Environmental Health, a division within the Land Use and Environmental Services Agency. She graduated with a BA in Geology from UNCW and a MS in Geology from ECU. Lisa is a Licensed Geologist (1988) and a Registered Environmental Health Specialist (2006) in North Carolina. She has worked on groundwater issues in Mecklenburg County for 26 years, first as a hydrogeologist and then as a program manager. Lisa is an Adjunct Professor for Montreat College. Contact for Further Information: Lisa Corbitt Mecklenburg County Groundwater & Wastewater Service 700 N Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Lisa.Corbitt@Mecklenburgcountync.gov 46 Session 5: Water Supply and Groundwater Sources and Variability of Manganese Concentrations in Well Water of the NC Piedmont Elizabeth Gillispie Department of Soil Science NC State University Abstract: Manganese (Mn) is a naturally occurring groundwater contaminant of growing concern. Consumption of high quantities of Mn in well water may lead to severe neurological problems and increased infant and cancer-induced mortality rates. Approximately 50% of sampled wells in North Carolina have Mn concentrations that exceed the -1 state drinking water standard of 0.05 mg L . The sources of Mn to groundwater are generally unknown, and spatial -1 patterns of concentrations, which range from below detection limits to greater than 2 mg L , are variable, making it difficult to predict where high concentrations might occur and thereby minimize public exposure. The primary objective of this research is to identify the surface and subsurface properties that regulate dissolved Mn concentrations in groundwater of the NC Piedmont region. In particular, we are examining Mn spatial associations, characterizing potential solid-phase sources of Mn, and determining Mn retention capacities within different subsurface locations. Chemical analyses of Mn in soil, saprolite, and bedrock samples from ten NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) groundwater research stations are being integrated with existing US Geological Survey and NC Department of Public Health well-water data, NC Geological Survey geology maps, and NC soil maps. Across the Piedmont, concentrations of Mn that exceed health limits are generally found in shallow wells. High concentrations are clustered within the Carolina Slate and Mesozoic geozones, which are overlain by the Carolina terrane and Triassic Basin soil systems. Initial results suggest that Mn may be drawn into groundwater from nearsurface sources. Field data and ongoing laboratory studies of Mn release and transport will be used to develop groundwater susceptibility maps that identify locations at risk for high Mn concentrations in well water. Contact for Further Information: Elizabeth Gillispie ecgillis@ncsu.edu 47 Session 5: Water Supply and Groundwater Hydrogeochemical Controls on Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Cambodia Matt Polizzotto Department of Soil Science NC State University Abstract: Over 100 million people in South and Southeast Asia routinely consume groundwater that has unsafe arsenic levels. Arsenic is naturally derived from soils and aquifer sediments, and is believed to enter solution following reductive release from solid phases under anaerobic conditions. However, the processes governing aqueous concentrations and locations of arsenic release to pore water remain unresolved, limiting our ability to predict arsenic concentrations spatially (between wells) and temporally (future concentrations) and to assess the impact of human activities on the arsenic problem. Here, I will describe field investigations of the hydrologic and (bio)geochemical processes governing arsenic distributions in the Mekong River delta of Cambodia. Arsenic is released from near-surface, river-derived sediments and transported, on a centennial timescale, through the underlying aquifer, contaminating groundwater. The observation of strong hydrologic influence on arsenic behavior indicates that release and transport of arsenic are sensitive to continuing and impending anthropogenic disturbances. In particular, groundwater pumping for irrigation, changes in agricultural practices, sediment excavation, levee construction and upstream dam installations will alter the hydraulic regime and/or arsenic source material and, by extension, influence groundwater arsenic concentrations and the future of this health problem. Biography: 2010-present 2009-2010 2007-2009 2001-2007 Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow, USAID Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University Graduate Research Fellow, Stanford University Contact for Further Information: Matthew Polizzotto Department of Soil Science North Carolina State University 919-515-2040 matt_polizzotto@ncsu.edu 48 Session 5: Water Supply and Groundwater Groundwater Contamination – Stony Hill Road Incident – Wake County Greg Bright Wake County Environmental Services Abstract: Groundwater has been and continues to be an important component of Wake County’s water resources. “The Wake County Comprehensive Groundwater Investigation”, May 2003, estimated that almost one-quarter of the County’s residents relied upon groundwater for their water supply. In June 2012, the discovery of contaminated wells in a neighborhood in northern Wake County near Stony Hill road underscored the need to properly investigate, test and monitor the quality of water from private wells located near known contamination sites. The initial discovery of the Stony Hill contamination site occurred in 2005 when Wake County Environmental Services (WCES) sampled a well for volatile organic analysis upon the owner’s request. Test results reported the presence of chlorinated solvents. Follow up testing in June 2012 led to the eventual discovery by EPA of 21 wells contaminated with the chlorinated solvent TCE, a known carcinogen. Biography: Mr. Bright graduated from East Carolina University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Health. He began his career in 1984 with the Nash County Health Department and has worked for both Franklin and Wake Counties. He has been employed by Wake County Environmental Services since 1995 and is currently serving as supervisor of the Groundwater Program. Mr. Bright is an active member of the Eastern District North Carolina Public Health Association and the North Carolina Environmental Health Supervisors Association. He is a past member of the Environmental Health State of Practice Committee and served four terms on the North Carolina Well Contractors Certification Commission. Contact for Further Information: Greg Bright, R.E.H.S., Supervisor Groundwater Program Wake County Department of Environmental Services 336 Fayetteville Street PO Box 550 Raleigh, NC 27602 919.856.7465 gbright@wakegov.com 49 Session 5: Water Supply and Groundwater Vapor Intrusion and Soil Vapor Sampling Gerald Paul and Thomas Whitehead S&ME, Inc. Biography: Gerald Paul, S&ME, Inc. Project Manager with S&ME for 6 Years with over 14 years of experience in the environmental field in North Carolina. Extensive experience managing the technical and regulatory aspects of environmental projects. Currently manages multiple landfill sites under the Pre-Regulatory Landfill Contract as well as several sites under our IHSB Orphan priority sites contract. Contact for Further Information: Gerald Paul (919) 801-6482 Session 5: Water Supply and Groundwater TCE Panel Discussion Moderator: Drew Morgan, WCCC, NC DHHS Panel Members: Greg Bright Wake County Department of Environmental Services Gerald Paul S&ME, Inc. Thomas Whitehead S&ME, Inc. 50 51 Session 6: Customer Relations and Government Being an ACC Champion Chris Whittaker Union County Abstract: This presentation will incorporate four basic characteristics for great customer relations: Attitude, Communication, Commitment, and Character. For all who deal with the public on a daily basis. Contact for Further Information: Chris Whittaker Union County 500 North Main St, Suite 47 Monroe, NC 28110 704-288-3686 chriswhittaker@co.union.nc.us Session 6: Customer Relations and Government Septic System Database Repair and Information Program (SSDRIP): Lessons Learned Diana Rashash NC Cooperative Extension Abstract: The Septic System Database, Repair, and Information Program (SSDRIP), funded by the Clean Water Trust Fund (CWTF), was conducted in Onslow from Jan. 2009 to Jan. 2013. This presentation will discuss the highlights: successes, failures, and most importantly, the lessons learned during the program. One lesson learned was that homeowners with little equity and a high system repair cost ($25,000+) will opt to “walk away” from their homes, even with the offer of assistance. Is this “sustainable”? One owner commented that having information about the repair system would have affected their decision to purchase the home. Biography: The author grew up in rural upstate New York, where she got to play with water, snakes, rocks, and nature in general. She decided to focus on “environmental” before environmental was cool (think 70s!). Toward that goal, she obtained her BS in Applied Biology from Georgia Tech, and her MS and PhD in Environmental Sciences & Engineering from Virginia Tech. Diana has been with NC Cooperative Extension as an Area Specialized Agent – Natural Resources for the past 17 years. Contact for Further Information: Diana Rashash diana_rashash@ncsu.edu 52 Session 6: Customer Relations and Government Onsite System Management as a Part of the County’s Stormwater/Watershed Program Henrietta Locklear Raftelis Abstract: Onsite systems have long been an integral part of watershed management programs, since water supply watershed rules enforce less intensive development and that development, in turn must rely on decentralized wastewater management. Despite their interrelationship with watershed programs, onsite programs were still able to maintain a primary focus on their public health mission and view onsite system management from that perspective. In recent years, however, the relationship between watershed and on-site programs is changing. In some areas, as a part of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), onsite systems have been identified as contributing factors in poor water quality. New stormwater and water quality regulations may demand increased septic system management based on a water quality imperative. This change presents some challenges, as programs balance public health and regulations-driven water quality priorities, ensure that management approaches are supported by good research, and stretch resources further to meet requirements. Opportunities abound as well, including an opportunity to corral new resources and gain increasing visibility. This talk discusses models of integration between watershed/stormwater and onsite programs, views from the watershed perspective, and challenges and opportunities. Contact for Further Information: Henrietta Locklear Raftelis 919-260-5714 hlocklear@raftelis.com 53 Session 6: Customer Relations and Government North Carolina Solid Waste Program – When to Call Mike Scott Solid Waste Section NC DENR Abstract: Solid Waste management in North Carolina covers a broad range of activities and waste types from septage to construction waste. Understanding the proper management of Solid Waste and knowing appropriate contacts for the mismanagement of waste provides a greater protection of public health and the environment in North Carolina. Biography: Michael obtained BS and MS degrees from NCSU in Agronomy and is a licensed NC soil scientist. Michael has worked for DENR for 11 years in solid waste working within the composting and land application branch and now as the Section Chief of the Solid Waste Section. As Section Chief he is responsible for permitting, compliance and reporting activities related to Solid Waste management in North Carolina. Contact for Further Information: Michael Scott 919-707-8246 michael.scott@ncdenr.gov Session 6: Customer Relations and Government I&E (Innovative and Experimental) Approval Process and Product Updates Trish Angoli, NC DHHS Abstract: I&E systems are defined under General Statute 130A-343 and approved in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 18A .1969 – Approval and Permitting of On-Site Subsurface Wastewater Systems, Technologies, Components, or Devices. These systems are not listed or identified anywhere else in the rules. Applications for I&E systems are reviewed by a technical committee made up of members from the on-site wastewater industry, both public and private. Biography: Tricia Angoli has Bachelors and Masters degrees in Civil Engineering from West Virginia University. She worked for the National Small Flows Clearinghouse for ten years, for a private consulting firm in Pennsylvania that dealt with onsite and small community subsurface wastewater systems, and is currently with the Onsite Water Protection Branch. Contact for Further Information: Trish Angoli 919-707-5878 trish.angoli@dhhs.nc.gov 54 Session 6: Customer Relations and Government Customer Relation Tips to Sustain Your Business in Today’s Economy Kevin Davidson Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Abstract: This presentation will focus on the meaning of customer service and the interaction of consultants and installers with their clients. The discussion will also consider the interaction between consultants and installers with regulatory agencies. Biography: Kevin is a Senior Project Engineer with Agri-Waste Technology, Inc., which is located in Raleigh, NC. He specializes in subsurface, surface application and surface discharge wastewater systems for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Contact for Further Information: Kevin Davidson 919-859-0669 kdavidson@agriwaste.com 55 Session 7: Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Planning for On-site Reuse – A Brief Look at Long Term Water Availability, Population Growth, Resource Allocation and Resource Management Robert Rubin A. R. Rubin and Associates Abstract: Increasingly the nexus of weather, climate, population pressures, water and energy resource availability and water quality requirements will dramatically influence water resource management nationwide; here in the southeast where watersheds are relatively small and throughout the country where drought and water scarcity issues are emerging. Examination of news articles indicate that water shortages and drought events are increasingly common, even in areas like the southeastern U.S. once considered a water rich area. Water resource managers are increasingly challenged to provide high quality water to a thirsty public and societal and climactic factors exacerbate the challenge. • Will water management practices of the future include opportunities for energy recovery and water reuse onsite? • What barriers exist to promotion of wise onsite water management strategies that recognize the value of long term planning and reuse? • How can communities large and small benefit from onsite and distributed reuse? Realization of reuse efforts will require: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sound and reliable technologies to treat, disinfect, distribute water; Standards that enable third-party technology evaluation to support acceptance and permitting Competent well trained individuals to operate and maintain components of the system; organizations manage and operate systems; Regulatory agencies which recognize the value of all resources and regulate in accord with sound science and effective public policy, and lastly; An educated populace that values the necessity to manage resources in a manner that minimizes risk to individuals and maximizes benefits to the community. Demographers project that the population of United States will increase 25 to 30% by 2025 and the population of North Carolina is expected to grow to over 9 million by 2020. Much of this growth will target rural, sub-urban or peri-urban areas – the small and medium sized community or inner city areas where “gentrification” is occurring. In addition, industrial growth and development, recreation, and agriculture will continue to exert demands on available water resources. Clearly there are many drivers for water resource management programs that include increasing reliance on reuse and improved management. Water uses are critical in this discussion; water fit for purpose is the new mantra for the water industry. Potential water sources include wastewater, greywater, contaminated groundwater, harvested rainwater, and stormwater; each potential source must be considered as a part of a total water management program. Each is a potential source for water deemed fit for purpose in a thirsty world. Water Resources: The availability of water is a major driver in economic development. States along the eastern seaboard are unique; our watersheds begin in the Appalachian Mountains and generally flow eastward to the 56 Atlantic; all states in the region have been influenced by drought in recent years and water resource allocations are increasingly impacting availability of water. These watersheds are small when compared to the watersheds in the western states. In many areas there is a perception of plentiful water, but the supply has been strained for the last few years and the increasing pressures on the current levels will only exacerbate resource management challenges. Water reuse can play a major role in allocation of water resources throughout the nation water resource managers may increasingly supplant dwindling sources with reclaimed water, harvested rainwater, and treated stormwater. In fact, a recent study by the National Association of Counties suggests that many counties will face significant water shortages in coming years. Treatment Technologies: Natural water reuse systems have been in use for millennia as water cycled through the hydrologic cycle. Human intervention in the water cycle necessitates management of the resource and management necessitates reliable and robust treatment technologies. State agencies responsible for permitting reuse systems have developed rules and regulations to assure reuse programs provide water deemed fit for purpose. Regulatory agencies often specify required levels of treatment and redundancy in critical processes rather than a specific technology. System designers must document that a treatment technology specified in a reuse application is capable of achieving required levels of treatment. Often the treatment for non-potable reuse specifies BOD, TSS, Turbidity, and indicator organism levels for microbiologic indicators such as coliform, C. perfringens, or phage. Specific requirements for the treatment technology are often specified. One frequent requirement following biological treatment is fine filtration and dual disinfection. These technologies are required to assure the liquid generated meets the stringent water quality standards deemed necessary to protect public health and environmental quality. NSF International (NSF) has developed a standard for evaluating wastewater and graywater treatment technologies that claim to produce effluent suitable for many reuse, non-potable applications. The Standard approved in 2011is listed as NSF 350. The standard can be used to assure wastewater and graywater treatment products specified for reuse applications meet treatment levels deemed protective of health. The NSF Standard was developed through a lengthy consensus driven effort involving public health and environmental professionals, manufacturers, academicians, regulators and engineers. Reuse applications of the treated effluent include indoor use, such as toilet and urinal flushing, and outdoor use, such as irrigation. The effluent criteria of the Standard are established consistent with these end uses. The effluent quality criteria are the same regardless of the source of water, i.e. whether it is residential wastewater, graywater, or only bathing or laundry water. There are two separate criteria, one for the overall test average and another for individual samples established as a single maximum that no sample can exceed. Class R is specific to single family residential dwellings, whereas Class C is specific to multi-family residential units and commercial facilities. One manufacturer has been tested and certified under this new NSF 350 Standard. The standards are listed below and are consistent with NCDENR requirements. Table1. Summary of draft NSF Standard 350 effluent criteria for individual classifications: Measure CBOD5 (mg/L) TSS (mg/L) Class R Single Sample Test Average Maximum 10 25 10 Class C Single Sample Test Average Maximum 10 25 30 10 57 30 Turbidity (NTU) 2 E. coli (MPN/100 ml) pH (SU) Storage vessel disinfection 3 (mg/L) Color 5 10 2 5 14 240 2.2 200 6.0 – 9.0 NA 6.0 – 9.0 NA ≥ 0.5 – ≤ 2.5 NA ≥ 0.5 – ≤ 2.5 NA NA MR NA Non-offensive Nondetectable NA 4 MR 1 Odor Non-offensive NA Oily film and NonNon-detectable foam detectable Energy MR NA consumption 1 NA: not applicable. 2 Calculated as geometric mean. 3 As chlorine. Other disinfectants can be used. 4 MR: Measured and reported only. Non-detectable MR NA Table 2. Typical Reuse Standards Used by State Water Quality Agencies Standard CA FL NC VA NYC Turbidity <=2 <5(2) <2 <2.0 BOD NS <20 <=10 <=10 <10 TSS NS <5 <=5 <=5 <10 Coliform <2.2 ND <=14/100mL <=14/100mL 2.2/100 ml as E.coli C. perfringens Coliphage 3 log reduction 4 log reduction Trained and certified operators: Competent operators are critical to assure systems designed, permitted and installed to provide reuse quality water are operated to meet those standards. State agencies are responsible to assure wastewater system operators are trained and certified. The North Carolina Technical Assistance and Certification Branch provides training and certification programs for all reuse systems. Many state agencies are now developing programs in cooperation with the Association of Boards of Certification. Competent system operators serve as the backbone for the reclaimed water industry. Management entities: Organizations – public and private that assume management responsibilities necessary to assure reuse systems are managed properly. Management functions are an essential component of sustainable management programs. Critical management activities involved in sustainable management efforts must address the workforce and workforce development, condition assessments of essential reuse assets, and long term financial management to assure longevity of the reuse infrastructure. Management entities can be public or private. There is a misperception that only municipal sources of reclaimed water are suitable, but many private entities produce and manage reclaimed water beneficially. With the new NSF standards previously discussed and state program requirements an entity with necessary management attributes is an acceptable entity to oversee reuse operations. Rules and regulations that enable: Most states have rules or guidelines addressing water reuse. The USEPA has a comprehensive guide available in both printed and CD formats on reuse and available from your EPA at: 58 www.epa.gov/ttbnrmrl The Guidelines for Water Reuse (EPA/625/R-04/108, August 2004) is available through the EPA ORD Technology Transfer Program as a Manual of Practice. It presents recommended water reuse guidelines for a wide range of practices where reclaimed water could supplant potable demands (e.g., agricultural and urban irrigation, industrial reuse [e.g., cooling water, boiler make-up water, industrial process water], impoundment and stream augmentation, groundwater recharge, and indirect potable reuse) and provides supporting information for the benefit of the water and wastewater utilities, regulatory agencies in the U.S., the concerned pubic and decision makers. Reuse is emerging as an integral component in our developing water management strategy. Fears and misunderstandings abound. Through education and demonstration, research and development, and proper management reuse will become integrated into the water management paradigm. State agencies are responsible for establishing appropriate water quality standards and treatment requirements in reclaimed water programs. In addition, NSF has now established a water use standard (NSF 350) which describes water quality needs associated with end-use applications – regardless of the source, water must be fit for intended use and this standard reflect this realization. Water quality standards can vary depending on the intended use of the reclaimed water. Regardless of the intended use, water quality standards are stringent. The most stringent standards are associated with reuse activities that may expose residents of a community to reclaimed water. Outdoor uses such as golf courses, athletic field irrigation or wetland augmentation and indoor uses such as toilet flushing all require adherence to stringent water quality standards, adherence to strict design standards, and a management plan. The risk determines the treatment levels required. Educated advocates and planning: The most effective tool we have in our reuse efforts is educated advocates for these programs. The technology to achieve reclaimed water standards reliably and efficiently exists; personnel to operate, maintain and manage reuse systems are available; organizations to sustain these efforts are formed and regulated; and rules and regulations encouraging reuse are present at appropriate levels. Planning for reuse will require that communities assess potential demand. This can be done by examining water uses and identifying activities amenable to reuse. Planners can incorporate access to water reuse pipelines as a tool in land use decisions. Activities such as toilet flushing, fire protection, heating and cooling water, irrigation, aesthetic uses, ecosystem enhancements and dust control can all be accomplished with non-potable or reclaimed water. Demand management is a critical step in the planning for reuse effort. Once potential demands have been identified, reclaimed water generators must assess the supply issues associated with meeting the demands. This requires assessment of seasonal needs and volumes. The pumping systems, line sizes, and storage requirements necessary to support reuse must be assessed in this phase of a reuse effort. Competing demands for available water are already creating allocation issues throughout the region. Changing weather and rainfall patterns may exacerbate already sensitive allocation issues. Reuse in NC The importance of reuse was recently codified in NC with passage of the Drought Management Bill in 2008 (20081943). This bill establishes requirements for any entity withdrawing or transferring over 100,000 GPD from surface or groundwater sources, and it also assigns responsibility to NCDA to initiate a survey of all agricultural, silvicultural, and horticultural users withdrawing 10,000 GPD or more from any source. Section 143-355.5 of the bill contains provisions for reuse. The bill states that reuse is critical to meet existing and future water demands in North Carolina. We have a mandate to reuse reclaimed water; consequently a responsibility to do that wisely. This bill is an important tool to help communities plan wise water management strategies and state governments should be required to develop similar legislation encouraging reuse. Further, the Water Reuse Rule is in process of 59 redevelopment and new provisions in the rule encourage and enable expanded uses for reclaimed water (15 A NCAC 2U). Our onsite reuse efforts in North Carolina as permitted through DEH are limited, but we will see increased reliance on reuse in a variety of settings. The Wilkerson Park in Wake County utilizes a membrane system for treatment, an indoor reuse system for toilet flush and a permitted soil absorption system to receive effluent not reused. This was permitted by Wake County Health Department and Wake County Building Department following extensive consultation with appropriate state agencies. To date, the water has been reused and recycled effectively and the system has consistently performed outstandingly thanks to the outstanding service provided by the onsite operator. Commencement – Not Conclusion: What do implications associated with changing demographics and changing rainfall patterns hold for us all? Climatologists tell us that the annual volume of rainfall may not change markedly, but the distribution of that rainfall will. Short and intense rainfall events are likely. The volume of water that can enter complex aquifer systems may be reduced. This reduces the volume of water available to groundwater aquifers and potentially to surface streams. Supplying the demand for water will become increasingly difficult, and reclaimed water programs will play an increasingly critical role in water resource management programs vital to the state. Effective water reuse program planning must begin now. The Drought Management Bill and the Reuse Rule in NC are prescient indicators of our collective future. More and more entities recognize the need to better manage precious resources sustainably. Reuse is a vital and necessary component of comprehensive water planning efforts. Throughout the country and worldwide available water supplies are challenged. System managers are examining opportunities to incorporate reclaimed water into municipal and onsite applications. State and federal agencies are examining mandates to reduce water and energy needs in buildings and facilities. Reuse efforts will continue to develop and evolve, available technology will become more efficient, operators are become more professional, management entities are becoming more sustainable, reuse regulations and standards are developing that reflect the concern for protecting health and the environment, and publics are recognizing the need to better manage resources. Reuse has been a part of the water management paradigm for millennia; planned and managed reuse will allow us to better manage this vital resource. Biography: Dr. Robert (Bob) Rubin is an Emeritus Professor in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University. He currently consults on water and solids management projects. From 1999 through 2005, Dr. Rubin served as a Visiting Scientist at the USEPA in Washington, DC. Contact for Further Information: Robert Rubin robert_rubin@ncsu.edu 60 Session 7: Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Update on North Carolina’s First DHHS-approved Reuse System Cory Brantley David Brantley & Sons Abstract: Permitting, permitting, permitting. The biggest hurdle moving forward. Biography: My dad started a small family business around 1964. When I say family I mean the entire family. My mom did the paperwork and my brothers and I started working with him at a young age. Back then it was mostly residential gravity type systems with the occasional pump system. Now it’s installation, maintenance and pumping of any type system from simple gravity to advanced treatment. Contact for Further Information: Cory Brantley 1installer@gmail.com Session 7: Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Panel Discussion Moderator: Bob Rubin, A.R. Rubin and Associates Panel Members: Steven Berkowitz NC DHHS Cory Brantley David Brantley and Sons, Inc. Jon Risgaard NC DENR 61 Session 7: Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Designing Small-scale “Living” Graywater filtration Systems for Salons and Spas in North Carolina Bobbie Jo Swinson Appalachian State University Abstract: Researchers at Appalachian State University have been researching and designing a modular, biologically based, “living” graywater filtration system to be installed in a local hair salon in Boone, NC. This presentation will give an overview of the research and development process and offer the latest information regarding graywater filtration regulations and requirements in North Carolina. Finally, we will share our prototype designs and information regarding the effectiveness of such systems. Contact for Further Information: Bobbie Jo Swinson swinsonbj@appstate.edu 62 Session 7: Decentralized Wastewater Reuse Conjunctive Use Reclaimed Water Program in Johnston County Jamie Guerrero, PE, CPSWQ Development Engineer, Environmental, and Stormwater Manager Johnston County Public Utilities Abstract: The NC General Assembly established reclaimed water rules (15A NCAC 02U) effective June 18, 2011. Prior to the reclaimed water rules, reclaimed water was regulated by the Waste Not Discharged to Surface Waters rules (15A NCAC 02T). The purpose of the rule change was to encourage and promote safe and beneficial use of reclaimed water in a manner that is protective of both public health and the environment. Session Laws 2011-48 (House bill 268) and 2011-218 (House Bill 388) required the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) to make further revisions to the reclaimed water rules to incorporate changes made by the General Assembly during the 20112012 legislative session. The 02U rules allow irrigation of agricultural crops, including irrigation of ornamental crops by field nurseries and aboveground container nurseries, supplied with reclaimed water as part of a conjunctive use reclaimed water system and approved by the reclaimed water provider. Under the 02U rules it is not necessary for the Division to issue individual permits or coverage under a general permit for construction or operation of this type of utilization system. In addition, the 02U Rules extended the use of reclaimed water from non-food chain crops to certain food chain crops that are peeled, skinned, cooked, or thermally processed before consumption. With this change in utilization, there is renewed interest in the agricultural community within Johnston County to use reclaimed water for a reliable source of irrigation waters. Johnston County has developed policies and procedures to permit and encourage reclaimed water usage. Biography: Mr. Guerrero is a North Carolina licensed Professional Engineer and a Certified Professional Stormwater Quality. Mr. Guerrero is a graduate of NC State University and worked 5 years with the private sector specializing in environmental engineering and consulting before joining the public sector at N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and later local government for Johnston County. In 2005, Mr. Guerrero worked for the NCDOT as the Division 4 Environmental Officer. He joined Johnston County in 2008 as the Stormwater Manager and is currently working as the Utility and Environmental Department Manager. Mr. Guerrero has extensive experience with stormwater quality, stream and wetland delineation, mitigation, and 401/404 permitting, as well as water, wastewater, and reclaimed water distribution. He also owns his own environmental engineering consulting firm that he established in 2006. Contact for Further Information: Jamie Guerrero (919) 209-8333 or (919) 624-8825 j amie.guerrero@johnstonnc.com or pntaengineering@embarqmail.com 63 Session 8: Closing General Session Saltwater Intrusion and Migration in the Coastal Plain Richard Spruill Professor East Carolina University Abstract: Abstract. Large regional groundwater withdrawals have induced the migration of saltwater into the previously freshwater portions of the Upper Floridan Aquifer beneath Hilton Head Island. This has caused Hilton Head Public Service District (the District) to lose a significant portion of their fresh groundwater supply. The District has considered several options to reduce saltwater intrusion by managing their existing Upper Floridan Aquifer wellfield. The District has also developed alternative sources that are both reliable and economically viable. Strategies for managing the existing groundwater supply include the construction of new wells in the Upper Floridan Aquifer away from the saltwater-freshwater interface located near Port Royal Sound. Groundwater modeling has been utilized to guide management of the existing wellfield to more evenly distribute withdrawals, thereby reducing the potential for developing coalescing cones of depression and large-scale inflections on the potentiometric surface. These management strategies reduce the potential for localized saltwater intrusion and/or upcoming, and extend the life of the wellfield. The Middle Floridan Aquifer is being developed as an alternative source of water to be treated by reverse osmosis (RO). Detailed aquifer testing and analyses were utilized to address regulatory concerns regarding the potential to create further water level declines in the Upper Floridan Aquifer. To investigate the hydrogeologic feasibility of using the Middle Floridan Aquifer as a supply source, the District constructed a Middle Floridan Aquifer production well and two monitoring wells. The primary goal of this testing was to evaluate the hydraulic properties of the Middle Floridan Aquifer and to evaluate the impact of withdrawals from the Middle Floridan Aquifer on water levels in the Upper Floridan Aquifer. Results of this testing program indicated that development of the Middle Floridan Aquifer is feasible and will not create significant impacts on the Upper Floridan Aquifer. Other potential strategies that have been investigated include the utilization of saltwater extraction wells from the Upper Floridan Aquifer near Port Royal Sound to create a pressure trough to inhibit further saltwater migration beneath Hilton Head Island. Water from extraction wells could be treated with RO and utilized as a water resource. The District has also considered the utilization of Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) to create a freshwater pressure ridge to prevent further saltwater migration beneath Hilton Head Island. Reverse osmosis treated water from brackish sources can be utilized during off peak periods to recharge ASR wells, that can be used conjunctively with existing Upper Floridan Aquifer wells to meet peak demands. The District provides an excellent example of how multi-faceted management strategies can be successfully applied to mitigate saltwater intrusion issues in developed coastal areas. Too often, coastal communities will simply add more treatment to existing sources without addressing the causes of saltwater intrusion and without fully evaluating other economical alternatives. 64 Biography: Richard Spruill is a professor and hydrogeologist at East Carolina University specializing in the evaluation and development of the groundwater resources of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. He has worked closely with municipalities, industries and the regulatory community to provide scientific insight during the planning and development of large-scale groundwater withdrawal projects. Richard has a particular interest in groundwater protection regulations and has played a significant role in solving the major problems facing North Carolina groundwater users. Contact for Further Information: Richard Spruill East Carolina University spruillr@ecu.edu 65 Session 8: Closing General Session Shale Gas 101 – Natural Gas Exploration/Development: A North Carolina Perspective Kenneth B. Taylor, PG State Geologist of North Carolina and Chief NC Geological Survey Abstract: The 1823 organic act which created the North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS) tasked us to examine, describe and map the geology, geologic hazards, and mineral resources of our State and publish these findings in NCGS reports and maps. During the last 190 years, the Survey has provided unbiased, impartial and relevant technical information to all parties. The NCGS is custodian of rock cores, cuttings, geophysical logs, commodity files, and other records on the mineral potential in the State. In 1925, oil and gas exploration began in Craven County where Great Lakes Well #2 was drilled to a depth of 2,404 feet. During the next 74 years, 128 oil and gas wells were drilled in 23 counties. From 1974 to 1998, eight oil and gas wells were drilled in Lee County, with the last being AMVEST Butler #3. The deepest well was ESSO #1 (Hatteras Light) with a total depth of 10,044 feet. Beginning in 2008 with the publication of the U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2008-1108, Dr. Jeffrey Reid with the NCGS published a series of research papers and abstracts on the shale gas potential of the Mesozoic rift basins in North Carolina. The research showed a total petroleum system (TPS) containing source rock, seals and traps/reservoirs existed in the Deep River Basin, a 150-mile-ling northeast trending half-graben (rift basin) with a steeply dipping eastern border fault. The led to a three-year joint NCGS-USGS geological assessment NCGS-USGS and a USGS numerical assessment of a unconventional (continuous) TPS in both the Deep River and Dan River – Danville basins. Biography: Dr. Kenneth B. Taylor is the State Geologist of North Carolina and Chief of the N.C. Geological Survey Section in the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR). As the senior scientist he coordinates the Survey’s geologic investigations and educational outreach efforts across the State. During his 18 years with state government, Dr. Taylor has shared his extensive experience in both emergency management and geologic investigations in more than 50 abstracts, reports and professional papers. As a geologist and geophysicist, he is the senior technical specialist/advisor to the State Emergency Response Team on earthquakes. He has also responded to significant regional earthquakes in North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and South Carolina to capture aftershock sequences for source analysis; worked in the oil fields of Texas on secondary oil/gas recovery techniques; and utilized geophysical methods to characterize geological problems. Dr. Taylor earned his Bachelor of Science in Geology from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1979, his Master of Geology from the University of South Carolina in 1981 and his doctorate in geophysics from Saint Louis University in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1991. Dr. Taylor was the 1991-1992 Geological Society of America Congressional Science Fellow where he served as a professional staff member in the U.S. Senate. Contact for Further Information: Dr. Kenneth B. Taylor, P.G. (919) 707-9211 (work) Kenneth.B.Taylor@ncdenr.gov 66 Session 8: Closing General Session Future Direction of Onsite Nancy Deal OWPB, NC DHHS Abstract: We face significant challenges in light of continued economic uncertainty, unique administrative constraints and recent legislative activities. This atmosphere warrants the use of inventive approaches to customer service improvement. In this presentation, the Onsite Water Protection Branch Head will outline short and long-term objectives intended to streamline operations, promote consistency and facilitate communication. Biography: Nancy Deal began her environmental health career in 1990 in the Martin-Tyrell-Washington District. In 2000, Nancy became an Extension Associate at NC State University, where she developed curricula and delivered training and technical assistance regarding decentralized wastewater treatment. In 2010, Nancy joined the NC DHHS and most recently accepted the position of Branch Head for the Onsite Water Protection Branch. Contact for Further Information: Nancy Deal OWPB, NC DHHS 1642 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1642 919-707-5875 nancy.deal@dhhs.nc.gov 67 Registration List Last Name Adams Alley Anderson Andrews Angoli Anthony Arreguin Ashton Bailey Bannister First Name Andy Glen Ron Edwin Trish William Gilbert Tom Eric Tim Barefoot Barringer Barry Barry Beeson Berkowitz Bernard Berry Bitting Black Bolich Bolton Boone Bowyer Boyer Brantley Brantley Brantley Bright Brooks Brooks Brothers Brown Brown Bullard Burch Burdette Burris Burton Cahill Caldwell Callis Carignan Casebolt Champion Clapp Clark Clayton Clayton Coen Cole Jeff BK Steve Mike Jim Steven Jane Stephen Veronica Stuart Rick Jerry Robert Ken James Cory Shane Nick Gregory Bill Mark Marshall Galen Robert Jeffrey Michael Matt David Rob Charles Craig Joseph Neil Hiram Cassandra Alan Richard Michael Jimmy Keith Scott Company Orange Co. Env. Health Ashtecs/Biokube Drillers Service, Inc. Edwin Andrews & Associates NC DHHS Advanced Drainage Systems AAA Septic Tank Pumping American Manufacturing Co. Davidson County Health Dept Tri-County Wastewater Mgmt. Appalachian District Health Dept. Piedmont Design Associates AQWA AQWA Piedmont Env. Associates NCDHHS NCDENR NCDENR SERCAP, Inc. NCDENR-PWSS NCDENR Bolton's Backhoe, Inc Halifax Co. Health Dept. Forsyth Co. Env. Health Transylvania Co. Env. Health David Brantley & Sons David Brantley & Sons David Brantley & Sons Wake Co. Environmental Svcs Sim/Tech Filter Brooks Engineering Associates Warren County Health Dept. Jerry's Trucking & Septic Svc. City of Raleigh Nature Works, Inc. Bateman Civil Survey Company Virginia Dept. of Health Drillers Service, Inc. Forsyth County NCDENR Wake County Granville Vance Health Dist. Orange Co. Health Dept. Ray Clark Construction Enviro-Tech Granville-Vance Dist. Health Advanced Drainage Systems Guilford Co. Public Health City Hillsborough Hickory Greensboro Raleigh Raleigh Winter Garden Hope Mills Elkwood Lexington Wingate State NC NC NC NC NC FL NC VA NC NC Work Phone 919-245-2371 828-431-3285 828-431-3245 919-851-7844 (919) 707-5878 919-796-9873 910-484-2020 800-345-3132 336-242-2358 704-324-4145 Email Address aadams@orangecountync.gov Boone Mooresville Wilson Wilson Greensboro Raleigh Raleigh Winston-Salem Cary Old Fort Raleigh Warrenton Halifax Winston-Salem Brevard Zebulon Zebulon Zebulon Raleigh Boyne City Asheville Warrenton Ocracoke Durham Raleigh Burgess Holly Springs Floyd Wilmington Winston-Salem Raleigh Holly Springs Manteo Raleigh Oxford Hillsborough Boone Powells Point Oxford Winter Garden Greensboro NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC MI NC NC NC NC NC VA NC VA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC FL NC 828-264-4995 704-663-4044 252-243-7693 252-243-7693 336-215-8820 919-715-3271 919-791-4236 336-771-5288 919-228-2276 828-273-7578 919-715-6180 252-432-3427 252-583-6651 336-703-3155 (828) 884-3139 919-669-5188 252-478-3721 jeff.barefoot@apphealth.com bkb1@roadrunner.com sbarry@aqwa.net mbarry@aqwa.net jbeeson6@gmail.com steven.berkowitz@dhhs.nc.gov jane.bernard@ncdenr.gov stephen.berry@ncdenr.gov vbitting@sercap.org satchblack@gmail.com rick.bolich@ncdenr.gov boltonbackhoe@embarqmail.com booner@halifaxnc.com bowyerkr@forsyth.cc jim.boyer@transylvaniacounty.org 1installer@gmail.com davidbrantleyandsons@yahoo.com 919-856-7465 888-999-3290 828-232-4700 252 257 3795 252-928-0052 919-672-5414 919-996-3700 804-453-7946 919/577-1080 540-204-9763 910-650-9994 (336) 703-3152 919-707-9007 919-201-4084 252-473-3643 919-868-2563 919-693-2688 (919) 245-2360 (828) 963-4688 252-491-5277 919-693-2688 704-466-0135 (336) 641-8192 gbright@wakegov.com 68 r.anderson@dsidsi.com andwater@aol.com trish.angoli@dhhs.nc.gov william.anthony@ads-pipe.com twa220@aol.com eric.bailey@davidsoncountync.gov tb@tcwwastewater.com mbrooks@brooksea.com mbrothers@co.warren.nc.us JTSepticService@embarqmail.com rmbrown79@earthlink.net jeffrey.bullard@raleighnc.gov natureworks@hers.com Matt@batemancivilsurvey.com accof2@swva.net r.burton@dsidsi.com cahillcw@forsyth.cc craig.caldwell@ncdenr.gov josephcc@aol.com nccontractor1045@gmail.com hcasebolt@wakegov.com cchampion@gvdhd.org aclapp@co.orange.nc.us richardclark@skybest.com mwclayton2@gmail.com jimmyb60@embarqmail.com keith.coen@ads-pipe.com scole0@co.guilford.nc.us Cole Conrad Cooper Corbitt Cornette Creed Crissman Crissman Crowder Crumpler Cruver Cumbee Cuthrell D'Amato Davidson Davis Davis Davis Davis Daywalt Deal Deal Denard Dillard Dodge Donathan Doyle Dozier Drewnoski Dudas Dugan Dull Dunphy Eaker Eberhart Edens Edens Edgerton English Eubanks Evans Ferguson Fisher Fitzgerald Flaugher Freed Fugate Fulcher Gaddis Gaines Gallant Gidrey Giese Gilbert Gillispie Gray Greene Walter Dewey Todd Lisa Ellen Lindsay Tim Robert John Houston Jim Joshua Eric Victor Kevin Justin John K.R. Ray Andrew Chris Nancy Derek Jeff Vencent Teddy Walter M. Cheryl John Chris George Charles Ramona Mike Robert Sonya William Ethan Johnny Joel John Walker John Tim Hunter Bill Mike David Alan Amanda Michael Jason Walter Chris Elizabeth John Scott S&ME POLYLOK American Manufacturing Mecklenburg County ARM Hugh Creed Associates, Inc. NCDHHS Ashtecs/Biokube Brunswick Reg. Water & Sewer Crumpler Plastic Pipe, Inc. Salcor, Inc. Brunswick Co. Env. Health Nash Co. Environmental Health Tetra Tech Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. NCDENR Orange Co. Health Dept. Coastal Plains Env. Group Bruce Foods Davie County Env. Health Cape Fear Drilling Services NC DHHS NCDENR Halifax County Health Dept. Pender County Donathan Pumping Service Onslow Co. Env. Health Braswell Foods Aseptic Inspections Snider, Inc. CETCO Drilling Products Sanford Golf Course Union County Env. Health Southeastern Soil Eberhart Construction, Inc. RSC Engineering RSC Engineering Nash Co. Env. Health Ashtecs/Biokube Eubanks Wastewater Mgt. SHF Plumbing Land Resource Management RK & K City of High Point HF Services Aquapoint Innovative Env. Products Johnston Co. Env. Health AG Environmental Mgmt. NCDENR Michael C. Gallant, PE, PA Onslow Co. Health Dept. Applied Resource Mgt. Altamont Environmental, Inc. NC State University JDG Consultants Guilford Co. Public Health Raleigh Wallingford Elkwood Charlotte Hampstead Greensboro White Oak Sophia Leland Roseboro Fallbrook Bolivia Nashville RTP Raleigh Wilmington Hillsborough New Kent Wilson mocksville Burgaw Raleigh Winston Salem Halifax Burgaw Cameron Jacksonville Nashville Emerald Isle Charlotte Hoffman Estates Sanford Monroe Fayetteville Willow Spring Hampstead Hampstead Nashville Wilmington Beaufort Holly Springs Swannanoa Sylva High Point Chapel Hill Harbinger Greensboro Smithfield Trinity Wilmington Surf City Jacksonville Sneads Ferry Asheville Raleigh Chapel Hill Greensboro 69 NC CT VA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC CA NC NC NC NC NC NC VA NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC IL NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 919-801-3798 877-765-9565 800-345-3132 704-336-5789 910-270-2919 336-275-9826 (910) 226-4010 336-880-6740 910-371-9949 910-525-4046 760-731-0745 910-253-2266 252-459-1320 (919) 485-2070 919-859-0669 910-796-7215 919-245-2375 804-966-9190 252-237-5476 336-753-6785 910-259-8252 (919) 707-5875 336-771-5286 252-583-6651 910-270-5000 (910) 245-3583 910-989-3122 252-451-2111 252-342-5231 704-609-3398 587.331.7196 919-776-2178 704-201-3103 919-369-6797 919-639-9035 910-270-9599 910-270-9599 252-459-9829 910-343-5565 (252) 723-7071 wcole@smeinc.com deweyconrad@bellsouth.net tcooper@americanonsite.com Lisa.Corbitt@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov cornettefc@yahoo.com creedclan@aol.com tim.crissman@dhhs.nc.gov rcrissman3@triad.rr.com 828-231-1663 828-226-2586 (336) 822-4767 919-624-9585 252-491-5277 walker@landrm.com stephenfisher582@gmail.com tim.fitzgerald@highpointnc.gov hfservicesnc@gmail.com bfreed@envirotechnc.com 919-989-5191 336-561-9178 910-796-7327 910-448-1046 910-938-5851 910-389-4410 828-281-3350 919-515-2655 (919) 815-0698 336-641-3566 david.fulcher@johnstonnc.com arg619@northstate.net Amanda.Gaines@ncdenr.gov gallantmc@yahoo.com jason_gidrey@onslowcountync.gov wdgiese@gmail.com cgilbert@altamontenvironmental.com ecgillis@ncsu.edu jdgray@mindspring.com sgreene0@co.guilford.nc.us hlcrumpler@cpp-pipe.com jcumbee@brunsco.net eric.cuthrell@nashcountync.gov victor.damato@tetratech.com kdavidson@agriwaste.com justin.k.davis@ncdenr.gov jrdavis@orangecountync.gov krdavis@cpegllc.com andrew.daywalt@co.davie.nc.us nancy.deal@dhhs.nc.gov derek.denard@ncdenr.gov dillardj@halifaxnc.com vdodge@pendercountync.gov donathanps@yahoo.com walter_doyle@onslowcountync.gov cheryld@braswellfoods.com jchristopherd@hotmail.com djones@sniderinc.com ramonadunphy@co.union.nc.us mike@southeasternsoil.com robert@eberhartinc.com sonya@rscengineering.com randall@rscengineering.com ethan.edgerton@nashcountync.gov johnny.english@basf.com eubanks@clis.com Guerrero Gulley Haggett Hall Hamilton Harrell Harris Hassett Hayes Heshaam Hight Hill Hobby Hoover Hornish Huemmer Huguley Humphrey Hunley Hutson Iverson Jacobs Jenkins Johnson Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Kane Keiger Kelly Keyworth Kivett Kocot Konsler Koontz Koteskey Krafft Lamb Lamb Lassiter Laurie Lawson Leath Lewis Locklear Locklear Long Long Long Long Loudermilt Lowe Mabe Madden Manhart Mann Jamie James Douglas Jason Shane Todd Chuck Alan Rich Ajmal Peter David Kathryn Mike Ryan Jon Sonny Charles Damon David Guy Toney Jerry Joe Tim Brad Dana Wayne Evan Chris Harold Amy James Carl Marty Tom Jason Gary Todd Jon Kevin Doug Samuel Roy Tim Scott Henrietta Adam Gina Donald Layton Daniel Keith James Martin James James Mark Johnston County Needham Environmental, Inc. Haggett Engineering Assoc. Central Carolina Soil Cons. Orenco Systems, Inc. Benchmark Tool & Supply, Inc. NoMound Systems of NC NCDWQ Cumberland Co. Public Health Warren County Health Dept NCDENR Wake County NC State University Advanced Drainage Systems Alamance County Health Dept Bradford Sales Co. East Carolina University Advanced Drainage Systems Acme Well Co., Inc. East Carolina University T & J Panel Bradford Sales Guilford Co. Health Dept. T & J Panel T & J Panel Snider Inc. Randolph Co. Health Dept. NCDENR Innovative Env. Products Person County NCDENR Chatham County Health Dept. Landworks Engineering Orange Co. Health Dept. Davidson County Health Dept GAG-SimTech Town of Nags Head Wilkes County Env Health Robeson Well Drilling NC Septic Tank Association Institute For Advanced Studies Drillers Service, Inc Bradford Sales Co. Wayne County Raftelis Applied Resource Mgt Union County Env. Health Long Inc. NC DHHS Northstar Industries Drillers Service, Inc. Vienna Village, Inc. S&ME, Inc J.C. Madden Co. Harnett Co. Env. Health Southern Env. Soil Cons. Smithfield Wilmington Wilmington Wake Forest Candler Darlington Raleigh Malvern Raleigh Fayetteville Warrenton Mooresville Raleigh Raleigh Winter Garden Burlington Charlotte Greenville Winter Garden Durham Greenville Statesville Charlotte Greensboro Statesville Statesville Charlotte Asheboro Raleigh Greensboro Roxboro Raleigh Pittsboro Asheville Hillsborough Lexington Boyne City Nags Head Wilkesboro Tar Heel Danbury Raleigh Hickory Charlotte Goldsboro Cary Hampstead Monroe Roxboro Raleigh Littleton Hickory Pfafftown Greensboro Wake Forest Lillington Georgetown 70 NC NC NC NC NC SC NC PA NC NC NC NC NC NC FL NC NC NC FL NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC MI NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC (919) 989-5180 910-297-1282 910-397-0808 919-569-6704 828-231-7416 843-861-5310 919-835-2140 888-466-6686 919-791-4241 (910) 433-3684 252-257-1538 704-663-1699 919-369-4190 919.604.3100 864-905-5854 336-570-6367 704-882-3440 252-737-4430 804-651-2563 919-544-1940 252-626-7790 704-662-9845 919-365-6641 (336) 641-3628 704-924-8600 704-924-8600 704-609-3398 336 318-6262 919-807-6461 336-918-5436 (336) 597-1790 919-807-6460 919-542-8229 828-230-7958 919-245-2370 336-242-2384 231-582-1020 252-207-1185 (336) 651-7530 910-876-2529 336.345.8357 919 841 0385 336-337-2632 704-588-6262 (919) 731-1993 919-260-5714 910-270-2919 704-201-5424 919.323.5966 919-707-5854 252-586-2256 704-902-7968 336-945-5410 336-288-7180 (919) 730-4591 919-893-7547 843-833-0441 jamie.guerrero@johnstonnc.com tgulley@gmail.com haggettengineeri@bellsouth.net jhall@centralcarolinasoil.com tharrell@orenco.com charris@benchmarksupply.com hassett@nomound.com Richard.D.Hayes@ncdenr.gov aheshaam@co.cumberland.nc.us phight@co.warren.nc.us david.hill@ncdenr.gov kathryn.hobby@wakegov.com mike_hoover@ncsu.edu ryan.hornish@ads-pipe.com jon.huemmer@alamance-nc.com csahelp@bellsouth.net humphreyc@ecu.edu maribel.martin@ads-pipe.com bigacme@aol.com guy.iverson@gmail.com toneycjacobs@gmail.com jjenkins@bradfordsales.com jjohnso0@co.guilford.nc.us timj_tjpanel@yahoo.com timj_tjpanel@yahoo.com djones@sniderinc.com hwjones@co.randolph.nc.us evan.kane@ncdenr.gov Chris@SmartWaterSolutions.net hkelly@personcounty.net amy.keyworth@ncdenr.gov carl.kivett@chathamnc.org mkocot@landworksengineering.com tkonsler@co.orange.nc.us Jason.Koontz@DavidsonCountyNC.gov gary@gag-simtech.com todd.krafft@nagsheadnc.gov mlamb@wilkescounty.net douglassiter@gmail.com sslaurie1@netzero.net r.lawson@dsidsi.com 1capps@bradfordsales.com scott.lewis@waynegov.com hlocklear@raftelis.com adam_arm@bellsouth.net ginalong@co.union.nc.us longincorporated@gmail.com kodiak@3rddoor.com k.loudermilt@dsidsi.com lowejann@aol.com mmabe@smeinc.com jamesmadden@nc.rr.com jmanhart@harnett.org mmsoil77@gmail.com Manzi Mares Martin Martin Mattison Maycock McGee McGuigan McKinney McSwain McVey Menser Meyer Mills Mills Milosh Mitchell Mize Moore Moore Morgan Morgan Morrell Morris Murphy Neal Nelson Nelson Niver Norton Nykamp O'Driscoll O'Neal Ortiz Overby Parker Parker Parton Paul Pearce Pendergrass Penninger Pickens Pierce Pittman Polizzotto Pontello Poole Pradhan Presley Prunty Rashash Remsburg Richardson Risgaard Roberts Roberts Vince Lloyd Anthony Thomas Tom Robin Chris Sean Alan Bryan Douglas Sarah David Albert Robert Ray Patrick Wilson Carl Bobby Andrew Melzer Ben Kathy Jason Kevin Ted Shawn Chris Michael John Mike Robert Daniel Wendell Kenneth David Kenneth Gerald Jerry George Paul Brian Jason Brad Matt Richard Donnie Sushama Jacob Eric Diana Robert Kim Jonathan John David RPM District Health Dept. Cape Fear Drilling Services Conetec Monarch Engineering & Cons. Tom Mattison & Son Septic NCDOT Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Presby Environmental Appalachian Health District Harnett Co. Env. Health Pender Co. Health Dept. Soil Services, PLLC Protocol Sampling Service, Inc. Orange Co. Env. Health Johnston Co. Env. Health NCDWQ NC DWQ NC DHHS Bruce Foods B.C. Moore Engineering Inc WCCC Guilford Co. Health Dept. February Associates, Inc. Butterball NCDHHS NC DENR/Marine Fisheries NC Dept. of Transportation Steen Town Farm Guilford Co. Public Health Geological Sciences Dept., ECU NC DOL Cumberland Co. Public Health Soil & Forestry Services Resinall Corp Vienna Village Conetec S&ME, Inc. NCSTA S&ME, Inc. BB Hobbs Company Appalachian Dist. Health Dept Snider Inc. NC State University Soil & Environmental Cons. Drillers Service, Inc. Soil Science Dept., NCSU Mecklenburg County Rockingham Co. Public Health NC Cooperative Extension NC Dept. of Cultural Resources NC DENR The Catena Group, Inc. David A. Roberts Engineering Spindale Burgaw Clayton Cumming Midway Park Raleigh Raleigh Whitefield Boone Lillington Burgaw Raleigh Raleigh Hillsborough Smithfield Raleigh Winston-Salem Louisburg Wilson Conway Raleigh Black Mountain Greensboro Pittsboro Mt. Olive Lexington Winston-Salem Morehead City Raleigh Hamlet Greensboro Greenville Raleigh Fayetteville Mooresville Severn Pfafftown Clayton Raleigh Danbury Sherrills Ford Greensboro Darlington Warrensville Charlotte Raleigh Raleigh Greensboro Raleigh Charlotte Wentworth Jacksonville Locust Cary Raleigh Hillsborough Landis 71 NC NC NC GA NC NC NC NH NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 828-287-6105 910-604-3808 vmanzi@rpmhd.org 678.947.1261 910-353-3352 919-861-3780 (919) 859-0669 603-837-3826 (828) 264-4995 910-893-7547 910-259-1416 919-896-1607 910-210-6547 919-245-2360 919-989-5189 919 715-6161 336-771-5285 (919) 218-5383 252-237-5476 843-855-0783 919-707-5882 828-582-0489 (336) 641-4387 919 545 0785 919-658-6743 (336) 462-0052 336-768-0281 252-808-8146 919-707-2972 910-582-6607 336-641-4807 252-328-5578 919-807-2796 (910) 433-3680 704-239-2001 252-585-1445 336-945-5410 919-989-1581 (919) 872-2660 (919) 971-4599 (828) 244-9950 336-288-7180 843-395-2120 336-246-3356 704-609-3398 919-515-2040 919-846-5900 336-601-6912 919-513-0110 704-336-5440 336-342-8182 910-455-5873 704-721-4653 919-481-0505 919-715-6167 919-732-1300 704-794-8997 twm.monarch@comcast.net trminspections@ec.rr.com rmaycock@ncdot.gov cmcgee@agriwaste.com Jghuzar@gmail.com alanm@apphealth.com bmcswain@harnett.org dmcvey@pendercountync.gov wheeler.lss@gmail.com protocolsampling@yahoo.com amills@orangecountync.gov bobby.mills@johnstonnc.com ray.milosh@ncdenr.gov patrick.mitchell@ncdenr.gov Wilson.mize@dhhs.nc.gov cmoore@brucefoodsla.com bcmooreengineering@gmail.com andrew.morgan@dhhs.nc.gov melzer@falconbuilt.com bmorrel@co.guilford.nc.us kmorris@februaryassociates.com jmurphy@butterball.com kevin.neal@dhhs.nc.gov tpnelson_14@hotmail.com shawn.nelson@ncdenr.gov tniver@ncdot.gov mnorton2@carolina.rr.com jnykamp@co.guilford.nc.us ODRISCOLLM@ecu.edu Bob.oneal@labor.nc.gov dortiz@co.cumberland.nc.us wendelloverby@gmail.com kparker@resinall.com LOWEPARKER@AOL.COM kparton@conetec.com JPaul@smeinc.com pearcewastewater@embarqmail.com gr_pendergrass@yahoo.com ppenninger@smeinc.com sclark@bbhobbs.com jvp7800@hotmail.com djones@sniderinc.com matt_polizzotto@ncsu.edu Rpontello@sandec.com d.poole@dsids.com spradha@ncsu.edu jacob.presley@mecklenburgcountync.gov eprunty@co.rockingham.nc.us diana_rashash@ncsu.edu bob.remsburg@ncdcr.gov jon.risgaard@ncdenr.gov jroberts@thecatenagroup.com gwr23rad@aol.com Robeson Rollans Rountree Rubin Rutkofske Sage Sanchez King Schulz Scott Shaffer Sheppard Shytle Simandle Sink Sizemore Slade Smith Smith Smith Smith Snow Spruill Spurgeon Spurgeon Steele Steinbeck Stewart Stone Stuckert Stucky Sweet Swinson Switzer Sykes Taylor Teachey Terry Thomas Thompson Thompson Tolksdorf Turner Tutwiler Vaughan Vilaro Volker Walden Walker Walker Wallace Wallace Walsh Wang Ward Ward Ward Ward Warren Johnathan Ashley Daniel Robert Joanne Michael Robeson Well Drilling Soil & Forestry Svcs Morella Edward M Michael Brandon Burke Charles Steve Larry Clark Joseph Fred Derrick Andy Justin Robert Richard William Michael Todd Steve James Scott Jon Jonathan George Bobbie Jo John Robert Kenneth James Theo Joel Mark Larry Oliver Brock Michael Jeff Phil Jason Michael Philo Jackson Fred Karen Joe Shuying Heath Milton David Larry Tim NCDENR DWQ Affordable Home Inspections NC DENR Forsyth Co. Public Health City of High Point All in One Waterworks Surry Co. Health & Nutrition USDA-NRCS Forsyth Co. Health Dept. A. R. Rubin and Associates WCCC Sage Drilling & Pump Services FDS Soil Consulting Person Co. Health Dept. Warren Co. Health Dept. Person Co. Health Dept. Yadkin County East Carolina University C & M Plumbing & Septic C & M Plumbing & Septic Engineering Services, PA Crumpler Plastic Pipe Iredell Co. Env. Health Env. and Soil Service, Inc. Enviro-Tech Craven Co. Health Dept. NC Comm. for Public Health Appalachian State University Trader Construction Co. Braswell Foods NC Geological Survey Onslow Co. Health Dept. Bear Onsite Sanford Golf Course Cabarrus Health Alliance Thompson Env. Consulting Harnett Co. Env. Health Forsyth County NCDENR Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Orange Co. Health Dept. S&ME Inc. Ag and Resource Economics Mecklenburg County Union County Env. Health Wallace Septic NCDHHS Ashtecs/Biokube NC DENR Div. of Water Quality Guilford Co. Health Dept. MG Well Pump & Repair Alamance County Health Dept. Ward Pump Repair Service NCDHHS Tar Heel Mooresville Gatesville Fuquay Varina Raleigh Hampstead NC NC NC NC NC NC 910-876-2529 704-746-5046 252-562-2789 919-545-3066 919-707-5881 910-231-6669 Wilmington Fuquay Varina Raleigh Winston Sale High Point Franklinton Dobson Willow Spring Winston Salem Blanch Nashville Roxboro Warrenton Roxboro Yadkinville Greenville Mount Olive Mount Olive Garner Cary Statesville Pinetops Harbinger New Bern Saluda Boone New Bern Nashville Raleigh Jacksonville Somerville Sanford Kannapolis Midland Lillington Winston Salem Raleigh Raleigh Hillsborough Raleigh Raleigh Charlotte Monroe Elon Weaverville Greensboro Winston-Salem Greensboro Supply Burlington Willow Springs Nashville NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC TN NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 910-796-7218 919-557-3889 919-707-8246 336-703-3153 (336) 822-4784 919-995-3759 336-401-8334 919-231-6126 336 703 3128 336.514.1142 252-908-4369 336-597-1790 252-257-1185 336-597-1790 336-849-7687 252-328-4399 919-658-6109 919-658-6109 919-662-7272 72 704-902-0308 252-531-3471 252-491-5277 252-636-4936 828-749-9126 828-406-6067 252-670-3025 252-451-2111 919-707-9211 910-938-5851 901-831-5155 919-776-2178 (704) 920-1266 704-301-4881 910-893-7547 336-703-3149 919-807-6446 919-859-0669 (919) 245-2362 919-880-3137 919-515-4671 704-336-5570 704-283-3525 336-380-1183 (704) 930-4889 336 790 8895 336-771-5287 (336) 641-6840 919-698-0546 336 570-6367 919-552-9884 (919) 218-2643 rollans.ashley@yahoo.com dsrinvestors@gmail.com robert_rubin@ncsu.edu joanne.rutkofske@dhhs.nc.gov mikeswell87@yahoo.com morella.sanchez-king@ncdenr.gov mike@houseinspections.com michael.scott@ncdenr.gov shaffebt@forsyth.cc burke.sheppard@highpointnc.gov allinonewaterworks@gmail.com simandles@co.surry.nc.us larry.sink@usda.gov clsjrs8@aol.com heathslade73@yahoo.com fds4444@yahoo.com dsmith@personcounty.net asmith@co.warren.nc.us jsmith@personcounty.net hsnow@yadkincountync.gov spruillr@ecu.edu cm.plumbing@ymail.com cm.plumbing@ymail.com tssteele@bellsouth.net stevejsteinbeck@gmail.com jstewart@co.iredell.nc.us esssoil@aol.com jstuckert@envirotechnc.com jstucky@cravencountync.gov gsweet2e@hotmail.com swinsonbj@appstate.edu jswitzer@traderconstruction.com roberts@braswellfoods.com kenneth.b.taylor@ncdenr.gov james_teachey@onslowcountync.gov theo.terry@bearonsite.com keithfiddler@aol.com mdthompson@cabarrushealth.org larry@thompsonenv.com otolksdorf@harnett.org turnerbh@forsyth.cc michael.tutwiler@ncdenr.gov jvaughan@agriwaste.com pvilaro@co.orange.nc.us jvolker77@gmail.com michael_walden@ncsu.edu Philo.Walker@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov drewwalker@co.union.nc.us fwallace@yahoo.com karen.d.wallace@dhhs.nc.gov joe.walsh@ashtecs.com shuying.wang@ncdenr.gov hward@co.guilford.nc.us littleman@atmc.net david.ward@alamance-nc.com wardL11@peoplespc.com tim.warren@dhhs.nc.gov Warren Washington Watts Weeks Welch Wells Werley West White White Whitehead Whitley Whittaker Wilfong Willcox Williams Withrow Withrow Wood Wood Wood Woodlief Woodward Wynia Young Young Yurkovich Kim Alton Jon Mark Dave Donald Scott Joe David Justin Thomas Kevin Christopher Brett Rob John Lorna Bruce Jeffrey Tim Michael Brian Woody Erin Doug Gene Evan Chatham Co. Public Health Al's Septic Tank Cleaning 1st Choice Septic & Env. Svcs. Brunswick Co. Health Dept. David Brantley & Sons S&EC EMS Environmental, Inc. Lee Co. Environmental Health Conetec Surry County S&ME, Inc. Wayne County Union County Env. Health SJE-Rhombus S&ME, Inc. Porters Neck Projects NC DHHS Brunswick County Franklin County Infiltator Systems The Catena Group, Inc. David Brantley & Sons, Inc. Infiltrator Systems NC League of Municipalities Crane Pumps and Systems Applied Resource Mgt Altamont Environmental, Inc. Pittsboro Fayetteville Lincolnton Bolivia Zebulon Raleigh Durham Sanford Jackson Dobson Wilmington Goldsboro Monroe Detroit Lakes Greensboro Wilmington Raleigh Bolivia Louisburg Old Saybrook Hillsborough Zebulon Old Saybrook Raleigh Hickory Hampstead Asheville 73 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC SC NC NC NC NC MN NC NC NC NC NC CT NC NC CT NC NC NC NC 919-545-8319 910-323-4274 704-995-2164 910-253-2277 252-478-3721 919-846-5900 919-201-0462 919-718-4641 kim.warren@chathamnc.org 336-401-8335 910-789-2386 (919) 731-1174 704-283-3686 218-847-1317 336-288-7180 910-622-0438 (919) 715-3270 (910) 253-2280 919-496-8100 888-292-7073 919-732-1300 whiteju@co.surry.nc.us Twhitehead@smeinc.com kevin.whitley@waynegov.com chriswhittaker@co.union.nc.us Brett.Wilfong@sjerhombus.com rwillcox@smeinc.com pnprojects@aol.com lorna.withrow@dhhs.nc.gov bwithrow@brunsco.net jwood@franklincountync.us twood@infiltratorsystems.net mwood@thecatenagroup.com 919-280-3028 919-715-4126 937-214-7347 910-270-2919 828-281-3350 ewynia@nclm.org dyoung@cranepumps.com genusnc@hotmail.com eyurkovich@altamontenvironmental.com wattsnc704@aol.com mweeks@brunsco.net dwelchsix@gmail.com dwells@sandec.com swerley@emsenv.com jwest@leecountync.gov Program Evaluation 29th Annual Onsite Water Protection Conference, October 8-10, 2013 Your Job Title: ________________________________ Occupation: ____________________________ 1. What days did you attend? Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 2. Overall Evaluation: a. The objectives of this program were: Clearly Evident 5 4 3 2 1 Vague b. The presentation of material was: Excellent 5 4 3 2 1 Poor c. My expectations were: Exceeded 5 4 3 2 1 Not Met d. Overall, I consider this program: Excellent 5 4 3 2 1 Poor e. My attendance at this program should prove: Very Beneficial 5 4 3 2 1 No Benefit 3. What sessions did you like the best and why? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What sessions did you like the least and why? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Your suggestions for topics for next year’s conference: _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Please provide comments about this program for us to include in our next brochure. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. If we include your comments on a future brochure, we would like to print your name. If you are willing to disclose your name, PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME BELOW. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP Conference Planning Committee Co-Chairs Jason Koontz, Davidson County Mike Hoover, Retired, NC State University Committee Members Andy Adams, Orange County Trish Angoli, NC DHHS Jim Beeson, Piedmont Environmental Associates, PA Eddie Broussard, Drillers Service Bill Freed, Enviro-Tech/Aquapoint Alan Gaddis, AG Environmental Management Tim Johnson, T&J Panel Wayne Jones, Randolph County Alan McKinney, Appalachian Health District Doug McVey, Pender County Andrew Morgan, NC DHHS Diana Rashash, NC State University Bob Rubin, A. R. Rubin and Associates, Inc. Jeff Vaughan, Agri-Waste Technology, Inc. Keith Vernon, Vernon Septic Tank Service Doug Young, Crane Pumps & Systems